Abbott, John, Harvard tutor, 249, 250, 251, 254, 256, 261, 264, 266, 271, 273, 274, 278, 284, 288, 292
Abrojos, shipwreck, 79
Acadia, attacks on English, 101
Acapulco, Spanish charts, 80
An Account of two Voyages to New-England (Josselyn), 120
Acomentiens hills (Me.), Hack’s Description of New England, 100, 143
Act of Union, 1707, 555
Adair, James, lost tribe of Israel, 199
Adams,–––, Graphical Essays, 500
Adams, Mr., 314; Medfield, 249, 253, 263, 268, 270, 276, 286, 290, 308, 321, 322
Adams, Abigail, Paine letter, 427; John Adams, chief justice, 428
Adams, George, instrument maker, 431, 450, 456, 471; Prince’s air pump, 455; lucernal microscope, 459, 460–461; battery, 463
Adams, Hannah, Pitt Clarke tutor, 234–235, 262, 269, 290, 308, 310
Adams, Hervey, 279
Adams, James Truslow, 5; on Mather, 111
Adams, John, 273, 283, 352, 376; Robert Treat Paine—Adams rivalry, 415–429; Continental Congress, 415, 423–424; legal training, 417; on Paine, 418–419; law practice, 420; Boston Massacre trial, 420–422; Committee on the State of the Province, 423; Supreme Court of Judicature, 425–428
Adams, John Quincy, Harvard, 233
Adams, Samuel, Continental Congress, 415, 423, 424, 425
Adams, Thomas, Hannah’s father, 235, 293, 310, see also probable references under Adams, Mr., Medfield
Adams, Thomas Boylston, Harvard student, 243, 266, 294, 352
Adams, [Zabdiel], Harvard student, 355
Addison, [Joseph], 178
The Advancement of Learning (Bacon), 164
Aegean Sea, 82
Agamenticus, Mount (Me.), 100, 143
Agarde, Arthur, keeper of records, 152–153, 155, 158
Agawam (Agawamin, Agawomin), Plymouth Colony, 104, 124, 142
Agricola, John, Antinomians, 403
Aiken, Mrs. See Barbauld, Anna Letitia
Air, natural philosophy, 451–452
Air. See also Air pumps
Air pumps, experimentation, 451–453, 467
Air pumps. See also Prince, John
Albemarle, Second Duke (Christopher Monck), rutter, 79
Algebra, Harvard curriculum, 280, 293, 294
Algonquian Indians, Quaiapen portrait, 95; Hack’s Description of New England, 96; language spread, 104
Allardt, [Hugo], 120
Allen,–––, Harvard student, 260, 289
Allen, Prof. Benjamin, 500
Allen, Rev. Benjamin, Falmouth, Me., 366
Allis, Frederick S., Jr., “The Education of Samuel Phillips, Jr. Founder of Phillips Academy,” 39–60; Colonial Society editor, 232
Allston, Mass., 562
Aloysia (Block Island), 99
America, 136, 558; Early American Imprints, 9–16; cartography, 62, 63, 75, 88, 91, 120, 121, 132; charters, 68; Navigation Acts, 70; charts, Pacific coast, 76; “North Sea of America” atlas, 90; first map published in, 111; apocryphal visions, 191–219; Bickerstaff series, illustrations, 197; Increase Mather prominent, 222; Sir Robert Boyle correspondence, 226; John Cotton, 401; first Congregational synod, 407; post-Antinomian debates, 413; second Continental Congress, 424; scientific instrument making, 431, 435, 449, 483, 484; John Prince, 446, 455, 463, 470, 479, 486; Sabbatarianism, 505; anti-Puritanism, 507
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 6, 352, 353; Andrew Oliver, Jr., 391; Memoirs, air pump, 431, 446, 450, 466, 479, 500; clergymen members, 440; Prince telescope, 459, 479; Rhode Island College, 478
American Antiquarian Society, Shipton, 3, 4, 6, 17; Proceedings index, 4, 18; Early American Imprints plan, 11–12; Early American Imprints, 9, 10, 13, 18; Proceedings, Park article, 379; Proceedings, Dresser article, 386
American Archivist (periodical), 13
American Bibliography. See under Evans, Charles
“The American Gazette or Constitutional Journal” (periodical), 196
American Historical Association, Committee on Documentary Reproduction, Evans project, 13
