Diary of Ebenezer Parkman

Diary of Ebenezer Parkman, 1781

1781 January 1 (Monday). As we, with my Son Breck and his, Mr. Brigham etc. joined together last Evening in singing at the Conclusion of the last Year, So this Morning having so abundant Cause, we Sang Praise to the Great almighty Creator and Preserver: and I hope my Heart is Sincerely moved with Gratitude to the Universal Benefactor: begging earnestly the Pardon of all my past offences, that I may bring no old Guilt into the New Year; and I desire humbly to committ and resign all the Concernments of the Occurrences of the Year Ensuing to the Supreme, all-wise, most Mercifull Ruler of the World and our Covenant God in Jesus Christ. And may I, and all Mine be prepared for all the Events before us! That it may go well with us for Time and Eternity! Towards Night I visited Miss Susanna Fay (Ensign’s Daughter) who is sick of a Fever, and (by Desire) prayed. Received a Letter from my son Ebenezer dated December 18 at Fish Kill. Master [Fish?] here this Eve.

1781 January 2 (Tuesday). Visited old Mrs. Kelly—conversed and prayed with her. Yesterday received a Packet of 5 Letters from Mr. Moore, Three from his Children Suse, Jonathan and Sophy, which please and entertain us all. Misses Anna Brigham, Polly Howard and Nabby Martin. The first lodges here.

1781 January 3 (Wednesday). Breck had prepared to go to Boston but was disappointed by a snow storm. I was variously Occupy’d.

1781 January 4 (Thursday). Mr. Jonathan [illegible]ains junr. came, and afterwards his Uncle Squire Baker, and bought my young Oxen, for 200£ to be paid in a Month or Six weeks, according to the present Value of Money, and with Lawful Interest from this day. Mr. Adams drove away the Oxen.

1781 January 5 (Friday). Mr. Beeton came and acquainted me that his mother [illegible] and worthy Mrs. Kelly expired [illegible] about one o’Clock. A great Loss to have such pious People to be removed from us. She was doubtless one of Gods precious Jewels and [one?] who Seemed to be always in a gracious [Frame?] May it please God to awaken us who Survive to a faithful Imitation! I suppose She was almost 87 years of age. At Mr. Beetons desire I went to the burying place to shew him which is the Grave of Mr. Alex. At night came Mr. Abel Curtis (of Dartmouth) and lodged here.

1781 January 6 (Saturday). Mr. Curtis engaged in Traffick with Breck and Brigham; remains here. We who can, attend the Funeral of Mrs. Kelly (who is buryed from Mr. Beetons). I pray there with a considerable large Company. Her Grave is dug by my Direction by the Side of her Husbands, in my Ground. Mr. Curtiss tarrys [over?] the sabbath.

1781 January 7 (Sunday). I preached a.m. once more on Ps. 90.2, latter part. Mr. Curtiss and Mr. Fish dined here. P.M. formed an Exercise from my former preparations on Ps. 37.371 on Occasion of the Death of Old Mrs. Kelly. God grant it may Succeed, [especially?] with my Self! Mr. Brigham at Eve read part of Mr. Flavels 11th Sermon on Rev. 3.20. N.B. Mr. [Curtiss relates?] the Incursion of the Indians and Tories upon Royalton when [blank] were killed, [blank] Captivated. Among the last was his own Brother, Elias Curtis: He himself was one of those who hastened up to the relief of Town, on Pursuit of the Enemy; and having an Horse, brought off his Brothers Wife and [illegible] Children.

1781 January 8 (Monday). Lieut. Levi Brigham from Fitz-William. I wrote by him to my son Alex. Mr. Curtis goes on his Journey towards Newbury-Port. And my son Breck for Boston. N.B. James Cammet, a poor beggar, very religious and talkative. N.B. Josiah Brigham has undertaken to learn Latin, and comes to be at Brecks, but under his Brother Elijah’s Tuition. Town Meeting about raising [Men?].

1781 January 9 (Tuesday). Would have Visited old Mr. Morse of Hopkinton but it was too rough and cold for me to endure it. At Eve Snow.

1781 January 10 (Wednesday). Mr. David Kellogg’s Ordination at Framingham. I could not attend by reason of the Foul Weather and my great fear that it would be too hard for me. May they have the presence of the glorious Head of the Church and grant an happy Issue! I Spent my time in Communion with them: and hope for a Share with them in the Blessings dispensed.

1781 January 11 (Thursday). It being moderate Weather, I rode to old Mr. Seth Morse’s and found him very weak and low. I discoursed and pray’d with him—dined there. Deacon Burnet was there also. I called to See Mr. John Kelly. I returned home. Mr. Hazzletine waited on Mrs. Baker here this Evening. Breck from Boston. He tells me my Kinswoman Mrs. Elizabeth Corser is marryed; also Mrs. Coverly.

1781 January 12 (Friday). Mr. Isaac Ruggles brings back the Order I had given him upon Mr. Nathan Maynard Constable; and I gave him another Order upon Mr. Barnabus Newton, Treasurer; for the Same sum, viz. 75£. Mr. Elijah Force was with him, and to him I offered 50 Dollars, before Witnesses, namely, Mr. Ruggles aforesaid, and Mr. Beriah Ware, who was present, and also Pamela Coolledge. But he would not take it unless I would give him 4 sh. I offered to pay him in Rye; But Still he would not take it—unless I would give him a Bushel. I must give him two Yards of Tow-Cloth. My Wife interposed and said she would make it for him. I asked him whether I did ever promise him Tow Cloth? He Said, No: I did not. But That would satisfie. I required to know what in Money, would content him? He said 70 Dollars. I was not willing to give him so great a price for one Days work, and would rather give him tow-Cloth, if I knew of what kind. He said, Such as was strong and fit for a Blacksmiths Trowzers or shirts to work in. Thus we parted. Ruggles and Pamela were witnesses of what we said.

[1781 January 13? (Saturday)]. Mr. Caleb Wilder of Ashburnham at Supper with us. Miss Polly Howard has been here assisting both Suse and Sophy in Quilting Several Bed Quilts. At Evening came Mr. Daniel Adams with Another Letter to be communicated to the Church.

1781 January 14 (Sunday). Delivered a.m. another sermon on Eccl. 12.13 but omitted p. 15, 16 and p.m. on Ps. 37.37 to p. 22. Mrs. Maynard dined here. Stopped the Church and read Mr. Adams Letter, given me last Eve. There being few Members present and a Cold Stormy time and so lately received it was left to further Consideration. At Eve Mr. Brigham read in Mr. Flavel, Rev. 3.20, sermon 11.

1781 January 15 (Monday). Miss Polly works here. Mr. Gravenor dined here, having preached at Marlborough. I began a Letter to Mr. Daniel Adams.

1781 January 16 (Tuesday). Am much confined by the rugged, cold, windy season: but through divine Goodness have Health, Fuel and many other Mercys. D.G. Settled Accounts with Breck and Comp. and have paid [blank]. A Number of women here to help Sophy quilt. Miss Mindwell and Anna Brigham all day. Mrs. Graves and Mrs. Nichols came p.m. Benjamin Wood rode to Mr. Samuel Allens to carry Six Leggs of Pork to be baconed: and brought home a Piece of woollen Cloth for my wearing, from Capt. Maynards: being [blank] yards. N.B. This Day Soldiers are invited by the two Captains, to repair to Deacon Woods, that they may enlist into the service. I have gone through what I chiefly want to read in Vol. 5 of Biographical DictionaryWish so illustrious Examples may profit me! Miss Polly—Several Women to help Sophy in her Quilting, viz. two sisters Mindwell and Anne Brigham, all Day, and Mrs. Nichols and Mrs. Graves p.m. and Eve.

1781 January 17 (Wednesday). Miss Polly still here. I read variously.

1781 January 18 (Thursday). Sophy finished her tedious work of Quilting; and Miss Polly ceases. Josiah Brigham preparing to come to study and lodge here.

1781 January 19 (Friday). I wrote a short Letter to Mr. Daniel Adams, and he received it at the Store.

1781 January 20 (Saturday). Mr. Brigham at my desire, asked Mr. Adams at the Shop to come up to the House. I had Opportunity with him and endeavoured to improve it, with all the Tenderness I could: but to very little Effect. I had transcribed the Letter of yesterday, corrected and added to it; and desired to change this for that, but he was not willing to oblige me. I read to him my larger Answer to his last Letter; and would fain have said or done what would or might reasonably have satisfyed him; but he went away disquieted notwithstanding.

1781 January 21 (Sunday). A stormy Day. Few at Meeting. Preach a.m. on Ps. 37.37. I had prepared another sermon but was obliged to defer it, and preached p.m. on Ezek. 48.35, last Clause, to p. 9 mid. Mr. Brigham in the Eve Flavel.

1781 January 22 (Monday). Mr. Josiah Brigham comes here to my back Chamber to lodge and to study: and John Wood goes to the Colonels to write etc. At Eve came Messrs. Batheric, Gale, Child and two Grouts, on Mr. Adams Letter.

1781 January 23 (Tuesday). Read Several of the Meditations in Mr. William Crawfords Dying Thoughts. May they prove quickening and instructing to me!

1781 January 24 (Wednesday). Mr. Brigham is trying to obtain a large Sleigh to ride in to Springfield, and I am sollicited to go likewise: but I apprehend my self too infirm to undertake such a Journey at this rigorous season.

1781 January 25 (Thursday). A sleigh is provided and Tackling for two Horses by Mr. Brigham. Mrs. P____ and Sophy are preparing to go to Springfield.

1781 January 26 (Friday). They set out on their Journey to Brookfield first. Mr. Josiah is studying here, and Mr. Brigham desires me to hear his Brother say his Lessons, in his absence. Which I undertake, and accordingly hear him. My Family now is but small. N.B. I have Sent a short Salutation to my aged Brother Ruggles of New Braintry, per Mr. Brigham.

1781 January 27 (Saturday). Mr. Hazletine came up to my Chamber with (verbal) Order from Mr. Samuel Barrett to deliver him Mr. Barretts 3 Vols. of Mr. Henrys Exposition, viz. the 3d, 4th and 6th, also the History of England Folio—and says he has bought them with a great many more Books, of Mr. Barrett—and he carryed them off, though to my great Regretting and Disappointment.

1781 January 28 (Sunday). I had prepared to preach on one part of the Day, on Ps. 20.5 to encourage young Men and others to go out against our cruel Invaders—but it was exceeding difficult getting to Meeting, and I expected but few Hearers; (Yet there did come some Number in sleighs and on Horses). I preached a. and p.m. on Ezek. 48.35, last Clause. Which may God graciously bless to us! N.B. poor John McCullock is dead! Notes from survivors desiring prayers, Shewed that they had good Ground to conclude it was true. At Evening I read a Meditation of Mr. William Crawfords dying Thoughts.

1781 January 29 (Monday). Mr. Solomon Miller came to work for me in getting out Flax. He fetches the Doctors. Break and breaks. He also swingles a little—about 4 pounds. He lodges here. I lament the sorrowful Fall of his unhappy Daughter Sally, who besides her other Vices has fallen into the gross Sin of Fornication, and this with another of the Children of the Covenant, Joshua Twitchel! May God pitty our giddy Youth and grant them the Grace to repent! Mr. Gale visits me with a spare Rib.

1781 January 30 (Tuesday). It proves foul weather, and so unfit for Flax that Mr. Miller returns home. Capt. Fisher makes a Visit—dines here. He has many Enquirys about various Scriptures—seems much affected with the Difficultys of the Town.

1781 January 31 (Wednesday). Capt. Maynard came and brought a Spare Rib, but did not See me.

1781 February 1 (Thursday). Whilst Mrs. P and Mrs. Brigham are gone their Journey I breakfast at Brecks. Mr. Bowman of Oxford visits me, dines here, and tarrys till near Night. He acquaints me with the Nephritick State of his Body, and the ungenerous Conduct of his People. Asks Advice. He relates somewhat of the sorrowfully great Success of erroneous Murray among his People. Goes to Capt. Jonas Brigham’s.

1781 February 2 (Friday). A stormy Day—Rainy, and the Snow going off. Young Frederic Parker here, having been to Hopkinton and bought of Mr. Barrett his Saddle-Baggs full of Books. Several of which I borrow of him. Ex. gr. Jameson’s Sum of the Episcopal Controversie: Dr. I. Mathers Angelogr. But at Evening notwithstanding all the Rain, Mrs. P. returned home; from Springfield last Tuesday; to Brookfield and today from Brookfield. N.B. Col. Baldwin has not come home. Isaac keeps School at Long-Meadow. Betsy rode with her Grandmother to Springfield. Elias boards at his uncle Brecks still.

1781 February 3 (Saturday). Mrs. P____ feels the Fatiegue of her Journey more than last Night.

1781 February 4 (Sunday). I had designed to preach what I have been preparing on Ps. 20.5, but it proved a very stormy day, and very few at Meeting. I did therefore again lay those Preparations aside; and I delivered a.m. another Exercise on Ezek. 48.35, last Clause, and p.m. on Rom. 6.1.2. At Eve Mr. Brigham read the Close of Mr. Flavels Sermon 11 on Rev. 3.20. N.B. We after Family Exercise read Dr. In. Mathers Disquisition on Angelical Apparitions.

1781 February 5 (Monday). Breck and I rode in our Sleigh (his Wife and Child with us as far as to her Fathers, where we halted a little) over to visit Mr. Whitney and his Family in their New House, which they can live in very comfortably. And may God graciously spare this to them!

1781 February 6 (Tuesday). At Eve We called in to see old Mrs. Beeman—also Col. Brighams. Mr. Sol. Miller and his son Jacob came to Work—on the Flax—they diet and lodge here. I rode up to squire Bakers who tells me again that he will send me a side of Beef. I viewed Mr. Hazzletons (Barrett) Books. He lends me Henry on the prophets, and Dr. Guise on the Spirit. P.M. Wrote to my son Ebenezer at Fish Kill; and sent it per Squire Baker to Elias at Springfield for Conveyance. Read Dr. Coopers pertinent and beautifull Sermon at the Commencement of the New Constitution of Government.

1781 February 7 (Wednesday). Breck went to Boston. The Millers here. Mr. Moses Brigham from Dresden is here among us. Also hear Mr. John Forbes from Otter Creek has come to Town. N.B. Mr. Daniel Foster has sent me by my son Brigham, his Fathers sermon at his own Ordination.

1781 February 8 (Thursday). Received a Letter from Mr. Thomas Adams with 2 Books, viz. Corn. Agrippa, and Dr. Owen of Spiritual Mindedness. Mr. Winslow Brigham comes with a sleigh and carrys away Sophy, in order to her going with Col. Brigham and Wife as far as Ashburnham. I transcribed Mr. P. Whitneys Copy of the late Council’s (Bolton) Result. It was Training Day, and Town Meeting to raise Men for the Continental Army. Messrs. Eli Whitney and Daniel Stockwell came in the Names of the Captains, Fisher and Godfry, and of the Moderator to desire me to go and pray with them. I complyed. Went and Prayed. P.M. Several Neighbours here, but particularly Mr. Belknap, who is full of Mr. Adams. I advised him to make him a Visit. Mr. Joseph Grout brought me a choice piece of Beef: as did Squire Baker a Number of Pieces (Salted) in a Barrell. D.G. Stephen Maynard (who has my Horse to Northborough) carrys Mr. Whitneys Copy of Bolton Councils Result.

1781 February 9 (Friday). Review my preparations on Ps. 20.5. Breck returns. He brings me 3 Eel skins. Samuel also sends three.

1781 February 10 (Saturday). The Snow Storm was so great as to confine me to House. But though very tedious, yet we not only have wood, but two lusty young men to assist in cutting and bringing into the House. D.G.

1781 February 11 (Sunday). Though difficult getting to Meeting, yet I preached a. and p.m. on Ps. 20.5. Master Fish dined here. At Eve Mr. Brigham read part of Mr. Flavels sermon on Rom. 1.18. N.B. Breck and his Family here, and sung.

1781 February 12 (Monday). I read Dr. I. Mathers Angelography: and Case of Conscience concerning Angelical Apparitions. How exceeding plain yet solemn!

1781 February 13 (Tuesday). Breck goes in the sleigh to Watertown. I finished Dr. Mathers Angelography.

1781 February 14 (Wednesday). Mr. P. Whitney and wife made us a Visit in their Sleigh. Dined. Tea. Breck returned from Newtown, from Mr. Josiah Fullers: and Sophy from Ashburnham—informs that Alexander is not well: is Rheumatic. She brings me a Letter from Mr. Cushing who informs me of the Dismission and silencing of Mr. Cummings of Marlborough in New Hampshire for Immorality. A sorrowful Providence! He sends me also a Book containing 14 Sermons by Mr. Thomas Haweis on Evangelical Principles and Practices.

