Relation of Fortunatus Miller, [December 14, 1783]1

I belve that there is one god in three persons the Father Son and holy ghost, in whome I desire truely to belive and trust. I belive also that christ dyd for my sins and arose again for my Justifycation, but blessed be his name he hath not left us without a mediator who hath paid aransom for all my sins by suffering a painfull and a cruel death upon the cross; in obedience to whome I desire to give up my self and [offe?]ring to god in this solemn manner; wholly renouncing all my own rigteousness which is less than nothing in the eyes of god. I desire to come deeply humbled under a sence of my sins and I hope I am brought to se the miserable state that I am in by nature and the need I stand in of a savior. I humbly ask the forgiveness of all whome I have wrongd or injured at any time. I beg your prayers for me that I may be a worthy communicant and that I may walk worthy of the vocation wherewith we are called.

Fortunatus Miller

1 Fortunatus Miller was born on Mar. 28, 1752, and baptized on April 5, the son of James Jr. and Elisabeth Miller. He married Elizabeth Forbush on Dec. 20, 1781. Their first child, Abner, was born on Oct. 7, 1782, and baptized on Dec. 14, 1783, the day that Fortunatus and Elisabeth joined the Westborough church; Westborough Church Records, 202, The Millers had three more children, Lucy, Betsey, and Charles, before Fortunatus’s death in early 1798. (The earliest document in the administration of his estate is dated Mar. 7, 1798.) For a record of Fortunatus’s service in the Revolution, see Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War: A Compilation from the Archives [Lucas through Mopsy] (Boston: Wright & Potter, 1902), 750–51. According to Parkman’s diary, July 21, 1780, “Paul Biglow comes with Joshua Twitchell and Fortunatus Miller. The two latter being Deserters: to see Gen’l Washington’s Proclamation of Pardon to such: And P. Biglow would for a large Reward, go in Miller’s stead.” Digital image of the relation: (images 49–50). The filing notation reads: “Fortunatus Miller.”