The Reading Church Records
[4]1 |
From its first Gathering 1648 the 29 Sept. 1648. &c. |
_________________________________________________ |
Leift: Marshall & ‘s wife: dismissd frõ Lyn |
Francis Smith. Mrs Green |
Tho Marshall Carpenter. |
Willm Cowdry & his wife |
Eliz: Hooper |
John Pearson & his wife |
Lidia Lakin |
Bro. Dunton |
Eliz: Wily |
Tho Kendall & his wife |
Eliz: Hart |
Tho Parker & his wife |
Zech Fitch & his wife dismissed frõ Lyn |
George Davis |
Will Eaton & his wife dismissed frõ Watertown |
William Hooper |
John Batchelr & his wife dismissed frõ Dedham |
Mary Swaine |
Joan Marshall |
Will Martin |
Tho: Hartshorn & his wife |
Jonas Eaton & his wife |
Lidia |
Edward Taylor & his wife |
Tho Bancroft |
Sister Martin |
Judith Pool |
_____ _____ _____ |
Abigail Damon |
In May 1648 Mr Henry Green first Pastor of this Church dyed. after whom they Called to Supply his roome. Samuel Haugh who came hither Novemb 3 1648. & was Ordeyn’d Pastor here March 26: 1650. |
Leift: Smith & his wife before some of ye former |
John Brocke called by ye Church [to]2 officiate amongst them after mr Sam: Ha[ugh] decease at Boston, & dismissed to them fr[õ] Dedham church, was Joyned to them the Lords day before ye Ordination, & Nov. 13:[6]2 hee was Ordained, & ye day after he was married to Mrs Sarah Haugh a widdow indeed. |
[5] |
The Names of ye Brethrin & Sisters |
yt were joyned since his office work. |
25 (10) 62 Jonathan Poole |
16 (4) 66 |
Sister Cowdry |
Goodman Wellman |
dismissed from Lyn. |
& his wife |
Elizabeth Parker |
Nath. Cowdry |
Sister Bancroft |
& his wife |
22 (9) 69 |
dismissed from Dedham |
Nath. Coutler |
Brother Damon dismissed from Dedham |
Hanna Lilly |
Hanna Packer |
John Eaton & |
Mary Goodwin |
his wife |
Abraham Briant |
Tho. Clarke |
Mary Hodgman |
Mary Briant |
Mary Parker |
Martha Parker |
6 (2) 63 Sister Hartshorne |
Elizabeth Brown |
by letters from Ipswich. |
Mary Burnap. |
Nich. Browne |
Sister Nichols |
& his wife |
dismissed from Ipsw[ich]3 |
24 (4) 63 dismissed from Lyn: |
Ester Dix |
Hanna Cowdry |
Mary Swaine Juniore |
vide p. 204 |
Goodwife Cutler |
John Batcheller Junr |
& his wife |
Saml Walker being Under some offence for high & ill Language given to ye Pastor: about ye year 1652 gave satisfaction to ye church privately met at ye Pastors house by acknowledging his Evill therin. |
[6] |
_____________________________________ |
Eliz. Hart being under offence in ye year 1653 for Inner sinfullnesse in not Late harbouring travelers that were in danger of yr Lives yrby at lest some of ym: for Diverse offensive words spoken to ym concerning Some of ye Church & town. for some Grosse suspicions of falshood: was before the church brought to Give satisfaction; who Extended much charity toward hir in taking yt for Satisfaction wch came frõ hir though far short of what they Judged needfull. |
_________________________________________________________________ |
George Davis publickly to ye church only acknowledged some offensive speech |
spoken by him to Tho Clark. |
_______________________ |
Feb: 1655 | |
Eliz. Hart was Again brought before ye church first in private for Sundry offences as namely (1) for Contempt of Authority (2) for Evill surmising & falsely accusing some of the bretheren. (3) for Boasting sinfully of yt wh is Evill: yt all ye wit ye church had could not keep hir out nor beigin [to] cast hir out. [(4)] that she never had ye worst of it before Minister or church with many other things wch were then testified agt her: as Saying yt she burnt ye warrant to teach old fooles more wit. To these things at first she began to Answer with shew of much hotienesse & Generally confessing her proud high spirit, & much Hypocrisye, &c but running to particulars she yn So Excused & teased as that gave no Satisfaction at all: So she was referred to A more publick hearing yt in Case she came not of more freely she should then be Admonished. |
being so called forth in publick ye next Lds day save one (for ye next was Sacramt Day from wch she was Suspended) upon hope of better Satisfaction: She did give very small signs of true repentance so as that upon propounding yt to ye church for their apprhensions one or two Exprssed themselves Content to Sit down but others thought ymselves unsatisfied & some desired to deferre till another time: & yt being very late we concluded with Prayer &c without fully Understanding ye churches mind But next Lds day she was again called forth & shewing Little signs of Repentance she was Admoni shed: After wch she being again called forth on Another Sabbath about three weeks after: she gave Such Satisfaction as ye church Sat down upon. |
[7] |
_________ _________________ |
Feb 6: 1658. George Davis being brought before ye Church for an Offensive libell by him made and published by Singing it in Verse did very freely & plainly acknowledge his great Sin therin & Lamted much yt he had yrin dishonord God given offence to his bretheren and opened ye mouths of any ill affected: Wch gave very good Satisfaction to ye church.5 |
The Octob. 26: 1659 At A Publick Church meeting appoynted ye Lds day before (though we were constrayned to meet at my house bec: of work being done at ye meeting house) George Davis was Convened before the church and yr was Layd to his chardge |
[8] |
1) that having unto ye Pastor threatened that (yt he would not Call Sister Clark & Kendall to answer Some offences he had to chardge ym With: wch ye Pastor Conceived was not yet ripe for his Cognizance by Xts rules) he then would present ym both for Liars & have ym Recorded So in Court: and then Bring the Courts Records agt ym in Church: Having thus Sayd to ye Pastor and his Wife, he afterward being questi oned why he would So Say or doe by divers he denied it Saying he intended no Such thing & it never came into his heart or thought: & this he then denyed to Tho. Clark and his wife Willm Cowdrey & his wife. Tho. Kendall. Jonas Eaton Zech Fitch. To this Lye thus punctually proved: he owned what he had Sayd to ye Pas tor & his Wife but Sayd he could not Remem ber yt he Sayd So to Bro: Cowdrey and his Wife in way of doing all of it. and So of ye rest profes sing his Conscience did not accuse him of an intended Lye in it. |
2) That being dealt with by Tho. Kendall Jonas Eaton & Zech Fitch for departing from ye Sacramt bec: of offence he had taken at Sister Kendall |
and yet did not endeavour to remove the offence before ye Sacramt: He replyed No It was not for any thing that he was offended agt Sister Kendall but Some trouble upon his own Spirit that he went from ye Sacramt. So as yt he left them as Satisfyed with his answer: but af terward it came to be known that he went away in bitternesse agt hir: wch was plain from Some bitter words Spoken agt hir unto ye Pastor and his wife by George Davis wch ye Pastor bringing Bro. Cowdrey wth him did deal more privately wth Georg Davis for. this was charged on him as A Second Lye: to wch also he answered yt he did not intend So to Leave ym in ye dark he thought they could not but understand that yr was offence taken by him at Sister Kendall: but wthall his intent was to hint to them that it was chiefly the distemp. of his own Spirit upon yt offence taken yt made him look at himself as unfit and therefore did dept. But it too plainly appears that it was rather his disdeigning to speake with hir, than Some of his own unfitnesse that made him to dept. |
[9] |
3) that he was heard to Sing Some pt of A filthy song: and to scoff at those yt took offence at it. to wch he answered yt it might be possible he did Sing Some of it. but had Sayd before that he never could Sing one verse of it. wch being now alledged agt him. Viz: how could yt be true yt he never could Sing one verse of it and yet yt now he confesseth to have Sung Some of it |
He answered he knew not how much a Verse was Except it was so much as made ye Tune once. but he Judged himself for this confessing ye Evill of it. Wch Confession did in yt Satisfie many of ye church for this last offence: but wth respect to ye former two Especially con sidering he had been taken in two untruths formerly he was wth consent of ye church Layd under A formall admonition; & yr by pro tempore Suspended from ye Lds Table &c. |
[10] |
______ ______ ______ |
Geo: Davis Feb 9: 1659 Appeared before ye church assem bled at ye Pastors house and by his acknowledgemt ptly in words & ptly in writing he So far Judged himself for what was Layd to his charge as yt ye church accepted of Satisfaction & tooke of ye Censure &c. |
______ ________ ________ ______________________ |
January 14. 1661. Lidia Dastin Appeared before ye church at A publique church meeting (appointed ye Lds day before) though at ye Pastors house not for privacie, but for conveniencie in regard of ye weather. And being there required to owne the Confession wch She had formerly made concerning hir offence and wch was then tendred in writing, She did own ye Same, and although not with yt freedom and willingnesse as was to be desired yet So as ye church pt by Expression & ye rest by Si lence manifested their acceptance of hir Satisfaction tendred. |
Now ye offences chardged upon hir was (1) that she Reported concerning J. P. M. C. J. D. B. G. yt on ye Lds day after their coming out of ye meeting house they laughed and jeered at ye minister yt then had been dispencing ye word to them. |
whereas afterward upon Examination it could not appear that they did laugh at ye Minister but as they Sayd at A Senseless Jest put forth by S G: concerning one who at ye meeting broke wind: |
[11] |
6666 ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . beagles opened) now she seeing & hearing them laugh, and another telling hir yt they laughed at ye Minister (as she then pty affirmeth she hearing those words Spoken by them in or about ye time of yr laughing (So much for that or this) wch being the words ye Minister concluded wthall as she Sayth was ye occasion of hir Jealousy and report. The Second (2) thing layd to hir was that when she was dealt with by ye young men for blemishing yr names, she denyed yt she had particularly named any of them: at least any but one. whereas the testimonyes Say she did name diverse of them. to this hir answer was that she doth not yet rem̄ber yt she named any in particular her self: but yt they were named she remembers but whether by hir self or no she remembers not. wch occasioned her denyall yet nevertheless she condem ned hir self for hir Sinfull rashnesse therein &c.7 |
Mathew Edwards desiring his Condition to be propounded to ye Church, whiles hee stood propounded, testimony Came in against him to charge him with ye guilt 22 (11) 62. of a Scandal, hee being desired to humble himselfe & regaine Gods honour &c hee went to ye parties & made a Confessiõ to their Satisfaction, which being testi= fyed to the church hee was admitted (& committed to God) according to ye Judgmt of Charity. |
[12] |
George Davis having been some time in ye guilt of wanton words & carriage to Mary Morrell, which being made knowne to Br Cowdrey Senr & Br Kendall, they came to ye Elder & inquired darkly of such a case George Davis came & seconded them he desired to acknowledge his fault in publick, the Elder having heard the accusation & his defense but not without some Confession gave way to his desire: after his Confession ye Brethren dissatisfyed a day of humiliation appointed for ye church & his sinne more applied to him but his satisfaction offered was Judged to be too short, & an Ad= monition was aggreed on to be sollemnly applied & bee left with God to humble him for his Sinne and so waiting a time upon God in ye use of ye Censure, the Lord did helpe him to repent of it & bewayled his greate hardnes of heart, & lying under the guilt of it 18 months, hee justifyed God in afflicting him for it, & aggravated his sinne, & justifyed the Censure & offering to Satisfy the church they accepted of it, & his Censure tooke off with a Signall testimony of forgiveness, but not before hee gave Satisfaction to Jeremy Swaine for words specifyed as 8 (6) 63. appeareth ye 8th (6) 63. |
Nicholas Browne having given ye Towne offense yt is ye Selectmen, by inserting three or four words into a grant of a piece of meadow without their privity, for the explaining of it, & having dealt with him for it, his honest 12 (3) 63 Confession was sent to ye Church of Lyn whereof hee was a member. they waighing it, sent that hee should publikly acknowledge his error &c: which being attended, the con= gregation tooke satisfaction, & upon Letters of dismission afterwards hee & his wife were admitted (with their children) into ye Church. |
[13] |
Joan Marshall having spoken some offensive words against Sister Bancroft, & they dealing with her to give them satisfaction, she stay= ing at ye Lords Supper, two of ye Brethrin riseing upp, & attested that she had not attended to give Satisfaction, she was required to forbear Com̄union with us at that time, she gave some offensive words before she went out; but God helped her afterwards to Come upp to ye rule & to make her acknowledgement before the Church, & was againe received into our hearts. |
John Bachellor Junr having lien some time in ye guilt of ye Sinne of wantonesse making an attempt upon Mary Hodgman but she resisted him; hee afterwards Joyned to ye church & held Com̄union with us but God left him to offer some dalliance wt one maid Servant of his after another, which being blazd abroad, he confest his guilt of Mary Hodgmans accusations for ye substance of it, hee confessed ye guilt of Sarah Hoopers accusation for ye Substance of it, but hee denied ye substance of G. Duttons daughters accusation of him; The Church seriously Considering of the Case of our Brother Bachellor, they |
they thought it might be good to lay him under an Admonition, which was 20 (4) 69 with their Consent attended; & the Sinne with ye aggravations of it was publikly charged on his Conscience, & not long, ere hee came, & confest somthing of the accusation, yt hee formerly denyed to be true, & saw his Snare to deny the whole, because hee could owne but a part, but after a time, God Sett home his great Sinne to his heart, & hee Carried the burden of it, & after several ad= dresses on his part, Justifying God & the church, presenting Certaine papers of his humiliation for so great a sinne, & flying to Christ for his great mercy, the Church were by little & little enclined to take off his Censure, and renew their charity to him, as one yt obtained mercy of the Lord. Vide p. 22 |
[14] |
Ester Dix an Adult member of ye Church of Christ in Ipswich she owning the Covenant, had her Children Baptised, her habitation being removed to us, by letters of dismissiõ shee & her children were recom̄ended to our Church. 30 (8) 1665. & were accordingly owned of us, as ours in ye Lord & her Child thereupon was Baptised. |
The minds of the Brethrin being fixed as to ye practice of childrens duty to owne ye Covenant in order to their Childrens Baptisme themselves not in full Communion. |
[15] |
(1) It was propounded in a Church meeting Whither Confederate visible be lievers in particular Churches and their Infant seed whose next parents one or both are in Covenant are acknowledged according to Scripture to be ye approved members of ye visible Church of Christ? |
(2) Whither the Infant seed of ye Church (being members of the same church with their parents) when they are Adult or growne upp, they are per= sonally under the watch discipline & goverment of that Church? |
(3) Whither Adult members of the Church who were admitted in their minority, although they are not therfore to be admitted to full com= munion, because they are & Continue members, without such further qua= lifications as the word of God re= quireth thereunto; yet nevertheless they understanding the doctrine of Faith & publikly professing their assent thereunto: not scandalous in life & solemnely Owning the Covenant before ye Church wherein they give up themselves & their |
Children to ye Lord, & Subject them selves to ye Goverment of Christ in the Church, their Children are to be Baptised? The propositions were voted, & passed on ye Affirmative part The Brethrin consented thereto — — by their Silence — & afterwards by their usual signe nemine Contradicente. wherefore the Names of their Adult children were desired and given that according to their number a place of Meeting for their Awakening might be Appoynted. |
[16] |
The Meeting attended the most of ye Adult children of ye Church were instructed referring to the duty of Owning ye Covenant, & Exhorted, comforted & charged as the case of any of ym required & told them yt after such a time for their serious Consideration they had liberty to come to ye Elder to be Examined & giving him Encouragement there were severall of them propounded to ye Church & then to ye Congrega= tion & nothing scandalous objected within a fourtnight were owned, in order to yr Childrens Baptism. |
The Names of ye Children of ye Church yt were Owned at severall publike meetings as |
[17] |
13 (11) 1670. | |
John Browne |
Eliz. Haugh |
David Bachelor |
Sarai Haugh |
Thomas Bancroft |
Marie Pierson |
Hananiah Parker |
Martha Parker |
John Pierson |
Sarai Eaton |
3 (12) 70. | |
Benjamin Fitts |
Rebecca Bowtall |
John Parker |
Eliz. Bancroft |
Josias Browne |
Sarai Kendall |
Cornelius Browne |
Eliz. Wellman |
Edward Browne |
Abraham Wellm |
Isaac Wellm |
Joseph Browne |
24 (12) 70. | |
Joseph Davis |
Mary Briant |
Samuell ffitts |
Abigail Damon |
John Eaton Junr |
Mary Hooper |
John Hartshorne |
vid: p. 19 |
14 (4) 83 | |||
Tabitha pierson |
Mary Taylor |
Mary Lamson |
Mary Burnap |
Sarah Hartshorne |
Sarah Townsend |
Joseph Browne |
Eliz. Arnold |
Sarai Wesson |
John Parker |
Jo: Bancroft |
Mary Dam̄on |
11 (9) 83 |
Capt. Swaine |
Bethiah Parker |
mary Nichols |
Tho. Nichols |
mary polly |
Joanna Gowing |
vide p. 26 |
7 (6) 87 | |||
Susan Lawrence |
Martha Browne |
Mary Eaton |
vide8 |
Francis Hutcherson |
Joshua Eaton |
[30] |
Mary Burnap |
Elizabeth Bancroft |
Sarah Browne |
Richard Harnden |
John Nichols |
Mary Wesson |
Dorcas Gould |
Brother Seabred Taylor for some misdemenour was privately instructed & warned of the Church, but upon his sense of God therein, was reconciled and unanimously taken into favour againe. |
Edward Marshall |
Marie Smith |
Abigael Briggs |
Sarah Browne |
Nathaniel Parker |
James Nicholes |
John Burnap |
Samuel Damon |
David Hartshorne |
Jonas Eaton |
Elizabeth Felch |
Hanna pike |
Jonathan Eaton |
Timothy Hartshorne |
Rebecca Hartshorne |
Martha Hartshorne |
Thomas Dammon |
Lucian Dammon |
Mary Taylor |
Elizabeth Cowdry |
Sarai Cutler |
Sarah wesson |
Jane lilly |
Cornelius Browne |
Henry Bellflour |
William Arnold Bap: & accepted. |
Susanna Hooper |
Mary Cutler |
Thomas Barnap |
Jeremiah Swayne |
[31] |
John Browne |
William Robins |
William Eaton |
Nathaniel Gowing |
Margaret pike |
Mary Burnap |
Mary Burt Baptized & Confirmed |
Joseph Hartshorne |
John Eaton Junir |
John Woodward |
Sarah Woodward |
John Parker Junir |
Nathaniel Cowdry Junir |
James Bowtall Junir |
Matthew Edwards |
Samuell Smith |
Rebeccah Dutton |
Elizabeth Hartshorn |
Marie Poole |
[. . .]9 |
And Sett them in Joynt againe that have been through Infirmity overtaken in any fault amongst us. |
[31a] |
(4) Wee will not in ye Congregation be forward to shew our gifts or parts in Speaking, nor be ready to disgrace our Brethrin or discover their faylings, but attend an orderly Call before wee putt forth our selves, doing nothing to the offense of ye Church, but in all things endeavouring our owne & our Brethrins edification, & trust God. |
