Admissions to Church Membership, 1786–1956
Votes of Church, 1786–1840
Book III
[1] At a Meeting of the First Church in Boston, June 4, 1786 A.D.422
I. Voted unanimously, that it is our opinion, that all, who acknowledge the divine authority of the gospel, ought (if they would be consistent) to observe its positive institutions.
II. Voted unanimously, that we remove every obstacle, which may prevent those who worship, from communing with us; and that we impose no other terms of communion than such as are found in the word of God, or may be clearly inferred from it.
III. Voted unanimously that all who believe in Jesus Christ; profess this belief; and sustain a good moral character, have a right to commune at the Lord’s Table: it appearing from sacred authority, that nothing more was required of the primative candidates for communion.
IV. Voted unanimously that when any person, qualified according to the preceding Vote, shall desire stated communion, nothing more shall be required than subscription to the declaration of Faith to which we have set our hands; that this may be done in private, provided the Church be informed that such candidate has made application [2] and his actual subscription be announced the first time he shall present himself to communion.
V. When any person, qualified, in a judgment of charity, to commune with us, but discouraged by scruples in his own mind, shall offer a child for baptism, Voted unanimously, that nothing further be required, than subscription to our common declaration of faith, assenting however to this additional article, that he will educate his child in the faith and practice of that religion to which he has solemnly set his hand.
Attest John Clarke Minister of Said Church.
[3] Declaration of Faith Subscribed by the Members of the First Church of Christ in Boston
I. We, whose names are underwritten, declare our Faith in the one only living and true God.
II. We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, that he was sanctified of the Father, and sent into the world, that he might “redeem us from all iniquity; and purify to himself a peculiar people zealous of good works.”
III. We believe in that gospel, which was ratified by the death and resurrection of its author; and solemnly promise to make it the only rule of our faith and practice.
United by the ties of One Lord, one common Faith, and one Baptism, we promise to live in Christian love; to watch over each other as members of the same body; to counsel and assist, whenever there shall be occasion; to be faithful to our master, and faithful to each other, waiting in joyful hope of an eternal happy intercourse in the heavenly world.
[4] Signed Males (transferred)423
- Charles Chauncy
- John Clarke
- Jonathan Williams
- James Thwing
- Jacob Williams
- Thomas Cushing
- Samuel Warden
- Jer: Green
- Nathaniel Thayer
- John Gray
- John Crosley
- Joseph Lowden
- Samuel Partridge
- Timothy White
- Israel Loring
- Daniel Thwing
- Ichabod Jones
- John Newell
- John Greenleaf
- [William Clough]424
- N. W. Appleton
- David Tilden
- James Pearson
- Ebenezer Battelle
- William Morrill
- Matthew James
- Nathaniel Thayer
- James Morrill
- Robert Rand
- [5] Signed Females (transferred)
- Sarah Adams
- Esther Clarke
- Sarah Williams
- Martha Thwing
- Martha Thwing425
- Mary Williams
- Margaret Williams
- Deborah Cushing
- Ruth Thwing
- Sarah Green
- Abigail Gray
- Elizabeth Crosley
- Rebecca Lowden
- Abigail Browne
- Sarah Green
- Elizabeth Blanchard
- Elizabeth Blanchard426
- Martha Leverette
- Mary Greenleaf
- Katharine Greenleaf
- Eunice Greenleaf
- Elizabeth Hinchman
- Ruth Arsonneau
- Mary Loring
- Catharine Gray
- Ruth Thayer
- Lydia Ash
- Hannah Stevens
- Sarah Griffith
- Sarah McMair
Letter of Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse to the Reverend William Emerson reporting an anonymous gift to provide for the vaccination of one hundred members of the congregation, March 28, 1811
[6] Signed Males
- Timothy Lyman
- Ezekiel Price
- Cornelius Thayer
- Osias Moore
- Benjamin Johnson
- Nathaniel Fellows
- Samuel Thwing junior
- Abraham Bishop
- John Clinton427
- Daniel Wild
- Obadiah Thayer Junior
- Cornelius Fellowes
- Samuel Bulfinch
- Joseph Warren Jenkins
- William Hilliard
- Enoch Huse
- Daniel Denison Rogers
- Abijah Cheever
- William Emerson
- Edward Blake Junior
- James Thwing
- Jacob Copeland
- [7] Signed Females (transferred)
- Suviah Thayer
- Anna Archbald
- Sarah Appleton
- Sally Heming
- Sarah Barrell
- Rebecca428 Parrott
- Joanna Tilden
- Abigail Pearson
- Sarah Berkes (Connexion dissolved February 1825)
- Anna Battelle
- Mary Newell
- Elizabeth Morrill
- Sarah Tilden
- Sarah Durant
- Hannah Danniels
- Sarah Bradlee
- Martha Williams
- Hannah Williams
- Jenet Frasier
- Mindwell Sumner
- Mary Morrill
- Mary Browne
- Hannah Smith
- Hannah Austin
- Joanna Otis
- Elizabeth Bradlee
- Ruth Price
- [8] Signed Males
- Jonathan L. Austin
- Nathaniel Appleton
- William Lankester
- James H. Foster. Died Dec. 10, 1862 (89)
- Andrew E. Thayer
- Obadiah Huse
- Dudley Richardson
- Moses Barnard (suspended August 1825)
- David Francis, June 1809
- Samuel Bradford
- Nathaniel Goddard. Died in 1853
- Gamaliel Bradford
- Henry H. Tuckerman
- William Smith
- Minott Thayer, May 1, 1812
- Samuel Floyd, May 1, 1812
- Peter Chardon Brooks, March 3, 1813. Died in 1849
- John Lovejoy Abbott, July 4, 1813
- Joseph Woodward, Jan. 2, 1814. (Relation transferred 1822)
- Ephraim H. Farrar, Feb. 6, 1814
- [9] Signed Females (transferred)
- Rachel Emmons
- Martha Tilden, transferred
- Mary Tilden
- Rachel Bradford
- Rebecca Lamb
- Rebecca Smith429
- [Lucy Morse]430
- Mary Blanchard
- Elisabeth Blanchard
- Susanna Witherton
- Jane Salmon
- Rebecca Thwing
- Ann Williams
- Anna Dashwood
- Sarah Wild
- Elizabeth Thayer
- Mary Morrill
- Ann Voase
- Sarah Tilden
- Hannah Barrell
- Sarah Williams
- Martha Homans
- Sarah Homans
- Myra Eliot
- Hannah Wells
- [10] Males
- Joseph S. Buckingham, March 6. (Dismissed at his own request Feb. 11, 1821)
- George Blanchard, June 5
- William Furness, June 5
- Stephen Babcock, Aug. 7
- Edward Reynold, March 5. (1848)
- N. L. Frothingham, March 5
- Ephraim L. Frothingham, April 2
- Sarah Wheelwright, May 4 (See Females)
- Edward Reynolds Jr., May 5
- P. Frothingham, May 30. (1826)
- John Boies, June 30
- Isaac Hall, Feb. 3
- William Hill, Feb. 25
- Lewis G. Pray, Feb. 25
- James Phillips, March 3
- Daniel L. Gibbens, April 5
- Eldad Brown, April 6. (1837)
- Peter Allen, Nov. 2
- N. H. Furness Jr., Nov. 8
- Thomas T. Robinson, Jan. 31
- [11] Females
- Eliza Bradford
- Eliza Hastings
- Abigail Jenkins
- Sarah Blake
- Charlotte Otis
- Betsey Woodbury
- Ruth Emerson
- Martha Thwing
- Jannett Thwing
- Rebeckah Bridge
- Abigail Rogers
- Mary Morse
- Susanna Thayer Soper
- Mary H. Bliss
- Sarah Tilden
- Hannah Stevenson
- Anna Jones
- Harriet Downes
- Clarissa Downes
- Nancy Battelle
- Louisa Battelle
- Mary Roberts
- Rebecca Roberts
- Elizabeth Foster
- [12] Mary Sargent Allen (See p. 16.)
- Males
- Ephraim Hall, April 1
- William Emerson, May 31
- R. Waldo Emerson, May 31
- James G. Barnard, Sept. 7
- George W. Smith, April 1
- Samuel M. Thayer, July 30
- Daniel Messinger, Jan. 5. (1846)
- Ebenezer Claflen, Jan. 5. (1831)
- Supply C. Thwing, May
- Elsey F. Thwing
- William Bentley Fowle, Sept. 4
- Maria Antoinette Fowle, Sept. 4
- Charlotte Lovell Gibson, Oct. 2 (connexion transferred August 1834)
- Hannah Elisabeth Stevenson, Dec. 1
- Margaret Stevenson, Dec. 2
- Winifred Tupper Wheelwright, Feb.
- Elizabeth Gardner Wheelwright, Feb.
