October 1, 1788 – August 30, 1795
The line entry format gives way to column entries on February 7, 1791.
Persons Recd. into the Almshous & discharged out Viz
Admissions Register 4 begins.
Octr. 1th. |
Recd. into the Almshous John Crage |
State |
Approd. by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Tyler, Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Select men |
Octr. 1th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Adam Roop |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. proctor Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen |
Octr. 1 |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Frederick Scofskuske |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Seiver} Select men |
Octr. 2d. |
Recd. An ordor to Suply Wm. Scollay his two Children And Nurs with |
Such provistions and Sunderys As the people Are Supplyd. with in this hous |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the Oversears of the poor} |
Pr. order of Jno. Scolley Esq, Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen |
Octr. 4th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Agnes Richards of <Nw. york?> Rhoad I |
(State) |
Consented to by Mr. <Saml. Whitwell> Jno. White One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Harbt. Dorr, Captn. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Octr. 4th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Kingston a Child |
State |
Consented to by Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman |
Octr. 4th. |
Pegg Carter Run |
Octr. 4d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Anna Athridge |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno. White Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor |
Octr. 6th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Barry of Ireland |
State |
Apprd. of By Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Captn. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Octr. 6th. |
Recive Jno. Hunnewell into the almshous |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Henry Hill Esqr. |
Octr. 6th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Margrat Conorley and James Lewis a boy} |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Andrews do.} Selectmen |
Octr. 6th. |
Dischd. James Lewis a boy bound out |
State |
Octr. 7th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Timothy McGwier |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Captn. Edwd. Tyler, Jno. Walley Esqr.} Selectmen |
Octr. 8th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Robt. Smith |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Boardman} Select men |
Recd. into the Almshous Cloe1 A Negero Woman |
State |
Approd. of by Mr. Saml. Parkman One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Thos. Walley Esqr., Jno. Scolley Esq} Selectmen |
Octr. 7th. |
Recd. into the Almshous <Luisa> Levice A Negero Woman |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Capt. Edwd. Tyler, Jno. Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen |
Octr. 9 |
Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Furgus a Strainger |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Thos. Walley Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Octr. 10th. |
Margrat Conarley Run |
State |
Octr. 9th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. & Polley Frank |
State |
Approd. of by Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Ezekl. Price do. [Esq]} Selectmen |
Octr. 10th. |
Dischd. Jno. Fredrick Scofskuske a duchman |
State |
Octr. 7th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Luse Patten2 |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor One of the oversears of the poor |
Octr. 13th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jabez Samson |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Sweetser Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor |
Octr. 13th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Michal Harris A Sweed |
on the State |
Approd. of by Jno. White Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Harbt. Dorr, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Octr. 14th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Abigal & Susanna Price |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Sweetser Esqr. onne of the oversears of the poor |
Octr. 14th. |
Dischd. Sarah Leachman & Child |
State |
Octr. 14th. |
Recd. into the Almshous John Gandol |
Town |
Pr. Henry Hill Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor |
Octr. 15th. |
Dischd. Thos. Berry |
State |
1788 |
Octr. 15th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Williams |
State |
Approd. of by Saml. Parkman one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Mr. W Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Octr. 15th. |
Recd. into the Almshous James Adams |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Octr. 17th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Matthew Landerkin |
State |
Consented to by Jona. Mason Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esq, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Octr. 17th. |
Dischd. Luse Cuningham bound out |
Town |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Read |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Harbt. Dorr, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} 2 Selectmen |
Octr. 22d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jane Bates who belongs to Waymouth |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Jno. Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen |
Octr. 23d. |
Susanna Jones Run |
State |
Octr. 22d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Morris McLocklen Irishman |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Octr. 20th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Ann Chalendor3 |
State |
Consentd. to by Jno. White Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Harbt. Dorr, Capt. Edwd. Tyler}Selectmen |
Octr. 24th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Moran of Dublon |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Wm. Bordman, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Octr. 24d. |
Dischd. Susanna Riadon |
Town |
Octr. 28th. |
Dischd. Hannah Burk |
State |
Octr. 28th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Sophia Mendez |
State |
Approd. of By Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Octr 21st. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Mumfort |
State |
Approd. of by Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen |
Octr. 30th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. McGoff an Irishman |
State |
Consenteed to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Octr. 30th. 1788 |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. McKinzie |
State |
Apprd. of by Saml. Whitwell Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Select men |
Octr. 30 |
Dischd. Michal McLocklin |
State |
<Octr.> Septr. 1th. |
Recd. Alice Stoddard Aelis |
into the Almshous |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Walley Esq, Jno. Scollay Esq} Selectmen |
Octr. 22d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Paletiah Hunt |
(Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. Codman One of the oversears of the poor} |
Novr. 1th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Rose Capen a Negero |
State |
Approd. of by Edward Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Kepon4 |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr. |
} Selectmen |
Novr. 3d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Powers |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Wm. Bordman Esq, Jno. Andrews Esq} Selectmen |
Octr. 22d. |
Mary Garrow Run from the workhous |
State |
Octr. 28th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Robt. Lilburn |
State |
Approd. of by Jno. White Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Novr. 5th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Saml. North |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Ebenr. Seaver, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Novr. 10 |
Dischd. Matthew Landerkin |
State |
Novr. 10 |
Dischd. Jno. Crage |
State |
Novr. 11 |
Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Galley and Her three Children |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor |
Novr. 9 |
Recd. into the Almshous An Infant Child Caled |
A bastord born of Mary Mumfort} |
State |
Approd. of by one of the oversears of the poor |
Pr. ordor of Capt. Edwd. Tyler Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Sever} Selectmen |
1788 |
Novr. 12th. |
dischd. Jane Sigourney a molatto Garl bound out |
State |
Novr. 11 |
Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Ethredge5 Ann Ethredge Polley And Wm. There two Children |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno. White—one of the oversears of the poor |
Novr. 13th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jeremiah Mahaney or Supply him out of the Almshous |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Novr. 14th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Webb from the workhous |
Pr. order of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor |
Novr. 20th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Stevens |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Wm. Bordman, Jno. Andrews Esq} Selectmen |
Novr. 19th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Bethiah Fowle |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Sweetser Esq One of the oversears of the poor |
Novr. 16th. |
Dischd. Mary Tilty Run |
State |
Novr. 22d. |
Dischd. Ann Ethredge a garl bound out |
Town |
Recd. into the Almshous Saml. Sargant6 |
Town |
Pr. Edwd. Proctor oversear |
Novr. 29th. |
Dischd. Saml. Alias George McCann7 |
State |
Novr. 25th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Joseph Coburn |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Codman Junr. Oversear of warde 10} |
Novr. 25 |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Mayhew a frenchman |
State |
Consented to Mr. Saml. Whitwell one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr. |
} Selectmen |
Novr. 26th. |
Dischd. Levice Lisha of Stoughton |
Novr. 26th. |
Dischd. Adam Ropes |
Novr. 25th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Smith one Eye |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Jno. Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen |
Novr. 29th. |
State8 |
Decr. 1th. 1788 |
Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Wier of Germany |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. Codman Junr. |
Novr. 26th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Judah Eddy |
State |
Consentd. to By Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Wm. Bordman, Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen |
Novr. 29th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Ann Sample |
State |
Approvd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Jno. Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen |
Decr. 2d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Wakefeild and son |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor |
Decr. 2 |
Recd. into the Almshous Willm. Curtis |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor |
Novr. 13th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Nancy Farror9 Aged 6 years old the 4 feby. 1789 |
George Farror 4 years old the 13th. July 1789} |
State |
Approd. of by Mr. Saml. Parkman One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of [Mr.] Jno. Scolley Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
Novr. 15th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Garrow |
Approvd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esqr., Jno. Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen |
Decr. 3d. |
Mary Webb Sent to |
the workhous |
Town |
Jno. Hunnewell Sent to |
the workhous |
do. |
Wm. Curtis Sent to |
do. |
do. |
Mary Garrow Sent to |
do. |
State |
decr. 6th. |
Dischd. Saml. Sargent |
Town |
Recd. into the Almshous James Brown |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Sever} Selectmen |
decr. 10th. |
Dischd. Elizh. Wier |
town |
Decr. 10th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Richd. Deane of Harford |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Esq, Jno. Andrews Esq} Selectmen |
1788 |
Boston, decr. 11th. Recd. into the Almshous Ann Delaney10 And her 2 Children} |
State |
Consented to by Jona. Mason Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen |
Decr. 12th. 1788 |
Recd. into the Almshous Polley Cartor11 |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the Oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Decr. 13th. |
Dischd. James Brown |
State |
Decr. 13th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Anna Richardson |
Town |
Jona. L Austin oversear |
Decr. 15th. |
Dischd. Jno. McGoff |
State |
Decr. 15th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Chaimbers12 A Jarsey man |
(State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the Oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Mr. Willm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Decr. 15th. |
Recd. into the [Almshouse] Thos. Brandon of Ireland |
State |
Approvd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen |
decr. 17th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Rachel Wall |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Wm. Bordman, Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen |
Decr. 17th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Matthews13 (grate Britton) |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Esqr., Mr. Harbt. dorr} Select men |
decr. 18th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Elams Gifford |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Capn. Edwd. Tyler, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Decr. 16th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Lydia Gullies A Child 2 1/2 years old |
State |
Approd. by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Capt. Edwd. Tyler |
} Selectmen |
Decr. 19th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Michal McClochlen14 Irish |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Wm. Bordman, Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen |
Decr. 19th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Bell |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Parkman One of the oversears of the poor |
Recd. into the Almshous George Peters |
State |
Approd. of by Jno. Sweetser Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Mr. Wm. B[o]rdman} Selectmen |
Decr. 20th. |
State |
Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esq |
Approd. of by Jon. Mason Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Decr. 22d. |
Dischd. Mary Mumford & Child |
State |
Decr. 22d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Ann Whitman Belonging to Waymouth} on accot. of the Town Boston |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Parkman One of the oversears of the poor |
Decr. 23d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Eliz Eliot |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Henry Hill One of the oversears of the poor} |
Decr. 23d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jonathan Webb |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno White Esqr. |
decr. 24th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Ralford17 |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Wm. Bordman |
} Select men |
Decr. 25 |
Recd. into the Almshous Michal Cr[o]wley |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edward Proctor One of the oversears of the poor |
Decr. 25 |
Recd. into the Almshous 2 Children Caled Sophia Camble And Hariot Camble |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Whitwell |
decr. 26th. |
Dischd. Elizh. Powers |
State |
Decr. 26th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Brown |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Wm. Bordman |
} Select men |
Decr. 29th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Nathl. Bourn |
Town |
Edwd. Proctor Esqr. Oversear |
Decr. 30th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Ephram Bailey |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Anderson Esqr., Mr. Wm. Boardman} Selectmen |
Decr. 31th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Susanna Wallis |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
1788 |
decr. 31th. |
Recd. into the Almshous david Dennie |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scoley Esqr., Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
decr. 31 |
Recd. into the Almshous Elenor Dukes of Ireland |
State |
Approd. of by E Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Jany. 1th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Pattey Walker |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr. |
} Selectmen |
Jany. 1th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Purkit18 and Betsey three years old |
State |
Approd. of by Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Thos. Walley Esqr., Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen |
Jany. 5th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Willet |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor one of the Oversears of the poor |
Jany. 6th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Wakefield |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Parkman Oversear |
1788 |
Decr. 31th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Wilkinson And his Daughter Elizh.—five years old |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Captn. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
[1789] |
Jany. 5th. |
R[un] Mary Ratford |
State |
Jany. 7th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Rice |
State |
Consented to by Henry hill Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Thos. Walley Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr} Selectmen |
Jany. 8th. |
dischd. Jno. Willit |
Town |
Jany. 8th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Willis of Verganey |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Thos. Walley Esq} Selectmen |
Jany. 8th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Payne borne at Charlstown |
(State |
Approd. of by Jno. Sweetser Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq |
Jany. 9th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Bryant O’donell Ireland |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Capt Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
1789 Jany. 12 |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Woodlet |
State |
Consented to by Mr. Saml Parkman One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Jany. 16th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Polley Wakefield |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of The oversears of the poor |
Jany. 16th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Burford |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor |
Jany. 17th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Robt. Giffin of Ireland |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen |
Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Jones |
State |
Approd. of by Mr. Saml. Parkman One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price |
} Selectmen |
Jany. 19th. |
Dischd. Thos. Bell |
Town |
Jany. 20th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Ruben Knight a Child 4 Months old |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Jany. 21th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Negero Dinah Freeman And Her Child 19 Months old |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Thos. Walley Esqr.} Selectmen |
Jany. 21th. |
Dischd. George Peters |
State |
Jany. 22d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Nancey Sherley |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Thos. Walley Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Seaveer} Selectmen |
Jany. 21th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Nathl. Aushton |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Sever} Select men |
Jany. 24 |
Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Allen and Her three Melotto Children} |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor One of the oversears of the poor |
State |
Pr. ordor of Thos. Walley Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
Jany. 27th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Segrave19 |
Town |
<Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor}> |
Pr. ordor of Wm. Phillips Juner One of the oversears of the poor |
1789 |
Jany. 28 |
Recd. into the Almshous Anna Hoey And her Child Named Polley (State) |
Approvd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Capt. Edwd. Tyler, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
Decr. 7 |
Recd. Harriot LeGalley a Child borne in this hous on this day |
(State) |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor |
Thos. Walley Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
Feby. 3d. |
Dischd. Nathl. Ashton |
State |
Feby. 3 |
Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Johnson |
State |
Approd. of by Jno. Sweetser Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen |
Feby. 5th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Richd. Peirce his wife And three Children |
Pr. ordor of Henry Hill Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Town |
Feby. 5th. |
Dischd. Robt. Gofford |
State |
Feby. 6th. |
Dischd. Wm. LeGalley a boy bound out |
State |
Feby. 6th. |
Dischd. Mary Sharp R[un] |
State |
dischd. Sarah Rice R[un] |
State |
Feby. 9th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Marthor James & Child |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Feby. 5th. |
Dischd. Thomas Brandon |
State |
Feby. 11th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Cate Simons & Child Polley Manro—12 |
Months old the 1 of March 1789} |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Select men} |
Feby. 11th. |
Dischd. Polley Crane alies <Marion?> Garrow Bound out} |
State |
Jany. 12th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Spooner And Mary His wife} omited in place |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno Scollay Esq, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Feby. 13th. |
Recd. Anna20 Ethredge into the Amshous A Inhabtt. of this town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Whitwell one of the oversears of the poor} |
Feby. 13th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Dollover21 of Nw. Hamshier |
State |
Dischd. 14th. |
Pr. order of22 |
1789 |
Feby. 18th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Saml. Mongomery of Ireland |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the Oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Esqr., Thos. Walley Esqr.} Selectmen |
Feby. 18th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Ebenr. Cox |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor One of the oversears of the poor |
Feby. 18th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Solamon Nash |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Parkman One of the oversears of the poor |
Feby. 21th. |
Dischd. Polley Wakefield |
Town |
Dischd. Kate Symons |
State |
Feby. 18th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Berry |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Edwd. Tyler, Thos. Walley Esqr.} Selectmen |
Feby. 20th. |
Rachel Wall Run} <feby. 24th. Recd.> |
State |
20th. |
Eliz Mathews Run} |
do. |
Feby. 25 |
Recd. into the Almshous Thomas Burk |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor one of the oversears of the poor |
Pr. ordr Jno. Scolley Esq, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Feby. 25th. |
Recd. into the Almshous James Brown |
State |
Approvd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Harbl. Dorr Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Sever} Selectmen |
Feby. 26th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Hannah Armstrong |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the overs of the poor |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Harbol. Dorr, Mr. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Recd. into the Almshous Partrick Bennet |
State |
Approvd. of by23 one of the oversears of the poor |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Jno. Andrews do. [i.e., esq.]} Selectmen |
Feby. 27th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Benjman Eddy |
State |
Approd. of by Jona. Mason Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
March [3d.] |
Dischd. James Brown |
State |
March 4th. |
Dischd. Nathl. Boarn |
Town |
Dischd. John Wilkins |
State |
March 6th. |
Discharged |
Benjn. Eddy |
State |
Ditto |
John Mathews a Child |
do. |
Ditto |
Eliz Wilkinson a Child |
State |
Feb 24th. |
Recd. back into the Almshous Thos. Brandon |
State |
Omited by being Sent to the Workhous |
March 10th. |
Dischd. Ann Ethredge |
Town |
March 10th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Sanders |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. Codman Junr. One of the oversears of the poor |
March 12th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Devan |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Thos. Walley Esq} Selectmen |
March 12th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Edwd. Smith An Englishman |
State |
Consented to by Jona. Mason one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esq |
} Selectmen |
March 10th. |
Dischd. Wm. Spooner & wife |
State |
March 14th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jack hill a Negero |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq an oversear of the poor |
Pr. ordor of Wm. Borardman |
} Selectmen |
Sent out by ordor of Mr. Bordman and the ordor Returnd to him |
March 14th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Benjn. Kneeland |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Whitwell one of The oversears of the poor |
March 16th. |
Dischd. Sarah Coney & Child |
State |
March 17th. |
dischd. Partrick Shanley I think the most troublisom Man that Ever has ben in the hous sence I have ben hear a drunken Quarrelson fiteinging decriped Rech As I know of} |
State |
March 17th. |
Dischd. Partrick Bennet an Irishman |
State |
March 18th. |
Recd. into the Almshous George Reynolds |
State |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Green—of Road Island |
State |
Consentd to By Jona. Mason Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Feby. 14th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Margrat Davis |
State |
Approd. of by Mr. Wm. Smith one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
This order was kep in the workhous Accasioned it out of ordor |
March 18th. |
Dischd. Margrat Davis |
March 18th. |
Dischd. Richd. Doan |
State |
March |
18th. |
Dischd. |
Wm. Fergos |
State |
do. |
18 |
do. |
Mary Garrow |
March 26th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Benjn. Eddy |
State |
Approd. of by Jona. Mason Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andews Esqr., Thos. Walley Esq} Selectmen |
March 24th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Edwd. Beacham of London |
State |
Consented to by Saml. Whitwell one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Capt. Edwd. Tyler, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
March 28th. |
dischd. Ebenr. Cox |
Town |
March 31th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Murphey of Ireland |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Wm. Bordman |
} Selectmen |
March 23d. |
dischd. Thos. Brandon out of the workhous |
State |
Aprl. 2d. |
dischd. John Moran |
State |
Aprl. 2d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Eliz Wakefield |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esq an oversear of the poor} |
Aprl. 2d. |
dischd. Susanna Wallis |
State |
Aprl. 3d. |
Dischd. Jno. Brown |
State |
Aprl. 4 |
Dischd. Michal McLochlen |
State |
Aprl. 4 |
Mary Whitman Run |
