Diary of Ebenezer Parkman

Diary of Ebenezer Parkman, 1733

1733 September 5.1 Westborough. See my Almanack for this Day. The Ordination of Mr. William Hobby at Reading (at which Solemnity I chose to be present) was manag’d with great Devotion by the principal Persons of the Council, who were ordainers. Mr. Appleton’s2 Sermon (on 2 Tim. 2.21) was especially very instructing and moving, And I hope was not without Some good quickening Influence upon Me.

But I was not able to keep my Self through the whole (nor through so considerable part) of the Day, as I propos’d and hop’d for, upon my own particular Case—The Vanity of Company, Strangers, Old Friends, etc.; my being much a stranger in the place, and riding off again the Same Day, extreamly and unavoidably diverted me.

1 From the Natalitia.

2 Reverend Nathaniel Appleton of Cambridge.