American Historical Review (periodical), 13
American literature, late eighteenth-century visions, 191–219; True Confessions and Dying Warnings, 523–539
American Philosophical Society, John Prince, 446
American Revolution, 5, 541; upper-class education, pre-Revolutionary era, 40; Harvard on eve, 173–190; effect on Harvard, 185–186, 188–189, 439, 1769–1791, visions, political sentiment, 191–217; Pitt Clarke, 233, 234; Enos Hitchcock, 363, 369–373, 374; Andrew Oliver, Jr., 391; craftsmen, 435; John Prince, 437; Kirwan library, 442, 486; True Confessions and Dying Warnings, 537; Miles Greenwood, 565, 566; Calvin Russell, 569
The American Wonder or, the New England Vision of Night (Russell), 202
Ames, Levi, burglar, 538
Ames, Silvanus, Harvard patriot, 187, 190
Amherst, Jeffrey, Blackburn portrait, 389
Amherst College, 562; scientific instruments, 431, 468
Amory, Thomas, letter, 340–341
Anatomy of Plants (Grew), 469, 495
Ancient History (Rollin), 247, 257
Andover, Mass., 46, 55, 115, 178, 353; era of Samuel Phillips, Jr., 40–42; family structure in, 40–41 and Fn. 9; Hack’s Description of New England, 92, 96, 142
Andover North Parish, 42, 43, 45
Andover South Parish, Parson Samuel Phillips, 42, 43, 44, 45
Andover Theological Seminary, 562
André, Major, 371
Andrews, Charles M., on Hooker, Cotton, 405
Anecdotes of Painting in England (Walpole), 386
“Angel, Devil and Ghost” (vision), 192, 196, 205–209
Anglia Contracta (Seller), 86
Anglicanism, 224, 226; Sabbatarianism, 505; Boston, 535
Anglo-Saxons, Robert Cotton, 151
Annawon (Indian), 118
Anne, Queen of Denmark, 107
Anne, Queen of England, 69; colonial seals, 553, 555, 556
Antigua, 78
Antinomians and Antinomian Controversy, 544; John Cotton—Hutchinson, Massachusetts, 393–413
Antiquaries. See Collectors and collecting
Appeal to Common Sense in Behalf of Religion (Oswald), 329, 330
Applebee, John, London Weekly Journal, 525–526
Appleton, Nathaniel Walker, Harvard student, on political events, 177–178
Apthorp, Charles, Blackburn portrait, 389
Apthorp family, 389
Aquedahian, Merrimac River source, 125
Aquidneck, Hack’s Description of New England, 96, 139
Aquodock River, Hack’s maps, 109, 143
Archipelago [?], 138
Archipiélago de las Mulatas, 82
Archives, Shipton influence, 4, 6, 18; public records, private papers, 152–153; Brian Twyne, 168
Archives. See also Collectors and collecting
Arithmetic, Harvard curriculum, 239, 252, 253, 254, 258, 259, 260, 261, 264, 265, 266, 272, 273, 274, 438
The Arithmetic of Infinities and the Differential Method. . ., (Emerson), 291, 297
Arminianism, Pitt Clarke, 356; Lincolnshire, 401; Winthrop, 406
Aroostook County, Me., 561, 563
The Art of Knowing One’s Self (Abbadie), 269
Artisans. See specific crafts
Arundel, Earl of, Cranmer library, 161
Arundel, Me., 107
Ashford (Long Island), 137
Ashurst, Henry, 222; executor of Robert Boyle estate, 227, 228
Ashurst, Henry (“the Alderman”), 222, 228
Ashurst, Sir William, Mather correspondence, 221–229; about, 222, Mather friendship, 223; Harvard charter controversy, 223–226; Boyle legacy, 226–229
Association of Research Libraries, 12
Astrolabe-quadrant, Gunter, 87
Astronomical clocks, 483
Astronomical events, vision, 203, 214, 215, 216
Astronomical events. See also Comets
Astronomy, 465; Harvard curriculum, 239, 306, 438, 440, 441; instruments, 456
Astronomy. See also Telescopes
Astronomy (Ferguson), 298
“At the Sign of the Piatt,” London mapmakers, 83
Atkinson family, 389
Atlantic coast and ocean, 115; Hack sea atlas, 80; exploration by Hudson, 121
Atlases. See Cartography