Town |
Aprl. 4th. |
Elenor Dukes Run |
State |
March 3d. |
Recd. into the Almshous a Infent Child of Polly Cartor24 Cald. hannah |
Approd. of by Jona. Mason Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
State |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
March 23d. |
Recd. or borne in the Almshous Nance Sherley’s Child a boy |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq oversear} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Edwd. Tyler, Mr. Wm. Boardman} Selectmen |
Feby. 26th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Joseph Purket an Infent born in the Almshous of Mary Purket |
Consented to by Jona. Mason Esq One of the oversears of the poor |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Thos. Walley Esq} Selectmen |
Aprl. 7th. |
Recd. Wm. Tayler into the Almshous born in England |
State |
Consented to by Jona. Mason Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor Jno. Scollay Esq, Ezekl. Price Esq} Selectmen |
Aprl. 9th. |
Recd. George Blackman into the Almshous |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Es[q], Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Aprl. 14th. |
Dischd. Charls De. St. Pree a boy bound out |
State |
Ditto Hannah Armstrong |
do. |
Aprl. 14 |
Dischd. An Richardson |
Town |
Aprl. 15 |
Dischd. Saml. Mongomery |
State |
Aprl. 15 |
Dischd. Benjn. Eddy |
State |
Aprl. 15th. |
Mary Lawrance25 Run & Child |
State |
Aprl. 17th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Coney & her Child |
State |
Apprd. by E Proctor Esq oversear} |
E Tyler & Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Aprl. 22d. |
Dischd. Mary Woodlet |
State |
Aprl. 21th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Betsey Crage |
State |
Approd. by Edwd. Proctor one of the oversear of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scoley Esq, Ezekl. Price Esq} Selectmen |
Aprl. 22d. |
Dischd. Marthor James & Child |
Town |
Aprl. 18th. |
Dischd. <John Wills omited> |
Aprl. 23d. |
dischd. James Cumberford |
State |
Aprl. 23 |
Dischd. Odanial Bryant |
State |
Aprl. 28th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Andre Corrente but am Directed that he Shall be Supplyd. At his lodgings} |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Aprl. 28th. |
Dischd. Ann Delaney & her two Children |
State |
Aprl. 28th. |
Dischd. Eliz Wakefield |
Town |
May 1th. |
Dischd. Morris McLochlen |
State |
May 1th. |
Reced. into the Almshous Saml. Marsh belong. to Conitticut} |
state |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the Oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Brown & wife & 2 Children |
town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor one of the oversers |
May 9d. |
Dischd. Wm. Scolley his Nurs & two Children |
State |
May 4th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Edwd. Harper |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. order of Jno. Andrews Esq, Mr. Wm. Boardman} Selectmen |
May 5th. |
Dischd. Jno. Chaimbers |
State |
May 6th. |
Dischd. Mary Read R[un] |
State |
May 9th. |
Dischd. Jonathon Webb |
Town |
May 11th. |
Dischd. Sarah Allen & her three Molatto Children} |
State |
May 13th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Richd. LeGalley a boy |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Thos. Walley Esq} Selectmen |
May 14th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Peake |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Parkman one of the oversears of the poor |
May 14th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Richards a Child |
State |
Approd. of by Jno. White Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Harbl. Dorr, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
May 18th. |
Dischd. out of the hous Wm. Tayler |
State |
May 18th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Ethridge a boy Eight years old the 15th. Augt. 1789 |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Saml. Whitwell one of the oversears of the poor |
May 19th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Polley Sherman Child Borne Septr. 8th. 1787 |
Consented to by Jno. White Esqr. (oversear) |
State |
Pr. ordor of Harbl. Dorr, Capt. Ebenr. Tyler} Selectmen |
May 15th. |
Dischd. Peter Swan |
State |
May 15th. |
Discharged Edwd. harper |
State |
May 20th. |
Dischd. Willm. Jones State |
1789 |
May 20th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Phillip Hilt & Elizh. his wife |
State |
Approd. of by Jno. Sweetser Esq One of the oversears of the poor |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Thos. Walley Esq} Selectmen |
May 22d. |
Dischd. Jno. Gillard |
State |
Dischd. James McQuinn |
do. |
May 23d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Frances26 Clark |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Sweetser Esq One of the oversears of the poor |
May 26 |
Dischd. Nancy Shirley & Child |
State |
Dischd. Robert Lilman |
State |
May 28th. |
Mary Benjiman Run—lef her Child |
Town |
May27 |
State |
June 3d. |
Dischd. Jno. Murphey |
State |
June 3d.28 |
State |
June 5th. |
Dischd. Mathew Wakefield a boy bound out |
Town |
June 6 |
dischd. Ann Haye & her daughtor |
State |
June 5th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Finn & 3 Children |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Harbl. Dorr, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
June 7th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Sharpe |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. proctor Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scoley Esqr., Mr. Wm Bordman} Selectmen |
June 10th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Richd. McCluer |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jona. Mason, one of the oversears of the poor |
June 10th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Saml. Mongomery |
State |
Approd. of by Jno. White Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
June 12th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Holms Simpson |
Town |
Pr. order of Jona. L. Austin one of the oversears of the poor |
June 12th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Nancy Watts |
State |
Approd. of by Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price |
} Selectmen |
June 13th. |
dischd. Joseph Jaines & wife |
State |
June 11th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Robinson |
State |
approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
June 12th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Andrew Gardner |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Boardman} Selectmen |
June 15th. |
Dischd. Thomas Burk |
State |
June 15th. |
Dischd. Mary Johnson & Child |
Town |
June 15th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Rebecca Putton and child} |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Parkman on[e] of the oversears |
June 17th. |
dischd. Salley Dunken bound out |
State |
Recd. into the Almshous Richd. Walker |
State |
Consented to by Mr. Saml. Parkman One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen |
June 18th. |
Dischd. Sarah Finn & two Children to the pesthous |
State |
Sarah Finn Returnd |
June 17th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Finley of the Ile of Man |
(State) |
approd. of by Mr. Saml. Parkman of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Select men |
June 18th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Henry Mayhew 5 years old |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Thos. Walley Esq} Selectmen |
June 20th. |
Received Ann Hill & Child into the Almshous |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Wm. Bordman, Ezekl. Price Esq} Selectmen |
June 20th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Langford |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno. White Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
June 18th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Abigal Chubb |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Sweetser one of the oversears of the poor} |
June 22d. |
dischd. George Renals |
State |
June 23d. |
Dischd. Saml. Mongomery |
State |
<June 16> May 27 |
Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Joseph |
State |
Approd. of by Saml. Whitwell one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
June 16th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. <Valentine> Lewis |
State |
Approd. of by Mr. Saml. Whitwell one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
1789 |
June 30th. |
Dischd. Sarah Coney & Child |
State |
June 30th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Partrick Quin |
State |
Consented to by Jno. Mason Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esq, Jno. Scollay Esqr.} Selectmen |
July 2d. |
Dischd. Richd. Walker & Patte his wife |
State |
Dischd. Willm. Finley |
State |
July 2d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Joseph Brazer |
State |
Approd. of by Jona. Mason Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esqr. |
} Selectmen |
July 2d. |
Dischd. Ann Whitman |
Town |
June 18th. |
Dischd. out of the workhous Saml. Duncalf |
State |
dischd. Holms Simpson |
Town |
July 10th. |
Dischd. Jane Galley bound out |
Town |
July 11th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Scott |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno. White Esqr. one of the Oversears of the poor |
July 11th. |
Dischd. Thos. Smith one Eye |
State |
July 15th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Cross |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno. White Esqr. Oversear |
July 16th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Eliz dalman |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jona. Mason Esq One of the oversears of the poor |
July 17th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Cockren29 John |
State |
Approd. of by Mr. Saml. Parkman One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Capt. Edwd. Tyler, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
July 18th. |
Disd. Mary Wakefield |
Town |
July 18 |
dischd. Nathl. Adams |
Town |
July 18 |
Recd. Into the Almshous Edmon Jones a Welchman |
State |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Esq, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
July 20th. |
Dischd. Elizh. Jennen |
State |
July 21th. |
Dischd. Polley Goddard bound out |
Town |
1789 |
Recd. Wm. Spoonor into the Almshous |
State |
May 28th. |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Esq, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
June 13th. |
Dischd. Wm. Spooror |
State |
July 22d. |
<Rec into Almshous Wm. Spooner 3 day then turn30 |
Town> |
July 22d. |
Recd. Ebenr: Cocks31 into the Almshous |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. oversear |
July 22d. |
Recd. Hannah Fayerweather into the Almshous |
State |
Consented to by Jona. Mason Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Sever} Selectmen |
July 23d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Armstrong, Irishman |
State |
Approd. by Edwd. Proctor Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Benjn. Bordman |
} Selectmen |
July 24th. |
Dischd. Jane Bates who belonges to hingam |
Town |
Dischd. Ann Hill & Child—Run |
Town |
Disch’d. R[un] Edmon Jones a Welchman |
State |
<July 25th.> |
dischd. Joseph Brazer Contineud on the book tel Augt. 2d. furnished him with provision to go to phalidelpha |
State |
July 27th. |
Dischd. Jno. Cockren |
State |
July 25th. |
dischd. Run Agnes Richards |
State |
July 27th. |
Dischd. Nancey Watts |
State |
July 27th. |
Recd. Benjn. Eddy into the Almshous |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq |
} Select men |
July 27th. |
Henry Mayhew a boy Run |
on the state |
July 27th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Ketty Steward & her 2 Children |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversear of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Harbl. Dorr, Mr. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
July 28 |
dischd. Sophey Manders |
State |
Augt. 1th. |
Recd. into the Almshous John Hogan of Ireland |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Mr. Wm. Boardman} Selectmen |
Augt. 1th. |
Mary Scott dischd. |
Town |
July 27th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Mitchell |
State |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
July 30 |
Recd. into the Almshous Christian Mahoan |
State |
Approd. of by Mr. Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
1789 |
Aught. 3d. |
dischd. John Devall |
State |
Augt. 4th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Denne |
Town |
Pr. ordor Jno. White Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor |
Augt. 10th. |
Dischd. Thos. Armstrong |
State |
Augt. 10th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jacob Wendol32 |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jona. L Austen oversear |
Augt. 13th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Frank Allen a Child 15 Months old |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Esqr., Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen |
Augt. 10th. |
Recd. Ann33 Hoey & Child into the Almshous |
Approd. of by Saml. Parkman one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Boardman} Selectmen |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Burns & Nancy Murphey |
Pr. ordor of Jona. Mason Esq one of the oversears of the poor |
Augt. 12th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary McLachlin34 |
State |
Approd. of by Mr. Saml. Parkman One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Augt. 17th. |
Recd. into the Almshous three Children Polley, Esther & Mercy Henly |
Polley Henly |
borne |
May 13th. 1782 |
Esther |
do. |
Septr. 15th. 1784 |
Marcy |
do. |
decr. 26th. 1786 |
Pr. ordor of Saml. Parkman one of the oversears of the poor |
<Augt. 17th. |
Dischd. F C >35 |
State |
Augt. 24th. |
Dischd. Abigal Whitte |
State |
Augt. 24th. |
Dischd. Kitty Stewart & her 2 Children |
State |
Augt. 26th. |
Recd. into the Almshouse the widow Fowell36 |
Town |
Augt. 26th. |
Recd. into the Almshous George Hampton a German |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Augt. 28th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Richd. Crouch |
(State) |
Consentd. to by Edwd. proctor Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Capt. Edwd. Tyler, Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen |
Augt. 28th. |
dischd. Jno. Mitchel R[un] |
State |
1789 Augt. 26th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Parkett a boy |
State |
Approd. of by Mr. Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Jabz Hatch Esqr.} Selectmen |
Augt. 31th. |
Recd. into the Almshou[se] A Bastard Child of Mary Johnson’s Cald. Joseph Russel} |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. Codman one of the oversears of the poor |
Augt. 31th |
dischd. Eliz Crage |
State |
Augt. 2d. |
Sarah Sharp A Child |
State |
Pr. ordor of Thos. Walley Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Sevear} Select men |
Septr. 3d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Gillard of Ireland |
State |
Approd. of by Jona. Mason Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Wm. Boardman} Selectmen |
Septr. 3d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Tyrrell |
State |
Consented to by Jona. Mason Esqr. one of the oversears of poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Wm. Boardman} Selectmen |
Septr. 8th. |
Dischd. R[un] Mary Sharp |
State |
Recd. into the Almshous Amme37 Russel |
State |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Harbl. dorr, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Consented to by Jno. White Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
Septr. 16 |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Fletcher |
(State) |
Approvd. of by Saml. Parkman one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esqr., Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen |
Septr. 11th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Cowell & Child |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jona. L Austin Esqr. oversear |
Septr. 19th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Eliz Floyd |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jona. L Austin oversear |
Septr. 20th. |
Dischd. Jno. Parkhart a boy bound out |
State |
Septr. 20th. |
Sarah Finn Runn |
State |
Septr. 20th. |
Rebecca Puttom & Child Run |
Town |
Septr. 22d. |
dischd. Wm. Langford |
Town |
Septr. 23d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Marten McLoehlen38 |
State |
Approd. by Edwd. Procter Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Wm. Boardman, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Select men |
Septr. 23d. |
Recd. Saml. Mongomery into the Almshous |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctr. one of oversears of poor} |
Pr. order of Jno. Andrews Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Sever} Selectmen |
1789 |
Septr. 24th. |
<Dischd. Rebecca Puttom & Child> |
State |
Septr. 25th. |
Dischd. George Hampton |
State |
Septr. 28th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Richardson |
Town |
Pr. ordor Jno. Sweetser oversear; ward 11 |
Sept. 28th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Edwd. Thompson |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Procter Esq One of the oversears of the poor |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Edwd. Tyler, Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen |
Septr. 28th. |
Elizh. Barry Run |
State |
Octr. 1th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Ebenr. Redock |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor |
Septr. 28th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Abigail Brown & her 3 Children |
State |
Approd. of by Jona. Mason Esq One of the Oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Capt. Edwd. Tyler, Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen |
Octr. 2d. |
Dischd. Benjn. Kneeland |
Town |
Octr. 3d. |
Dischd. John Hogen |
State |
Octr. 6th. |
Dischd. Mary Burford |
Town |
Dischd. Thomas Tyrrell |
State |
Octr. 7th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Langford |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno. White Esqr. |
Octr. 9th. |
Dischd. Sarah Johnson |
State |
Septr. 28 |
dischd. Mary Ratford, Dischd. Elizh. Lewis, Dischd. Sarah Joseph} from the workhous> |
State |
Septr. 7 |
dischd. Thos. Mitchel from the workhous |
State |
Octr. 10th. |
Dischd. Thos. Ethredge a boy bound out |
Town |
Octr. 10th. |
Recd. Jno. Willit into the almshous |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctr. Esq One of the oversears of the poor |
Octr. 8th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Charles Burnes a Child 3 weaks old |
State |
Approd. of by Mr. Saml. Parkman One of the oversears of the poor |
Pr. ordr Jno. Scollay Esqr., Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen |
1789 |
Octr. 12 |
Recd. into the Almshous Ebenr. Cooks |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr., oversear |
Octr. 12th. |
dischd. John Finn A boy |
State |
Octr. 13th. |
Dischd. Marten McLochlen |
State |
Octr. 13th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Eliz Wood |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Henry Hill Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor |
Octr. 13d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Judeth Lowe born in Ireland |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews |
} Selectmen |
Septr. 25 |
Recd. into the Almshous Peter Russell a Child Belonging Ammy Russell |
approd. of by Mr. Saml. Parkman one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Thos. Walley Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
Octr. 12th. |
Recd. into the almshous Wm. McKinzie a Child |
approd. of by Mr. Saml. Parkman one of the oversears} |
Pr. ordor of Thos. Walley Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
Octr. 16th. |
Dischd. Jno. Willet to the workhous |
Town |
Octr. 17th. |
Dischd. Mary Cartor & Child R[un] |
State |
Octr. 17 |
dischd. Judath |
Eddy Run |
State |
d[o.] |
Murphy Run a garle 10 years old |
Octr. 19th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Peters She borne at Ipswich Married A frenchman} her husband now in town |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scoley Esqr., Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Berry born in Ireland |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
Octr. 19th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Dowrick |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Jno. Codman Juner One of the Oversears of the poor |
Octr. 22d. |
Recd. into the Almshous James frost |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Parkman one of the oversears of the poor |
Octr. 24th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Pool |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jona. L Austin one of the oversears of the poor |
1789 |
Octr. 21th |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Sharp |
State |
Aprod. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq |
} Selectmen |
Octr. 28th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Ruth Kendall England |
State |
Approd. of by Saml. Parkman one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Thos. Walley Esqr., Jno. Scollay Esq.} Selectmen |
Octr. 29th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Henry Kendol39 An Englishman |
State |
Pr. ordor of Saml. Parkman One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Harbl. dorr} Selectmen |
Octr. 30th. |
Recd. into the Almshous James Pike his wife & Child |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Parkman one of the oversears of the poor |
Occtr. 30th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Cross |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Parkman one of the oversears of the poor |
Octr. 22d. |
Dischd. Edwd. Thomas R[un] |
State |
Novr. 4th. |
Rec’d. into the Almshous Fredrk. Eyrs40 |
Town <State> |
Pr. ordor of Henry Hill Esqr. (oversear) |
<Novr. 7th. |
dischd. Jeremh. Malone |
State> |
Novr. 9th. |
<Dischd. Brown Run> |
Town |
Novr. 12th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Nathl. Adams |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Codman Junr. (oversear) |
Novr. 7th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Eliz Ivers |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
Novr. 16th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Barnabus Maxwell A Welchman |
State |
Consented to by Jno. White Esqr. One of the Oversears of the Town} |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Tyler, Mr. Harb Dorr} Selectmen |
Novr. 16th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Ann Ethredge |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno. White one of the oversears of the poor |
Dischd. Mary McLachlen |
State |
Novr. 16th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Johnson |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jno. White Esqr. one of the Oversears of the poor |
Novr. 16 |
Recd. Mary Burford into the Almshous |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of The oversears of the poor |
Novr. 16th. |
Recd. into the hous Diana Cotton Nurs to James Morwood |
State |
Apprd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Novr. 16 |
Recd. into the Almshous James Morewood |
State |
Consented to by [Edward Proctor?] One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Harbl. Dorr Esq., Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Novr. 19th. |
Dischd. Jno. Richards A boy bound out |
Town |
Novr. 19th. |
Recd. into Sarah Jackson |
State |
Approd. of by Saml. Whitwell Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Tyler, Jno. Andrews Esq} Selectmen |
Novr. 18 |
Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Johnson |
Pr. ordor of Jona. L. Austen Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
Novr. 19th. |
Dischd. Mary Pool |
Town |
Novr. 20th. |
Recd. Ephrom Fenno into the Almshous |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Whitwell one of the oversears of the poor |
Novr. 21th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Betsey Vinteno |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Henry Hill Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor |
Novr. 25th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Henry Luckis |
Town |
Pr. ordor of <Mr.> Jno. White Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor |
Novr. 25 |
Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Coney & Child |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Jno. Walley Esq} Selectmen |
Novr. 28 |
Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Brandgon41 Irishman |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Edwd. Tyler, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
Novr. 28th. |
<Dischd. James Pike> |
Town |
Decr. 1th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Benjn. Burdet |
Town |
by ordor of Henry Hill oversear |
Decr. 1th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Elizh. Craige wife of Jno. Crage |
State |
Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Ebenr. Seaver, Thos. Walley Esq} Selectmen |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Everton |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jona. Mason Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor |
decr. 7th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Loring |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor |
<Decr. 6th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Hinds from the Workhous |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Henry hill Esqr. one of The oversears of the poor> |
Decr. 8th. |
Dischd. James Frost |
Town |
Decr. 7th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mary Hinds |
State |
Consentd. to by Edwd. Proctor Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Ezekl. Price Esqr.} [Selectmen] |
Decemr. 8th. |
Dischd. Eliz Craige Run |
State |
Decr. 10 |
Recd. into the Almshous Michl. Condon & Wife |
State |
Approd. of by Jno. Sweetser Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jabez Hatch Esqr., Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen |
Decr. 11th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Polley Wintor42 A Child |
State |
Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Ebenr. Seaver, Ezekl. Price Esqr.} Selectmen |
Decr. 12 |
Recd. into the Almshous Hugh Kemple of Ireland |
State |
Approd. of by Mr. Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor |
Pr. ordor of Capt. Edwd. Tyler, Jno. Andrews Esq.} Selectmen |
Decr. 15th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Margt. Kilgore43 |
State |
Consentd. to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. order of Edwd. Tyler Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
Decr. 19th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Nicholas Dulash a Child 2 years old |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Thos. Walley Esqr.} Selectmen |
Decr. 19th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Pompy44 Soyer a negero |
State |
Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Harbl. Dorr Esq, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
decr. 23 |
Dischd. Ann Hoey And her daughtor |
State |
decr. 23d. |
dischd. |
Cowell Run |
Town |
Decr. 23d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Saml. Sergant |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Whitwell one of the oversears of the poor |
Decr. 18th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Catharina45 McPherson |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Tyler Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
Decr. 21th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Cornelius drisky for a fortnite born in Ireland |
State |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scoley Esq, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Apprd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq one of the oversears of the poor |
