Diary of Ebenezer Parkman

Diary of Ebenezer Parkman, 1768

[January 1768] This Eve came Mr. Forbes and Lt. John Wit with him from Brookfield and lodged here. My Daughter Forbes not recovered, but better.

1768 January 15 (Friday). Mr. F. and Lt. Wit leave us for Boston. Delivered Mr. F. nine Dollars to be delivered to Mrs. Winter to get a Riding Hood for Mrs. P________. P.M. The Deacons were to have come at 1 o’Clock to go with me to Mrs. Andrews with the Churchs vote—but they did not come till too late for me to go—it was Cold and would bring me into Evening. Rev. Mr. Whitney came also. I prayed ‘em to excuse me, at least for to Day (offered to go some other Day). They went without me. They returned latish in the Evening and informed that it was accepted, for which we were much rejoiced. The Praise be to God! May there be a right understanding and stedfastness! [P.M.?] Hannah Flagg came to Spin for us and lodges here. Am reading Hermippus redivivus. Old Mr. Jonah Warrin here. Reckoned with him and paid him. Mr. Nathan Maynard here and he pays me 10£ old Tenor.

1768 January 16 (Saturday). Hermippus. At Night Miss Elizabeth Arnold here and supps with me. John Maynard and Patty Brigham were marryed. Closely engaged in various Studies and Readings. Send to Mr. Goddard to preach for me tomorrow.

1768 January 17 (Sunday). Master Goddard preaches on Mat. 11.23 a. and p.m. which may God be pleased to accompany with His Blessing! He returned at night to Mr. Andrews’s.

1768 January 19 (Tuesday). Read Miller’s Essay on the Management of Bees; published in the year 1760. A.M. Walked to Dr. Hawes’, where Mr. B. How is building a sleigh, to get him to rebuild mine. P.M. attend to the Eclipse, but it was too cloudy at times for accurate Observations. Especially at the latter End. Mr. Forbes returns from Boston. His Account for his Mohawk Children allow’d in the General Court—but has not got his Money. Bought of him 12 yards of Shirting, which he bought at Vendue, at 15/6 old Tenor and I paid him the Cash for it. He informs me that young Mr. Checkley is lethargick, and is not like to continue. May God be gracious to him, to his Family and Flock, and all concerned! He also brought me a long, and agreeable Letter from my only Brother. Made a Visit to old Mr. Williams who has been long confined. Read Dr. Eliots Essays on Husbandry. It contains many usefull [observations?] and Directions. N.B. Capt. Jamison rode to Boston on the 14th [on an Horse?] of Lt. Bakers; and does not return. The latter is gone after him, but neither does he return as expected.

1768 January 21 (Thursday). I discern by Solomon Woods who lives at Lt. Bakers, that they are grown still more anxious about his not returning from Boston, and that they don’t hear what has become of Capt. Jamison. Wrote to my Brother in Answer to his of the 13th, brought me by Mr. Forbes on the 19th.

1768 January 22 (Friday). [No entry.]

1768 January 23 (Saturday). [No entry.]

1768 January 24 (Sunday). Preached a. and p.m. on Rev. 16.15. May it be accompanyed with divine Energy! May I be ready for the Coming of the Lord! Mrs. Maynard dined here.

1768 January 25 (Monday). Deacon Wood provided me an Horse which I rather chose to ride than my own Beast—told me (as Squire Whipple had done) that both the Partys in the Contention at North Shrewsbury desired I would not fail to attend the Council there and came with the Horse for me to go. I therefore went, though a storm of Snow. Having waited as long as we could for Deacon Bond, the other Delegate, we stopped for him also at Lt. Bowkers. Proceeded to Rev. Mr. Morse’s. Thence we proceeded to Mr. Ezra Beemans where the Churches by the Pastors and Delegates, all met, except Deacon Bond, this Evening and safely, through the Goodness of God to us.

1768 January 26 (Tuesday). The Council formed. I was chose Moderator and prayed. The Partys were present, and we went into the Hearing of their Complaints, first against the Widow Martha Bush. Lodged at Mr. Beemans, with Mr. Stone.

1768 January 27 (Wednesday). Continued the Hearing. Coll. Putnam of Worcester, and Coll. Abijah Willard of Lancaster there. But the Council Would not admitt any Attorneys. They were admitted as Witnesses. They were particularly, for Mr. Jotham Bush, whose Defence against the Complaints of the Church we heard. Lodged at before.

1768 January 28 (Thursday). Continued the Hearing. The Cause was long. Lodged as before.

1768 January 29 (Friday). Continued the Hearing still and finished what the Letters Missive do expressly [illegible]. But there are divers Partys besides, viz. 4 Brethren [illegible]. See my Minutes. Lodged as before.

1768 January 30 (Saturday). Heard the Complaints of a Number of Brethren (4 of them) against Mr. Morse; and Mr. Bush against Mr. Moore. 3 Articles. Adjourned at noon. And dispersed. Mr. Elias Smith of Middletown and I went to Mr. Morse’s and lodged there. Deacon Wood went home.

1768 January 31 (Sunday). Mr. Smith rode over to the Town, to preach in Mr. Sumners stead, who rides to Westborough to preach for me. I preached for Mr. Morse, a. and p.m. on Phil. 2.1–5. May God grant Success! N.B. A messenger comes into Meeting: Deacon Brooks, one of the Delegates of the Church of Lincoln, was Sent for, to return home; his wife being at the Point of Death: and he left us at noon. At Eve Mr. Smith returned to us—and, Mr. Bush having invited us, we went to his House, and with a Number of Delegates, we Supped there. But returned to Mr. Morse’s, and lodged again there.

1768 February 1 (Monday). We repaired to Mr. Beemans—dined there. Deacon Wood returned. All the Council came together. Went on p.m. to hearing the remaining Articles of Mr. Bush against Mr. Morse. Some of the Council (by Desire) try again, to soften the dissatisfyed, and contending Partys to drop some of their Complaints, and for that End, we adjourned for a short space. They have some success—but are obliged to return to our Arduous Task—adjourned—lodged as before.

1768 February 2 (Tuesday). Continue in Hearing Mr. Bush against Mr. Morse; and finish the 3 Articles. Then Mr. Morse against Mr. Bush—in 5 Articles. Finished all the Hearing, about 4 o’Clock p.m. and then we proceeded to Read over our Minutes—a great Collection! Many pages in Folio—I think more than 14. We debate—and Vote. Not all agreed in that important Article of the breaking the amicable Agreement last March the 26th. Capt. Fuller and Mr. Putnam of Middleton dissent—to them is also joined Deacon Upham of Weston. Lodged as above: but we could not get to Bed till midnight.

1768 February 3 (Wednesday). Continue in Reading, Debating and Voting. P.M. Coll. Artemas Ward sent for from Boston, by Mr. Bush, comes before us, and gives Testimony. Return to our Debating etc.

1768 February 4 (Thursday). Ripen to Result. Two Gentlemen forementioned Vote nothing after that which passed concerning Mr. B.’s breaking the agreement of March 26. We compile the Result. Read it at Evening to the Church and Partys, and a Vast Throng. I prayed. In Prayer Time there was a great Knocking. The Beam which Support the Floor, cracked, and our Land-Lord was obliged to put up a stud to secure it. Blessed be God for our Safety! The Church voted Acceptance of our Result. Mr. Morse also. Mr. Bush did not. Mr. Morse made his acknowledgment, and it was accepted by the Church. Deacon Wood, when the Council adjourned without Day, left us in the Evening to go home if he could. I lodged as I was wont.

1768 February 5 (Friday). After Break fast we Parted. Mr. Stone and I to Mr. Morse’s. Made a Visit to old Mrs. Bush and her son—read the Result to them, but they would not consent. Mr. Morse had signed a Confession, agreeable to the Result, and the like was drawn up for these Persons also; but they would not sign them. Returned to Mr. Morse’s after Eating. We rode to Northborough and visit Mrs. Martyn. Thence home—and Blessed be God found my Tabernacle in Peace! Breck here, from Ashby. He came last night. While I was gone to Shrewsbury dyed old Mrs. Rebecca Byles, who was within about a Month of 94 Years. She expired January 28.

1768 February 6 (Saturday). Mr. Whitney has writ to me to change with him tomorrow. I therefore rode over to Northborough and lodged at Mrs. Martyns. And although he was not come to our House, when I went away, yet I am obliged to rely upon his Faithfulness.

1768 February 7 (Sunday). Preached at Northborough on Joh. 3.19 a. and p.m. Which may God succeed. At Eve Mr. John Martyn makes me a present of Mr. Hurrion on the Holy Spirit. I bring over also 4 months of the Court Miscellany. When I returned home found Mr. Whitney here, who had preached on Joh. 6.44 and he lodged here.

1768 February 8 (Monday). [illegible] a storm—yet Mr. Sumner, and his wife and little son, and Mrs. Cushing with her son John and Daughter Bridget made us a Visit. He (Mr. Whitney) and they dine with us. P.M. he returned to Northborough and the rest to Southborough. I made a visit to and pray with poor languishing Mr. Kendal, who though living, is very low. Brother Forbes also weak and poorly.

1768 February 9 (Tuesday). At Eve Mr. Edwards Whipple and Thomas Temple here; but from hence they go to the Artillery Company’s Exercise at Deacon Wood’s. N.B. Mr. Zebulun Rice has been here and Shews me a Petition of Northborough Select men to the general Court, praying that they may be called a Town. He tells me Capt. Jamison has been outed from Lt. Bakers; has lodged at Townsends and Hill’s, and had Dinners at his House—kept school a few Days for some Neighbours but now is not Employed. Mr. Samuel Hardy junior, his wife, Children and goods, are removed from the (Whipple) school House, to go to the Work House—but it not being fit to receive them they are taken in at Lt. Bruce’s. Sorrowful sight!

1768 February 10 (Wednesday). Mr. Edwards Whipple has my Mare to Boston, to carry in a sleigh, with his own Horse, a Load of his Pork. Mr. B. How comes to work to make me a sleigh. Breck works with him. My son and Daughter Baldwin came, dined with us. He leaves her here and continues his Journey for Boston. Through the Goodness of God, She is very well, for her; is even fatter than She used to be.

1768 February 11 (Thursday). Mr. How, who lodged here last night, works again to Day. Breck works with him some part of the Day, and they finish by night. Mr. How charged 36/ old tenor for his work, and this I paid him by a note to Mr. B[ig?]low. N.B. Mr. Biglow, late last night, left 17£ old Tenor. I visited Mrs. Wheelock who is very weak and low after Lying in. Payed 6£ old Tenor to Mr. Zebulun Rice for 20 lbs. Flax, at 6/ per belong to Jonathan Walker of No. 4. Pay Thomas Arnold 6£ O.T. I borrowed of him. Visit Mr. Kendal again and prayed there. He I think hastening out of Time into Eternity. Brother Forbes also low.

1768 February 12 (Friday). Mrs. Brigham (Col. Timothy’s Wife), her son Joshua Smith, Miss Huldah Stone, and her sister Judith made us a visit. Breck, John and Elias go to Mr. Goddards school, at the Warrin school-House. N.B. Breck came to me in the Morning and Seemed to be in great Concern about the state of his Soul, and laments his sins—etc. etc.

1768 February 13 (Saturday). Young Jonathan Forbes informs that Mr. Kendal dyed last Evening about 8 o’Clock. I was diligently employed in my Study—but the many avocations of this Week prevent my Progress. At Eve came my son Baldwin and with him Alexander, who being nigh out of his Time embraces this Opportunity to come in the sleigh to see us. We are very Short out for Hay. Send my son B’s two Horses to Neighbour Arnold to keep; and he kept them for me. Mr. B. brought Crimson Cloth from Boston, for a Riding Hood for Mrs. P________.

1768 February 14 (Sunday). A great Pleasure to have Such a Number of my Children together here. Laid aside the preparations I had made, and took sermon on Rom. 12.2 as being very Seasonable; and may God make them profitable! After the Exercises I gave the Church a Summary Account of what the late Council at Shrewsbury but that the Result was long, and my present Indisposition of Body, did not well allow of the Reading of it: yet if any one wanted to See it, he might: or it might be read if there Should be a Church Meeting.

1768 February 15 (Monday). My son and Daughter Baldwin, and Alexander with them, Set out for Brookfield. My Wife rides with me to the Funeral of Mr. Joshua Kendal. When we return Mr. P. Whitney and Mrs. Martyn here, and dine with us. Mr. Moore came, brings sundry New Pieces. Lt. Baker, with three Teams, brings 10 Load of Wood from the Ministerial Lot. They come straight over through Mr. Hannaniah Parkers. At Eve came Mr. Timothy Warrin to put some Questions to me about the Agreement between his F. Tainter and his Brother Benjamin. Says it was null and void because it was writ of his F. as being of the County of Middlesex instead of Worcester—which appears to me mysterious.

1768 February 16 (Tuesday). Mrs. Temple (Mother of Richard) and with her son Ebenezer. They dine with us. Mr. Moore and my Daughters, Sarah and Suse, ride to Shrewsbury. Lt. Baker and 3 Teams bring 12 Load from Ministerial Lot. I am reading Mr. Hutchinsons Reply to Mr. Tuckers Remarks. Also Dr. Chandler of Elizabeth Town, on an American Episcopate.

1768 February 17 (Wednesday). Mrs. P________ and I walk to Mr. Edwards Whipples, and dine there. P.M. Mr. Whipple carrys us in his sleigh, with his Wife, a visiting to Mr. Temple’s, Mr. James Maynards—and Squire Whipples. Return at Eve in our own sleigh. Mr. Moore and my Daughters having come back from Shrewsbury before Dinner. My Mare has the Distemper; swelling under the Jaw.

1768 February 18 (Thursday). Am revising some M.S. sermons of Mr. Forbes, on Act. 18.23.

1768 February 19 (Friday). Mr. Moore and my Daughters to Capt. Maynards, and return at Eve.

1768 February 20 (Saturday). Mr. M. leaves us to go to Mendon—and designs next Week to return to Rochester.

1768 February 21 (Sunday). Went on with the Discourse on Rom. 12.2, omitting severall Articles, viz. and added a New Application. Mr. Goddard dined with us. P.M. preached on Rom. 10.17. May God send Success! to my own Soul, and the Souls of Mine!

1768 February 22 (Monday). Breck much disappointed of Opportunity to return to Ashby, by reason of the great Thaw. Capt. Maynard has Sent me the Journals of the House of Representatives, and a Number of the Acts and Laws which I run through.

1768 February 23 (Tuesday). Breck and John leave us to go to Ashby. They carry Cart Boxes which I have at Capt. Maynards [marginal notation: weighed 31 lbs.]; and Hoops for the Hubbs, of a pair of wheels, which Billy is to make. The Hoops were made by Mr. Townsend, weighed 14 lbs. at 2/ per pound for making: the Iron I had of Mr. Nurse at 2/ per pound. A comforting Letter from my Brother, of the 13th.

1768 February 24 (Wednesday). Mr. Nathaniel Whitney here to desire me to preach at his House next Tuesday: and he desires me to mention it to the Congregation because the Meeting was put by last Time, by Reason of my Absence—being then at North Shrewsbury Council. No word about Mrs. Andrews—wish it may go over!

1768 February 25 (Thursday). Mr. Ebenezer Chamberlain here—pleasant and excusing himself etc. etc. No Word of the troublesome Subject. O might no root of that Bitterness remain, nor ever Spring again to Trouble us! John returns, at Eve from Ashby; and well. D.G. They had Mr. Whipple’s Horse (besides my Mare) to ride over there—and return in safety, the Floods by the late Thaw, were swelled in Lancaster.

1768 February 26 (Friday). Persis Newton at work here again as a Taylor. Makes Cloth Breeches for Elias. N.B. My English Hay exceeding short, by reason of my plowing up so much of my Grass-Ground last Year; and the Drought.

1768 February 27 (Saturday). [No entry.]

1768 February 28 (Sunday). Preached a.m. on Rom. 10.17. A very rainy Time, and many absent. Dr. Wright (Mr. Fessendens Brother in Law) here—dines with us. P.M. delivered another Exercise upon Eph. 4.17.18, viz., from p. 11 to 20. O that God would grant the Grace of True Humiliation for my Alienation from Him! and work the work of Faith with Power!

1768 February 29 (Monday). For want of English Hay, John cutts Rye straw and mixes Meal for the mare.

1768 March 1 (Tuesday). My Wife and I went to the Family Meeting at Mr. N. Whitneys, where I preached on 1 Cor. 10.31. We called at Capt. Fays going and returning.