1781 February 15 (Thursday). Mr. John Forbes of Rutland in Vermont here, and gives me an Account of their Exposedness to the Enemy, last summer—Rutland being a Frontier. He informs me of their Assemblys having voted to erect a College in their state, and have chosen 12 persons to be Trustees—that they have got a Printing Press, and that a Green from New-London is the Printer. Mr. Moses Brigham here with Mr. James Miller junior. The latter sells his Place to the former, for which he has a larger Tract in Atworth in New Hampshire. They are forming Writings. Benjamin Woods Brother William here and lodges with Ben. Their Father is come from Sunderland to the Deacons.

1781 February 16 (Friday). The Boys with double Sleigh go to Col. Brighams and bring up John. At Eve Master Fish here; Sups—and returns to the Doctors.

1781 February 17 (Saturday). Though the weather was not agreeable, yet Master has my Horse to go to his Fathers. Ben and Billy Wood lodged here last night but all three lodge here to night.

1781 February 18 (Sunday). Preached a.m. on 2 Cor. 10.4 in Connexion with last sabbath. Mrs. Maynard dined here. P.M. repeated sermon on Luk. 12.5, former part, against Timorousness etc. The Church stopped on Adams’s Letter—but neither was any Thing acted on, nor was there a Vote to drop it. It was waved for the present. The Complaint was of Mrs. Adams’s Delay to prosecute or bring her Cause to any Issue. Whereupon I proposed to write to her: which was accepted. Parted with the Blessing. At Eve Mr. Brigham read again in Mr. Flavel on Rom. 1.18. Breck and his Family (Josiah Brigham, Mindwell Batheric etc.) being here we sang also. The Boys, Ben and William go up at Even and lodge at the Deacons.

1781 February 19 (Monday). A New scene opens! Capt. Wood (who has not been to see me yet) has contrived to Send Ben and Billy to Sunderland, with a Load in the double sleigh, and little John is all that is left to me. They sat out though it is a snow storm—afterwards turns to Rain. A bad day! N.B. I wrote a Letter to Mrs. Persis Adams at Northborough.

1781 February 20 (Tuesday). Town Meeting to again raise Continental Recruits. The Town is [Classed?] out. Col. Brigham makes us a Visit. I read Mr. Haweis Evangelical Principles and Practices.

1781 February 21 (Wednesday). Being an agreeable Day, Mr. Stone came to see us and dined with us. P.M. I went with him to Squire Bakers to supply himself with Tallow, and succeeded. Maj. Wilder there, as was also Mr. Simon How of Marlborough.

1781 February 22 (Thursday). I read more of Mr. Haweis Sermons. Orthodox and Eloquent.

1781 February 23 (Friday). A very difficult Season with us by reason of the Weather—So much Rain mixed with the Snow—Water in the Barn, East Bay. Cattle troublesome—some of them got loose. No Boy but John Wood who was insufficient for the Service of Cattle and Wood.

1781 February 24 (Saturday). [No entry.]

1781 February 25 (Sunday). A.M. on 2 Cor. 10.4.5. Mrs. Maynard and Mr. Fish at Dinner. Remarkable Providences related, especially such as are favourable to America. P.M. preached on Jude v. 21. Those words “Keep yourself in the Love of God.” Omitted p. 1 and 2 and what was repeated was with some Variations. At Eve Breck and his Family—Mr. B. read again in Mr. Flavels Appendix on Rom. 1.18—and Sang.

1781 February 26 (Monday). Though Ben Wood has returned from Sunderland, last Saturday Night to his Grandfathers, and sabbath Morning here and till Evening, Yet he then went to his Grandfather and has not come to me Since to take any Care of my Creatures. John returned at Eve to Coll. Brighams as his present home. Mr. Nathan Maynard hires my Horse for the p.m. to sled wood. P.M. Mr. Thaddeus Warrin and Mr. Caleb Harrington killed Two fine Piggs of 9 Months old, and weighed exactly 18 score: that is, one of them 157, the other 203. The Brighams cut them out, and salted them for me. I wrote to Mr. Moore; to go by Breck, and gave Breck 76 Dollars in Paper; and 20£ 14/ in two Treasurers Notes. John Wood goes with Mr. Josiah, to Col. Brighams. I began Mr. William Smith’s Longinus.

1781 February 27 (Tuesday). Breck to Boston. I have no Boy this Morning. I, unhappily, was exercised various ways. Breck [blot]ed was kind and before he Sat out the Cattle. Josiah came with another Load of Wood for [blot] drew water for my Cattle and turned them out to drink: Pamela took Care of two young Lambs, the Calf etc. About 3 p.m. came Ben to my Relief. At Eve I was sent for to drink Tea at the Shop—I went—for I have not been there from Week to Week. Muddy Walking has (I fear) caused the Cramp.

1781 February 28 (Wednesday). Though I have endured in the Night grievous Pains, yet (through divine Mercy and Benignity) I am in great Comfort this Morning. I am reading the excellent Sermons of Mr. Haweis and can’t but earnestly wish I might have the like Spirit in Reading, as he in writing them. I am also writing to my old Friend Mr. Quincy. Mr. Solomon Miller and son at the Flax. May God be praised who has carried us so comfortably through the Winter months!

1781 March 1 (Thursday). Mr. Solomon Miller and his son Jacob come and dress Flax. Mr. Brigham sends Mr. Thomas Kenny to cut wood at the Door. My Kinsman Loyd calls here, going to Boston but does not come in. Breck returns from Boston.

1781 March 2 (Friday). Am entertained with Mr. Haweis Sermons. I perceive the people are much engaged in procuring Persons to go into the War. Flander-[Class?] have had Difficulty with James McCullock. N.B. some Discourse with Mr. William Wood, who makes objection against Infant Baptism. He has Nine Children living.

1781 March 3 (Saturday). Breck is putting up a Bedsted in our West Room. Am preparing a Discourse relative to Election of Town Officers.

1781 March 4 (Sunday). Repeated again sermon on Jude 21. Mrs. Maynard and Master dine with us. P.M. preached on Isa. 60.17, latter Clause. May God grant success! At Eve Breck etc. Mr. Brigham read the last part of Mr. Flavell on Rom. 1.18.

1781 March 5 (Monday). Mr. Solomon Miller and his son a.m. only. P.M. Town Meeting. Mr. Batherick and Ensign James Miller came to request me to pray with the Town. I complyed. May God graciously accept us therein! Mr. B. Tainter, now of New-Fane, returned with me, and he and Mr. Joseph Harrington also Deacon Hawes dined. N.B. A French man, who broke Jayl at New-York, going to Newport, here. His Name Peter Marang, of Bourdeaux. Josuha Twitchell came about working for me.

1781 March 6 (Tuesday). Adjournment of Town-Meeting. Col. Cushing here p.m.—wrote my son William particularly about sister Champneys Chest, that Mr. Ripley send money to Mr. Zecharaih Hicks, to pay for it. N.B. Deacon Hawes takes the Care to deliver it. Deacon Wood visits me [and?] I talked with him about Joseph Smith etc.

1781 March 7 (Wednesday). Deacon Wood came and [blot] Thomas. They kill a Calf for me. Deacon has one [Quarter. Weighed?] 14 lb. Deacon Hawes another which weighed the Same, Breck had @ 3d. The skin, 7 3/4 sent to Davis’s.

1781 March 8 (Thursday). We were perplexed about one of the Sheep that is lost in the Snow storm. All our Searching after it is in Vain. Stephen Maynard brings home Mr. Allens 5 Leggs and 2 Chops of Bacon. I send to Deacon Hawes Mr. Cranch’s Vol. 5 (F and part of G) of Biographical Dictionary, also a Letter to my Son William and another to Mr. Quincy.

1781 March 9 (Friday). Mr. Brigham (it being fair and pleasant but the snow too deep) undertakes a Journey to Ashburnham and purposes to go to Alexander at Marlborough. N.B. He carrys to Mr. Cushing his Haweis Sermons. Mr. Solomon Miller and his son Jacob came to dress Flax, but went home at night. 19 Bundles were broke; 8 1/4 swingled. Mrs. Hawes and Mrs. Hill visit—and drink Tea. Letters from Elias. He writes as if he was uncertain whether he Shall continue there much longer: that Baldwins time is out at Long Meadow, and he has gone home—that Col. Baldwin is come home etc.

1781 March 10 (Saturday). More closely engaged in Preparations etc.

1781 March 11 (Sunday). Read Ps. 92. Preached again on 2 Cor. 10.4. P.M. read Isa. 4 and delivered part of what I have heretofore preached on Isa. 4, v. 6, last Clause. May God grant they may be accompanied with that divine Power which may render them mighty to pull down Strong Hold! Breck at Even read part of Mr. Flavels Discourse on the Mystery of providence on Ps. 57.2.

1781 March 12 (Monday). Wrote to Elias, and to Brother Breck, about Springfield School. Sent them to Monro’s. Mr. Solomon Miller swingles 7 1/2 of Flax. Began about 11 a.m. His son Jacob and Mr. James Miller and Joshua Twitchell, get out Rails for me out of my Cedar swamp—One Hundred. They lodge here. Mr. Elijah Rice of Henneker came to see me: and relates their Troubles about Mr. Jacob Rice. Towards night came Col. Baldwin and my Grandson Thomas. A Letter from Ebenezer at Fish-Kill dated Feb.

1781 March 13 (Tuesday). Col. Baldwin and Thomme go Boston. Mr. Miller again and swingles 8 1/2. Mr. Thomas Kenny came to dress out Flax. He himself both breaks and Swingles 8 3/4. Joshua Twitchell and Jacob Miller, also Mr. James Miller, (all three) went again to the Cedar swamp. Got out 150. Benjamin Wood went to the men at the Swamp and got out 30.

1781 March 14 (Wednesday). I walk to Mr. Thaddeus Warrins, to get him to go to the Ministerial Lot to Split out Oake Rails—I passed over to the [blot], who Sent a large Quarter of Beef, weighed 214 also an Hear [blot] weighed 16, and with them an Head. These I gratefully accepted as fulfilling what he had said of giving me a side of Beef: especially remembering he had not long Since sent me a Number of Pieces of salt Beef, till this Should come. In returning home I called at Mr. Pierce’s and paid him 30 Dollars for mending my shovel and two Crane Eyes or Hooks. I went in to Mr. Treasurer Newtons for money, but received none.

1781 March 15 (Thursday). Visited at Mr. Benjamin Fays, One of his Children having fallen into the Fire and burnt both Face and Hands, but is recovering. Thence to Mr. John Fay’s, whose young Child languishes under a terrible sore at the Navel. I prayed with them. Mr. Brigham returned from his Visit to Alexander at Marlborough, New Hampshire.

1781 March 16 (Friday). The sheep that was lost in the late snow storm, was found and her Wool saved. Mrs. Persis Adams came, and by word of mouth, gave some Reasons why She delayed the Means of Conviction and Reconcilement with her Husband. The sum was, for substance that She could not get her Affair along because of the Public more urgent Matters, and She had not received the Returns which She expected. I caused Mr. Adams’s late letter to be read to her. At Eve Master Fish was here, has finished his School, supped here.

1781 March 17 (Saturday). Another Letter from Mr. Daniel Adams, in the Morning of this Date. The Drift was, It would prevent the Communion till his Case is enquired into. I wrote Reply. Neighbour Thomas Kenny dresses Flax. N.B. Neighbour Harrington wheels home a Quantity of my Ashes, to his Wifes soap-boiling.

1781 March 18 (Sunday). The abovementioned Letter did so exercise my Mind that it disengaged me from my preparations so that I could not finish them. I had much in my mind which I could not write. I thought it best to defer that subject, though it had employed me several days. I therefore read publickly 1 K. 21 and used what I delivered above 20 Years ago. Was obliged to stop the Church at noon to read Mr. Adams’s Letter, and an Answer which I had prepared to Send to him yesterday: but thought it safer to read it. The Church was very unanimous for my Appointing the Communion and had nothing to say or do as the rest of his Letter. Mrs. Maynard dined here. P.M. read the latter part of the Chapter and delivered the rest of the Expository Remarks etc. Which may God bless! In the Eve Mr. Brigham read in Flavels Mystery of providence.

1781 March 19 (Monday). Mr. D. Adams here in the A.M. much disquieted: and went away so. Deacon Wood desires me to acquaint the Church after the next Lecture that they must come prepared, next sabbath to contribute for renewing the stock of Elements, Flower and Wine.

1781 March 20 (Tuesday). Went to Mr. Nurse’s—to get him to rectifie my Cart—he came p.m. and put in a little Box instead of a broken one, and wedged up the other Boxes also. I took opportunity to Solemn Warnings and Instructions which may God succeed!

1781 March 21 (Wednesday). Clear but Cold: yet Mr. Stone came—dined—preached my Lecture on Joh. 7.37. I am reading Several parts of Ostervald on the Causes of the Corruption among Christians.

1781 March 22 (Thursday). I talk’d with Breck and with Mr. Brigham about my devolving the Care of my Husbandry to them. I committed Squire Bakers Note of Hand for £2000 to Mr. Brigham to provide necessary Household stuff for Sophy. Mr. Abraham Holland dined here. I visited Mrs. Lucy Forbush (wife of Ebenezer) on account of the Death of her Brother Mr. Charles Bowker by a Cancer. N.B. Mr. Belknap has been here about Mr. D. Adams: he wants an Extract from Mr. Adams Letter of Jan. [blank] last, which I gave him.

1781 March 23 (Friday). Further Discourse with Breck. With Mr. Brigham.

1781 March 24 (Saturday). Was called to go to Mr. John Fays Child, which is thought to be dying. Prayed, dined there. A Number of Northern Neighbours set up a long Frame for stables, on the back of the Meeting House. Neighbours Nathan Maynard and son, Old Neighbour Hezekiah Pratt and his son Bond, Ben How and Son Warrin, Isaac Parker and Thaddeus Warrin, were there. Three of them came to me to ask leave. I went out and gave them Directions, where to place it.

1781 March 25 (Sunday). It was Communion Day. I preached on 1 Cor. 11.29.[59?]. It was so very Cold that at the Communion I was much chilled and was obliged to be short. May God graciously accept of us! Mr. John Fays infant dyed this morning—Capt. Maynard and his Wife dined with us. P.M. preached on Isa. 55.13. At Eve Mr. B. reads Mr. Flavell’s Mystery of divine Providence.

1781 March 26 (Monday). Mr. John Fay to desire me to attend the Funeral of his Child tomorrow. Mr. Amasa Maynard Sent to desire me to attend the Funeral of one of his Children tomorrow. But, what was obstructive of both a Messenger arrives from E. Sudbury with a Letter from Mr. Bridge informing that his honoured Father Smith expired on yesterday Morning about 7 o’clock, and is to be buryed tomorrow at 3 p.m. This Sorrowful News caused me to send to those forementioned Neighbours and desiring them to provide otherwise for their Funerals.

1781 March 27 (Tuesday). I rode to E. Sudbury to assist in celebrating Obsequies of Rev. Mr. Aaron Smith, who was a very Dear Brother and the Loss we sustain hereby is very great. The solemnity was at Rev. Mr. Josiah Bridge’s, where I dined. The others who were Pall-Bearers were Rev. Messrs. Cushing of Waltham, Woodward of Weston, Gleason of West-Sudbury, Newell of Stow: Mr. Stone of Southborough, being not well, was absent. Mr. Damon (or Deming), a young Preacher, was the Sixth. The Under Bearers were Six Marlborough Gentlemen, Members of the Church there, and a Number of other members of the Same, walked in order before the Corps. I prayed before the procession. May God sanctifie this wide Breach to us all! but especially to the bereaved Family! and may we be followers of them that through Faith and Patience inherit the promises! I thence rode to my Son Williams at Concord and lodged there.

1781 March 28 (Wednesday). My Son waited on me with his Chaise, into the Town to visit Mr. Ripley, who is recovering from sickness, and delivered me 240 Dollars for sister Champney. We dined at Dr. Minots. P.M. Visited old Madam Minot. At Eve returned and lodged at my son’s.

1781 March 29 (Thursday). Rode to Col. Weeks’, where I was refreshed—and thence to Mr. Stone’s, Southborough; dined there, and preached his Lecture on Heb. 6.12, which may God succeed! At Eve I arrived safe at Home, Thanks to the Great Preserver! Elias is here. He came from Springfield the Day before yesterday—having finished his school there. He brought me a Letter from Brother Breck. Mr. Brigham went to Boston.