Decr. 23d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Bothree a Frenchman |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolay Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
Decr. 23d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. McQueen a Scotchman |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Esq, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Decr. 23d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Lucy Willis |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Whitwell one of the oversears of the poor |
Decr. 26th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Cross |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edward Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor |
Decr. 31th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Nancy Madesen46 of providance |
State |
Consented to by Saml. Whitwell Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price |
} Selectmen |
Decr. 31th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Karr An Irishman |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
[1790] |
Jany. 2d. |
dischd. Sarah Jackson R[un] |
State |
1790 |
Jany. 6th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Donnet A Child 2 years old |
State |
Consented to by Jno. Mason Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen |
Jany. 6 1790 |
Recd. into the Almshous Andw. Robenson47 & wife |
State |
Consented to by Jona. Mason Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Eber. Seavor, Jabez Hatch Esq} Select men |
Jany. 7th. 1790 |
Recd. into the Almshous Ann Whitman |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Jany. 8th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Hannah Harres48 |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor |
<Jany. 8th. |
dischd Dorothy Horne R[un], do. [i.e., dischd.] Saml North R[un]} both Returnd acknologing the falts> |
State |
Jany. 15th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Rebecca Carr with her two Childn. Named |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
State |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr. |
} Selectmen |
Jany. 15th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Flyn of |
State |
Consented to by Mr. Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esq, Thos. Walley Esq} Selectmen |
1790 |
Jany. 14th. |
Recd. An ordor to Supply Andrew Currente a frenchman With Every |
Ration of wood and provetions As if he ware In the Almshous |
(State) |
Consentd to by Jona. Mason Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Recd. into the Almshous Hebron Matterson A boy Consentd. to by Edwd. |
Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
State |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esq, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Jany. 16th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Dennis Hogen49 of Limbrick |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Boardman} Selectmen |
Jany. 16th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Mehitable Levingston50 |
State |
Consented to by Jno. Sweetser Esq one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Sever} Selectmen |
Jany. 21th. |
Recd. into the Almshous James Frost |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Parkman One of the oversears of the poor |
Jany. 22d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Catharina Walker |
State |
Approd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Jany. 22d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Wm. Kennady51 |
Town |
Pr. Verbol ordor of Jona. L Austen one of the oversears of the poor |
Jany. 24 |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Mitchell of Ireland |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Jany. 25th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Ruth Bergan |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jona. L Austen Esq. One of the Oversears of the poor |
Jany. 25 |
Dischd. Eliz Vinlanough R[un] |
Town |
Jany. 23d. |
Dischd. Cornelos Driskey R[un] |
State |
Jany. 25th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Nabby Green A Negro Child 9 Months old |
Approd. of by Mr. Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor} |
State |
Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esq |
} Selectmen |
Jany. 27th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Cornelius O Bryan52 A Irishman |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
1790 |
Jany. 27th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Deborah Townsand53 of Abington |
<State> |
Consented to by Jno. White Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay, Captn. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Jany. 29th. |
Dischd. Hebron Materson A boy bound out |
State |
Jany. 29th. |
Dischd. Ann Crumwell54 |
Town |
Jany. 27 |
Recd. into the Almshous Marthor55 Tuck of andover |
State |
Approd. of by Wm. Philips Esq Junr. One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr., Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
Jany. 29 |
Recd. into the Almshous one Amos Round of Swansey |
Consented to by Jno. White Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Harbottle Dorr, Capt Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Dischd. Adam Ayers |
Town |
Feby. 1st. |
dischd Nancy Materson |
State |
Feby. 1st. |
Recd. into the Almshous Holms Simpson |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Jona. L Austin Esqr. One of the oversears of the poor |
Feby. 1 |
dischd. Jno. Mitchell R[un] |
State |
Feby. 2d. |
Recd. into the Almshous Thos. Kennedy of Ireland |
State |
Consented to by Jno. Sweetser Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Wm. Bordman, Jno. Andrews Esqr.} Selectmen |
Decr. 3d. |
Recd. Cate Townsand56 into the Almshous |
State |
Omited in Place the Mastor of the workhous haveing the ordor |
Consented to by Mr. Saml. Parkman One of the oversears} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Feby. 3d. |
Recd. Celia Ervin57 into the Almshous |
State |
Approd. of by Mr. Saml. Parkman One of the oversears} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scolley Esq, Mr. Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
Feby. 3d. |
dischd. Susanna Waterman bound out |
Town |
Feby. 4th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Robert Watson of Ireland |
State |
Apprd. of by Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esq |
} Selectmen |
Feby. 6th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Edwd. harper of Ireland |
State |
approd. of by Edwd. Proctr. Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Scollay Esqr. |
} Selectmen |
1790 |
Feby. 10th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Rodolph Pellinger A German |
State |
Apprd. of by Edwd. Proctor Esq One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Jno. Andrews Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Feby. 8th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Sarah Finn & Child |
State |
Consented to by Saml. Whitwell One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Ezekel Price Esqr., Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
Feby. 9th. |
Dischd. Sarah Richardson R[un] |
Town |
Feby. 11th. |
Recd. into the Almshous William Burns of Philadelphia |
State |
Consented to by Mr. Saml. Parkman One of the oversears of the poor} |
Pr. ordor of Captn. Edwd. Tyler, Mr. Wm. Bordman} Selectmen |
feby. 12th. |
Dischd. Edwd. harper |
State |
Feby. 16th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Jno. Cole |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Saml. Whitwell Esqr. one of the oversears of the poor |
Feby. 18th. |
Dischd. Johanna Spoonor58 bound out |
State |
Feby. 18th. |
Dischd. Thos. Cross Run |
Town |
Recd. into the Almshous Susanna Gyer59 a Child 3 years of Age |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Saml. Parkman one of the oversears of the poor |
Feby. 22 |
Recd. into the Almshous Timothy donnavin60 |
State |
Consented to by Wm. Smith one of the Oversears of the poor |
Pr. ordor of Ezekl. Price Esq, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Feby. 26th. |
Dischd. Mary Peters R[un] |
State |
Dischd. Eliz Ives R[un] |
State |
Feby. 27th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Olive White |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the oversears of the Poor |
Pr. ordor of Mr. Harbtl. dorr, Capt. Edwd. Tyler} Selectmen |
Feby. 28th. |
Recd. into the Almshous Nathl. Boarn |
Town |
Pr. ordor of Edwd. Proctor Esqr. One of the Oversears of the poor |
Mar: 1 |
Recd. into the Almshous Elizabeth Hayden |
Town |
℘ order Mr. John Codman jr: One of the Overseers of the poor |
1790 |
March 3d: |
Recd: into the Almshouse Olive Whitney & a Child nam’d James |
State |
Consented to by Edwd. Procter One of the Overseers of the Poor} |
℘ ordr: Thos. Walley, Eben: Seaver} Select Men |
March 3d. |
Discharg’d Polly Moran, a Child |
State |
March 3d. |
Discharg’d John Cole & James Frost} Sent to the Workhouse} |
Town |
Marc[h] 7th. |
Recd. into the Almshouse Reb:61 Edmonds |
Town |
℘ Order Jno. Codman jr: one of the Oversears of the poor |
March 10th. |
Recd. into the Almshouse Eliza. Ivers |
Town |
Discharg’d S: Montgomery |
℘order Colo: Procter one of the Overseers of the Poor |
March 12th. |
Recd: into the Almshouse Polly Willis aged 3 years Daughter to Lucy Willis |
Town |
by Verbal Order of Mr. John White, one of the Overseers of the Poor |
March 12th. |
Nancy Fitzgerald, Entd. |
Town |
by Verbal order of Mr. John Sweetser, one of the Overseers of the Poor |
March 17th. |
James Brown, Entd. |
State |
Consented to by Colo. Proctor, One of the Overseers of the Poor |
by order of Messrs. Thomas Walley & Thos. Edwards—Selectmen |
17th. |
Discharg’d Ann Chaloner |
State |
Eliza. Condon |
Do. |
18th. |
Discharg’d Michael Crowley |
Town |
22d. |
Recd. into the Almshouse Nancy Challender |
State |
Consented to by Colo. Proctor One of the Overseers} |
℘ Ordr. Wm. Boardman one of the Select Men |
Recd. into the Almshouse Michael Crowley |
Town |
By ordr. John White Esqr. One of the Overseers |
25th. |
Discharg’d Reb: Edmonds |
Town |
26th. |
Recd. into the Almshouse Prince Knight a Negro |
State |
Consented to by Colo. Procter, One of the Overseers of the poor} |
By order Jno. Scollay Esqr. & Wm. Boardman, Selectmen |
28th. |
Recd. into the Almshouse Joshua Hubbard & Wife |
Town |
By Order Jno. Codman jr. One of the Overseers of Poor |
27th. |
Discharg’d Abigail Brown & her son |
State |
29th. |
Discharg’d Henry Kendall & his Wife |
State |
30th. |
Discharg’d Andrew Robertson & his Wife |
State |
31st. |
Wm. Procter, rec’d. into the Alms house |
Town |
by order John White Esqr. one of the Overseers |
31st. |
Recd. into the Almshouse Eliz: Jenney |
State |
Consented to by Colo. Proctor |
by order Thos. Walley & Thos. Crafts, Selectmen |
Apl. 5th. |
Discharg’d Mary Sharpe R[un] |
State |
5th. |
Nancy Fitzgerald—discharg’d |
Town |
6th. |
Polly Cowell—a Child—discharg’d |
Town |
6th. |
Wm. Burns—discharg’d |
State |
8th. |
Polly62 Benjamin entered |
Town |
by Order J: L: Austin Esqr. one of the Overseers |
8th. |
Discharg’d John McKenzie |
State |
1790 Apl. 12th.} |
Recd: into the Almshouse Mary Tarbel |
Town |
℘ Ordr. John Codman jr: Overseer |
14th. |
Recd. Ichabod Willaston63 into the Almshouse |
Town |
℘ ordr. Edwd. Edes one of the Overseers |
14th. |
Dischargd. John Bothree |
State |
14th. |
Recd. into the Almshouse Mary Bulkley & her daughter Polly |
State |
Consented to by Colo. Procter |
℘ Order Thos. Walley & Thos. Crafts} Selectmen |
14th. |
Discharg’d Eben: Ruddock |
Town |
15th. |
Discharg’d Timo. Donevan |
State |
Recd. into the Almshouse Pat: Shanly & Daughter |
State |
Consented to by Colo. Procter |
℘ Order Wm. Boardman Select Man |
Discharg’d same day |
18th. |
Discharg’d James McQuin |
State |
19 |
Recd. into the almshouse Elizabeth Ryon64 & her Child Thos |
State |
Consented to by Edward Procter Esqr. |
Pr. Order John Scollay & Wm. Bordman} Selet. men |
19 |
Recd. into the almshouse Rebecca Cornett |
Town |
Pr. Order of Mr. Edward Edes one of the overseers of the Poore |
20 |
Dischargd. Cornelus Obrion |
State |
20 |
Recd. John Reed into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Pr. Jona. Mason overseer of the Poor |
Pr. Order of John Scollay Selectman |
1790 Apl. 21} |
Recd. into the Almshouse Roger Bardy |
State |
Consented to by Edward Procter Esqr. |
Pr. Order of John Scollay & Harb Dorr Selet. men |
Discharg’d John Willet—bound out |
Town |
21st. |
Recd. Geo: & Charles Jolly—sons of Wm. Jolly |
State |
Consented to by Henry Hill Esqr. |
℘ Order Thos. Crafts & Thos. Edwards Select Men |
Geo: 10 ys. old July 4th. Charles 8 the 5 Novr. 1790 |
22d. |
Recd. into the almshouse Nancy DCosta65 & Daughter ailes [alias?] |
House Mar[rie]d a Londner |
State |
℘ order Saml. Parkman one of the Overseers |
24 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Mary Sharp Wife to Wm. Sharp Consented to Edward Procter Esqr. |
State |
Pr. Order John Scollay |
} Selt. men |
26 |
Dischargd. Thos. Brandgon |
State |
26 |
Discharg’d Betsy Dennie & her child |
Town |
26 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Dina Minot |
State |
Consented to Edward Proctr Esqr. |
Pr. Order of John Scollay & Thos. Crafts} Selet. men |
26 |
Horn Dorothy Dischargd. |
State |
26 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Alexander Whright66 |
Consented to Edward Procter Esqr. |
Pr. Order of John Scollay & Thos. Crafts Esqrs. |
27 |
Dischargd. Robt. Watson |
State |
27 |
Dischargd. Edward Beacham |
State |
Recd. into the almshouse Wm. Curtis |
Town |
Pr. Order of Edward Procter Esqr. one of the Overseers of the Poor Run |
30 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Pegey Hurly |
Town |
Pr. Order of Edward Procter Esqr one of the overseers of the Poor |
1790 May |
1 |
Recd. into the alms House Elizh. Goodwin |
Town |
Pr. Order of John Sweetcher Esqr. Overseer of the Poor |
1 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Mary Pool |
Town |
Pr. Order of Jona. Mason Esqr. one of the overseers of the Poor |
1 |
Recd. into the almshouse Pegg Symmes |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter Esqr. |
Wm. Bordman, Thos. Edwards} Selectmen |
Recd. into the Almshouse Wm. Ryan, son to Eliza. Ryan born in the house the 22d. Ulto. (Omitted) |
State |
4 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Sophie Manders67 |
Consented to Jona. Mason |
John Scollay & Thos. Crafts Esqrs.} Seletmen |
8 |
Dischargd Pomp a Negro Man |
State |
10 |
Dischargd. Patrick Quin |
State |
10 |
Dischargd. John Carns |
State |
10 |
Dischargd. Charles jolley Bound out |
State |
10 |
Dischargd. Sarah Seegreaves |
Town |
11 |
Dischargd John Gillard |
State |
11 |
Dischargd. Jane Rusell |
State |
12 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Thos. Lawson |
State |
Consent to Edward Procter Esqr. overseer of the Poore |
Pr. Order of Wm. Bordman & Ebenr. Seaver} Selectmen |
12 |
Dischargd. Elizh. Rion & two Children |
State |
Recd. into the Almshouse William Thurston |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter Esqr |
Pr. order of John Scollay, Harbl. Dorr} Select Men |
1790 |
May 13 |
Recd. Edward Irland68 & his Wife |
Town |
Pr. Order of Edwd. Procter Esqr. one of the Overseers of the Poor |
13 |
Reced. John Brown a Child Son to John Brown 4 years old May 23 |
Consented to Jona. L Austin |
State |
Pr. order of Ebenr. Sever & Wm. Bordman} Select men |
Recd. into the Almshouse Saml. Covel & His Son Saml. aged 6 years the 4th. of Janury Last the Father Born at Cape Cod |
State |
Pr. order of Mr. Saml. Parkman one of the overseers of the Poor |
15 |
Recd. into the almshouse Hartford Robert a disordd. Negrom[an] |
State |
Pr. order of John Scollay, Thos. Crafts} Select Men |
Consented to Pr. Edwd. Procter |
sent to work House |
15 |
Recd. Mary Watts in to the alms house |
Pr. order of Edward Procter one of the overseers of the Poore |
15 |
Recd. into the almshouse James Downe an Irish man |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter Esqr. one of the Overseers of the Poor |
Pr. Order of Wm. Bordman one of the Select men |
17 |
Dischargd. Holems Simson |
Town |
20 |
Recd. into the almshouse Lucy Malony69 |
State |
Pr. order of Thos. Crafts, Thos. Edwards} Select men |
Consented to Edward Procter Esqr. one of the overseers of the Poor |
20 |
Recd. Nathl. Corben into the almshouse |
Town |
Pr. order of Mr. Saml. Parkman one of the overseers of the Poor |
21 |
Dischargd. James Downe |
State |
Dischargd. Mary Tuttle |
Town |
Dischargd. Mary Pool |
Town |
22 |
Dischd. Pegey Symmes |
State |
22 |
Dischd. Wm. Curtis Run |
Town |
22 |
Dischd. James Brown Run |
State |
1790 |
May 22 |
Recd. into the Alms house Saml. Trescot |
State |
Pr. order of Harbo. Dorr Select man |
Consent to Edward Procter Esqr. overseer of the Poor |
22 |
Recd. into the almes House Ruth Mathur and 2 Children |
State |
Pr. Wm. Bordman Select man |
Consented to Jon Lorin Austin Overseer of the Poor |
22 |
Recd. into the almshouse Phillis Eustis a Black woman |
State |
Pr. order Wm. Bordman Selectman |
Consented to Wm. Smith one of the overseers of the Poor |
22 |
Dischd. Richard Crouch |
State |
24 |
Dischd. Roger Bardy State |
24 |
Dischard Poll Benjman & Child |
State |
Dischd. Denis Hogen State |
25 |
Dischd. Joshua Hubbard |
Town |
26 |
Recd. into the almshouse Peter Essenger |
Town |
Pr. Order of Mr. Saml. Parkman one of the overseers of the Poor |
26 |
Recd. Polle70 Benjman & Child into the almshouse |
State |
28 |
Recd. Daniel Benjman into the almshouse |
Pr. order of Edward Procter Esqr. |
June 1st. |
Discharg’d Rodolph Pelliger |
State |
<Discharg’d Mary Tuttle> Enter’d the 21st. |
Town |
1 |
Dischargd. Fillis Eustis |
State |
1 |
Recd. Richard Langley71 |
State |
Consented to Edwd. Procter Esqr. |
Pr. Order of John Scollay, Wm. Boardman |
2 |
Recd. Mary Grainger & her Child into the Alms house |
Town |
Pr. Order of Edward Procter Esqr |
2 |
Recd. Mary Hinds in to the almshouse |
State |
Pr. order John White overseer |
2 |
Dischargd Wintrop Gray (Alias Carr) |
State |
1790 |
June 2 |
Recd. into the Alms House John Kelley |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter Esqr. overseer of the Poor |
Pr. order Harbottle Dorr, Thos. Walley Selectmen |
2 |
Recd. into the alms House John Gillard |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter Esqr. |
Pr. order of John Scollay, Wm. Bordman} Select men |
2 |
Dischd. ame Rusell & her Son Peter Jeffers |
State |
8 |
Dischd Saml. Tr[e]scot & Betty Wier the 7th. |
both State |
<8 |
John Reed aged about 35 years> |
9 |
Recd. into the alms house Benjman Sinclear72 Born in Vermont |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter |
Pr. order of John Scollay, Thos. Walley} Esqr. Selecct Men |
9 |
Dischargd Saml. Sargent |
Town |
11 |
Dischagd. Mary Buckley & her Daughter Mary |
State |
11 |
Dischargd. Elizth. Haden |
Town |
21 |
Dischargd. Judea Low |
State |
Receved into the Alms house Sarah Goodwin of Peknopsket |
Pr. order of Wm. Smith overseer |
23 |
Recd. in to the almshouse ann Milton |
Town |
Pr. Order of Jona. Mason Esqr. one of the overseers of the poor |
26 |
Recd. into the almshouse Polle73 Webb from the Workhouse at the Requst of the Doctr |
Town |
28 |
Recd. into the alms house Thos. Braggadon |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason Esqr. one of the Oversers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Crafts & Harbottle Dorr Esqrs.} Select Men |
Recd. William Pomroy into the Almshouse |
State |
Consented to John White one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of John Scollay & Wm. Bordman} Select Men |
1790 June 30 |
Dischargd. David Denia |
State |
June 30 |
Recd. into the alms House Michael Taylor an Irish Pedler |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter one of the Overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Ebenr. Sever & Thos. Crafts Esqr.} Select Men |
July 3 |
Recd. into the almshouse Benjn. Edey |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter overseer |
Pr. Wm. Bordman—Select Man |
July 3d. |
Recd. into the Almshouse—Judath Low74 |
State |
Consented to Saml. Parkman |
Pr. order of Wm. Boardman Selectman |
1790 |
July 7 |
Recd. Thos. Murfey75 into the alms House |
State |
Jona. Mason overseer |
pr. order Mr. Scolay & Bordman |
Dischargd Jno. Morrison |
State |
July 7 |
Recd. into the almshouse Mary Nottage a Child of about 7 years old |
State |
Consented to John Sweetsur overseer of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Walley & Wm. Bordman—Selectmen |
July 10 |
Dischargd John Keley |
State |
July 10 |
Dischargd. Sarah Coney but Left her Child Nancey aged 4 years} |
State |
July 15 |
Recd. into the almshouse Henry Williams |
State |
Consent to Edward Procter overseer of the Poor |
Pr. order of John Scollay Select man |
Recd. into the almshouse Mary Dawes <& her Child> |
Town |
Pr. order of Mr. Saml. Parkman |
22 |
Dischargd. Elizh. Brown and her 2 Children |
Town |
Recd. into the Almshouse Patrick Shandy |
State |
Pr. order of Mr. Henery Hill overseer of the Poor |
24 |
Recd. into the almshouse Marian Mathewson |
State |
Consented to Pr. Edward Procter |
Pr. order of John Scolay & Jabez Hatch Select men |
1790 July 26 |
Judea Low Run |
State |
27 |
Dischargd. Thos. Braggadon |
State |
29 |
Recd. into the alms House John Griggs & his Wife} |
Town |
Pr. order of Wm. Smith overseer |
29 |
Dischargd. Nancey Howes |
State |
31 |
Dischargd Michel Taylor |
State |
31 |
Recd. into the almshouse George Lee |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason Esqr. overseer of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Crafts Esqr. Select Man |
Discharg’d Jeremiah Carr the 14th. instant bd: out & his Mother Ann: alias Gray the 28th. |
State |
31 |
Dischargd. Wm. Procter |
Town |
Augt. 4 |
Dischargd Sarah Goodwin |
State |
4 |
Recd. into the almshouse Freedrick Dominique |
State |
Jona. Mason overseer of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Walley & Thos. Crafts} Select men |
4 |
Dischargd James Matthews Bound out |
State |
7 |
Recd. into the almshouse Judith Kelly & her two Infant Children |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of John Scollay & Thos. Crafts Selectmen |
Jane 7 1/2 & Margret 4 years of age |
9 |
Recd. into the alms House Anna Richardson |
Town |
Pr. Order of Mr. Jona. L Austin one of the over Seers of the Por |
9 |
Recd. into the almshouse Thos. Cross |
Town |
Pr. order of Mr. John White one of the overseers of the Poor |
9 |
Recd. into the almshouse John Fleming |
State |
Consented to Saml. Parkman one of the overseers of the poor |
Pr. order of John Scollay one of the Select men |
1790 |
Augt. 9th. |
Recd. into the almshouse Mary Sharp |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Harbottle Dorr & Wm. Bordman Select men |
12 |
Recd. into the almshouse Thos. Loring |
Town |
Pr. order of Edward Procter one of the overseers of the poor |
Dischargd Hugh Kemple |
State |
12 |
Recd. Elizebath Farrier & two Children into the Almshouse |
State |
Consent to Jona. Mason one of the Overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Crafts, Wm. Bordman} select men |
12 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Mary Garrar76 |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of John Scollay & Ezekl. Price} Select men |
14 |
Dischargd. Mary Singclare77 |
State |
14 |
Recd. into the Almshouse John Hews78 |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason Esqr. one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of John Scollay & Thos. Crafts Esqr. Select men |
14 |
Recd. into the almshouse Joseph Colesworthy |
Town |
Pr. order of John Codman one of the overseers of the Poor |
14 |
Dischargd. Henry Luckus |
Town |
21 |
Recd. into the almshouse Henry Luckis |
Town |
Pr. order of John White one of the overseers of the poor |
Polly Davis Married to Rd. Harris the 8th. instant |
1790 |
Augt. 23 |
Dischargd. Timothey Gyear79 |
State |
30 |
John Fling Dischargd |
State |
Sept. 1 |
James Brown discharg’d |
State |
3 |
Discharged Ann Whitman |
Town |
3 |
Dischargd. John Hewes |
State |
3 |
Recd Nancy Moter into the almshouse a Child about 5 years of age |
Town |
Pr. Order of Edwd. Edes one of the overseers of the poor |
<4 |
Dischd. Ruth Mathers to the Workhouse |
State |
Pr. order of Jona. Mason one of the Overseers of the Poor> |
4 |
Recd. into the alms hous Patty Dorsey |
State |
Consent to Pr. Jona. Mason one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of John Scollay & Wm. Bordam Selectmen |
4 |
Recd. into the almshouse Nancy Garrel |
Town |
Pr. order of the Board of overseers on Sitting Day |
6 |
Recd. into the Alms house John Kelly |
State |
Consented to Pr. Jona: Mason one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Ezekel Price one of the Select Men |
6 |
Dischd. Henry Lockos |
Town |
Dischd. Merian Mathewson |
State |
6 |
Discd. James Pike |
Town |
10 |
Discd. Michael Comley |
State |
10 |
Discd. Hugh Smith |
State |
<10 |
Discd. Mary Mathewson |
State> |
10 |
Discd. Hannah McKenzie80 |
State |
10 |
Discd. Ruth Matthews |
State |
10 |
Discd. Richard Langley |
State |
10 |
Discrd. amos Rownds |
State |
10 |
Discd. Elizh. Berrey |
State |
1790 |
Septr. 10th. |
Dischargd John Hanny |
State |
<10 |
Discd. John Howes |
State> |
13 |
Discd. John Kelley |
State |
13 |
Discd. Ann Cox |
Town |
15 |
Recd. in to the Almshouse Robert Woodson A black Man |
State |
Consented to Saml. Parkman overseer of the poor |
Pr. order of John Scollay, Ezekl. Price Select men |
16 |
Recd. into the almshouse Thos. Brannagaw |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter overseer of the Poor |
Pr. order of Jabz Hatch, & Thos. Crafts} Select men |
17 |
Dischd. Michel Crawley81 |
Town |
18 |
Discd. Polley Webb into the Workhous |
Town |
Pr. Verble order Jona. Mason ovseer |
18 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Mary Sharp |
State |
Consented to Henry Hill one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of John Scollay & Thos. Crafts} Select men |
18 |
Discd. Mary Dawes (& Ann Chaloner, State) |
Town |
22 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Margret Fitzgerel82 |
State |
Pr. order of Harbl. Dorr & Eben Sever} Select men |
Consented to Edward Procter one of the Overseers of the Poor |
22 |
Recd. John Keily into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Edward Edes |
Pr. order of Thos. Walley & Wm. Bordman} Select men |
Recd. Ann Fovel & Mary Hogg into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Edward Edes one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. Order of Thos. Walley & Ebenr. Seavers} Select men |
22 |
Recd. into the almshouse Hugh Smith |
State |
Consented to Saml. Parkman one of the overseers of the poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Walley & Wm. Boardman} Select men |
1790 |
Septr. 25th. |
Dischargd Robert Woodson a Black man |
State |
25 |
Discd. Cathrne Cook |
State |
27 |
Discd. Nathaniel Corborn |
Town |
29 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Boston a Negro man |
State |
Consented John Sweetser one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. Order of Ebenr. Seaver & Thos. Crafts} Select men |
29 |
Dischargd Fradrick Domineque |
State |
29 |
Recd. into the almshouse Timothy Guire |
Consented to John Sweetser one of the Overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of John Scollay & Wm. Bordman} Select men |
30 |
Discd. John Fliming |
State |
30 |
Recd. into the almshouse Hannah Leahea |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Walley, Wm. Boardman} Select men |
Octr. |
4 |
Recd. Mary Pool into the almshouse |
Town |
Pr. order of Edward Procter one of the overseers of the Poor |
4 |
Disd. Henry Williams |
State |
& Polly Paine |
5 |
Recd. Mary Cowell a Child 5 years old |
Town |
Pr. order John Codman one of the overseers of the Poor |
6 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Budd Robenson |
Town |
Pr. order of Edwd. Procter one of the over Seers of the Poor |
8 |
Recd. into the almshouse Johua Hunnewill83 |
Town |
