Exhaustion and Self-doubt
548. To Sir Francis Bernard, 18 March [1770]
549. To Thomas Gage, 18 March 1770
552. To John Pownall, 21 March 1770
553. From Sir Francis Bernard, 21 March 1770
554. To Sir Francis Bernard, 22 March [1770]
555. From Sir Francis Bernard, 22 March, 1770
556. From Lord Hillsborough, 24 March 1770
The constant strain of dealing with the issues surrounding the Massacre exhausted Hutchinson and caused him to rethink whether he really wanted to be governor of such a contentious province. Conscious that Samuel Adams had, to some extent, outmaneuvered him by forcing the removal of the troops to the Castle, Hutchinson worried that Gage and Hillsborough would fault him for conceding too much and rebuke him for interfering with the disposition of the king’s troops. At just the moment when his appointment was being finalized in London, he wrote to both Bernard and Hillsborough seeking to have his name removed from consideration as the next governor.
Boston 18 March [1770]
No 9
My Dear Sir, Having wrote very largely by Robinsson & Miller have now to add that I have had the Ct sitting 3 days at Cambridge without doing any business except remonstrating against my carrying them there.1 They are the least part of my Troubles the spirit of the people in Boston causes infinitely greater, the flame from the late Action of the Troops being very little lowered by their Removal to the Castle. Wms of Hatfield and Ruggles tell me it spread to their Towns so remote and great part of their people woud have been down to join Boston.2 Both Ruggles & Murray it is said have lost their interest & can come no more all their friends having been left out at the March meeting for the choice of Town Officers.3 In short the whole Country seems to be of one mind in opposition to Parliamentary authority.
Something must be done to purpose and I am convinced that it is absolutely necessary a person of much greater weight than I can pretend to or any common Leader should have this Government before such measures as are necessary be executed.
If I had more Talents than I have yet I have not strength of constitution to grapple with burdens which every body tells me exceed beyond comparison what you met with. There is not a single person in the Government who will join with me in supporting Government. They that are in heart friends to it say the Torrent against it is irrisistible & it must spend itself. If nothing else is to be done would not it be better than nothing for 4 or 5 Members of this House of Parliament to go thro’ the Colonies (the Assemblies of which might be ordered to meet,) and, furnished with a set of proper Queries to require of each Assembly a full & explicit answer to them which may make it more plain to Parliament the next Session what is proper to be done? It will not be so easy to carry any thing to effect then as it is now. Every year strengthens the people in their Principles. I wish nothing may have been done with respect to my appointment which in your last you seemed to think looked probable but if there has I must beg you to make my most humble excuse or resignation from a sense of my utter inability to discharge the Trust.4
This unfortunate Action of the Troops could not have hapned at a worse time & the resentment increases as the wounded die. Five are already dead, three more it is said have very little chance for their lives.5 Every funeral brings thousands of people together. I hear but of one of the dead or wounded who attacked or insulted the Soldiers the rest seem to be innocent Passengers or spectators.6 It is a great wonder many more were not killed. Mr Paines arm was some what extended. George Bethune & the Treasurers oldest son stood by him and perceived the passing of the Bullet.7 If it had been a few inches nearer they would probably all three have fallen. If the Troops had not removed we shoud have been to this time in a perfect convulsion unless they had been overpowered or destroyed.
I do not know what Orders the General will give. I shall not advise him to remove them any farther off which I have been informed he is disposed to do. I have not seen such a night for trouble since my house was pulled down and I am sure I have undergone more pain & anxiety ever since than all I suffered upon that occasion.
March 19th I have now a Letter from the General copy of which with my answer to it I shall inclose to you.8 I find Colo Dalrymple is extremely desirous to have his Regiment removed & I imagine if this unfortunate affair had not hapned it would have been orderd away to N York however I think it better it should be done at the General’s motion than at mine. I send this to New York no Vessel being ready to sail from hence. I am very respectfully Sir Your most faithful humble servant,
AC (Massachusetts Archives, SC1/series 45X, 26:456, 25:374). Contemporary printing: Boston Gazette, 1 January 1776.
