The Court met according to Adjournmt ye 30th of July 1672.


    • Ri: Bellingham Esqr Govr
    • Eleazer Lusher
    • Jon Leverett Esqr dept Govr
    • Edw. Ting
    • William Stoughton

    Grand Jurie Sworne

    • mr Jon Phillips
    • Heugh Clarke
    • Thom: White Senr
    • Jon Button
    • Jon Smith
    • Edwd Pitts
    • Jon White Senr
    • Augustn Clements
    • James Bates
    • Barto Cheevers
    • Anto Gulliver
    • Nathanll Bosworth
    • Griffen Crafts
    • Robt Twelves
    • Jon Gay Senr Jon Thurston Senr

    Jurie of Trialls Sworne

    • mr Jon Faireweather
    • Nathanll Burrows
    • Wm Richards Senr
    • Richd Crispe
    • Thom: Baker
    • Edmr Hubbert
    • Jerm: Cushing
    • Robt Searle
    • Benja Bosworth junr
    • Benja Gibbs
    • John Cleverly
    • Asahel Smith

    Joshua Atwater, plaint. against Daniell Searle Esqr Defendt according to Attachmt plt. Non Suited vpon non appeare

    [Wyborn v. Marshall]

    John Wibourne, plaint. agst Robert Marshall Defendt in an action of the case for witholding about twelue pounds in mony due for Service done as Mar onboard or about the Pincke Lenham as by Agreement vnder the hand of the saide Marshall, bearing date ye 17th of January last past may appeare, & all due damages according to Attachmt dated ye 7th day of May 1672 . . . the Jurie . . . found for the plt four pounds according to contract & costs of Court being 24s 8d

    Execucion issued for £5. 4. 8 mony Xber. 20:1672.

    [Apparently the continuation of a case begun before the Commissioners’ or Strangers’ Court at Boston on June 18, 1672. Writ against Robert Marshall to appear at the Commissioners’ Court on that date to answer to John Wyborn is in S. F. 1120.1. The following evidence was taken at that time (S. F. 1120.3):

    The testimony of Thomas Wyborne aged 37 yeares or there about testifieth and saith that some considerable tyme since the Pink Lenham arrived at Boston from puscataqua I this depont did heare Robert Marshall often and severall tymes say that John Wiborn had faithfully and truely served him both for fidelity and abillity in what he was about and not onely at Puscataque aboard the said pinke but also in the voyage to Boston as Master and Pilot And that after John Wiborne had informed the said Marshall that he could get no money of Thomas Clarke vpon the accompt of them nootes written to him then the said Marshall did say it was very well done of the said Wyborns part and that hee did alow and approve of what the said Wiborne had done, and that he the said Marshall would take order for money to pay spedily the said Wiborne & company their wages to content according to former contract vnder the said marshalls hand, And also the said wiborne did aske the said marshall severall tymes for provisions for the mens necessities, and Marshall did promise to pay and satisfie in money whatsoeu[er] the said wyborne had layd out or expended for him selfe or for the said Marshall or the Pink Lenham or for whatsoever hee stood as suerty for the companey of what nature soever desiring that the said Wiborne would pas his word for him a little longer in any publick house, the said Marshall did say that his credit would not pas, & that he would pay him all his former expences and disbursments and also that [he] would pay whatsoeu[er] the said wyborne did stand ingaged for him selfe the Pink or Company in money.

    Sworne in Court the 18th of June 1672 as attest Robert Howard Cler Cur Comiss

    Other testimony to the same effect is in S. F. 1120.2, 4. Marshall entered a counter suit against Wyborn at the October Court, but was non-suited. Below, p. 174.] [61]

    [Kent v. Smith]

    William Kentt plt agst Thomas Smith Defendt in an Acion of the case for Selling vnto the saide plt a Servt woman wchthe saide Defendt brought out of England, cal’d by the name of Sarah Blacklock, who did acknowledge aboard the Vessell to the saide Defendt & others, that she was guilty of a capitall crime wch she had committed in old England wch is conceived to bee the murthering of a Childe, she had by a dutchman in England which is by her one confession in Court. And that the saide Defendt did conceale the same from the plaint. although hee formerly knew it, and is now by law taken of by Authority & committed to prison, for wch Servt the plaint. gave the Defendt Eight pounds in mony, wch Servt was never made over according to law by the Defendt but refused to doe the Same & due damages according to attachmt dated ve 21th of June, 1672. . . . The Jurie . . . founde for the plt Eight pounds dammage in mo & costs of Court, wch was twenty six shillings & eight pence.

    Execution issued ye 8th Augo 72 for 9li 6s 8d mo

    [See below, pp. 149, 164–5, 185, 189, 237.]

    Lidgett agst Leonard

    Peter Lidgett Assigne of Henry Tailor plt agst Henry Leonard defendt for non paiment of one hundred sixty two pounds Seventeene shillings ninepence, due by bond vnder his hand & seale bearing date the 13th day of October 1670, wth Interest & damage for nonpaiment according to time & other due damages according to Attachmt dated ye 21th June 1672. . . . The Jurie . . . found for the Plt the forfeiture of the bond three hundred twenty five pounds fifteen shillings, sixpence & costs of Court wch was thirty three shillings and two pence.

    Execucion issued vlto April 1673 for 327li: 8:8:

    Woodmancy agst Joy

    John Woodmancy, plt agst Thomas Joy Defendt in an action of the case for witholding the summe of three hundred Seventy & eight pounds seven shillings and eight pence or thereabouts in mo & other currant pay due to the saide Woodmancy by booke as appeareth by acots & other due damages according to Attachmt dated ye 8th day of May 1672. . . . The jurie . . . found for the plt 378li 7s 8d accord to accot & costs of Court wch is 56s 2d

    Execucion issued Aprill 11th 1673 for 378li 7s 8d accord. to Accot & 56s 2d mo.

    [See above, pp. 45, 64, 101, 103, and below, pp. 134, 145, 149. Copies of the execution, return, and apprisement, are in S. F. 1261. Joy’s frame house near the North Meetinghouse was appraised at 30l; a lot 25 feet front and 71 feet depth “fronting to the great Street before the Sd meetinghouse,” at 48s per foot; a lot 37 foot 10 inches front, 40 foot depth “fronting to the Lane that goes down from the North meetinghouse to the waterside,” at 40s per foot; a backlot to the house, 38 by 40 feet, 20l] [62]

    Carver agst Jennings

    Robert Carver plaint. agst John Jenning’s Defendt in an accion. of the case for the forfeiture of one hundred pounds Sterl. for the saide Jennings breache of the 8th Article made, indented & fully concluded vpon at Jamaica ye 19th day of Febr 167½ vnder his hand & Seale, as reference being had vnto the saide 8th & last Articles may & doth more at lardge appeare. & all other due dammages according to Attachmt Dat. ye 18th of July. 1672 . . . the Jurie . . . finde for the Defendt costs of Court.

