Diary of Ebenezer Parkman

Diary of Ebenezer Parkman, 1782

1782 January 1 (Tuesday). Blessed be the Lord who is our Great Almighty Preserver and daily, yearly Benefactor!

We assembled into the House of the Lord to pay our Homage and implore divine Benediction, Preservation and Direction. Mr. Moore began with Adoration, Praise and Prayer. We Sung Ps. [24?], former part. Mr. Fish (the Younger) preached on Ps. 126.3. I prayed after Sermon: and we Sung Ps. 145, the whole of the first part. After the Blessing the Singers and a Number of the Congregation Stayed—a Number of agreeable Tunes were sung. May God graciously accept our devout Gratulations!

When I came home I found Dr. Gordon here, being returned thus far from Virginia, having been with the Generals etc. Doctor lodges here. Mr. Fish lodges at the Squires, and his Horse is kept there. Mr. Killbourn (who preachs at Southborough) was with us, but returns to Mrs. Stones. It was with us, a Time of much Company: some of our young Scholars [here?], favoured us by going home, and took Horses with them to keep.

1782 January 2 (Wednesday). Dr. Gordon left us Early. Mr. Moore and his son undertook their Journey via Cambridge and Boston. P.M. Mr. Holland here. He is discouraged from Preaching through bodily Infirmity and Studies Physick. At Eve our Young folks go to Col. Brighams.

1782 January 3 (Thursday). I am more and more affected by the Sorrowful Dispensation of Providence in the Impairs of my Sight.

1782 January 4 (Friday). My Grandson Baldwin from College din’d here, but p.m. went on his Journey to Brookfield.

1782 January 5 (Saturday). This Morning Breck went to Concord to See Lydia, if alive. He returned at night. She is very low, but there are some hopeful Tokens, and the Child like to live. Their Daughter Lydia is in Languishment and pain. She is supposed to be Rheumatic and consumptive.

1782 January 6 (Sunday). A.M. I named Ps. 39 [to?] latter part for a Text, but delivered a Number of Serious Reflections, Contemplations, quickening Motives, and Seasonable Advices, proper for the first sabbath of the year. P.M. preached on Rom. 8.1. May God succeed! At Eve Mr. Brigham read Mr. Flavels Fountain of Life, Sermon 22, which is upon Luk. 22.41 to 44.

1782 January 7 (Monday). I am employed upon Biographical Dictionary, Vol. 7. A Letter from Elias at Hampt. (North) of Dec. 31. Mr. Daniel Goddard of Shrewsbury here and desires me to lend him Dr. Mathers Magnalia. He also requests some Other Things (Preaching etc.) which I can’t encourage.

1782 January 8 (Tuesday). Mr. Treasurer Newtons affairs are much perplexed: a Committee again sitts at his House, to Examine Accounts. Mr. Gale here: brings Beef. Ephraim Parker came to see us. Honorable judge Dorr visits me. He is looking for a Farm having sold his own in Mendon.

1782 January 9 (Wednesday). Mr. Brigham and others are upon Neighbour Newtons Accounts still. Reading Mr. Grovers Sermons, Vol. 5, but marked Vol. 1. An unhappy Accident at Eve by the Candle.

1782 January 10, 11 (Thursday, Friday). So fowl weather that I can’t visit Mr. Jonathan Child who is ill. I am confined, and read Biographical Dictionary.

1782 January 12 (Saturday). Bowman is so indisposed that he goes home to his Fathers; and the Brighams take Care of the Cattle and Wood.

1782 January 13 (Sunday). I preached a.m. on Rom. 8.1. P.M. on Phil. 4.7. Mrs. Maynard dined here. At Eve Mr. Brigham read Flavels fountain of Life, and prayed.

1782 January 14 (Monday). Mr. Moses Brigham and his Wife were here. Mr. Crosby (the young preacher) was here also.

1782 January 15 (Tuesday). Mr. Brigham (though very Cold) went to Boston. He carrys from me Mr. Cranch’s Vol. 7 of Biographical Dictionary. My Wife much distresst by grievous pain in her Back and Hip.

1782 January 16 (Wednesday). I rode in a sleigh to Mr. William Johnsons, to the Funeral of his little son Taylor of 13 months; and prayed and discoursed with them. N.B. I dined at Mr. Ebenezer Chamberlains junior. Called at Mr. Samuel Hardy’s. When I came home found Mr. Sumner and his Wife. I discoursed with him about Mr. Sanford and of his Doctrines. My son Baldwin and my Daughter from Brookfield and one Mr. Weare with them in a sleigh. They lodged here.

1782 January 17 (Thursday). Mr. P. Whitney and Mr. David Monro—also Dr. Crosby. Col. and Mr. Weare go to Boston. My Daughter remains here. N.B. Mr. Whitney relates that there has lately been a Conference at Westford: a Number of Ministers, with their Delegates, upon the Hopkinsian Doctrines, and a Lecture by Mr. Zabdiel Adams. At Eve Messrs. Hazzletine and Elisha Parker. Mr. Brigham returned from Boston. He brought a Letter from Mr. Quincy which was very acceptable to me. Mrs. P________ very much exercised with pain in her Back and Hip; especially in the Nights.

1782 January 18 (Friday). She takes Physick, by advice of Dr. Crosby. I visited at Neighbour Harringtons. P.M. Col. Brigham and his Wife made us a Visit, which was very agreeable.

1782 January 19 (Saturday). Rev. Mr. David Goodall of Hallifax in the State of [blank] came to see me and dined with us. I gave him synopsis purioris Theologia a Profess. Leidensibus: and I lent him a Vol. of the Morning Exercise, the [IVth?], to be returned again in [blank] Months. I asked him to preach tomorrow.

1782 January 20 (Sunday). Mr. Goodall preached for me a. and p.m. on 1 Joh. 3.9.10. He and his Mother Maynard dined here. Mr. Brigham at Eve read in Flavels Fountain of Life, Sermon 24, and prayed.

1782 January 21 (Monday). The Town Meet again, about Treasurer Newtons Accounts. The Committee which the Town improved upon it, find the Affair exceeding difficult, can’t agree [illegible] as to Sign a Report. Suse and Sophy wait on Mrs. Baldwin in the Sleigh to Capt. Maynards. Mrs. P________ better.

1782 January 22 (Tuesday). Am employed in Mr. Wests Disquisitions on the Prophets. N.B. I took his Hint to compare Dan. 8.14 according to the Septuagint, which reads [GREEK], four hundred, whereas all other Translations read three hundred; and the Hebrew is [HEBREW] Three.

1782 January 23 (Wednesday). The storm is so great that my Daughter Baldwin must needs be in some Concern for her Husband, who is not returned from Boston yet.

1782 January 24 (Thursday). A very Stormy time, till the latter part of the Day. I am much confined at home, that I cannot Visit.

1782 January 25 (Friday). Mr. William Spring and his Wife with two Children from Sturbridge, came to see us. N.B. I delivered to Mr. Spring Ostervald of the Causes of the Corruption among Christians, for which I have some numbers of the Royal Magazine, Vol. I and II bound up (with many Omissions) in one Volume. P.M. my Son Baldwin and Mr. Weare came from Boston. N.B. A new Chrystal for my watch, from Mr. Peck—price 3/. They Set out though late, for home; my Daughter with them.

1782 January 26 (Saturday). Mr. Spring and his Wife and 2 Children set out for Sutton. N.B. I presented Mr. Spring Dr. Gordons anniver[sions?] on Independency.

1782 January 27 (Sunday). I preached a.m. on Rom. 8.1. P.M. on Phil. 4.7, which may God graciously bless! At Eve Mr. Brigham read Flavel Sermon 25. Sung. Sorrowful News of the Death of the Widow Rhoda Maynard.

1782 January 28 (Monday). Mr. Goodall, his wife and Child here. Also their mother Maynard and Brother and Sister Wheelock from Otter Creek. I lent Mr. Goodall Mr. Cottons Way of Life for 3 or 4 Months; but he returns the Volume of Morning Exercise which he had taken before. Memorandum. Deacon Hawes has been here to inform that Mr. Samuel Hardys wife is delivered of a Dead Child and would have me attend the Funeral tomorrow at one O’Clock. After which Mr. Andrews was here upon the sorrowful Errand that his Daughter Bettys Infant is dead, and ask me to the Burial.

1782 January 29 (Tuesday). A very cold season, but I am obliged to exert my self. I rode in my sleigh to Mr. Samuel Hardys, an House of Mourning, and prayed with them before their interring their Infant. Thence, at 3 o’Clock, I rode to Mr. Andrews’s, and apply’d myself to the unhappy Girl. She Seemed somewhat penitent: a good many Neighbours attended. I prayed with them—and Said what pungent Things I could. I did not go to the Grave. I turned in to See old Lt. Forbush and his Wife, who has lately lost her only surviving Brother Mr. Moses Bellows of Southborough.

1782 January 30 (Wednesday). Extream Cold. I could not ride abroad to visit as designed. Was mercifully preserved from Fire in my study at Evening. Thanks be to God therefor!

1782 January 31 (Thursday). My Ears and Heart wounded at hearing of another base begotten Child; viz. Abigail Fays, Daughter of Ensign Jeduthun.

1782 February 1 (Friday). The Weather is very Cold, but God Sustains us! Dr. Simson of Hopkinton, his Wife and Child, Mr. Marshal of Framingham, and two Young Ladies, Sisters of Mrs. Simson, came in a sleigh and spent part of the Evening with us. N.B. DeFoes Works lent to the Doctor, and he is to Send me the Volume of DeFoe that was Mr. Abby’s.

1782 February 2 (Saturday). I am engaged in my Preparations, but make slow work by reason of my impaired Sight. Both Suse and Sophy not well. A letter from my son Samuel to Breck informs that his Wife on Jan. 25 bore him a son, which they have called John; may the rich Blessings of the New Covenant be conferred on him!

1782 February 3 (Sunday). A Stormy Snowy Day. A thin Congregation. A.M. preached again on Phil. 4.7. Mrs. Maynard dined here. P.M. on Consideration of the abounding of Sin, especially Fornication, I preached on Jer. 8.6, those words, “No man repented” etc. N.B. Mrs. Dolly Rice very ill—prayed for. Mrs. P________ not well—Susa and Sophy much out of Health. All of them Stay at home. Mr. Brigham at Eve Read in Flavel, and prayed.

1782 February 4 (Monday). Mrs. Rice being yet alive and the Weather Moderate, p.m. I rode in the sleigh to See her: and prayed with her. I also rode over to see Mrs. Whitney who is in a Weak state; but Mr. Whitney not at home.

1782 February 5 (Tuesday). I wrote to Mr. Quincy. Messrs. Brigham, Hazzletine and Elisha Parker are going to Boston to attend upon the General Court who have summoned great Numbers of Witnesses in the Case of Lieutenant Levi Warren against Squire Baker.

1782 February 6 (Wednesday). I took the sleigh and Horse, with Billy Spring to drive, and rode to Southborough. I carryed to Mrs. Stone Dr. Owen’s Meditations on the Glorys of Christ—dined there. Borrowed of Mr. Peter Stone, Mr. James Pierce’s 15 sermons. In lieu of which I left the Causes of the Decay etc. When I came back I made a Visit to Capt. Jonas Brigham, who has lost the Sight of one of his Eyes. He received my Visit very kindly.

1782 February 7 (Thursday). Messrs. Benjamin Stone and Samuel Crosby junior came in to see me. They inform me that Rev. Mr. Messenger of Ashford is dead. May God graciously prepare me for my own Turn! Mr. Crosby says he’ll come and keep the next sabbath with me.

1782 February 8 (Friday). I am full of Concern about the Cause at Court. Some are returned—further hearing put off to next Thursday.

1782 February 9 (Saturday). Mr. Brigham came home. He brings me the 9th Volume of Biographical Dictionary from Mr. Cranch. Mr. B. relates the awful Suicide of a young Mr. Gray who has shot himself. We hear of Several other Sudden Deaths—a Mr. Clafflin of Hopkinton killed by a Sleigh. But the most sorrowful is what we hear from New Fane—of this, more hereafter. At Even came Mr. Crosby and lodges here.

1782 February 10 (Sunday). Mr. Crosby both prayed and preached a. and p.m. Text a.m. was Heb. 12.1, last Clause. The Text p.m. was Prov. 3.16.17. Mrs. Maynard dined here. At Eve Mr. Crosby repeated and Mr. Brigham prayed.

1782 February 11 (Monday). Dr. Crosby here a.m. looks of my Eye. He [likes?] me not to meddle with it. Young Mr. Crosby dines here. N.B. I committ to him a Spanish Dollar to be delivered to the Widow of the late Mr. Josiah Swan of Leominster. P.M. Paul Knowlton Esq. came to see me, and give me an Account of the late Burning at New Fane (where he lives); and he says, that In the Morning of the 2d of this Month was discovered that the House, and every Thing that was in it, of Mr. Henry Sartel, were reduc’d to Ashes. He, himself, his wife and five Children were burnt; their Bones and the Bones of their Dog were found—and that Rev. Taylor preached an excellent Sermon next day from Luk. which the Hearers will try to get Printed. May God Sanctifie such an awakening Dispensation! Mr. Knowlton informs likewise that Capt. Blackersley [?] of Brattleborough going from New Fane to Bennington, in one of the late Cold Days, perished in the Cold.

1782 February 12 (Tuesday). Moses Warrin was here concerning his remove, with his Wife, to Acworth. N.B. They wanted Privileges, but are obliged to go on their Journey before they can wait to be Propounded.

