A Stated Meeting of the Society was held, by invitation of Mr. Henry Herbert Edes, at No. 62 Buckingham Street, Cambridge, on Thursday, 27 April, 1917, at eight o’clock in the evening, the President, Fred Norris Robinson, Ph.D., in the chair.
The Records of the last Stated Meeting were read and approved.
The President appointed the following Committees in anticipation of the Annual Meeting:
To nominate officers for the several offices, — Messrs. George Vasmer Leverett and Horace Everett Ware and the Rev. Henry Wilder Foote.
To examine the Treasurer’s accounts, — Messrs. Nathaniel Thayer Kidder and Charles Sedgwick Rackemann.
The President announced the death on the eighth instant of the Hon. Richard Olney, a Resident Member, and paid a tribute to his memory.
Mr. George Burton Adams of New Haven, Connecticut, was elected a Corresponding Member.
Mr. Arthur Lord read two letters from Daniel Webster, one written in 1849 to the Rev. James Kendall, asking for information concerning the celebration in former years of Forefathers’ Day; the other written in 1851 to Isaac L. Hedge, complaining of his treatment by the Old Colony Railroad Company in the matter of free passes for himself and family. Mr. Lord called attention to the remarkable change in public opinion about such matters and cited the statute of 1892, making the granting of such passes a penal offence.
Christ Church and King’s Chapel were so intimately connected during the fifty years which preceded the Revolution that it is almost impossible to consider any important event in the life of the former without coming in contact with the life of the latter. The committee, which was appointed in 1722 to secure subscriptions for the new church at the North End of Boston, was chosen for that purpose at a meeting of the congregation of King’s Chapel summoned by its Rector, the Rev. Samuel Myles.630 When the Rev. Timothy Cutler sailed for London in the autumn of 1722 to take Holy Orders, he was accompanied by a letter from the Rector, Wardens, and Vestry of King’s Chapel recommending him to the Bishop of London for ordination, and urging that the Bishop should grant him his “License for the Church now to be built in this place.”631 The corner-stone of Christ Church was laid in April, 1723, by the Rev. Mr. Myles “accompany’d with the gentlemen of King’s Chapel.”632 Dr. Cutler preached his first sermon, after his return to Boston in September, 1723, in King’s Chapel.633 On more than one occasion, when the interests or dignity of the Anglican Church in Massachusetts were involved, the vestrys of the two churches met together and took action in joint session. During the long illness of Dr. Cutler, prior to his death in 1765, the officers of Christ Church turned to Dr. Caner of King’s Chapel for assistance and advice, and on August 20th, 1765, Dr. Caner preached the sermon at the funeral of Dr. Cutler.
These are but a few instances of the inter-relation of the two churches which might be multiplied almost indefinitely. It is not surprising therefore, — soon after the arrival in Boston in 1730 of Jonathan Belcher returning duly commissioned as Governor of the Province, and bringing to King’s Chapel an evidence of the Royal bounty in the form of Bible and Prayer-Books, Communion plate and furnishings for the Altar, — to find the following entry in the Vestry Records of Christ Church:634
At a Vestry Meeting the 18th of Novr 1730:
- The Revt Docr T. Cutler
Mr Geo. Monk |
Mr Wm Patten |
Mr H. Laughton |
Mr Jno Howard |
Mr Geo. Skinner |
Capt R. Harris |
Mr E. Stanbridge |
Mr Th. Carrington, |
Mr Wm price |
In consideration of late Donation of his present Majesty our most Gracious Sovereign King George the Second to his Majtys Chappel in this Town at the desire of his Excellency Jona Belcher Esqr our Governr and under the Promising Views of obtaining the like Benevolence from our said Sovereign by the good Interest and Encouragement of our Governr aforesd Voted That the Minister, Church Wardens and Vestry do Concur with his Excelly Jona Belcher Esqr in a due Application for getting plate and other Utencills for ye Altar of Christ Church and for a Bible, prayer book &c. for the Use of the Said Church like as his Majesty’s Chappell in this Town has lately been given by the Interest of the said Governr. Voted That the Church Wardens for the Time being, Shall pay out of the Church Stock all the Expences of getting the Sd Utencills out of the proper Offices in Great Britain amounting to about Seventeen Pounds sterling. Voted That a letter be Sent by the Said Minister Church Wardens and Vestry To Edmund Lord Bishop of London to that End.
The estimate of £17 for expenses was probably based on the charges incurred by King’s Chapel of £16.7.0 for various amounts disbursed in London by Governor Belcher in 1730 on account of the Royal gift. The records of King’s Chapel, however, show an additional payment to Belcher in 1731 of £57.4.6 “for his charges in Procuring and bringing plate, &c.”635 It is not absolutely clear from the records as printed whether the supplementary payment in 1731 was in sterling, or in local currency, but if the former Christ Church apparently fared better in the matter of expenses, as will be seen later.
The Governor evidently bestirred himself actively in the interests of Christ Church for, under date of July 24, 1731, he wrote the Bishop of London:636 “I am very thankful to your Lordship for what Mr Newman writes of the good offices your Lordship has been pleased to employ in favor of Christ’s Church in this Town, of which I have acquainted Doctr Cutler and the Vestry, and that from your Lordship’s Goodness & parental Care, they may hope for his Majesty’s Bounty to that Infant Church.”637
After the receipt of Mr. Newman’s638 advices, however, a question evidently arose in London as to the advisability of complying with the request of the Church and Governor which was reflected in the following action taken by the Vestry of Christ Church: “At a Vestry Meeting the 23’d of Novemr 1731, . . . Voted That two letters be forwarded to London ꝑ Capt Sheperdson, The one to his Grace the Duke of Grafton & the other to his Lordsp. the Bishop of London, Copys of the Said letters being lodg’d in Mr Willm. Pattens hands.” The reason for this action and the Governor’s personal interest in the matter is shown by several letters among the Belcher Papers.
On November 20, 1731, Belcher wrote Henry Newman: “I am very thankfull for your care to procure the King’s bounty for Christ’s Church, & observe what my good Lord of London wrote you in the matter, which I hope he has before this time confirmed to my Lord Chamberlain. Ore tenus, you must not despair, but sollicit diligently till you obtain.”639 On December 1, 1731, he wrote himself to the Lord Chamberlain, the Duke of Grafton:
I had the great honour of addressing your Grace in Decr last, and (among other things) to mention to yr Grace the request of the Minister & Vestry of Christ’s Chh in this town for his Majesty’s bounty of plate & furniture to that infant chh, and for which they now presume to make their humble petition to your Grace, and I so fully represented to your Grace in my last the strait circumstances of that chh that I am afraid to give your Grace a new trouble on that head. But as the King’s Chappel in this town twice rec̄d the royal bounty, I beg leave to assure your Grace that your kind regards to this chh in a favourable representation of their poor condition to his Majesty, and that they might enjoy the royal smiles in this respect wou’d be an instance of your Grace’s great goodness & favour to this Chh of England in genll in this country, & oblige them always to pray for the best of blessings to be poured down upon your Grace and every branch of your noble family.640
On the same day Belcher also addressed a letter to Mr. Evans, the Lord Chamberlain’s secretary, in which was indicated the nature of the obstacle which had arisen:
Sr — Sometime in Decembr last I wrote to his Grace the Lord High Chamberlain in favour of the Minister & Vestry of Christ’s Chh in this town to pray his Grace’s kind regards to their obtaining the Kings bounty to that chh in the like manner as has been twice extended to the King’s Chappel in this town, and I now presume to remind his Grace of this their request. The people of this chh have done great service & honour to the Chh of England in genll in this country by exerting themselves in building so good & handsome a house, and it will be a great discouragement to those who are well affected to the chh if they do not finally obtain the royal favour in this respect. Mr Newman who sollicits this matter in their behalf tells me some difficulty arises lest the doing it for this chh shou’d make it a president for other chhs in this town hereafter. But of this I think there can be no great danger, because the two chhs in this town will be sufficient for those that attend divine service in the Chh of England for a long time to come. Besides if presidents might always have their force you will find on the books a sett of plate & other furniture sent in the reign of the late Queen Anne for a chh among the Mohawks (or Five Nations), and as before mention’d the church here called the King’s Chappel has twice rec̄d, the royal bounty. From the little acquaintance I had with Mr Evans at Whitehall, I now take the freedom to ask your friendship to this chh in facilitating the matter with my Lord Duke that they may obtain a favourable answer to this their reasonable request. Mr Newman will take care to discharge all the office fees, and I shall be glad to return your respect on this head in such a way & manner as you may please to command.641
Three days later, December 4, 1731, in a letter to the Bishop of London, the Governor also refers in some detail to the mooted question of precedent:
. . . in the mean time (& always) your Lordship may rest assured, not only of justice, but of all the favour & friendship in my power to the Chh of England. And as an instance of it I am now again humbly to thank your Lordship, in behalf of the ministry, wardens, & vestry of Christ’s Chh in this town, for the good offices your Lordship has employ’d for obtaining the King’s bounty for this chh. They now again write to my Lord Chamberlain and to your Lordship with their most humble & gratefull acknowledgments, and pray the continuance of your Lordship’s kind regards to them, which I also do, and that you wou’d please to recollect what I wrote your Lordships on this head in Decr last, and was so full as will hardly allow of any addition, unless to obviate the difficulty my Lord Chamberlain suggests of the matter’s being made precedential, of which I apprehend there is no danger from any prospect of another chh being built in this town for a long time to come, besides there was plate, books, & furniture sent ꝑ the late Queen Anne for a chh intended to be among the Mohawks (or Five Nations); and with great submission why may not this be pleaded, that all other chhs shou’d have the same favour from the Crown; and in the reign of the late glorious K. W. the chh in this town rec̄d plate & all other furniture, and a duplicate of all the last year, that methinks it seems hard that this infant chh shou’d not enjoy the royal smile, which I will still hope for from your Lordship’s benign & powerfull interposition. But let the success be now what it will, I promise not to give your Lordship (or myself) any further trouble in an affair in which I have no other interest than as I think it wou’d be a service to the Chh of England (in this country) in general, and to this new chh in particular.642
And finally a letter from Belcher to Newman, also under date of December 4, reveals the fact that the Governor himself had been the inspiring cause of the vestry meeting of November 23d:
The minister & vestry of Christ’s Chh send you their humble service & most hearty thanks for your kind and diligent sollicitations in the affair of the King’s bounty, and I have put them upon writing to my Lord Chamberlain & the Bishop of London, which you have herewith, with mine & one I have wrote to Mr Evans (whom I knew at Whitehall). All these letters you are to open, read, & handsomely reseal & deliver. You have Mr Harris’s order for money to defrey the charge, and I wish you success; & if otherwise I shall not give you or myself any further trouble in an affair in which I have no other interest than the welfare & prosperity of the Chh. of England. I am truly, Sr, Your most faithfull humble servant, J. B. If you obtain let them all come under my care to be deliver’d.643
The Church’s supplementary letters of November, 1731, reinforced by the Governor’s personal appeals, produced the desired result, and “At a Vestry Meeting held at Mr Patten’s ye 26th December 1732” it was “Voted That a letter Shall be writt to Capt Robt Harris to take into possession the Plate &c for the Communion of Christ’s Church In Boston the Revd Dr T. Cutler Rector. And yt thanks may be return’d to Mr Sandford,644 & those Gentn that were the Church’s friend concerning that affair.”
Several months later, under date of May 3, 1733, a Treasury warrant was issued for the execution of a warrant from the Lord Chamberlain to the Duke of Montagu, Master of the Great Wardrobe, “for the delivery to the Bishop of London of Bibles, Prayer Books, and chapel furniture, detailed, as a gift from his Majesty to Christ Church, at Boston, New England, to the value of £106 and also of Communion plate for same, to the value of £80.”645
Without further undue delay, the necessary formalities having ‘been complied with, the King’s gift was forwarded to Boston, arriving early in September, as is shown by the Vestry Records. “At a Vestry Meeting Held at Mr Patten’s ye 10th September 1733,” the Rector, Wardens, and five Vestrymen being present, it was recorded that —
Having Received the Bounty of Our Most Gracious Sovereign King George the 2d In Sending things for ye Ornament & Use of our Church & Altar and the Charge of twenty-six pounds 16/10 Sterling ariseing thereby. It is now Voted That the above Charge be defrayed in the following manner Vizt. That a bill of Exchange of Twelve pounds 16/10d Sterling be provided for the Discharge of Mr Henry Newman’s Accot & that to be delivered to Mr Andrew Belcher.646 Voted That ye Sum of Fourteen pounds Sterling which Capn Robt Harris has paid in part of Mr Hy Newman’s Accot be paid to his Satisfaction. Voted That the above Charges with the Freight be paid out of the Church Stock by the Church Wardens.
At a vestry meeting held September 17, 1733, the Church Wardens and five Vestrymen being present, it was —
Voted That a Copy of the following Receipt be Delivered by the Church Wardens to Mr Andw Belcher Vizt. We the Church Wardens of Christ Church at Boston In New England (whereof the Revd Dr Timo Cutler is Rector) Have this Day 8th Sepr 1733 Receiv’d the Royal Present of His Most Excellent Majesty King George ye 2d Our most Gracious Sovereign, From on board the New Cambridge Galley John Crocker Commander by the hands of Mr Andrew Belcher Consisting of the following plate & Furniture Vizt.
2 Silver Flagons 1 Chalice |
1 Royal Bible 2 Com. prayr books |
bound in Turkey leather Strung wth blue garter ribon & trim’d wth gold fringe |
- 1 Patten
- 1 Receiver
- 12 Com. prayr books fol. bound in Calf gilt filleted647 and Strung wth blue ribon.
- 2 Cusheons for the Readg Desk
- 1 Large Cusheon & Cloth for ye Pulpitt
- 1 Carpett648& Altar piece
- 20 Yds. Damask Cloth for ye Communion Table
- 2 Large Surplices of fine holland.
All the above particulars we do hereby most gratefully acknowledge to have Receivd the Day above menc̄oned As Witness our hands at Boston aforesd the 17’th day of September An. Dni. 1733
Willm Price |
John Hootten |
Voted That ye Eldest Church Warden for ye Time being Do keep into his Custody all the plate belonging to ye Church; And at the goeing out of his Office To Deliver the Said Plate, Moneys and other Utencills belonging to the Church, to his Successor.
Voted That the Royal Bible be for the Reading Desk: and that the Revd Docr Cutler have the Choice of four Common prayer Books the One for ye Reading-Desk and the three others for the Com̄union Table.
Voted That Two Common prayer Books be Reserved for the Governor and Lieutt Governor. And the Rest remaining undisposed off (the two following Books excepted) be reserved for ye Use of the Church. Voted That Two Common prayer Books be placed & fixt in the Church Warden’s pew to be Used by them for the Time being.
Voted That the two Cusheons for the Reading desk and that for the pulpitt with the Cloth be placed therein, And the Carpett & Altar piece be placed at the Discretion of the present Church Wardens.
Voted That the 20 Yards Damask Cloth remain intire, as now is, Untill further Order.
Voted That the Two Old Cusheons be putt to Use in the Pew No 30 Whenever the Governor or Lieutt Govr is or are present; and that the Church Wardens order the place to be made convenient for ye same.
By Order of Ye Vestry
F. Beteilhe Cl.
Having made this formal disposition of the various articles received the officers of the church next proceeded to make the proper acknowledgments. On the day following the vestry meeting of September 17, Governor Belcher wrote to his son, Jonathan Junior, then in England, that “Dr Cutler has rec̄d the Royal Bounty for Christ’s Chh, and has been with me with his Church Wardens (in behalf of the whole Chh) to thank the Govr for his favr & friendship in procuring for them so valuable a gift.” Then the following entry appears in the Vestry Records: “At a Vestry-Meeting held at Mr Patten’s the 1o Octob. 1733 [the Rector, Wardens, and five Vestrymen being present]; Voted That the Address to His most Excellt Majesty and the Severall letters Recorded in ye Letter book Fs 21 to 24 be Signed by the Revd Docr, the Church Wardens & Vestry, and Sent to England with all Convenient Speed.”