    Norman agst Long

    Thomas Norman, Attorny of Walter Woode plt agst Zechariah Long Defendt in an accion of the case for the breach of a penall Bond in the Summe of three hundred pounds of good & lawfull mony of England, & due dammages according to Attachmt Dat the 7th day of June 1672 . . . the Jurie . . . finde for ye plaint. the forfeiture of the Bond 300li good & lawfull mony of England & costs of Court.

    Execucion issued ye 3d of Augo 72 for 300li Lawfull mony of England.

    Davenport agst Wharton

    Eleazer Davenport plaint. agst Richard Wharton Defendt in an accion of the case for refusing or neglecting to pay the Summe of Six pounds, due to the saide Davenport as aforesaide for three dayes demorage according to Charter-party bearing date London 31th January 1671 & other due dammages according to Attachmt Dat. ye 25th day of July 1672 . . . the Jurie . . . finde for the plaint. Six pounds mony dammage & costs of Court.

    Blaney agst Page

    John Blaney, in behalfe of himselfe & the rest of his Owners plaint. agst Nicholas Page Defendt in an accion of the case for the forfeiture of two hundred pounds Sterl. mony of New England for his the sd Page his breach of Covenant or Covenants mencioned in a Charter party vndt his hand & Seale bearing date the 9th of march 1670/71. & all other due dammages according to Attachmt Dat. ye 18th of July 1672 . . . the Jurie . . . finde for the Defendt costs of Court. [63]

    Toy agst Howard

    Isaiah Toy, plaint. agst John Howard Defendt in an accion of the case for depriving him of the vse of his mare by taking her into his custody & riding her & deteining her illegally to the great dammage of the saide Toy & other due dammages according to Attachmt Dat. the 22th of July 1672 . . . the Jurie . . . finde for the plaint the mare in controversy or ten pounds mony dammage & costs of Court.

    Jennings agst Carver

    John Jennings, plaint. agst Robert Carver Defendt according to Attachmt Dat. the 16th of July 1672. The plaint. in failor of process is non Suited.

    Checkly agst Shaw

    Antho Checkly assigne of John Viall plaint agst John Shaw Defendt in an accion of Debt for non paimt of thirteene pounds in currant mony of New England due by bill wth other due dammages according to Attachmt Dat. July 13th 1672 . . . the Jurie . . . finde for the plaint. thirteene pounds mony dammage, & Costs of Court wch was twenty six shill.

    Execucion issued 6th Augt 72 for 14li 6s mo execucion renewd ye 15th 5mo 73 for 4li 18s

    Norman agst Salter

    Thomas Norman, plaint. against Willm Salter Defendt in an accion of the case for neglecting of his deuty in the safe keeping of Paul Parker, formerly committed a prisoner to his custody on suspicion of gameing who made his Escape to the dammage of the saide Norman in the Summe of 25li lawfull money of New England according to the judgmt of the Court of Assistants as by the records more particularly may appeare & all other due dammages according to Attachmt Dat. the 25th of July 1672. . . . The Jurie . . finde for the Defendt costs of Court.

    Bunn agst Hearcy

    Edward Bunn of Hall plaint. agst John Hearcy & Ephraim Hewet of Hingham vpon appeal from the Commissionrs Court of Hingham. After the Attachmt Courts judgmts & Evidences produced were read. . . . The Jurie . . . finde the reversion of the former judgmt. Six pence a hogg dammadge for as many as were impounded & costs of Courts. [64]

    Clark agst Bridgham

    Richard Collicott Humpr Hodges & Antho Checkly, or either of them Attorny of Thomas Clarke late of Plimo plt agst Mrs Bridgham widow & relict of Mr Henry Bridgham late of Boston deceased Defendt in an accion of reveiw of an Accion of the case of ninety pounds commenced by the saide Clarke agst the saide Mrs Bridgham at a County Court held in Boston in April last, for vnlawfully witholding & refusing to deliver vnto the saide Clarke a Summe of mony of his of above forty four pounds wch shee clandestinely received of Alice late wife to the saide Thom: Clarke without his knowledge, consent or approbacion, it being committed vnto her by the saide Alice who never had power soe to doe, vpon wch accion judgment was granted against the saide Clarke for Costs of Court much to his dammage in regard the aforesaide Summe of mony is properly the Estate of the saide Clarkes wth other due dammages according to Attachmt Dat. July 22ond 1672. . . . The Jurie . . . finde for the plt forty four pounds mony in controversy & costs of Court. Elder John Wiswell as Attorny for the Defendt appealed from the judgmt of this Court to the next Court of Assistants & accordingly the saide Elder Wiswell in Eighty four pounds as principall & Mr Antho Stoddard & Capt Edw. Hutchinson as Sureties in forty two pounds apeice acknowledged themselves jointly & Severally bound to . . . prosecute his Appeale . . .

    [See above pp. 99–100. Mrs. Bridgham died about November 1, 1672, and the Court of Assistants allowed Thomas Clarke to begin the case de novo; see below, p. 201. Mrs. Bridgham’s will and the inventory of her estate follow (S. F. 1177.4, 6):

    In the Name of God Amen

    I Elisabeth Bridgham of Boston Widow, being sick of body, but perfect in memory, blessed bee God, Doe make this my Last Will & Testament as followeth—Inprmis I commit my Soul into the Mercifull hands of God my Creator & Redeemer, & my body to earth from whence it came, hoping that at the last day it shall arise a glorious body, Like unto the body of my Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ; & my Estate, which my Late Husband Henry Bridgham by his last Will Left mee to dispose of, (that is to say) one hundred pounds & all the household goods, the which I doe give & bequeath as followeth First I give & bequeath unto my eldest Son John out of the one hundred pounds aforemencioned to buy bookes with the Summe of Fifty pounds, & the other fifty pounds I give & bequeath as followeth (that is to say) forty pounds unto my Son Joseph, & the other ten pounds unto my other four Sons to bee equally devided between them; Further I give unto my Son John a new paire of blew Curtaines & vallants, that haue not been vsed. Itm. I give & bequeath unto my Son Jonathan the best paire of greene Curtains & valiants, my best greene Rugg, the best Feather bed & boulster, with the best bedsteede, & the rest of my household goods, I give & bequeath unto all my six Sons to bee equally devided between them.

    Itm. it is my further minde according as in my saide Husband’s Will is provided, That in case any of my saide Sons shall take any jndirect course, it shalbee in the power of my overseers hereafter named to cut short & lessen what I haue given unto them & bestow the same on such of them as shall better deserve the same.

    Itm. I give unto my Sister Hannah Buttall my best cloth gowne my best black Cloake & my best wearing Linnen, & the rest of my Wearing apparrell, I give unto such poor persons as the discretion of my Over Seers shall thincke fit: And I doe appoint my Son Jonathan Executor of this my last Will & Testamt & mr Anthony Stoddard, Deacon Robart Sanderson & Deacon Henry Allen Deacons of the first Church of Boston Over Seers of this my saide Last Will & Testament, & all other former Wills, gifts & bequests I revoake & make voide for ever by these pursents. In Witness whereof I the saide Elisabeth Bridgham haue hereunto Set my hand & Seale, this second day of August in ye yeare of or Lord, one thousand six hundred Seventy two.