(5) Wee further bind our selves in ye strength of christ to labour how wee may ad- vance the Gospell, & how wee may advance the Kingdome of Christ, & how wee may winne & gayne those yt are without, & how we may settle grace & peace among our selves, & seeke as much as in us lieth the peace of all the Churches, seeking ye helpe & Counsell & direction of other Churches if neede be, not putting any Stumbling block before any, but labouring to abstayne from all Appearance of evill. |
Wee do hereby promise to behave & demeane our selves obediently in all lawfull things to those that God hath placed over us in ye Church or Commonwealth. Knowing that its our duty not to greive them, but to Encourage them in their places & in the Administration of their Charge that God has committed to them. |
(7) Wee resolve in ye same Strength to approve our selves in our particular Callings, shuning Idlenes not sloathful in business, knowing that Idlenes is ye bane of any Society &c: neither will we deale hardly or oppressingly with any wherein wee are the Lords Stewards, Promising to our best abillities to Teach our Children good Knowledge of the Lord that they may also Learne to serve & feare him with us, that it may goe well with them & with us for ever. |
[31b] |
memorand. That those words in the tenth Line, that is to say, With our Seede |
18 (11) 1670 after us in their Generations were inserted with the consent of ye Brethren. |
Daniel Gould10 |
[31c] |
Daniel Gould Jun |
Samuell Spr^ague |
Ebenezer Knight |
Ebenezer Parker |
Thomas Cutler |
David Gould |
Epherem Lehelly Larrbee |
Abraham Gould |
Jacob How |
Edward bucknam |
Joseph Bryant |
Jonathan Griffin |
Thomas Burnap11 |
Jeremiah Swaine |
John Brown |
[31d] |
William Robins |
William Eaton |
Nathaniel Gowing |
Margaret Pike |
Mary Burnap |
Joseph Hartshorne |
John Eaton Junr |
John Woodward |
Sarah Woodward |
John Parker Junr |
Nathaniel Cowdry Junr |
James Boutel Junr |
Mathew Edwards |
Samuel Smith |
Rebecca Dutton |
Benjamin Hartshorn |
Elizabeth Hartshorn |
Mary Pool |
Mary ^Senr Burt Baptized & Confirmed |
2d. 11m. 1687 Voted in the Affirmative that a blame less |
person, who by His personall Act professing his, or Her assent publickly Unto the Christian faith according to the word of God, Contained in the Holy Scriptures, & His beleif in God ye father in Jesus Christ His onely Son, and in His holy Spirit, to bring him to God, & by renouncing sin, the world, & Satan, & solemnly taking the Covenant, Accord ing to the 5th proposition, in the Synod book 6212 as an Expedient for the Church seed to Receive baptisme for their Children, the which in Ecclesiasticall Charitable reputation may Evi- dence His Right & fittness to be baptised himself & His Children. |
8d. 11m. 1687 Richard Temple baptised Job Lane baptised Edward Polley baptised & Confirmed John Tonie Baptised13 |
June 18. 1688. The Revd Mr John Brocke de ceased. July 1. 1688. J. Pierpont being Invited, preach ed first at Reading. Sept. 10. 1688. J. P. was invited to preach engadge in the work of the ministry in Reading. June 26. 1689. J. Pierpont was Ordained Pastor of the Church of Reading. |
[32] Persons received in to ye Church. An. Dom. 1689.14 |
______ |
July. 7. 1689. |
Mercy Hutchenson owned ye Covenant |
July 14. |
Han̄ah Stearns |
Mercy Hutchenson. |
Aug. 4. |
Mary Fish own’d ye Cov: & was Baptised. |
Aug. 11. |
Eliz. Coudrey |
Aug. 25. |
Mary & |
Burt own’d ye Cov: & wr Baptised. |
Han̄ah Duntlin. |
Sarah |
Dec. 10. |
John Boutel, Abiah Briant, & Jonathan |
Sept. 8. |
Shubl Stearns |
Tompson, Owned the Covent. |
Mary Fish. |
Febr. 9. |
Mary Swain, Eliz. Fitch, Eliz. Goodwin, |
Oct. 27. |
Andr. Phillips |
Eliz. Frothingham, Sar. Bennet, Sar: Townsend |
Saml Pool. |
Abig. Weston, Abig. Lilly, Jos. Fitch |
Sarah Davis. |
Saml Weston, Tho. Rist, Reub. Lilly, |
John Torie, a black. |
owned the Covenant. |
Dec. 29. |
Willm Eaton |
And - |
Anna Fitch, Mary Hay, John Swain |
Saml Lilly. |
Saml Swain, Josiah Hodgman, owned the |
Feb. 23. |
Eliz. Waltham |
Covent & were Baptised. |
Sarah Burnet. |
Liddea Dix. |
_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ |
____________________ |
1690. June 24. |
Isaac Southwick |
owned ye Cov: |
1690 |
Tho. Stimson - - |
& wr Baptis’d. |
March. |
Timothy Willy. |
July. Eliz. Cutler, Deliver: Hobs, Mary Jones; Baptisd. |
Job Lane. |
Aug. 17. |
Hannah Boutel, Sarah Parker, |
ownd |
Jun. 8. |
Jos. Dutton |
Liddea Kendal. Sarah Streeter, |
the Cov. |
Liddea Cutler. |
Tho. Briant. Saml Dunton. |
Ruth. Dunton. |
Nov. 23. |
John Swain. Tho. Pool. |
owned ye |
July 6. |
Steph. Fish. |
Tho. Bancroft. John Goodwin. |
Covenant. |
Jos. Burnap. |
Josh. Davis. - - - - - - - - |
David Fox. |
NB: Febr. 15. Deacon Fitch ordained. |
Mary Burt. Junr |
Oct. 5. |
Sarah Upton. |
Benjamin Swain. |
Eben: Bancroft. |
Nov. 2. |
Thankf. Parker. |
23. |
Liddea Burnap. |
Martha Gold. |
_________________________________________________________________________ |
1691 |
1691. |
May 31. |
M. Colson publickly Admonish’d for Fornication. |
July 27. |
Jonath. Pool. |
Jun. 7. |
Ab. Lilly publickly admonished for Fornication. |
Ruth Briant. |
____ |
Hannah Brown, |
Eliz. Pool. |
Mehit. Bancroft |
Febr. 7. |
Phil. Makentire |
Rebec. Dunton. |
Grace Eaton. |
Susan Hartshorn |
Sept. |
Sarah Hartshorn. |
Eben: Emerson. |
Eben. Parker. |
Nathan Batchelder. |
Nicol. Brown. |
Saml Frothingham. |
Tho. Davis. |
Nath. Warren. |
Owned ye Covnt. |
Car. ovr 33 |
brought ovr 3315 |
[33] |
_________________________________________________________________________ |
1692. |
Apr. Tab. Pond own’d ye Covent. |
Persons received into the Church. |
May. |
Miriam Merry |
Abig. Rogers |
Own’d ye Covenant. |
1692. |
Abig. Gold. |
Adam Hart |
March 13. |
John Cole, Senr. |
June. |
John Dickerman. |
John Upton |
own’d ye Cov: and were Baptised |
Rebec. Hamlet. |
John Cole |
July 22. |
Eliz. Newel. |
July 21. Benjam. |
Larrabee, Baptised. |
Sarah Dickermam |
Aug. |
Mary Fitch. |
Sarah Boutel. |
Eliz. Arnold. |
own’d the Co venant. |
John Dickerman. |
Dorcas Burnap. |
Hen: Frothingham. |
Bethiah Burnap. |
Tho. Boutel. |
Ana Davis. |
Mary Tounsend. |
Benj: Burnap. |
John Boutel. |
Nath. Goodwin. |
Kendal Parker. |
Joh. Nickols. |
Saml Batchelder. |
Willm. Briant. |
Willm Sawyer. |
Abrah. Briant. |
Aug. 14. |
Elizab. Pierpont. |
Oct. 16. |
John Pool. |
Mary Jones. |
Jan. 1. |
Mary Eaton. |
Eliz. Boutel. |
1693. |
Apr. |
Sarah & Han̄ah |
Hartshorn, own’d ye Covenant. |
1693. |
March. 26. |
Ruth Eaton. |
June. |
Deb. Parker. |
Mary Parker. |
own’d ye Covent. |
Oct. 9. |
Mary Swain |
Mary Merrow. |
Deb: Merrow |
Sarah Bancroft. |
May. |
Jos. Damon manifesting Repentance of a Sin he had |
Ana Briant. |
comited, was accepted. |
Eliz. Broun. |
Sarah Parker. |
Eliz. Russel. |
Francis Nurse. |
own’d ye Covent. |
Sarah Gowing. |
Sarah Nurse. |
Mary Broun. |
Han̄ah Lilly. |
_______________________ |
1694. |
1694 |
Marg. Leeman. |
Hephsib. Swain. |
John Nickols. |
July 1. |
John Goodwin. |
John Tounsend. |
James Pierson. |
Tho. Grover. |
Thom. Bancroft. |
Saml. Broun. |
Jos. Carter. |
Henery Wilson |
July 15. |
Mary Pool |
Ephraim Broun. |
Owned the Covenant. |
Ruth Smith. |
Josiah Broun |
Saml Lambson. |
Stephen Johnson |
Jan: |
Abig. Boutel. |
Mathew Grover, Owned the Covent. |
Marg: Leeman |
________________________ |
1695. |
Mary Colson & Abig. Lilly manifesting |
1695. |
Repentance of their Sins were accepted. |
Apr. 21. |
Bridget Pool. |
Apr. |
Joa^nna Jefferds ownd the Covenant. |
Abig. Bancroft. |
July 7. |
Steph. Johns. Admonished for Scandalous Sins |
Henery Loomis. |
afterwards manifesting Repentence was Loosed. |
Jan. 21. |
Francis Ruth |
Smith |
Mary Bancroft. |
Tabit. Pierson. |
Mary Everit. |
Mary Streeter. |
Rebec. Eaton. |
Mary Lambson. |
Rebec. Pierse. |
Owned the Covenant. |
Feb. 16. |
Han̄ah Endicut, Baptised. |
_________________________ |
1696. |
Mary Broun. |
Tabitha Boutel. |
Mehit. Tounsend. |
Eliz. Edwards |
owned the Covenant. |
_______________________ |
Carry ovr 66 |
Brought ovr 66. |
[34] |
_________________________________________________________________________ |
1697. |
Persons received into the Church. |
Apr: |
Mr Jn. Perkins. |
Richard Nickols. |
John Willey. |
1697. |
Nathanl Parker. |
Kendal Briant. |
Jonath Bancroft. |
June 4. |
Marg. Swain. |
Saml Damon. |
Jonath. Parker. |
Owned ye Covent |
Peter Hinkson |
May. |
Sarah Swain. |
Susan̄a Goodwin. |
Rebec. Arnold. |
Stephen Wesson. |
Eliz. Eaton. |
Joanna Lambson. |
Owned ye Covent |
Aug. 21. |
Eliz. Upham |
William Sawyer & Abig. Lilly were admonished |
Sarah Bates. |
publickly for Fornication. |
Sept. 19. |
Eliz. Russel |
Mary Merrow, & Ana Holden, owned ye Covent. |
Han̄ah Eaton. |
Sept. 5. |
Sarah Hayes, Sarah Grover, Eliz. Grover wr Baptised. |
Nov. 28. Anna Fitch. |
Dec. |
Sarah Hayes. |
Rebec. Bates. |
Feb. 27. |
Willm. Russel. |
_______________________ |
1698. |
1698. |
March. |
Tho. Grov. was admonished for Scandalous evils. |
June 26. |
Tho. Briant. |
Jan. 22. |
Confessing his sins he was loosed and accepted. |
Aug. 21. |
Mrs An: Em̄erson. |
June 26. |
Jonathan Parker. John Makentire. |
Oct. 7. |
Sarah Prat. |
Edward Broun. Mary Boutel. |
Rebecca Upton. |
Eliz. Boutel. Owned the Covenant. |
Jan. 1. |
Joh. Boutel. |
Sept. 18. |
M. Salmon was publickly admonished |
Sarah Boutel. |
Feb. 26. |
John Dix. |
Samuel Hart & Sarah Hart, owned the Covent. |
_______________________ |
1699. |
1699. |
Apr. 30. |
Sarah Roberts, owned ye Covent & was Baptisd. |
March. 12. |
Mary Giggles. |
July 2. |
Deborah Hopkins was Baptised. |
Tho. Pool. |
Febr. 5. |
Tho. Nickols, & John Bancroft, own’d ye Covent. |
Apr. 2. |
John Going. |
Febr. |
Rebec. Nickols. Hannah Elsely, Barbara Elsely, |
Ellenor Larrabe. |
and Han̄ah Streeter, owned the covent. |
- 9. |
John Prat. |
Oct. 15. |
Mrs Reb. Brown. |
Deborah Hopkins. |
Dec. 24. |
Mary Briant. |
Mary Batchelder. |
Rebec. Davis. |
Feb. 4. |
Tabitha Goodwin. |
Grace Boutel. |
Abig. Upham. |
Eliz. Hastings. |
_______________ _____ |
_______________________ |
1700. |
March. 31. Wm. Sawyr. manifesting Repentance, was ac- |
1700. |
cepted. |
March. |
John Parker. |
July 28. |
Hannah Can̄ady owned the Covent and was bap- |
Elizab. Parker. |
tised, with her Children. David Cannady also owned |
May 12. |
8 sp. Feltch.16 |
the Covent and was baptised. |
Hannah Green. |
Aug. 18. |
John Ingersol, owned the Covent & was baptised. |
June 9. |
Dorcas Walden. |
Sept. Mary Rich ownd ye Covent. // Abig. Boutel, owned ye Cove |
July 7. |
Rebec. Parker. |
nant, and was baptised. Novemb. Han. Bates own’d the Covenant. |
Sept. 1. |
Mary Bancroft. |
Decemb. 1. Mary Salmon was cast out of the Church for |
Mehitab: Parker. |
continuing in the Sin of Drunkeness, after publick admo |
Octob. |
Han̄ah Can̄ady. |
Nov: 3. |
Deliver: Parker. |
Decemb. 22. |
Eliz. Burnap. |
_______________________ |
Carry over 109. |
Brought over 109. |
[35] |
_________________________________________________________________________ |
1701. |
Received into the Church, |
April. 13. |
Mary Roberts, Ann Roberts, Eliz. Roberts, |
1701. |
Owned the Covenant, and were Baptised. |
May 11. |
Tabitha Boutel. |
May 18. |
Mary Damon, |
Abigail Parker, |
Han: Eaton, |
Nicol: Brown. |
Sarah Eaton, |
Bethiah Parker, |
Mary Nickols, |
July 13. |
Susanna Roberts. |
Tabitha Briant, |
Thomas Nickols, |
Kendal Boutel. |
Aug. 10. |
Rebec. Pool. |
— 25. |
Raham Bancroft, James Nickols, Willm Arnold. |
- 17. |
Priscilla Smith. |
Joseph Eaton, Owned the Covenant. |
Nov. 2. |
Mrs Flint. |
June 22. |
John Pierson, |
Joshua Eaton, |
John Foster, |
Rebec. Brown. |
Joseph Underwood, Owned ye Covenant. |
Jan. 11. |
Samuel Damon, Junr |
- David Hartshorn, and Rebecka his wife were dis- |
John Bancroft, Junr |
missed to the Church in Norwich. |
Sarah Ebbons, Lucy Daman, Dorcas Gold, owned ye Covenant. |
_________________________________________________________________________ |
1702. |
1702. |
Eliz Swain, Mary Harvard, and Mehet. Gold, |
March. 1. |
Nathaniel Parker, |
Owned the Covenant. |
Jonathan Parker. |
[-----------------------]17 |
May 31. |
Eliz. Boutel. |
Samuel Merrow having been guilty of frau- |
June, 7. |
Mr Peter Em̄erson |
dulent dealing and lyeing, the Church sent to |
June 28. |
Hephs. Pierson. |
him to Come to them on May 3. but he came not. |
Tabitha Burnap. |
May 17. The Church sent for him again, but |
Sarah Swain. |
he came not. It was then voted by the Church |
Mary Parker. |
Hannah Sterns. |
He was sent for, came, and was admonished. |
Aug. 30. |
Sarah Broun. |
May 31 |
Judith Bancroft, & Eliz. Eaton, owned ye Covent. |
Joseph Hastings. |
July. |
Eliz. Parker, Martha Emmons. Kendal Goodwin. |
Oct. 4. Mary Feltch. |
Timothy Willey, |
Owned the Covenant. |
Nov. 1. |
Sarah Tounsend. |
Sept. 13. |
Rebec Pierson, |
Owned tehe Convenant. |
Febr. 28. |
John Pierson, Junr |
—20 |
Abig. Wellman |
Oct. 11. |
Hannah Brown, - Nov. 8. Sarah Welman, Own’d Covt. |
Nov. 15. |
Abig. Ebbons Own’d the Covent & was baptised. |
Nov. |
Saml Walton, John Smith |
Own’d ye Convenant. |
Isaac Smith. Nath. Evens |
The last of these was Baptised. |
Dec. |
Annis Gowing owned the Covenant. |
Febr. 7. |
Jonath. Barret, Abig. Barret, Daniel Gold, |
own’d ye Covenant. The first of these was Baptis’d. |
_________________________________________________________________________ |
1703 |
1703. |
Apr. 25. |
Mrs Jenkinson, owned the Covenant. |
Apr. 18. |
Sarah Pike. |
May. 9. |
Mary Jefferds own’d the Covenant. |
James Pierson. |
Aug. 1. |
John Wesson, Tho. Eaton, Ebenezar Daman, |
Daniel Snow. |
Jonath. Eaton, Eben: Taylor, Own’d ye Covent. |
John Tounsend. |
Octob. 3. |
Marg. Bates, owned the Covenant. |
May. 30. |
Sarah Bancroft. |
Nov. 14. |
Ruth Taylor owned the Covenant. |
Deborah Temple. |
Jan. 2. |
Bethyah Williams, own’d Covent and |
Thomas Wesson. |
was Baptized. |
Aug. 1. |
Eliz. Cutler. |
- |
Susanna Parker, Abigail Daman, |
Oct. 24. |
Eliz. Wellman. |
Sarah Boutell, Susana Boutel, |
Dorcas Burnap, & Han̄ah Merry, own’d Covent. |
Febr. 20. |
Mary Broun. |
Febr. 6. |
Hannah White, own’d the Covent. |
Rebecca Hinkson, own’d Covent, and was baptis’d |
_________________________________________________________________________ |
Carry ovr 142. |
Brought ovr 142. |
[36] |
_________________________________________________________________________ |
1704. |
Persons received in- to the Church. |
Apr. 30. |
Cather. Smith, & Mary Walton, Own’d ye Covent. |
An. Dom. 1704. _________________ |
May 7. |
Naomi Grover, was baptised |
— 28. |
Anna Foster, & Sarah Foster, were baptised. |
March 19. |
Anne Roberts. |
July 16. |
Mary Cann, owned the Publickly manifested Repen- |
Apr. 9. |
Dorcas Sawyer. |
tance of a Sin she had formerly com̄ited, and owned the |
Sarah Foster. |
Covenant. |
May 7. |
Jonath. Bennet. |
July 30. |
Abig. Eaton own’d the Covenant. |
Abigail Bennet. |
Aug. 1. |
Mary Green, (formerly Parker) Dismiss- |
June 4. |
Tho. Upham. |
ed to the Church in Woburn. And |
- 25. |
Anne Holdin. |
Mary Polly, Dismissed to the Church at |
July 30. |
Martha Parker. |
Colchester, in Connect: |
Sept. 3. |
Mrs Jenkinson. |
Aug. 20. |
Mary Batchelder, Mary Arnold, |
Tabitha Brooks. |
Mary Fish, Sarah Fish, & Sarah Daniels, |
Oct. 15. |
Ruth Tayler. |
own’d the Covenant. |
Dec. 17. |
Richard Bolcher. |
_________________________________________________________________________ |
1705. |
Joseph Hartshorn, & Sarah his wife |
March. 11. |
were Dismissed to the Church in Dedham. |
Abigail Garey. |
Aug. 12. |
Judith Nichols, Sarah Lampson & Phi- |
Apr. 15. |
Eliz: Batcheldor, |
neas Upham, junr. Owned the Covenant. |
John Walker. |
Sept. 2. |
Benjamin Willey, Joseph Daman, |
Aug. 19. |
Sarah Gold. |
Timothy Goodwin, & Ebenezer Nickols, Owned |
Sept. 16. |
Eliz. Briant. |
the Covenant. |
Eliz. Makentire. |
Octob. 7. |
Kendal Pierson, & John Bates, owned |
Oct. 26. |
Rebec: Pierson |
Mary Nickols. |
Nov. 4. |
Eben: Daman, Abraham Wesson, Benjam: |
Dec: 2. |
Tabitha Briant. |
Johnson, & James Nickols, own’d the Covenant. |
Abig: Eaton. |
Nov. 25. |
Tim. Hartshorn, Junr Own’d the Covenant. |
Joan̄a Lambson. |
Miriam Ashfield, was baptised. |
Decr. 9. |
Judith Bancroft. |
Jan. 13. |
Susanna Pierson, Mary Boutel, Dorcas Eaton, |
Eliz. Eaton. |
and Phebe Eaton, Owned the Covenant. |
Febr. 10. |
John Smith, |
Eliz. Smith, |
Abig: Hawkins. |
John Nickols, junr. |
_________________________________________________________________________ |
1706. |
March 31. Eliz: Bacheldor, Eliz: Bancroft, |
March. 10. |
Barbara Elseley. |
Hephsibah Brown, & Eliz: Jefferds, own’d ye Covenant. |
Mary Batcheldor. |
Apr. 28. |
Sarah Lewis, entred into Covenant & was Baptised. |
Apr. 14. |
William Briant. |
June 16. |
Mary Pierson, Eliz: Willey, Esther Daman, |
May 5. |
Bethiah Parker. |
and Tabitha Burnap, Own’d the Covenant. |
Eliz. Grover. |
July 14. |
Hannah Wellman, Own’d ye Covent. |
Sarah Eaton. |
- 28. |
Mary Jenkins & Martha Chadwick, entred into Co- |
June 2: |
Eliz. Lambson. |
venant and were baptised. |
Aug. 30. |
Mary Brown, (wid.) |
Mary Nickols. |
Rebec: Briant. |
Jos: Underwood. |
Sept. 22. |
Susan̄a Parker. |
Oct. 20. |
Batcheldor.18 |
Sarah Batcheldor. |
Hannah Batcheldor. |
Eliz: Cutler. |
________________________ |
Carry over 187. |
[37] |
Receiv’d into ye Church. |
Oct. 20. |
Phebe Brown. |
Han̄ah White. |
Jonathan Eaton. |
Dec. 15. |
Nathan: Goodwin |
Ebenezer Em̄erson. |
Jan. 26. |
Kendal Goodwin. |
_________________________________________________________________________ |
1707. |
Apr: 4. |
Phebe Rise. |
May. 23. |
John Layton, own’d the Covanant. |
May. 25. |
Kendal Parker. |
June, 8. |
Mary Gold, own’d the Covenant. |
July. 20. |
Tho: Taylor. |
- 22. |
Eliz: Dix, owned the Covenant. |
Aug. 24. |
Mary Taylor. |
July. 6. |
Joseph Parker, Eben: Parker, & |
Sept. 21. |
Mrs. Sarah Hart. |
Timothy Manning, Own’d ye Covenant. |
Nov. 23. |
Martha Makentire. |
Oct. 26. |
Saml. Lewis, Entred into Covenant, & |
Dec. 7. |
Susanna Broun |
was Baptised. |
——— |
Hannah Garey. |
Jan. 4. |
Jane Belcher, & Mary Grover, |
Jan. 4. |
own’d the Covenant. |
NB. Dec. 31. |
Tho: Boutel, was chosen Dea- |
con |
____________ ___________ ___________ |
____________ ____________ |
1708 May 23: |
Eliz. Harndel, was Baptised. |
March. 21. |
Saml. Holdin. |
June. 12. |
Mary Eaton own’d the Covenant. |
Thomas Nickols, junr. |
Sept. 5. |
John Lambson, Thomas Burnap, |
June 27. |
Joseph Daman. |
Mercy Daman, & Sarah Burnap, |
July 25. |
Ruth Parker. |
own’d the Covenant. |
Samuel Parker, (Lyn) |
NB. Sept. 12. |
Thomas Boutel was |
Aug. 8. |
Susana Pierson. |
ordained a Deacon of ye Church. |
Judith Nickols. |
Tho. Eaton, (Lyn) own’d the Covenant. |
Sept. 12. |
Abigail Nickols. |
Nov. 7. |
Rachel Atwol, Baptised. |
Oct. 18. |
Sarah Wellman. |
Dec. 26. |
Mary Stimson, entred into Cove- |
nant and was Baptised. |
________ ___________ __________ ___________ |
___________ __________ |
1709. |
Apr. 17. |
Mary Jenkins. |
Apr. 3. |
Mary Knight, own’d the Covenant. |
——— 17. |
Rebekah Miller, own’d the Covenant. |
May. |
Eliz. Boutel and Susan̄a Pond, own’d |
the Covenant. |
________________ |
The Reverend Mr. Jonathan |
Total facit. 210 |
Pierpont Departed this Life |
________________ |
on ye 2 June 1709.—— —— —– ——19 |
1711 |
Apr. 22nd R: Brown upon invitation given, first |
[38] |
preached at Reading. |
& accepted ye call yr given him to ye pastoral office in |
yt Church about ye 12th of Septembr, & ws admited in |
to ys Chh ye Sabbath before his ordination. |
R: Brown ws ordained pastor of ys Church June 25th 1712. |
_______ |
John Burnap and his wife both admited membrs of ys Church |
1712 July 6th |
^ upon yr Request to ys Church, wr orderly dismist |
& recom̄ended to ye Church of Christ at Windham. |
Persons yt have owned ye |
Persons Received into |
Covenant |
Church fellowship since I ws ordained — viz: |
1712 |
Augt 10th. John Merrow Junr. |
1712 |
July 20 Shubael Stearns. |
Augt 24 Samuell Stearns (Lyn) |
Aug 24th Samll Ste |
Sept: 28 |
Elizabeth Boutel. |
Augt 24th Mary wife of Jo: Eaton |
Novr 16 |
Joshua Felt. |
Sept: 28 |
Kendal Pearson & Lydia his |
wife (Lyn) |
Rev. Jonathan Pierpont Stone, Wakefield, Mass. Cemetery. Courtesy First Church of Wakefield, Mass.
