Relation and Confession of Huldah Miller, April 19, 17851


Huldah, the daughter of James Jr. and Elizabeth Miller, was born on September 18, 1759, and baptized on September 23.2 At the age of twenty-five, on October 31, 1784, she had an out-of-wedlock child, Zeruiah Maynard, the child’s name perhaps indicating the father’s last name.3 On April 19, 1785, she was admitted to full communion in the Westborough church “after humbling herself for the Sin of Fornication,” and her daughter Zeruiah was baptized.4 As of this writing, there is no further record of what happened to Huldah Miller or her daughter.

Note on the transcription

There are two “X” marks in the document, probably indicating how material might be amended upon the reading of the relation and confession to the church. Absent clarity on this, the marks and text have been left where they appear. In the filing notation identifying the documents as Miller’s confession and relation, there are also three names: Elijah Wheelock, Nathaniel Brigham, and Zuriah Miller, children who were baptized on that date.

The Confession and Relation

I belive that there is one god in three persons the father the sone and the holy ghost. I belive that christ dyd for my sins and rose for my justifycation: I believe that god created man att first holy and upright but he hath sought out many inventions: I desire to bless god that I was born and educated in a christian land and under the light of the gospell where we have the means and opportunities of grace: but I have reason to blush and be ashamed before god that they have been so forgotten and neglected by me. I acknolege my self to have been guilty of many great and agrevated offences X but more especially in an hour of temtation I have been left to fall into the abominable sin of fornication for which I do abhor my self and I do excedingly fear least god should wholy cast me of in my sins which would be but just, but taking courage from theese words that christ jesus came into the world to save even the of whom I am chief of sinners whereby I do adventyre to come and cast myself att the feet of divine mercy humbly imploreing a pardon for all my past offences X But I do this day humbly ask the forgiveness of God and all his people beging your prayers for me that I may walk more circumspectly and that I may live as become a worthy member of christs misticall body.

Huldah Miller

Note: the other side of the page contains a more formal confession:

I desire unfeignedly to bewail a mespent Life, and Acknowledge I have led a Life of Folly; and have, by Reason of my Sin, been Left by a Holy God to fall into the Scandelous Sin of Fornication; thereby have dishonord God, by breaking his Righteous Law, brot a Reproach on myself and the Religion of my Lord and Savior——I feel Sensible of my Guild and with Sorrow of heart, Beg of God that He would for his mercys Sake, and for the Sake of the Lord Jesus Christ forgive me all my sins especially that of Fornication—I also Ask the forgiveness of this Church and Congregation—and their prayers for me, that I may truly Repent of my Sins and turn to God who Graciously gives encouragement of mercy to the Returning pentetent Sinner.

Huldah Miller

1 The date on the manuscript is April 18, 1785; she was admitted to the church on April 19. Digital images of her confession and relation are at: (images 13–14).

2 Vital Records of Westborough, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849 (Worcester, MA: Franklin P. Rice, 1903), 74; baptism:

3 Vital Records of Westborough, 76.