Abbott, Samuel, 5
Account books, as source of information, 73–74
Adams National Historic Site, 50
Allen, Jeremy, 34
Altars, baroque, 160
American Revolution, 196
Anglicans, as owners of bombé pieces, 196
Apprenticeship, 11
Apthorp, Charles, 33, 150, 151, 196
Armchairs, xii, fig. 7 (xiii), fig. 28 (38); Queen Anne, 42, fig. 30 (41); at Winterthur, 202, 204, fig. 148 (214); at Yale, 202, 204, fig. 141 (203); at Israel Sack, Inc., 202, 204, fig. 147 (212). See also Chairs; Side chairs
Atkins, Gibbs, 184–186, 196, fig. 129 (183), fig. 130 (185), fig. 131 (187)
Atkinson, James, 57
Attribution, explained, xvi
Badger, Joseph, x
Badlam, Stephen, xiin
Ballard, Daniel, 4
Ballard, Joseph, 4
Baltimore, 112
Baltimore Museum of Art, 51
Banister backs, 42
Baroque style: in silver, 144–145; caudle cup, fig. 99 (146); canns, 145, fig. 100 (147); incorporating bombé, 160
Barrett, Ann, 178
Barrett, John, 178
Barrett, Samuel, 176, 177, 178, 196
Bartlett, Lu, xiv
Baxter, Joseph, 99
Bayou Bend, 39; high chests at, 54, fig. 39 (58); chairs at, 65, fig. 48 (68); chest at, 195, fig. 137 (193)
Bed bottom makers, 15
Bed curtain, fig. 27 (37)
Beds: camp, 15, fig. 12 (17); cost of, 31–32
Beekman, William, 28
Before (Hogarth), 30, fig. 23 (31)
Berain, Jean, 163–164, fig. 113 (165)
Bills and receipts, as sources of information, 74
Birket, James, 3
Blockfront furniture, viii, fig. 4 (ix); characteristics of, 79–80; Boston vs. Newport, 81–90, 108; earliest example of, 90–94, fig. 62 (91); Coit-Davis work, 94–100; Salem types, 121–125
Blocking, 79
Bombé construction: early, 172, fig. 97 (142), fig. 120 (171); later, 172–173, fig. 121 (173)
Bombé furniture, Boston: characteristics of, 137, 172–173; prototypes of, 137–138; popularity of, 138–140; terminology, 140–144; origins and influences on, 144–166; sources of English design, 158–166; typical Boston design, 166; identification of, 167; makers of, 176–195; summary of, 195–196; ownership of, 196. See also Bombé construction
Bond, Matthew, 9
Bonner, John, town of Boston, fig. 8 (6–7), fig. 9 (8), fig. 10 (10)
Bookcases, 18. See also Desks and bookcases
Borland, John, 253
Boston: 18th-century limits of, xvi, fig. 8 (6–7); craftsmen in, 3; area of craftsmen, 9; economy of, 9–11; population of, 12; specialization in, 47; colonial elegance of, 77; carved chairs from, 197–206; Hepplewhite chairs of, 242; woods used by cabinetmakers in, 251–253. See also Boston blockfront chests; Bombé furniture; Chairs; Chests of drawers
Boston blockfront chests: construction of, 81–86; feet of, 86–89, fig. 60, fig. 61 (88); variety of, 90; documented examples of, 90–101; discontinuity between parts of, 108, 111; summary of, 131; source of, 131, 133. See also Chests-on-chests; Chests of drawers
“Boston Furniture of the Eighteenth Century,” conference, vi; questions raised by, xii–xiv
Boston News-Letter, The, 252
Boston Prints and Printmakers 1670–1775, vii
Boston State House, codfish in, 213
Boston University, American and New England Studies Program, xiv, xv
Boulle, André-Charles, 162–163, fig. 112 (164)
Bowdoin, James: desk owned by, fig. 14 (19); desk and bookcase owned by, 57, fig. 46 (66)
Bowen, Nathan, 111, fig. 95 (138)
Boylston, Nick, 77
Braintree, Mass., 131
Brazer, Esther Stevens, 72, 73
Breck, John, 42
Bright, George, 5, 176, fig. 124 (177), fig. 140 (200), 198–199, 223, 238; carving on bookcase by, 197
Brinley, Edward, 196
Bristol City Art Gallery, 108
Brocas, John, 9
Brooke, David, 236
Brookline, Mass., xvi
Brown, Gawen, 51, 54; clocks by, fig. 36 (53)
Bulfinch, William, 15
Burdit, Jacob, 14
Bureau table, xii, fig. 18 (23); by Woodward, 20
Bybee, Mrs. Charles L., 16, 65
Cabinet and Chair-Maker’s Real Friend and Companion (Manwaring), 210
Cabinet Dictionary, The (Sheraton), 15, 17
Cabinetmakers, 3; preeminence of, 197. See also specific types of furniture by name, as Blockfront furniture, Bombé furniture, etc.