John Slaughter. |
Dorcas Gold Brown |
Decr: 28th |
Sarah Jeffords. & |
Nath: Stone |
Mary Eaton (Lyn) |
Elizabeth Bancroft & |
Jany 4th. |
Mary Libbey (Lyn) |
Mary Briant. |
Feby 15th |
John Roby |
Novr: 23. |
Timothy Hartshorn junr |
Jonathan Gowing. |
Joshua Felt. |
Elisabeth Nickols. |
& Sarah Felt. |
______ |
1713 |
Decr: 28 |
Joseph Eaton |
March 8th |
Caleb Taylor |
Esther Gowing |
Thomas Parker |
Jany 24th |
Matthew Grover & |
Thomas Wesson |
Mercy Damon. |
Joseph Arnold. |
Hannah Bates. |
1720 |
A record of Such as have own’d |
A record of Such as |
[40] |
ye Covenant. - - - |
are received in ye Church. |
1713 |
Elizabeth Cowdrey & |
1712 |
May 24 |
Elizabeth Damon. |
Feb: 8th. |
Samuell Dix. |
June 14 |
Thomas Green (Maldon) |
Timothy Goodwin |
Augt 2. |
Mary Eburn (Lyn) |
James Smith |
Sept 13 |
Abigail daughtr of Ens: Parker. |
Mary wife of Samll Brown. |
Sarah daughtr of Abra: Bri: Junr |
Eliz: wife of Tim: Goodwin. |
Hannah Daman |
1713 |
Abigail Wright. |
March 8th |
Nathaniel Batchelder. |
Octo: 11. |
Benjamin Damon |
Abiel Goodwin. |
Obediah Parker |
May 24th |
Lamuel Lewis and |
John Lilley. |
Sarah Lewis his wife, & |
Octobr |
24 John fish & |
Lucy ye wife of K: Boutel. |
May 31 |
Caleb Taylor. |
Feb 7th |
Tabitha Goodwin |
July 12. |
Wm Batchelder. |
________ ________ |
Augt 16 |
Thomas Green (Mauldon) |
[1714] |
May 9th |
Susanna Cowdrey |
Augt 30th |
Eliza: wife of Nath: |
July 25 |
Issabell Hays & |
Charls: |
Parker Junr. |
Joannah Phillips |
Sept 13th |
Ephraim Chandler. |
Janry 16. |
Abigail Hodgman. |
Octobr 11th |
Hannah Eaton. |
______ |
Nov: 8th |
Samuell Leman & |
1715 |
Thomas Parker. |
April 24th |
Thomas Hutchinson & |
Elizabeth his wife |
Novr 15 |
Hepsibah Brown. |
Mary Slaughter |
1714 |
________________ |
Sarah Slaughter. (Lyn) |
April 4th |
John Batchelder. |
May 8. |
John Dickerman. |
June 27th |
Jonathan Nickols. |
Augt 15th |
John Stearns. |
Naomi Grover |
Mary Boutell. |
A Record of Such as have own’d |
A Record of Such as are [42] |
ye Covenant. |
recieved into ye Church |
____________________________________________________________________ |
1715 June 15 |
Martha Williams |
Sept 12th |
Anna Brown |
July 31 |
Jonathan Hibbard |
Sept 26 |
Ens: Jonathan Parker. |
Ruth Fish & |
Janr 19th |
Eliz: wife to Jonath: Nikols |
Sarah Grover (of Charl:T:) |
_____ Ap: 17th |
1715. |
Susannah Harndel. |
Augt 14 |
Abigail Hadly wife |
May. 1. |
Samuel Bancroft. |
of Anthony Hadley. & |
May 22. |
Martha (wife of Nath: Gowing) |
Mary Holden. |
Jun: 5th |
Mary Eaton. |
Sept: 11th |
Hannah daughtr of Henry |
June 15th |
Timothy Baldwin senr |
Green of Charlestown & Tho: Cutler junr of Charlest: End |
Sarah Bancroft ye wife of S: B: |
own’d ye Covenant. |
June 28 |
D: Nath Larenie (dismist from ye |
chh of Groton) ws recd to or Com̄) |
May 6th: |
Samll Foster ownd ye |
July 17th |
Mary wife of Zac: Howard |
Cove: & ws baptized. |
Eliz: Harndell |
May 27th |
Martha Hartshorn ownd ye Covent. |
Augt 17th |
Ebenezar Parker |
1718 Augt 24th |
Jonathan Gawing |
Anna ye wife of Eben: |
Joanna Goold. |
Knight of Charlstown End |
Sept 18th |
Joseph Parker. |
ownd ye Covenant. |
Novr 13th |
Samll Hart. |
________ |
1716 |
April 29th |
Benjamin Burnap. |
Benjamin Bigsby & |
Martha Bigsby his wife. |
Timothy Maning & his wife |
Susanna Maning. |
Ruth Upham of Charlst: End. |
May 13th |
Kendal Boutell. |
John Wiley. |
Samuell Lambson |
Benjamin Daman |
Thomas Upham Junr |
Dorkas ye wife of John Wiley |
Mercy ye wife of Benj: Daman |
29 |
Those yt have ownd ye Covet: |
A Record of yos who are [44] |
received into ye Church. |
1716 |
May 27 |
Isaac Smith. & his wife |
Mary Smith his |
Abigail Taylor. |
1716. |
Elizabeth Upham. |
June 10th |
Elizabeth ye wife of Eben: |
June 10th |
Kendal Briant. |
Daman Senr. |
Raham Bancroft of Reading |
Susanna Daman. |
June 24th |
John Layton. |
July 8th. |
Mercy Fish |
July 15th |
John Bates |
Abigail Roberts |
Mary Cole wife of Jno Cole |
Elizabeth Taylor. |
Sarah ye wife of Step: Wesson Junr. |
July 15th |
Hannah daughtr of Jno Eaton |
Mary ye wife of Nath: Goodwin. |
Sarah Furbush |
Sept 2nd: |
Elizabeth Taylor |
Octobr 28th |
Sarah Goold of C:T: End. |
Sarah Furbush. |
_______________________________ |
Octobr: 7th |
Abigail Aburn |
Novr 11th |
Mary Wesson. |
Feb. 10th |
Esther Pool. |
Dorkas Burnap. |
1717 |
June 16th |
Tabitha Brown. |
Feb: 2nd. |
Thomas Cutler (Charlstown) |
1717 |
& Hannah Green of Malden. |
March 23d |
Ebenezer Nicols |
Feb: 9th |
Mehetable Daman |
July 21 |
Mr Jonathan Pierpont |
Hannah Wesson |
Augt 18th |
Thomas Nicols Junr |
Sarah Briant. |
Novr 3d |
Sarah Hawks (Lynn) |
Janry 5th |
Joannah Phillips. |
Feb: 9th |
Mary Phillips (Charlest=End.) |
& Lydia Bancroft dismist from21 New |
bury West Chh: to us. |
Carry ovr 96 |
Those yt have owned ye Cove: |
A record of Such as are [46] |
recd into full Communion. |
1718 |
1718 |
March 2nd |
Judeth wife of Jno Goold |
March 30th |
Jonathan Pool Junr |
junr of Charlstown End. |
May 11th |
Joel Jenkins. |
Sept 14th |
John Brown 3d |
June |
29 |
Mr. Nathaniel Henchman |
Augt 24. |
Anna ye wife |
Edward Brown |
of Ebenezer Knight ownd |
Benjamin Pool |
ye Covenant. |
Sarah wife of Danll Goold Senr. |
July |
6. |
Sarah, wife to Edwd Brown |
July |
20 |
Hannah Hay. |
Sarah Nicols. |
Elizabeth Parker. |
July |
27 |
Hannah Walton |
Sept |
14 |
Mary Fish. |
Ruth Fish. |
October |
12 |
Lydia Eaton & |
Anna Knight (Charlst:) |
Novr |
9 |
Daniell Goold Senr. |
Novr |
30 |
Ebenezer Knight |
Daniel Goold junr. |
______________ |
1719 |
April |
26 |
Elizabeth Baldwin |
May |
24 |
Tho: Burt senr aged 79 yrs. |
31 |
William flint & |
Abigail his wife |
7 |
Naomi Holding. |
July |
26 |
Mary Eaton aged 77 |
Sarah Prat. |
Augt |
2 |
Mary wife of Jno Fish. |
9 |
Ann ye wife of Ensign |
Jonathan Parker. |
Mary Flint. |
28. |
brout ovr persons recd to Comn: 124 [48] |
Those yt have |
A record of yos yt are recd: into |
ownd ye Covenant. |
full Communion |
1719 |
Augt 9th |
Rebecca Prat. |
Sept 20th |
Bethiah wife to Benj: Pool |
Novr 8 |
Mary ye wife of Tho: Rich: |
_____________________________ |
1720 |
May 22 |
Judeth Goold of Charls:T. End |
June 12 |
Phoebe Nichols. |
Augt 14 |
Mehetable Briant. |
Sept 11 |
Ann Merrow. |
18 |
Elizabeth Pool |
Ruth Boutel. |
Mary Burnap |
Rebecca Burnap. |
Octobr 19 |
Anna Emerson |
16 |
Elizabeth Cowdry. |
Susanna Cowdry. |
30 |
John Merrow Junr. |
Mary Boutell |
Mary Goodwin |
Judeth Pool |
Tabitha Boutell. |
Novr 27th |
Susanna Tounsend |
Abigail Roberts. |
Janry 1. |
William Hay & Abigail |
his wife added to ys Chh. |
by yr dismission from ye |
first chh: in Marblehead |
to us, Signify’d by Letter |
to us Signd by yr Pastor, |
& by ye unanimous vote |
of ys Chh: receiving ym |
under or watch & care, & to |
or Com̄union. |
147 |
The Covenant of ye ^first Chh in Reading, being in a loose |
papr, wc is liable to be Shatterd & lost, & I thinking |
it might be a Service to ye Chh to have it inserted |
in ys book for its bettr Security, did Janry 1. 1720 |
ask ye Chh leave to record it here, wc |
they agreed unto by a silential vote. And |
accordingly I have faithfully recorded it on |
ye following leaf. - Rd Brown. |
A coppy of ye covenant made at ye Gathering of ye first |
[50] |
chh: in Reading, ^in New England, about ye yr 1644. |
________ |
We whose names are undr written, do Covenant wth ye Ld & |
one with an other, & do Solemnly bind ors before ye Ld and his people, yt we will, thrû ye help of Christ strengthening of us, walk aftr ye Ld in all his ways, according as he has traced them out to us in his word of grace & truth. & |
1. We Avouch ye Ld to be or God, & give our selves (wth our seed aftr us in their Generations) to be his people, in ye truth & Sincerity of or hearts. |
2. We give up our-selves to ye Ld Jesus Christ, to be ruled & guided by him in ye mattrs of his worship, & in our whole conversation, Acknowledging him not only or alone Sa -viour, but also or King to reign & rule ovr us, & our Prophet and Teacher by his word & Spirit, forsakeing all othr Teachers & doctrines wc he has not Com̄anded: & we wholly disclaim or own Righ: in po^int of Justifica tion, & look at it as a menstruous Cloath; & do cleave unto him for Righteousness & life, grace, & glory. |
3. We do farther promise by ye help of Christ to walk with our brethren & Sisters of ye Congregation, in ye Spirit of brotherly love, watching over them & careing for them; Avoiding all Jelousies, Suspitious backbiteings, censurings, quarrelings, & Secret riseings of heart against them; forgiving & forbareing, & yet Seasonably admonishing & restoreing them by a Spirit of meekness; And Sett them in Joynt again that have been thrû infirmity overtaken in any fault among us. |
4. We will not in ye Congregation be forward to Shew our gifts or parts in Speaking, nor be ready to disgrace our brethren or discover yr failings, but attend an orderly call be -fore we put forth our selves, doing nothing to ye the offence of ye Church, but in all things ende -avouring our own & our brethrens edification & trust in God. |
[51] |
5. We farther bind our selves in the Strength of Christ to labour how we may advance the gospel, and how we may advance the Kingdome of Christ, & how we may winn & gain them yt are without, and how we may Settle grace and peace among our selves, and Seek as much as in us lieth the peace of all the Churches; Seeking the help, & counsel & direction of other Churches if need be, not puting any Stumbling -block before any, but labouring to abstain from all appearance of evill. |
6. We do hereby promise to behave and demean our- selves obediently in all lawfull things to those yt God hath placed over us in ye Church and Com̄on -wealth: Knowing yt its our duty not to grieve them, but to incourage them in their places, and in ye administration of yr Charge yt God hath committed to them. |
7. We resolve in ye Same Strength to approve ourselves in our particular callings, Shuning idleness, not Sloth -full in buisness, knowing yt idleness is ye bane of any Society &c: Neither will we deal hardly or oppressingly with any wrin we are the Lords Stewards: Promising to our best abillities to teach our Children the good knowledge of the Lord, yt they may also learn to Serve & fear him with us, yt it may go well with them & with us forever. ________ ________ |
A List of The Names of ye brethren & Sistrs Now belonging to ye first Chh: in Reading, taken this 3d day of January Anno 1720/21. here followeth. |
A Chatelogue of ye brethren & Sisters, in full Com̄union in ye Ch first Chh of Reading, here under followeth.22 1 S. Richard Brown pastor, Mary ye wife of Jno Fish. |
[52] |
16 |
_____________________________ |
Membrs of ys Chh: in or Charlstown |
40 |
neighbourhood. viz. |
42 |
43 |
Widdow Goold. |
43 |
_____ |
Daniel Goold Senr. |
184 |
All yes belong to Reading |
& his wife |
_____________________________ |
Danll Goold Junr |
Membrs of ys Chh: belonging |
and his wife. |
to Lyn: End not yet dismist from23 |
Mary Phillips. |
us are yes following viz: |
ye wife of James Hay. |
____ |
D: Laurance & his wife. |
Lt Jno Pool & |
Ebenezer Knight |
Mary his wife. |
& his wife |
Judeth Pool. |
John Houlden |
Sarah Bates. |
and his wife |
Kendall Pierson |
Naomi Holden. |
& Lydia his wife |
Thomas Gary’s wife. |
Rebecca Williams. |
Widow Belcher. |
Samll Hart. |
Joanna Lawrance |
Sarah Hart. |
Mercy Parker. |
Shubael Stearns |
Judeth Goold. |
Hannah Walton. |
ye wife of Jno Goold Junr |
William Russel of S: Village |
Timothy Bauldwin |
& Elizabeth his wife. |
& his wife. |
William Batchelder. |
Mrs Hay. |
Hannah Hay |
Isaac Welman & his |
Mrs Abigail Gary |
his wife. |
goody Cutler. |
25 |
184 |
020 |
007 |
25 |
______ |
In all ye Total is. |
23624 |
persons yt ownd ye Covenant |
prsons received to full Com̄u: |
[56] |
nion since I came. |
147 |
_________________________________________________________________ |
1722. |
1720 |
Dec: 15 |
Sarah Hull ownd ye |
Feb: 12 |
Abraham Smith & |
Cove: & ws baptized. |
Elizabeth Smith, his wife. |
1721 |
March 26. |
Susannah Hartshorn. |
Ap: 3d |
Elizabeth Gary |
May 14 |
Nath: Cowdry & his wife. |
Mehetabel Cowdry. |
June 4 |
Elizabeth Nichols & |
Anna Emerson |
Elizabeth Emerson. |
13 |
Margaret Allin. |
July 16 |
Ivory Upham |
Hannah Burnap: |
30 |
Rebecca Bucknam (charlest:) |
Octo: 29 |
Rebecca Prat & |
Rebecca Batchelder. |
Decr: 10 |
Abigail Briant. |
Janry 21 |
John Sweayn |
Tho: Cutler Junr |
_______________________________ |
1722 |
March 4th |
Ebenezer Daman & |
Dorcas Daman his wife. |
Ap: 1 |
Heph=zibah Woodward. |
Jun: 3 |
Sarah Boutell. |
July 8th |
Mary Goodwin & |
Eliz: Parker. |
Octo: 21 |
Stephen Wesson 3d |
Sarah Welman. |
Janry 19 |
Tabitha Brown |
_______________________________ |
1723 |
March 10th |
Ruth Boutel wife of T: Boutel |
22nd |
Richrd Nicols. |
June 16 |
Joannah Wal Prat Prat. |
Those yt have ownd ye |
Those yt are received |
[58] |
Covenant |
to full Comunion. |
___________________________________________________________________ |
Decm: 31: 1724 |
brout ovr — 177 |
Eliza: Gary wife |
Augt. 4th |
Elizabeth Prat. & |
to John Gary of |
Susannah Upham. |
Charlst: End. |
25th |
Mary Sweayn. |
Augt. 7th. 1726. |
Octob: 1 |
Joseph Wesson. |
Mary ye wife of |
Novr 17 |
Joannah Wesson. |
Jo Walton ownd ye |
Decm. 1. |
Isaac Welman |
Covenant & ws baptizd. |
Mary Welman |
Feb.16. |
Ephraim Wesson |
Brown Emerson |
_______ |
1724 |
Mar: 1. |
Thomas Eaton |
15 |
James Wesson |
Elias Smith |
Apll 5th |
John Parker Junr. & |
Sarah Parker his wife |
May 17th |
Stephen Wesson Junr |
June 7th |
Thomas Wiley. |
July 5th |
Sarah Evins. |
Augt. 23d |
Joseph Bancroft |
Sept. 19th |
Benjamin Brown |
Novr: 8th. |
Ruth Bancroft. |
________ |
1725 |
Mar: 7. |
Timothy Pratt. |
Ap: 11 |
Elizabeth Gary wife |
to Jo Gary. |
Ap: 18. |
Abigail ye wife of |
Samuell Nichols dis |
mist from25 Wenham & |
recievd to or watch & Com |
munion. |
199. |
Prsons received |
[60] |
into full Comunion |
1725 |
brought ovr 199. |
________________________________________________________________________ |
Elizabeth Goold wife |
of Benj. Goold. Charls: |
Feb: 27th |
Ruth Lambson. She |
N. B. |
makes up. 201. |
____________________________________ |
1726. |
Mar: 13th |
Benjamin Parker |
Jonathan Woodward |
Do. 27th. |
John Daman. |
James Townsend. |
May. 1. |
Nathaniell Emerson |
Hepsibah Emerson. |
Ebenezer Wesson |
Do 22nd |
Do. 22nd |
Benjamin Smith |
Elizabeth Smith his W. |
Sarah Wesson. |
Augt. 7th |
Timothy Wesson & |
Abigail his wife |
Sept: 18th |
John Walton & |
Mary his wife & |
Abigail Smith. |
25th. |
Mrs Deborah Brintnall |
Octob: 9th |
Benjamin Wesson |
Unice Wesson. |
23d |
Hannah Nichols, w: to T: Nich. |
Decm. 18th |
Lidia ye wife of Nath: Eaton. |
Jan: 15th |
Eben: Nichols junr & |
Susanna his wife. |
Nathaniell Eaton. |
___________ |
Carry ovr 224 |
Those yt ownd ye Covenant. |
Prsons recd. to full Com̄union. |
[62] |
1727. |
1727. |
Brought ovr 224. |
Mar: 26th. |
Elizabeth Merrow. |
May 7th |
Isaac Wesson |
Decm: 10th |
Timothy Pool & his wife |
Decm: 10th. |
Sarah Sawyer. |
Elizabeth Pool. |
Eliza: Stimpson |
17th. |
James Brown. |
Eliza: Batchelder |
24. |
Benjamin Southerick. |
Hannah Batchelder |
Samuel Salter. |
17th |
Rd Upham dismist |
Josiah Walton. |
from Mauldon & |
John Pratt: |
recd. here. |
Mary Nichols. |
Do. 28th. |
Thomas Burnap & |
at a chh meetg |
Sarah Burnap. |
yes 27 recd |
Joseph Bryant & |
Sarah Bryant |
Anna Pierpoint |
Lucy Emerson |
Jane Emerson |
Eliza: Batchelder |
Rebec: Boutell |
Dorkas Boutell. |
Josiah Brown |
Samuell Pratt. |
Phineas Parker |
Eliza. Towns End. |
Mary Parker |
Hannah Boutell |
Bethiah Burnap. |
Mary Goold. |
William Cowdry |
Mary Cowdry. |
Jonathan Temple |
______ |
Carry over 252 |
persons yt ownd ye Cove: |
Persons reciev’d into ye Church |
[64] |
1727. |
1727 |
Brought over 252. |
_________________________________________________________________ |
Decm: 31. |
David Green. |
Decm: 28. |
John Temple |
John Nichols. |
Tabitha Townsend |
Sarah Parker |
Elizabeth Wesson |
Tabitha Cowdry |
Elizabeth Lambson |
Mary Cowdry |
Kendall Bryant. |
Dorkas Damon |
Jan: 18th. |
John Poole. |
Anna Bryant. |
John Eaton |
@ a chh |
Jan: 7th. |
Mary Parker |
meeting |
Thomas Bancroft junr |
yes 16 wr |
Rebecca Parker |
recd |
Nathaniell Goodwin. |
ye Chh |
Sarah Wesson |
mett @ |
John Batt. |
ye Pastrs |
Rebecca Cowdry |
house |
Abigail Nichols |
because |
Susanna Brown |
of ye Extrem |
Sarah Bates. |
cold. |
Symond Stow. |
Hannah Walton |
14th. |
Ruth Joy. |
Joannah Jeffords |
James Nichols 3d. |
Rebecca Davise |
Joanna Nichols |
David Green. |
Anna Burnap |
Edward Bucknam |
James Nichols junr. |
21. |
Abigail Gowing |
Elizabeth Hartshorn |
Mary Lambson |
Rebecca Mellandi. |
Isaac Burnap |
Phebe Temple |
Sarah Parker |