1781 March 30 (Friday). I wrote to Mr. Bridge of Sudbury concerning a Wig, and to Mr. Simon Willard in my son Williams Name about his Time-piece. Breck and his Wife, with little Hannah lodge here; Suse being in daily Expectation of her Hour. Josiah Brigham hath been for Several Days absent from his Books by Reason of [blank].

1781 March 31 (Saturday). I delivered the Money I received from Mr. Ripley for sister Champney to Mr. Nathaniel Carriel of Sutton to be given to Mr. Zechariah Hicks. At noon Mr. Thomas Kenny goes to work on the Flax again, the small Remainder. He finishes the whole (being only 3 lb.) in little more than 2 hours. The whole that he has broke and swingled is 22 lb. for which he asks 66 Dollars—paid him 33. He went to Breck for the rest.

1781 April 1 (Sunday). A.M. I Read Ps. [blank] and in preaching went on further in my preparation upon 2 Cor. 10.4 to 11. Mr. William Woodbridge from Newburyport, and Mrs. Maynard and her Daughter Davis, dined with us. P.M. read Ps. 39 and repeated (on occasion of Mr. Smiths Death) some parts of Sermon on [blank]. I gave public Notice of the Family Meeting at Mr. Joseph Grouts next Tuesday. At Eve Mr. Woodbridge but he lodges at Squire Bakers.

1781 April 2 (Monday). Mr. Daniel Grosvenor calls here. I wrote to Dr. Stiles. Town-Meeting to choose Governor etc. So stormy could not go to visit Mr. Noah Hardy—I heard he was better. If he Should be very bad, must conclude his wife would Send for me, or some way or other let me know of it.

1781 April 3 (Tuesday). Still stormy a.m. The riding difficult—Was anxious about going to the Meeting at Mr. Grouts—But he came to me. We concluded to defer it to another Week. P.M. the weather was more moderate. While I was desirous to try to get to Mr. Hardy’s—but while I was thinking what to do, News arrived that he was dead. I did not hesitate, but immediately went to the House of mourning—conversed with the Widow and the Friends there; and prayed with them. Mr. Hardy expired about 8 or 9 this morning, of a Pleurisy: was 45 this last March 1, but was not apprehensive Death was nigh. This Eve received a Letter from my old Friend and Correspondent Mr. Quincy. Elias is with us, expecting to hear from Northampton about their School.

1781 April 4 (Wednesday). [No entry.]

1781 April 5 (Thursday). I rode to Mr. Amasa Maynards. Visit the old people. Dined at Amasa’s—his Wife not well. N.B. Winslow Maynard narrowly escaped, when his Flask took Fire and burnt his Wrist and Cloths. Attended the Funeral of Mr. Noah Hardy, and prayed. After the Funeral went to Mr. Paul Bigolo’s to see and prayed with his Child, Hannah, about 4 years old who is very Sick, of Fever, Worms etc. At home our Sister Brigham here and lodges among us.

1781 April 6 (Friday). I dined at the Shop. Town Meet to choose Lt. Governor and Senators.

1781 April 7 (Saturday). Dr. Hall of Sutton going to Marlborough to preach there tomorrow. Mr. P. Whitney here also, having been to Capt. Fishers and prayed there, with his sick Child. They both dined here. Ben and Sam Dalrymp. plowed west-Field.

1781 April 8 (Sunday). Read a.m. Ps. [blank]. Preached on 2 Cor. 10.4. P.M. read John. 12. Preached on v. 35. After Exercises I went up to Capt. Fisher’s, prayed with the sick Child—conversed with the Father and Mother.

1781 April 9 (Monday). Elias is in hopes of Some Letter from Northampton, but none arrives.

1781 April 10 (Tuesday). Joseph Grout here a.m. to see whether I go to their House to day. P.M. having dined at home I went to the private Meeting at Mr. Grouts and preached on Hos. 6.1. After meeting called at Capt. Jonathan Fays where was Jonathan from [Boston?]. N.B. I hoped to have seen Nahum who has a grievous sore on his Knee and Thigh but he is at Dr. Wights.

1781 April 11 (Wednesday). Dr. Hall returning from Concord was here, and drank Tea. Suse still hold up to Admit[n].

1781 April 12 (Thursday). Mr. Brigham to Boston. Write by him to Mr. Quincy, and sent Dennis on the Advancement and Reflection of [Modern?] Poetry for Mr. Thomas Adams of Medfield, whose it is now become. A Youngster, whose name is John Moulton has come to work here; procured by Mr. Brigham, goes to plowing in the West part of the Mid field. Mr. Fairbank of Shrewsbury dines here. Mr. Solomon Miller received his Pay for dressing Flax for me, viz. 87 3/4 at 18d per pound. I gave him two Bushels of Rye at 4/8d old Way (as its called) and a Note to the Treasurer Newton for £2.8.3 with which he was satisfyed for the whole Debt. I went up to Capt. Fishers to See his Sick Child and found it recovering. I endeavoured to improve the Opportunity to excite them to their Duty; and that the Goodness of God might lead them to Repentance. He desired me to pray and give Thanks for the divine Mercy. Which I complyed with. Mr. Belknap was there, and I injoined him to go and See Mr. Dan. Adams; and he said he would. I went in to Deacon Woods, to see little Patty who is very sick. She asked me to pray with her, and I did So. At Eve Master Fish, who has begun again to keep school; and Mr. Hazzleton are here with Elias.

1781 April 13 (Friday). It has been a Night of Distress with dear Suse—but God all-sufficient was almightily present, and a Child was born 15 minutes after One o’clock. To His glorious Name be all Glory and Praise! This Morning we all rejoiced. They needed to rally only the two Mothers and the two nearest Neighbours, Mrs. Lamson and Mrs. Harrington. Dr. Ball was the Instrument in the Hand of God: and Successfull, through His Concurrence. This Day is called Good Friday, because it was the Birth Day of Christ. Towards Eve Elias waited on our Sister Brigham home, and She has got little Hannah Breck with her.

1781 April 14 (Saturday). Elias rides over to Monro’s to See if there is no Letter from North Hampton, about their School. I walked to the Deacons to see Patty, and prayed with her. N.B. Was at Mr. Jos. Smiths and had Discourse with his Wife, though I could not with him. When I got home, found here Mr. E. Grosvenor and Mr. Jos. How of Marlborough, also Friend Henry Bowers and Seth Arnold, two Quakers. And all dined here. I prepared to preach the Same Sermon with Some Alterations and Additions which I preached before the Baptism of Breck himself, January 29, 1749. Mr. Brigham from Boston. Jno. Moulton Stays here.

1781 April 15 (Sunday). Read a.m. Ps. 116 and preached on Joh. 12.35. Mrs. Maynard dined here. Breck and his Company dine by them Selves. P.M. read 1 Tim. 2, preached on v. 15. I baptized the Child. The name Susanna-Brigham. May God graciously accept it!

1781 April 16 (Monday). Elias Sat out with my Horse besides what he rode upon, to go to Springfield—to day to Brookfield. John Moulton returned to Hopkinton. Mrs. Maynard dines here. Miss Nabby Martyn works here. P.M. Mrs. Davis, Misses Mindwell and Anna Brigham. My Kinsman Mr. Parkman Bradshaw came up from his Fathers to See me. He is much out of Health and out of Business: a good deal Sunk and dispirited: and I was the more troubled because I was not able to help him; my own son Elias being gone a large Journey in quest of Employment.

1781 April 17 (Tuesday). I rode down to East-Sudbury to Ministers Meeting at Mr. Bridge’s (Mr. Stone waiting for me at Mr. Joseph Arnolds, at Marlborough, and my Granddaughter, Suse was with me). Mr. Whitney, Mr. Biglow, and Mr. Newell, were there. Mr. Puffer, a Preacher at Bolton, was there likewise. Mr. Stone prayed. There was no Concio by reason of Mr. Newels request that the Association would hear a Case of Difficulty in Stow relative to a Charles Whitney. It was heard and Mr. Newell was advised—Mr. P. Whitney prayed, and we appointed the next Meeting to be at his House. I had expected my son William or his son to have come for Suse, and have carryed her to Concord, but neither of them came, so that we both of us tarryed at Mr. Bridges through the Night—I lodged with Mr. Stone.

1781 April 18 (Wednesday). Mr. Bridge and his Lady made me a present of their late Father Smiths Wig, as they did to Mr. Stone several Articles. I took leave and carryed Suse to her Fathers: where we dined, and p.m. rode home, calling at Col. Weeks’ for Mr. Stones Company who rode with me back to Arnolds where we parted. At my arrival here, were for the unexpectedness, a marvellous Number—Viz. My Grand Children Isaac and Betsey Baldwin (who to my Sorrow inform me that Sister Champney was gone back to Mr. Hicks’s at Sutton). Elias was come this day from Springfield: Mr. Joseph Allen, a preacher, came to lodge here. So that the Company and the Horses to night crowd us, at this time of Scarcity of Hay especially. Cousin Bradshaw went back to his Fathers yesterday.

1781 April 19 (Thursday). Mr. Allen left us; I settled with Baldwin (by Brecks assistance) for pasturing my young Cattle last year. He and his sister left us: designing to go to Gloucester and Newbury. Mr. Brigham has bought a Yoke of Oxen, and to day Moulton uses them.

1781 April 20 (Friday). On the 20th of April in the old Stile and in the Year 1713, The North Latin School was opened, and I went to learn Latin.

1781 April 21 (Saturday). I rode over to Bolton. In my Way Stopped at Mr. Whitneys, where I dined. P.M. Mr. Benjamin Baileys is the Place for my Reception. Accompanyed by his son in law, Mr. Jonathan Moore, I made a Visit to Judge Bakers to condole the sorrowful Loss he sustains in the Death of his Wife, (who was heretofore Susanna Tainter). He took my Sympathy in friendly part. Mr. Baily came to pilot me back to his House, where I lodged.

1781 April 22 (Sunday). I preached at Bolton a. and p.m. on 2 Cor. 10.4 and may God grant an efficacious Blessing! I rode back at Eve to Mr. Whitneys, where were Messrs. Newell and McDonald. N.B. Mr. Newell preached for Mr. Whitney and Mr. Whitney for me (the latter on 2 Cor. 6.2, “behold now is the accepted time,” etc.). I lodged there. He read Proclamation for Fast.

1781 April 23 (Monday). I rode to Mr. Abraham Woods for a piece of Cloth, which was to be pressed only: for which I gave him 9 Continental Dollars. Called at Mr. Davis’s new Dwelling in Northborough. When I arrived at home, I found that Mr. Brigham had Set John Moulton to plow the rest of the great Field beyond the Meeting House, has Neighbour Nathan Maynard and his Oxen to help; and thinks to go on with plowing the Ground beyond the Meeting House, up to the Burying place. I read Shuckfords Connection of Sacred and profane History. We are in much perplexity about our Sheep—are forced to keep them up in a Pen, and give them Hay.

1781 April 24 (Tuesday). Little Work done abroad by reason of the Misty Weather. Read further in Shuckfords Connection.

1781 April 25 (Wednesday). I visited at Ensign Warrins—Mr. Stephen Cooks, where I dined—was at Mr. Phinehas Forbes’s—and at Mr. Elisha Forbes’s: where was Capt. Fisher who was full of Controversie between Capt. John Wood and Mr. James Dix, which has been offered to the Grand Jury. My Son Alexander from Marlborough of New Hampshire—and reads Result of Council against their late Minister Mr. Joseph Cummings, who is dismissed.

1781 April 26 (Thursday). Alexander rides my Horse to Worcester. I reckoned with Neighbour Thaddeus Warrin and I still owe him £5.6.0 old way.

1781 April 27 (Friday). Alexander leaves us. News that Col. Williams of Marlborough is very ill. Mrs. P. goes p.m. to See him, and Mr. Brigham waits on her. Mr. B. Tainter was here. Capt. Wood from Boston and brings a Letter from Mr. Quincy. Benjamin Wood goes up to his Father—and I gave him a Note to Mr. Barn. Newtons for an hundred Dollars.

1781 April 28 (Saturday). Mrs. P_____ returns from Marlborough and Mr. Brigham with her, Safely. D. G. She informs me that Col. Williams is indeed very feeble and weak, yet is able to walk about, even abroad, and retains his mental powers. Mr. Gershom Biglow of Marlborough here upon Expectation of Some papers, relative to Mr. Ebenezer Grosvenors Dismission. Benjamin Wood returns here to be with us on the Sabbath.

1781 April 29 (Sunday). I read Isa. 35 with reference to what I was going to preach which was again upon Joh. 12.35 which may God graciously own and bless! Mrs. Maynard dined with us. P.M. read Joh. 14 and preached on v. 6, former part. O that we might walk in that Way! At Eve Mr. Brigham read in Flavel on divine Providence.

1781 April 30 (Monday). Breck goes early to Boston. I am very much afflicted by my Sheep, which by reason of their unruliness, I am forced to keep confined to the Hovel-Yard, and give them dry Meat. Am about my Preparations. Mr. Belknap here from Mr. Adams: and is Dissatisfy’d.

1781 May 1 (Tuesday). Mr. Daniel Adams here—full of Resentments. Wants I Should stop the Church after the Fast Exercises, that he might Speak to them. I told him I was as ready to serve him as any Man, but he must bring me what he had to say, in writing, that, according to Platform, it may be prepared to be laid before the Church. N.B. Mindwell Batheric was Witness. Mrs. P_____ also Saw his discomposedness and heard somewhat of his Resentments. He went away uneasy. P.M. A Number of young Gentlemen here. Messrs. Hazzleton, Fish, Jno. Baker.

1781 May 2 (Wednesday). Breck returns from Boston. He takes Draper and Folsoms News Paper: which is on Mondays. At Eve, to my Interruption, came in old Mr. Ebenezer Chamberlain, and tarried late. Was very full of Discourse. N.B. Mr. Josiah Bouker of Templeton has lately dy’d, Suddenly.

1781 May 3 (Thursday). General Fast through out the States. Preached on Mat. 24.12. I had Spent a great deal of Time in preparing upon this very suitable Text (Sufficient for a Sermon) but by Accident I found a Set of Sermons which I had made and preached on the Same, yet it was so many years since, that I chose those Notes rather, both a. and p.m. but in delivering I added as the present times among the people were. At Eve I read in the Family principal sketches of Mr. Barker in Morning Exercise on Fasting, from Mark 2.20. May God grant His Blessing, and graciously accept!

1781 May 4 (Friday). Ben. had my Horse to Hopkinton—brought Potatoes from Mr. Barretts to plant. Mr. Whitney made us a Visit (too much out of season for my Studies). He acquaints me with what Marlborough Town, has lately done about Mr. Ebenezer Grosvenor. Too slender Majority for him. Billy junior from Concord brought little Suse—and tarrys to night. Mr. Brigham and Sophy ride to Col. Brighams. Mr. James Miller here at Eve: reckon with him for his work in getting out Cedar Rails at my Swamp—2 1/2 Days, 27 shillings old way.

1781 May 5 (Saturday). Billy returns to Concord. I delivered him, Bishop Beveridge’s Private Thoughts. P.M. Mr. Samuel Crosby, going to preach at Marlborough tomorrow, Calls here.

1781 May 6 (Sunday). I read (publickly) John 18. Preached on 1 Cor. 11.27 from page 19 (Sermon IV) to p. 24, as far as to the (3) exclusively. Administered the Lords Supper. N.B. old Mr. Batheric absent. Mr. Fish and Mrs. Maynard dined with us. P.M. did not read. Preached on John 14.6, “the Truth.” May the Blessing of God be vouchsafed! At Eve part of Mr. Henry’s Communion Companion, Chapter 12 was read in the Family; and Mr. Brigham, at my Request, prayed.

1781 May 7 (Monday). Mr. Beeton was here in the morning to buy Hay. Breakfasts with us. He had 600 of Hay to carry home.

1781 May 8 (Tuesday). Mr. Simon Forbes here to be examined. He dined here. It was to have been a private meeting at Lieutenant Jonathan Grouts; but it was too stormy for me to venture. I Sent word to him by Mr. Forbes.

1781 May 9 (Wednesday). An extraordinary Rainy, cold, uncomfortable Season. Read Shuckford. At Even Messrs. Moses Brigham, Hazzleton, and John Baker here. Mr. Elijah Brigham trades with Mr. Moses for part of the place which was formerly old Mr. Bradish’s.

