Relation of Esther Brigham, April 19, 17851

I Believe theire is one God and in three persons the Father Son and holygost I Believe that God made the world and all things theire in; and that he made man and indowed him with an immortal Soul Capable of honouring Serving and obeying his Creator and of being happy in the Enjoyment of him forever had he not Rebeled against his Creator. I Believe: that he awfully fell from that State in which he was Created Turned Trator to the King of heaven and thereby became an Enemy to God and all good and prone to all Evil. Involvd in Guilt and Sin and must have acknowledged the justtic of God if he had Consind both him and his posterity over to all Evil, and made them feel the weight of the wrath of any angry God to all Eternity. I Believe that God willing to make his Boundless mercy known Sent his Eternal Son who is the Brightness of his Fathers Glory, and the Express immage of his person; he who thought it no Robbery to be Equil with God Consented to Take our Natures upon him to be made Like unto us in all things Sin onely Excepted, to bare the punishment that was Due to us for Sin to be offered up a Sacrifice to die that we might Live. I Believe that Faith and Repentance are the Conditions on which Salvation is to be obtaind. I Believe that Christ in that night in which he was betrayed to be Crucified instituted the ordinance of the Supper and ordained it to be a Standing memoral of his Death and Sufferings. I Believe it to be the Duty of those who Desire or hope for a Shaire in Christs Death and Sufferings to obey this his Dying Command. I having Taken it into Consideration I think it to be my Duty to attend upon this ordinance of Christ. I am Sorry I have So Long Refraind to Comply with my Duty and So plain a Command yet I would present my Self to your holy Communion, beging your forgivness in what Ever Either of you have seen amiss in me.

Esther Brigham

1 Ester Belknap (d. Oct. __, 1801) and Garsham Brigham, Jr., of the Rutland District declared their intention to marry on June 6, 1772. They were admitted to the Westborough church on Apr. 19, 1785; Westborough Church Records, 247, Digital image of the relation: (images 15–16). The filing notation reads: “Esther Brigham’s Relation, April 19, 1785.”