Appendix VIII


editor’s note

Daniel R. Coquillette

As M. H. Hoeflich has persuasively demonstrated, catalogues of law libraries are valuable tools in understanding “the intellectual context of American law.” See M. H. Hoeflich, “Auctions and the Distribution of Law Books in Antebellum America,” 113 Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society (Worcester, 2005), 160. This includes auction and estate catalogues, such as this one, and also library catalogues. See, for example, The Printed Catalogues of the Harvard College Library (eds. W. H. Bond, H. Amory, Boston, 1996); Thomas Jefferson’s Library: A Catalog with the Entries in His Own Order (eds. J. Gilreath, D. C. Wilson, Washington, 1989); Catalogue of Books in the Massachusetts Historical Library: An annotated edition of the 1796 library catalogue of the Massachusetts Historical Society (eds. J. D. Cushing, M. E. Cogswell, M. E. Fabiszewski, E. W. Hanson, B. M. Lawson, Boston, 1996), and The Library of William Byrd of Westover (ed. K. J. Hayes, Madison, 1997). Both Quincy and Jefferson admired Francis Bacon, and Jefferson’s library was catalogued by a scheme inspired by Bacon’s categories of knowledge in The Advancement of Learning (London, 1605). See Thomas Jefferson’s Library, supra, 2. With many thanks to my talented research assistants, and with particular thanks to Patricia Tarabelsi and Charles Riordan, Editorial Assistants to the Monan Chair.

This catalogue was clearly created soon after Quincy’s tragic death on April 26, 1775. The library was very valuable, with the assessed total being £140. The reference to books taken from the estate by “Mrs. Quincy” and “Mr. Quincy” almost certainly refer to his widow, Abigail, and his father, Colonel Josiah Quincy, who would outlive his son by nine years. Abigail survived her husband by twenty-two years. Both were buried near Quincy, his wife beside him in the tomb and his father in a separate vault at the base of the mound, in tribute to his son. See Neil L. York, “A Life Cut Short,” Quincy Papers, vol. 1, 44–46, with an illustration of the tomb in Hancock Cemetery, Quincy, id., 222.

The Catalogue is now at the Massachusetts Historical Society, P437, Reel 4, QP53. Reproduced by Courtesy of the Massachusetts Historical Society.

In addition to the transcription of the original catalogue, there is an alphabetized list painstakingly prepared by Patricia Tarabelsi, and a wonderful additional bibliographical guide prepared by Mark G. Sullivan, Legal Information Librarian and Lecturer in Law, Boston College Law Library, with the able assistance of Meredith Duval, Boston College Law School, 2009. Throughout these volumes I have acknowledged Mark Sullivan’s extraordinary contributions, and this Guide, with Meredith Duval’s assistance, is another tour de force.

Catalogue of Books Belonging tothe Estate of Josiah Quincy Junr. Esq: Deceas’d

(Massachusetts Historical Society P347, Reel 4, QP53)
Courtesy, Massachusetts Historical Society

Editor’s additions in brackets

Belong: to WQ of Braintree Kapin’s History of Eng:ld 2 Vol

[“WQ” for “Wilkes Quincy,” one of Quincy’s nicknames? See Quincy Papers, vol. 1, 20–21.]

  1. 1. Laws of Barbados
    1. 1 [each entry is listed as “1” unless otherwise indicated]
  2. 2. Colliers Dictionary
  3. 3. Scapulas Dictionary
  4. 4. Cunningham’s Dictionary
    1. 2 [Where a number appears to the right, it indicates the number of volumes of a multi-volume work. Here there are “2.”]
  5. 5. Winch’s Entries
  6. 6. Brissionius
  7. 7. Ayliffe’s Civil Laws
  8. 8. Ditto Canon Laws
  9. 9. Domat’s Civil Law
  10. 10. Plowdens Reports
  11. 11. Woods Civil Law
  12. 12. Laws of Virginia
  13. 13. Lex Mercatoria a Collection of all Lex Laws [Beawes?]
  14. 14. Connely [?] Commentarys
  15. 15. Rastell [Termes de la Ley]
  16. 16. Cases in Equity Abrig’d
  17. 17. Calvins Responia
  18. 18. Tillotsons Works 3
  19. 19. Josephus

    Carr:d Over 23 Vol. Bro:t Over 23 Vol. } [Cumulative Volumes, i.e., 23 volumes this point.]

  20. 20. Pliny’s History
  21. 21. Hobbes’s Thucydides
  22. 22. Kebles Reports 2
  23. 23. Hawkin Pleas of (the) Crown
  24. 24. Lilly’s Entries
  25. 25. Lilly’s Abridgment 2
  26. 26. Chancery Cases
  27. 27. Brownlows Entries
  28. 28. Milton’s Po[Poetic?] Works
  29. 29. Modern Entries [Mallory]
  30. 30. Swinburne of Wills
  31. 31. Salkeld [Reports] 3
  32. 32. Pufendorfs Law of Nature & Nations
  33. 33. Spelmans Concilia
  34. 34. [Coke] A Commenta: upon Littleton
  35. 35. Rushworths Collections 2
  36. 36. Carkases Book of Rates
  37. 37. Vidians Entries
  38. 38. Bractis: Seriven: Modern Conveyances

    Carr:d Forw:d 48 Vol. [Cumulative Volumes]

    Bro:t Forw:d 48 Vol.

  39. 39. Sir Tho:s Raymond Reports
  40. 40. Wilsons Reports
  41. 41. Bulstrod Reports
  42. 42. [Bacon] Lord Bacons Works 4
  43. 43. Locke 3
  44. 44. Liber Placitande
  45. 45. Pleading on [the] Charter of London
  46. 46. Hardwicks Cases
  47. 47. Modern Cases
  48. 48. Cases in Chancery
  49. 49. Select [cases in Chancery] D.o
  50. 50. Hansards Entries
  51. 51. Justins Hist:ry
  52. 52. Massachus: Charter
  53. 53. Kelyng [Pleas of the Crown]
  54. 54. Thesaurus Brevision
  55. 55. Journal of Massachusets [spelling original] Bay 1769
  56. 56. Rhode Island Laws
  57. 57. Memoirs of Edmund Ludlow

    Carr:d Over 72 Vol. [Cumulative Volumes]

    Bro:t Over 72 Vol.

  58. 58. Moors Law of Uses
  59. 59. Bartall’s Abridgm:t of Statutes
  60. 60. [Coke] Second Institute
  61. 61. Sidney in Government with his Letters & Trials
  62. 62. Hobarts Reports
  63. 63. Ley’s Reports
  64. 64. Buttons Abridg:t of [?] Statutes
  65. 65. Bodins Laws
  66. 66. Martins Virgil
  67. 67. Blackstone’s Commentaries
  68. 68. Sullivan’s Lectures on Law
  69. 69. Barrington on [the] State
  70. 70. Gordons Sallust
  71. 71. Vattels Law of Nations
  72. 72. Dutch & English Dictionary
  73. 73. Ainsworths Dictionary
  74. 74. Latin D. [Dictionary]
  75. 75. Boyers’s French & English D.

    Carr:d Forw:d 94 Vol. [Cumulative Volumes]

    Bro:t Forw:d 94 Vol.

  76. 76. Quinctilian Burmannum 2
  77. 77. Harangues in French
  78. 78. Simpson’s Parish Officer
  79. 79. Burrow Settlement [cases]
  80. 80. Crooks [Croke’s] Reports 3
  81. 81. Cokes D [Digest]
  82. 82. [Welwood] Sea Laws
  83. 83. [Thomasius] Fundamenta Juris Naturae
  84. 84. [Schetter] Italy in its Original
  85. 85. Corberon
  86. 86. Caussina de Eloquentia
  87. 87. Rivetus’s Commentaries
  88. 88. Godolph: Orphans Legacy
  89. 89. Pownall’s Polity
  90. 90. Burn & Ecclesi.a Law [Burns]
  91. 91. Geometry in French
  92. 92. De Enerogatisia

    Carr:d Over 123 Vol. [Cumulative Volumes]

    Bro:t Over 123 Vol.

  93. 93. Sayer’s Law of Damages
  94. 94. Braetick: part of Law
  95. 95. Lexicon
  96. 96. Law of Attornies & Solicitors
  97. 97. Spec: Law Cases
  98. 98. Blacks [Blackstone’s] Law Tracts 2
  99. 99. British Customs
  100. 100. Constitution of England
  101. 101. DiBriee’s Works
  102. 102. Curzon’s Office of an Executor
  103. 103. Laws of Executors
  104. 104. Instructor Clericals [Instructio Clericalis]
  105. 105. Kennets Antiquities
  106. 106. Dunsten’s Horace
  107. 107. Nelsons Lex Testament [aria]
  108. 108. Dagg [Dagge] on Crim:l Law
  109. 109. Juvenal
  110. 110. Burlamaq’s [Burlamaquis] Politic: Law
  111. 111. Decision upon the Boor’s Laws

    Carr:d Forw:d 149 Vol. [Cumulative Volumes]

    Bro:t Forw:d 149 Vol.

