Annual Meeting
November, 1942
THE Annual Meeting of the Society was held at the Algonquin Club, No. 217 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, on Monday, November 23, 1942, at a quarter after seven o’clock in the evening, the President, Kenneth Ballard Murdock, in the chair.
In the absence of the Recording Secretary, the Editor was designated as Recording Secretary pro tempore.
With the consent of those present, the reading of the records of the last Stated Meeting was omitted.
The Corresponding Secretary reported the death on October 31, 1942, of Kenneth Grant Tremayne Webster, a Resident Member.
The Corresponding Secretary reported the receipt of letters from Mr. Richard LeBaron Bowen and Mr. George Norton Northrop accepting election to Resident Membership and from Mr. Daniel Joseph Boorstin and Mr. George LaPiana accepting election to Associate Membership in the Society.
Mr. Arthur Harrison Cole, of Cambridge, and Mr. Arthur Meier Schlesinger, Jr., of Cambridge, were elected Resident Members of the Society.
Dr. James L. Huntington read the Annual Report of the Council.
Report of the Council
DURING the past year the Colonial Society of Massachusetts held three stated meetings. Last December we were entertained at the home of Mr. Augustus P. Loring, Jr. Mr. George L. Haskins read a paper on “Gavelkind and the Charter of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.” Mr. George Parker Winship presented a communication entitled “William Ames, ’45:—a Postscript to Sibley.” In February the meeting was held at the Club of Odd Volumes. Mr. Edmund Sears Morgan read a paper on “Puritan Tribalism.” In April the Society entertained as guests the members of the Massachusetts Historical Society. The meeting was held at the Tavern Club at the invitation of Mr. Zechariah Chafee, Jr. Dr. Ernest Caulfield of Hartford, Connecticut, read a paper on “Some Diseases of Colonial Children.”
Several members of the Society took a trip to Hadley, Massachusetts, in May, and were shown the Farm Museum, the First Church of Christ in Hadley, and the Porter-Phelps-Huntington house, as guests of the Corresponding Secretary.
The Society has elected the following members:
- Charles Cortez Abbott
- Robert Peabody Bellows
- Richard LeBaron Bowen
- George Norton Northrop
- George LaPiana
- Daniel Joseph Boorstin
The Society has lost by death two members:
Howard Judson Hall, a Corresponding Member since 1928, died December 14, 1941. A native of New York state, he spent the greater part of his active life in the West. A teacher of English in Arizona and finally Professor of English at Leland Stanford, he wrote many books, chiefly related to poetry. He also edited Nathaniel Morton’s New England’s Memorial.
Kenneth Grant Tremayne Webster, a Resident Member since 1932, died October 31, 1942. A Nova Scotian by birth and a graduate of Dalhousie University, he spent five years of study at Harvard, and taught there for nearly forty years. Interested in camping and fishing, he often returned to Nova Scotia for these pursuits. An authority on the castles of southern France, many of which he sketched, he was a student and collector of medieval weapons, adding to his collection models made by his deft fingers. Although he never presented a paper, he was a faithful member of this Society, rarely missing a meeting.
As usual the Society has been the chief supporter of the New England Quarterly.
The Treasurer submitted his Annual Report as follows:
Report of the Treasurer
In accordance with the requirements of the By-laws, the Treasurer submits his Annual Report for the year ending November 14, 1942.