Attleboro (Attleborough), Mass., 121; Great Awakening, 543; First Church, 562
Auchmuty, Robert, Boston Massacre trial, 422
Australia, 15
Avery, Mr., Wrentham, 289
Avery, William, Boyle correspondence, 226
Awashonks (Indian squaw), 96, 107
Ayres, Philip, Voyages and Adventures of Capt. Barth. Sharp, 77
Azores, 88
B. W., “Gentlemen of Philadelphia” vision, 209–211
Babbit, Erasmus, Harvard student, 243, 250, 251, 260, 266, 267, 279, 289, 306, 315, 352
Babbit, Dr. Erasmus, Sturbridge, 277, 352
Backer, Jacobus, New Amsterdam, 105
Backer, Margaret, 105
Backstaff, 87
Backus, Isaac, on extremism, 544; on Shadrack Ireland, 547, 548
Bacon, Francis, use of Latin language, 164
Bacon’s Rebellion, 134
Badger, Joseph, portraits, 387, 389, 390
Bailyn, Bernard, colonial educational history, 39, 40
Baker, C. H. Collins, on Blackburn portraits, 387
Baker, Thomas, 269
Bakers Island, 141
Balch, Joshua, Jr., Beverly, 369
Baldwin, Loammi, philosophical apparatus, 478
Baltimore, Md., Blackburn portraits, 381
Banks, R., London instrument maker, 463
Baon[?] (Boon) Island, 143
Baptists, Pitt Clarke, 236–237
Barbados, 69, 77, 405; seal, 553
Barbauld, Anna Letitia (Mrs. Aiken), devotional pieces, 340
Barnard, Elizabeth. See Phillips, Elizabeth Barnard
Barnard, Rev. John, Andover North Parish, 42, 45, 48
Barnham Broome, Norfolk, Eng., 566
Barnstable and bay area, Mass., Hack’s Description of New England, 98, 100, 140; Hack’s Description of Coast Islands, 109; Rev. John Chipman, 366
Barre Publishers, National Index of American Imprints . . . , 9
Barrell, Mrs., Blackburn portrait, 391
Barrell, Joseph, 384
Barrington, Judith, 105
Barrington, Sir Thomas, 105
Barstable (Barnstable), Mass., 140
Barstable Bay (Cape Cod Bay), Mass., 140
Barty’s Isle, 106
Bascombe, Deborah, Blackburn portrait, 382
Batchelder, Capt. Josiah, Jr., 372, 373
Batchelder family, 367
Bates, Mr., 307
Baxter, Steven, Harvard student, 256, 260, 262, 273, 277, 280, 284, 317, 324, 330
Bayle, Pierre, 274
Bayley, Mary, wife of John Prince, 436
Beard, [Charles A.], 5
Beattie, James, 291
Beliracay (Billerica), Mass., 142
Belknap, Jeremy at Harvard, 240, 262, 311, 325
Belknap, Waldron Phoenix, on Blackburn, 388
The Belknap Press, 18
Bentley, Rev. William, John Prince, 442, 444; Prince’s tools, 447–448; Bowdoin instruments, 477, 500; diary, 568
Berkshire County (Mass.), Blackburn record search, 386
Bermuda, Joseph Blackburn, 379, 380–383, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 391; seal, 556
Bernard, Governor, 190
Bernard, Thomas, Harvard student, 174; Loyalist, 186
Berquist, G. William, Early American Imprints, 14
Berry, William, Map of New England, 102, 107, 111, 113, 119, 120, 130; London map, 86
Bethel, Conn., 95
Bethune, Mrs. George, Blackburn portrait, 389
Bethune family, 389
Beverly, Mass., 440; Hack maps, 109; Second Church (Precinct of Salem and Beverly) and Hitchcock, 363, 364–374, 375; First Church, 365, 527; Conant Street, 366; Hugh Hill, 442, 486; Miles Greenwood, 568
Bible. See under Religion
Bibliographical Society of America, 16
Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, 16
Bibliothéque Nationale, Thornton map, 112
Bickerstaff Almanac, 196; use of illustrations, 197
Bicknall, B., 419
Biggeloe (Bigglow, Bigellow), Capt. 310, 319, 323
Biglow, Silas, Harvard, 174
Bill, John, Bodley book agent, 165
Billerica, Mass., 142
Bishop, Dr. David, Clarke cryptogram, 355
Bixby, [Joseph], Harvard, 355
Black, Jeannette, 62; Hack’s Description of New England, 67; Blathwayt atlas, 71, 116; Thames School, 83
Black Point, 143
Blackburn, Christopher B., artist, 384
