February Meeting, 1940

    A STATED Meeting of the Society was held, at the invitation of Mr. Stephen W. Phillips, at the Club of Odd Volumes, No. 77 Mount Vernon Street, Boston, on Thursday, February 15, 1940, at three o’clock in the afternoon, the President, Kenneth Ballard Murdock, in the chair.

    The records of the last Stated Meeting were read and approved.

    The President reported the death on January 4, 1940, of John Woodbury, a Resident Member.

    The Editor, on behalf of the Corresponding Secretary, reported the receipt of a letter from Mr. Theodore Hornberger, accepting election to Corresponding Membership in the Society.

    Mr. Samuel E. Morison spoke on “The Harvard Columbus Expedition.”

    Mr. Henry J. Cadbury presented by title the following paper:

    John Harvard’s Library


    IN 1919 Mr. Alfred C. Potter printed in our Publications (xxi. 190–230) the list of books given to Harvard College by its founder, adding, so far as he could identify them, the full title and the exact edition probably intended.426 The list represents in all, he estimated, some 329 titles or about 400 volumes, of which a small number, about forty, seemed to defy identification. This situation, first coming to my attention at the beginning of Harvard College’s tercentenary year, was too tantalizing to be ignored. The following notes represent the result of a new review of the problem. It is, of course, audacious for a layman to venture into a field where expert bibliographers have labored. The only excuse that I can offer is that the problem fascinated me and that many of the books in the list belong in the field of theology. A further connection, though an irrelevant one, is the fact that the same Thomas Hollis who founded the professorship which I hold was also, after John Harvard himself, the principal donor to the college library in its earliest days. It was at his suggestion, as the records show, that the first printed catalogue was issued in 1723. This publication was intended to give guidance for further donations of books from Hollis and other English benefactors of the college. Today it is of great value in identifying the original Harvard library.

    Mr. Potter’s success in identifying so many of the titles can only be appreciated by one who recognizes the difficulties of the task. His ingenuity and that of Mr. Andrew McF. Davis, who worked on the problem earlier,427 are hardly indicated by Mr. Potter’s modest publication. The following sentences from it indicate some of the difficulties:

    The list comprises 250 entries, each numbered in pencil in a later hand. These are very brief, usually confined to a single line, but on the other hand often including several works by an author and occasionally books by more than one author. The entries are made usually under the author but sometimes under the tide, with no attempt at uniformity. The arrangement is alphabetical only under the first letter. The nature of many of the entries would indicate that the binder’s tides were used, and some of the errors make at least plausible the suggestion that the list was taken down by dictation. . . .

    The Catalogue of the College Library published in 1723 has been one of the main sources of identification, for it is a fairly safe assumption that if a title given in the Harvard list reappears in this Catalogue it is the book and edition that John Harvard owned. Rather over half of the titles have thus been found. Unfortunately, this Catalogue gives only the briefest of titles, often hard to recognize owing to abbreviation, and has many misprints, especially in the dates.

    This is all excellently expressed. The errors in dates are apparently often due to the misreading of Roman numerals on the title pages. They are often errors of just one decade (“X”) or one century (“C”). With regard to the printed catalogue, it has been possible to add from it evidence for more of the items in the Harvard list that Potter had identified but had not thus associated with that source.428 And most of the entirely new identifications offered below also receive, it will be noted, their confirmation from the printed catalogue. On the other hand, no one will be surprised if several of John Harvard’s books, given more than eighty years before, were lost by the time the catalogue was printed and do not appear in it at all. It is particularly hazardous to assume that dictionaries and other works of reference in the two lists are the identical copies or editions.

    The defects in the Harvard list may be due to other causes than binder’s titles. In the seventeenth century short titles were often written on the leaf edges, and presumably the books were shelved with the backs in and the fore edges forward where these titles could be read.429 Such titles were easily miswritten or misread. Again, the list may have been recopied. But in some cases the title, though not corresponding to the known book, is no accident. Two titles in the list may be taken by way of example: “Haylins Geography” (No. 114) and “Magirj Physica” (No. 146). No doubt Potter has identified these works with the highest degree of probability. But neither Peter Heylyn’s Microcosmos, or Little Description of the Great World nor Joannes Magirus’ Physiologiae Peripateticae Libri Sex, in any edition known to me, nor any other works of the same writers have on the title page or as the binder’s title the words, respectively, “geography” or “physica.” Yet a list of books owned by Increase Mather in 1664 includes among its short titles precisely the same words: “Heylins Geography” and “Magiri Physica.”430 Another early list of books, that made by Solomon Stoddard and now in the library of the Union Theological Seminary, also includes “Heilins Géographie”; while a list of Thomas Weld’s books in 1651 (see below) has “Magirij Physica.”

    A more serious doubt respecting the Harvard list has come to my attention and cannot honestly be suppressed. In the same record book in which it appears there is another list, written in the same hand, naming twenty works given to the library by Richard Bellingham. The date of his gift or gifts is not indicated. He came to Massachusetts in 1634 and died in 1672. The two lists overlap in a surprising manner.431 Fifteen of the twenty titles in Bellingham’s list are certainly identical with titles in the Harvard list, and very probably three more besides. Indeed, the very manner in which these titles are given suggests that the lists are not independent. In several instances the items in the shorter list appear grouped together in the longer list. To show this relation it is necessary to give the Bellingham list in full, with the corresponding titles in the Harvard list.

    Richardus Bellinghamus Armiger hos Libros dedit

    Catalogus Librorū quos dedit Dominus Harvardus

    Arresiū in N. Test

    11 Apeius in Nov. Testamt

    Anatomij Armenianism

    12 Anatomy Arminianisme

    Augustinj opera

    9b Augustinj Opera

    Biblia Tremelij & Junij

    43 Biblia Tremelij & Junij

    Cartwright on Prov: Eccles:

    68 Cartwright in Eccles. & Prov.

    Curiel in Epistolā Thomas

    60 Curiel in Epist. Thomæ

    Gouges Sacrifice of Sts

    Grotium de jure belli

    Lutherum in Genesin

    124a Lutherus in Genesin

    Marlorati thesaurum Scripturæ

    142 and 145 Marloratj Thesaurus Scripturæ

    Molinæum contra Arminium

    144 Mollinæus contra Arminios

    Mollerum in Psalmos

    141 Mollerus in Psalmos

    Musculum in Psalmos

    143a Musculus in Psalmos

    Polanj Syntagma

    163a Polanj Syntagma Theologiæ

    Reinoldum de Idololatria

    196 Reinoldi Liber de Idololatria

    Stultetj Opera

    198 Scultetj opera

    Stellā in Lucam

    197 Stola in Lucā

    Vortium de Deo

    236 Vorsius de Deo

    in Psalmos

    Com̄ent in Philemonem

    Of the five items in Bellingham’s list not also clearly in the Harvard list, the first is certainly a misspelling for “Aretius” and is really, I suspect, the same as No. 11 on the Harvard list: “Apeius in Nov. Testamt.” The last two in the Bellingham list, though without author’s name, may be one of the several books on the Psalms in Harvard’s list (e.g., Nos. 48, 160, or 187) and “Feuardensius in Epist. ad Philemonem” (No. 99 in the Harvard list). The titles by Gouge and Grotius are alone definitely absent from the longer list. Both lists agree, not only in misspelling Cumel as “Curiel,” but in including the very similar titles “Anatomy Arminianisme” and “Molinaeus contra Arminios” (i.e., Pierre du Moulin, Anatome Arminianismi). Several titles are abbreviated in strikingly similar wording, the frequent difference between the accusative case in the Bellingham list and the nominative case in the Harvard list being due merely to the different grammatical government of the initial rubrics in the original manuscripts.