1768 March 2 (Wednesday). Visit old Deacon Forb. who wastes away. I prayed with him. Was at Mr. Jonah Warrins at Eve. N.B. his son Jonas there—acquaints me with Mr. Fish’s selling his place and buying Capt. Jonathan Woods.

1768 March 3 (Thursday). I made a visit to Mr. Samuel Forbush, his Mother and Family, in their present Circumstances, So changed from what they formerly were. At Eve Alexander from Brookfield—but last from Oxford.

1768 March 4 (Friday). Alexander much engaged about one Mr. Conants (Clothier) Works at Oxford, and wants to have me help him buy them; and [he?] goes over to Northborough, to look at Mr. Woods works there.

1768 March 5 (Saturday). [No entry.]

1768 March 6 (Sunday). Read Jer. 11. Preached upon Rom. 10.17. Dr. Wright dined here. P.M. by reason of the Cold omitted public Reading. Went on with the Repetition of the rest of the Discourse on Eph. 4.17.18. Have delivered the 5 Exercises in 3, on this Text.

1768 March 7 (Monday). Town Meet. They Send for me to pray with them. I did accordingly. Capt. Maynard came to dinner here. Numbers of Persons for Notes. Mr. James Maynard brings me Don Quevedo’s Visions to read, which I am sorry for; and that such corrupting Trash are among my people.

1768 March 8 (Tuesday). Visit divers Neighbours—old Mr. Williams in particular. Mr. John Marrett (preacher) from Mendon, here. He goes to Northborough.

1768 March 9 (Wednesday). My Wife rides with me to Northborough Lecture. Dined at Mrs. Martyns. I did not preach; but obtained of Mr. Marrett to preach. His Text Act. 4.12. Mr. Sumner came also. We returned safe at Eve. D.G.

1768 March 10 (Thursday). Much engaged in my Study—on the Mysterys of the Christian Religion. Have reason to be humbled that I bring so little to pass! May God forgive, and graciously assist me! Mrs. Lock, Joshua’s Wife, here with me, in many Troubles—chiefly about her Brother Amasa.

1768 March 11 (Friday). Alexander came from Framingham last night. He is earnestly desirous to buy Mr. Conants place and Works at Oxford. Have Occasion to look over many of my old papers, Collections and Letters of many Friends to me—not a little affecting. Pursue my Studys, preparing for the sabbath—but alas too lamely and scantily. Am much interrupted by my intruding and pressing Thoughts on Alexander’s Case. Committ the matter to God who cares for me and mine. Thomas Temple at Eve.

1768 March 12 (Saturday). Alexander at work for me some part of the Day. My self closely applyed.

1768 March 13 (Sunday). Read a.m. Jer. 12. Preached a. and p.m. on 1 Tim. 3.16, former Clause. Read p.m. Acts 14. May God accept and succeed my broken Endeavours! Mrs. Maynard dined with us.

1768 March 14 (Monday). A.M. visit Deacon Forbes and pray with him. P.M. Mr. Seth Morse, the Captain Sends for me to pray with his Artillery-Company nigh the Meeting-House. Am escorted by Drums, Serjeants and a Number of Musketeers. It was very Cold, and I invited in to my House Lieutenants John and Michael Martyn. And here were Master Goddard, Capt. Williams of Northborough etc. N.B. Mr. Goddard at Eve tells me he was at Mr. Andrews’s when the Deacons of the Church went there with the Churchs vote and he heard them read it to Mr. Andrews, and her Answer by which he understood that She accepted it as I had expressed—namely that She was to be admitted as a professor in General and not as a Member of one particular Church nor another.

1768 March 15 (Tuesday). Alexander left us early to go to Framingham to Mr. Brown’s and carrys a Letter from me to him, desiring his Advice about Mr. Conants place and works at Oxford. John went to Mr. Flagg, Maltster at Grafton. Pays for and brings 4 Bushel of Malt. The price 1/2 a Dollar per Bushel. P.M. Mr. Mellen here, in his way to Hopkinton. Mr. Forbes came from Brookfield and lodged here.

1768 March 16 (Wednesday). Mr. Sumner preached my Lecture on Eph. 1.7, which may God bless! Mr. Forbes had visited his F. who is exceeding low. He was here after dinner and Mr. Goddard after Lecture. Mrs. P________ prepared to go to Boston, but it proved too cold, and therefore tarrys another Night.

1768 March 17 (Thursday). Mrs. P________ accompanyed by John, in Lt. Bakers Chair, sets out early for Boston. Lt. Uriah Brigham here. A Number of Hands are clearing in my swamp, viz. Richard Temple, Nathan and Jonas Kenny and Jonathan Maynard.

1768 March 18 (Friday). Mr. Forbes has been with his Father; but has taken Leave. Calls here in his Way. Says his F. is in a comfortable Frame. He expects that though he goes Home, he Shall Soon return, viz. to his funeral.

1768 March 19 (Saturday). Mrs. P________ and John came home from Boston, and have had a good Journey. Thanks be to God! but sorrowful News that my Friend Holbrook is Sick.

1768 March 20 (Sunday). Storm of Snow. Deacon Wood Sends before Meeting to know whether I will put by the Sacrament. I choose to know the Mind of the Church. When I went to Meeting, there were but few Members. Brother Chamberlain advised that we begin, and we might judge better after prayer. I complyed. After Prayer and Singing (having omitted Reading) I addressed the Church, and observed to them that there being so many present, both of men and Women, and they having taken such pains to come expecting the Administration, I conceived it would not be best to disappoint them and therefore, without further Difficulty, should proceed. I preached on 1 Tim. 3.16, former part. Mrs. Andrews at Meeting and at Communion. I directed Mrs. P________ to invite her to Dinner, especially as it was Such a Storm. She did, and She accordingly came. I asked Capt. Brigham to go to my House. So did my Wife, but he came not. Master Goddard dined here. He preached p.m. on Isa. 55.7. May God graciously accept our Offerings, and bless His Word to us!

1768 March 21 (Monday). A young Man, [blank] Walker of Hopkinton and his Sister, going to Ashby, call here and dine. Sarah and Suse ride in my Sleigh, to Marlborough, but returned at Evening. Wrote to Mr. Holbrook in his Sickness. Read Chronicle, and other Papers.

1768 March 22 (Tuesday). Mr. Joseph Willard dines with us: tells me they have called him at Bedford. I visited aged Deacon Forbes: found him more Comfortable in his Mind: thinks he has good ground to hope he has Interest in Christ, and that his foundation is Sure. I prayed with him; and he told me he could attend—but he is now extremely worn away: his Dissolution is surely nigh. I visited also Mrs. Wheelock, who is in a great Affliction by a bad Breast—which was lanced to Day. Mr. Hutchinson (though he calls not at our House) was there. Said something to him of his Reply to Mr. Tucker—viz., his mixing what was sarcastical and Jocose or ludicrous with what is Spiritual and sublime. He seems not to be willing to take it.

1768 March 23 (Wednesday). Visit Deacon Wood. Sarah and Suse to Capt. Maynards and lodge there.

1768 March 24 (Thursday). Deacon Wood and Mr. Tainter kill two of our Hoggs (nigh 11 Months old) and at Eve they came and cutt them out. N.B. they weighed, one 201, and 216. They were at Supper with us. Mrs. Tainter also. But what was chiefly remarkable to Day was, Deacon Forbes expired about 8 o’Clock this Morning, having just compleated his 84th Year. When his sister Byles and Brother Samuel were living, their Ages, together with their sister Grow’s, amounted to 348. And indeed as the 3 first were far advanced in their Year it might be accounted 351. Miss Mary Steward, half sister to the two last, is now in her 80th year also. May the Lord sanctifie this Death to us, and quicken us to, and assist us in our preparation for our own Decease!

  • [Marginal notation:] 93
    • 91
    • 83
    • 81
  •                                   348

1768 March 25 (Friday). I am much employed upon the great Mystery of the Trinity—the importance of it, and Necessity of believing it: consulting various Authors upon it—but confess I make but too little way a Head. May the Lord open it to me! At Eve Mr. Edmund Chamberlain and his wife here to talk with me; but they came too late and when it was a great Interruption to me—but I gave way to it, and attended upon ‘em awhile. Mr. Forbes came from Brookfield and lodged here. Mr. John Wood brought me 2 1/4 Yards of blue broad Cloth from Samuel which I buy of Mr. Forbes, and take it for Money delivered him ([or which he received?]) for my son Ebenezer, a year agoe, per Capt. Maynard—at 5£ old Tenor per yard. Mr. Wood brought also a Letter from Mr. Holbrook informing me that he was grown better.

1768 March 26 (Saturday). Am not very well, but attend (with my Wife) the Funeral of aged Deacon Jonathan Forbes—and prayed. Tis our Duty to “mark the perfect Man and behold the upright; for the End of Such is Peace.” Lt. Daniel Steward dined here with me.

1768 March 27 (Sunday). My son Forbes came to preach for me, though, he tells me, his Brother Fish was displeased with him that he would not at Upton. Read Jer. 13 and Act. 15. Mr. Forbes a.m. on Job 30.23. P.M. Prov. 16.31. The Lord sanctifie the Word and providence to our effectual awakening! The aged pair, Mrs. Dunlop and Mrs. Kelly, dined here. Mr. Forbes lodges here.

1768 March 28 (Monday). Mr. F. setts out for Brookfield.

1768 March 29 (Tuesday). Mr. William Brown came p.m. with Alexander[s] Desire that I would go up to Mr. Asa Conants at Oxford. I sat out with him at 3 p.m. Rode up to Mr. Stacys at Grafton and viewed, as I could, his Mill and other works. Thence we rode to Mr. Jonas Browns in Sutton, and lodged there.

1768 March 30 (Wednesday). Mr. Brown and I rode through Sutton North Parish (calling at Mr. Chaplins Door, having Met with him on the Way; and [lit?] at my Kinsman Trasks). Lt. Trask shews us the way up to Mr. Conants. Dine there. View his Works and little Farm of about 50 Acres. Spend the Eve and Night there. N.B. Capt. Elijah Moore’s Farm put up to Day (as we are informed) at Vendue.

1768 March 31 (Thursday). Make and write and Sign, an Agreement with Mr. Conant for his Mill, Tools, Farm and Apprentice, John Millen, in behalf of my son Alexander. Esq. Henshaw informs that Mr. Maccarty was yesterday taken with a Fit etc. Dine at Mr. Bowmans. Visit and drink Tea at Mr. Halls—his Daughter Lucy very ill. Return at Evening. My Mare stumbled and threw me just by my House—but received only Slight Hurt, through divine Goodness; Mr. Brown with me. In the Business and Journey of the Day, Mr. Brown accompanys me. He Says the mortgaging the Premises was what he had thought of and was designing to advise to and recommend for Conants security. He lodges here. How manifold the divine Mercys! How exciting to Gratitude, praise and Obedience!

1768 April 1 (Friday). Mr. Brown takes my Mare with him to Framingham for Alexander to ride home. A Time of Difficulty with us by reason of Shortness of Hay—two Cows have calv’d; by the Snow and cold and slender portions of English Hay, fear they will not do well. We give them the more Meal, of which, through divine Goodness, we have good store. Sent for Mr. Hezekiah Pratt who comes, and pulls up the weather of one of the Cows; and we prepare Comfry Root and milk, which is given her. P.M. Mrs. Wheelock so ill as to send for me. I went, conversed, prayed with her, and may the Lord Pity and hear! Mr. George Andrews came to See me; was very pleasant and free—stayed and drank Tea with us. He came for this Special Purpose (I suppose) to ask whether Mr. Fish might preach at his House or at Mr. Daniel Forbes’s where the next family Meeting is appointed or may be at the Meeting House? I answered yes, at either of them as would be most convenient: or he might preach my Lecture when [illegible]—or I was willing to change with him.

1768 April 2 (Saturday). Alexander came home from Framingham.

1768 April 3 (Sunday). Read Jer. 14. Preached on Col. 2.2, carrying on the Subject began on 1 Tim. 3.16. P.M. read Act. 16. Preached on Mat. 6.33, with additions. I chose this (using chiefly an Exposition) on Account of my Son Alexanders beginning the world. At Eve (upon Desire) I visited Neighbour Joseph Bonds child and prayed there. Went also to see Mrs. Wheelock and prayed with her; She being in a very weak and dangerous State.

1768 April 4 (Monday). Enoch Rice came to live with Me. He goes down to the swamp to clear; John with him, and Alexander a.m. Visit again at Mr. Bonds, the Child yet alive. Pray there. Dine also with Mrs. Pratt. Am called to Mr. Ebenzer Maynards, his son Jesse being extreme bad of a Fever. Went but he expired before I got there. Went to Capt. Maynards where were the Committee for settling the County Road. In returning call at Mr. Nathan Maynards etc.

1768 April 5 (Tuesday). Alex goes up to Mr. Conants prepared to Stay there. I attended the Funeral of little Jesse Maynard (of 6 years), but hasten from thence in my designed Journey to Oxford (having Mr. John Woods Horse) and purposing to visit Mr. Maccarty. Call at Capt. Allens, Mr. Sumners, and Capt. Curtis’s. Found Mr. Maccarty revived and in hopes of Recovery. Lodged there.

1768 April 6 (Wednesday). Mr. Maccarty better Still, through divine Goodness—and leave him with much satisfaction in my Visit. Call at Coll. Putnams and consult him, especially on the Nature and Benefit of Mortgages: expecting to assist Alexander to Day in his trading with Mr. Conant. Call at Justice Brewers to see him, as he lies in a very low, languishing Condition. Pray with him, and hasten to Coll. Larnards, where I dined—then to Mr. Conants, where Alex was, and expected to proceed in our Affair, So formally agreed upon. But Mrs. Conant had started, and was set against the Bargain—nor was she, by any means, to be perswaded to give her Consent or sign a Deed. Her Brother Mr. Joseph Edwards came and used his Endeavours but in Vain. N.B. old Dr. Burnet there. Capt. Maynard came that he might be security for, or provide me the present payment. He goes home with Mr. Ebenezer Lock. My son and I lodge at Mr. Conants—without doing any Thing.

1768 April 7 (Thursday). The Same Averseness continues in Mrs. Conant. Both her Brothers John and Joseph Edwards come—to little purpose—for although She was brought to speak as if She consented, yet it went so against her, that I chose to suspend the Matter; and would not run the Venture of another Disappointment. Capt. Maynard returning from Mr. Locks, was my Company in returning. I visited at Capt. Griffins. Dined at Mr. Campbells. Called at Mr. Bowmans. Drank Tea at Mr. Hutchinsons (who was come from the Funeral of old Mr. Ebenezer Brooks). Arrived safe at my own House through divine Favour. But John was poisoned by working in the Swamp, in which was Dog-Wood.

1768 April 8 (Friday). Mrs. Wheelock being yet alive, I visited her—and Mr. Fish coming (at their Desire, in my Absence), discoursed and prayed with her. N.B. Ruth Bellows, and Mindwell Batherick are, and have been for some time, Spinning here.

1768 April 9 (Saturday). Alexander returned from Oxford, having been and hir’d at Sturbridge. Am much exercised with an Ague in my Face.

1768 April 10 (Sunday). Read Jer. 15. Preached on 1 Joh. 5.20. This is the true God—but am carrying on the Discourse on 1 Tim. 3.16. Was afraid I should not have gone through the Exercises, as I had been much afflicted and prevented in my preparations—but I was graciously carryed through. Read p.m. Act. 17. Preached on the Duty of parents to pray for their Children. Used sermon on 1 Chron. 29.19 from page 6. O may God give His Blessing and give to us and to our Children Perfect Hearts!

1768 April 11 (Monday). Visit Mr. Joseph Bonds Child, which (tis hoped) is recovering. Visit at Neighbour Ebenezer Maynard. Enoch works at Mr. Barnabas Newtons. Mr. Biglow pays £22.10.0 old Tenor.

1768 April 12 (Tuesday). Enoch and John clear at the Swamp a.m. Dig Stones at the further field. Pay Richard Temple £23.17.0 old Tenor which is in full of all Accounts.

1768 April 13 (Wednesday). Alexander returns from Framingham, and goes to work part of the afternoon for me. Mr. Beeton raised his Barn. I could not go to it.

1768 April 14 (Thursday). Public Fast. Preached a.m. on Amos 3.2. P.M. with alterations and additions delivered part of Discourse on Joel 2.12.13. After Exercise have confirmed News of the Death of Mr. Abner Whipple at Rockingham. At Eve Mr. Thomas Bond and his Wife here to be examin’d.