______________________ |
Ruth Smith |
Carry over 273 |
Susanna Jeffords |
Ebenezer Foster |
Mary Hawks |
Mary Brown |
Katherine |
negros |
& Susanna |
1727. |
Persons yt ownd ye Cove: |
1728 |
Persons admit: to Com: |
[66] |
Brought over 273. |
_____________________________________________________________ |
Jan: 28. |
Mary Hawks |
Mar: 14. |
Mary Holden. |
Jonathan Lilley |
Sarah Parker. |
John Burnap |
Martha Townsend |
Sarah Pool. |
Mary Stimpson |
Mary Smith |
Dorkas Brown |
Sarah Smith |
Samuell Batchelder |
Rebecca Bryant |
Ebenezer Parson |
Elizabeth Goodwin |
Jonathan Griffin |
Feb: 11th: |
John Bryant |
Sarah Griffin |
Martha Burnap |
Elizabeth Burnap |
Elizab: Smith |
Mary Lilley. |
Abigail Goold. |
Thomas Sweayn |
Mary Adams. |
David Goold. |
25th |
Eliz: wife of Davd. Goold |
Elizab: Goold. |
Elizabeth Merrow |
Justice B: Pools |
Daniell Nichols. |
1728. |
Susanna Brown |
Mar: 3d. |
Mary Bancroft |
Ann Taylor |
Jabez Temple |
Joanna Nichols |
Nath: Parker 3d. |
Eben. Parker of R: |
Thomas Rice. |
Hannah Parker. |
Joseph Daman. |
31. |
William Bryant |
31. |
Samuell Brown |
Thomas Nichols. |
Samuell Bancroft. |
Ap: 21 |
Benj: Swain & |
Elizabeth Brown |
Sarah Swi^an his wife. |
Susannah Goold |
Sarah Wesson. |
Abigail Damon. |
28. |
Benjamin Wiley |
James Nichols 3d. |
____________________ |
Carry over — 301 |
1728. |
Persons yt owned |
1728. |
persons recieved |
the Covenant. |
to full Com̄union. |
Brout over 301 |
_________________________________________________________________ |
June 2nd. |
Wm Johnson ownd ye |
May 19 |
Timothy Nickols. |
Cove: & ws Baptized. |
June 2nd |
Hannah Cutler |
Sept: 1. |
Sarah May. |
Rebecca Boutel |
Phebe Gary. |
July 7th |
Mary Williams. |
Hannah Charnock |
John Burnap. |
Mary Gary |
28th |
Hannah wife of Tho. Cutler |
Priscillah Griffin. |
Mary wife to Tho: Green |
Hannah Tompson of Woburn |
Novr. 17 |
Hannah Grover: |
Sarah Parker & |
Octo: 27th |
Mehetable Nichols |
Mar: 2nd. |
Unice Green. |
Novr: 17 |
Samll. Lambson junr. |
Apl: 20th. |
Abigail ye wife of |
Jan: 5. |
Abigail Brown |
of Lyn |
Tho: Gary Junr of Stonh: |
Joannah Crocker |
May 11th. |
Phebe ye wife of Noah |
Eliz: Richardson. of Woburn |
Eaton. |
_______ |
_______________________ |
Augt. 10th. |
Annah Swain & |
1729. |
Hepzibah Swain. |
Mar: 2 |
Thomas Gary |
Jonathan Dix |
June 8th |
Eben: Felch |
Lydia Felch |
29th |
Ephraim Brown |
Augt. 24 |
Elizabeth Smith |
Ruth Smith |
Octo: 26th |
Abigail Parker. |
Elizabeth Pool. |
Mary Lambson |
Feb: 1: |
Simon Stow |
Samuell Salter |
___________________ |
Carry over - 328 |
1729 |
Persons yt have |
1729 |
Brought over Persons |
[70] |
ownd ye Covenant. |
recd. to Com̄union. 328. |
Feb: 8th. |
Elizabeth Green. |
Feb: 22nd |
Martha Brown |
1730 |
Sarah Parker |
July 5th |
Elizabeth Lambert |
_____ |
========== |
Janrt. 24th. |
Mary Wiley. |
1730 |
Mar: 8th. |
Benje Hartshorn |
The26 Reverend Mr |
29th |
Jabez Temple |
Richard Brown Depart= |
Mary Adams |
=ed this Life on ye 20 |
Joanna Cowdry |
October 1732 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
May 3d. |
Unice Pool. |
1732 |
Augt 29. |
Elizabeth Hinkson |
James Brown |
______ |
___________ |
1731 |
Mar: 25. |
Benjamin Chaplin |
May 16. |
Rebecca Pool. recd |
by dismiss: from27 L. End. |
June 13. |
Joseph Eaton Junr. |
Augt 29. |
Elizab: his wife |
by dismission from28 Lynn. |
Feb: 6. |
Hannah Swain. |
Dorothy Merrow |
________________________ |
1732 |
Margarett All |
Wm Glenne |
Mary Glenne |
Augt. 13th |
James Parker |
________________________ |
19 |
328 |
____ |
347 |
1733 |
Octo 21st: |
Mary Wiley |
Decr 9th: |
Ruth Upham |
29th |
Phoeby Eaton |
Jany: 13th: |
Mary Mansfeild |
Mary Walton |
Feby: 10th: |
Samll Wesson |
Wm Bancroft |
17th: |
Noah Eaton |
March 24 |
Anna Parker |
1734 |
John Smith Deacn: |
Sepr 22d |
John Wesson |
Thomas Temple |
Novr 17th: |
Samll Bancroft Junr |
Decr: 8th: |
Isaac Burnap |
22d |
Robt Thompson |
Abigail his wife. |
Jany: 5th |
Susannah Foster |
Sarah Emerson |
Elisabeth Wesson |
Feby: 23d |
Abigail Bacheller |
1735 |
March 23d |
Hannah Parker |
Apll 20th. |
Ruth Bryant |
May 4th: |
Daniel Emerson |
Jonas Eaton |
Mary Cowdry |
Lydia Parker |
26 |
1735. Persons yt have Own’d ye Covenant. |
Persons Recd: to full Communion |
[74] |
1735 |
Brôt over |
26 |
June 1st: |
Martha Upham |
Ruth Upham |
June 29th |
Joseph Dammon Junr |
July 27th |
Mary Eaton |
Augt 3d |
James Townsend & Eliza: his |
wife dismist from Wilmington. |
Octo: 19th: Chester Negro Servt: of |
Octo: 19t |
Joseph Underwood |
Deacon Boutell ownd ye Covt: |
Robt: Laith |
Novr 2d: |
Jeremiah Sweyn Junr |
- 16th: |
Henry Merrow |
Abigail his wife |
Jona Parker Junr |
1736 |
March 14th Primus Negro |
March 28 |
James Goodwin |
Servt: of Mr Joseph Dammon |
Jona: Nicoll |
Ownd ye Covt & was baptizd. |
Josh: Parker |
Apl: 4th: |
Eliza: Dammon |
May 2d |
Ruth Nicolls |
Mary Nicolls |
David Bancroft |
Thos: Burnap |
May 30th Ruth Bancroft wife to |
June 13th |
Ruth Bancroft wife [of] Raham |
Mr: Raham Bancroft Own’d ye |
July 4th |
Martha Parker |
Covt: and was Baptis’d |
Augt 1st: |
John Boutell Junr |
Anna Parker |
Sepr 19th |
Ann Hutchinson |
Mary Nicolls |
Octo: 10th: |
Timo: Burnap |
Dorcas Gold |
Decr 5th: |
Nath: Brown |
26th: |
Jona: Eaton |
Sarah Parker |
55 |
1737. Persons yt have Own’d ye Covenant. |
Recd: to full Communion |
[76] |
brôt forward 3 |
bro’t forward |
55 |
Feby: 13th Timothy Bryant and |
Jany: 16th: |
Jeremy Bryant |
Susanna his wife then Ownd ye Covt: |
Feby: 13th |
Timo: Wiley |
Junr |
1737 |
March 6th: |
Wm Johnson |
Jona: Forster |
Isaac Smith |
Mehitebel Parker |
20th: |
Edmund Bancroft |
Apl: 3d: |
Richd: Temple |
Joseph Boutell |
Eliza: Johnson |
Eliza: Bisco |
Abigail Walton |
Anna Smith. |
May 15: Reuben Horton Ownd ye Covt: |
May 1st: |
Rebecca Barrett |
& was baptis’d. |
29th |
Eliza: Smith |
Katherine Smith |
Primus, Negro man. |
June 26 |
Nathll Bancroft |
July 3d: |
Jonathan Boutell & |
Eliza: his Wife |
Augt: 7th: |
Ruth Burnap |
- 21st: |
Jeremy Brown |
Anna his wife |
Nathll: Bacheller |
Mary Sweetser |
Sepr 11th: |
John Woodward Junr. |
Lydia Mansfield |
Octo: 9th: |
Mary Vinten |
Feby: 26 Wm: Green & Eliza: his wife |
-16th: |
Mary Bryant |
Decr 11th: |
Joshua Bancroft |
Jany: 29 |
Eason Dix |
1738 |
1738 |
Samll. Nicols |
March 19th |
Rose a Negro Servt of Benja: |
March 19 |
Sarah Pool |
Brown Ownd ye Covt: & was Baptisd. |
Apl 2d |
John Walton Junr. |
May 7th: |
Jotham Walton |
Eliza: Green Junr |
98 |
1738 |
Persons yt have Own’d ye Covt: |
Receivd to full Communion |
[78] |
bro’t forward 9 |
bro’t forward |
98 |
June 11th: |
James Negro Servt: of Timo: Nicolls |
May 21st: |
William Green |
Ownd ye |
Covt: & was baptisd. |
Eliza: his wife |
June 19th: |
Ebenr Merrow Own’d ye Covt |
June 27th: |
Sarah Goodwin |
& was baptis’d. |
July 23d |
Ebenr Merrow |
Augt: 6th: |
Sarah ye wife of Samll. Evans |
Augt: 6th: |
Eunice Parke |
Own’d ye Covt. & was baptisd. |
Sepr 3d: |
Eliza: Nicolls |
Octo: 29 |
Meriah Negro Servt: to |
Octo: 8: |
Jacob Walton |
Mrs: Stow Ownd ye Covt |
Susannah Green |
& Was baptisd. |
______ |
1739 |
1739 |
March 4th: |
Thos: Richardson |
Apl: 15 |
Sarah Bancroft |
Ownd ye Covt: & was Baptisd. |
Anna Nicolls |
May 13 |
George Negro Servt: of |
- 29 |
Susannah Burnap |
Mr Peter Emerson Own’d |
May 30th: |
Chester Negro Servt: |
ye Covt: & was baptisd |
- 27 |
Lois Green |
June 10th: |
Samuel Felch |
Jacob Smith |
July 1st: |
James Abbott |
Augt: 5th: |
Hannah Dammon |
Hephzibah Brown |
Sepr: 9th: |
Rebecca Temple |
Octo: 14 |
Mary Walton dismist |
from Newbury. |
Feby: 10th: |
Joseph Coggins & |
Mary his Wife |
Abigail Prat from Woburn |
- 24th |
Samll: Pool |
1740 |
March 16 |
Jacob Barrett |
Apl: 13 |
Phebe Smith |
- 20th: |
Mary Goodwin |
by Dismissn from29 Lyn End. |
- 27 |
Edwd: Dammon |
John Nicolls |
June 8th: |
Andrew Beard Own’d ye |
May 25 |
Edward Merrow |
Covt: & was Baptisd. |
June 29th |
Richard Upham |
Augt: 3d: |
Sarah Emerson dismist |
from30 1st: Chh: in Salisbury. |
Sepr 7th: |
Martha Richardson |
- 14th: |
Natha: Appleton |
Novr 2 |
John Goodwin Tertius |
Eunice Walton |
Decr. 14th: |
John Sweyn |
Jany: 4th |
Eliza: Upham |
- 18th |
Abigail Bryant |
1741 Apl 26 Phebe Wardwell |
132 |
Persons yt have Own’d ye Covt. |
Recd: to full Communion [80] |
May |
brot forward 16 |
brot forward 132 |
May 24th |
Braviter Grey |
James Bryant |
Susannah Bryant |
Katharine Emerson |
Abigail Hay |
June 21st: |
David Green |
Joseph Parker |
Hephizibah Bryant |
Augt: 9th |
Sarah Gold |
16 |
Peter Wait |
Phebe Nicolls |
Octo: 25th: |
London Negro Servt: to |
Sepr: 13th: |
Mahitabel Dammon |
Capt Eaton Own’d ye Covt & was |
Octo: 25: |
Ebenezr Hopkinson |
baptisd |
Novr 1st. |
Pompey Negro Servt: to |
Mrs David Green |
6th: |
Mary Boutell Dismist |
from Lyn End. |
8th: |
Amos Upham of Maldon |
Dorcas Prat |
15th: |
Richd Nicolls & |
Mary his Wife |
Novr: 22d: |
Titus Negro Servt: to Thos: |
Jacob Bancroft |
Green Own’d ye Covt: & was bapd: |
22d |
Tabitha Cowdry |
Decr 20 |
Nehemiah Williams |
Jany: 17th: |
James Emerson |
Sarah Smith |
Eliza Parker |
March 7th |
James Wesson & |
Esther his wife |
14 |
Mary Farrow |
- 15 |
Moses Bancroft |
- 21. |
Abigail Smith. |
May 9th |
Hephzibah Nicolls |
George Negro Servt. to Mr Emerson |
23d |
Abigail Nicolls. |
June 6th: |
Zachary Nicolls |
Mary Richardson |
- 20th |
David Bacheller |
July 4th: |
Rebecca Nicolls |
London Ser: [to] Capt. Eaton |
Titus Servt. [to] Tho Green |
Augt 22d |
Jabez Dammon |
Hephzibah Smith |
1742 |
Persons yt have Ownd Covt |
Brot forward 173 [82] |
brot forward 18 |
Sept. 12th: |
Samll: Evans apprehended to be drawing [to] |
Decr. |
Abigail Evans |
his End Desird to dy in Covt. wth: Gd: accordingly |
Jany: 16 [1743] |
Abigail Hartshorn |
Accordingly having given notice of it to ye Chh. |
Apl: 3d |
Peter Neg: Sert. to Capt Pool Lyn End |
I administred ye Covt. & Bapt: ye Seal of it |
May 15. |
Lydia Evans. |
to him. |
July 17th: |
Joseph Wait. |
1743 |
Jeremiah Smith |
May 15th |
Hannah Evans Own’d ye Covt. |
Sepr: 18 |
Mary Wiley |
& was baptis’d |
Octo: 9th |
Susannah Dammon |
23 |
Joseph Upham & |
Eliza. his Wife |
Mrs Gary |
Jany: |
Sarah Wife to Jona: Temple |
Dismissd Wilmington |
1744 |
May 20 |
Joanna Prat |
June 3d: |
Eliza. Newell |
Sepr 2d: |
Sarah Wesson |
Octo 14 |
Joseph Swain |
Benja. Forster |
Jeremiah Bancroft |
Hephzibah Nicolls |
Decr. 16 |
Samll Wessen Junr |
Sarah his Wife |
Jany: 20th: |
James Woodward |
1745 |
June 2d |
Mary Hartshorn |
1745 |
30th |
Abigail Holden |
March 17th: |
Meriah Negro Servt to Deacon |
Margaret Farrow |
Parker Ownd ye Covt & was baptisd, |
Sepr: 15th: |
Hannah Gold |
wth: her Children. |
Feby: 2d |
Abigail Smith |
1747 |
Sepr: 20th: |
Mr. Nathll. Evans |
Octo 11th |
Lydia Nicols by dismissn |
from Stoneham |
Jany: 3d: |
Eliza Prat |
Thos: Parker |
1748 |
May 1st: |
Priscilla Smith |
Jacob Upham |
Rebeccah Upham |
Persons Recd into full Communn |
[84] |
brot forward 207 |
1749 |
Zerviah Upton Dismist |
from Windham |
Jona. Pierson dismist |
from Lyn End |
Jany: 14 |
Lydia Gold |
Feby: 11th: |
Mary Wife of Mos. Bancroft |
- 25 |
Samll. Smith |
1750 |
Novr: 18th: |
Rebecca Pool |
James an Adult Negro |
Decr. 23 |
Jacob Parker |
Abigl: his Wife |
John Vinton |
Josiah Walton |
dismist from Lynn End |
1 Decr: 1751 |
Joshua Nicolls |
Decr. 15 |
John Sparhawk |
Jany: 12 |
Mary Wife to Eb: Smith |
1752 |
Mary Wife of Nath. Wiley |
dismist from Andover |
July 19: Hephziba Wife to Joshua |
Nicolls dismist 2d: Ch Reading |
Augt: 9th: |
Susannah Hartshorn |
Lydia Sweyn |
Sepr: 17 |
Jona: Parker |
Octo 8: |
Bethiah Boutell |
15 |
Ruth Temple |
Novr 19 |
Lydia Boutell |
1753 Feby 18 |
Mary Wife Timo: Smith |
March 18 |
James Wiley |
Hannah Wife to |
Benja Brown Senr |
233 |
Persons Recd: to full Comunion [86] |
bro’t forward |
233 |
March 25 |
Meriah Neg. Servt. to |
Deacon Parker |
Apl. 1. |
John Prat |
8 |
James Bancroft |
Phebe Emerson |
- 22 |
Eliza: Wait |
May 13 |
Lydia Williams |
Augt: 19th |
John Mead |
Sepr 9 |
Eliza Forster dismist |
Decr. 2: |
Lydia Hawks Lyn End |
Feby: 3. |
Joseph Gold Danl.33 |
1754 |
March 17 |
Joseph Gold Son Abm |
June 23 |
Mr. Willm Gold |
Augt: 11 |
Eliza Larrabee |
Sepr 15 |
Eunice Eaton Lynn End |
Feby 23 |
Hannah Bancroft |
June 29 |
Mary Wesson |
Augt 24 |
Mary Hervey |
Novr 16 |
Widow Esther Coy |
Sarah Townsend |
Decr 21 |
Abigail Forster |
Anna Prat |
1756 |
Jany 11 |
Lucy Dammon |
1756 |
Apr: 25 |
Ephm. Parker |
Jacob Townsend |
Sarah Bryant |
Mary Parker |
Recd. to full Comunion 259 [88] |
Hepzibah Wife of Wm Melendy |
Tabitha Wife [of] James Hartshorn |
Augt. 15 |
Martha Wife [of] Maonn34 Smith |
29 |
Mary Richardson |
Octo 17 |
Eliza Eaton |
1758 |
Apl 23 |
Sarah Dammon |
May 21 |
Hannah Wife to Wm Pool |
- 28 |
Rebecca Parker |
July 2d |
Sarah Wife to Caleb Bancroft. |
- 16 |
Eunice Boutell |
- 30 |
Joseph Bancroft & |
Elliza his Wife. |
Decr. 31 |
Martha Melandy. |
1759 |
July 22 |
Eliza Wife [of] Samll. Pool |
Eliza Wiley Dismist from ye |
1st Chh in Malden |
1761 |
March |
Sarah Bancroft |
June 21 |
Jacob Emerson |
July 12 |
Margaret Negro |
- 19 |
Martha Willson |
Augt. 2 |
Joseph Brown |
Sept 13 |
Eben: Gold |
Octo 11 |
Jemy Bancroft |
Novr 1 |
Sarah Nicolls |
- 15 |
Caleb Bancroft |
Eliza Emerson Wife [of] James |
1762 |
Peter Emerson |
May 1. |
Margaret Walton |
July 4 |
Mary Emerson |
Augt 22 |
Lois Wife to James Eaton |
Sept 19 |
Timo Prat Junr |
Tabitha his wife. |
290 |
Persons Recd: to full Communn [90] |
brot forward 290 |
Octo 17 |
Hannah Simons |
Novr 28 |
Abigail Hartshorn |
Hephzibah Parker |
Anne Merrow |
1763. |
March 20 |
Abigl: Nicolls |
Hannah Emerson |
Mary Nicolls |
May 1: |
Bethiah Wife Jn Nicolls |
Mehitabel Nicolls |
- 22 |
Eliza Wife Wm Green Junr |
Hannah Wife [of] Jn Temple Senr. |
Augt 28 |
John Rogers |
1764. |
Hannah Parker |
Mehitabel Nicolls |
Oct. 14: |
Eliza Eaton |
Ruth Boutell |
30735 |
_________________________________________________________________________ |
Timothy Nichols and his wife Dismised to the Chh in |
amherst |
Persons Recd Into full Communion after ye Decease |
of our Revd Pastor Mr William Hobby |
October 13: 1765 |
Daniel Gould |
Hannah Swain wife Swain [of] Jacob |
Abigal Roggers |
the wife of John Roggers |
August 10 1766 |
Hannah ye wife of Joshua |
Bancroft & Elizabeth |
Abigal Eaton |
Persons Receved Into full Communion |
[91] |
october the 12th |
1766 Charity Eaton |
November 2 |
John Bacheller Junr |
Nathanel Cowdry |
his wife Sarah Cowdry |
Sarah Woolley ye wife |
of Nathan Wolley |
May 31 1767 |
Sarah Eaton Wife of Eaton Lille ^ |
Elisabeth Townsend wife of |
Jacob Townsend |
August 16th 1767 |
Hannah ye Wife of Thomas |
Symonds Junr |
Sept 27 1767: Lydia Boutttel ye wife of Thomas |
Bouttel Junr Dismised from this chh: to ye chh: of |
Christ in Amherst. |
Decemr 7 1767: Joseph cogin and |
wife Dismist to the Church of Christ |
in willmington. |
august 17: 1768 John Roggers & wife Dismised to |
the 3d chh: in Ipswich & Recommended |
August 18: 1769 Amos Upham and Lois his wife |
Dismised And Recommended to the first Church |
of Christ in Maldon |
[92] |
Nathen Person |
march: 19: 1769 Kaziah ye wife of Calab: Parker |
Sepr 24: 1769: John Emerson ^Junr & Catharine his wife |
October 1 1769: John Meeds Dismised: to Hisbrough |
Sutervat36 18 |
The Revnd Mr Hobby died in the Year |
of Christ 1765 on ye 18th of June |
Aged 58.37 |
******************************* |
——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— |
[A1] |
At a Legal Meeting of ye Church in Reading |
Novemr 13th 1712: |
Lt John Pearson (Lynn) & Capt Thomas Nichols were |
chosen to ye office of Deacons in this church. |
Janr 18 1712 |
The Church being stayd aftr aftr ye publick |
worship ws Ended did, at ye Request of Anna Barret |
now of ^Charlestown Mauldon, formerly Bryant of Reading & a |
member of ys Church, by vote, readily dismiss ye sd |
Anna Barret To ye watch, fellowship & comunion |
of ye Church in Mauldon. |
Feb: 16th |
John Roby & hannah his wife ha wo in time past |
wr guilty of ye Sin of fornication, did now humble |
them selves and confessing yr Sin, takeing Shame |
and blame to ym: selves, wr accepted into favour in |
ys church. |
1713. |
Novr |
Samll Brown now of Boxford his desire ws |
dismist from ye watch of ys to yt of ye Church at Bradford. |
1714. |
April 4th |
Then John Walker and his wife formerly |
Inhabitants of ys Town & admited membrs of ys |
church, now being by God’s38 providence, wc bounds |
out all or habitations, removed to West town |
and for39 more yr conveniency desireing to be |
dismist to ye Church yr, accordingly wr dismist |
by vote of ys Church from40 us to ye watch & fellowship |
of ye Church yr. |
Reading Church Records Book, MS p. [A1] of “Church Meetings and yr Acts.” Courtesy First Church of Wakefield, Mass.