    It seems to me very unlikely that the gift from Bellingham so fully duplicated the earlier gift from Harvard. More probably, the so-called Harvard list was really made when the Bellingham books were already in the library or when they were listed much as in the contemporary copy.432 In that case the former is not to be trusted as including only books given by Harvard himself. The copy of Musculus’ book on the Psalms mentioned in the 1723 catalogue was published in 1639, too late in date to have come from the founder. The copy of Grotius’ De Jure Belli mentioned in the catalogue of 1723—and apparently still extant and listed as having survived the fire of 1764—was published in 1651. Both these books may well have been given by Bellingham. The Thesaurus Scripturae of Marlorat is twice entered in the Harvard list. If one of these copies is Bellingham’s, the other may be Harvard’s.

    Of Harvard’s books, tradition has long identified one as having survived the fire of January, 1764: John Downame’s thick folio, Christian Warfare against the Devill, World and Flesh (4th ed., London, 1634). In the Harvard list it is called “Dounā his warfare” (No. 78). A copy of this edition is included in the printed catalogues of the library both before the fire, in 1723, and after the fire, in 1790. Recently there has come to light among the library records a list of 404 books which survived the fire, and it includes Downame’s Christian Warfare. In fact, it is possible to say just how this particular book came to survive, for the newly discovered list shows that the volume had been charged out of the library on October 14, 1763, to a student named Briggs.

    Every fresh review of the Harvard list naturally leads to renewed hope that some further volume actually in that collection has survived and can be found. However, a comparison of Harvard’s library with the above-mentioned list of books that survived the fire shows only the Downame title in both, with the possible exception of a few works of reference where probably the edition and certainly the copy were not the same in 1638 and in 1764. The printed catalogue, by its omissions, shows that already by 1723 many of the “charter members” of the college library had been lost or discarded. Since Downame’s Christian Warfare is the only John Harvard book on the list of volumes in actual circulation at the time of the fire, it would appear that the rest of the works that he gave were not at the time in active demand. Except for these factors, it would certainly be expected that, by the law of chances, out of the total college library of some five thousand volumes in 1764, including fully two hundred from the original donor, the escape from destruction of 404 volumes (nearly 8 per cent) would have left more than a single survivor from the Harvard gift.

    In this connection it is worth while to note that a good many survivors of the fire besides Downame’s Christian Warfare are still extant. Copies of Grotius’ De lure Belli ac Pacis, the gift of Richard Bellingham, and of the works of Cassian (1578), given by Sir Kenelm Digby in 1655, have been in the college library nearly as long as Downame’s book. These two titles, like the Downame folio, appear in the lists of early contributions, in the catalogue of 1723, in the list of books that survived the fire of 1764, and in the catalogue of 1790. John L. Sibley identified all three as being among the oldest in the library. Several other books which came into the library before 1764 were also so marked by Sibley upon the bookplates. In some cases these volumes present evidence to confirm this claim by agreeing with titles in the catalogue of 1723 and occasionally by also having marked on the flyleaf or title page the three-number pressmark indicated for them in that catalogue. The third or shelf number is also sometimes marked in ink on the fore edges of the book. While some of this group of books appear in the list of 404 survivors of the fire, the fact that others of them are not so included shows even that list to be incomplete. This gives still a faint hope that further Harvard volumes may some day be discovered. One of them has already been suggested by Mr. Potter: The Whole Volume of Statutes at Large (London, 1587).433 An item answering this description was catalogued in 1723, and the John Harvard list had a “Collection of statutes.” Hence the extant copy may be the actual gift of John Harvard (see below, No. 69).

    In the disappearance of so nearly all of its books the John Harvard gift has fared no worse than other donations of the seventeenth century. It would be interesting if some of the large gifts of Peter Bulkley, Ezekiel Rogers (1660), John Lightfoot (1675), or Richard Baxter (1675) could be identified, but no clear evidence is at hand to show the present existence of volumes given by those men. Only a few books from any source that were in the college library before 1700 are now identifiable. It is interesting that many of these have not been continuous residents of the library but have been returned to it after many years’ absence.

    Perhaps the chances are greater that John Harvard’s books have survived outside the library than within it. It is known, for example, that the college sold duplicates. There is no reason to suppose that the older copies would always stay in the library and the later copies be sold. It is true that when Cotton Mather in 1682 bought ninety-six duplicates from the library, it had just received a large shipment of the books from Sir John Maynard, some of which were sold at once because they were duplicates of titles already in the library. There are extant a dozen such volumes that were evidently sold direct to Mather. They usually have Maynard’s name stamped on the flyleaf or title page. They correspond to titles in the list of Mather’s purchase, and they passed down as part of the Mather library which Isaiah Thomas bought for the American Antiquarian Society. In 1924 that Society courteously turned them over to Harvard College, the original beneficiary, where they had never been entered in the library records because they had been duplicates.434

    In other cases, however, old books in the library may have been sold to Mather or to others, or may have otherwise got into private hands and never been returned to the library. And why not among these some of John Harvard’s gift? Of the ninety-six items or sets named in Mather’s list of purchases, twelve are also in the John Harvard list.

    There is evidence of another method by which older books left the main college library upon receipt of duplicates. On January 5, 1724/5, when he had secured for the library many new books, Thomas Hollis, in a letter to Edward Wigglesworth, made the following suggestion:

    And supposing any already sent or now sending that you have already of the same sort J order for myself & by Leave of the Donrs Let the Library keep the best books and the duplicates be for my Professrs Closet or wth the Presid’s advice given to any of my Students that goe out of the College for the Ministry435

    This was recorded by the Corporation in its minutes for June 2, 1725. Three years later (December 30, 1728) it was ordered that

    Mr Wigglesworth ye Professor of Divinity, exhibit to ye Corporation a Catalogue of Books of ye Library belonging to ye Professorship of Divinity, & yt said Catalogue be entered in ye College-Book436

    The same arrangement is mentioned in 1742.437 Several of these volumes are still extant. They had been in the regular library, marked and listed in the printed catalogue of 1723. Soon after that they were replaced by duplicates and segregated. A red bookplate indicates that after the fire they were still treated separately. The inscription on the plate reads: “Ex dono Tho. Hollis Armig. in usum Sui Professoris S.S. Theol.”