1768 April 15 (Friday). Mr. Whitney of Northborough here. Informs me that Matters are like to be composed at College, and the scholars to return to their Exercises again.

1768 April 16 (Saturday). I rode to Mr. Thomas Temple’s to see his Child; and prayed. Went to Dr. Ball’s where I din’d and Mr. Whitney likewise. P.M. went to See Mrs. Martyn who is mov’d to her son John’s. The last came to me with his Fathers Cane, and Said, “Sir, The Heirs present you with this.” I received it gratefully. Visit Mr. Michael’s Wife, who has lately lain in, and visit at Mr. Richards, whose Wife expects every Hour. Returned to Lieutenants. Supped there on fresh Fish (from Boston I suppose). Mr. Whitney with me. An agreeable repast. Mr. Whitney goes to his lonely House and lodges alone. I lodge at Lieutenant Martyns.

1768 April 17 (Sunday). Preach at Northborough on Heb. 6.12 a. and p.m. Mr. Whitney for me on 1 Cor. 15.10 and he returns at Eve. I arrive in safety. D.G.

1768 April 18 (Monday). I went to Mr. Morse’s, Mr. J. Warrin, Deacon Woods, Mr. Wheelocks etc. to prepare for my Daughters going to Boston and my going to Ministers Meeting. Enoch, because Alexander is with me, lets himself to Mr. B. Tainter, for the Months of May and June for 25 £.

1768 April 19 (Tuesday). Have Mr. Wheelocks Chaise for Sarah and Suse to ride to Boston; the last to be left there, at Cousen Winters, and her Polly to come hither. They Sat out p.m. [illegible], a.m., to Stow. Called at Mr. Smith’s, who is ill and confined—and at Capt. Jonathan Wood’s at Stow. All present, but Messrs. Barrett and Smith. Mr. Loring Moderator and prayed. I prayed with the Family. By lodging with Mr. Loring Opportunity is given to Converse again about the Society of devout Women in Boston. N.B. Mr. Wheeler of Harvard is with us and represents his Grievances. He is in a low State of Health and his people are desirous to have him dismissed—that they may Settle Mr. John Emerson in his Stead.

1768 April 20 (Wednesday). We reflect upon the Melancholly and Sorrowful Aspects of the present Day; That we used to have Fasts. We all agree that our next Meetings be turned into Fasts—See Association Minutes for the particular Occasion and who to perform; as well as where. Mr. Stone preached an Useful sermon at the Lecture on Isa. 46.8, former part, “Remember this, and shew your self Men.” After Dinner we Separated. Mr. Stone and Mr. Joseph Willard my Company to Mr. Smith’s, who remains ill. Arrive in safety except that I have unhappily lost my Saddle Baggs.

1768 April 21 (Thursday). Send John to Marlborough and further if it Shall need, to Enquire for my Saddle Baggs. He returns with them. Mr. Smiths servant had carryed them into his House, and forgot to give them to Me or tell me of it. P.M. I walked to Mr. Solomon Bakers, and got him to go with me to view Mr. Ebenezer Maynards Meadow, which lies by the River, and by or between his Brother David’s. Went to Capt. Maynards. Called at Mr. Ebenezer Maynards and had Some Talk with him about his meadow. He asks old Tenor 750£ for it—lays it at about 8 Acres. Says he cutts 15 Jaggs of Hay. We leave it to Consideration. Mr. Wesson of Marlborough has made me a plough and Sent it home, by Neighbour Thomas Bond. The Plough and the Plates come to £3.9.9 Old Tenor.

1768 April 22 (Friday). Sarah returned from Boston and brings Polly Langdon to dwell here a while, as Suse is, in the mean time, to live at Cousen Winters. Wrote to Mr. Fish to preach my Lecture next Week.

1768 April 23 (Saturday). Mr. Edmund Chamberlain or Wife have not come with their Relations etc.

1768 April 24 (Sunday). Read Jer. 16 and preached upon Col. 1.16.17 on the Divinity of our Blessed Saviour. P.M. Read Act. 18 and gave an Exercise upon it. O that God would please to add His Blessing! Appointed the Communion and the Lecture. Enoch is not with us on the Lord’s Days, but goes to his Fathers, and lodges there.

1768 April 25 (Monday). We are full of the Accounts of the awful Providence last Friday at Marlborough, Silas How, son of the late Gershom How of Marlborough, having hanged himself near Mr. Joseph Strattons. He had dwelt at Brookfield but last at Leicester. May the Hand of God be duely regarded! Neighbour Ebenezer Maynards little son Luther sick of a Fever. Visit and pray there.

1768 April 26 (Tuesday). Went to the Raising of a large Barn of Mr. Fessendens. Called at Mr. Maynards—several of his Children sick—Sympathize etc. Have account of the sorrowful Death of one Mr. Rich of Coi’s-Hill, by the Axletree of a pair of Wheels, crowding him against a Tree, by which he was killed at once. O that I might be always ready!

1768 April 27 (Wednesday). Mr. Fish dined here. Preached my Lecture on Ps. 41.4. Mr. Edmund Chamberlain and his Wife here with their Relations. Mr. Goddard and other Company here. News of the Birth of a Grand son, viz. Frederick Louis.

1768 April 28 (Thursday). Mr. Moore came from Oxford—informs me of his admirable mare’s being suddenly taken ill, and he supposes she is Dead. He lodges here. Mrs. Persis Putnam and her mother Rice here.

1768 April 29 (Friday). My wife having watched last night at Mr. Ebenezer Maynards returns this morning with word that 4 of the Children are sick. Mr. Moore acquaints me with his Call to Rochester—and leaves us to return to Cambridge.

1768 April 30 (Saturday). Enoch Rice having agreed with Mr. Tainter to live with him for two Months, leaves me this Evening and Alexander returns from Framingham this Evening also.

1768 May 1 (Sunday). Read Jer. 17. Preached on 1 Tim. 3.16. Admit Edmund and Ruth Chamberlain. Administered the Lords Supper. Mr. Goddard dines here. P.M. read Act. 19. Mr. Goddard preaches on Cant. 2.16. May God be gracious to us, accept of us and bless His Ordinances! Mr. Goddard lodges here. Mrs. Andrews not at meeting nor for several sabbaths.

1768 May 2 (Monday). A.M. My son William comes from Ashby. He yesterday attended divine service at Fitchbourg, and lodged at [blank]. Capt. Maynard came p.m. and reckons for the year past, issuing on Apr. 2.

1768 May 3 (Tuesday). Have Capt. Maynards Chaise for my Wife and I to go to Mr. Daniel Forbes’s to private Meeting. I preached on 1 Joh. 1.3, latter part to p. 8.

1768 May 4 (Wednesday). William takes away his White Cow and her Calf. John goes with him, and they drive before them my Nurse Cow and two yearlings to summer at Ashby. My wife and I attend the Funeral of Mr. Temple’s Child, and thence to Mr. Whitneys at Northborough who brings home his Wife. Only Mr. Morse and I (with our Wives) of the Neighbouring Ministers at Dinner. Mr. Sumner came p.m. Mr. Cummings of Billerica and his Wife, with other Relatives, came with them. An handsome Entertainment made by many people; and many of them Wait upon us there. We sang Ps. 115, latter part. Returned at Eve. N.B. I send per Mrs. Wood £53.18.0 to Mr. Joseph Stratton of Waltham which I received of my son William and for him.

1768 May 5 (Thursday). Catechized Children at the Meeting House. 19 Boys. P.M. 23 Girls. After Catechizing my Wife and I attend the Marriage of Mr. Thaddeus Warrin to Miss Hannah Gould, at Mr. Williams’s.

1768 May 6 (Friday). [No entry.]

1768 May 7 (Saturday). John returns from Ashby.

1768 May 8 (Sunday). Read Jer. 18. Preached on 1 Tim. 3.16. P.M. read Act. 19 from v. 21. Preached on 1 Pet. 4.6.

1768 May 9 (Monday). Was Sometime in the Garden, in some small Employments, yet necessary.

1768 May 10 (Tuesday). Mr. Cushing from Ashburnham here. P.M. I went with him to Mr. Andrews’s. They treated me courteously. Called at Haskills, and paid him 20/ for the use of his plough. Called at the Workhouse to see Garfields and Samuel Hardys Family[s?].

1768 May 11 (Wednesday). London Magazines. Persis Newton works here for Alexander.

1768 May 12 (Thursday). Held at Catechetical Exercise. 14 Young Women came. Began at Question 85. I took no Text; but opened both the Question and Answer in a more general brief pathetick manner, then pitched upon Faith in particular and used from p. 4 to 8th of sermon on John 3.36. Mrs. Butler, from Framingham, who resides at her Nephew’s, Deacon Wood, came to see us. Mrs. Wood accompanys her here. I was sent for to the Raising of Levi Warrins New House. Sang Ps. 128, omitting v. [blank] in Dr. Watts’s Version. Persis. My mare very ill.

1768 May 13 (Friday). We don’t plant, though ready, by reason of the Cold weather.

1768 May 14 (Saturday). The Rain very desirable. Though I am preparing on 1 Tim. 3.16 and have the Favour of Mr. Bradbury on this Text, yet my Scheme and Intention are so diverse from his, that I make little use of him now.

1768 May 15 (Sunday). Read Jer. 19. Carryed on the Subject from 1 Tim. 3.16, but read for my Text Joh. 1.14, former part. P.M. Read Act. 80 and on Consideration that tomorrow is appointed to be Town-Meeting to choose a Representative, I preached on Exod. 18.21, using great Part of what I delivered formerly on Occasion of March-Meeting—but varied and with Additions concerning a Representative. N.B. Capt. Jonas Brigham at noon desired me to baptize his Child, which was lately born. I asked him whether he was in Charity with me. He answered Yes. I asked him twice, and he answered twice. I thereupon consented to, and did it. Hear that my Daughter Baldwin is at Dr. Balls; being poorly again.

1768 May 16 (Monday). I got Deacon Woods Chair and rode over to Dr. Balls. Found my Daughter there, and went with her to Mr. Whitneys, and dined there. He delivers me Dr. Chauncy against Dr. Chandler on an American Episcopate. Visit Mrs. Martyn and two sons. Agree with Hawkins the Taylor to make me a Coat. He dwells at Mrs. Eagers, where is her Daughter Cutler of Oxford, who is in much Spiritual Distress. Return at Eve with my Daughter here. The Town has met, but have not chose a Representative. The North People have not liked their Notification. Alexander has strained himself a few Days ago, and is now not well.

1768 May 17 (Tuesday). Alexander is better; and he and his Brother plant the further Field.

1768 May 18 (Wednesday). Artillery Company Train. Prayed with them but would not go to the Tavern.

1768 May 19 (Thursday). My Daughter Baldwin not well—has morning vomiting.

1768 May 20 (Friday). Have borrowed Mr. Jonathan Grouts Horse to go to Boston next week.

1768 May 21 (Saturday). Mr. Breck came—and lodged here.

1768 May 22 (Sunday). Mr. Breck keeps sabbath with us. Read Jer. 20 and Acts 21. Mr. B. a.m. on [blank], p.m. on Isa. 2.11. And he repeated the Heads at Even. I hope they are very acceptable Discourses to the people and I pray they may be useful: and profitable to us.

1768 May 23 (Monday). Alexander to Sturbridge. Mr. Breck and I rode to Boston. We stopped at Col. Buckminsters. Dined at Mr. Woodwards. Called at Mr. Jacksons (at Brookline). Arrived at Cousen Procters nigh sun sett. Put up the Horse at Mr. May’s. Lodged at Cousen Loyds, with Coll. Hinckley of Brunswick. N.B. Dr. John Hill lives at Loyds.

1768 May 24 (Tuesday). Visit Mr. Holbrook, who is low indeed. I dined there. Visit at Surcombs—Dr. Cooper—etc. Lodge at Brother P________s. N.B. Mr. Loyd sent my Horse to Chelsey to be kept at Mr. Hasey’s.

1768 May 25 (Wednesday). Mr. Shute of Hingham preached the Election sermon on Ezr. 10.4. Arise for this matter belongeth to thee etc. No public Dinner for the ministers. I dined at Mr. Loyds. P.M. at Dr. Sewals. Was nominated for moderator but earnestly refused to be put to Vote. Mr. Dunbar was chose and prayed. At Eve at Mr. Quincys. N.B. He tells me his son Neddys progress in mines at Stoughtonham, Medway etc. Lodged at my Kinswoman’s, Bradfords.

1768 May 26 (Thursday). Attended the Convention again. The Plan for a fund for the Relief of Ministers Widows and Orphans falls through. A proposal of Venerable Dr. Sewals, that the Ministers should manifest their hearty adherance to the great Truths of the Gospel, and guard our Pulpits by Examining Candidates, was read, and urged by Several to be acted upon, or at least to be considered by this Convention, but when it was put to Vote, it passed in the negative; to my great Grief, and even astonishment. Mr. Tucker preached on Col. 4.11. Dined at Mr. Mathers. After Dinner Mr. Loring led me to the House of Mr. Ebenezer Brown, an Housewright: where were gathered a Number of devout Women: Sixteen or Eighteen of them in a by-Chamber. There we prayed, and I preached on Ps. 34.8. It was a Season of Spiritual Endearment. May my Soul be united to all them that truely fear the Lord as these persons Seem to do. I went at Eve to Mr. Mays where lodges Westborough Representative and who has brought me from my wife 50£ who received it of Mr. Biglow the Constable. I returned to the North End and lodged at Cousen Winters, where Suse Makes an home.

1768 May 27 (Friday). At Mr. Mains and buy 1/2 Dozen of Willisons. At Mr. [Perkins?] and by Catechisms and small Books to give away. Dined at Mr. Loyds. Call at Mr. Holbrooks, and find him worse. Call at Mr. Adams’s at Roxbury. Go to Cambridge. Take some View [of] the New Library. Lodge in College with Mr. Moore.

1768 May 28 (Saturday). In the Morning Visit Brother Champney and Sisters—Poor sister Barrett is very ill—is delirious—prayed with them and took leave. Prosecute my Journey. Call at Mr. N. Goddards and pay him for Cheese (22 1/2 lbs.; at 2.6 per pound) and buy 24 1/2 lbs. more. When I came home and sent Mr. Grout his Horse, behold it had been changed: I had got a wrong Horse.

1768 May 29 (Sunday). Read Jer. 21. Preached on Joh. 1.14. P.M. read Act. 22. And preached on 2 Cor. 2.17 with alterations and additions according to the present Times.

1768 May 30 (Monday). Alexander goes early to Cambridge and Boston to get Mr. Grouts Horse if he can be found. Billy came a.m. not from Ashby, but from Brookfield. I provide a Tire for Cart-Wheels which he has been making for me. The Iron of Mr. Nurse, and Mr. Beeton does the work. Mr. Smith from Marlborough to see me, and dines here. Mr. Hall of Sutton also. Mr. Biglow, who paid me in Cash and Notes Last week £113

1768 May 31 (Tuesday). and to Day pays me in Cash 70£ 1.6 old Tenor. My wife rides to Capt. Maynards and carrys Lucy with her for the Benefit of Airing.

1768 June 1 (Wednesday). Billy (having bought him an Horse and which he rode upon here) carrys upon him the Tire which Beeton has made; with Sufficient Nails to fasten it on with. He also drives my Oxen before him, to Ashby. I have lately borrowed of Mr. Gibbs the Painter at Boston, The secrets of the invisible World disclosed, by Andrew Moreton Esq. which I am reading. Alexander returns from Boston with Mr. Grouts Horse. He found him at Chelsey; Samuel when he went for him, took a wrong Horse. I rejoice Alexander has Succeeded. D.G.

1768 June 2 (Thursday). Mr. Maccarty and his Brother Bridge of Worcester dined here.

1768 June 3 (Friday). Persis Newton at work here for Alexander.

1768 June 4 (Saturday). Persis here again till noon. Ebenezer came from Brookfield this p.m. and arrived here at night, in complyance with a Letter I sent him about the Harrington Affair at Nottingham.

1768 June 5 (Sunday). Read Jer. 22. Preached on 1 Tim. 3.16. Dr. Wright and his Mother Fessenden dined here. P.M. read Act. 23. Preached on that part of the v. “justifyed in the Spirit.” I appointed the Communion and Lecture and a Contribution for Mr. Joseph Sherman.