  112. 112. Montesquieu Spirit of Laws
  113. 113. [Holt] L:d Holt’s Life
  114. 114. Law of Evidence
  115. 115. Belyl’s Rights of [the] Commons of Engl:d
  116. 116. [Hale] L:d Hale’s Pleas of [the] Crown
  117. 117. Caesar’s Government
  118. 118. Virgil
  119. 119. Horace
  120. 120. Wood’s History of Massachusets [spelling original] 3
  121. 121. Farmer a Narrative of [the] [?]roced against T. Wilkes Esq. 3
  122. 122. Treatises on Libels
  123. 123. Thelogia Dogmatica et Morales 10
  124. 124. Ovid’s Fastorum Liber
  125. 125. Defense of [the] New Engl:d Charter
  126. 126. Present state of Great Britain
  127. 127. Pris: Parliament
  128. 128. Political Treatises
  129. 129. American Episcopal Disputes
  130. 130. Poor Acts

    Carr:d Over 179 Vol. [Cumulative Volumes]

    Bro:t Over 179 Vol.

  131. 131. West’s Presdents [Symboleography]
  132. 132. Acherley’s free Parliament
  133. 133. Hayes’s Exchanges
  134. 134. Nelson’s Rights of [the] Clergy
  135. 135. Opuscula Philosophia
  136. 136. Florus
  137. 137. Franks Law of Exchange
  138. 138. Excellency [the] Breh: of [the] Laws of England
  139. 139. Tully’s Oratories 2
  140. 140. Ditto d. in Unum Delphini
  141. 141. Tully’s Epistles
  142. 142. Ditto D.
  143. 143. Ditto Offices
  144. 144. Ditto Select Oratories
  145. 145. Homer
  146. 146. Womans Lawyer
  147. 147. Law of Devises

    Carr:d Forw:d 198 Vol. [Cumulative Volumes]

    Bro:t Forw:d 198 Vol.

  148. 148. Calvin on the Prophets
  149. 149. Silburns Trial
  150. 150. Gassendus
  151. 151. Cort [Court?] Reports
  152. 152. Rights of [the] Crown
  153. 153. Attorney’s Guide 2
  154. 154. Ssocrates [spelling original]
  155. 155. Tacitus
  156. 156. [Rastell] Termes de ley [de la Ley]
  157. 157. Epictetus
  158. 158. Natura Brevium [Fitzherbert’s New Natura Brevium?]
  159. 159. [Aler, P.] Gradus ad Parnassum
  160. 160. Present state of England
  161. 161. Fortiocuid [Fortescue’s] Hengham with Notes
  162. 162. Office of L:d Chancellor
  163. 163. Distin: Philosoph:a
  164. 164. Justin’s History
  165. 165. Davis on Customs

    Carr:d Over 217 Vol. [Cumulative Volumes]

    Bro:t Over 217 Vol.

  166. 166. Lucretius
  167. 167. Tonnage & Boundage
  168. 168. Logick
  169. 169. D. [Ditto?]
  170. 170. Sheppard’s Actions for Slander
  171. 171. Elogia
  172. 172. [Johnson, J.] Clergy-man’s Vade Meeum
  173. 173. Godolphia [Godolphin] Admiral Jurisdiction
  174. 174. Chronica Juridicia [Juridicialia]
  175. 175. Braxis Utriusque Banii
  176. 176. Kendal’s Examen
  177. 177. Horace in French 2
  178. 178. Milton’s Defense of the People
  179. 179. Christi: theolo.
  180. 180. Latin Testament
  181. 181. Clements
  182. 182. Milton against K.Charles
  183. 183. Latin Gram:
  184. 184. Greek Testament

    Carr:d Forw:d 237 Vol. [Cumulative Volumes]

    Bro:t Forw:d 237 Vol.

  185. 185. Latin Testament 2
  186. 186. Nomenclature
  187. 187. D.o [Ditto?]
  188. 188. Corderius
  189. 189. Clark’s Introduction
  190. 190. Seotani Exam: juridicum
  191. 191. Advice to Juries
  192. 192. Galateus
  193. 193. Rhetorick
  194. 194. Claytons Topicks of [the] Law
  195. 195. Maeick
  196. 196. Latin Bible
  197. 197. Liturgia Ceclesia
  198. 198. [?] view of [the] Admiral Jurisdic: [Richard Zouche, View of the Admiralty Jurisdiction]
  199. 199. Briers Poems
  200. 200. Wallers Poems
  201. 201. The Art of Speaking
  202. 202. Poems on sev: occations [spelling original] by W. Whitehead

    256 Vol. [Cumulative Volumes]

    Bro:t Over 256 Vol.

  203. 203. [Shakespeare] The Beauties of Shakespear [spelling original] 2
  204. 204. [Oratory] An essay on Oratory
  205. 205. [Religious] A Treatise concern:g Religious Affections
  206. 206. [Robertson] Dr. Robertson’s History of Charles K. 3
  207. 207. Plutarchs Lives 6
  208. 208. Political Disquisitions 3
  209. 209. Harris’s Life of Cromwell
  210. 210. [Robertson] Dr. Robertsons Hist:ry of Scotland
  211. 211. [Shakespeare] Coriolanus a Tragedy
  212. 212. Family Instructor 2
  213. 213. Voltare’s Letters [spelling original] 2
  214. 214. Butler’s Works
  215. 215. The Gentleman’s Library
  216. 216. Thomsons Seasons
  217. 217. North Briton 3
  218. 218. [Newton] View of S:r L:d Newtons Philosophy
  219. 219. Political Essays
  220. 220. Humes Workes
  221. 221. Excellencie of a Free State
  222. 222. Bressuld on Erudition 3

    293 [Vols.] [Cumulative Volumes]

    Bro:t Forw:d 293 [Vols.]

  223. 223. Lords Protests 2
  224. 224. Philosophical Dictionary
  225. 225. Philosophy of History
  226. 226. [Harbin] English Constitution
  227. 227. Forsters Travels
  228. 228. [D. Aubigné] Life of D. Aubigné
  229. 229. Laugi[Laugier?] Hist:y of [the] Peace
  230. 230. Macaulays History 5
  231. 231. Gordons Tacitus 4
  232. 232. *Beccas [Beccaria] on Crimes & Punishment
  233. 233. Montagu’s Antunt Republick
  234. 234. System of Oratory 2
  235. 235. Philoso: Princip.l of Religion
  236. 236. Buchanans History
  237. 237. Art of Thinking 2
  238. 238. Antiquit.s of S:t Peters
  239. 239. [Charlevoix] Charlevain Voyage to America 2
  240. 240. Boswells Corsica
  241. 241. Thomsons Liasons

    321 [Vols.] [Cumulative Volumes]

    Bro:t Forw:d 321 [Vols.]

  242. 242. [Bland] Treatise on Milit.Discipline
  243. 243. State of Republick of Letters 3
  244. 244. No: Gen: [the] yard:s Recreation [?]
  245. 245. Extent of [the] Mosaick History
  246. 246. [Hunter, T.] Character of L:d Bollingbroke
  247. 247. Ferguson’s Civil Society
  248. 248. Dispensary a Poem
  249. 249. State of Great Britain
  250. 250. Satyrs upon [the] Jesuits
  251. 251. Collins ground & Reasons
  252. 252. Reflex: Morales
  253. 253. Letters on Patriotism
  254. 254. Hughes’s Letters 2
  255. 255. Duke of Buckingham’s Works
  256. 256. Cicero’s Thoughts
  257. 257. Ovids Metamorphoses
  258. 258. Travels through Turkey
  259. 259. Free Holder
  260. 260. The Politi Arts
  261. 261. Revolutions de Suide
  262. 262. Broker

    350 [Vols.] [Cumulative Volumes]

    350 [Vols.]

  263. 263. Hudibras
  264. 264. Art of Playing
  265. 265. Virgil 2
  266. 266. [Ballingbroke] Life of Ballingbroke
  267. 267. Ballingbroke to Windham
  268. 268. Debates in [the] H: of Commons
  269. 269. [Hollis, T.] True Sentiments of America
  270. 270. Fables for [the] Female Sex
  271. 271. Whole Duty of Man
  272. 272. Art of Providence
  273. 273. Taylor’s Doc.t of Attonement
  274. 274. Edward on Freedom of Will
  275. 275. Butlers Sermons
  276. 276. Mayhew’s Sermons 2
  277. 277. D.o d.o [Ditto]
  278. 278. Osterwald on [the] new Testament
  279. 279. Mayhew’s Serm.
  280. 280. [Sadler] Rights of [the] Kingdom
  281. 281. Gregorious Tracts [Gregorius, Decretales?]
  282. 282. Reasons concern:g Presling[?] Government

    373 [Vols.] [Cumulative Volumes]

    373 [Vols.]