    Again, many of the titles in Harvard’s list were textbooks that he himself had used. They also became textbooks at Harvard. Mr. Arthur O. Norton’s list of known Harvard textbooks recently published by the Society438 contains no less than thirty-three items also in the John Harvard list, and many others on his list were equally available for undergraduate use. Other copies and other editions of such works would be very likely to replace his original gifts. The latter would be lost or worn out and destroyed.

    In all these ways no doubt much of the original library was dissipated before Harvard Hall was burned in 1764. Those books that were then in the building doubtless perished in the flames. It is not usually noted in references to that event that in 1737 the Corporation had appointed a committee “to provide boxes for the books in the Library fitted with handles &c whereby the Said Library may be speedily and safely removed in case of fire.” This precautionary measure sounds ironical today. There is no evidence that any book in the Hall at that time was snatched from the burning.


    Titles Hitherto Not Certainly Identified

    The list which follows is composed, in the first place, of those books in the John Harvard library which are now identified for the first time or for which a different identification is offered from that given by Mr. Potter. To these are added, for the interest of any who may wish to help with the further work of identification, those titles whose identity still eludes me.

    The several items are handled according to a uniform scheme. The first line gives literatim the entry as it appears in the original manuscript. Next, where possible, the form of entry in the 1723 catalogue is given in quotation marks. Then comes a full title, taken from an actual copy of the work or from a bibliography, with the place of publication given in English. Finally come such comments of my own as seem pertinent.

    Key to Abbreviations

    • ATS. Library of Andover Theological Seminary.
    • BL. Catalogue of the Bodleian Library.
    • BM. British Museum Catalogue of Printed Books.
    • BN. Catalogue Générale des Livres Imprimés de la Bibliothèque Nationale.
    • BPL. Boston Public Library.
    • CL. Congregational Library, Boston.
    • HCL. Harvard College Library.
    • HDL. Library of the Harvard Divinity School.
    • HEH. Henry E. Huntington Library.
    • HLL. Harvard Law School Library.
    • STC. Short Title Catalogue.
    • TC. Catalogue of the Library of Trinity College, Dublin.
    • UTS. Library of the Union Theological Seminary.

    i Ambrosij Dixionariū.

    “Calepini (Ambros.) Dictionarium cum Cornucop. Paris. 1510.” fo.

    “Calepini (Amb.) Dictionarium undecim Linguarum. 7 Edit. Basil. 1627.” fo.

    Ambrosius Calepinus. Dictionarium ex Optimis Quibusquam Authoribus Studiose Collectum. [Paris], 1514. bn.

    Ambrosius Calepinus. Dictionarium Undecim Linguarum. Basel, 1627. fo. bn.

    There was also a [Paris], 1518, edition of the first of these titles, but I have not verified the existence of an edition of Paris, 1510.

    Potter names only the second of these titles; but each has equal right to be suggested as fulfilling the requirement of the manuscript entry. The “Cornucopia” was doubtless a copy of the contemporary philological work of that name by Nicolas Perottus439 bound with the dictionary. By 1725, when a supplement to the catalogue of the college library was printed, a further work by Calepinus was in the library, entered as “Calepini (Amb.) Dictionarium Hexaglottum. Bas. —.” fo.

    4 Analysis Apocalypseωs.

    “Brightmanni (Tho.) Apocalypsis Apocalypseωs. Francof. 1609.” 4o.

    Thomas Brightman. Apocalypsis Apocalypseωs: Id Est, Apocalypsis D. Joannis Analysi et Scholiis Illustrata. Frankfort, 1609. 4o. bpl.

    Of all the works on Revelation in the 1723 catalogue, including that by Conradus Graserus selected by Potter, Brightman’s, because of its use of “Analysis” and the Greek “ω,” corresponds most nearly to the title in the Harvard list. The title in the form given there is found on a work by Henri à Diest, Analysis Apocalypseos, published in 1663, too late for Harvard’s gift.

    8d Amesij. . . . contra Armin:

    William Ames. De Arminii Sententia Qua Electionem Omnem Particularem, Fidei Praevisae Docet Inniti, Disceptatio Scholastica, inter Guil. Amesium Anglum et N. Grevinchovium. Amsterdam, 1613. 4o. hcl.

    A 1658 edition is also in HCL. Several of Ames’s books are polemics against the Remonstrants, but none of them appear in the 1723 catalogue except the Coronis ad Collationem Hagiensium mentioned by Potter. The date of the edition included there is 1650, too late to have been in the Harvard list. The above title is chosen as the only one to use the words “Arminius” or “Arminianus” on the title page. The same short title, “Ames Contra Armin,” appears (No. 328) in the list of Thomas Weld’s books bought for John Eliot in 1651 (our Publications, xxviii. 149).

    11 Apeius in Nov. Testamt.

    “Aretij (Bened.) in Nov. Testam. Comment. Genevae 1618.” fo.

    Benedictus Aretius. In Novum Testamentum Domini Nostri Iesu Christi Commentarii. Geneva, 1618. fo. uts.

    There is a copy in hdl. lacking the general title page. This identification is, to be sure, very uncertain. It implies that the person who made the original manuscript entry misread the author’s name as it appeared on the title page. I had made this conjecture before I discovered the close likeness between this list and the list of the Bellingham donation with its “Arresiū in N. Test,” which must mean “Aretium in N. Test.”

    12 Anatomy Arminianisme.

    “Corvini (Joan. Arnold.) Censura Anatomes Arminianismi. 2 Edit. Franc. ad. Maen. 1632.” 4o.

    Joannes Arnoldus Corvinus. Petri Molinaei Novi Anatomici Mali Encheiresis; seu Censura Anatomes Arminianismi. Frankfort, 1632. BL.

    This is identified by Potter with Pierre du Moulin, The Anatomy of Arminianisme (London, 1620, 1626), just as No. 144, “Mollinæus contra Arminios,” is identified with the Latin original of the same work, Anatome Arminianismi (Leyden, 1619 [or 1620]). Both appear in short-title form in both the Harvard and the Bellingham lists, but there is no copy of either in the catalogue of 1723. Further, No. 12 has no author’s name and lacks the “of” that would be expected in the title of the English edition. For these reasons I have proposed an alternative identification.

    23a,b Bezæ Test. N. cū Annotat. Test. Græc. Lat.