1782 February 13 (Wednesday). Mr. Brigham and a Number more are going to Boston. Summoned again by Lt. Levi Warrin against Squire Baker. I Sent by [him?] a Letter to my son William—also another to my Son Samuel. A Councill (I hear) is sitting at Oxford, upon Account of Mr. Bowmans Difficultys there.

1782 February 14 (Thursday). We Suppose that to day Lt. Warrins Complaint against Squire Baker comes on again. N.B. Two of our Scholars, viz. Josiah Brigham and John Baker, move their Lodgings from our House to Mr. [blank] Bush’s at North Shrewsbury, to be under the Tuition of Mr. Fairbank. Bowman with my Horse, assists them in it. Mrs. P________ has a grievous sore, grown upon the Great Toe of her Left Foot. And the old sore upon her right Leg is still worse. She is much Afflicted.

1782 February 15 (Friday). [No entry.]

1782 February 16 (Saturday). Mr. Brigham came home p.m.

1782 February 17 (Sunday). I went a step further in my Discourse on Rom. 8.1. Mrs. Maynard and Mrs. Cullock dined here. P.M. on 1 Cor. 6.20. May God graciously add His Blessing! At Eve Mr. B. read Mr. Flavells Fountain of Life, Sermon 27, on Luk. 23.38.

1782 February 18 (Monday). A Storm of Snow confines me at home, so that I can’t visit. Especially Ensign Snow who is very low and dangerously ill.

1782 February 19 (Tuesday). The Storm continues. My Eyes no better—the Difficulty in Reading I fear increases.

1782 February 20 (Wednesday). Cloudy and Snowy still. A Letter from Elias at Northampton in which he still complains of our Neglecting him—that he has had but one Letter from me, which was that of Jan. 8 (or 18th) for Three Months: He is also out of Health. At Eve came my Son William from Concord and brought up his Daughter Suse. N.B. His wife somewhat better, but Lydia is worse—with various Disorders.

1782 February 21 (Thursday). William stays to dine with us—leaves Suse and returns home himself. P.M. Mr. Brigham rides with me to Mr. Snow’s, who is very low; conversed and prayed with him. We visit at Mr. Abraham Beemans. Himself not there. Elias’s Letter had filled us with Concern on Account of his being out of Health: But when we arrived at home I found him here, and indifferently well. But Mrs. P________ is much indisposed in Body, as well as lame on both Sides.

1782 February 22 (Friday). Squire Baker is not returned from Boston, but Mrs. Baker has this Morning brought forth a son, and is in an hopeful way. N.B. Last night a man belonging to Danvers, one McIntire, attempting to go to the Widow Williams’s across Capt. Maynards Field, was bewildered and in danger of Perishing; but upon repeated hallowing, had Help.

1782 February 23 (Saturday). Am Sermonizing but do not finish. Mr. Joseph Cullock is come home.

1782 February 24 (Sunday). Preached again on 1 Cor. 6.20 and to day both a. and p.m. O that the Spirit of God might accompany and prosper the Word dispensed! Mrs. Fessenden and Mrs. Culloch dined here. At Eve Mr. B. read Flavels Fountain etc., Sermon 28. Mrs. P________ still confined from public meeting. Letters from Mr. Cushing. He gives me an Account of a Council lately at Ashby upon Mr. Whitmans Doctrines and Conduct. At Eve Mr. B. Flavell Sermon 28[?].

1782 February 25 (Monday). We are an House of Invalids. Yet all of us about House. Mrs. P________ chiefly, by reason of a grievous Pain in her side: she fears a sore is gathering there. Sophy is grievously exercised with Toothach—and has it drawn. Elias is much out of Health. He rides here and there to stir himself. But I am able (through divine Goodness) to read, and am now reading in Biographical Dictionary—Life of Father Paul (Author of the History of the Council of Trent).

1782 February 26 (Tuesday). Breck goes to Boston in the Sleigh. I am writing to Mr. West but can’t finish it. Mrs. P________ worse to Day.

1782 February 27 (Wednesday). The Funeral of Dr. Balls Wife. Elias goes to attend upon it. May God Sanctifie the Bereavement to the poor Doctor; but newly Snatched from Death himself!

1782 February 28 (Thursday). Mr. Thomas Kendal came. His Horse is put up at the Deacons (Woods)—but he lodges here. Elias Seems not well, but rides about. Breck returns from Boston, brings me a Letter from my old Friend Mr. Quincy: But sorrowful News from my Son Samuel, his wife being very ill of a Fever. A Letter from him of her low state. May God most gracious extend Compassion! Benjamin Bowmans Time is out, and he leaves us.

1782 March 1 (Friday). God has supported us through the Winter. To His Name be Glory! A fine warm Day—but a good deal of Snow on the Ground. A Number of Disasters of late by Sleighs etc. Elias sat out for Northampton. Mr. Kendal dined here—as did also Mr. Walker Lyon from Woodstock, who is on his way to Southborough. At Evening Capt. Jonas Brigham and Wife made us a kind Visit. Mr. Crosby came and lodged here. Mrs. P________ has taken Physic, and we hope is somewhat better, but is much confined yet. The Scholars, Jonathan Grout and Abijah Warren tend the Cattle and cut Wood.

1782 March 2 (Saturday). Mr. Crosby is with us. Cousin Maynard visits her Aunt. They both dine here. P.M. leave us. The former goes to Northborough to preach there. N.B. have received a Letter <from my son Cushing which informs me of a Council of late at Ashbuy concerning Mr. Whitman their Minister>. [Marginal notation: See Feb. 24.]

1782 March 3 (Sunday). Preached again, a. and p.m. on Rom. 8.1, latter part. On God alone may we depend for a Blessing which may he graciously grant! Mrs. Maynard dines here. At Eve Mr. Brigham reads Flavell Sermon 29.

1782 March 4 (Monday). Town Meeting. Capt. Morse and Mr. Joseph Harrington came with the Request of the Town that I would go and pray with them. Which I complyed with. Lt. Levi Brigham of Fitz-William dined here. William Grout came to live here a while, to tend my Cattle and cutt wood; that he also may learn to Cypher. Isaac Baldwin came from Brookfield and lodges here. His Horse goes to Mr. Eli Whitneys.

1782 March 5 (Tuesday). My Grand son Baldwin goes with me to guide the Sleigh to Several Familys, viz. to Ensign Fays on consideration of the late Death of their Daughter Mrs. Rhoda Maynard: and the sorrowful Fall of their Daughter Abigail, who was lately brought to Bed, though she had no Husband. Thence to Mr. Jonathan Childs. Thence to Mr. Levi Whitneys, where we dined. Thence to Lieutenant Grouts, where was his Brother Joseph. I enquired of him, Why his Sister Adams did not look after her Affair before the Governor and Council? The Answers were but very general and indeterminate. We called at Squire Bakers to See his Wife after her Lying in. Am informed (but no word was mentioned there of it) that last night a Mobbish Rabble burnt nigh Col. Wheelocks an Image which had been carryed about, with great Contempt etc. At Eve Mr. Fish junior at our House, and lodges here.

1782 March 6 (Wednesday). Mr. Fish goes. Young Mr. Crosby comes—lodges. At night old Mr. Rider, of Shrewsbury, fell from his Horse, and the though long calling for Help, none came for a great While. He was got up to Deacon Woods. N.B. Isaac Baldwin goes to Lt. Grouts to begin his School.

1782 March 7 (Thursday). I visit Mr. Rider at Deacon Woods. Mr. Crosby leaves us. Mrs. P________ still poorly—takes physic of Dr. Hawes.

1782 March 8 (Friday). My Kinsman Alexander Oliver and Mr. [blank] Potter both of them lately from the Army, came, dined, and left us.

1782 March 9 (Saturday). Col. Baldwin came from Boston (via Concord), brings us the sorrowful Tidings that dear Sally, Samuels Wife, departed on the 7th, about one p.m. Col. lodges here.

1782 March 10 (Sunday). That the grievous stroke may be duely improved by us, I preached on 2 Cor. 4.17 a. and p.m. My sons Breck and Brigham sat out for Boston after Dinner to dear Sallys Funeral. May God graciously support, direct and assist us all in the Duty of holy Mourning! I repeated part of the Exercises at Even. Isaac Baldwin dined and lodged here. Wrote to Samuel by Brigham etc.

1782 March 11 (Monday). Col. Baldwin goes on his Journey home; his son to his school. Mr. Thomas Kenny, and Robert Whiteman Work and dine here. Lt. Levi Warren here and gives me Some Account of his Action against Squire Baker. Capt. Brooks of Grafton here and dines with us. N.B. Wrote to Elias by Col. Baldwin. The Funeral of my late Daughter in Law, is, according to Appointment this Afternoon. Lord make us know our End and the Measure of our Days etc!

1782 March 12 (Tuesday). Reading History of American War. Mrs. P________ takes Physic (Squills) of Dr. Hawes—for several Days. At night, 9 o’Clock my Sons Breck and Brigham, return from Boston. They inform me that Sally was buryed in Deacon Greenoughs Tomb.

1782 March 13 (Wednesday). I rode into the Neighbourhood. Was at Neighbour Thad Warrins, Col. Wheelocks, Capt. Fishers etc. Mrs. P________ continues not well. William Grout (who lives with us) is out of Health. Rev. Mellen from Cambridge going to Stirling, comes in to See me. Deacon Woods wife visits here.

1782 March 14 (Thursday). Wrote to Mr. Walter Lyon at Southborough to come and preach my Lecture this day Sennight (D.V.).

1782 March 15 (Friday). Mrs. P________ still drooping. William Grout much unwell, yet is able to tend the Cattle etc. I wrote Letters to my Son Ebenezer at Crom Pond, and to his Sons at West Point.

1782 March 16 (Saturday). Mrs. P________ somewhat better, through divine Favour. Col. Brigham here.

1782 March 17 (Sunday). Preached a.m. on 1 Cor. 6.20. Master Baldwin dined and lodged here. P.M. on Joh. 7.17. May God graciously add His Blessing! I received a Letter from my Son Ebenezer at Crom Pond. At Eve Mr. Brigham Read Flavells Sermon 30 on Luk. 23.34. N.B. I appointed the Communion and Lecture.

1782 March 18 (Monday). Wrote another Letter to my son Ebenezer at Crom Pond and Sent the several Letters by Mr. Joseph McCullock. William Grout is so out of Health, especially with a prevailing bad Cough, that he returns home to his Fathers.

1782 March 19 (Tuesday). I went to Mr. Thad Warrins to get him to kill our Piggs. Young Mr. Fish here, and acquaints us with his Northampton Journey. Capt. Morse here in great Warmth about Squire Baker. Squire Baker also came in. He shewed me his Discharge from the Commissary Colt Esq.

1782 March 20 (Wednesday). Mr. Thad Warrin and Mr. Nathan Maynard to assist him, came and killed our two remaining Piggs. One weighed 10 score and 3 pound. The Other (which was Mr. Brighams and a month younger) weighed 11 Score and one Pound. Mr. Warrin cut out and Salted down the Pork.

1782 March 21 (Thursday). Sacramental Lecture. Mr. Walter Lyon (who came a.m. and dined with us) preached on Mat. 11.28, which may God succeed! Mrs. Maynard here after Meeting at Tea. N.B. Mr. David Fay carrys my Letters to Messrs. West, Moore and Quincy to Boston.

1782 March 22 (Friday). Am without Man or Boy. My Son and his Boy take Care of the Barn, and Mr. B. cutts Some of the Wood. I Read part of an Excellent Discourse of the Witness of the Spirit.

1782 March 23 (Saturday). Mrs. P________ is through divine Goodness, as I hope, better; but I am very destitute of Help, and am my Self unable to go much abroad. Breck and Brigham take Care of the Barn and Wood.

1782 March 24 (Sunday). Sacrament Day. Preached a.m. on 1 Cor. 11.20. Mrs. Maynard and the Widow Mehitable Brigham dined with us. P.M. on John. 14.15. At Eve Mr. Brigham read Mr. Flavel Sermon 31 on Joh. 19.27.

1782 March 25 (Monday). Town Meeting partly about Money Matters; and partly to consider a Letter about a County Convention to meet at Worcester on 2d Tuesday in April next.

1782 March 26 (Tuesday). Mr. Brigham goes to Worcester to hear the Tryal of the Cause of Rev. Mr. Fairbank of Shrewsbury against Rev. Mr. Morse, his Neighbour for Slander.

1782 March 27 (Wednesday). Mr. Brigham has hired Daniel Nurse junior to work here a few Days, and he Came to day. Cutts the Wood at the Door. Read Biographical Dictionary.

1782 March 28 (Thursday). Enoch Greenwood was married to Mirriam Forbes: and at Evening Asa Forbush to Mehitable Fay. Mr. B. has received Several Letters from Elias, by which he is informed that Mr. Nathan Fisk junior of Brookfield is dead; that our Cousen Whitney of Brookline, Connecticut, has lost their eldest son by the small Pox; but that Robert Breck Esq. has lately had a Seventh son which was baptized Theodore.

1782 March 29 (Friday). P.M. came in Mr. John Forbes of Otter Creek: and with him Capt. Fisher, who brought me a Letter (writ by him I Suppose) from Mr. Daniel Adams, Dated to day, to be communicated to the Church. He also bears a Message to me from the Rev. Mr. Sanford of Medway, that he designs to make me a Visit next Tuesday, to remove Some Misapprehensions he supposes I labour under concerning him.