1781 May 10 (Thursday). Elias fetched Miss Lois Burnett here to make him a blue, Cloth Coat. Mr. Barny Newton, treasurer, here, and pays me the Remainder of the Towns Grants of £1300 made last July. P.M. Mrs. Susanna Forbes (wife of Simon) here and was examined. Mr. Jonathan Maynard here and buys Flax Seed. Cousin Samuel Brigham here sadly oppressed with Cough.

1781 May 11 (Friday). Mr. Nathan Kenny was examined. Miss Lois at work. Mr. Moses Brigham dines here. Breck erects a support for Grape Vines.

1781 May 12 (Saturday). Benjamin Wood left us to go to his Father at Sunderland. Breck sats up a Gate at the North End of the Garden.

1781 May 13 (Sunday). A. and p.m. on Joh. 14.6. Read publickly part of Joh. 5 and p.m. part of Joh. 6. Cousin Samuel Brigham dined here. At Eve Mr. Elijah read in Flavels Fountain of Life, on 1 Cor. 2.2.

1781 May 14 (Monday). Read Dr. Smallbrook Vindication of the Miracles of our saviour. Went into the Neighbourhood to buy Store-Pigs. Breck to Boston.

1781 May 15 (Tuesday). Wrote by him to Samuel. N.B. I went in the morning to see old Mr. Morse of Hopkinton, but found he had expired this morning about or before two o’Clock. The Widow etc. ask me to come to the Burial and desire me to call at Capt. Morse’s to acquaint him with the designed Funeral. P.M. I rode into the South West and was at Lieut. Grouts, Mr. Elijah Hardy’s, Mr. Underwood, Mr. Benajah Brighams, Mr. Twitchells, Mr. Solomon Millers—then to Mr. Samuel Forbush’s at Upton (where I bought a Pig, of 7 Weeks old). In returning I called at the Widow Thurstons and at Mr. John Harrington’s.

1781 May 16 (Wednesday). I attended the Funeral of Mr. Seth Morse. Mr. Fitch came late—but we waited, and he prayed—pertinently and wisely. May God grant we may all Suitably improve this Providence to our own Quickening and Warning! N.B. Mr. Peter Thacher, Son of Mr. Thacher of Attleborough,2 is come to live at the Pierce place.

1781 May 17 (Thursday). Breck returned from Boston. He informs that My Brother Williams Widow dyed at and was buryed from the Alms House about a fortnight ago. My son Samuel undertook the Care and bore the Expence of the Funeral. May God graciously Sanctifie this Decease to all of us! Samuel Sends me Mr. Dawes’ Oration on the 5th of March last.

1781 May 18 (Friday). The Town Meet to choose a Representative which was J. Baker Esq. Also to see whether the Town will appoint Seats in the Meeting House for the Singers. Granted: and These were, the north End of the Mens side Gallery.

1781 May 19 (Saturday). Commotions among Some, about the late Choice of Representative. Lamson on front Fence: East Side of the Gate New Posts. My Son Samuel and his Wife came from Boston and tarry here.

1781 May 20 (Sunday). Read Deut. 32 to v. 28 a.m. and the rest p.m. Preached on v. 46, 47. Appointed a Catechizing next Thursday. At Eve Mr. Brigham read Mr. Flavel on Prov. 8.30 in the Fountain of Life. N.B. Squire Singleterry, of Sutton calls here to tell me Mr. Stone is sick, and that I am desired to visit him.

1781 May 21 (Monday). My Son Samuel and his Wife leave us to go to Norwich. Wrote to Mr. Wight. I visited my Brother Stone and found him very ill of a Fever. His Mind much exercised. Prayed with him, dined there. P.M. I returned—calling at old Lt. Brighams and got Ointment of Mrs. Brigham for Mrs. P____’s Leg: which is now a days very bad. I went to Capt. Edmund Brighams and discoursed with him and his Wife of their Guilt etc. Alas! with too little success!

1781 May 22 (Tuesday). I have received a Sixth Volume of Biographical Dictionary from Mr. Cranch, by Deacon Hawes—read Life of the Great H. Grotius.

1781 May 23 (Wednesday). I again visited Mr. Stone. Find him low: but his Doctor (Parker) thinks the Symptoms are not worse. His Mind much the same, very humble before the Great God, and apprehensive of the Vastness of the Work of Dying! A variety of Visitants—sister Cushing and I went and dined at her sister Brighams—Returned to Mr. Stones—prayed with him, and took (most affectionately) Leave of him, and the Family. I came home by Mr. Snow’s, where I called a while; but having taken Cold, was not well when I got home. Mr. Thomas Stone came up and got some Lemons etc.

1781 May 24 (Thursday). I did what I could to attend a Catechizing. There were but 24 Boys—and p.m. 31 Girls—But I was much pierced with the Wind in coming home—Shook much with Strong Ague—and had an ill night, attended with Feverishness.

1781 May 25 (Friday). God has graciously Sustained me—Glory to His Great Name! But Kept my Chamber all Day. Rainy Weather. Mr. Simon Forbes has been here with his own and his Wife’s Relations. A Letter was writ by my Son Breck, to inform Mr. Fitch—But

1781 May 26 (Saturday). Brecks Letter not having been Sent, I wrote my Self, and Sent Elias on purpose. Am better (through divine Goodness) and went down to Dinner, but weak and feeble. Mr. Nathan Kenney brought his Relation, which I corrected and he signed. There is still great Noise about the Squire’s going to Court. A Notification for Town Meeting. Am informed also that a Number of young Persons of Northborough who went out on a privateering Voiage are taken, and some of them are carryed into New York.

1781 May 27 (Sunday). I was much oppressed with my Cold and Cough. But I went to Meeting. A.M. I read Ps. 90th and preached on v. 16. P.M. on the Same. Mrs. Maynard dined here. At Evening Mr. Brigham read Sermon 3 of Flavells Fountain of Life.

1781 May 28 (Monday). Breck and Suse break up their living here, and remove home. Miss Anna Brigham with them. There was to day an Uncommon Town Meeting—It respected the Representative they had chosen, or rather the Manner of Choosing. And they agreed to send None.

1781 May 29 (Tuesday). Mr. Brigham goes to HardwickElias to Mendon. I sent by Squire Singleterry to Mr. Quincy. Henry Biddle an officer of the Army, with him. P.M. Mr. Samuel Breck of Northampton in his Way to Boston, came to see us. Deacon Chamberlain of Worcester, going to See his Uncle Ebenezer Chamberlain here. Mr. Sumner came from Mr. Stones and tells me he is yet alive, but exceeding low.

1781 May 30 (Wednesday). Pamela, on my Horse, goes her Journey to Visit her Parents and Friends. Dr. Hawes waited upon me with his Chaise to visit Mr. Stone once more. He was lower than ever: his Reason however, is Sound. Gives more hopeful Answer—Consents to the Truth of the Gospel and recommends to us the holy Christian Religion—Mr. Fitch of Hopkinton and much Company there. N.B. he was at prayer when I went in. I took solemn Leave. Doctor brought me back to his House, but in our returning we stopped a while and drank Tea at Haskells.

1781 May 31 (Thursday). Mr. Isaac Johnson came with the heavy Tidings, that Mr. Stone expired about 7 o’Clock a.m. Alas! my Brother! Help, Lord! The Godly cease the Righteous fail [illegible] do not Thou forsake us! Mr. Johnson dines here and goes to Dr. Hall. Deacon Chamberlain here in his Returning home. He tells me Mr. Mellen is Mr. Mccarty’s Second for the Convention sermon of day. It is now 20 Years since I preached it. Brother Stone I hope is gone to the Grand Convention above. Mr. Cushing came—but at Eve went to Shrewsbury.

1781 June 1 (Friday). I rode up to Reuben Maynards to See his Wife who is very low—trouble in her Mind about her Guilt (which She confesses) impresses her Body, most probably. Prayed with her. I bore the Ride with Difficulty. Called to See the Widow Smith, who is still very low. Her Brother, Deacon Samuel Miles lies dead. Mr. Brigham from Hardwick. Mr. Cushing from Shrewsbury. At Eve came Old Mr. Batheric and Mr. Samuel Forbush. Mr. Daniel Adams also came. They want the Church Should meet to Consider of Adams’s Difficultys, but have prepared nothing, upon which I may proceed. I was very feeble and they kept me too late.

1781 June 2 (Saturday). Had but a poor night, and am not able to discharge the Dutys called for. Elias goes over to Hopkinton, to wait on Mrs. Cotton here. Mr. Cushing waited on me to the Funeral of Mr. Stone. I had Such a Cough I could not Speak in the Assembly. Dr. Hall prayed there, made a brief funeral Address and Exhortation to the people which was followed with a Short Prayer by Mr. Bridge. (The Corps having been plac’d before the Deacons Seat in the Meeting House, was then solemnly born to the Grave.) I assisted only as a Bearer, and with a few words at Interring. The other Bearers were, Dr. Hall, Mr. Bridge, Mr. Sumner, Mr. Whitney and Mr. Biglow. Under-Bearers were 4 Brethren of the Church; and the Rest of the Church walked before the Corps.

1781 June 3 (Sunday). Mr. Cushing preaches a.m. on Tit. 3.8, p.m. on Luk. 14.17. N.B. On consideration of Mr. Stones Death I read a.m. Ps. 39. Mrs. Maynard and Mrs. Cotton dined here. At Eve Mr. Cushing repeated the Heads of his afternoon Sermon. N.B. Nathan Kenny, Simon Forbes and Susanna Forbes, were admitted into the Church. I got through as well as I could expect. Thanks to God for His great Goodness!

1781 June 4 (Monday). Mr. Cushing and Mrs. Cotton leave us for Ashburnham. I rode to Mr. Peter Thatchers at his request and dined there with his Father, who p.m. preached a Lecture there on Ps. 119.63. Exceeding long, but very acceptable—may the Lord graciously add His Blessing! I grew faint, but got home, though poorly. Here I found Sister Champney and Mr. Zechariah Hicks from Sutton. They lodge here.

1781 June 5 (Tuesday). They Set out for Cambridge. I preached at Lieutenant Jonathan Grouts on Hos. 6.1 and O that we might be perswaded to resolve accordingly to return to the Lord! I was somewhat better. D.Gr.

1781 June 6 (Wednesday). I sent by Col. Wheelock Some Account of Mr. Stone, to the Care of Mr. Summer. John Moulton was so ill yesterday that he is again gone to his Fathers. P.M. Mr. Hicks returns from Cambridge having left his Aunt Champney at Mr. Thomas Barretts. Hear that Miss Mindwell Brigham is sick. Memorandum. Matthew Beld[ing?] of Fairfield distressed and poor was here with an humble Petition, for Relief Signed by four Select Men and Two Justices of the Peace. Says he has a Brother John Belding Captain of a Company from Boston, now at Rhode Island.

1781 June 7 (Thursday). I was under So much Indisposition that I could not ride abroad, either to visit the mournful Family at Southborough or Mr. Reuben Maynards Wife.

1781 June 8 (Friday). Mr. Bowman of Oxford with a Kinswoman of his, Stop here. Read my own former preparations on the Death of Ministers etc. etc. Elias much exercised with a lame Arm.

1781 June 9 (Saturday). Would have gone to Southborough but was prevented. Old Mr. Joseph Green here to acquaint me with the Death of another of his Sons Children. P.M. Pamela came home from Ashburnham.

1781 June 10 (Sunday). I preached on Mat. 13.43 with many Additions on occasion of the Death of Rev. Mr. Nathan Stone of Southborough. Mrs. Maynard dined here. Dr. Crosby came in after public Exercises and attended another private: but he returned to Deacon Woods.

1781 June 11 (Monday). I rode to Southborough and Visited the mournful Widow Stone and Family. I dined there and discoursed of the Custom and Manner of Life etc. Read the Will etc. I returned before Night. Mr. Woodward of Weston had been here while I was absent.

1781 June 12 (Tuesday). Mr. Brigham goes to Boston. I wrote by him to Mr. Moore. P.M. Squire Bakers Lady and her Daughter Parker from Templeton were here. Mrs. Grosvenor, and her Sister Cloe here etc.

1781 June 13 (Wednesday). I expected Mr. Grosvenor to preach my Lecture but he came not. I preached my self, on Joh. 15.9, finishing the Discourse on Jude v. 21. N.B. When I was about to go to Meeting at 2 o’Clock, my Wife handed me a Letter—but the Messenger did not appear. I could not have Time to see who it came from, nor one word of what it was about. So that I only told the Church that such an one was brought, but that Every body must know that it is out of season: and no more must be hereafter offered in Such disorderly Manner. After Meeting Squire Crosby, Deacon Wood and old Mr. Batheric were here. A Letter from Northampton, to Elias, Signed by Messrs. Joseph Hawley, and [blank] Strong, inviting him to go and keep a Grammar School there.

1781 June 14 (Thursday). A Notable Raising of Squire Bakers great Barn of 110 feet long. I was invited and as our Lord and Saviour did not refuse when asked to an Entertainment so I complyed—went, dined and supp’d there. No Evil Occurrence, nor signs of Intemperance among them. Mr. Brigham returned last Night from Boston—tells me that my son Samuel has carried to Dr. Mather his 4th Volume of Cotton of the Keys etc.

1781 June 15 (Friday). Though it was rainy yet at Squire Bakers they go on to raise the Roof of his great Barn. It was finished without any bad Accident. To God the Glory!

1781 June 16 (Saturday). John Moulton so well as to come to work again; but not till (Saturday) afternoon.

1781 June 17 (Sunday). There being so many Exercises before me to day, I did not read publicly. I preached on 1 Cor. 11.27.29. Administered the Lords Supper. Mrs. Maynard and Mrs. Nanny Thacher (wife of Mr. Peter Thacher junior) dined here. P.M. Eph. 4.1. At Eve came Mr. Sumner from Southborough (having preached there on 2 K. 2.14) and was in his way home.

1781 June 18 (Monday). Visited at Mr. Lamson’s, he being Sick, and at Mr. Jonathan Forbes their youngest Child very ill. Prayed; and dined there. Mr. John Forbes of Otter Creek dined there also. Deacon Wood in Mourning for the Loss of his eldest Brother John, I went into See him but he was gone to Hopkinton to See his Brother Joseph who is Still in an ill state.

1781 June 19 (Tuesday). Attend the Association at Northborough. We were all present, namely, 5 only, and Mr. Reuben Puffer (who last Lords day gave his determinate Answer to South-Bolton to Accept) was among us also. N.B. Now first met in Mr. Whitneys New House. In returning home, I called at Capt. Maynards. Mrs. P_____ tells me that Mr. Ebenezer Grosvenor and his Lady—a son also, dined here, in their way to Pomfret.

1781 June 20 (Wednesday). Mr. Nathan Biglow of Ashburnhan came for Mr. Cushing to get Grain. I sent a Bushel and half. Mr. Cushing to be respond. Mr. Brigham, Hazletine and Elias went to Northborough Lecture to hear Mr. Puffer: but were very late. I read Biographical Dictionary—Life of Dr. Harvey etc.

1781 June 21 (Thursday). Several old Friends visited here, viz. Squire Whipple and his Wife from New Braintry, and their Sister Knowlton of Shrewsbury. They proceed to visit Lamson who is sick.

1781 June 22 (Friday). [No entry.]

1781 June 23 (Saturday). I rode to Southborough. N.B. No Diary found, but Almanacks—and a Paper dated Sept. 3, 1741.

1781 June 24 (Sunday). Preached at Southborough on Isa. 57.1.2. May God succeed! N.B. Mrs. Stone has found a paper of her Husbands concerning his Spiritual State, which I read to the Assembly. Also another little paper of the manner of improving his Time. At Eve Mr. Thomas Stone reads his Fathers late sermon against Mr. Jonathan Nelson.

1781 June 25 (Monday). Viewed Some of Mr. Stones Library and Papers. Took with me 12 Books of Mr. Lorings Diary. I rode to Marlborough to Couzen Uriah Brighams—and to Col. Williams. At home in safety. D.G.

1781 June 26 (Tuesday). Breck to Boston. Major Mixor at the Shop with me and discoursed concerning Deacon Livermores unhappiness with his Wife. Read Biographical.

1781 June 27 (Wednesday). Elias would have gone upon his Journey to Northampton, but it was too wet weather. P.M. Capt. Fisher came and after general Discourse of the News, and particularly of the Troubles of the British Factorys in the East Indies by Heideralli Kan with a great Army against Ascot, and other places on Coromandet Coast; and was going after, he broached his Exceptions against my late Sacrament Sermons on the Guilt of unworthy Receiving the Lords Supper: wherein I asserted that in Several Respects our Guilt was more heinous than that of the Jews that crucifyed our Lord. He could not See through it—But went away modestly and in Civility. There was not time to Say much.