Blackburn, Jonathan B., 384
Blackburn, Joseph, career of, 379–391; portraits by, 379–380;
Bermuda period, 380–383; American portraits, 379, 381, 383, 384; itinerary, 383–386; speculation on nationality, 386; English portraits, 386; artistic ancestry and art, 386–389; output, comparisons, 390–391
Blacks, Flora, 1758, court case, 46; Harvard servants, 57; maroons, West Indies, 82; Samuel Sewall on, 537
Blacks. See also Slaves
Blaeu, Willem Jansz, Crane Bay, 99; map vignette (Indian village), 120
Blair, Hugh, 297
Blathwayt, William, atlas and mapping, 66, 71, 84, 85, 102, 113, 116, 118, 119, 121, 129, 130, 131; names, New England map, 98, 104, 107, 111
Blathwayt Atlas. See under Blathwayt, William
Blew Point River (Blue Point), 143
Block, Capt. Adriaen, 99, 105, 122
Block Island, Hack’s Description of New England, 89, 93, 102; Dutch name, 99
“Bloody Assize” of 1685, 69
“Bloody Butchery” (broadside), Russell, 197, 202, 205
Blue Hills, on early, 111
Blue Point, 143
Blyth, Stephen Cleaveland, Harvard student, 243, 352
Bodleian Library. See Bodley, Sir Thomas
Bodley, Lawrence, manuscripts gift to Thomas Bodley, 166
Bodley, Sir Thomas, Bodleian Library, 145, 150, 156, 162; beginning of Bodleian, 163–164; acquisition of books, policies, 164–165; Bodley and Thomas James, 165–166; gifts to library, 166; catalogue, 167; use of Bodleian, 168; Stationers’ Company, 169; Selden collection, 171
Bolton, Theodore, on Joseph Blackburn, 388
Boni, Albert, Early American Imprints, 10, 12, 13, 15, 18
Book of Heraldry, 158
Books and reading, Pitt Clarke’s books, 346–349
Books and reading. See also Libraries; Specific authors and titles
Boon Island, 143
Borough, John, 155
Boston, Mass., 52, 68, 104, 111, 119, 124, 186, 352, 353, 520, 521, 373, 391, 466, 468, 478, 492, 497, 531, 562, 563; Squire Phillips’s warning, 47; massacre, 1770, 56; Navigation Acts, coastal trade, 71; Hack’s Description of New England, 87, 92, 95, 99, 141; Hubbard-Foster Map of New England, 94, 116, 133; settlement, expansion, 96; Hanover Street, 104; Hack’s A Description of Coast Islands, etc. . . ., 110; Wood map, 123; Woodward-Saffery survey, 125; William Reed map, 127, 128, 129, 133; blockade, 130, 136, 202, 208; pre-Revolutionary activities, 176, 177; radical groups, 187; visions in, 193, 194; Ezekiel Russell, 196, 197; Increase Mather, 221; Pitt Clarke’s sons, 236; Pitt Clarke’s visits, 243–329 passim, 343, 345, 351; Tremont Street Theater, 352; Old South Church, 364; Willard, Hitchcock visit, 368; Joseph Blackburn, 380, 383, 384, 386, 389; portraitists, 386–387; John Cotton, 401, 402, 403, 409, 412, 507; Anne Hutchinson, 404, 406; Antinomians, 405; Hooker, 407; John Adams, 415, 417, 419, 420, 422; South Grammar School, 416; Benjamin Prat, 417–418; Robert Treat Paine, 416, 419, 420, 422; port bill, 423; delegates, Continental Congress, 424; John Prince, 434, 448; New North Church, 434; Mary Bayley, 436; natural philosophers, 478; instrument makers, 484; Anglican church, 535; Great Awakening, 543; Massachusetts seal, 553; Miles Greenwood, 565, 566, 567; Old Granary Burying Ground, 566; Copps Hill Burying Ground, 566
Boston (Lincolnshire), John Cotton, 400
Boston Athenæum, 12
Boston Chronicle (newspaper), 177
Boston Gazette (newspaper), Peabody on, 177; Hitchcock, 370; Blackburn, 384
Boston Latin School, Robert Treat Paine, 416
Boston Massacre, 193, 437; Samuel Phillips, Jr., account, 56; trial, 391; John Adams, Robert Treat Paine, trial, 415, 420–422
Boston Public Library, 12, 563
Boston Tea Party, 176, 177, 178, 187, 190, 437; in vision, 208
Boucherville, Conn., 352