Finally the Governor, also, expressed his thanks in a letter to Henry Newman under date of October 6: “Capt Alden & Shepherdson have brought me your obliging favours of 5 May & 4 Augs’ last, and I give you a great many thanks for your sollicitations in behalf of Christ’s Chh, which have at last found the desir’d success, and I tell the Doctr & his Church Wardens that this bounty is the pure produce of your indefatigable application. The plate & other furniture is noble & handsome & very acceptable.”649
The question naturally arises why Governor Belcher was so interested in securing this gift for Christ Church that he exerted a personal pressure in various influential quarters to obtain it. This is easily asked but not so easily answered. Although the Governor and the Rector had been undergraduates in Harvard College at about the same time, the former being in the Class of 1699 and the latter in 1701, there is nothing to indicate any particular intimacy between them. In fact Belcher the Congregationalist would hardly have been in sympathy with Cutler, the ex-Rector of Yale College, whose defection from Congregationalism to Episcopacy in 1722 had stirred ecclesiastical New England so deeply.
A possible solution, however, may be found in the correspondence of Belcher with the Bishop of London. In his letter of July 24, 1731, a portion of which has already been quoted, he asked the Bishop’s indulgence for a complaint which he wished to make against the Rev. Roger Price, then Rector of King’s Chapel and the Bishop’s Commissary for New England. It will be noticed that this letter was written some months after the original application of the vestry of Christ Church, but only a few months before Belcher incited them to press the matter again and assisted them by personal letters in their favor. He informed the Bishop that, in accordance with an immemorial custom, he had proclaimed a day of fasting and prayer and had appointed March 25th for its observance. Whereupon the Commissary and Mr. Harward (the King’s Lecturer) of King’s Chapel together with Dr. Cutler of Christ Church had waited upon the Governor and informed him that March 25 was Lady Day and a Festival of the Church of England.650 In reply the Governor said that neither he nor any member of the Council had even thought of it, and added that he had been “born and bred a Dissenter” and was almost an entire stranger to the Church of England, yet, had he known it, he would have appointed some other day. But, to quote his own words:
Notwithstanding my mild & handsome treatment of the Clergy, the Commissary was so rude as to tell me he believed it was done purposely to affront the Church, & that in the appointment of such days he ought to be consulted. This I look upon as a great piece of Insolence on the King’s Govt, and had it not been in regard to Dr Cutler & Mr Harwood, who behaved themselves consistent with their character, I should have treated Mr Price very roughly. Since this affair happened I neither have nor will go into the Church if I am apprized of his being in the Desk, nor suffer any of my family.651
After paying a further tribute to the good qualities of Dr. Cutler and Mr. Harward, the Governor wrote that he understood that Mr. Price talked of returning soon to England and concluded by saying that “I believe your Lordship can’t do a greater service to the Church in these parts than to prevent his coming hither again.”652
In a letter of December 4, 1731, to the Bishop, Belcher wrote: “Your Lordship very justly observes Mr Price’s fault with respect to the Fast I wrote to your Lordship I had appointed. He is a young man, & I hope may grow wiser as he grows older, & when he does his duty & asks my pardon he shall find me the gentm & the Christian.”653 On the following Christmas Day Belcher evidently attended Christ Church instead of King’s Chapel, for the Belcher Papers record a letter of December 24th to Lieutenant-Governor Tailer inviting him to go with Colonel Byfield and the Governor to Dr. Cutler’s Church the next day and to dine with the Governor.654
In May, 1734, Mr. Price actually went so far as to embark for England but changed his mind, went on shore again, and resumed his position at King’s Chapel after an adjustment of his differences with the congregation. The Bishop of London had written Belcher, however, asking his opinion as to the appointment of another Commissary. In his reply under date of December 9th, 1734, Belcher wrote: “For the reasons I wrote your Lordship some years ago I have no acquaintance with Mr Price, nor do I desire any till I find he has more manners and comes and practises his duty to the King’s Govt. But when I attend the Chh of England it is commonly at Christ’s Chh, whereof Dr Cutler is minister.”655 He continued by saying that he had made prudent inquiries but could not learn that Mr. Price had any intention at present of returning to England. But since the Bishop had asked his thoughts in the matter he recommended Dr. Cutler as the best qualified person he could think of to serve as Commissary when a vacancy might occur. One comment which Belcher made seems worth reproducing in his own words as an indication of the reaction of sturdy New England Protestantism on Anglican principles and practices: “Yet your Ldship will allow me to say that if the Doctr was more moderate in some hierarchycal principles he wou’d be better able to serve and increase the Church in this country, for the people here who have been originally planted and bro’t up in another way may be drawn but will not be driven.”656 He added also that what was commonly called the King’s Chapel was not so in reality since the minister was chosen by the congregation and not presented by the King. Therefore it was not necessary that the Commissary should be the Rector of King’s Chapel, although it was desirable that he should be a minister of one of the churches in Boston, the capital of the Province. Accordingly he again commended Dr. Cutler to the Bishop “as a gentm of figure and good prudence, and one whom I have good reason to beleive wou’d be to the good liking & satisfaction of the clergy over whom he is to preside.”657
It would, therefore, seem a reasonable inference that the Governor’s activity in procuring the King’s gift for Christ Church was not so much inspired by interest in the church itself as by antagonism to the Commissary, and perhaps also to have the church, which he honored by his official presence when occasion arose, dignified by the Royal favor.
Pew No. 30 was obviously set apart as the “Governor’s Pew” by the action of the vestry on September 17, 1733, as shown above. It is the front pew on the right-hand side of the centre aisle, and differs, with two exceptions, from other pews in the body of the church, which are as a rule approximately square, by being a long narrow pew extending from the centre to the side aisle. The last two pews in the church on either side of the centre aisle, Nos. 39 and 21, marked respectively “The Wardens” and “For strangers and wardens,” are also long and narrow and extend from the centre to the side aisle.
From the time of this vote of the vestry until after the Revolution it was carried in the Church’s account books as the Governor’s Pew. In the second Account Book (1759–1823) there is an entry in the handwriting of James Sherman, Church Warden, to the effect “That the above Pew No 30 was from the first Settlement of Christ Church in Boston devoted wholy to the use of His Excelenee the Governor and other Gentlemen and so continued untill August 1791.” This fact apparently escaped the vigilant eye of the Rev. Mr. Foote, who wrote: “The ‘Governor’s pew’ remained a unique property of the King’s Chapel. The nearest approach to it in the other Episcopal Church was an acknowledgment of the gift of a cargo of logwood from Honduras.”658 This reference is to the construction in 1727 of the “Bay Pew,” No. 46, “For the use of the Gentlemen of ye Bay of Handoras who have been or shall be Benefactors to this Church.”659 Mr. Foote added that “There was a Governors pew, however, in the First and South meeting-houses.”660
Turning now to the first Account Book (1722–1759) of the Church we find the invoice entered in full. The various articles received are described with more particulars than in the Vestry Records, and the expense account is given in detail.
London 13th July 1733.
Invoice of His Majesty’s Royal Present of Plate and other Furniture for the Communion Table Pulpit and Reading Desk of Christ Church at Boston in New England shipt by Henry Newman on the New Cambridge Galley Capt John Crocker Commander in One Chest Markt and number’d as in the Margent and Consigned to Mr Andrew Belcher Mercht at Boston to be deliverd to the Reverd Dr Cutler Rectr and the Church Wardens of the said Church.
A.B. for C.C.
2 Silver Flagons |
1 Chalice |
1 Patten |
I 1 Receiver |
1 Royal Bible |
2 Com: Pra: Books |
12 Com. Pray. books fol. |
bound in Calf Gilt & fillited & Strung wth blue ribbons. |
2 Cushings for the Reading Desk |
1 large Cushion & Cloth for y Pulpit |
1 Carpet & Altar piece |
20 Yards of Damask Cloth for the Communion Table |
2 large Surplices of fine Holland |
ꝑ Henry Newman
E. J. R.
Charges Due to Mr Henry Newman for obtaining and Shipping the above Plate & Furniture Vizt.
From |
For Sundry Coach hire &c as ꝑ Accot |
£6: 9:6- |
Feb. 12th |
1730/1 to |
Paid Mr Evans, his G. the D. |
Aprill 27th |
of Grafton’s Secrey |
4:8:6 |
1733 |
A Gratuity to Mr Griffith |
Mr Evans’s Cl. |
5:0 |
Ditto . . . to ye Door keeper |
2:6 |
4:16:0 |
Coach to ye Duke of Montague’s Office |
2:- |
May 13 |
For Sundry Coach hire &c as ꝑ Accot |
9:14:0 |
June 23 |
5: 0:6 |
Charges at the Custom-House &ca Vizt |
For a Cocket661 &c. |
7:0 |
Searchers |
:6 |
Wharfage & Porteridge |
2:4 |
Petitioning the Commissioners |
1:- |
Wateridge on board |
2:- |
Primage662 and Bills Lading |
2:- |
.14.10 |
Sterlg |
£26:16:10 |
This Day 8’th September 1733. Received the King’s Gift of Plate &c for the Use of Christ Church as ꝑ particulars hereabove Mention’d.
This entry is followed at intervals in the Account Book by a number of charges, mainly for minor disbursements, incurred on account of the gift.
1733 |
Septemr |
8 |
To Do [Cash paid] for Truckidge of ye King’s Gift from on board the Ship |
0. 2:6 |
10 |
To Do to Spooner for hooks for ye Altar Pce |
2:- |
24 |
To Ditto to Jno Crocker for freight of the King’s Gift |
1:10:0 |
Octobr |
10 |
To Do to Capn Rt. Harris for a bill of Exche for £12:16:4 Ster @ 270 ꝑ Ct |
47:10:4 |
This last payment was apparently made in accordance with the vote of the vestry on September 10 that a bill of exchange of £12.16.10 be provided for the discharge of Mr. Newman’s account, although there is a discrepancy of six pence between the two amounts.
On the opposite side of the Account Book the Church is credited with the following items:
1733 |
Sepr |
13 |
by Do [Cash] Taken out of the Church box to pay Capn |
Harris on Mr Newman’s Acct |
22:13:5 |
24 |
by Do [Cash received] of Capn Jno Crocker |
0:10:- |
October |
14 |
“Do of Capn Crocker |
10:- |
The first entry probably relates also to the action of the vestry of September 10, and would seem to indicate that a portion of the payment of October 10 to Captain Harris was drawn from a special source instead of from current receipts. The vestry had voted however that such payments should be made from the Church stock. The last two entries represent a rebate from Captain Crocker on the payment to him of £1.10 on September 24. This credit was repeated through error on October 14 and was offset by the debit of April 15, 1734, below.
Turning back to the debit side of the Account Book a number of charges are found for housing and safeguarding the gift:
1733 |
Novembr |
3 |
To Do [Cash Paid] |
for a box to Carry the plate |
2.—. |
for a lock to Do |
0. 5. |
for handles for Do |
4.— |
for hinges for Do |
1.11 |
To Do to Mr Hillard making the Silver Cup-Cover fitt for the King’s Cup |
1. 3 |
1734 |
Jan’y |
7 |
To Do for alterg the Ch: Box & making a new drawer & a box for ye Baptl Silvr bason |
1:10:— |
To Do for a p of handles for ye box |
0.4.0 |
0:14:2 |
a drawer lock for Do |
5:- |
2 brass handles for ye Drawer |
1:10 |
a Box lock & hinges |
3:4 |
31 |
To Do For a Box Case with lock hinges and handle to |
put the Church books In |
6:—:— |
Aprill |
15 |
To Capn Crocker havg twice Ct for 10. ꝑ mistake |
10.— |
Aprill |
22 |
To do paid Capn Robt Harris in full for 14£ Sterl. part of the ffees for the King’s Gift |
58:16:0 |
The payment of April 22 to Captain Harris, which also was authorized at the vestry meeting of September 10, 1733, completes the list of disbursements which followed the receipt of the Royal gift.
One of the articles received, the twenty yards of damask cloth, was not utilized for some time. It will be recalled that the vestry on September 17, 1733, had voted that it should “remaïn intire, as now is Untill further Order.” But eventually, on March 25, 1735, the vestry —
Voted That the ps damask Cloth containg 12 Yds. part of the 20 Yds. in his Majesty’s Gift, as appears ꝑ Invoyce in the Vote dated 17 Septemr 1733 be imediately made up for the Use of the Church. Voted That the remaining Eight Yards of the above mentioned 20 Yds Damask Cloth, be presented to the Revd Docr T. Cutler, by the Church Wardens, as a free Gift: And in Case he refuses to accept of the Same, Then Said 8 Yds. damask Cloth be immediately made up for the Use of the Church.
From the wording of the vote, a doubt evidently existed in the minds of the vestry as to whether the Rector would consider this a proper method of disposing of the church’s property. The suspicion was well founded, for at a meeting on April 3, it was “Reported by the Church Wardens That by Virtue of a Vote dated 25th Ultimo They presented to the Revrd Docr T. Cutler the 8 Yards Damask Cloth therein mentioned; And he refused to accept the Same.” The disposition which the vestry finally made of the eight yards is indicated by a charge in the Account Book under date of July 7, 1735, of cash paid “for making 4 Table Cloths 14:-.” And on April 26 of the following year when the newly elected Senior Warden gave a receipt, according to custom, for the church property, based on a complete inventory taken by his predecessor, April 7, 1735, he excepted “the ps Damask Cloth qd [quoad] 8 Yds. therein mentioned is now made up in four Table Cloths.” This inventory had recorded:
- 1 ps Damask Cloth containing 8 Yds.
- 5 New damask Table Cloths & 2 Old Table Cloths.
- 6 ditto . . . Napkins. . . . 6 Old Napkins . . .
- 1 Damask Altar Peice.
Apparently, then, the entire twenty yards was utilized for cloths and napkins for the Communion Table.
The damask Altar piece seems to have been diverted from its traditional position (it was hung on the wall behind the Altar),663 and used in a somewhat curious way. An organ was installed in the church in 1736, and on December 10 of that year the vestry “Voted That the Ten Commandments wth Suitable Ornaments, be wrote & painted as soon as possible And That the Crimson Damask Altar peice be Appropriated for Curtains to the Organ-Loft.” An altar piece would scarcely seem to have been of sufficient size to furnish curtains for the organ loft of Christ Church, and this was evidently the case. For in a special account of expenses incurred in connection with the organ (recorded under the year 1736), a payment was entered “To Robert Jenkins & Lindy Wallis for making the Curtins & damask to Compleat them . . . 25:5:10.” And on April 16, 1737, the new Senior Warden receipted for the church property “with this further difference, that the Damask Altar piece is made Use off, towards making eight Curtains for the Organ-loft.”
The more perishable portion of the King’s gift has disappeared in the course of time, but the more substantial, and also more important, part is still in the possession of the church. The Communion plate (two flagons, chalice and paten, receiver or alms basin) is used to-day whenever the Holy Communion is celebrated. All the five pieces were made by Joseph Allen and Mordecai Fox in London. They bear the Royal arms and are inscribed: “The Gift of His Majesty King George II to Christ Church at Boston in New England. At the Request of His Excellency Governor Belcher 1733.”664 It was fortunate for Christ Church that the break between the church and its last pre-Revolutionary Rector, Dr. Mather Byles, Jr., came about on the 18th of April, 1775, for the church silver did not accompany him when he left Boston for Halifax in 1776, as was the fate of some other churches with loyalist rectors.