Cabriole style, 226, fig. 156 (228), fig. 158 (230)
Cade, G., 157, fig. 108 (160), fig. 119 (170), fig. 120 (171)
Call, Ebenezer, 5
Cambridge, Mass., xvi
Camlet, 39
Camp bed, fig. 12 (17)
Canns and tankards, 145–146
Card tables, 226, fig. 156 (228), 245
Carvers, 3; Luckis, 9, 215, 221; anonymity of, 199; J. Welch, 213–215; J. Bowles, 215; S. Skillin, Sr., 221; employed by A. Edwards, 221
Carving: on bombé furniture, 196; styles of, 197; impossible to attribute to known workmen, 199; on Cogswell chest, 197–200; on Bright desk, 197, 200–201; third style, 197, 201–206
Cary, Samuel, 33
Cassone, bombé character of, 158
Central America, mahogany from, 252
Chairs: makers of, 3, 9; arranged by type of splats, 208–210. See also Armchairs; Easy chairs; Elbow chairs; Side chairs; Splats
Charleston, S.C., 5, 137; Warham’s success in, 13
Charlestown, Mass., vi, xvi; blockfront pieces made in, 79; follower of Boston pattern, 89; chests-on-chests from, 109; Frothingham of, 109, 223
Cherry wood, 253
Cherubs, in japanned design, 54
Chests-on-chests, 108–109; by Frothingham, fig. 1 (vi), 241; blockfront, 101, fig. 72 (104); by Treadwell, fig. 74 (106); by Watson, 109–111, fig. 76 (110); from Marblehead, 111, fig. 77 (113); by Bowen and Martin, fig. 95 (139); with hollowed pediment, fig. 96 (141); by Cogswell, 178, fig. 125 (179)
Chests of drawers: blockfront, viii, fig. 4 (ix); by Holmes, 18; Newport, 82, fig. 49 (80); Boston, 82, fig. 50 (81); attributed to Cogswell, 182, fig. 128 (182), fig. 142 (205); Salem, fig. 136 (192), fig. 137 (193); by Frothingham, 238, 240–241
Cheyney, 34
Chimney pieces, baroque, 160, fig. 110 (162)
Chinese fretwork, 173
Chippendale, Thomas, 144, 149, 196, fig. 98 (145), 149, fig. 118 (169); commode press by, 165, fig. 116 (168); tea caddy designed by, fig. 134 (190)
Chippendale style: in bombé construction, 173; example of, 178; two-dimensionality of carving on, 201; American, symmetricality of, 201
Christ Church, Spitalfields, 143
Cincinnati, Society of, 225
Clarke, Mary, 178
Clarke, Sukey (Mrs. Copley), 178
Clocks, with japanned cases, 57. See also Tall case clocks
Clough, Ebenezer, 11
Club of Odd Volumes, xi
Cobb, John, 165, fig. 117 (168)
Coddington, Colonel, 39
Cogswell, John: chests by, xii, 140, 146, 176, fig. 125 (179), 178, 181, fig. 139 (198), fig. 143 (206); desk and bookcase attributed to, fig. 126 (180), fig. 127 (181); characteristics of, 184; carving by, fig. 128 (182), 197, fig. 139 (198), fig. 142 (205); carvers employed by, 199
Coit, Job, 9, 86, 90, 99, 131; blockfront furniture by, 90–94, fig. 62 (91), fig. 63 (92), 95–96, fig. 65 (96)
Coit family, 11
Colonial American Furniture (Lockwood), 143
Colonial Society of Massachusetts, vii, xiv
Colonial Williamsburg, 245
Colors: of upholstery, 39; of leather, 39
Commode: and the bombé shape, 143; by Boulle, 162–163, fig. 112 (164); from Berain, fig. 113 (165); “French,” 165, fig. 114 (166); English, fig. 115 (167); by Cobb, 165, fig. 117 (168)