1782 March 30 (Saturday). Daniel Nurse is Shelling out Indian Corn.

1782 March 31 (Sunday). Preached a.m. on Joh. 7.17, which may God Himself vouchsafe to bless! Mrs. Maynard and Mrs. [Mallett?] and Baldwin dined here. P.M. preached on Prov. 4.10. O that Youth especially might Seriously attend hereto! At Eve Mr. B. read Mr. Flavels Sermon 32.

1782 April 1 (Monday). Walked up to Mr. Barnabas Newtons, his Daughter Sarah (of about 16) drooping and languishing. Instructed and encouraged her. Prayed with and for her. P.M. Town Meeting to choose a Governor etc. Chose Hon. Mr. Hancock etc. Mr. Daniel Grosvenor came a.m. to see me—dined with us and Spent the chief of the p.m. here. N.B. Mr. Sanford and his Visit tomorrow were the Subject as he was so Soon expected here. Mr. G. assured me from what he had himself met with from both Mr. S________d and from Mr. Sp________ng, that neither of them (continuing Such) Should with his Consent, enter his Pulpit. And he knew and was sure, that his Father Hall (who had the minutes of what was Said at Roxbury, and Signed by himself and Mr. West of Dartmouth) would not, if Said Gentlemen remained the same: and those Minutes he would endeavour Soon to Send me. Received a kind Letter from Mr. Sumner, relating to the Troubles of our Kinsman Mr. Josiah Whitney of Brookline (Connecticut) in the Death of his two principal Sons, by the Small Pox.

1782 April 2 (Tuesday). I wrote to Mr. Cushing by Calvin Maynard. Looked for Mr. Sanford, all day—but he did not come. Mr. Brigham went to Upton to hire a Man. He lit on one Samuel Drake, who promises to come. Deacon Hawes was here at Evening.

1782 April 3 (Wednesday). I rode out Westwardly to visit a number of Neighbours—went to Mr. Thad. Warrins, who is not well: was at Mr. Moses Newton’s, one Mr. Down’s Family at the School House. Mr. Coze, Mr. Mclindys, Mr. Sibly, where I dined; Mr. Gleasons, Dr. Gershom Brighams, called at Mr. Samuel Fay’s—but was obliged to get home to solemnize the Marriage of Joseph Robbins and Eleanor Miller Daughter of Mr. James Miller. Daniel Nurse left us.

1782 April 4 (Thursday). Expected Samuel Drake to work, but he came not. Mr. Eustick, Baptist Minister at Grafton, came in to See me; which I took very kindly of him.

1782 April 5 (Friday). Dr. Stimson here, dines with us. He visits Sarah Newton.

1782 April 6 (Saturday). Mr. Phinehas Brigham who is Sick and greatly distressed with Pain etc. sends for me at Evening though Cloudy and Wet. Went, found him very ill. Prayed with him. He is at his Mothers. His Wife has lain in at his home; that is at Mr. Jonathan Bathericks. I returned.

1782 April 7 (Sunday). I preached a. and p.m. on Prov. 4.10. Messrs. Ebenezer Hancock and Nicolas Bowes, attended among us. At Eve Mr. B. read Mr. Flavell on Mat. 27.46.

1782 April 8 (Monday). Mr. Daniel Grosvenor returning from Southborough calls and breaks fast here. Deacon Batchelor also was here. Mr. Lyon returning to Southborough. Dr. Stimson and his Lady make us a Visit. The Doctor returns me DeFoe’s Works and brings Volume 2. N.B. Josiah Brigham and John Baker came again to Study.

1782 April 9 (Tuesday). I visited Ephraim Brigham again and prayed with him. I should have Visited Sarah Newton, but met her riding abroad.

1782 April 10 (Wednesday). I fear my Eyes are dimmer, but I write a Letter to Mr. Adams, and for a little space can read or write without my Spectacles.

1782 April 11 (Thursday). A Gentleman who came from Northampton his Name was William Moore, with Letter to Mr. Brigham from Elias, who is not well and wants an Horse to return. Mr. Moore lodges here.

1782 April 12 (Friday). In the Early Morning we’re alarmed by a Messenger from Miss Mindwell Brigham who is ill, but is chiefly distressed in Mind. Sends for me. I went. Mr. Brigham and his Sister Suse also. I discoursed and prayed with her. Visited old Mrs. Beeman and prayed with her. Called at Capt. Jonas Brighams. Mr. Moore went on his Journey to Providence. I wrote to Mr. D. Adams. Cousin Samuel Brigham, from Charlestown No. 4, dined here.

1782 April 13 (Saturday). Breck employs several Men in mending the Wall of the Garden, and work in the Garden. They are James Downs and Ebenezer Mclendy. Capt. Morse here and requests that the Congregation might Sing five times on the Sabbath. He Says many persons desire it. I told him to get and bring me a List of those who were for it.

1782 April 14 (Sunday). Again upon the Same subject as last Sabbath, the IVth Head for which I took another Text, vizt. Prov. 9.11. P.M. on Rom. 1.18 former part to p. 9. Baldwin dined here. I read the proclamation for the Fast. Also I stopped the Church and read what I had writ to Mrs. Adams and what to her Husband. Mr. Brigham at Eve reads Flavell Sermon on Joh. 19.28. May God forgive what has been amiss in my Attendance!

1782 April 15 (Monday). Miss Mindwell came here and tarried—and over Night. I am in Sedulous preparation for the Association. Lt. Grout came kindly with several Presents. N.B. It was to him I committed the Letter which I had writ to her, and read to the Church yesterday, to this Brothers Care. N.B. Awakened, Revived and Quickened by a Sermon in the Continuation of the Morning Exercise, on that Question, By what means may Ministers best win Souls? The Text is 1 Tim. 4.16. May God bless this to me!

1782 April 16 (Tuesday). The Ministers Meeting was at Our House. Mr. Bridge was not here, the rest came. Mr. Newell brought his Lady. I prayed—I delivered Some parts of my Sermon on Heb. 6.12. Mr. Whitney made the concluding prayer. In our Conversation I gave Some Account of my Trouble from those who were of so importunate Curiosity to have Mr. Sanford preach here.

1782 April 17 (Wednesday). Mr. Brigham goes to Boston. Young Obadiah Thatcher came from his Brother Peter’s to See Thomas. He dines here. Luke Baldwin came from Mr. Moodys School at Byfield yesterday to Concord and from his uncle Williams hither to day. Proceeds [illegible] goes to Isaac, who is at Lt. Jonathan Grouts.

1782 April 18 (Thursday). I hear that Master Isaac has dismissed his School, and that he did it by an Oration. He and his Brother Luke come here.

1782 April 19 (Friday). Luke, though clouldy, leaves us to go home. It proves a rainy Day. Isaac is here with us and lodges here.

1782 April 20 (Saturday). Mr. Brigham returned late last night, or rather Early this Morning—brought a Letter of April 2d from Mr. Quincy. Dr. Hawes brings me a Message from Mr. Phinehas Forbes that his eldest Child is very ill—and he desires a Visit. But it is so rainy that I cannot go. At Eve came Mr. Benjamin Stone.

1782 April 21 (Sunday). I had prepared to preach, but Mr. Brigham informs me that Mr. Stone is come (as I requested heretofore) to assist me. He preached a. and p.m. on Isaiah 55.6.7. I prayed before sermon in the p.m. Mrs. Maynard dined here. Baldwin and Miss Mindwell here. Mr. Stone at Eve repeated. May God graciously add His Blessing! N.B. Mrs. Lucy Parker of Templeton, Sick, prayed for.

1782 April 22 (Monday). Thacher did not come. Mr. Stone remains with us, by reason of the storm which continues still. He reads to me Dr. Mathers Magnalia, of the Familists etc. He lodges here.

1782 April 23 (Tuesday). Mr. Stone leaves us, though it is yet rainy, and Isaac Baldwin returns to Cambridge p.m. Mr. Belknap here, about Mr. D. Adams’s Affair; but to little purpose. Thatcher comes at 4 p.m. yet it is too wet weather to do much—tends the Cattle etc.

1782 April 24 (Wednesday). A great and Solemn Work before us! I am deeply concerned to be duely prepared for it. Miss Mindwell Still here among us.

1782 April 25 (Thursday). General Fast through out the United States. I preached a. and p.m. on 2 Chron. 14.11 with large Alterations and Additions especially in the Application. Thacher went to his Brothers, except at Noon. At Eve Mr. Brigham read part of a Discourse on Fasting in supplement to Morning Exercise, on Mark 2.20 by Mr. Barker. N.B. Miss Mindwell Brigham returned home.

1782 April 26 (Friday). I visited Mr. Phinehas Forbes Sick Child, and prayed with it. Went to Mr. Elisha Forbes and drank Tea there. N.B. borrow his Chaise for Mrs. P________ to go to Ashburnham. N.B. Mrs. Wood has been to Brookfield and informs that my Daughter Baldwin is now under Inoculation of the Small Pox and is like to do well.

1782 April 27 (Saturday). A Letter from Elias dated the 15th who writes, that he has received from Mr. Forbes of Cape Ann Invitation to keep Grammar School there. Mr. Brigham agrees with Thacher.

1782 April 28 (Sunday). A.M. on Rom. 1.[18?] but was obliged to break off the Sooner because my Sight failed. P.M. on Gen. 8.20.21. N.B. My Sight so failed that I was obliged to extemporize in Several considerable parts of the Sermon; for I could not read what I had prepared. At Eve Mr. Brigham read Flavel and prayed. Many in Grafton are inoculated for Small Pox.

1782 April 29 (Monday). Visit poor Nanny Beeton and prayed there. Visit Mr. Richard Barns under his Confinement by broken Bones. P.M. attend the Funeral of Mr. Elisha Forbes’ Infant.

1782 April 30 (Tuesday). Mr. Levi Bush here, dines with us. Thomas Thatcher begins here. I went to Squire Bakers about pasturing my Cattle, and Succeeded.

1782 May 1 (Wednesday). Was obliged to make a Visit to Mr. George Andrews, who is Treasurer; and dined there: but he could pay me no money. Mr. Moreton of Hopkinton here to Settle our Leather Account.

1782 May 2 (Thursday). I was in Expectation of Mr. D. Grosvenor to preach my Lecture but he did not come. I was obliged to preach my Self. It was on Mat. 26.48. Few at Meeting. May God graciously accept [and?] bless what was delivered! Mr. Joseph Grout brought me a Number of Papers from his sister Adams, and left them but I did not care to read ‘em.

1782 May 3 (Friday). Jejun. Mrs. P________ is so afflicted with Head-Ach that she can’t go to Ashburnham, as She proposed. Applys Blister and Pultice.

1782 May 4 (Saturday). Capt. Clapp of Northampton (according to a Letter from Elias to his Brothers Breck and Brigham) Calls here to take an Horse and lead up to Northampton, that Elias may come home. Saddle Bags are sent likewise. Mrs. P________ lays aside her designed Journey to Ashburnham. At Eve receive a welcome Letter from Mr. Cushing of his Wife’s safe Deliverance, this Day se’nnight, of a Daughter; who next day was baptized Mary: and we are informed also that my son Alexanders Wife has some Weeks since brought forth a Son—and May God graciously perfect His Goodness; and May their Offspring prove great Blessings!

1782 May 5 (Sunday). Preached (as I could) the Substance of the latter Sermon on 1 Cor. 11.20, last Clause, “This is not to eat the Lords supper.” I administered the Lord’s Supper. Neither Squire Baker, nor Mr. D. Adams there. Mrs. Maynard dined with us. P.M. preached on Rom. 1.18, last Clause, “who hold the Truth in Unrighteousness.” At Eve Mr. Brigham read Mr. Flavells Fountain of Life: and prayed.

1782 May 6 (Monday). Mr. Brigham setts out for Boston. Mr. Eliakim Morse here and dines with us; and was glad to receive him. Towards Evening came in Breck, introducing to my great Surprize, my Son Ebenezer, from Crom Pond in York State.

1782 May 7 (Tuesday). P.M. Col. Cyprian How and Col. Blackden were here, and gave me an Account of the Robbery at Marlborough between last Saturday night and Sabbath morning at Col. Blackdens store. N.B. Among Suspected Person who were (by Col. Jonathan Ward and Col. Wood) examined Several Men, and there were two women who being of ill fame, were found (particularly one of them) in bad scituation with a Negro Man—yet was She very Bold and impudent—etc. etc. The Colonels first named had been at Grafton, on the Affair of Search after the Thieves, but without Success. They returned to Marlborough.

1782 May 8 (Wednesday). Mr. John Holland (now of North Shrewsbury) came in to See me. My Son tarrys with me. He gives me distinct Account of his dwelling at Crom-Pond, at Rev. Mr. Samuel Sackett’s, the aged Minister in that Place, and the Miserys the people there undergo, by many inimical Villains who infest them.

1782 May 9 (Thursday). Mr. Merriam of Ashburnham (Hatter) here, and dines with us. I wrote to Mr. Cushing about Ebenezers Affairs (his Bond to Squire Culwell at Barre especially) and forwarding (if I can) his going with Ebenezer (when he shall go to Barre) and assist him what [ever?] he may be able to. But did not send it as yet. Mr. Brigham returns at Night—brings a Letter from Mr. Moore and accompanying it is a Packet containing Several Numbers further of Mr. Samuel Wests Exphiations of the Prophecys, No. [blank] and [blank].

1782 May 10 (Friday). Ebenezer is still with us and ingeniously mends my wooden Case for my Watch.

1782 May 11 (Saturday). I endeavour to prepare sermon, which I have heretofore begun—but am not able to accomplish it, by reason of the impairs of my sight.