The Royal Bible and five of the fourteen Prayer Books are also left, and the Bible and one Prayer Book are shown, opened for inspection, in a case in the vestry room. The Bible is a large folio printed by John Baskett at Oxford in 1717,665 and is one of the so-called “Vinegar Bibles.”666 It is ruled by hand with red ink through-out the book. On the outside of the front cover is the inscription: “His Majesty’s Gift, To Christ Church, at Boston New England.” The Royal arms, with the letters G. R., are stamped on both the front and back covers. The inscription is impressed on an inlay of leather and, a portion of the inlay having worn away, it can be seen that a lettering of some sort was originally stamped on the cover itself, but there is not enough visible to indicate what was the nature of it. Curiously enough the Royal arms are those of George I instead of George II. This can probably be explained on the supposition that when the Bible was printed in 1717 a number of copies were bound up by Royal order, the “super libros” of George I impressed, and the books deposited in the Great Wardrobe for future distribution as occasion might arise.
The book is in excellent condition but has been rebacked, evidently in accordance with instructions from the vestry which, on September 1, 1746, “Voted That the Large Church Bible of Christ Church Being out of Repare That It be Sent to London To be new Bound as Sone as posable.” It was “Sent with Capt Fones”667 to London, and in the Account Book, under date of April 11, 1748, the charge appears, “To Binding ye Church Bible £2.5. Sterling at 1000 pr Ct 24.15.-.” Each cover has two holes near the outer edge in which, probably, silk ties were originally fastened; or it may be that they will explain the phrase in the invoice, “Strung with blue garter Ribbons.”668
Of the five Prayer Books one is evidently the survivor of the “2. Com: Pra: Books Bound in Turkey leather” as described in the invoice. It bears the same inscription as the Bible, and like it is ruled throughout by hand in red ink. The imprint reads: “London, Printed by the Assigns of His Majesty’s Printer, and of Henry Hills, deceased, MDCCXXXI. Price One Pound Five Shillings Unbound.” The other four are a part of the “12 Com. Pray, books fol. bound in Calf Gilt & fillited.” Of these, two, the most important and most used ones, have evidently been rebound, for they are somewhat cut down and the calf is of the natural color instead of dark blue like the others. Two of them form part of the four books covered, by the vote of the vestry of September 17, 1733, which provided, “that the Revd Docr Cutler have the choice of four Common prayer Books the One for ye Reading-Desk and the three others for the Com̄union Table.” This fact is established by the presence, on the verso of the frontispiece of each one, of the inscription “For the Use of the Altar A. D. 1733” in the handwriting of the clerk of the vestry, Francis Beteilhe. Another is one of the two books which were reserved at the same time for the Governor and Lieutenant-Governor. It has on the verso of the frontispiece the words “For the Use of His Excellency the Governor A. D. 1733” also in Beteilhe’s handwriting.669
The imprint is the same as that of the first book described with the exception of the last line which reads, “Price Eight Shillings Unbound.”670 The first and taller book is evidently simply a large paper copy, for the original text-page and typographical details are the same in all five.
But their chief interest lies in the fact that they are excellent examples of the adaptation of the Church of England Prayer Book to the changed conditions which followed the American Revolution. In looking at the rebound folio copy which is on exhibition, opened at that part of the Morning Service where the prayer for the King has been changed to a prayer for the President of the United States, it is not unnatural to regard it as a manifestation of patriotism. As a matter of fact, however, the changes in all the five books are simply evidences of a conformity to the Liturgy of the American Episcopal Church which made possible a continued use of handsome and legible copies of the Book of Common Prayer hallowed by association and long use.671
In the few Episcopal churches which still had rectors after the Declaration of Independence in 1776, difficulties immediately arose as to the use of what were termed the “State Prayers” — that is, those for the King and Royal Family. As clergymen of the Church of England who had taken the “Oath of the Kings Supremacy” the ministers felt constrained to read the State Prayers, but in view of the temper of the times this was manifestly impossible without creating disturbances, or even riots. They were therefore confronted with the dilemma of either abandoning their obligations by omitting the prayers, or else having their churches closed, divine service given up entirely, and their congregations scattered among the patriotic Congregational churches. The Rev. Mr. Parker of Trinity Church, who was for a time the only Episcopal clergyman in Boston, met the issue promptly and laid a statement before the Wardens and Vestry of Trinity Church on July 18, 1776, to the effect that having been publicly interrupted when reading the prayers for the King on the previous Sunday, and having been threatened with interruptions and insults in the future if the prayers were read, he was apprehensive that some damage would accrue to the proprietors of the church if he continued to carry on the service in the usual manner. The vestry after some debate concluded that it would be necessary either to close the church or to omit part of the Liturgy. Accordingly they voted that Mr. Parker be desired to continue to officiate and requested that he should omit that portion of the service which related to the King, and this vote was concurred in a few days later by the proprietors.672
Christ Church was without a minister from 1775 until the advent of the Rev. Stephen Lewis in 1778.673 At a vestry meeting held March 31, 1779, it was “Voted. That the Reverend Mr Lewis be desired to prepare a proper form of Prayer for the Congress of the United States, for the Several States, and for their Success in the present important Contest to be used daily in the Church. Voted. That the Church Wardens together with Dr Foster be a Committee to wait on the Revd Mr Lewis with a Copy of the foregoing vote.” The records contain no further reference to this action, nor do the five Prayer Books show any evidence of alterations which can be regarded as the result of this Vote.
After the close of the Revolutionary War a series of conventions was held, either of the Episcopal churches in individual States or those of several States acting in conjunction, all working toward two ends: the establishment of an American Episcopate, and a Liturgy appropriate for Episcopal churches now finally detached from their relationship to the Church of England. The connection of Christ Church with the conventions which were held in Boston is shown by the following extracts from the Proprietors’ Record Book (1724–1806):
At a meeting of the Proprietors in this Church Sunday Augt 28th 1785 when Divine Service was over in the afternoon being Warned from the Desk The Church Wardens informed the proprietors they had recd a Letter from the Revd Samuel Parker one of the Committee of the Episcopal Clergy in Convention held at Boston Septemr 8th 1784 & empowering them to Call a Convention of the Episcopal Churches in this and the Neighboring States at such time & place as they shall judge most necessary and Convenient. Said Committee therefore requested the Wardens of this Church to propose to their Members to Choose one or more of their members to attend a Convention to be held at Boston on Wednesday the 7th Day of Septemr Next then to deliberate on Some Method for preserving Uniformity in divine Worship & adopting such measures as may tend to the Welfare & Prosperity of the Episcopal Church in the American States. The Proprietors taking the same into Consideration voted to send two Members Viz: Voted that Thomas Ivers Esqr and James Sherman one of the Wardens be desiered to go as members of Christ Church for the Purposes aforesaid. Recorded by me James Sherman.
Nearly a year later it was reported:
At a meeting of the Proprietors of Christ Church on Thursday Augt 24th 1786. The Delegates appointed at a Proprietors meeting held Augt 28th 1785 to meet in a Convention to be held at Boston on Wednesday the 7th day of September 1785 then to deliberate on some method for preserving uniformity in divine worship and adopting such measures as may tend to the Welfare & Prosperity of the Episcopal Church in the American States laid before the Proprietors the Proceedings of the Convention for their approbation. Voted To Except the Alterations and Amendments in the Liturgy by the Convention and to adopt the same as Trinity Church and to begin Sunday Augt 27th.674 Recorded be me
James Sherman.
It is possible that some of the alterations, made by hand, which can be seen in the copy of the Prayer Book exhibited in the church, may have followed this vote of the proprietors, but a comparison of the changes which were made with those recommended by the Boston Convention would seem to indicate that the actual revision was at a later period. It can only be definitely stated that while some of the changes could have been made at this time, others could not have been until the autumn of 1789 at the earliest.
At a General Convention held at Philadelphia in September-October, 1785, in which seven States were represented but to which New England sent no delegates, a revision of the Prayer Book was undertaken, resulting in what is known as the “Proposed Book,” published in 1786. This book encountered a very general opposition and it remained for the General Convention of October, 1789, at Philadelphia (the first convention sitting with two Houses, the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies) to prepare what was the first Prayer Book “according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America.” It was declared by the General Convention “to be the Liturgy of this Church,” and was ordered to be in use from the first day of October, 1790. As a result of this action of the Convention in October, 1789, the first edition of the American Prayer Book was published in duodecimo form at Philadelphia in September, 1790, by Hall & Sellers.675
At a meeting of the proprietors of Christ Church held May 18, 1791, two deputies were chosen to attend a Diocesan Convention at Trinity Church on May 24th and they were authorized to accept, on behalf of the church, the Constitution and Form of Prayer as set forth by the General Convention of 1789.676 At a subsequent meeting of the proprietors, May 26, 1791, final action was taken by the church as appears in the records: “Whereas the Wardens of this Church have by the Power Delegated to them from the Proprietors of Said Church attended at the Convention holden at Trinity Church 24th day of May 1791 acceded to and adopted the Constitution and Form of Prayer Set forth by the general Convention holden at Philadelphia in October 1789 tis now Voted That the Said Form of Prayer be used in this Church on Whitsunday next.”
The Christ Church Prayer Books have a peculiar historical interest inasmuch as they represent four distinct phases, and several periods, of alteration. First, the Prayer Book exhibited in the Church, Folio 1,677 which was evidently the first to undergo alteration, was changed by hand throughout and with no insertion of printed matter. It was brought into general, though not absolute, harmony with the first edition of 1790, so far as three of the principal offices of the Church are concerned, — that is, Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, and Litany. In some respects it corresponds with the Proposed Book of 1786, but it is impossible to say whether this comes about by intent or simply results from the difficulty of making some of the alterations authorized by the 1790 edition, notably additional introductory sentences and two of the Canticles for Evening Prayer.678 From internal evidence the changes can probably be assigned to the end of 1789 or the early part of 1790.
The verso of the frontispiece has the words “For the Use of the Altar A.D. 1733” written by Francis Beteilhe.679 On the title-page the words “According to the Use of the Church of England” and the Royal arms have been pasted over with slips of paper. The Act for the Uniformity of Common Prayer and the Tables of Lessons are left untouched. In the Morning Prayer the second form of the Absolution is lacking,680 and one of the Versicles and the last four verses of the Venite are pasted over. In the Te Deum the few variations in wording from the English form are made with a pencil. All the verses of the Benedictus with the exception of the first four; the repetition of the Lord’s Prayer; and all but the last of the Versicles which precede the Collects, are pasted over. The Prayer for the King is altered both by pasting and the use of a pen. The words “behold and bless thy servant the President of the United States and all others in authority” are written on the slip which conceals the words “our most gracious sovereign Lord King George,” and in general in this prayer the necessary changes are made in ink. The Prayers for the Royal Family are pasted over, and in the Prayer for the Clergy the pen is again employed.681
The Evening Service is corrected in a similar manner, and the Athanasian Creed, which in the English book follows the Evening Prayer, is abolished by pasting two leaves together. In the Litany the petitions relating to the King, Royal Family, Lords of Council, etc., are pasted over, and the American petition for Christian Rulers and Magistrates written in ink on the first slip of paper. The Communion Service is left untouched notwithstanding its several references to the King. There are no other changes through the book particularly worthy of note, except that the Commination Service and the special services for November 5, January 30, May 29, and June 11 have been removed.682 The Thirty-Nine Articles and Constitution and Canons are left untouched in their proper place at the end of the volume.
Next, Folio 2 represents the second phase of alteration. This volume has been rebound and rather badly trimmed in the process. On the front cover is an inlay in red leather with the words “Christ’s Church Boston 1809.” While it is probable that the new covers may be of this period, the alterations within the book are of 1792. A second edition of the first Prayer Book was published in 1791, also in duodecimo form.683 In addition to the two complete editions, a reprint in folio and in quarto “of the parts in general use” was issued in 1792.684 This partial folio reprint was obviously intended for insertion in the old English folio Prayer Books which had been in use in the older churches.685 It comprised the Table of Lessons, Morning and Evening Prayer, Litany, Occasional Prayers and Thanks-givings, Communion Service, Form of Prayer and Thanks giving for the Fruits of the Earth,686 Ten Selections of Psalms, Portions of Psalms for Holy-days to be used in place of the Venite, and a few hymns.687 The reprint is without pagination but has signatures, [A]–I, K–Q, in twos, or thirty-two leaves.
Up to the present time, so far as the writer is aware, the time and place of publication and the names of the publishers have never been ascertained. In his bibliography of the standard editions of the American Book the Rev. Dr. Gibson wrote:688
An unique copy of this folio partial edition, — corresponding exactly in the portions given, in typography and spelling, to the duodecimo editions of 1790 and 1791, in its original blue paper cover, and containing sixty-four printed pages — may be seen in the Rector’s library of the late Dr. Edson at Lowell, Mass.689 A copy also of the quarto partial edition is preserved in the American Antiquarian Library, at Worcester, Mass., and this copy was given to that library by the famous early printer Isaiah Thomas, . . . and he affirmed that it had been printed by the old firm of Thomas & Andrews. These partial editions have no title, publisher, or date on them.
As a matter of fact, however, the American Antiquarian Society possesses a fine copy of the partial folio reprint, bound in boards, 9¾ by 16 inches, as well as the partial quarto reprint. The latter, which contains the book-plate of Isaiah Thomas, has written on the fly-leaf: “Morning & Evening Prayer. Printed by Thomas & Andrews,” in the handwriting of Isaiah Thomas. The former has on the fly-leaf: “Morning & Evening Service. Printed by Thomas & Andrews;” and at the top of signature [A] “Boston, Printed by Thomas & Andrews, 17” also in Isaiah Thomas’s handwriting.690 The correspondence, preserved in the library of the American Antiquarian Society, between Ebenezer T. Andrews of Thomas & Andrews, Boston, and Isaiah Thomas in Worcester, seems to indicate that Thomas & Andrews had issued proposals for printing an edition of the Prayer Book but that this project was interfered with by reason of copyright difficulties. Andrews wrote Thomas on February 5, 1792: “I spoke to Dr. Parker [of Trinity Church] about Prayer Book. He says there will be a general Convention in June, at which time the dispute about Copyright will be settled, and he thinks we had better wait until that time. He has as yet only one paper returned, which is from Newburyport and has upwards of 200 on it.”691 Then a letter from Andrews to Thomas, under date of March 18, 1792, shows that a plan of printing the “parts in general use” had been decided on:
I want three bundles of six reams of your bible paper. Have agreed with Dr. Parker to print some extracts from the folio Prayer Book, to complete some folio Prayer Books, belonging to the Church etc. and at the same time shall print some in quarto for sale, as the extracts contain almost all of the Prayer Book which is altered. — these, I doubt not, will sell well, and induce our subscribers for the Prayer Book (of which there are I believe 2 or 3000) to wait until after the Convention meets, when Dr. Parker thinks we had better print an octavo instead of a 12 mo.692
Finally, an advertisement of Thomas & Andrews which first appeared in the Columbian Centinel of Wednesday, June 27, 1792, of the partial edition in quarto and “A few sets of the same, in Folio,” establishes the exact time of publication.693
The title-page of Folio 2 is unaltered and the Act for the Uniformity of Common Prayer and first leaf of the Kalendar are left in the book, but the succeeding leaves of the Kalendar have been cut out. Then the “parts in general use” are inserted in their proper places throughout the book, the corresponding English portions having been removed. Also the Athanasian Creed and the four special services have been cut out, but not the Commination Service. Aside from the evidence of the height and width of the text-page,694 quality of the paper and the signatures, this reprint can be easily identified by reason of several typographical peculiarities found only in the first Book.695
There is one marked variation from the 1790 edition which occurs in the Occasional Prayers and Thanksgivings where thirteen prayers are lacking in the reprint. This omission is partially offset, however, by leaving in the book the English form of Prayers and Thanksgivings where practically all of the prayers can be found.696
In the Table of Lessons for July, signature A2, entered against the fourth day of the month are the words “Civil and Religious Liberty” as in the Proposed Book, but signature A does not correspond with this book. The 1792 partial folio does not include the three forms of Baptismal Services — that is, Public and Private Baptism of Infants, and Baptism of those of Riper Years; and accordingly in Folio 2 the English services are left in the book. As in Folio 1 the Thirty-Nine Articles and Constitution and Canons are found at the end of the volume.