- [13] Females
- Rachel Thayer
- Mary Patch
- Grace Hill
- Susan Sturgis
- Sarah Paine
- Jane Austin
- Elizabeth Tilden
- Mary Appleton
- Sarah Hurd
- Patty Metcalf
- Rebecca Bridge
- Susan Powell Warren
- Sarah Battelle
- Ann Furness
- Hannah Brown
- Nancy Roberts
- Elizabeth Williams
- Abigail Joy
- Nancy Holmes (transferred connexion May 5, 1815)
- Abigail Park
- Margaret Corbett
- Elisabeth Cade
- Priscilla Phillips
- [14] 1823
- Elizabeth Anna Foster, May 31
- Sarah H. Jenks, Aug. 3
- Elisabeth Richardson, Dec. 5. (1844)
- Elizabeth Joy, Jan. 1
- Henrietta May Goddard, Feb. 1
- Rebecca Beaman, Feb. 1 (connexion transferred June 1825)
- Mary R. Gibbens, July 3
- Mary Hickling, Aug. 28
- Ann Holden, Sept. 3
- Lucy Holden, Sept. 3
- Mary Storer Goddard, Dec. 30
- Louisa Cathrine Smith Foster, Jan. 1
- Mary Smith Foster, Jan. 1
- Rebecca Tilden Phillips, Feb. 28
- Sarah Phillips, March 31
- Martha Stinson Phillips, March 31 (Mrs. Lewis—1850)
- Harriet P. Homer, June 30
- Elizabeth Gibbens, Sept. 2
- Susana Messinger, Jan. 5
- Hannah Thayer, June 3
- Mary Alline, Nov. 28. (1848)
- Hannah Alline, Nov. 28 (See p. 12)
- [15] Females
- Abigail Roe Blanchard
- Susanna Barnard
- Susanna Richardson
- Susanna Boylston Richardson
- Mary Francis, June 1809
- Mary Chapman
- Elizabeth Storer Smith
- Anna Phillips
- Harriet Clarke
- Sally Huse
- Betsey Hale Huse
- Lucy Hill Huse
- Ann Bradford
- Katharine Barton Bradford
- Lucy Bradford
- Lucy Haynes (connexion dissolved April 1824)
- Lydia Sanger
- Lucretia Goddard
- Sarah A. Bradford
- Ruth Lyman Tuckerman
- Joanna Howard (connexion transferred to the Twelfth Church December 1840)
- [16] 1816
- Mary Gray, Nov. 25
- Fanny Gray, Nov. 25 (connexion transferred)
- Mary Sargent Allen, Nov. 25 (See P. 12)
- Rachel Bradlee Tilden, May 29 (1850)
- Sarah Bradlee Pollock, May 29
- Sarah Homer, Aug. 1
- Susan Gibson, Oct. 30
- Mary Elwell, Dec. 6
- Nancy Haynes, Dec. 6 (certificate of dismission granted January 14, 1825)
- Ann Gorham Brooks, Dec. 20
- Fanny Otis, Oct. 30
- Sarah Russell, Oct. 30
- Eliza L. Henshaw, July 30
- Charlotte Gray Brooks, July 30
- Hannah Joy, Nov. 7
- Lucretia D. Goddard
- Hannah Call
- Helen M. Paine, Nov. 30
- Sarah C. Paine, Nov. 30 (Mrs. Aylwyn, 1848)
- Adeline E. Reynolds, Dec. 1
- Hannah Matilda Bradlee
- Mary Otis Pilsbury, June 1
- Kezia Sawyer, Feb. 1 (See p. 14)
- [17] 1823
- Mary Parker Tilden
- Judith C. Huntington
- Hannah Smith, Feb. 2
- Nancy Floyd, May 1
- Elizabeth Morrill, Feb. 5
- Ann Brooks, March 3. (1830)
- Hannah Glover, April 4. (1845)
- Anna Curtis, July 2
- Susannah Robbins, Oct. 12
- Nancy Benjamin, Jan. 2
- Betsey Bellows, Jan.
- Louisa Bellows, Feb. 4
- Ruth Thwing, March 6
- Melinda Buckingham, March 6. (1846)
- Ann Archbald, April 3
- Sarah Archbald, April 3
- Catharine Moore, May 1
- Charlotte Moore, May 1
- Mehitable Otis, June 5
- Ruth Beals, July 3
- Sally Paine, Aug. 7
- Mary Paine, Aug. 7
- Maria A. Paine
- Lucretia Paine
- Mary Rice, Dec. 4 (Relation transferred)
- [18] 1815
- Polly Robinson, Feb. 5
- Nabby Joy, April 2
- Susan Mitchell Hall, April 2
- Ann Bradlee, April 2
- Joanna Frothingham, April 2
- P. L. Frothingham, April 2
- Mary Gibbens, May 4
- Sarah Wheelwright, May 4 (See May 4, 1815. Males, p. 10)
- Elizabeth Frazier, May 27
- Sarah Hayward, May 30
- Sophia Frothingham, June 4
- Eliza Lincoln, June 28
- Jane T. Reynolds, June 30
- Fanny M. Reynolds, June 30
- Sarah Boies, June 30
- Joanna Frothingham, July 1
- Ruthy Webber, Aug. 5
- Pamela Brown, Oct. 5. (1850)
- Deborah Wheeler, Nov. 10
- Eunice Durant, Feb. 27 (relation transferred February 1823)
- Mary Pilsberry, July 2
- Sally Allen, Nov. 2 (See preceding page)
[19] This Covenant dispensed with by a unanimous vote of the Church July 6, 1828, as recorded at the end of the Signatures.
Declaration431 of Faith Subscribed by those who Request Baptism for their Children
I. We, whose names are underwritten, declare our Faith in the one only living and true God.
II. We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, that he was sanctified of the Father, and sent into the world, that he might redeem us from all iniquity; and purify to himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.
III. We believe in that gospel, which was ratified by the death and resurrection of its author; and promise to make it the only rule of our faith and practice.
And we solemnly engage to educate our children in the faith and practice of that religion, to which we set our hand.
- Benjamin Austin junior
- Edward Read
- David Tyler
- Samuel Torrey.
- James Dawson
- Eliakim Morse
- Seer Kimbal
- Robert Williams Junior
- Edward Curtis
- Peter Branch
- [20]
- John Brown
- Thomas Rogers
- David Smith Marston
- Mary432 Cunningham
- Samuel Thayer
- David West
- Benjamin Homer
- Jonathan Williams
- Edmund Wright
- Lemuel Ludden
- George Cade
- Abijah Cheever
- Joseph Harris
- Michael Bird
- Samuel Tucke
- Gamaliel Bradford Junior
- James Phillips
- P. C. Brooks
- [Thomas Redman]
- [Mary Green]
- [Samuel Bradlee 2d]433
- John W. Blanchard
- Samuel Miller Thayer
- Phillis Ward
- Venus Watson
- James Thwing
- Elisabeth Linnaken
- adults
- Rachel Linnaken
- Martha Linnaken
- [21]
- William Wesson
- Samuel Wheelwright
- Eliza Bradford
- Sarah Bradford Hickling
- Charlotte Hickling
- Joseph Barrell Junior
- John G. Doubleday
- Elisha Woods
- William Stevenson
- Edward Carnes
- Allan Pollock
- David W. Bradlee
- Benjamin Burt Hooton
- Joshua Loring
- Edward Blake Junior
- William Hickling
- Charles Paine
- John West
- Obadiah Wright
- [22]
- Asa Bullard
- Asa Page
- John Hancock Abbot
- Sally Loring
- Robert Little
- Benajah Brigham
- Daniel Henry
- Sarah Henry
- Harry Smith
- Catherine Waters
- John Q. Adams
- Josiah Bradlee
- James A. Allen
- Daniel Sargent junior
- Hannah Roberts
- Francis Noble
- David S. Eaton
- John McLeod
- John C. Warren
- Hannah Gleason
- Orange Gleason
- [23]
- Jacob Wendell
- Robert Morris
- Abijah Pitcher
- Achsah Benjamin
- Caleb Hayward
- George Frost Junior
- Nathaniel Sturgis
- Susannah Robins her mark +
- Nehemiah Parsons
- Hugh Mackenzie
- Alexander Gray
- Jacob Rogers
- Henry Paine
- Nathaniel Wendell
- Ebenezer Hall 3d
- Jonathan Heywood
- Penuel B. Rogers
- James Whittemore
- Joseph S. Buckingham
- Susanna Keys
- [24]
- Rachel Upshall
- Moses Barnard
- Benjamin Robbins
- John Bumstead
- Jonathan Howard
- Mary Newell
- Asa Richardson
- Hugh Morrison by W. E[merson]
- David Francis
- James Fillis
- John Homans
- James Mackenzie
- Isaac Hall
- William Hayden
- Thomas Farmer
- Francis Gray
- William W. Clapp
- John Ballard Junior
- Daniel L. Gibbens
- Mary Gibbens
- Enoch Bartlett
- [25]
- Abel Baker
- Sarah Baker
- John Rayner
- Elisabeth Rayner
- Charles W. Black
- Mary Sanger
- Catharin Sanger
- Windsor Fay
- Henry Ayling
- William Homer
- Levi Bliss
- William Keith
- Ebenezer Osgood Fifield
- Archibald Young
- William Goodwin
- William Tucker
- Jan. 5 Jonas Prouty
- Dec. 12 Joseph P. Bradlee
- Ann Brooks
- [26]
- May 19 John May
- June 2 Henry Cutter
- Nov. 6 Robert Elwell
- Feb. 17 Joseph F. Bordman
- March 14 John Morse
- July 19 Peter Allen
- Dec. 1 John Lilley
- April 20 James Allen
- Sept. 18 N. H. Furness
- Nov. 16 E. T. F. Richardson
- Nov. 29 Lydia Lyman
- May 12 Jackson Neal by N. L. Frothingham
- Sept. 19 Isaac Danforth
- Sept. 19 Benjamin B. Appleton
- Nov. 9 Charles Bowker
- 1818 John Bowman
- May 3 Benjamin C. Phillips
- Aug. 1 Samuel L. Abbot
- Aug. 31 Joseph Otis
- Sept. 26 Jacob Wendall
- [27]
- Sept. 27 Benjamin Huntington
- March 21 Sam Henshaw
- June 6 Thomas West
- Sept. 20 Matthew M. Hunt
- Feb. 18 Ephraim Hall
- January George M. Gibbens
- Jan. 26 Isaac Otis
- July 15 Georg L. Cade
- Sept. 29 Alfred Curtis
- May 3 Edward Everett
- May 19 James Sharp
- Aug. 30 Eben Chadwick
- Oct. 18 William P. Winchester
- Oct. 19 John Hooper
- April 3 Joel Fay
- June 13 Otis Fairbankes
- Aug. 22 Charles Cole Jr.
- Nov. 28 Benjamin Apthorp Gould
[28] Boston, July 6, 1828.
The Subscriber, differing widely in opinion from his brethren in the vote on the opposite page; hereby expresses his sincere regret that such a vote should become necessary in the records of the First Church.
(signed) James Morrill Senior deacon of the church.
[29] July 6, 1828.
At a meeting of the brethren, communicants of the First Church, called by the pastor for the special purpose of considering the expediency of dispensing with the foregoing convenant, held in the church on Lord’s day afternoon, July 6th 1828.
Present, D. Messinger, J. Phillips, D. Francis, N. Goddard, I. Hall, D. L. Gibbons, S. C. Thwing, G. W. Smith, S. Floyd, P. Allen, E. Clafflin.
Deacon Foster in the chair, it was unanimously voted, That the baptismal covenant of this church, commonly called the half-way covenant, be hereafter dispensed with.
A true copy,
attest N. L. Frothingham.
[30] January 19, 1829.
A meeting of the communicants, who are also proprietors, of the First Church, convened this afternoon. The meeting was called at the request of the deacons of the church. There were present The Pastor, Deacon Morrill, Deacon Foster, and of the brethren Edward Reynolds, Daniel Messinger, D. L. Gibbens, S. Floyd and S. C. Thwing.
The following resolutions were offered by Deacon Foster:
Whereas, at the annual meeting of the First Church Society, held on July 31, 1827, a vote was passed, and a Committee chosen, to dispose of a part of the land lying on the south side of the meeting house, and whereas, at a meeting of the Society on November 20, 1827, and at the last annual meeting, the Society confirmed said vote, and approved of the sale of a lot of land to Mr. G. F. Thayer, [31] and voted that a deed of the same be made to said Thayer, and that the deacons of the church be requested to execute said deed;
Now therefore
1. Voted That this church do approve of the doings of the Society, and of selling said lot of land to said G. F. Thayer,—also,
2. Voted That the deacons of this church be requested, and they are hereby requested, to sign a deed of said land to said Thayer, for and in behalf of this church.