    [Attested copy]

    Elisabeth Bridgham

    Her × marke & a seale

    An Inventory of the Goods & Chattles of Mrs Elisabeth Bridgham Deceased, taken by us whose Names are hereunto Subscribed ye 12th of 6th mo 1672.

    l s d

    A Long Table, a round Table & two formms


    an old Carpet. 3. Cushions. 2 Leather Chaires


    a paire of Cobjrons & an jron back


    a Feather bed, 3. blanketts a Rugg, curtaines and bedsteed. 2 boulsters & two pillows


    a Trundle bedsteed, a feather bed, boulster, two blanketts & a Rugg


    a Long Table. 8 joint Stools. 4 Chaires & 2 Cushions


    a court Cupboard, a Chest, a Cupboard cloth a box & booke case


    a paire of andjrons, fire Shovell, tongs, warming pan & jron back


    7 paire of course Sheets. 2. Table cloths. 12 Towells


    a brass Morter & pestle. 4. earthen Dishes, two window Curtaines & 2 Smoothing jrons


    a Featherbed. 2. boulsters. 3. blanketts. 3. pillows, a Rugg, Curtains & bedsteede


    a Rugg, a blanket, a new paire of Searge Curtains an old paire of Curtains,

    a Carpet. 2 window Curtains & 2 little Carpets


    a Court Cubpoard Cupboard cloth, 1 Chest. 3. Truncks, a round Table,

    6. Chaires. 4. Cushions & a Skreane


    In Pewter


    4. paire of Sheets. 4. paire of pillow beers. 2. dozn & 3. Napkins. 2. table Cloths. 2 Towells & Cupboard Cloths. 3 Table Cloths & a halfe Sheete


    a Feather bed, a boulster. 4. pillows. 3 blankets, a coverlid, curtains & bedsteede


    a Court Cupboard, 2 Chests, 8 Chaires. 3. Cushions


    a paire of andjrons, a Carpet, earthen-ware & Trenchrs


    a Feather bed, boulster, 2 flockbeds, 2 boulsters 9 blankets, 3 Ruggs 3. halfe bedsteeds


    a Copper. 2. brass Kettles, with other brass things 4. jron pots, a Kettle, Chimny back, 2 paire of Cob jrons, spits & trammell, chaires & .1. paire of Stilliards


    Given her to dispose of besides these things


    Total is


    Anthony Stoddard

    Robert Sanderson

    Henry Allen

    Sworn to by Jonathan Bridgham, November 5, 1672]

    Franckes agst Stone & Company

    John Franckes plt agst Daniell Stone Caleb Tailor & John Ely Defendts in an Accion of the case for non paimt of Seventy one pounds nine shillings & five pence due for Service done by the saide Francks & compa in the saide Katch Willing minde & due dammages according to Attachmt Dat. July the 2d 1672 . . . the Jurie . . . finde for the plt his portlidge bill647 Seventy one pounds nine Shillings five pence & Costs of Court.

    Execution issued 6th of Augo 72 for 71li 9s 5d in mo

    [See third case below.]

    [65] Baker agst Joy

    Nathaniell Baker, plt agst Thomas Joy Defendt in an of Slander to the Vallue of one hundred pounds for Saying & reporting that the saide Baker had taken a false Oath, (that is to say) that Oath wch hee Swore in the case betweene Capt James Oliver & mr John Woodmancy at Octobr Court last was a false Oath; wth all due damages according to Attachmt Dat. July 25th 1672. . . . The Jurie . . . finde for the plt that the Defendt make an acknowledgmt this Court in open Court to the Satisfaccion of Bench & Jurie or play to the plt ten pounds in mony damage & Costs of Court. The Defendt appealed from the judgmt of this Court to the next Court of Assistants. & accordingly the saide Thomas Joy as principle in twenty pounds & Thomas Gill & Joseph Joy as Sureties . . . that the saide Thomas Joy shall prosecute his Appeale . . .

    [See above, p. 129.]

    Cowell agst Woodell

    Edward Cowell, plt agst Gershom Woodell Defendt according to Attachmt Dat the 15o of May 1672. The plt in failor of process is nonsuited.

    Francks agst Ely

    John Franckes, plt agst John Ely Defendt in an Accion of the case for abusive carriage vnjustly molesting the saide plt when hee was about his Lawfull occasions onboard the Catch Willing minde, wth due dammages according to Attachmt Dat. July 23th 1672. . . . The Jurie . . . finde for the Defendt costs of Court. because not actionable in this Court.

    [See third case above.]

    Waldren agst Smith

    William Waldren, administrator to the Estate of Oliver Dancomb agst plt Xtopher Smith Defendt in an accion of the case for not giving an accot of the saide Duncomb’s third part of a deckt Shallop or barque burden about ten or twelve tunns whereof hee the saide Smith was mar & alsoe a third part of the Cargoe Shipped on her of the saide Duncomb’s & committed to yor trust to the Vallue of Eighty pounds or thereabouts in mony. [66] And for not delivering the produce thereof to the plt though lawfully demanded, & all due dammages according to attachmt Dat. July 6th 1672. . . . The Jurie . . . finde for the Defendt costs of Court wch was four shillings sixpence.

    Execution issued Augo 10th 72 for 4s 6d mo

    [See following case.]

    Waldren agst Smith

    William Waldren, plt agst Xtopher Smith Defendt in an Accion of the case for not giving an accot of the saide Wm Waldren’s third part of a Deck Shallop or barque burden about ten or twelve tunns whereof the saide Smith was Mar & alsoe an accot of the third part of the Cargoe Shipped on her of the saide Waldren’s & committed to the saide Smith’s trust to the Vallue of Eighty pounds or thereabouts in mony & for not delivering the produce thereof to the plaint. though lawfully demanded & all other due dammage according to attachmt Dat. July 6th 1672. . . . The Jurie . . . finde for the Defendt Costs of Court being ten Shillings & eight pence.

    Execution issued Augo 10th 72 for 10s 8d mo

    [The date of this case is July 30, 1672. The unnamed decked shallop or barque, owned in equal thirds by William Waldren, Oliver Dancomb, and Christopher Smith, with the last named as master, sailed from Boston in April and again in August, 1671, on trading voyages to the Bay of Fundy, with the following cargoes (S. F. 1194.47, 48):

    Sold Christopher Smith & Company ye 13o March: 1671

    li s d

    61½ yds of yd & 1/16 broad fine blew Cotten at 2/10: per yd


    30 yds of Steele blew Duffalls at 5/6 per yd


    2. ps of red Stammells. conta 19. & 18: yds. is. 37 yds at. 6/9. per yd


    lli ½ of Copper lace at 18s perli


    1 barrell of pouder


    lc of goose Shot. 28s 1 dozn of Sword blades at: 3s


    per ps/36s

    2 dozn of Hatchets at: 2s per ps


    4 dozn of Flecing knives at 9s per dozn


    1 barll of porke /60s


    3c of bread at: 20s perc


    1 Cod line 2s


    64 gall ½ Brandy at 4s per gall: & filling 8s


    pd you for to pay for Tobacco 30s


    2 funnells & Lanthorne 5s ½ll 18d [N]ayls ½ll flintts 18d


    6 Kettles . . . [from 8s 2d to 1l 3s 0d each],


    To 90li of Bullets at: 4d perli 30s: 22li of Shott at: 3d ½ perli 6/5 . .