1768 June 6 (Monday). Ebenezer goes early to Watertown, his Brother Harrington and Stearns or Bond being about to go to Nottingham about their Interest in Lands there. Richard Temple works here, with Alexander and John. P.M. I visit Mr. Daniel Miller, who is languishing; and pray with him. N.B. Carryed Daughter Baldwin as far as Mr. Tainters.

1768 June 7 (Tuesday). Mr. Hawkins the Taylor here; measures me for Coat and Breeches. At Eve I was at Mr. Ebenezer Maynards. Talk about his Meadow. His price is £750 old Tenor. I defer Answer till I can See Capt. Maynard on the affair; which can’t be till next Monday.

1768 June 8 (Wednesday). Mr. Stone and Mr. Whitney of Northborough dined here. The former preached my Lecture from Isa. 59.2, “Your Iniquities have Separated.” May God bless it to us for our Saving Good! Dr. Crosby here. He invites me and my Wife, to his House next Tuesday, before noon, to meet Mr. Sumner and his Wife there.

1768 June 9 (Thursday). Mrs. Eleoner Williams here. In reckoning I find I owe her 40/ old Tenor. She asks not only for a Note for that, but for the further sum of 68/11, and to gratifie her, and She promising to see that I be soon paid, I did it. N.B. 24 lbs. and 1/2 of Cheese brought up from Mr. Goddards of Weston. N.B. Mr. John Maynard paid for it, and upon my receiving the Cheese I paid him, viz. one Dollar and half. Ebenezer returns from Watertown—and tells me his Brother Jonas Bond is to go to Nottingham, or Exeter etc., next Week.

1768 June 10 (Friday). My Son is bent upon going home. I lent him 8 Dollars; for which he gave me his note of Hand. P.M. he goes home. Presently Mr. John Langdon junior brings Suse from Boston, and at Eve Alexander goes to Marlborough and brings our Bacon from Deacon Woods’s.

1768 June 11 (Saturday). Mr. Langdon is come for Cousen Polly, her Mother being much Scared about her Eye (though She is grown a great deal better) and this Morning they Set out for Boston.

1768 June 12 (Sunday). Read Jer. 23. Preached on 1 Tim. 3.16. Administered the Lords Supper. Capt. Jamison, Mrs. Maynard, Elizabeth Beels dined here. P.M. read Act. 24. Preached on Heb. 13.3. Had a Contribution for Mr. Joseph Sherman. And because of its being Such a snare to Send an Hat along the Gallery seats among the Boys (which have not behaved well at such a Time), I thought it best to alter our Custom and recommended to them to walk down and go round as formerly was the Custom of this People and all others that I knew of. But there were only a few that Complyed; and doubtless the Contribution was the more Slender on that Account. I had said also to the Congregation that I was informed that some had been so indecent to put in what they Should not; and there was reason to fear some had taken out.

1768 June 13 (Monday). Went to Capt. Maynards to talk with him about Mr. Maynards Hobbamockaw Swamp. In Returning home, called at Mr. Ebenezer Maynards but he was not at home. P.M. Mr. Maynard came here and he tells me he will take £600 old Tenor. N.B. Mr. Biglow was here and makes up with me, for last Years sallery and Support. So that I give him a Receipt in full. N.B. Mr. Baker borrows of me 50£ and gives me his promissory Note. Then I went to see Mr. Barachias Morse who is sick. I prayed with him. N.B. There has been disquietment among several people that I altered the Custom of the Contribution and admonished the Rude Boys who had behaved indecently at a former Contribution. Particularly Mr. Benjamin Tainter appeared very Angry.

1768 June 14 (Tuesday). Though it rained in the Morn, yet Mrs. P________ and I rode (as we had been invited) to Dr. Crosbys. Mr. Sumner and his Wife were there; and we dined [plentifully there?]. Called at Mr. Knowltons [illegible] [Fay’s]. When I returned home, Mr. Timothy Warrin here, and Shewed himself disturbed at Our—but especially at my Conducting the late Contribution. At Eve Deacon Wood came and we counted the Money—found it to be £20.11.7. Which may God please graciously to accept and bless to him for what has been gathered and pardon what was amiss!

1768 June 15 (Wednesday). Attended the Association Fast at Southborough. See Minutes of Association. In returning called to See Mrs. Gale who is sick. People are at work on the New Road by Lt. Bruce’s, and making a New [Causey?] where it is laid out. My son Baldwin came.

1768 June 16 (Thursday). The proposal had been that Lucy Should go to Nantucket for the recovery of her Health; that Mr. Roger Bruce should go to take Care of her, but Mr. Baldwin goes himself. They have Dr. Hawes’s Chaise. I wrote by them to Caleb Bunker Esq. P.M. Visit old Mr. How who is very ill. Prayed with him. Called at Mr. Ebenezer Maynards. Go with him to see the Bounds of the Swamp and Meadow which he wants to sell me. His Brother David with us. I am much discouraged when I see how poor the Grass of Some Parts of it are. But I venture to buy it of him for £600 O.T. as he has offered it.

1768 June 17 (Friday). Mr. Ebenezer Maynard here to give me Bounds etc. Sarah and Suse visit at Lt. Bakers.

1768 June 18 (Saturday). Cousen Maynard is in travail and Sends for her Aunt, who goes to her. My Sophy ill. A Sorrowful Season, by Reason of Cold and Rain. Much of the Seed planted doth not come up, and what is come up does not grow. May God extend Pity! Almost daily Accounts from Boston of great Disquietments and that sometimes there are tumultuous gatherings of people there, against the Commissioners of the Customs.

1768 June 19 (Sunday). Read Jer. 24. Preached on 1 Tim. 3.16, “Seen of Angels.” P.M. read Act. 25, and on Consideration of the Troubles and Tumults at Boston, and sorrowful state of our public Affairs, and likewise the unseasonable weather, repeated (with many Omissions and Alterations indeed) Sermon on Isa. 9.12.13. My old Neighbour Hezekiah How dyed about 10 o’Clock this forenoon. May god Sanctify it to me! and to those he has left behind!

1768 June 20 (Monday). Visit Mr. Daniel Miller and pray with him. Dine at the Widow Kendals. Visit at a New Comer’s Mr. Enoch Cook, but the man was not at home—at Francis Pierce’s—proceed to Mr. Barachias Morse’s and pray with him—hasten to see Mrs. Belknap who is very low—to get over there, I rode through the River, piloted by the Widow Parker, who was so kind as to shew me the way.

1768 June 21 (Tuesday). Attend the Funeral of my Old Neighbour Mr. Hezekiah How. P.M. wrote a Deed of the Maynard Swamp and Meadow commonly called Hobbamockaw swamp.

1768 June 22 (Wednesday). I delivered £100 to Mr. Ebenezer Maynard Old Tenor as part of pay for his swamp. Went over to Northborough Lecture. Dined at Mr. Whitneys. Mr. Belcher Hancock there. Messrs. Morse and Sumner also. I preached on Joh. 6.35, “I am the living Bread.” Mr. Morse prayed before sermon. Returned home at Eve. N.B. The News is very sorrowful from England. A direct Answer being demanded whether we will comply with the Acts of Parliament concerning our Trade and the Customs.

1768 June 23 (Thursday). Mr. Hancock calls to see me, and dines here. P.M. he goes to Hopkinton. Messrs. David and Ebenezer Maynard come to see how far I will agree respecting Davids and his Heirs etc. carting Hay through the swamp which I am buying of Ebenezer. I consent for abatement of £7.10.0 Old Tenor if they pass only through 20 Rods at the NW Corner. N.B. Received a Letter from Mr. Holbrook at Dedham.

1768 June 24 (Friday). I write for the Maynards Conveyances of Privilege of passing and repassing etc. Neighbour Ebenezer pays me the Abatement agreed upon last Evening; and gives me 10/ for my Writing for them—in all £8 old Tenor. My Wife visited Mrs. Andrews; and was well received.

1768 June 25 (Saturday). I rode to Southborough. In my Way called at Mr. Andrews’s. They treated me with Civility. I made a Visit to Mrs. Bulah Bent and her Brother and Sister, now first since the Death of their Mother. Mr. Stone tells me from Mr. Smith that Mr. Wigglesworth, Chandler etc., are disquieted that I have admitted Mrs. Andrews. I therefore Shewed him (Mr. Stone) the Vote we passed in our Church. Mr. Stone rides to Westborough. Miss Huldah arrives from Yarmouth. N.B. Deacon Wood had a Son born this Morning.

1768 June 26 (Sunday). I preached at Southborough on Rev. 16.15 a. and p.m. and wish divine Blessing! Returned home at Eve. Mr. Stone had preached here, on Job 7.16, “I would not live always.” Mr. Steward, who came to Westborough last Evening, preached p.m. on Eccl. 9.10, “Whatsoever thy Hand findeth to do, do it with thy Might”; etc.

1768 June 27 (Monday). Went over to Mr. Ebenezer Maynard and with him to Capt. Maynards. I gave Mr. Maynard my Note for what remains further of the price of the Swamp, viz. For £13.6.8 to be paid Dec. [25?] next; and for £53.6.8 (both sums Lawfull Money) upon Demand and Capt. Maynard promised to See to the fulfillment. Upon which he gave me a Deed of the Land. Capt. Maynard relates Somewhat of the Transactions and proceedings of the General Court last week, and that now the important Affair of our Privileges is [depending?]. For by Letters from England the Court are required to rescind what the last House did with regard to the other Colonies, and in Case they refuse, to dissolve the House. The Day is dark, but the Heavens do rule. P.M. 5 o’Clock Alexander and Suse Set out for Ashby and have Hannah with them. They design to reach Lancaster this Eve.

1768 June 28 (Tuesday). I visit Mr. Daniel Miller, who looses ground. His Mind indeed seems to be more Calm. I prayed with him—dined there. Was detained there by thunder and Rain. N.B. Agreed with Mr. John Harrington to come and work for me in hewing Timber for an Addition to my Barn.

1768 June 29 (Wednesday). I rode to Marlborough Lecture and preached on 1 Cor. 11.20, latter part. Mr. Stone and Mr. Steward there. We dined there together. N.B. Mr. Smiths and Mr. Stones Dissatisfaction with my Admitting Mrs. Andrews into our Communion, She being still a Member of Chebacco Church or Society. Returning at Even I called at Capt. Jonas Brigham’s. He was not at home, but his Wife received my Visit kindly. When I came home behold! my son and Daughter Baldwin were returned from Nantucket, having a very agreeable Journey and Voiage. For which may God have Glory. They tell me they have been very kindly treated by divers very affectionate Kinsfolk there, particularly Caleb Bunker Esq. and a Widow Starbuck whose maiden name was Stretton, the Daughter of William Stretton. Cicero de Senectute translated by Logan lent me by Mr. Steward.

1768 June 30 (Thursday). My Son Baldwin leaves his wife here, but himself returns home to Brookfield. Mr. Peter Green waits on Miss Patty Clark hither. They dine—drink Tea—and return. Capt. Townshend of Hopkinton with a Lad, William Gibbs, buys a Bushel of Rye and pays me for it. They also both dine here. At Eve came Deacon Wood, and talks with me upon his Case, and he desires to take some Time to Consider of what I have said.

1768 July 1 (Friday). Dr. Hawes brings me the Compliments of the Medical society at their late Meeting at Hopkinton and desire my Company at their Next Meeting, which is appointed to be at Lt. Martyns, Northborough, Sept. 2d, Tuesday.

1768 July 2 (Saturday). Brother Daniel Forbes comes to talk with me (as Brother Constantine Hardy had called a few Hours before on the Same Account) to talk with me about the Case of Deacon Wood (the Birth of his Child). When he leaves me, he says he is going up there to talk with him. I am very Cautious of all I say to him. Alexander and Suse return from Ashby. In going they lodged at Mr. Harringtons at Lancaster; in returning dined there; and last night lodged at Mr. Morse’s, North Shrewsbury.

1768 July 3 (Sunday). Read Jer. 25. Preached on 1 Tim. 3.16—“Seen of Angels.” Capt. Jamison dined here. P.M. read Act. 26. Preached on Col. 3.4. N.B. used what I formerly delivered on this Text—but that preparation being unfinished, I composed Addition to it, and the whole of the Improvement. My Daughter Baldwin is with us, but was not in such Comfort as to go to Meeting.

1768 July 4 (Monday). Alexander goes to Framingham. Enoch Rice came again to work for me.

1768 July 5 (Tuesday). My Wife and I ride to private meeting at Mr. Daniel Miller’s who is in a languishing Condition. I preached on Ps. 31.5. Mr. Fish was there and prayed. Dr. Hawes and his Wife visit us p.m.: and return at Eve. News Papers at Eve, which inform that the General Court is dissolv’d.

1768 July 6 (Wednesday). My Daughter Baldwin leaves us. Sarah goes with her. They have my Mare and Dr. Hawes Chaise. Mr. Isaac Johnson here in his Return from Council at Grafton (or meeting of Churches—for they did not form). Messrs. Stone, Smith and Steward here in their Return. They went up yesterday. These 3 last dined here. Deacon Wood came here, and proposes to me something relating to his Case—that is to have the Church meet at his House, for him and his wife to offer what may satisfie them—but I Can’t approve of it. He asks me to advise with Mr. Smith about it—is sorry Mr. Stone is gone. I consult Mr. Smith accordingly. At Eve came Mr. Moore who tells me he has given his Answer to Rochester, and that he accepts their Call.

1768 July 7 (Thursday). Enoch talks of Shortening his Time with me to Six Weeks: but I reason him into steddiness, and he promises to stay his Time out upon the old Terms—accordingly goes on with his work.

1768 July 8 (Friday). Mr. Moore and Suse ride to Northborough. John does light work. Makes Hay and rakes, but finds he can’t bear to mowe. Mr. Moore etc. return at Eve. Mr. Moore tells me Mr. Chipman (son of Mr. Chipman of Beverly) dyed lately at the Bar, pleading, in Falmouth Court.

1768 July 9 (Saturday). Suse informs me that Mr. Nathan Ball of Northborough dyed suddenly the night before last. May God sanctifie this to us! Sarah returned from Brookfield, and Mr. Cushing comes with her to preach for me. N.B. He has received a Call from Ashburnham. Mr. Jacob Rice, not knowing of Mr. Cushings coming, came also to preach for me. They both lodge here. Enoch goes home at Eve, as usual. Mr. Moore’s Horse has got out of the Pasture and is gone. He has Mr. Whipple’s to go to Roxbury.

1768 July 10 (Sunday). Read Jer. XXVI. Mr. Cushing preached on Amos 6.1. P.M. Read Act. XXVII. Mr. Rice preached on 2 Cor. 8.9. May God give success to the Word of his Grace; and bless the young Men who have delivered it.

1768 July 11 (Monday). In the Morning came Enoch, and appeared very Singular in his Behaviour and positive in his Demands, which if he could not have he would stay no longer—he would go off. I answered him that I did abide by the Agreement and would fulfill it, so that he must go to work. He went. Received a Letter from Dr. Hill of Boston concerning a stone which some Brookfield man had carryed him to try it. I Suppose it was Mr. Adam Rice. Mr. Gale calls and talks about the Deacon’s Case. I visit Mrs. Bellows (wife of Ithamar) who has had a bad fall and broke her Leg. Prayed there, as well as dined with them. Visit Mrs. Belknap, who is low in Body, but in a good spiritual Frame. Prayed with her. Called at the other Houses on the Road. Especially Mr. Bradish who gave me a promissory Note for the Money he owes me, viz. 12/5 lawful.

1768 July 12 (Tuesday). I walked up the Street to Mr. Zebulon Rice’s with a Letter which I received from Dr. John Hill of Boston concerning a sort of fossile which tis Supposed by some is the Cobelt, found in Brookfield. Went to Deacon Woods—saw his Wife, but not him, though I much desired it, he being too far off; so that though I waited some Time, he came not. And there was a Woman of his Acquaintance came (Mrs. Whipple, who was Coleman) and took her up. So that I took leave. I also expected Company at my House, viz. Mr. Barrett, Wife and son from Leicester—who came p.m. but when I got home, found Mr. Steward and Miss Mary Stone from Marlborough. They take Sarah into their Company and go over to Mr. Whitneys. Mr. Barrett etc. after Tea returned home. At Eve came Mr. Ballantine of Westfield.