3. Voted That the deacons be authorized, after executing said deed, to deliver the same to the Society’s Committee for selling the land.
These resolutions were passed, though not without considerable opposition to the first of them, on the ground that the communicants of the church have nothing to do, either with approving or disapproving of the doings of the Society.
N. L. Frothingham.
[32] May 14, 1833.
A meeting of the brethren of the First Church was held this day at 8 o’clock at the house of the pastor. This being the first meeting of the communicants, held since the death of Deacon James Morrill, it was
Voted That this church remembers with respect and sensibility the character of its late venerable deacon, and the services which he so faithfully rendered to it, during a long series of years.
That it sympathises with the widow and family of its departed friend, joins with them in grateful acknowledgment of the divine goodness vouchsafed to him in the comforts of his sickness and the peacefulness of his end; and commends them to the consolations of that Christian faith, in which he lived usefully and died full of hope.
That a copy of the foregoing resolutions be transmitted to Mrs. Morrill, by the hands of the Pastor.
[33] The church proceeded to the choice of a deacon, and elected unanimously brother William B. Fowle. On his declining to accept the office, a new ballot was cast, and brother Isaac Hall was unanimously chosen.
Voted with one consent, to discontinue the collection for the poor of the Communion Service.
Voted that this church will hereafter hold an annual meeting, at the hands of the pastor, on the anniversary of its first gathering in 1630; to wit, on the evening of each twenty seventh of August.
N. L. F.
May 20, 1833.
A meeting of the brethren was convened by the pastor, who gave notice that our brother Isaac Hall declined serving in the office of deacon. Brother Samuel H. Babcock was then unanimously elected; and after an interesting conversation on the state and usages and interests of the church, the meeting was dissolved.
N. L. F.
[34] August 27, 1833.
The church met at the house of the pastor this evening; according to the resolution of May 14. Notice was given that brother S. H. Babcock was unwilling to be elected to the office of deacon. On the motion of br. D. L. Gibbens, the following vote was adopted:
Voted that the deacon of this church be requested to furnish for the use of the members a statement of all its pecuniary resources, embracing the amount of the several funds belonging, to, or in any way connected with this church or any of its members; or in trust or at the disposal of any of its officers; together with the origin of the said funds, and the conditions upon which any of them were accumulated; and the annual amount dispensed in charity, or otherwise, the number of recipients, and what proportion of these were members of the church or worshippers with the Society:
And that the deacon be further requested to furnish for the same purpose a complete schedule of the Communion Service, with the names of the donors of such pieces of plate as were presented to the church, with all such other particulars, as may be interesting to the members of the church.
[35] Whereupon the subject was referred to a Committee, consisting of the pastor, Deacon Foster and brother Charles C. Paine, with instructions to report as early as convenient. N. L. F.
February 24, 1834.
The church met this evening at the house of the pastor, when the following report was unanimously accepted.
The Committee appointed to make a report of the funds belonging to the Church, and of the Communion Table furniture with a description of the same, have attended to that duty and report:
That they find no record of the church funds since October 1806. At that time the record states the Fund for the poor generally |
$1249.40 |
Fund for the Ministry |
295.7 |
Fund for Pious uses |
132.20 |
$1676.67 |
It appears by the accounts, that, on January 1, 1796 Interest was first received on $800, 3 percent stock, on a Legacy of Suviah Thayer to the poor of the Church and Society. Suviah Thayer also left $1132.90 in 3 percent stock to the Deacons in trust, the interest to be paid to William Thayer, a non compos mentis, during his life, and at his death, the interest to be given to the poor of the Church and Society.
William Thayer died, and the interest on that sum [36] is first credited, December 1821. July 2, 1815: a legacy was received, left by Mrs. Abigail Gray of £50 sterling the interest to be given to the poor of the Church.
The amount of the Funds at the present time, is, |
Fund for the poor generally |
$4160 |
Fund for the Ministry |
600 |
Fund for Pious Uses |
200 |
$4960 |
which sum is invested in State Bank stock; |
viz: 76 shares at $60 |
4560 |
and First Church Society note |
400 |
$4960 |
The Committee offer the following as a correct Inventory and Description of the Plate belonging to First Church: viz.
1. A silver basin for Baptisms; with a coat of arms434 engraved on the rim, and I. Hurd stamped in the centre, weight, 2703. 5 dwt.
2. A Flaggon, with a coat of arms engraved in front, and an inscription underneath, “The Gift of the Honorable William Dummer Esq. to the First Church in Boston, 1726.” 56 oz. 8 dwt.
3. A similar Flaggon, with the inscription within an ornamented oval, “The Gift of Deacon Thomas Waite435 to the First Church of Christ in Boston, May 15, 1775.” 59 oz. 5 dwt.
4. A tall embossed cup, with engraving and figures in relief, and this inscription written round the rim, “The Gift of Governor John Winthrop to the 1st Church in Boston,” weight, 16 oz. 1 dwt. no date.
5. Three ornamented cups, lettered on the sides, “The Gift of Elder Joseph Bridgham to the first church in Boston, 1708.” weight of the whole, 34 oz. 5 dwt.
6. A similar cup, with the inscription on the side, “The Gift of James Everill436 to the First Church in Boston, 1705.” 10 oz. 6 dwt.
7. Another similar cup, with these letters engraved on the bottom, “Ex dono A.D.437 Se Test MI.A.”438 10 oz. 6 dwt.
8. A plain cup, with this inscription, “The Gift of a Friend R * H.”439 These letters B)T(C also are faintly visible. Date 1661, written on the bottom. 12 oz. 8 dwt.
9. A similar cup with the same faint letters; inscribed, “The Gift of a Freinde T * C.”440 12 oz. 19 dwt.
10. A massy enchased cup, with the same letters B)T(C impressed upon a polished oval in front; and an inscription above; “The Gift of a Freind I * H.”441 22 oz. 16 dwt.
11. Three large plain cups, inscribed, “The Gift of John Oxenbridg.” 48 oz. 14 dwt.
12. A pair of cups, engraved on one side with a coat of arms, and on the other with this inscription in an ornamented cartouche, “The Gift of Mrs Lydia Hancock to the First Church of Christ in Boston, Sept. 4. 1773.” 26 oz. 11 dwt.
13. A plain cup, inscribed, “The Gift of J.S.”442 11 oz.
14. Another plain cup, inscribed WFP.443 12 oz. 5 dwt.
15. A tall, slender cup, plain, with the letters dotted A)H(E.444 10 oz.
16. A small cup, lettered in front G.HH.445 and under the bottom R.FE.446 7 oz. 11 dwt.
17. A pair of Tankards, lettered, “The Gift of Samuell More447 to the first church in Boston”; the smaller marked on the handle B.WS.448 1717. 52 oz. 1 dwt.
18. Another Tankard, a cartouche in front like No. 12, with the Inscription, “The Gift of Nathanael Balston Esq. to the first church of Christ in Boston 1773.” On the handle are the initials NBH.449 22 oz. 6 dwt.
19. Another Tankard, with this inscription in an ornamented cartouche, “The Gift of Madam Eliz: Welsteed to the First Church of Christ in Boston, 1752”; with the initials on the handle W.WE.450 22 oz. 12 dwt.
20. A pair of cans, with a coat of arms engraved on the front, and underneath the Inscription, “The Gift of Deacon Jonathan Williams to the first Church of Christ in Boston, at his decease March 27, 1737.” 28 oz. 9 dwt.
21. A can inscribed “the Gift of John Forland451 to the first Church of Christ in Boston, for the use of the table, 1717.” 11 oz. 11 dwt.
22. Two massy Tumblers, enchased in the same style as No. 10, with the same letters BTC;452 one of them bearing the date 1659 under the initials. 13 oz. 12 dwt.
23. A Vase, figured with birds and flowers, bearing on the bottom the initials RSE.453 10 oz. 14 dwt.
24. Three plain Vases, with the initials O.TC.454 38 oz. 1 dwt.
25. Two spoons, with the same initials. 2 oz. 18 dwt.
26. Four Dishes, with the inscriptions round their rims, “Given by Suviah Thayer,455 in testimony of her respect for the First Church of Christ in Boston, A.D. 1796.” 96 oz. 15 dwt.
The whole being forty pieces, and weighing Six Hundred and Seventy Two Ounces,” and Nineteen Pennyweights.456
Two silver cups were put upon the Communion Table, as the gift of Mrs. Joshua Davis May 1, 1861. They are marked “D”.457
(Signed) N. L. Frothingham
James H. Foster
Charles C. Paine.
The meeting was then dissolved.
N. L. F.
[40] Sunday, September 27, 1840.
The communicants of the Church remained after the morning service, to consider the following communication from the church in Hollis St. viz.
To the First Church in Boston, under the pastoral care of Rev. N. L. Frothingham, D.D.
Christian brethren,
The proprietors of Hollis Street Meeting House, having, by their special Committee, preferred articles or grounds of complaint against Rev. John Pierpont, the pastor of Hollis St. Church and Society, to be submitted to a mutual ecclesiastical council, as reasons for a dissolution of his pastoral relation; and the said pastor having agreed with the said proprietors, that the following churches in Boston; namely,
- The First Church, under the pastoral care of Rev. N. L. Frothingham D.D.
- The Second Church, under the pastoral care of Rev. Chandler Robbins.
- The Brattle Street Church, under the pastoral care of Rev. S. K. Lothrop.
- The New North Church, under the pastoral care of Rev. Francis Parkman D.D.
- The New South Church, under the pastoral care of Rev. Alexander Young.
- The Federal St. Church, under the pastoral care of Rev. William E. Channing D.D. and E. S. Gannett.
- The West Church, under the pastoral care of Rev. Charles Lowell D.D. and Rev. Cyrus A. Bartol.
- The King’s Chapel, under the pastoral care of Rev. F. W. P. Greenwood D.D.
- The Bulfinch St. Church, under the pastoral care of Rev. F. T. Gray.
- The Twelfth Congregational Church, under the pastoral care of Rev. Samuel Barrett D.D.
- The Purchase St. Church, under the pastoral care of Rev. George Ripley.
- The South Congregational Church, under the pastoral care of Rev. Mellish I. Motte.
- The Pitts St. Chapel, under the pastoral care of Rev. R. C. Waterston.
- The Suffolk St. Chapel, under the pastoral care of Rev. J. T. Sargent.