1782 May 12 (Sunday). I chose to preach a. and p.m. on Rom. 3.24. Cousin Maynard dines at Brecks. At Eve Mr. Brigham read Flavels Fountain of Life, sermon 37. May God forgive what has been amiss and bless His holy Institutions!

1782 May 13 (Monday). It proves a very wet season; but Sundry of our Younger Folks ride up to Shrewsbury. My son Ebenezer goes with Miss Mindwell Brigham and her Brother Josiah. Miss Mindwell consults Mr. Sumner in her Trouble and Temptations. I read part of Shuckfords Vol. 2 of Connection of Antient sacred and prophetic History.

1782 May 14 (Tuesday). I rode to Squire Bakers about my Cattle’s Summering; that is, when they must go. Went round to the sawmill. Was at Mr. John Maynards and Newtons. At Old Mr. Pratts and Thaddeus Warrins. Mr. Joseph Kilburne (preacher at Southborough) made me a Visit—dined here, and was detained by the Rain till near Night. Mrs. Adams (Daniels Wife) visits me and opens horrible Scenes of her Husbands abuses. I return to her (unread) the Papers of Witnesses, which were brought me by Mr. Joseph Grout. Mrs. [blank] Morse came to be examined. At Eve Mr. Kilburne returned to Southborough. N.B. Mr. Brigham has been to Rutland—and went to Squire Caldwell’s at Barre on an Affair of my Son Ebenezers and returned this Evening.

1782 May 15 (Wednesday). Ebenezer and I break fast at Brecks. Miss Mindwell Brigham still with us. The Return which Mr. Brigham has made from Squire Colwell, gives Ebenezer Some Satisfaction, by the Lenity he manifests. N.B. The Neighbourhood are Alarmed at Eve, by Nanny Beeton’s running away, and can’t be found.

1782 May 16 (Thursday). This Morning, after a Stormy, wet and dark Night, she is discovered at Mr. Fessendens. Breck goes to Worcester for the News papers: But The Stormy, wet, dark Weather continues from Day to Day: Yet Good News from England of the hopeful Signs of Accommodation—that the Parliament is more disposed to Peace. D.G.

1782 May 17 (Friday). Town Meeting to choose a Representative. Lt. Hananiah Parker is elected.

1782 May 18 (Saturday). My Son Ebenezer leaves us to go to Ashburnham. I sent a Letter by him to Mr. Cushing concerning him, and concerning Mr. Sanford. Have heard that Deacon Hawes is promoted to be a Justice of Peace. Mr. Cornelius Biglow here, with a Letter from Mr. Forbes of Gloucester, dated Apr. 26. Capt. Morse was here, with Request that I would propose to the Congregation to sing five Times on the Sabbath—he Says it is the Desire of the Singers and others—particularly Mr. Jonathan Batherick, Capt. Fisher, etc. But Mr. Biglow as soon as he understood what Capt. Morse had desired, vehemently Opposed it. But I considered him as very little among us; of Sudden and violent passions, and not little meddling with the Affairs of this people or much regarded if he did. The weather has been so cold and wet this Week that little could be done about planting. Mr. Solomon Miller was here accidentally, and was improved to kill a Calf for me.

1782 May 19 (Sunday). Preached a. and p.m. on Rom. 3.24, and finished on that Subject. Mrs. Maynard dined with us. I publickly mentioned the Desire of the Singers and others, to begin the Publick Worship with Singing: and prayed the Congregation to assemble Earlier. At Evening Polly Scott was Suddenly taken ill, and fell into a terrible Fitt—striving violently for a long time. May God pity her and Sanctifie so Strange Convulsions, to all of us! Breck and Pamela sit up.

1782 May 20 (Monday). Polly Scott is ill here, and has a Fitt about noon, and another nigh Night. Dr. Hawes visits her. Her Father and Mother came. They watch with her.

1782 May 21 (Tuesday). I wrote to Mr. Quincy. A Letter came from Elias at Northampton, dated the 7th. Polly has another Fitt. P.M. Elias himself came from Northampton but last from Brookfield. With him came Mr. [blank] Kingsley of Northampton and Daughter Martha, who lodge here. Mr. Francis Whipple here informs that Venerable Old Mr. Benjamin Ruggles of New Braintry dyed lately: and at Eve I am informed of the Death of Rev. and aged Mr. Abijah Weld of Attleboro. This last was pritty Sudden after a Journey. May God prepare me for His holy Will!

1782 May 22 (Wednesday). Mr. Kingsley and Daughter go on their Journey. Mr. Brigham goes to Boston. Mr. Samuel Noyce carrys my Hatt to Watertown. Mr. William More, an Acquaintance of Elias’s came, has two notable Horses—Lodges here. Polly has had Three Fitts.

1782 May 23 (Thursday). Polly Scott remains in a Weak, afflicted Condition. Kept her Bed chiefly—has another Fit this forenoon. Mr. Moore goes away with his Horses. Mr. Scott to see his Daughter. P.M. attend the Burial of Mr. Jonathan Maynards Infant. In the Evening Solemnized the Marriage of Isaac Ruggles and Hephzibah Parker. After which I was hurried away to Capt. Jonas Brigham’s, who has been raising a Barn—from the upper part of which a Young Man has fallen to the Ground and tis feared his Death is Nigh. I am requested to make all Haste to him. When I arrived the young man was reviv’d and complained only his Wrists, which were bruised and strained—a Marvellous Deliverance. God be praised and magnifyed! I gave Thanks and prayed with him and the people who were there. The Young Man was John, son of Mr. Seth Woods: aged about 19 Years. I lodged there.

1782 May 24 (Friday). The People flock together to Capt. Jonas Brighams, to finish the Raising of the Barn, which was broke off by the Sad Accident above mentioned. This Addition to the former Barn makes the whole Barn about 105 feet long. Capt. Brigham rode with me to visit Ensign Snow who is brought very low. I conversed and prayed with him and took leave of him. Capt. Brigham was so very kind as to wait upon me home: which I can’t but take a grateful Notice of. Deacon Chamberlain of Worcester calls to See me, and dines with us. He informs me that Mr. Maccarty has undertaken to ride to Boston, but that aged, venerable Dr. Stephen Williams of Springfield, is dangerously ill. At night Mr. Brigham returns home and—brings me an handsome Cap, from my son Samuel.

1782 May 25 (Saturday). Reviewing Discourses which with Corrections, Alterations and Additions may be fit for Use again.

1782 May 26 (Sunday). Preached a. and p.m. on 2 Chron. 15.2. Which may God bless to us all for our saving Benefit! Miss Polly Howard dined here. Mr. Brigham at Evening read the latter part of Mr. Flavells Sermon 38 on Isa. 53.2.

1782 May 27 (Monday). Dr. Hall of Sutton, going to Boston, calls here.

1782 May 28 (Tuesday). Mr. Cushing and his son Henry came this Morning from Mr. Whitneys (yesterday from Ashburnham). He leaves Henry here and proceeds to Southborough. Mr. Brigham and Elias after Dinner (1/2 after 2 p.m.) Sat out for Watertown. Old Mr. Gersho[m?] Fay visits me. I went out to see the workmen whom Capt. Maynard has employed in building Wall, and to give them their sort of Treat. They were [blank] Adams and William Pierce.

1782 May 29 (Wednesday). May God be with His people this Day in the Exercise of their invaluable Libertys; and with his Servant Adams in his Preaching the Election Sermon, and grant an happy Event! Breck is moving the Stables, Granary and necessary Office that he may prepare the ground for his building an House (I having given him a Deed of [blank] Rods of Land next to the Meeting House, for that Purpose).

1782 May 30 (Thursday). Mr. Alexander Parkman Davis made me a Visit—lodged here, as did Miss Patty Fish and Miss Polly Howard.

1782 May 31 (Friday). My Kinsman Davis left us. Mrs. Lydia Morse was here with her Relation. Dr. Hall returning from Boston calls here. I talk with him about Mr. Sanford. Says that Mr. Sanford is of Opinion that is [sic] the Author of Sin, as He is of Poison in a Serpent. P.M. Mr. Brigham returns home—brings me a Letter from Mr. Quincy, dated the 23d instant—and informs that Mr. Maccarty preached to the Convention, that Isaac Baldwin of Cambridge is Sick of a Fever etc. etc. Mr. Brigham brings me also from Mr. Moore a Copy of Judge Sullivans Letter to Mr. West; and an old Piece of Dr. C. Mather on Witchcraft etc. He has, moreover, bought me another Chrystal to my Watch.

1782 June 1 (Saturday). Breck has hired Mr. Thomas Kenny to digg a Cellar for his (designed) New House; who begins this Morning. P.M. came my Samuel Parkman, and with him two of his Children; viz. Samuel and Sally. Mr. Cushing also from Concord—takes his son Henry with him and goes to Shrewsbury to preach there tomorrow. But what was most Surprizing was, Mr. Maccarty, his Wife and Mr. Thadeus Chamberlin (who waited upon them) came this way from Boston, and dined here. Mr. Maccarty is evidently Consumptive, yet bears up wonderfully—has preached to the Convention—his Text was Act. 20.24. P.M. they proceed on their Journey. N.B. Am informed that Rev. Henry True of Hempstead dyed lately, and suddenly: also that Rev. Mr. Thomas Haven of Reading is [also?].

1782 June 2 (Sunday). I now first began the public Exercises with Singing Ps. 95.X. Preached a. and p.m. on Deut. 10.12.13. Mrs. Maynard dined here. P.M. began the public Exercise with singing Ps. 100. Admitted Mrs. Lydia Morse into the Church. Am informed that Ensign Jabez Snow expired this Morning. Mr. Brigham at Evening read Flavell Fountain, sermon 39, and he prayed.

1782 June 3 (Monday). Thatcher prepares a Draught Pole for the old Well, near the House, and putts it (with Mr. Brighams help) on to the Sweep—draws etc. Samuel and his Children dine here, and half after two p.m. Sets out for Concord—but it rains before Night.

1782 June 4 (Tuesday). Rev. Stephen Johnson of Lyme and his Lady are here and dine—leave us for Boston. I attended the Funeral of Ensign Jabez Snow AEs. 67 ever Since last March. I prayed. A Thunder Storm detained me at the House of Mourning. Deacon Wood came home with me.

1782 June 5 (Wednesday). Mrs. P________ made a Visit (and her Cousen Maynard with her) to Deacon Woods Wife, who is very distempered and confined. Mr. Thomas Adams came and brings me Dr. Owens Meditations and Discourses on the Glory of Christ. He lodges here.

1782 June 6 (Thursday). Mr. Adams changes Dr. Owen on the Glory of Christ (and which hath in it the Doctors Life and Letters) and with this Dr. Colmans Incomprehensibleness of God. He leaves these two for Bacchus’s History of the Anabaptists. He goes to Ashburnham to See his Daughter Hill. I rode into the South and dined at Mr. John Harringtons—and with Mr. Noah Beeman of Marlborough likewise. Visited old Mrs. Thurston; Lieutenant Bowman, Messrs. Benjamin Ball, Isaac Adams—was at Mr. Jonathan Batherick’s House, but no body at home—called at Mr. John Balls and at Mr. Martyn Pratts. N.B. Mr. John Harrington paid me 20/ Lawfull money.

1782 June 7 (Friday). [No entry.]

1782 June 8 (Saturday). I was Strictly engaged in making additions to my former Compositions on the Subject designed for tomorrow.

1782 June 9 (Sunday). The Singers did not come Seasonably to begin the publick Exercise as proposed. Preached a. and p.m. on Deut. 10.12.13. Mrs. Maynard dines here. At Eve, Mrs. Scott, being very ill, I prayed with my Family, and rode down to their House, discoursed and prayed with them. I returned home. Mr. Brigham read in Flavell’s Fountain.

1782 June 10 (Monday). Read my son Moores Letter of May 26th last and Judge Sullivans Letter of Nov. 17, 1781 to the Rev. Mr. West of Dartmouth with Mr. Wests Answer thereto.

1782 June 11 (Tuesday). Breck has Nine Hands at work, on Cellar, Frame etc. Rev. and aged Mr. Thomas West of Rochester here, going to Charlestown No. 4. Also Coll. Baldwin, who is come from Cambridge where his son Isaac lies Sick of a bad Fever. They dined with us and p.m. left us for Worcester and Brookfield. I wrote to Mr. Maccarty for his Convention Sermon etc.

1782 June 12 (Wednesday). I had appointed a Lecture to be this Day—wrote again to Mr. Grosvenor to preach it and Sent the Letter last Week, by (I Suppose) the Safe Hand of Deacon Batchellor—But was again disappointed; for he did not Come, nor have I any Lisp of Reason Why. I preached my Self on Deut. which may God bless to the few who came! After Meeting we had, to see us, Cousin Sally Brigham and her son in Law, Dr. John Gott from Wenham. Also Mr. Belknap and his Wife, and Mr. Hazzletine.

1782 June 13 (Thursday). Mr. Maccarty Sent me his Convention Sermon on Act. 20.24. I read part of it; it being writ out very fair and legible. Read Mr. Moses Hemmenway on Infant Baptism, which is writ nervously and Judiciously.

1782 June 14 (Friday). Mr. Down works with Thatcher and dines etc. here. I read the rest of Mr. Maccartys Sermon—a Serious and useful Discourse. I wish divine Blessing [may?] be vouchsafed, and that God would pity him under a [illegible] weakness and Support him through his Tryals.