Boston 18th March 1770
Sir, It adds greatly to the Distress I am under in my administration that you should misapprehend the share I took in the Removal of the Troops and consider any thing I did in the light of a Requisition.1 Upon first seeing Colo. Dalrymple I told him I had no authority and would give no Order for the Removal of the Troops. After the Council had represented to him the desperate State the people were in, without any sort of interposition on my part, he offered to remove the 29. Regiment and to keep the 14th. in their Barracks. As a Committee from a vast body of people had made their application to me, the Council desired I would acquaint them with Colo Dalrymples Proposal and they were admitted into the Council Chamber, and my answer read to them.2 and the Colo. acquainted them he would agree to what I had there mentioned. One of the Committee then told him it was by no means satisfactory; that if he could remove the 29th. he could the 14th. also and if he did not it was at his Peril.3 I was going to leave the Council, when he asked if I should not be at Council in the afternoon.4 I would, if I could have left the matter in the state it was and avoided any further application, but the Council urged the necessity of my meeting them, being apprehensive of very bad consequences from the vast number of People collected together. When I came to Council in the afternoon I found Colo Dalrymple there and immediately one of the Council addressed himself to me to acquaint me that, though I scrupled giving any orders to the Troops, he hoped I would comply with their advice and join with them in desiring the Colonel to remove them. I told them the Colonel was the Judge of the expediency of doing it and I chose, in no degree, to be concerned in it. And I persisted in it until night was coming on and was pressed beyond measure and told, the not removing the Troops would be followed with a scene of blood and slaughter all which would be attributed to me, and Colo Dalrymple has told me that one of the Council since said to him in conversation that if I had not done it my Person would have been Secured: I suppose it was meant by the People. I then asked Colo Dalrymple, in the hearing of the Secretary, whether he thought it advisable for me to comply with the advice of Council. He replied he did not see how I could Refuse to do it. Until then, I had no disposition to do it. I considered the removal of the Troops as a measure which he thought under the circumstances they were in, and the extreme probability of a general insurrection of the People, to be expedient and that the desire of the Governor and Council although they had no authority to order, might be a justification as it would evidence the propriety of the measure. Before I would give an answer I proposed to the Council to alter the word desire to pray which though not very material, seemed to suppose rather stronger, that the authority lay wholly in him. The next morning when he desired as had been agreed, that I should signifie to him in writing the Vote of Council, I told him I must keep up the distinction to Shew I had no sort of authority. He said he understood the vote as first passed to be desire & not pray I told him that was too immaterial to be insisted on and I would use that word. He would have had the concluding word[s], which I submit to you left out but these I thought necessary to keep up the distinction. A copy of my Letter I will take the liberty to inclose.5 Had I supposed it would have been represented to you as a Requisition I would have mentioned these circumstances to you before. If Colonel Dalrymple had not thought the measure expedient, it would have been much easier for him to have freed himself, from any difficulty by acquainting the People he was under the command of the General & could do nothing until he had his orders, than it was for me to refuse asking him, when I had every civil Officer and every military Officer in the Town as well as the whole body of the People against me and probably must have quitted the government, for I should not have been absolutely sure of the garrison at the Castle if I had retired there. I was far from thinking the Town or Province in a better state than when the Troops were first sent. I did not suppose this small body which he says would not amount to 600 effective men could be intended to suppress a general rising of the People. How long they might defend themselves against an undisciplined multitude I knew he was a better judge than my self. You are pleased to propose to me to remove them out of the Province.6 I dare by no means take such a step unless it was in consequence of express orders from you upon its appearing to you that the King’s Service requires it and I cannot help representing to you, though I pray, it may be in the most confidential manner, that in matters of dispute between the Kingdom and the Colonies or which are consequential upon them government is at an end and in the hands of the People. I am absolutely alone, no single Person of my Council or any other person in authority affording me the least support and if the People are disposed to any measure nothing more is necessary than for the multitude to assemble for no body dares oppose them or call them to account. I could not justifie, at such a time, moving to send the Kings Troops out of the Province. I dare not trust all my Sentiments to writing. I should be happy if you was upon the spot that you might see our condition more fully and judge yourself in what manner the Troops may be most Serviceable. Your weight would be of infinite service and I think it was never more necessary. I could wish for your advice as to my conduct in such a state; whether to be meerly upon the defensive in matters of government and prevent as much as may be affairs growing worse, or to refuse any concessions in the same manner as I should have done in orderly times. The first I know is always dangerous. If I adhere to the latter I must withdraw to the Castle, I could have no Protection in Town or near it. I have repeatedly many months ago wrote to the Ministry that there was not the least inferior power left the people being all of one mind & the whole authority of Government, except the Governor who by the Constitution can do no thing of himself supporting them, but I have no other power than that our Affairs were under consideration of a Committee of His Majesty’s Servants.7 I hope by the next Packet I shall be further informed and instructed.