Pr. order of Wm. Smith one of the overseers of the Poor |
8 |
Recd. into the almshouse Luce Newell a Black woman on the States acct. |
Consented to Jona. Loring austin |
State |
Ezekl. Price, Thos. Craft Selectmen |
1790 |
Octr. 8 |
Disd. Luce Maloney |
State |
12 |
Disd. Ann Frobile |
State |
Recd. into the almshouse Cathrine Towsand84 |
State |
Consent to Edward Procter one of the ovseers of the Poor |
Pr. Order of Thos. Crafts & Thos. Edwards} Select men |
12 |
Recd. into the almshouse Henry Lucas |
Town |
Pr. order of Saml. Parkman one of the ovseers of the Poor |
12 |
Dischargd. Budd Roberson to the Workhouse a Distracted Man |
Town |
Pr. order of Mr Jona. Mason one of the overseers of the Poor |
12 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Elizh. Sheene & her Son Robert Carr |
Town |
Pr. order of Mr. J L Austin one of the overseers of the Poor |
16 |
Recd. into the almshouse Ann Whitman |
Town |
Pr. order of Mr. John White one of the oversers of the Poor |
18 |
Recd. into the almshouse Robt. Dunlap |
State |
Consent to Jona. Mason one of the oversers of the Poor |
Pr. order of John Scollay & Thos. Crafts Selectmen |
19 |
Recd. into the almshouse Ebenzr. Ruduck |
Town |
Pr. order Edward Procter one of the overseers of the Poor |
21 |
Dischargd. Elizh. Sheene |
Town |
21 |
Recd. James Meadows85 into the almshouse on the States account |
State |
Pr. order of Mr. Stephen Gorham one of the overseers of the Poor |
22 |
Recd. into the almshouse Fradrick Eairs86 |
Town |
Pr. order of Edward Procter one of the overseers of the poor |
1790 |
October 27 |
Dischargd. Elizh. Farrer & her three Children |
State |
28 |
Recd. into the almshouse George Fisher |
State |
Consented to Wm. Phillips one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Walley Select man |
28 |
Recd. into the almshouse Robert Wooson87 a Black man |
State |
Consented to Saml. Parkman overseer} |
Pr. order of Thos. Walley, Jabez Hatch} Selectmen |
28 |
Recd. into the Almshouse John Murphey88 |
State |
Pr. order of John Scollay & Ezekel Price Selectmen |
Consented to Wm. Phillips overseer |
29 |
Cathrine Townsand Run |
State |
29 |
Recd. into the almshouse Ruben Goreham89 |
Town |
Pr. order of Jona. L Austin |
29 |
Recd. into the almeshous John Gillard |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason ovseer |
Pr. Order of John Scollay, Harbottle Dorr} Select men |
Recd. into the almshouse Sarah Perre |
Town |
Pr. Order of Mr. John White one of the overseers of the poor |
2 |
Recd. Mary Webb into the Almshouse from the Workhouse |
State |
Pr. order of Mr. Jona. Mason |
4 |
Recd. into the almshouse Judeth Low90 |
State |
Consented to Edwd. Procter one of the overseers of the poor |
Pr. order of John Scollay, Ezekl. Price} Select men |
Discd. Ruben Goreham |
Town |
4 |
Recd. into the almshouse Edward Beacham |
State |
Consented to Saml. Parkman ovseer |
Pr. order of Harbottle Dorr & Ebenr. Seaver Selectmen |
5 |
Recd. into the almshouse James Pike |
Town |
Pr. order Mr. Jona. Mason one of the overseers of the Poor |
1790 Novr. |
5 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Sarah Adams |
Town |
Pr. order of Mr. Edward Edes overseer |
5 |
Recd. into the Alms house Mary Richardson |
Town |
Pr. order of Mr. Saml. Parkman one of the overseers of the Poor |
5 |
Recd. into the almshouse Philles How a Black woman |
State |
Consented to Pr. Edward Procter one of the ovseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Harbottle Dorr & Wm. Boardman Select Men |
12 |
Dischd. Thos. Cross to the Workhouse |
Town |
Pr. order of John White one of the oversers of the Poor |
12 |
Recd. into the almshouse Mary Pirce91 |
Town |
Pr. order of Edward Procter Esqr. one of the overseers of the Poor |
14 |
Recd. into the almshouse Daniel Loring |
Town |
Pr. Order of Mr. Saml. Parkman |
Recd. into the Almshouse Sarah Seagreaves92 |
Town |
Pr. order of Mr. John Codman one of the over Seers of the Poor |
18 |
Recd. into the almshouse John Woods on account of the State |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter overseer |
Pr. order of Ezekle Price Selectman |
18 |
Recd. into the alms Jenny Doane a black woman |
State |
Pr. order of John L. Austin |
18 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Polly93 Tilty |
State |
Consent to Jona. Mason one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Walley one of the Select Men |
19 |
Recd. Lidia Rider into the almshouse |
State |
Consent to Jona. Mason one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Wm. Boardman Selectman |
Novr. 21 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Wm. McMoran |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Crafts & Thos Walley Select men |
21 |
Dischargd James Meadows |
State |
24 |
Recd. into the almshouse John Bryant |
State |
Consented to Saml. Parkman one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Ebenr. Sever & Wm. Boardman Select men |
26 |
Recd. Wm. Kennedy into the Almshouse |
Town |
Pr. order of Saml. Parkman one of the Overseers of the Poor |
26 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Michael Comley |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason one of the Overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Ezekl. Price one of the Selectmen |
27 |
Recd. into the almshouse Ann Vallier a Distracted woman |
State |
Pr. order of Jona. Mason one of the overseers of the Poor / Sent Ditto the workhouse |
orderd. to the almshouse by Thos Edwards one of the Selectmen |
Sent to the wokhouse the Same Day |
(sent to the Work house) |
27 |
Recd. into the almshouse Wm. Spooner & Wife |
State |
Pr. order of Mr. John Codman one of the overseers of the poor |
27 |
Recd. into the almshouse Cathrine Freeman a Black woman on the State account |
State |
Pr. order of Henry Hill one of the overseers of the poor |
27 |
Recd. Harriot Brown into the almshouse 2 1/2 years old |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason overseer of the Poor |
Pr. order of Harbl. Dorr, Wm. Bordman Select men |
30th. |
Recd. Sharp Wm. into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Saml. Parkman overseer of the poor |
Pr. order of Ezek Price and Thos. Crafts Select men |
Recd. into the Almshouse Juba a blk boy (the 10th. instt.) |
Consented to by S: Parkman |
by ordr. Thos. Walley, Jabez Hatch} Select Men |
(sent to Workhouse) |
1790 Novr. 30 |
Recd. Cole John |
Town |
Pr. order of Edward Procter one of the overseers of the Poor |
<Decr. 2d. |
Dischargd. Wm. Spoorer & his Wife |
State> |
2 |
Recd. into the almshouse Salley Conday |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason one of the overseers of the poor |
Pr. order of Harbotle Dorr, Ebenr. Seaver} Select men |
2 |
Recd. into the almshouse Sarah Eddey |
Town |
Pr. order of Mr. Henry Hill one of the overseers of the Poor |
Recd. John Cobourn94 into the almshouse |
Town |
Pr. order of Saml. Parkman |
6 |
Recd. into the almshouse Titus Freeman a Black man |
State |
Consented to John Sweetser one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. Order of Ebenr. Seaver Select man |
9 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Frances95 Moren |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter overseer of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos Crafts & Ezekl. Price} Select men |
9 |
Recd. into the Alms house Frank Hutson96 |
State |
Consented to John L Austin one of the overseers of the poor |
Pr. order Wm. Boardman one of the Select men |
9 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Hannah Wapples |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter overseer of the Poor |
Pr. order of Harbottle Dorr & Wm. Boardman} Select men |
9 |
Recd. Sarah Lovering into the Almshouse |
Town |
Pr. order of Saml. Parkman one of the overseers of the Poor |
1790 |
Decr. 9 |
Recd. Susannah Frank into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Wm. Boardman one of the Select men |
9 |
Recd. Hannah McKinzey97 into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter one of the Overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Ezekl. Price & Wm. Bordman Selectmen} |
9 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Mary Wayod a Stranger |
State |
Consented to Edwd. Procter one of the Overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Crafts, Ebenr. Seaver} Select men |
9 |
Recd. Mary Fling into the almshouse |
Town |
Pr. order of Edward Procter one of the overseers of the Poor |
9 |
Recd. John Healey into the Almshouse |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Crafts & Ezl. Price Select men |
9 |
Recd. James McQuin into the Almshouse |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Wm. Boardman Select man |
11 |
Recd. a Femail Black Child about 7 or 8 months old98 found in Mr. Lucas’s yard |
State |
Consented to John Sweetser one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Mr. Ebenzr. Seaver one of the Selectmen |
dischd: the 27th. Jany. [17]91 |
11 |
Recd. Catharine English into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter one of the Overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Ezekel Price one of the Selectmen |
Decr. 14d. |
Recd. Mordicai Johnson into the almshouse |
State |
Pr. order of Ezekl. Price & Thos. Crafts Selectmen} |
Consented to Edward procter one of the overseers of the Poor |
14 |
Recd. Lidea Marstin into the almshouse |
Town |
Pr. Order of Edward Procter one of the Overseers of the Poor |
16 |
Recd. Saml. North into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter one of the Overseers of the poor |
Pr. order of Ezekl. Price one of the Selectmen |
17 |
Recd. Benjn. Fowler into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to John Sweetser one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. Order of Ebenr. Seaver one of the Selectmen |
17 |
Recd. John Berry into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter one of the overseers of the poor |
Pr. order of Ebenr. Seaver Select man |
(Discharg’d the 19th.) |
21 |
Dischagd. William Fossey Bund out |
State |
21 |
Recd. ann Chaloner into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason overseer |
Pr. order of Ezekl. Price Select Man |
21 |
Dischd. Elice Stoddar |
Town |
22 |
Recd. John Hartley into the Almshouse Born in Old England |
State |
Consented to Edwd. Procter overseer of the Poor |
Pr. order of Jabez Hatch & Thos Crats Select men |
22 |
Recd. into the almshouse John Parrick and his wife Jane with their Son John Negros |
State |
Pr. order of Thos. Walley & Ebenr. Seaver Select men |
Consented to John Sweetser overseer Junr.} Black |
1790 |
Decr. 28 |
Recd. Michel Crowley into the almshouse |
Town |
Pr. order of Edward Procter one of the overseers of the Poor |
29 |
Recd. into the almshouse William Procter |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter overseer of the Poor |
Pr. order of Wm. Boardman one of the Select men |
29 |
Recd. Philip Fling into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Saml. Parkman one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Ebenr. Seaver & Jabez Hatch Select men |
29 |
Recd. Phillip Delanty into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. Order of Ezekl. Price & Wm. Boardman} Select men |
Recd. Ann Payson into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason one of the Overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Wm. Boardman & Ebenr. Seaver Select men |
31 |
Recd. Jack Pemberton a Black man |
State |
Consented to John White one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Harbo. Dorr, Wm. Boardman} Select men |
January 1791 |
Recd. into the almshouse Patrick Burns from New York |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Wm. Boardman one of the Selectmen |
3 |
Recd. Alexander Thomson from Scotland |
State |
Consented to Stephen Gorham overseer of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos Walley one of the Select men |
3 |
Dischargd. Saml. North to the Workhouse |
State |
3 |
Anna Callahan admitted into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Wm. Boardman & Ezekl. Price} Select men |
1791 |
January 6 |
Dischargd. John Brown Bound out |
Town |
6 |
Dischd. Robt. Carr Bound out |
Town |
6 |
Recd. Mathew Son a Child to Mathew Son a Boy allmost Six years of age into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Walley & Ebenezr. Seaver} Select men |
7 |
Recd. John Flinn99 into the almshous |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason one of the overseers of the poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Edwards Select Man |
7 |
Discd. Sarah Seagreeves |
Town |
Recd. Daniel Loring into the almshouse |
Town |
Pr. order of Edward Procter one of the Overseers of the Poor |
10 |
Recd. Sarah Pray into the Alms house |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Wm. Boardman & Thos. Crafts Select men |
10 |
Elizebeth Berrey Run |
State |
10 |
Ann Cox Run |
Town |
10 |
Recd. John Anderson into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to Jona. Mason overseer of the Poor |
Pr. order of Wm. Boardman & Thos. Edwards Select men |
13 |
Dischargd. John Briant |
State |
Recd. Nancy Willard |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Tos. Walley, Wm. Boardman} Select men |
13 |
Recd. Saml. Jenkens into the almshouse |
Town |
Pr. order of Mr. John White one of the overseers of the Poor} |
1791 |
Janur. 13 |
Recd. Mary McClockin100 into the almsho[use] |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter overseer of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Walley & Thos. Crafts} Select men |
13 |
Recd. Hannah Hartley101 & her two Children Polly Tennaney & Nancy Hartley} |
State |
Consented to John Codman jur. overseer of the poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Walley & Wm. Boardman} Select men |
13 |
Recd. Peter Bray into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to John White one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Harbotle Dorr one of the Select men |
13 |
Recd. into the almshouse John Palfrey & his two Children Thos. & John |
Pr. order of Mr. Saml. Parkman one of the overseers of the Poor |
Town |
15 |
Recd. into the Almshouse Robert Hill |
State |
Consented to John White one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Harbotle Dorr & Wm. Boardman one of the Select Men |
15 |
Recd. Ebenr. Cox & his Wife ann into the almshous |
Town |
Pr. order of Mr. Henry Hill one of the overseers of the Poor |
Dischargd. John Palfrey Jur. |
Town |
Recd. Michall Cassaday & his Wife Kathrine |
State |
Consented to Saml. Parkman one of the Overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Thos. Crafts & Thos Edwards} Select men |
1791 |
Jany. 19th. |
Discharg’d Robt. Hill |
State |
19th. |
Recd. Lucy Bradford into the Almshouse |
Town |
by Order Colo. Procter |
19 |
Recd. Saml. North into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to by E: Procter |
Pr. order of Ez Price, Wm. Boardman |
22 |
Recd. Catharine Cook into the almshouse |
State |
Consented to John White one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. Order of Harbl. Dorr, Ezekl. Price Select Men |
26 |
Discd. Micheal Cassady & his Wife Cathrine |
State |
Recd. John Mellhorn & his Wife Jane into the alms House |
State |
Consented to Edward Procter one of the overseers of the Poor |
Pr. order of Wm. Boardman, Ezekl. Prich Select men} |
31st. |
Recd. Nabby Barry aged 10 yrs. (alias Cox) into the Almshouse |
State |
Consented to by Colo: Procter |
℘ ord Wm. Boardman Select Man |
Feby. 1st. |
Recd. Wm. Hartly into the Almshouse |
Consented to by S: Parkman One of the Overseers |
℘ order Wm. Boardman, Thos. Crafts} Select Men |
2d. |
Recd. Sarah Burnia102 into the Almshouse |
Consented to by Jona: Mason Overseer |
℘ ord. Eb: Seaver, J. Hatch} Select Men |
(S: Burnham) |
3d. |
Recd. Sarah Rouslow into the almshouse a Child 7 years of age Last novemr. |
State |
Consented to John White overseer |
Pr. order of Harbl. Dorr} Select Man |
Names | Time of Admission & Discharge | Town or State | By what Overseer | By what Selectman | |||||||
Patrick Burns |
1791 dischd: feby. 7th. |
State |
Robt. Hoiate |
Dischd. feby. 8th |
State |
dld. to his Father |
Sarah Williamson |
Admited feby. 10 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Walley |
Alaxander Tomson |
Disd. febr. 14 |
State |
John Woods |
Dischd. feby. 15 |
State |
George Fisher |
Dischd. feby. 15 |
State |
Nabby Barry |
Dischd. 17th Feby. |
State |
bound out |
alias Cox |
Polly Pool |
Dischd: 17th. Feby. |
Town |
bound out |
Lambeth Murphy |
Admitd. feby. 15th. |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Harb: Dorr |
Thos. Edwards |
Mary Brown a Child |
Admitd: feby. 17 |
Ditto |
Do. |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Wier |
Admitd: feby. 17 |
State |
Do. |
Harb: Dorr |
Henry Blackbour103 |
admitd. feby. 19 |
State |
Edwd. Proctr. |
Harbl. Dorr |
Luce Newel & her son John Newel |
Dischd. feby. 21 |
State |
Luther Eddy |
dischd: feby. 9th. |
State & returnd Marh. 16th. brot. here By the Court |
Mrs: Hollis104 & 4 childn: |
admitd: feby: 21 |
Town |
Hy: Hill |
Luce Meloney105 |
Admitd. feby. 22 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Thos. Walley |
Jabz Hatch |
Henry Blackbourn |
dischd. feby. 23d. |
State |
John Coburn |
dischd: feby: 24th. |
Town |
Thos: Wier |
dischd: feby: 24 |
State |
James Welch |
Admitd. feby: 24 |
State |
Ed: Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Cath: Townsend |
Admitd: Feby. 23d. |
State |
Colo: Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Mark McLauchlin |
Admitd: Feby. 26th. |
Do. |
Do. |
Ez: Price |
Thos. Crafts |
dischd. Mar: 2d. |
Do. |
Mary Wayod |
Dischd. Marh. 3d. |
Do. |
John Melidge |
Admitd.—5th. |
Do. |
Edwd. Eades |
Minor Freeman (a Black) |
admitd. 5 |
State |
Edwd. Eades |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Walley |
Thos. Branagan |
Dischd. Mar: 7th. |
State |
Robert Dunlap |
Dischd. Marh. 9 |
State |
John Mitchell |
Admitd. Mar 10th. |
State |
Saml. Parkman |
Wm. Bordman |
Thos. Crafts |
George Ray |
admitd. marh. 10 |
Town |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. McMoran |
Dischd. marh. 12 |
State |
Olive White |
Admitd. mar. 12 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Mordica Johnson |
Dischd. marh. 12 |
State |
Wm. Buckley |
admitd. mar 12 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
Daniel Benjman106 |
Dischd. mar 14 |
Town |
Eliza: Stevens |
Admitd: Mar 16th. |
State |
Ed: Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Edwards |
Peter Michal107 a blk |
Admitted Mar: 16th. |
Do: |
Edd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Luther Eddy |
Admited mar. 16 |
State |
John Anderson |
Dischd. mah. 16 |
State |
Patrick Shanley |
Dischd. marh. 16 |
State |
Saml. Covel |
Dischd. marh. 16 |
State |
Jams. Welch |
Dischd. mar. 16 |
State |
Saml. Jenkins |
Dischd. Marh. 16 |
Town |
Timothey Carrel108 |
Admitd. marh. 18 |
State |
Edd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Edwd. Beacham |
Dischd. marh. 21 |
State |
James McQuin |
Dischd. marh. 21 |
State |
Run marh. 21 |
Town |
Mary Webb & Child |
Run marh. 21 |
Town |
Returnd in two Days |
Mary Sharp |
Ditto Ditto |
State |
Sarah Williamson |
Ditto Ditto |
State |
John Gillard |
Dischd. marh. 21 |
State |
Filip Delance |
Dischd. marh. 22 |
State |
Wm. Ryan |
Admitd. mar 24 |
State |
Edd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Bridget Cox from Jail |
Admitd. mar 28 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Ebenr. Seaver |
Thos. Edwards |
<Anna Lewis and Sarah Lewis her children> |
Nance English admit march 28 a Child |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardman |
Eleanor Ritchie |
Dischd. aprl. 1st. |
State |
Sarah Griffith |
admitd. aprl. 4th. |
Town |
Henry. Hill |
Margrett Harrison |
admited. aprl. 6 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Saml. Covel |
Bound out aprl. 7th. to Jeremh. Whitemore of Spencer |
State |
Sarah Man |
Bound to Ditto aprl. 7th. |
State |
Sarah Condon |
Dischd. apr. 7 |
State |
to Jona. Wild Walpole |
Edward & Luce109 Franks |
admitd. aprl. 8 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardman |
Joshu Hubbard & Abigal his Wife |
Dischd. aprl. 8 |
Town |
James Peas |
Admitd. 8 |
Wilbraham |
Stepm. Gorham |
Richard Corbett |
Admitd. 9 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ezek Price |
adam Dogget |
admited 10 |
State |
John Codman |
Charles Bulfinch |
anna Etheridge110 |
admitd. 12 |
Town |
John Lorg. Austin |
John Murfey111 |
Dischd. 12 |
State |
James Downe |
Admitd. 13 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Thos. Edwards |
Charls Bulfinch |
admitd. 14 |
State |
John Sweetser |
Ebenr. Seaver |
Mary Webb |
Discd. to workhouse 14 |
Town |
John Kiley his Wife Judea112 & Child |
Dischd. 14 |
State |
Sarah Finn |
dischd. 19th. |
State |
Sarah Burnal |
Run 19 |
State |
Nancy Rawson a Black |
Admitd. 23 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Ezekl. Price |
Wm. Rian113 |
Discd. 25 |
State |
Elizth. Warner & Child |
admitd. 25 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Bordman |
York Cox a Blak |
Admitd. 25 |
State |
Stepn. Gorham |
Ebenr. Seaver |
Mary Sharp |
Admitd. 25 |
State |
Ed Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
John Murfee |
Admitd. 26 |
State |
Edd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos Crafts |
Timoy. Carrel |
Dischd. 27 |
State |
<Thos.> Lambeth Murfe114 |
Dischd. Marh. 28 |
State |
Ebenr. Rudock115 |
Dischd. aprl. 27 |
Town |
Danel Loring |
Dischd. aprl. 27 |
Town |
omited two Children of Lidea Marstens. Born in the House april 19 1791 named Wm. Eustis & Polle Dunn admited116 |
Elizh. Robertson |
Dischd. May 1st. |
State |
James Downe |
Dischd. 2d. |
State |
Wm. |
Twins of Lyda: Marston117 |
Admitd. 19th. Apl: |
Town |
Polly |
Admitted 19th. Apl: |
Town |
John Coon |
Dischd. May 3 |
State |
Nancy Rawson a blk. |
dischd: May 4th. |
State |
Jeremiah Mahany118 |
admitd. May 4 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Wm. Bordman |
Saml. Cabot |
Patrick Shandly119 |
admd. May 7 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Thos. Edwards |
Wm. Little |
judea Low |
Dischd. May 10 |
State |
Wm. Clare Hannah his Wife & Joseph Their Son |
admitd. 16 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Edwards |
Pheebe Gee a Black |
admitd. 16 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Edwards |
Elam Gifford |
Dischd. 16 to Workhouse |
State |
James Pike Wife & Child |
Dischd. 16 |
Town |
John ayers his wife & Child |
Admitd. 20 |
State |
Loring Austin |
Wm. Buckley |
Dischad. 23 |
State |
<John> Wm. Hartley |
Dischd. 23 |
State |
Wm. Procter |
Dischd. 23 |
State |
Henry Luckos |
Dischd. 23 |
Town |
Aandrow George Hardk |
admitd. 23 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Ezek Price |
Olive White |
Dischd. 23 |
State |
<George Jolley> |
Cathn: English & Child |
dischd: 27th. May |
State |
Peter Bray a blk |
dischd: 27th. May |
State |
Wm. Ryon120 |
Admitd. 27 |
State |
Edd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
dischd. next day |
Tons. Edwards |
John Brian |
admitd. 28 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Chars. Bulfinch |
dschd. 30 |
State |
Hannah Hollis & 4 Children |
dschd. 30 |
Town |
Reb: Baldrige |
Admitted the 29th. |
Town |
<(died same day)> |
<John Brian |
Run 31> |
dischd. 28th May |
State |
Thos Branagan |
admitd. June 1 |
State |
S Parkman |
Thos Walley |
Thos. Crafts |
Luther Eddy |
run June 1st. |
State |
Frank Hodson |
do: June 4th. |
Do. |
Jerẽ: Mehaney123 |
to the Workho: 4th. |
Do. |
John Bryan |
dischd: 6th. June |
Do. |
Thos. Branagan |
dischd. 5 June |
Do. |
Jack Pollard a Black |
Discd. 9 |
Do. |
Sarah Lovring |
Dischd. 9 |
Town |
Elizabeth Warner |
Dischd. 10 |
State |
Returnd. the 15th. |
John Briant124 |
admitd. June 11th. |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Branagan |
admitd. 13 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Mary Brown a molato Child |
Dischargd. 14 |
State |
Mary Roleston125 |
admitd. 16 |
Town |
Jona. Mason Verbl order |
Erick Osterman |
admitd. 17 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Bordman |
Ebenr. Seaver |
Mary McCollom |
admitd. 22 |
State |
S Parkman |
S Cobot |
Luce Willis |
Dischargd. 22 |
Town |
Erick Osterman |
Dischd. 27 |
State |
Juba West a Black man |
admitd. 27 |
State |
John Sweetser |
Ebenr. Seaver |
Thos. Crafts |
James Downey |
admitd. July 1 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Walley |
Wm. Litle |
Mary Sharp |
Dischd. 2d. |
State |
To the work house |
Wm: Procter |
admitd. 2 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Edwards |
Ann Murphey126 |
Bound out 4th. |
State |
Bound out 6 |
State |
Returnd |
Henry Eaton Mayhew |
Bound out 7 |
State |
from the Work house |
Ann Murphey |
Bound out 4th. |
State |
Denis Cavnough |
Dischd. 8 |
State |
Mary Tilton an Infant |
Admitd. July 2d. |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Bordman |
Thos. Edwards |
Mark McLaucklin127 |
Dischd. 2 |
State |
Sarah Lanford128 |
Dischd. 12 |
Town |
Mark McClocklin129 |
admitd. 12 |
State |
Saml. Parkman |
Wm. Boardman |
Hannah Lahea130 & Child |
admited. 12 |
Town |
Edwd. Procter |
Fradrick Aires |
Dischd. 13 |
Town |
Mary McCollom |
Dischd. 14 |
State |
John Briant |
Dischd. 14 |
State |
Dennis Cavenaugh131 |
Admtd. 16 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Thos. Edwards |
Anna Etheridge |
Dischd. 18 |
Town |
Thos. Bragedon |
Dischd. 18 |
State |
Hannah Waples |
Dischd. 19 |
State |
Ann Jarrel |
Dischd. 19 |
Town |
Hannah Perkins |
admitd. 20 |
State |
Edd. Procter |
Ezekl. Price |
James Frost |
admitd. 21 |
Town |
Edwd. Procter |
James Comerford |
admitd. 21 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Ezekl. Price |
Wm. Boardman |
Wm. Lanford |
Run |
Town |
Cathre. English & Child |
admited July 21 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Thos. Crafts |
Thos. Bragedon132 |
admitd. 22 |
State |
Edd. Procter |
Thos. Crafts |
Elizth. Burkhurt |
Bound out To Wm. Chafe of Freeport July 22 |
State |
Wm. Boardman |
admitd. 23 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Thos. Crafts |
Thos. Walley |
Hannah Perkins a Child |
admit 23 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Thos Crafts |
John McKinsey133 |
admitd. 25 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
John Gillard |
admitd. 25 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Fradrick aires |
admitd. 25 |
Town |
Edwd. Procter |
John Palfrey |
Dischd. 26 |
Town |
androw George Hardk134 a Sweed. |
Dischd. 26 |
State |
Lidea Marting135 |
Dischd. 26 |
Town |
Thos. Furrs aged 16 Months |
admit 28 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Edwards |
John Flinn |
Dischd. Augt. 1 |
State |
Mark McClockline |
Dischd. 2 |
State |
Hannah Clare |
Dischd. 2 |
State |
Patte Dorsey |
Dischd. 6 |
State |
Margreat Harrason |
Dischd. 8 |
State |
James Jones & Elizh. His Wife also Their Son Wm. |
admited augt. 8 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Ezekl. Price |
Sarah Pray |
dischd. the 5th. |
Abigail Lord |
Admitd. 12 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Sofriah Manders |
Discd. 12 |
State |
James Comerford |
Dischd. 12 |
State |
Luce Willis |
admitd. 13 |
Town |
Edwd. Procter |
Hannah Lahay |
Run the 8 Return’d the 12th. |
John Morar |
Admitd. 16 |
State |
Ed. Proctor |
Ezl. Price |
Ebenr. Ruddock136 |
Admitd. 18 |
Town |
Edwd. Procter |
21st. Sent to the work hous |
Dischd. 18 |
State |
James Barrey |
admitd. 21 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Ezekl. Price |
Robert Wylie |
admitd. 21 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Ezekl. Price |
Mark McClocklin137 |
admitd. 22 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Thos. Crafts |
Luther Edey138 |
Returnd 22d. |
Pr. order of Col. Procter |
Ebenezr. Cox |
Dischd. 29 |
Town |
Abigal Lord |
admited 31 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Susanah Coplin |
admitd. augt. 31 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
James Frost |
Dismist 31 |
Town |
Hannah Duxbury & her Child Hannah |
Dismist Septr. 1 |
Town |
John Willet |
admitd. 1 |