1782 June 15 (Saturday). Wrote Additions to sermon on Deut. 11.26.

1782 June 16 (Sunday). This compleats the 58th Year Since I gave my Answer to the Town of Westborough. I preached a.m. on Mark XIV.14.15 and Administered the sacrament. May the Long-suffering of God be magnifyed! May he graciously accept our Offerings! P.M. on [blank]. Mrs. Maynard and Mr. Samuel Barrett (of Hopkinton) Dined here. At Eve Mr. Brigham read Flavells Fountain of Life, Sermon 41 and prayed.

1782 June 17 (Monday). Mr. Lyon came from Southborough and dined here. I Catechized at the Meeting House above 30 Boys a.m. 36 Girls p.m. Met with Mr. Aaron Fay of Southborough and talked with him about his Mother in Law (who was [blank] Bradish)—So abandoned to Drinking, that tis feared his [sic] Case is desperate.

1782 June 18 (Tuesday). I rode to Mr. Bridge’s, East-Sudbury, it being the Time of our Association. Mr. Bridge prayed at the Beginning and I did it at the concluding of the Meeting. Mr. Whitney asks the Association to meet Next at his House. Then riding to my son Williams and passing over a Bridge near one Mr. Ephraim Abbots, my Horse took a bad Fright, Set to running—and, threw me off, wounded my Head, tore my Cloths, my Coat and Jacket especially. But Mrs. Abbot, and her son, were very kind. The latter (when the Storm of Thunder and Rain which arose at that time was over) took his Horse and rode with me a good part of the Way to Williams where I arrived and lodged Safely. Am informed that the [Excellent?] Capt. Charles Miles is Sorrowfully sunk into Melancholly and Dullness—as his Brothers were. O that God would bless to me the Great Favour I enjoy in having my Understanding and May it please Him to continue—But would [?] beg His almighty Grace to improve Life, Reason and the Gospel, while I enjoy them.

1782 June 19 (Wednesday). This is the Day of the Great Solemnity of the Instalment of Rev. Mr. Ebenezer Grosvenor at Harvard. May God be among them! I can’t be among them as I hop’d. I rode home. Billy, my Grandson rode with [me] to Col. Weeks; where we dined. I call to See Mrs. Blackden at Mr. Jonathan Loring, who lies in a low Condition, and prayed with him. At Mr. George Williams’s. At Mr. Jonathan Bruce’s, to see Mrs. Beeman who is yet alive, but not able to converse: and at Coll. Brighams.

1782 June 20 (Thursday). We expected Mr. Whitney of Brookline in Connecticut from Harvard: but his Horse had got away, and therefore he came not but Mr. Peter Whitney and his Wife came and Spent the p.m. The World is at this juncture in Tosses about Mr. Eli: who heads a Mob in the County of New Hampshire, and who was put into Springfield Jayl, but was last Lords Day, forcibly let out, and absconds.

1782 June 21 (Friday). A.M. came Mr. Johnson of Lime and his Lady from Boston, and dine here; as do Mr. Aaron Crosby and his Lady also, from [blank]. After which came the Widow of the late Mr. Abraham Knowlton of Shrewsbury. But I was obliged to go to Mr. Nathan Maynards who raises a New Barn, and there I supped. Thanks to God there was no Evil Occurrences.

1782 June 22 (Saturday). My Son Ebenezer came from Brookfield; but last from Deacon Jonathan Bonds junior of Shrewsbury. N.B. He has been to Squire Caldwell at Barre—and to See Alex, at Marlborough, New Hampshire.

1782 June 23 (Sunday). We Sang five times, viz. as to first Singing—Hymn 75th and the Last Singing was Hymn 76. Preached a. and p.m. on Rev. 22.17. Mr. Brigham at Eve read Flavells Fountain Life part of Sermon 42. May God grant His Blessing!

1782 June 24 (Monday). Mr. Lyon and Mrs. Stone from Southborough made us a Visit and dined—after Tea they returned. Southborough Meet to Choose a Minister.

1782 June 25 (Tuesday). Mr. Brigham goes to Boston. Wrote by him to Mr. Quincy. Hear that Southborough have elected Mr. Lyon. There were votes for divers Others, viz. for Messrs. Killbourn, Millen and Wolcott. I visit Deacon Woods Wife, who is ill. Mr. Jonathan Forbes and Mr. Joseph Grout meet me on the Road, and want to discourse about Mrs. Adams. Mr. Benjamin Fay likewise is very Strenuous about his Difference with Mr. Thomas Whitney, and Says he is willing to leave the whole to Men mutually chose. I design and attempt to visit Sarah Newton but met her in a Chaise riding out. She grows worse. N.B. Sophy has got Mr. Lambson to whitewash part of the House. Sundry Visitants. Mrs. P________ [blot] is much exercised with grievous Pain in her Back.

1782 June 26 (Wednesday). I preached Mr. Whitneys Lecture. My son Ebenezer went to Northborough with me. Mr. Sumner and his Wife were with us there at Dinner. Mr. Sumner also prayed before my sermon. The Text was Ps. 73.26, middle Clause: “But God is the strength of my Heart”—which may God succeed! I Returned in Safety.

1782 June 27 (Thursday). Visited and prayed with Sarah Newton. Our House Still in the Confusions of White-washing. Ebenezer very helpful but Mrs. P________ much confined. Has took Physick—but her Back especially is very lame. Mr. Brigham returns from Boston.

1782 June 28 (Friday). Mrs. P________ no better. Dr. Hawes visits her. Ebenezer and Sophia ride to visit Capt. Maynard and his Wife. Have Mr. Elisha Forbes’ Chaise.

1782 June 29 (Saturday). They ride in the Same Manner to Lieut. Nathan Brighams at Southborough. N.B. An Account from Pittsfield, of an Hurricane there, last Lords Day p.m.

1782 June 30 (Sunday). N.B. Sung Hymn [blank] at the Beginning of public Worship a.m. and preached again on Rev. 22.17, both a. and p.m. At the begin of public Worship p.m. we Sang Hymn [blank]. At Eve Mr. Brigham read Flavels Fountain Life, Sermon 42, midpart.

1782 July 1 (Monday). Mr. Daniel Grosvenor has preached at Southborough and in his returning home, comes in and dines here. He gives me an Account of his not preaching my Lecture—etc., etc. Breck begins to frame an House.

1782 July 2 (Tuesday). I visited Deacon Woods Wife—also Sarah Newton. Am reading the History of the War, No. VII. Dr. Stimpson has visited Sarah Newton, but despairs of her Recovery.

1782 July 3 (Wednesday). My Son Ebenezer having tarried thus long with us, he took his Journey to Providence. I rode with him beyond this Town. I committed to his Care 3 Pamphlets which I borrowed of Rev. Mr. Willard of Mendon. In returning home, called at several Houses. I dined at Mr. Elisha Forbes, visited at Capt. Morse’s. Old Mrs. Dolly Rice made us a kind Visit, beyond my Expectation.

1782 July 4 (Thursday). Visit Sarah Newton, who is Weaker and weaker. P.M. Visit old Mr. James Maynard and prayed with him. N.B. I went to Mr. Thomas Lamsons. N.B. I find at Mr. Joseph Rice’s House that his Brother Elisha is come to live there.

1782 July 5 (Friday). [No entry.]

1782 July 6 (Saturday). I visit Sarah Newton and prayed with her. Carryed her Calamy on Vows. Went to Mr. Ruggles’s etc. Deacon Wood here, tells me his Wife is grown Worse. I rode to Shrewsbury and lodged at Mr. Sumners.

1782 July 7 (Sunday). Mr. Sumner to Westborough. I preached at Shrewsbury a. [and p.m.?] on Luk. 16.31. N.B. We sung four times, and without [blot] Reading by Deacons. May God graciously accept and bless [?]. I went at Eve to Sister Cushings and lodged there. N.B. Mr. Sumners Texts Mat. 6.1, 1 John. 1.5.

1782 July 8 (Monday). I returned home safely, and found all in Usual Comfort. D.G. N.B. Mr. Brigham returned from Boston on the 6th at night. And my Son Ebenezer returned from Providence the Same Evening. I read Mr. Gay of Hinghams Sermon at the Instalment of Mr. Ezra Carpenter at Keen and Swanzy, from Zech. 2.1, “I lift up mine Eyes again and looked, and behold, a man with his Measuring Line in His Hand.” P.M. Mr. P. Whitney and Mrs. Briggs.

1782 July 9 (Tuesday). I went up to Sarah Newton, who is but just living; I asked a few Necessary Questions—to which She gave intelligible Answers. I left her designing to return again. But when I came back She had expired—not half after 8 o’Clock a.m. It was to visit Mrs. Joanna Fay, who has been long confined by Illness.

1782 July 10 (Wednesday). Breck Raises his House. 28 feet Front; 30 feet back. Mr. Jonathan Batheric and Capt. Fisher were the principal Workmen. Through the Goodness of God there was no Evil Occurrence. An hundred and fifteen persons were entertained. Cousen Maynard was very kind and helpfull. She came early and stayed here over night.

1782 July 11 (Thursday). Mr. Thomas Lamsons Wife came to work here for Mr. Brigham. Miss Sarah Newton was buryed. I attended and prayed. Had She been permitted to live till Aug. 18, She would have been 17 Years old. A variety of Company here. John Cushing of Ashburnham came. Came to his Grandmother Cushings last night, and here today.

1782 July 12 (Friday). John goes to Southborough, to See his Aunt Brigham and agrees with Squire Smith to live with him. We have the Joy of Harvest. Mr. Thomas Kenny and Downs reap.

1782 July 13 (Saturday). My Son Ebenezer very helpful in taking up and carting in Rye. Mrs. Lambson at Eve goes home.

1782 July 14 (Sunday). Because of the Harvest I preached on Joh. 6.35 a.m. and on Occasion of Sarah Newtons Death, p.m. on Ps. 110.3. And may the Blessing of God accompany and render Effectual! At Eve Mr. Brigham read the Close of Mr. Flavel’s Fountain of Life, and he prayed. Have been informed that the Widow Cook has been taken with Bleeding, and last night the Doctor was with her all night. It is now stanch’d.

1782 July 15 (Monday). I visited Mrs. Cook, at Mr. Thaddeus Warrins: Thence to Mr. Barn. Newtons—and to Deacon Woods to see his Wife, who is now under a Salivation. Deplorable Case! A Letter from Elias.

1782 July 16 (Tuesday). My Daughter Baldwin came: brought by Miss Nabby Baldwin of Shrewsbury. Colonel is gone to Cambridge to see his son Isaac who Remains Sick there. P.M. Mr. Isaac Johnson of Southborough came and requested me to ‘change with Mr. Lyon next Sabbath, and administer the Lords Supper. Mr. Brigham, p.m. went to Cambridge. By him I wrote to Mr. Moore; and to Elias.

1782 July 17 (Wednesday). A Message that Old Mrs. Gale dyed last Evening. Dr. Hawes comes to see my Daughter Baldwin, who is much indisposed and discouraged. Col. Ezra Wood of Upton made me a Visit.

1782 July 18 (Thursday). A.M. Visit at Mr. Simon Bellows, Nathaniel Chamberlains, Seth Woods, Dined at Mr. Belknaps. P.M. was at Mr. Ebenezer and Daniel Chamberlains. Attended the Funeral of Old Mrs. Esther Gale, and prayed there. My Daughter Baldwin is ill from Day to Day. Takes physic.

1782 July 19 (Friday). Col. Baldwin, and (beyond Expectation) his son Isaac are come from Watertown to day. He looks ghastly, but is grown better.

1782 July 20 (Saturday). They go on their Journey to Brookfield. P.M. I rode to Southborough. Mr. Lion came here. Mr. Brigham returned home. He has been at Commencement but has not taken a Degree, as he intended.

1782 July 21 (Sunday). I preached at Southborough a. and p.m. on Mat. 17.4 and administered the Lords Supper: I also baptized four Children. See our Church-Records. May God most gracious pardon our Sins, and accept our Sacrifices.

1782 July 22 (Monday). I returned home in safety. D.G. P.M. Mrs. Peakman and Mrs. Blackden, of Marlborough, made us a Visit and [Mrs. Maynard?] waited upon them. They drank Tea etc. At Eve they returned. Miss Sarah Fay came to request me to visit a young Child that was very bad at their House, her Brother Thomas’s Infant. I went—Saw—prayed—but the Ensign was at some Distance off, at his Hay.

1782 July 23 (Tuesday). A Sad Disaster befell one of my Neighbour Harringtons Piggs; which ran under the Cart Wheel as Thatcher was driving in a Load of Hay at the End of the House. The Pig got up, ran down to the first Elm by the Road, there fell down and dyed. Mr. Brigham stuck her (it was sow) and she bled. Mr. Harrington was informed immediately by Mr. Brigham, but he would pay little Regard.

1782 July 24 (Wednesday). I was called to go to Mr. Abraham Beemans to See his son Abraham who lay in a deep Stupor; thought to be a Coma. I Spoke to him, but there was not any Reply: his Exterior Limbs, Hands and Legs, were Cold. I prayed, but he was insensible. I left him, but he dyed soon after I left him. I went into Lt. Thomas Forbush’s, and to his Grandsons—prayed among them. N.B. Mrs. Forb. has lost her Sister Larkin by Death.

1782 July 25 (Thursday). Jej. priv.

1782 July 26 (Friday). I attended the Funeral of Mr. Abraham Beeman junior.

1782 July 27 (Saturday). [No entry.]

1782 July 28 (Sunday). A.M. on Mark 14.14.15. P.M. Joh. 6.35, and administered the Lord’s Supper. Mrs. Maynard dined with us. At Eve Breck read Mr. Henry on due Return etc. N.B. Mr. Brigham and his were by them selves. May God graciously accept us!