    . . . true Coppie . . . Attests Isaac Addington Cler.


    An Accoumpt of Goods that Oliver Duncomb & William Waldren put aboard a Deck’t Shallop for a Voiadge to the Eastward for theire parts about the Middle of August: 1671

    li s d

    It: 7 Shirts


    It: a peice of Manchester


    It: 4 yds ½ of Broad Cloth


    It: 20 yrds of Duffells


    It: yd & a halfe of blew


    It: 18 yds of double Shagg


    It: 3 Lardge blanketts


    It: 4 Musketts


    It: 6: trading gunns


    It: 1: pistol


    It: Canvas for Sailes


    It: 6 hundred of Bread


    It: 30 bushells of Com


    It: 1 gross of pipes & Candles


    It: Vinnegre & oyl & lines & pease


    It: Making the Sailes, with hallyards & other things . . .


    It: a barrell of Porke


    It: 141: gallons’ of liquor or thereabout


    It: 1 barrell of Molasses


    It: 1 ankor


    Paide to mr Shrimpton for goods’


    These goods were Duncombs’ & Waldren’s part


    William Waldren

    It: More goods of mr Shrimpton which Christopher Smith should have paide with his owne Estate for his part, but hee paide it out of the Stock’s goods, which I desire the Honoured Court & Jury to

    li s d

    Consider of


    The Totall is


    Among the two-score depositions on record in the case, the following sufficiently indicate the incidents of the voyage which led to a dispute among the three partners over the proceeds:

    S. F. 1194.18

    John Williams aged about 26 yeares, testifieth & witnesseth that hee was Shipped by Christopher Smith upon a Sloope & was to haue for his Service thirty five Shillings a month in Mony, & that hee entred into pay the second day of March, 1671, & went then toward the Eastward, whether they was bound, but in going at St John River the saide Christopher Smith & hee disagreed; whereupon Christopher Smith put him ashoare without any wages, but complaining to others that was there, with other Vessells how that hee should make a broken Voiadge, by reason of his absence, thereupon they perswaded him to goe aboard on the Sloope againe, on which they traded with the Indians till that they was willing to return but in returning toward Boston, they staied one night at Kabunkidle & they there disagreed againe, in soe much that Christopher Smith turned him ashoare againe without his pay, & withall told him that hee Should never haue it; But that hee should not bee Left destitute of Succor one Richard Shute came with a Boate & another man & tooke him aboard upon another vessell & desired & perswaded him to goe on board Christopher Smith’s vessell againe; which by theire perswasions was willing & proffered to goe aboard on mr Smiths’ vessell, but hee would not let him come aboard but told him that hee would Shoote him or bee the death of him if he set his foote upon his Vessell, and the saide John Williams in trading with the jndians Witnesseth that hee tooke for Severall English goods of the jndians forty moose Skinns & upward & about three packs of Beaver each pack conteining five & twenty Skinns alsoe certaine Otter Skinns, certain Martins & certain Musquash skinns & some certain dressed Moose skinns; alsoe the saide John Williams witnesseth, that these English goods was left of those goods they tooke out of Boston as are here underwritten.

    Inprmis, one peice of red Slammell, halfe a peice of trucking Cloth, part of a peice of blew Cotten, certain jndian Coates made of red Slammell, one barrell of pouder some Shot, some trading knives, some Sword blades & certain gunns about nine or ten in Number, a parcell of Tobacco, some jndian Corn, & some certain Kettles, & the saide John Williams Witnesseth that the abouenamed Christopher Smith sent off his vessell, by George Manning belonging to another vessell, two Otter Skinns & one beaver Skinn & alsoe by one Richard Shute three trading gunns, as tokens to his wife at Boston,

    And doe farther testify that as the saide Smith told mee hee & Oliver Duncomb & William Waldren were partnrs in the abouesaide voiadge & voiadges; I further testify that Smith told mee that the Cargoe in the vessell in that voiadge wherein hee was Master of her & in which Oliver Duncomb dyed, cost at Boston one hundred pound’s & upwards in Mony.

    Sworne in Court: 31: 5: 72, as Attests Isaac Addington Cler.

    S. F. 1194.17

    Alexandr Waugh aged about 34 yeares, testifieth & saith, that hee did help to put on board of a Deckt Shallop at Boston about the middle of August last, (whereof was Christopher Smith Master) & doe know that many goods were carried in her which were Oliver Duncombs, William Waldrens & the saide Smiths & they were equall partners thereof, & I haue heard them the saide Duncomb & Smith who went the voiadge, say that the saide Cargoe cost one hundred pounds & more in Mony, & I doe know there was received on board the saide Shallop in part of Barter for part of the saide goods Nineteene Moose Skinns of which one was lost, four packs of Beaver, each pack conteining twenty five Skinns & some odde Skinns more, some Otter two small parcells, all these Skinns were brought from Nova Scotia in the saide Shallop, (which was one third part of her the saide Smiths’, & one other third part, the saide Duncombs’ & one other third part the said Waldrens) with which saide Skinns hee the saide Smith & Thomas Wilcot was ordered by Oliver Duncomb to return to Boston but in comming towards Boston by reason of bad weather wee were driven off to Sea for severall dayes, soe that wee knew not where wee were, but finding land againe wee ran ashoare for in the bad weather wee Lost Severall of the Materialls belonging to the Vessell, soe that she was not fit to come to Boston & when she was ashoare wee tooke out those goods that was in her, which were the aforemencioned Skinns & one frying pan, & the greatest part of the Maine Sayle & afterwards the saide Smith set fire on her wilfully & burnt her vpon addiwocket bay withinside of Winskeage Island,648 where wee ran ashoare.

    Sworne before me Richard Parker Commissionr the 24: 5: 1672

    And addes that hee saw the Boate bulged before she was burnt.

    Affirmed in Court upon his former Oath 31th 5mo 72

    S. F. 1194.44

    The Testimony of Edward Naylor aged 30 yeares or thereabouts & Thaddeus Makarty aged thirty three yeares or thereabouts Saith, meating with mr Naylor on the 21th of March last past at a place called Muspeeky649 both going on a trading voiadge, wee concluded a partnership in trading next day wee sailed for Machias, where wee had the News of Oliver Duncombs’ death, & alsoe of John Perkins being very Sick, & debilitated of his limbs, from thence wee made what hast wee could to him to Musquash Cove, & found him as aforesaide, wee tooke him onboard mr Naylors’ Vessell & sometime after wee met Christopher Smith at Johns’ River where saide Smith & Perkins had discourse about what goods saide Perkins had, which Smith pretended an jnterest in, the conclusion betwixt them was, that saide Smith was to pay Perkins his wages & the hire of or vessell for eight dayes, & alsoe Perkins’ Diett & attendance, which was seven weeks, the which Smith paide to mr Naylor & my selfe; the vallue that the mony amounted to, due to us, was to the best of or knowledge about twelue or thirteen pounds paide us in Beaver at eight Shillings the pound; further saide Smith paide Perkins, Moose Skinns eleven & some Beaver, till Perkins declared upon Deck that hee was Satisfied for his wages & further saith not.