Commode press, by Chippendale, fig. 166 (168)
Commode table, plate by Chippendale, 144, fig. 118 (169)
Compass boxes, japanning of, 74
Concealed well, in desk, 16
Concord, Mass., 79; follower of Boston pattern, 89; blockfront furniture of, 125–126
Conifer timbers, 254–255
Cookson, Elizabeth, 26
Copley, John Singleton, x, 75, 178; portrait of Mrs. Ezekiel Goldthwait, fig. 6 (xi); portrait of Josiah Quincy, 128, fig. 92 (134)
Cornelius, Charles Over, 143
Corser, John, 9
Coysevox, Antoine, 163
Croom, Stephens, 241
Croom, Mrs. Stephens, 241
Currier Gallery of Art, 236
Cushing, Thomas, Jr., 95
Danforth, Abiel, 26
Danforth, Rev. Samuel, 26
Davis, Joseph, 98–100, 131; lack of sophistication in, 101
Davis, Robert, 11, 51, 72, fig. 35 (52); inventory of, 73
Deland, Mary, 225
Derby, Elias Hasket, 145, 178, 179, 196
Derby family, 140
Desk interiors: Boston, 115; Newport, 116, fig. 82 (118)
Desks, 16, fig. 14 (19); by Holmes and employees, 18; blockfront, 112, 114–115, fig. 80 (116), fig. 81 (117); by Frothingham, 112, fig. 78 (114), 235–240, fig. 163 (237), fig. 164 (238), fig. 165 (239), fig. 166 (239), fig. 167 (240), fig. 168 (242), fig. 170 (244); by Rust, fig. 81 (121), 122; English, fig. 107 (159); Salem, fig. 138 (194); of G. Cade, 157, fig. 108 (160)
Desks and bookcases: English, fig. 46 (66), fig. 47 (67), fig. 73 (105); fig. 93 (135), fig. 102 (151), fig. 105 (155); early blockfront, 90, fig. 62 (91), fig. 63 (92), fig. 70 (102), fig. 71 (103); Boston and Newport, 116, fig. 83 (119); Salem type, 122, fig. 86 (123), fig. 87 (124), fig. 88 (127); for Josiah Quincy, 126, 128, 131, fig. 91 (132); by Frothingham and Sprage, 140, fig. 97 (143), fig. 162 (234); by McMillian, fig. 101 (148), 149; Netherlands, 152, fig. 103 (153); of Hancock family, fig. 106 (156); by G. Bright, 176, fig. 124 (177); by Cogswell, 178, fig. 126 (180); by Atkins, 185, fig. 129 (183), fig. 130 (185), fig. 131 (187); of Wm. Greenleaf, fig. 132 (188), fig. 133 (189); of Jos. Barrell, fig. 135 (191); by Frothingham, 226, fig. 159 (231), fig. 160 (232), fig. 161 (233)
Detroit Institute of Art, 57
DeWolf family, 219
Dietrich Brothers Americana Corporation, xiv
Dining table, by Frothingham, 266, fig. 158 (230)
Documents, bearing on japanners, 73–75
Downs, Joseph, 204
Drawers: of desks, 16–17; pillared, 18, fig. 15 (20); of Newport vs. Boston chests, 86, figs. 58, 59 (87); of bombé furniture, 172–173, 182–183
Dressing glasses, 173, fig. 122 (174), fig. 123 (175)
Dressing tables: slate-top, fig. 2 (viii); japanned, 57, fig. 41 (60), fig. 43 (62); possibly by Coit, 95, fig. 65 (96); with flat blocking, fig. 67 (97); by Davis, fig. 68 (98); by Frothingham, fig. 155 (227)
Dupee, Isaac, 213
DuPont, William, xiv
Earls, William T., 228
Early American Furniture (Cornelius), 143
East, John, 28
Easy chair, fig. 25 (35)
Economy based on barter, 9, 11
Edwards, Alexander, 199, 223; carvers employed by, 221
Edwards, Benjamin, 221
Egg and dart molding, 178