1782 July 29 (Monday). Mr. Thomas Fay’s Child visited—prayed with a.m. P.M. attend the Burial of Mr. Edward Cobb’s newborn Child.

1782 July 30 (Tuesday). Wrote to Mr. Forbes, and to Elias at Cape Ann, by Mr. Brigham who goes to Boston a.m. Breck p.m. moves the small Building which has been his Bedroom.

1782 July 31 (Wednesday). A Number of People to level and Settle the little Bed-room, for although there was a considerable multitude yesterday together to move the Building, and they were till 9 o’Clock at night, yet it was necessary to adjust and join it to the main Frame and secure its Foundation. I am reading the History of the War Vol. 2, No. 1.

1782 August 1 (Thursday). My Daughter Baldwin is much disheartened. Several women (Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Graves) visit. Mr. Brigham returns from Boston at night. He brings a Letter from Mr. Quincy.

1782 August 2 (Friday). Mrs. Anne Lambson has turned my Black Coat. She is here.

1782 August 3 (Saturday). Mrs. Lambson is still here.

1782 August 4 (Sunday). I have made a Sermon for to day but did not deliver it. I went on with Sermon on Ps. 110.3, latter part, “in the Beauties of Holiness, from the Womb etc., the Dew of thy Youth,” a. and p.m. May God graciously add His Blessing! Mrs. Anne Lambson dined here. At Eve Breck read part of a sermon of Mr. Henry Grove from Heb. 11.13. My poor Daughter Baldwin is in a very afflicted and distressed State. Dr. Hawes visits.

1782 August 5 (Monday). Although there have been now and then Showers, yet it is a dry time and the Pastures are much burned up.

1782 August 6 (Tuesday). Brecks Work men are daily boarding and closing.

1782 August 7 (Wednesday). Mr. President Willard, who had been to Petersham, turned way to Visit me. He dined here—but he Sat out again for Weston. N.B. Mr. Daniel Adams now of Hopkinton came and desired a dismission from this Church. Memorandum. Col. Wheelock has agreed with Mr. Brigham to mowe and get my New Swamp for one Load of the [Hay?] and that I shall have the rest of the Hay when he has cocked it.

1782 August 8 (Thursday). The Interval is every Year a tedious piece of Work. We have this Year had not only Thomas Thatcher, but Mr. Brigham has hired Mr. Nat. Fay, Several Days to work there. My Son Ebenezer also has greatly assisted, especially in Carting. But to day we brought home the last from thence. My Daughter Baldwin is every day, but especially in the nights, greatly distressed. Dr. Hawes accommodates her with his Chaise and Mrs. Hawes’s Company to ride out a little. A Letter from Isaac at Brookfield. Ephraim Parker Visits us. A Letter from Colonel Baldwin to Mr. Brigham.

1782 August 9 (Friday). Mrs. Persis Adams was here (by virtue of a Notification sent her of her Husbands desiring a Dismission). She leaves an address to the Pastor of the Church, to be read when Adams’s Request is read. N.B. She takes with her the Papers of Evidences. At Eve Mr. Eli Whitney came and paid me his Rates; which amounted to £1.10.8.

1782 August 10 (Saturday). In my reviewing Notes etc. Mr. Benjamin Stone here, going to preach for Mr. Kilbourn at Southborough.

1782 August 11 (Sunday). Carryed on my Discourse to young People (from Ps. 110.3) but took for my Text, on this part Job 13.6 a.m. P.M. read for the Text 1 Tim. 4.8, latter part. After which Exercises the Church was stopped and Mr. Daniel Adams Request to be dismissed to Hopkinton was read; also Mrs. Adams’s Paper of Reasons etc. was read, and a Church Meeting voted—to be next Thursday come sennight—2 p.m. At Eve, in the Family read the Heads of my Sermons.

1782 August 12 (Monday). Mr. Benjamin Stone here in his Return from Southborough. He gives me Some Account of the late Trial of Mr. Fairbanks Affair against Mr. Morse, at North Shrewsbury. I went again to See Mr. Thomas Fay’s Sick Child and prayed.

1782 August 13 (Tuesday). Capt. Jon. Fays Wife very ill. Nahum came with Request—went, discoursed and prayed with her. P.M. Col. Blackden from Marlborough came to See me. He relates the arrival of a French Fleet in Boston Harbour—13 of the line, and 4 Frigates: And the late Transactions in Marlborough politically—and about hiring Preaching.

1782 August 14 (Wednesday). Mr. Brigham to Boston. Several Women to Visit us, viz. Sisters Cushing and Brigham. Deacon Hawes goes to Hopkinton to carry Mr. Daniel Adams Notification of our Church Meeting, and Copy of his Wife’s Paper of Address to the Church. I wrote also to Mrs. Adams a like Notification, and left it to my Son Brecks Care to send it by Mr. Joseph Harring[ton?] who goes to day for the News paper.

1782 August 15 (Thursday). I went to Mr. Daniel Stockwells, who earnestly accosts me, requests me to ask Mr. Sanford to preach here, though I never Saw him in my Life, but have heard by many, of his unsoundness, and have had so many written Testimony of it. P.M. came Mrs. Thatcher, of Attleborough and her Daughter, Mrs. Bethia; to see Thomas who went with them at Eve to Mr. Peters at Hopkinton.

1782 August 16 (Friday). Mr. P. Whitney p.m. and his sister Mrs. Hammock. He relates the Story of Mr. Morse and Mr. Fairbank. Mr. Brigham returned in the Night.

1782 August 17 (Saturday). He delivered Letters from Cape Ann, viz. from Mr. Forbes and from Elias. Mrs. Baldwin is much born down. The Drought continues and increases. Nahum Fay comes to request me to Visit his Mother who grows worse. Went, discoursed, prayed with her. Called at Ensign Fay’s, and Saw Thomas’s Child. Workmen are daily at Work in finishing Brecks House.

1782 August 18 (Sunday). A very dry Day. We cry to Heaven for Relief. A.M. I go on with the Discourse on Ps. 110.3, latter part, to Young People chiefly. May God grant Success! P.M. preached on Prov. 1.23 (which I lately composed) and was Suitable to follow the forenoon Exercise: and may divine Grace accompany it! N.B. Daniel Adams junior deliver’d me a Letter from his Father. Mr. Peter Thatchers Wife, of Hopkinton dined here. At Eve repeated some parts of the preceeding sermon.

1782 August 19 (Monday). Mr. James Downs, having worked for me in Ditching my Interval, I paid him his Demand for 26 Rod, 26/ by a Note to the Constable Harrington. P.M. came Ebenezer Son of Ensign Fay to acquaint me with the Death of the Infant which had lain so low and to desire me to attend the Funeral tomorrow. I answered that if they would appoint the Time to be at 8 in the [morn?].

1782 August 20 (Tuesday). I received no Answer from Ensign Fay’s. I therefore rode up there about that time: But Ensign said that had sent to Grafton. I therefore rode over to Northborough to the Association at Mr. Whitney’s where were Messrs. Biglow, Newell, and there was also Mr. Puffer. The Moderatorship came on me. Mr. Whitney prayed—but it was conceived there were Difficultys enough to take up our time, and therefore there was no Concio. Next Meeting appointed to be 3d Tuesday in September. My Son Ebenezer went over also and dined with us; he accompanyed me home. N.B. A Fast at Shrewsbury. Mr. Grosvenor preached a.m. on Isa. 26.4. Rev. Dr. Hall p.m. on Isa. 45.22.

1782 August 21 (Wednesday). Hear that there is a Fast to day at Hopkinton. Messrs. Stone and Crosby dined here. P.M. Mr. Abijah Gale is here and has much to say upon the Adams Difference. Mr. Brigham and his wife rode over to Northborough to visit Mrs. Briggs.

1782 August 22 (Thursday). P.M. The Church Met—to Consider Mr. Adams’s Request of Dismission and Recommendation to the Church of Hopkinton and his Wife’s Complaint against him. Mrs. Adams came, but her Husband would not—till we had been some time together—and then would Stay but a short Space, and hastily flung out and rode away. The Church voted to have a Fast. They were very Unanimous. There was Reason enough. Besides the Drought, the public state—this Critical Juncture—Our great Perplexities—but the Growth of Sin; Decay of Religion etc. They would have it to be Next Thursday. Capt. Morse is earnest to have Mr. Frost of Millford sent to. I consented (and have writ to him accordingly). The Church Meeting with regard to Mr. Adams’s Affair was necessarily Adjourned—the Adjournment is to Monday the 9th of Sept. I concluded with Prayer and Blessing. After Meeting Deacon Wood and Mr. Belknap here.

1782 August 23 (Friday). Wrote to Dr. Hall and to Mr. Grosvenor concerning the Fast—to Mr. Whitney likewise. Mrs. White, an Hopkinton Widow woman, Spinning for some Days, for Sophy.

1782 August 24 (Saturday). Mr. Isaac Johnson and Mr. Outhank, returning from New-Haven (whither they have been in Quest of a minister) came in with a Letter from President Stiles, accompanyed with a Present of a Poem Spoken at Commencement September 12, 1781.1 Col. Baldwin came p.m. (from Brookfield).

1782 August 25 (Sunday). Preached on Prov. 12.26, former part, a. and p.m. Mrs. Maynard dines here. P.M. I appointed the Communion and acquainted the Congregation with what the Church had voted with respect to a Fast, and recommended it to them. I desired them to manifest their Consent by Rising up, which they did—to be next Thursday, by leave and Help of God.

1782 August 26 (Monday). Mr. Brigham goes to Boston in Col. Baldwins Chaise, and with his Horse; they waiting on my Daughter Baldwin to tarry a little at her Brother Samuels. Col. Baldwin p.m. Setts out for Brookfield. Mrs. P________ makes a Visit to Mrs. Baker who is confined with a Sore Breast. N.B. I have writ to Mr. Sumner, Mr. Whitney and Mr. Fitch of the Fast.

1782 August 27 (Tuesday). Mrs. P________ rode to Capt. Maynard’s, a.m. Returned at Eve.

1782 August 28 (Wednesday). A Number of persons, particularly Deacon Wood, Mr. Joseph Harrington here and afford Mutton and Lamb. Squire Baker Pork, Tongues, Candles. Some others Sauce; Squashes, Roots.

1782 August 29 (Thursday). A Day of Solemn FASTING and Prayer. See the 22d day. The Drought continues and the Cold Nights. Mr. P. Whitney began with prayer: Mr. Frost preached a.m. on Mat. 24.12. Mr. Sumner prayed p.m. Mr. Whitney preached on Heb. 3.2. After which I prayed, And O that a merciful and gracious God would Vouchsafe to Pardon and accept for His dear sons sake! Mr. Frost tarrys with us. The Pastures are so burnt, that the Horses are put into the Barn. N.B. Mr. Brigham returned from Watertown so as to attend with us in the publick Exercises: and Alexander came at Eve.

1782 August 30 (Friday). Mr. Frost left us. So did my son after Dinner, for Fitchburgh. N.B. There was this Morning, in low Grounds a Frost.

1782 August 31 (Saturday). My Son Samuel has Sent me a Box of hollond Pipes, containing two Dozen which arrived safe. This morning was unusually foggy. It was so thick that we could not see at Scarcely a Rod or two distance. But though surprizing for awhile we concluded at length, it was caused chiefly by a Coal-Pit; yet as far as Mr. Ebenezer Forbush’s. Two young Kinsfolks Master William Bowes Bradford and his Sister Miss Betsy, arrived from Boston, to make us a Visit. N.B. Am informed that Neighbour Caleb Harrington having Set Fire to some part of his Meadow, it ran and spread.

1782 September 1 (Sunday). Preached on Joh. 15.9.10 a. and p.m. to page 14, beginning. Administered the Lords Supper. Mr. William Temple of Alsted, dined here. N.B. In the time of forenoon public prayer I had for a little space, a suspension[‘s?] but after a while went on again. Thanks to God for His Assistance! N.B. The Fires are prevailing in the Meadows below us, and many are kept from Meeting to stop, and quench and guard it.

1782 September 2 (Monday). My Young Kinsman and his Sister and Sundry Others with them take a Ride to Col. Brighams. Returned at Evening. Deacon Gideon Newton of Southborough here to acquaint me that the Church and Congregation in that place have appointed a Fast next Thursday (by divine leave) and desire my Assistance with others therein.

[1782 September 3 (Tuesday).] I made a Visit to old Mrs. Beeman. My Son Ebenezer accompanys. We dined at Col. Brighams, but he is gone down to Cambridge. We also visited at Mr. Haskills and Mr. Tim Warrins. Wood [sic] have gone to Jacob Garfields, but missed our way.

[1782 September 4 (Wednesday).] [illegible] Mrs. Jane White of Hopkinton Widow, has been employed by my Daughter Brigham in spinning. Is now taken sick and grows very bad. Mrs. Brigham has the Special Care of her; but we are all affected with it and brings us into Trouble—and yet,

[1782 September 5 (Thursday).] Mr. Brigham goes to Boston, and I go to the Fast at Southborough. Mr. Kellogg began the Solemnity with Prayer. Mr. Fitch preached a.m. on Jer. 5.25, “Your Iniquities have turned away these things etc.” He prayed p.m. and I preached on Isa. “For the People turneth not, etc.” May the Lord pardon and graciously accept—Send Rain, pour out His spirit—grant a Pastor after His own Heart; and Pity His Heritage in General and revive His Work universally! My Letter to Mr. Dan. Adams to inform his of our Adjournment and reprove him etc. I committed to the Care of Mr. Fitch, who said he should deliver it that Evening. My Son Ebenezer was with me. We returned home at Evening. I understand that Mrs. White is grown very bad. She had a very bad Night, and no better Day—has Watchers and has had Several Doctors. Squire Hawes (as he is now called) and Dr. Daniel Brigham. Dr. Mountague has also seen her—and all judge her Case is dangerous. May God grant due preparation for His holy will!