Boulind, Richard, “William Hack and the Description of New England,” 61–144
Bowditch, Nathaniel, 443, 444; Harvard telescope, 457, 477
Bowdoin, Gov. James, 423; buried, 315
Bowdoin College, scientific instruments, 468, 477, 484, 500–501, 502, 503
Bowdoin family, 389
Bowman, John, Harvard student, 352
Bowman, Jonathan, Harvard student, 237, 243
Bownde, Nicholas, Puritan Sabbatarianism, 506
Bowyer, William, 155
Boxford, Mass., 46
Boyden, Mr., Sturbridge, 277
Boyle, John (Orrery, Fifth Earl of), 346
Boyle, Sir Robert, legacy to Harvard, 221, 226–229; experiments, 451–452; air pump improvement, 452, 455
Boyle’s Law, 226
Bradford, Alden, Harvard tutor, 311, 312, 313, 318, 319, 320, 321, 343, 346
Bradford, William, quoted, 528
Bradish’s tavern, Cambridge, 314
Bradstreet, Anne, Andover, 40
Brafferton (Yorkshire), 227
Braintree, Mass., 352; Hack’s Description of New England, 102; John Adams, 417, 419, 420; British Circular Letter, 1768, 420
Brandford (Branford), Conn., 138
Brandon harbor, 137
Branford, Conn., 138; settlement, 97
Brass founders, 483
Brattle, Col. William, 1769 Harvard dinner, 57
Braveboat, 143
Brawbut (Braveboat), 143
Brawner, David, 509
Breve Comfendio de la Sphera (Cortés), 86
Bridge, Ebenezer, 286
Bridgewater (Bridgwater), Mass., 96, 140
Bridgewater House (Egerton family), 146
Briggs,———, fire engine, 444
Brigham, Clarence, 10
Bristol, Roger P., “not-in-Evans” items, 16, 18
Bristol, Eng., 106; Yonge family, 67
Bristol Academy (Taunton, Mass.), 236
Bristol County Bible Society, 236
Britannia (Camden), 148, 149, 150
British Empire in America (Popple), map, 135
British Isles, used on trade signs, 83
British Library, 1680, 1698 maps, 75; Ringrose journal, 77; Hack collection, 79, 81, 100
British Library. See also British Museum
British Maps of Colonial America (Cumming), 61
British Museum, 72, 156, 162, 171, 231; Hack Waggoner, 78–79; Sharp, Ringrose, Cox journals, 79; Cottonian collection, 153
British Museum. See also British Library
Broadsides, Ezekiel Russell, 197
Bronx (New York City), 99
Brook, Abraham, electrometer, 463
Brooke, Lord (Robert Greville), 105
Brookfield, Mass., Hack’s Description of New England, 92, 102, 103, 142; settlement, 97; Hack London atlas, 109; Enos Hitchcock, 363, 365; Rev. Ephraim Ward, 376; Proprietors Library, First Parish, 376
Brookline, Mass., 141
Brooklyn, N. Y., 384
Brooklyn Museum Quarterly (periodical), 383
Brooks, Col., 346
Brown family, Providence, R. I., 565
Brown University, 353, 440, 443; Shipton, 3; Varnum, Harvard, 183; Enos Hitchcock, 375; scientific instruments, 431, 467, 494, 497; John Prince, 446, 468, 471
Browne, Elizabeth, Blackburn portrait, 389
Brunswick and Luneburg, Duke of, 557
Brydone, Patrick, 266
Bucaniers of America (Exquemelin), 77
Buccaneers, Hack narratives, 63, 82; Hack’s early career, 72, 73; charts, Pacific coast, 76–79
Buccaneers of America (Esquemeling), 63
Buckman, Mr., 300
Buffon, Georges L. L., 274, 275
Bulkeley, Peter, Boston agent to London, charter revision, 116, 130–132; preacher, 394, 399; Hutchinson synod, 408
Bull, Jireh, garrison house, 121
Bunker Hill, 437
Bunker Hill Monument Association, 6
Burgh, James, 281
Burgoyne, General, 214, 217; Trumbull painting, 370
Burlamaqui, Jean Jacques, Harvard curriculum, 175, 189, 287, 288, 292, 294, 298, 299
Burr, Jonathan, Harvard tutor, 245
Burston, John, London mapmaker, 83–84; work for Pepys, 84–85
Butterfield, Mrs. Nathaniel, Blackburn portrait, 383
Butterfield, Thomas, 382
Buzzards Bay, Hack’s Description of New England, 91, 100, 140
Byefield, Mass., 468
Cabinetmakers, 483