Town |
John White |
Nelly Dukes |
admitd. 3 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Nance Garrel |
Dischd. 3d. |
Town |
John Flory & Wife & 2 Children |
admitd. 8 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Ezekl. Price |
Wm. Little |
Catrine139 Vose |
Dischd. 10 |
Town |
Bund out |
Betsey Perce140 |
Dischd. 10 |
Town |
Bound out |
Betsy Hardwick |
admitd: 12th. |
State |
Joña. Mason |
Ezek Price |
Wm. Boardman |
Wm. <Persons> Perch |
admited 14 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Wm. Boardman |
John Mellidge |
Dischd. 14 |
State |
Isaac Wendell & Wife |
admitd. 14 |
Town |
Willm. Smith |
Anne Lewis & Wm. Lewis & Salle Lewis the Children of John Lewis a Strangr. |
admitd. 16 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Thos. Edwards |
Dischd. 20 |
Town |
Edwd. Procter |
Joseph Whitemore Jur. aged 9 years the 10th. of Octr. next |
admitd. 20 |
Town |
Ed Procter |
John Willet |
Dischd. 21 Sept. |
Town |
John Snow |
admitd. 21 |
State |
S Parkman |
Thos. Walley |
Hannah Lahay |
Dischd. 21 |
Town |
Salle Ipson 6 ys. old last June |
admitd. 23 |
Town |
Stepn. Goraham |
Polle Do. 4 ys. old Janr. Last |
John Brian |
admitd. 23 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Cuffee ames |
admitd. 23 |
State |
S. Parkman |
Wm. Boardman |
S Cabot |
Magnus Tellot141 & Wife |
admitd. 23 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Polle McClannen a Child |
admited 30 |
Town |
Stepn. Gorham |
Saml. Whitmore142 will be 5 years octobr. 10th. |
admtd. 30 |
Town |
Ed Procter |
Thos Brown |
admitd. 30 |
State |
Ed. Prorcter |
Wm. Boardman |
Ebenr. Seaver |
Betsey Bennt143 & Saml. Bennit one 7 years the other 3 years of age |
admitd. 30 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Chars. Bulfinch |
Hannah Fuller |
admitd. Octor. 1 |
Town |
S Parkman |
Patty Dorsey |
admitd. 1 |
State |
John White |
Wm. Boardman |
Chars. Bulfinch |
Dannel Loring |
admitd. 1 |
Town |
Edwd. Procter |
Thos. alexander |
admitd. 1 |
State |
Edd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Chars. Bulfinch |
Luther Edey |
Dismist. sept: 15th. |
State |
Robt: Phillips |
Admitd: 4th. Octo. |
State |
Edwd: Procter |
E: Price |
C: Bulfinch |
Eliz: Hardwick |
dchd: 2 |
Do. |
admitd. Octo. 4 |
Town |
E: Edes |
Luther Edey144 |
admitd. Sent 6th. to the Workhouse |
State |
Eze. Price |
John Morroson145 |
admitd. 7 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Edwards |
Eliz Farriar146 George |
admit 7 Octr. |
State |
John Sweetser |
E Seaver |
Nancy & Betsey her Children |
Thos. Crafts |
Thos. Alaxander |
Dischd. 11th. |
State |
Wm. Perch |
Dischd. 11 |
State |
John allen |
admitd. 19 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
Danl. Rimick |
admitd. 15 |
Town |
Henry Hill |
John Snow |
Dischd. 19 |
State |
Sarah Garfilt |
admit 19 |
Town |
Step Gorham |
Sarah Warner |
admit 20 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ez Price |
Wm. Boardman |
Saml. Larebea147 |
admitd. 20 |
Town |
Jona Mason |
Robert Wylie |
Dischd. 20 |
State |
Saml. Hicks |
admitd. 20 |
State |
Stepn. Gorham |
Ez Price |
Wm. Little |
Elsey Stoddard |
admited 22 |
Town |
Stepn. Goram |
Luce Willis |
Run the 12th. |
Town |
Thos. Hines |
Bound out |
State |
Salle Cades Rusel148 |
Bound out |
Town |
Dennis Hogan |
admited 26 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Ez Price |
Wm. Boardman |
<John Battis a Molato |
Dismist. 26 |
State> |
Thos. Brown |
Dismist 26 |
State |
Saml. North |
Dischd. 27 |
State |
Julia Anna Scherve a child 4 years |
admited 29 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Ezek Price |
Wm. Boardman |
admitd. 1st. Nov: |
Dischd. pr. order of the oveersers |
Colo. Crafts |
Marey Garrow |
Run Octr. 31 |
<Mary Brown & her 3 Childn. |
admited Novr. 2 |
Town |
Ed. Procter> |
Abigarl Luden of Brantre |
admitd. Novr. 3d. |
Jona. Mason |
James Williams |
admitd. 7 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ezek Price |
Saml. Cabot |
Saml. North |
admitd. 8 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Thos Edwards |
Charls Bulfin[ch] |
Luce Willis |
admitd. 10 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Abigail Hubbard |
Admitd. 10 |
Town |
S Parkman |
Mary Garreau |
admited 10 |
Town |
Henery Hill |
Peter Williston W Hous |
Admitd. Octor. 29th. |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Walley |
John Ingersol a Black |
admitd. Novr. 10 |
State |
S. Parkman |
Ez Price |
Wm. Litle |
David Chamberlin149 |
admitd. 12 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ez Price |
Thos. Edwards |
Joseph Langley |
admitd. 15 |
Town |
Henry Hill |
Daniel Peirce |
admitd. 19 |
Town |
Jona. Mason |
Daniel Remick |
Dismist 21 |
Town |
<Wm. Cleare |
Dismist 21 |
State> |
Antoney Evens150 |
admitd 21 |
State |
Ed Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Ezek Price |
Wm. Perry |
admited 22 |
Town |
Ed Procter |
Mary Pike |
admited 23 |
Town |
John White |
Mary Viall151 |
admited 23 |
Town |
John White |
Abigal Luden |
Dismist 25 |
of Brantre |
Daniel Benjn.152 & 1 Child |
admited 26 |
Town |
Jona. Loring Austen |
admited 26 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardman |
Ez Price |
James Williams |
Dischard Novr. 29 |
State |
James Barrey |
Dischargd. 29 |
State |
Wm. Perrey |
Dischargd. 30 |
Town |
Hannah Tuxbury153 |
Bound out 30 |
Town |
Mark McClocklin |
Dischargd. Decr. 1 |
State |
Abigal Simpson |
admid. 2 |
Town |
Wm. Smith |
Thomas Davis |
Admited 3 |
State |
John White |
Wm. Boardman |
James Kelley |
Admited 5 |
State |
Henry Hill |
Thos. Crafts |
<Mary Reed omited |
Novr. 14 admitd. |
State> |
Wm. Smith |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Edwards |
Wm. Parsons |
Admitd. 6 |
State |
S: Parkman |
Thos. Edwards |
Thos. Crafts |
Salle & Polle Gepson |
Dischd. Novr. 6 |
Town |
Marey Reed154 |
admitd. Novr. 14 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Edwards |
<Thos. Davis |
admited Decr. 6 |
State> |
John White |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos Edwards |
Francis Hudson |
admited [Dec.] 7 |
State |
John Sweetser |
Ebr. Sever |
Thos. Crafts |
John Clerke155 |
admitd. 8 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
Partrick Hufron |
admitd. 8 |
State |
Ed Procter |
Thos Crafts |
Wm. Boardman |
James Comerford |
Admited 9 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ebenr. Seaver |
John Edwards |
Mary Bufford |
Admit 9 |
Town |
Ed Procter |
John Holbrook |
admited 9 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
admit 10 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
ann Warren |
admit 10 |
Town |
Edwd. Procter |
James Pike |
admited Decr. 14 |
Town |
John White |
antoney Evens |
Dischard. 15 |
State |
John Griffith |
admit 15 |
Town |
John White |
Wm. Lanford156 |
admited 15 |
Town |
Stephn. Gorham |
Elizth. Warner |
Dischargd 15 |
State |
Saml. Legg |
admitd. from workhous 15 |
Town |
Wm. Phillips |
Eunice Danee a black |
admit 15 |
State |
Jona. L austian |
Ez Price |
Charls Bulfinch |
James Comerford |
Dismist 17 |
State |
Sarah Stone |
admited 17 |
Town |
Edwd. Edes |
Dainel Peirce |
Dischargd. 20 |
Do: |
Josep Langley |
admited 20 |
Town |
Henry Hill |
Patt Kelly |
admited 20 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Boardman |
Eben Sever |
Elizth. Hartwick157 from Workhouse |
admitd. 12 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
John Collier |
Admited 21 |
Town |
Stepn. Gorham |
Violet Madderson |
Admited 21 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ebenr. Sever |
Thos. Crafts |
John Griggery158 |
Admitd. 22 |
Town |
Wm. Smith |
Sally Harris from Biddeford |
admit 23 |
Town |
Edd. Procter |
Dl. Peirce |
Admitd. 27th. Decr. |
Town |
Benjn. Churchill |
Admit Decr. 29 |
State |
John White |
Thos. Edward |
Wm. Little |
Sarah Lovring159 |
Admit 29 |
Town |
Saml. Parkman |
Eliza. Berrey |
Admitd. 29 |
Town |
Stepn. Gorham |
Dischd. 30 |
Town |
Velis Akely |
Admit 30 |
State |
Edd. Procter |
Ebenr. Seaver |
Wm. Little |
Janury 5 [1792] Thos. Davis |
Dischd. Janry. 5 |
State |
Mary Keef James & Timothey Keef her Children |
Admited 5 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Little |
Charls. Bullfinch |
Danl. Peirce |
Dischd. 6 |
Town |
Ruth Mathers160 |
Admit 6 |
Town |
John White |
Sarah Freeman & her 2 Children Sina & Hanna Indens161 |
Admited 7 |
Town |
John White |
Danil Peirce |
Dischd. 10 |
do: |
Venefred162 Stone |
Admitd. 10 |
State |
John White |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Edwards |
anne Etheredg163 |
admit 10 |
Town |
L austin |
Elizth. Flurrey |
Discharged 10 |
State |
Abigal Simons |
Dischd. 13 |
State |
James Kirk |
admited 15 |
State |
Stepn. Gorham |
Wm. Bordman |
Thos. Crafts |
Olive White a Black |
omited Novr. the 20th 1791 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Ezek Price |
Tos. Edwards |
Nancy Arbour a Black |
admited Janur. 15 [1792] |
State |
John White |
Wm. Boardman |
Mary Pain164 |
admited 15 |
State |
Stepn. Gorham |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
Robrt Miller |
admited 20 |
State |
John White |
Wm. Litle |
Wm. Bordman |
<Nancy arbour |
admitd. 20 |
State |
John White |
Wm. Boardman |
Ezek Price> |
Rose Badger & 3 Children |
admitd. 23 |
State |
John White |
Wm. Little |
Ez Price |
admited 23 |
State |
Jon L Austin |
Ez Price |
Thos. Walley |
Michael Rellings |
admited 24 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Eben Sever |
Thos. Walley |
alexd. Loyd165 |
admit 25 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Cs. Bulfinch |
Thos. Walley |
John Taylor |
Admit 25 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
E Seavor |
Thos. Crafts |
Betsey Battst166 a Black |
admit 25 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
C Bulfinch |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Alexander |
Admited 29 |
State |
Edd. Procter |
Wm. Little |
Ebenr. Seaver |
Jos. Brick |
admited 30 |
Town |
Edd. Procter |
Daniel Peirce |
Admit 30 |
Town |
Saml. Parkman |
John Beapteste a Child |
admitd. Febry. 1st. |
State |
Jona. L Austin |
Thos. Crafts |
Thos. Edwards |
Wm. White |
admited 2 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Stevens167 |
Bound out |
State |
John Finn |
Run a boy 2 |
State |
abigail Whillet |
Admited 4 |
Town |
S Gorham |
<Estor [Foard?] Returnd & Recd. in to the house pr. Verble order of the overseers State> |
John Fitsgarel168 |
Admited Febr. 6 |
Town |
Henry Hill |
Joseph Townsand169 |
Admit a Black 8 |
State |
Edd. Procter |
Thos. Edwards |
Wm. Little |
Lidea Moss |
admited 8 |
Town |
Jona. Mason |
John Gillard |
Dischargd. 9 |
State |
Returnd the Next Day |
Jos. Bragadon |
Dischargd. 9 |
State |
Returnd the next Day |
Michel Renolas170 |
Dischd. 9 |
State |
Vilett Matterson |
Dischd. 10 |
State |
admited 10 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Little |
T Crafts |
Thos. Branagan |
Sent to work hous 13 |
State |
Henr. Hill |
John Gill & |
Thos. Alaxander |
John Webb & Ballak His Wife |
Admited 14 |
State |
Jona. L austin |
Ezk Price |
Thos. Walley |
Thos. Brick |
Dischargd 14 |
Town |
Saml. Whitemore |
Bound out 14 |
Town |
James Brown |
Bound out 17 |
State |
Elizth. Dannie |
Admited 19 |
Town |
ann Farrier171 |
Bound out Febr. 23d. |
State |
Elizabeth Condon |
Admited 23 |
State |
John Sweetser |
Wm. Boardman |
Ebenr. Seaver |
James Frost |
Admited 24 |
Town |
S Parkman |
Elizebth. Woodman |
admited 23 |
State |
Jon. White} |
Wm. Little |
Henry & Charles Woodman Her Children |
admited 25 |
State |
John White} |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Bordman |
Danl. Peirce |
Dismist 27 |
Town |
Jack Tuckerman |
admit Omited Janr. 20 |
State |
Stepn. Gorham |
Wm. Bordman |
Thos. Crafts |
Mary wainwood |
Admited Feb 29 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Boardman |
C Bulfinch |
Joseph Langle |
Dischd. Febr. 23d. |
Town |
Saml. Soudon |
admited 29 |
State |
Saml. Parkman |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Craftes |
Jane Clark |
admitd. Marh. 2 |
State |
Edd. Edes |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
Cathrine English |
Dismist 5 |
State |
Thos. Whitworth a Black |
admitd. 2d. |
State |
Ed. Edes |
Ezekl. Price |
Thos Crafts |
Easter172 Ford Returnd |
admited 2 |
State |
Steph. Gorham |
Wm. Bordman |
Thos. Crafts |
Mary Gordon Returnd |
admited 2 |
State |
Steph. Gorham |
Wm. Bordman |
Thos. Crafts |
Mary Dawes |
admitd. 10 |
Town |
Saml. Parkman |
Nance Cox |
admited 10 |
Town |
John White |
Patt. Kelle |
Dismist 13 |
State |
Velis Akely |
Dismist 14 |
State |
Patrick Huffrin |
Dismist 14 |
State |
Jane Prescut173 a Black |
admited 14 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ezek Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Person |
Dismist 14 |
State |
John Hany174 |
admited 14 |
State |
S Parkman |
S Cabot |
Thos. Crafts |
James Kerk |
Dismist 14 |
State |
Susanah Foster175 |
Bound out 17 |
State |
James Downey |
Dismist 19 |
State |
<Jack Tuckerman |
Dismist March 17 |
State |
Steph. Gorham> |
Peter Warner & his Wife Eliz |
Admited March 19 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ezl Price |
Wm. Boardman |
Edward Beacham |
Dismist 19 |
State |
Edward Furlong |
Admited 21 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Ebenr. Sever |
Chars. Bulfinch |
<George Farrier |
admited> |
Wm. Lanford |
Dismist 22 |
Town |
<Edwd. Beacham |
Dismist 22 |
State> |
entd. above |
Mary Downey |
admited 22 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Boardman |
Hannah Adams |
Dismist 31 |
Town |
Dismist 31 |
Town |
Wm. Dockim176 & his Wife Meriam |
admited 31 |
Town |
Henry Hill |
John Griggs |
Dismist april 2 |
Town |
John Griffis |
Dismist 3 |
Town |
James Frost |
Dismist 4 |
Town |
Ann Burd177 Born in Charstown |
admited 4 |
John Codman |
Luther Edey |
Dismist 6 |
George Farrier <admited> |
Omited March 29th. |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ezekl. Price |
Thos. Edwards |
Thos. Smith |
Admitted 6 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
Benjn. Churchell |
Dismist 9 |
State |
Ruth Mathews |
Dismist 9 |
Town |
James Reed |
admited April 9 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Boardman |
Elizh. Eskrine |
admited 9 |
Town |
John Sweetser |
John Fits Gerell |
Dischargd 10 |
Town |
Mary Perkit |
Dischargd. 11 |
State |
& her Child Jon. Brown |
Daniel Collins |
admited 11 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
C Bulfinch |
Wm. Scollay |
Mary Butler & her 2 Childn. Nelle & Polley |
admited 12 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
E Seaver |
Wm. Boardman |
Easter Ford178 |
Bound out 12 |
Town |
Henry Woodman |
Bound out 12 |
Town |
Marther179 Dorsey |
Dischargd 12 |
State |
Mary Keef |
Dischargd 12 |
State |
Dischargd 16 |
State |
abigil Willet |
Dischd. 16 |
Town |
James Pike |
Dischd. 16 |
Town |
Wm. Bovey Penne |
a Child Dischd. 16 |
Town |
Jack Tuckerman |
Dischargd 17 |
State |
Androw180 Gardner |
Dischd. 18 |
<State> Town |
<Wm. Bovey Penne |
Discharged aprl. 18 |
Town> |
Mary Hines |
Dischd. 18 |
State |
Sally Hunt |
admited 18 |
Town |
W Parkman |
John Greigs181 |
admited to Lodge in the house till Seting Day |
S. Gorham |
<Jack Huston |
Dischargd. 20 |
State> |
see below |
Daniel Collins |
Dischargd. 20 |
State |
Frank Hutson |
Dischargd 20 |
State |
Patrick Monagin |
admitd. 21 |
State |
Henry Hill |
Ezekl. Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Lucy Clark a Child |
admited 21 |
Town |
Wm. Phillips |
Elizebth Hardwick |
Dischd. 21 |
Town |
Anne Lewis & her Son Wm. |
Dischargd. 21 |
State |
<Mary Keef |
Dischargd 21 |
State> |
Entd. before |
Wm. Sharp |
Dischargd. 30 |
State |
Dinis Hogain |
Dischargd 30 |
State |
Peter Hunnawell182 a child |
Admited 30 |
Town |
Jona. Mason |
Susanna Hunnawell183 a child |
admd. 30 |
Town |
Jona. Mason |
Ann Payson |
Dischargd 30 |
State |
Timothey Keeth a Child |
Dischargd. May 1 |
State |
Dischargd. 1 |
State |
Saml. Souden |
Dischargd. 1 |
State |
William White |
Dischargd 2 |
State |
Sarah Stone |
Dischargd 4 |
Town |
John Wilson |
admited 4 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Edwards |
James Osborn |
admited 5 |
Town |
pr. order of the Board |
Mary Dawes |
Dismist 5 |
Town |
William Procter |
Dischargd. 5 |
State |
Ebenezr. Carlile |
admitd. 5 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardman |
Ez Price |
Charlestown Flucker |
admited 7 |
State |
Henry Hill |
Ezekl. Price |
Ebenr. Seaver |
Pheabe Flucker |
admited 7 |
State |
Henry Hill |
Ezekl. Price |
Ebn. Seaver |
Hannah Powell |
admited 8 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Mary Downey |
Dischargd 9 |
State |
Salle Harris |
Dischargd 9 |
Town |
Rose Badger & her 3 Childn. |
Dischargd 9 |
State |
John Lee Galley |
Dischargd 9 |
State |
James Jones Elizh. His wife & their Son Wm. |
Dischargd 9 |
State |
<Elezth. Condon |
Dischargd May 10 |
State> |
Returnd. the 11 |
Nicholas Dulash |
bound out 16 |
State |
Frances Crispin a Black Boy |
admited May 16 |
State |
John Codman |
C Bulfince |
Wm. Scollay |
Nancey Fisher a Child 13 months old |
admited 16 |
Town |
John White |
Hannah McKinzey184 |
bound Out 16 |
State |
Joseph Sheehay |
admited 19 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Thos. Edwards |
Prince Hitchbourn185 a Black |
admited 19 |
State |
Heny. Hill |
Ebn. Seaver |
Thos. Crafts |
Ann Trainhorn Retd. from Charlestown |
admid. pr. order of the overseers 22 |
State |
John Franks186 |
Bound out 22 |
State |
Mary Wanewood |
Dischargd 23 |
State |
Patrick Shanley |
Dischargd 23 |
State |
Eliz Woodman |
Dischargd 23 |
State |
Peter Hunnewell |
bound out |
Town |
Mary Ennis |
admited 24 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Thos. Walley |
Wm. Scollay |
William Procter |
Admited 24 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
E Price |
Wm. Scollay |
Jack Webb a Black |
Dischargd 29 |
State |
Edward Furlong |
Dischargd June 1 |
State |
Mary Rose |
admited 1 |
Town |
Stephen Gorham |
Ebenezr. Carlile |
Dischargd |
State |
John Willson |
Dischargd June 4 |
State |
Joshua P K Dehagat ales [alias] Hancock |
admited 4 |
State |
John Sweetser |
Ezl. Price |
T Crafts |
Mary Buffit |
Dischargd. 5 |
Town |
Mary McLucklin |
Dischargd. 5 |
State |
Hanah Cartright |
admited 5 |
Town |
Ed Procter |
[Jane]187 Prescots. Child [born in?] the house [Named R]obt. Brown |
admited 7 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Ezekl. Price |
Vilet Matterson188 a Black |
admid. 7 |
State |
Edward Edes |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Charlstown Flucker |
Dischargd 11 |
State |
Androw Gardner |
admited 11 |
State |
Ed. Edes |
Thos. Crafts Wm. Scollay |
say Town |
Sarah Edey |
admited 11 |
Town from Work hous pr. Verble order Mr. White |
Wm. Etridge |
Bond out 13 |
Town |
Mary Delay |
Bound out 13th. |
Thos. Branagan |
admited 13 |
State |
Edwd. Edes |
Thos. Walley |
Thos. Crats |
<Peter Hunnewell Dischargd the Same day> |
admited 14 |
Town |
Jona. Mason |
Elizh. Robertson |
admited 14 |
Town |
Wm. Smith |
James Pike |
admited 14 |
Town |
Nero Davis a Black |
admited 14 |
State |
Jon. Sweetser |
Eben Seaver |
Thos. Crafts |
Mehitable Carnes |
Admitd 15 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ezekl. Price |
Ebenr. Seaver |
Marthey Darsey189 |
admited 18 |
State |
Edward Procter |
Ann Foble |
admited 18 |
Town |
John Sweetser |
Hannah Perkins & her Child Margret |
Dismist 18 |
State |
Rachael Mungerl |
admited 18 |
State |
Sent to work hous Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Joseph Sheehay |
Dismist 19 |
State |
Salle Hunt |
Dischargd 19 |
Town |
John Mozar omited |
Dischard Decr. 1 1791 |
Elizabeth Cowen |
admited 21 [June 1792] |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Boardman |
Ezek Price |
Charles Doll |
admited 23 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ezek Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Dischargd 24 to the Hospital on acct. of having the Small pox |
State |
Polle Sherman |
Discd. 24 a Child to the Hospitabl for Sml. Pox |
Wm. Counts |
admited 25 |
Town |
Ed. Edes |
Alexander Thomas |
Admited 26 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardman |
Wm. Scollay |
Mary Pike & her Son Wm. |
Dischd. to the Hospital |
Town |
John Schrider |
admited 26 |
State |
John Sweetser |
Ez Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Mary Gordon |
Bound out 26 |
State |
Jane Prescut a Black |
Dischd. 28 |
State |
Robt. Brown Jane Priscuts. Child |
State |
Dischargd 28 |
Sarah Gray |
admited 28 |
Town |
John Codman |
Thos Colley |
admited June 29 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Boardman Thos. Edwards |
John Schrider |
Dismist July 2d. |
State |
Timothey Howard |
Run 2nd. |
State |
Mary McConnock |
Run 2d. |
State |
say Town |
Elizth. Condon |
Dismist 2d. |
State |
Dinah a Black |
Amited 2nd. |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ebenr. Seaver |
say Providence |
Thos. Crafts |
Patrick Monagin |
Run 2nd. |
State |
Alaxander Loyed |
Dismist July 3 |
State |
Hannah Powel |
Dismist 5 |
Town |
Wm. Peek |
Dismist 5 |
Town |
aged 25 Hannah Deagles |
admited 5 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Josh. Deagles aged 17 |
Admited 5 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Dismist 9 |
State |
Mary Burfert |
Admited 9 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Timothy Howard |
Admited 9 |
State |
S Parkman |
Ezekl. Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Mary Ross |
Dismist 12 |
Town |
Mary Ayres a Child |
admited 14 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Ezekl. Price |
Michel Crowley |
Dismist 16 |
Town |
Marthey Dorsey190 |
admited 16 |
State |
Edwd. Edes |
Wm. Bordman |
Wm. Scollay |
Meriam Handfeild191 |
Dischargd 18 |
Town |
Joshua Hubbard |
Dischargd 18 |
Town |
abigal Hubbard his Wife |
Dischargd 18 |
Town |
<Meriam Handfeild |
Run 18> |
see above |
Luce Willis |
Run 18 |
Town |
axam Richards |
admited 24 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Boardman |
Wm. Little |
Thos. Colley |
Dismist 26 |
State |
James Reed |
Dischargd 26 |
do. |
Wm. Dockim |
Dischargd 26 |
Town |
Stephen Jones a Molato |
admid. 28 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Elizth. Dennes. Child Born in the House |
Wm. Scollay |
John McGoff |
admited 28 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
George Appelton192 an Enfant a molato |
admd. 28 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Bengn. Pool |
admited 30 |
Town |
Ed Procter |
Elizh. Cowen |
Dischargd Augt. 1 |
State |
Vilet Maderson |
Run 1 |
State |
Dischargd 1 |
Town |
Ann Cox |
Dismisst Augst. 2 |
Town |
James Butler193 a Child |
admited 2 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
William Dockum |
admited 3 |
Town |
Henery Hill |
Mary Selvester194 |
admitd. 3 Born in plymoth |
State |
Ed. Edes |
Mary Fling195 |
amited 4 |
State |
S Parkman |
Ezekl. Price |
Thos. Edwards |
Stephen Jones a molato Child |
Dischrgd 4 |
State |
John McGoff |
Dischargd 6 |
State |
Daved Greegs196 a Child |
admited 6 Mary Selvesters Child |
Joseph Whitemore |
Bound out 6 |
Isaac Downes |
admited 7 |
Town |
Stepn. Gorham |
Peter Warner & his wife Eliz |
Dischargd 7 |
State |
Frances Crispin |
Dischargd 7 |
State |
a Black Lost his Legs |
Mary Sharp |
admited 7 say returnd |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Delight Smith |
Dismist 8 |
Town |
Returnd the 9th. |
Peter Hunnewell |
admited 8 |
Town |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Sharp |
admited 9 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ebr. Seaver |
Thos. Crafts |
Isaac Wendal & Wife Dismist |
Dismist augst 13 |
Town |
Wm. Procter |
admited 13 say returnd |
State |
Ed Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Edwards |
Benjn. Pool |
Dismist 13 |
Town |
Peter Murfey197 |
admited 14 |
State |
Wm. Phillips |
Wm. Bordman |
Thos. Crafts |
admited 15 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
Marthey Dorsey |
Dismist 16 |
State |
Felix Holbrook |
admited 16 a Blak |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ebenr. Sever |
Wm. Scollay |
Sarah Ston198 |
admited 17 |
Town |
John White |
Jane Clarke |
Dismist 18 |
State |
Polle Sherman a Child |
admited 19 from the Hospitl. |
State |
Becky199 Spear an orphan |
admd. 19 |
Town |
S Parkman |
Mary McLaucklan200 |
admd. 24 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Cathrine Hunnewell |
admited 25 |
Town |
S Parkman |
Ann Pason201 |
admited 25 |
State say town |
Jona. Mason |
Ez Price |
Thos. Crafts |
John McKenzie |
Run 28 |
State |
James Timothey Keef |
admited 29 |
State |
Ed Procter |
Benjn. Tyler |
admited augst 30 |
State |
Wm. Phillips |
Wm. Litle |
Ez Price |
Elizh. Selvester202 & 3 Children |
admited 31 |
Town |
Edd. Procter |
Sarah Waid203 an Inden |
admited 31 |
Town |
Jona. Mason |
Roseanah204 Dawson a child |
admited 31 |
State |
J Mason |
Wm. Bordman |
Tho Edwards |
Eliz Coville205 |
admited 31 |
Town |
Jona. L Austin |
Disc nex morg. pr. Mr. Austins. order |
<Hannah> Eliza. Berrey |
Dismist 31 |
Town |
John Dawson & Magret Dawson |
admited Septr 1 |
State |
J Mason |
Wm. Bordman |
Thom. Edwards |
Sarah Tuckerman a Child |
admited 1 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Toll206 Tuckerman a Child |
admited 1 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Alexandr. Fisher |
admited 1 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Ezl. Price |
Peter Swan |
Admited 2 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Edwards |
Wm. Boardman |
James Downey |
Admited 3 |
State |
Wm. Phillips |
Wm. Little |
Thos. Crafts |
Mary Owen & her daughr. Mary |
Admid. 3 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Chals. Bulflinch |
Ez Price |
Eleoner Peirce & her 2 Children Eleoner & Hannah |
Admitted 4th. |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Bordman |
Wm. White |
admited 5 |
State |
Wm. Phillips |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
Nancy Morris a child |
admited 8 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Thos. Walley |
Francis Rosemary & His Child Lewis |
admited 8 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Er. Seaver |
Wm. Boardman |
<Nancy Morris a child |
admited 8 |
State |
Ed. Procter> |
Thos. Walley |
Wm. Bordman |
Fredrick Webster |
admited 8 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
Catrin207 Ramsdal |
admited Born in the House |
Town |
Sepr. 3d. |
Eliz Cornish |
admited 8 from Workhouse |
Town |
Eliz Moore |
Eliz Shehane |
Saml. Hicks |
Dismist Septr. 2 to Ransford Island |
State |
omited |
Mary Everton |
Dismist Septr. 2 to Ransford Island & Died the 13th. |
Town |
Elizh. Coburn |
Admited 10 |
Town |
Jona. Mason |
Elizh. Barker |
admited [10] |
Town |
Henry Hill |
Mary McGlocklin |
Run 10 |
State |
Meriam Dockum |
Town |
State |
Elizth. Danne |
Run} 10 |
Town |
Sarah Gaffet |
Town |
Eliz Burn208 |
Provedenc Green |
admited 15 a Black |
State |
John. L Austin |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Ebenezer Ruddock209 |
admited 15 |
Town |
Henry. Hill |
Cathrin Hunnewell |
Run Septr 16 |
Town |
Fradrick Webster |
Run 16 |
State |
Mary Ross |
admited 18 |
Town |
Stevn. Gorham |
Barney Mathews210 |
admited 19 |
State |
Heny. Hill |
Thos. Crafts |
Thos. Edwards |
Jedediah Chester |
admited 20 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Bordman |
Ezek Price |
Susanah Mayo A Child |
admited 22 5 months old |
Town |
Wm. Smith |
Charity Brinton |
admited 24 |
Town |
S Gorham |
James Barns |
admited 24 |
State |
John. Codman |
Wm. Bordman |
Thos. Crafts |
Soloman Slokham |
admited 26 |
State |
S parkman |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Boardman |
Mary Voux |
admited 28 |
Town |
Wm. Smith |
Elizh. Farrer a Child |
Bound out augt. 22 |
State |
Axom Richards |
Dismist. Octr. 1 |
State |
Returnd the next Day |
Mary Cole |
admited 1 |
State |
H Hill |
T Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Saml. Parks |
admited 2 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ezekl. Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Susanah Mayo |
Dismist 3 |
Town |
an Infant Boy fund at Mr. Thathers. Dore namd. Thos. Jones |
admited 3 |
Town |
Dismist 4 |
Town |
Mary Butler & her 2 Children |