Then in Folio 3 we find the third phase of alteration, probably made in 1795 or at all events soon after that year. In 1793 the first Standard Prayer Book697 was published in octavo form by Hugh Gaine of New York, and in 1795 the first full folio edition of the American Prayer Book was issued, also by Gaine.698 Various portions of this 1795 edition in folio of the Standard Book were inserted in their proper places in Folio 3,699 following in a general way the method employed in Folio 2 with the 1792 partial folio, and adding substantially the same services. Whether these portions were removed from a completed book or some extra copies of the signatures desired were run off it is impossible to determine. The lack of sequence in the signatures shows, however, that there was no separate partial edition issued as in 1792, where the signatures are consecutive.700 This volume (Folio 3) has some peculiarities of its own. On the title-page the words “According to the Use of the Church of England” are covered over. The Act for Uniformity has been removed, but the English Kalendar and Table of Lessons are left in, and the American Table does not appear. The Occasional Prayers and Thanksgivings agree with the first edition of 1790 and the 1793 Standard Book.701 The American form of the three Baptismal Services which differ only slightly from the English services follows the Communion Service.702 The ten Selections of Psalms and the Portions of Psalms for Holy-Days precede the English Psalter, but the hymns which follow the Portions of Psalms in the partial folio 1792 are not found in the 1795 edition. The book ends with the Service for the Consecration of Bishops, the Thirty-Nine Articles, Constitution and Canons having been cut out.
Finally, Folio 4 and the large-paper copy furnish an interesting variation from the other three folios, since their alterations are made by a curious combination of the partial folio 1792 employed in Folio 2 and the full folio, 1795, used in Folio 3. They may perhaps be most clearly described by considering them in their relation to each other, designating the large-paper copy as Folio 5.
The title-page of Folio 4 has the words “According to the Use of the Church of England” pasted over; the title-page of Folio 5 is unaltered. Folio 4 lacks the Act for Uniformity of Common Prayer, but has the first leaf of the English Kalendar; Folio 5 has the Act but no portion of the Kalendar. Both have the American Table of Lessons from the partial folio 1792, and Morning and Evening Prayer, Litany, and Prayers and Thanksgivings from the 1795 folio. In Folio 4 the Thanksgiving for the Fruits of the Earth precedes the Epistles and Gospels; in Folio 5 it precedes the Morning Prayer. Both the Athanasian Creed and Commination Service have been removed from Folio 4, but the Creed only from Folio 5. Folio 4 has only the Communion Service from the 1795 folio, while Folio 5 has from the same source the Communion Service and the three Baptismal Services, but both have the English Baptismal services left in. Folio 5 alone has one leaf (signature Gg) of the Family Prayers from the 1795 folio.703 Folio 4 has the ten Selections of Psalms before the English Psalter, and after it the Portions of Psalms to be used in place of the Venite all from the partial folio of 1792. Folio 5 has before the Psalter the ten Selections and the Portions of Psalms from the 1795 folio, and after the Psalter the Portions of Psalms from the 1792 partial folio.704 Folio 4, like Folio 3, has the Thirty-Nine Articles, Constitution and Canons cut out; Folio 5, like Folios 1 and 2, has them left untouched.
As to the probable period of alteration, it can only be said that it could not have been prior to 1795, but why in that case portions of the partial folio of 1792 were used in each book cannot be explained. Both volumes show rather less signs of wear than the other three, although in Folio 4 it was found necessary to strengthen the edges of many of the 1795 leaves by pasting on strips of paper. The paper itself seems somewhat lighter than that in Folio 5, but this may simply be an apparent effect produced from more constant use. However, Folio 4 has never had to be rebound and is tooled exactly like Folio 3, although the color of the leather, as it appears now, is lighter.
In conclusion it may be queried why the changes which were made by the insertion of printed matter were confined to certain services. The answer undoubtedly is that in the main the changes were limited to those services of the Church which would be read either at the reading-desk or at the Altar. In the Marriage, Baptismal, and Funeral Services it is obvious that a folio Prayer Book would not be very practical, on account of the places and manner in which they are conducted. Undoubtedly then as now the officiating clergyman would commonly use a small book which could easily be held in the hand. While it is true that two of the Books contain the Baptismal Services in folio, it will be noticed that they are from the full folio of 1795, and that the partial folio of 1792, which was only intended to harmonize the old English Prayer Books with the American Book of Common Prayer, did not contain these services.
Mr. Albert Matthews made the following communication:
Mr. Brigham has sent down to us from the American Antiquarian Society an interleaved copy of Ames’s Almanac for 1737 containing manuscript entries. It is nowhere stated in the volume who made these entries, but the minute handwriting of the Rev. Thomas Prince is unmistakable, besides which internal evidence makes it certain that he was the writer. Mr. Tuttle has kindly transcribed the entries. The title-page of the almanac is lacking, but on a flyleaf is written: “William Lincoln from E Torrey Esq.”
It is, of course, quite unnecessary to give a sketch of so distinguished a man as Mr. Prince, but a brief statement will be useful in clearing up references to various members of his family, his relatives, and other persons alluded to in the Diary. His father, Samuel Prince, was born in May, 1649, was twice married, and died July 3, 1728. By his first wife, Martha Barstow, there were several children, of whom it is necessary to mention only Martha, who married Ezra Bourne of Sandwich. Their son, the Rev. Joseph Bourne (H. C. 1722), was the “cousin Joseph Bourn” of the Diary.
By his second wife, Mercy Hinckley, a daughter of Governor Thomas Hinckley and Mary (Smith) Hinckley of Plymouth Colony, Samuel Prince had ten children, of whom four died before 1737. The other six, all of whom are mentioned in the Diary, were as follows: (1) Thomas Prince, the diarist, born 1687, H. C. 1707, pastor of the Old South Church, Boston, 1718–1758, died October 22, 1758; (2) Mary Prince, born 1689, married the Rev. Peter Thacher (H. C. 1706) of Middleborough, died October 1, 1771;705 (3) Joseph Prince, born 1695, died at Stratford, Connecticut, December 4, 1747;706 (4) Moses Prince, born 1697, died at Antigua, July 6, 1745; (5) Nathan Prince, born 1698, H. C. 1718, Tutor at Harvard College 1723–1742, Fellow 1728–1742, in which year he lost his position on account of intemperance, a heated controversy ensuing between him and the Corporation, later took Episcopal orders, died at Rattan, July 25, 1748;707 (6) Mercy Prince, born 1700, died August 9, 1748.
Elizabeth Prince, a sister of Samuel Prince, born 1640, died May 12, 1727, married Josiah Loring; and their son Jonathan Loring (born 1674, died October 15, 1752) was the “cousin Loring” of the Diary.
On October 30, 1719, the Rev. Thomas Prince married Deborah Denny, who died June 1, 1766. Of their nine children, only four reached maturity, namely: (1) Thomas Prince, born 1722, H. C. 1740, died September 30, 1748;708 (2) Deborah Prince, born 1723, died July 20, 1744; (3) Mercy Prince, born 1725, died May 18, 1752; (4) Sarah Prince, born 1728, married Lieutenant-Governor Moses Gill, died August 5, 1771.709 Mrs. Prince’s brothers, Samuel Denny (born 1689, died June 2, 1772) and Daniel Denny (born 1694, married Rebecca Jones, died April 16, 1760), are also mentioned.710
That clergymen figure largely in the Diary is to be expected, the following being mentioned: Rev. Hull Abbot (H. C. 1720), Charlestown; Rev. John Adams (H. C. 1721), at one time at Newport, Rhode Island; Rev. James Allen (H. C. 1710), Brookline; Rev. Nathaniel Appleton (H. C. 1712), Cambridge; Rev. Joseph Baxter (H. C. 1693), Medfield; Rev. Joseph Bourne (H. C. 1722), Mashpee; Rev. Jonathan Bowman (H. C. 1724), Dorchester; Rev. John Brown (H. C. 1714), Haverhill; Rev. Mather Byles (H. C. 1725), Hollis Street Church, Boston; Rev. Charles Chauncy (H. C. 1721), First Church (Old Brick Church), Boston; Rev. Samuel Checkley (H. C. 1715), New South Church, Boston; Rev. Ames Cheever (H. C. 1707), Manchester; Rev. Nathaniel Clap (H. C. 1690), Newport, Rhode Island; Rev. Benjamin Colman (H. C. 1692), Brattle Street Church, Boston; Rev. William Cooper (H. C. 1712), Brattle Street Church, Boston; Rev. John Cotton (H. C. 1710), Newton; Rev. Ward Cotton (H. C. 1729), Hampton, New Hampshire; Rev. Samuel Dexter (H. C. 1720), Dedham; Rev. Thomas Foxcroft (H. C. 1714), First Church (Old Brick Church), Boston; Rev. Joshua Gee (H. C. 1717), Second Church (North or Old North Church), Boston; Rev. Ellis Gray (H. C. 1734), New Brick Church, Boston; Rev. William Hobby (H. C. 1725), Reading; Rev. Edward Holyoke (H. C. 1705), Marblehead, later President of Harvard College; Rev. William Hooper, West Church, later at Trinity Church, Boston; Rev. Israel Loring (H. C. 1701), Sudbury; Rev. Samuel Mather (H. C. 1723), Second Church (North or Old North Church), Boston; Rev. Jonathan Mills (H. C. 1723), Bellingham; Rev. Ebenezer Pemberton (H. C. 1721), New York, later at the New Brick Church, Boston; Rev. Daniel Perkins (H. C. 1717), Bridgewater; Rev. Peter Reynolds (H. C. 1720), Enfield, Connecticut; Rev. Timothy Ruggles (H. C. 1707), Rochester; Rev. Joseph Seccombe (H. C. 1731), Kingston, New Hampshire; Rev. Joseph Sewall (H. C. 1707), Old South Church, Boston; Rev. Peter Thacher (H. C. 1696), New North Church, Boston; Rev. Peter Thacher (H. C. 1706), Middleborough; Rev. Peter Thacher (H. C. 1737), later at Attleborough;711 Rev. Benjamin Wadsworth (H. C. 1690), First Church, Boston, later President of Harvard College; Rev. Nathaniel Walter (H. C. 1729), Roxbury; Rev. Nehemiah Walter (H. C. 1684), Roxbury;712 Rev. John Webb (H. C. 1708), New North Church, Boston; Rev. William Welsteed (H. C. 1716), New Brick Church, Boston; Rev. William Williams (H. C. 1705), Weston. It will be observed that with the exception of William Hooper, who was a Scotchman, every one of these clergymen was a graduate of Harvard.
Diary of the Rev. Thomas Prince, 1737713
1737. Jan. 1 ♄ a Hugh Hall714 & Wm Stoddard Esqs, wth Mr Gouge,715 Dorrel716 &c cm to Desr me to assist in Gathg ym into a Ch at ye wly Part of ye Town next ☽ p. 3 ☽ m I dine at Mr T: Hubbard’s.717
p At 3 I met at Hugh Hall’s Esq, wth R Mr Foxcroft;718 wr I Pray’d, R Mr Foxcroft Preached à Mat. 18. 20. yn I read ye covt, to wc 17 Lift up yr Hands & subscrib’d: R Mr Foxcroft Pray’d: & aftr sm Discourse, I gave ye Blessg, & yn Mr Foxcroft & I left ym. See ye true acct in ye Boston News Letter Jan. 6.719 Aftr ye Ch was gathd, yy met & chose Mr Wm Hooper for yr Pastor: vote Hm, 61 a week salary & 40s more a week for Help.720
4 ♂ e I sup’d at Mr T Hubbard’s wth Col Fulham, old Mr Hubbard,721 cousn Loring,722 Mr Isaac Walker & wf, & Dr Russel of Barnstable.
5 ☿ p Col Josiah Willard of Lunenburgh in my Study.
6. ♃ m I preach G Lecr CH. Ps. 8.1.2(2) (ie½2) I Dine at ye Govs,723 wth Judg Remington724 & Capt T Smith of Richmond Truck House: At 10 last nt Majr Vassal’s House catchd Fire, but was extinguished.725
8 Sa726 a Majr Brattle727 in my Study.
☞ p Dul & compl.
9 Su a I Preach CH. Act. 2.38 (½ 5)
p R Mr Chancy728 Preaches fr me at S Ch.
12 W a I Present ye 1st Vol of my Chronological History of New England to the Gen Ct; viz 1. To the Govr. 1. To the Council. 1. To the Speaker. 1. To the Representatives.729
13 Th m R Mr Web730 Preaches G Lecr
16 Su a S Ch. T P Preaches. L S.
p S Ch Dr Sewall731 Preaches.
17 m This morning ye Trees wth all yr Branches, Twigs & Leaves are cloath’d with Ice, fuller yn ever can be remembred, we lasted sevl Days.
18 Tu m Dr Sewall & wife, wth Mrs Lydia & I. &c Dined at Mrs Noyes’s.
19 W The Honbl Col John Cushing one of ye Councel, & late a Judg of ye Supr Ct, Dies at Scituate, æt 75.732
20 Th m Rev. Mr Loring733 of Sudbury Preaches Gen Lecr for Rev Mr Cooper.734
23 Su a TP Preaches. S Ch. Job. 16.22. This is ye 1st Time of Tommy’s735 going to meetg since his sickness.
p Dr Sewall Preaches. S Ch. Pro. 1.23
25 Tu a At 10 I set out on Horseback for Cambridg: Ride down to Barton’s Point, & over ye Ice to Col Phipps’s Farm: call & Dine at Col Phips’s:736 Present Hm wth my Chronological Hist: go to Collg, vist Mr Rogers, Sewall, Flint, Præsidt Wadsworth:737
At Dark set out, cm down Charlestown-Road as far as ye Stone House, turn out & ride over ye Ice in a thick Fog to Barton’s Point & Home by 8.
27 Th m Cousn Loring & Br Moses738 Dine wth us.
29 Sa Dies Mr Nicholas Buttolph a Bookseller of this Town.739
30 Su a S Ch. T P Preaches.
p Hollis Street Ch, T P Preaches
Feb. 3 Th m R Mr Checkley740 Preaches G L. I Dine at Home. At ye Rate of 20l ꝑ annum wc is ꝑ week — 7s. 8d. 1q12/52
4 F p Govr Prorogues ye Gen Assembly to Apr. 13. W.
5 Sa m Din’d wth majr Brattle at Col Wendal’s By Majr Brattle I send my Letter to ye Præsident, wth a Present of my Chronological Hist of New England.
e A very small Blazing star was 1st descern’d at Boston, a little below Venus in ye Evening.741
6 Su a S Ch. TP.
p S Ch. Dr Sewall.
At 4½, just as we wr cm Home à meeting, my wf & oths in her Chamber heard ye noise & felt a shock of ye Earthquake, wc is also generally perciev’d thro ye countrey, tho a small shock & noise.742
7 M e I saw ye Star.
8 Tu e I saw it again.
10 Th m R Mr Welsted743 Preaches Gen Lecr.
e Wm Wallass of Windsor wth John Wasson of Leicester, cm to me d my Middle-Mare-Medow-Farm at Leicester.
11 F a I sell ye sd Wallass, my sd Farm &c. But not being able to pay me, He sells it sd Wasson, & sd Wasson to Me before ye end of ye year.
13 Su a S Ch. Dr Sewall.
p S Ch. T P.