The Church being Stayed after ye pub: worship |
[A2] |
was Ended. |
Then Sarah ye wife of James Pike, and |
Elizabeth ye wife [of] John Lampson upon yr |
request wr dismist from41 us to ye watch and |
fellowship of ye Church of Weston. |
also |
Then Hannah Bates (yt ws) ws her request |
dismist to ye from us to ye watch and fellow- |
ship of ye Church at Mansfield. |
Novr 14 1714 |
The Church being Stayed aftr ye Publick worship |
ws Ended, Then Mary Jones, (now Streetr) wo had been |
formerly admonished for42 ye Sin of fornication, manifesting re |
-pentance and desireing forgivness, ws recieved and released. |
She also desireing a dismission to ye Church Attleburrah ws |
accordingly dismissed. |
itm |
Mrs Hannah ye wife of Mr John Bancroft of (Lyn) being |
at her request dismist from ye Church at Maldon to this |
church, ws by a vote of ys church recieved to our com̄u: |
nion. |
______ |
At a Legal Meeting of ye Church, April 12th: 1715 |
It was voted that for ye year next ensuing every com̄uni= |
cant Should pay 2s for ye Support of ye ordinance of ye |
Lords Supper. |
______ |
June May 22 |
Elizabeth Jeffords alias Hinckson ws publickly |
admonished for ye Sin of fornication, and manifesting |
repentance ws forgiven and recieved again into charity. |
June 28th 1715 Decn |
Lawrence being his desire dismist |
of ys Church recd into our Com̄union. |
Sept 16 |
1716 ye Church being Stayed. |
[A3] |
Judith Parker & Thomas Parker and Hepsibah his wife |
being removed from43 us to Marblehead & desireing a dismission |
from us to ye first church yr, wr accordingly dismist by a |
vote of ys chh: to ye watch, fellowship and comunion of ye sd |
chh: yr. |
Novr 11th 1716 |
John Dickerman & his wife being removed to |
Milton & desireing a Dismission from44 ys Chh to ye chh yr |
ys chh’s mind being asked, did readily comply to yr |
desire and by a vote dismiss ym to ye watch and com̄union |
of ye Chh of Milton. |
Octobr 20th 1717 |
Aftr ye Publick worship ws Ended. The Chh |
ws Stayed, And ye Desires of Josoph Hastings |
& Elizabeth his wife to be dismist to ye Chh |
@ Weston; as also ye desires of Benjamin |
Bigsby & Martha his wife for dismission from45 us |
to ye Chh @ Killinsley46 wr Signifyd to this Chh |
wo did readily Comply to yr respective desires & |
by yr Vote dismist ym aftr yr desires, to ye watch |
& com̄union of yos chhs respectively. |
Octobr 27th 1717 |
The Church being Stayd aftr ye publick |
worship ws Ended. |
Samuell Smith yt is Removed to Mansfield |
desireing ys Chh to Dismiss him to ye Chh yr |
ys Church did accordingly by yr vote dismiss |
him. |
Octobr 19th |
The Church being Stayed, Aftr publick |
worship ws ended, The Priscilla ye wife |
of ye sd Samll Smith desireing to be dis- |
mist from us to ye chh of Mansfield, ye chh did |
accordingly by yr vote dismiss her. |
Augt 16 1719 |
Then Sarah How manifesting repentanc |
[A4] |
of her Sin ws recd: to favour. |
Decm: 13th 1719 |
Then Thomas Cutler and his wife manifesting |
repentance for47 ye Sin of fornication, wr recd to or |
charity & watch again. |
March |
March 27th 1720 |
ye Desires of Jno Pearson, |
John Tounsend,48 |
March 27 1720 |
The Chh: being Stayed aftr ye publick |
[A5] |
worship ws over. The Desires of Some of or Lyn |
Neighbours (yt belonged to ys chh) for a dismission or[der] |
to yr being a chh by yms yr, ws Signifyd to ys Chh, and A |
vote asked and yr desires wr granted, but by a Slendr |
vote. ^in ye affirmative, & not one in ye negative. yr names wr Jno Pearson, John Tounsend, |
Samuell Parker, William Eaton, James Pearson, |
John Going, John Bancroft, Nath: Going, Jno Bancroft Junr, |
Jonathan Going. ten in all. |
April 5th 1720 I recd: a lettr from or Lyn Neigh= |
bours, directed to or Chh, requesting or help to |
ordain Mr Sparhawk yr on ye 13th instant, & |
April 10th. I Stayed ye Chh aftr ye public worship ws |
ended, and read ye sd Lettr to ym. and Signifyd |
my unwillingness to go, with ye reasons for it. |
best to Send, & so sd Capt Burnap, and no word ws |
sd by any one for sending, upon wc I proposed |
to ye Chh yt if yy wr not for Sending now I would |
take yr Silence for consent, & no man sd a word. |
Haveing receivd a petition dated May 24th 1720 |
[A6] |
Signed by Thomas Briant, John Eaton, Thomas Taylor |
Jonathan Parker, Samll. Dix, Samll. Lewis, Caleb Taylor, |
Thomas Nickols Wm Flint, Benjamin Damon Samll. Leman |
& Thomas Burt. all membrs in full Com̄union wth |
this Chh; for a Dismission from49 us to in ordr to yr being |
embodyed into a Chh: state yr in or North precinct |
This yr desire ws Layd before ^ye Church this 5th day of June |
and ye Church did by a Clear vote dismiss ym ac |
-cording to yr request. |
Sept 4th 1720 Timothy Maning desiring ye |
Chh to dismiss him in ordr to his Embodying with |
the Chh yt is to be Gatherd at Sutton, ye Chh |
did at his request by yr vote dismiss him. |
Janry 1. 1720 Elizabeth Sybley alias Boutel alias |
Sybley & Susanna Maning @ yr Request by |
Timothy Maning preferd to me, R: B: wo carryd |
ys yr request to or Chh wr dismist by a vote of ys |
Chh: to ye watch & comunion of ye Chh of X in Sutton. |
Feb: Mary Eaton dismist from50 us to Medford. |
[A7] |
We whose names are undr written |
At a Legal meeting of ye Church May 25. 1721 The chh Cove: ws read. & |
Capt Pool, Capt Burnap, Lt Pool, D: Nath: Lawrance, |
Mr Smith, Ens: Goodwin & Ens: Bancroft wr chosen |
to look ovr ye DDs accts of ye Contributions made |
for ye poor in Several yrs past & make re- |
port to ye Chh: |
They reported yt ye accts wr clear & yt wt mony had |
been laid out ws done done prudently & noth: but wt |
ws needf: & yt Should they declare how, they |
believed all wd be Satisfyd. wth wc answr ye chh |
apprd well pleasd. |
Voted yt each membr pay 2s pr head toward ye |
Support of ye ordinance of ye Lds Suppr for ys |
yr ensuing - wc begins July next. But evr aftr of formerly on ye first of March annually |
Voted, yt ye Chh accept ye all ye Deacons |
accts & are Satisfyd with yr faithfulness, and |
acquit ym from51 all wrin they have been concernd |
in provideing for ye Lords Table before ys day & for all ye othr mannagement of contributions. |
________ |
June 4th 1721. Matthew Grovr being removed from us to |
Coventree,52 & Desireing a dismission for himselfe & |
wife from53 us to ym. The Chh: voted yr dismission accd: |
to yr reqt, & to recom̄end ym as Such wm we cand give |
Testimony for. |
August 2nd Recieving a Lettr from Several |
[A8] |
ym yt are agrieved at ye Settlement of |
Mr Andrew Gardener yr, wrin they request |
ye presence & help of or Chh by its Elder & messengrs or |
messengr, togethr with yos of |
diverse othr Chhs sent too, on yt occasion |
wo are all desird to Conveen in Counsel att on yt occasion, |
on ye 16th currant. |
Accordingly, Augt 6th I Stayd ye Chh, |
aftr ye publick worship ws done, read |
yr Lettrs, & proposd yr request, & yt if ys Chh |
would Send, & wr free yt Chap C Capt Burnap |
Should go with me, they Should manifest it |
by holding up yr hands, wc many, did nemi- |
-ne Contradicente. |
________ |
Sept: 17th: |
1721. This day John Brown Junr (wo has |
been guilty of ye Sin of fornication) acknow |
-ledging his Sin & manifesting Repentance |
ws received to favour again. |
Feb: 19th. |
1721/2 Thomas Nichols ws ordaind Deacon |
of the first church in Reading. |
I haveing received a Lettr from ye agrieved |
[A9] |
party @ Woster Dated April 18. 1722. I Comu |
to be Com̄unicated to or Chh, wrin prsuant to ye |
advice of ye Counsel yt last mett yr, yy request |
or presence & advice, accordingly May 13, 1722 |
I read yr Lettr to ys Chh & desird ym to Signify yr minds |
Capt Pool, Deacon Boutell, Lt Wm Briant & Lt |
urged ye length of ye way, Lt Briant affirmd, ye |
Counsel yt ws last yr unanimously agreed, yt |
Mr Gardener’s call & Settlemt to & in Woster ws |
right, & yrupon advised ye dissenting party to |
fall in, & yn Lt Kendal Parker objected yt |
but one party sent & yrfore he thout it ws |
not best for54 us to send, bec: both did not Joyn |
wr upon I calld for ye vote of ye Chh, & but |
few hands wr held up for55 it, & yrf I desird ye |
negative, & it seemd to me yt upon wt Lt |
Parker sd more voted against it yn for it |
wrf: I refuse to goe not. |
-- |
At a Legal meeting of ye first Chh: in Reading |
May 28. 1722. ye End to Chuse a deacon. |
Deacon Nichols, James Nicols & Lt Sweayn |
being necessarily absent Sent yr votes Some |
discourse yr ws about allowing ym. it ws put |
to vote & voted in ye affirmative by all ye |
brethren present, except mr Wily, L. Bryant |
& Lt Parker Kendal Parker. |
____ |
NB. |
Brother Francis Smith & Brother John Goodwin |
wr chosen to ye office of Deacons in ys Chh. |
ANNO 1722 |
There haveing been Sad confusions wc I often |
[A10] |
observed for Several years past, (& did often in |
ye publick ^mention wth trouble Observe & pray might be reform’d) in or |
and all ys, as I apprehended for want of going more |
together wc I urged to no purpose: & undrs yt yr ws a |
Rule I Lookt on it, & concieveing ye Knowl: & keeping |
to yet rule would prevent ys Confusion in yt pt of ye |
publick worship; I promoted learning to Sing to yt End, |
Several publick Lectrs wr had to promote it, ye |
1 preacht by my Selfe, ye 2nd by mr Symes, ye 3d |
by mr Fisk56 wr much ws sd to incourage it, & in |
each of wc yy Sang 4 time Exact by ye rule, |
no man opposing a School ws set up, mãy both |
men & women Learnt. Some indeed wr not so |
clear in it, (as by mistake) concieving it popery, |
but at lenght having been incouraged urged by Several |
as by all ye Deacons, Capt Pool & Capt Burnap, |
Ensign Bancroft, Sergt Thomas Pool, & Lt Bryant |
(wo mett wth ym @ ye School) yt learnt, ye first night yy |
began Sang wth ym, wisht ym success, 4 of his family attend |
ed ye Schools, he Learnt hims: Sang by rule in his |
family, diverse months togethr, & as I observed |
often Sang by rule in the family publick, & [(] as |
I hear, Set ye tune by rule 3 times in ye |
publick one day, wn I was sick.) Lt Kendal Parker, |
& urged by some to bring it into ye assembly & Espe |
cially by D: Boutel ye Eldest Deacon, diverse |
times. ------- Novr 8th being Thanksgiving day aftr |
ye publick worship ws ovr I proposd it to ye ^church & Congre |
gation to Sing by rule, & by wt I had heard not ex- |
pecting any opposition, I sd That if they wr all |
No man answerd one word, but all wr Silent & |
[A11] |
went away. |
_____________ |
Whereas Several persons of this Parish did some yrs past |
Subscribe to give Something annually, for five years towd ye Sup |
^-port of ye Revd mr Daniel Putnum calld to be ministr in or North |
precinct, & Some of yos men are dead, & othrs of ym removed |
out of Town, wrby considerable yt ws subscribed is be |
-hind, & sd mr Putnum at present (as is sd) is in great |
Strats; Some considerable men of the parish Signifying |
this to me, desird I would move to ys congregation for |
a contribution to make up wt ws wanting of ye |
Subscription by reason of ye defunct & removed |
as aforesd; Accordingly Decm: 2. 1722. Aftr ye publick |
worship ws Ended, I signify’d yr desire to ye Congreg^ation |
& yt if yy wr free to Contribute for57 ye End aforesd yy |
would Speedily let me know yr minds herein, yt I might |
appoint ye time for sd Contribution; And accordingly |
ye Select men, Deacons & Diverse othrs came & told |
me it ws a good thing wc they desird might proceed; |
yrfore Decm: 9th I appointed ye next Sabbath |
for yt contribution to be on; And Decm: 16th: 1722 |
This parish contributed to ye End aforesd, & ye |
contribution amounts to 5ll -17s -0. |
Joseph Underwood & his wife being removed |
[A12] |
from us to Chelmsford, he Speaking to me to Sig |
-nify to ys Chh yr desire of dismission from us |
to ye Chh yr; Accordingly |
ovr, I proposd yr desire to ys Chh: and calld for a vote |
by wc yr desire of dismission to ye watch and |
fellowship of ye Chh @ Chelmsford ws complyed |
unto. |
Octobr 27th 1723 This Day Susannah Harndell |
ye new wife of Joseph Kendal of Woburn |
haveing been gilty of ye Sin of fornication, |
acknowledging her Sin, ws recd to charity. |
______ |
1723. |
Susannah ye wife of Thomas Hartshorn |
ws at her repeated request, dismist |
f^rom us to ye Chh in ye North precinct |
1724. |
Wm Russel & his wife now of Salem |
village haveing Signified to me |
yr desire of dismission from58 ys first |
Chh in Reading to ye Chh in Salem |
village, accordingly yr desire ws proposd |
Novr 29th. 1724 to this chh, and by |
vote consented unto. |
1724. |
Jan: 10th. Or Congregation contributed |
£9 — 3 — 0 towards redee^ming Blanchard |
Children.59 |
Jan: 14. |
I deliverd sd Contribution to sd |
Blanchard for ye End abovesd & |
took his receipt. R. B. |
Jan: 17th. |
This day I Enformd ye Chh of |
[A13] |
of fornication, & he making confes |
-sion of his s ye Chh. manifested |
yr acceptance, & by yr vote recievd |
him again to yr Charity. |
item |
This Day Brother John Leighton & |
his wife desired a dismission from |
to ye Chh of Lexinton & ys Chh |
granted it by yr vote. |
Jan: 31. |
Samuell Damon ws (@ his) request |
dismist from us to ye watch & Com̄union |
of ye Chh at woburn. |
1725. |
Decm: 12th: ye Chh being Stayed. Thomas Nichols |
& Eliz: his wife yt had been dismist from60 us |
to ye Chh in ye North precinct, being |
returnd to live with us & @ yr desire recd |
lettrs of Dismission from61 ym to us, ys Day I |
read ye lettr to or Chh, wo yrupon by yr |
vote recd. ym to or fellowship & watch |
again. |
1726. |
April 24th. ----------- This day ------------ |
Brother Francis Smith & John Goodwin wr |
both ordaind Deacons of ye first Chh in |
Reading by ye consent & vote of ye Chh |
------------------- pr me Rd. Brown Pastor. |
July 13th. 1726. This day ws observed ^to God by ys Chh & |
[A14] |
Congregation, as a Day of Solemn fasting & |
prayr, for ys Chh, & ye Riseing generation, & ys |
Covenant wth God, both for yms & yr Seed. |
______ |
Sept 18th. Susanna Cowdry alias Burrell |
des being removed from us to Boston |
& desiring to be dismist from62 us to ye New |
north Chh, yr, ys, Chh by yr vote complyd |
to her request. R. B. |
______ |
Octobr 9th. Thomas Upham desireing a dismissi |
-on, from us to ye Chh in Weston (wr he |
is removed) ys Chh voted his dismission |
accd: to his request, this day. |
R. B. |
______ |
Decm: 18th. John Stearnes being removed to Toland |
in ye Province of Conneticut, & desireing |
a dismission from us to ye Chh yr, his desire |
ws this day Signifyd to ys Chh, wc voted his |
dismission & recom̄endation according to his |
request. |
R. B. |
1727. |
Sept. 24th. Sarah Nichols ye now wife |
of Joseph Barnap Junr, ws at her request |
dismist to ye Chh in ye North Precinct. |
1727. |
Dec: 28. At a church meeting for takeing in 27 prsons |
[A15] |
yt Stood propounded for full Communion.63 |
I proposed to ye Chh Ephraim Chandlers desire of being |
Dismist from us & by us recommended to ye watch |
& fellowship of ye 2nd Chh in Chelmsford. & it ws |
Jan: 7th. ye Chh being Stayd @ Evening here I Signifyd to |
ye chh yt prcieving Some of or peop: wr uneasie @ |
B ye Benj: Chaplin, Tho: Gowing, & Benj: Gowing; |
Abigail Brown, & Joanna Crockers Joyning to or |
chh to wc yy have been pro^pounded bec: yy are |
in difference @ Lyn End, not yet healed & yt D: P: |
has been with me, & Signifyd So much, & so Lt Pearson |
& D: Bancroft; & yt if yy had made up yr Differ: wth |
mr Sparhawk & wr @ peace yr, yy wr free yy |
Should Joyn here. and farthr yt I had bec: of |
wt opposition ws laid in ye way (as above sd) |
desird ym ^to desist @ present till we had more |
light in yt mattr. Farther I told ye Chh yt |
Martha Townsend of Lyn-End and Abigail Gowing & |
M desird admission into full com̄union here, & yt |
Abigail Gowing desird Baptisme here, & mary |
ye Daughter of John Hawks desird Baptisme |
& yt I could not undrs by ym, (yt is) ye 2 former yt yy |
wr any way Engaged in yr quarrels, but desird |
to come here now bec: yr ws So much difference |
yr, & I desird again and again yt if any one |
of ye Chh wr not free to comply wth yr desires |
yy would Speak & declare it; & Some sd they |
thout ye mattr clear, & yr needed no more to be |
sd & B: Jo: Parker Speaking @ my request, sd, he |
thout it ye Churches duty ^to allow yr requests. & no |
man contradicting it, I dismist ye Chh. |
Jan: 14th. After ye publick worship ws Ended. |
[A16] |
I Signifyd to ye Chh yt Severall persons Stood propound |
ed for64 ye full Com̄union, and bec: ye days wr Short & yrfore it |
could not well bee done on a Sab: Even: I desired yt ye Chh |
would meet for ordr to proceed yr admission into church fellow |
-ship on thursday next at 1 a Clock & if yt day proved Stormy |
yn ye next day @ one of ye Clock in ye aftr noon. |
1727. |
Jan. 18. It proved clear but a very Cold day, I waited |
till past one and a Clock and no prson apprd at ye meeting |
house, @ 3/4 past one I got ready to go yr, and going into |
ye Kitching (with my cloake on) in ordr to go to ye meeting |
house, about 12 of ye brethren wr yr in ye Kitchen, |
& prayd ye meeting might be @ here @ my house |
bec: of ye Sharpness of ye present cold. I told ym yt prhaps |
ye Chh wd expect us @ ye meeting house, & I ws going yr. |
yy pleaded ye Cold ws Such yt yy could not well bare it & |
desird it might be here; If it wd not be a trouble to |
me; I told ym, If ye Chh wr Easy It wd be no trouble to me: |
they sd yy bel: ye Chh wd be glad of it. I told ym yt Some |
prhaps wd depend on ye Chhs meeting yr. & wd not |
know of yr meeting here, however @ yr Earnest re |
quest, I desird Ens: Nichols & Jo Merrow to go to ye |
meeting house & desire yos yt wr yr, to come here |
bec: of ye present cold, & so yy did. & ye Chh here |
mett proceeded to Recieve ye Relations of & to |
admitt yos to full communion yt Stood propounded |
for it. Except 3 yt did not appr & one of ym had not |
given me in her relation. ys is write ye more fully |
bec: I heare Some that came @ about 3 a Clock |
here. & Samll Lambson ws ye man yt Showd most uneasi |
-ness, & denyd ye Legallity of ye meeting. however 16 |
prsons wr yn & here recd without any objection. |
1727/8. |
Feb: 18th. haveing recd a lettr directed to or Chh |
[A17] |
from Sundry aggrieved of ye Congre[g]ational Chh in Ports |
-mouth Rode Iland, requesting or help & advice in. |
& undr yr difficulties. I this day read it to ye Chh wo |
voted to Send. & Tho: Nichols Junr wth me. |
item We went accd: Ap: 1. 1727. |
1728. |
Apl. 19th. I recd a lettr directed to or chh from Some |
of ye agrieved in Lynn=End, in ye name of ye rest, accd. |
Ap: 21. |
Aftr ye publick worship ws Ended. I read it to ye Chh |
Jo. Eaton Sam: Lambson, & Jo Merrow Junr opposed it |
& Deacon Smith old Ens: Parker, James Nichols Senr |
Capt Burnap & Tho: Nichols 3d wr for it. a vote ws |
calld for,65 and it ws voted for Sending by a gt Majori |
ty. & Capt Parker Lt Bancroft & Samll Lilly wr |
voted to go with me yr ^as ws requested by a Silential vote. |
Augt. 11th. |
Ivory Upham ws dismist from or Chh to yt of |
Killinsly by an hand vote of ys Chh.66 |
1729. |
June 20. I recd petition written request |
[A19] |
haveing recieved a petition Dated June 18. 1729 |
Signed by Daniel Goold, Daniell Goold Junr, |
Ebenezer Knight, David Goold, Ebenezer Parker, |
Abraham Goold, Edward Bucknam, Tho: Cutler, |
Joseph Bryant & Jonathan Griffin (10 in all) |
all of Stonham, but members in full Com̄union |
wth ys Chh, for a dismission from67 us in order to |
yr Embodying wth Some othrs into a Chh State yr |
in Stonham, as Soon as conveniently yy may |
This yr desire ws laid before ys Chh, & I desird |
yt if any one had any thing to object against it |
he wd do So; but no one did, yrfore I desired |
yt if ye brethren of ys Chh did comply to yr re |
quest, and dismiss ym. & yt yy be dismist from68 or |
care & watch as Soon as yy wr Embodied into |
a chh yr in Stonham, yt yy wd Shew it by |
yr usual Sign wc yy did nemine contradicente. |
June 29. 1729. |
________ |
1729. |
Jan: 4th. The Chh being Stayed. ye desire of yes |
Eleven member of ys chh viz: Anna Holden |
Naomi Holden, Eliza: Gary, wife of Benj. Gary |
Eliza: wife of Jo Gary, Hannah Gary, Abigaill |
Taylor, Mary Souter, Hannah Hay, Judeth Goold |
Sarah Goold, & Eliza: Goold, for a dismission |
from us to ye chh in Stonham, was gran |
-ted, and accordingly yy wr now dismist accd: |
to yr request. |
May 14th. |
1732. This day Ephraim Wesson & his |
[A20] |
wife, and John Batt & his wife confessed |
yr Sin of fornication to ye Chh & obtained |
forgivness & wr recieved to Charity again. |
Item this day Samuell Lilly & his wife @ yr |
request wr dismist from us to ye Chh in |
Sutton. |
Abigail Nickols ws @ her desire dismist from |
from us to ye Second Chh in Marblehead wrof |
June 7th 1730. |
[A21] |
Jonathan Brown & his wife haveing been guilty |
of fornication, in haveing a child to[o] Soon, They both |
ownd yr Sins to ye Chh before ye congregation, gave |
glory to god, begd forgivness of him & ye Church, thô |
he wr only a child of ye Chh by his baptism, but She |
had ownd ye Covenant & ye Chh takeing Satisfaction |
from yr humble confession restored ym to yr Charity |
and allowed ym baptism for yr child, wc ws on ys day |
baptized th[e]y being to move to Billerica on next |
Tuesday. |
________ |
July 5th. 1730 Margaret Swain alias Ordoway |
ws At her request, by ye vote of ys Chh dis- |
-mist to ye watch and Communion of yt Chh |
in Newbury wrof mr Lowell71 is pastor. |
________ |
Augt 23. 1730. ye Chh being Stayed after ye |
publick worship ws Ended; Mrs Martha Brown |
now alias Wigglesworth, ws at her request, by ye |
vote of ys Chh dismist to ye watch & Com̄union |
of ye 3d Chh in Ipswich. |
________ |
Sept 27th. 1730. Danniell Nickols & Elizabeth his |
now wife, being found guilty of fornication by |
haveing a child born to ym in 6 months & two days |
confest yr Sin & guilt to ye Chh before ye Congre |
-gation, and begd forgivness of God72 & this chh, & ye |
chh yrby f yrupon forgave ym & restored ym to |
yr Charity & Com̄union again & to ye priviledge |
of Special ordinances, yy being both membrs of ys |
chh.73 |
The Complaint of Brothr Isaac Smith against Brothr Wm |
[A23] |
Bryant Senr. brought to me to be laid bef: ys Chh: is as followeth: viz |
To ye Revd. Mr. Brown pastor of ye first Chh in Reading, |
Revd. Sr.74 |
__________________________________________________________ |
1733 |
Octor 21. |
ye Service of ye Sabbath being Over I stayed ye Church to |
Signify to them ye Desires of Stephen Wesson and James |
Townsend wth yr wives, all Members in full Communion |
wth ye 1st Chh in Reading, to be dismisst from yr Relation |
to us in Order to yr Embodying into a Chh at Wilmington |
Wch: Desire was Complyed wth Nemine Contradice: A Sabbath |
or two before this Time were Dismist Capt. Kendal Pierson wth |
his wife to ye Same Church in Wilmington, & Mr Ephraim Good |
win to ye Church of Sutton of wch Mr Hall75 is Pastor |