Dismist Octr 4 |
State |
Luce Roberts 4 |
admited S Pox 4 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ezekl. Price |
Ebenr. Seaver |
<Mary Cole S Pox |
admited 4> |
See under the first |
Joseph austin of Dracut |
admitd. 4 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Sewall Harrington 4 |
admited 4 |
Town |
Mr. austin |
Peter Swan |
Dischargd. to the Work H 4 |
State |
Sarah Benjamin |
admited 4 |
Town |
Jona. L. Austin |
Small P |
Cesar Gray,211 Black |
admited 4 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos Edwards |
Frances Rosemary |
Dischargd 5 |
State |
Lewis Rosemary |
Dischargd 5 Child |
State |
Scipio Jacob a Blak. |
admited 6 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ebenr. Seaver |
Thos. Crafts |
Charity Brinton |
admited 8 |
Town |
Sten. Gorham |
Eliz Selvester & one Child |
Dismist 8 |
Town |
<Nan[cy] Morris a Child |
dismist 10 |
State |
to the alms |
Wm. Procter |
Dismist 10 |
State |
Mary Downey |
admited 10 |
State |
Saml. Parkman |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Boardman |
George Rammor |
admited 11 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Jacob Apstros212 |
admited 11 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ez Price |
Wm. Boardman |
Mary Ross |
Dismist 12 |
Town |
Small Pox |
Hannah Cooper |
admited 12 |
State |
Wm. Phillips |
C Bulflinch |
Wm. Scollay |
admited 15 |
State |
S Parkman |
Ezek Price |
Wm. Little |
Mary Owen & Daughter Mary |
Dischd. 15 |
State |
Marther Dorcy213 |
admited 15 |
State |
Wm. Phillips |
C Bulflinch |
Wm. Scollay |
Elizh. Coburn |
Dismist 17 |
Town |
Rose Morris from Jal |
admited 18 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Ezl. Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Prince Goinge214 a Black |
admited 18 |
State |
S Gorham |
Ezl. Price |
T Crafts |
Saml. Parks |
Dismist 22 |
State |
abraham Frost |
admitd. to house Small Pox |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Thankfull Edmonds |
admited from the work house 22 |
<State> |
Lorg. L austin |
Thankful Edwardss. Child namd. Elizth. Roion |
Admited 22 |
State |
Born in the House |
William Armstrong |
Dismist 24 |
State |
Catrine Tillet |
admited 1792 Octer 26 |
Town |
Ed Procter |
Axam Richards |
Dischd. 30 |
State |
Henry Luckis |
admited 30 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Thos. Bragdon |
30th. admid. |
State215 |
Dinah Roberts & her 3 Children Rhoda Henry & Mary |
admited 30 |
State |
B Wm. Phipleps |
C Bulflinch |
Wm. Scollay |
Jack Fox |
admited 31 |
State |
Wm. Phillips |
C Bulflinch |
Wm. Scollay |
Cathrine Molloy216 |
admited 31 |
State |
Cathrine Molloy |
Dismist Novr. 3 |
State |
Peter Underwood |
admited 3 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Dischd. nex Day |
Thos. Crafts |
Dennis Hogan |
Admited 3 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Little |
admited 7 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Er. Seaver |
Wm. Scollay |
Jacob Aptros |
Dischargd. 10 |
State |
Edwd. Gorman217 |
admited 8 |
State |
John White |
Wm. Little |
Sarah Benjmin |
Dismist 10 |
Town |
Isaac Wendal218 |
admited 10 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Mary Cole |
Dischargd 14 |
Sophia Truant the Daughter of Gillam Truant a French man |
admited 14 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Little |
Ezl. Price |
Mary Truant |
admited 14 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Little |
Hannah Mullin |
admited 1792 November 15 |
Town |
Jona. L Austin |
Luce Roberts |
Dismist 15 |
State |
S Pox |
Henry Kendall & Luce his Wife |
admited 15 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Ezek Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Elizabeth Fullam |
admited 15 |
State |
John Sweetser |
Ebr. Seaver |
Wm. Scollay |
Mary Selvester219 & her Child |
admited 17 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
Elizabeth Lewis |
Admitted Novr. 19 |
State |
S Gorham |
Wm. Little |
Charlestown Flucker |
Admitted Novr. 21 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ezekl. Price |
Edward Kneeland |
Admitted 19 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Abraham Frost |
Dismist 22 |
Town |
S Pox |
Androw Morris |
admited [22] |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Ez Price |
Patrick Kelley |
admited 22 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Boardman |
Androw Morris |
admited 22 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Thos. Alaxander |
Admited 24 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Walley |
Wm. Brown |
admited 24 |
Town |
S Parkman |
Town |
Wm. Lewis a Child |
admited 24 |
State |
John Sweetser |
Ebr. Seaver |
Wm. Boardman |
Velis Akley220 |
admited 24 |
State |
Saml. Parkman |
Wm. Little |
Sent to work house |
John Gillard |
admited 26 |
State |
S Gorham |
Wm. Scollay |
Elizh. Fenno |
admited 1792 Novr. 27 |
Town |
Wm. White |
Deschargd. |
an Infant Child found on the Mill Bridge Name [Saml.?] Mill Bridg221 |
admited 27 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Sarah Burnet |
admited 27 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Mrs. Cowel |
Returnd 27 |
Mary Dowrick |
Jedediah Chester |
Runn 30th. |
Marcy (Say Mary)222 Garrow |
Returnd. 30 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
T Carafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Wm. Spooner Mary His wife |
admited 30 |
State |
S Goraham |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
John Morton B[lack] |
admited Decr. 1 |
State |
H Hill |
E Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Ann Chaloner |
Run 1 |
State |
Elizabeth Dracey |
admited 1 |
State |
John Sweetser |
Ebr. Seaver |
Thos. Curtis |
admited 3 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
Mary Buckley |
admited 3 |
State |
John White |
Wm. Boardman |
Saml. Hicks Returnd from Ransfords. Island |
Decr. 3 |
State |
Meriame Dockim223 |
admited 4 |
Town |
H Hill |
Daniel Benjmin224 |
admited from Workhouse |
Ed. Proct[er] |
Saml. Leage |
Mary Webb |
Mary Procter |
Ayles Fulker225 |
<Wm. Spooner & Wife |
Dischargd 6 |
State> |
John Sanders from Delewar State |
admited 7 |
State |
Saml. Parkman |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Cocks226 |
admited 6 |
State |
H Hill |
Thos. Walley |
Rosannah Dorsey |
Bound out Decr 1792 6 |
State |
Marther Dorcy227 |
Dischargd 6 |
State |
Wm. Langford |
admited 6 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Aron Emmons |
admited 6 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Catey228 Hunnewell |
admited 8 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Wm. Bordman |
Thos. Crafts |
<Oliver Giles a Black |
add. 9 |
State |
Wm. Little |
Disc. the nex day> |
<Thos. Alexander |
admited 12 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Scollay |
Sent to the workhous the next Day> |
Wineford Stone |
admited 12 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
T Edwards |
John Milladge229 |
admited 12 |
State |
S Parkman |
John Richey |
admited 12 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Wm. Boardman |
Wm. Scollay |
Mary Pike & Child |
admited 13 |
Town |
Jona. L Austin |
Elizebth Fullam |
Dischargd 15 |
State |
Wm. Procter |
Admited 17 |
State |
H Hill |
T Crafts |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Scollay |
John Anderson |
Admited 17 |
State |
John Sweetser |
Ebn. Seaver |
Elizh. Woodman |
Admited 17 |
State |
Lorin Austin |
Thos. Edwards |
Wm. Little |
Mary McLaugklan230 |
admited 18 |
State |
H Hill |
Wm. Boardman |
E Price |
James Willson231 |
admited 18 |
State |
John Codman |
Wm. Boardman |
T Edwards |
Eliz Cornish |
Dismt. to Work House 21 |
Town |
Loring Austin |
John Bradbury & his Wife ann |
admited 21 |
State |
S Gorham |
Wm. Boardman |
Thos Crafts |
admited 21 Decr. 1792 |
State |
H Hill |
T Crafts |
J Codman |
Wm. Scollay |
Wm. Copps |
admited 24 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardman |
Ezek Price |
John Smith |
admited 25 |
State |
H Hill |
Thos. Walley |
Sarah Aires |
Run 25 |
Town |
Elizth. Woodman |
Dischargd 27 |
State |
John Sanders |
Dischargd 27 |
State |
Richard Crout |
admited 28 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Little |
John Davidson |
admited 28 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
John Greeggs232 |
admited 29 |
Town |
Wm. Smith |
Fednant233 Wiseman |
admited 29 |
State |
John Seetser |
E Sever |
John Dawson, Magret Dawson & John ther Son a Boy |
Dismist 29 |
State |
Patrick Shanley |
admited 29 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Bordman |
T Edwards |
January 1st. 1793 |
William Spooner |
Dischargd 1st |
State |
Runaway |
Sarah Dracey a Child |
Admd. 1 |
State |
H Hill |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Wm. Peake |
admited 2 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Elizabeth Duggel |
admited 3d. |
State |
Jona. Mason |
E. Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Peter Swan |
admited 4 from Work Hs. |
State |
E. Edes |
Nancy Stone |
4th. admited from Work house |
Town |
E Edes |
Wm. Procter |
Run Janr. 4 |
State |
Mary Buckley |
Bound out 9th. |
State |
Bound out 9 |
State |
Mary Wanewood234 |
admited 12 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
T Crafts |
T Edwards |
Ed. McGlockling |
Admited 14 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Boardman |
Wm. Little |
Sarah Pray |
admited 18 |
State |
Jona. L Austin |
E Price |
Wm. Boardman |
John Stiles |
admited 21 |
State |
Jona. L Austin |
Wm. Boardman |
E Price |
Wineford Stone |
Run 24 |
State |
John Stiles |
Run 24 |
State |
Edward Beacham |
Admited 24 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
E Price |
Wm. Scollay |
Cate. Tillett235 |
Admited 25 |
Town |
John White |
Luther Edey Chd.236 |
admited 25 |
State |
S Gorham |
Wm. Boardman |
Wm. Scollay |
Thos. Curtis |
Dismist 25 |
State |
Elizth. Fullam |
Admited 29 |
State |
S Parkman |
Ezek Price |
Thos. Crafts |
John Marton |
Dismist 31 |
State |
Stephen Marshall |
Janry. 31 |
State |
S Gorham |
Died in Bringin to the House |
Wm. Spooner & Wife |
Admited 31 |
State |
S Gorham |
Wm. Scollay |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Spooner & Wife Mary |
Dist. Febr. 7 |
State |
Hannah Perkins & her Daughter Margt. |
admited 7 |
State |
Ed. Edes |
Ez. Price |
Elizt. Fenno |
admited 7 |
Town |
H Hill |
Wineford Stone |
admited 7th. |
State |
W Phillips |
Ezek Price |
Mary Anderson |
admited 11 |
State |
John White |
Ez Price |
Thos. Crafts |
admited 11 |
State |
Ed. Edes |
Thos Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
<Mary Anderson |
admited 11 |
State |
John White> |
Ez Price |
Entered above |
Tos. Crafts |
David Hulbert |
admited 14 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Boardman |
Jane Clark |
admited 14 |
State |
Ed. Edes |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Amelie Caine a Black |
admited 16 |
State |
John Codman |
Eb Seaver |
Edward McGlocklin |
dismiss’d 16 |
State |
George Jolley a child |
admited 21 |
State |
By the Hol. Board of overseers |
Tos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Susanah Bentley |
admeted 21 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
John Bradbury & his Wife ann |
Dismist 22 |
State |
William Cox |
Dismist Febr. 23 |
State |
Poly, Saly & Michiel237 Allen Children of Speedwell allen Negro |
admitted 26 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
E. Price |
Thos. Crafte |
Thomas Alexander |
discharged 25 |
State |
Elizh. Fullam |
Dischargd 26 |
State |
Alaxander Fisher |
Dischargd 26 |
State |
Morrice238 OQuill |
admited 26 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Bordman |
Caterine Tilott |
Dismist 28 |
Town |
Richard Crouch |
Dismist 28 |
State |
John McKinezey239 an infant Born in the House Feby. 26 |
admited 28 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Bordman |
Wm. Brown |
Dismist 28 |
Town |
Hannah Hollis & her 3 Children Polle John & Thos |
admited 28 |
Town |
Henry Hill |
admited March 1 |
State |
Wm. Phillips |
Tos. Wallay |
Wm. Scollay |
Nance Tomson240 & her 2 Children John & <Joseph> Wm. |
admited 1 |
Town |
Henry Hill |
Holemes Simpson |
admited 2 |
Town |
Jona. L Austin |
Nancy Munroe & her 2 Children Nancy & Betsey inhabentance of Lexenton |
admited March 6 |
Town |
Henry Hill |
Cate Hunnewill |
Dismist 6 |
State |
& Returnd at Night |
Patrick Kelley |
Dismist 7 |
State |
Sarah Johnson |
Dismist 7 |
Town |
Elizh. Lewis |
Dismist 7 |
State |
Mrs. Bagger from Reding pr. or[der] of the Hol Bord [Delevrs?] |
admited 7 |
Town |
Edward McLoglen241 |
admited 7 |
State |
Born in Iarland S Gorham |
T Walley |
T Crafts |
Mathew Walker, Distracted |
admtd. 10 |
State |
Mr. Parkman |
Wm. Bordman |
Wm. Scollay |
Nance Munrow & her 2 Children |
Dismist 12 |
Belong to Lexentown |
Charlstown Flucker |
Dischargd. 13 |
State |
Sarah Jonson242 |
admited |
Town |
Jona. Loring austin |
Timy. Richardson & wife Shadinah & 3 Children Timy. 6 yers Levaney243 4 yers Ebenezer—2 years |
admited 15 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Edward Powers |
admited 17 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Bordman |
Wm. Scollay |
John Lewis |
Dismist 18 |
State |
Dismist 18 |
State |
Edward McGlockling |
Disd. 19 |
State |
Mary Anderson |
Run 19 |
Robrt Allerson |
admited 19 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
E Price |
Run next Day |
Thos. Crafte |
Pattey Dorcy244 |
admited 20 |
Town |
John Sweetser |
Cathrine English |
admited 20 from Goal |
State |
S Parkman |
T Walley |
Wm. Scollay |
Mary King |
admited 20 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Brot to Bed with a Boy namd. John Greenlef Whiple. March 21st |
David Hulbert |
Dischargd 22 |
State |
John & William Kirk |
admited 22 |
Town |
John White |
Ebenezer Selvester245 |
Bound out 22 |
State |
Alaxander Fisher |
Run 25 |
State |
Daphney a Blak born in afrck |
admited 26 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
E Price |
Thos Edwards |
Nancy Hunter Stevens a Negro Child |
admited 26 |
State |
Jona. L Austin |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Salley Stone |
Dismist 26 |
Town |
Charles Doll |
Dismist 28 |
State |
John Smith |
Dismist 28 |
State |
Peter Swan |
Dismist 28 |
State |
Daniel Benjman |
Dischad. 29 |
Town |
Luther Edey |
Run March 29 |
State |
Salle and Michael Allen Black children |
Dismist. 29 |
State |
Dischargd. 31 |
State |
Patrick Shanley |
Dischargd. April 1 |
State |
Holms Simpson |
Dischargd 1 |
Town |
Elizabeth Fenno |
Dischargd 1 |
Town |
Cathrine English |
Run |
State |
Merriam Dockum |
Dismist 1 |
Town |
Hannah Perkins & Margrit her Daughter |
Dismist 2 |
State |
John Box |
Admitted April 2d. |
Town |
J L Austin |
Mary Selvester |
Dischargd 8 |
State |
Wineford Stone |
Dismist 9 |
State |
John Johnson |
admited 9 |
State |
Saml. Parkman |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Little |
Thos. Holden a Child |
admited 10 |
State |
Henry Hill |
Charls Bulflinch |
Wm. Scollay |
Matthew Sun |
admited 14 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ezek Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Copps |
Dischargd. 15 |
State |
John Wright246 Bound out march 27th. |
Dischargd April 17 |
State |
Wm. Thomson247 |
admited 17 |
State |
John White |
C. Bulflinch |
Wm. Scollay |
Edward Beacham |
Dismist 20 |
State |
Isaac Wendal |
Dismissd. 22 |
Town |
Mary Sharp |
Run 22 |
State |
Returnd. the 25th. |
Prince Newman |
admited 22 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
El. Price |
Wm. Scollay |
Wm. Dockham |
Dischargd 22 |
Town |
James Willson |
Dischargd 22 |
State |
Dischargd 24 |
State |
Mary King & her Child |
Dischargd 25 |
Town |
Sarah Tuckerman |
Bound out |
Town |
Nancey Lovrign248 a Child |
admited 25 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Little |
Sophia Truant |
Bound out 29 |
State |
Nancy Rea |
Admited 27 |
Town |
Wm. Langford |
Dischargd 30 |
Town |
Polly Foster |
Admited |
Town |
Luce Willis |
admited 30 |
Town |
Died the Same Night |
Dorothy Walch |
admited May 2d. 1793 |
Town |
John White |
John Millitt |
Dischargd 6 |
State |
John Mitchal249 |
admited 3d. |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardman |
Ebr. Seaver |
James Kief250 |
Bound out 2d. |
State |
Sarah Adams |
admited 6 |
Town |
Ed. Edes |
Timy. Richardson & his wife and Two Children |
Dismist 8 |
Town |
Mathew Walker |
Discharged 8 |
State |
Alice Baker |
admited 8 |
Town |
John Codman |
Isaac Downs |
Dismist 9 |
Town |
James Downey |
Dischargd 9 |
State |
Wm. Sharp |
Dischargd. 12 |
State |
Charlotte Williams251 |
Bound out 14 |
<State> say Town |
Bartholum Tuckerman |
Bound out 14 |
Town |
Sarah Cleverly252 |
Bound out 14 |
<State> Say Town |
Julla Aann Serieves253 |
Bound out 14 |
Mary Foster |
Dischargd. 14 |
Town |
Dismist 14 |
State |
Child Hannah |
State |
her Child Eloner Remains in the House |
Aron Emmorson |
Dischargd May 14 |
Town |
John McFarlin |
admited 14 |
State |
S Parkman |
Thos. Crafts |
Denis Cavanaugh |
Dismist 16 |
State |
John Gillard |
Dischargd 16 |
State |
Elizth. Leach |
Admited 16 |
Town |
John White |
John Greggs |
Dischargd 18 |
Town |
Mary Franks254 a Child |
Bound out 20 |
State |
John Ritchie |
Dischargd 21 |
Mary Pike |
Dischagd. 21 |
Town |
now mared. to Edmd. Gorman State |
Mary Gorman255 |
admited 21 |
State |
S Parkman |
Thos. Walley |
Ebenr. Seaver |
George Goley |
Bound out 22 |
State |
John McKinzee |
admited 22 |
State |
S Parkman |
T Edwards |
Wm. Scollay |
Merriam Dockum |
admited 22 |
Town |
H Hill |
John McMarhon |
admited 24 |
State |
Wm. Bordman |
Thos. Edwards |
John Davedson |
Dismist 24 |
State |
Nance Moulton256 |
Bound out 24 |
Town |
<John McMarhon> |
<admited 24 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Bordman |
Entd. before |
Thos. Edwards> |
Lamberth Murphy |
admited 24 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
T Edwards |
Wm. Scollay |
Susanah Riden |
admited 25 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Salam Poor A B[lack]257 |
admited 25 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Thos. Edwards |
Hannah Cooper |
Dismist 25 |
State |
admited 27 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Thankful Edmans |
Dischargd 28 |
Town |
<& her Child> |
Elizebth Drace |
Dischargd 28 |
State |
John Johnson |
Dischd. 28 |
State |
William Thomson |
Dischd. Child. 28th. |
State |
John McMarhon |
Dismist 30 |
State |
Michel258 Renolds |
admited 30 |
State |
Wm. Phillips |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Bordman |
Wm. Kirk a Child |
Dischargd June 1 |
Town |
Michel Renolds |
Dischargd 5 |
State |
Elizth. Condon |
admited 5 |
State |
S. Parkman |
E Price |
T Walley |
Nance Rea259 |
Bound out June 6 |
Town |
Charlote Dawes |
admited a child 6 |
Town |
Saml. Parkman |
Charlote Selvester260 |
Bound out 8 |
State |
Harriet Brown |
Discharged 8 |
State |
Salam Poor a Black |
Dismist 10 |
State |
Nancey Willis |
admited 10 |
Town |
Edwd. Edes |
Dinah Roberts & her Child Mary |
Dismist 11 |
State |
a Black |
Ebenezer Richardson |
Dischargd 12 |
Town |
Susanah Franks |
Dismist 13 |
State |
Denis Hogon |
Dismist 13 |
State |
Patience Hunt alies Feno261 & Child |
admited 14 Black |
State |
John Sweetser |
Ezek Price |
James Downey |
admited 14 |
State |
Ed. Edes |
Wm. Little |
Jude262 White a Black |
admited 15 |
State |
S Gorham |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Scollay |
discharged 15 |
State |
David Chambeland |
Dismist [18] |
State |
Mary Sharp |
Run 20 |
State |
Timothey Dwere263 |
Sent to the Work house 20 |
Timothy Howard |
Run 22 |
State |
Elizth. Woodroof |
admited 22 |
Marblehead |
Mr. Codman |
Henry Luckus |
Run 22 |
Town |
William Lewis |
Dischargd. a Child |
State |
Merriam Dockum |
Dischargd 24 |
Town |
Sall White a Black alias Sarah Humphries |
Dischargd 24 |
Town |
Wm. Anderson |
Admited 26 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ezek Price |
Dismist the next Day |
Thos. Crafts |
Charlotte Daws |
Bound out |
Town |
Eleaner Perce & Hanah her Child |
admited 27 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos Walley |
Wm. Little |
Mrs. Collines’264 Child |
admited 28 |
Town |
H Hill |
Salle Stone |
admited 28 |
Town |
John Sweetser |
Nancy Thomson |
Dischargd. 28 |
Town |
Mary Wanewood |
Dischargd July 1 |
State |
Scipio Brailey a black |
admd. 4 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
C Bulflinch |
Wm. Scollay |
Polly Ballard |
Disch. 4 |
Town |
The Child of James Jones |
admited 4 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Bordman |
Lambert Murphy |
Dischd. 4 |
State |
Quomino Frizier B[lack]265 |
admited 4 |
State |
S Parkman |
C Bulflince |
Wm. Scollay |
admd. 4 |
State |
Ed. Edes |
Wm. Scollay |
Wm. Bordman |
Wm. Fenno |
admited 4 |
Town |
H Hille |
Charles Woodman |
Discharged 4 |
State |
Elizh. Colton & her Child Eliz Colton |
Dischargd. 9 |
Town |
Mary Truant |
Dischargd. 9 |
State |
Patience Hunt alias Fenno |
Dischd. 10 |
State |
Thos. Holden a Child |
Bound out 9 |
State |
Charity Brinton |
Run 9 |
Town |
Elizabeth Woodroof |
Run 9 |
marblhead |
Saml. Laten |
admited 10 |
State |
Jon. Sweetser |
Ebenr. Seaver |
Lydia Marston |
Dischargd 11 |
Town |
Ketay266 Hunnewell |
admited 14 |
State |
S Gorham |
Wm. Boardman |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Peake |
Dischargd 14 |
Town |
Morrice267 OQuill |
admited 18 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
El. Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Elizth. Sheild alias Sheen |
admited 19 |
Little Cambridge |
J L Austin |
Sarah Dunkin268 |
admited 23 |
George Black alias Hall |
admited 24 |
State |
H Hill Esqr. |
Thos. Walley |
Mary McLuchlin |
Dismist 24 |
State |
Ebenezr. Cox |
admited 27 |
Town |
Edwd. Procter |
Hannah Hollis, Polly John & Thomas her Children |
Dismist 27 |
Weymouth |
Thos Davenport |
admited 29 |
Dorchester Jona. Mason |
Mary Sharp |
admited & Sent to work House 29 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
admited 29 |
State |
S Parkman |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Edward Powers |
Dischargd 31 |
State |
Dinah Gibbs |
admited august 1 |
State |
John White |
Wm. Little |
Scipio Braley |
discharged 1st. |
State |
Judea White, B[lack] |
Dischargd 3 |
State |
Saml. <Eason> say Laton,269 B[lack] |
Dischargd 3 |
State |
Mary270 Foster |
admited 3 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Patty Dorcy |
dischd. 6th. |
Town |
John Gandel Jur. |
dischd. 6th. |
Town |
Polly Peirce |
Bound out 6 |
Town |
David Chamberland271 |
admited 7 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
El. Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Judith Gane272 & 3 Children Saml., Betty & John |
admited 7 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Ez Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Sprage273 |
admited 12 |
Town |
Ed. Edes |
Prince Kingsman |
Disd. 12 |
State |
John Gillard |
admited 15 |
State |
S Gorham |
Thos. Walley |
Abigal Peirce |
Dischargd 15 |
Town |
Joshua P K Dehacket alis Patrick Hancock |
Dischargd 15 |
State |
Daved Chamberland |
Dist. to Workhouse 15 |
State |
Cain Clough a Black |
admid. 15 |
State |
Jona. L Austin |
Wm. Little |
Sent to the workhouse |
A Child of Mary King named John Whipple |
Admitd 16 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Wm. Curtis |
admited 17 |
Town |
Wm. Smith |
Phillys Watson B[lack]274 |
admited 17 |
State |
John White |
Wm. Little |
admited 17 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Judith Gane & 3 Children Saml., Bettey & John |
Dischargd 19 |
State |
Susannah Kean & her Child the wife of Tubal Kean of Pembrook |
admd. 19 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Eunice Edey275 |
Bound out 19 |
State |
John Bothren a French man |
Admd. 21 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Bordman |
Wm. Little |
Nathl. Fowle His Wife Lidia & 4 Children Thankful 12 years Nathl. 9 Helener276 5 Isaac 2 |
admited 22 |
Town |
Jona. L Austin |
Dischargd. 23 |
Michael Conner277 |
admited augt. 22 |
State |
S Gorham |
Ezek Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Aron Emmons |
admited 22 |
Town |
S Gorham |
John Gleason |
admited 23 |
State |
S Parkman |
C Bulfinch |
Wm. Scollay |
Elizth. Mahoney |
admited 24 |
State |
Ed. Edes |
Wm. Bordman |
Wm. Scollay |
John Gillard |
Run 24 |
State |
Charety Brenton278 |
admited 24 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Elizth. Woodman |
admited 26 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Boardman |
Wm. Scollay |
Michiel Conner |
Dischargd 27 |
State |
Natl. Fowles & 4 Children Thankl., Natl., Elener. Isaac |
admited 30 |
Town |
S Parkman |
Nancey Lovering |
Dischargd. Septr 1 |
State |
Wm. Curtis |
Dischargd 3 |
Town |
Dischargd 4 |
Town |
Isaac Davis agd 8 yers Septr 9. 1793 |
admited September 5 |
Town |
H Hill |
John Kuter and his Wife Hannah alies Coon |
admited 5 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Wm. Little |
C Bulflinch |
Saml. Leighton B[lack]279 |
admited 5 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
E Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Susanah Ridon |
admited 7 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Mary Garrow |
Aadmited 10 |
State |
from W House H Hill |
Ann Thomson280 |
admited 10 |
Town |
J Codman |
Isaac Davis |
Bound out 12 |
Town |
Hannah Hollis Wife of Semmeon Hollis |
Admited 13 |
of Waymouth |
H Hill |
Phillis Watson |
Dischargd 14 |
State |
A B[lack]281 Returnd at Night |
Sarah Kamp |
admited 14 |
Town |
S Gorham |
John Tompson282 |
admited out of W House 14 |
Town |
H Hill |
Mary Willson & Child Jane |
admitd. 14 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
T Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Elizh. Woodman |
Dischargd 14 |
State |
Anna Jasper |
admited 15 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Bordman |
John Morris a B[lack]283 |
Child admitd. 15 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Bordman |
Thos. Edwards |
Wm. Sprague |
Dismist 17 |
Town |
Saml. Eston <auls [alias?] Gleson> a B[lack]284 |
Discd. 16 |
State |
John Gleason |
Dischargd 18 |
State |
Kian Clow |
admitd. from W House 18 |
State |
John Codman |
Elizabeth Lewis |
admited 19 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Little |
Thos. Walley |
admited 19 |
Town |
H Hill |
Judah Ganes285 & four Children John [4?] yers, Eliz 5, Saml. 7 & 3 weeks Luchick [Lucretia] |
admited Sept. 19 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Bordman |
Thankl. Edmeinds286 & Child |
admtd. from W H 20 |
Town |
H Hill |
A man by the Name of Wm. Fenno |
Recd. 20 From W H |
Town |
John Codman |
Nelly Murry287 |
admited 20 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Elizebth Sheen alis Sheild from Cambridge |
Dismist 24 |
<Town> |
Mary Willson |
Dischargd 25 |
State |
Francias Loring a B[lack]288 |
admitd. 26 |
State |
S Gorham |
Wm. Little |
Thos. Crafts |
Thos. Davis |
admited 27 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Wm. Bordman |
Wm. Little |
James Downey |
admited 27 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Little |
Hannah Jones |
admited 27 |
Town |
Ed. Edes |
Sophia Smith |
admited 27 |
State |
Wm. Phillips |
Ezekl. Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Elenor Peirce |
Dischargd 29 |
State |
Lambert Murphy |
admitd. [October]289 2 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Bordman |
Wm. Scollay |
Timothey Blackman [or]290 Blackburn |
admited Octr. 3 |
Town |
H Hill |
Anna Warren |
admitted 3d. |
Town |
J L Austin |
Dennis Cavenough291 |
Admitted 5 |
State |
J Mason |
E Price |
Wm. Little |
Joseph Hart |
Admitted October 7 |
State |
J Mason |
Wm. Little |
Thos. Edwards |
Frank a Black |
admited 7 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Scollay |
Wm. Peake |
Dischargd 9 |
Town |
Thomas Branigan292 |
admited [9] Work house |
State |
Edwd. Edes |
Thomas Wally |
Wm. Scollay |
Wm. Cusett |
admited 9 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Bordman |
George Black |
Dismis’d 9th. |
Do. |
Harry a Black |
admited 10 |
State |
John Sweetser |
Ebenr. Seaver |
John Kutter alus [alias] |
Coon Run 10 |
State |
Wm. Curtis |
admited 10 |
Town |
Wm. Smith |
Jack Roby & his mother Hannah Roby |