[41] Each church to be represented by its pastor and one delegate, shall be invited to constitute the Council, to deliberate and decide thereupon; and the said agreement between the said proprietors and the pastor, having been communicated to the church with a request that it would issue its letters missive, in the usual form, for the convocation of the said churches, as a mutual ecclesiastical Council, and the church having voted so to do; Therefore, The Hollis Street Church does hereby respectfully request you by your pastor and a delegate, to sit in council, with the other churches above named, to deliberate upon said articles or grounds of complaint against the pastor of Hollis St. Church and Society, and the various specific allegations therein set forth; and to decide whether or not they are well founded; and, if so, whether or not they furnish good cause for removing him from his pastoral office.
The Council will convene at the Meeting House in Hollis Street, on Tuesday, the 13th day of October next, at 10 o’clock, A.M.
(Signed) |
Samuel May |
Committee of Hollis St. Church |
Henry Bass |
Andrew C. Dorr |
John Pierpont, Pastor. |
Boston, September 21, 1840.
[42] After considering the above, it was unanimously Voted that a letter should be addressed in reply, to the following purport.
The First Church to the Church in Hollis St.
Christian brethren,
We have received from you an invitation, bearing date of September 21, to join an ecclesiastical Council, which, it is proposed to assemble on the 13th of October next, in order to “deliberate upon certain articles or grounds of complaint against the pastor of Hollis St. Church and Society.” The result, at which you wish to arrive, is this: that the said Council shall decide “whether or not the charges are well founded,” and “whether or not they furnish good cause of removing him from his pastoral office,” in case they are sustained.
If the object of the proposed council were, to endeavour to make peace in a distracted church, or to offer advice in an unhappy emergency, or even to pronounce an absolute decision upon a question of Christian expediency, we should not feel authorized to decline our part of the responsibility, however unpleasant and delicate might be the task. We should certainly not excuse ourselves from a disagreeable duty, it being ascertained really to be a duty, [43] from the love of our ease or the fear of obloquy. But the present case does not appear to us to have such a claim. While your request invites us to the most unwelcome of tasks, and the certainty of reproach, our duty seems to us, as those who have the peace and prosperity of our churches much at heart, to be in another direction.
You ask us to sit in judgment on the conduct of your minister, to say guilty or not guilty to accusations brought against him, and to declare whether there be cause enough therein for deposing him from his pastoral office.
We fear that this is asking of us too much; we doubt if we should be justified in giving we cannot foresee how much time, to the investigation of we know not what nor how many charges, when the very terms of your invitation imply, that, though the charges were well grounded, there would still remain a further question, whether or not they would be cause for removing him from his place; and we therefore respectfully decline giving our attendance according to your request.
On behalf of the Church,
N. L. Frothingham Pastor.
September 27, 1840.
[44] The following letter was soon afterwards received.
To the Christian Church in Boston under the pastoral care of the Rev. N. L. Frothingham, D.D.
Christian Brethren,
The Committee of the Proprietors of Hollis Street Meeting House, received on the 28th of September from the Hollis Street Church, a copy of certain letters missive, issued by said Church under date of September 21 and addressed to your Church.
The Society of Hollis Street Meeting House have not requested or authorized the church to issue such letters. The Society proposed to their Pastor to join them in an application to the Church to issue Letters Missive “in the usual form” to convene “a mutual Ecclesiastical Council to consider the question of dissolution of his connexion with said Society.” Their Pastor declined joining in this application, and the Society has neither made nor assented to any other. Understanding that several of the Churches called to the Council by the above-named Letters have declined, and others are about to decline attending, on account of the peculiar form of those letters, so that the Council, if convened, will not consist of those originally agreed upon, the Committee have thought proper to inform you that the Society will not be parties to any proceedings by the others, should they convene under [45] letters issued without authority from them.
Very Respectfully,
Joshua Crane |
Committee of the Proprietors of Hollis Street Meeting House. |
John D. Williams |
Daniel Weld |
Richard Child |
William W. Clapp |
Timothy Tileston |
Ruel Baker |
Warren White |
Boston, October 3, 1840.
Whereupon it was Voted That the foregoing Letter be placed upon the files of the First Church.
N. L. Frothingham.
These Records of the First Church are carried forward to a distinct volume in folio, opened by the pastor, January 1, 1841.
N. L. F.
1949 |
April 10 |
Deborah Rugg |
Annie Endicott Nourse |
Henry Haeberle |
Audrey Haeberle |
Arthur L. Stanek |
Rosamond Dean Snow |
Valeria A. Knapp |
Katherine M. Mohr |
Kenneth K. Harms |
Margaret L. Howlett |
Catherine Van S. Swift |
Wauneta Lupfer |
Milton J. Lupfer |
Susan M. Jackson |
James H. Jackson |
Constant Freeman Minns Wendell |
1950 |
April 2 |
James Lessells |
Gladys Lessells |
Gwendoline M. Jackson |
Mary D. Hayward |
Louise S. Holloway |
Frederick C. Klinck |
Robert W. MacWilliams |
Beth MacWilliams |
Arthur H. Vickerson |
Susan Pressey Moulton |
[48]–[132] [Blank]
[133] Baptisms 1794
[135] A Declaration of Faith, Subscribed by Members of the First Church
1st. We, whose names are underwritten, declare our faith in the one only living and true God.
2nd. We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, that he was sanctified of the Father and sent into the world, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and “purify to himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.”
3rd. We believe in that gospel, which was ratified by the death and resurrection of its author, and solemnly promise to make it the only rule of our faith and practice.
[136] United by the ties of one Lord, one common faith and one baptism, we promise to live in Christian love, to watch over each other as members of the same body; to counsel and assist whenever there shall be occasion; to be faithful to our Master, and faithful to each other, waiting in joyful hope of an eternal, happy intercourse in the heavenly world.
1829 |
June 5 |
Harriot Hinckley Messinger |
June 5 |
Martha Ann Stevenson |
July 31 |
Horatio Dorr |
July 31 |
Amanda M. Stanwood |
November |
Noah Doggett |
November |
C. Doggett |
1830 |
October |
Charles Cushing Paine |
1831 |
November |
Marian Skinner |
December |
Susan O. Brooks |
1833 |
May |
Frances C. Paine |
May |
Emmeline Austin |
1834 |
May |
Elizabeth F. Lincoln |
1835 |
April |
Henry W. Torrey |
Aug. 2 |
Mary F. Allen |
Aug. 2 |
Sarah A. Allen |
1836 |
February |
Lucretia Bradlee |
March 1837 |
Harriot Alline |
May 1838 |
Mary Goddard |
June 1 |
Hannah G. Brown |
Aug. 2 |
Thaddeus Mason Harris |
Aug. 2 |
Mary Harris |
August 1839 |
Anna Alleyne Chickering |
January |
Elizabeth Adams |
Nov. 29 |
Samuel Bradlee |
Nov. 29 |
Elizabeth Davis Bradlee |
Nov. 29 |
Matilda Williams Bradlee |
Jan. 31 |
Mary C. Morse |
1840 |
January |
Elizabeth Richardson |
January |
Abby Lydia Davis |
April |
Ann G. Everett |
April |
Augusta Dunlap |
1841 |
January |
John Eliot Thayer |
January |
Anna Francis Thayer Died in 1849 |
August |
James B. Richardson |
August |
Hannah Reed |
August |
Hannah F. Richardson |
December |
Moses Everett |
1842 |
April 27 |
Maria D. Hayden (dismission granted, April, 1843, returned in 1844) |
April 27 |
Joanna Frothingham Lincoln. Died 1850 |
1843 |
May 3 |
Abigail Whitney |
June 1 |
Timothy Eaton |
June 1 |
Mary Fiske Eaton |
1844 |
Jan. 3 |
Nabby Balch |
Jan. 3 |
Anne Balch |
Jan. 5 |
Sarah S. Benjamin |
Jan. 5 |
John P. Bigelow |
Jan. 31 |
Eloise B. Fowle |
Feb. 1 |
C. F. Adams |
Feb. 1 |
A. B. Adams |
April 6 |
Octavius B. Frothingham |
July 31 |
Eliza Davis Bradlee |
July 31 |
Ellen Matilda Bradlee. Died July 22, 1851 |
July 31 |
Sarah F. Prince |
July 31 |
Elizabeth Prince |
July 31 |
Edward F. Weld |
July 31 |
Abigail Ann Weld |
July 31 |
Thomas Gray Jr. Died 1849 |
July 31 |
Mary F. Gray |
(See Records of the First-Church, pages 14, 15 and 16.)
[139] Covenant of The First Church
“We, whose names are hereunder written” declare our faith
1st In the One Living and True God;
2nd In the lord Jesus Christ, that he was sanctified of the Father, and sent into the world, that the world through him might be saved; and
3rd In that Gospel, which was confirmed by the death and resurrection of its Author, and which is binding upon us as the only rule of our faith and practice.
Being “united into one Congregation or church, under the Lord Jesus Christ, we do hereby [140] solemnly and religiously promise to walk in all our ways according to the rule of the Gospel, and in all sincere conformity to his holy ordinances, and in mutual love and respect each to other, so near as God shall give us grace.”