    Theodore Beza. Novum D. N. Iesu Christi Testamentum, a Theodoro Beza Versum, cum Eiusdem Annotationibus. Basel, 1560. fo.

    Theodore Beza. Iesu Christi D. N. Novum Testamentum, sive Foedus, Graece & Latine. [Geneva], 1565. 8o.

    The titles are taken from Thomas H. Darlow and Horace F. Moule, Historical Catalogue of the Printed Editions of Holy Scripture in the Library of the British and Foreign Bible Society (London, 1903–1911). This entry in the Harvard list probably represents two separate items (not, as Potter suggests, one), probably the two common forms of Beza’s Greek New Testament, which appeared in rapid succession. Several subsequent editions of these were issued at Geneva: of the first, in 1565, 1582, 1588, and 1598; of the second, in 1567, 1580, 1590, 1604, and 1611. All but two of these eleven editions are to be found in the libraries at Harvard University. According to the 1725 supplement to the 1723 catalogue a copy of the 1598 edition was then in the college library.

    23c Bezæ . . . In Epist. ad Galat.

    “Notae in Epistolam ad Galatas ex Gasp. Oleviani Concionibus Excerptae. Genev. 1581.” 8o.

    Theodore Beza. In Epistolam D. Pauli Apost. ad Galatas Notae, ex Concionibus Gasparis Oleviani Excerptae, et a Theodoro Beza Editae cum Praefatione Eiusdem Bezae. Geneva, 1581. bn.

    A copy of the edition of Geneva, 1578, from the Mather library is at the American Antiquarian Society.

    23d Beza . . . Ep͞l͞æ.

    “Bezae (Theod.) Epistolae. Genev. 1575.” 8o.

    Theodore Beza. Epistolarum Theologicarum Liber Unus. 2nd ed., Geneva, 1575. hcl.

    All previous efforts at identification of this title failed because it was misread “Ephes[ians].” But the manuscript list, which has “Ephes.” differently written in the next line, here plainly reads as above.

    27a Buxtorfi. Dixionar. Hebr:

    Johann Buxtorf. Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaicum. 4th ed., Basel, 1631. hdl.

    The first edition was in 1607. An edition of 1655 is in the 1723 catalogue. Potter suggested Buxtorf’s Lexicon Chaldaicum et Syriacum. A copy of this latter work survived the fire, perhaps the very one (Basel, 1622) which is listed in the catalogues of 1723 and 1790. But “Chaldaicum” is not “Hebraicum.”

    27b Buxtorfi . . . Gram̄: hebr:

    “Amamae (Sixdn.) Grammatica Hebraea Martinio-Buxtorfiana. Amstelod. 1634.” 8o.

    Sixtinus Amama. Grammatica Ebraea Martinio-Buxtorfiana seu Grammatica Petri Martinii Navarri, Quam ex Accuratissimis Aliorum Grammaticis Praecipue Vero Cl. Buxtorfii, Suisque Etiam Observationibus Sixtinus Amama Mutavit, Correxit & Auxit. Amsterdam, 1634. ats.

    The same edition was in the college library catalogue of 1790, and this title suits well the Buxtorf Hebrew grammar which escaped the fire through having been taken out of the library by Mr. Sewall in 1762. But Potter’s suggestion of Johann Buxtorf’s Thesaurus Grammaticus Linguae Sanctae Hebraeae is also a suitable identification for the short title in John Harvard’s list though none of its many editions appear in the 1723 catalogue except that of 1651. A copy of this edition was in the 1790 catalogue and hence may be the one which survived the fire. It is still extant, but its shelf number is not that given in the 1723 catalogue.

    29c Bellarmin . . . In 1ā & 2ā Epist: ad Thessalon.

    This title is still unidentified. Of the four works of Robert Bellarmine in the Harvard list, this one alone is not mentioned among some sixteen Bellarmine items in the catalogue of 1723.

    36 Bovilij Adagia.

    Potter suggests that this was a certain folio collection of proverbs edited by Johann Jacob Grynaeus and published at Frankfort in 1629. He adds: “It is entered in the List under Carolus Bovillus, the last of several authors mentioned on the title-page. It does not appear in the Catalogue of 1723.” Neither of these statements is quite correct. Bovillus is not the last mentioned of the several authors in the work suggested, nor does his name appear in a conspicuous place on the title page. Furthermore, the catalogue of 1723 has this entry: “Erasmi et Aliorum Adagiorum Collectio absolutissi. in Loc. Commun. digesta. — 1643” (fo). This is precisely the collection mentioned by Potter, but in a Frankfort edition too late to have been in John Harvard’s bequest. There is, therefore, the alternative of supposing that the entry in the Harvard list intended some other collection or else the early separate work of Charles de Bouelles entitled Caroli Bovilli Proverbiorum Vulgarium Libri Tres (Paris, 1531).

    38 Brentius de parabolis.

    “Gastij (Joan.) Similitudinum et dissimilitudinem [sic] Liber. Basil. 1540.” fo.

    Joannes Gastius. Parabolarum, sive Similitudinum ac Dissimilitudinum Liber. Cum Epistola D. Ioannis Brentii. Basel, 1540.

    The title is taken from Walther Köhler, Bibliographia Brentiana (Berlin, 1904), No. 694.

    43 Biblia Tremelij & Junij.

    “Biblia Sacra Vet. Testament, interpp. Junio et Tremellio et Nov. Testam. interpret. Beza. Edit. 7. Hannoviae 1624.” fo.

    “Biblia Sacra Vet. Test. ex Interpretat. Junii & Tremellii, et Nov. Testam. ex interpretatione Bezae. Amstelod. 1628.” 8o &c.

    Emmanuel Tremellius and François du Jon (Franciscus Junius). Testamenti Veteris Biblia Sacra sive Libri Canonici Priscae Judaeorum Ecclesiae a Deo Traditi, Latini Recens ex Hebraeo Facti, Brevibusque Scholiis Illustrati ab Immanuele Tremellio, & Francisco Junio Sermone Syro ab Eodem Tremellio, & ex Graeco a Theodoro Beza in Latinum Versos. 7th ed., Hanover, 1624, 1623. fo. hdl.

    Emmanuel Tremellius and François du Jon (Franciscus Junius). Biblia Sacra, sive Testamentum Vetus, ab Im. Tremellio et Fr. Iunio ex Hebraeo Latine Redditum, et Testamentum Novum a Theod. Beza e Graeco in Latinum Versum. Amsterdam, 1628. 8o. hcl.

    Potter wrongly assigns the second of these Latin Bibles to item No. 23. Under No. 43 he cites from the catalogue of 1723 only the former. So far as the lists of John Harvard and Richard Bellingham go, either of these would meet the requirement.