1781 June 28 (Thursday). Polly Scott being Sick at Mr. Gales of nervous Cholic, I made her a Visit, and prayed with her. N.B. In riding there, overtook one Mrs. Coburn (Widow of Col. Andrew Coburn) who was the owner of my Son Alexanders Land at Marlborough in New Hampshire, and designed to go to his House. Elias is hindred by the weather from undertaking his Journey. At Eve came in a Woman who called her self Watts, and Said Mr. Cookson of Boston was her Grandfather etc. Breck returned from Boston, brings me a Letter from Mr. Quincy. N.B. I am informed that the famous Lady Electa has passed across our Road to day, and the Company Stopped at the Shop. They proceeded to Capt. Maynards.

1781 June 29 (Friday). Elias Sat out for Northampton. On Account of wicked Thieving a Court is held at Deacon Woods, by Coll. Jonathan Ward to try a Thief, One Moore and Lincoln and tis Said that there are others Suspected.

1781 June 30 (Saturday). Col. Ward came and acquainted me with the Appointment of a Fast to be there next Thursday come sennight. Dr. Hall calls here in his way to Southborough. Mr. Scott came in and tells me his sick Daughter at Mr. Gale’s, is better. Very heavy Artilary is upon the Road, transporting on the Road, among which there is a Mortar of [blank] Weight—and a Number of large Cannon. A Court held at Deacon Woods was continued.

1781 July 1 (Sunday). Preached a. and p.m. on Eph. 4.1 and finished that Subject. And may God grant Success! At noon Mrs. Maynard. Neither Sophy nor Mr. Brigham go to Meeting. After Service I desired the Brethren of Church to tarry and I read to them Mr. Daniel Adams’s Letter of June 13 last—and upon it, put this following: Whether there was in this Letter of Mr. Adams anything that required a Church Meeting upon it, or any Thing that they would consider and Act upon now? It passed in the Negative—and they were dismissed. At Eve Mr. Brigham prayed in the Family.

1781 July 2 (Monday). John Moulton begins to mow. Mowes the Square Piece on this Side the Meeting House. Rev. Dr. Hall come in in his Return home. N.B. his Text Yesterday was Rev. 14.13, “Blessed are the Dead that die in the Lord, etc.” A Court is held again at Deacon Woods about the Detecting of Theeves. Breck goes to Marlborough. It is Proprietors Meeting there, and to Visit Brother Williams. P.M. Mr. Daniel Adams came here. Still uneasy—Says he will Send another Paper. I told him it was in Vain, if there was nothing Still to lay before us, and in Vain to talk of a Council of Neighbouring Churches untill the matter (if there be anything) is first tryed in the Church.

1781 July 3 (Tuesday). Rev. Mr. Putnam of Pomfret, his Wife and her Sister call here in their Journey to Boston. Mr. Grosvenor from Marlborough dined here and preached in my Stead at the Widow Brighams. His Text Ps. 37.37. May divine Blessing attend! N.B. Mr. Daniel Stockwell here in Anguish of Mind and complaining of an hard Heart etc.

1781 July 4 (Wednesday). Dr. Crosby made me a Visit, and dined here. I perceive that the Thieves—[blank] More and Thomas Cook are Sent to Worcester Jayl.

1781 July 5 (Thursday). I made a Visit to Mr. Stockwell under his deep Concern, and to Mrs. Scot who is confined by Illness. When I came home a Messenger, came for me to go to Ensign Aaron Warrin who was very ill of a Fever. I dined there. Prayed with him—but he was too delirious to have much Conversation with him.

1781 July 6 (Friday). I again made a visit to Ensign Warrin, who was grown better. He had one after another of his Friends with him: but I had a little time with him; and wish he may improve his Opportunity.

1781 July 7 (Saturday). I was not well in the morning but was more strengthened afterwards, and undertook to go to Marlborough. Went to See Col. Williams who continues in a low Condition. Mr. George and the Women of the House, join with Colonel in urging me to lodge there: and they Sent word to Mr. Joseph [illegible]s, where provision was made for me, instead of Mr. Ebenezer Grosvenor.

1781 July 8 (Sunday). Col. Williams seems [just gone?]. I preached at Marlborough on Zeph. 1.12 a.m. Dine at Col. Williams. Preached p.m. on Rev. 22.17. God be praised for His gracious Assistance! and may a Blessing be added! Lodged at the Colonels.

1781 July 9 (Monday). Took final leave of Brother Williams. Broke fast at Capt. William Brighams. Visit Lt. Uriah—got him out to ride with me to his Brother George’s. Came home before noon. N.B. Mr. Daniel Grosvenor preached for me Yesterday a.m. on Numb. 23.10, p.m. on Heb. 12.1. A Town Meeting to send Six more men to General Washington, to provide Beef, etc.

1781 July 10 (Tuesday). Having lately received another Letter from Mr. Forbes I set myself to write an Answer. Late p.m. came Capt. William Brigham, with the Sorrowful Message that Col. Williams expired this Morning nine o’Clock—85 last April. And my Family are desired to attend the Funeral next Thursday at 2 p.m. And Mr. Whitney is Sent to pray on that Solemn Occasion.

1781 July 11 (Wednesday). Wrote to Mr. Quincy for Breck to carry to Boston, which he did in the night.

1781 July 12 (Thursday). I rode Mr. Isaac Parkers Horse to Southborough Fast. Mr. Whitney prayed and very pertinently. I preached on Numb. 27.16.17 which may God graciously Succeed! At noon repair to Squire Smiths—Leave Messrs. Kellogg [and?] Bridge to perform the afternoon Service. Col. Jonathan Ward rode with me to Marlborough to the Funeral of Col. Abraham Williams at which Mr. Grosvenor prayed and very agreeably. The Colonel’s Will was read in the Evening. I lodged at Mr. George Williams’s and Mr. John Williams of Rutland, lodged with me. N.B. Mrs. Maynard came with her Coach to our House and took up her Aunt into it, and Mr. Brigham waited upon them to the Funeral. They also returned home so.

1781 July 13 (Friday). Mr. Grosvenor came to me in the Morning. We read the Will again. Mr. Williams requests us to write the Character of his Father for the Press. I left them and returned to Westborough. Arrived safely. D.G.

1781 July 14 (Saturday). Am concerned about my Horse which Elias rode to Northampton and is not returned.

1781 July 15 (Sunday). A.M. read Isa. 63, and preached on v. 16. P.M. read Ezek. 36, former part, and preached upon it. At Eve Mr. Brigham read Mr. Flavells fountain of Life.

1781 July 16 (Monday). Ensign Aaron Warrin has relapsed and is brought low; I therefore made a visit to him and prayed with him. N.B. Met Mr. D. Adams going to my House: but he says he’ll come tomorrow Eve.

1781 July 17 (Tuesday). Am employd in the Biographical Dictionary. Six famous Gregory’s. St. and Pope Gregory or the Great—[NazianzenNyssen?]—James, the Mathematician, David, and James. P.M. came Mr. Ebenezer Grosvenor from Marlborough. I gave him something of a Character of Col. Williams for the Press—but it was too defective and incorrect. This Eve came Deacon Hawes and then Mr. Samuel Forbush—I knew nothing of any Special Appointment. Afterwards at half after Eight came Mr. Daniel Adams. Breck came in, awhile. Mr. Adams finds fault with my first Letter to him, tells me he Cannot Sit down with me. Says the like of those Members who advised him to return Goods to his Wife—Says they are not fit to be called Christians: determines to call a Council. I told him there was nothing to lay before a Council or before the Church and there was therefore no Need of a Meeting of Either. In presence of the two forementioned, I said to him, Brother Adams, “If there be any Matter or Affair that you desire me to lay before the Church, which is fitt for them to hear, and if it be duely and properly prepared, I am freely willing to gratify you in doing it for you.” He goes away resolved to call a Council; and that soon. The two Brethren remained. Deacon Hawes said, he Saw not any thing that the Church could be called together upon. Mr. Forbush Said he believed there were as many now that were dissatisfyed with Mr. Adams and would stay away from the Sacrament if they knew he was to come, as there were heretofore.

1781 July 18 (Wednesday). A young man, who says his Name is Nathaniel Fishor, came and bought of me 12 Sheep and two Lambs. I sav’d one Lamb to kill. He paid me 22 hard Dollars for them.

1781 July 19 (Thursday). Mr. Moses Brigham here—has had a time of Bleeding, on his Journey. He dined here, as did Mr. Benjamin Bailey of Bolton, with whom I changed Spectacles till we could be better suited.

1781 July 20 (Friday). Lieut. Hannaniah Parker was with me with a Request that I would preach a Sermon to the Young Men that are going out to the Service, to West Point on Hudsons River. Six of them and a Number more who are hired by persons out of Town. P.M. am preparing accordingly.

1781 July 21 (Saturday). I am somewhat concerned about Elias, having heard nothing about him, whether he has arrived at Northampton, or about the Horse.

1781 July 22 (Sunday). Read [Ezek. 46?] latter part, from v. 25, using some former preparations in the year 1739 and 1742/3. Preached on Several verses from v. 25. Had Mr. Barrett of Hopkinton and Mrs. Maynard at Dinner; and p.m. Read Ps. 44 and preached on v. 4 and 5 to the Soldiers, who are going from Westborough to West Point. After Meeting Johns Father and Mother came in, drank Tea etc. A Company of Invalids are marching through our Roads and going from Boston to West Point. At Eve Mr. Brigham read Mr. Flavells Fountain of Life, Sermon 9 on Acts 3.22, “A Prophet shall the Lord their God” etc. and he prayed.

1781 July 23 (Monday). Last Even Col. Luke Drury and Capt. Lyon of Grafton came to Breck to engage and quicken him to go out Adjutant on the now prosecuting Expedition. He goes out to try untill he obtained, on [blank] French to go in his Stead: but pays him 35 hard Dollars for it. I read still in Vol. 6 of the Biographical Dictionary.

1781 July 24 (Tuesday). In the morning from Shrewsbury came to Breakfast here, my dear Son Ebenezer after long Absence in the Army, and his son in Law, Master Peregrine Foster, who is going to Boston with a Covered Waggon and two Horses, to carry up Goods to Brookfield. After Breakfast they Sat out for Boston. P.M. I made a Visit to Mr. James Millers junior—none at home but the Maid, [blank] Livermore. Was at Mr. Samuel Hardy’s but no Body was at home. Thence to Mr. Stockwells who is in much spiritual Exercise—discoursed and prayed with him. N.B. Mr. Thaddeus Warrin killed a Calf for me.

1781 July 25 (Wednesday). Read Biogr. Breck is displeased with the Conduct of Col. Luke Drury in the Affair of Brecks going out to the War, which he is obliged to, or find a Man. This he does; one [blank] French and gave him [blank] hard Dollars.

1781 July 26 (Thursday). Sophia is ill. Dr. Ball is come, and Several Women are here, viz. Sister Brigham, Cousin Maynard and two nearest Neighbours Lamson and Harrington. A Daughter born. At Eve came my son Ebenezer and his Son in Law, Peregrine Foster with their Waggon from Boston, and lodge here. Bring Letter from Mr. Quincy of the 17th and from my Son Samuel of the 24th. N.B. Dr. Ball tells me he has brought 5 Children into the world this Week.

1781 July 27 (Friday). My Son and his son in Law leave us for Brookfield. John Moultons Father came to work here. They reap. Hephzibah Parker comes to Nurse Sophy.

1781 July 28 (Saturday). Col. Brigham came to See his New-born Grand-daughter. I have not to this day any News concerning Elias, but that he was Seen well at Brookfield in his Way to Northampton.

1781 July 29 (Sunday). I read Ps. 116 on the Family Circumstance. I preach’d on 1 Cor. 11.27.29 from p. 27 to 32 throughout. Administered the Lord’s Supper. Mrs. Maynard dined with us. P.M. I omitted Reading; preached on Gen. 22.14 with alterations and large Additions; as were indeed necessary Since it was so long agoe preached before (which was Oct. 19, 1755). Baptized Lt. Eli Warrens Child Elizabeth and my own Grand Child Anna-Sophia. And may God graciously accept and bless each of them! In the Evening I repeated the p.m. Sermon to the Family.

1781 July 30 (Monday). In Eight Days, Eight Children born in this Town and near by.

1781 July 31 (Tuesday). Mr. Brigham goes to Dudley. I visit Mrs. Kelly.

1781 August 1 (Wednesday). Mr. Brigham returned from Dudley. Hear that 2 more Children are born.

1781 August 2 (Thursday). Mr. Brigham goes to Boston. As I was writing to Mr. Quincy, Mr. Joseph Freeland came with urgency to have me visit his Sister, the Widow Hall at Hopkinton. I had Mr. Nurse’s Horse to go there. I first went to Mr. Fitch’s and dined there. I attended the Lecture. Mr. Kellogg preached on Joh. 15.12, “This is my Commandment, that ye love one another as I have loved you.” Extremely thin Congregation. After Meeting I went to Mr. Barretts to See the little and very confused remainder of his Books. From thence I hastened to Mr. Joseph Freelands and there, Saw Mrs. Hall. I conversed and prayed with her. She appears to me to be much under the power of Hysteric Affections. May God graciously visit and relieve her!

1781 August 3 (Friday). The Weather is Somewhat uncommon: generally the Mornings are dark, cloudy or Foggy, and Some Sprinkling of Rain, but the Sun breaks out after a while, and proves hot and burning the rest of the Day. I read Henrys Exposition on 2 Sam. 2 and 3 Chapters.

1781 August 4 (Saturday). I have heard Nothing from my Son Elias, nor any thing about my Horse; and therefore think it best to try another Letter which must be committed to the Care of Cousin Maynard for Conveyance. Mr. Brigham returned, and dined at home. He has bought a number of Law-books at Vendue, viz. Judge Herberts New Natura Brevium and the Abridgment of the Statu[t]es, from Magna Charta to the [blank] Year of K. George in Six Volumes.

1781 August 5 (Sunday). I Read a.m. Ps. 104 because of Harvest time. In preaching I went on upon Ezek. Chap. 36 from v. 25 and onward. P.M. did not read but Sung Ps. 148. Preached on Joh. 14.6, latter part. At Eve Mr. Brigham read Flavells Fountain [of] Life, Sermon X.

1781 August 6 (Monday). Mr. Hezekiah Maynard of Marlborough here—complains very much of Mr. Grosvenor, of Sermons but 16 minutes. Mrs. Baker and Miss Eunice Fish make a Visit here. John Whitney came and told me that both his twin Children are now dead; and by Fitts—desires me to go to their burying tomorrow.

1781 August 7 (Tuesday). Read Biogr. P.M. attended the Sad Solemnity aforesaid. I Prayed, and Spoke to the Young people who were there, giving them Solemn Warning to avoid Fornication and all uncleanness. N.B. Wrote the Rest of a Letter to Mr. Quincy that it might be ready against Opportunity.

1781 August 8 (Wednesday). Rode over to Mr. Asahel Biglow’s Wife, to See his Letter from the Army to her, of his being wounded at Kingsbridge. Went to the other Houses near. N.B. John Biglow who was to have marched to day (as was proposed) is on the Bed, Sick of a Fever—prayed there. Called at Mr. Daniel Adams and tarried some time there: also at Lt. Levi Warrens. P.M. wrote to Rev. Israel Evans Chaplain in the Army.

1781 August 9 (Thursday). Committ my Letter to Lt. Hannaniah Parker, who marches this Morn: and who can See him personally himself. Am in no little perplexity still respecting my son Elias having never heard whether he ever arrived at Northampton, or what has become of him. Tis now Six Weeks.

1781 August 10 (Friday). This morning Billy Spring brings from Capt. Maynards my Horse, who has come from Northampton; and from Belcher Town drawed in a Waggon: Was in a miserable Condition, as to Flesh and Shooes, and without my Bridle. But I rejoice to See him any How. There is no Letter to inform of any Thing.

1781 August 11 (Saturday). Mr. Thaddeus Warren came and killed a Calf for me, which weighed 19 lb. per [gr.?] and as he has been so generous as to butcher for me gratis So many times, I have given him one of the Calf’s Skins. Finish my preparations on Prov. 28.13.