1844 |
Oct. 12 |
J. G. Hallet |
Elizabeth Hallet |
Oct. 16 |
Luther Hamilton |
Delia Hamilton |
Oct. 17 |
Charles Brooks |
Charlotte A. H. Brooks |
Oct. 18 |
Catharine Appleton |
Oct. 20 |
James T. Hayward |
Sarah A. Hayward |
Oct. 21 |
Jesse Chickering |
Oct. 22 |
Ellen M. Buckingham |
Joseph Palmer |
1846 |
Feb. 17 |
Edward Hamilton |
Susan Prescott |
1846 |
Aug. 19 |
Thomas B. Wales. Died June 15, 1853 |
1847 |
April 27 |
Louisa A. Bigelow (1847) |
Oct. 4 |
Pelham W. Warren (1848) |
1848 |
Feb. 16 |
Edward Reynolds Hall |
May 20 |
Amelia Langdon Harris |
July 29 |
Caroline L. Bradlee |
July 29 |
Caleb D. Bradlee |
Dec. 18 |
Margarette A. Williams |
1849 |
March |
Sarah Isabel Williams |
1850 |
July |
Caroline Danforth Fales |
1853 |
June |
Rufus Ellis |
Gertrude L. Ellis |
July |
Samuel L. Abbot |
Mary Otis Bailey |
Susan Francis |
November |
Julia B. H. James |
Catherine G. Salmon |
December |
Louisa M. Goddard |
Fanny Curtis |
March |
Harriet Louisa Gibbens |
Frances Maria Gibbens |
March 3 |
Mary Anne Wales |
Ellen Frothingham |
July 4 |
George W. Wales |
Maria W. Wales |
November |
Charlotte Sewell Hooper |
Mila Vose |
1855 |
Jan. 1 |
Sarah Cushing Paine |
Fanny Jackson Paine |
Feb. 1 |
Sarah A. Marsh |
March 1 |
Mary Caroline Tileston |
Joseph M. Sherburne |
Sarah Augusta Sherburne |
Belle Fenno Sherburne |
Oct. 6 |
Susan Ann Buckminster Hayden |
Julia Gorham Hayden |
Harriet Barker |
1856 |
Jan. 6 |
William Everett |
Hermann J. Warner |
March 17 |
George Bates |
March 21 |
Charles L. Hayward |
March 21 |
Emmeline G. Hayward |
her |
Rosanna x Merrifield |
mark |
Dec. 1 |
Abby M. Storer |
Lucy H. Bradlee |
1857 |
George O. Harris |
Feb. 1 |
Ellen Hathorne Bailey |
J. Ellery Piper |
1858 |
Jan. 1 |
Emily C. Shattuck |
George O. Shattuck |
Feb. 5 |
Amelia D. Huntington |
Marthaann Knowles |
Sarah Woodberry |
Elizabeth Woodberry |
June 6 |
James W. Carter (added in compliance with his dying request) |
Lucy D. Carter |
Mary K. French |
Oct. 2 |
Octavia Gardner Dupee |
Oct. 2 |
Melinda Orr |
Melinda Jane Norris |
Anne Brooks Frothingham |
Matilda C. Abbot |
1859 |
April 12 |
George Callender |
April 12 |
John Collamore |
April 12 |
Catharine Collamore |
D. Waldo Salisbury |
April 21 |
George Fowle |
June 3 |
Felicia H. Hayden |
Caroline A. Hayden |
Katherine D. Ayers |
Mary B. Ayers |
Sarah Dodge |
Dec. 31 |
Robert Treat Paine Jr. |
1860 |
Jan. 11 |
Thomas Austin |
Anna P. Austin |
Feb. 23 |
H. B. Rice |
Olive G. Rice |
Feb. 28 |
Lizzie D. W. Weld |
March 2 |
Ann Colburn |
March 2 |
Caroline Fowle |
Marion C. Dexter |
Frances H. Tilden |
1861 |
Feb. 2 |
Marianne Paine |
March 21 |
Elisa Collamore |
March 28 |
Calvin W. Clark |
May 24 |
Margaret J. Plumer |
1862 |
May 22 |
Mary L. Eliot |
1863 |
Jan. 4 |
Prescott Bigelow |
March 1 |
George R. Clarke |
April 28 |
Chas E. Storer |
Mariana P. Storer |
Dec. 22 |
Ellen C. Hall |
1864 |
Jan. 2 |
Frances S. H. Wright |
1865 |
Jan. 1 |
Elisabeth C. Callender |
May 5 |
Mary T. Phillips |
May 5 |
Helen Collamore |
Susan Hammond |
May 28, 1865.
At a Meeting of the Male Communicants of First Church held May 28, 1865 it was Voted That the Covenant offered to Communicants for their signatures shall be henceforth that under which the Church was originally gathered, as follows on the next page.
[146] This Church was gathered August 27, 1630 under the following Covenant:
In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and in obedience to his holy will and divine ordinance,
We, whose names are hereunder written, being by His most wise and good providence brought together into this part of America, in the bay of Massachusetts; and desirous to unite ourselves into one Congregation or Church, under the Lord Jesus Christ, our head, in such sort as becometh all those whom he hath redeemed and sanctified to himself,—do hereby solemnly and religiously (as in his most holy presence) promise and bind ourselves to walk in all our ways [147] according to the rule of the Gospel, and in all sincere conformity to his holy ordinances, and in mutual love and respect each to other, so near as God shall give us grace.
1865 |
June 5 |
Eliza Cunningham Nickerson |
June 24 |
Peter Chardon Brooks |
1866 |
Jan. 1 |
Frances Harrod Downes |
April 5 |
James W. Brackin |
Dec. 22 |
H. A. Pettee |
1867 |
March 15 |
Alice S. Wheeler |
May 1 |
Lucia A. Dow |
Thomas B. Wales |
Jennette M. Wales |
Nov. 2 |
Helen Paine |
Nov. 2 |
Mary Dexter |
Nov. 2 |
Julia L. Jones |
1868 |
Jan. 2 |
M. Josephine W. Lord |
Jan. 3 |
Octavia G. Dupee |
May 16 |
Louisa G. Fessenden |
M. A. Hood |
June 8 |
Ellen A. Hood |
Emma L. Hood |
Oct. 24 |
Turner Sargent |
1869 |
March 21 |
Henry Saltonstall |
March 21 |
Georgiana C. Saltonstall |
March 24 |
Rebecca A. Brackin |
March 24 |
Mary E. Bath |
March 25 |
Elizabeth P. Rogers |
March 25 |
Cynthia M. Beckler |
April 3 |
Andrew T. Hall |
March 28 |
Florence D. Chapman |
April 28 |
James H. Blake |
Dec. 31 |
Anna P. Chandler |
1870 |
Jan. 21 |
John H. Reed |
Sarah P. Reed |
Jan. 30 |
Catherine O. Sumner |
1871 |
Feb. 27 |
Ruth Silsbee |
Feb. 27 |
Marianne C. D. Silsbee |
April 3 |
Otis Drury |
Julia Ann Drury |
April 12 |
N. D. Pickman |
Jonathan Ellis |
Oct. 29 |
G. Washington Warren |
Georgiana Warren |
1872 |
Feb. 29 |
Ellen Augusta Turner |
Sarah T. Peel |
1873 |
Jan. 4 |
Thomas Goddard |
Jan. 4 |
Sarah F. Goddard |
April 3 |
Helen E. Wilkins |
April 6 |
Adriana K. Pease |
Minnie T. Liebold |
Annie J. Hill |
Caroline Reuter |
Robert Hill |
Charlotte Cairnes |
April 6 |
Annie Cairne |
Elizabeth Louisa Dorr |
Mary E. Brackett |
Maggie Albrecht [?]458 |
Sarah E. Smith |
Carrie Doll |
Hermina Reinhardt |
Elizabeth Reinhardt |
Anne E. Bornkessel |
Annie M. Welfel |
Sophie E. Zeuner |
Elvira W. Hibbard |
Caroline Fleck |
Caroline Foster Mandell |
Louise Tomson Paul |
Mary Gaffey |
Emm L. Behr |
Charlotte R. Myers |
Sept. 26 |
Joseph P. Sheafe Jr. |
March 16 |
Deborah L. Cutler |
March 16 |
Dora Louise Cutler |
Sarah A. Preble |
Annie M. Young |
Mary Ann Bennet |
Emma Schrempf |
Eliza F. Cutler |
Amelia J. Sargent |
June 5 |
Catharine Hale |
Margaret F. King |
Mary J. Rogers |
1875 |
June 27 |
Cornelia A. Mudge |
1876 |
March 7 |
Carrie Taylor |
March 29 |
Fannie F. Larkin |
April 9 |
Louisa A. Bennet |
Louisa Behr |
Anne Richner |
Elizabeth Dorr |
Bertha L. Hammutz |
April 9 |
Emma L. Bernhardt |
Rosa Zepfler |
Lucilla W. Cutler |
Richard F. Wegerdt |
Emma Doll |
S. M. Francis |
Louisa Doll |
William Dorr |
Thomas W. Daley |
Louisa Schiel |
1877 |
May 8 |
Abby H. Thayer |
Feb. 15 |
Lucy B. Holder |
March 18 |
Edward Clarke Ellis |
March 25 |
Pauline Loebisch |
Louisa M. Wilfert |
Johanna Jennewein |
Eugenie V. Walther |
Helen C. Buttinger |
Nora Burke |
Louisa Bornkessel |
Phillipena Zeuner |
Carrie Baeumler |
Nina Arietta Page |
Mary Godfrey |
Emilie H. Bernhard |
Etta A. Hodgdon |
Harriet Morse |
Augustus A. Heuser |
April 12 |
W. A. Fry |
May 6 |
Catherine Hill |
Nov. 2 |
Charles In |
1878 |
Jan. 9 |
William Putnam Kuhn |
Jan. 19 |
Edward L. Adams |
Emily M. Adams |
June. 5 |
Henry E. Doering |
Andrew L. Boehr |
Valentine Freiburger |
June 9 |
T. Mc Olive |
June 10 |
Theresa M. Engel |
Emma C. Lehmann |
Susan Oedel |
Abbie N. Burke |
Emma M. Becker |
Mathilda Miller |
Isabella McAuliff |
1879 |
April 6 |
Frederick S. Fleck |
William H. Roos |
Rebecca Milliken |
Gertrude A. Drew |
Julia E. Drew |
Annie Taylor |
Hannah Dunn |
Mary E. Milliken |
Helen Godfrey |
Matilda Gimber |
Mary Slingol |
April 20 |
Judith B. Osborne |
May 11 |
Sarah Elizabeth Brown |
Ada Thankful Brown |
Bertha Gertrude Roch |
1880 |
March 21 |
Fannie T. French |
March 21 |
Fanny S. French |
Pauline H. E. Rauscher |
Wilhelmina J. Doering |
Emily A. Scholl |
Margaret R. Angelbeek |
Louise Gage Coburn |
Mabel Thornton Turner |
Annie C. Nostrom |
Syble J. Osborne |
Eliza J. Godfrey |
1872 |
Helen Walker |
1881 |
March 6 |
Arthur Blake Ellis |
Helen Hartigan |
Lena Grasser |
Emma Oedel |
Katharine J. Linton |
Mary Grasser |
Hattie P. A. Heimann |
Mary E. Müller |
Jennie Cumming |
Louisa Guething |
Annie L. Nagel |
Harrietta O. Waite |
Fred W. Winkelman |
John Hill |
April 26 |
Mary S. Dwight |
1882 |
March 1 |
Louise Frederick |