  283. 283. Mareus Antonius
  284. 284. An[glican] Bishops
  285. 285. Marriners New Kallender
  286. 286. Judgment of Nations concern:g Kings
  287. 287. Poems
  288. 288. New Engl:d Tears
  289. 289. Satyrs
  290. 290. Voltaire’s Letters
  291. 291. Poems
  292. 292. Letters on Patriotism
  293. 293. Introduc: to Geography
  294. 294. Letters of Madam de Maintenon
  295. 295. Marvell’s Rehersal
  296. 296. Independ.d Whig
  297. 297. Gordons Tracts
  298. 298. D.o d. [Ditto]
  299. 299. Swifts Works
  300. 300. Mandeville
  301. 301. History of Woman of Quality
  302. 302. Rehearsal
  303. 303. Catesby’s Letters
  304. 304. Cottons Works

    412 [Vols.] [Cumulative Volumes]

    412 [Vols.]

  305. 305. Pillars of Priestcraft
  306. 306. [Rollin] Method of Teach:g Belles Letters
  307. 307. Beaux Stratagem
  308. 308. Memory of Duke of Buckingham
  309. 309. Olwary’s Plays
  310. 310. Ovid’s Art of Love
  311. 311. Thoughts on Christianity
  312. 312. Popes Works
  313. 313. Venus Unmasked
  314. 314. Spenser’s Works
  315. 315. [Swift] Life of Swift
  316. 316. Solomons Proverbs
  317. 317. Address to Phanaticks
  318. 318. [Grotius] Hugogrotius’s [Hugo Grotius’] Discourse
  319. 319. Poems on Several Occasions
  320. 320. Cookmans Tully
  321. 321. Tell Tale
  322. 322. [Cromwell] Life of Oliver Cromwell
  323. 323. Milton’s Works 4
  324. 324. Taylor on Original Sin
  325. 325. [Homer] Life of Homer
  326. 326. Mathmatitions Guide
  327. 327. Estimate of [the] manners of [the] times

    442 [Vols.] [Cumulative Volumes]

    442 [Vols.]

  328. 328. Art of Health by Armstrong
  329. 329. Henry Flynts Works
  330. 330. Nites of Original Sin
  331. 331. The Humourist
  332. 332. North Briton
  333. 333. Sidney on Poetry
  334. 334. Letters on Public Liberty 2
  335. 335. Junius’s Letters 2
  336. 336. Political Debates
  337. 337. & 338. *Traps Virgil Adminis:t British Colonies 4 [Two books?]
  338. 338. (see above)
  339. 339. Churchill’s Poems 2

The above Books, with a number of Pamphlets & several Volumes of Little Amount


The bo[oks] taken out by Quincy

73 to be deducted from the above sum



  • x 340. *Kennicks History Engl.d 2 vol:
    • 341. Leland Demostenes [Demosthenes}
  • x 342. [Littleton] L:d Littletons Henry 2.d 6
  • x 343. Harris’s James 1st
    • 470 [Vols.] [Total Volumes]
  • Books mark’d x are ye books Mr. Quincy has taken.
  • [Also including] Inventory of Furniture & Belong: [to the] above Estate
  • [Also including] A List of Bonds & Notes due to the Estate of the late Josiah Quincy jun: Esq.

Catalogue of Books Belonging to the Estate of Josiah Quincy Jr.

Arranged in alphabetical order by Patricia Tarabelsi

(Massachusetts Historical Society P347, Reel 4, QP53)

Courtesy, Massachusetts Historical Society

(Note: Addition’s in brackets are editor’s-inserted for clarity)