1768 July 13 (Wednesday). Mr. Ballantine leaves us; by him I wrote to Mr. Brown and to my son Alexander concerning my present uncommon Distress, left so Shamefully to look out for help at a Time when we want to use it, and every body may be supposed to be engaged; and besides, must give so much greater Price for Labour. Enoch indeed works with me Still, mowing, tending, and got in one load of, my Cook Island Clover. In my perplexity I rode forth in search of Help—To Mr. Ebenezer Maynard and hoped he would get the Hay of the Swamp I bought of him, for part of it in pay—but he could not. Went to Mr. Hannaniah Parker and got him to ride to Shrewsbury to hire one Jonathan Drury (but this proved in Vain). Went over to Mrs. Martyns and dined there. Lay in for a man to serve me a month—use a Variety of Means besides, bespeaking Help if I Should not light of a man. Mr. Stephen Stimpson of Hopkinton here and informs me of his Kinsman Alexander Stimpson. Mrs. P________ visits Mrs. Wood.

1768 July 14 (Thursday). Went to Deacon Wood and shewed him a Line I had received from Rev. Messrs. Stone and Smith, containing their Judgment of what is expected to be done in his Case. He appears humble and willing to Submit to make an Acknowledgment. I thought it necessary to make Mr. Rice and his Wife acquainted with Enochs Conduct: went therefore and read a Draught I have made of the Substance of the Matter. Mr. Rice says he has a mind to go to my House to talk with him. I told him I Should Stand by our agreement. Said it before witness—his wife and Levi heard. But as I have now little or no Hope of recovering Enoch, I mounted for Hopkinton p.m. to hire a man, viz. that Stimson beforesaid. Rode to him. Agreed with him at his Fathers—for 8 Dollars the month ensuing, to begin next Monday morning, if he heard nothing from me to the Contrary. Visit Mr. Barrett—consult him about Deacon Woods unhappy Case. He advises to take the advice of the Church, but he thinks Confession before the Church many Suffice. In returning home have Capt. Joseph Woods Company part of the way—who himself speaks of his Brother and the anguish of his mind about him, Some time agoe. Capt. Benjamin Fay has brought up Mr. Whipple’s Horse from Mr. Moore. The Charge to him, for his keeping and pains, is 18/ old Tenor. Mr. Nurse has brought my Oxen and new Cart, from Ashby.

1768 July 15 (Friday). P.M. visit Mr. Daniel Miller and pray with him. Old Mr. Seth Morse there. In Returning met with Mr. Daniel Forbes, who talks with me about Deacon Woods Case. And Met with Mr. Seth Morse junior who is full of the Same Matter.

1768 July 16 (Saturday). Mr. Cushing going to Weston calls here. Deacon Wood came to confer about his Duty—Shews me an acknowledgment (and no sufficient Acknowledgment) which I can’t accept. I propose to him to stop the Church tomorrow—unless he prevents it by being willing to go according to our Custom with Penitents. P.M. The Weather beats off Enoch from hoeing and he comes up to Me to reckon. I read him my Draught of his Case and Conduct. He asks me 20£ for his work. I refuse to settle now. He asks pardon for his unsuitable Expressions. We defer the Affair for Consideration. And he goes home.

1768 July 17 (Sunday). Read Jer. 27. Preached again on 1 Tim. 3.16 a. and p.m. P.M. read Act. 28. After the Exercise (no appointment having been made of the Communion as might have been expected), the Brethren of the Church were Stay’d, to conferr about the Sorrowful Affair of Deacon Wood. He offered the Same Paper of Acknowledgment abovementioned—but it was Soon Returned to him. We could do nothing to purpose without longer Time—and therefore adjourned to this Day se’nnight.

1768 July 18 (Monday). I was much worryed yesterday, and had but a poor night and faint morning. Sent John to Mr. Hawkins at Northborough for a blew, Cloth Coat which he has made for me: and he brings it. Had a Young Mare of Lt. Baker to try in my Journey. Sat out about 11 a.m. Dined at Mr. Stones, who tells me Deacon Wood was there early this morning to advise with him upon his Case; and that he plainly Counselled him to make a Public Confession. I called at Coll. Buckminsters. Proceeded to Mr. Brown’s, where Alex is at work. It being late in the Day I went no farther than Mr. Roberts’s at Weston, where I lodged.

1768 July 19 (Tuesday). In pursuing my Journey I called at Mr. Hastings’s at Newtown, and thence to Mr. William Parks to See the famous Spring and Bath. Din’d at Mr. Storers, but he was not at home. P.M. to College to Mr. Moore and thence to Charlestown to visit Mrs. Stays who was Dench and Capt. Jonathan Goodenow in the Jayl, for his Wickedness with a bad Woman—but yet is wholly in self Vindication. May the Lord pitty and convince him! Return to Cambridge. Go into the Library. At Eve visit Sister Barrett, who is so delirious that She does not own me. I lodge with Mr. Moore.

1768 July 20 (Wednesday). Attend the Commencement Exercises. Dine in the Hall. Was chiefly at Mr. Moore’s, Sir Sayer’s,1 where I had besides Dr. Sayer,2 the Company of Dr. Coffin of Newbury and Eliphalet and Peter Coffin of Exeter—also Mrs. Gilman, Dr. Sayers Sister. Was also at Sir Ballantine’s etc. Lodged at Sister Barretts. Heartily Pity Sister Lydia who has the chief Trouble of tending upon her.

1768 July 21 (Thursday). Breakfast at Mr. Hancocks (Belcher’s). My Sister Swain is yet living at Capt. Marritts—visit her—My Horse is kept by Mr. Hicks. Rode to Roxbury and dined at Mr. Adams’s. Could not get to Lecture. Visit old Dr. Sewal; but chiefly my Relations. Lodge at My Brothers.

1768 July 22 (Friday). Called to See Mr. Eliot. Dined at Cousen Bradfords. Visit at Mr. Surcombs. My Horse was kept at Mr. May’s under the Care of my Cousen Procter. Past 5 Mounted and rode to Dedham to see Mr. Holbrook, who, with his Wife, lives at Deacon Avery’s, by reason of his Lameness and Languishment. I lodged there.

1768 July 23 (Saturday). Took leave of Mr. Holbrook, Commending his Case to God. Called at Mr. Havens. At Mr. Caryls. At Mr. Badgers. Dined at Mr. Peabodys. One Mr. Jonathan Leland of Sherbourn rides in Company and asks me into his House, where therefore I stop a little. Call at Coll. Buckminsters and Mr. Stones. My Dwelling I find in Peace. Here are Capt. Fay, and his Brother Deacon Wood. N.B. Mr. Zebulun Rice had secretly met me before I got home to apprize me that many of the Church were of the Mind that Deacon Wood must make Public Confession.

1768 July 24 (Sunday). Mr. Whitney kindly came from Northborough to preach for me: his Father being come to keep Sabbath at his Place, and preach for him. I read Jer. 28 a.m., Rom. 1 p.m. Mr. Whitney preached a. and p.m. on Gen. 6.3. Which many God grant may be of saving Advantage to us! After the Exercises the Brethren of the Church were stopped, according to adjournment to consider Deacon Woods Case. Deacon asked leave for his Wife to be present, which was granted. He offered a Paper containing a Confession of Incontinence and Unchastity—of Breach of the Seventh Commandment, which was read. I asked him and then her, in presence of the Church, whether we were to understand thereby the Sin of Fornication? and they answered yes. A number of Expressions in the Confession were excepted against, as tending to palliate and Smooth things in an unsafe Manner. The Deacon desired me in his own and Wife’s Name to make certain Alterations which were proposed and which he and She consented to. It was agreed that with those alterations and if it be read next Lords Day before the Congregation, the Church accepts it, and they are restored to Charity—and he is also expected to Continue in his Office. These were Voted, I think, unanimously, and They were likewise desired to Speak if there was any thing on the Contrary: but nothing was offered. After Prayer we were dismissed with Blessing. However when I spoke to the Deacon as we were coming out of the Meeting House, of Peace and Reconcilement between him and me, he hesitated somewhat—till I insisted that we must be in perfect Love and Harmony—then upon such insisting, he gave me his Hand.

1768 July 25 (Monday). Lieutenant Bakers Horse is resigned, fearing She will prove a stumbler.

1768 July 26 (Tuesday). My wife to Cousen Maynards who has lately lain in.

1768 July 27 (Wednesday). Mr. Whitney and his wife made us a Visit. Dined and drank Tea with us. He brought me Mr. Moses Hemingway’s Seven Sermons to read. They are on Joh. 6.27, “Labour not for meat etc.” At Eve came Enoch Rice—but we defer our Affair till after Haying.

1768 July 28 (Thursday). Mr. Moses Harrington comes from Boston and dines here. P.M. I made a visit to Deacon Wood and his Wife, and carry my Draught of his Address to the Church, being the alteration of his according to what was agreed upon in the Church Meeting. I talk to them both—but he does not seem to be satisfyed with me, whereas my Fault, I think, lies in too far favouring and Smoothing their Case; and can’t but be sorry for it.

1768 July 29 (Friday). [No entry.]

1768 July 30 (Saturday). [No entry.]

1768 July 31 (Sunday). Read Jer. 29. Preached on 1 Tim. 3.16, “Seen of Angels.” Master Jamison dined here. P.M. read Rom. 2. Preached on 1 Tim. 3.16, “Preached unto the Gentiles.” Read Deacon Woods Address to the Pastor and Church containing his and his Wife’s Acknowledgment before the Congregation.

1768 August 1 (Monday). Alexander Stimson and my Son John, with Mr. Thaddeus War[illegible] go to my Maynard swamp to mowe. I went to carry ‘em their Dinner; but John has cut himself with his scyth and taken off part of the Ball of one of his great Toes. Was at Mr. David Maynards and at Mr. Pratts, by reason of the Rain. Read Dr. Burnets Theory Vol. 2, Book 3, Ch. 12, and am much impressed with it. May God grant the Impressions may be yet Stronger, and abiding! O how Stupid the world, but especially I my self am, though Such vast, awful and terrible Things are coming; and all Earthly Things are so empty and so transitory. Ruth Bellows Lodges here.

1768 August 2 (Tuesday). John too lame to do any Thing about our Haying. Jonas Kenny invalid, goes to Mill (to Northborough) for Neighbour Nurse and for us. Mr. Thaddeus Warrin is to work for me by the Week. Tis proposed also that he take some Grass to the halves.

1768 August 3 (Wednesday). In my preparations from Day to Day.

1768 August 4 (Thursday). Rode up to Thomas Temple’s for Richard to reap for me. P.M. my old Neighbour Mr. John Green of Brookfield here.

1768 August 5 (Friday). Have great pleasure in Logans Cicero Of Old Age.

1768 August 6 (Saturday). Mr. Steward here. Dines with us. Acquaints me with the sitting of a Council last week at Harvard. They were the Churches of Stow, Littleton, Chelmsford, Bolton, 2d in Lancaster, and Groton. The Result advises to the Dismission of Mr. Wheeler, if the people pay him the sum of 200£ Lawful for his Damages, which they vote, so that he is dismissed.

1768 August 7 (Sunday). Read Jer. 30. I found it necessary and expedient to preach again, though now in one Exercise, and with Alterations sermon on Act. 2.42. Administered the Lord’s supper. Master Jamison dined here. P.M. read Rom. 3. Preached on 1 Tim. 3.16. “Preached unto the Gentiles.”

1768 August 8 (Monday). It is a Time of Trouble and Loss with me by the frequent Rains. Several Acres of Rye reaped and exposed not only to the Weather, but Cattle, my Oxen and Cows have unhappily broke in upon the Stukes and torn them to Pieces. About half a Dozen Load of Hay at the Maynard Swamp, much of which we Should have got in before the sabbath: also what was lately mowed in my own new Swamp was fit to be carryed into the Barn, but is soaked by the heavy Showers—and to Day the Weather is such that none of it can be touched—but Richard Temple goes to reaping down more, though its showry and cant be gathered. Yet all is good which God Sends! Ruth Bellows works here to Day.

1768 August 9 (Tuesday). Have finished Maynard Swamp. I have 13 Load and let Mr. Warrin have one.

1768 August 10 (Wednesday). A great stir about altering or adding to the County Roads through this Town. A Committee, viz. Squire Steel, Henshaw and Davis, are viewing the Roads from Wor’ster Meeting House and South of Wor’ster Pond, down by Capt. Brooks, and that by Squire Whipples; And Capt. Brooks, Lieutenant Baker, and Ensign Asa Brigham are measuring. They proceed as far as Mr. Nurse’s Corner. Squire Whipple is also with them that Measure.

1768 August 11 (Thursday). Ruth came to work here for Some Time. By Reason of so much Rain both Rye and Hay are put into the Barn too Damp; so that there is reason to fear they will mould.

1768 August 12 (Friday). Have been much applyed to my preparations for Several Days, and this in Special. May God grant I may feel, what I prepare!

1768 August 13 (Saturday). Much interrupted and hindered, So that although my designed forenoon-sermon in forward, my afternoon is not. Neighbour Nurse is here and helps me about my Hay at the Barn. Alex and J. Sorrowfully belated in bringing home a Load of Hay at Night. The Lord forgive us!

1768 August 14 (Sunday). Read Jer. 31. Preached on 1 Tim. 3.16. May God grant His Special Blessing! N.B. In the Close I was fervent and raised my Voice on Occasion of citing Act. 13.48, but instead of our glorifying the word of the Lord many Seemed to be Sound asleep. Mr. Thomas Twitchels weakly wife dined here. P.M. read Rom. 4 and preached upon it, especially had the 16 v. in view. In the Night a storm rose.

1768 August 15 (Monday). Between 1 and 2 o’Clock called up Alex. and John who with a Lanthorn went to the Barn to take Care of some Hay that lay exposed—but they could not do much, the Storm came on and we went to Bed again. Send by Elisha Forbes, two of Mr. Forbes’s MSS., viz. on Act. 17.23 and on Mat. 22.42 to be conveyed to him from Capt. Wolcotts. P.M. had purposed to go to Northborough but am prevented—go only as far as Mr. Jonathan Hows to get him to hew Timber for me. And visit Mr. John Maynard who is Sick of a Fever. I discoursed with him of the most serious Concerns. They treated me well but did not ask me to pray.

1768 August 16 (Tuesday). Mrs. P________ and Sophy to Marlborough. They had the Doctors Chaise: they return safe at Evening.

1768 August 17 (Wednesday). I rose early and rode to Sudbury to the Association Fast. Many attended of Ministers and Candidates, and of the people. Mr. Loring prayed and Mr. Stone preached a.m. on Heb. 5.12, a very plain, pertinent, useful Sermon; which may God please to bless and prosper! P.M. Mr. Smith prayed; I endeavoured to preach from Isa. 1.18. The Lord pardon what was amiss! Rode back with Mr. Smith, and lodged at his House.

1768 August 18 (Thursday). I returned home a.m. In my way, called at Coll. Williams’ and received a plan of an acre and half of Land, granted to me by the proprietors above a Year ago. At Eve came Mr. Moore from Rochester, but last from Oxford. Read Mr. Moses Hemenway on Joh. 6.27.

1768 August 19 (Friday). Mr. Moore and Mrs. P________ ride to Capt. Maynards. John Maynard is Still very Sick. My Mare gives great Trouble in plowing. Alexander Stimson finishes. Paid him 4 Dollars and gave him a Note for 4 more.

1768 August 20 (Saturday). Mr. Willard of Grafton (Candidate) here. Preaches at Mendon. P.M. I rode to Marlborough and Mr. Smith came here.

1768 August 21 (Sunday). Preached at Marlborough a. and p.m. on Heb. 4.2. After the Exercises Mr. Cyprian How carryed me in his Family Carriage, to Mr. Ebenezer Hagars to attend the Funeral of a Second Child which has dyed by Fever and Canker. Prayed and took leave. Capt. Ephraim Brigham brought me back in his Chaise to Mr. Smiths. Conversation was upon the great instability of young Candidates who turn to the episcopal party, and the gross imprudence of Laity of New England occasioned by Mr. Willard Wheelers lately returning from England, and preaching at Hopkinton. I returned home at Eve, as did Mr. Smith to Marlborough. His Texts were [blank].

1768 August 22 (Monday). Alexander came home from Framingham. Put in my Mare into the Team to plow, but at Eve She is turbulent. I have revived Agreement with Lt. Baker about his Templeton mare. Rode to Mr. Levi Warrin for Barn Boards. Mr. Hannaniah Parkers Wife here p.m. at Tea.

1768 August 23 (Tuesday). P.M. walked to Mr. Edwards Whipples to get him to frame for me, my designed addition to the Barn. Thence to Several Neighbours as I walked to Capt. Maynards to see John who remains bad. Capt. Jonas Brigham there. N.B. No request for prayer. Went to Mr. Benjamin How to get him to hew for me, and Succeeded.