    53 Cleonardi.

    “Clenardi (N.) Institutiones ac Meditationes in Ling. Graec. Paris. 1566.” 4o.

    “Clenardi (Nic.) Tabula in Grammaticen Hebraicam. Paris. 1564.” 4o.

    Nicolaus Clenardus. Institutiones ac Meditadones in Graecam Linguam, cum Scholiis & Praxi P. Antesignani. Paris (Johann Borellus), 1566. 4o. hcl.

    Nicolaus Clenardus. לוּח הדּקדּוּק Tabula in Grammaticen Hebraeam. Paris, 1564. 4o. bn.

    The catalogue of the Bibliothèque Nationale shows that A. Wechelus also published in Paris in 1566 a quarto edition of the first of these books; and that in the case of the second there was an octavo edition of the same place, date, and publisher as the quarto edition.

    The entry in the Harvard list is almost illegible, the page on which it is written having been trimmed at the top. Sibley’s transcript, which may have been made before the page was so badly trimmed, reads plainly, “Cleonardi.” The title is gone entirely. There is no reason, therefore, to give, as Potter does, only one of the above quartos listed in the catalogue of 1723. hcl. has the Paris, 1539, edition of the second item.

    57 Chrystopolitanj opꝑa.

    I have been unable to identify this title.

    58 Christianity.

    My first impression was that this word was too common to permit of any identification, but further consideration has led to a more hopeful view. Several observations occurred to me: the word is not at all frequent in English theological writing of the period; in a considerable experience with lists of books printed before 1640 no title beginning with “Christianity” has come to my attention; my identification of No. 104 in this list proves that some of the entries were taken, in abbreviated form, from running heads; there were two books, and I think only two, printed before John Harvard’s death containing the word “Christianity” in the running head, and either of them was likely to have been included in his library.

    In 1603 Richard Rogers published Seven Treatises, Leading and Guiding to True Happiness. Farther on in the title appear the words “the Practice of Christianity.” In 1618 was issued The Practice of Christianity, or an Epitome of Seven Treatises. There were, according to the Short Title Catalogue, six editions of the first of these books and three of the second. Both were known by the short title which appears as the running head of the epitome: “The Practice of Christianity” (“of Christianity” appearing on the right-hand pages). The title appears in contemporary lists of Puritan libraries in New England (cf. our Publications, xxviii. 125, 137). Thomas Shepard refers to “old mr Rogers 7 Treatises & the Practise of Xtianity the booke which did first woorke vpon my hart” (our Publications, xxvii. 363). The catalogue of 1723 lists a 1610 edition of the Seven Treatises and a 1639 edition of the Practice of Christianity.

    John Rogers’ The Summe of Christianitie was first published about 1560 and again in 1579 (in the latter edition the date, through a typographical error, reads “1679”). The British Museum has a copy of both editions. The running head reads: “The Summe of Christianitie.” The right-hand pages have merely the word “Christianitie,” while, as has already been pointed out, Richard Rogers’ book has “of Christianity” as the running head on the right-hand pages. John Rogers’ book seems, therefore, more likely to be the work intended by the short title in John Harvard’s list. In any case, the identification is narrowed down to either one Rogers or the other, and perhaps to a copy which, because of the loss of the title page, was listed by a word in its right-hand running title.

    61 Chareus in Epist.

    I have been unable to identify this title although it is possibly one of the New Testament commentaries of David Pareus.

    64 Com̄entariū in Horatiū in Fol.

    “Lambini (Dionys.) in Horatium Flaccum Comment. Aurel Allobr. 1605.” 4o.

    Dionysius Lambinus. In Q. Horatium Flaccum Commentarius Locupletissimus. 6th ed., Geneva, 1605. 4o. hcl.

    The discrepancy between the description “in Fol.” and the listing of the book among the quartos in the catalogue of 1723 is explained by the actual size of the volume. Probably, though a quarto, it was shelved with the folios.

    65 Com̄ent in 4 Evangel. & Acta Apost. On the Prov.

    “Pelicani (Chuonrad.) Comment. in 4 Evang. et Act. Apost. Tiguri. 1637.” fo.

    Conrad Pellikan. In Sacrosancta Quatuor Evangelia et Apostolorum Acta Commentarij. Zürich, 1537. fo. hdl.

    Conrad Pellikan. משליּ שלמה • Proverbia Salomonis Translata et Annotationibus Illustrata. Basel, 1520. 8o. bm. bn.

    The entry in the Harvard list seems to call for two books from the same author: one containing in a single volume a commentary on the five historical books of the New Testament, the other a work on Proverbs. This combination is an almost impossible one to find, especially if, as the original manuscript entry indicates, the latter is to be in English while the former is to be in Latin. The two volumes named above come as near as any combination I can find to meeting the requirement, and even if the second be wrong, and if for this Latin-Hebrew text of Proverbs with commentary some other author’s work ought to be substituted, the first is almost certainly right, being abbreviated in the same way in the catalogue of 1723 as in the Harvard list. It is one of a set of folio volumes in which Conrad Pellikan published a complete commentary on the whole Bible, including the Apocrypha. All his works seem to be rather rare. The date in the 1723 catalogue is, through a typographical error, one hundred years too late.

    67 Com̄ent. in Arist. Phys. de anima.

    “Collegii Conimbricens. Comment, in 8 Lib. Phisic. Aristotelis Pars 1. Colon. 1616.” 4o.

    “Collegii Conimbricens. Comment, in 3 Lib. Aristot. de Anima. Colon. 1617.” 4o.

    Commentariorum Collegii Conimbricensis Societatis Iesu, in Octo Libros Physicorum Aristotelis Prima Pars. Cologne, 1616. 4o.

    Commentarii Collegii Conimbricensis Societatis Iesu, in Tres Libros de Anima Aristotelis Stagiritae. 4th ed., Cologne, 1617. hcl.

    The first title is taken from Carlos Sommervogel, Bibliothèque de la Compagnie de Jésus.

    The original entry seems to require the same commentator on these two parts of Aristotle. Potter suggests from the 1723 catalogue two appropriate works by Jacopo Zabarella. For the second he cites as less probable one of the above. He apparently did not note that in this case, too, there are in the catalogue of 1723 companion volumes suiting both parts of the Harvard entry. It seems to be slightly more likely that these commentaries rather than those of Zabarella would have been set down anonymously in the Harvard list. They emanated from the Jesuit College of Coimbra in Portugal where they were published in 1591 and 1595 respectively, but they were widely circulated in several later editions.

    69 Collection of statutes.

    “Pulton’s (Fardin.) Collection of Statutes. Lond. 1636.” fo.

    “The Statutes at large from Magna Charta to the 29th of Queen Elizabeth. Lond. 1587.” fo.