1781 August 12 (Sunday). A.M. Read John 1 to v. 28. Preached again on Joh. 14.6, latter part. P.M. omitted Reading. I felt too weak, and somewhat dizzy, but by divine Help preached on Prov. 28.13 [“He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy”], the first Sermon to page 9, occasioned by so many Fornications among us. May God grant it may be for Conviction of those who were there! Am sorry a Number of the Guilty were absent. N.B. I told the Congregation at noon that there was a Book on the Table for those who tarried at noon, in and about the Meeting House, to improve the time in Reading as they should please. Mrs. Maynard dined with us. A Letter to Elias, writ yesterday, has been committed to the Maynard Care, to be delivered to the Northampton Teamers when they return from Boston. At Eve Mr. Brigham read and prayed. At night God was pleased to send a plentiful Rain. To His Name be Glory!

1781 August 13 (Monday). Mr. Ebenezer Grosvenor in returning from Marlborough to Pomfret calls and drinks Tea here. Tells us the frightful Story of Dr. Samuel Curtis’s Adultery with one Johnsons Wife, and his Absconding.

1781 August 14 (Tuesday). Mr. Brigham goes to Boston. Sent a Letter to Mr. Quincy. Went over to Mr. Beetons etc. P.M. I went to see poor John Biglow and prayed with him. Called to see old Mr. Daniel Hardy, who was lately hurt by a Bull and is lame. N.B. Capt. Morse stops me, and makes Exception against my sermon on Prov. 28.13 and Complains of Mr. Barnabas Newtons working on the sabbath. My Son Ebenezer from Brookfield and lodged here.

1781 August 15 (Wednesday). My Son went on his Journey to Cape Ann. Mr. Whitney is here and desires we may change next Sabbath. I went up to the Treasurer Newton’s, but he was not at home. Yet I spoke to his Wife concerning his working last Sabbath in getting in Wheat. Also of his not bringing me any Money for a great while. It is now about Fourteen Months that I have laboured and have had no Penny of their Grant for it. For the Paper Bills are of no Value, and silver is not paid to the Constable. Both these she must tell him of from me.

1781 August 16 (Thursday). Mr. Brigham came home in the last night. A Sad Story of one David Condon of Upton, his dropping down suddenly, and was found dead.3

1781 August 17 (Friday). Miss Hephzibah Parker finishes her Nursing Sophy; and Miss Mindwell Brigham came in her stead. At Eve came Mr. Jonathan Batherick and Capt. Fisher came to talk with me about having another Quorister chosen instead of Mr. Elisha Parker. They mention also Singing without Reading—and 5 times per Day. Capt. Fisher excepts against my last Sermon: he uses indecent Reflections: which I was obliged to rebuke and restrain.

1781 August 18 (Saturday). Col. Brigham brings home a Case of Drawers for Sophy which he received from Mr. Holyoke joiner at Marlborough. Dr. Hall in his way to Marlborough dined here.

1781 August 19 (Sunday). I preached at Northborough on Jer. 8.20 “The Harvest is past etc.” and p.m. on Ps. 73.26. Flesh and Heart fail—but God etc. Baptized one of Mr. Gillam Bass’s Children, the Name was Nancy. We have the sorrowful News from the Camps, of the unhappy and Sudden Death of Charles Hudson, who was upon a scout, being Seen by some of our own Men, and Mistaken for the Enemy, shot at them and killed the foresaid young man. At Eve I returned. Mr. Whitneys Text here was a. and p.m. Mat. 6.14.15.

1781 August 20 (Monday). Mr. Ebenezer Grosvenor dined here in his way to Boston and carrys the Letter to Mr. Quincy which Mr. Brigham last week did not deliver. Town Meeting about paying soldiers hard Money. At Eve Messrs. Eli Whitney, Ebenezer Chamblerlain junior and Mr. Jonathan Batherick, here desiring me to acquaint the Congregation the sabbath before the next Lecture, that it is requested they would tarry after the Lecture and choose a Chorister instead of Mr. Elisha Parker who has moved away, and two more instead of Mr. Whitney and Chamberlain who would lay down. In the Night came my son Alexander from home.

1781 August 21 (Tuesday). My son is going to Point Judith for Wool. I rode to Ministers Meeting at West-Sudbury. Found there Messrs. Bridge and Newell: also a Number of other Gentlemen who were not of us, viz. Messrs. Brown of Sherborn, Adams of Acton, Ebenezer Hubbard, ______ Piper—and there came Mr. Fitch and Kellogg. Mr. Brown prayed. I read Osterwald in the Defects of the Clergy as Causes of Corruption among Christians. I rode to my son Williams and lodged there. One Lt. Day there.

1781 August 22 (Wednesday). Lt. Elijah Day of Springfield west, under a bad sore, boards at my Son’s. Offers to wait on me to the Town. We visit Dr. Minot and Mr. Ripley. I went also to see good old Mrs. Minott, and at her Request prayed there. We returned and dined at my Son’s. P.M. rode home, calling at Col. Weeks and at Col. Cyprian How’s, where I drank Tea with Mrs. Blackden, Mrs. Speakman, etc. Arrived here before Day Light ceased. To God be praise!

1781 August 23 (Thursday). I perceive that Capt. Fisher has mowed my new Swamp and carryed it home. N.B. having borrowed of Mr. Day Vol. 1 of the History of Joe Thompson, to day I read part of it.

1781 August 24 (Friday). In my preparations on Prov. 28.19. May God grant me Direction and Assistance!

1781 August 25 (Saturday). My Son Alexander returned from Point Judith, with Wool.

1781 August 26 (Sunday). I felt feeble and faint, but went to Meeting and through the Exercises. To God be praise. I omitted Reading a.m. Preached on Prov. 28.13. P.M. Read 2 Cor. 11, former part, and preached on v. 3, to page 8. May it please God to grant success! At Eve Mr. Brigham read another Sermon of Mr. Flavells Fountain of Life. And he prayed. Alexander, Breck, Suse and Miss Anna instead of Miss Mindwell Brigham (who was with Sophy last week) being with us, we Sang: And I was carryed through comfortably. D.G.

1781 August 27 (Monday). Alexander left us to go upon his Journey home. I visited Mr. Simon Forbes’s Wife and a Number of Familys that way, viz. Lieut. Harrington (where I dined), Ensign Millers, his Brother Ebenezers, Mr. Robbins, and Mr. Elisha Forbes’s—May God prosper this Visit!

1781 August 28 (Tuesday). I visited Mr. Daniel Warren, who lately fell from a Load of Hay, and thereby his Collar-Bone was broke. N.B. had some Conversation with Mr. Timothy Warren. Visited Mr. Samuel Hardy and Family. P.M. Was at Squire Bakers, and drank Tea there. My Business was to speak about the Putting by of the Private Meeting because the Lecture must be the next day.

1781 August 29 (Wednesday). Mr. Peter Whitney here: also Mr. David Taylor of Bolton, brought me a Letter from the South Church there, to be Communicated requesting out Assistance in the Ordination of Mr. Reuben Puffer.

1781 August 30 (Thursday). Mr. Benjamin Stone preacher at Southborough dined with us. He endeavours to prepare the way for my going to Southborough to administer the Lords Supper there. He agrees to go to Mr. Sumners for the next Sabbath, because of my present Infirmitys; especially by a Cloud before my Right, which is my best, Eye, by means of which I am unable to see even Capital Letters; though with Spectacles or with my burning Glass. My Left Eye, I think is also dimmer than heretofore. Such is the sovereign Will of God! which I would humbly beg Grace to submitt and resign to! Mrs. Wood here at Eve and drinks Tea with us.

1781 August 31 (Friday). Mr. Brigham goes to Concord: carrys to Lieut. Day the Life of Joe Thompson. May God grant that those who read Such Books may be Cautious least they be ensnared in Vice, but See the Odiousness and unprofitableness, the Shamefulness and Danger of those vile Courses. Mr. Brigham carrys also a Letter from me to Mr. Bradshaw of Stonington inclosed in a Letter to Rev. Philemon Curtis for Conveyance.

1781 September 1 (Saturday). Mr. Brigham returned from Concord. Not going to Boston, he brought back the Bradshaw Letter. He brought me from my Son Williams the 2d Volume of Joe Thompson. At Eve my Son Ebenezer came from Gloucester, but last from Concord. A Letter from Mr. Forbes.

1781 September 2 (Sunday). I omitted Reading both parts of the Day, fearing least I Should not have sufficient strength. Preached a. and p.m. on 2 Cor. 11.3. Mrs. Maynard dined with us. At Eve Mr. Brigham read Flavel Fountain of Life.

1781 September 3 (Monday). My Son visits his Wife’s Relations, and I went with him, viz. to Ensign Aaron Warrins, Col. Wheelocks. Was also at Capt. Fishers, and at Deacon Woods.

1781 September 4 (Tuesday). My Son Ebenezer left us. N.B. As he left me his Steel-spectacle Case, So I gave him a pair with Case, which Mr. Forbes generously Sent me, and I gave him Dr. Taylors Contemplations—also the Cane which was Brother Samuels, also another Silver Ferrill etc. May God almighty bless him and his, and grant him a prosperous Journey home!

1781 September 5 (Wednesday). Mr. Benjamin Stone from Southborough came to my Lecture; Mr. Reuben Puffer preached it, on Mat. 13.44, former part. They both dined here. N.B. The Congregation Stayed (though I came home) to choose Choristers. They chose Mr. Elijah Brigham unanimously. They also were desired to choose two more instead of Messrs. Eli Whitney and Ebenezer Chamberlain, who desired to give up: but they chose no other. Mr. Jonathan Batherick was here in the Evening and because Mr. Brigham refused, he refused to continue any longer. Capt. Edmund Brigham was here to talk with me about his making a Confession: his Wife was here also: But there was So much Company till it was late, and they had far to go, that he did not go so far into the Affair as was necessary—yet he manifested unwillingness to have it before the Congregation. N.B. The young Gentlemen left us, and Mr. Stone returned to Southborough where he preaches; and Mr. Puffer to Sudbury: 15 Miles. May God graciously reward him!

1781 September 6 (Thursday). P.M. I, by Special Request up to Mr. Jonathan Pierce’s to attend his marriage to Miss Lydia Bowman. A Considerable Company; an handsome Wedding. Sang Select Passages of Ps. 45.

1781 September 7 (Friday). I was more devoted to preparations for the Eucharist, and for preaching.

1781 September 8 (Saturday). Hear that the Widow Hall of Hopkinton (who lately visited at her Brother Freelands) is So distracted that She lately jumped into a Well—but was helped out again.

1781 September 9 (Sunday). I did not venture to read publickly. Preached again on 1 Cor. 11.27.29 to the End of p. 37. I administered the Lords Supper. Mrs. Maynard dined. P.M. preached on 2 Cor. 11.3 and finished that Discourse. I Communicated the Bolton Letter, requesting Assistance in Ordaining Mr. Puffer. It was Voted. Mr. Batheric would not Vote, but made unhandsome Answer. At Evening Mr. Brigham (at my request) read Mr. Henry on the Communion Chapter 12, and prayed.

1781 September 10 (Monday). Mr. Batherick came this Morning. Is better informed, and shews himself glad to understand Things in so different Light—he is placid—borrows the Narrative of Tarr Water Cures etc. P.M. Capt. Edmund Brigham and his Wife here. He affirms that according to Information Deacon Wood and his Wife did not make Confession before the Congregation. I, from the Church Record say that it was read before the Congregation. His Wife, viz. Mrs. Brigham was examined.

1781 September 11 (Tuesday). Breck goes to Boston. Dr. Ball was here to See Sophy, who is but weakly. He informs me of the sorrowful Conflagration at New-London last Thursday. Wrote to Elias, and got Dr. Ball to carry it to Monro’s for Conveyance.

1781 September 12 (Wednesday). Mr. Benjamin Fays wife was, was [sic] examined, and approved.

1781 September 13 (Thursday). Mr. Solomon Walcott, a preacher, was here; dined with us. Sophy has an ill night. Head-ach etc. Breck returned from Boston.

1781 September 14 (Friday). Capt. Fisher here with some proposal about the singing next sabbath inasmuch as the Choristers had all of them given up. But I refused to intermeddle with their Controversie; and requested repeatedly that Nothing be done through Strife or Vain-Glory. He gives Account of his Fathers lately holding Courts at Franklin in Detection of a Pack of Villains who had been thieving and corresponding with our British Enemies—and had committed half a Score to Several Jayls: and were in search of more.

1781 September 15 (Saturday). Capt. Fisher here again. I still refuse to do any thing about our Singing; Cautioning against making any Disturbance in the Congregation. Mr. Peter Whitney here. He fears some Difficulty will arise tomorrow in their Church when they Choose Delegates for Bolton Ordination. Mr. Brigham setts out on his Journey to Dartmouth College. I wrote by him to my son Cushing.

1781 September 16 (Sunday). I bless God that through His Longsuffering I am permitted to See the Light, and enjoy the Favors of this Day! I had prepared so far as that I had designed to preach part of the Day upon another subject, but I thought it most seasonable and useful to Meditate and entertain the people upon Acts XXVI.22, “Having therefore obtained Help from God I continue unto this Day,” a. and p.m. I read a.m. the latter part of the Chapter from [blot] graciously afford His Special Blessing. Vide Natal. [Blot]aker dined with us. At Eve read (and Breck assisted) Flavels [blot] Life Sermon [blank].

1781 September 17 (Monday). [Blot]le here. I breakfasted with him at the Shop. At Eve [blot] Tainter to see us. Also there came Mr. Benjamin Fay and a Number with him to See whether he might not be admitted in the Church. They were Lt. Grout, Messrs. Joseph Harrington and Jonathan Forbes. I gave Mr. Fay advice what to do about Mr. Thomas Whitneys Contest with him before he could be admitted.

1781 September 18 (Tuesday). I made Extracts from Biographical Dictionary from Life of Grotius.

1781 September 19 (Wednesday). Lt. Elijah Day came up from my son Williams and dined here. At Eve Lt. Grout was here to inform me that he with others, had made several attempts with Fay and Whitney to bring them to some Terms of Reconcilement—but to little purpose.

1781 September 20 (Thursday). Mr. B. Fay did not come. Extracts from Life of Grotius.

1781 September 21 (Friday). My Preparations.

1781 September 22 (Saturday). Preparations.

1781 September 23 (Sunday). Read a.m. Ps. 19. Gave brief Observations. Preached a. and p.m. on Prov. 28.13 a. and p.m. Mrs. Maynard and Mrs. Davis dined with us. At Eve read part of a Sermon of Mr. Flavels Fountain of Life.

1781 September 24 (Monday). A Letter from My Friend Quincy of the 14th. A Training p.m. by Order from Connecticut. The Company Strictly required to be well equiped and ready at a Minutes Warning. And p.m. Deacon Wood made me a Visit; agree about our going to Bolton.

1781 September 25 (Tuesday). A.M. Mrs. Beulah Fay (wife of Benjamin) here with her Relation, which I can correct in some respects, and do; but can’t methodize it. P.M. according to Mr. Whitneys Request I rode over to his House and lodged there.

1781 September 26 (Wednesday). Ordination at South Bolton. In the morning we rode to Mr. Benjamin Baileys at Bolton, where the Ministers and Delegates were desired to meet. All the Pastors and Messengers of the Churches sent to, came. The Church were present and Mr. Reuben Puffer, the Pastor-Elect, with them. They request us to proceed. The Council was formed by choosing Moderator and Scribe. The last was Mr. Whitney of Northborough. I prayed with the Council. Mr. Puffer delivered a Confession of Faith in his own name, which was well accepted. Near to the South side of the Meeting House a Scaffold and Breastwork was erected, and long seats for the Council. Mr. Sumner prayed: Mr. Biglow of Sudbury preached a good sermon on Col. 1.7. I prayed and gave the solemn Charge. Mr. Harrington gave the Right Hand: Mr. Bridge of East-Sudbury Prayed; and Hymn 100 was Sung, appointed by the Ordained, who finally pronounced the Blessing. The Musical stayed and Sung Anthems. Our Supper was at Mr. Benjamin Bailey’s. There I was informed that my dear and worthy Friend Dr. Stiles,4 President was one of the Gentlemen who saluted me after the Exercises, while I was [out?] on the Scaffold; and through my Infirmity of Sight and unapprehensiveness, I knew him not, nor could I by my utmost Enquirys, find out where he went or what became of him. I returned home this Evening. [Blot] Wood and Mr. Joseph Harrington, but especially my son Cushing, my Company—and here found my dear Daughter Cushing and their Son John. Deacon Wood was kind in Horse keeping. All praise and Thanks to God! May I obtain mercy [blot] all my many Deficiencys and Miscarriages! Mr. Brigham returned from Dartmouth College. I am informed by Several that Mr. Daniel Adams is trying to Obtain a Council. Mr. Sumner tells me he has been with him; but he has refused.