Numbers in brackets correspond to numbers on estate list

  • Acherley’s free Parliament [132]
  • Address to Phanaticks [317]
  • Adminis:t British Colonies [338]
  • Advice to Juries [191]
  • Ainsworths Dictionary [73]
  • [Aler, P.] Gradus ad Parnassum [159]
  • American Episcopal Disputes [129]
  • An[glican] Bishops [284]
  • Antiquit.s of S:t Peters [238]
  • Art of Health by Armstrong [328]
  • Art of Playing [264]
  • Art of Providence [272]
  • Art of Speaking [201]
  • Art of Thinking [237]
  • Attorney’s Guide [153]
  • Ayliffe’s Civil Laws [7]
  • Ayliffe’s Canon Laws [8]
  • [Bacon] Lord Bacons Works [42]
  • Ballingbroke to Windham [267]
  • [Ballingbroke] Life of Ballingbroke [266]
  • Barrington on [the] State [69]
  • Bartall’s Abridgm:t of Statutes [59]
  • [Beccaria] Beccas on Crimes & Punishment [232]
  • Beaux Stratagem [307]
  • Belyl’s Rights of [the] Commons of Engl:d [115]
  • Blacks[tone’s] Law Tracts [98]
  • Blackstone’s Commentaries [67]
  • Bodins Laws [65]
  • Boswells Corsica [240]
  • Boyers’s French & English D. [75]
  • Bractis: Seriven: Modern Conveyances [38]
  • Braetick: part of Law [94]
  • Braxis Utriusque Banii [175]
  • Bressuld on Erudition [222]
  • Briers Poems [199]
  • Brissionius [6]
  • British Customs [99]
  • Broker [262]
  • Brownlows Entries [27]
  • Buchanans History [236]
  • [Buckingham] Duke of Buckingham’s Works [255]
  • Bulstrod Reports [41]
  • Burlamaq’s [Burlamaqui’s] Politic: Law [110]
  • Burn & Ecclesi.a Law [Burns] [90]
  • Burrow Settlement [cases] [79]
  • Butler’s Works [214]
  • Butlers Sermons [275]
  • Buttons Abridg:t of [all] Statutes [64]
  • Caesar’s Government [117]
  • Calvin on the Prophets [148]
  • Calvins Responia [17]
  • Carkases Book of Rates [36]
  • Cases in Chancery [48]
  • Cases in Equity Abrig’d [16]
  • Catesby’s Letters [303]
  • Caussina de Eloquentia [86]
  • Chancery Cases [26]
  • Character of L:d Bollingbroke [246]
  • [Charlevoix] Charlevain Voyage to America [239]
  • Christi: theolo. [179]
  • Chronica Juridicia [174]
  • Churchill’s Poems [339]
  • Cicero’s Thoughts [256]
  • Clark’s Introduction [189]
  • Claytons Topicks of [the] Law [194]
  • Clements [181]
  • Clergy-man’s Vade Meeum [172]
  • [Coke] A Commenta: upon Littleton [34]
  • [Coke] Cokes D. [Digest] [81]
  • Colliers Dictionary [2]
  • Collins ground & Reasons [251]
  • Connely [?] Commentarys [14]
  • Constitution of England [100]
  • Cookmans Tully [320]
  • Corberon [85]
  • Corderius [188]
  • Cort [court?] Reports [151]
  • Cottons Works [304]
  • [Cromwell] Life of Oliver Cromwell [322]
  • Crooks [Croke’s] Reports [80]
  • Cunningham’s Dictionary [4]
  • Curzon’s Office of an Executor [102]
  • Dagg [Dagge] on Crim:l Law [108]
  • [D. Aubigne] Life of D. Aubigne [228]
  • Davis on Customs [165]
  • De Enerogatisia [92]
  • Debates in [the] H: of Commons [268]
  • Decision upon the Boor’s [Boers’?] Laws [111]
  • Defense of [the] New Engl:d Charter [125]
  • Demostenes [Demosthenes] [341]
  • DiBriee’s Works [101]
  • Dispensary a Poem [248]
  • Distin: Philosoph:a [163]
  • Domat’s Civil Law [9]
  • Dunsten’s Horace [106]
  • Dutch & English Dictionary [72]
  • Edward on Freedom of Will [274]
  • Elogia [171]
  • English Constitution [226]
  • Epictetus [157]
  • Estimate of [the] manners of [the] times [327]
  • Excellencie of a Free State [221]
  • Excellency [the] Breh: of [the] Laws of England [138]
  • Extent of [the] Mosaick History [245]
  • Fables for [the] Female Sex [270]
  • Family Instructor [212]
  • Farmer a Narrative of [the] [?]roced against T. Wilkes Esq. [121]
  • Ferguson’s Civil Society [247]
  • [Fitzherbert’s] Natura Brevium [158]
  • Florus [136]
  • Forsters Travels [227]
  • Fortiocuid [Fortescue’s] Hengham with Notes [161]
  • Franks Law of Exchange [137]
  • Free Holder [259]
  • Fundamenta Juris Naturae [83]
  • Galateus [192]
  • Gassendus [150]
  • Geometry in French [91]
  • Gentleman’s Library [215]
  • Godolph: Orphans Legacy [88]
  • Godolphia [Godolphin] Admiral Jurisdiction [173]
  • Gordons Sallust [70]
  • Gordons Tacitus [231]
  • Gordons Tracts [297]
  • Gordons Tracts [298]
  • Gradus ad Parnassum [159]
  • Greek Testament [184]
  • Gregorious [Gregorius] Tracts [281]
  • [Grotius] Hugogrotius’s [Hugo Grotius’] Discourse [318]
  • [Hale] L:d Hale’s Pleas of [the] Crown [116]
  • Hansards Entries [50]
  • Harangues in French [77]
  • [Harbin] English Constitution [226]
  • Hardwicks Cases [46]
  • Harris’s James 1st [343]
  • Harris’s Life of Cromwell [209]
  • Hawkin Pleas of (the) Crown [23]
  • Hayes’s Exchanges [133]
  • Henry Flynts Works [329]
  • History of Woman of Quality [301]
  • Hobarts Reports [62]
  • Hobbes’s Thucydides [21]
  • [Hollis, T.] True Sentiments of America [269]
  • [Holt] L:d Holt’s Life [113]
  • Homer [145]
  • [Homer] Life of Homer [325]
  • Horace [119]
  • Horace in French [177]
  • Hudibras [263]
  • Humourist, The [Thomas, Gordon] [331]
  • Hughes’s Letters [254]
  • Humes Workes [220]
  • [Hunter, T.] Character of L:d Bollingbroke [246]
  • Independ.d Whig [296]
  • Instructor Clericals [Instructio Clericalis] [104]
  • Introduc: to Geography [293]
  • Italy in its Original [84]
  • [Johnson, J.] Clergy-man’s Vade Mecum
  • Josephus [19]
  • Journal of Massachusets [spelling original] Bay 1769 [55]
  • Judgment of Nations concern:g Kings [286]
  • Junius’s Letters [335]
  • Justin’s History [164]
  • Justins Hist:ry [51]
  • Juvenal [109]
  • Kebles Reports [22]
  • Kelyng [Pleas of the Crown] [53]
  • Kendal’s Examen [176]
  • Kennets Antiquities [105]
  • Kennicks History Engl.d 2 vol: * [340]
  • Latin Bible [196]
  • Latin D[ictionary] [74]
  • Latin Gram: [183]
  • Latin Testament [180]
  • Latin Testament [185]
  • [Laugier?] Hist:y of [the] Peace [229]
  • Law of Attornies & Solicitors [96]
  • Law of Devises [147]
  • Law of Evidence [114]
  • Laws of Barbados [1]
  • Laws of Executors [103]
  • Laws of Virginia [12]
  • Leland Demostenes [Demosthenes] [341]
  • Letters of Madam de Maintenon [294]
  • Letters on Patriotism [253]
  • Letters on Patriotism [292]
  • Letters on Public Liberty [334]
  • Lex Mercatoria a Collection of all Lex Laws [Beawes?] [13]
  • Lexicon [95]
  • Ley’s Reports [63]
  • Liber Placitande [44]
  • Lilly’s Abridgment [25]
  • Lilly’s Entries [24]
  • [Littleton] L:d Littletons Henry 2.d [342]
  • Liturgia Ceclesia [197]
  • Locke [43]
  • Logick [168]
  • Logick [169]
  • Lords Protests [223]
  • Lucretius [166]
  • Macaulays History [230]
  • Maeick [195]
  • [Maintenon, Madame de] Letters [294]
  • [Mallory] Modern Entries [29]
  • Mandeville [300]
  • Mareus Antonius [283]
  • Marriners New Kallender [285]
  • Martins Virgil [66]
  • Marvell’s Rehersal [295]
  • Massachus: Charter [52]
  • Mathmatitions Guide [326]
  • Mayhew’s Serm. [279]
  • Mayhew’s Sermons [276]
  • Mayhew’s Sermons [277]
  • Memoirs of Edmund Ludlow [57]
  • Memory of Duke of Buckingham [308]
  • Method of Teach:g Belles Letters [306]
  • Milton against K.Charles [182]
  • Milton’s Defense of the People [178]
  • Milton’s Po [Poetic?] Works [28]
  • Milton’s Works [323]
  • Modern Cases [47]
  • Modern Entries [Mallory] [29]
  • Montagu’s Antunt Republick [233]
  • [Montesquieu] Spirit of Laws [112]
  • Moors Law of Uses [58]
  • Natura Brevium [Fitzherbert’s New Natura Brevium?] [158]
  • Nelson’s Rights of [the] Clergy [134]
  • Nelsons Lex Testament [aria] [107]
  • New Engl:d Tears [288]
  • [Newton] View of S:r L:d Newtons Philosophy [218]
  • Nites of Original Sin [330]
  • No: Gen: [the] yard:s Recreation [244]
  • Nomenclature [186]
  • Nomenclature [187]
  • North Briton [217]
  • North Briton [332]
  • Office of L:d Chancellor [162]
  • Olwary’s Plays [309]
  • Opuscula Philosophia [135]
  • [Oratory] An essay on Oratory [204]
  • Osterwald on [the] new Testament [278]
  • Ovid’s Art of Love [310]
  • Ovid’s Fastorum Liber [124]
  • Ovids Metamorphoses [257]
  • Philoso: Princip.l of Religion [235]
  • Philosophical Dictionary [224]
  • Philosophy of History [225]
  • Pillars of Priestcraft [305]
  • Pleading on [the] Charter of London [45]
  • Pliny’s History [20]
  • Plowdens Reports [10]
  • Plutarchs Lives [207]
  • Poems [287]
  • Poems [291]
  • Poems on sev: occations [spelling original] by W. Whitehead [202]
  • Poems on Several Occasions [319]
  • Political Debates [336]
  • Political Disquisitions [208]
  • Political Essays [219]
  • Political Treatises [128]
  • Poor Acts [130]
  • Popes Works [312]
  • Pownall’s Polity [89]
  • Present state of England [160]
  • Present state of Great Britain [126]
  • Pris: Parliament [127]
  • Pufendorfs Law of Nature & Nations [32]
  • Quinctilian [Quintilian] Burmannum [76]
  • Rastell [Termes de la Ley] [15]
  • [Rastell] Termes de ley [156]
  • [Raymond] Sir Tho:s Raymond Reports [39]
  • Reasons concern:g Presling[?] Government [282]
  • Reflex: Morales [252]
  • Rehearsal [302]
  • [Religious] A Treatise concern:g Religious Affections [205]
  • Revolutions de Suide [261]
  • Rhetorick [193]
  • Rhode Island Laws [56]
  • [Ridley, Thomas] View of the Admiral Jurisdic [198]
  • Rights of [the] Crown [152]
  • Rights of [the] Kingdom [280]
  • Rivetus’s Commentaries [87]
  • [Robertson] D.c Robertson’s History of Charles K. [206]
  • [Robertson] D.c Robertsons Hist:ry of Scotland [210]
  • [Rollin] Method of Teach:g Belle Letters [306]
  • Rushworths Collections [35]
  • [Sadler] Rights of [the] Kingdom [280]
  • Salkeld [Reports] [31]
  • Satyrs [289]
  • Satyrs upon [the] Jesuits [250]
  • Sayer’s Law of Damages [93]
  • Scapulas Dictionary [3]
  • [Schetter] Italy in its Original [84]
  • [Schotanus] Seotani Exam: juridicum [190]
  • Sea Laws [Welwood] [82]
  • Select [Cases in Chancery] D.o [49]
  • [Shakespeare] The Beauties of Shakespear [spelling original] [203]
  • [Shakespeare] Coriolanus a Tragedy [211]
  • Sheppard’s Actions for Slander [170]
  • Sidney in Government with his Letters & Trials [61]
  • Sidney on Poetry [333]
  • Silburns Trial [149]
  • Simpson’s Parish Officer [78]
  • Solomons Proverbs [316]
  • Spec: Law Cases [97]
  • Spelmans Concilia [33]
  • Spenser’s Works [314]
  • Ssocrates [spelling original] [154]
  • State of Great Britain [249]
  • State of Republick of Letters [243]
  • Sullivan’s Lectures on Law [68]
  • [Swift] Life of Swift [315]
  • Swifts Works [299]
  • Swinburne of Wills [30]
  • System of Oratory [234]
  • Tacitus [155]
  • Taylor on Original Sin [324]
  • Taylor’s Doc.t of Attonement [273]
  • Tell Tale [321]
  • The Art of Speaking [201]
  • The Gentleman’s Library [215]
  • The Politi Arts [260]
  • Thelogia Dogmatica et Morales [123]
  • Thesaurus Brevision [54]
  • [Thomas, Gordon] The Humourist [331]
  • [Thomasius] Fundamenta Juris Naturae [83]
  • Thomsons Liasons [241]
  • Thomsons Seasons [216]
  • Thoughts on Christianity [311]
  • Tillotsons Works [18]
  • Tonnage & Boundage [167]
  • Traps Virgil Adminis:t British Colonies (see above) [338]
  • Traps Virgil [337]
  • Travels through Turkey [258]
  • Treatise on Milit.Discipline [242]
  • Treatises on Libels [122]
  • True Sentiments of America [269]
  • Tully’s Epistles [141]
  • Tully’s Oratories [139]
  • Tully’s Epistles [142]
  • Tully’s Offices [143]
  • Tully’s Oratories in Unum Delphini [140]
  • Tully’s Select Oratories [144]
  • Vattels Law of Nations [71]
  • Venus Unmasked [313]
  • Vidians Entries [37]
  • View of [the] Admiral Jurisdic: [Thomas Ridley’s
  • A View of the Civile and Ecclesiastical Law?] [198]
  • Virgil [118]
  • Virgil [265]
  • Virgil, Traps Virgil [337]
  • Voltaire’s Letters [290]
  • Voltare’s Letters [spelling original] [213]
  • Wallers Poems [200]
  • [Welwood] Sea Laws [82]
  • West’s Presdents [131]
  • Whole Duty of Man [271]
  • Wilsons Reports [40]
  • Winch’s Entries [5]
  • Womans Lawyer [146]
  • Wood’s History of Massachusets [spelling original] [120]
  • Woods Civil Law [11]
  • [Zouche] View of the Admiral Juridic [198]