    “The Statutes at large from the 35 of Q. Elizabeth to the 4 of K. Charles. — —” fo.

    Ferdinando Pulton. A Collection of Sundrie Statutes Frequent in Use Together with an Abridgement of the Residue Which Be Expired. London, 1636. fo. hll.

    The Whole Volume of Statutes at Large, Which at Anie Time Heretofore Have Beene Extant in Print, since Magna Charta, until the xxix Yeare of the Reigne of Our Most Gratious Sovereigne Ladie Elizabeth. London, 1587. fo. hcl.

    I have been unable to ascertain the exact title of the third item cited from the 1723 catalogue. Any of the three titles from the 1723 catalogue meets the requirements of the short anonymous entry in the John Harvard list. On the whole the first seems the best guess. The copy of the second item now in the Harvard College Library survived the fire of 1764, and it has been suggested that it is the actual book given by John Harvard. It has no mark of a previous owner.

    72f Chytreus in . . . Ester.

    Of the seven titles by David Chytraeus in the Harvard list, this one alone is not mentioned in the catalogue of 1723 nor in any of the bibliographies. He seems to have written on most of the other books of the Bible, but not on Esther.

    74 Catin. Phrases.

    “Manuiit [sic] (Ald.) Phrases Linguae Latinae. Lond. 1613.” 8o.

    Aldus Manutius. Phrases Linguae Ladnae Conscriptae Nunc Primum in Ordinem Abedecarium Adductae, & in Anglicum Sermonem Conversae. London, 1613. 8o. bpl.

    After toying with titles in “Catena” or authors named Cato (Catonis) I have concluded that the trouble here is simply the miswriting of a first letter (cf. Nos. 187 and 230, below). “Latin Phrases” would then be a natural short title for the above work published in the name of Aldus Manutius. There are of course other possibilities (cf. Nos. 56 and 89 in the Harvard list).

    75e Danej . . . his com̄on Ethicks.

    This I have not identified, unless it be Lambert Daneau’s Ethices Christianae Libri Tres (Geneva, 1577, and later editions).

    89 Elegant Phrases.

    I have been unable to identify this. Potter says “. . . more probably a duplicate entry for ‘Draxe, Thomas. Calliepeia,’ No. 56,” whose title continues, “Or, a Rich Store-house of Proper, Choise and Elegant Latine Words and Phrases.” Another possibility is Aldus Manutius’ Phrases Linguae Latinae, suggested above for No. 74. That any English edition of this included the word “elegant” in the title I do not know. In those I have seen, following the letter of dedication is a new heading: “Elegantes Copiosaeque Latinae Linguae Phrases, ab Aldo Manutio Pauli Filio Conscriptae.” But the work as published first in Italian in 1558 was called Eleganze, Insieme con la Copia della Lingua Toscana e Latina. French editions had such titles as Phrases sive Elegantiae Auctae Gallicae Factae (Rouen 16010 [sic]), or Purae Elegantes et Copiosae Latinae Linguae Phrases (Lyons, 1581). A German edition published in Cologne in 1567 had the same title as that of the Lyons edition. Another, published in Leipzig in 1603, was entitled Purae Elegantes Linguae Latinae Phrases.

    97 Fuebernes lapidua Pasmaliensis.

    This I cannot identify. The entry in the original manuscript, being interlined, is difficult to read. Sibley, instead of transcribing it at all, wrote in his copy: “?? can’t read this title.” The first word is perhaps “Funebres,” as in item No. 94. The last word may begin with “D” (for “Damascensis”?).

    104 Household Phys:

    No book with a title like this has been found. A nearly hopeless quest has, however, been happily concluded as a result of a suggestion received from Dr. Larkey of the Welch Medical Library, Baltimore, through his assistant Miss Helen Wheeler. The phrase is apparently part of the running head employed in one of the frequently republished works of Gervase Markham. It may be conjectured that John Harvard’s copy lacked the title page and that the list employed the words which appear at the top of the right-hand pages of the first chapter. The following are some of the forms of title and running head:

    Country Contentments, or the English Huswife. London, 1623. Running title: “The English Houswifes/House-hold Physicke.” heh. stc.

    The English House-Wife. London, 1631 [also collected with other items in A Way to Get Wealth. London, 1631]. Running title: “The English House-wifes/Houshold Physicke.” heh. stc.

    The English House-wife. London, 1637 [also collected with other items in A Way to Get Wealth. London, 1638]. Running title: “The English Hous-wifes/Houshold Physicke.” hcl. stc.

    105 Haxions Prælections.

    I have not succeeded in identifying this.

    111b Hemmingius . . . in Epist. ad Collos:

    Niels Hemmingsen. Commentarius in Epistolam Pauli ad Colossenses. Wittenberg, 1566. 8o.

    The title is taken from No. 811 in Lauritz Nielsen, Dansk Bibliografi, 1551–1600, 1 (Copenhagen, 1931), 221, which locates copies at St. Andrew’s University Library, Salisbury Cathedral Library, and several places on the Continent. The title is not in the catalogue of 1723.

    115 H.

    All other letters of the entry have been trimmed off. Two strokes show below the line and suggest the possibility that the word was “Hyperius” (Andreas Gerardus Hyperius). The catalogue of 1723 lists the following of his works: “Comment. In Epist. ad Hebraeos” (Zürich, 1584, folio); “Annotationes in Prophet. Isaiam” (Basel, 1557, octavo).

    124a Lutherus in Genesin.

    Martin Luther. In Primum Librum Mose Ennarationes Collectae [Vol. 1].

    Martin Luther. In Genesin Ennarationum Collectarum tomus secundus [tertius, quartus].

    The titles are taken from the bibliography in D. Martin Luthers Werke: Kritische Gesamtausgabe, xlii (Weimar, 1911).

    Potter is incorrect in suggesting that this is the title of one of the seven volumes of the Works, which are also listed in this entry (“Tomus 1us, 2us, 3us, 4us, 5us, 6us, 7us”). It is, rather, a separate work published in folio in 1544–1554 (4 vols., various places). There were two later folio editions: Nuremberg, 1550–1563 (4 vols., copy in ats.), and Wittenberg, 1556. There was also an octavo edition at Frankfort in 1545–1555. As the item is not in the 1723 catalogue, there is no way of knowing what edition was included in John Harvard’s bequest or in Richard Bellingham’s gift. A third list of early gifts to the library, those of Peter Bulkley, also includes “Lutherum in Genesin.”

    125 Luke Angl.

    I have been unable to identify this title.

    133 Lamentations.

    “Udal’s (Joh.) Comment, on the Lamentations. Lond. 1637.” 4o.

    [John Udall]. A Commentarie upon the Lamentations of Ieremy. London, 1595. cl.