England: blockfront furniture from, fig. 73 (105), 108; use of recessed blocking in, 133, fig. 93 (135); prototypes of bombé pieces from, 137, 146–150, fig. 102 (151), 157, fig. 105 (155), fig. 107 (159); popularity of bombé style in, 157–158; sources of bombé furniture from, 158–164; development of bombé commode in, 164–165, 195–196
Erwin, Col., 247
Essex Institute, 39
Exports from Boston, 4–5
Fairbanks, Jonathan, vii
Fales, Martha Gandy, 74
Faneuil, Peter, 33
Faulkner, Edward, 57
Feet: on Boston vs. Newport chests, 86–89, figs. 60, 61 (88); on Cogswell casepieces, 199, fig. 139 (198), fig. 128 (182), fig. 142 (205); on Bright casepieces, 200, fig. 140 (200); “plain,” 225; ogee bracket, 235–236; on desk by Frothingham, 237–238, fig. 169 (243)
Feke, Robert, x
Figuring, 39
Finials, 15
Fitch, Thomas, 24; career of, 26, 27–32; as importer, 27, 32; leather used by, 39; styles of chairs by, 39–47
Flayderman, Philip, 245
Fleeson, Plunkett, 5
Foot, Thomas, 252
Forman, Benno, vii
Forsyth, John, 5
France: commode en tombeau in, 143; development of bombé commode in, 163–165, fig. 112 (164), fig. 113 (165), fig. 114 (166), 195
Frothingham, Benjamin (i), 140, 223, 235
Frothingham, Major Benjamin (ii), vi, 131, 140, 157, 158, 223–249; chest-on-chest by, fig. 1 (vi), 109, 241; bombé desk and bookcase by, xii, 140, fig. 97 (142), 172, 176, fig. 162 (234); documentation of work by, xvi; blockfront desk by, 112, fig. 78 (114); high chest by, fig. 154 (224); dressing table by, fig. 155 (227); card table by, 226, fig. 156 (228); dining table by, 226, fig. 158 (230); label of, 226, fig. 157 (229), 236; secretaries by, 226–235, fig. 159 (231), fig. 160 (232), fig. 161 (233); desks by, 235–241, fig. 163 (237), fig. 164 (238), fig. 165 (239), fig. 166 (239), fig. 167 (240); chests of drawers by, 238, 240–241; furniture in Hepplewhite style, 242–245, fig. 171 (246), fig. 142 (249); bills and inventories of, 245–247
Frothingham, Benjamin (iii), 225
Frothingham, Walter, 241
Fullerton, William, 5
Furniture of the Olden Time (Morse), 143
Furniture of Our Forefathers (Singleton), 140
Gardner, Samuel Pickering, 65, fig. 48 (68)
Garvan Collection (Yale University), 109; desk from, 114, fig. 80 (116); desk and bookcase from, 125, fig. 88 (127)
Gavet, Jonathan, 193
Genteel Household Furniture in the Present Taste, 158
Gentleman and Cabinet-Maker’s Director, The (Chippendale), 144, 149, 196; tall clock from, fig. 98 (145), 149; French commodes in, 166, fig. 116 (168), fig. 118 (169); tea caddy in, fig. 134 (190)
Ginsburg and Levy, Inc., 125, fig. 89 (129)
Gold, I., 248
Goldberg, Joyce, xv
Goldthwait, Mrs. Ezekiel, portrait by Copley, fig. 6 (xi)
Gooding, Timothy, Jr., 15
Goodwin, Abigail, 178
Grant, Moses, 27
Grant, Samuel, 4, 24; career of, 26–27, 32–34; as exporter, 32–33; prices charged by, 34; materials used by, 34–38; styles of chairs made by, 39–47, 48
Gray, William, 5
Green, Isaac, 178
Green family, 107
Greenlaw, Barry, xiv
Greenleaf, Stephen, 118