1768 August 24 (Wednesday). Went a.m. to visit Mr. Daniel Miller who remains low in a Consumption. Conversed and prayed with him. P.M. Sarah and Susa visit at Mr. Andrews. Mr. Benjamin How, Alex and Benjamin Warrin go to the Ministerial Lot to get Timber for my Barn. At Eve with Lt. Baker about the Mare.

1768 August 25 (Thursday). Catechized Children at the Meeting House. 40 Boys a.m., 19 Girls p.m. Mrs. Martyn visits us and brings her sister Holyoke. They dine, and drink Tea, with us. Mr. How, Thad Warrin and my sons, hewing etc. Timber at the ministerial Lot.

1768 August 26 (Friday). Mr. How, Alex., and Jonathan Maynard at Ministerial Lot a.m. and finish the hewing. Deacon Wood and Neighbour Newton brought, each of them a Load of the Timber from the ministerial Lot; and dine with me. My sons with my own Team bring home two more Load, and a small Stock of Oake Boards from Mr. Fessendens, but which I buy of Mr. Levi Warrin.

1768 August 27 (Saturday). Alex. was indisposed—and did little besides preparing for his Journey.

1768 August 28 (Sunday). Read Jer. 32 and Chose v. 23 to discourse upon, with assistance from sermon on Mat. 20.6 from p. 13 to 16 with omissions and alterations. Master Jamison dined here. P.M. read Rom. 5, and preached on v. 1. Read the Brief for a Contribution to relieve the People of Montreal who were burnt out last April. Read to the Church the letter from the first Church of Rochester, requesting Assistance in the Ordination of Mr. Moore. There was a good Majority for it, but Mr. Daniel Forb. said it was needless. Mr. Batheric much the Same. Several others did not vote.

1768 August 29 (Monday). Alex goes to Sturbridge. Capt. Maynard pays Me £115 Old Tenor and I Sett off 400£ old Tenor by Mr. Ebenezer Maynards Note (in part of pay for the Swamp). P.M. Mr. Morse’s Training. I prayed with the Company, but refused to go to the Tavern. Payed Alexander Stimpson 4 Dollars which was in full.

1768 August 30 (Tuesday). I was Sorry when informed that the Company were late last night at Deacon Woods. It is pretended to be excused by Saying that a great Number of Wrestlers from Hopkinton came swaggering and challenging. Mrs. P________ had the Doctors Chaise and my old Mare; at Sunrise sat out to go to Boston. Gave her £105 old Tenor. [Marginal notation: My Barn enlarg’d.] Messrs. Edwards Whipple and his son Samuel, Zebulon Rice and Rich. Temple, began to frame the designed addition to my Barn. At 9 a.m. I took the Mare which I am buying of Lt. Baker, and rode to the Burial of Mr. Daniel Miller. P.M. I rode to Capt. Maynards—visit John, who is still sick. But though I have been three Times, have not been asked to pray with him. Had 3 thousand of Shingle Nails of Mrs. Maynard.

1768 August 31 (Wednesday). Rode to Mr. Jonah Warrins and buy of him a parcel of Boards. Some oak—some pitch pine, amounting to 447: and a parcel of slit work, about 30 feet. Thence to Forbes’s Saw Mill for more slitwork which I buy of Mr. Zebulon Rice. They were 80 feet. Mr. Whipple and son, Mr. Batherick and Rich Temple work at the Frame. W. p.m. 3 or 4 o’Clock Summons Hands to help raise, Mr. Whipple Supposing he shall be ready, and that 14 or 15 Hands can accomplish it. But we make it night before we begin. 25 persons are waiting—28 or 29 in all, to entertain; but got the Frame up.

1768 September 1 (Thursday). Mr. Whipple and his son, and Mr. Batheric come to work but are sadly hindered by having the Principals to raise, and are yet more for want of Boards fit for the Gable End—Mr. Nurse, who was to provide white Pine Boards, not coming with them. Nay I understand he is not So much as returned from his Journey in which he went to trade for them. So far is he from bringing them here, that he is not so much as gone for them. The work men break off a.m. and went home. However I perswaded them to stay and dine. P.M. borrowed Mr. Nurse’s Horse and rode to Mr. Amasa Maynards and agreed with him for some Boards, and John goes with a Team for them—brings 600, at 20/. Though I have already provided Nails for my Building, yet Mrs. P________ sends me by Mr. Joseph Green junior a large Quantity of both Board and shingle Nails.

1768 September 2 (Friday). Mr. Whipple, his son, and Mr. Batherick came to work, and they are covering and closing. N.B. Enoch Rice was here last night and this morning. I thought it best to comply with his Demand, rather than continue the Contest with him. I gave him a Note of 20£ old Tenor to be paid, next April. May God grant him a due sense of his Wickedness! and forgive both him and me! P.M. Alex. returns from Sturbridge.

1768 September 3 (Saturday). John goes with the Team to Mr. Amasa Maynard and brings 200 more of Boards. Mr. Whipple and son and Mr. Batherick work on the Barn and finish Covering and Closing except the Weather Boards. Alex. tends the Carpenters a.m., works in my new swamp p.m. P.M. Mrs. P________ returns from Boston and my son Samuel comes with her.

1768 September 4 (Sunday). Read Jer. 33 and p.m. Read Rom. 6. Was disappointed of Help in preaching—having writ to and depended, on Mr. Cushing to come, that he might go with me to Mr. Moore’s Ordination but he did not come. I was so hindered by the Barn and preparing my self for the Ordination that I was obliged to use a. and p.m. former Compositions, altered to the present Time, viz. on Hos. 9.12. We had a Contribution for Montreal. N.B. a Letter from Mr. Hutchinson to change the Private Meeting at Mr. Tainters, from Tuesday to Wednesday next: of which I gave the people Notice.

1768 September 5 (Monday). Deacon Bond excused himself from going with me to Mr. Moore’s ordination. Neither did Mr. Cushing come; I therefore Sat out alone in my Journey to Rochester. Went through Southborough to Mr. James Parker at his uncle Temple’s at Framingham to get him to preach for me next Sabbath: but very much in Vain. He said he would try to get Mr. Johnson who is a Candidate at Mr. Bridge’s. Called at Coll. Buckminsters and got them to look after and enforce it. Dined at Mr. Locks at Sherbourn. P.M. to Mr. Bucknams at Medway. At his House I never was till now. He accompanys me 4 or 5 Miles in my way to Mrs. Stimsons in Wrentham; Mr. John Messenger waits on my [sic] to Mr. Beans, where Mrs. Simson is. She receives me with great friendliness. At Man’s Tavern find Company from Oxford: viz. Rev. Bowman, Coll. Larned, Capt. Moore, his Brother Richard and Major Davis: also my Son Samuel who followed me from Westborough. We rode to Norton precinct. Mr. Bowman, Coll. L. and I lodged at Coll. Ephraim Leonards.

1768 September 6 (Tuesday). Mr. Richard Moore and my son came to us at Col. Leonards and were at Breakfast with us there. After kind Entertainment we proceed on our Journey to Taunton, a considerable Town and River—stop at Deans—at Washbourns, where we dine. Arrive, through Gods Goodness, at Mr. Ebenezer Perry’s in Rochester by about 4 p.m. where Mr. Moore lodge’s. The ministers gathered here. I lodged with Mr. Perkins of Bridgwater.

1768 September 7 (Wednesday). The Church met at Mr. Perrys. Council was formed. Mr. Perk. Moderator and prayed. Mr. Williams of Sandwich Scribe. Found the Steps the Church and Town had taken preparatory were regular. Deacon Foster desired Mr. Moore might be examined. He was briefly, but exhibited a Confession which was read and voted satisfactory both by the Church and the Council. Rev. Roland Thatcher opened the public Solemnity with prayer. Mr. Adams of Roxbury preached on 2 Cor. 1.5. The Moderator gave the solemn Charge; I gave the Right Hand. Went in to See Venerable old Mr. Ruggles who is in his 83d Year. Entertainment at Mr. Perrys and at Squire Ruggles’s. Lodged again at Mr. Perrys, and every Night that I continued in Rochester.

1768 September 8 (Thursday). Mr. Moore and I rode to Mr. Samuel Wests Lecture (at Dartmouth). I preached on 2 Cor. 3.15. After Lecture Mr. M. accompanyed me to the New Town that is building by the waterside, and which they call Bedford; chiefly by Capt. Roche, where we are civilly entertained. Return to Mr. Wests, and lodged there. Mr. W. is very entertaining l[illegible]ard.

1768 September 9 (Friday). We rode to Mr. Thomas Wests and dine there. Call at Lt. Winslows—he has now the 16th Child, by the same Wife. Visit old Mr. Ruggles, who is confined to his Bed, but able to converse. Return to Mr. Perrys.

1768 September 10 (Saturday). We ride to Sea-side, to Mr. Briggs’s Farm. Go in a Boat to the opposite Beach. Dine at Mr. Briggs. Mr. M. p.m. to Dartmouth to preach there.

1768 September 11 (Sunday). Preached a. and p.m. at Rochester on 2 Cor. 3.17.18. By Special Desire went to Mr. Ruggles’s at noon. Prayed with him before I went to meeting p.m. There after meeting also. At Mr. Perrys at Eve. Mr. M. returns from Dartmouth. Deacon Dexter visits us at 8 o’Clock.

1768 September 12 (Monday). Lt. Winslow and Mr. Haskill merchant were very obliging in assisting and procuring a sloop, for a sayling out in the Harbour. There went out with us old Mrs. Wing, and her Daughter Clark. After the sayling, Several of us went out a fishing, and we have a fine supper of Tautaugs.

1768 September 13 (Tuesday). Mr. Moore’s Brother Collins waited for me to be my Company in my Journey. We rode to Titicutt and dined there (at Mr. Reeds)—but Collins wants to go to the Ordination at Mendon and therefore leaves me. Mr. Reed rides with me part of the way to Mr. Perkins’s at Bridgwater where I lodged.

1768 September 14 (Wednesday). By Directions I set out from Bridgwater. Came to Capt. Leonards at Easton—who directs me through the Woods to Mr. Gannetts in Stoughtonham, where I dine with Mrs. Quincy—view the Mine. Call at Mr. Curtis’s. Visit Cousen Bradshaw, and lodge there. N.B. their Daughter Sarah in a low, pained, confined state.

1768 September 15 (Thursday). Call at Mr. Paysons in Walpole. N.B. his wife languishes. Visit Squire Adams at Medfield—and Mr. Thomas Adams—his Library—dined at Mr. Townsends with Mr. Moses Adams and Mr. Jason Whitney who were returning from Mendon Ordination. Call at Mr. Locks in Sherbourn—Coll. Buckminsters—Mr. Stones—old Madam Thatcher there. Through divine Goodness, arrive safe and find my Tabernacle in Peace, but it is between 9 and 10 o’Clock at Night. Mrs. P________ informs that Billys wife and Child have been here, and are gone home. Hannah is come home. Mr. Lovel and his wife (Lydia’s sister), Mr. Forbes—Mr. Putnam, have been here. That Mr. Hutchinson preached on the 7th at Mr. Tainters—that Mr. Goddard preached on the 11th on Cant. 2.16 and on Mat. 5.25.

1768 September 16 (Friday). Vid. Natal. My Meditations and Preparations are on Bondage by the Fear of Death, from Heb. 2. John has so slic’d off the Ball of one of his forefingers and part of another that he can do very little work.

1768 September 17 (Saturday). Go on with my Preparations but can’t finish them.

1768 September 18 (Sunday). Read Jer. 34. According to the Time with me, I treated of the Character and Duty of an old Disciple: from Act. 13.4. Mnason etc. [Editor’s note: see Act. 21.16.] Used a. and p.m. Sermon on Prov. 16.31. May it have a proper Effect upon me, and on every old Person! P.M. read Rom. 9.

1768 September 19 (Monday). A.M. attended the Funeral of Mr. Whipples dead born Infant, and visit Mr. Joseph Grouts Sick Child. Dined at Capt. Jonathan Fays. Visit at Mr. Whitneys and bespeak 1/2 dozen Chairs for Suse. Committee to lay out the County Road meet at Capt. Ben. Fays.

1768 September 20 (Tuesday). The Town Meet in Complyance with a Request from the Town of Boston to choose a Representative to meet at a Convention, to consult what is best to be done, in Case Several Regiments Shall come, as expected, to enforce the late Acts relating to the Customs, or Dutys etc. They choose Capt. Maynard. Mr. Forbes here and lodges; but his Horse is at his Brother Rice’s.

1768 September 21 (Wednesday). Mr. F. goes to wait upon the Superior Court at Worcester, in the Cause depending between Mr. Frink and the people of New Rutland. I visit Capt. Maynards Family, his sons Wife, Mrs. Amsden, and Solomon Maynard being sick. Captain goes to Boston p.m. Alexander leaves us to go to Sturbridge. John goes as far as Worcester to bring back the Horse, which his Brother rode upon. Miss Betty Gott came.

1768 September 22 (Thursday). The Girls are quilting a Bed-Quilt for Suse. Ruth Bellows at noon to Spin.

1768 September 23 (Friday). Miss Betty is detained here by the weather. She and Hannah Draper quilting. No Help expected in my Lecture. Preached my Self on Joh. 14.15.

1768 September 24 (Saturday). Received a Letter from Dr. Crosby by Desire of Mr. Sumner to assist at a Fast at Shrewsbury next Thursday, which I consent to.

1768 September 25 (Sunday). Read Jer. 35. Preached a.m. on 1 Tim. 3.16—“believed on in the World.” Administered the Lords Supper. Master Jamison dined here. P.M. Read Rom. 8. Preached on Heb. 2.15, which subject my mind was much exercised upon. May God please to prosper it to my own Help! Read a Letter from Charlton to the Church. They vote Complyance. Received a Letter from Mr. Sumner himself concerning their Fast.

1768 September 26 (Monday). Mrs. P________ rides to Capt. Maynards to get Money for Suse, but very much in Vain. Am variously employed to promote her Journey to Boston.

1768 September 27 (Tuesday). Am still endeavouring to accommodate my Daughters Sarah and Suse for their Journey, for which I ride to Mr. Haskills, but in vain—and a Number of Houses besides. Dine at Mr. Abraham Bonds. Visit at Mr. Barns’s—at Mr. Bathericks—Beetons—Lt. Bakers at Eve, and succeed.

1768 September 28 (Wednesday). Sarah and Suse in Dr. Hawes Chaise, and Lt. Bakers Horse, Set out for Boston. P.M. Mr. John Balls wife here—examined. My son Ebenezer came from Brookfield.

1768 September 29 (Thursday). My Son goes to Watertown. I have Mr. Bathericks Horse to go to the Fast at Shrewsbury on account of the Public Distresses. There is no other Minister to assist Mr. Sumner. He prays and I preached a.m. My Text was Ezek. V.5 to 9. I prayed and preached p.m. Text was Mat. 24.12. There was a good attendance. I wish a divine Influence might be afforded! Mr. Hawley of Mashpee came to us there, after Meeting, upon his Journey to Northampton. Visit Capt. Nathaniel Allen who is confined by a bad Toe, which tis feared will mortifie. Called at Mr. Samuel Fays in my return home at Night.

1768 September 30 (Friday). We have daily Sorrowful News of our public Affairs—that two Regiments are come to Boston from Hallifax under Lieut. Col. Dalrymple—that the Governor and Council are in Contests about the posting these Troops. His Excellency insists that they Shall be quartered, partly in the Town, as well as part of them at Castle William.

1768 October 1 (Saturday). My Son Ebenezer returned from Watertown: and pursues his Journey home. Mr. Jacob Rice came towards Night and tarrys here. At Night came Sarah and Suse from Boston. They inform that Six more Men of War are come in to Nantasket—that the People of Boston are in Consternation. My son Samuel is gone to live at Mr. Hopestill Capon’s for a Year. That Neptune, Mr. Loyds young Negro is to be buryed this Day.

1768 October 2 (Sunday). Read Jer. 36. Mr. Rice preaches for me a. and p.m. on Joh. 9.4. Read p.m. Rom. 9. Mrs. Maynard at Dinner.

1768 October 3 (Monday). Deacon Bond and Mr. Daniel Forbes accompanying me as Delegates, I sat out about 9 a.m. for Charlton. Called at Mr. Hutchinsons—dined at Mr. Halls, but he was gone to Yarmouth. My Brethren dined at the Tavern. We arrived at Mr. Bowmans before night. The Delegates proceeded to Charlton, but I was So importuned that I could not go from Oxford. Visit at Capt. Moores and invite him, his wife and Children to our House on the 13th—also Mr. Bowman and Lady—lodge there.