Bibliographical Guide to Quincy’s Library Catalogue

Mark G. Sullivan, Legal Information Librarian and Lecturer in Law, Boston College Law Library

This list is designed to serve as a guide to Appendix VIII, Catalogue of Books Belonging to the Estate of Josiah Quincy Junr. Esq: Deceased. An entry on the list which does not provide enough information to reasonably identify it has been left in its original form. Where an identifiable work has more than one edition, preference is given to an eighteenth-century edition. I wish to thank Meredith Duval, Boston College Law School, 2009, for her able assistance in compiling this list. Any errors, omissions, or oversights in this list are solely my responsibility.

1. Rawlin, William. The Laws of Barbados. London, 1699.

2. Collier, Jeremy. The Great Historical, Geographical, Geneaological and Poetical Dictionary. London, 1701.

3. Scapula, Johann. Lexicon Graeco-Latinum Novum. London, 1652.

4. Cunningham, Timothy. A New and Complete Law-Dictionary. Dublin, 1764.

5. Winch, Sir Humphrey. Le Beau-Pleadeu: A Book of Entries Containing Declarations, Informations and Other Select and Approved Pleadings. London, 1680.

6. Brissionius [Barnabe Brisson?]

7. Ayliffe, John. New Pandect of the Roman Civil Law. London, 1734.

8. ———. Parergon Juris Canonici Anglicani. London, 1734.

9. Domat, Jean. Civil Law in its Natural Order. London, 1772.

10. Plowden, Edmund. The Commentaries, Or Reports of Edmund Plowden Containing Divers Cases upon Matters of Law, Argued and Adjudged in the Several Reigns of King Edward VI, Queen Mary, King and Queen Philip and Mary, and Queen Elizabeth [1548–1579]. London, 1761.

11. Wood, Thomas. A New Institute of the Imperial or Civil Law. London, 1730.

12. Laws of Virginia

13. Beawes, Wyndham. Lex Mercatoria Rediviva. London, 1752.

14. Connely Commentarys

15. Rastell, William. Les Termes de la Ley; or, Certaine Difficult and Obscure Words and Termes of the Common Lawes of this Realm Expounded. London, 1708.

16. Cases in Equity Abridged

17. Calvins [John] Responia

18. Tillotson, John. The Works of the Rev. Dr. John Tillotson, Lord Archbishop of Cantebury. 3 v. London, 1752.

19. Josephus, Flavius. The Works of Flavius Josephus which are Extant. . . . Translated from the Original Greek. London, 1733.

20. Pliny the Elder. The Historie of the World: Commonly Called, the Natural Historie of C. Plinius Secundus. London, 1634.

21. Hobbes, Thomas. The History of the Grecian War . . . Written by Thucydides. London, 1723.

22. Keble, Joseph. Reports, King’s Bench, at Westminster [1661–1679]. London, 1685.

23. Hawkins, William. Pleas of the Crown. London, 1716–21.

24. Lily, John. Collection of Modern Entries. London, 1758.

25. ———. Practical Register, or, General Abridgement of the Law. 2 v. London, 1719.

26. Chancery Cases [Cases in Chancery (1660–88), London, 1735?]

27. Brownlow, Richard. Latine Redivivus; A Book of Entries. London, 1692.

28. Milton, John. The Poetical Works of John Milton. London, 1731.

29. Mallory, John. Modern Entries in English. 2 v. London, 1734–35.

30. Swinburne, Henry. Briefe Treatise of Testaments and Last Willes. London, 1728.

31. Salkeld, William. Reports, King’s Bench [1689–1712]. 3 v. London, 1717–24.

32. Pufendorf, Samuel. Law of Nature and Nations. Oxford, 1703.

33. Spelman, Henry. Concilia, Decreta, Leges, Constitutiones in Re Ecclesiastica Orbis Britannici. 2 v. London, 1639–64.

34. Coke, Sir Edward. First Parte of the Institutes of the Lawes of England: or, Commentarie upon Littleton. London, 1629.

35. Rushworth, John. Historical Collections of Private Passages of State, Weighty Matters in Law, Remarkable Proceedings in Five Parliaments, 1618–1648. 8 v. London, 1721–22.

36. Carkasse, Charles. A Supplement to the Act of Tonnage and Poundage, Commonly Called the Book of Rates, Published in Folio in the Year, 1726. London, 1737.

37. Vidian, Andrew. Exact Pleader; A Book of Entries of Choice, Select, and Special Pleadings in the Court of King’s-Bench in the Reign of Charles II. London, 1684.

38. Bractis: Seriven: Modern Conveyances

39. Raymond, Sir Thomas. Reports, King’s Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer [1660–83]. London, 1743.

40. Wilson, George. Reports, King’s Court at Westminster; King’s Bench [1742–53], Common Pleas [1753–1774]. 2 v. London, 1770–75.

41. Bulstrode, Edward. Reports in King’s Bench, 1609–26. London, 1657–59.

42. Bacon, Sir Francis. The Works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Albans, High Chancellor of England. 4 v. London, 1740.

43. Locke, John. The Works of John Locke, Esq. 3 v. London, 1714.

44. Liber Placitandi; A Book of Special Pleadings Containing Precedents of Pleas in Abatement, Declarations, Barrs, etc. London, 1671.

45. The Pleadings, Arguments, and Other Proceedings in the Court of Kings-Bench upon the Quo Warranto Touching the Charter of the City of London with the Judgement Entered Thereupon. London, 1696.

46. Atkyns, John T. Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery, in the Time of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke. London, 1765–68.

47. Modern Cases [Modern Reports, part vii, “Modern Cases,” London, 1716?]

48. Cases in Chancery [See No. 26 and titles at Sweet & Maxwell, vol. 1, 346–347]

49. Select cases in Chancery [See Sweet & Maxwell, vol. 1, 346–347]

50. Hansard, John. Book of Entries; Of Declarations and Other Pleadings,

General and Special, in Actions in the Court of King’s Bench. London, 1685.

51. Justinius, Marcus Junianus. Justin’s History of the World, from the Assyrian Monarchy Down to the Time of Augustus. London, 1702.

52. Massachusetts. The Charter Granted by Their Majesties King William and Queen Ann to the Inhabitants of the Province of Massachusetts Bay in New England. Boston, 1726.

53. Kelyng, Sir John. Report of Divers Cases in Pleas of the Crown [1662–69], with Directions for Justices of the Peace. London, 1708.

54. J.C. Thesaurus Brevium, Or, A Collection of Approved Forms of Writs, and Pleadings to those Writs and Entries of those Writs and Pleadings Together with their Special Directions to all Cities and Boroughs: Also an Exact Table of the Writs and Pleadings Therein Contained: Very Useful for all Students, and of Absolute Necessity for all Practisers in the Common Law of this Realm. London, 1687.

55. Massachusetts. General Court. House of Representatives. Journal of the Honorable House of Representatives of His Majesty’s Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, in New-England, Begun and Held at Boston, in the County of Suffolk, on Wednesday the Thirty-First Day of May, Annoque Domini, 1769. Boston, 1770.

56. Rhode Island Laws

57. Ludlow, Edmund. Memoirs of Edmund Ludlow Esq. 3 v. London, 1720–22.

58. Moor, Sir Francis. Law of Charitable Uses. London, 1676.

59. Bartall’s Abridgement of Statutes [Not in Sweet & Maxwell or Cowley]

60. Coke, Sir Edward. The Second Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England Containing the Exposition of Many Ancient, and Other Statutes, Whereof You May See the Particulars in a Table Following. London, 1681.

61. Sidney, Algernon. Discourses Concerning Government by Algernon Sydney with His Letters Trial Apology and some Memoirs of His Life. London, 1763.

62. Hobart, Sir Henry. Reports in the Reign of James I with Some Few Cases in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. London, 1724.