Cadiz, 417
Cadiz Expedition of 1596, 166
Caesar, Julius, Harvard curriculum, Commentaries, 243, 245
Caesar (Black), slave, Hitchcock, 377
Calef, Robert, on witchcraft trials, 536
California, Gulf of, Spanish chart, 80
Callender, John, Harvard student, 352
Calvin, [John], John Cotton, 400, 401, 403, 407
Calvinism, Phillips family clergy, 42, 44; Squire Phillips, exemplar, 47; Elizabeth B. Phillips, 48, 49; Phillips Academy, 60; Pitt Clarke, 356, 357; New England, 399
Cambridge, Eng., 525
Cambridge, Mass., Harvard, 3, 5, 10, 40, 52, 53, 58, 176, 180, 30, 31, 365, 368; Hack’s Description of New England, 92, 141; Nathaniel Appleton, 177; Pitt Clarke, 233, 235, 238, 245, 246, 251, 252, 253, 263, 267, 268, 269, 271, 276, 278, 280, 289, 290, 293, 295, 296, 298, 299, 302, 304, 307, 308, 309, 310, 312, 313, 319, 323, 324, 326, 330, 345; Pitt Clarke, record of accounts, 337; troops, 370; Joseph Blackburn portraits, 379, 384; Solomon Prentice, 544; Sacramento Street, Whitehill, 562
Cambridge College (Harvard), 499
Cambridge Press, Early American Imprints, 11
Cambridge School of Liberal Arts, Shipton, 3
Cambridge University, 174; Parker collection, 149; Robert Cotton, 150; catalogue of library, 165; and the Crown, 224; Puritan tradition, 396; John Cotton, 507, 508
Cambridge University (Public) Library, catalogue, 165
Camden, William, antiquary, 147, 148–149, 150, 151, 155, 158; Thomas James, 170
Campbell, Tony, Hack map, 62; Hack background, 73, 75; Thames School of mapmakers, 83, 85
Canaan, Me., 569
Canada, 4, 15, 104, 221, 389; French Canada, 234; expedition, 1775, 425
Candlewood Lake, Hack’s Description of New England, 91
Canobie Lake, Hack’s Description of New England, 91
Canterbury, Conn., Great Awakening, 544
Canute (English king), 507
Cape Ann, Hack’s Description of New England, 92, 141; name, 107; early maps, 112, 113; Waters-Winthrop map, 124
Cape Cod and Bay, 96, 124; Hack’s Description of New England, 65, 88, 90, 92, 98, 100, 104; Hack’s London atlas, 109; on early maps, 106, 113; place names, 140; “The Indian Vision,” 197, 199; Enos Hitchcock, 363, 366, 374; Robert Treat Paine family, 417
“Cape-Cod Vision,” 197
Cape Elizabeth, 366
Cape Horn, 77
Cape Neddick, 143
C[ape] Nodack (Neddick), 143
Cape of Good Hope, 81
Cape Porpis, 107, 143; Massachusetts seizure, 126
C[ape] Porpis River, 143
Cappon, Lester J., “Collectors and Keepers in the England of Elizabeth and James,” 145–171
The Career of John Cotton: Puritanism and the American Experience (Ziff), 507
A Careful and Strict Inquiry into. . . Freedom of the Will. . . (Edwards), 268
Carlyle, Thomas, 433
Caroline, Queen of England, 558
Carr, Sir Robert, 126
Carrell, Mr., 306
Carrier, Martha, alleged witch, 40
Cartography, William Hack’s Description of New England, 61–144; Thames School, 61, 75–76, 83–86; Herman Moll, 82; marine cartography practice, 86; comparison of early maps of New England, 108–114; Massachusetts Bay charter and boundaries, 114–116; parallel lines used to express charter claims, Hubbard, Blathwayt, 116, 117; Hack latitudes, 118; King Philip’s War and, 118–119; sources of mapmaking information, 121; early settler mapping of New England, 122–125; William Wood map, 122–123; Waters-Winthrop map, 124; Woodward-Saffery map, 124–125; 1665 Reed map and sources, 126–128; influence of Reed map on European maps of New England, 129; James Taylor copying of William Reed map, 130–131; college course, 465; instrument makers, 483
Cartwright, George, royal authority in New England, 126; loses Reed map to ocean, 128, 130