1768 October 4 (Tuesday). Mr. Bowman and I to Charlton. Meet at Mr. John Edwards—repair to Mr. McIntire’s, where the Council forms—and after Prayer (by me as moderator, Rev. Messrs. Maccarty and Davis Scribes) we repair to the Meeting House, and a.m. obliged to open the Council by Prayer there, though I would fain have been excused. Soon adjourned—for Dinner which was at Mr. Twiss’s—where also I lodged. The Partys very averse to one another through the Hearing.

1768 October 5 (Wednesday). Rev. Stiles prayed at opening the Council to day. We go on with the tedious Hearing. Mr. Buckminster Seemed to be too much of an Advocate. I gave him Some hint in the Assembly. At Eve he somewhat resented it—but Mr. Stiles gave him to understand that it was the mind of others, which I had delivered. He was afterwards Silent about it: and reformed. He was very instrumental afterwards in accomplishing a Coalition which was (We hope) Successfull. We dined to Day at Mr. Edwards’s. Lodged at the same House that I did before. Mr. Stiles and Dr. Morse of Sutton, entertaining in Conversation.

1768 October 6 (Thursday). Mr. Buckminster prays. We go on for some time—but a Compromising and Reconcilement was promoted. Dine at Mr. Twiss’s. P.M. It is effected. At Eve adjourn and retire to McIntire’s for Refreshment and transcribing the proposed plan for accommodation. When we return to the meeting House it is read to the Partys, and accepted by them. Mr. Curtis Signs it, all the aggrieved sign, except Mr. Daniel Williams. The Brethren of the Church, chiefly, Sign also—and a Number of the Congregation. This was to our great Joy. It was followed by pathetic Exhortations etc. I prayed after the Result of the Council was read. Then the Moderator declared this Council was dissolved. Lodged at Mr. Twiss’s.

1768 October 7 (Friday). Deacon Moses Weld was my Company to Sturbridge. First to Col. Marcy’s, who is confined by Sickness—then to Alexanders fulling Mill, Shop etc. Mr. Bullard is at work for him, rebuilding the Wheel etc. Went in to Mr. Plimton’s, of whom Alexander hires. Dined at Mr. Paine’s. Proceeded to Capt. Ezek. Uphams, to Deacon Welds, and to Brookfield. Deacon Weld kindly conducting me as far as Capt. Wolcotts: where I find Lowder, the Post-Rider who delivers the News, both written and Oral. I then hasten to Mr. Forbes’—get there seasonably—and lodge there.

1768 October 8 (Saturday). Mr. Forbes goes to Mr. Conklin, that the latter may go to Mr. Sumner, who is to go to Westborough. I visit my son; where are the young Indians; a Girl, who is much grown up, and two Boys—Oneidas. Dine at my Son Baldwins. Visit my old Neighbour Hardy. Return at Eve to my son Forbes’ and lodge there again.

1768 October 9 (Sunday). Preached at Brookfield a.m. on Ezek. 5, v. 5 to 9. P.M. on John 12.35. Which may God succeed! At Eve Mr. Forb. returns home. Lodged there again.

1768 October 10 (Monday). Took Mr. Forbes’ Mare and a Chaise which he provided, leaving my Mare for him—and his Wife rode with me to Westborough. Called at Mr. Eaton’s. Dined at Mr. Sergeants (Gratis)—at Mr. Maccartys—he perswades me to call and see the poor Condemned Criminal, Arthur, of but 18 years. Conversed and prayed with him. Stopped and refreshed at Mr. Sumners—who tells me that Mr. Whitney preached for me yesterday. Arrived here before Dark in safety. D.G.

1768 October 11 (Tuesday). [No entry.]

1768 October 12 (Wednesday). Mr. Ebenezer Chamberlain comes to ask me and my Wife to his House tomorrow, to attend the Marriage of his Daughter Martha. P.M. visit Mr. Beeton who had his Leg broke at the Raising of Mr. Maynards saw Mill.

1768 October 13 (Thursday). Mr. Moore came a.m., informs of the Death of Mr. Ward at College: newly chose Librarian in his stead. Called at Mr. Sherman Bellows to see his Wife. I rode down to Mr. Chamberlins, and marryed David Brigham to his Daughter Martha; but did not stay to dine, for I had promised to return home to my own Company which by this Time were come. My Sons William and Breck, with Williams Wife came last night. Mr. Forbes, Mr. Cushing this morning. Mr. Collins Moore, Messrs. Ballard and Barton and their Wives, Miss Sarah Moore, my son Alexander, came, a.m. I dined with them though late—nigh 3 o’Clock. Capt. Maynard and his Wife came. Mr. Whitney and his Wife, and Sister Martyn likewise. Towards Eve My Daughter Susanna was marryed to Mr. Moore. Mr. Whitney prayed first—I delivered the Covenant. This done, Mr. Forbes prayed. [Then?] we Sang Dr. Watts’s Imitation of Ps. 45. After which was a Repast of Cake, Wine etc. but Mr. Whitney, his Wife, and Mrs. Martyn hastened away that they might not be in the night—and Capt. Maynard etc. took 7 of my Company with them to lodge and keep their Horses. Alexander also went with them and lodged there. May God accept us in Jesus Christ! May the New Marryed be Espoused to Him! And be made rich and lasting Blessings!

1768 October 14 (Friday). Mr. Forbes and his Wife, Billy, his Wife, and Breck, left us a.m. The Oxford Company returned from Capt. Maynards and dined here; as did Mr. Cushing and his Sister. But p.m. they all left us. N.B. Miss Bridget has been with us for some Time. But now (after Tea) returns home with her Brother. N.B. Breck has made a Garden Gate and hung it with Hinges which Mr. Nurse has brought me gratis.

1768 October 15 (Saturday). [No entry.]

1768 October 16 (Sunday). Read Jer. 37. Preached on 1 Tim. 3.16, “believed on in the world.” P.M. read Rom. 10. Mr. Moore preached on Rev. 5.12. Read to the Church a Letter from the Church of Ashburnham, which is complyed with, and Squire Whipple and Mr. Tainter were Delegates. I gave the Church Some Account of what the Council did at Charlton. I also mentioned to them the great Slackness of the Brethren of the Church in their watch over those who neglect to bring their Children to Baptism (having especially in my Mind, but I did not express any name, Jonas Bradish) and complained to them of many others who lived in this Neglect—neither did they watch over those who had owned the Covenant and yet did not walk orderly, as I had reason to fear.

1768 October 17 (Monday). Mr. Moore is desirous to go to Oxford and Brookfield, but is not accommodated with an Horse that will go in a Carriage. P.M. I rode up to Capt. Jonathan Fays and to Mr. Thomas Whitneys about Cyder. Mr. Cushing who preached yesterday at Marlborough returns this way and lodges here. Master Jamison sends me 4 Magazines from Mr. Mein.

1768 October 18 (Tuesday). Mr. Cushing (after earnest sollicitation to go to his Ordination) leaves us p.m. Attend a Catechetical Exercise—but 9 persons Came, 4 of which are out of my own Family.

1768 October 19 (Wednesday). Mr. Moore and Suse having the Doctors Chaise and my Mare, set out p.m. for Oxford. I rode Mr. Moore’s Horse to visit in the South Part of the Town. Went to Mr. Whitneys, forwarding Chairs for Suse. Called at a Number of Houses; but especially (as my chief Design was) at Mr. Joseph Morse’s, and Mr. John Balls. When I returned, met at the stables Mr. Tainter and his Wife, who had been here. Fast at Stow, which I could not attend.

1768 October 20 (Thursday). The Day of the Execution of Arthur, who was condemned for committing a Rape: but I could not go to Worcester. Send by John a (designed) fat Cow to be kept at Mr. Solomon Bakers.

1768 October 21 (Friday). Hear frequently of the great Perplexitys which the Town of Boston are thrown into.

1768 October 22 (Saturday). Mr. Aaron Nurse hooping my Barrells etc. Mr. Tim. Warrin takes Care of some Barrells, to carry them to Jonathan Forbes’s, and Thomas Bonds, to be filled with Cyder. His Son brings me the former.

1768 October 23 (Sunday). Read Jer. 38. Preached on 1 Tim. 3.16. P.M. read Rom. 11. Preached on Eccl. 7.17 occasioned by the Death of Arthur, Negro, executed last Thursday. Mrs. Betty Gott dined here and with her a young Gentleman from Springfield to wait on her. His Name Stebbins. They design to proceed tomorrow.

1768 October 24 (Monday). [No entry.]

1768 October 25 (Tuesday). Attended the funeral of a young Child of Phinehas Gleason. At Noon, having received Invitation by Dr. Hawes, from the Medical society now a second Time, I rode to Col. Williams’s and dined with them. Mr. Smith was Sent for and dined with them also. I returned at Eve. A Number of Neighbours came in the Afternoon, and cut up the Corn of the West field, and part of the North, and this Evening husked. There were about 20. They were chiefly Mr. David Maynard, Zebulun Rice, Edwards Whipple, Tainter, Lieut. Baker, McCullock, Neighbour Newton, Joseph Bond and James Bellows, Isaac Miller etc. etc., but it rained and beat them off, when they had husked about half of what they had gathered. Mr. Moore and Suse came from Brookfield this Eve. It rained hard before they arrived.

1768 October 26 (Wednesday). Mr. Moore leaves us after Dinner to go to Boston and take Care of Goods etc. which were bought for Suse, and left at Loyds. P.M. Mr. Ephraim Sherman and Mr. Jotham Bush here. Bush talks of having the Council called together again, which sat at Shrewsbury last Winter.

1768 October 27 (Thursday). The weather so cold and the Corn so wet, John can accomplish but little in the harvesting. He carrys Apples and Barrell to Mr. Bakers Cyder Mill. He trys for help in Husking, but no body encourages him. Mr. Joseph Green junior brings a Message from Mr. Gleason to desire me to Visit his Wife. I Catechized a. and p.m. 42 Boys and 28 Girls. After Catechizing Visit Mrs. Gleason and prayed with her.

1768 October 28 (Friday). In many perplexitys about getting in the rest of the Corn—It being too much for John. A great part of that which was husked lying abroad and a great Body of husks, which had been wet with the storm—several Load yet in the Field—and not easy to get any Hand to help. Friday with me and can’t go my self—and am to be gone (with leave of Providence) next week—but p.m. Nathan Maynard junior and his Brother Nehemiah came and cut up and carted the Corn from the Field, and about 20 at Evening husked it out, and got in great part of the Husks.

1768 October 29 (Saturday). Have had too many avocations and Interruptions—can’t prepare for tomorrow p.m.

1768 October 30 (Sunday). Read Jer. 39. Preached on 1 Tim. 3.16, last Clause. P.M. read Rom. 12. Repeated on Prov. 18.10 to p. 9.

1768 October 31 (Monday). Visit Mrs. Gleason and pray with her. Dined with the Artillery Company at Dr. Crosbys. Mr. Sumner dines with one of the Shrewsbury Companys; there being two of them and all three met in a Pasture North of widow Hastings—to exercise. Neighbour Morse was the chief leader: Ensign Asa Brigham and Mr. John Drury, Captains of the Other. I returned to visit Mrs. Gleason, who was very bad: and then went up to Mr. Sumners, at his Special Request, and lodged there.

1768 November 1 (Tuesday). Mr. Sumner and I sat out for Ashburnham. At Mr. Morse’s by nine who goes with us: called at Mr. Mellens. Proceed to Leominster and we (Ministers) dined at Mr. Gardners. Arrived safe at Capt. Wilders (in Ashburnham) at Eve.

1768 November 2 (Wednesday). All that were sent to for this Ordination came. There was neither Pastor nor Delegates (I suppose) absent. I was chose Moderator and prayed at the Opening of the Council. The Church of Ashburnham were very unanimous and fervent for Mr. Cushing. One Mr. Foster had a Difficulty with the Church; but he was by no means willing to clogg the Ordination. He was not a member of that, but of Lunenburg Church, but we put him and the Church into a way of Peace. Mr. Cushing gave a Confession of his Faith, which was read before the Council and Church; and it was accepted. In public Mr. Farrar prayed, Mr. Jacob Cushing preached on Gal. 1.11.12. I gave the Charge, Mr. Asaph Rice prayed after the Charge, and Mr. Morse the Right Hand. May God accept us, and command His Blessing! The Evening afforded good Singing, but when it grew late, Some young Men who could be accommodated with lodgings, were too musical and airy, to our Disturbance. For which

1768 November 3 (Thursday). In the Morning I gave them admonition, which was Strengthened by my Brother Morse: and it had, I hope, some good Effect. We returned by Westminster, and dined at Mr. Rice’s. Deacon Wood and Brother Tainter dined at Mr. [blank] Harringtons. Got to Mr. Morse’s at Evening and were refreshed there. Called at Lt. Martyns and went in to see his Mother. Arrived [here?] in safety before it was late. Thanks to God our gracious Preserver. Mrs. P________ informs me that Miss Bulah Bent and with her the Widow Ball, has been here to see us, on the 1st instant, as was Mr. Barrett.

1768 November 4 (Friday). Miss Nanny Brigham here for several Days to help in Suse’s preparations.

1768 November 5 (Saturday). Rode to Shrewsbury, in complyance with Mr. Sumners request to Change.

1768 November 6 (Sunday). Mr. Sumner to Westborough and returned home at Eve. He preached a. and p.m. on Luk. and baptized a Child of Mr. Edmund Rice. I preached at Shrewsbury a. and p.m. on 2 Cor. 4.16, occasioned partly by the late Death of Mr. Abraham Knowlton, a serious, godly man, who was buryed (in Shrewsbury) last Friday. I returned home at Eve.

1768 November 7 (Monday). [No entry.]

1768 November 8 (Tuesday). Mr. Nurse has brought Suses goods, from Watertown and Boston. Mrs. P________ and I rode to Mr. Williams’s to attend the Marriages of two of his grand-Daughters, Abigail and Ruth, the former to Nathan Kenny, the other to Reuben Pratt. Sung part of Ps. 45. They made a decent Entertainment. May God grant His Blessing!

1768 November 9 (Wednesday). Mr. Bowman of Oxford, and Mr. Ballard (with a Team) go to Boston. Send by them to Samuel. P.M. Mrs. Bowman and her little son, Mrs. Baker and Miss Polly, make us a Visit.

1768 November 10 (Thursday). Richard Temple comes to thrash my Rye notwithstanding the Storm—send John to Mr. Solomon Bakers for my fat Cow which he has been pasturing. Put up the Mare and fat Cow. Am upon my preparations. The glorious subject is Jesus Christ.

1768 November 11 (Friday). Mr. Wheelock marking Suse’s Pewter. Mr. Tainter dines here. P.M. went to Mr. Tim. Warrins on Sarah’s Account for an Horse to go to Rochester next Week, but in Vain. Alexander here, from Sturbridge. At Eve Mr. Bowman of Oxford from Boston, but goes to his Wife at his Mother Bakers.

1768 November 12 (Saturday). Alexander to Framingham. I write by him to Mr. Stone to preach my Lecture next Thursday, and concerning the Association Fasts. Mr. Ballard of Oxford from Boston, calls and brings what Nurse’s Team left—viz. a Frying Pan. He informs that two Regiments more of Troops, are arrived.

1768 November 13 (Sunday). Read Jer. 40. Preached on 1 Tim. 3.16. P.M. read Rom. 13 and delivered the rest of the Discourse on Prov. 18.10 for my preparing the forenoon sermon had taken up so much of my Time that I could not get any Thing Special for the Day ready; this being the first Lords Day of the New Year with me and this Church. I endeavoured to take due Notice of it in the first Prayer; and the Sermon was Suited to the sorrowfull Times in this Province, and at Boston in peculiar. N.B. Richard Temple having worked here 3 Days, tarrys over sabbath. At Eve read in Mr. Hemingway on Joh. 6.27.

1768 November 14 (Monday). Mr. Batherick informs me between one and two o’Clock of a Town Meeting to Day, partly on Account of my support. I was sorry I had no warning, Since [I am so unprepared?]. P.M. Squire Barnard and Mr. [Marsh?] of Sutton here and acquaint me with what Mr. Chaplains Church have done relating to Church Government and what a late Council have advised the agrieved to do. Lt. Baker informs that this Town have done no otherwise than last Year, viz. have granted 500£ old Tenor, and nother [sic] further for Wood. I hereupon sent in a Line to Shew that I could not discharge my Ministerial Duty without they also provide my Wood. But I understand it was without avail. At Eve came my son Ebenezer and his Daughter Elizabeth. Also at Night came Alexander from Framingham.