I beg leave to observe to you that my sole motive in giving so particular an explanation of my conduct is to convince you how careful I have been to keep within my line, I know of nothing in my Commission or in any Instruction I am possessed of which authorizes me to give any orders concerning Troops posted here by His Majesty’s order or by order of His General. The removal of them, I am more convinced [than?] I was in the time of it, was the only measure by which a great Insurrection of the People could have been prevented. &The killing and wounding [of] so many People either Passengers in the streets or meer spectators for I have heard but of one of them who was an Assailant had that effect which some of our People who are called Patriots have long wished for, and I find more People, the first night had actually [taken?] to their Arms than I imagined in the time of it. I am informed that Colo. Dalrymple is furnished with evidence of the whole affair between the Troops and the Inhabitants which I shall desire him to transmit to you. Five of the People are dead. Two or three more it is feared cannot Recover. Every funeral brings thousands of People together and inflames them against the Troops.
The People are trying to precipitate the Trials & Some irregular steps have been taken to awe the Judges.8 I am doing & continue to do every thing in my Power to prevent these unhappy Persons falling a sacrifice to the Resentment of the Faction but greatly fear whether in the state we now are they can have a Jury without bias & strong prejudice.
March 19th. Upon conversing with Colo. Dalrymple the [illegible] averring & mentioning to him that we are upon the eve of being informed of the measures which are taken in England and doubting whether removing the Troops just at this juncture would be deemed expedient, he replied that a single Regiment at the Castle would answer the same Purpose which [illegible] two could do, that any measures taken in England which would require two Regiments would certainly require more and that the Crown was at great charge for empty Barracks in the Town which could not be given up until it was determined the Regiment should remove. This is a point, Sir, which I must submit intirely to you. I can only represent the state of the Province to you. And must own that I do not see that two Regiments can be of greater service at the Castle than one of them only nor do I think that the two Regiments could Return to Town at this time with out greater confusion than their remaining there would have brought us into. Probably the arrival of the Packet will have enabled you to judge whether any measures in England or the Prospect of them will have made it advisable to continue them any time longer before you finally determine. I am sure that whatever you shall determine I shall think to be right. I have the honour to be very Respectfully Sir Your most humble and most obedient Servant,
Tho Hutchinson9
RC (Clements Library, Thomas Gage Papers).