1782 September 6 (Friday). Mr. John Lyscomb has come hastily from NewBraintry, bearing a Letter, writ by my Grandson Thomas to his Sister Apphia at New Braintry, dated West-Point Aug. 26, informing her of the Extreme Illness of her Husband Elias; and that his Father who is here, might read the sorrowfull Intelligence of it. Mrs. White remains very ill here.

1782 September 7 (Saturday). Mr. Lyscomb, who went to Southborough yesterday, calls, to take a Letter from my Son to his Daughter in Law. At Eve came my Daughter Lydia from Concord and in the Chaise brought her little John and her Babe Hannah. After these came My Son William himself from Ashburnham.

1782 September 8 (Sunday). Preached a. and p.m. on Prov. 12.26. Mrs. Maynard dined here. N.B. I gave public Notice of the Funeral of old Mrs. Hannah Beeman who expired this Morning—90 Years old last May. God Sanctifie this Death to especially such of us as are hoary! N.B. Mr. Brigham, who returned last night, brought a Letter of the [blank] from Mr. Moore.

1782 September 9 (Monday). Mr. A. Beeman here in the Morning, that I might acquaint him with my Obligations to preach tomorrow for Mr. Grosvenor. My Son and Daughter having dined with us, Sat out in their Chaise; their Children also [inkspot]. Mrs. White is able to Sit up a little. My Son Ebenezer wrote and sends [inkspot] to his Sons at West-point, by a Man going up there.

1782 September 10 (Tuesday). Fast at Grafton on Account of the Drought. I rode up. Deacon Wood and my Son Ebenezer rode up with me. Mr. Fish prayed, and Mr. Sumner preached a.m. The Text was Ezek. 18.36, latter part. Mr. Fish p.m. on Heb. 2.3, Mr. Sumner having prayed before it. My part was the last prayer, in which was the gathering up and the closing[?]. And may God most gracious and Mercifull, pardon, accept [illegible] glory Succeed! My son and I returned safely at Eve. To God be all Honor and praise!

1782 September 11 (Wednesday). Elias came home from Gloucester via Boston. He has finished his School there. His Sister Baldwin is gone by water to Cape Ann, and Isaac [in the Chaise?] by Land.

1782 September 12 (Thursday). Fast at Framingham. My Son Ebenezer rode with me to Mr. Kellogg, and we arrived the first that came. Mr. Kellogg began Prayer a.m. and Mr. Biglow preached. Mr. Bridge the first prayer p.m. and I preached from Ps. 81.11 to 16. May God accept and Succeed! At Eve rode to sister Stones and lodged there.

1782 September 13 (Friday). Rode home in safety. D.G. Elias has a bad Cough[?]. Ebenezer left me after Fast yesterday and went to Concord.

1782 September 14 (Saturday). The Drought unhappily continues—such is the holy Anger of God!

1782 September 15 (Sunday). I rode over to Northborough and preached there a.m. on Ps. 81.11 to 16, and returned at Even. P.M. I preached on Rev. 22.12. Mr. Whitney here on Jer. 13.15.16 a. and p.m. May God Succeed!

1782 September 16 (Monday). I was retired. At Eve married Mr. Gershom Brigham to Mrs. Bulah Bellows. O that God would graciously accept!

1782 September 17 (Tuesday). Mr. Brigham, Sophy and Miss Mindwell Brigham to Boston. P.M. Went to Mr. Simon Forbes’s, and attended the Exercises of Mr. Fish, who preached a good Sermon on Ps. 96.8, former part. N.B. Mr. Wilkins lodged here, and to day went to Marlborough.

1782 September 18 (Wednesday). Ebenezer returned from Concord. Miss Eliza Beales was here, at Breakfast. N.B. our Discourse was of Mr. Sanford. Mr. Ebenezer Chamberlain here and brought me his Rates—paid me £6.18.0. N.B. He asks me who they were of the Singers that desired that we might Sing five times in the Congregation?

1782 September 19 (Thursday). I paid Mr. Newton Nine French Crowns (or the Value of Ten Dollars) more, towards his keeping my Cattle last year. Billy P________ from Concord. Our Sister Brigham fell from her Horse.

1782 September 20 (Friday). Billy returns home. At Eve Mr. Hazzletine—Supper Honey.

1782 September 21 (Saturday). My Daughter Baldwin, aided by her son Isaac, came from Cape Ann—last from Horns Tavern where they lodged, and came here to Breakfast this Morning. They are greatly fatiegued. Isaac returned back to Charlestown, and leaves his Mother here. Ebenezer and Elias still here: But our Family is lessened and relieved, in some Measure, by Mrs. White’s going from us, to Mr. Graves’s. Elias waited upon her with an Horse.

1782 September 22 (Sunday). A.M. on Prov. 12.16. Mrs. Maynard dined with us. P.M. on Heb. 4.9. At Eve Ebenezer read a Sermon of Mr. [blank].

1782 September 23 (Monday). Capt. Morse came and brought a noble Cheese of 20 weight. Daughter Baldwin returned to Brookfield. Elias with her. P.M. Church Meeting on Adams’s Affair. Both the Contending partys came. After Prayer and a Pathetic Address to each of them perswading to mutual Condescension and forgivness, it was recommended to them to choose a Number of Persons Mutually to assist them to hear both sides and advise etc. But the urging this was in Vain. The Church must do it, for Mr. Adams would consent to no other. We therefore heard his Papers of Evidences—and two living Witnesses, viz. Deacon Phips and Timothy Twitchell were called and heard. We also heard the Womans Petition to the Governor and Council (which complains of her Husbands committing Adultery). But the Church inclined to improve the Help of a Committee—therefore Voted to have one: the Number to be Five: the Persons, Elijah Brigham, Deacon Hawes, Joseph Harrington, Isaac Davis, and Eli Whitney. To These therefore the Case was committed—and they are to meet at this place, this day fortnight, at 9 a.m. with Power to call for Persons, Papers etc., as Shall be Needed. The Meeting concluded with Prayer and Blessing.

1782 September 24 (Tuesday). Mr. Hazzletine here. Mr. Simon How of Marlborough makes me a Visit about their Affairs as now situated. I went down to my Island to view what work had been done to clear the Brook, and what Dammage the Fires have done in the Meadows.

1782 September 25 (Wednesday). The Widow Snow here, dined with us etc. Rev. Mr. Langton of York, and his Daughter, Miss Hannah, going to Farmington, Stopped and lodged here. N.B. They inform of anointing with Clay to cure bad Sores—Cancer, etc. N.B. No Sand may be among the Clay.

1782 September 26 (Thursday). Mr. Langton and Daughter leave us. Isaac Baldwin returns from Cambridge to Brookfield. Their great Horse is Sick (of [Potts?] etc.) and like to die. A Fast at Marlborough to Seek a Minister of God and on account of the Great Drought. Mr. Puffer began with prayer; and Mr. Whitney of Northborough preached on 1 Cor. P.M. Mr. Newall (who was sent to), not coming, Mr. Plumb prayed. I preached on Amos 4.11, latter part. May God accept the Offerings and grant our Requests! My son Ebenezer waited upon me. I met with a bad Fall in getting out of a Chaise, and hurt my right Legg. We returned home at Eve.

1782 September 27 (Friday). My Steers came home last night from Templeton: and Squire Baker wants to have them of me. He has them accordingly. Mr. Forbes and his Lady from Cape Anne; Mr. Cushing and his Children, George and Sally with him, and lodge here. We have Such a Number of Horses that we send, One to Mr. Elisha Forbes, and one to Deacon Woods. Mr. Cushing reads Dr. Huntingtons plea for Mrs. Fisk at Stockbridge, before an Ecclesiastical Council Oct. 6 and 7, 1779.2

1782 September 28 (Saturday). Mr. Forbes (accompanyed by Ebenezer) goes to West Sudbury. Mr. Cushing and his son George to Shrewsbury. Mrs. Forbes and Sally Cushing remain with us. Elias returns from Brookfield, and he has been to Springfield and Northampton. A Letter from Mr. Quincy. Mr. Cushing returns from Shrewsbury and goes to Southborough to preach there. His Son George goes with him.

1782 September 29 (Sunday). My Leg had been painful in the Night, and I had but broken sleep. However, I went to Meeting. Attempted to preach a.m. on Heb. 4.9, but I could not use my Notes much. My Sight was not clear. On Occasion of the long continued Drought, from Ps. 42.1. N.B. Mrs. Maynard and a Kinswoman of hers, Mrs. [blank] dined here. At Eve Mr. Forbes and Ebenezer returned from Sudbury and Mr. Cushing and his Son from Southborough.

1782 September 30 (Monday). Mr. Forbes and his Wife sat out for Brookfield. I visited Mrs. White, at Mr. Greaves’s. Went also to Deacon Woods, who is generous [to] me as to Horse-keeping (Mr. Langtons and his Daughters, gratis). N.B. My Nights are Painfull. I am kept very much awake. Many Things concur to employ my anxious Mind, by Day and Night.

1782 October 1 (Tuesday). God is pleas’d to grant me the Favour to begin Another Month. To His Name be praise and Glory! Mr. Cushing reads to me Dr. Huntington’s Letters, Observations etc. in Defence of Mrs. Fish [blot] against Mr. West and the Church with him, of Stockbridge. And we read Mr. Alexanders large Letter from Norwich to me on the same Subject. P.M. Mr. Brigham goes on his Journey to Boston.

1782 October 2 (Wednesday). Mr. Cushing and his Children, George and Sally, leave us to go to Shrewsbury, where he is to preach tomorrow.

1782 October 3 (Thursday). Had a Catechising a. and p.m. Had about fifty Children. May the divine Blessing accompany my weak Endeavours. At Eve Mr. Forbes and Wife from Brookfield and lodged here. Pasturing Horses is the Most difficult of any with us.

1782 October 4 (Friday). Mr. Forbes preached an excellent Sermon at his Cousen Elisha’s on Luk. 10.20, latter part—“but rather rejoice, because your names are written in Heaven.” It was very Seasonable and well accepted by a considerable Auditory. I pray God to add His Special Blessing thereon! N.B. Mr. Elisha gave an handsome Entertainment and gave generous Invitation to his Relations and Friends, and with his Chaise kindly waited upon Mrs. P________ and me to the Dinner, and came home with us in the Same manner at Even.

1782 October 5 (Saturday). Mr. Forbes and his Consort having lodged here, Sat out for Cambridge. N.B. Mr. Brigham returned home last night, informs me of the Death of the Aged and venerable Mr. Daniel Perkins of Bridgewater. “Help Lord! when the godly man perisheth, and when the righteous fail among the Children of Men!” He tells me also that the good and worthy Mr. Woodward of Weston is very ill, and his Life despaired of. Mr. Brigham, further, has brought a Letter from Dr. Holyoke of Salem, to Elias to Signifie to him the Terms on which he would take a Tyro: and my Son returns an Answer by Forbes: and which I perceive is, that his Demands are too high.

1782 October 6 (Sunday). I did not begin with Singing—I broke off with Design; but neither was there so much as one Singer in the Place when I went. I preached a. and p.m. on Ps. 42. Am informed that dear Mr. Woodward expired yesterday! Help, Lord! The Godly Man ceaseth! Will the Lord graciously pity the Widow and the Fatherless Children, and Supply the awful Vacancy, that they mayn’t be as Sheep without a Shepherd! O that I might my Self be ready! I repeated at Eve. N.B. Several of our Church Committee went to Captain Morses after Evening Meeting, to Speak with one Mrs. Esther Cook, a Witness in the Case of Mr. Adams and his Wife.

1782 October 7 (Monday). The Church’s Committee met. Adjourned to next Thursday. N.B. Old Mr. Daniel Hardy who now lives in Hopkinton came to see me.

1782 October 8 (Tuesday). The great Blessing of Rain through the Day; To God be Glory! Deacon Hawes having brought me Mr. Zabdiel Adams’s Election Sermon, I read part of it, and my Son Ebenezer read the rest of it to me. Brecks Mason lays the Foundation of his Chimneys.

1782 October 9 (Wednesday). Ebenezer puts a Guard about the Top of the back Stairs. Elias to Upton with Miss Mindwell Brigham and her Sister Anne.

1782 October 10 (Thursday). Mr. Abraham Holland came to See Elias who does not come home till nigh Evening but then returns with his Company from Col. Jones of Hopkinton. Mr. Peter Whitney here—hear that Mr. Treasurer Henry Gardner is dead—of a Fever.

[1782 October 11 (Friday).] The Committee on Adams’s Affair came here at Evening. Dr. John Gott on his Journey back from Connecticut was here: relates the Strange Conduct of the Shakers at Windham. Mr. Hazzletine and Young Wilder of Cohoss here. N.B. Hear that Madam Prentice of Grafton has been with the Shakers. N.B. I have received by Mr. Eliot of Watertown from Rev. Johnson of Lime Catalogue and Commencement Papers. Mrs. P________ grows more pained and Confined with her sore. At Eve Ebenezer read to me Mr. Grove’s sermon on 2 Tim. 1.10, Death abolished by Christ. N.B. Sad News of House-breaking; and Sundry Thieves imprisoned.