Statement of Assets and Funds, November 14, 1942
Cash: |
Income |
$11,573.87 |
Loan to Principal |
9,516.47 |
$2,057.40 |
Investments at Book Value: |
Bonds (Market Value $98,143.50) |
$94,746.64 |
Stocks (Market Value $44,788.00) |
50,271.19 |
Mortgages |
3,500.00 |
Savings Bank Deposit |
3,060.30 |
151,578.13 |
Total Assets |
$153,635.53 |
FUNDS | ||
Funds |
$141,265.36 |
Unexpended Income |
12,370.17 |
Total Funds |
$153,635.53 |
Investments as of November 14, 1942
Composition of Funds, November 14, 1942
Changes in Principal of Funds
Total Funds, November 14, 1941 |
$141,583.65 |
Add—Additions to Special Funds: |
Henry H. Edes Memorial Fund |
$258.14 |
Samuel Henshaw Fund |
5,000.00 |
Add—Additions to General Fund: |
Admission Fees |
60.00 |
Profit from Sale of Securities: |
$5,000 Iowa Southern Utilities Company General Mortgage 4½’s, 1950 |
175.00 |
5,000 Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie Railway Company First and Refunding 6’s, Series A, 1946 |
15.87 |
5,509.01 |
$147,092.66 |
Deduct—Charges to General Fund: |
Loss from Sale of Securities: |
100 shares Electric Bond and Share Company $6.00 Preferred |
5,827.30 |
Total Funds, November 14, 1942 |
$141,265.36 |
Income Cash Receipts and Disbursements
Balance, November 14, 1941 |
$12,021.87 |
Interest |
$2,759.81 |
Dividends |
2,551.45 |
Annual Assessments |
820.00 |
Sale of the Society’s Publications |
94.00 |
6,225.26 |
Total Receipts of Income |
$18,247.13 |
Publications, Volume 34 |
$2,668.32 |
New England Quarterly |
1,000.00 |
Editor’s Salary |
1,000.00 |
Annual Dinner |
488.59 |
450.00 |
Storage on Stock |
300.76 |
Postage, Office Supplies, and Miscellaneous |
175.61 |
Notices and Expenses of Meetings |
166.64 |
Auditing Services |
125.00 |
Rent of Safe Deposit Box |
24.00 |
Insurance |
16.20 |
Interest on Henry H. Edes Memorial Fund added to Principal |
258.14 |
Total Disbursements of Income |
6,673.26 |
Balance of Income, November 14, 1942 |
$11,573.87 |
Principal Cash Receipts and Disbursements
Loan to Principal, November 14, 1941 |
$10,809.18 |
$5,000 Iowa Southern Utilities Company General Mortgage 4½’s, 1950, called at 104½ |
$5,225.00 |
5,000 Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie Railway Company First and Refunding 6’s, Series A, 1946 |
265.87 |
100 shares Electric Bond and Share Company $6.00 Preferred |
4,772.70 |
Estate of Samuel Henshaw |
5,000.00 |
Admission Fees |
60.00 |
Transferred from Income to Principal: |
Henry H. Edes Memorial Fund Income |
258.14 |
Total Receipts of Principal |
$15,581.71 |
$4,772.53 |
$5,000 Iowa Southern Utilities Company S. F. Debenture 4½’s, 1966 |
$5,000.00 |
5,000 United States of America Defense Savings Bonds, Series F, May 1, 1954 |
3,700.00 |
100 shares State Street Investment Corporation |
5,589.00 |
Total Disbursements of Principal |
$14,289.00 |
Loan to Principal, November 14, 1942 |
$9,516.47 |
James M. Hunnewell
Report of the Auditing Committee
The undersigned, a committee appointed to examine the accounts of the Treasurer for the year ended November 14, 1942, have attended to their duty by employing Messrs. Stewart, Watts and Bollong, Public Accountants and Auditors, who have made an audit of the accounts and examined the securities on deposit in Box 91 in the New England Trust Company.
We herewith submit their report, which has been examined and accepted by the Committee.
Allston Burr
Hermann F. Clarke
Auditing Committee
The several reports were accepted and referred to the Committee of Publication.
On behalf of the committee appointed to nominate officers for the ensuing year the following list was presented; and a ballot having been taken, these gentlemen were unanimously elected:
- President Kenneth Ballard Murdock
- Vice-Presidents Hon. Fred Tarbell Field
- Hon. Robert Walcott
- Recording Secretary Augustus Peabody Loring, Jr.
- Corresponding Secretary Dr. James Lincoln Huntington
- Treasurer James Melville Hunnewell
- Registrar Robert Dickson Weston
- Member of Council for Three Years Richard Mott Gummere
After the meeting was dissolved, dinner was served. The guests of the Society were Professor Clarence H. Haring, the Right Reverend Edward G. Murray, the Reverend John J. Wright and Mr. Theodore Spencer. The Reverend Henry Wilder Foote said grace.
After the dinner, Professor Haring addressed the Society and its guests, and Mr. Theodore Spencer read several of his poems. Professor Fred Norris Robinson, a former President, proposed a toast to the Colonial Society of Massachusetts in honor of its fiftieth anniversary.