April 2 |
Charles Hörlein |
John Adams Plannett |
John Winkelman |
Emma E. Faber |
Henrietta Baker |
Amelia Karnheim |
Ida Appell |
Helena J. Schildknecht |
Mary Bartholmesz |
Emma Baeumler |
Maggie Gimber |
Emma Stengel |
Louis Kolb |
Frank Zepfler |
Samuel B. Neal |
Louisa Chadwick |
March 18 |
Charles H. Reuter |
Charles A. Heuser |
Adolph Doll |
Albert F. Bertram |
John Fred Pfau |
Sarah A. Crawshaw |
Maggie S. Lambrecht |
Louisa M. Bauer |
Julia M. Traub |
Emma H. Coles |
Mary E. A. Schwörer |
Mary Bachofner |
Rosie Holzschuh |
Rosa Sterr |
1884 |
April 6 |
Robert Riedl |
Adam Bassing |
Amelia Hammutz |
Louisa Bassing |
Annie Holzschuh |
Julia A. Roch |
Minnie Bassing |
Caroline L. Fein |
Sophie Sterr |
Lizzie Hill |
Mary L. R. Reuter |
Rose Lever |
Eliza Gimber |
May 4 |
Margaret A. Badger |
Henry J. Sweny M.D. |
Ethel Davis |
May 22 |
Maria Bowen |
Helen E. Bowen |
1885 |
March 29 |
Ida Prescott Bigelow Eldredge |
Henry Schaeff |
Lottie C. Bodenschatz |
Carrie Webber |
Mary Pfau |
Louisa Webber |
Louisa Becker |
Mary Becker |
Anna J. Schlicht |
Amelia Guething |
Sarah H. Doering |
Emma Stillberger |
1887 |
April 1 |
Joseph J. Linton |
April 3 |
Matilda J. Rietzel |
Josephine Fertig |
Louise W. Heimann |
May A. Henage |
Mary Hayes |
Ida M. Jenkins |
W. Knappe |
- Minnie Bernhardt
- Emma A. Heilemann
- Frances Erichberg
- Eugenie Martikke
- Jemima M. McKee
- Elsie F. Schroeter
- A. Lizzie Schneider
- Paulina Weber
- Annie Stevens
- Lewis F. Kilian
- Henry A. Winkelman
- Rodreck Cochran
- Gustave Heuser
- William R. Cleary
- Fred T. Heuser
- Gustavus Bartholmesz
- William Brenneis
- Frank F. Hayes
- Rudolph Martikke
- Adam Hoffmann
- Frederic Carl Streek
1888 |
May 13 |
Louis G. Schlicht |
Charles J. Milliken |
Jacob Bernhardt |
Louisa Siebert |
Minnie F. Riedl |
Lena Heuser |
Sophie Stevens |
Ottilie Siebert |
Clementina Murray |
1889 |
April 14 |
Clara W. Fischer |
Anna E. Fischer |
Maria Burnside |
Pauline Roch (Withdrew March 15, 1921) |
Mamie H. Schlicht |
Sarah Hill |
Julia Schaeff |
Claretta H. E. Nason |
Margie Durgin |
Francena Hodgdon |
Mary J. Black |
Frieda S. Schmidt |
Christina C. Odemueller |
Lizzie T. Kirchgassner |
April 4 |
Helen Ellis |
Lizzie L. Hayes (2 years before) |
Mary Lang (2 years before) |
Edward Raithel |
Leo Dembinski |
June 7 |
Fred Chandler Jr. |
1890 |
March 30 |
Augusta Rantoul Endicott |
March 30 |
Alice Hastings |
Matilda Lips |
Rosa Heerde |
Fredrick W. Martikke (Withdrew Feb. 2, 1928) |
Joseph Gimber |
Edward Bartholmesz |
Herrman Schiel |
Richard Riedl |
Adolf Samsel |
April 6 |
Mabel Sears |
1891 |
March 29 |
Maggie Cairnes (Jan. 2, 1915, dismissed to Hall Place Methodist Episcopal Church, West Quincy) |
A. Theresa Murray |
Marian Ellgner |
Katie Burnside |
Amelia L. Miller |
Edith H. Sears |
Miriam V. E. Sears |
Annie Ellgner |
Louise R. Helmboldt |
Louisa Kuhn |
Lizzie Spiegel |
Louise Schwörer |
Emma Loeffler |
Lillie Jenkins |
Lina Schmidt |
1892 |
April 10 |
Florence Zapp |
Annie M. Baecher |
Gretchen H. Baecher |
Lizzie M. Dold |
Annie Heinlein |
Annie Hanson |
Caroline S. Jenkins (Mathison) |
William Bodenbrown |
Frank L. Kirchgassner |
John N. Gebhardt |
John F. Beck |
Fred Youdt |
Vigo A. Hanson |
Mary H. Bodinbrown |
1893 |
April 23 |
Robert Simpson |
Albert C. Faul |
Emma A. Richberg |
Johanna Plannett |
1894 |
May 6 |
Annie Engel |
Josephine M. Burnside |
Lydia E. Heuser |
Lizzie Bernhardt |
Minnie Dick |
Bertha Albrecht |
Johanna Zaugg |
Rosie Dick |
Frieda Werner |
Pauline Rieger |
Ellen F. Dresser |
Louisa F. Baumann |
Carrie Weber |
Carrie Fuchs |
Delia Baecher |
1895 |
April 7 |
Annie Hoffmann |
Alice Koegel (Withdrew June 23, 1924) |
Lydia Hanson |
Mary Paine Stockemer |
Theresa C. Siebert |
Hermine J. Koegel |
Lena Schneider |
Carrie Bornan |
Robert Heyder |
Otto P. Faul |
Otto Kohl |
Adolf Gebhardt |
Conrad Albrecht |
Fred Bartholmesz |
Hans L. Zaugg |
Albert G. Demling |
1896 |
May 17 |
Lucia A. Stanek |
Bertha M. Siebert |
Lucy E. Hanson |
Annie M. Engewald |
Dora M. Eldredge |
Margaret L. Dold |
Amelia Gimber |
Martha Engewald |
Otelia Seth |
Minnie Richberg |
Estelle Davis Hooley |
Louise Ellgner |
Elizabeth M. Sandilands |
Edward Bemburg |
Emil Heuser |
David Bates |
Frank Fuohs |
John Davis Hooley |
Louis H. Zaugg |
Anna Nagel |
1897 |
April 11 |
Augusta Ellgner |
Elizabeth Stoker |
Annie E. Janse |
Barbara Albrecht |
Bertha L. Baeumler |
Annie Ellgner |
Annie B. Smith |
Emma Schlums |
Helen L. Bond |
Otto L. Zaugg |
Philip F. Bauman |
1899 |
May 21 |
Matilda Leonard |
Lillie Baldner (Withdrew May 20, 1925) |
Katy Baumann |
Christena Lenz |
Emma Lenz |
Loulu Sauer |
Lillie Galler (Withdrew Dec. 14, 1932) |
Bertha Sell |
Frieda Schlums |
Ella Koegel |
Louise Roth |
Harry Mayer |
Robert Franke |
1900 |
April 8 |
Louise F. Bolliger |
Christina M. Lenz |
Jeanie N. Sandiland |
Rosa F. Young |
Elsa L. Mayer |
Christian Schmirbush |
William Herman Ellgner |
Alexander Martikke |
Grace L. Faulkner |
Marie Dold |
Joseph E. Hodgkins |
Ida B. Neff |
Jennie Moir |
Charlotte M. Richberg |
1901 |
March 31 |
Bertha Ellgner |
Emilia E. Schworer |
Emma E. Kelble |
Louisa G. Völhn |
Esther C. Seth |
A. Lauretta M. Groenwald |
Lena Young |
Josephine Weber |
Mary Bowman |
Paul Schlums |
Arthur P. Porter |
Louise E. Kohl |
1902 |
March 23 |
Kathrine Goeller |
William J. Burrows |
William Renner |
Bertha L. Engel (Withdrew Apr. 1, 1934) |
Gertrude E. Sears |
1903 |
April 5 |
Mary Burrows |
Caroline Blasser |
Sabina Stanek |
Lena E. Duenges |
Annie Sell |
Mary Ernestine Severin |
Irene Leister |
Freda Kelble |
Mary Willhauk |
Margaret Stripp (Withdrew Feb. 26, 1935) |
Louise Freck |
Lucy Pistor |
Leonore Pistor |
Alma H. Salzgeber |
Bertha Olbrich |
Bertha Christmann |
1904 |
March 27 |
Marie Koch (Berenice) |
Cora Spieler (Withdrew Feb. 13, 1928) |
Ida Martha |
Louise Richberg (Helen) |
Clara George Hunter |
Magnas Theodore Nelson |
Ethel Ingeborg Nelson |
Anna Elizabeth Nelson |
Julia Rose Zaugg |
Bertha M. Meister |
John Bauman (Godfrey) |
Bertha E. A. Künstler |
Elsie E. Künstler |
1905 |
April 16 |
Clara C. Blasser |
Emma W. Demling |
Emily M. Getz |
Helen M. Stanek |
Martha A. Schlums |
Sophia Bowman |
Dorothea Bigelow Marsh |
Henrietta W. L. Russert |
Florine Louise Galvin |
George A. Willhauk |
1907 |
March 24 |
Irene E. Hunter |
Wilhelmina B. Baasner |
Elizabeth Christman |
Edith Faulkner |
Jessica J. Trommer |
Frances C. Sheehan |
Katherine Bletzer |
Alice L. Nilson |
Hilda C. Gebhardt |
Minnie F. Getz |
April 13 |
Gertrude S. Ellis |
1908 |
April 12 |
Gertrude E. H. Johnson |
Emilie A. Bertsch |
Margaret Boyd Moir |
Christine M. Ott |
May B. Wajstak |
Emma G. Engel |
George C. Mahan |
Carl F. Christmann |
George Dold |
April 26 |
Louisa A. Gilbert |
Marcellus N. Gilbert |
1909 |
April 4 |
Fannie Gertrude Dickie |
Katherine Louise Burrows |
Charlotte Elinore Fratus |
Sophie Charlotte Sell |
Mabel H. Fratus |
Charlotte Margaruite Young |
May 9 |
Eleanor Williams Daggett |
1911 |
April 18 |
Henry H. Edes |
Nov. 5 |
Mary Elizabeth Bradlee |
Nov. 6 |
Sarah Elizabeth Bradlee |
Mary E. Huntington |
Nov. 23 |
Helen P. Ellis |
Clara Elizabeth Baumann |
Joan Margaret Matilda Christmann |
Ferdinand Ullyss Wilhauck |
John F. Pfau |
Frederick Dold |
Samuel May Boardman |
Sarah H. Williamson |
1913 |
March 31 |
Cornelia B. Rodman (June 30, 1924, dismissed to Wellesley Congregational Church) |
March 31 |
Evangeline Wilson Young |
Aug. 20 |
Mary Quincy Thorndike |
Mary E. Park |
Charles E. Park |
1914 |
March 27 |
John W. Denny |
June 21 |
William Ellery |
Bessie Bell Collar |
A. Isabel Winslow |
Gertrude F. Townsend |
1916 |
March 2 |
Caroline C. Burlen |
Mary D. Davenport |
1922 |
March 26 |
Gertrude S. Taber |
Florence L. MacKay |
1929 |
April 13 |
Edith Endicott Stebbins |
1932 |
Jan. 18 |
Helen W. Stearns |
Jan. 18 |
Mrs. Clarence S. Angell |
Jan. 18 |
Clarence S. Angell |
1940 |
April 11 |
Celia M. Burdett |
1942 |
June 11 |
John Hoar Jr. |
1942 |
Nov. 29 |
Hazel Bell Henry Jewett (Withdrew) |
1944 |
Dec. 30 |
Walter Atherton |
Grace H. Atherton |
1945 |
Dec. 16 |
Lawrence Shaw Mayo |
1946 |
Oct. 27 |
Robert A. Ware |
Oct. 27 |
John D. Henry |
[178–180] [Blank]
[181] November 7, 1909.