1782 October 12 (Saturday). My Son Breck having taken down the Chimney of his common Room, his Family moves into our House. At Eve came Mr. William Plum from Southborough and offers his Assistance. Mr. [illegible] of Yarmouth is willing to preach for him.

[1782 October 13 (Sunday).] Mr. Plum a.m. on Isa. 49.6, p.m. on Zech. 13.1. May God bless his Labors, and reward him for his Kindness! He returned to Southborough at Eve. N.B. I appointed the Communion and Lecture.

[1782 October 14 (Monday).] Mr. P________ is very unwell—is Sick at her stomach, is faint, no appetite. Dr. Hawes visits and administers.

[1782 October 15 (Tuesday).] Mr. Samuel Brigham from Wilton here—his mother p.m.

[1782 October 16 (Wednesday).] Training—The adjournment of Committee on Adams’s Affair, was to this day. They Meet, and adjourn again. Breck builds a Chimney in his Shop. They diet here.

[1782 October 17 (Thursday).] I attended the burying of Mr. Jonathan Batherick’s Infant: still-born. [Mr.] Grosvenor sends yesterday to me a Letter by Mr. Langton that he can’t preach my Lecture. I wrote to Mr. Fitch, and no Opportunity offering I Wrote again to Mr. Plum, who I hoped would. [I] was obliged to prepare for my Lecture my Self, and p.m. preached on 1 Joh. 1.7, which was indeed to but a few. A Letter from Mr. Plumb. May God grant a Blessing to my poor Endeavours to the few that came!

[1782 October 18 (Friday).] Various Company to day. Squire Whipple of New Braintree came. Mrs. P________ no better. Reports of Several Sad Occurrences. Mrs. White returned to us and lodges. Mrs. P________ is much laid by. May God prepare us for His Will! The House is much filled, yesterday and to day. The Workmen from Brecks, rebuild the Oven, and put in a New Crane in the East Room. Mrs. Hicks and her Daughter in her Return dined here.

[1782 October 19 (Saturday).] Elias goes to Ashburnham. Mrs. White goes from us at Eve to Mr. Graves. Mr. Hastings plasters and finishes the Oven, etc.

[1782 October 20 (Sunday).] I endeavored to Preach a.m. on Gal. 6.4, but I could not read the old Notes which I made many years agoe. Mrs. Maynard dined with us. P.M. preached on Exod. 14.13. May God graciously accept! Mrs. P________ has been very bad with her Cough for Several Nights and is very ill otherwise. The Lord prepare us for His holy Will! [In margin: A Letter from Mr. Quincy, of October 5 and 8th.] Ebenezer at Eve, read Mr. Grove’s Sermon on Heb. 11.13, first Clause.

1782 October 21 (Monday). Visit John Mears, a Lad at Deacon Woods, under broken bones, a Cart wheel having gone over his Leggs and broke one of them. Young Mr. Fish here and dines with us. Mr. Brigham to Boston.

1782 October 22 (Tuesday). Mrs. P________ very bad with her Cough. Dr. Hawes here frequently. A Court held at Deacon Woods on James McCulloch for his bad Conduct towards Capt. Fisher on Training Day.

1782 October 23 (Wednesday). Mrs. P________ takes a Puke. Rev. Mr. Joseph Thatcher of Gorham at Eve. He goes on to Mr. Isaac Johnsons in Southborough. Mrs. P________ lies below. Capt. William Brigham comes from Marlborough with the Sorrowlful Tidings of the Death of our Kinsman Uriah Brigham last Evening, of an Apoplectic Disorder. The Lord grant us who Survive, to be always ready, and Pity the Widow and Fatherless! Major Ezra Beeman and Cousen Maynard dined here.

1782 October 24 (Thursday). Cousen Maynard came to See her aunt and asks us (who can) to ride with her in her Carriage to the Funeral tomorrow.

1782 October 25 (Friday). Mrs. P________ is under grievous Exercise by her Cough Still, though Dr. Haws is using his best Endeavors to help her. A.M. Cousen Maynard with their Carriage, driven by Mr. Stephen, her Son, took up Several of us, and we rode to the House of Mourning in Marlborough, the late Dwelling of Lt. Uriah Brigham, and dined there. P.M. Rev. Mr. Fitch of Hopkinton came and prayed. I rode to and from the Grave in the same Manner. The whole has been a very Solemn season. May the Impression be abiding! We waited for Moon-Lig[ht] and then in a Cold Evening arrived here. Thanks to God!

1782 October 26 (Saturday). Mrs. P________ no better. She inclines to having Dr. Stimson of Hopkinton. Elias goes—he comes with him—they are both very wet with the plentiful Rain. The Doctor tarries over Night. Rev. Fitch dines here.

1782 October 27 (Sunday). Doctor attends our Meeting a.m.: but then rid to Hopkinton p.m. to Sutt[on]. I preached a.m. on Ps. 42.10.11. P.M. on Heb. 4.9. At Eve My Son Ebenezer read a Sermon of Mr. Groves. N.B. It was somewhat difficult for me to go through the Services of the Day, but God was Pleased to sustain me. To His Name be Honor!

1782 October 28 (Monday). Mrs. P________ has lain some time in the lower Room. Sits up a While in the Day, but She is Still exercised with Such Fitts of Coughing as waste her exceedingly. P.M. came Mr. Fitch. He agrees to Send me Montanus’s Hebrew Bible to use as long as I want it. He carrys away four Pamphlets. Dr. Solomon Williams Ordination of Mr. Jacob Eliot: Dr. St[iles?] Installment of Mr. Hopkins: Tachygraphy; and a Poem delivered at Commencement. At Eve came Mr. Jon. Forbes. He brought a very handsome good Cheese of 14 1/2 weight. Mrs. P________ at Eve and night very bad Turns of coughing.

1782 October 30 (Wednesday). Mrs. P________ no better. Dr. Stimpson and Mrs. Cotton with him. They dine here. He brings the works of Dr. David McBride.

1782 October 31 (Thursday). These were Days of much Sickness and Trouble. And yet I have more grievous to add—viz. that [blank]

1782 November 1 (Friday). From the Evening before, at Midnight [and?] this morning I was so exceed[ingly] short breathed that I was as if Expiring. But God was pleased to relieve me. All praise to His Name!

[1782 November 2 (Saturday).] I had Another Such a faint, terrible Turn—but reviv’d after Some Hours. [?] bless God therefor. Many kind People visit me.

[1782 November 3 (Sunday).] No preaching—but there was a Small public Assembly—Deacons and Mr. Brigham officiated. May God graciously accept!

[1782 November 4 (Monday).] Rev. Mr. Fish visits, dines and prayed. Rev. Whitney also with us. Both Mrs. P________ and I very ill with Cough and Fever with interrupted Breath, Short and difficult.

1782 November 5 (Tuesday). Rev. Whitney was again, by Request here, and assisted in making a Will which I signed, declared and owned before Justice Hawes.

1782 November 6 (Wednesday). Last night and this Morning was another most memorable Time with me! Was by degrees extremely Sho[rt] breathed, and as if departing!! But God was pleased in infinite Goodness to Pity and Relieve me at this time also. To His name be praise and Glory. [From this point, not in Parkman’s hand.] Mr. Ebenezer Maynard’s Wife watches.

1782 November 7 (Thursday). Lieut. Harrington here presents a Quarter of Lamb. Mrs. P’s Cough continues tedious.

1782 November 8 (Friday). A Comfortable Night yet faintness succeeds. Reverend Sumner and Doctor Stimson here. Mr. Brigham returned from Boston. Alexander came from Marlborough.

1782 November 9 (Saturday). Samuel from Boston.

1782 November 10 (Sunday). No Minister although the Deacons performed, yet Breck and Samuel to Shrewsbury. Mr. B. and Elias to Grafton. Mrs. P. more Comfortable.

[1782 November 11 (Monday).] Alexander and Samuel to Boston. Elias to Lancaster.

[1782 November 12 (Tuesday).] Doctor Ebenezer Morse here. Reverend D. Grosvenor here and pray’d. Capt. Maynard and others. Mrs. Hazletine here in the Even.

[1782 November 13 (Wednesday).] At about 5 oClock in the Morning another Distresing turn came on but not so lasting. I again obtained Some Relief through the Infinite Mercy of God. Reverend Summer here and pray’d. Mrs. P. came up Stairs. By Physick taken lately was very disagreably wrought upon.

[1782 November 14 (Thursday).] The Diarrhea continues very grievous. Misses Fish here. Remarkable Diminution of Flesh through the Severity of a continued Diarrhea. Doctor Stimson revisits. Recommends Mallows Tea which greatly relieves.

[1782 November 16 (Saturday).] A more Comfortable Night. Mr. Representative Parker here. Brought a proclamation for Thanksgiving.

1782 November 17 (Sunday). A very faint Day. Mrs. P________ came up Chamber.

1782 November 18 (Monday). Town Meeting. Mr. Collector Harrington [Jr.?] here. Paid me by Orders and Money £23-2/. Mrs. Maynard visits.

1782 November 19 (Tuesday). Ebenezer to N. Braintree. Alexander to Framingham. Mr. Brigham to Boston—much more Comfortable. To God be Praise and Glory!

1782 November 20 (Wednesday). A.M. Mr. P. Whitney here. Mr. Andrews, Treasurer, here and pays me £3.0. Alexander did not return as expected. Had a more Comfortable Day. First Snow.

1782 November 21 (Thursday). [Parkman’s hand resumes.] Alexander after considerable Excursions about his Difficult Affairs, returns and lodges here. At Eve Ensign Aaron Warrin made me a Visit; and very amicable. N.B. I have had (through divine Goodness) several very good and quiet nights, without getting up at all, but once in each, to drink. A great alteration with me indeed. Mr. Brigham returned home.

1782 November 22 (Friday). Elias goes to live at Dr. Stimpsons. Alexander also leaves us to go home again, after long Absence. P.M. Dr. Gott here. N.B. He designs to go to Cohoss. Mr. Ebenezer Maynard again visits and not empty.

1782 November 23 (Saturday). Another comfortable night. D.G. Lt. Warren a long Visit. Mrs. P________ came up Chamber, and dined together. Mr. Asa Piper from Acton, at Night.

1782 November 24 (Sunday). Mr. Piper preached a.m. on Prov. 3.5. He dined here. Cousin Maynard also. P.M. on Luk. 13.2.3. This latter he repeated at Eve. Which may God bless! I had but a faint, weak Day of it. May the Lord shew Mercy, for Christ’s sake. N.B. am informed of the [Death?] of Rev. Daniel Rogers of Littleton on the 21.

1782 November 25 (Monday). Mr. Piper is with us till Evening and, then he goes to board at Lt. Levi Warrin’s. Dr. Stimpson visited us—he is generous in his Offers respecting his Visits and Assistance here.

1782 November 26 (Tuesday). Through the Goodness of God I am still alive; and yet am somewhat Strangely exercised with pain in my Right great Toe; which makes me go very lame. At eve came from Concord my Son William who tarrys with us.

1782 November 27 (Wednesday). Having had a good Night, I was favoured with an agreeable Day. B. be God for it! After Dinner William and his Daughter Suse left us for Concord.

1782 November 28 (Thursday). Thanksgiving. I would bless God with my whole Heart for the Sparing Mercy of God though I am under divine Frowns and confined.

1782 November 29 (Friday). Mr. Piper preached on Ps. 101.1. May God grant Success! I am somewhat better. My Foot Easier. D.G. Mr. Piper dines with us. P.M. Deacon Wood and his Wife and other Friends. Jonathan Forb. pays me some money he had borrowed and took up his Note.

1782 November 30 (Saturday). A sad Report that the Indian, Sam John is found Dead on Turkey Hill. [Illegible.]

[1782 December 1 (Sunday).] Mr. Piper preached on Ps. 19.12.13 a. and p.m. He [supped?] not here at Eve.

1782 December 2 (Monday). Miserab[blot]—The Select men [illegible] ducting the Affair, and were [Bearers?] Council at Mendon for Mr. [illegible] Willard.

1782 December 3 (Tuesday). Brigham goes to Boston. I was but feeble and Weak.

1782 December 4 (Wednesday). [Not in Parkman’s hand:] I was but very faint and low. My appetite depraved. Rev. Mr. Whitney and his delegates returned from Council at Mendon. Reverend Mr. Ebenezer Grosvenor of Harvard here. Gave a particular account of the Funeral obsequies of Late Reverend Daniel Rogers of Littleton.

1782 December 5 (Thursday). This morning Mr. Grosvenor goes on his Journy to Pomfret. [In Parkman’s hand:] At Eve [illegible] Warrin [illegible] the News Paper [illegible] Deacon Wood, Mr. Belknap and his Wife here.

1 Joel Barlow (1754–1812), A poem, spoken at the public commencement at Yale College, in New-Haven; September 12, 1781 (Hartford: Printed by Hudson & Goodwin, [1781]). Evans 17090.

2 Joseph Huntington (1735–1794), A plea before the venerable ecclesiastical council at Stockbridge, in the cause of Mrs. Fiske. Delivered the sixth and seventh of October, one thousand seven hundred and seventy nine. By a gentleman from Connecticut (Norwich [Conn.]: Printed by John Trumbull, near the Meeting-House, M,DCC,LXXX. [1780]; Evans 16806).