admited 10 |
State |
L Austin |
Chars. Bulflinch |
Violet Hudson |
admited 11 |
State |
L Austin |
C Bulflinch |
James Johns |
admited 11 |
State |
S Parkman |
Wm. Bordman |
T Crafts |
admited 14 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
E Price |
Wm. Little |
Ceazar Gray |
Dismist 16 |
State |
Elizth. Stebbens |
Admited 16 |
Town |
John White |
The Wife of Mark McLocklin |
admited 16 |
State |
S Gorham |
Wm. Little |
Thos Crafts |
Edward Beacham |
admited 16 |
State |
L Austin |
Wm. Little |
George Hall a B[lack] |
Dischargd. 17 |
State |
John Gillard |
admited 17 |
State |
S Parkman |
Er. Seaver |
Wm. Little |
Fortune Harris a B[lack]295 |
Dischargd 17 |
State |
Wm. Perch |
admited 17 |
Town |
Wm. Smith |
Patrick Kelley296 |
admited 17 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Little |
Thos Crafts |
John Gardner |
admited 17 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Little |
Cesar Gray297 a Black |
admited 18 |
State |
John Seetser |
Ebn Seaver (Died 20th. Augt. 1795) |
admited 18 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardman |
Wm. Scollay |
Zephs. Bates & 2 Childn. |
admited 18 |
Town |
L Austin |
John Gillard |
Sent to Work H 22 |
State |
Jon. White |
Morris OQuill |
Dischargd 23 |
State |
Joseph Tart |
Dismist 25 |
State |
The Child of Joseph Paverit |
admd. 26 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Scollay |
Wm. Lewis a Child |
admited 28 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ezek Price |
Thos. Edwards |
Elizebth Stebbens |
Dischargd 30 |
Town |
Marther Charles & her 3 Children |
admited 30 |
State |
Wm. Phillips |
Ezek Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Patrick Heverner298 |
admited 30 |
State |
S Gorham |
Ezek Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Cesar Eleas a B[lack]299 |
admited 30 |
State |
L austin |
C Bulflinch |
Saml. North |
Dismist to Work House 31 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
John Gillard |
Recd from Work House 31 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Mary Benjamen300 |
admited Novmr. 1 |
Town |
John White |
Quomino Frazier |
Dismist 2 |
State |
Molly a Black |
admitted 5 |
State |
J Mason |
Thomas Crafts |
Charles Woodman a child of Charles Woodman & His Wife Eliz |
admited 6 |
State |
H Hill |
Wm. Little |
Jona. Mason |
Margrett & Mary Sables |
admited 9 |
Town |
H Hill |
Elizabeth Bennet |
Bound out 9th. |
State |
James Johns |
Dismist 12 |
State |
George Black |
Hannah Riordn301 |
admited 12 |
State |
Jona. L austin |
Wm. Bordman |
Thos. Edwards |
Elizth. Sprauge302 |
admited 13 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Mary Downy |
admited 13 |
State |
Wm. Phillips |
Wm. Little Thos. Edwards |
James Doughty alus [alias] Doley |
admited 14 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Little |
Moses Stevenson |
admited 15 |
State |
Jona. L Austin |
Ezl. Price T. Crafts |
Marther Charles |
Dismist 15 |
State |
Polly Webb |
Recd. from Work house 15 |
<Elizabeth Spraug |
admited 13 |
Town |
Ed. Procter> |
Sarah Whitcomb |
admited 20 |
Town |
S Gorham |
James Frost |
Admited 20th. |
Town |
Eliz Garro303 |
Dischd. to mr austin |
State |
a Child |
Mary Jones |
Disch. to Mr. Calandor a Child |
Town |
Elizth. Charles |
Dismist 21 |
State |
Thos. Rowlinson |
Admited 21 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ezekl. Price Thos. Edwards |
Rebacha Kirilly |
admited 22 |
Town |
John White |
Rebacha Stacey & son |
admited 25 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Bordman |
Polley Gulgah |
Bound out 26 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Scollay |
Sarah Burnick |
Admitted 27 |
Town |
John White |
Polly Burrnes304 |
Admitted 27 |
Town |
John White |
Thos. Perkins |
admited 27 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Walley |
& Discharged |
Wm. Scollay |
Wm. Sharp |
admited 28 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ezek Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Nathl. Fowle his Wife & 4 Children |
admitd. 28 |
Town |
Ed. Edes |
this Family came to the House see 22d. augt. went away and have this day returned. |
Elizth. More305 |
Wife of John More Admited 28 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Little |
Thos. Crafts |
Harry {a Black} |
Dischd. |
30 |
Androw Richardson |
admitd. Decemr. 1 |
State |
John White |
Wm. Little |
Susanh Ridan306 |
admited 2 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Charity Brinton |
Run 2 |
Do. |
Pattey Dorsay307 |
admited 3 |
Town |
Jona. Mason |
Sarah Duncan |
Discharged |
Do. |
Samuel Leighton |
Discharged |
State |
Charles Woodman |
admited Decr. 4 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardman |
Ezekl. price |
Mary Folker |
admited 4 |
Town |
Wm. Smith |
From Work house |
Thos. Alaxander308 |
admited 4 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Walley |
C Bulflinch |
Sarah Rowen & her Daughter Susanah |
admited 5 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Boardn. |
Ezek Price |
Androw Robenson309 & Wife |
admited 6 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Bordman |
Thankful Fowle |
Bound out 7 |
Town |
Daved Chamberland310 |
admtd. 7 from work H |
State |
H Hill |
Wm. Perch |
Dismist 7 |
State |
Hannah Cooper |
admited 9th. |
Town |
Mr. White |
John Richie311 |
admited 9 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Scollay |
Wm. Bordman |
Sarah Moore & Daughter Harroit & son Paskel |
admited 9 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Nathl. Fowles |
Run 10 |
Town |
Isaac Downs312 |
admited 14 |
Town |
John White |
Patty & abbigall Charles |
Dischargd. 14 |
State |
Dismist 14 |
Town |
Wm. Langford |
admited 14 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Merian Handfeild313 |
admited 17 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Polly White |
admited 17 |
State |
John White |
Wm. Little |
Moses Stevenson |
dismist 19 |
State |
Harroit Brown alias Harriot Moore |
Dismist 19 |
Town |
Archbald McDannel314 |
admited 21 |
State |
Wm. White |
Wm. Bordman |
Wm. Scollay |
Sarah Rowen & her daughter Susanah |
admited 21 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Scollay |
Wm. Bordman |
Decr. 23 Elenor Richie, Mary Downey & Eliz Lewis sent to the work House315 |
Thos. Davis |
Dismist 26 |
State |
Julins Eckley |
admited 27 |
State |
S Parkman |
Ezekl. Price |
E Seaver |
Olive a Black |
admited 27 |
State |
Wm. Phillips |
Ezekl. Price |
Thos. Crafts |
<John Gardner |
Dismist 1794 Janury 10 |
State> |
Nancy Lovebridg316 |
admited Decr. 28 |
State |
S Parkman |
T Edwards |
Wm. Little |
Thos. Rice |
admited 28 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Bordman |
Eunice Vose |
admited 28 |
Town |
Jona. L Austin |
George Graff |
admited 31 |
State |
Wm. Phillips |
Ezel. Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Joseph Bangs |
admited Janur. 1 1794 |
State |
Wm. Phillips |
Thos. Edwards |
Wm. Little |
Nelly Peirce |
admited 1 |
State |
John. Sweetser |
Thos. Walley |
Ebenr. Seaver |
John Clark |
admited 1 |
State |
Jona. mason |
Thos. Walley |
Wm. Sollay |
Alaxander Thompson & his Daughter Btsey317 |
admited 2 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ezl. Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Peggy Symmes |
admited 5 |
Town |
Saml. Parkman |
Wm. & Thos. Dungar |
admited 5 Born in the House |
State |
George Clark |
admited 5 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Elenor Loines from W House 7 |
Thomas Perkins |
admited 7 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Walley |
Wm. Scollay |
John Flynn & Wife Elizabeth |
admited 7 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Thos. Edwards |
John Gardner |
Dismist 10 |
State |
Elcy Stodard |
Dismist 10 |
Town |
John Nicklos318 |
admited 14 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ezekl. Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Elenor Richie |
admited 15 |
State |
From the Work house |
Elizebth Duggel |
Dischargd 17 |
State |
Elmira Duggel a child |
Dismist 17 |
State |
york Cox a Black |
Dischargd 17 |
State |
to Work house |
Feebe Gee |
Dischagd 17 |
State |
to work house |
Elizth. Moore |
admitd. from W H 17 |
State |
John Ayers319 |
Bound out 18 |
State |
Thos. Alexander |
Dismist 22 |
State |
Rebeckah Curley |
Dismist 22 |
Town |
Alaxander Thomson |
Dischargd 24 |
State & Returnd the <sa> [i.e., same day] |
Alaxander Lord from Mareyland |
admited 25 |
State |
S Gorham |
Wm. Bordham |
Thos. Crafts |
Susanah Rowen |
Dismt. 27 |
State |
Jack French |
admited 27 |
State |
Wm. Phillips |
Ezl. Price |
Thos. Crafts |
admited 29 |
State |
S Gorham |
Ezl. Price |
Thos. Crafts |
Alaxander Thomas |
Dischargd 31 |
State |
Kathrine Bryant |
admited 31 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ez Price |
Ebenr. Sever |
George Powel320 |
admited Febry. 1 |
State |
John White |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Bordman |
Mary Shirbun321 |
admited 3 |
State |
John White |
Wm. Little |
Mary Murrey322 & Polly her Daughter a Child |
admited 3 |
State |
S Gorham |
Ez Price |
Wm. Little |
Daniel Dorran |
admited 8 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Scollay |
Thos. Crafts |
<Edward Gorman |
admitd. 8 |
State> |
Lucy Whitman |
admited 9 A B[lack] |
State |
Henry. Hill from Situate |
Ebenr. Seavor |
Wm. Little |
Jeremiah Murphey323 |
admited 10 |
State |
S Parkman |
Thos Crafts |
Peggy Symmes A B[lack] |
Dismist 12 |
State |
Sarah Kemp |
admited 12 |
Town |
John White |
ann Hartley |
Bound out 14 |
Town |
a Child |
Mary Ross |
admited 18 |
Town |
S Gorham |
John Gillard |
Dismist 20 |
State |
Ebenezer Cox |
admited 20 from work H |
Town |
Ed. Edes |
Lidia Gulgar |
Dismist 24 |
State |
<Mary Croffe & Child |
admited 26 |
State |
Henry Hill |
E. Seaver> |
Henry Trussett |
admited 26 from |
W H State |
Heny. Hill |
Mary Graff & her Son Gorge |
admited 26 |
State |
H Hill |
Ebenr. Seavor |
Wm. Scollay |
Henry Trussell |
admited 27 from Amsbury from work House |
H Hill |
Dismist the same Day |
Mary Murrey & Child |
Dismist 28 |
State |
Dismist 28 |
State |
Nancy Thomson <& her son Wm.> |
Dismist 28 |
Town |
Returnd the same Day |
Daved Dannee |
admited 28 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Crafts |
Wm. Boardman |
Quommono Frazer |
admited 28 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ez Price |
Wm. Little |
Wm. Lewis |
Bund out March 1 |
State |
Jack French |
Dismist 5 |
State |
John Brown |
Admited 6 |
Town |
John White |
Sarah Moore |
Dismist 7 |
Town |
Nancey Shepard |
admited 8 |
State |
John White |
Wm. Little |
<Thomas Rice |
Dischargd. 11 |
State> |
alaxandor Minot |
admited 11 |
State |
S Gorham |
Wm. Little |
Ezl. Price |
Wm. Valloon |
admited 11 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Scollay |
Polley White |
Dismist 12 |
State |
Olive White |
Dismist 12 |
State |
Thos Rice |
Dismist 13 |
State |
Polley McClaron |
Returnd. 13 from her Servis with Dr. Cotton |
Town |
<Wm. Vallon |
admited 11 |
State |
Edwd. Proctor |
Wm. Scollary> |
Wm. Curtis |
Dischargd 17 |
Town |
Cyrus Kent |
admitted 17th. |
State |
Jno. Sweetser Jr. |
Cato Smith |
admited 17 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thos. Edwards |
Wm. Scollay |
Rebeckah Kirrely324 |
admited 17 |
Town |
John White |
Dischargd. same Day |
Andow & Mary Robertson |
Dischd. 18 |
State |
Thomas Perkins |
Dismist 18 |
State |
admited 19 |
Town |
John White |
Wm. Fulloon |
admited 20 |
State |
Wm. Phillips |
Patrick Haveren |
Dismist 21 |
State |
John Nickols |
Dismist 24 |
State |
Joseph Bangs |
Dismist 24 |
State |
Eliza. Flyn |
Dismist 24 |
State |
Benjn. Pool |
admited 24 |
Town |
Jona. Mason |
Wm. Langford |
Dismist 25 |
Town |
Isaac Fowles |
Dismist 25 |
Town |
Nelley Fowles325 |
Dismist 25 |
Town |
Daniel Doran |
Dismist 26 |
State |
Hannah Riordian |
Dismst. 27 |
State |
Edward Gorman |
Dischargd. 27 |
State |
Mary Gorman |
Dismist 27 |
State |
Wm. Pike |
Dismist 27 |
Town |
a Child |
Elizth. Pallisear |
admited 27 |
Town |
Henry Hill |
Benjn. Gould |
admited 27 |
Town |
Henry Hill |
Jeremiah Murphey |
Dismist 28 |
State |
Betsey Person |
admited 28 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Elizth. Woodman |
Dismist april 1 |
State |
Wm. <Ph> Valloon |
Dismist 1 |
State |
Susanah Harty |
admited 1 |
State |
H Hill |
Mary Sherburne |
Dismist 2 |
<George Washington |
Bound out 3 |
Town> |
Eliz Garrow |
Returnd 3 |
State |
Rachal Gaffit |
admited 4 |
Town |
S Gorham |
John Gillard found Ded in a Barn & Bured from the alms House on the State acct. |
april 5 |
Jona. Mason |
Daved Chamberlin |
Dismist 7 |
State |
Benjn. Gould |
Dismist 7 |
Town |
Patrick Kelly |
Dismist 8 |
State |
Hannah Reedey326 |
admited 11 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Henry Erving |
admited 12 |
Town |
Jona. Mason |
10 ys. old next augst. |
Wm. Kerkam327 |
admited |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Liverpool old England |
Run the same Day |
Peter Brown |
Run 14 |
State |
Hanah Reedey |
Run 14 |
State |
Betsey Vintino328 |
admited [14] |
Town |
S Gorham |
Thos. Rowlinson |
Dismist 14 |
State |
George Washington |
Dischargd 15 |
State |
Bound out |
Eliz Ryan, Thankful Edmons Child |
Dischargd. 16 |
Town |
pr. order of mr Hill |
Dennis Cavanaugh |
Dischd. 16 |
State |
Jack Roby |
Dischargd 18 |
State |
Returnd next Day |
Hannah Roby |
Dischargd 18 |
State |
Betsey McPearson |
Dischargd 19 |
State |
John Hammanway329 |
admited 19 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Edward Beacham |
Dischargd 21 |
State |
Sarah Whitcomb |
Dischargd 21 |
Town |
Sarah Rowen |
Dischargd 21 |
State |
Michal Soren |
admited 22 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
a Native of Nantz |
Peter Brown |
admited 22 |
State |
John Sweetser |
from Iarland |
Isabella a Black Woman |
admitd. 24 |
State |
Henry Hill |
Dischargd 26 |
Town |
Androw Gardner |
Dischargd 29 |
Town |
Mary Ross |
Dismt. May 1st. [1794] |
Town |
Elizth. Vinetow |
Dismt. 1 |
Town |
Hannah Waples330 |
admitd. 1 |
Town |
S Parkman |
Polley McClaron |
Bound out 1 |
Town |
Returnd the Same Day |
<John Mil[kan?] & Wife |
Dischd. |
State> |
Ester Henly |
Dismist 2 |
Town |
Returnd same Day |
Saml. Duncalf |
admtd. 3 |
Town |
Henry Hill |
Polly Hammon331 |
admd. 5 |
Town |
Wm. Phillips |
Mary Clark wife of Wm. Clark forenor |
admtd. 5 |
State |
S Gorham |
Ann Thomson |
Dischargd 6 |
Town |
Nancy Ettrage332 |
admited 6 |
Town |
Ed. Edes |
Hannah Riordia Edey333 |
admitd. from W. H 8 |
State |
S Parkman |
En[tere]d. Next page334. |
Mary Buffit |
8 |
Town |
from Work House |
Mary Hynds335 |
8 |
State |
Grace Cox |
8 |
Town |
Elizth. Castle |
8 |
State |
Elizth. Cornish |
8 |
State |
Mary Sharp |
8 |
State |
<Philys Coks> |
8 |
State |
Fanny Swift |
8 |
State |
pr. order of the overseers |
George Seal |
admited 8 |
Town |
John Sweetser |
Alexander Minot |
Dismist 9 |
State |
John Allen |
Dismist 9 |
State |
Returnd the Same Day |
Charles Woodman |
Dismist 9 |
State |
Hannah Riordia336 <Edey> |
admited 8 |
State |
Saml. Parkman |
Henry Erving |
Bound out 10 |
Town |
admited 10 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Run Same Day |
May 8th the Following Person Sent to the Workhouse pr. order of the Overseers |
Isaac Downs |
Town |
David Dana |
State |
Qumino Frazier |
State |
John Healy |
State |
Timy. Howard |
Do. |
Cyrus Kent |
Do. |
John McKinzey |
Do. |
John McFarland |
Do. |
Alxdr. Minot |
Do. |
George Powell |
Do. |
Cato Smith |
Do. |
John Clark |
Do. |
Alaxdr. Lord |
Do. |
Richard Langley337 |
admited |
State |
S. Gorham |
John Ritchee |
Dischargd 15 |
State |
Mary Buffit |
Dismist 15 |
Town |
John Dawson |
admited 15 |
State |
H Hill |
John Millhorne |
Dischargd May 15 |
State |
George Graff |
Dischd. 15 |
State |
Mary Graff & their Son |
Dischd. 15 |
State |
Hannah Riordia <Edey> |
Dischargd 15 |
State |
Elenor Peirce & heir Child Elenor |
Dismist 16 |
State |
Robt. Polly & his Wife alus [alias] [Quse?] |
admited 16 |
State |
John Sweetser |
Wm. Davedson338 |
admited 17 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Sarah Rowin339 & Child |
admited 17 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Pattey Dorcey |
Dischargd 19 |
State |
Mary Benjman |
Dischargd [19] |
Town |
Thomas Price |
admitd. 19 |
State an Irishman |
J Codman |
Judith Gains & her Daughter Lucressey340 |
Dischd. 19 |
State |
Qumino Frazier341 |
Returnd from W H 23 pr. order Mr. Hill |
State |
Cato Smith |
Retd. from W H 23 pr. order Mr. Hill |
State |
John Hely342 |
Retd. from W H 20 pr. order of Mr. Hill |
State |
Susannah Ridan |
Dismist 26 |
Town |
John Clarke343 |
admited 26 |
State |
Saml. Parkman |
27 Sent to work House |
John McKenzey344 |
admtd. 29 from Work Hs. |
State |
J. Codman |
Thos. Haden345 Irish man |
admit May 29 |
State |
Saml. Parkman |
Dischd. the Next Day |
Polle Hammon |
Dischd. 31 |
Town |
Susanah Barber |
admited 31 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Jack Roby |
Dischargd 31 |
State |
Pattey Dorsay |
Dischargd 31 |
Town |
Grace Cox |
Run 31 |
Town |
Returnd |
Eliz moore |
Run 31 |
State |
& her Child Returnd |
Polley McClaron |
Dischd. June 5 |
Town |
Bound out |
John McFarland346 |
admited from W House |
Hannah Waples |
Dismist 7 |
Town |
John Loranbon |
admited 10 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
a french man Salor |
Susannah Keen & Child |
Dismt. 12 of Pembrock Wife of Tubal Kean |
St. Gorham |
Nathl. Fowle |
admited 16 |
Town |
Wm. Smith |
Elizth. Condon |
Dismist 17 |
State |
Recd. a Child that was found in Mr. Whitmore’s yard a Boy about 4 months old Named Peter Pender |
Hannah Waples347 |
admited 20 |
Town |
Sam Parkman |
Jack & Phillis Bulflinch348 |
admited June 21 |
State |
Stephen Gorham |
Merriam Hanfield |
Dischargd |
Phebe Gee from Work house |
admited 23 |
State |
John White |
Mary Clark & her Child |
Dismist 24 |
State |
Wm. Spooner & Wife |
admited 24 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Run |
Mather Dorcy349 |
admited 24 |
Town |
Ed. Edes |
John Millhorn350 |
admited 24 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Wm. Donnot351 |
Bound out |
State |
Elizth. Garrow |
Bound out |
State |
Joseph Rusell352 |
Bound out |
Town |
Elizth. Moore |
Dischargd 25 |
State |
Ruth Brewer |
admited 27 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Betsey Moore |
admited 27 |
State |
Wm. Phillips |
Betsey allen |
admited 27 |
Town |
John White |
Grace Cox |
Dischargd 27 |
Town |
Sally Kemp |
admited July 3d. |
Town |
Stephen Gorham |
John Morris a Black |
Bound out |
State |
Cathrine Maley |
admt. 5 |
State |
Jona L. Asting |
Elizh. Castle |
admited 5 |
Town |
Wm. Smith |
John Holden |
admited 6 |
State |
John White |
Sarah Kemp |
admited 8 |
Town |
Stepn. Gorham |
maryann353 The Wife of Boston Jarvis |
admited 8 |
State a Black |
H Hill |
Mary Hinds |
Dismist 10 |
Town |
Susannah Keen354 |
admited 10 |
Town |
Saml. Parkman |
Pembrok |
Michael Sorren |
Dischargd 14 |
State |
Dischargd 14 |
State |
Wm. Davedson |
Dischargd 14 |
State |
Mary Ross |
admited 14 |
Town |
Stepn. Gorham |
Catarine Barbadoes |
admitd. 15 |
State |
John Seetser |
from W H |
Sall Harris |
admited from Work house |
Sarah Adams |
Run 15 |
Town |
Mary Buffett |
Dischargd 21 |
Town |
[Juner?]355 |
Eunice Edde356 |
admited 21 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
James Henley |
Bound out 21 |
State |
Susanah Ridan |
admited 21 |
Town |
Patty Egeleston |
admited 22 |
Town |
Wm. Smith |
Rebeca Cornish |
admited 22 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Pegey Marton357 |
admited 22 W. H |
State |
Jona. L Auston |
Mary Burn358 |
admited 24 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Elizth. Pallisor |
Dischargd |
Town |
Sarah Eddy |
admited 28 |
Town |
Wm. Smith |
Poley Lewis |
Marbl Head |
admited from |
Saml. Parkman |
Saley Stevens |
the Workhous |
Meriam Dockum |
[admitted] |
Town |
Lidia Dungar |
Augt. 2 admid. |
State |
Lorin Austen |
John Kemp |
admited augt. 2 |
Town |
Stephen Goram |
Mary McLucklin |
Discd. 4 |
State |
Jane Brown |
admited 4 |
Town |
Ed. Edes |
Susanah Rewen |
Dischargd 4 |
State |
Pattey Egelston |
Dismist 5 |
Town |
Sally Crafts359 |
admited 5 from W H born in Westford |
Jon. White |
John Johnston (a Scotch) |
Admitted 5 |
State |
S Parkman |
admited Augst. 6 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Born in the Wt. of England |
Susanah Ridan |
Run 6 |
Town |
Mary Burns |
Run 6 |
State |
Mary Sharp |
admited 6 |
State |
Jona. L austen |
Androw Gardner |
admited 7 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Mr Hune |
admited 8 |
State |
Saml. Parkman |
Died the next Day |
Mary Hinds360 |
admited 9 |
Town |
Wm. Smith |
Elizth. Lewis |
Dischargd 11 |
Marblhead |
pr. order of Mr. Hill |
Mary Buffitt |
Dischargd Augst. 12 |
Town |
Backus Connant361 |
admited 12 |
State |
John Sweetcher |
John Avis |
admited 12 |
Town |
Stephen Gorham |
Sarah Adams |
admite 12 |
Town |
Ed. Edes |
Hannah Reed |
admited 12 |
State |
Henry Hill |
James Millino362 |
admited 13 |
State |
Steph Gorham |
Rose Brewer |
Dischargd 15 |
State |
a Black |
Cathrine Mallay363 |
admited 15 |
State |
from Iarland Wm. Smith |
Mary Scott |
admited 16 |
Town |
Jona. L Austin |
Katy Holly |
admited 16 |
State |
Jona. L Austen |
Timothey Hayden |
admited 18 |
State |
S Gorham |
Nancey Cross |
Dischargd 18 |
Town |
Polly Cowell |
admited 19 |
Town |
St. Gorham |
Elizth. Oakwel & her son Cornelus alius Sheen |
admited 19 |
State |
John Codman |
W H |
Cathrine Mallay |
Run 20 |
State |
Nancy Thomson364 |
admited 20 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
John Flyn365 |
Dischargd 22 |
State |
Dischargd 25 |
State |
see above |
Run 20th. |
Meriam Handfeild366 |
Dischargd Augt. 25 |
Town |
<Thos Haden |
Run 26 |
State> |
John Johnson |
Run 26 |
State |
Mary Webb |
Run 26 |
Town |
Cathrine Holland |
Run 26 |
State |
James Millino |
Dischargd 27 |
State |
Wm. Hall |
admited 27 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Wm. Hall |
Dischargd Sept 2 |
State |
Wm. Perch |
Dischargd |
State |
Elizth. Lee |
admited |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Levene367 Richardson a Child |
admited 2d. a Verble |
State |
Ebenezr. Richardson a Child |
order from the Board |
Noble Spencer a Child |
of overseers |
Saml. Hicks |
Dischargd 4 |
State |
Marred Nance Etherige the 5 of augst |
Hannah Reed |
Dischargd 4 |
State |
<Susanah Ridan |
Dischargd 4 |
Town> |
Jane Galley368 |
Bound out [5] |
Town |
Backus Connant |
Dischargd 5 |
State |
Elizth. Denney |
admited 5 |
Town |
John White |
Elizth. Bovey |
admited 5 |
Town |
Wm. Smith |
Sukey Kain |
admited 5 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Run |
Nath Fowle |
Receved. Septr 6 |
Town |
Wm. Smith |
Nathl. Fowle |
Dischargd 8 |
Town |
Wm. Ryan369 |
Bound out 12 |
State |
Luce Dodge a: B[lack]370 |
ad[m]ited 12 |
State |
John Codman |
Mehitabel atkins a: B[lack]371 |
admited 12 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
admited 13 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Sallay Dunkin372 |
admited 16 |
Town |
Jona. Mason |
Sarah Kemp |
Dischargd 16 |
Town |
Junr. |
John Millhorn373 |
admited 17 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Mark McClocklin374 & his Wife mary |
admited 18 |
State |
John Sweetser |
Juliuns ackly |
admited 18 |
State |
Saml. Parkman |
Jancey Dirck [a] Du[t]chman |
admited 20 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Levene Richardson |
Bound out |
State |
Henry Kendall & Wife Ruth |
admited 20 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Peter Williston a Dutch man |
admited 20 |
State |
Saml. Parkman |
Mary Vial |
admited 22 |
Town |
Jona. L Austian |
William Langford |
admited 22 |
Town |
Stephen Gorham |
Catrine Barbados375 |
Dismist 23 |
State |
Wm. Curtis |
admited 25 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Hannah Cathright |
Dismist 26 |
Town |
John Johnston |
admited 26 a scotsman |
State |
S Parkman |
Mary Sponer |
admited 26 from W H |
State |
John White |
Run |
Elizebth Dennie |
Dischargd. 27 |
Town |
Susannah Rowen |
Bound out 29 |
State |
Cetias a Black woman |
admited 27 |
State |
Loring Austin |
John Hoar of Redding |
admitd. 27 |
Dischd. |
Henry Hill |
Hannah Cowper |
admited 27 |
Town |
John White |
Juleuns ackly |
Dischargd 30 |
State |
Peter Williston a Du[t]ch man |
Disd. 30 |
State |
Nathl. Fowle |
admited Octr. 1 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Dischargd to work House |
admited 2 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Mary Swan |
Dismist 2 |
Town |
Returnd in a Week |
Betey Denney |
admited 2 |
Town |
L Austin |
Christane376 Bentick a Dane |
admd. 3 |
State |
S Gorham |
Wm. Stanford a native of G Briton |
admitd. 3 |
State |
S Gorham |
Joseph Ackley (German) |
Admitted 6 |
State |
Edwd. Procter |
Alex Manous a Frenchman |
Admitted 6 |
State |
S Gorham |
Polly Gorden & her 3 Children, Wm. 7 years old the furst of Last June, James 5 years the 23d. of next Decr., <Polley> Salle 2 years the 14 of Last aprl. |
a[d]mited Octr 6 |
Town |
Wm. Phillips |
<Eliz> Betsey Dennie |
Dischargd 8 |
Town |
Enock Chace |
admitd. 9 of [france?] |
State |
John Codman |
Mary Benjn. & her Daughter |
admit 10 |
Town |
L Austin |
Sophia Ackley |
admited 10 |
Town |
Jona. Mason |
Thomas Bull |
admited 10 From Ierland |
State |
S Gorham |
Peggy Winslow a Black |
admtd. |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Timo. Hayden |
admited 13 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Betsey Pierce |
admited 14 |
Town |
Jona. Mason |
Exchd. in |
[Dentrs?]377 |
Polly Foster |
admited 14 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Ann Thomson |
Dischargd 14 |
Town |
Martha Pausand |
admited 15 |
State |
S Gorham |
she being the widow of a Forenor |
Mary Bukley378 |
admited 15 |
State |
S Gorham |
Betse Pierce |
Dischargd 21 |
Town |
Daniel Benjamin |
admtd. 18 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Susannah Lewis |
admited 21 |
Town |
S Parkman |
Dennis Cavnagh379 |
admitd. 21 |
State |
S Gorham |
Richard Allen |
admited 21 |
State |
a Black Jona. Mason |
<William Stanford |
admited 23 |
State |
S Gorham> |
Hannah Chamberland380 |
ad[m]ited 23 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Edward Beacham |
admid. 25 |
State |
S Gorham |
Ebinezr. Rudock381 |
admited 27 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Mary Webb |
Run 27 |
Town |
Sally Badger |
Dismist 27 |
Town |
Gulan Akly |
admited 27 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Nickelos French |
admited 27 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Richard Rowen |
admited 28 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Hannah Reed |
admited 31 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Thankl. Edmons Child |
admd. Novr. 4 |
Town |
Henry Hill |
Name Betsey Rion382 |
Charls Town Flucker |
admd. 4 |
State |
Henry Hill |
Timothey Howard |
admited from the Work Hous 15 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Eliz Cornish |
Dischargd. 5 |
Town |
Sarah Cowell |
Dischagd 5 |
Town |
John Easterbrok383 his wife Peggy & 2 Children Lurance & John |
admitd. |
State |
L Austin |
Joseph Bangs a German |
admited 10 |
State |
S Parkman |
Edward Beacham |
admited 13 |
State |
S Gorham |
Jna. Landgill |
admited 13 |
State |
Henry Hill |
from Iarl[an]d |
Enock Chace |
Dischargd 14 |
State |
John Penn |
admited 15 |
State |
Stepn. Gorham |
Mary Scott |
Dismist 17 |
Town |
Mary Dawes |
admited 17 |
Town |
a Child |
S. Parkman |
Morris OQuell384 |
admited 17 |
State |
Saml. Parkman |
Ebenzr. Cox |
admit. 17 for 8 Days |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
James Dokerty |
admit 17 |
State |
John Codman |
Joseph Brick |
admited 21 |
Town |
John White |
Mary Burn385 |
admited 22 |
Town |
St. Gorham |
Came in by the name of Green |
Eulis Eckly |
admited 22 |
State |
Willm. Phillips |
James Stevens |
admited 22 |
State |
Jon. Sweetser |
Sukey Parsons a Malato |
admd. 22 |
State |
Jona. L Austin |
Hannah Shimmin a Black |
admd. 24 |
State |
St. Gorham |
James Dorkerty |
Dischargd 26 |
James John386 |
admited 26 |
State |
Saml. Parkman |
Timothey Keef |
Bound out 26 |
State |
a Child |