My Dear Sir, To what I have wrote the 12th let me add that the calling a Council the next day could not be avoided tho I knew no good could come from it for the people high & low, a few only who you will easily guess & who chose to keep their houses were up in a body heated & ready to take fire & were impatient with a forced C______ meeting. If the C______ would have joind with me & disclaimed all authority over the Troops & encouraged the people to wait until there could be an answer from the Gen. they might have been appeased but instead of that the major part encouraged them in their demands. They first urged me to give orders to the Troops or said if I would do it by their advice they knew they would immediately remove. I told them nothing should ever induce me to such a measure & upon D____’s coming in I let him know I had nothing to do with it and it lay with him or [illegible] Upon the representation made of this role of the people by Tyler backed by J______ Pitts & Dexter he told them he would remove the 29 till he could hear from the General.2 When the Committee of the Town were informed of this Adams immediately told him if he could remove one he could remove both and he would be answerable for the consequences of not doing it or to that effect I think in stronger words. I wishd to have been clear of the Council in the afternoon but it was not possible. When they pressed me to comply with their advice it was immediately known among the people that Dalrymple was ready to remove them if I would only join in desiring it. Upon consulting the Secy in the beginning of the afternoon he agreed with me that it was best finally to stand out and leave it to D______ and the Council but when he saw how artfully it was steered he whispered to me that I must either comply or determine to leave the Province.3
AC (Massachusetts Archives, SC1/series 45X, 26:457); docketed, “Copy to Sr F. Bernard March 18.”
[. . .] Town house till 3 o Clock in the morning. [. . .] next morning seemed to be determined at all Events the Troops should leave it and the Country if necessary called in to effect it. The Declarations of the Council Justices &c would surprize you. They applied to me for Orders. I told them I had no power over the Kings Troops & would give no Orders. That lay with the Colonel. He offered to send the 29th to the Castle but that did not satisfy. In the afternoon consulting with the Council he let them know that if I would by their advice desire it he would remove both. With one voice they urged my compliance and laid all the Tragical consequences at my door. I refused until near night when consulting not only with Col Dalrymple but also CaptCaldwell Col Carr and the Secretary they all agreed I could not dispense with a compliance. I had less difficulty about the prudence of Col Dalrymple removing the Troops to the Castle than I had about my giving advice in the matter as it did not properly ly with me. That the people would have been in arms that night and the Country would have been in arms & come in no body doubts. Whether 10000 of them could have drove out 600 Regulars is another question, but an attempt to do it would have been like passing the Rubicon.1 I have been ever since the Governor left the Province in a case as deplorable as well can be. I have only had a choice of Evils. Though I have always chose what appeared to be the least yet the mischiefs are made certain [. . .]
Dft (Massachusetts Archives, SC1/series 45X, 26:458).
Boston 21 March 1770
Dear Sir, I have wrote to My Ld Hillsb acquainting him with the late most unfortunate Action of some of the Troops killing and wounding a number of the Inhabitants and I have mentioned to the Gov. many circumstances not so proper for a publick letter.1 The Town of B are sending a Vessel to England to carry their Representation of the Affair.2 I must observe to you that nothing can be more irregular than their proceeding. Some of the S Men are Justices3 and they have taken others in affected the same way to examine all the Witnesses they could hear of ex parte4 & thus anticipate the Evidence they are to give upon the Trial of the Prisoners & fasten the Witnesses down to Affidavits drawn by the Justices in which I am told so much is contained as will serve the cause they are engaged in & no more. I should have attempted to suppress the proceeding if there was any sort of authority to back or to join with me but there is none. The C are with them5 the H of R are under their Influence and the Superior Court when sitting in this County are intimidated and afraid to act their Judgments.6 When I speak of the Town I mean the Inhabitants collectivly for this is a Town meeting no sort of Regard being had to any qualification of Voters but all the inferior people meet together and at a late meeting the Inhabitants of other Towns who hapned to be in Town mixed with them and made they say themselves near 3000 their news paper says 4000 when it is not likely that there are 1500 legal Voters in the Town. It is in other words being under the government of the Mob. This has given the lower sort of people such a sense of their Importance that a Gentleman does not meet with what used to be called common civility & we are sinking into perfect barbarism. The Province will most certainly remain in this state until Parliament pass such Acts as shall when executed take away this influence of the Town & until effectual provision is made for carrying them into execution for some of the Magistrates of the Town now openly declare that no Act of Parliament shall be executed which is disagreeable to the people. Others say it is not in the power of G B to compel them to comply with an Act which the body of the people disapprove of. If this Town could be separated from the rest of the Province the Infection has not taken such strong hold of the parts remote from it as to make their cure desperate that the longer the union continues the further the infection spreads and the [illegible] hold it later. If there be improprieties yet there are other ways of making the Town of less importance and restrain it within due bounds. Whenever I attempt to excite the friends to Government to appear & own their principles I have this answer. When it is made certain that the Parliament are in earnest & determind at all events to maintain its authority we will appear but not till then as we do not chuse to be at the mercy of the Mob.