1768 November 15 (Tuesday). P.M. Mr. Sears came with a Team from Rochester, and dined here. Afterwards Mr. Moore, accompanyed with Deacon Foster, Capt. White, Mr. Zeph. Bri[ges?] and Lt. Winslow from Rochester dined here—And at Eve, Mr. Collins Moore from Oxford. No Success to even our best Endeavours to get an Horse for my Daughter Sarah. John also would fain go with his sister, but in [Vain?]. Neighbours keep aloof from us (except Mrs. Maynard who came here Yesterday). Send six Horses to so many Neighbours.

1768 November 16 (Wednesday). The Company leave us. The Team with Goods—Mr. Moore in a Chaise with span of Horses. My Suse leaves me! May God go with her! Sarah also, upon my Mare: and I have obtained Dr. Hawes’ Horse for John who joins them. Temple (who thrashes) takes Care of the Creatures. P.M. Ruth Bellows, who has lived with us Some time, now goes away also.

1768 November 17 (Thursday). Mr. Stone came and dined here. He preached my Lecture on Ps. 25.10. A useful Savoury Sermon. The Lord Succeed it to us all!

1768 November 18 (Friday). Mr. Morse came to offer me Beef—I buy a Quarter @ 1/3. Mr. Phinehas Maynard came upon the Same Errand: but am supplyed.

1768 November 19 (Saturday). Mr. Morse brings home the Beef—weighs 108 lbs. He brings 1/2 bushel of Salt (which is 14/) and he cutts out the Meat. Temple, by means of the Storm, can’t winnow the Rye. He gets John Rogers, from Arnolds, to help him Pitch up the Straw etc.

1768 November 20 (Sunday). It being a Severe storm Deacon Wood came before Meeting to know my Mind about putting by the Sacrament, but when we went to Meeting there came so many that I thought it Duty to proceed. Omitted Reading. Preached on Mark 14.14.15 and was brief in the Administration. Mr. Jameson dined here, as did Mrs. Bowker from Simsbury, accompanyed by her sisters Warrin and Kendall. P.M. Omitted Reading—few were present. Repeated on Isa. 55.6 to the End of page 6. At Eve Mrs. P________ gave me a Letter from Alexander which he wrote in the House, before he left us last Wednesday, of his Case at Framingham.

1768 November 21 (Monday). Went up to Lt. Bakers and agree with him to get my Wood again, the ensuing Year. Temple goes to work otherwhere. P.M. I walked out to Mr. Pratts, Maynards and Beetons to get an Horse to go to Framingham. Obtain Mr. Beetons—but it rained and Snowed So that I could not go to Day. Yet my Heart is full. The Lord look upon our Distresses, and forgive our Offences!

1768 November 22 (Tuesday). I rose early—and though it snowed I delayed not. Rode to Framingham. Went to Mr. Browns; just Saw Kezia and She retired, so that I saw her no more. Dined there. Mixed our mournings. He agrees to go this Afternoon to the Town Clerk, Mr. Lawson Buckminster and I wrote to him my Sons Desire to be published. In returning home called at Mr. Bridge’s, at Capt. Wards, and Mr. Stones.

1768 November 23 (Wednesday). Am now concerned to get a Letter to Alexander to inform him of what I had done, and what was expected from him. Wrote but know no way to Send. O that God would Support and direct us! Mr. Joseph Willard from Mendon here, having received a Call from the people there. He goes over to Northborough. The select Men having a Meeting at the Meeting House Capt. Jonas Brigham came in, Smoked and was sociable, and invited us to his House, as if nothing had been amiss.

1768 November 24 (Thursday). Though it was a foul Day, Mr. Smith kindly visited and dined here. At Eve came Ebenezer, John and Sarah, having Sat out from Rochester yesterday, and lodged at Wrentham last night; they broke fast at Mr. Bucknams, and dined at Mr. Barretts. Thomas Arnold was married to Margaret Pratt.

1768 November 25 (Friday). Ebenezer tarrys with us. Richard Temple, who lodged here, takes Charge of a Letter to Alexander to leave it, at Dr. Bartons at Oxford, in his way to Killingley. Ebenezer has made and now hangs and fitts a stable Door, for my new Stable. John goes with the Team to Lt. Bakers for 4 Sleepers for Stable Floor—brings but three, and those but small ones.

1768 November 26 (Saturday). Ebenezer though it is foul Weather, Setts out for Brookfield. N.B. I gave him two Dollars for what he had expended for his sister Sarah etc., in the Journey to and from Rochester. John went to Mr. Tainters with the Team and brought a Barrell of Cyder, and apples for Apple-sauce.

1768 November 27 (Sunday). A Snow storm. Omitt Reading a. and p.m. Preached this once more on 1 Tim. 3.16. Mr. Jamison, Mr. Tainter (Simon) and Mr. George Smith, dined here. P.M. went on with Sermon on Isa. 55.6. O that God would give success, to our Eternal Benefit! I could not but be fervent but am afraid of being over Earnest, lest I fall into Some Indecencys. The Lord forgive what was amiss!

1768 November 28 (Monday). Gave my Self to my Preparations for Thanksgiving.

1768 November 29 (Tuesday). Closely engaged. Mrs. P________ undergoes the Labour of preparing her Years Apple-sauce. Apples and Cyder she has of Mr. Tainter. Master Jamison makes me a Visit and invites me to his Fast tomorrow, it being St. Andrews Day: but I must be quite otherwise employ’d. He speaks to me also about joining to our Church that he may partake of the Sacrament. At Eve Mr. Daniel Hardy here: desires me to preach at his House next Tuesday.

1768 November 30 (Wednesday). Mr. Zebulun Rice here, at my request, to view some Plank, which I have from Jonathan Forbes for a stable Floor; but which he thinks will not answer my End, and therefore I send them back to the saw-Mill by Jonas Kenny. Richard Temple comes in the Night from Connecticut and lodges here.

1768 December 1 (Thursday). Thanksgiving. I preached on Rev. 19.6.7. Many Strangers, I understand, were at Meeting. May it please God to accept our Sacrifices! Master Jamison dines with us. At Eve I married Thomas Hale junior of Brookfield and Ruth Hardy, Daughter of Mr. Phinehas Hardy.

1768 December 2 (Friday). Read chiefly in Vol. 1 of Admirable and memorable Historys of our Times (but writ above an hundred years since). Was at Mr. Nurse’s and Settle Accounts with him: and paid all as we supposed.

1768 December 3 (Saturday). Rode to Southborough. Bought 1 3/4 Broadcloth of Capt. Ward, who gave in 1/2 Quarter of Cloth besides (it being a Remnant) and 1/4 of Tea. Mr. Stone to Westborough. I lodged there.

1768 December 4 (Sunday). I preached at Southborough on Phil. 1.21 a. and p.m. Returned home at Evening. Mr. Stone preached here on Ezra 9.8, his late Thanksgiving Sermon. P.M. he preached on 1 Chron. 17.13. I met him in the Rain going home. Mrs. P________ was gone over to Capt. Maynards, their young Child being extreme bad.

1768 December 5 (Monday). Before sunrise Solomon Maynard came for me to go to Capt. Maynards. I went presently—but the Child expired just before I got there. I prayed with them. Captain had met with a bad Fall and hurt him much especially in his Back. My Wife had been up with them in their Distresses almost all night. I now brought her home. Temple (who worked for me last Saturday in building me an Hovel at the East End of the Barn and had lodged here till this morning) goes to work at Lt. Bakers. P.M. Dr. Hawes and his wife make us a Visit.

1768 December 6 (Tuesday). Preached at Mr. Daniel Hardys on Joh. 13.17 to p. 6. May God add His Blessing! N.B. Mr. Jonah Warrin and Mr. Hardy accost me about the 99 just persons in Mat. 18.12, which they say I preached upon some years ago; and gave a sense they did not like, whereas I gave them the Sense of learned Expositors upon it. Sarah to Capt. Maynards.

1768 December 7 (Wednesday). Mrs. P________ and I ride to Capt. Maynards at their Request by Sarah, to dine there. P.M. attend the Burying of their Child, Elizabeth.

1768 December 8 (Thursday). Full of Concern that Alexander does not come from Sturbridge in order to his going to Framingham. Persis Newton here to work. She is making a Coat for Elias, of Cloth I have bought at Capt. Wards of Southborough. Mr. Batheric at Eve.

1768 December 9 (Friday). The Twins, Joseph and Benjamin Rice, lately come from Annapolis, came to See me. N.B. Persis had finished Elias’s Coat before noon, and went home, though she began it but little before noon yesterday.

1768 December 10 (Saturday). Wrote again to Alexander and Send it to Deacon Wood for Conveyance. Mr. John Mead here, and wish earnestly I could make any good Impression upon him. May God pity him! We are much grieved on the Account of Alexander.

1768 December 11 (Sunday). Omitt Reading still it being Stormy. Preached on 2 Cor. 5.5. The former part of the v. a.m., the latter p.m., but therefrom carryed on the Discourse begun from Heb. 2.15, which a Variety of Providences had caused me to discontinue. Was my self so affected therewith that I can’t but wish that others also might be so. Mrs. Maynard dined with us. At Night I gave solemn Warning to my Children etc.

1768 December 12 (Monday). Am exceeding uneasy at Alexanders Delay. Deacon Wood and Mr. Tainter killed a Cow for me—weighed, the Quarters 332. And an Hog. Miss Pamela Mellen came, and lodges here. Mr. Gleason new setts and corks my mares Shooes: for I know not what is before me. Desire to committ all my Case to God!

1768 December 13 (Tuesday). Ride over to Capt. Maynard as the Principal Friend I can trust with my distressing Trouble. He can’t go to Day, would go tomorrow early; but will Send his son John forthwith, and he goes accordingly to Sturbridge to see why my son does not come down. I rode to Mr. Whitney’s at Northborough to see his Wife, who was delivered of a Child last Saturday Evening. They having called him Thomas Lambert. I dined there (having called to see Mrs. Martyn). Returned at Evening. Found my son Alexander here. He tells me he went to Framingham last Saturday Night—was marryed last Evening to Mr. Browns Daughter Kezia. Deacon Wood, Mr. Tainter and Mr. Zebulun Rice here to cutt out and salt up my Beef and Pork, which was killed yesterday. The Cow’s Quarters weighed [blank]. The Hog weighed 253.

1768 December 14 (Wednesday). Alexander setts out early for Sturbridge. Hear the sorrowfull News of the Death of Mr. John Curtis (son of Capt. Curtis) of Worcester by a Cart, on Waltham plain last might. Mr. John Wood comes at Eve and confirms it, having come from thence and seen the Corps. O what a Warning to be always ready! The Lord grant me His Grace!

1768 December 15 (Thursday). Ruth Bellows comes again to spin here. N.B. Mr. [blank] Child here last Evening to desire me to preach at their House: as Mr. Jonah Warrin had been here to request me to Preach at his when the next private Meeting shall return.

1768 December 16 (Friday). Mr. Elisha Corben of Dudley, here, to desire me to go to a Council which he is calling, assisted by thirteen others of the Church being under Grievance by Some late transactions of the Church there but I utterly refuse to go: direct him to Mr. Maccarty.

1768 December 17 (Saturday). Very Short of Wood. The Door wholly empty. The Baker Team brings Some at Eve: but I don’t love to be thus reduced.

1768 December 18 (Sunday). Omitted Reading, this Short, cold Stormy Day. Preached on Eccl. 3.14. On Occasion of Several Sorrowfull Deaths of late, viz. Mr. Curtis’s and Dr. Young’s last Tuesday Night. This latter (Dr. Joseph Young of Hopkinton) was killed by an heavy Rider falling upon Him as he was creeping through a log Fence, in the Evening after the 13th. May God grant His Blessing to accompany both His Word and Providence! Master Jamison dined with us.

1768 December 19 (Monday). Visit and pray with Lt. Thomas Forb. who is very ill, of nervous hypochondriac Disorders. Hear of 3d Person killed last Tuesday—one [blank] of Holliston.

1768 December 20 (Tuesday). Rode with Mrs. P________ to our Shrewsbury Corner. Visit Mr. William Nurse and Mr. Artemas Bruce’s Wife, who is very weakly and long confined. Dined at the Widow Smiths (or her son in Law, Child’s). She is still in a very distressed, melancholy, desponding state. I preached there (according to appointment last Lords Day). My Text was the forepart of Ps. 43—to page 10 of the Discourse. As we returned we visited Mr. Moses Brigham who also is very weak and has not been at Meeting a great while. We supped there.

1768 December 21 (Wednesday). I visit Mr. Williams as I pass over to Mr. Whipples saw Mill after Plank. Mr. Cushing from Ashburnham—and lodges here. He brings me Mr. Maccartys sermon on the Execution of Arthur, from the Author.3

1768 December 22 (Thursday). Mr. Cushing dines here. P.M. returns to Shrewsbury notwithstanding the Storm.

1768 December 23 (Friday). Mr. Keys of Ashby here and dines. Wrote to Billy by him and Send Samuels late Letter, of the Condition of Boston etc.

1768 December 24 (Saturday). Mr. Ephraim Sherman calls, in his Return from Portsmouth. He has been to get the Patent for Croydon Township renewed.

1768 December 25 (Sunday). Still omitt Reading publickly. Preached again on 2 Cor. 5.5, but carryed on the Design begun from Heb. 2.15. P.M. Preached on Joh. 1.41, repeating part of my Discourse on that Text. Began at page 11, but with some Introduction concerning Christ’s-Mass. Forasmuch as, though we don’t keep the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord yet we would not be behindhand in paying our highest Regards to the Great and Glorious Redeemer. O that I might be able, with true Spiritual Joy and Gladness, to declare, I have found the Messiah, which [“]is the Christ.” Might also many Others! It presses my mind and Heart.

1768 December 26 (Monday). Mr. Hall of Sutton going to Boston, calls and dines here. I write by him to Messrs. Mein and Fleming to continue the Chronicle another Year. He gives me account of Mr. Edward Putnams Case among them, and of Mr. Corbens Case at Dudley. Relates what he met with himself from [Dane?] Campb: Esq. Towards Evening I went in my Sleigh to see Lt. Forbush again—found him Sitting up, but Still much troubled with Hyp.

1768 December 27 (Tuesday). Having last Evening brought home a Gander which I have bought for 15/ of Dr. Hawes, this morning I went to Lt. Bakers and got a Goose, which he gave me; and likewise an Arm full (5 1/2 lbs.) of Tobacco which he has brought from Providence and Sells at 3/ per lb. Mr. George Smith is here at Dinner Time, and he eats with us. Old Mr. Seth Morse here; but alas! in poor Trim. P.M. Mrs. P________ and I ride in the Sleigh to See Capt. Jonas Brigham, and his Wife and Family: but Captain was not at Home. Dr. Hawes and his Wife there.

1768 December 28 (Wednesday). [No entry.]

1768 December 29 (Thursday). Letters from Rochester of the 21, by way of Grafton, certifying of their Happiness: especially Suse’s Health. Agreeable to an Invitation Mr. John Wood made, My Wife and I rode up there, and after Spending the Evening and handsomely Supping with them we returned well pleased with the Visit we had made, except that I did not go in to t’other House to see old Mrs. Woods, who lodges at the Deacons and has done so for some Time: and Should be heartily glad that no more of Religious Conversation can be introduced into our Discourse: that God may be glorifyed and the Company more profited than by our Common Methods of entertaining one another.

1768 December 30 (Friday). [No entry.]

1768 December 31 (Saturday). Mr. Hall of Sutton only calls to inform me he had delivered my Letter to Mein and Fleming for the Continuance of the Chronicle, and other Letters to my Son Samuel etc. but brought nothing for me.

1 Ebenezer Sayer (1751–1778), Harvard 1768; SHG 17:87–89.

2 Dr. Joseph Sayer (c. 1706–1774) of Wells, Maine.

3 Thaddeus Maccarty, The power and grace of Christ display’d to a dying malefactor: A sermon preached at Worcester October the twentieth, 1768. Being the day of the execution of Arthur, a Negro of a [sic] about 21 years old, for a rape (Boston: Printed and sold by Kneeland and Adams, next to the treasurer’s office, in Milk Street, 1768).