1781 September 27 (Thursday). I have the Agreeable Company of Mr. Cushing, his Wife and son. Young Mr. Fish also here and dines with us. He Acquaints me that Mr. Daniel Adams has been to his Father, with a Letter to come to Council here—but he would not gratifie him. I wrote a Letter to Dr. Stiles, intending to Send it per first Opportunity to Boston, hoping it may meet him there on his Return from Portsmouth.

1781 September 28 (Friday). After Dinner my Children left us to go to Lancaster in their way home. May God almighty bless them and theirs! and grant a prosperous Journey by His Holy will!

1781 September 29 (Saturday). While I was prosecuting my Studys in the Morning and preparing a Sermon for the Sabbath, I was interrupted by the Coming of Brother Daniel Adams, who brings a Letter to the Church, informing them that he had requested a Number of Neighboring Churches to be at his House 2d Tuesday of October and to desire this Church would meet them there. His Temper was high and rough, his Language was bitter and very unbecoming: and he went off So. May God graciously Sanctifie this Afflictive Tryal to me, give me the Wisdom that is profitable to direct me, in what is best to be done; and teach me to profit by it!

1781 September 30 (Sunday). Did not read publickly. Preached a.m. on Prov. 28.13, former part. Mrs. Maynard dined here. P.M. preached on Rom. 13.11, former part, which may God succeed! Admitted Mrs. Beulah Fay. Appointed Family Meeting to be at Squire Bakers next Tuesday, at two p.m. I stopped the Church and read Brother Adams’s Letter. Put it to Vote whether they would comply? It passed in the Negative. I was told that there was one Hand up, and that was of Lieut. Levi Warrin. At Evening Exercise in the Family I repeated part of p.m. Sermon and prayed. N.B. Mrs. P_____ much exercised with Cough, Several Days and Nights.

1781 October 1 (Monday). Training Again. Can’t get Feed for the Fatting Cow.

1781 October 2 (Tuesday). A.M. visited Mr. Daniel Warrin. At his House were two young women who were Baptists—their Names are Lamb, and are come from Paxton: one of them (Martha) about 16 years old, is in a Languishment. Several Neighbours kindly offer me a Barrel of Cyder apiece. I thank God for this Token of His Goodness to me. P.M. I preached at the private Meeting at Squire Bakers on Gen. 18.19. All my Family (except John who was gone from home with the [Team?]) attended there. At Eve Squire read a remarkable Hand-Bill containing fresh and important News of Successes in the south against the British Forces by Sea and Land. God grant it may prove true and that we may be prepared for a compleat Deliverance! This Evening a Letter from Elias at Northampton. His Arm is better, but Still complains of Lameness in it.

1781 October 3 (Wednesday). Wrote an Answer to Elias’s Letter. The rather because he complains of his being Sorrowfully neglected. I have writ also to Mr. Forbes upon his supposed Marriage—on what I have done about Sister Champney—and concerning the Wool I owe him; and have caused nine pound to be weighed out for him: which is ready for him.

1781 October 4 (Thursday). At Ensign Aaron Warrins request I rode over to his House, and Mr. Fish and his Wife being there also, we dined together. He told me Mr. Adams had been with him, but that he would not comply. Mr. Fish preached a Seasonable and useful Sermon on the Occasion of the Ensigns Recovery, from Isa. “The Living, the Living,” etc. When I returned home found my son Ebenezer and Grand Daughter Betsey Baldwin, who were come from Boston and from Cape Ann. Mr. Jonathan Wilkins, a young preacher, visits Mr. Brigham and lodges. Mr. Brigham took care of the Husking and of the Huskers. N.B. Among the Letters which Ebenezer brought from Boston is Another Letter from Mr. Quincy, dated Sept. 27. And a considerable Packet from Mr. Moore inclosing his Notes of his Anniversary Sermon at Plymouth, for the Year 1780.

1781 October 5 (Friday). Mr. Wilkins left us. My Son Ebenezer made a Visit to Mrs. Rebecca Warrin on behalf of his Aunt Champney: and to Mr. Fish but returned at Eve. Capt. Edmund Brigham here, but refuses to make Confession before the Congregation. I lent him Mr. Cottons way of Life, in which is contained Sins deadly Wound.

1781 October 6 (Saturday). My Son and Grand-Daughter return to Brookfield. At Eve came my grand-daughters Lydia and Sophy from Concord to tarry with us over the Sabbath.

1781 October 7 (Sunday). Have had so many avocations this week past, that I could not finish what I endeavoured to prepare for one part of this day. I therefore was obliged to preach a.m. on Rom. 13.11 and p.m. on v. 12. May God grant His special Blessing on my poor Efforts! At Eve Mr. Brigham read Mr. Flavells fountain opened and prayed.

1781 October 8 (Monday). Mr. Brigham goes to Bellingham, to look after a Debtor, Arnold, a Quaker. At 2 p.m. Lydia and Sophy sat out for Concord. I was Sent for by the Widow Brigham—I went—her Throat is much Sweld: prayed with her. Dr. Ball and her Nephew Grout, attend on her. When I came home, found Mr. Aaron Crosby of New Glasco here, going to Cape Ann; and he lodged here.

1781 October 9 (Tuesday). Sent a Letter by Mr. Crosby to Mr. Forbes. Mr. Brigham to Bellingham. This is the Day appointed by Mr. Daniel Adams for a Council of Churches to meet at his House—But I don’t hear that any came. I tarried at home all the Day, employed partly in reading the excellent Mr. Crawfords Dying Thoughts; etc.

1781 October 10 (Wednesday). Visited Patty Lamb in her Consumption, at Mr. Daniel Warrins. P.M. My wife rode with me to Visit Several Neighbours, viz. Neighbour Nathan Maynard and Mr. Isaac Parker. Drank tea etc. at the latter. At Night came Rev. Daniel Fuller of Gloucester and his Wife, from Middleton in Connecticut, and lodged here. Mr. Jonathan Batherick brought a Confession from Mr. Enoch Rice and Wife now living at Brookfield.

1781 October 11 (Thursday). Mr. Fuller and his Wife left us to return home through Billerica. Messrs. Benjamin Stone and Samuel Crosby came, dined here. Mr. Stone informs me of Mr. Fairbanks public Marriage last week, in the Meeting House, Solemnized by Rev. Sumner. I wrote to Rev. Appleton by Mr. Crosby, concerning Mr. Enoch Rice and his Wife, their penitance and Confession. Capt. Morse brought me a large Cheese, which weighted 25 lb. May God reward him for his Generosity! and may I be enabled to make a good Use of this and of every other Bounty bestowed upon me!

1781 October 12 (Friday). Miss Patty Fish brought me a Letter from her Brother which informs that he has been to Stoughtonham to See Mr. Parkman Bradshaw, and found him in a deplorable Condition emaciated in Body and benighted in Mind; disconsolate and despairing. Oh that God would commiserate!

1781 October 13 (Saturday). Mr. Aaron Crosby from Cape Ann. He was at Coffins, but not at Mr. Forbes’. Sister Champney at Mr. Forbes; his New Wife not yet there.

1781 October 14 (Sunday). I read Hosea 6 and preached a. and p.m. on v. 4. Appointed Communion and Lecture. At Eve Mr. Brigham read in Flavell on Christs Intercession. Alas! for our Inconstancy! May we have Right and part in the Great Attorny!

1781 October 15 (Monday). Mr. Wolcott has preached at Southborough yesterday—dines here to day, and returns to Oxford by Mr. Chaplins. Dr. Gordon came p.m. to Tea. He lodges here. He communicates a long Letter from a Friend of his in London on our American Affairs.

1781 October 16 (Tuesday). Dr. Gordon goes on his Journey to General Gates in Virginia. Mr. Brigham to Boston. I wrote by him to Mr. Moore, and Sent my Watch to have a New Chrystal.

1781 October 17 (Wednesday). Lecture. Expected Mr. Fitch. But he did not come. I preached myself on Hos. 6.4, from page 16, bottom to the End, which may God graciously bless!

1781 October 18 (Thursday). Benjamin Harrington being returned from the Camp, Sick and low, I visited and prayed with him—visited at Fortunatus Millers, and at Mr. Eli Whitney’s. P.M. Mrs. Sarah Harrington (Neighbour Calebs Wife) was here and was examined. At night Mr. Brigham returned from Boston, brought a new Christall for my watch, 3/. Informs me that Mr. Cranch’s 6th Volume of Biographical Dictionary (which I had been much concerned about) was at my son Samuels.

1781 October 19 (Friday). Mr. Joseph Harrington brought me a Barrel of Cyder and a Bag of Apples. He also brought a Barrel of Cyder from Mr. Simon Forbes.

1781 October 20 (Saturday). My Son William came up to keep sabbath with us. John Moultons Time is out at Eve.

1781 October 21 (Sunday). This was Sacrament Day. Preached on Luk. 22.15. My Son William at Communion. Mrs. Maynard dined here. At Eve Mr. Brigham read in Flavels Fountain of Life and prayed.

1781 October 22 (Monday). I went up to Squire Bakers after Money for my Oxen: but did not succeed. P.M. I rode with William as far as Marlborough. Lt. Uriah Brigham goes with me to see Mr. Hezekiah Maynard who is Sick. Prayed with him. Lodged at Uriahs.

1781 October 23 (Tuesday). Rode to Stow. Call at Mrs. Gardners. Mr. Newell is in his New House and has brought home his New Wife, who was Miss Lucy Rogers. The Association was small. Mr. Bridge and Mr. Biglow—add two Candidates, Damon and Pip[er?]. I lodged at Mr. Newells.

1781 October 24 (Wednesday). I returned home. In my way, called to take leave of Mrs. Gardner, and called at Mr. Micah Newtons at Marlborough. I dined at Col. Blackneys, but the Colonel not at home. Borrowed of his Mother the Alcoran and of his Sister Tomson’s Life and Seasons. When I got home was informed that Mr. Fitch of Hopkinton was here yesterday, and that it was Supposed that a Council met then at Mr. Daniel Adams’s. That Mr. Prentice of Holliston, Mr. Haven of Dedham and Mr. Brown of Sherbourn, were there. My son Ebenezer was here also, having come yesterday under some very peculiar Difficulty, by reason of his being bound to divers Creditors for his son Bradshaw deceased: and was in danger of being sued.

1781 October 25 (Thursday). I had Pity on my dear son in his Troubles, and gave him two Notes from the State, one of 10£, out last December, the other of 10£ 14, both upon Interest and Signed Henry Gardner Treasurer. The last of them was out last March. He left us to go to Brookfield. P.M. Enoch Rice with Letter from Rev. Appleton, concerning his (Rice’s) Confession. Neighbour Harrington and Pamela witness to Enochs owning his Letter. Coll. Baldwin came from Boston and lodged here.

1781 October 26 (Friday). Before Col. Baldwin left us, I requested him to do what in him lay to relieve his Brother—which he promised. Mr. Winslow Brigham was yesterday marryed to Miss Alice Cushing, and they came home to their Father Brighams. To day they dine at Brecks, and p.m. they drink Tea here. A Rainy time to go home in.

1781 October 27 (Saturday). I have neither Man nor Boy, except Billy Spring who can fetch the Cows and cut a little Wood. But the Trouble of my Eyes is I think, increased. At Eve a Great Noise of the taking of General Cornwallis. Dr. Hawes brought me a Letter of General Cornwallis Defeat, from Mr. Quincy, with an Hand-Bill certifying it, and his Army with him made prisoners of War. The Glory of God if So!

1781 October 28 (Sunday). Mr. Waters came in the morning and preached for me a.m. on Job 23.3.4, p.m. on Phil. 3 and 4. May God bless what was delivered, and reward his Labour of Love! I stopped the Church, and read Mr. Enoch Rice’s Request and read his and his Wife’s Confessions, which was voted, that they Should be read to the Assembly, though they be personally absent, viz. at Brookfield. N.B. Rev. Appletons Letter to me, on the Same Affair, was read also. A Letter likewise which I received last Evening from Mr. Daniel Adams, to be communicated to the Church was read. He was present. In it he desires to come to the Communion. I asked him (before the Church) Whether, particularly he was in Charity and Sweetness with Me? and could receive the Sacrament at my Hands? He answered with some Difficulty, that “he must, he thought.” I told the Church that as the Letter came so late, but the Eve before, I was not prepared to make Remarks which were necessary upon it, or ask some Questions for right understanding Some parts of it, it must be left to further Consideration—then I gave the Blessing. At Eve Mr. Waters repeated Some parts of the p.m. Sermon.

1781 October 29 (Monday). Wrote to Mr. Quincy per Mr. Waters, who after dining, left us to pursue his Journey to Boston. Deacon Hawes delivered me from Mr. Cranch the 7th Volume of Biographical Dictionary, I, K, L.

1781 October 30 (Tuesday). I catechized at the Meeting House. Had 34 a.m. and 37 p.m. May they all be Taught of God! Cousen Maynard a Visit into Evening, and on foot.

1781 October 31 (Wednesday). I visited Susanna Hardy who is sick—dined there—and prayed with her. Visited at Capt. Jonathan Fays—talked with the Heads of the Family and with Molly [Brown?] under her Circumstances and others of them. Went to Mr. Joseph Grouts. Called to talk with Mr. Ben Fay of his Contention with his Neighbour Thomas Whitney, and talked him also: With Lt. Jonathan Grout and with Mr. Jonathan ForbesWhitney says, if Fay will make him any Offer, if he will shew Bounds—he will do what is reasonable.

1781 November 1 (Thursday). Mr. Forbes from Cape Ann brought Sister Champney, and dined with us. He turned back p.m. to go home, though it rained. She is to go to Upton, to her Cousin Warren’s. Josiah Brigham came to lodge and Study here under his Brother Elijah. Mrs. Harrington here and tells me the Substance of her Relation which I wrote for her. My Sight has, for some time, been impaired. Such is the Sovereign Will of God! to which may I have Grace humbly to resign, and may I be enabled to improve what is still vouchsafed me better than ever heretofore!

1781 November 2 (Friday). Sister Champney is here with us. I went to Neighbour Harringtons. I read what I had writ for her, and She (her Husband being present) consented; and at her Desire he wrote her Name.

1781 November 3 (Saturday). An Unusual wet time. I am closely engaged in my preparations. At Eve Mrs. P _______ reads to me several sermons of Mr. Orton, to the Aged.

1781 November 4 (Sunday). I preached a.m. on Rom. 13.13, repeating with proper alterations to the End of p. 30. Mr. Stone of Yarmouth was at Meeting. He dined with us (as did Mrs. Maynard) and he preached for me p.m. on Rom. 8.26. After the Exercise admitted Mrs. Harrington into the Church and propounded Enoch and Olive Rice’s Desire of Humiliation here with us, omitting the other affair (Adams’s) by reason of the weather and the present Circumstances. At Eve Mr. Stone went to Shrewsbury.

1781 November 5 (Monday). Mr. Stone called here in his way to Southborough. Spoke to him about his Septnagint and Dr. Owen of the Glory of Christ. Isaac Forbush, on Mr. Brighams Account brought a Load of Wood, most Seasonably, it being a bad snow Storm.

1781 November 6 (Tuesday). A more strict Training for shewing Arms etc. N.B. It was to have been private meeting to day at Deacon Hawes but it could not be attended, by reason of the Training. But towards Evening came Deacon Hawes, Messrs. Eli Whitney, and Joseph Harrington to ask me to procure Mr. Sanford of Medway to preach here. And after them came Capt. Morse and Capt. Fisher upon the Same Errand. I told them I did not know him, and must See and talk with him, before I could ask him. Capt. Fisher wrought himself into an immoderate Heat. May God forgive!

1781 November 7 (Wednesday). Breck and Suse, with their Child go to Boston. I wrote to [Dr. Mather?] for [Colistinus?]. At Eve Mr. Cushing and Mrs. Cotton.

1781 November 8 (Thursday). Mr. Cushing and Mrs. Cotton go to Hopkinton, and Mrs. Wood in her Chaise waits on sister Champney to the Widow Warrins in Upton. Deacon Hawes brings his Brother Coll. Benjamin to See me. He informs me that my Kinsman Parkman Bradshaw is dead. Mr. Cushing to Shrewsbury. N.B. He brought and left me Groves Vol. 1. At night we had by the News Paper the joyful Account of the Surrender of Earl Cornwallis and his Army at York Town, the Shipping Virginia, on Oct. 18—which causes great Joy and Thanksgiving to God, etc. etc. But my Joy has Mixtures and Abatement—for when Mrs. Wood returned from Upton, she relates the unkind Reception she met with at the Widow Warrins: which was much to my Disquietment.