A Short Narrative of the Horrid Massacre. Published by Edes & Gill and T. & J. Fleet, 1770. The selectmen appointed James Bowdoin, Samuel Pemberton, and Joseph Warren to compile a record of the event, but it is widely conceded that Samuel Adams wrote much of the text. Ninety-six depositions from townspeople, generally hostile to the soldiers, were appended to the document. Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society
After 10 days sitting at Cambridge & disputing my authority to adjourn them their the H have agreed to do business protesting against it as a precedent.7 Some of them discover there fears that is is not intended they shall ever sit in Town again. If I had nothing which gave me more trouble than the Sessions of the General Court I think I could support my self well enough under it but the spirit of Anarchy which prevails in Boston is more than I am able to cope with. I hope a person of superior weight and rank will be soon appointed. He will be more regarded but he must have powers given him beyond what his Predecessors have had or it will not be possible for him to restore government in the Province. I have the honour to be
AC (Massachusetts Archives, SC1/series 45X, 26:464); at foot of letter, “Mr Jon Pownall.”
Pall Mall March 21st. 1770
No. 23
My Dear Sir, I have not sent you Accounts of every Division in the two Houses since the 5 Instt: it has neither been worth my while nor had I time for it. But I cant pass by a Proceeding in the House of Lords which made a great Noise. In a Debate upon a Motion to address the King for an Account of the Civil List Lord Ch—— said “that the late Lord Chanr was turnd out for voting against the Ministry.”1 Lord Marchmont called to Order and moved that the Words might be taken down by the Clerk, which was done.2 L Ch was ordered to set down, which he refused to do, & continued Speaking. This produced a great Clamour in which the Words “to the Tower” were frequently used. He was at last obliged to submit: and the Censure was moderated by putting a Question that there was no foundation for the Words, which was carried by 83 to 36. The main Question was afterwards rejected 86 to 38.
I have never troubled you with the Proceedings in the City; but have left you to the Newspapers for them; but now they are brought into Parliament. This day sevenight March 14th. the Lord Mayor and Sherriffs presented the Remonstrance to the King: He received them upon his Throne in a very full Court and gave them an Answer which for the Propriety & force of its Terms and the Spririt & Elegance of its Delivery surprised all present & gave great Pleasure to all the Friends of Government.3 The next day it was moved in the House of Commons that the King be addressed for a Copy of the Remonstrance and the Answer. This produced a Debate at the Close of which the Numbers were 271 pro, 108 con, Majority. 163.
On Monday the Consideration of these Papers came on in the House of Commons. I will say nothing of the Debate only that it lasted till three o clock in the Morning, & then the further Consideration of it was adjourned to the next day. There were but two Resolves past that day the one condemning the Assertions of the Remonstrance concerning the Invalidity of the Parliament; the other that the Remonstrance was an Abuse of the Subjects right to Petition the King. It is remarkable that these Questions were moved by Sir Edward Blacket & Sir Thomas Clavering, both of them Knights of Shires and hitherto acting with the Opposition.4 These in their taking Part with the Ministry were accompanied by above 30 more independent Country Gentlemen who had before voted with the Opposition, but now said they could not go such Lengths as these. And among those who spoke on the Side of the Opposition not one offered to justify the Remonstrance. The Division was only on the previous Question upon putting the first Question, when the Numbers were 284 pro, 127 con, Majority. 157. The next day (Yesterday) an Address to the King was proposed and brought in: this was opposed; there were but few Speakers, & at 11 the Numbers were 298 pro, 94 con, Majority. 204. The Lords are to join in this Address & it is to be presented to the King upon his Throne.