63. Ley, Sir James. Reports of Resolutions in Law Arising Upon Cases in the Court of Wards and Other Courts at Westminster [1608–29]. London, 1659.

64. Button Abridgement of Statutes [Not in Sweet & Maxwell or Cowley]

65. Bodin, Jean. Of the Lawes and Customes of a Commonwealth. London, 1635.

66. Martyn, John. Dissertations and Critical Remarks Upon the Aenids of Virgil. London, 1770.

67. Blackstone, Sir William. Commentaries on the Laws of England. 4 v. Oxford, 1765–69.

68. Sullivan, Francis. Lectures on the Constitution and Law of England. London, 1770.

69. Barrington, Daines. Observations Upon the Statutes, Chiefly the More Ancient From Magna Carta to 21st James the First, ch xxxvii. London, 1766.

70. Gordon, Thomas. The Works of Sallust, Translated into English. London, 1745.

71. Vattel, Emerich de. The Law of Nations, Translated from the French. London, 1760.

72. Dutch & English Dictionary

73. Ainsworth, Robert. Thesauraus Linguae Latinae Compendiarius, or, A Compendious Dictionary of the Latin Tongue, Designed for the Use of the British Nations. 2 v. London, 1736.

74. Latin D [Dictionary?]

75. Boyer, Abel. The Royal Dictionary. French and English and English and French: Extracted from the Writings of the Best Authors. London, 1748.

76. Quintilian, Marcus. De Institutione Oratoria Libri Duodecim, Cum Notis. per P. Burmannum. Leiden, 1620.

77. Harangues in French

78. Simpson, William. The Practical Justice of the Peace and Parish-Officer, of His Majesty’s Province in South Carolina. Charleston, 1761.

79. Burrow, Sir John. Decisions, King’s Bench, upon Settlement Cases, from 1732. London, 1768.

80. Croke, Sir George. Reports of Cases in King’s Bench and Commons Bench [1582–1641]. London, 1683.

81. Coke’s Digest

82. Welwood, William. Abridgement of all Sea-Lawes. London, 1613

83. Thomasius, Christian. Fundamenta Juris Naturae et Gentium ex Sensu Communi Deducta. Salfeld, 1718.

84. Schetter, Franciscus. Italy in its Original Glory, Ruine and Revival. London, 1660.

85. Corberon [Nicholas de Corberon?]

86. Caussina de Eloquentia

87. Rivetus’ Commenataries [Andreas Rivetus?]

88. Godolphin, John. Orphan’s Legacy; or, Testamentary Abridgement. In Three Parts. London, 1701.

89. Pownall, Thomas. Principles of Polity: Being the Grounds and Reasons of Civil Empire. London, 1752.

90. Burn, Richard. Ecclesiastical Law. London, 1763.

91. Geometry in French

92. De Enerogatisia

93. Sayer, Joseph. Law of Damages. London, 1770.

94. The Practick Part of the Law Shewing the Office of an Attorney, and a Guide for Solicitors in all the Courts of Westminster. London, 1724.

95. Lexicon

96. The Law of Attornies and Solicitors, Containing all of the Statutes, Adjudged Cases, Resolutions and Judgments Concerning Them. London, 1764.

97. Speciall and Selected Law-Cases Concerning the Persons and Estates of all Men Whatsoever; Collected out of the Reports and Yearbooks of the Common Law of England. London, 1641.

98. Blackstone, William. Law Tracts. Oxford, 1762.

99. Saxby, Henry. The British Customs; Containing an Historical and Practical Account of each Branch of that Revenue; The Rates of Merchandize, as Settled by the 12th of Car. II. cap. 4. and 11 Geo. I. cap. 7. London, 1757.

100. Lolme, Jean Louis de. The Constitution of England; or, An Account of the English Government. London, 1775.

101. DiBriee’s Works

102. Wentworth, Thomas and Curson, Henry. The Office and Duty of Executors, or, A Treatise Directing Testators to Form, and Executors to Perform their Wills and Testaments According to Law. London, 1774.

103. The Law of Executors and Administrators; Being a Common Law Treatise. London, 1702.

104. Gardiner, Robert. Instructor [Instructio] Clericalis. Compleat in Five Parts. London, 1715.

105. Kennet, Basil. Romae Antiquae Notitia; in Two Parts. London, 1746.

106. Dunsten’s Horace

107. Nelson, William. Lex Testamentaria. London, 1714.

108. Dagge, Henry. Considerations on Criminal Law. London, 1772.

109. Juvenal

110. Burlamaqui, J. J. The Principles of Politic Law; Being a Sequel to the Principles of Natural Law. London, 1752.

111. Decisions Upon the Boor’s Law

112. Montesquieu, Baron de. The Spirit of the Laws. Edinburgh, 1750.

113. Life of the Rt. Hon. Sir John Holt. London, 1764.

114. Nelson, William. Law of Evidence. London, 1717.

115. Belyl’s Rights of the Commons of England

116. Hale, Sir Matthew. Historia Placitorum Coronae; The History of the Pleas of the Crown. London, 1736.

117. Caesar’s Government

118. Virgil

119. Horace

120. Wood’s History of Massachusets

121. Farmer a Narrative of the Proced against T. Wilkes Esq. 3

122. Treatises on Libels

123. Cocina, Daniele. Theologia Christiana Dogmatica Moralis. 10 v. Rome 1768.

124. Ovid’s Fastorum Liber

125. Defense of [the] New Engl:d Charter

126. Mitchell, John. The Present State of Great Britain and North America with Regard to Agriculture. Population, Trade, and Manufactures, Impartially Considered. London, 1767.

127. Pris: Parliament [Privileges of Parliament, London, 1680?]

128. Political Treatises

129. American Episcopal Disputes

130. Poor Acts

131. West’s Presdents [W. West, Symboleography (“Presidents”), London, 1641]

132. Acherly, Roger. Free Parliaments, or an Argument on their Constitution, Proving Some of their Powers to be Independent. London, 1731.

133. Hayes, Richard. The Negociator’s Magazine, or, The Exchanges Anatomiz’d, in Two Parts. London, 1724.

134. Nelson, William. The Rights of the Clergy of Great Britain as Established by the Canons, the Common Law, and the Statutes of the Realm. London, 1709.

135. Helmont, Franciscus Mercurius van. Opuscula Philosophica: Quibus Continentur Principia Philosophiae Antiquissimae & Recentissimae ac Philosophia Vulgaris Refutata. Amsterdam, 1690.

136. Florus [Lucius Annaeus Florus?]

137. Franks Law of Exchange

138. Excellency[the]Breh: of [the] Laws of England

139. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, Translated into English, with Notes Historical and Critical. 2 v. London, 1741.

140. Ditto d. in Unum Delphini

141. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. The Epistles of M.T. Cicero to M. Brutus, and of Brutus to Cicero, with English Notes to each Epistle. London, 1743.

142. Ditto D

143. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Tully’s Offices, in English. London, 1714.

144. ———. Cicero’s Select Orations. London, 1756.

145. Homer

146. The Lawes Resolutions of Womens Rights: or, The Lawes Provision for Woemen. A Methodicall Collection of Such Statutes and Customes, with the Cases, Opinions, Arguments and Points of Learning in the Law, as doe Properly Concerne Women. London, 1632.

147. Gilbert, Sir Geoffrey. The Law of Devises, Revocations and Last Wills. London, 1756.

148. Calvin, John. Praelectiones in Duodecim Prophetas (Quos Vacant) Minores. Geneva, 1610.

149. Silburns Trial

150. Gassendus [Pierre Gassendi?]

151. Cort [Court] Reports

152. Noy, William. Rights of the Crown. London, 1715.

153. Mallory, John. The Attorney’s Pocket Companion, or, a Guide to the Practisers of the Law. 2 v. London, 1733.

154. Ssocrates [spelling original]

155. Tacitus

156. Termes de [la] Ley [Rastell]. See Entry 15

157. Epicetus

158. Fitzherbert, Sir Anthony. New Natura Brevium. London, 1718.

159. Aler, Paul. Gradus ad Parnassum: Sive, Novus Synonymorum, Epithetorum, Phrasium Poeticarum, ac Versuum Thesarus. London, 1756.

160. Chamberlayne, Edward. Angliae Notitia, or, The Present State of England, with Divers Remarks upon the Ancient State Thereof. London, 1704.

161. Fortescue, Sir John. De Laudibus Legum Angliae. London, 1741.

162. Selden, John. Brief Discourse Touching the Office of Lord Chancellor of England. London, 1672.

163. Distin: Philosph:a

164. Justin’s History. See Entry 51

165. Davies, Sir John. Jus Imponendi Vectigalia; or, The Learning Touching Customs, Tonnage, Poundage, and Impositions on Merchandizes. London, 1659.

166. Lucretius. [Titus Lucretius Carus, c. 98–c. 55 b.c.]

167. Carkesse, Charles. Act of Tonnage and Poundage, and Rates of Merchandize, and All Other Duties Relating to Her Majesties Customs. London, 1702.