At a meeting of the Communicant Members, held Sunday November 7, 1909, it was voted the following Preamble be adopted and prefixed to the Covenant of this Church. As follows:
Confessing ourselves in hearty accord with its spirit of true and earnest endeavor, if not with its definition of theological faith, and cherishing in honor and affection its form as being the original bond of union for our Church, we do affix our names to this Covenant in the belief that its spirit is more than its letter, and with the hope that its prompting unto all good works and holy living may be as potent for us as for those of former times:
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and in obedience to his holy [182] will and divine ordinance.
We, whose names are hereunder written, being by his most wise and good Providence brought together into this part of America, in the Bay of Massachusetts, and desirous to unite ourselves into one congregation or Church under the Lord Jesus Christ, our Head, in such sort as becometh all those whom he hath redeemed and sanctified to himself, do hereby solemnly and religiously (as in his most holy Presence) promise and bind ourselves to walk in all our ways according to the rule of the gospel, and in all sincere conformity to his holy ordinances, and in mutual love and respect each to other, so near as God shall give us grace.
1910 |
Anna Emrich |
March 20 |
Lillian Sell |
Louise Hurst |
Rosa Hauck |
Elsie M. Thierauf |
Alice P. Hoffmann |
Etta M. Greim |
Margaret Mahan |
Margaret M. Mahan |
Angelina Richardson |
George T. Cruft |
Oct. 28 |
Marshall B. Fanning |
Mary M. Fanning |
1911 |
April 9 |
Olga E. Bletzer |
Rose Wieland (Jan. 2, 1915, dismissed to 1st Cong. Ch. Maiden) |
Emily Thierauf |
Minnie Lauer |
Ethel Crickard |
Elizabeth F. Burrows |
Lillian S. Duemmling |
Ruth Salzgeber |
Agnes C. Dickie |
Helen C. Bletzer (Dismissed March 23, 1926) |
Mabel Adeline Heuser |
Lillian H. Robb |
Walter C. Blasser |
John P. Young |
George J. Blasser |
Spencer Washington Honey |
Lydia J. Dale |
Elizabeth L. Tappan |
William Stanley Parker |
Charles E. Loud |
Margaret K. Cummings |
Henry Endicott |
Arthur W. Moors |
Sept. 19 |
Marion Dudley Endicott |
Oct. 15 |
Adeline L. Sylvester |
George B. Sylvester |
Nov. 6 |
Charles Walter Bradlee |
Nov. 14 |
Oscar F. Adams |
Nov. 26 |
Edith H. Sears |
Mary D. Bush |
Nov. 26 |
Dawes Eliot Furness |
Nov. |
Rebekah T. Furness |
Laura Furness |
Mary H. Dennie |
Rebecca W. Walker |
1912 |
Jan. 4 |
Charlotte A. Bartol |
Jan. 10 |
Fanny S. Cutler |
Mary S. Ames |
Jan. 16 |
Maria D. Hastings |
Jan. 16 |
Maria D. Hastings 2nd |
Desdemona M. Künstler |
Maud Peterson |
Alice Anderson |
Ruth Muller |
Gertrude Robinson |
Jamesina M. Janse |
Jessie C. Mahan |
Marion Dickie |
John J. Thomas |
Frances Pickering Thomas |
Margaret Cummings |
May 8 |
J. B. Millet |
Emily Millet |
Elisabeth F. Millet |
Huida E. Jacobson (Released March 9, 1924) |
1913 |
March 16 |
Ella Sell |
Ottilia Rauch |
Janet G. Schaffer |
Erna Bauer |
Frieda Emrich |
1914 |
April 5 |
Beatrice Morrill |
Corinne Anderson |
Lillian A. Walters |
Clara Thierauf |
Mary Getz |
Anna Hoffman |
Margaret Hoffman |
Paul Theodore Jacobson (Withdrew May 20, 1925) |
Robert J. Haeberle (Dismissed Sept. 28, 1933) |
William Pfau |
1915 |
March 28 |
Mabel Peterson |
Lillian Hunter |
Bernice Morrill |
Dorothy Hasselmann |
Emma Wilson |
Hilda G. Meister |
Jennie B. Stratton |
Helen E. Dawson |
Elsie P. Wienold |
Helen L. Fritsch |
Amelia E. Ellgner |
Ruth Robinson |
Ethel May Muller |
Arthur Young |
Frank Peterson |
Charles Blasser |
1916 |
April 16 |
Ida M. Howard |
Louise A. Webberson |
Emma Irene Bletzer (Released Feb. 23, 1921) |
Gladys Pauline Leavitt |
Emma Helen Wienold |
Lily C. E. Burgstahler |
Ruth Richwood |
Florence E. McLellan |
Gertrude Hoering |
Elsa Müller |
Edith Bassing |
Louise Müller |
Josef Muller |
Herbert Jones |
Gustave William Anderson |
1917 |
April 1 |
Daniel Edmund Schnabel |
Madeline Elizebeth Bletzer |
Charles Henry Schmitt (Released June 5, 1925) |
Lillian Anna Dorothea Young |
Henry Haeberle |
Irma Dorothea Mueller |
Henry S. Anderson (Withdrawn) |
Jeanette Wilhelmina Hopkins (Dismissed Nov. 14, 1927) |
1918 |
March 31 |
Madeleine W. Van Hall |
Alice E. Ernst |
Lillian C. Reis |
Dorothy Haertl |
Olga Jacobson (Released March 9, 1924) |
Ida Elizabeth Richwood |
Francis Duemmling |
Alfred Emrich |
Arthur E. Mueller |
Charles E. Reddish |
Paul R. Morrill |
1919 |
April 13 |
Matilda Alida Meller |
Fannie Katherine Mueller |
Thora M. Meller |
Mabel Lenea Jacobson (Withdrew May 20, 1925) |
Laura Kelsey |
Dorothy Thorndike |
May 18 |
Mrs. Fred Berg |
Dec. 7 |
Virginia P. Moors |
Frederick Lawton |
1920 |
March 28 |
Mabel M. Janse |
Emily M. Heumann |
Carolynn Catherine Gebhardt |
Mabel Jennie Muller |
1921 |
Caroline C. Burlen |
Jan. 3 |
Elbridge G. Cutler |
Harold Edward Jacobson (Withdrew March 9, 1024) |
1922 |
April 9 |
Caroline Anderson (Withdrawn) |
Geraldine E. Silloway |
March 20 |
Theodore Schlosky |
Anna Hoering |
Margaret Hoering |
Emma Schnabel |
Irene Schnabel |
Henry Young |
Ralph Anderson (Withdrawn) |
Helene G. Siebeneicher |
Martha C. Richter |
Walter B. Van Hall |
Edwin J. Haertl |
Henry T. Ernst |
Henry C. Oberlander |
William Lambert Barnard |
1922 |
April 9 |
Arthur Foote |
Grace W. Minns |
1923 |
March 25 |
Theresa Meller |
Margaret A. Sorenson |
Myrtle M. Miller |
1924 |
Feb. 10 |
Lucy G. Peabody |
April 13 |
Charles E. Holmquist |
George Dauberschmidt |
George Rommell |
1925 |
April 5 |
Edith F. Anderson (Withdrew) |
Elsa Dannbauer |
Louise Josephine Gonser |
Lena Dietrich |
Dorothy Hilda Gebhardt |
Julia Madaline Grogan |
Gertrude Katherine Schnabel |
Margaret Louise Scholsky |
Janet Marion Sorenson |
Arthur Alexander Schnabel |
Dec. 13 |
Annie P. Vinton |
Mrs. Charles Sumner Jacobs |
Isabel Wesson |
Dec. |
Henry F. Armington |
Olivia H. Armington |
Dec. 20 |
Elizabeth Curtis |
Mrs. David Mason Little |
Emma L. Coleman |
Susan S. Gray |
Marjorie Gray |
Harriet G. Lewis |
Gertrude B. Ellis |
Alice M. Brooks |
Edmund S. Brigham |
Martha J. Brigham |
Minnie R. Bryant |
Lillie Collamore Smith |
Charles O. Prescott |
Mrs. John D. Henry |
Mark Harrison Smith |
Henry O. Cushman |
Isabel Cushman |
1929 |
Jan. 8 |
Mrs. E. F. Pratt |
Fanny Field |
Ellen M. Dennie |
Mrs. Francis A. Pierce |
Helen Graham Moseley |
Louise Wilson Wright (Mrs. Merle St. Croix) |
Elizabeth Wright, M.D. |
Henrietta C. Grammer |
Frances Hall |
Augustus P. Loring Jr. |
Rosamond B. Loring |
F. Rockwood Hall |
1926 |
Feb. 24 |
Oliver S. Chapman |
March 28 |
Elizabeth V. Van Hall |
March 28 |
Gertrude Ganser |
Erdine Winifred Van Hall |
Alice Grogan |
Theresa Single |
Helen Single |
Dorothy Single |
Florence Gebhardt |
April 7 |
Mary Ethel Hunneman |
Rebecca Dodd |
Nathaniel W. Ladd |
April 12 |
Mabel D. Post |
Mrs. Thomas Wilson |
April 20 |
Elizabeth L. Clark |
April 23 |
Charles J. White |
April 25 |
Theodora B. Jones |
Eliot N. Jones |
Constance B. Williston |
Raymond Fred Hill |
May 2 |
Madeleine P. Wetherbee |
Eliza A. Thomas |
Laura Norcross Marrs |
Mrs. Kingsmill Marrs |
May 4 |
Emily H. Bush |
May 24 |
Ellen Day Hale |
1927 |
Jan. 13 |
Anne Morton Smith |
[April 10 |
Olivia H. Armington |
A. Martha Reddish |
Helen V. Lothair |
C. Rose Single |
William Single |
Carl R. Allen |
Myles Standish |
Louise M. Standish |
Ralph Bradley |