Greenleaf, William, 186, 188, 196
Hancock, John, 215
Hancock, Thomas, 176
Hancock family, 156
Harlot’s Progress, A (Hogarth), fig. 21 (29)
Harrateen, 34, fig. 25 (35), fig. 26 (36)
Hartshorne, Ebenezer, 24, fig. 19 (25), 223
“Harvard” chests, 69
Harvard University, x
Harwood, Mrs. Sidney, 235–236
Heller, Mrs., 72
Hepplewhite style, work by Frothingham in, 242–245, fig. 171 (246), fig. 172 (249)
Higgins, Marcy, 197–198
High chests, 18, fig. 16 (21), fig. 17 (22); by Hartshorne, 24, fig. 19 (25); by Davis, 51, fig. 35 (52); by Pimm, 54, fig. 37 (55); in Museum of Fine Arts, 54, fig. 38 (56); in Metropolitan Museum, 57, fig. 40 (59), fig. 42 (61), fig. 44 (63); at Deerfield, fig. 45 (64); at Bayou Bend, 54, fig. 39 (58); blockfront, 125, fig. 90 (130); by Frothingham, fig. 154 (224)
Hinckley, Thomas, dressing table owned by, fig. 2 (viii)
Historic Deerfield: high chest at, 57, fig. 45 (64); chairs at, 65; Frothingham desks at, 112, fig. 78 (114), 237–238, fig. 168 (242), fig. 169 (243)
Hitchings, Sinclair, vi, x, 71–75
Hogarth, William, 29, 30, 77, fig. 21 (29), fig. 23 (31)
Holmes, Nathaniel, 9, 13, 21, 95; career of, 14–15; output of, 15–23; prices paid by, 23–24; rural artisans of, 47
Holyoke, Edward, 46
Hooper, Silas, 30
Hosmer, Joseph, 125, fig. 90 (130), 131, 235
Houghton Library, Harvard University, viii
Hovey, James, 15
Hughes, Robert, 72
Hugo, E. Harold, xv
Hull, John, 145; caudle cup by, fig. 99 (146)
Hurd, Nathaniel, 226, fig. 157 (229), 236, 240, 241
Hutchinson, Governor Thomas, 150, 152, 153, 196
Immigrants, and the furniture industry, 12
Ingraham, John, 93
Ingraham, Joseph, 4
Inlay, 236
Inventories, as source of information, 73
Japanners, 3, 71–75; list of known, 72; sources of information on, 72–75; anonymity of, 75
Japanning: on looking glasses, 47; Boston process of, 49–50; designs used in, 50; by Davis, 51; by Johnston, 51, 54; cherubs used in, 54; sources of designs for, 57–60; Boston a center for, 60–62; early and late styles, 62, 65; heyday of, 65
Jobe, Barbara, xv
Jobe, Brock, vii, viii, xv, 3–48, 93, 251–253
Johnson, Edward C, xiv
Johnson, Mrs. Edward C, xiv
Johnston, John, 72
Johnston, Thomas, 50, 53; trade cards of, fig. 24 (33), 50, 54, 60, 71; tall clock japanned by, 54, fig. 36 (53); inventory of, 73
Johnston and Rea, account books of, 73
Joiners, 3
Kent, William, 150
“Kettle shape,” 143
Kinsey, John P., xiv
Kinship ties: conservatism linked to, 11–12; N. Holmes as example, 13–14
Knox, General Henry, 247
Lamb, Aimée, xiv
Lamb, Rosamond, xiv
Lamb, Thomas: blockfront chest owned by, viii, fig. 4 (ix); armchairs owned by, xii, fig. 7 (xiii)
Lampson, 5
Lane family, 216
Leach, John, 45
Leather, for upholstery, fig. 28 (38), 39, 40
Legs, 206; lathe-turned, 15; cabriole, 225
Letters, as sources of information, 75
Lo Nano, Ernest, 226–227, 232, 237
Lockwood, Luke Vincent, 140, 143
London, fashions copied from, 28–30. See also England
Looking glasses: work of japanners on, 47, 57, 65; sold by Welch, 213. See also Dressing glasses