168. Logick

169. D [Ditto]

170. Sheppard, William. Action Upon the Case for Slander. London, 1662.

171. Elogia

172. Johnson, John. Clergyman’s Vade-Mecum; or An Account of the Ancient and Present Church of England, the Duties and Rights of the Clergy, and of their Privileges and Hardships. London, 1723.

173. Godolphin, John. View of the Admiral Jurisdiction. London, 1661.

174. Chronica Juridicialia; or A General Calendar of the Years, from the First Year of William the Conqueror, to this First Year of James II. London, 1685.

175. Praxis Utriusque Banci, the Antient and Modern Practice of the Two Superior Courts at Westminster, viz. The King’s Bench and Common Pleas. London, 1674.

176. Kendall, George. Fur Pro Tribunali. Examen Dialogismi cui Inscribitur fur Praedestinatus. Oxford, 1657.

177. Horace. Oeuvres d’Horace. 2 v. Amsterdam, 1710.

178. Milton, John. A Defence of the People of England: in Answer to Salmasius’s Defence of the King. Amsterdam, 1692.

179. Christi:theolo

180. Latin Testament

181. Clements

182. Milton, John. The Life and Reigne of King Charls, or the Pseudo-Martyr Discovered. London, 1651.

183. Latin Gram:

184. Greek Testament

186. Nomenclature

187. D.o. [Ditto]

188. Corderius [Mathurin Cordier?]

189. Clark, Samuel. An Easy Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Mechanics. London, 1764.

190. Schotanus, Bernardus. Examen Juridicum Quo Fundamenta Jurisprudentiae Explicantur. Jena, 1663.

191. Astry, Sir James. A General Charge to All Grand Juries and Other Juries: with Advice for those of Life and Death, Nisi Prius, etc. London, 1725.

192. Della Casa, Giovanni. J. Casa His Galateus, or A Treatise of Manners. Wherein a Father Instructs His Son. London, 1701.

193. Rhetorick

194. Clayton, John. Topicks in the Laws of England. London, 1646.

195. Maeick

196. Latin Bible

197. Liturgia Ceclesia

198. Zouch, Richard. View of the Admiralty Jurisdiction, with the Privileges of the Court. London, 1661.

199. Briers Poems

200. Waller, Edmund. Poems, Written Upon Several Occasions, and to Several Persons. London, 1711.

201. The Art of Speaking

202. Whitehead, William. Poems on Several Occasions, with the Roman Father, a Tragedy. London, 1754.

203. Dodd, William, editor. The Beauties of Shakespear: Regularly Selected from Each Play. 2 v. London, 1757.

204. Le Facheur, Michel. An Essay upon the Action of an Orator; As to His Pronunciation & Gesture. London, 1727.

205. Edwards, Jonathan. A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections, in Three Parts. Boston, 1746.

206. Robertson, William. The History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V. 3 v. London, 1769.

207. Plutarch. Plutarch’s Lives. London, 1758.

208. Burgh, James. Political Disquisitions, or An Enquiry into Public Errors, Defects and Abuses. 3 v. London, 1774–75.

209. Harris, William. An Historical and Critical Account of the Life of Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland. London, 1762.

210. Robertson, William. The History of Scotland, During the Reigns of Queen Mary and of King James VI. Till His Accession to the Crown of England. With a Review of the Scottish History Previous to that Period. London, 1759.

211. [William Shakespeare] Coriolanus a Tragedy (1623)

212. Defoe, Daniel. The Family Instructor, in Three Parts. London, 1734.

213. Voltaire, Françoise Marie Arouet de. Letters Concerning the English Nation. London, 1733.

214. Butler, Samuel. The Posthumous Works of Mr. Samuel Butler, (Author of Hudibras) Compleat in One Volume: Written in the Time of the Grand Rebellion and in the Reign of King Charles II. London, 1732.

215. The Gentleman’s Library, Containing Rules of Conduct for All Parts of Life. London, 1715.

216. Thomson, James. The Seasons. London, 1730.

217. The North Briton. 3 v. London, 1763.

218. Pemberton, Henry. A View of Sir Isaac Newton’s Philosophy. London, 1728.

219. Addison, Joseph. The Freeholder, or Political Essays. London, 1715–16.

220. Hume, David. Essays and Treatises on Several Subjects. London, 1770.

221. Marchmont, Nedham. The Excellencie of a Free-State, or, The Right Constitution of a Common-wealth Wherein All Objections are Answered, and the Best Way to Secure the People’s Liberties Discovered: With Some Errors of Government, and Rules of Policie. London, 1656.

222. Biefeld, Jakob Friedrich. The Elements of Universal Erudition, Containing an Analytical Abridgement of the Sciences, Polite Arts, and Belle Lettres. London, 1770.

223. Almon, John. A Complete Collection of the Lords’ Protests: From the First upon Record, in the Reign of Henry the Third, to the Present Time. London, 1767.

224. Voltaire, Françoise Marie Arouet de. The Philosophical Dictionary for the Pocket. London, 1765.

225. ———. The Philosophy of History. London, 1766.

226. Harbin, George. The English Constitution Fully Stated. London, 1710.

227. Forster, Johann Reinhold. Travels into North America Containing its Natural History, and a Circumstantial Account of its Plantations and Agriculture in General; With the Civil, Ecclesiastical and Commercial State of the Country, the Manners of the Inhabitants, and Several Curious and Important Remarks on Various Subjects. London, 1770–71.

228. Scott, Sarah. The Life of Théodore Agrippa d’Aubigné, Containing a Succinct Account of the Most Remarkable Occurrences During the Civil Wars of France, in the Reigns of Charles IX, Henry III, Henry IV, and the Minority of Lewis XIII. London, 1772.

229. Laugier, Marc-Antoine. The History of the Negociations for the Peace Concluded at Belgrade September 18 1739 Between the Emperor, Russia, and the Ottoman Porte. London, 1770.

230. Macaulay, Catharine. The History of England from the Accession of James I to the Elevation of the House of Hanover. 5 v. London, 1769–72.

231. Gordon, Thomas. The Works of Tacitus. 4 v. London, 1728–31.

232. Beccaria, Cesare. An Essay on Crimes and Punishments. London, 1770.

233. Montagu, Edward W. Reflections on the Rise and Fall of the Ancient Republicks. Adopted to the Present State of Great Britain. London, 1769.

234. Ward, John. A System of Oratory Delivered in a Course of Lectures Publicly Read at Gresham College, London. 2 v. London, 1759.

235. Cheyne, George. Philosophical Principles of Religion: Natural and Reveal’d. London, 1715.

236. Buchanan, George. The History of Scotland. London, 1690.

237. Crousaz, Jean-Pierre de. A New Treatise of the Art of Thinking; or, A Compleat System of Reflections, Concerning the Conduct and Improvement of the Mind. 2 v. London, 1724.

238. Crull, Jodocus. The Antiquities of St. Peter’s, or, The Abbey-Church of Westminster: Containing the Inscriptions and Epitaphs Upon the Tombs and Grave-stones. London, 1722.

239. Charlevoix, Pierre-François-Xavier de. Journal of a Voyage to North-America. Undertaken by Order of the French King. 2 v. London, 1761.

240. Boswell, James. An Account of Corsica, the Journal of a Tour to that Island; and Memoirs of Pascal Paoli. London, 1768.

241. Thomsons Liasons [James Thomson (1700–48) Scottish poet?]

242. Bland, Humphrey. Treatise of Military Discipline: in which is Laid Down and Explained the Duty of the Officer and Soldier, through the Several Branches of the Service. London, 1759.

243. Reid, Andrew. The Present State of the Republick of Letters. 3 v. London, 1728–36.

244. No: Gen: [the] yard: s Recreation [?]

245. Whiston, William. A New Theory of the Earth . . . with a Large Introductory Discourse Concerning the Genuine Nature, Stile, and Extent of the Mosaick History of the Creation. London, 1725.

246. Hunter, Thomas. A Sketch of the Philosophical Character of the Late Lord Viscount Bolingbroke. London, 1770.

247. Ferguson, Adam. An Essay on the History of Civil Society. London, 1767.

248. Garth, Sir Samuel. The Dispensary: A Poem, in Six Cantos. London, 1699.

249. Mitchell, John. The Present State of Great Britain and North America with Regard to Agriculture, Population, Trade, and Manufactures, Impartially Considered. London, 1767.

250. Oldham, John. Satyrs Upon the Jesuits: Written in the Year 1679, and Some Other Pieces by the Same Hand. London, 1703.

251. Collins, Anthony. A Discourse of the Ground and Reasons of the Christian Religion. London, 1724.

252. Reflex: Morales

253. Bolingbroke, Viscount Henry St John. Letters, On the Spirit of Patriotism: on the Idea of a Patriot King: and on the State of Parties, at the Accession of King George the First. London, 1750.