14 M a Ye Classis Placed at College: Tommy made ye Head; Stevens, ye 2d, Barnard, ye 3d; Gay ye 4th &c:744
p Mins Meetg at Dr Sewalls; wn I Pray’d &c:
17 Th m R Mr Nathl Walter Preach G L for R Mr Gee, à 1 Joh. 4.–8 For God is Love.
p I go over in Mr Hughs’s Slay, wth Mrs Hughs, to her Br Severs’s Funeral at Roxbury. He was a Prentice to Mr Tho Foster House Carpenter, in Boston at wos House He Died; but was carried over & Buried à sd Severs’s Fathr Sever’s, in Roxbury Street,745 Rd Mr Neh Walter & his son R Mr Nathl at ye Funeral.746 Rd Mr Walter senr Prayd at ye House
21 Su a Dr Sewall Preaches. S Ch.
p T P Preaches. S Ch.
23 W a Benj White & Ezra Clap of Middleborrô Esqs, cm to Town.
24 Th m R Mr Chancy Preaches G L. à, Agar’s Prayer. We Dine wth Majr Holman’s at ye Govs.
p At Mr John Salter’s.
Jno Salter |
100l to James Smith |
T P |
B White Esq |
But aftr wd pd & Taken up. |
e I clear’d my Bond to Mr Ezra Clap of Middleborrô
L. Princip |
&c |
Interest |
27 Su a S Ch. Dr Sewall Preaches
p S Ch. Mr Hooper Preaches ye 2d time at S Ch. Psal. 32.–1.
28 M m I Dine at Mr T Hubbard’s.
p At 3, Mins meet at my House.
March 1 Tu p R Mr Chauncy & I wait on Col Wendal, to consult d ye Rev Mr John Adams’s747 support, in his Delirium: yr we meet wth Majr Brattle, Col. Wendal Proposes to get Subscript fr a year, & we desr Majr Brattle to look out a Place for Hm at Cambridg. R Mr Chauncy & I, yn go & Pay a long vis’ to Lieut Govr Dummer.
e Henry Lee Esqr spends ye eveng at my House.
2 W a Mr Elisha Nevers comes to my House à, Leicester.
3 Th m R Mr Mather748 Preaches. G L R Mr Brown749 of Haverhill Dines wth me at my House.
4 F a At 4 this Morning, Mr Brocas’s shop Burnt down.750
6 Su a S Ch. Dr Sewall Preaches.
p S Ch. TP Preaches.
e Charity Meetig, Mr Wm Hooper 1st Preacher Heb. 13.16. Gathd 105l
7. M m I Dine upon Col Wendal’s Invitan, wth Hm & his officers at Goldthwait’s.
8. Tu p Mr T Hubbard wth I & Tommy go over Charlestown-Ferry & ride up in sd Hubbard’s chaise to College: Mr Hubbard & I 1st call on Br Nathan:751 yn we vist ye Præsidt very dangerously ill, wth Wm I Pray. Yn go to Mr Flint’s chamber, wr Mr Sewall, Rogers & Diamond come. I Pray in ye Hall; we go up to Mr Flint’s chamber agn wn leaving Tommy wth Cousn Peter Thacher;752 Mr Hubbard & I comeg down over ye Ferry, we spend ye evening at Mr Isaac Walker’s, Mr Hubbard’s wife & her mother Jackson wth us.753
10 Th m R Mr Byles754 Preaches G L. I Dine at Mr T Hubbard’s wth R Mr Byles & Justice Sever755 of Kingston.
13 Su a S Ch. TP. L S.
p S Ch. Dr Sewall
17 Th m Dr Colman756 Preaches G Lecr. As I come out of Lectr I hear of Præsident Wadsworth’s Decease last night at 1 o’clock. I Dine at Mr. Isaac Walker’s.
19 Sa I hear of the Fall of ye Gallery in Northampton Meetg House last Lord’s Day.757
20 Su a T P Preaches at N Ch. Isa. 55.1. R Mr Mather at S Ch.
p Dr Sewall at S Ch.
21 M m I Dine at Mr T Hubbard’s
23 Wm I Dine at Mr T Hubbard’s, wth Mr Jackson.
p At 2½ we 3 wth Mr Andrew & Peter Oliver, set out on Horseback thro Roxbury, to ye Prœsident’s Funeral at Cambridg. Get there by 4: put up our Horses at Professor Wigglesworth’s:758 at 4½ go to ye President’s House: at 5 we follow ye Corps to ye Hall, wr Mr Flint makes a Latin Fun Oration of near ¾ an Hour.759 We yn proceed to ye Burial, about sun set, & get Home by 8.
24 Th m R Mr Thacher760 Preaches G Lecr
p Tommy comes à College, & Lodges.
25 F a This morng at 2, ye Town-Dock Market-House Pulled down.
26 F p Dr Sewall goes to Cambridg; to Preach on occasion of ye Præident’s Death.761
27 Su a S Ch. T P.
p S Ch. R Mr Cooper — for Dr Sewall & at 6 Tommy sets out for College.
28 M m I Din’d wth Mr Web, Gee762 & Byles at Mr T. Hubbard’s.
p I attend ye Mins meetg at R Mr Cooper’s.
30 W m Tommy comes Home from College.
31 Th Gen Fast in Massach & P Hamshr.
a I Pray & Preach at S Ch; Dr Sewall abs’, at C H, for R Mr Foxcroft seiz’d last nt wth ye Gout.
p S Ch: Dr Sewall Prays & Preaches We Collect 104l 12s for Charitab & Pious Uses.
April 1 F m I Dine at Mr Secretary Willard’s.763
3 S a S Ch TP Preaches.
p Hollis Street Ch T P Preaches. Act. 2.38. (2) Sup at R. Mr Byles’s.
4 M a At 10, S Ch & Cong meet & vote ye surplusage of ye Box, wth ½ ye Cellar Rent to be equally Divided betwn ye Mins.
m I Dine wth Br Moses & Mr Jackson, at Mr T Hubbard’s.
5 Tu a At ye Selectmen’s Desire I open ye Townmeetg wth Prayr in ye Representatives Chamber.
m I Dine wth ye Selectmen, & ye modr viz Hon Elisha Cook Esqr,764 &c at ye Orange Tree.
6. W e Dul. & Let out Br S Denny’s765 to M O.766
7 Th a At 10, Tommy goes up to College
m T P Preaches G Lecr. Ps. 80.1,2.(2) I Dine wth R Mr Appleton767 & Majr Brattle at ye Govrs.
p Mrs Fayrweathr visits us.768 I vist Capt Nathl Green near his End.
e At ye Libera Societas;769 wth Brs Moses & Nathan.
8 F a Br Nathan at our House.
m I Dine wth Mr Oxenbridg Thacher770 & his son at Mr Pain’s.
p Ezra Clap Esq of Middleborrô at our House.
9 Sa a Ys Morng Dies Capt Nathl Green Esqr of this Town. æt. 70. He livd at ye NW comr of Atkinson-Street: He was master of ye ship Dolphin yt went in Compy wth ye Thomas & Elizabeth, wn I went to Barbadoes. A sober man & of very good wit & sense.771
10 Su a Cousn Joseph Prince arrives à Lisbon.772
11 M Very Rainy, cold & raw wth a NE storm all last nt & this Day, as also M night & Tuesday; as also wet a Tuesday night.
12 Tu p Tommy comes à Cambridg by water
13 W a Cousn Joseph Bourn773 at my House.
p Susee Galpin goes Home.
e Dul & Compl Tommy goes to Cambridg by water.
14 Th m R Mr Web Preaches G Lecr. I Dine at James Pemberton Esqr.
p Mrs Mary Jones comes to Nurse my wife.
e I attend Capt Green’s & Thomas Wyat’s Funeral.
17 Su a R Mr Byles Preaches by exchange wth Dr Sewall at ye S Ch This AM, ye New Meetg H 1st opened in ye W Part of Boston; Mr Wm Hooper Preaching a & Mr Gee p. Br Joseph774 comes in wth his vessel à Stratford.
p S Ch. TP.
18 M m I Dine at Mr T Hubbard’s wth R Mr Byles, Br Moses, Mrs Dupee775 &c:
19 Tu m Govr sending for me, I Dine wth Him: ye Post-master Husk776 wth us.
[20] W Last nt & all this Day, a Gt & cold NE Storm of Wind & Rain: we in ye Evg turns to Snow & yn to Rain all night.
21 Th Last nt at 10, our Neighbr Briggs’s Chimney, xtrm Fowl, catches a Fire & burns excedg fierce for near an Hour.
p Mrs Sewall, Mrs Lydia, Mrs Fellows, & Rev. Mr Israel Loring, at our House.
e Mr Lovel wth us. Dul.
22, 23 F & Sa Ye NE Storm of wind & Rn continued Th & Th nt, F & F nt; Sa morng & a m it snows & yn turns to cold Rn.
23 Sa p Dul A most extr cold winter & spring as has been known in this countrey by ye prest Generan: ye xtr cold winr reachd à Penobscot to South Carolina: and the winter may be properly sd to continue at Boston this year to ye end of ys Sa ye 23d of April.
24 Su a S Ch Dr Sewall. Su Apr. 24, may be sd to be ye 1st Day of Spring.
p. S Ch. T. P.
e I Proposed to our South Cħħ & yy very generally Voted, wthout any opposition, yt ye H Scrips b Read in Pub betwn ye 1st Prayr & Singg in ye Forenoon & afternoon: & yt it be left to ye Discretion of ye Pastors, wt Parts to Read & wt Parts to xpound.
25 M m I Din’d at Mr T Hubbard’s.
p I attended Mins Meetg at R Mr Checkley’s.
26 Tu a R Mr Chancy & I Rode up in a Chair round to Cambg to ye Overseers ½ yearly meetg in ye Colg Library. We (1) Recomd to ye Corporan to chuse ye Colg officers annualy. (2) Agreed to join wth ye Corporan to keep sm tm in Prayr d ye choice of a Præsidt, appointed sd tm of Prayr to be W May 4 a: & Recomd to ye Corporan to Proceed to [blank]777
Din’d, Retd by Day-Light, I visd Mrs Chancy dangerously ill.
27 W p I spent wth Mr Mather in his study — d his Apology.778
28 Th m R Mr Foxcroft Preaches G Lecr. I Dine wth Mr Mather’s at Deacon Henchman’s.779
30 Sa p Mr Wm Hooper cms wth a Letr à ye W Ch, expressg yr unanimous & earnest Desr yt I wd Preach at his Ordinan ye 18th of May. Ys Sa Br Joseph sails for Stratford.
May 1 Su a Ys a we 1st Begin to Read ye Scrips in Pub betwn ye lst Prayr & Singing. Dr Sewall Beging wth Gen I.
p Ys p I Begin wth Mat. I.
2 M a Nurse Jones call’d away: Mrs Fellows cms to stay wth my wf ys d, & goes Home. Ys d we Plant our Garden & sow our Beans. Ys a Mr Wm Hooper wth me agn to Perswd me to Preach at his ordina. Ys a, Mercy & Sarah780 Begin to go to School to Mrs Twing.
e Mrs Wheeler comes to tend my wife.
a m p Dul.
5 Th m R Mr Checkley Preaches G Lecr. I Dine at Mr Andrew Oliver’s wth Mr S Mather:
p whither R Mr Hooper cms agn to Perswd me to Preach at his Ordina: follows me Home; I send Hm to Rev Mr Webb. Br Nathan comes in while Mr Hooper is wth me.
e & R Mr Foxcroft visits me: & while He is wth me, Mr Hooper cma agn: But I tell Hm He must Preach, &c
8 Su a S Ch. T P. LS
p S Ch. Dr Sewall
9 M m I Dine at Mr T Hubbard’s.
p I meet Mins at R Mr Welsted’s.
12 Th m R Mr Welsted Preaches G Lecr. I Dine at Mr J Hunt’s.781
13 F a This morng Dies Mrs Eliz ye wf of ye R Mr C Chauncy, æt. 31. a most pretty, pleasant, virtuous, discreet, good Tempd Gentlewoman She was a Dear & Delightf Friend to me.782
14 Sa e Hugh Hall Esq & Wm Stoddard Esq., come to Sollicit me to gv Mr Hooper ye charge at his ordina next F. At length I tell ym, if yr ch will 1st vote fr & send to R Mr Thacher, & He refuses; yn I will.
15 Su a I Preach my 1st at ye West Church: R Mr Checkley Preachg fr me at ye S Ch.
p S Ch. Dr Sewall Preaches.
16 M a Gazette &c
m I dine at Mr T Hubbard’s.
p I attend as a Barer on ye Funeral of Dr Mrs Chancy, & Returng to his House, I Pray.
18 W a Mr Wm Hoopers Ordination Pastor of ye West Ch. R Mr Foxcroft Prays. Mr Hooper Preaches, 2. Cor. 4.7 R Dr Sewall Prays. I Read ye Ch Covt &c; Pray give ye charge to Mr Hooper Pray & gv anothr Chg to ye Ch. Dr Colman gives ye Rt Hd to Mr Hooper. Sing. Mr Hooper gives ye Blessing.
19 Th m R Mr Gee Preaches Gen Lecr. I 1st Dine at Mrs Fayrwether’s: none but Mrs Sarah Cotton wth us.
20 F a I ride on Mr Jeffrey’s Horse to Stephen Williams at Roxbury, see the Mare & colt & Dine: yn to Cousin Thomas Glover’s; to Cousn David Rawson’s; to Capt Culliver’s, wr I met wth Cousn David Rawson & his wf;783 to Cousn Widow Glover’s; & yn Home by Dark.
22 Su a S Ch. T P.
p N S. T P. This d 12 weeks since my wf took to her Bed.
23 M m I Dine at Mr T. Hubbard’s
e At 9½ my wf grows Ill. sent fr her women, contind very dangs all nt
24 Tu & morng till 4 wn she was deliv’d of a 4th still Born Dtr, we we inter’d in ye Miny Tomb at sunset.
p Brothr Thachr cms in à Middleboro & Tommy à Cambridg.
25 W a Govr sendg fr me I go wth Dr Sewall & Brake fast wth Hm & ye Council &c. Dr Sewall cravg a Blessg, & I Returng Thanks.
M R Mr Loring of Sudbury Preaches ye Elecn Serm. I Dine wth Dr Sewall’s Family.
p I attend ye conven of Mins at Dr Sewall’s, off my Scheam d ye collections we wth sm alteras is acceptd.
At ye Conventn of NE Pastors
Ye Scheam voted is this.
1. Yt at our Anniversary meetings, at ye Gen Elec in May, yr be a Sermon Preached to ye Convention on ye Day after ye Election in ye Forenoon: & yt ye Conventions yearly do by written votes chuse ye Person to Preach at ye Convention following, as also another to Preach in case ye Person 1st chosen shd fail.
2. Yt aftr ye Sermon, yr be a Collection made for Propagating ye Gospel & supportg ye wp of God in necessitous Places.
3. Yt ye Rev Dr Sewall be ye Treasurer, to take care of ye sd Collections, as also of ye contributions yt may be sent in afterwards, & dispose of ym to ye Persons & uses Ordered, till ye Convention chuse some other.
4. Yt all ye Collections appropriated by ye Contributors be strictly applied to ye Persons & uses Directed by yr Contributors.
5. Yt ye unappropriated Collections may be disposed of by ye Vote of ye sd Conventions, if yy see cause, before yy separate.
6. Yt yr be a Com̄ittee annually chosen by ye Convention to dispose of ye remaining unappropriated collections, together wth any other unappropriated contributions ye may be sent in to ye Treasurer afterwards for ye Pious uses abovsd.