Lord, Robert, 14
Loring, Commodore Joshua, 54
Louis XIV, 164
Louis XV style, 165
Lovell, Margaretta Markle, vii, viii, 77–135
Makers of Boston bombé furniture: B. Frothingham, fig. 97 (142), 172, 176; J. McMillian, fig. 101 (148), 176; G. Bright, 176–178, fig. 124 (177), fig. 140 (200); J. Cogswell, 140, 146, fig. 125 (179), 176, 178, 181, 184, fig. 139 (198), fig. 143 (206); G. Atkins, 184–186, fig. 129 (183), fig. 130 (185); H. Rust, 193–195
Manwaring, Robert, 210
Maple, 253
Marblehead, Mass., 15, 108; follower of Boston, 89; Bowen and Martin in, 111, 139
Marblehead Historical Society, 194
Martin, Ebenezer, 111, fig. 95 (138)
Mask-carved knees, fig. 3 (ix)
Mason, David, 72
Massachusetts Historical Society, 209
Massachusetts State House, 176
McKillister, Daniel, 15
McMillian, James, 9, 149; desk and bookcase by, fig. 101 (148), 176
Merchants, as buyers of house furnishings, 5–9
Metropolitan Museum of Art: high chest in, 54, fig. 40 (59), 57, fig. 44 (63), fig. 42 (61); dressing table in, fig. 43 (62); desk and bookcase, 125, fig. 87 (124); side chairs in, 208, 210
Molasses Act, 12
Monetary values, xvi
Montgomery, Charles F., xiin, xiv
Moreen, 39
Morse, Frances Clary, 143
Motley, Richard, 57
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston: Dept. of American Decorative Arts and Sculpture, vi; exhibition of furniture at, viii, xiv; high chest in, 54, fig. 38 (56); chest-on-chest in, 111, fig. 77 (113); desk in, 116, fig. 81 (117); side chairs in, 204–205
Nelson Gallery, 245
Netherlands, furniture from, 150
New Bedford, Mass., 186
New England Prospects (Wood), 251
New York City, 112, 131, 137; Boston furniture to, 5; japanning in, 49, 60
Newport, 28, 47; blockfront chests from, 81–89; movement of craftsmen from Boston to, 118. See also Newport chests
Newport chests, 81–89, fig. 49 (80), fig. 51 (82), 131; construction of, 82–86; backs of, fig. 54 (84); drawers of, 86; feet of, 86–89, fig. 60 (88); interiors of, 115–116
Newspaper advertisements, as source of information, 75
Nichols family, 236
North End, Boston, 9
Northampton, Mass., 236
Notes of obligation, use of, 11
Nova Scotia. 4–5
Oaks, 259–260; of the “red” group, 259; of the “white” group, 260
Ogee curve, in bombé, 143
Old Manse, The, 125
Oliver, Mrs. Andrew, portrait of, 42, fig. 31 (43)
Orient, influence of, 49
Ornemens Inventez par J. Berain, 164
Osgood family, 194
Overdoor detail, fig. 111 (163)
Paddock, Adino, 5
Parkman, Rebecca, 90
Parkman, William, 90
Parsons, Sarah, 100
Partridge, Nehemiah, 72
Patrons of cabinetmakers: merchants as, 5–9; J. Loring, 54; Cushing family, 95, 97; Josiah Quincy, 128, 131, 134; Derby family, 140; Charles Apthorp, 150; Hancock family, 176; Caleb Davis, 176; owners of bombé, 196
Pedestals, baroque, 160
Pediments, carved, 108; on Cogswell casepieces, fig. 143 (206)
Pendleton, Roger, 72
Pepperrell, Sir William, 190, 196
Perkins, Henry, 5
Perkins family, 11
Philadelphia, 137; craftsmen in, 4; Boston furniture exported to, 5