What will be done further does not as yet appear, many think that this will be enough, as it will tend to disgrace the most violent Part of the Opposition, and disconcert the whole, as it will probably open the Eyes of those who act upon Principle, and afford a Pretence to those who act upon Interest to pursue it by changing their Side. It may also prevent this insolent Treatment of the King being practised by other Communities as it has been allready proposed both to the City of Westminister & the County of Middlesex.
As the Subject & the paper are of an end together, I will conclude this by assuring that I am &c.,
P.S. March. 22nd. This day upon the Opposition to the Address in the House of Lords the Numbers were 95 to 35.
P.S. to No. 23 March 23rd. Yesterday the Lord Mayor gave a grand Dinner to the Minority in the Egyptian Hall at the Mansion house: It was proposed to have a grand Procession from the Thatched House at St James’s to the Mansion house: but it did not take Place if it was really intended. But it afforded Opportunity for the Mob to order an Illumination in the Streets thro which they were to pass, & to break the Windows of about 90 Houses who did not obey. This day I was present when the two Houses presented their joint Address to the King sitting upon his Throne. The Attendance was very great, & the Procession of Coaches was more than reached from the Parliament House to the Kings Palace. You will see it with its Answer in Print: but it impossible to express the engaging Manner of the Kings Delivery of his Answer, which upon these Occasions captivates all Hearers, both Friends & Foes.5 We cant judge of the Numbers which attended; but it was voted by the majorities of 60 among the Lords and of 154 among the Commons.
SC (Houghton Library, Sparks 4, 8:76–79, 81); at foot of letter, above postscript on f. 79, “the honble Lt Govr Hutchinson.”
22 March [1770]
No. 10
My Dear Sir, Having wrote to you a few days ago under cover to General Gage to go by the Packet I must now repeat part of my Letter & desire you to signifie my sense of the necessity of the speedy appointment of a person of weight to this Government the critical state of it making it unsafe to be left in my hands the only dependance being my life to keep it from falling into the hands of the Council.1 The fatigues of it make their Impressions upon my Constitution & if the honour should have been done me which you seem to think not improbable I am sure I should not have strength to grapple with the burdens which must attend it & must beg you to signifie the same to His Majestys Ministers that I may be excused. In whatever state I may be I will cheerfully afford all the advice and assistance in support of Government which I am capable of.
You will easily guess why I say nothing upon any other subject by this Vessel. I am with sincere esteem and much Respect Sir Your faithful humble Servant,
AC (Massachusetts Archives, SC1/series 45X, 26:459). Contemporary printing: Boston Gazette, 1 January 1776.
Pall Mall. March 22. 1770
No. 24
Dear Sir, The Advices of your Proceedings with the Meeting at Faneuil Hall Hall & your Spirited your Spirited Message to them came in very good time to ballance the Accounts of what passed 4 days before in the Submission of your Sons & the Consequences of it which as they are represented as illtimed & unlucky, might have been injurious to you if that Transaction had stood alone.1 I was prepared to apologise for you; but found that L H knew Nothing of it & therefore I kept it to myself. I have now got that Letter in my own Hands & will take Care that it shall do no Hurt.2
I have the Pleasure to assure you that My Lord H’s Disposition towards you is noways altered: And now my Affair at the Council Board is finished, your Business will be done, with no Loss of time. I am at present allowed to tell you that your Name and that of Mr Oliver have been mentioned to the King with his gracious Approbation. I can also add that Mr Rogers’ Expectation looks very fair: but that will depend upon procuring the Compensation for Mr Oliver which I some time ago proposed to L H, & have lately mentioned to L N.3 As the former has approved of it I think, the latter will not object to its being carried into Execution, as he speaks very kindly of Mr Oliver.
