◆   Anno Domini 1646   ◆

About1 the middle of May this year, came in 3 ships into this harbor (In war-like order); they were found to be men of war; the Captain’s name was Cromwell,2 who had taken sundry prizes from the Spaniards in the West Indies; he had a Commission from the Earl of Warwick.3 He had aboard his vessels about 80 lusty men (but very unruly), Who after they came ashore, did so distemper themselves with drink, as they became like madmen, and though some of them were punished, & Imprisoned, yet could they hardly be restrained; yet in the end they became more moderate, & orderly. They continued here, about a month, or 6 weeks, and then went to the Massachusetts; in which time they spent, and scattered a great deal of money among the people, and yet more sin (I fear) than money, notwithstanding all the care, & watchfulness that was used towards them, to prevent what might be.

In which time one sad accident fell out; a desperate fellow of the company, fell a-quarreling with some of his company; his Captain Commanded him to be quiet, & surcease his quarreling, but he would not, but reviled his captain with base language, & in the end ^half^ drew his rapier, & ^Intended to run^4 rune at his Captain, but he put it of closed with him, and wrested his rapier from him, and gave him a box on the ear, but he would not give over, but still assaulted his captain; whereupon he took the same rapier as it was in the scabbard, and gave him a blow with the hilts, but it light on his head, & the ^small^5 end of the bar of the rapier hilts pierced his skull, & he died a few days after. But the Captain was cleared by a council of war. This fellow was so desperate a quarreler, as the Captain was fain many times to chain him under hatches from hurting his fellows, as the company did testify, and this was his end.

This6 Captain Thomas Cromwell, set forth another voyage to the West Indies, from the Bay of the Massachusetts, well manned, & victualed; and was out 3 years, and took sundry prizes; and returned rich, unto the Massachusetts. And there died the same summer; Having got a fall from his horse; in which fall, he fell on his rapier hilts, and so bruised his body, as he shortly after died thereof, with some other distempers, which brought him into a fever. Some observed, that there might be something of the hand of God herein; that as the forenamed man, died of the blow he gave him with the rapier hilts; so his own death was occasioned by a like means.

This year Mr. Edward Winslow went Into England; upon this occasion, some discontented persons, under the Government of the Massachusetts, sought to trouble their peace, and disturb (if not Innovate7 their Government) by laying many [270] Scandals upon them; And Intended to prosecute against them in England, by petitioning, & complaining to the Parliament.8 Also Samuel Gorton & his company made Complaints against them.9 So as they made choice of Mr. Winslow to be their Agent, to make their defence; and gave him commission & Instructions for that end. In which he so carried himself, as did well answer their ends, and cleared them from any blame, or dishonour; to the shame of their adversaries. But by reason of the great alterations in the state he was detained longer than was expected;10 and afterwards fell into other Employments there;11 so as he hath now been absent this 4 years.12 Which hath been much to the weakening of this government; without whose consent, he took these Employments upon him.