Phillips, Abigail, 190
Pickman family, 63
Pier table, with mask-carved knees, viii, fig. 3 (ix)
Pillars and balls, 15, fig. 11 (16)
Pitts, Elizabeth, 66
Plymouth, Mass., 137
Pope, Joseph, orrery by, viii, fig. 5 (x)
Porous wood timbers, 255–262
Prices: for labor, 23; for carving, 215; of pieces by Frothingham, 245–247; of cabinet woods, 251
Prince, James, 199
Providence, R.I., 242
“Quahog school,” 195
Quakers, 120
Queen Anne style: introduction of, 42, 48; Boston fashion for, 77; and bombé, 172
Queen Anne’s War (1702–1713), 4
Quincy, Edmund, 28
Quincy, Josiah, 196; desk and bookcase for, 80, 81, 126, 128, fig. 91 (132), 131; portrait by Copley, 128, fig. 92 (134)
Quincy, Josiah, Jr., 190
Randall, Richard, vii, x, 223–249
Randle, William, 11, 15, 18, 21, 50, 72
Rea, Daniel, Jr., 72
Reed, John, 28
Red cedar, 252
Redwood, Abraham, 118
Regional characteristics, 89–90
Revere, Paul, cann by, fig. 100 (147)
Rhode Island, 89
Ridgway, Samuel, 9
Robbins family, 30
Robinson, George, 213
Rococo carving, 173
Roentgen, David, 157
Rogers, George, 34
Rosier, Robert, 125
Rust, Henry, 122, 131, fig. 84 (121); maker of bombé, 193
Sack, Albert, xiv
Sack, Israel, Inc., xiv, 202, 204, fig. 147 (212)
Salem, xii, 47; blockfront furniture made in, 79, 89, 108; Watson of, 111; influence of Newport on, 120; desk by Rust, 122, fig. 84 (121); Waters desk and bookcase, 122, fig. 86 (123); other desks and bookcases, fig. 87 (124), fig. 88 (127), fig. 89 (129); bombé furniture from, 137, 193–195, fig. 136 (192), fig. 137 (193), fig. 138 (194); Hepplewhite made in, 242
Salisbury, Elizabeth, 178
Sanderson, Robert, 145; caudle cup by, fig. 99 (146)
Sandwich, Mass., 120
Saunders, David, 37
Saunders, Sarah, 37
Savery, William, 223
Seal skins for leather upholstery, 39
Secretary, by Vile, 158, fig. 109 (161)
Serpentine fronts, 173
Settee, fig. 145 (209)
Shelburne Museum, 51
Shells: as decoration, 18, 19, 21, fig. 16 (21), fig. 17 (22); in Newport blockfronts, 81, fig. 51 (82)
Sherburne, Thomas, 9, 14, 95; A. Skillin apprenticed to, 221
Shipbuilding, and the furniture industry, 4
Shippen, Edward, 26
Shipton, Clifford, xiv–xv
Sideboard, by Frothingham, 244–245, fig. 172 (249)
Side chairs, 40, fig. 29 (40), fig. 32 (44), fig. 33 (45), fig. 34 (46); japanned, fig. 48 (68); by N. Tracy, fig. 144 (207); types of splats in, 208–209, fig. 146 (211), fig. 147 (212), fig. 149 (216), fig. 150 (217), fig. 151 (218), fig. 152 (219), fig. 153 (220); English, fig. 148 (214); by Frothingham, fig. 171 (246); Hepplewhite, 242–243, fig. 171 (246)
Singleton, Esther, 140
Skillin, John, 199
Skillin family, 125, fig. 87 (124)
Smibert, John, 42, fig. 31 (43)
Society of Upholsterers and Cabinetmakers of London, 158
South End, Boston, 9
Spear, David, 197–198
Spiral supports, of Boston bombé, 173, fig. 122 (174), fig. 123 (175)
Splats, chairs grouped by, 208–209; a, 208, 210, fig. 149 (216), fig. 150 (217); b, 208, 210, fig. 151 (218); c, 209, 210, fig. 152 (219); d, 209, fig. 153 (220)