That your Business might meet with no Delay, I have waived for the present my Pretensions to a farther Compensation which it is generally allowed I ought to have.4 When I mentioned this to L H, he was pleased immediately to promise me two Things which I have at Heart, to be done as soon as the Hurry of Parliamentary Business is over. These are Mount Desert & the Naval Office.5 I am offered any West Indian Government as fast as they become vacant. I shall endeavour to avoid them all; but as I have formerly asked for Barbadoes, I could not refuse that, if it should become vacant. So I think I am fixed here for some time at least, as there is no Probability of Barbadoes being vacant at present.
Probably you will receive by this Ship from Lord Hillsborough an authentic Copy of the Order of Council in my Business: I suppose that my Lord will direct that it be recorded in the Secretary’s Office; if he does not, you may think it proper, as the Complaints will remain upon the Journals.6 I am not willing to give the Trouble of recording my Answer, as it is so long; but a printed Copy of it should be filed together with the authentic Copy of the Order. I am the third Governor against whom Complaints have been dismissed this Winter upon the Complainants not been able to support the Complaint & making the usual Pretence of Want of Time.7 If the authentic Copy should not go now, I have one of my own ready to send you. I am &c.,
SC (Houghton Library, Sparks 4, 8:79–81); at foot of letter, “The Honble Lt Govr Hutchinson.”
Whitehall March 24. 1770
Sir, The tumultuous Meetings of the Merchants and Inhabitants of Boston in January last, and their going in Bodies to particular Persons and demanding of them a Compliance with their Agreements for non-importation, were Acts of so violent and unwarrantable a nature, that His Majesty is at a loss to conceive upon what Grounds it was that the Members of the Council, whom you very properly assembled upon the occasion, refused to concur in those Measures by which, as you justly observe, such disorderly and illegal Assemblies might either have been prevented, or soon dispersed.
Without that Concurrence it does not appear to me that you could have taken any other Steps than those you pursued, and the King approves your Caution in avoiding to make use of the Military upon this occasion.1
Inclosed I send you an Order of His Majesty in Council, containing a very honorable and full Acquittal of Sir Francis Bernard in regard to the Articles of Complaint exhibited against him by the House of Representatives of Massachuset’s Bay, and I am to signify to you His Majesty’s Commands that you do cause this Order in Council to be recorded in such manner as you, in your Discretion, shall think most proper, or has been usual in cases of the like Nature.2
As Sir Francis Bernard has requested His Majesty’s permission to resign his Government, I shall hope by the next Opportunity to transmit to you such an account of the Arrangements that His Majesty may think fit to make, in consequence thereof, as will be entirely agreeable to you.
The Remonstrance, Address, and Petition to the King, with His Majesty’s Answer thereto, contained in the inclosed Gazette, and the Proceedings in Parliament in consequence thereof, will fully inform you, on the one hand, of the dangerous Views of those who seek to disturb the peace of the Kingdom, and on the other of the Spirit & firmness with which their unwarrantable Attempts have been resisted by the whole Legislature,3 and I doubt not that His Majesty’s Subjects in America will feel the same detestation of these Attempts which has been expressed by all those in this Kingdom who are friends to Our happy Constitution, and Lovers of that true Liberty which We enjoy under it. I am &ca:
AC (National Archives UK, CO 5/759, ff. 53–54); at head of letter, “Lt. Govr. Hutchinson.” SC (National Archives UK, CO 5/765, ff. 82–84); at head of letter, “Lt. Gov. Hutchinson (No 34).” SC (Houghton Library, Sparks 43, 1:117); addressed, “Lord Hillsborough to Lieutenant Governor Hutchinson Whitehall March 24th 1770”; one paragraph excerpt beginning, “The Remonstrance. . . .”