    Sworne in Court . . . Janry 31: 1672 as Attests Isaac Addington

    S. F. 1194.31

    The Deposicion of Hudson Leverett650 aged 32 yeares or thereabouts.

    This Deponant testifieth & saith, that in the month of August last past, I heard mr William Waldren say hee would bee revenged of that cheating rogue Smith & that hee would spend one hundred pounds but hee would come up with him & mr Hincks his partner being with us, saide to mee in these words mr Leverett were it my business I would spend halfe that I was worth, but that I would bee revenged of him & mr Waldren saide hee would let him rott in goale & that hee would make Dice of his bones & farther Saith not.

    Sworne in Court Novr 2d 1672, as attests Isaac Addington Cler.

    Smith was granted a review of the cases in the same court in November, 1672. See below, pp. 158, 163–4, 186, 193, 202.]

    Fitch agst West

    Thomas Fitch, plt agst William West Defendt in an Accion of the case for carrying away his Servt or Apprentice Daniell Battey without his knowledge & contrary to the will & minde of the saide Fitch, the sd West carrying away they saide Battey in the year 1668, whereby the plaintiffe is damnified the summe of fifty pounds or thereabouts for want of his saide Servt or Apprentice & other due dammages according to attachmt dated July 23th 1672. . . . The Jurie . . . finde for the Defendt costs of Court. The plt appealed from the judgmt of this Court to the next Court of Assistants, & accordingly the saide Thomas Fitch as principle in fifty pounds & John Lake & James Brading as Sureties in five & twenty pounds apeice acknowledged themselves jointly and severally bound to . . . prosecute his Appeale . . . [67]

    Hope Allen, plt agst John Jennings Defendt according to Attachmt Dat. July 19th 1672. The plt withdrew his Accion.

    Goulding agst Hauthorne

    Peter Goulding, Attorney of Zechr Phillips Assigne of Willm Phillips plt agst John Hauthorne Defendt according to Attachmt Dat. July 9th 1672. Noe deputacion of the Constable appearing the process is not allowed.

    Stone agst Franks

    Daniell Stone, Attourny of Joseph Eldridge plt agst John Francks Defendt according to Attachmt Dat. July 11th 1672. Noe deputacion of the Constable appearing the process is not allowed.

    Stone & Compa agst Franckes

    Daniell Stone & Compa plts agst John Francks Defendt in an Accion of the case for that the saide Franckes hath not given a true and just accot according to his orders given him to proceede a Voiadge to the Barbados, but contrary thereto hath proceeded by which they are damnified in principle about one hundred pounds wth due dammages according to Attachmt Dat. July the 10th 1672. no deputacion of the Constable appearing the process is not allowed.

    Stone &a agst Francks

    Daniell Stone & Compa Owners of the Catch willing minde plts against John Franckes Defendt in an Accion of the case for witholding a hhd Rumm wch hee received vpon the accot of the saide owners in Barbados & all other due dammages according to Attachmt Dat. July 10th 1672. . . . The Jury brought . . . finde for the Defendtcosts of Court.

    Williams agst Smith

    John Williams, plt agst Xtopher Smith Defendt in an Accion of the case for witholding a Debt of Seven pounds or thereabouts due for wages for his Service performed in the Sloope whereof the saide Smith is Mar & due dammages according to Attachmt Dat. July 20th 1672 . . . the Jurie . . . finde for the Defendt costs of Court.

    Bonner agst Ashton

    John Bonner, plt agst Henry Ashton Defendt according to Attachmt Dat. July 19th 1672 noe deputacion of the Constable appearing the process is not allowed, costs granted the Defendt twelve Shillings fourpence.

    Execution issued Augo 5th 72 for 12s 4d [68]

    [See third case below.]

    Wharton agst Hudson &a

    Richard Wharton Agt to Robt Bendish & Compa plt agst Capt Wm Hudson Thomas Joy & Robt Owen Defendts according to Attachmt Dat. May 21th 1672. The plt vpon non appearance was non Suited.

    Smith agst Willms

    Christopher Smith, plt agst John Williams Defendt. The plt withdrew his Accion.

    Ashton agst Bonner

    Henry Ashton, plt agst John Bonner Defendt in an Accion of the case for that the saide Bonner hath not proceeded on his intended Voiadge wth the Catch Recovery from the port of Liverpoole to Virginia, nor hath there landed the saide Ashton, neither hath there delivered the goods & Servants Shipped on the saide Catch by the saide Ashton according to bills of Loading & Agreemt wth other due dammages according to Attachmt Dat. July 20th 1672 . . . the Jurie . . . finde for the plt Seventy pounds mony dammage & costs of Court wch was fifty five Shillings.

    Execution issued Augo 5th 72 for 72li 15s 0d

    [Another case growing out of the voyage of the ketch Recovery, John Bonner master, the story of which is told in connection with the case of Peckv. Bonner (above pp. 31–36). Ashton was a young merchant of Liverpool. In November, 1671, he shipped a cargo of dry goods and provisions and a parcel of twelve servants for Virginia on the Recovery, and took passage on the vessel himself. According to the testimony of John Ireland, a seaman on the Recovery (S. F. 1341.36), one servant ran away at Liverpool, three more at the Isle of Man and one at Dublin, “beeing all of them discontented for want of victuall” (testified Francis Siddell, one of Lawton’s servants on the Recovery, S. F. 1341.32); “nor was it without reason . . . for there was great want of victualls for the passengts till wee came to Dublin.” Instead of sailing to Virginia as agreed, Captain Bonner took the Recovery to Fayal, where Ashton shipped some wine. The bill of lading follows (S. F. 1341.24):

    Shipped by the grace of God in good order and wel-condicioned by me Henry Ashton of Liver poole in and upon the good Catch called the Recovery of Boston in New England whereof is master under God for this present voyadge John Bonner. And now riding att Anchor in the Rode of Fiall and by Gods Grace bound for Virginia, to say, one pipe four barrels of wine being marked and numbred as in the margent [pipe R. L., barrells H. A], and are to be dilivered in the like good order and well condicioned at the aforesaide port of Virginia. (the dangers of the seas only Excepted) unto Henry Ashton or to his assignes, hee or they paying freight for the saide goods at forty Shillings per Tunn with primage and avarage accustomed, in wittnes whereof the master of the saide Catch hath affirmed to Three bills of loading all of this tenour and date, the one of which three bills being accomplished the other two to stand voyd.

    And so god send the good Catch to her desired port in safety. Amen.

    Dated in Fiall ye 15th Aprill 1672.

    Vera Copia. Thos. Danforth. Cl.