Casco Bay, early maps, 112; land claims, 116; Hack’s Description of New England, 118, 143; Massachusetts control, 126, 127
Caskow (Casco Bay), 143
Castle William, 190
Cat Island, 141
Catalogus librorum bibliothecae publicae (James), Bodleian, 167
Catalogus universalis librorum in bibliotheca Bodleiana (James), 170
Catholicism, 352; England, 147; Thomas James, 169
Catskill, N.Y., 105
Catt (Cat) Isle, 141
The Censor (periodical), Ezekiel Russell, 196
Chaloup Bay, Adriaen Block, 99
Chamberlain, Judge Mellen, conversation with Revolutionary War veteran, 189–190
Chambers, Ephraim, 304
Champernoun, Capt. Francis, 107
Champlain, Samuel, 132; maps, 122, 129
Champlain, Lake, Hack’s Description of New England, 89
Champney, Rev. Joseph, First Church, Beverly, 365, 366
Chandler, Major, 416
Chandler, Samuel, Harvard student, 177, 178, 243, 253, 269, 279, 294, 299, 301, 311, 312, 314, 315, 319, 324, 327, 328, 344, 345, 352
Chardon, Peter, 418
Charles I, Puritan opposition, 106; place names, 107, 123; Massachusetts Bay charter, 114; Robert Cotton, 159; Royal Library, 161
Charles II, Yonge family, 68; Waggoner of the Great South Sea, 78; South Sea Waggoners, 79; 1664 land patent, 93; return, 126
Charles River, Hack’s Description of New England, 92, 140; name, 107; early concept of source, 114, 115; Wood map, 123; Woodward-Saffery map, 125
Charleston, N. H., 353
Charleston (college), 468
Charlestown, Mass., 287, 308, 319, 351, 354, 547; Hack’s Description of New England, 92, 141; Harvard corporation, student morality, 179
Chase, Mr.[?], 285
Chatham, Mass., Hack’s Description of New England, 100, 140; Monimoy, 104
Chaubunagungamaug pond, 125
Chauncy, Charles, quoted, 543
Checapie River (Chicopee), 138
Chelmsford, Mass., 141
Chemistry, Harvard curriculum, 239, 296
Chesebrough, Mrs. David, Blackburn portrait, 381, 388
Cheshire County (Eng.), Egertons, 146
Chester, Vt., Readex Microprint, 15, 16
Chichester[?], Conn., 138
Chickering, Rev. Jabez, Dedham, 278
Chicopee, Mass., Hack’s Description of New England, 101
Chicopee River, 138
Child, Caleb, 263
Chile, 77
Chios, 81
Chipman, Rev. John, Beverly, 364, 365, 366, 369
Chronicle (newspaper), North Attleboro, 561
Church, Col. Benjamin, 118
The Church, authority, 41
Church Fathers, Thomas James, 169
Church History of the Government of the Bishops and Their Councils (Baxter), 344
Church of England, 224
Church of England. See also Anglicanism
Cicero (Tully), 59; Harvard curriculum, 189, 269, 275, 435
Claggett, Mrs. Wyseman, Blackburn portrait, 389
Clap, Rev. Thomas, science, Yale, 440, 485
Clark, David, Medfield, 234
Clark, Rev. George Faber, Norton, 233
Clark, Jacob, father of Pitt Clarke, 234
Clark, Solomon, Wrentham, 234
Clark University, Shipton lectures, 6
Clark[e], Mr., Medfield, 263, 270
Clarke, Alice, 1674 confession, 528
Clarke, John, Lexington, Mass., 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 312, 324, 327
Clarke, John Jones, son of Pitt Clarke, 236
Clarke, Manlius Stimson, son of Pitt Clarke, 236
Clarke, Pitt, Harvard diary, 1786–1791, 242–330; about the diary, 233–234; about Clarke family and Pitt, 234–236; ministry, 236–237; Harvard College, 237–241; A Pastor’s Legacy to his People, 231, 237 and text, 356–361; freshman year, 243–245; classmates, 243; sophomore year, 246–271; junior year, 271–290; senior year, 290–309; keeping Cambridge school, 1790–1791, 309–330, 342–346; commonplaces, 330–337; record of accounts, 337; duties of a clergyman, 337–338; nature of virtue, 338–340; readings, notes on, 337–342; books purchased, 346–347; identification of books, 347–349; expenses in college, 350; expenses after college, 350–352; class of 1790, 352–355; cryptogram, 355