254. Hughes, John. The Correspondence of John Hughes, Esq. (Author of the Siege of Damascus) and Several of His Friends. 2 v. Dublin, 1773.

255. Buckingham, George Villiers, Duke of. The Works of His Grace George Villiers, Late Duke of Buckingham. London, 1715.

256. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. The Thoughts of Cicero. London, 1750.

257. Ovid. Metamorphosis. London, 1697.

258. Thompson, Charles. Travels through Turkey in Asia the Holy Land, Arabia, Egypt, and Other Parts of the World. London, 1767.

259. Political Essays [Addison, Joseph] See Entry 219.

260. Politi Arts

261. Vertot, abbe de. History of the Revolutions in Sweden, Occasioned by the Change of Religion, and Alteration of Government in that Kingdom. London, 1716.

262. Broker

263. Butler, Samuel. Hudibras, in Three Parts. London, 1764.

264. Hill, John. The Actor: or, A Treatise on the Art of Playing. London, 1750.

265. Virgil 2

266. Goldsmith, Oliver. The Life of Henry St. John, Lord Viscount Bolingbroke. London, 1770.

267. Bolingbroke, Viscount Henry St John. A Letter to Sir William Windham. London, 1753.

268. Debates in [the] H: of Commons [See Sweet & Maxwell, vol. 1, 127–140]

269. Hollis, Thomas. The True Sentiments of America Contained in a Collection of Letters Sent from the House of Representatives of the Province of Massachusetts Bay to Several Persons of High Rank in this Kingdom. London, 1768.

270. Moore, Edward. Fables for the Female Sex. London, 1744.

271. Pufendorf, Samuel. The Whole Duty of Man According to the Law of Nature. London, 1735.

272. Art of Providence

273. Taylor, John. The Scripture Doctrine of Atonement Examined. London, 1751.

274. Edwards, Jonathan. A Careful and Strict Enquiry into the Modern Prevailing Notions of that Freedom of Will which is Supposed to be Essential to Moral Agency, Vertue and Vice, Reward and Punishment, Praise and Blame. Boston, 1754.

275. Butler, Joseph. Fifteen Sermons Preached at the Rolls Chapel. London, 1726.

276. Mayhew, Jonathan. Sermons to Young Men, In Two Volumes. 2 v. London, 1767.

277. ———. Sermons Upon the Following Subjects . . . Boston, 1755.

278. Ostervald, Jean Frederic. The Arguments of the Books and Chapters of the Old and New Testament. London, 1716.

279. Mayhew, Jonathan. A Sermon Preached at Boston in New-England May 26, 1751. Boston, 1751.

280. Sadler, John. Rights of the Kingdom, or Customs of Our Ancestors. London, 1692.

281. Gregorius [Gregorious] Tracts. Gregorius IX, Decretales? (numerous Continental editions, beginning in 1473)

282. Reasons concern:g Presling[?] Government

283. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. The Meditations of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. Glasgow, 1749.

284. An[glican] Bishops

285. Marriners New Kallender

286. The Judgment of Whole Kingdoms and Nations, Concerning the Rights, Power, and Prerogative of Kings, and the Rights, Privileges, & Properties of the People. London, 1710.

287. Poems

288. Tompson, Benjamin. New-England’s Tears for Her Present Miseries, or, A Late and True Relation of the Calamities of New-England Since April Last Past. London, 1676.

289. Satyrs

290. Voltaire, Françoise Marie Arouet de. Letters, from M. de Voltaire, to Several of His Friends. London, 1770.

291. Poems

292. Letters on Patriotism [Bolingbroke] See Entry 253.

293. Introduc: to Geography

294. Maintenon, Madame de. The Letters of Madam de Maintenon, and Other Eminent Persons in the Age of Lewis XIV. London, 1753.

295. Marvell, Andrew. The Rehearsal Transpos’d, or, Animadversions Upon a Late Book Intituled, A Preface Shewing What Grounds There are of Fears and Jealousies of Popery. London, 1672.

296. Gordon, Thomas. The Independent Whig. London, 1721.

297. ———. A Collection of Tracts. London, 1751.

298. D.o. d [Ditto]

299. Swifts Works [Jonathan Swift, 1667–1745] (numerous popular 18th-century editions)

300. Brooke, Frances. The History of Lady Julia Mandeville. London, 1763.

301. Hill, John. The History of a Woman of Quality; or, The Adventures of Lady Frail. London, 1751.

302. Buckingham, George Villiers, Duke of. The Rehearsal. London, 1701.

303. Catesby, Juliet Lady. Letters from Juliet Lady Catesby, to Her Friend Lady Henrietta Campley. Translated from the French. London, 1769.

304. Cotton, Charles. The Genuine Works of Charles Cotton, Esq. London 1715.

305. Baron, Richard. The Pillars of Priestcraft and Orthodoxy Shaken. London, 1752.

306. Rollin, Charles. The Method of Teaching and Studying the Belles Lettres. London, 1734.

307. Farquhar, George. The Beaux Stratagem: A Comedy. London, 1707.

308. To the Memory of the Illustrious Prince George Duke of Buckingham. London, 1687.

309. Olwary’s Plays

310. Ovid. Ovid’s Art of Love with Hero and Leander of Musaeus, from the Greek. London, 1692.

311. Sandeman, Robert. Some Thoughts on Christianity. London, 1758.

312. Popes Works [Alexander Pope, 1688–1744]

313. Harvey, Gideon. Great Venus Unmasked, or, A More Exact Discovery of the Venereal Evil, or French Disease Comprising the Opinions of Most Antient and Modern Physicians with the Particular Sentiment of the Author. London, 1672.

314. Spenser, Edmund. The Works of that Famous English Poet, Mr. Edmund Spenser. London, 1679.

315. [Swift] Life of Swift [Jonathan Swift, 1667–1745]

316. Danvers. Henry. Solomon’s Proverbs, English and Latin. London, 1702.

317. Mackenzie, George. The Religious Stoic . . . with a Friendly Address to the Phanatics of All Sects and Sorts. London, 1693.

318. Grotius, Hugo. Hugo Grotius, His Most Choice Discourses Out of that Excellent Treatise De Veritate Religionis Christianæ. London, 1669.

319. Poems on Several Occasions

320. Cookman’s Tully [Cicero, Marcus Tullius] See Entry 143

321. Tell Tale

322. [Cromwell] Life of Oliver Cromwell

323. Milton, John [1608–74]. The Poetical Works of John Milton. 4 v. Aberdeen, 1775.

324. Taylor, Jeremy. The Scripture Doctrine of Original Sin Proposed to Free and Candid Examination. London, 1740.

325. Blackwell, Thomas. An Enquiry Into the Life and Writings of Homer. London, 1735.

326. Ward, John. The Young Mathematician’s Guide: Being a Plain and Easy Introduction to the Mathematicks; In Five Parts. London, 1719.

327. Brown, John. Estimate of the Manners and Principles of the Time. London, 1757.

328. Armstrong, John. The Art of Preserving Health: A Poem. London, 1744.

329. Flynt, Henry. Twenty Sermons on Various Subjects. Boston, 1739.

330. Nites of Original Sin

331. Gordon, Thomas. The Humourist. London, 1720.

332. The North Briton. Xlvi Numbers Complete. 4 v. London, 1772.

333. Sidney, Sir Phillip. The Defense of Poesy. Glagow, 1752.

334. A Collection of Letters and Essays in Favour of Public Liberty, First Published in the Newspapers in the Year 1764 . . . , and 1770. 3 v. London, 1774.

335. Junius [Pseudonym]. The Letters of Junius. 2v. London, 1771.

336. Pitt, William. Political Debates. Paris, 1766.

337 & 338. Traps Virgil Adminis:t British Colonies 4 v. [two books?]

339. Churchill. Charles. Poems by C. Churchill, in Two Volumes. 2 v. London, 1768.

340. Kennett, White. A Complete History of England: with the Lives of all the Kings and Queens thereof. 3 v. London, 1719.

341. Leland, Thomas. All the Orations of Demosthenes, Pronounced to Excite the Athenians against Philip King of Macedon Translated into English. London, 1756.

342. [Littleton] L:d Littletons Henry 2.d 6

343. Harris, William. An Historical and Critical Account of the Life and Writings of James the First, King of Great Britain. London, 1753.

ILLUSTRATION 26: Old State House, Boston (1748), photographed c. 1890, dry plate negative, from the Detroit Publishing Company Photograph Collection. Image courtesy of the Library of Congress.

ILLUSTRATION 27: Old State House, Boston (1748), photographed by Jack B. Boucher, December 1987. Historic American Buildings Survey. Image courtesy of the Library of Congress. The editor practiced law at the then Palmer & Dodge (now Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge), once located across the street at 28 State Street. Josiah Quincy Jr. practiced law, two centuries before, also within sight of the Old State House. To all Boston lawyers, the Old State House remains a symbol of the legal profession and the rule of law. See Law Commonplace, frontispiece, Quincy Papers, vol. 2.