    From Fayal the Recovery proceeded to Boston, arriving May 25, 1672. Ashton was now short five servants, and much of his cargo. Ireland testified that the malt and cheese “seemed to be damnified the one beeing rotten the other weeuell eaten & musty by reason of the length of tyme wee were on the voyage beeing about the space of seuen months & also a Caske of dry goods belonging to said Ashton was wett in the hold as this deponent aprehends by stowing beeife & wine vpon it” (S. F. 1341.36).

    Three days after landing, according to three witnesses (S. F. 1341.34 35), Ashton and Bonner made an agreement by which the latter was to deliver to Ashton his seven servants, 4 tons of goods, and about 54l in satisfaction for his damages. This agreement was not kept, and Ashton drew up the following bill of damages (S. F. 1341.28):

    An Accompt & Estim[ate of the] Damage Henry Ashton hath [torn] Susteyned by the Ind [torn] worthy acting of John Bonn[torn] the katch Recovery. . .

    li s d

    To Fiue men seruants which I shipt on board sd Catch to be transported to Virginia who by his Neglect run away all amounting to at Least


    To Wages for Robert Scofeild & Thomas Hurst whome hee imployed as Cooks Seuen months by Turns


    To Bedding that his Seruants Lay in all the voyage


    To my Charges and Necessary Expences at all ports where he carried & deteyned mee


    To Damage in Cloth & fustians


    To Damage in Cheese


    To Damage in Mault


    To a Cradle Rug


    To a bill to Cut Cannes


    To Loss of tyme & Markett in Virginia whether I was by agreemt bound, beeing carried about from one port to another according to mr Bonners pleasure about the terme of fiue months, beeing from the 14th of Decembr to ye 25th of May ensueing Damnified at Least



    All which the Said Henry Ashton doth humbly refer to the Honorable Court & Jurie to Judge & Determine.

    Henry Ashton

    . . True Coppy. . . Attests Isaac Addington Cler.

    The action followed, as recorded in the text; but that was by no means the end of this case. See below, p. 167.]

    Briganden agst Tailor

    Sarah Briganden, Attourny of Robt Briganden plt agst Caleb Tailor Defendt. The plt withdrew her Accion.

    Norton agst Marshall

    George Norton, plt agst Robt Marshall Defendt in an Accion of the case for witholding a Debt of Seventy one pounds or thereabouts, or what shalbee made appear for his quarter part of a Vessell or pincke as by Articles of Agreemt vnder his hand & Seale, bearing date ye 2ond day of Septembr 1670 & in Specie according to saide Articles or Covenant wth all due dammages according to Attachmt Dat. July 20th 1672. . . . The Jurie . . . finde for the Defendt Costs of Court.

    [See fourth case below.]

    Hudson agst Davis

    William Hudson, plt agst Thomas Davis of haverhill Defendt in an Accion of Debt of Ninety two pounds Seven Shillings nine pence due by bill & due dammages according to Attachmt Dat. May the 1st 1672. . . . [69] The Jurie . . . finde for the plt Ninety two pounds Seven Shillings nine pence in currant pay wth the Merchant according to Bill & costs of Court.

    Ireland agst Bonnr

    John Ireland, plt agst John Bonner Defendt in an Accion of the case for refusing to make paimt of eleven pounds one Shilling due to the saide Ireland for wages as a Seaman on the Catch Recovery of Boston from the 7th day of Novembr Ano 1671 to the thirteenth day of July 1672 at the rate of twenty seven shillings per month & all due dammages according to Attachmt Dat. July 13th 1672. . . . The Jurie . . . finde for the plt nine pounds two Shillings mony dammage & Costs of Court wch was thirty seven Shillings.

    Execution issued Augo 5th 72 for 10li 19s mo

    [Another case growing out of the voyage of the Recovery. See above, pp. 31–36, 141–142.]

    Gibson agst Hews

    Robert Gibson, plt agst George Hews Defendt according to Attachmt Dat. June 20th 1672, noe deputacion of the Constable appearing the process is not allowed.

    Marshall agst Greeneland &a

    Robert Marshall, plt agst Henry Greeneland Walter Barefoote, & George Norton Defendts according to Attachmt Dat. July 10th 1672. The plt in failor of process was non Suited, & twenty eight Shillings Six pence costs granted the Defendt.

    Execucion issued Augo 6th 72 for 28s 6d mo

    [See fourth case above, and next below.]

    Robert Marshall plt agst Henry Greeneland &a Defendts in an Accion of the case for illegal & contrary to Law vexing the saide Marshall without cause of Accion & hindring the pinck Lenham’s going to Sea vnder pretence of high dammage though noe cause soe to doe; wch hath beene & is great dammage to the saide Marshall wth other due dammages according to Attachmt Dat. July 15th 1672. . . . The Jurie . . . finde for the Defendt costs of Court wch was fifty two Shillings ten pence.

    Execucion issued Augo 6th 72 for 52s 6d mo

    Plumb agst Parke

    John Plumb, plt agst Deacon Willm Parcks Defendant, in an Accion of the case vpon Accot to the Vallue of thirty six pounds or thereabouts & due damages according to Attachmt Dat. July 25th 1672. . . . The Jurie . . . they finde for the Defendt Costs of Court. [70]

    [See below, p. 146.]

    Shrimpton agst Lake &a

    Samuell Shrimpton, Attourney of Alice Swift Sister & Executrix to the last will & Testamt of Thom: Miller deceased, plt agst John Lake & Thomas Blighe Administrators to the saide Miller Defendts in an Accion of the case for denying the saide Attourney possession of the houses Lands & goods & monies & other Estate, wch saide Thomas Miller died possessed of wth other due dammages according to Attachmt Dat. July 25th 1672. . . . The Jurie . . . finde for the plt three hundred pounds dammage in mony, or the Estate in controversy according to Inventory & costs of Court.

    Kellond agst Hudson

    Thomas Kellond, plt agst Capt Willm Hudson Defendt according to Attachmt Dat. July 25th 1672. noe deputacion of the Constable appearing the process is not allowed.

    Joy agst Woodmancy

    Thomas Joy, plt agst John Woodmancy, Defendt according to Attachmt being continued from the last County Court. The plt withdrew his Accion.

    Thomas Joy, plt agst John Woodmancy Defendt according to Attachmt being continued from the last County Court. The plt withdrew his Accion.

    [See above, cases of Woodmancy v. Joy and Baker v. Joy, pp. 45, 64, 101, 103, 129, 134, and second entry below.]

    Hougham dischargd

    Osbard Hougham, complained of by Capt John Allen for his abusive carriage to him as collector of the Custom’s. Mr Hougham required a Jurie, wch was granted & . . . the Jurie . . . finde him not guilty.

    Auditt of Woodmancy’s accots

    The Court orders & appoints mr Richard Cooke & Capt Thomas Lake to Audit the Accots betweene John Woodmancy & Thom. Joy & to make theire return to this Court.

    [See second entry above, and below, p. 149.]

    Lincolne sworne sealer for Hingham

    Benja Lincolne was Sworne Sealer of Weights & measures for the towne of Hingham.