7. Yt ye sd Comtee & Treasurer do lay yr account before ye Conventions yearly in ye afternoon of ye Day of ye General Elections. &
Yt ye Rev. Dr Collman, Mr Thacher, Mr Foxcroft, Mr Gee of Boston, Mr Nehemiah Walter of Roxbury, Mr Appleton of Cambridg & Mr Bowman784 of Dorchester, be ye Com̄ittee for ye uses abovsd on ye year ensuing.
All voted, |
Attest |
Thomas Prince |
NB. I wd Propose ye associated Pastors of Boston wth such other Pastors as ye convention shall please to chuse, as a standing com̄ittee, till ye convention order otherwise.
26 Th a Attend ye Conven agn. At 10 ye S Ch Bell 1st Rings: at 11 ye 2d: we go in; wn R Mr Baxter785 Prays & Preaches. yn mk ye Collecn.
m I Dine at Home: Br Thachr Dining wth me.
p Attend ye Conven, wo Dispose ye collecn. yn Attend ye collg overseers meetg in ye Council Chamber; wn R Mr Cooper is Presented by ye Corporan fr Præsidt, but excuses Hims: adjourn to next Th.
e Sev Mins at my House.
27 F m Br Thachr Dines wth us.
p Br Moses wth Tommy, & aftr ym Br Thachr set è fr Middleborô [29] Su a S Ch R Mr Raynolds786 of Enfield Preaches
p S Ch R Mr Pemberton787 of N York Preaches.
30 M a Cms in Paton à Rochester
M I Dine at Mr T Hubbard’s.
31 Tu m I Dine at Mr T Cushion’s.788 Paton Returns.
p &c xced Dul &c.
June 1 W p visd Mrs Cotton &c.
2 Th m R Mr Pemberton of New York Preaches G Lecr fr Mr Mather. I Dine at Mr Isaac Walkers.
p. At 4 I meet ye Colg overseers in ye Council Chambr. wr (1) We accept ye Choice of R Mr Holyoak fr Præsidt. (2) chuse a Comtee to Desr his acceptne, his Cħħs concurrne, & to address ye Gen ct to encourg & facilitate his settlemt
3 F m I Dine at Mr Brandon’s wth Mr Secry, Col Berry, yr wives, Mrs Payson &c.
p I Preach fr R Mr Chancy, at B S Ch, ye Sacramt Lectr, à Mat. 8. 17. (2, 3)
e Tommy brings in Cousn Mary Thachr789 à Middleborô.
4 Sa p Abt Sunset rises a terrib Storm of Thundr & Lighteng: wn a Girl is Kill’d at Boston, æt 13; & Capt Pitman at Salem, æt 23.790
5 Su a L S. S Ch. Dr Sewall
p S Ch. T P.
6 M a I went & saw ye Girl killd wth Lightg, view’d ye Room, enquir’d, Pray’d &c.
p At 2 I set è alone for Rochester, baited at Mills’s in Braintry, & lodg at Daniel Howards at Bridgewater Bounds.
7 Tu a I rode on & baited at Howard’s in Bridgwater Town, & at ye Widow’s of my Dear late departed Friend, Capt. Thomas Ames’s. He was a grave, modest, ingenious, prudent, sober, honest man; a Lover of ye old ways of NE; shew’d me allways a particr Respect, invited & wellcom’d me to his House: & Died on [blank] Thence to Br. Thacher’s by 12; Din’d;
p At 2 set out for Cromessit-neck; 3 mile this side Elisha Wing’s, met wth Br Thacher, Bourn, & Moses: Br Bourn went back wth me, & we lodg’d at Elisha Wing’s.
8 W a Br Bourn & I went to Paton’s at Cromessit Little Neck, spent ye Day wth Paton & Saml Edwards: md up accts & Lodg’d. This morng I Pd Elisha Wing 12s in full for service done for Mother at Cromessit.
9 Th a Br. Bourn, Paton & I mounting, rode to ye Partg of ye Roads; wn Br Bourn rode off fr Sandwich, Paton & I ride to Elish Wing’s; I left wth Elish Wing, — 1. Our covt wth Paton & Edwards. 2. Ebenr Landers note to me. Wn He return’d to ye Neck, I ride to Deacon Freeman’s, Mr Ruggles’s, Joseph Haskel’s, Widow Nye’s, Joseph Savery’s in my House at Charles Neck, John Dexter’s, Widow Nye’s. agn, wr I lodg’d. I tk a note à sd Paton of 6l 0. 6d see March. 30. 1738.
10 F a Joseph Savery comg over, we ride to Ben Hilliers: He Ben Hillier & I to Joseph Haskel’s, wr we find Br Moses, yn to John Bourn’s, wr sd Hillier & I agree about ye Well. I Pay sd Hillier 3l 15s 0 & com̄itted ye covt to Joseph Savery.
Capt Ham̄ond & Br. Moses Comg to John Bourn’s, we 3 wth sd Bourn, Run ye Line betwn Br Moses Land & Mine, marked ye Range Trees, & set up a stake & stones for our com̄on Boundary on ye E side ye way yt leads down à Noah Sprague’s to Hatch’s. Went to Caleb Blackwell’s, & John Bourn’s, wr I left Capt Ham̄ond I Pd Capt Ham̄ond 22s in full for surveying Faths Land on Arnolds Plain: Yn Br Moses & [I] went & Din’d at Roger Haskells: & cm to Br Thacher’s by sunset.
Sa a At 7 I set out alone, call’d at Mr Tucker’s, Howard’s in Bridgwatr Town, Daniel Howard’s in ye Goar, come over ye Blew Hills, to Cousn Widow Glover’s. wr I left my mare, & cm home a Foot by 9 at night. Br Joseph cm in à Stratford in Connecticut, wth a Load of Pork &c:
[12] S a S Ch. Dr Sewall.
p S Ch. Rev. Mr Ward Cotton791 of Hampton.
13 M m I Dine at Mr T Hubbard’s.
15 W p I attended ye Fun of Timothy Clarke Esq; wo Died last M Morng, æt 81.792
16 Th m Dr Colman Preaches G Lecr.
19 S a S Ch. Dr Sewall.
p S Ch. T P.
20 M m I Dine at Mr T Hubbard’s
p I met ye Mins at R Mr Gee’s; wn Rev. Mr Hooper 1st cms among us. Br Saml Denny cms in by Land à Arrowsick.
22 W p College Overseers meet in ye Council Chamber: Mr Flint Presd ye unanims vote of ye Corpora yt my Br793 Modt & give Degrees on ye Com̄enct in ye Forenoon; & Mr Flint afternoon. Ye Govr 12 Councillours 4 Ministers, viz Dr Sewall Mr Foxcroft Mr Gee Myself. Ye 4 Mins & 4 Councill’s aff: ye Gov & 8 Councilrs neg. Adjd to F p
23 Th m R Mr Thacher Preaches CH I Dine at Mr Vans’s, wth Mr Saml Dummer.794
m Tommy cms Home à College.
p I attd Majr Vassal’s Fun.795
24 F p Collg Overseers Met in ye Council Chambr; wn ye Majr Pt voted aff of ye corporas choice of Mr Flint to modt & give Degs fr ye whole Day.796 Adjourn to next Th p. Br Joseph sets sail for Stratford.
25 Sa p xeed Dul.
26 S a S Ch. Dr Sewall
p S Ch. T P.
27 M m I Dine at Mr T Hubbards.
p Went & visd R Mr Gee, found wth Hm his Br George Rogers797 & Rev Mr Pemberton of N York.
e Sup at Mr B Pemberton’s, wth Rev Mr Pemberton &c.
28 Tu a Sisr Thacher & her Dtr Susee cm in à. Middleborrô.
30 Th m Dr Sewall Preaches G L. I Dine at Home.
p Collg Overseers meet in ye Council Chambr: But havg nothg to do, dissolv.
July 2 Sa a Br Saml Denny sets sail for Arrowsick.
3 Su a S Ch. T P. LS
p S Ch. Dr Sewall.
4 M p I meet Mins at R Mr Chancy’s.
e Br Thacher cms to my House.
5 Tu a Gov sends to me to ride in his Chariot wth Hm to Com̄enct to morrow.
p At 1. Cousns Mary & Susee Thacher, wth My Debby & Mercy,798 go up in a Boat for Cambridg.
6 W a At 6 I went ovr to ye Govs: at 6½ set è in his chaise wth Hm & Dr Sewall, to Collg by 8. Went to Cousn Peter Thacher’s Chambr wr I found my Tom̄y, Debby, & Mercy, wth Cousns Peter, Sam̄y, Mary & Susee Thacher.799 Aftrwd cms Br & Sistr Thacher, Cousn Foster & wf &c.800 At 10 went to ye Overseers meetg in ye Library. wo added Mr Lynde801 & me to ye Comtee to Perswd Mr Holyoak’s ppl, to let Hm cm to Collg. I went to ye a m exercs. Din’d in Cousn Peter’s Chambr. went to ye p m Exercs.
p. At 7. Dr Sewall, I & my Debby set out in ye Govs chaise wth Hm, & at 8½ get Home. At 10 my Mercy comes Home, being brot by Charlstown Ferry, by Cousn Bullard.
7 Th m R Mr William802 of Weston Preaches for me at C H. We Dine wth A Stoddard Esq803 & Major Brattle at the Gov’s.
e Br & Sistr Thacher wth yr Chiln cm à Cambridg.
8 F a Br & Sisr Thachr & Cous Peter go Homewd by Land.
p Cousn Susee, wth Cousn Foster & wf, for Plymouth by water. This P, I 1st carry my wf out in a chaise, ride round Roxbury Square, & cm Home.
10 S a S Ch. T P.
p S Ch. Mr Ellis Gray’s804 1st at S Ch.
11 M m At 11, my Dr & I set out in a chaise, & rode to Mr Isaac Walker’s House at Roxbury: Eat Radishes & Brd & Butter, I went about his Land: & we cm Home abt sunset.
14 Th m R Mr Webb Preaches G Lecr. Dr Sewall & I Dine at ye Gov’s.
16 Sa a At 11, My Dr, wth Tom̄y & I set out in Mr Trail’s chaise, rode to widow Glover’s at Dorchester.
m Din’d; yn
p Rode across to Capt Steven Williams’s at Roxbury. Tom̄y found my mare, & rode Her Home wth us.
17 Su a NS. T P. R Mr Cooper fr me at S Ch.
p S Ch. Dr Sewall R Mr Checkley fr Mr C at B S This P. Su. July 17. My wf 1st goes to meetg since [blank]
18 M m At noon, Br D Denny’s wf805 on a Horse, My Tommy on my mare, Si My Debby on anothr, set out for Leicester. My wf & I in Mr Hunt’s chaise, went wth ym: At White’s Brook, Sistr Denny rode on to Newtown; Tommy Debby, my wf & I to College. Refresh’d ourselves in Tommy’s Chambr: At 4 we cm down & parted; Tommy & Debby riding on to meet yr aunt at Saltmarsh’s a little beyond Watertown Mills, my wf & I returning Home.
20 W a At 11½. I carried my wf & Sarah in Cousn Loring’s chaise to Capt Davis’s countrey seat at Roxbury; Din’d wth Hm & wf: & at 5 p set out & came Home by 6.
p Collg Overseers Comtee meet Mr Holyoke’s ppl at Marblehead, & obtn yr Leav fr his going to Collg.
21 Th m R Mr Cooper Preaches CHI Dine alone at Mr A Oliver’s
22 F m I Dine wth Capt Dupee & wf at Mr T Cushion’s.
24 Su a S Ch. T P.
p S Ch. Dr Sewall.
25 M m Br Nathan & I Dine at Mr T Hubbard’s.
p At 4 Mrs Dupee calls & tks my wf into her Chaise & carries her to Mr T Cushion’s junr. At 5 my wf sets out wth Capt Dupee & wf in yr Chaise, à Mr T Cushion’s, fr yr seat at Woburn.
26 Tu m I Dine at ye Govs: wo aftr Dinr takes me into his chamb d his 2 sons806 &c Br Nathan Dines at Mr T Cushion’s.
p At 4 ye Govr Cms to my House d his son Andrew.
e Mr Andrew Belcher spends ys e at my House wth Br Nathan & I.
27 W p Dul. At London, Imported à Peterborough 450 C weight of rough Hemp. At London Exported for New England 1738 Ells of Sail cloath. 400 lb of gunpowder. Daily Post.
28 Th m R Mr Foxcroft Preaches Gn Lecr. I Dine 1st at Mr Benjamin Holloway’s.
[31] Su a S Ch. Dr Sewall. LS
p S Ch. T P.
August 1 M m I Dine at Mr T Hubbard’s, but alone; He & his wf being at Braintrey.
2 Tu a At 9, Mr Brandon & wf, & Cushion in 1 Chaise, Mrs Cushion wth her Dtr & I in anothr, set è à Charlestown, thro Medford, to Capt Dupee’s at Woburn: Din’d: & at 6, set è agn ovr ye ware, by ye stone windmill, & ovr Winter Hill to Charlestown; & got Home by 9.
3 W m I Dine at Mr T Cushion’s.
e Dul. exeed.
4 Th m R Mr Checkley Preaches Gn Lecr. Dine at Mr Secretary’s wth Col Berry.
p Quakers’ wedding in C H Chh.807 At 4 I met ye Collg Oversrs in ye Council Chambr; wn ye Clerk Read R Mr Holyoak’s Lef of acceptnc, & ye Overseers voted ye Clerk by Letr to Desire Hm to Remov to Collg as soon as He can conveny. R Mr Flint visits me.
5 F a R Mr Chever808 of Manchester & Flint visit me.
m Br Nathan Dines wth me.
6 Sa m Br Nathan Dines wth me.
7 Su a S Ch. T P.
8 M m I Din’d at Mr Isaac Walker’s.
p Dul. xeed
9 Tu a At 9 I set out wth Mercy & Sarah in Capt Cunningham’s Chair, went ovr Charlestown Ferry thro Medford, to My Dr at Capt Dupee’s in Woburn, by 11½ At 12 cms Rev Mr Hobby & wf & Dtr.809 Dine togethr.
p Br Nathan goes up to College. At 4 Mr Hobby & wf & Dtr set è fr Cambridg: At 4½ I & My Dtr, & Capt Dupee, & Mm, set è in chair & Chaise 3′ to [blank] at Stonham, & Retn by Day-Light. Lodg.
10 W a At 9 Capt Dupee & Wf, wth my Dr in his chaise; & I & my 2 Drs in ye Chair, set out, ovr ye ware, thro Nottamy, Cambridg &; Roxbury to Boston by 12½ Dine at Home. At 4, Tommy cms in à Leicester. R Mr Perkins810 of Bridgwater & Dtr visit us. At 7 I meet wth Col Winthrop, A Stoddard Esqr, Mr Wm Allen, & Col Saml Willard, at Mr Jonas Cla[rks] d settlg nw Qtr of Rutland.
11 Th a Judg Dudley811 calls at my House, & Desires me to go wth Hm & vist ye Greek Nobleman at Mr Eyre’s House in Queen Street.
m R Mr Welsted Preaches Gn Lecr. I Dine at Home:
p At 5 Judg Dudley & I visit ye Greek nobleman; Schik Sidi.812
At 7 I meet Col Winthrop &c at Jonas Clark’s, wr I drew up & we sign’d a vote to encourg ye Settlemt in ye NW Qr of Rutland.
e The finest Aurora Borealis yt has been seen at Boston & round abt, betwn 7 & 11.813
12 F m I Dine at Cousn Joseph Prince’s.
p At 4 I set è on my mare, ovr Charlestown Ferry, to Ambrose Hinds’ at Cambridg, agree wth Hm to keep my mare fr using Her; only I & Tom̄y are to use Her wn we want Her. yn to College, Brookline, call at Deacon Cotton’s Roxbury, vist Judg Dudley, & cm home by 9. At 6, Cousn Mary Thacher sett è wth her Cousn Niles, Homewd. & Eunice Jones cms to be wth us a little while.
