Relation of Elizabeth Brigham, [April 16, 1786]1

I Belive in one God: in three Persons: Father Son: and Holy Ghost who Created all things Visible and Invisible: who at the finishing Stroke of Creation made man; and as he Came out of the hand of his Creator he was pure and upright in the Image of God—But man being left to his own free will Violated the Law of his maker and thereby became liable to his Everlasting displeasure; But God in Infinite mercy gave his Son to be the Saviour of lost man: that whosoever Belives on him Shall obtain Eternal life in whome alone is all my hope of Salvation—I Belive the Sacred Scripturs to be of Devine origanal: and relying on the promises maid therein: I take Encoragement and think it to be my duty in obedience to Christ Command—who Said do this in remembrance of me, to Come and Pertake of the Lords Supper: I therefore ask a forgivness of all that I have offended: and desire to Joyn in full Communion with this Church of Christ: Beging your Prayers for me that I may be a worthey Communacant.

Elizabeth Brigham

1 Elizabeth Brigham and her husband Edmund were admitted to the church on April 16, 1786; Westborough Church Records, 252, Elizabeth Brigham (1740–1825) was the second wife of Edmund Brigham. The intention of Edmund Brigham and Betty Bevel to marry was published on May 7, 1780, four months before the birth of their son Pairpoint. Image of the relation: (images 35–36). Filing notation: “The Relation of Elisabeth Brigham.”