Sprage, D., xii, 140, 248; desk and bookcase by Frothingham and, fig. 97 (142), fig. 162 (234), 235
Stalker and Parker, A Treatise of Japanning and Varnishing, 57
Steams, William, 247
Stiles, Ezra, 120
Stinehour, Roderick D., xv
Stoneman, Vernon, vii
String inlay, 20
Swan, Daniel, 15
Swan, James, 220
Swan, Mabel, v
Tabernacles, baroque, 160
Tables, 16, fig. 13 (18). See also Card tables; Dining table; Dressing tables; Pier table; Tea tables
Tall case clocks, fig. 11 (16), 51, fig. 36 (53), 54; Chippendale, fig. 98 (145)
Tea caddy, bombé, 190, fig. 134 (190)
Tea chest, by Johnson, 23
Tea tables: turret top, 137, fig. 94 (138); Dutch, 152, fig. 104 (154)
Textiles: import of, 27, 32; style of, 34
Thayer, Ziphion, 5
Thomas, Elias, 15
Thomaston, Maine, 247
Tibbits family, 41
Toms Foundation, 243
Townsend, Jeremiah, 93
Townsend, John, 223, 225; chest of drawers by, fig. 49 (80); desk, fig. 82 (118)
Trade cards: of Samuel Grant, 32, fig. 24 (33); of Thomas Johnston, 50, 54
Treadwell, Nathaniel, 109, 131, fig. 74 (106)
Trianon, bombé commodes for, 163, fig. 112 (164)
“Tulip-shape” in silver, 145
Turners, 3; employed by Holmes, 15
Underwood, John, 15
Upholstering, of group of chairs, 206
Upholsterers, 3, 24–47; importance of, 47
Valance, bed, 28–32, fig. 20 (28), fig. 27 (37)
Vassall family, 196
Vassall-Longfellow House, 190
Veneering, 24
Versailles, overdoor detail from, 162, fig. 111 (163)
Victoria and Albert Museum, 133, fig. 93 (135)
Vile, William, 158, fig. 109 (161), 165
Vincent, Gilbert T., vii, viii, 137–196
Virginia, 131
Waghorne, John, 72
Wagstaff, Thomas, 57
Waldron, Chapman, 15
Wall brackets, 20
Walton, John S., Inc., 107
Warham, Charles, 12
Warner, Jonathan, 66
Washington, George, 190
Watering, 39
Waters, Joseph, 122
Watson, Abraham, 109, 131, fig. 76 (110)
Waving, 39
Webber, Mary, 13
Welch, Elizabeth, 11
West Indies, 5; source of blockfronted pieces, 93; mahogany from, 252
Wheeler, Samuel, 9
White pine, 253
Whitehill, Walter Muir, vii
Whiting, Stephen, Jr., 72
Windsor, Conn., painted furniture from, 69
Windsor chairs, 243–244
Winterthur Museum, xiv; high chest, 54, fig. 37 (55), 57; bombé chest, 194, fig. 136 (192); armchair, 202, 204, fig. 148 (214); side chairs, 208, 210; work of Frothingham in, 225, fig. 154 (224), fig. 155 (227), fig. 156 (228), fig. 158 (230)
Winterthur Program in Early American Culture, vi
Winthrop, Robert C, 65
Wiscasset, Maine, 236
Wood, kinds of, 254–262; in Boston bombé casepieces, 169, 196; in Frothingham casepieces, 226, 248; mahogany, 251, 252; black walnut, 251, 252; red cedar, 252; cherry, 253; maple, 253; white pine, 253; conifer timbers, 254–255; porous wood timbers, 255–262; annotated bibliography on, 263–264
Wood, Thomas, 143
Wood, William, 251
Woodward, Richard, 14, 19, 22; bureau table by, 20, fig. 18 (23); charges by, 23
Worsteds, 34–39
Yale University: side chair owned by, 202, armchair, 202, fig. 141 (203)
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