    Nicholls discharged from Training

    Adam Nicholls, by reason of his age is discharged from ordinary Trainings.

    Mills his Licence

    John Mills of Brantery had his Licence renewed to keepe a house of publique Entertainmt & to Sell Beere & wine till April next.

    Order to Capt Hudson

    The Court orders that Capt Willm Hudson send for his Servt John Shepard to appear at this Court on thursday or friday next. [71]

    [Plumb v. Parke]

    The Court admits John Plumb to enter an Accion agst Deacon Willm Parcke sub formā pauperis.

    [See above, p. 144.]

    Hudson to Freacke

    Capt Willm Hudson came into Court & acknowledged a judgmt agst himselfe & Estate to Mr John Freacke for fifty five pounds Seven Shillings & one penny in mony.

    Capt Willm Hudson, came into Court & acknowledged a judgmt agst himselfe & Estate to mr John Freacke for Twenty three pounds four Shillings & ten pence in mony.

    Order to Bumsteede

    The Court orders that Jeremiah Bumsteede, deliver vp Paul Gilford’s Indenture & his Clothes to the Governor

    Howard’s Sentance

    The Court Sentanceth Willm Howard to pay ten groats in mony for his Excessive drincking.

    George Hethcott for his contempt in open Court stands committed.

    Dudly’s Freedom

    Mr Joseph Dudly, tooke the Oath of Freedom of this Colony.

    Several of Hingham made free

    Thomas Chubbuck, Thom: Lincolne, Joshua Beale, Benja Bate, Sammuell Bate, Onesephirus Marsh, Joseph Beale, all tooke the Oath of Freedom of this Colony. Matthias Bridges of Hingham also tooke the Oath.

    Discharge from Training

    On Certificate from Capt Joshua Hubbard of Hingham: the Court discharged Isaac Pits & Nathanll Chubbuck from ordinary Trainings.

    On certificate from Capt James Oliver the Court discharged Edward Goodwine, Simon Rogers & Abraham Hagborne from ordinary Trainings.

    Samm: Hide, Indian, Sentanced

    Sammuell Hide, an Indian, convict for breaking into Mr Meades House at Roxberry on ye 15th of May 1672, confessed in Court that hee was at Mr Meades that day, & that hee strove wth saide Meade. The Court Sentanceth him to bee whipt wth thirty stripes Severely laide on, & to pay the charge of Witnesses & fees of Court & prison & then is discharged & if hee bee seene in Roxberry after his discharge hee is to bee taken by the Constable & to bee whipt wth twenty Stripes.

    Jonathan Birch Sentanced

    Jonathan Birch, bound over to this Court for his contemptuous carriage to authority of wch hee was convict in open Court. The Court Sentanceth him to bee whip’t wth twenty Stripes or to pay five pounds in mony fine to the County & fees of Court Standing committed till the Sentance bee performed. [72]

    Gold Sentanced

    Thomas Gold, being accused for Stealing. Owned in Court that hee stole from Elisha Bennett in mony twelve pounds & in clothes to the Vallue of four pounds fifteen Shillings. The Court Sentanceth him to pay to the saide Elisha Bennett, the Summe of fivety pounds five Shillings being that threefold restitucion the Law requireth what is restored being part of the Same & to bee whipt wth ten Stripes paying fees of Court Standing committed till the Sentance bee performed.

    Coweset Indian Sentanced

    Cowesett Indian, convict for his abusive carriage to John Bennett, in comming into his house contrary to his minde & demanding drincke there, throwing Severall Stones at the said John Bennett & pulling him by the haire. The Court Sentanceth him to haue his haire cut round close of from his head & to bee whip’t wth thirty Stripes, paying fees of Court & prison is discharged, & if hee bee founde in Boston after his discharge hee is to bee taken by the Constable & to bee whip’t wth twenty Stripes.

    John Indian Sentanced

    John Indian, convict for breaking into the house of Sammuell King of Weimoth. The Court Sentanceth him to haue his haire cut round close of from his head & to bee whip’t wth thirty Stripes & pay the charge of Constable & witnesses, & paiing fees of Court & prison is discharged. & if hee bee founde in Weimoth after his discharge hee is to bee taken by the Constable & to bee whip’t wth twenty stripes.

    Johnson & More Sentanced

    Abigaile Johnson Senior & Naomi Moore, convict for giving Entertainmt to persons drincking in theire houses at vnseasonable times of the night. The Court Sentanceth them, to give in twenty pounds bond apeice for the good behavior & pay fees of Court. Standing committed till the Senta bee performed.

    Order to Deacon Allen & Drury

    The Court orders & appoints Deacon Henry Allen & Heugh Drury to veiw & measure the worke done by Thom Joy for John Woodmancy & to make return thereof to this Court.

    Hull peticion answered

    In Answer to the peticion of severall of the Towne of Hull wth reference to the Commissionrs of Hingham. The Court orders that due notice bee given to the sd Comissioners to appear at Octobr Court next. to answer theire complaint. [73]

    Order about mr Allen’s estate

    In Answer to the motion of the Administrator to the Estate of the late Revd Mr John Allen of Dedham deceased. The Court orders that the Administrators take care of that part of the Estate, set forth to Mr John Allen the eldest sone to secure the same from dammage & to emprove it for his best advantage till farther Order.

    Order about John Shepard

    Compla being made by Andrew Shepard, concering the State of his brother Jon Shepard Servt to Capt Willm Hudson, both mar & Servt appeared before the magistrates & by consent jointly referred the determinacion of the case to them vpon which The Court orders that saide Capt Hudson forthwth deliver up the saide Servt John Shepard to his brother and cloath him wth one Suite of good Apparrell besides wt hee already hath to the approbacion of mr Edward Ting or in failor thereof to pay five pounds in mony.

    Harris sentanced

    The Court Sentanceth John Harris to pay three pounds to Owen Joanes for his and his wives abuseing of him & Order that the saide Joanes paying to his saide mar Harris wt hee is justly indebted to him bee released from his saide mar Service & the Select men of Boston are to provide a meete Service for him.

    Execucion issued for 3li 12s xbr 1672.

    Dyer’s licence

    Thomas Dyer of Weimoth had his licence renewed to keepe a house of publique Entertainmt for the yeare Ensuing.

    Woodmancies & Joyes Audit

    Deacon Henry Allen, Hugh Drury & Capt Willm Davis were chosen in Court by John Woodmancy & Thomas Joy to overlooke & ajust the Accots presented by the saide Joy agst John Woodmancy & all covenants that have beene made between them wch the Court allowed of.

    [See above, p. 145.]

    Hurlo Sentanced

    Morto Hurlo, being bound over to this Court for his wounding of an Indian. The Court Sentanceth him (vpon his owning the fact but saide it was accidentall) to pay for the cure & fees of Court.