    The entry obviously refers to an English work on the Book of Lamentations. If the omission of the author’s name be taken as proof that the name did not appear on the title page, the identification that I have offered is almost certainly correct.

    148 Melanchj Logica.

    I have been unable to identify this title. Apparently, however, it is a work of Melanchthon, whose name is often abbreviated as “Melanth.” His work on logic appeared successively under three different titles, none, however, containing the word “Logica”: Compendiaria Dialectices Ratio (1520); Dialectices Libri Quatuor (1528); and Erotemata Dialectices (1547). See Karl Hartfelder, Philipp Melanchthon als Pracceptor Germaniae (Berlin, 1889), 211. Possibly the short title is an error for Melanchthon’s Loci Communes Rerum Theologicarum seu Hypotyposes Theologicae (Wittenberg, 1521), a copy of which or of one of the later editions or of the German translation (1536) alone could satisfy the entry (without place or date) in the catalogue of 1723: “Melancthonis (Phil.) Loci Communes. (Tit. deest).” I find no more likely candidate in the bibliography in Hartfelder, Philipp Melanchthon, 579–620. Another Melanchthon title worth noting here is Loci Praecipui Theologici (Wittenberg, 1569). hdl.

    153 Montanj in Psal. Provr Comt. & Hebr.

    Benedictus Arias Montanus. ספר תהלים משלי קהלת ושיר השירים Psalmi Davidis, Proverbia Salomonis, Ecclesiastes et Canticum Canticorum Hebraicè cum Interlineari Versione Santis Pagnini: Benedicti Ariae Montani & Aliorum Collato Studio ad Hebraicam Dictionem Diligentissime Expensa. Geneva, n.d. 8o. hcl.

    Cf. Jacques LeLong, Bibliotheca Sacra (revised by Andrea G. Masch, Halle, 1778–1790), i. 164; ii. 537. The imprint in the original is in Hebrew. The printer’s name, “Cephas Elon” in Hebrew characters, is Petrus Quercetanus, who was known to the French as Pierre de la Rouvière. He published interlinear Old and New Testaments in Geneva from 1609 to 1620. See Darlow and Moule, Historical Catalogue of the Printed Editions of Holy Scriptures, No. 5113, etc. The device on the title page appears also in works of the same printer in 1599 and 1607. See Paul Heitz, Genfer Buchdrucker- und Verlegerzeichen (Strassburg, 1908), No. 117. This is the only way of conjecturing the book’s date. A second edition was published in Paris in 1632. Obviously the entry in the Harvard list stands for a single volume and not, as formerly supposed, a set of otherwise unknown commentaries by Arias Montanus on Psalms, Proverbs, and Hebrews. The author’s name is often more properly given as Pagninus. The “Comt.” in the manuscript entry is a mistake for “Cant.,” and the ampersand is superfluous.

    155 N. Test. Catholicj Expositio Eccl͞e͞s:

    “Marlorati(August.) Exposit. Ecclesiast. in Nov. Testa. 7 Edit.——1620.” fo.

    Augustin Marlorat. Novi Testamenti Catholica Expositio Ecclesiastica. 7th. ed., [Geneva], 1620. fo. ats.

    157 N. Test. Lat.

    I have been unable to identify this title.

    159 Natales Comes, in 29 Tomis.

    I have been unable to identify this title. Potter says: “This entry is obviously wrong. Natale Conti (Natalis Comes), although a somewhat voluminous writer, does not appear to have published as many as 29 volumes, nor were his collected works issued.” My only suggestion is that several works of his were included in the Harvard collection and that the scribe, being weary of the longer lists of titles in such instances, now adopted the expedient of a collective title. Compare Nos. 164 and 198, below, and contrast the itemized entries of the works of Ames, Beza, Bellarmine, Broughton, Calvin, “Cornelius,” Chytraeus, etc., in the earlier part of the alphabet. In this instance he may have added up as “volumes” the “books” within the several works. Thus the two volumes by Conti listed in the 1723 catalogue as Mythologiae (Frankfort, 1681) contained “Mythologiae Libri Decem” and “Libri Quatuor de Venatione.” The rest of the twenty-nine volumes, if that was the right total (the original entry shows signs of having been changed), could, on this basis, have been made up of other works containing several “books.” Possibly the original list read simply “in 2 Tomis” or “2us Tomis,” referring to the Mythologiae.

    164 Piscator. 17 Tomis.

    I have not been able to identify this title. The problem is the same as in the case of No. 159, except that Johannes Piscator was a voluminous writer. His exegetical writings, as first issued in separate works on one or more books of the Bible, amounted to twenty-four volumes, and in addition he wrote on classical and other topics. By 1723 only a half dozen of his works were in the college library.

    168 Philippi Homil: in Jonam.

    “Galli (Phil.) Homiliae in Prophetam Jonam. Magdeb. 1606.” 8o.

    Philippus Gallus. XXX Homiliae in Prophetam Ionam. Magdeburg, 1606. 8o.

    The title is taken from a photostat of the title page of the copy in the Staatsbibliothek, Berlin.

    170 Pareus de doctrina Xiana.

    “Ursini (Zach.) Corpus Christianae Doctrinae, cum Explicationibus; Edit. Studio Paraei. Heidelb. 1621.” 8o.

    Zacharias Ursinus. Corpus Doctrinae Christianae Ecclesiarum à Papatu Reformatarum, Continens Catecheticas Explicationes Zachariae Ursini Ita Recognitum ut Novum Opus Haberi Possit Studio Davidis Parei. Heidelberg, 1621. 8o. bc. tc.

    This work seems to fit the original entry better than the one selected by Potter from the 1723 catalogue: David Pareus, Opera Theologica Exegetica (n.p., 1628).

    173 Porcensis orationes.

    I have not been able to identify this title. The first word is as difficult as the second is common. I may hazard as a guess “Phorcensis” (meaning “from Pforzheim”), a Latin name often used for Johannes Reuchlin, “dictus Capnio Phorcensis.” The 1723 catalogue includes: “Reuchlini (Joh.) Rudimentorum Hebraicorum Libri duo. Basil. 1537” (folio); “Reuchlini (Joan.) De Accentibus et Orthographia Linguae Hebraicae Lib. 3. Hagenoae 1518” (quarto); and “Reuchlini (Joan.) in 7 Psalmos paenitentiales hebraicos Interpretatio & Commentarioli [n.p., n.d.]” (octavo). But neither these nor any other of Reuchlin’s works seem to justify the word “orationes.”

    184b Preston . . . 4 Sermons.

    “Preston’s (Joh.) Of the New Covenant. Lond. 1634.” 4o.

    John Preston. The New Covenant, or the Saints Portion. A Treatise Unfolding the All-sufficiencie of God, Mans Uprightnes, and the Covenant of Grace. Delivered in Fourteen Sermons upon Gen. 17.1,2 Whereunto Are Adioyned Foure Sermons upon Eccles. 8th ed., London, 1634. 4o. hcl.