These names were signed by mistake in the front of the book. Transferred per instructions from Dr. Park—H.W.S.459]
1928 |
Jan. 8 |
Frank L. Locke |
Florence H. Potter |
Charles Sedgwick Rackemann |
March 18 |
Isaac S. Whiting |
Isabel Whiting |
April 26 |
Gertrude C. Dean |
Paul Dudley Dean |
Dec. 30 |
William C. Crawford |
Alice Ranney Allen |
Elizabeth L. Clark (Signed before) |
Alice Foster Peirce |
1929 |
May 23 |
Caroline Hastings Burgess |
Oct. 20 |
Ruth Richards Sewall |
Weston F. Sewall |
Mrs. Robert S. Gorham |
Nov. 24 |
Alice M. Gardner |
Dec. 15 |
Anne P. Emery |
1930 |
March 9 |
Mildred P. Whiting |
John K. Whiting |
1931 |
Jan. 11 |
Laura Huxtable Porter (Withdrawn) |
Ethel L. Reddish |
L. Guy Dennett |
April 13 |
Ellen Hemenway Taintor |
Rebecca Pickering Thomas |
Yann de Pierrefeu |
Loring D. Collier |
Lucretia Towne Gartell |
April 29 |
Elizabeth T. Wandell |
May 11 |
Elizabeth H. Flint |
Dec. 28 |
Elizabeth Briggs |
March 19 |
Francis Gilman Collier |
April 19 |
H. Ross Stevenson |
Nov. 19 |
Helen Wheeler |
Dec. 27 |
Marion B. Dibblee |
Valborg L. Waller |
Dec. 27 |
Rosalie Y. Abbot |
Charles H. Goodwin |
Elizabeth Cabot Church |
Helen Manchester Church |
1932 |
Jan. 10 |
Maud E. Appleton |
Charlotte Peirce |
Elsie D. Wildes |
Maurice H. Wildes |
Mrs. Frederick H. Mills |
Charles S. Parker |
Mary E. Park |
Jan. 17 |
Eliot Putnam Emerson (Withdrawn) |
Feb. 19 |
Mary Elizabeth French |
Feb. 22 |
Frank M. Booth |
March 20 |
Robert G. Adams (Withdrawn) |
Wilhelmina Woodbury |
Sylvia Pratt |
George A. Dexter |
Winifred Cline |
Elizabeth J. Sherman |
1933 |
Nov. 2 |
William Stickney Hall |
Dec. 10 |
Clara P. Ames |
1934 |
March 25 |
Josephine Shaw |
Helen Rae Caswell |
Sophie B. Westcott |
Bertha J. Piper |
David W. Hawksworth |
David D. Henry |
Elmore H. Coe |
William A. H. Butler |
Mabel A. Fitz |
June 3 |
Mrs. Lindsay Austin de Volt |
Oct. 28 |
Alice G. Grozier |
Nov. 11 |
Katharine E. Peirce |
1935 |
Jan. 6 |
Atherton Noyes |
Margaret D. Noyes |
Jan. 11 |
Harriet Stevens Smith |
Jan. 14 |
Eliza L. Leland |
Feb. 17 |
Anne Bradstreet Stedman |
April 21 |
Cara Bates Conklin |
Nellie Marston Bacheller |
Nov. 24 |
Mildred Russell Howland |
Dec. 22 |
Myra C. Hole |
1936 |
Feb. 8 |
Mary Louise Foster |
April 19 |
Evelyn L. Murdock |
May 10 |
Conrad Wesselhoeft |
Frances G. Wesselhoeft |
William Wesselhoeft |
Conrad Wesselhoeft Jr. |
Frances Wesselhoeft |
Harriet Betty Boas |
Dorothy Wilson |
May 24 |
Edith Batchelor Sprague |
Nov. 29 |
Artiss de Volt |
1937 |
Jan. 31 |
George Newton Proctor |
Emma Bowden Proctor |
March 21 |
Phyllis Henry |
Richard Henry |
Marion E. Trippier |
James Trippier Jr. |
Frances R. Snow |
John N. Hamilton |
Benjamin Palmer Dean (Withdrawn) |
Michael J. Travato |
David P. Mohr |
April 4 |
Mary A. Foster |
Lindsey K. Foster |
Mary P. MacGray |
Caroline Stetson Allen |
Mary F. Stratton |
June 13 |
Marion Dall |
Helen Woodruff Tatlock |
1938 |
April 10 |
Russell G. Fessenden |
Eliza S. Leland |
Antoine B. Saunders |
Florence G. A. Saunders |
May 8 |
Suzanne E. Abbot |
Alice Paine Hedge |
1939 |
Feb. 12 |
Chester F. Pero (Withdrawn) |
Linnie S. Pero (Withdrawn) |
April 2 |
Warren William Mohr |
June Louise Reddish |
July 18 |
Mrs. Charles E. St. John |
Nov. 19 |
Elizabeth Smith Chapman (Withdrawn) |
1940 |
Nov. 24 |
Maud Appleton Hartwell |
1941 |
Jan. 19 |
Bertha Reed Coffman |
Feb. 9 |
Amelia Muir Baldwin |
May 11 |
John J. Meister |
John Christian Hansen |
Lillian M. Haeberle |
1942 |
April 23 |
Annie S. Forsaith |
Marian B. Forsaith |
May 10 |
Dorothy Critchfield |
1943 |
April 1 |
Marion H. Thanisch |
May 11 |
James B. Noyes |
Oct. 17 |
Harriet B. Bayley |
James C. Bayley Jr. |
Dec. 10 |
Franklin R. Hoar |
Dec. 19 |
Alice G. Mudge (Withdrawn) |
1944 |
Jan. 16 |
Arthur Hoar |
Dorothy B. Hoar |
Feb. 20 |
Caroline S. Winslow |
March 9 |
Gustave Martin |
March 21 |
Frieda W. Crocker |
1946 |
Nov. 10 |
Ernest C. Crocker |
1944 |
March 26 |
Robert Wells Haeberle |
March 31 |
Mary Richardson Jones |
April 6 |
Grace Foster Haskins |
April 14 |
Anna Rumrill Hammond |
April 23 |
Carolyn Thanisch |
April 28 |
Robert Washburn |
Dec. 25 |
Gilbert S. Newman |
Janet A. Newman |
March 31 |
R. Holbrooke Cheever |
June 19 |
Margaret S. Peirce |
Oct. 24 |
William F. Burdett |
Nov. 10 |
Edith M. Esterbrook |
1947 |
Feb. 23 |
Alice F. Tilden |
1945 |
March 27 |
Katharine Wendell Sisson |
April 14 |
Charles B. Rugg |
Marjory B. Rugg |
April 15 |
Annie Winsor Allen |
Elizabeth Very |
Marvin Thomas Christy |
1946 |
Feb. 10 |
Grace Collier |
Hilda G. Blaisdell |
March 9 |
Edith S. Tilden |
Leslie M. Ware |
March 10 |
Elizabeth Bryning Smith |
March 30 |
Phyllis Elaine Williams |
May 13 |
Alexander S. Parker |
Carolyn C. Howlett |
May 25 |
Lois W. Richardson |
George O. Richardson |
1948 |
Jan. 25 |
Richard D. Pierce |
May 9 |
Sylvia M. Milliken |
Eleanor Colpitts |
Dec. 3 |
Henry M. Steel Swift |
1949 |
Jan. 2 |
E. Charlton Crocker |
Jan. 31 |
Edith M. Ernst |
Charles F. Ernst |
Edith C. Howie |
David H. Howie |
Feb. 14 |
Selma B. Stone |
Feb. 27 |
Hubert W. Townsend |
April 7 |
Lillian Gay |
April 28 |
Marion C. Hill |
May 3 |
Edith Bangs |
1950 |
March 28 |
Caroline S. Freeman |
April 9 |
Cynthia Rugg |
Selma B. Jones |
1951 |
Jan. 26 |
Patricia Noerdlinger |
March 18 |
John H. Sisson |
Mabel Wingate |
Barbara B. Sisson |
Oriana Wingate |
Lilian H. Spry |
Velma A. Adams |
Bettina R. Hansen |
Anne Neville Moses |
George H. Moses |
Richard McAllister Adams |
Dorothy Hall Parkhurst |
O. Clifton Marks |
Eliot S. McMurrough |
Richard W. Spry |
Alice Campbell Humphrey |
Homer Corliss Humphrey |
March 22 |
Eleanor McMurrough |
April 29 |
Marjorie F. Ritchie |
Frederick A. Ritchie |
1952 |
April 6 |
Edward D. Bement |
Mrs. Edward D. Bement |
Walter Humphreys |
Carrie M. Hall |
George N. Proctor 3rd |
Jane Sewall |
Adelle Rawson |
Ruth L. Hunt |
Ruth Q. Peters |
Marian L. Porter |
Satenig M. Sahjian |
Phyllis T. Spring |
Bernard P. Spring |
Phoebe L. Garnost |
Kenneth D. Garnost |
Rufus N. Stickney |
Blanche G. Stickney |
Margaret W. Carter |
Susan G. Loring |
Sept. 22 |
Jeannette E. Hopkins |
Oct. 19 |
Anne Morrison |
1953 |
March 29 |
Meta B. Wade |
Constance Curtiss |
Elizabeth M. Sullivan |
Miriam S. Black |
Dorothy B. Dickinson |
Flora L. E. O’Keefe |
Robert Batcheller Rowley |
William R. Dickinson |
Olive Louise Dingle |
Oct. 1 |
Ann Swain Harley |
Nov. 10 |
Jean H. Pope |
Edward B. Pope |
Nov. 16 |
Donald F. Fenn |
Dec. 11 |
Marjorie A. Margolis |
1954 |
April 11 |
Patricia Coffin Swain |
Leslie Anne Robinson |
Ambrose Feeley |
George S. Richardson |
Susan Higginson Nash |
Carl A. Levins |
Enid Vose |
Alton W. Ridley |
Joy E. McKinley |
S. Justus McKinley |
Harriet L. Norris |
Ernst A. Meyer |
Flavia Claverie Atkins |
Griswold Terry Atkins |
Irene Harvey |
Herbert A. Harvey |
Richard S. Hasty |
May 6 |
Elizabeth McP. Booth |
June 14 |
Robert E. Thompson |
1955 |
April 3 |
Virginia Loring Crowell |
Alice Nichols Burrage |
Lorna Elwyn Feeley |
Marion E. Wells |
Edward P. Wells |
Alice T. Fuller |
Charles W. Fuller |
Hilda N. True |
Fred L. True Jr. |
Athole B. Edwards |
Ursele Dawn Peck |
Gertrude Hoadley Rogers |
Record Haines Rogers |
Clayton R. Merritt |
Carolyn Bradbury Evans |
Ada M. Bixby |
Beverly Ann Bigwood |
Edith Tileston Hughes |
Margaret F. O’Neill |
Charlotte Taylor Robbins |
Weston A. Stevens |
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