    Order to Thom. Smith concern. Sarah Blacklock

    Sarah Blacklock, being brought out of England this yeare by Thomas Smith Mar of the Sea Flower & compla being made to the Magistrates, that Shee had confessed in the ship she had beene wth Childe in England by one Henry Saffery a Dutchman, who shee saide was her Sweete heart & that she went wth Childe fifteen or sixteen weeks & then miscarried of a man childe wch her Father’s maide buried privately in his garden wch was in Leedes in the County of Yorke, vpon wch the Court sent for her & she owned the same in Court. Wherevpon the Court orders that saide Thomas Smith return the saide Sarah Blacklock [74] for England wth the Records of this Court concerning her & that in the meane time she continue in prison, saide Smith to pay the prison charges. & in case the saide Smith refuse soe to transport her, or to take order for the same the charge for her transportacon as aforesaide is to bee levied by Execucion on the saide Smith’s Estate.

    [See above, p. 128, and below, pp. 164–5, 185, 189, 237.]

    Mason admonished

    Pete Mason, being pursued by fiue & cry vpon suspicion of stealing a horse. Vpon the hearing of the case the Court Sentanceth him to bee admonished in open Court & pay fees of Court. & they leaue the Owner of the horse to his course in Law agst him.

    Middleton’s Sentance

    Willm Middleton, being bound over to this Court for Speaking words that gaue Suspicion of his being instrumentall in the late fire at Boston; the Court Sentanceth him to give ten pounds bond wth two Sureties in five pound apeice for the good behavior & accordingly the saide Willm Middleton as principall in ten pounds & John Blake & Arthur Mason as Sureties in five pounds apeice acknowledge themselves jointly & Severally bound to the Treasuror of the County of Suffolke on condicion that Willm Middleton shalbee of good behavior & appeare at the next Court of this County.

    Rolffe bound over to Court of Assist.

    Edward Rolffe, being committed on Suspicion of his having two wives is bound over to the Court of Assistants & the Court accepts his one bond of one hundred pounds.

    [Rolfe was acquitted in the higher court, September 7, 1672, S.F. 1139, printed in Records of the Court of Assistants, iii. 222.]

    Atherton’s Sentance

    Jonathan Atherton, bound over to this Court for his wounding of an Indian wth his Sword; wch hee owned hee did vpon provocacion given him by the Indian. The Court Sentanceth him to defray all the charges about the cure of saide Indian if it bee not already done & disinable him for wearing a Sword during his continuance in this Colony, or till this Court take farther order. & to pay fees of Court.

    Atherton’s discharge of bonds

    Vpon due proclamacion made Jonathan Atherton is discharged from his bonds of good behavior

    Dogget & Nicholls discharge

    Vpon like proclamacion. Jonathan Nicholls & Henry Dogget are discharged from theire bonds of good behavior.

    Mehetable Sheafe’s Guardian

    Mehetable Sheafe, made choice of mr Thomas Brattle for her Guardian wch hee accepted & and the Court allowed of.

    Foster’s licence

    John Foster, of Dorchester had a licence granted him to retaile Strong waters of his one distilling. & the saide John Foster as principall in five pounds & Hopestill Foster junr & Ephraim Searle as Sureties in 50s apeice acknowledged themselues bound . . . [75]

    At a Speciall Court held at Boston August 26th 1672 called at the Request of Henry Loaton Merchant.


    • Ri: Bellingham Esqr Govr
    • John Leverett Esqr Dept Govr

    Jurie of Trialls Sworne

    • mr Simon Linde
    • Xtopher Clarke
    • Willm Parcke
    • James Whetcomb
    • Antho Checkly
    • John Stebbins
    • Joseph Dudson
    • Samm: Scarlett
    • Thom: Tileston:
    • Nathanll Greene
    • Augustn Lyndon
    • Enoch Wiswall

    [Lawton v. Bonner]

    Henry Loaton plaint. agst John Bonner Defendt in an Accion of the case for that hee the saide Bonner doth withold & vnjustly detaine from him the saide Loaton his part of the whole Effects produce & profit, whither in goods or Servants & an accot of a Voiadge or Voiadges made wth the Catch Recovery for his one and severall other man theire Accot wth him in company from Boston to Virginia & from thence to Barbadoes & from thence back againe to Virginia & from thence for England & alsoe for that the saide Bonner hath neglected & refused as he was master to saile wth the said Catch from Liverpoole & other places according to the order of the saide Loaton as merchant, according to agreement, but on the contrary the saide Bonner hath made many and vnreasonable delaies; loosing many faire oppertunities of winde & weather; & at last in a wilfull & clandestine manner, ran or went away wth the aforesaide Catch, from the port of Dublin in Ireland & left him the saide Loaton there behinde contrary to his will & order & finally for that the saide Bonner since his arrivall in New England hath disposed of the saide Loaton’s goods, Chest & wearing apparrell & writings according to the saide Bonner’s will & pleasure, still refuseing to deliver or give him saide Loaton an Accot thereof wth all due dammages according to attachmt Dat. August 21th 1672. . . . The Jurie . . . finde for the plaintiffe that the Defendant deliver vnto the plaintiffe his quarter part of the Catch Recovery in good order and repaire wth one quartr part of all her appurtenances; and deliver alsoe to the plaintiffe his four Servants. Vizt Francis Sciddall, Francis Stafford, John Hokesey & James Jarret; and alsoe doe give a true accot vpon Oath & the produce thereof of a parcell of Tobacco, porke, Tar & pease which the plaintiffe shipped vpon the saide Catch in Virga for Barbados and consigned to the Defendant, as per bill of Loading, and alsoe that the Defendant pay vnto the plaintiffe Fifty pounds in mony for the dammage Susteined in leaving him behinde in Ireland wth costs of Court. The premisses to bee done & performed by the Defendt vnto the plaint. within thirty daies next Ensuing or else that the Defendant pay vnto the plaintiffe two hundred twenty eight pounds in mony wth costs of Court wch came to eight pounds fourteen Shillings.

    Execucion issued for 236li 14s mony Septembr 30th 1672.

    [For the voyage of the ketch Recovery, and Henry Lawton’s connection with it, see case of Peck v. Bonner, above, pp. 31–36. The Recovery, John Bonner master, arrived in Boston, May 25, 1672. Lawton, who had been left behind in Dublin, eventually found passage to Boston. His case was tried by a special court consisting of the Governor and two Magistrates, summoned to sit between sessions of the County Court “for the more speedy dispatch of all Causes which shall concern Strangers, who cannot without prejudice, stay to attend the ordinary Courts of Justice” (Act of 1639, in Lawes and Libertyes, 1672 ed., title Courts, sec. 8). At the next session of the General Court, in October, 1672, this act was repealed and it was provided that a stranger could sue an inhabitant “in any of our Courts,” wherever sitting. Whether there was any connection between this case and the repeal does not appear.

    Bonner, for want of wherewithal to satisfy this judgment, was committed to Boston jail on October 1, 1672, whence he initiated another counter-suit against Lawton, for which see below, pp. 165–166.] [76]

    Loaton conta Scarlet

    Henry Loaton, Assignee of John Saffine plt contra John Scarlett Defendt The Court not being granted for any Such Accion the process is not allowed.