13 Sa a Mr John Metcalf of Bellingham visits me.
e Br Nathan cms à Collg.
14 Su a B S. T P. Luke 14.16. (2) for Mr Cooper at Newberry p S Ch. T P. Prov. 8.17. (7) Dr Sewall at N Ch.
15 M a Tom̄y carries ye Mare & colt to Hind’s at Cambridg; leavs ym yr & cms home a foot by 10 A M.
p I meet Mins at Dr Colman’s.
16 Tu m Mrs Felloss & Billy Dine wth us. Abtt 12, ye Greek Nobleman &c rides by my House, for Rhode Island; wo arriv’d at Boston, W July 20.814
p Judg Dudley, N Sever Esq of Kingston & Stephen Jones visit me.
18 Th m R Mr Abbot815 Preaches G L fr Mr Gee. I Dine at Deacon Henchmans Br Moses sails fr Sheepscoat.
p Br. Nathan goes up to College.
19 F a I vist ye Honbl Elisha Cook Esq, dangy ill. I vist ye Hon Mr Varnum of Newport, at our Neighbour Mr Barrat. Dyre’s.
e Br. Joseph cms in à Stratford.
20. Sa p I vist Mr Cook agn.
24 W Mr Cook Dies æt 60. My Dr & I & Tommy Dine wth Mrs Cushion, Mrs Clark cms in, My Dr & I & Tommy vist Mr Bromfield.816
25 Th m R Mr Chancy Preaches C H. I Dine at Mr T Hubbards.
26 F a I went down to Windmill Hill, Barton’s Point, & so along ye sea shore & causeway to ye westermost Hill, up ye Hill to Bacon-Hill, & down by ye Alms House, went & Din’d at Mr Isaac Walker’s.
e Attend Mr Cook’s Funeral. At London. Imported à. Riga 120c wt Rough Flax, holland 28c wc steel 9c wt whalebone.
27 Sa m Br Joseph & Nathan Dine wth us.
28 Su a Ys Morng Being very ill of a Cold, Hoarsness & Sore Throat, I am confin’d & R Mr Cooper Preaches fr me.
e Cousn Loring visits me
29 M Confin’d. Mins Meetg at R Mr Thacher’s; but I cd not b There.
e Mr Hubbard & Mr Danl Loring vist me.
30 Tu a Br Moses Returns à Sheepscot, & Br Joseph setts out fr Middleborrô.
p Mr Secretary Willard & Col Winslow817 vist me.
Sept. 1 Th m R Mr Hooper Preach’d 1st, ye Pub Lecr, a Tit. 3.8. I Din’d wth R Mr Hooper & R Mr Byles at Mr Andrew Oliver’s.
p Br Joseph Returns à Middleborrough.
2 F Mr Wm Mumford & Mr Helme cm to me, à Narraganset d ye Miny Land.
4 Su a I Preach at S Ch.
p I Preach at Hollis-street Ch, à Luk 14.16.(3) & sup wth R Mr Byles.
6 Tu Died Mrs Jane Davenport, æt 28.818
7 W At Lond Importd à Riga 5 Tuns Rough Flax. 940 C of Rough Hemp. Petersburgh, 93,600 Ells Linen. 3100 Ells Duck. 27800 Ells Drilling. 48 Tuns Rough Hemp. Hamboro’, 88 Tuns Iron. Holland, 9 C Whalebone. Exported, fr New England, 5000lb Gunpowder. 2000lb Lead shot.
8 Th m R Mr John Cotton819 Preaches CHfr R Mr Mather, ill. I Dine at Mr Edward Jackson’s.
9 F p I attd Mrs Jane Davenports Funeral.
11 Su a I Preach at N S; & R Mr Checkley for me at ye S.
p Dr Sewall Preaches at S Ch
12 M m I Dine wth ye Military Company, at Capt Henchman’s.
p I meet ye Mins at Dr Sewall’s.
e Br Moses &c:
13 Tum I Dine at Mr T Hubbard’s: His Fathr, Cousn Salter He & Bror Moses wth us.
p I visit ye Govr. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 5 successive hotest Days I ever remember in September.
W & F R Mr Chancy & I go abt ye Narraganset Farms Affair.
15 Th Very stormy, & I not well, keep wth in Doors.
17 Sa p Br Nathn calls at my House.
18 Su a S Ch. Dr Sewall.
p S Ch. T P.
e I Read ye Lettr à ye Major Pt of ye Brethn of ye Ch at Bellingham, desirg us to help in a Council of 5 othr Cħħs, viz Old North New North Boston, 1st Ch of Glocester, Ch of Hopkinton, Ch at Leicester, on W Oct. 5.
19 M m I Dine at Mr Isaac Walker’s.
20 Tu m Mr Secretary Willard & I ride round thro Roxbury to a Meetg of a Comttee of ye Overseers in ye Collg Library; wr we Dine: Aftr Dinr I vist Tommy: yn Return, go on Business, mk our Enquiries, tk down minutes d Præsidt He has bn Removg his Famy ys 10 Days & is now on ye Spot: & we advisd Hm to entr im̄edy into his offce & attd it as far as ye prest affrs of his Famy permits. (2) d Collg Laws. It is represd yt sd Laws by being continy820 by diverse Persns, r gly & mr & mr corrupted ev year. (3) d Mr T Pierpoint &c. & adjourn to ye Council Chamber in Boston next Th. p at 3.
e Mr Secretary & I return over Charlestown Ferry.
21 W a Dr Sewall, R Mr Webb, R Mr Gee & I meet at R Mr Thacher’s, & write a Letr to R Mr Mills821 of Bellingham, to enform Hm &c & enqr of Hm wt applican hd bn md to Hm by ye aggrieved Brethn &c; & anothr Letf to ye sd Brethn to enqr of ym &c:
m I Dine at R Mr Webb’s, wth Mr T Hubbard, Mr Edwd Jackson, & his m[o]ther,822 & Mrs Eunice Willa[rd]823.
22 Th m R Mr Byles Preaches G Lecr. Cousn Loring takn very ill & carried out of Lecr. I Dine at Mr James Pemberton’s.
p I meet ye Comtee of ye collg Overseers in ye Council Chamber, & draw up our Report.
23 F We recd ansr à ye Bellingham Brethn.
24 Sa We recd ansr à Rev Mr Mills.
25 Su a S Ch. T P. L S.
p S Ch. Dr Sewall.
e Dr Sewall Read to ye Ch all 3 Letters: & yy geny vote to send: chusg ye 2 Deacons & Mr Andrew Elliot.
26 M m Capt Hall sails for London. I Dine at Mr T Hubbard’s.
p Mins meet at my House.
27 Tu p Mr Wm Allen’s wf & Mrs Fayrwethr visit us. Br Nathan lodges at our House.
28 W a Br Moses sails fr Sheepscot. At 9 I set out wth Mr Edwd Jackson in his chaise, for collg, to ye Installmt of Præsidt Holyoke: rode round thro Roxbury: I went to Tom̄ys Chamber, yn to ye Overseers in ye Library.
At 11½ we all went into ye Hall. Dr Sewall Begins wth Prayer: Govr Belcher adresses ye Præsidt in a Latin speech: ye Præsidt Replys in Latin: yn I Pray: we conclude wth singing Ps. 78. 1–7. yn ye Overseers go up to ye Library. At 1½, we go into ye Hall to Dinner. ye Præsidt craves a Blessg, sets at ye Govs Left Hand; Lt Govr Phips at the Govs Right. R Mr Webb Returns Thanks. We sing Ps. 132. 13–16. I go into Mr Flint’s Br Nathan’s & son Tom̄y’s Chambers.824
Sun ½ Hour high, Mr Jackson & I set out thro Roxbury Home.
29 Th m R Mr Thacher Preaches G Lecr. I Dine wth R Mr Hooper at Mr Peter Oliver’s.
p Catechize the children.
e I was at ye Libera Societas
30, F p I Preach’d ye Sacramental Lecr at Brattle Street fr R Mr Chauncy, à, Mat. 8.–17(4).
Oct. 2 Su a S Ch. T P. Ps. 119.25.
p French Ch.825 Mat. 9.–13. (1)
4 Tu e My Dr Deborah cms Home à Leicester: a joyfull Eveng.
5 W 2 Councils meet at Bellingham: 1 of 4 Chhs cal’d by ye ppl, & another of 7 Chhs cal’d by R Mr Mills. Ye ppl sent to ye S Ch in Boston, & ye S Ch chose messengers, but I not going, Dr Sewall fail’d; & also ye sd messengers.
6 Thm G Lecr. Dr Sewall.
9 Su a West Ch. T P. Ps. 63.2.(1)
p S Ch. T P. Ps. 119.25.
13 Th a Gen Lecr. T P. Col. 3.15. (1)
16 Su a S Ch. T P. Ps. 51.12. (3)
p S Ch. R Mr Joseph Seccomb, Col. 2.13.826
20 Th m G Lecr. R Dr Colman, for R Mr Webb at ye Council at Concord.
23 Su a S Ch. L S. Rev Mr Webb Preaches, & I administr fr Dr Sewall at Concord.
p S Ch. T P. Luke.
e North Writing School. T P. Acts.
24 M m I Dine at Home.
p At 2 I set è ovr ye Blew-Hills to Daniel Howard’s by 7, & to R Mr Perkins’s at Bridgwater by 9. Sup’d & Lodg’d.
25 Tu a I rode thro ye Soldiers & Troopers mustering, to Deacon Carver’s by 10 Yn to Br Thacher’s at Middleborrô by 12; Din’d, stay’d till 4: Rode to Lieut Spragues at Rochester: Lodgd.
26 W Spent allmost all Day in Transcribing è ye Records: Rode to Rev Mr Ruggles’s827 ync to Elisha Wings. Lodg’d wth Humphry Wade of Sandwich.
27 Th Elisha Wing & I rode to Jireh Swift’s at Aggawam, to leav my Lettrs for Col & Br Bourn; ync to Cromessit Little Neck, Measd ye Length à ye uppr House to ye lower end: ync return’d to sd wing’s & Lodg’d.
28 F a We measd ye S Wn side of sd neck.
p measd ye NEn side of sd neck, & lodg’d at sd wing’s agn.
29 Sa a I Rode to R Mr Ruggles’s: Drew out Pt of ye Plan: Lodg’d.
30. Su a R Mr Ruggles Preach’d & admind ye L Supr.
p I Preach’d à Mat. 19.–13. (2)
31 M m Wrote by R Mr Ruggles to my wife, went on wth my Plan: & at noon rode down to Elisha Wing’s, ync to Paton’s. At 2 Paton comes in à Canterbury. At 3 Br Moses comes in à Boston. He came à Boston Sa Morng & kept Sabath at Br Thacher’s. We lodg’d at Saml Edwards’s in ye lower House.
Nov. 1 Tu a Br Moses & I & Edwards measd across ye Neck agst ye lowr Houses à ye NEn to ye SWn side &c. Din’d at Edwards’s. PM, we measd à ye lowest Fence on ye NEn side all round to ye SEn Point, wr Br Bourn met us: ync round to ye sd Fence on ye SWn side. Br Bourn, Moses & I went & lodgd at Elisha Wings.
2 W a Early ys morng we sent Jedediah for Capt Ham̄ond surveyor, Wo came at 10: At noon we went to ye lowest Fence on ye SWn side, & corrected our survey à ync up to ye House: & all went to E Wing’s. At 8 Br Nathan cm in & yr we all lodg’d.
3 Th Wet wr. We computed ye contents of ye Upld of sd Neck: & agreed on a Division: & yr all lodg’d agn.
4 F a We sign’d our agreemt. Br Bourn, Moses & Nathan, wth Capt Ham̄ond & E Wing went to ye Neck; Ham̄ond & Wing to survey & Divide it; Br Bourn & Moses to Lease it to Edwards; Br Nathan to see it. At noon I left E Wings, rode to Lt Sprague’s, view’d ye Record, rode to Br Thacher’s by Dark: Br Nathan arrivg just at ye same Time, Br Moses a little after. Lodg’d. Jedidiah Wing’s acet cm to
3l |
3s |
Bording |
5 |
Going for Capt Ham̄ond. |
3. |
8 |
÷ 7 = |
9s |
8d |
rem 4d |
3 |
I pd |
29. |
0 |
Br Moses pd Edwards, 22s ÷ 7 = |
3s |
.2 |
3 |
Of wc I Pd Br Moses |
9. |
6 |
fr mysf, Br N & Sistr Mercy |
so Br Nathan ows me 9s 8d + 3s 2d = 12s 10 |
5 Sa a At 7 I set out, Baited at Thomas Ames & Howard’s at Bridgwater North Precinct; at ye last of we Places Br Moses overtook me. Rode & Din’d at Daniel Howard’s, cm ovr ye Blew Hills, Home by Dark.
6 Su a S Ch. Dr Sewall Preach’d.
p S Ch. TP Preach’d.
7 M m I Din’d at Mr T Hubbards.
p I attend ye Mins meetg at ye R Mr Foxcrofts I com̄unicd R Mr Clap828 of Newport’s Memorial, wth his ppl’s Letr for anothr Ministr. & we recd Mr Andrews’s Lef à Philadelphia d Mr Marshal.
8 Tu m I Din’d wth Br Moses at Cousn Loring’s.
10 Th m R Mr Checkley Preaches Gen Lecr I Dine wth R Mr Chancy at Mr Brandon’s.
e Major Keys visits me.829
13 Su a S Ch. TP. Ps. 65.1.
p S Ch. R Mr Chancy. 1. Thes. 5. 18. Dr Sewall being confin’d.
14 M a Br of S Ch & cong meet: wn I open ye meetg as modr. Voted (1) ye Mins addn to b md up £100 each to 8br last. (2) A collec next Gen Thanksgivg for Charitab & Pious uses. &c &c
17 Th a Gen Thanksgivg S Ch. Dr Sewall. Zech. 9. 17. (1) At ye end of ye Forenoon exrcise I inform ye congrega of ye vote on M for a collecn ys PM, for charitab & Pious uses.
p S Ch. T P. Hab. iii. 17, 18. Collected — £.113.10.0
20 Su a S Ch. Dr Sewall. Pro. 9.1–6. L S.
p S Ch. T P. Luke. 12.19.(2)
21 M m I Dine at Mr T. Hubbard’s.
p Mins meet at R Mr Checkley’s: But Dear Dr Williams830 being very ill, & Desirg we wd cm & Pray at his House; yy adjourn’d Thithr; wr Dr Collman, Dr Sewall & I Pray’d to sunset. Aftr we, we went to R Mr Cooper’s, & Discoursd d Addressg ye K &c by our xtr Agent: Judg Quincy831 going over abt ye Line.
22 Tu e Honb A Winthrop & A Stoddard Esqs, F Brinley Esq, Jonas Clark & I ye Rutld Comtee, meet at Mr Jonas Clark’s, Preparatory to ye Gen Meetg of ye Proprs to morrow. While we r togethr, Honb John Jeffries our Treasr meets wth us, giv [blank]
23 W p At 3 I meet wth Rutland Proprietors at ye Exchange Tavern: wn we 1st Divisn Lots in NEly Qr & I drew [blank]832
24 Th m R Mr Welsted Preaches Gen Lecr.
27 Su a S Ch. Dr Sewall. Zech. 9.17. (2)
p S Ch. T P. Ps. 116.12.
Dec. 1 Th m R Mr Chauncy Preaches C H. I Dine at Mr Isaac Walker’s.
p. Tomy cm 2ce à. Collg, & went back: & Br D. Denny cm à Leicester & lodg’d.
e At ye Sale of Mr S Mather’s old Books, at ye Crown-Coffe House near Scarlets Wharff.833
2 F p At 4 I meet wth Collg Overseers in ye Council Chāber, d Profesr Greenwood.834 Col Prescot consented to ye vote of ye corporan, to tk ye Apparatus in yr Hands: But upon my motion agreed to notify Hm of ye Corporas 2 other votes d Hm, yt He may shew Reasons wy we shd not concur wth ym on next Th p, at 4.
e Br D Denny went Homewd.