James Stevens |
Dischargd Decr. 2 |
State |
Sarah Whitcomb |
admd. 2 |
Town |
Jona. Mason |
Alexr. Manous |
Dischargd 4 |
State |
Hannah Fowl |
admited 4 |
Town |
John Sweetser |
Marther Christa387 |
admited 6 |
State |
John White |
Mary Jones |
admited 6 |
Town |
Returnd from Mr. Calender |
Elizh. Denney |
admited 7 |
Town |
Ed Procter |
John Penn |
Run 10 |
State |
Sarah Harris |
Run 10 |
Town |
3 Children of Wm. Higgons,388 Danel, Hanah & Joseph |
Receved 11 |
State |
Henry Hill |
George Dormant |
Receved 11 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Dischargd 15 |
State |
James John |
Dischargd 16 |
State |
Thankful Rutherford alies [alias] Edmons389 |
admited 16 |
State |
To the Board of Edward Powers from Octr. 27th. 1793 to Decr. 1st. Five weeks at390 |
To Ditto from July 28 to Octr. 27th 1794. 13 weeks at |
the above person was put into the almshouse by Order of the Supreem Court as a States. |
poor |
Elizth. Higgens391 from W H & her Child Wm. |
admd. 16 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Mary Miller & 4 Children Polle 7 years, Nance 5, Jane 3, Thomas 1 year old |
admd. 16 |
State |
S Gorham |
Maryann Stwart392 |
admid. 17 |
State |
Henry Hill |
Wm. Sprage393 |
adimted 17 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Ebenzr. Rudock |
Dischd. |
Town |
Abigail Hubbard |
admitd. 26 |
Brooklin |
L. Austin |
Dugal Wiskie |
admited 26 |
Scotland State |
Jona. Mason |
Cesar Gardner |
admited 26 |
State a Black |
Saml. Parkman |
Morris OQuill |
Dischargd 27 |
State |
Nancy Thomson394 |
admited 27 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Lucy Haden395 |
admited 27 |
Town |
Henry Hill |
She is from Walltham |
Joseph Pulfut A B[lack]396 |
admitd. 27 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Ed. McLucklin |
Dischargd. 28 |
State |
<John Penn |
Runn 28> |
State |
see 10th Decemr. |
James Dorty |
admited 31 |
State |
Jona Mason |
Wm. Gordian |
Bound out 1795 Janr. 1 |
Town |
Edwd. Beacham |
admited 2 |
State |
S Gorham |
Thos. Bull |
Dischargd 5 |
State |
admd. 6 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
the Child was 5 years old aprl. 21 1794 |
John Flynn & Wife |
admitd. 6 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Elizh. Sanders |
admited 6 |
State |
Stn. Gorham |
Mary Webb |
admitd. 6 |
Town |
Henry Hill |
Alexr. Minor a French man |
admited 9 |
State |
Saml. Parkman |
Wm. Croston |
admited 9 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
George Dorman |
Discd. 15 |
State |
Eliz Woodman |
admitd. 20 |
State |
S Parkman |
Cloe Holland |
admited 20 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Susannah Cain the Wife of Tubal Cain |
admitd. 21 |
Pembrock |
Henry Hill |
from Work House |
Joseph Bangs |
admited 22 |
State |
S Parkman |
Nance Hartley |
Bound out 23 a Child |
State |
Hannah Cooper |
Dischargd 22 |
Town |
Returnd 30 John |
White order |
Mary Jones |
Bound out 22 |
Town |
Robt. Brown |
admited 22 |
State |
Jona. Mason |
Ebenezr. Richardson |
Discd. 23 a Child |
State |
Joseph Pulfut a B[lack] |
Dischagd 26 |
State |
Noble Spencer mollato |
Dismt. 27 |
State |
Bound out |
Christian Bennedic |
Discd. 29 |
State |
James Hill a Native of Ierla[n]d |
admitd. Febry. 2 |
State |
S Gorham |
Mary Lewis |
admited 2 |
State |
John |
Mary Galey a French woman |
admited 3 |
State |
Henry Hill |
Peggy Esterbrokes & her Child Larance |
Dischd. 4 |
State |
admited 5 |
State |
Returnd By order of the Board |
Nance Brimmer, Child |
admitd. 5 |
Town |
Wm. Smith |
Returd. |
Michel397 Leonard |
admited 6 |
State |
Saml. Parkman |
Nichalos French |
admited 6 |
Town |
Wm. Smith |
an Infent Child Namd. John Sincler Allen Born in the House the Father an Irish Man |
an Infent Born the House namd. Wm. Leather the Father Scotsman |
Elizth. Hinks |
admited 9 |
Town |
John Sweetser |
Jacob Emmons & 2 Sisters Hannah & woodcock |
admid. 9 |
Town |
Jona. L Astin |
Nichalos French |
Dismist 9 |
Town |
Saml. Jones an English Man |
admited 12 |
State |
Saml. Parkman |
Elizth. Sheen & Child |
Dismt. 14 |
Town |
Sarah Coombs |
admited 14 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Bass |
admited |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Nance Brimer |
Dischd. 23 |
Town |
Hannah Shimmins |
Discd. 26 |
State |
a black Returnd the next Day |
Cyras Eustis a Black |
admited 27 |
State |
Henry Hill |
Katy Tillot398 |
admited 27 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Elizth. Woodman |
Dischargd. 27 |
State |
Benjn. Ross |
admited 28 |
Town |
S Gorham |
March 4 |
Richard Anderson a yalow man399 |
admited & Chargd. to the Town of Northampton |
Wm. Smith400 |
James Hill |
Dischargd 6 |
State |
Sophy Kilby |
admt. a B[lack]401 7 |
State |
Henry Hill |
Dugal Whiskey |
Dischargd 9 |
State |
Dischargd 9 |
Town |
Thos. Aubany |
admited 11 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Nance Thomson |
Dischargd 12 |
Town |
Turquil McNeal |
admited 16 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Mardicki Worren402 a B[lack] |
admit 16 |
State |
S Gorham |
Susanah Ingraham & Child |
admited 17 |
Town |
St Gorham |
Edward Beacham |
admitd. 19 |
State |
St. Gorham |
Henry Kendall |
Dischargd 19 |
State |
Ruth Kendall his wife |
Do. 19 |
State |
Alexander Minot A B[lack] |
Dischd. 20 |
State |
Scipio Franklin |
admited 21 |
State |
St. Gorham |
Jack Fugin |
admited 21 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Timothey Hyden |
Dischargd 23 |
State |
Susanah Ingraham & Child |
Discd. 23 |
Town |
Elizh. Hinks |
Dischargd 24 |
Town |
Abigall Hubbard |
Dischargd 26 |
Town |
Katy Tillot |
Dischargd 26 |
James Docketty |
Dischargd 31 |
State |
Dennis Welsh |
admited 30 |
State |
Henry Hill |
Polly Cowell |
Dischargd 31 |
Town |
Frederick Milstruz |
admited aprl 1 |
State |
St. Gorham |
Died 20th. augt. 1795 |
Elisha Davis |
admited 1 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
James Dockety403 |
admited 2 |
State |
John Sweetser |
Manuel Dysanttos404 |
admited 3 |
State |
St. Gorham |
a Native of Portagal Died the Same night |
admited 3 |
Town |
Ed. Procte |
Elizabeth Blakston |
admitd. 3 |
from Portland |
Jon L Austin |
Susana Barber |
admited 4 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Pike a Child |
admited 4 |
Town |
St. Gorham |
Joseph Breck |
Dischargd 11 |
Town |
James Jones |
admited 11 |
State |
St. Gorham |
Wm. Higgins A Child |
Dischargd 13 |
Town |
John Flynn & his wife Elizth. |
Dischagd 13 |
State |
Born in Ireland |
His wife in Lynn |
Town |
Susanah Kean |
Dismist 16 |
Town |
Pembrook |
Wm. Cronston |
Dismist 17 |
State |
Born in Ireland |
James Dockerty |
Dismist 18 |
State |
Irish Man |
Michael Leonard |
Dischard. 20 |
State |
Irishman |
Wm. Curtis |
Dischd. 20 |
Town |
Thankful Edmonds & 2 Children |
20 |
Town |
Betsey Ryon & Wm. Retheford |
Robert Brown |
Dischargd 22 |
State |
an Iirish man |
Sukey Parsons |
Dischd. 22 |
State |
a molato |
Jesse Harding |
admited 23 |
Cape Cod |
Redford Webster Dischargd 25 |
Nancy Thomson |
admt. 25 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Hannah Waples |
Dischargd 25 |
Town |
Susannah Ridan |
Dischargd 27 |
Town |
Polly Wendal405 |
admited 27 |
State |
a Black |
Wm. Smith |
Elizabeth Rion a Child406 a Child of Thankful Edmuns |
admitd. 27 |
Town |
from Workhouse |
Denis Wish |
Dischargd 28 |
State |
admited 28 |
Town |
Wm. Smith |
Sarah or Sukey Rowen |
Dismist 30 |
Town |
Born in Roxbury |
Joseph Waters |
admited May 1 |
State |
Great Britn. |
S Gorham |
Elizth. Higgins & 4 Children |
Discharged |
Town |
Dennis Daly407 his Wife & Child} |
admitd. 1 |
State |
St. Gorham |
Irisman Hannah & Elijah her Son |
Elizth. Farrier |
Bound out 1 |
State |
Patty Gerrill |
admited 2 |
Town |
Wm. Smith |
Thos. Rice |
Dischargd 5 |
State |
<Robert Brown |
Dischd. 6 |
State> |
Error |
Michael Lenord |
admitd. 1 |
State |
Wm. Phillips |
Benjn. Spooner |
admited 6 |
State |
J L Auston |
Mary Lewis |
Dischd. 8 |
State |
Thos Fosset a Sick Child |
admd. 8 |
Town |
by order of the Board |
Sukey Keen408 |
admited 8 |
Town |
John Codman |
Pombrook |
Alaxander Minot |
admitd. 8 |
State |
St. Gorham |
Timothy Hayden |
admitd. 8 |
State |
Mary Miller & her 4 Children |
Dischargd May 9 |
State |
for Halifax |
The State Dr. to Cash for the above persons Pasige £9 |
Androw Moran |
admited 10 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Thos. Rice |
admited 11 |
State |
St. Gorham |
James John |
Dischrgd 12 |
State |
Elizh. Sanders |
Dismist 12 |
State |
Say Town |
Elizh. Rion a Child |
Dischd. 12 |
Town |
Mary Galley |
Dischd. 12 |
State |
Ceser Gardner |
Dismist 12 |
State |
admited 14 |
State |
from Ireland |
Wm. Smith |
Ebenr. Ruddock |
admited 18 |
Town |
St. Goraham |
Betsey Allen a chd. |
Dischargd 19 |
Town |
Maurice409 OQuill |
admited 20 |
State a |
Native of Ireland |
St. Gorham |
James Robberson410 |
admited 20 |
State |
Ed. Edes |
Sally Harris |
admited from Work House |
State |
Oliver Brewster |
James Gones |
admited 23 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Mary Hynds |
Dischargd 25 |
Town |
Returnd the Next Day |
Timothy Hayden |
Dismist 25 |
State |
Susannah Kean |
Dismist 25 |
Town |
Pembrook |
Micheal Lenord |
admited 25 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Peter Whitcomb a Black |
admd. 26 |
State |
Redford Webster |
Cezar Gray |
admited 27 |
State |
John Codman |
Wm. Kimball belongin to Norton |
admited 28 |
Wm. Smith |
Lucy Brown |
admitd. June 1 |
Newton |
Ed. Procter |
Saml. Brown |
admited 2 a B[lack] |
State |
Henry Hill |
dismised next day |
Easter White |
admited 4 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Thos. Walker |
admited 4 |
Town |
Ed. Procter |
Mary Pown |
admitd. 4 |
Town |
R Webster |
Eliz Brewer |
admited 5 |
Town |
St. Gorham |
John Hemminway |
Run 5 |
Town |
Ceser Kent |
Dischd. 5 |
State |
Luce Brown |
Dismist 9 |
Newton |
Peggy Roberts |
admited 9 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Dat’d. aprl. 1 |
George Powel |
Dismist 10 |
State |
from the Wt. Indes 2 year ago |
admited 11 |
Town |
R Wibster |
Benjn. Roos |
Admited 13 |
Town |
Ed. Edes |
Richard Anderson |
Dischargd 16 |
<State> |
Negro Northampton |
Charles DeVoll he Died the Same Night |
admited 22 |
State |
St. Gorham |
Geurnsey man |
Robt. Brown |
admited 23 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Benjn. Spooner |
Dismist 23 |
State |
Polley Webb |
Run 23 |
Town |
Wm. Sharp |
Run 23 |
State |
Thos. Rice |
Dischargd 23 |
State |
<admited the Same day by an order from Mr. Hill> |
Cabub411 Greenvile |
admited 24 |
State |
R Webster |
Richd. Langley |
Dischargd 27 |
State |
Wm. Davidson |
admited 27 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
James Roberson |
Dismist 29 |
State |
Henry Luacus412 |
admited 30 |
Town |
John Sweetser |
Mary McCurday |
Dismist July 7 |
Town |
Wm. Sharp |
admited 7 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Turquill McNeil |
Dischd. 8 |
State |
admited 11 |
State |
a Native of Grate Briton St. Gorham |
Martha Dorcy |
Dischd. 11 |
Town |
Thos. Aubany |
Dischd. 12 |
State |
Elizth. Warner |
admited 19 |
State |
Henry Hill |
John Devan |
admited 12 |
State |
a Native of Connectut Wm. Phillips |
Mary Buckley |
Dischd. 13 |
Town |
Saml. Jones |
Dischd. 14 |
State |
413 Harper |
admited 14 |
State |
Run at Night |
an Infant Molato Child found in the Bural Ground Namd.414 |
admited 14 |
Town |
Ed. Edes Died 31st. augt. 1795 |
Nance Gair & her two Children |
admited 18 |
Town |
A Welles |
Thos. Walker |
Dischd. 20 |
Town |
Elizth. Denny & Child |
Run 20 |
Town |
John Goffe415 Born in Iarland a Salor |
admitd. 20416 |
State |
H Hill |
18th. Augt. 1795 |
Nancy Parks |
admited 21 |
Springfield |
Wm. Smith |
(Run away 7th. Septr. Do.417) |
Mahitabl Atkins |
Dischargd 23 |
a Negro woman |
Elizebeth Smith |
admitd. 23 |
Town |
Wm. Smith |
Grace Cox |
admited 26 |
Town |
Wm. Phillips |
James Willson |
admited 27 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
Wm. Warner his Wife & Child |
admited 30 |
Town |
J L Austin |
Saml. Hicks |
omited |
State |
Discharged Augt. 3d. |
Wm. Davidson |
Dischargd Augst 1 |
State |
John418 Dobbies’s Wife and 2 Children |
admited 1 |
State |
J L Austin |
Fanny Dickerson |
admited 1 |
Henry Hill |
admited 1 |
Town |
S Gorham |
Richard Adams A B[lack]419 |
admited 3 |
Scituate |
Wm. Smith |
William Warner |
Discharg 4 |
Town |
John Dobbie’s Wife & Children |
Dis. 4 |
State |
Timothey Dwire |
admited 5 |
State |
Wm. Smith |
Poll Edmuns420 A Child |
admitd. 5 |
Town |
Wm. Smith |
Ame Davis |
Dischargd 7 |
Town |
Thomas <Daly> Haily421 |
admited 10 |
State |
Ed. Procter |
19th. augt. 1795 |
<Timothey Dwire |
admited 10 Work house |
State> |
James Orsburn422 |
admited 10 |
Work House |
Thankfull Edmons |
admited 10 |
Work house |
Wm. & Elizh. Lovridge |
admited 10 |
State |
S Gorham |
John & Thos. thier Children |
Calab Greenman |
Dischd. 10 |
State |
Cathrine Hunnewell |
Dischd. 10 |
Town |
Thomas Greenough |
Augt. 14th. 1795 |
State Foreigner |
Stepn. Gorham |
Alexander Minot |
Do. |
State |
Do. |
Augt. 26th 1795 |
Eliza Brown |
Do. 15th. Do. |
Town |
Oliver Brewster |
William Gillahen |
Do. 17th. Do. |
State |
William Smith |
Do. 28th. Do. |
Miss Mary Buckley |
Do. 18th. Do. |
Town |
Henry Hill |
Hannah Berry |
Do. |
Do. |
Stephen Gorham |
Charlotte Greely (Black child) |
19th. Do. |
State |
Do. |
Ceasar Gray B[lack]423 man (Omitted) |
April 7th. 1795 |
Do. |
from the Work house |
Died 20th. Augt. 1795 |
Edward Beacham |
augt. 20th. Do. |
Do. |
Stephen Gorham |
Do. 22d. |
Town |
Redford Webster |
John Blake & his Wife |
Do. 24th. |
Town |
Henry Hill |
Quneno Frazier Black man |
Do. 25th. |
State |
William Smith |
John Shone |
Do. 26th. |
Do. |
Do. |
Jacob Blackburn |
Do. 27th. |
Do. |
Edward Proctor |
Jacob Blackburn’s Wife |
Do. |
Do. |
Do. |
Jacob Blackburn’s Child |
Do. |
Do. |
Do. |
Wm. Rutherford424 a child born of Thankfull Rutherford (Alias) Edmonds |
Febry. 5th. 1795 |
Do. |
Died 31st. augt. 1795 |
Betsey Mason of Newbury-Port |
Augt. 31st. Do. |
William Smith |
John Brown |
Do. 25 |
Town |
Redford Webster |
Died 5th. Septr. Do. |
1 “Chloe” in MS index.
2 “Luce Potter” in MS index.
3 “Chalender” in MS index.
4 “Kepson” in MS index.
5 “Etheredge” in MS index.
6 “Sargent” in MS index.
7 Entered as George McCann in the MS index.
8 The main text of the entry was erased.
9 “Farrow” in the MS index.
10 “Delany” in the MS index.
11 “Carter” in the MS index.
12 “Chambers” in the MS index.
13 “Matthew” in MS index.
14 “McLocklin” in MS index.
15 “Tilty” in MS index.
16 Perhaps “drab,” i.e. prostitute.
17 “Ratford” in MS index.
18 “Purket” in MS index.
19 “Segrove” in MS index.
20 “Ann” in MS index.
21 “Dolliver” in MS index.
22 Blank in MS.
23 Blank in MS.
24 “Carter” in the MS index.
25 “Lawrence” in MS index.
26 “Francis” in MS index.
27 The text of the entry has been erased.
28 The text of the entry has been erased.
29 “Cockran” in MS index.
30 The end of the word or the next word is illegible.
31 “Cox” in MS index.
32 “Wendall” in MS index.
33 “Anna” in MS index.
34 “McLochlin” in MS index.
35 The name, other than the initials is illegible.
36 The first name is blank in the ms.
37 “Ann” in MS index.
38 “MartinMcLochlen” in MS index.
39 “Kendall” in MS index.
40 “Eayrs” in MS index.
41 “Brandon” in MS index.
42 “Winter” in MS index.
43 “Killgore” in MS index.
44 “Pompey” in MS index.
45 “Catherine” in MS index.
46 “Matteson” in MS index.
47 “Robinson” in MS index.
48 “Harris” in MS index.
49 “Hogan” in MS index.
50 “Mahetable Livingston” in MS index.
51 “Kennedy” in MS index.
52 “O’Brien” in MS index.
53 “Townsend” in MS index.
54 “Cromwell” in MS index.
55 “Matthew” in MS index.
56 “Townsend” in MS index.
57 “Erving” in MS index.
58 “Joanna Spooner” in MS index.
59 “Geyer” in MS index.
60 “Donnovan” in MS index.
61 “Robert” in MS index.
62 “Mary” in MS index.
63 “Williston” in MS index.
64 “Ryan” in MS index.
65 “Decosta” in MS index.
66 “Wright” in MS index.
67 “Sophia Mendez” in MS index.
68 “Ireland” in MS index.
69 “Maloney” in MS index.
70 “Mary” in MS index.
71 “Longley” in MS index.
72 “Sinclair” in MS index.
73 “Mary” in MS index.
74 “Judith Lowe” in MS index.
75 “Murphey” in MS index.
76 “Garrow” in MS index.
77 “Sinclair” in MS index.
78 “Hewes” in MS index.
79 “Geyer” in MS index.
80 “McKinzie” in MS index.
81 “Crowley” in MS index.
82 “Fitzgerald” in MS index.
83 “Hunnewell” in MS index.
84 “Townsend” in MS index.
85 “Medows” in MS index.
86 “Eayrs” in MS index.
87 “Woodson” in MS index.
88 “Murphy” in MS index.
89 “Gorham” in MS index.
90 “Lowe” in MS index.
91 “Peirce” in MS index.
92 “Seegreaves” in MS index.
93 “Mary” in MS index.
94 “Coburn” in MS index.
95 “Francis” in MS index.
96 “Hatson” in MS index.
97 “McKinzie” in MS index.
98 Squeezed into the top right hand corner of the entry are the words “nam’d Katy Brown.”
99 “Finn” in MS index.
100 “McLochlin” in MS index.
101 Interlined in the MS index is “alias Berry.” See also the entry for 9 March 1795, below.
102 “Burnham” in MS index. See final line of this entry.
103 “Blackbourn” in the MS index.
104 “Hanh. Hollis” in the MS index.
105 “Maloney” in MS index.
106 “Benjamin” in MS index.
107 “Michael” in MS index.
108 “Carrol” in MS index.
109 “Lucy” in MS index.
110 “Etheredge” in MS index.
111 “Murphy” in MS index.
112 “Judith Keily” in MS index.
113 “Ryan” in MS index.
114 “Murphy” in MS index.
115 “Ruduck” in MS index.
116 This entry was written at the bottom right-hand corner of the MS page. The children are indexed under the names of Eustis and Dunn. See also the entry for 19 April, three lines below.
117 The children are indexed under the name of Marston.
118 “Mahoney” in MS index.
119 “Shanley” in MS index.
120 “Ryan” in MS index.
121 “Pollard” in MS index.
122 In the MS index the son is entered with the surname of “Black.” I.e., “Blacks” does not denote race in this instance.
123 “Jeremiah Mahoney” in MS index.
124 “Bryant” in MS index.
125 “Roulstone” in MS index.
126 “Murphy” in MS index.
127 “McLauchlin” in MS index. (See note 129 below).
128 “Langford” in MS index.
129 “McLauchlin” in MS index.
130 “Leahea” in MS index.
131 “Cavnough” in MS index.
132 “Braggadon” in MS index.
133 “McKinzie” in MS index.
134 “Andrew Hardk” in MS index.
135 “Martin” in MS index.
136 “Ruduck” in MS index.
137 “McLauchlin” in MS index.
138 “Eddy” in MS index.
139 “Catherine” in MS index.
140 “Pierce” in MS index.
141 “Tillor” in MS index.
142 “Whitemore” in MS index.
143 “Bennett” in MS index.
144 “Eddy” in MS index.
145 “Morrison” in MS index.
146 “Farrier” in MS index.
147 “Larabee” in MS index.
148 “Russell” in MS index.
149 “Chamberlain” in MS index.
150 “Evans” in MS index.
151 “Vial” in MS index.
152 “Benjamin” in MS index.
153 Identified as a child in the MS index.
154 “Read” in MS index.
155 “Clerk” in MS index.
156 “Langford” in MS index.
157 “Betsey Hardwick” in MS index.
158 “Gregory” in MS index.
159 “Lovering” in MS index.
160 “Mathur” in MS index.
161 Indexed as Sina Indens and Hannah Indens.
162 “Winefred” in MS index.
163 “Ann Etheredge” in MS index.
164 “Paine” in MS index.
165 “Lloyd” in MS index.
166 “Battest” in MS index.
167 Identified as a child in the MS index.
168 “Fitzgerald” in MS index.
169 “Townsend” in MS index.
170 “Michael Renolds” in MS index.
171 Identified as a child in the MS index.
172 “Esther” in MS index.
173 “Prescot” in MS index.
174 “Hanny” in MS index.
175 Identified as a child in the MS index.
176 “Dockum” in the MS index.
177 “Bird” in MS index. Identified there as a child.
178 Identified as a child in the MS index.
179 The MS index reads “Patty say Martha.”
180 Written below “Androw” is “James.”
181 “Griggs” in MS index.
182 “Hunnewell” in MS index.
183 “Hunnewell” in MS index.
184 “McKinzie” in MS index; indentified as a child therein.
185 “Hitchborn” in MS index.
186 Identified as a child in the MS index.
187 The entry is obscured by an inkblot. Text is supplied from the entries of 28 June, below.
188 “Madderson” in the MS index.
189 Identified in the MS index as Patty, “say Martha” Dorsey.
190 Identified in the MS index as Patty, “say Martha” Dorsey.
191 “Handfield” in the MS index.
192 “Appleton” in MS index.
193 “Butters” in MS index.
194 “Silvester” in MS index.
195 “Flin” in MS index.
196 “Griggs” in MS index.
197 “Murphy” in MS index.
198 “Stone” in MS index.
199 “Rebecca” in MS index.
200 “McLochlin” in MS index.
201 “Parson” in MS index.
202 “Silvester” in MS index.
203 “Wade” in MS index.
204 “Rosana” in MS index.
205 “Coille” in MS index.
206 “Barthw.” in MS index.
207 “Cathne.” in MS index.
208 “Burns” in MS index.
209 “Ruduck” in MS index.
210 “Matthews” in MS index.
211 Punctucation supplied. Identified as “colored” in the MS index.
212 “Apstrof” in MS index.
213 The MS index reads “Patty say Martha Dorsey.”
214 “Going” in MS index.
215 This entry was interlined.
216 “Molly” in MS index.
217 “German” in MS index.
218 “Wendell” in MS index.
219 “Silvester” in MS index.
220 “Akely” in MS index.
221 The entry in the MS index does not include a first name and is entered under “M” as “Mill Bridge.”
222 Parentheses supplied; the previous two words were interlined by the clerk.
223 “Dockum” in MS index.
224 “Benjamin” in MS index.
225 “Alice Fucker” in MS index.
226 “Cox” in MS index.
227 “Dorsey” in MS index.
228 “Cathne” in MS index.
229 “Melidge” in MS index.
230 “McLochlin” in MS index.
231 “Wilson” in MS index.
232 “Griggs” in MS index.
233 “Ferdinand” in MS index.
234 “Wainwood” in MS index.
235 “Cathne. Tillet” in MS index.
236 The surname is spelled “Eddy” in the MS index. “Chd.” is inserted above the line.
237 “Mitchell” in MS index.
238 “Morris” in MS index.
239 “McKinzie” in MS index.
240 “Thompson” in MS index.
241 “McGlockling” in MS index.
242 “Johnson” in MS index.
243 “Sevaney” in MS index.
244 “Martha Dorsey” in MS index.
245 Identified as a child in the MS index.
246 Identified as a child in the MS index.
247 “Thompson” in MS index.
248 “Lovering” in MS index.
249 “Mitchell” in MS index.
250 Identified as a child in the MS index, where the name is “John Keef.”
251 Identified as a child in the MS index.
252 Identified as a child in the MS index.
253 Identified as a child in the MS index, where the name is “Tulla Ann.”
254 “Polly Frank” in MS index.
255 “German” in MS index.
256 Identified as a child in the MS index.
257 Identified as “colored” in the MS index, where the first name is spelled “Selem.”
258 “Michael” in MS index.
259 Identified as a child in the MS index.
260 Identified as a child in the MS index, where the name is spelled “Silvester.”
261 “Fenno” in MS index.
262 “Judith” in MS index.
263 “Dwire” in MS index.
264 Punctuation supplied. “Collins” in MS index.
265 Identified as “colored” in the MS index.
266 “Cathne” in MS index.
267 “Morris” in MS index.
268 “Sally Dunken” in MS index.
269 “Laten” in MS index.
270 “Polly” in MS index.
271 “Chamberlain” in MS index.
272 “Gains” in MS index.
273 “Sprague” in MS index.
274 Identified as “colored” in the MS index.
275 Identified as a child in the MS index, where the name is spelled “Eddy.”
276 “Elenr.” in MS index.
277 “Connor” in MS index.
278 “Brinton” in MS index.
279 Identified as “colored” in the MS index.
280 “Thompson” in MS index.
281 See entry of 17 Aug. 1793, above.
282 “Thompson” in MS index.
283 Identified as colored in the MS index.
284 Identified as colored in the MS index.
285 “Judith Gains” in MS index.
286 “Edmonds” in MS index.
287 “Murray” in MS index.
288 Identified as “colored” in the MS index.
289 Interlined above Murphy’s date of admission is <October Sept 30 November>.
290 Supplied from the MS index.
291 “Cavnough” in MS index.
292 “Branagan” in MS index.
293 “Holly” in MS index.
294 Identified as colored in the MS index.
295 Identified as colored in the MS index.
296 “Kelly” in MS index.
297 This is how the name is entered in the MS index. In the admission entry “Gray” is interlined above the line and “Richards” is interlined below the line.
298 “Hevernor” in MS index.
299 Identified as “colored” in the MS index.
300 “Benjamin” in MS index.
301 “Riorden” in MS index.
302 “Sprague” in MS index.
303 “Garrow” in MS index.
304 “Burns” in MS index.
305 “Moore” in MS index.
306 “Riden” in MS index.
307 “Martha Dorsey” in MS index.
308 “Alexander” in MS index.
309 “Robinson” in MS index.
310 “Chamberlain” in MS index.
311 “Richey” in MS index.
312 “Downes” in MS index.
313 “Hanfield” in MS index.
314 “McDonnel” in MS index.
315 This entry obviously was omitted andlater written in free space to the right of the entries for 19 Dec., above.
316 “Lovebridge” in MS index.
317 The father’s surname is written “Thomson” in the MS index; the daughter’s “Thompson.”
318 “Nickols” in MS index.
319 Identified as a child in the MS index.
320 “Powell” in MS index.
321 “Sherburn” in MS index.
322 “Murray” in MS index.
323 “Murphy” in MS index.
324 “Kirilly” in MS index.
325 “Fowle” in MS index.
326 “Reedy” in MS index.
327 “Kerkham” in MS index.
328 “Vinteno” in MS index.
329 “Hemmenway” in MS index.
330 “Wapples” in MS index.
331 “Hammond” in MS index.
332 “Etheridge” in MS index.
333 The MS index reads “Hannah Riorden.”
334 See the duplicate entry for Hannah thirteen lines below.
335 “Hines” in MS index.
336 “Riorden” in MS index.
337 “Longley” in MS index.
338 “Davidson” in MS index.
339 “Rowen” in MS index.
340 “Lucretia” in MS index.
341 “Frazer” in MS index.
342 “Healey” in MS index.
343 “Clark” in MS index.
344 “McKinzie” in MS index.
345 “Hayden” in MS index.
346 “McFarlin” in MS index.
347 “Wapples” in MS index.
348 “Bulfinch” in MS index.
349 “Patty Dorsey” in MS index.
350 “Mellhorn” in MS index.
351 Identified as a child in the MS index.
352 “Russell” in MS index.
353 The first name was interlined abovethe entry.
354 “Kean” in MS index.
355 Perhaps “Junior”; i.e., either John Codman Jr. or William Phillips Jr.
356 “Eddy” in MS index.
357 “Martin” in MS index.
358 “Burns” in MS index.
359 “Craft” in MS index.
360 “Hines” in MS index.
361 “Conant” in MS index.
362 “Milleno” in MS index.
363 “Maley” in MS index.
364 “Thompson” in MS index.
365 “Flynn” in MS index.
366 “Hanfield” in MS index.
367 “Sevaney” in MS index.
368 Identified as a child in the MS index.
369 Identified as a child in the MS index.
370 Identified as colored in the MS index.
371 Identified as colored in the MS index.
372 “Dunken” in MS index.
373 “Mellhorn” in MS index.
374 Separate entries in the MS index read “Mark McLauchlin” and “Mary McLochlin.”
375 “Barbadoes” in MS index.
376 “Christian” in MS index.
377 Possibly “indentures.”
378 “Buckley” in MS index.
379 “Cavnough” in MS index.
380 “Chamberlain” in MS index.
381 “Ruduck” in MS index.
382 “Ryan” in MS index.
383 “Easterbrooks” in MS index.
384 “O’Quill” in MS index.
385 “Burns” in MS index.
386 “Johns” in MS index.
387 “Christie” in MS index.
388 “Higgins” in MS index.
389 “Edmonds” in MS index.
390 Blank in the MS, here and in the line immediately following.
391 “Higgins” in MS index.
392 “Stewart” in MS index.
393 “Sprague” in MS index.
394 “Thompson” in MS index.
395 “Hayden” in MS index.
396 Identified as “colored” in the MS index.
397 “Michael” in MS index.
398 “Tillet” in MS index.
399 Identified as “colored” in the MS index.
400 Overseer William Smith’s written order dated 3 March and addressed to “Mr. Whitwell” is interleaved in the register between pages 189 and 190. The order is annotated “June 16th. Dischargd” by the same hand that kept the register.
401 Identified as “colored” in the MS index.
402 “Warren” in MS index. Also identified there as “colored.”
403 “Dokerty” in MS index.
404 “Dysanthos” in MS index.
405 “Wendall” in MS index.
406 “Ryan” in MS index.
407 “Daley” in MS index.
408 “Kean” in MS index.
409 “Morris” in MS index.
410 “Roberson” in MS index.
411 “Caleb” in MS index.
412 “Lucas” in MS index.
413 Blank in MS.
414 Blank in MS.
415 “Goff” in MS index.
416 “July 19th. 1795” is interlined above this date.
417 I.e., 1795.
418 “Jas.” in MS index.
419 Identified as “colored” in the MS index.
420 “Edmunds” in MS index.
421 “Hailey” in MS index.
422 “Osborn” in MS index.
423 Identified as “colored” in the MS index.
424 “Retheford” in MS index.