1781 November 9 (Friday). I wrote to Mr. Elijah Warrin of Upton, and sent it by Col. Ezra Wood (who dined here). Breck etc. returned from Boston. Capt. John Wood (whose Family is moved to [blank]) was here for a Certificat.

1781 November 10 (Saturday). So cold and Searching that I can’t comfortably go out yet have neither Man or Boy, but by Courtesy. Mr. Brigham (and his Brother Josiah) do me Kindness to look after the Creatures and chop Wood which he has caused to be brought here.

1781 November 11 (Sunday). I thought it best to preach on Ps. 124, esp. v. l, 6, 8, on account of the Surrender of Earl Cornwallis and the British Army etc. to General Washington Oct. 18. Notice also was taken of the divine Goodness to the Church and to me, these 57 years. At Eve Mr. B. read in Flavels Fountain of Life—and prayed. Mrs. P______ read to Me Mr. Job Ortons sermon to the Old.

1781 November 12 (Monday). The Town Meeting to consider my Sallery and Wood. I committ the Matter to God and desire to resign to His sovereign Will! Breck came from the Meeting and informs me that Capt. Fisher was inveighing against me in a long and bitter Invective charging me with Tyranny in that I would not suffer the people to hear Mr. Sanford—whereas I had only Answered that I hoped they would not impose on me the Hardship of asking a man to preach for me that I had never seen, and heard was Erroneous. I went to the Meeting House, and endeavoured to reply. The moderator was Ensign Aaron Warrin who related what the Town had voted, viz. 35 Cord of Wood, but as to Addition to my yearly Sallery (which was another Article in their Warrant) The Town did not grant it. To which I replyed that I had not asked any addition, but I depended upon their making the 55£ good, as is promised in the Call. Altercations arose again about Mr. Sanfords preaching but Capt. Maynard asked the Moderator whether that was in the Warrant? which was a Check, and I took leave.

1781 November 13 (Tuesday). I preached at the private Meeting at Deacon Hawes on Philip. 1.21, which may God please to prosper! Next Meeting to be at Mr. Gales. At home I found Capt. Solomon Allen of Northampton, and his wife, who lodge here. He brings a letter from my son Elias, dated the 10th. Capt. Morse here, at Eve and appears very friendly.

1781 November 14 (Wednesday). Capt. Allen and his wife proceed on their Journey to Boston. Town Meeting again; but adjourn still. Miss Eunice Fish here, brings a Letter from her Brother Elijah Warrin in reply to mine by Col. Ezra Wood. She lodges here. Her Horse kept here.

1781 November 15 (Thursday). I wrote a Memorandum to Mr. Warrin on his own Letter and Sent it back to him, by her. Mr. Thomas Kendal came and lodges here.

1781 November 16 (Friday). Mr. Kendal—Mr. Foster of New-Braintree dine here. They Spend part of the Afternoon here, and towards Eve Mr. Brigham went with Mr. Foster to Capt. Jonas Brighams. Mr. Kendall here. At Eve Mr. Abijah Gale came in and said he had a Message from the Town to me, viz. Their Burdens being so very heavy, they would be glad to know whether if the Town shall pay me this years Sallery at the Time, and according to its value when it was granted, I shall be willing to accept of half the last years Sallery (none of it being yet paid) now, and take Security for the other half with Interest from the time it was due, until paid? My Answer to Mr. Gale (my son Breck and Pamela Coollege were present) was this—“With proper Respects to the Town, let them know, That Since the Glorious God has wrought Such wonderfull Things for us, and granted us thus to triumph over our Enemies, We ought to manifest our hearty Gratitude to Him, by all ways possible; and particularly by Works of Righteousness, Mercy and Compassion to one another. And as to the proposal and Request of the Town, abovesaid, I consent to Shew the Town all the Compassion I can under my present Circumstances, having been obliged to plunge deeply into Debt for a great while; But this is upon Condition that if I am, upon my trying, unable to undergo it, then the Town on their part, shall shew Compassion to me, and shall afford me Relief.”

1781 November 17 (Saturday). Mr. Kendal tarrys and I ask him to preach.

1781 November 18 (Sunday). Mr. Kendall preached a. and p.m. on Joh. 10.8. Mrs. Maynard dined here. At Eve K. repeated the Heads of his Sermon. N.B. finished Mr. Job Ortons Sermons to the Aged.

1781 November 19 (Monday). Mr. K. toward Eve goes up to Deacon Woods (where I sent his Horse last Saturday) and he tarried there over the night. Judge Baker at his Brothers when I was there.

1781 November 20 (Tuesday). Deacon Wood sends to me to know whether Mr. Kendal may not preach at his House to day? I consent. P.M. he preached on 2 Pet. 1.19 to a crowd’d Throng. At Night I rode to Lt. Levi Warrins and marryed Robert Whiteman to Susanna Devine.

1781 November 21 (Wednesday). Mr. Kendal—and lodges here. Deacon Fisher of Franklin makes me a visit at Evening.

1781 November 22 (Thursday). Though Cold I rode to Mr. Daniel Nurse’s and marryed Moses Warrin to Priscilla Nurse. Mr. Kendall still among us (and writes on Account of 2 women disordered by Strange Preaching) and at Deacon Woods, where they are turning his Coat for him.

1781 November 23 (Friday). Mr. K. left us at Eve to go to Mr. Mathis’s at Southborough, and designs to be in the way to preach at Hopkinton.

1781 November 24 (Saturday). [No entry.]

1781 November 25 (Sunday). Though I had prepared a Sermon for p.m., Yet my a.m. (which was on Rom. 13.13) was so closely connected with the next pages, that I was obliged to go on in the afternoon upon the same subject. And may a gracious God pardon and succeed! Mrs. Maynard dined here. After Meeting Mr. Richard Martyn of Canada in Connecticut, was with us and drank Tea here. In the Eve Mr. Brigham read in Mr. Flavels Fountain of Life. Mrs. P_____ read Mr. Grove’s Sermon. N.B. I did not stop the Church to day because there were few members at Meeting, it was a dark, Cold Day, neither was Mr. Adams (as I was told) there.

1781 November 26 (Monday). Mr. Brigham is desired by Several to take their Sons to instruct them. He has already his Brother Josiah. Ensign Aaron Warrin wants his son Abijah should come (and he is come to day); Lieut. Jonathan Grout is earnest to have his son come; Benjamin Bowman is expected to come to live with me this Winter to look after my Cattle and chop Wood, hoping to get Learning withal: and Mr. Thaddeus Warrin is here and requests that his John may come to Mr. Brigham to School—all which coming upon me without our being prepared for it, is too difficult. Mr. D. Adams’s Witnesses are examined by Col. Jonathan Ward, at Mr. Gales. Mr. Brigham is gone to Concord to assist my son Samuel in selling his Conant Farm there.

1781 November 27 (Tuesday). I Suppose my son Samuel this Day sets up his House and Farm at Concord at Vendue. I am destitute of Help abroad, but Breck goes to the Barn and Josiah and Abijah cut wood for us: but the Wood is Mr. Brighams—for none has been yet brought me, though mine has been gone this great while. N.B. Breck changes an Hogshead in my Cellar and puts in an Iron-bound one, instead of mine.

1781 November 28 (Wednesday). Rode to Mr. Solomon Bathericks, to enquire after Wood. I went to Lieut. Parkers, who is returned home from the Camp. I proceeded to Capt. Maynards and dined there. P.M. to the Widow Dolly Maynards, where I spoke to Mrs. Adams, to give her suitable Caution and Charge. I visited at Mr. Benjamin Hows and especially at Mr. Ben Warrins whose Wife has been a long time confined—only Whispers—I prayed there. Was at Mr. Fessendens and at Capt. Godfry’s.

1781 November 29 (Thursday). Mr. Thomas Whitney came to acquaint me that Mr. Reuben Maynards wife is delivered of Twins, that one is dead, and desire my Assistance in burying it tomorrow. Mr. Whitney answers an Enquiry I made (by Occasion) namely, How far he would go in reconciliation with Neighbour B. Fay? He answered and I wrote it—read it to him and he acknowledged it.

1781 November 30 (Friday). Rode to see Mr. Phinehas Hardys Wife: thence to Mr. Joseph Hardys, and to Mr. John Fays, where I dined. P.M. to Mr. R. Maynards and stood between the Living and the dead, to pray with the few that were there. I went also to Mr. Childs, who has two Children Sick—I prayed by them—and went to Mr. Gershom Brighams. N.B. A German there, of Brunswick. Master S. Crosby lodged here. Six Load of Wood came.

1781 December 1 (Saturday). Mr. Jonathan Frost brought wood. Two Load. Mr. Crosby here—dined with us. P.M. He went to Shrewsbury.

1781 December 2 (Sunday). Preached a.m. On Prov. 28.13—p.m. on Rom. 13.13. Mrs. Maynard dined here. At Eve Breck read Flavels Sermon.

1781 December 3 (Monday). Town Meeting. Lt. Jonathan Grout at Eve, about his Jonathan.

1781 December 4 (Tuesday). Benjamin Bowman came to live here to take Care of my Cattle, chop Wood, make the Fires, etc., and to learn to write, Cypher. P.M. I preached at Mr. Gale’s on Phil. 1.21 to p. 15. Very few there. Only Mr. Daniel Stockwell and about half a dozen Women, besides those who belonged to the House, and Mr. Brigham with my Daughter from my own House.

1781 December 5 (Wednesday). Am reading the imports of History of the War Vol. 2. Breck at Evening wants some Land to build on. He Spends a good part of the Evening here.

1781 December 6 (Thursday). Mr. Brigham goes to Wor’ster. N.B. It is the Time of the Session of the inferior Court. Benjamin Bowman says he would live here on the following Terms, He will take Care of my Cattle and cutt my Wood etc. if he may board here, and learn to write and cypher.

1781 December 7 (Friday). Breck goes to Bellingham; his Business with Seth Arnold. Mr. Daniel Chamberlain here and requests (as Mr. Gale lately did) Some Account of the different Denominations and Sects among Christians: He informs me of a Society which is Lately set up, in this Town, for Conference, etc. Mr. John Fay here and is sorry his Brother Ben. and T. Whitney are Still at Such Variance.

1781 December 8 (Saturday). Received Proclamation and Brief for Contribution for the Southern states.

1781 December 9 (Sunday). I preached a. and p.m. on Heb. 6.18, latter part. Administered the Lords Supper. Mrs. Maynard dined here. P.M. read proclamation and Brief. At Eve Mr. Brigham read Flavels Fountain of Life.

1781 December 10 (Monday). John Baker came to See whether he might come here to learn Latin of Mr. Brigham? I consented. Jonathan Grout junior came to board with and learn of Mr. Brigham.

1781 December 11 (Tuesday). Mr. Josiah waited on his Sisters and their Children in a Sleigh to Col. Brighams.

1781 December 12 (Wednesday). Mr. Samuel Forbush and the other three Wood-men came with Wood.

1781 December 13 (Thursday). General Thanksgiving on account of the Favours of the Year: but especially the Victory over Earl Cornwallis in Virginia. And a Contribution followed for the poor sufferers at South Carolina and Georgia. I preached on Isa. 25.1.9, improving in part No. CCXCVIII with proper alterations and large additions. At the Entertainment My Son Breck and Family, also Three from Col. Brighams Family also here. At Eve I repeated, and we sung part of Ps. 145.

1781 December 14 (Friday). Mr. Brigham, Sophy and the Child, go in a Sleigh to Shrewsbury. I wrote to Mr. Sumner about Mr. Sanford and had an Answer at Eve. [Neighbours?] Forbush and Batheric Each a Load when dark. One John Dougharty, a poor Traveller lodged here.

1781 December 15 (Saturday). The Deacons have not informed me what the late Contribution was.

1781 December 16 (Sunday). I preached a. and p.m. on Isa. 25.1 and 9. Cousin Maynard dined here.

1781 December 17 (Monday). John Baker boards with Mr. Brigham: as does Jonathan Grout, and Abijah Warrin.

1781 December 18 (Tuesday). Young Grout was very sick in the night past and this morning returns home, to his Fathers. P.M. I visited Mr. Phinehas Hardys Wife who remains Weak etc. Was at Deacon Wood’s.

1781 December 19 (Wednesday). Breck to Boston in the sleigh. Batheric finishes his part of getting Wood. I kept retired. At Eve came Mr. Ebenezer Chamberlain junior. The Talk which we had, was of the Conference Society—and of Mr. Daniel Adams—who, it is said, has changed his place, and is going to live at Hopkinton.

1781 December 20 (Thursday). Am reading Dr. Owens Meditations and Discourse of the Glory of Christ. At Eve came Fortunatus Miller and Elizabeth Forb. (Daughter of Mr. Ebenezer) with a considerable Company, and were marryed.

1781 December 21 (Friday). Benjamin Bowman returned from Boston. At Eve Breck returned also. Mr. P. Whitney and Mr. Dav. Monro of Northborough visit us. Am informed that Rev. Joseph Willard late of Beverly, was on the 19 install’d President of Harvard College Cambridge. Breck returned at Night, but left his Sleigh.

1781 December 22 (Saturday). [No entry.]

1781 December 23 (Sunday). By reason of the Cold—the Snow and Ice, Difficulty in getting to Meeting, I preached a.m. on Ps. 74.17 to page 6. P.M. preached on Rom. 4, v. 16 especially. At Eve Mr. Brigham read Mr. Flavell 21st on Fountian opened.

1781 December 24 (Monday). Mr. Elisha Fish junior here p.m.—says he will come next Saturday and preach for me the next Sabbath. He informs me that Cousin Bekky Warrin is marryed to and is gone home with Capt. Jonathan Wood, Aged about 80.

1781 December 25 (Tuesday). I desire to hold Communion with all those who sincerely celebrate the Nativity of our most Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Finished Dr. Owen’s Meditations and Discourse on Glory of Christ.

1781 December 26 (Wednesday). Mr. Brigham, Sophy and the Child ride with Mr. Hazzletine and Mrs. Baker in a Sleigh to Northborough.

1781 December 27, 28 (Thursday, Friday). Am much concerned about the Cloud before my right Eye.

1781 December 29 (Saturday). Mr. Moore and his son Jonathan came from Oxford. He tells me his Father Moore is dead Some Weeks agoe. Young Mr. Elisha Fish came to preach for me. They all lodge here.

1781 December 30 (Sunday). Mr. Fish preached a.m. on Prov. 4.18. P.M. Mr. Moore preached on Joh. 13.34. Cousin Maynard dined here. At Eve Mr. Fish repeated. N.B. A Sermon is appointed to be on next Tuesday, at 2 p.m.

1781 December 31 (Monday). It was so wet and uncomfortable Weather that neither of the Gentlemen leave us. Mr. Fish hath my Study to prepare for tomorrow. Town Meeting again about Treasurer Newton. Lt. Isaac Parker here, and wants to buy my Horse but he bids too little—but little more than half of what he cost me. I arrive at the Close of Another Year, through the infinite Goodness and Patience of G[blot] to whose worthy Name be all Glory, Honour and Praise! Yet I find a great Difference in my Self between Now and twelve Months past. I can’t write as heretofore: and a very great Cause of it (besides the Tremulousness of my Nerves) is, the Impair of my Sight. My Left Eye, ever Since my Remembrance, has been weaker than my Right: and at Times there Seems to be Some Cloud before it. But before my Right, there has been a black Cloud upon the very Sight, at but a few Inches Distance, about 3 or 4 inches Diameter, but more further off. The Obscurity upon whatever Object is so great that I can’t See a Mans Face, nor read very largest printed Capitals; neither am I helped by any Spectacles. Yet round about the Object Things appear as they used to, and as they do to the other Eye when seen in general. May God graciously be pleased to Sanctifie to me this ominous Dispensation! Prevent the Increase of the Evil, Support what is felt, and quicken me to the due improvement of the Faculty remaining: and (Oh if it might please the Great Supreme!) remove so grievous a Calamity, when His holy End is Answered!

1 Psalm 37:37: “Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace.”

2 Rev. Peter Thacher (1716–1785), Harvard 1737, minister of Attleborough, 1743–1784. SHG, 10:245–49.

3 David Condon d. Aug. 14, 1781; Upton Vital Records, 160.

4 Franklin Bowditch Dexter, ed., The Literary Diary of Ezra Stiles, D.D., LL.D., President of Yale College (3 vols.; New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1901), 2:558.