    Except for the appendix of this work, I find none of Preston’s many volumes containing exactly four sermons. Potter suggested Preston’s Sermons Preached before His Majestie (London, 1634), mentioned in the catalogue of 1723, but it has five sermons. Another alternative is Foure Godly and Learned Treatises Delivered in Sundry Sermons (London, 1631), but I do not find this in the catalogue of 1723. Preston had been Master of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, John Harvard’s own college.

    A copy of Preston’s New Covenant is listed among the 404 books which “escap’d the flames” in 1764. It had been borrowed by Secretary Willard in 1748! There is no record that it was returned after the fire. It is not in the 1790 catalogue.

    187 Quirbi com̄ent: in Psalmos & Prophetas.

    “Riveti (Andr.) Comment, in Psalmorum Propheticorum Decadem Selectam. Ludg. Bat. 1626.” 4o.

    André Rivet. Commentarius in Psalmorum Propheticorum de Mysteriis Evangelicis Decadem Selectam. Leyden, 1626. 4o. tc.

    In its later form the title had “dodecadem” in place of “decadem.” Potter had guessed: “Quiros, Augustin de. Commentarii exegetici litterales in postremum canticum Moysis . . . prophetas Nahum et Malachiam, etc. Lugduni: 1623. 4o.” It is not, however, in the catalogue of 1723, and the likeness of name and title to what is given in the original manuscript is not great. I have assumed that there is a superfluous ampersand as in No. 153 (see above) and that there is a manuscript confusion between “Quirbi” and “Riveti.” In seventeenth-century handwriting that would be easy. In fact, Sibley in his transcript read the name as “Quieti,” which is at least one stage nearer to “Riveti.”

    191a,b,c,d Rami Graeca Gram̄: Lat. Logica cū Talaej Rhetorica. . . .

    “Sabatecii (Sam.) Logica Pert. Rami florens. Francof. 1617.” 4o.

    Petrus Ramus. Grammatica Graece Quatenus a Latina Differt. Paris, 1560 (and later editions).

    Petrus Ramus. Logica, Perpetuis Tabulis M. Samuelis Sabatecii Delineata et Succincto Commentario Joan. Henr. Alstedii Illustrata. Frankfort, 1617. 4o. Audoramus Taleus. Rhetoricae Libri Duo, P. Rami Praelectionibus Illustrati. Basel, 1573. 8o.

    The titles are taken from Charles Waddington, Ramus, Sa Vie, Ses Écrits et Ses Opinions (Paris, 1855), 460, 454, 464. In spite of the Latin grammar of Ramus cited by Potter from the 1723 catalogue, it seems better to suppose from the cryptic wording of the list that there was only one grammar, and that a Greek one. My identification of “Logica” is preferable to Potter’s because it is confirmed by the catalogue of 1723; and my identification of the last of these Ramus titles is better because the title cited lays claim to partial authorship of Ramus. This rhetoric by Omer Talon was a common text for college boys. A copy of the Frankfort, 1579, edition, bound with Ramus’ work on dialectics (Paris, 1574) and his Greek grammar (London, 1581), was used by Dudley Bradstreet, who graduated from Harvard in 1698. It is now at the Massachusetts Historical Society. A small book containing Ramus’ work on logic and Talon’s work on rhetoric was issued in 1610, apparently at Frankfort.

    194a Rogers, his Divinity.

    John Rogers. The Summe of Christianity. London, 1579. stc.

    Thomas Rogers. The English Creede, Consenting with the True Auncient Catholique and Apostolique Church in All the Points and Articles of Religion. 2 vols., London, 1585–1587. fo. stc.

    Thomas Rogers. The Faith, Doctrine and Religion Professed and Protected in the Realme of England. Cambridge, 1607 (and later editions), stc.

    Apparently the manuscript entry is not the actual title; at least no work by a Rogers including the word “divinity” in the title has been identified. Besides Potter’s guess, the much-used Seaven Treatises or The Practice of Christianity by Richard Rogers (cf. No. 58), the works listed above are suggested.

    198 Sculteti opera.

    No collected edition of the works of Abraham Scultetus was published. The author of the list has therefore lumped together, without itemizing, a group of Scultetus titles. Potter suggests the five titles which appear in the 1723 catalogue. One can do no better.

    207 Sebati Phys:

    I have been unable to identify this title.

    218 Test. N. Graec.

    The omission of both place and date for the Testamentum Novum Graecum in the 1723 catalogue leaves this entry quite indefinite.

    225 Test.

    The rest of the entry is nearly all trimmed off. If from the remains I correctly guess the next two letters as “Ve,” it is likely that the entry was “Test. Vetus,” probably referring to a copy of the Septuagint.

    230 Terus in Exod. Num. Deut. Josh. Jud.

    “Feri (Joan.) Annotat, in Exod. Num. Jos. Jud. Col. Agrip. 1574.” 8o.

    Joannes Ferus. Ecclesiastae Olim Mogumtomo, non Minus Eruditae, Quam Catholicae Annotationes, in Exodum, Numeros, Deuteronomium, Lib. Iosue, Lib. Iudicum. Cologne, 1574. 8o.

    The title is taken from a photostat of a copy in the Staatsbibliothek, Berlin. A copy without the title page is in hdl. There was also an edition of 1571. The confusion of “Ferus” with “Terus” is simple but has hitherto served to obscure the identity of the work.

    235 Treasury of God.

    Potter conjectured that this was F. B., Gods Treasurie Displayed (London, 1630). I cannot improve on this suggestion. There was at one time a copy in the Prince Collection at the Boston Public Library. The author was not Francis Bunny, as suggested tentatively in the Dictionary of National Biography, but, as stated in a contemporary manuscript list of short titles, Francis Bridges, “Londoner, tradesman.” Cf. stc, No. 3733.

    239 Vocatio Judæorū.

    “Heurnii (Just.) Admonitio de Vocatione Ethnicorum & Judaeorum. Ludg. Bat. 1628.” 8o.

    Justi Van Heurn. De Vocatione Ethnicorum et Iudaeorum Ultimâ ad Fidem Christianam Admonitio, seu de Legatione Evangelica ad Indos. Leyden, 1628. 8o.

    The title is taken from Alphonse Willems, Les Elzevier (Brussels, 1880), No. 296. The work is apparently better known in its 1618 edition with the title De Legatione Evangelica ad Indos Capessenda Admonitio. A copy of this edition is in hcl. This identification is to be compared with that of Potter, also cited from the catalogue of 1723: William Gouge, Of the Calling of the Jews (London, 1621). I find no evidence elsewhere in the list that English titles were entered in Latin translation.