Decr 23d. |
After Service, were Dismissed Jonathan Barrett & Rebeccah his |
wife to ye Church of Christ in Malden. |
1734 |
March 31st: After Service was Dismissed Mary Brooks (recd into ye Chh |
under ye name of Mary Boutell) to ye Chh of Christ in |
Medford. |
At a Church Meeting assembled at ye Desire of John Wesson & Eliza. |
his wife who Demanded Baptism for yr Child she haveing Own’d |
ye Covenant in ys Church; a Number of Circumstances Concurring |
to prove yr Innocence Nothwithstanding yt Child was born in Six |
Months & nine days; it was then voted (ye Persons Concern’d then |
Appearing to Assert yr Innocence in a Most Solemn Manner) |
yt Baptism be Allowed to the Infant. |
at ye Same Time voted that there be an Addition of one Shilling |
to ye two Shillings formerly Voted in Order to make Imposed on |
Each particular Member in Order to ye making a proper |
provision of Elements for ye Lds Table. |
Feb. 23d |
ye Service of ye Sabbath being finishd, I Stayed ye Chh |
[A24] |
who Dismist Mrs Mary Fish, at her Request, to ye Chh of |
Christ in Mendam, of wch. ye Revd Mr Dorr is Minister76 |
Augt 3d |
1735 |
The Service of ye Sabbath being Over I Stayed ye Chh who Recd into yr Communion |
James Townsend & Eliza his wife upon ye Recommendation from ye Chh of |
Wilmington, to wch. Chh: they had Sometime before been dismist and Recommended. |
Nov 2 |
The Service of Sabbath being over I Signifyd to Chh: ye Desires [of] Mr |
Samll Bacheller to be dismist to Chh Christ Third Church of |
Christ in Haverhill who Voted his Dismission; I also Signify’d ye |
Desires of Sd church in Haverhill, yt we woud by our Elder & |
Messengers, Assist in ye Ordination of Mr Samll Bacheller to ye |
Pastoral Office in that Church, wch: Desires were Opposd; I then Nominated |
Deacon Goodwin Capt Parker Capt Nicolls Capt Bryant Mr Underwood |
Mr Nathanll Bacheller as ye Delegates or Messengers, wch ye Chh agreed to. |
Novr 30th |
The Service of ye Sabbath being over, I Stayed ye Chh & Signifyd |
to ym ye Desires of Judith Procter (formerly Recd into ye Chh under ye |
Name of Judith Nicolls) to be dismist from her Relation to us, & Recommended |
to ye Second Chh of Christ in Woburn, wch was readily granted |
1736 |
Apl: 4th ye Service of ye Sabbath being over I proposd to ye Chh ye |
Desires of Eliza Welch to be dismist from us & Recommended to |
Dr Colmans Chh @ Boston,77 wch desires were Readily Complyd wth. |
————— |
A Sabbath or two before ys was Benja: Chaplin at his Request |
dismist & Recommended to ye ^Second Chh of Christ in Windham of wch |
Mr Samll: Mosely is Pastor.78 |
June 24th |
Upon a Complaint bro’t before me by a Number of ye Brethren |
of ye Chh against Brother Eben: Dammon & Kendal Bryant Junr: ye One |
of Whom viz Brother Dammon Charging Brother Bryant wth: Drunkeness, |
ye Other, Brother Bryant Accusing Brother Dammon of Slander; I Desird |
ye Chh to meet on ys: day to Consider of these points of Difference. Accordingly |
yy did so When Brother Dammon persisted in Charging his Brother Bryant |
wth Drunkeness. Brother Bryant tho he disown’d ye Charge of Habitual |
Drunkeness yet Seem’d disposd to Acknowledge that he had been Overtaken |
wth ye Sin of Drunkeness: provided it might be tho’t an Unchristian procedure |
in any, to Call him a Drunkard upon Such Acknowledgmt: Wherupon the |
Church passed a Vote yt: it Shoud be look’d upon as Something Unchristian |
[A25] |
& Unjustifiable, to Call Brother Bryant a Drunkard upon his Acknowledgment |
Upon wch: Vote, Brother Bryant Acknowledged yt: whereas he had been gui |
:lty of ye Sin of Drunkeness by wch: he had Offended ye Chh; he was heartily |
Sorry for his Sin & beggd forgiveness of Gd: & his Church. this Acknowledgmt |
ye Church lookd upon as Satisfaction, & thereupon Recd: him to yr Charity. |
July 4th: |
Daniel Dodge & his wife together wth: Mary Adams this day |
Confessd ye Sin of Fornication, & were again Received to Charity. |
18th: |
Phebe ye wife of Joseph Rist was ys day dismist from her Relation |
to us & Recommended to ye Chh: of Christ at Uxbridge, Nathan Webb Past: |
Nov 21. |
Isaac Burnap & Wife this day confessd ye Sin of Fornicatn |
their Child being born in a little more than six Months after Marriage, |
and so were again Received to ye Charity of ye Church. |
Decr 5th: |
This Day upon yr Desire Timo: Goodwin & Wife were dismist |
& Recommended to ye Chh of Christ in Willington in Connecticut |
of wch: ye Revd: Mr: Fuller is Pastor.79 |
- On ys Also was Read a Letter Sign’d Benja: Lynde, Benja Lynde Junr |
In ye name of ye Brethren Worshipping in ye Antient place of |
worship in Salem; Signifying yr Desires yt: we woud by our |
Elder & Messengers Assist in ye Ordinatn of Mr John Sparhawk |
to ye Pastoral Care over ym; After this was Read a Letter Signd |
Samll Fisk Pastor, Nath Osgood, Timo Pickering &c in ye name |
of ye First Chh in Salem; protesting agn our Assistance in Aforesd: |
Ordinatn: After a very short Debate ye Chh unanimously Voted |
Assistance by ye Elder, Deacon Goodwin, Peter Emerson, & Capt Parker. |
1736/7 |
Jan 9th |
Wm: Williams, Timo: Bryant & Wife this day Acknowledg’d ye |
Sin of Fornication, & were agn: Receiv’d to Charity |
1737 |
March 6 |
The Church being Stayed John Wesson & Wife were at yr Request dismist |
& Recom̄ended to ye Chh of X at Willington in Connecticut |
-13th: |
Nathll: Cowdry and Mehitabel his wife at their Request |
were Dismist their Relation to us, and Recommended |
to ye Chh of Christ in East Haddam80 |
June 12. |
Eliza: Boutell formerly Eliza Bacheller was at her request dismist from us |
[A26] |
& Recom̄ended to ye Chh of Christ in Sutton |
26 |
Isaac Wellman & Mary his wife were at their Request dismist from |
us & Recom̄ended to ye: Chh of Christ at Norton |
at ye Same time Dorcas Dodge were dismist to ye Chh at Dudley |
Octo: 2d: |
Stephen Wessen & Hannah his wife, Timo: Wessen |
Recommended to ye Chh of Christ in Concord |
Octo 4th |
This Day at a Meeting of ye Chh Mr: Raham Bancroft |
and Mr: Nathll: Stow, were Chosen to ye Office of Deacons. |
on ys: day also Ebenezer Parker Junr: upon Complaint laid agst: |
him for ye Sin of Drunkeness, and full proof of ye Charge, |
was laid under a Solemn Admonition, & Suspension for ye: |
Space of Six Months. |
Feb. 26 |
Joseph Eaton Junr & wife were at yr Request dismist & Recom̄ended |
to ye Chh in Lyn End. |
1738 |
March 2 |
Feb. 28 |
at a Chh Meeting then Voted yt whereas in times past |
ye Communion table had been Maintaind by a Rate, it should |
the Coming Year be maintain’d by a free Contribution. |
Voted Likewise at ye Same Time yt ye Chh wd Speedily proceed |
to ye: Choice of two more Deacons. Accord^dingly |
1738 |
May 1st: |
At a Church Meeting Capt: Kendal Parker & Capt: Thos: |
Nicolls were Chosen to ye: Office of Deacons - at ye Same time |
Time Voted yt: ye Suspension formerly Laid on Ebenr Parker Junr |
shou’d be Continued for ye Space of three Months longer, he not |
having Shewed that hearty Repentance ye Chh wou’d gladly See in him. |
May 21st. |
Joseph Dammon Junr. & Mary his wife were this Day at their Request |
Dismist & Recommended to ye Chh of Christ in Uxbridge whereto yy |
had lately Removed. |
Augt: 6th. |
I Signfy’d to ye: Church ye urgent Desires of Sarah ye: wife of Samll Evans |
to be baptis’d in private, her bodily Circumstances Rendring her Uncapable |
of Attending upon that Ordinance in Public Drawing, as was Supposed Near |
her End; & at ye Same time Signify’d my Intention of Administring |
ye: Ordinance According to her Desires. Accordingly About an hour after ye |
public Service, I in ye: presence of a Considerable Number of ye Chh. Administred |
ye: ordinance to her, She having in ye 1st place Own’d ye Covt a few hours after wch. she Dyed |
Octo. 29: |
Joseph Eaton was at his Request, dismist, & Recom̄ended to ye |
[A27] |
1739 Chh. of Christ in Lyn End. |
Sepr Augt: 27th |
At a Chh Meeting; Voted upon ye Recomendation of ye |
Gene Court to ye Dissenting Chhes thro ye Province; yt there be a |
general Contribution ye Next Sabbath Sen’night, to Assist |
ye Revd: Mr. Torrey Pastor of a Dissenting Chh at Narraganset81 |
in Defraying ye Charges of an Action bro’t agst: him by ye |
Revd: Dr: McSparren, a Minister of ye Chh of England82 |
wch: much Affects ye Interest of ye Dissenting Churches |
provided at ye Same time, yt Such Money Contributed be found |
Necessary, wch, if thro ye Contribution of Other Chhes it be not |
Tis then Voted yt: it be Applyed to ye fund for ye propagatn: of ye |
Gospel Among ye Dissenters; The Use or Advantage of wch |
Money to be Dispos’d of by ye Convention of Dissenting Ministers |
at Boston83 |
-------- |
At ye Same Time Voted upon ye Request of ye Revd |
Mr. Osborn, Pastor of a Chh at Eastham, & Some of ye |
Brethren of ye Chh his Adherents; to Joyn wth: a Number of |
Other Chhes, Call’d to Sit in Councill upon some Difficultys yt |
have Arisen there:84 yt ^Late In Consideratn. of ye long Absence of yr |
Pastor from them; & ye great Number of Chhes Sent to, Many of |
Whom will in all probability Meet in Council; They Cannot |
See ye Necessity of going |
-------- |
At ye Same Time Voted, yt: ye Suspension under Wch: |
Mr Ebenr Parker Junr has long laid ^on Acct. of ye Sin of Drunkenness be Continued two |
Sept. 9th: |
Agreable to ye Abovesd Vote ye Congregation Contributed |
Sixteen Pounds twelve shillings & ten pence Wch: I Deliverd |
to Dr: Colman, for wch: I took his Receipt |
30th |
Benja Wiley & Wife at their Request were Dismis’t |
from ye Chh. in Order to their Embodying wth: a Number |
of Other Brethren in a Chh Society in ye Western Part of Lynn |
Octo: 14 |
At ye Request of Wm: Taylor & others of ye Western |
Society at Lyn̄ yt we wd Joyn in Councill wth other Chhes |
In Embodying ym: as a Distinct Chh, Voted a Compliance |
wth yt Request Deacon Parker & Goodwin Sergt Parker |
& Capt Bancroft Messengers. |
Novr: |
At ye Convening of ye Councill, the Incorporatn of ye Chh. was Con: |
cluded upon, but deferr’d to ye Councill for Ordinatn. |
Upon the Request of Wm: Taylor & Others, yt ye Chh. wd |
Joyn wth: other Chhes in Incorporating a Chh in ye Western |
[A28] |
Part of Lyn, & Separating Mr Edwd: Cheever to ye Pastorall Office in it - Voted to Send |
Feby: 26th. |
At a Chh Meeting Appointed to Consider |
Some Matters of Difference Subsisting between Bror |
Thos: Eaton & Bror Ebenr Merrow, & Some Articles |
of Charge brot by ye former agst: ye Latter: The |
Chh Voted ymSelves Dissatisfyd wth: Bror Merrow |
on ye Acct. of Lying & Slander: Bror Merrow |
Acknowledged his Offences or yt he had great Reason |
to believe himself guilty: but ^ye Chh not Seeing those |
Marks of hearty Grief & Sincere Repe: yy ^they desird: Voted |
his Suspension for Six Weeks, & left a Wd of |
Admonition wth: him. |
Apl 18 |
At a Chh: Meeting Appointed to consider farther of ye Affair |
of Bror Ebenr Merrow as Above; The Time of his Suspension |
being Expired: & he Solemnly protesting his forgetfullness of |
ye Sins Crimes laid to his charge: the Chh herupon Recd: him |
to yr Charity, upon ye following Confessn: Wheras in |
ye long Controversy Subsisting between Bror Eaton & |
my Self, I Believe, (upon ye Evidence of Others) I have been |
guilty of ye Sin of Lying, & Slander to ye Dishonour of |
Gd: & his pple, I am heartily Sorry for it, I beg Pardon |
of God & his Chh: hoping my future Conduct & Conversatn |
will be more Agreable to ye Gospell of Christ. |
Augt 3d: |
The Chh being Stayed Rebecca Boutell wife of John Boutell |
was at her Request Dismist to ye first Chh in Woburn. |
at ye Same Time Sarah Emerson Wife to Mr Brown Emerson |
was Recd: into full Communion wth: us, upon ye Recommendat: of |
ye Chh Revd: Caleb Cushing Pastor of ye 1st: Chh: in Salisbury |
to wch: she belong’d |
Ebenezer Phillips a Member of ye Anabaptist Chh |
in Boston, presenting a Request to us yt: he might Joyn wth us |
at ye Table of ye Lord; ye Chh Considerd his Request & |
Unanimously Complyd wth: it |
Jany: 7th: |
Upon a Complaint brot before me by Severall |
of ye Members of ye Chh in Stoneham; as Also |
by Bror Thos: Eaton; Agst. Bror. Nath Eaton |
a Member of ye Chh In wch Complaint Sd Nathll is Chargd |
with ye Sin of Lying I herupon Calld ye Chh together, who after |
[A29] |
Prayer to Gd: for Direction, and a Long Debate upon ye Matters of Contro: |
:versy at Length Came into ye Following Votes. First |
That it Appears to ye Chh yt: Bror Thos. & Nathll: Eaton After Some |
Difference between ym Came to a Covt: or Agreement in wch all Matters of |
Difference were to be laid Aside: and a New Amity or friendship was to |
begin. - Secdly: yt it Appears to ye: Chh yt Bror Nathll: has Denyd |
& persists in Denying yt Ever any Such Contract or Agreement was Made. |
Secdly: In Relation to ye Matter of Complaint bro’t by ye Stoneham |
Brethren: it Appears to ye Chh yt: Bror Nathll Eatons Conversatn: has |
been Utterly Inconsistent wth: ye: Truth Sincerity & Undisguisd Behaviour |
of a Christian Herupon ye Meeting was Adjournd to ye |
Tuesday preceeding ye Next Sacrement at One o’Clock - |
Sabbath preceeding Sd Tuesday I for Special Reasons Adjournd ye Meeting |
till Friday - On Friday ye: Chh Met When Bror Nathll |
Eaton presented His Acknowledgmt to ye Chh Wch: being Read once |
& Again ye Chh Voted ym Selves Satisfyd. |
Feby: 11th |
There having been Matters of a Scandalous Nature blaz’d about in |
Relation to ye Conduct of Mr Joseph Underwood, who was Reported to |
have been found Stealing Corn from Brother Noah Eaton; I herupon |
Calld ye Chh together to Enquire into ye: Matter; And After prayer to gd for |
Direction & Sufficient Debate upon ye premises, I put ye Matter to Vote |
“Whether this Chh were Satisfyd or Dissatisfyd wth Bro:r Jos: Underwoods |
“Conduct in Relation to a Complaint bro’t agst. him as bearing hard upon |
the Eigth Commt: - who Voted Dissatisfyed. |
1742 |
March 2d |
I Calld ye Chh together to Consider ye Affair of Mr Underwood |
with Whom ye Chh had Voted ymselves Dissatisfyd; When Mr Underwood |
presented an humble Acknowledgment to ye Chh wth wch. ye Chh declared yr |
Satisfaction & Restored him to yr Charity |
Apl: 9th |
It being Commonly Reported yt Ebenr Merrow a Member |
of ys Chh. had been Convicted of Stealing before Thos: Hubbard |
Esqr. & by him Committed to Goal; I wrote to Sd. Hubbard for |
Information in ye Affair, I having Receiv’d an Answer from [him] I laid |
before ye Chh who upon partic. Examinatn of ye Affair Voted ymSelves |
Dissatisfyd wth: Sd: Merrow, & then Suspended him from yr Communion |
till they Should See in him a Conversation more becoming ye Gospell of Xt. |
May 2d: |
Jonathan Nicolls Junr & Wife having been Guilty of Fornication |
presented yr Acknowledgment & Confessn: to ye Chh of yr own free will |
That they had had Carnal Knoledge of One Another before |
[A30] |
Marriage, & having humbled ymSelves before Gd: & his People |
The Chh Voted to Accept yr Acknow1edgmt & So yr Charity to ym |
Sepr 5th: |
Nathll. Cowdry & Mehitabel his wife Dismist to ye Chh |
at Sunderland Jabez Temple & Wife Dismist to ye Chh |
at Wilmington as also ye Wife of Nathll Townsend |
19th |
Rebecca Walton Dismist to ye Chh at South hegen.85 |
Octo: 17th. |
Joseph Boutell Dismist to ye Chh at South-hegen. |
1743 |
May 8 |
This Day Mary Pool formerly Leeman having obtaind |
Letters of Dismissn from ye Chh. of York86 was Recd: at her |
Request to Our Watch & holy fellowship, as also |
Samll Nicolls & Hannah his Wife from a Chh. of Christ |
In Willington |
June 5th: The Chh being Stayed Braviter Gray was at his Request |
dismist & Recomended to ye Chh of X in Billerica |
Octo. 23d |
The Chh being Stayd I Read to em two Letters wch |
I had Recd: to be Communicated ye: one from a Number of |
Aggrieved Breth: at ye Chh of Worcester ye other from a |
Number of Aggrieved Breth: In ye Chh at Newbury under |
ye Pastoral Care of ye Revd. Mr. Tappan; Each Desiring our |
Assistance in Councill wth. other Chhes, under yr Distressed |
Circumstances. ye: Counsills being Calld to Convene at ye Same |
Time we were Unable to Joyn in both; & therefore Voted |
yt. we wd: send to Worcester where our Assistance was |
first Asked. |
Decr: Jany: 1st: |
Mr. Ebenr. Parker Senr: haveing Some time past |
been grossly guilty of ye Sin of Drunkeness, did |
very Early, Offer his Repent: to ye: Chh wch: had ye Appearance |
of great Sincerity: However Esteeming ye fruits of Repe: |
ye best Evidence of its Sincerity, We deferr’d ye: Acceptation |
of his Confessn: for a Considerable Time; In wch. Time having |
behaved himself wth: much Humility & Watchfulness We |
this Day Receiv’d him to Our Charity again |
1744 |
Apr 8th: |
The Chh being Stayed Judith Boutell Wife to |
Mr. James Boutell was dismist & Recom̄ended to ye |
Chh at LeMinster ——————— Jno: Rogers Pastor |
May 13th: The Chh being Stayed Mary Ruth Burt was Dismist |
& Recom̄ended to ye Chh at Mendam ——————— Joseph Dorr Pastor |
May 17th: |
Zechary Nicols & Rebecca his Wife were then Dismist to ye Chh |
[A31] |
of X is Sherbourne ——————— Revd: Mr S: Porter Minister |
(Forgot to recd in order) yt: A Number of Breth: belonging to ye. 1st Chh: in Newbury |
Applying to us for Councill in Matters of Difference Subsisting |
between ye Pastor & ymSelves, I Read ye Letters to ye Chh who |
thôt it adviseable to send in Councill & Accordingly Voted Benj. Brown |
Dr: Hay Brown Emerson to be ye Chhes Messengers in Attendance |
on yr. Pastor. The Councill having Met at Time & place |
The Revd. Mr. Tappan Pastor of ye Chh in Newbury Under |
his Own Hand oblig’d himself to Joyn wth: ye Aggrieved in |
Calling a Mutual Councill, upon wch: ye Counc: Dissolv’d. but |
Aggriev’d Renewedly Made applican: to us to Joyn in Councill |
wth: Other Chhes in Regard of ye. premises; Matters being laid |
before ye Chh, yy thôt it necessary to comply wth: ye desire |
of ye: Aggrieved & Accordingly Voted to Send; & yt ye former |
Messengers go again wth: ye Addition of Ebenr Nicolls Junr. |
Sepr. |
I then Recd. Letters from ye Pastor & Chh in Grafton |
Representing yt. a number of Breth: there were & had for a long |
time been Uneasy With yt Part: Chh: but now Desirous yt Matters |
of Diff: might be Accomodated yy: had Agreed wth. ye Chh to Ask |
Councill: Every of ye Chhes of Sd Councill being Acceptab: to ^& agreed upon by Each party |
Accordingly I Read ye Letters to ye Chh who Voted to Send in Councill |
& yt Deacon Goodwin Deacon Bancroft be Messengers to |
wch. Number I added a third prson. Capt. Bancroft. |
NB: Every Person Came in to Receive Councill given. Glory to Gd. peace on Earth. |
Novr. 25 |
James Dix & Wife together wth Kathn: Hutchinson having |
been found guilty of ye Sin of Fornicatn. yy. then Sensible of |
yt Sin made Humble Confessn. of it before ye Congregation of Gds: pple |
& had ye Chhes Charity Voted to ym. |
1745 |
May |
Jacob Barrett dismist to ye Secd: Chh in Lancaster |
Sepr 22 |
Signify’d to Chh yt. I had Recd. Letters from 1st: Chh |
In Salem (as yy. Style ymSelves) wishing us to Joyn wth |
ym. in ye. Ordination Mr Dudley Leavitt to ye Pastorate |
Charge in ye. Room of Mr. Samll. Fisk dismist on Acct |
of Some Scandals he was Convicted of; ye Letters being |
Read yy. Voted to go by Capt. Parker Capt. Eaton & |
Capt. Brown as yr Delegates |
1746 |
James Brown James Goodwin & Wife wth |
[A32] |
David Bancroft were then at their Desire |
dismist & Recom̄ended to ye Chh of X in Norwich |
as also Katharine Conant to ye Chh in Hollis |
(Apl. be’g Omitted) A Considerable Number of ye Breth of ye Chh |
in Framingham Signifying their Uneasiness at |
ye Doctrines deliver’d by yr Pastor87 as bordering |
upon ye Arminian Scheme, desird our Assistance |
in Fellowship wth. Some Other Chhes by Advising ym |
in yr. present Difficultys; but ye Circumstances of |
my Family not Allowing Me to go; ye Chh Voted in ye Negate. |
May 18th |
A Considerable Number of ye Town & Chh in |
Framingham having Remonstrated agst: ye Preaching of |
ye Pastor of Sd Town & Chh Earnestly & Repeatedly |
Desird ye Assistance of Our Chh in Concurrence wth |
Other Chhes to Advise ym in yr present Difficultys: |
at ye same Time a great Number of ye Chh |
of X in Hopkington being Offended at ye Conduct |
of yr Pastor & a Number of yr Breth: desird |
Our presence in Councill wth Other Chhes. ye Letters |
Relating to wch: Difficultys I laid before ye Chh who |
tho’t it adviseable to Send Help & assistance & Accordingly |
Ebenr Nicolls Junr John Walton & Thos Burnap |
were Appointed Delegates. |
Augt |
A Number of ye Breth of ye 2d; Chh in Bradford |
having Signifyd yr Uneasiness wth ye Pastor88 on |
acct: of false Doct: deliver’d by him as also wth |
ye: Chh on Acct of Some Male Administratn. desird |
ye Assistc of ye Chh to Joyn in Councill wth Other |
to grant ye Request of ye Complainants |
As also yy Refus’d to Assist a Number of Breth in Dor: |
[A33] |
chester Uneasy at ye Conduct of ye Pastor of Chh there |
ye Main Reason of Such Refusals - Our being so |
frequently Engag’d in ye Affairs of Other Chhes |
Augt 26 |
— Lecture Day — The Chh being Stayed after |
Lecture proceeded to ye Choice of two Deacons to |
Supply ye. places of Deacon Smith & Nicolls, decd |
When Mr Brown Emerson & Jona. Temple were |
Chosen by a Majority of Votes. |
At ye Same Time, London, a Negro Man belonging |
to Bror: Thos. Eaton Confess’d ye Sin of Fornication |
& was Suspended till he shd shew good Evidence of an |
Evange1ical Humiliatn. |
Octo 5th. |
Edwd: Dammon & Eliza his Wife were then at |
their Request dismist from their Relation to ys Chh |
in Order to their Embodying into a Chh at Ware= |
=River. |
Novr. 30 |
Mr. Brown Emerson having Signifyd to me his |
Accepte. of ye Chhes Call to ye Office of a Deacon |
I manifested my Concurrence wth ye Chh’s Vote & |
Invited him to his proper place in Deacons Seat |
at ye Same Time Hannah Daggett was Dismist |
to Chh at Sutton & Jacob Smith to ye Chh in Hollis |
Decr |
The Chh of Stoneham having Sent Letters Desiring |
Our Assistance at ye Ordination of Mr John Carney |
Whom they had Chosen for their Pastor, I read the |
Letters to ye Chh Who Readily Voted to gratify ye Request |
Capt Bryant & Deacon Parker |
At ye Same Time I had Letters from ye Chh of |
[A34] |
Woburn Intreating us to Compassionate their |
Melancholly Circumstances89 by Assisting in Councill |
wch yy had calld to Sit & Judge upon them, ye Chh Voted |
Assistance & Accordingly Sent wth their |
Pastor Capt Bancroft & Capt Brown. |
1747 July |
ye Secd: Chh in Malden having desird our presence |
& Assistance in ye Ordination Installation of ye Revd Mr. Cleveland90 |
I read ye Letters to ye Chh Who Seem’d dispos’d to go till |
I Informed ym: yt: I had no Acquaintance wth: ye Gentn |
to be Installd & therefore dar’d not in Conscience to |
Assist, on Wch: we proceeded no farther. |
Augt: |
The Third Chh in Lynn having desird Our presence |
& Assistance in some Difficult Matters Relating Chiefly to |