3 Sa m I Din’d at Capt. Osborne’s
4 Su a S Ch. T P.
p Hollis Street Ch T P.
e R Mr Byles Preaches at ye Charity meeting. Collec. 99l. 4s
5 M m R Mr Byles & I Dine at Mr T Hubbard’s.
p We go down to Mins Meetg at R Mr Welsted’s: Agree on an Address to ye King, by Col Quincy agent. Yr r also Letters to 1. D of Newcastle. 2 L Harringon. 3 E of Wilmington. 4 Sr Robt Walpole. 5. Mr Holden. 6. Drs Harris, Watts, Guise, & Mr Neal.835
7 W n Betwn Th & F, at 11½, a considerable shock of an ethquake.836 My wife & I, & 3 Drs being all up together.
8 Th m R Mr Hooper Preaches Gen Lecr. à Ro. 14.17. Br Nathan & I Dine wth Dr Russel of Barnstable at Joshua Winslow Esqs. Country Mins at my House to Agree to ye Address & Letters.
p At 4 I attended Collg Overseers meetg in ye Council Chamber. Wn ye corporan Presented anothr Vote for Mr Greenwood’s Dismission: But on my motion, agreed to notify Hm of ye same, ye He may shew Reasn we shd not concurr with it, next Th at 3 p m.
9 F a I go down to R Mr Webb’s & Mather’s abt ye Letter.
m Brs Moses, Nathan & D Denny Dine wth us.
e Wrote a Lettr fr Mrs Fellows.
11 Su a S Ch. T P.
p C H. T P.
e Mrs Fellows & Mrs Sarah Cotton sup with us
12 M m R Mr Byles & I go to R Mr Chancys & Checkley’s abt ye Letters. Dine at Mr T. Hubbard’s. Go to Mr Isaac Walker’s; Borrow his chair; ride to R Mr Walter’s, R Mr Allen’s,837 R Mr Appleton’s, College; come Home at 7. A very cold Day. I vist Dr Williams &c.
13 Tu Ill of a gt Cold, stay wthin.
14 W p At 2½ I went to ye Govs abt ye Letters. At 5 Mr Samuel Sparrow of London, visits me. He is ye 2d Son of Mr Sparrow of Lanham, wo was ye only son of Mr [blank] Sparrow of Hitcham, between Combs & Lanham. Uncle Mayhew838 cms & stays wth me till 9.
15 Th m R Mr Mather Preaches C H.
18 Su a S Ch. R Mr Checkley. L S.
p NS. T P. Acts 2. 38. (1)
19 M m I Dine at Mr T. Hubbard’s.
p I attend Mins meetg at R Mr Gees; wr yy confer wth R Mr Hooper, wo h givn gt offence both in his serm & Prayr at ye Pub Lecr.839
22 Th m R Mr Byles Preaches Gen Lecr I Dine at Mr Andrew Oliver’s R Mr Gee & [blank] with us.
25 Su a S Ch. T P. Pet. 3.9. (2). Exceeding cold.
p S Ch. Dr Sewall. Joh. 5.39.
26 M m I Din’d at Mr T. Hubbard’s.
29 Th m R Dr Colman Preaches Gen Lecr Govr sendg for me, 1 Dine wth Him & Dr Colman, &c.
Mr. Edes announced the gift to the Society from Mrs. Gay of two valuable collections of manuscripts, and on his motion it was unanimously —
Voted, That the thanks of the Society be given to Mrs. Frederick Lewis Gay for her most acceptable gift of the manuscript private records of the Rev. Mather Byles and the Rev. Ebenezer Wight, ministers of the Church in Hollis Street, Boston, from 1732 to 1789; and the Lovell papers pertaining to the Penobscot Expedition of 1779, together with two rare printed pamphlets pertaining thereto.
The Society embraces this opportunity again to record its grateful appreciation of the manifold expressions of Mr. Gay’s unflagging interest in all its undertakings, his generous gifts, and his personal service in aiding in many and various ways the work of the Society’s officers and members during the twenty-three years of his active fellowship.
Mr. Edes also called attention to an original portrait of the Rev. Thomas Foxcroft (H. C. 1714), minister of the First Church in Boston, which had recently come into his possession.
Mr. George Parker Winship gave an account of the twenty years’ controversy between the Rev. Nathaniel Stone of Harwich and the Rev. Samuel Osborn of Eastham, the latter of whom, before entering the ministry, was a School teacher at Harwich and later at Plymouth.
Mr. George L. Kittredge exhibited a letter written June 28, 1748, by Benjamin Colman the younger to Sir William Pepperrell, and spoke as follows:
Lieutenant-Colonel William Ryan had slanderously accused Sir William Pepperrell of improper transactions in military commissions and incidentally had embezzled certain sums of money intended for recruiting. When this letter was written, Ryan had been court-martialled and cashiered (1747) and was the defendant in two actions brought by Sir William — one for defamation of character, the other for debt. The writer of the letter, Benjamin Colman of Boston, was the son of John Colman and the nephew of the Rev. Dr. Benjamin Colman. He was born in 1710.840 To him Pepperrell had more or less entrusted the conduct of the Ryan affair. His advice appears to have been taken with reference to the suit for defamation of character. As to the suit for debt, that was also settled on terms, and we are informed that Pepperrell eventually got his money.841
The letter follows:
Boston, June 28th 1748
Honble Sir
I duly recd your Favour of the 21st Inst I have since the Receipt of it been wth his Excellency Govr Shirley who sent for me to discourse with me on your affair wth Ryan He tells me the Letter he has drawn which will be sent you this Post sign’d by Ryan is in his opinion quite full & was he in your Case he should accept it as more Satisfactory, than a Verdict in his Favour for ye whole sum. Now although I am of Opinion that were you to go on with the suit you might bring him to your own Terms in acknowledging his spreadg the vile Reports & confessing them to be false & scandalous in the Face of ye Court yet considering all Circumstances, relating to Ryan & to ys affair, particularly wt Mr Pratt tells me Govr Shirley asserts, that you were content to leave the affair to him for his procuring you satisfaction & exprest your contentment with ye Letter he drew for Ryan to sign, I say on these Considerations & Mr Pratt joins with me in it I would take ye freedom to give my advice that you accept ye Letter lodged in Court as part of ye Case as satisfactory. Mr Pratt writes you to this purpose this Post & we have engag’d that in Case you do not agree to it that you return it taking no advantage of it & that ye action shall not be called out without giving Ryan Time to put in his Plea wch he may not be able to do till a day or two after ye Return of ye Post after this to you as to ye Action of Debt as it has been hinted there is no Foundation for it I am not clear in advising you to compromise that suddenly, Ryans Bond will be sent you as all ye Security he is able to give, but were it my own Case I should at ye Time refuse that as unsatisfactory. Pray excuse ye Freedom I take with you in presuming to advise you in this affair & believe me to be sincerely
Honble & Dear Sir
Yor most affect & obld Friend & Hum Servt
Benj Colman
The Honble Sir William Pepperell Bart
Mr. Chester N. Greenough exhibited a photograph of the first page of a manuscript, now at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, England, of a work by the Rev. John Cotton, and spoke as follows:
This manuscript, which seems never to have been published, is entitled “A short discourse of Mr. John Cotton touchinge the time when the Lordes day beginneth whether at the Eveninge or in the Morninge.” That Cotton was interested in this question, and that his opinion upon it was of consequence in the Massachusetts Bay colony, is known to every reader of the Magnalia. “The sabbath,” writes Cotton Mather, “he [John Cotton] began the evening before: for which keeping of the sabbath from evening to evening, he wrote arguments before his coming to New-England: and I suppose, ’twas from his reason and practice, that the christians of New-England have generally done so too.”842 Whether this latter conjecture is well founded may be seriously doubted; but the reasons for doubting it, together with many other points involved, must be deferred until the treatise can be reprinted in our Transactions: at present I wish merely to report the existence and whereabouts of the document.
Mr. Worthington C. Ford contributed five letters of John Custis to John Usher, and said:
A twofold interest is associated with the letters now printed, by the courtesy of Mr. William A. Jeffries, from the Usher mss. They show a commercial connection between Virginia and Massachusetts in the seventeenth century, the continuation of a trade in tobacco from the southern colony which came into being in the earliest years of Massachusetts Bay Plantation, supplemented by shipments of other products, like hides and wheat, to be exchanged for New England rum. As commercial documents they do not differ from a thousand other documents of the same nature, buried in our collections and awaiting the labor of some trained mind to collect and give them a living interest. The personal side is of more interest. The writer, John Custis, belongs to a family whose misfortune it is to appear in print as Curtis quite as often as under the proper spelling, and whose members are distinguished, like most Virginia families, by an alternation of public service and obscurity, not unmarked by eccentricity, making it difficult to say exactly for what characteristic it may be identified. Enough to say that this John Custis was the ancestor of Daniel Parke Custis, the first husband of Martha Dandridge, better known as Martha Washington. As such he is also the ancestor of Robert E. Lee, and the name of the place of the first letter — Arlington — is associated with Lee and with the eternal peace between North and South negotiated in 1860–1865. This first Custis was also a Major-General, but served against a rebellion843 — Bacon’s — and died in 1696. The family was of Irish extraction, and came to Virginia from Rotterdam. He was three times married, and his third wife, Tabitha, who took him for her fourth husband, contracted to enter for the fifth time into matrimony, in the very year Custis died. Under such circumstances it is unnecessary to detail the various marriages and the connections thus entailed. It may have been a family trait or an application of justice, when the son of this much married man had “differences” with his wife Frances,844 and a grandson desired to have engraved on his tombstone that he was aged — years when he died, “and yet lived but seven years which was the space of time he kept a Batchelors House at Arlington on the Eastern Shore of Virginia.”845
Sir, — The Master desires me to Informe you that the Cause of his so long stay hear was, that the tobacco that was due for Mr. Peas846 from the People, was not Redy for want of seasons, which in Truth was a great while, in so much that I Bated the master 6d per diem for forty fiue daies, I agreed with Mr. Peas for Aighteen pence a day and I charged but twelve pence becaus of the time was long and lay great part Idle. My wife hath sent your Lady A Tub with A tree of Rosmary with her seruice and mine as also to your self. I am, Sir, your very Homble Serut.
Jno. Custis.
Arlington: 2d April, 1687.
Sir, — Since the clearing of the Sloup Jno. and Sweet the wind beeing bad and the wether foule Caused the Master [to] stay and Coming Ashore tould me was not full Loaden. I have sent and putt on bord twenty seauen hides, which I desire you dispose for my best advantage and returne the produce In Rum. they are marked with brand mark C. they way 602 lb. bill of lading hear Inclosed tels you the fraight. I have nothing to ad but my seruice and am, Sir, your Homble Seruant,
Jno. Custis.
Accomack, Aprill 4th: 1687.
Virginia, 19th Augt., 1687.
Sir, — I did the first of Aprill last put on board the Jno. and Sweet Sloop, Jno. Wisewell Commander, one hundred Bushlls. of Wheat and 27 Oxe-hides containing 602 lbs: and Consigned to your self, desireing you to dispose of them for my use. I likewise then sent you Wisewell’s Bill of Exch. for eleuen pounds forteen and seuen pence, and ordred you to keep the mony in your Hands till further orders from Coll. Bacon, or my self, but now desire you to send it in rum alsoe, only 50 lb. of the Best hopps which must be paid for out of the same money. enclosed also is a second bill of Lading for the wheat one Wisewell with another for the Hides. Sir, since I sent this goods here hath been seuerall Vessells from Boston, but I neuer had the happiness of a line from you, makes me Doubt the receiuing of the same. Sir, I begg a line or 2 by this Bearer Mr. Adam Michaell whether you haue receiued and disposed of it which will oblidge me. I am, Sir, your very Homble Serut.
Jno. Custis.
Sir, the Ketch Industrey being forced back by bad weather etc. to Virginia, Mr. Adam Michael hath been discouraged to proceed to Boston, I haue this only to ad to what aboue. A line or twoe from your selfe about the premises; the bill of exch. drawn by Jno. Wisewell on your self is £11: 14 :7. the barer hearof now is A Naybor of mine Gilbert more, pray send by him and it will come to your Homble Serut.
Jno. Custis.
Virginia, 9 ber. 14th: 1687.
Sir, — The above was A Coppy of what intended to be sent by Mr. Michaell who mett with some disscouragements, and so left his designe, soe that I committed my letters to one Gilbert More (A neare Neighbor) who promised mee to deliver the same with his owne hands and since tells me he delivered it to your man in your absence: and that he was several times at your house enquireing for an Answer: the trueth thereof I suspect because (notwithstanding my earnest desire to you) I recd. noe answer thereof neither by him or any other, allthough here hath arived three vessells since I wrote.
I know not how to advize, more than have allready, by reason know not whether the bill of Exch. is accepted by you: allthough have reason to think the goods came safe to your hands. I still desire to heare from you by the first opertunity and allso to make mee full returnes for what effects of mine is in your hands according to my former order, sent from your humble Servt.
Jno. Custis.
To John Usher Esqr. Merchant In Boston N: England. Per Mr. Tho: Prince. D. G.847
Mr. Julius H. Tuttle spoke as follows:
Among the papers of the Dedham Historical Society there is a brief correspondence of Captain Charles Harrison and Captain Thomas Martin, owner and master, respectively, of the schooner Laurel, from August 10, 1749, to June 16, 1757. These papers tell of a little coasting trade between northern ports and Virginia and Maryland, in molasses, rum, fish and other products. Captain Harrison is first in New York, then in 1751 he is addressed in care of the Widow Kent “in Bromfield’s Lane, Boston,” and later in Philadelphia, “with Mr. Reese Meredith, Merchant.” One of the papers is a receipted bill of Joseph Kent for expenses of “going Down to Falmouth,” and for drawing writs, £50.5.
Captain Harrison bought of John Allen, cordwainer, on August 5, 1763, a house and land at the northwest corner of Castle and Orange (now Washington) Streets. The date of his death is not found, but his first will was dated April 28, 1766, and another was made on November 11, 1768, but signed by only two witnesses. Both were recorded and proved on August 2, 1769.848 He writes himself as “at the present time Residing in the Town of Boston in New Engld.” He left a legacy of £1000 to the Pennsylvania Hospital at Philadelphia, to two daughters of Dr. Thomas Adney of Bridgworth in Shropshire, England, £200, to his heirs-at-law, 5s, to his wife’s niece, Rebecca Chambers who “lives with us now,” £50, and if she should marry with the full approbation of her aunt, £50 more, and the rest and residue “in Boston, Carolina, or any Part of the World belonging to me” he left to his wife Esther. The witnesses to the first will are Sutton Boyles, Richard Gridley, and Joseph Jackson.
Mrs. Harrison was married to Dr. John Sprague of Dedham on December 27, 1770. She died on October 5, 1811, at the age of 83 years, having survived her husband more than thirteen years. By her will dated May 23, 1811, and a division of the estate late in that year, the property in Dedham went to Elizabeth D., wife of Samuel Swett, the house and land in Orange Street, Boston, to John and Lawrence Sprague, grandchildren of Dr. Sprague, and other property to Samuel Swett.
The chief interest in calling attention to these papers is that their descent through the Dedham family helps to distinguish this Captain Charles Harrison from another of the same name, who was a bookseller and bookbinder in Boston. The bookseller849 was born and brought up as a binder in England, published some religious works, and is said to have served as a soldier at Louisburg in 1745, and died soon after. His shop in 1739 was over against the Brazen Head in Cornhill.