ye Pastor of Sd. Chh91 who had been Charg’d wth Very Indecent |
Carriage towards his Maid, Mary Burrill, ye Chh |
Voted Assistance, & wth: their Pastor Sent Deacon |
Parker & Deacon Bancroft. |
May |
it Shd: have been Inserted above yt ye Chh of Dorchester |
having a Number who had Separated from its Communion |
did wth: their Separating Brethn. desire ye Assistance of this |
Chh to Sit in Councill wth. Others & advise them in their |
Difficultys; ye Chh accordingly Voted to Send, Upon Wch. Deacon |
Bancroft was Nominated & Voted to go wth ye Pastor |
Octo: |
Lydia Nicolls was Recd: into ye Watch of this Chh by a |
Recomendatn from Stonham. |
at ye Same Time I Read to Chh Letters Sent from Billerica |
with wch: ye Chh Comply’d & Chose Capt Bancroft Deacon |
Emerson & Mr Samll Pool |
Jany. |
Jonn. Eaton Junr having Entred a Complaint agst |
Wm Bryant Junr. wth. Respect to Some Slanderous |
& Vilifying Expressions Used by Sd. Bryant, I |
Appointed a Chh Meeting for ye Consideration of |
this Affair ye Chh having Met at Time Appointed & ye |
[A35] |
Defendt: pleaded yt: Sd: Eaton had not taken ye private |
Steps prescribed by Our Savr: & therefore yt ye Matter |
was not Under ye Cognizance of ye Chh. this being debated |
it Appeard yt. however Mr. Eatons Behaviour was Agreable |
to ye Letter Yet it was by no Means to ye Charitable Design |
& End of ye Gospell wch: is to Reclaim an Offender & therefore |
Voted yt: Mr. Eatons Conduct be look’d upon by ys. Chh |
as Defective in ye Essentials of it, on Wch: it was flung |
out & Recomended to ‘em yt ye Matter be privately Accomodated. |
at ye Same Time it was Motion’d to ye Chh, yt Inasmuch as |
John Dammon a Member of ye Chh had fallen into ye Depths of |
Enthusiasm thrô wch: he had Vented ye Most Uncharitable Expresss |
not only agst. ye Pastors of ys. Chhs but ye Chh itself, nor only ys Chh but |
Indeed ye whole Chh of X, as being Antichristian, & had Withdrawn |
from ye preached Word & ye ^public Ordinances; - yt. therefore Something be |
done in Charity to ye Offender in Order to Reclaim him hereupon |
Voted yt Deacon Parker Deacon Bancroft Deacon Emerson |
& Deacon Temple wth. Capt. Brown & Capt. Nicolls be a Committee |
of Enquiry into ye Conduct of Brothr Dammon & ye Reasons of it |
& Make Report to ye. Pastor of ys. Chh.92 at ye Same |
Time it was Motion’d to ye Chh yt: Inasmuch as Brother Ebenr |
been long Suspended ye: Communn of ye Chh, & no fruits of Repentn |
Appearing, nor he Manifesting a desire to Return to ye fellowship |
of ye: Chh; — Whither it be Consider’d Wt. was proper to be done |
Hereupon Voted yt. two of ye Deacons wth Mr. Thos Burnap, John |
Sweyn, Benjn. Sweyn be a Committee to Inform Bror Parker |
yt: Unless a Reformation Appears in him the Chh will proceed to |
Excommunicatn in ye Space of three Months In ye Mean |
While Sd Committee are Desird particularly to watch over him. |
1748 Apl 10 |
The Second Chh in Ipswich being Offended at ye. Conduct of ye. |
First, & having, to no purpose Endeavour’d to compromise & |
heal Matters yy: proceeded to Administer Letters of Admonition |
wch. not Answering yr. designed End, they proceeded to Send Letters |
to Other Chhes, & particularly to ye 1st. Chh in Reading, desiring |
[A36] |
them to back or Second ye Admonition; Accordingly I laid |
ye Matter before ye Chh, Who considering ye Importance of |
ye Case, desird ye Matter might be deferr’d till ye next Lds: |
Day: ——— When ye Consideration of ye Matter being |
Resum’d ye Chh not Seeing Sufficient Reason to grant ye |
Prayer of yt. Petition Voted in ye Negative |
At ye Same Time laid before ye Chh a Letter from ye Chh |
in Tivertown, who had lately Recd: ye. Gospell built an |
House for Public Worship & Settled a Pastor,93 but being |
in their Infancy were Weak & therefore desird Assistance in |
Order to defray their Charges: ye Chh taking ye. Matter into |
Consideratn Voted to grant ye Desire of ye Petition, Accordingly |
a Contribution was Appointed to be on ye Next Thursday Sennight |
it being fast Day. |
Augt. 28 |
Lds Day Eve Stayed ye Chh. & Read a Letter from Willm: Baldwin |
who wth: Other Members of ye Chh of Christ in Narragansett No: 2 |
were highly Offended wth. their Pastor, Mr. Elisha Marsh & Chh on |
Various Accounts, & therefore desird Our advice in Councill wth: many |
other Chhes Call’d to sit in New Town The Chh having heard |
ye Letters Voted to gratify ye prayers of ye Petition & accordingly |
appointed Lieutt. Parker & Capt. Bancroft as their Delegates. |
Sep. 18 |
Lds Day Eve ye Common Service of ye. Sabbh. being Over |
I Communicated to ye Chh Letters Sent from ye Chh in Chelsea |
desiring Our Assistance in ye Instalment Ordination of Mr. Wm: McClanathan |
Wm: they had called to ye Pastoral Office in Sd. Chh. The Chh |
Voted to go by their Delegates Deacon Emerson Capt. Eaton |
Capt. Nicolls Wth: their Pastor |
NB |
The Councill Met at Time Appointed, but Much being Objected |
agst. Moral Character of Mr McClanhathan ye Councill declined |
ye. Installmt. for present & adjourn’d to 3d: Wednesday Decr |
next, In Mean Time taking Necessary & prudent Measures to find |
out ye. true Character of ye. Gentn. Elected |
1749 |
March Lecture Day after ye Service of ye. Day I Stayed ye Chh, |
laid before ym: ye. Case of John Dammon & Wife |
who Notwithstanding all Endeavours to Reclaim ‘em, Yet |
Continued in yr. Enthusiasticall Notions, & Uncharitible, Censorious |
[A37] |
frames, giving out yt ys: Chh & all Other Chhes in ye. Land were but |
Baals Chhes & ye. Ministers, but ye Dragons Angels94 wth: Many Other |
Expressions of ye. like Nature: after Much Debate upon ye. Case ye Chh |
proceeded to Vote yt: yr: Conduct in yse. things, as also in Refusing to |
Vote Attend ys. Chh Meeting of Wch: they had been duly Notified, was |
Censurable, as Contrary to ye. Word of Gd: & ye Bonds of ye Chh Covenant |
& therefore they were forbidden ye Table of ye. Ld: for ye present. Yet |
Inasmuch as a Controversy Arose founded on ye: Questn. Whether Mr Dammon |
& Wife were not put out of ye possessn of yr own Minds & Much being |
offerd to prove yt yy were at least under a Dementia quoadhac95 |
ye Chh tho’t it not proper Immediately at least to Censure yse prsons |
but Voted to Spend Some time in prayer on yr. acct: desiring also |
yt. ye. Revd. Mr. Clark of Salem Village, Mr. Putnam of No: Precinct |
& Mr. Emerson of Malden Might be Intreated to Assist in Sd |
Solemnity. ye Time for Sd. Solemnity to be left wth: ye Pastors |
Hereupon Voted yt two of ye. Deacons & Capt. Nicolls be a Committee to |
Inform Sd. Dammon & Wife of ye transactions of ye. Chh & Withal |
Give ym to know yt. ye. Chh Expect yr. Attendance at ye. Time of |
prayer after Wch: ye Meeting was Adjournd for two Months for |
further Consideratn |
May 12th |
being Lecture Day I Stayed ye Chh after Divine Service; & further |
Represented to ym: ye. Case of Mr. John Dammon & Wife who still Continued |
in yr. former Offences, & Refus’d to attend ye Chh on ye Day of Prayer tho |
Set Apart on their Partic: Account, of Wch: they were Duly Notify’d; & Who |
also Refus’d to give Account of their Conduct, at this Meeting where they were |
Required to give their Attendence: the Chh herupon, taking ye Matter into |
Serious Consideration Voted yt. Bror. John Dammon & Wife obstinately |
persisting in their Uncharitable Language & Disorderly Behaviour, be |
therfore Suspended ye Communion of ye. Chh, till they shall give |
Suitable Satisfaction. at ye Same Time Voted yt. an Admonition |
be dispensed to John Dammon & Wife & yt Deacon Temple Capt. Eaton |
Capt Bancroft & Bror. Ephm. Wesson & Joseph Parker accompany ye Pastor |
in Dispensing Sd. Admonition. |
At ye Same Time ye Case of Ebenr Parker Junr who had long liv’d |
in ye Sin of Drunkeness, & had been Suspended therefor was taken |
[A38] |
into Consideration at Wch: Time Sd. Parker Offering a Confession |
of his Sin & pretending to be humbled therfor, the Chh so far |
accepted his Acknowledgmt: as to Vote a Reprieve from ye Sentence |
of Excommmunication, Wch: yy. had formerly Voted to pass wthout |
Repentance & Reformation: Sd. Reprieve to continue for ye Space |
of One Month & no longer Except there were Apparent Tokens |
of Repente. & Amendmt: In ye Mean [time] they who had ye former |
Special Watch Over him together wth: Mess Josiah & Jotham |
Walton were desird to Continue it. |
Lecture Day |
Some Considerable Time having passed ye Chh met agn: to Consider |
Sepr: 28 |
ye Case of Ebenr: Parker but he not being present tho Warnd |
ye Chh Voted to protract yr. Lenity towards him till ye Next Lecture |
Day; when yy: purpos’d to take his Affairs into Consideratn & proceed |
agst. him, without Reformatn, Whether present or Absent |
Octo 27. |
being Lecture Day I Movd to The Chh being Met by Adjournmt |
I Movd to ye Chh - Case of Ebenr Parker, who after Some |
Debates upon ye propriety or Impropriety of Immediately Considering |
Sd Case at Length Voted to adjourn to thursday Seven Night |
following & ^sd Parker being Absent yt Deacon Bancroft Deacon Temple Capt. Brown |
Deacon Emerson & Bror. Ephm. Wesson be a Committe of ye Chh |
to Visit Sd Parker & Solemnly to Urge upon him ye Necessity of |
paying due Regards to ye Authority of ye Chh |
Thursday Novr 10th: The Chh being Met took into Consideratn ye Case |
of Ebenr Parker & Nothing of Importance being Offerd by him in his |
Vindicatn. Voted 1st yt. they would Extend their Lenity to him no farther |
2dly: That Conduct of Ebenr. Parker by Reason of habitual |
Drunkeness aggravated by Many & Awfull Consideratns, partic: by |
his Continuance in it for a long Course [of] Time & In Contradictn. to many |
Solemn promises & Engagements: is Such as yt. we apprehend him |
unworthy of being a Member of Christs Visible Chh, & yt therfore |
he was Excommunicated in face of ye Congregatn |
1750 |
March 11th: |
Jacob Bancroft & Wife having been guilty of ye Sin of |
Fornicatn, acknowledgd yr Sin were Received to Charity respectively, & had |
yr. Child Baptised |
April I communicated to ye Chh Letters from a Chh in Eastham |
Inviting Our presence & Assistance at ye Installmt. of ye. Revd |
[A39] |
Mr. Edwd. Cheever in ye Pastoral Office there, but ye Chh Considering ye |
great Distance & yt Their Assistance was not of absolute Necessity declin’d |
going |
May 27 |
Having Recd Letters from ye Chh of Cht: in Northhampton |
Signifying ye Great Difficulty they labord of in Respect of difft. |
Sentiments Relating to ye. Right to ye Holy Supper, & Intreating Our |
Assistance in Removing Sd. Difficu1ty; I Comted ye Letters to ye Chh |
who Esteeming ye. Matter of great Importance Voted to Send96 |
N B: Samll. Bancroft Junr: Chosen Delegate |
July 22d |
The Chh being Stayed after ye Service of ye Sabba. I Com̄unicated |
to them Letters from ye Third Chh in Lynn Desiring Our |
Assistance in ye Ordination of Mr: Joseph Roby to ye |
Pastoral Office in Sd. Chh: The Chh having Voted yr |
Readiness to Assist; Deacon Bancroft, Capt. Brown Capt. |
Sweyn Capt. Nicolls & Mr. Samll. Pool Were appointed |
Delegates to Accompany ye Pastor |
Octo |
Mr: Joseph Sweyn was dismist & Recomended to ye: Chh |
of Christ in Wenham at ye Same Time I Communicated |
Letters from ye Chh aforesd. desiring Our Assistance in Seperating Mr. |
Sweyn to ye Pastoral Office there ye Chh Voted to Send |
Deacon Emerson Capt Brown Capt. Sweyn, Benjn. Sweyn & Mr |
Near ye Same Time I Communicated to ye: Chh a Letter |
from ye Revd Mr. Cleveland Pastor of ye South Chh in Malden |
Desiring Our Assistance in Councill about ye Expediency of his |
Removal to Hallifax in Chebucta97 to Wch: place he was Earnestly |
Invited. The Chh having heard his Letters Voted to Send. |
NB: Capt. Brown & Capt. Nicolls Voted Delegates |
Novr |
James Abbott & Sarah his Wife were at their Request dismist |
& Recomended to ye Chh of X. at Pennicook |
Decr. 9th |
Jacob Parker & Abigail his Wife, Children of ye Chh |
[A40] |
tho not Members in full Communion, being Convicted in |
their Consciences of their breaking ye Seventh Comt. offerd |
their Acknowledgmt & were agn. Recd: into Charity according to |
their former Standing |
1751 |
May |
Having Recd Letters from a Number of ye Brethn of ye Chh |
of Northampton adhering to yr. Late Pastour ye Revd Mr Edwards |
Signifying yr. Desires yt. we wd Incorporate ym. & Install |
yr. Late Pastor over ym if we Saw meet, or Otherwise give |
Such Advice as yr. Circumstances Calld for; having also Recd Letters |
from ye Revd: Mr. Edwards, desiring yt. he might have an |
Opportunity to lay his Case before a Councill, & have yr advice, |
I Read ye Letters to ye Chh who Voted to Send according to ye |
Desire of ye. Petitioners N B. Capt: Brown & Samll. Bancroft Junr. Deleg: |
June |
Having Recd. Letters from a Number of ye Brethn. of ye |
West Chh in Sudbury signifying yr. Uneasiness wth. yr. Pastor |
Refusing ym: a Chh Meeting tho often Requested, as also to Joyn in |
Councill under yr Difficulties ^& hereupon desiring Our Assistance & Councill. I read ye Letters to ye Chh |
as also a Complaint of ye. Grievance of ye. Brethn. Carryed in |
N B: Deacon Emerson & John Temple Delegates |
July |
Communicated to Chh Letters Recd: from ye Chh at Linebrook desiring |
us to Joyn in Councill to advise ym. in yr: Conduct towards two Brethn |
who had Spoken to ye. disadvantage of [the] Moral Character of yr. Pastr |
The Chh thinking ye Chh at Linebrook had Sufficient Power to deal |
wth. yr. Offending Brethn. Refused to Joyn |
Sepr: |
I Communicated to ye Chh Letters wch. I Recd: from a Number |
of Brethn: belonging to ye. Secd: Chh in Sutton, desiring ye |
presence of this Chh wth: Others to advise ym. under long & |
pressing Difficu1tys ye Chh after Some debate, Esteemd it |
their Duty to Send. Accordingly Deacon Bancroft |
Capt. Eaton Capt. Brown & Capt. Nicolls Were Voted |
Delegates or Any two of them |
Jany: 26 |
Samll. Nicolls & Wife dismist & Recomded: to a Chh |
[A41] |
of Christ in Lebanon98 under Care of Mr. Soln. Williams Pastr |
1752 |
March 22d: Nathll: Bacheller Junr. offered his |
Confession of ye Sin of Fornication his Wife having |
been deliverd of a Child in abt: five Months after |
V^id: ⊕ |
Marriage, Wch: being Read, he was Recd: to Charity |
May |
Stayed ye Chh on ye Lds. Day & Comunicated to ym Letters |
from a Number of Aggriev’d Brethn. belonging to ye 2nd |
Chh in Sutton Earnestly Intreating ye Presence & Assiste. of ys |
Chh in Concurre: wth: Other Chhes Calld to Sit in Council on ye |
3d. Tuesday of May Instant. Accordingly ye Chh very generay |
Voted to Send N B: Deacon Bancroft & Capt Brown Delegates |
⊕ Apl. |
Wm: Bryant Junr: having bro’t an Accusatn. agst: his Bror |
Noah Eaton, for false & Injurious Speaking of & Wilfull Lying as |
also for hard Oppressive dealing; I calld ye Chh: together who after |
long Hearing & Debate Voted ym Selves dissatisfied wth: ye Conduct |
of Bror: Eaton ^& a Number [of] Points Articled agt. him, & herupon Suspended him till he Shd. |
make Proper Satisfactn. |
Novr: 26 |
After ^Public Service of ye Sabba. I Read to ye Chh Letters to ym |
Signed Nathan Town & Eunice his Wife Signifying |
yt. it had pleased God to Contend wth: ym: by Fire by Wch: |
all yr. Substance & provisions were Consumed, & therefore |
Desiring ye Charity of ye Chh & Congregatn in this place |
to Wch: She formerly belonged Wherupon ye Chh after a few |
Moments Debate Unanimously Voted a Contributn: |
N Bene She was ye Daughter Of Mrs. Wm. Green |
1753 March Mr: James Parker & Wife were at yr. |
Request |
Dismist from us & Recomended to ye Chh at Southborô |
Where they had Removed |
Apl. 12th: |
Having appointed a Chh. Meeting Some Time before |
for ye Choice of a Deacon, ye Chh Accordingly |
Met on ys Day, when Capt: Benja. Brown was |
[A42] |
Chosen to that Office, at ye First Vote. |
at ye Same Time Were dismissed Mrs: Abigail |
Hay, now ye Wife of ye Revd: Mr Joseph Emerson |
as also Mary Richardson, now Farley, & Recom̄ended |
to ye Chh in Groton, under ye Watch of Mr. Emerson Aforsd. |
at ye Same Time also Noah Eaton having Acknowledgd |
ye Faults for Wch he had been some Time past |
Suspended, & Asking fogiveness, was Restored to Charity. |
Augt. 24 |
Being Lecture Day I Communicated to ye Chh ye |
Case of Primus Negro Servt. to Mrs. David Green Junr. |
who had for a long Time Absented himself |
from ye Communion of ye Chh, but He, tho Warnd, |
of ye Case till ye Next Chh Meeting |
Sepr. 9 |
Service of ye Sabb; being Over Eliza Fowler was |
Recd: into ye Fellowship of ys Chh having been |
dismist & Recom̄ended — 2d. Chh in Woburn |
Octo 19 |
Being Lecture Day, ye Chh Met by Adjournmt |
to Consider ye Case of Primus Negro Servt. to |
Mrs. David Green Junr: Sd: Primus having |
offer’d ye Reasons for Absenting himself from |
ye Worship & Ordinances of X. ye Chh |
Voted ym Selves Unsatisfied wth: his Reasons, |
& Suspended him from Chh Fellowship till he |
Shd Manifest his Repente. |
1754 |
March 3 |
John Townsend Junr was then at his Request |
Dismist to ye Chh at Wilmington |
June 2: |
Kendal Bryant was then at his Request |
dismissed & Recommended to ye Chh of |
Christ in Concord |
June 23d |
Having a fortnight past Communicated Letters |
[A43] |
from a Number of Aggrieved Members of ye |
West Chh in Sudbury, desiring Our Help & Advice |
in Concurrence wth: Other Chhes, ye Chh who then Adjourn’d yt they |
might be better prepard for Action Resumd ye |
Consideratn. of this Matter & generally Voted to Send |
ye Desird Help: NB Deacon Brown Delegate. |
Decr. 22: |
One Labary who was taken Captive by ye Indians |
last Augt. & Carryed to Canada, having Earnestly |
Requested Help of us in Order to his Redemption |
Voted a Contribution ye Next Lords Day |
— 29 |
This Vote was Reverst ys Day on Some Jealousy |
& Surmises whether Labarra wd. Ever Obtain ye Money.99 |
Feby 9 |
Wife of Kendal Bryant Junr. dismist & Recomended |
to ye Chh of Concord. |
1755 |
June 29 |
After ye Service was Ended I Comted to ye Chh Letters |
Sent from ye Revd. Mr. Carnes Desiring us to Join |
in Councill wth. other Chhes, in Order to a Regular |
Dismission from his Pastoral Relatn. if it Shd. be |
Judged Expedient, Accordingly ye Chh Voted to Send |
& Deacon Brown being Nominated was Accepted. |
NB: ye Councill Met at Time & Place & Wrote a Letter to |
ye Chh; but ys being treated wth: Neglect; upon Adjournmt |
Voted Mr: Carnes Might lawfully Withdraw from100 his Chh; yet |
advised him to patience & forbearance for Some Time. |
Novr. 2d |
I Communicated Letters from101 Chh. at Lynn End |
desiring Our Assistance in ye Ordinatn. of |
Mr. Benjn. Adams to ye Pastoral Office there: ye |
Chh Accordingly Voted Compliance & wth yr Pastor |
Sent Deacons Bancroft Brown & Emerson & |
Capt. Sweyn. |
Decr 14 |
Maverick Smith & Wife having been |
[A44] |
guilty of Fornicatn before Marriage |
Confessed yr Sin humbled ym Selves & Were |
Recd to former Charity |
at ye Same Time I laid before ye Chh. |
& Congregatn ye distressed Circumstances of ye Family of |
& for Many years an Inhabitt. of it Who |
Requested Our Charity; Herupon ye Chh |
Readily ^Voted a Contributn for him on ye Next Lds Day. |
1756 |
Jany |
after Divine Service Read Letters Sent |
from Woburn Desiring Assistance in ye Ordinatn |
of Mr. Josiah Sherman to ye Pastoral |
Care of ye 1st: Chh of X there. Voted Affirme |
Delegates Deacons Bancroft & Brown Sgt |
Nicolls & Capt. Eaton. |
Apl. |
Laid before ye Chh ye Desire of |
Jona. Smith for a Charitable Contribution |
on Acct: yt his House had been Consumed |
by fire, with whose Desire ye Chh |
Unanimously Concurr’d |
June |
Jona. Brown having been guilty of ye |
Breach of ye Seventh Comt made Confessn of |
his Sin & was Restored to former Charity. |
- Meriah Negro Servt to Deacon Parker decd |
dismist & Recom̄ended to ye Chh |
in Salem under ye Care of Revd Thos. Barnard. |
Augt 29 |
Jona. Bancroft & Wife having been guilty of |
[A45] |
ye Breach of ye Seventh Comt. made Confessn |
of yr Sin & were Restord to former Charity |
1757 |
June 17: Being Lecture Day, I Stayed ye Chh after Religious |
Service to Read a paragraph in ye Will of Deaon |
Parker Deceased in wch: be bequathed a Legacy to |
two Other Members to be Chosen by ye Chh: Accordingly |
ye Chh proceeded to ye Choice of ye Brethn. Who |
were Capt. John Goodwin & Lt. Samll. Bancroft. |
19th |
ye Service of ye Sabb: being ended, I stayed ye Chh |
& Intimated to ym. yt ye Frowns of Gd: upon ye Land being |
Many & gt: Especially in Respect to ye long Drought wth: wch. |
we have been Visited & wherby ye Increase of ye Land is |
gtly threatned I tho’t it highly proper yt a day |
of Fasting shd be Kept, to humble Our Souls before |
God & Earnestly Seek his Favours. ye Chh Concurring |
wth. me in ye Tho’t, Agreed yt Next Thursday be Kept |
as a Day of Solemn Fasting & Humiliation |
Novr 23 |
Mr Joshua Parker was at his Request Dismissed |
& Recomended to ye Chh of Christ in Canterbury |
under ye Pastoral Care of ye Revd. Mr. Coggeshall.102 |
Ebenr. Wesson was at his Request dismissed |
& Recomended to ye Chh of Christ in Souhegin West |
under ye Pastoral Care of ye Revd: Danll Wilkins103 |
1758 |
Ap 29 |
Wm: Pool & Wife having long lain under ye |
guilt of ye Sin of Fornicatn Were at length |
Convicted in their own Consciences, made |
[A46] |
Humble Confessn. of yr Sin & Were Restord to |
Charity. |
May 28 |
Joseph Gold was then at his Request |
dismissed & Recomended to ye Chh at Souhegin. |
Novr. 2d: |
The Chh being Call’d to Meet together |
on this Day to Make Choice of a Deacon |
whom God hath Taken to himself; Made |
Choice of Mr. Samll. Bancroft Junr Nephew |
to ye: Deceas’d. |
Decr. I |
Signifyed My Concurrence wth yt |
Vote of ye Chh, & Mr. Bancroft having |
Accepted his Call Entred into his Office & Seat |
Decr. 31 |
Read to ye Chh Letters Recd from ye |
Chh of Christ in Middleton, Desiring |
Our Assistance in ye Ordination of |
Mr. Elias Smith Chosen to ye Pastoral |
Office in Sd. Chh. Voted in ye Affirmative. |
NB. |
Deacon Brown, Ebenr: Nicolls Ebenr: Smith |
& Isaac Smith Junr, Delegates. |
Jany: 14. |
Read Letters from ye Chh in Stoneham desiring |
Assistance in ye. Installment of ye Revd |
Mr. John Searl over ye Chh. there. Voted Affirme |
NB: |
Deacon Emerson, Deacon Bancroft Capt |
John Sweyn & Wm Bryant Delegates |
1760 |
Ap Wm: Bryant & Wife dismissed to ye Chh |
in Sudbury ye Pastoral Care of Revd Mr Cook |
Augt Wm: Johnson & Wife Dismissed to ye Westerly |
Chh in Lynn. |
1761 |
May 17 |
Read to ye Chh Letters from ye 2d Chh in ye Town |
Inviting our Help at ye Ordinatn. of |
Mr Stone to yt Pastoral Office. Voted |
Affirmative. |
[A47] |
Eaton Delegates. |
Octo |
Samll Bancroft having been one of ye 2 Trustees |
Voted to take Care of ye Legacy left ye Chh by |
Deacon Parker; & he being afterwards Chosen |
Deacon; Collll Nicolls was Voted to Supply his Place |
Novr 22 |
Rebecca ye Widow of John Dammon Decd |
having made Acknowledgt of ye Sin, for wch |
she wth her Husband had been long Suspended, |
was herupon Recd. into ye Charity of ye Chh |
29 Stayed Chh ^& Congregatn after Service & Mention’d ye Applicatn of Mr |
Melandys Family for a Contribution, in Consideratn of yr |
Needy Circumstances; ye Chh falling in herwith, agreed yt. |
ye Next Thursday being Thanksgiving Day, shoud be a |
Day therfor. |
1762 |
Sepr |
Stayed ye Chh after divine Service & Read ye |
Letters Missive from Marblehead Desiring our |
presence & Assistance at ye Ordinatn of Mr |
Whitwell as Colleague Pastor wth ye: Revd |
Mr Barnard; but being strangers to ye Gentn |
his Experiences & Principles Voted not to Send |
1763 |
Sepr |
Read ye Letters Missive from ye Third Chh in |
Salem desiring Our Assist: at ye Ordinatn of |
Mr Huntington, to ye Work of ye Ministry; but |
being Unacquainted wth ye Gentn his Principles, |
Morals & Experiences; Voted not to Send. |
however afterwards to Send yt we Might Know ym. |
Ap. 12 |
Chh Voted on Fast Day, a Contribution for Thos Hartshorn |
brot low by ye Dispensatn of Provid: ye Next Sabb: |
July 15. |
Then John Boutell Junr & Wife Made humble Confession of ye |
Sin of Fornication & were Recd to Charity.104 |
At a meeting of ye first Church of Christ in |
[A48] |
Reading on ye 18th Day of July: 1765 after Seeking to God By Prayer the Church |
1. Voted that De Benjamin Brown Should |
be moderator for this meeting. |
2. That De Brown Emerson Should be ye Church’s |
Clerk During the Church’s Pleasure. |
3. De Jonathan Temple De Samuel Bancroft |
and Ebenr Nichols Esqr weare Chosen a Comtt |
to goe to Mr Hobbys and fecth the Church |
Books of Record: which Books ware Brought |
to the Church: and the Church Covenant was |
Read to the Church. |
The Church voted to Keep the 15 Day of |
August next Insuing as a Day of fasting |
and Prayer. |
The Church Platform was Read to ye Church |
at said Meeting and Left to be Considred |
afterwards. |
__________________________________________ |
At a meeting of ye first Church of Christ in |
Reading on ye 2d Day of September: 1765 |
after Looking up to God by Prayer. |
De Benjamin Brown was Chosen Moderator |
It was moved to the Church whether the Church |
wold Receve Members while we are Destitute |
of a Pastor and it Past in ye Affermative |
by a General Vote. Then it was, |
Voted that the Deacons Should be a Committee |
[A49] |
to Examen Persons that Should offer themselves |
to the Communion of ye Church and Receve the |
Satisfaction that they Shall Give and propound |
them to the Church: and that the Persons that |
Shall Give Satisfaction to the Committee: Shall |
have the Covenant Given to them by Some |
ordained Minister: and they Shall Give in their Rela |
tions to Sd Committee. |
It was then proposed whether the church would |
Chouse a Commtt to Draw up a Confession of faith |
by the help and assestance of an ordained minister |
or Ministers and it past in ye affermative. |
Voted that Ebenr Nichols Esqr De Bancroft and Lt John |
Temple be a Comtte: for that purpos. |
Voted that the Revd Mr Clark and ye Revd Mr Samuel |
Stone be ye Ministers to asest Asest ye Committee |
in Drawing up a Confession of faith for ye Church. |
Voted to adjourn this meeting to this Day four weaks |
at two of ye Clock in ye afternoon. |
At the adjournment ^above Sd the Committee above said |
having by the help of ye Revd Mr Peter |
Clark of Danvers Drawn Up a Confession of |
faith Did Present it to the Church for thare |
ed of them: by a Unanamos Vote. |
Voted to accept of ye Platform for a General Rule of Church |
Dissapline So Farr as it is agreable to the word of God. |
Voted to abid by the Church Covenant.105 |
Confession of Faith. |
[A50] |
1. We do seriously & solemnly profess to |
believe in one eternal almighty God |
the Father Son & holy Ghost, who |
created the World by his Power, & |
governs it by his Providence, & is |
the Redeemer of the fallen World |
by his Son Jesus Christ. |
2. We believe the holy Scriptures of the |
old & new Testament to be the Word |
of God, & adhere to Them as the only |
Rule of Faith & Practice, directing Us |
in all Matters of divine Worship, & in |
Church-Administrations, as well as in |
an holy Life & Conversation. 2 Tim: 3: 16. 17. |
3. We believe, that our first Parents fell |
from that Estate of Integrity Honour & |
Happiness in which God at first |
created Them, & ^that all Mankind ^fell in Them, |
by their Transgression in eating the |
Forbidden Fruit; & that thereby They |
involved themselves & their Posterity in a |
State of Sin & Death; |
and that in Consequence hereof, all the |
[A51] |
of corrupted Nature, destitute of original |
Righteousness & Purity, & infected with |
Sin properly so called so as to become |
Children of Wrath by Nature Psa: 51.5. |
Rom: 5.19 Eph: 2.3.4. And that God |
hath from all Eternity chosen a certain |
Number of lapsed or fallen Mankind |
to Life & Salvation as the End, & Faith |
in Christ & Holiness as the Means Eph: 1.4 2 |
Thess: 2.13. |
4. We believe, that God, in Compassion |
to the sinful perishing State of Mankind, |
fore-ordained, & in the Fulness of Time |
sent his only begotten Son, to be the |
Saviour of the World: & that Jesus |
Christ the Son of God, became true |
& real Man, being made of a Woman, |
& in all things like unto his Brethren |
Sin only excepted; & at the same Time |
in his original Nature God over all |
blessed for ever more, being God |
& Man in one Person John 1.14 |
1 Tim: 3.6 Gal: 4.4. Heb: 2:17 Rom: 9.5, 6. |
5. That Christ the Son of God having |
[A52] |
in Compliance with his Father’s Will |
taken on Him the Nature of Man, |
hath therein substituted himself to |
bear our Sins in his Sacrefice on the |
humbled himself in his Obedience unto |
Death for our Redemption, whereby |
he has made a true & perfect |
Satisfaction to the Justice of God |
for the Sins of Man. |
6. That He rose again from the Dead |
on the third Day, & ascended into |
Heaven as our victorious Redeemer, |
& sitteth at the right Hand of God |
making Intercession for Us, & having |
Power given Him over all Things |
in Heaven & on Earth. |
7. That he sustains & executes the |
Threefold Office of Prophet Priest |
& King in his Church. |
8. That in the Exercise of his Office as |
Redeemer, and of the Fullness of Power |
committed to Him; He has published |
[A53] |
the Gospel-Covenant: Requiring |
Faith & Repentance of sinful Men, |
in Order to Pardon & Salvation. |
And We must look to be be pardoned |
& saved only thro’ the Merits of Christ, |
applied by Faith as our only available |
Plea before the Justice of God in |
Opposition to all Works, not only Those |
of the mosaic Law, but all Works of |
Righteousness which we are supposed to |
or after Grace received; & the only |
solid Ground of the Imputation of the |
Righteousness of Christ to Us for our |
Justification is our Union to Christ |
by Faith, & not Works of Obedience |
‘tho’ a lively Faith uniting to Christ |
will be ever followed with Works of |
Gospel-Obedience. Rom: 3.25. Tit: 3.5. |
Phill: 3.9. Rom: 8.1. |
9. We believe the holy Spirit is given thro’ |
the Merit & Intercession of Christ to make |
Application of his purchased Redemption to |
Men’s Souls; |
and that his gracious Influences are |
[A54] |
necessary to a Life of Faith & Obedience |
& particularly the regenerating & renewing |
Power & Grace of the holy Spirit is |
necessary to quicken Sinners naturally |
dead in Sin, impotent & averse to all |
spiritual Good; & to lead them into the |
Life of God: And his gracious Aids are |
to be sought & depended on by Believers |
in all their Acts of the spiritual Life, |
whereby They are enabled to persevere |
to Perfection. ———— |
10. That Christ hath instituted a Gospel- |
Ministry, & the two Sacrements of |
Baptism & the Lord’s Supper as the |
Redemption - to be observed in his Church, |
‘till his second Coming. ———— |
11. We believe another Life after this Life, |
& that Christ will come again, & raise |
the Dead, & judge the World; & that |
We must all appear before the |
Judgement-Seat of Christ. ———— |
12. That at the last Day, the Wicked |
[A55] |
shall be adjudg’d to everlasting |
Punishments, & the Righteous to Life |
eternal. |
The above calvinistic Articles |
of Faith We receive as being |
agreeable to the Word of God |
& the common receiv’d Opinion |
of these Churches. ———— |
on the 30th Day of Sep[t]ember 1765 |
The above Confession was acepted by the Church |
as their own beleafe by a Unanamos Vote |
and that it Should be Recorded in the church |
Book. |
___________________________________________________________ |
At a meeting of the first Church of Christ in Read |
ing upon the 18th Day or September 1766 |
Deacon Benjamin Brown moderator. |
Voted That the Church Doth mak choice of Mr John |
Lotrop to be the Pastor of this Church Provided |
his principals of Religion and meathod of Church |
Government agree with this church: then it was Voted to adjoyrn |
the meeting to the Voted that the Deacons with Coll |
Ni Nichols and Mr John Temple and Mr Nathaniel |
Emerson be a Committee to Joyn with the Revd |
Mr Joseph Emerson of Malden the Revd Mr Robbe |
of Lynn and the Revd Mr Stone to Examen Mr |
John Lotropt: with Regard to his principals of |
Religon and meathod of Church Goverment and |
[A56] |
at the adjournment of Said meeting which was |
on the 25th Day of September 1766 the Commtte |
above Said made thare Report to the Church and |
the Church acepted of the Report of Said Committe |
and Renewed thare Choice and |
Voted That the Church Doth make choice of Mr |
John Lotropt to be the Pastor of this Church. |
____________________________________________________ |
At a meeting of the first Church in |
Reading February the 24: 1767 |
Mr Jo the Revd Mr Joseph Roby |
Chosen moderator. |
1 Voted that the Church is greaved that |
So many of their Breathen Do not |
meet with them at this time |
2 Voted that the Church Send an affectionate |
message to those Breatheren that have |
absented themselves from the meeting |
this Day. Particklulerly to those Bre |
theren that are Dissatisfied with Mr Latrop |
and Desire their Attendance at the adjorn |
3 that Deacon Emerson Deacon Bancroft |
and Mr Timothy Pratt be a Committee |
to goe to these Bretheren and Cary ye |
message of Church to them. |
4 Voted that this meeting be adjourned to |
[A57] |
next fry fryday 2 of ye Clock at this p1ace. |
___________________________________________ |
At a meeting of the first Church of Christ in |
Reading upon the ninteenth Day of November |
1767: Dec͠on Benjamin Brown was Chosen |
moderator |
Our Brother Thomas Parker came before the |
Church and acknoliged he had been guity of ye |
Sin of Intemperence: and Expressed his Sorrow |
theirfor: and that he wold Indever a Reforman |
for the future: the Church took it Into Considration |
and So left it for the Present. |
Then after a Considrable ^Debate upon the Dificultys |
that are amungst us the Church proposed to Ad |
journ the meeting and to Send for the Revd |
Mr Stone for our assestence: as Moderator |
the Church then Voted to Send to the Revd Mr Stone |
to Assest us at the Adjoyrnment of this meeting & |
and to be moderator then Voted to adjoyrn this meeting to the first |
munday after the thanksgiving: (viz: the 7th Day |
of December next[)] |
Voted that all matters of complaint that are |
to come before the Church Shall be Exhibited |
Sent to the Person or persons Complained off. |
At a meeting of ye first Church of Christ in |
[A58] |
Reading on the first Day of Sepember 1768 |
Deacn Samll Bancroft Chosen moderator. |
The Church then Past this Vote following. |
That wareas we have for a considrable time |
Past Lived in a neglect of the Lords Supper by |
means of Some perplexing Circumstances which that have |
attended our affairs we Unitedly humble ourselves |
before God for our Sinfull neglect & Implore |
forgiveness: through the Blood of attonment & |
grace for the future to honnor Christ bya carfull |
Attendance106 on all his ordinances and our purpos is by ye |
Leave of Providence to attend the holy Supper |
with all Convenient Speed hoping thare to meet |
with Christ and Sit togather as frends and |
bretheren forbaring one another and forgiving |
one another as God for Christs Sake forgiveth us |
At a meeting of the first ^Church in Reading April ye 18: 1769 |
[A59] |
the Revd Mr Elias Smith was Chosen Moderator |
1 it was then Put to Vote whether the Church wold |
hear Mr Caleb Prentice four Saboths upon Probation |
and it Past in the affermitive 34 yeas 25 nays |
2 voted that Brown Emerson Col Nichols John Smith |
Josiah Walton & Jonathan Eaton be a Committee to wait |
upon Mr Prentice and Lay before him the Votes of ye Church |
the meeting was then adjoyrned to ye next munday Com: fortnit |
Will will at this time Give Mr Caleb: Prentice Libarian |
at Cambridg a Call to the work of the ministry in this |
Place and it Past in the Affermitive 39 yea: 26 nay |
3ly |
Voted that Brown Emerson Coll: Nichols & Capt Goodwin |
be a Comttee to wait upon Mr Prentice and Lay before him |
the Votes of ye Church |
___________________________________________________ |
at a meeting of ye first Church ^of X in Reading on the 7 |
Day of August 1769: Brown Emerson Moderator |
1. |
It was Voted Unanomosly that the Church Doth |
Renew: their Call of Mr Caleb Prentice ^of Cambridg to be the |
Pastor of this Church and Minister of this Parish |
2ly |
Voted that Coll: Nichols Brown Emerson & Capt Goodwin |
Shall be a Committee to wait upon Mr Prentice and |
Lay before him the Votes of ye Church |
1. Pagination begins with p. 4.
2. MS damage at upper right corner; conjectural reading supplied from typescript, p. 2.
3. MS damage to lower right corner; reading supplied from typescript, p. 3.
4. This is the first of several cues in the succeeding pages that directs the reader to members in half-way membership, recorded on odd-numbered pages, and members in full membership, recorded on even-numbered pages.
5. The remainder of MS p. 7, nearly half of the page, is blank.
6. Here follows a parenthetical note in shorthand ending with the written-out words “beagles opened,” in which the scribe apparently recorded the “Senseless Jest.” A beagle, the title of a sheriff’s officer or bailiff, also connotes a noisy, shouting person.
7. The remainder of MS p. 49 (p. 121), nearly half a page, is blank.
8. Reference not completed.
9. There is little doubt that there is a lacunae in the MS, since the document following the church covenant first composed in 1644 takes up in the middle of a third point. That the next two leaves were tipped in is suggested by the fact that they are not paginated. On MS p. 49 (p. 121), the circumstance is explained: Rev. Richard Brown notes that the church covenant was in “a loose paper.” For that reason, he transcribed the full text of the covenant on MS pp. 50-51 (pp. 121-24).
10. The names listed on this page were written in a different hand.
11. Here entries are written in another hand. This list recapitulates that on MS p. 31, with the exception of the very last name, Mary Burt.
12. Propositions Concerning the Subject of Baptism and Consociation of Churches, Collected and Confirmed Out of the Word of God, By a Synod of Elders and Messengers of the Churches in Massachusetts-Colony in New-England . . . (Boston, 1662).
13. Here begin the entries written by Rev. Jonathan Pierpont.
14. Pierpont took up the practice of dividing the page into colums, the left side for recording half-way members and baptisms, and the right for recording full members.
15. The tabulations of church members at the tops and bottoms of MS pp. 33-37 are in the hand of Richard Brown, probably upon his assuming the pastorate in 1712, so that he could have an accurate running total.
16. No first name provided.
17. Illegible deleted entry.
18. No first name provided.
19. This entry was written in a different hand, probably by one of the deacons. Subsequent entries were written by Richard Brown.
20. With the exception of MS pp. 49, 51, and 53, Brown left odd-numbered pages blank beginning at this point. William Hobby continued this practice; the final odd-numbered blank page is p. 81. For the sake of continuity, blank pages will not be noted.
21. Shorthand.
22. Every name has beside it, either preceding or following it, an “X” that was probably made by Richard Brown in compiling and checking his list of members. The notations beside the first three males in the left column are likely to denote Brown as pastor (“S” for “Shepherd”?) and the following two as deacons.
23. This word is in shorthand.
24. Actually, there are 26 listed under Charlestown, bringing the total to 237.
25. This word is in shorthand.
26. This entry is written in a different hand, mostly likely that of a lay officer; entries in William Hobby’s hand begin on the next page, MS p. 71.
27. This word is in shorthand.
28. This word is in shorthand.
29. This word is in shorthand.
30. This word is in shorthand.
31. This word is in shorthand.
32. This word is in shorthand.
33. The last word, apparently written in at a later time, is a conjectural reading, possibly meaning “Joseph Gold’s [son] Daniel” (compare following entry).
34. The Maonites were a tribe that lived in the wilderness of Maon; see I Sam 23:24.
35. Entries in William Hobby’s hand cease at this point; entries through MS p. 92 are in a different hand, probably that of one of the church deacons.
36. I.e. brought over, subtotal.
37. At this point, membership lists for the pastorate of Caleb Prentice commence, but these are omitted. For minutes of church meetings beginning in 1712, one must go to the rear of the book and read backwards.
38. This word in shorthand.
39. This word in shorthand.
40. This word in shorthand.
41. This word in shorthand.
42. This word in shorthand.
43. This word in shorthand.
44. This word in shorthand.
45. This word in shorthand.
46. Killingsley, Conn.
47. This word in shorthand.
48. The remaining two-thirds of the page is blank.
49. This word in shorthand.
50. This word in shorthand.
51. This word in shorthand.
52. Coventry, Conn.
53. This word in shorthand.
54. This word in shorthand.
55. This word in shorthand.
56. Revs. Thomas Symmes of Bradford and Samuel Fiske of Salem First Church.
57. This word in shorthand.
58. This word in shorthand.
59. On Sept. 4, 1724, Thomas Blanchard and Nathan Cross of Dunstable were taken by Indians to Canada. Though Reading contributed towards their ransom, the two apparently worked off most or all of their redemption in one year’s time by building a sawmill for their captors. The fact that the Reading records mention “Blanchard Children” may mean that another, unidentified Blanchard was taken or that Cross was misidentified. Emma Lewis Coleman, New England Captives Carried to Canada Between 1677 and 1760 During the French and Indian Wars (2 vols., Portland, Me.: Southworth Press, 1925; rep. Bowie, Md.: Heritage Books, 1989), II:167-68.
60. This word in shorthand.
61. This word in shorthand.
62. This word in shorthand.
63. On the significance of 1727 earthquake for church membership, see introduction, pp. 45-46.
64. This word in shorthand.
65. This word in shorthand.
65. The remaining half of MS p. 17, and the entirety of p. 18 in this series is blank.
67. This word in shorthand.
68. This word in shorthand.
69. Rev. Edward Holyoke, pastor of Marblehead Second Church, 1716-37, afterwards installed as president of Harvard College.
70. The remaining two-thirds of the page is blank.
71. Rev. John Lowell, pastor of Newbury, 1725-67.
72. This word in shorthand.
73. MS p. 22 of this series is blank.
74. Brown did not finish the entry; William Hobby’s handwriting begins at this point.
75. David Hall, pastor of Sutton, 1728-89.
76. I.e. Mendon, whose pastor from 1716-68 was Rev. Joseph Dorr.
77. Rev. Benjamin Colman of the Brattle Street Church, Boston.
78. Windham, Conn., whose pastor was Rev. Samuel Mosely from 1734-91.
79. Rev. Daniel Fuller, pastor of Willington, Conn., 1728-58.
80. East Haddam, Conn.
81. Rev. Joseph Torrey, pastor of the Congregational Church in South Kingston, R.I., 1732-91.
82. Rev. James McSparren (1709-57), priest at St. Paul’s Church, Narragansett, 1721-57.
83. Otherwise known as the Massachusetts Convention of Congregational Ministers, still in existence today.
84. Rev. Samuel Osborn (1685-1774) had been pastor of the First Church in Eastham, 1718-19, then pastor of the Second Church in Eastham (Orleans), 1719-38. See J.M. Bumsted, “A Caution to Erring Christians: Ecclesiastical Disorder on Cape Cod, 1717 to 1738,” William & Mary Quarterly 28 (1971): 413-38.
85. I.e. Amherst.
86. Then in Massachusetts, now in Maine.
87. The newly settled pastor of Framingham was Matthew Bridge (1721-75); in 1747, a Separatist Church was formed in that town.
88. The pastor of Bradford (a part of Haverhill) from 1726-65 was Joseph Parsons (1702-65).
89. Apparently referring to the departure of some members from the First Church of Woburn to form the Third or Separate Society there, under the ministry of Josiah Cotton (1703-1780), who was installed in July 1747.
90. Rev. Aaron Cleveland (1715-57), pastor of Malden, 1747-50, then converted to the Church of England.
91. Edward Cheever (1717-1794), pastor of Lynn Third Church, or Saugus, 1738-48; and then of Eastham, 1751 until his death.
92. On John Dammon, see introduction, p. 37.
93. Tiverton, R.I.; the pastor of the First Congregational Church from 1746-78 was Othniel Campbell (1696-1778).
94. A conflation of two traditions: Dagon (mentioned in I Sam. 31:10) and his son Baal, a Philistine deity; and Bel and the Dragon (Apocrypha, Dan. 14).
95. Temporary dementia.
96. On Edwards and his dismissal from Northampton, Mass., see introduction, pp. 50-51.
97. Nova Scotia.
98. Lebanon, Conn.
99. I.e. whether the money would actually ever reach Labaree. Peter Labaree was a French Huguenot, a carpenter by trade, who lived in the settlement of Charlestown (No. 4). He was taken captive, along with several others, on Aug. 30, 1754. His Indian captor sold him to the French in Montreal, who demanded 500 livres for his ransom. The ransom was paid, but no opportunity for a trade coming in the meantime, Labaree finally escaped in May 1757. He became a landowner in New Hampshire, married and had a large family, and died in 1803. Coleman, New England Captives Carried to Canada Between 1677 and 1760 During the French and Indian Wars, II: 312-13.
100. This word in shorthand.
101. This word in shorthand.
102. Rev. James Cogswell (1720-1807), pastor of Canterbury, Conn., 1744-71.
103. Rev. Daniel Wilkins (1710-83), pastor of Amherst, 1741-83.
104. Hobby’s entries end at this point. Entries on MS pp. 48-49 and 56-59 are in a different hand, probably that of Benjamin Brown, one of the deacons.
105. The covenant is written in a different hand from that which precedes and follows.
106. This word, including the interlineation, is written in a brighter ink, possibly spelling out an abbreviated form.