Clarke, Samuel, visions, 193, 194, 211; A Short Relation, 196, 202–205, 217, 218; “The Swansea Vision,” 196, 200–201; “The Indian Vision,” 196, 200; “Angel, Devil and Ghost,” 205; a real person?, 200 (Fn. 6)
Clarke, Samuel (Englishman), Harvard curriculum, 286, 309, 322, 328, 329
Clayton, Sir Robert and Lady, Blackburn portraits, 385–386
Cleaveland, Parker, Papers, air pump, 500–501, 502
Cleaves, Mrs., Beverly, 368
Cleopatra, 157
Clergymen, duties, 337–338; study of natural philosophy, 440; decline of influence, 535; authoritarianism in Great Awakening, 541–542
Clevland, John, South Sea Waggoner, 80
Clockmakers, 484; surveying, nautical instruments, 483
Club of Odd Volumes, 6
Coast pilot. See Periplus
Coastal trade, Customs clearance, Massachusetts, 70–71
Cobb, Gen. David, scientific instruments, 478
Cocheco, Me., 105
Cochituate pond, 125
Coercive Acts, 1773–1774, 193
Coffin, Ebenezer, Harvard student, 286
“Coffin” broadside, Russell, 197
Cohasset, Mass., Hack’s Description of New England, 101, 140
Cohen, I. Bernard, foreword to Prince article, 431–432
Cohen, Sheldon S., colonial history, 39; Harvard on eve of Revolution, 54, 55; “Harvard College on the Eve of the American Revolution,” 173–190
A Collection of Original Voyages (Hack), 81
Collectors and collecting, under Elizabeth and James I, 145–171; collecting, 145, 146; wide interests, 147; William Camden, antiquarian, 148–149; Robert Cotton, 150–159; Arthur Agarde, 152; John, Lord Lumley, Prince Henry, 160–162; Thomas Bodley, 162–171
Collectors and collecting. See also under Libraries
College of Heralds, Yonge family, 67
College of Rhode Island, 183
College of Rhode Island. See also Brown University
Colleges, practical, empirical sciences, 465–466; John Prince role, 431, 468–479, 482, 484, 485; archival records of Prince instruments, 489
Colleges. See also Education, History of; Harvard College; Natural philosophy; Sciences and science teaching
Colman, [Thomas], Harvard student, 176
Colonial Council, Harvard College, 224, 225
Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Shipton, 6, 7; Shipton’s first meeting, 8; colonial history, 39; Hack map, 62, 136; Mather-Ashurst letters, 221; Pitt Clarke diary, 232; Cotton manuscript, 507
Colony of New Plymouth. See Plymouth Colony
Columbia University, 443
Colyton (Devonshire, Eng.), Yonge family, 66, 67; Walter Yonge, 69
Comberford, Nicholas, 132; 1657 map, 64; Thames School, 83, 85; Pepys, 84, 85; 1646 chart, 98
Comets, allusions to, in vision, 203, 214; John Winthrop, 441; telescope technology, 456
Commissary Court of the Diocese of London, Hack will, 74
Committee of Safety, 186
Committee on Documentary Reproduction (AHA), Evans project, 13
“Common Sense” (Paine), 200
Common-wealth of Learning, intellectual community, 145; preservation, accessibility, of records, 146; Thomas Bodley, 162; cultural resources, 171
Commonwealth College; the Governance of Harvard in the Puritan Period (Hoffmann), 224
A Comparative View of the State and Faculties of Man With Those of the Animal World (Gregory), 307
Compass roses, portolans, 86; Hack, 89–90
Conanicot (Conanicut) Isle, 139
Conant, John, Beverly, 365, 374
Conant, Jonathan, Beverly, 370
Conant, Roger, biography, 6; Welty review, 17
Conant family, Beverly, 364
Conchset[?] (Cohasset), Mass., 140
Concord, Mass., 130, 562; settlement, 97; battle, 176, 187, 189, 190, 201, 369, 437; Hack’s Description of New England, 141
Confessions, in colonial New England, 523–539; English antecedents, 525; private confessions, 526; church confession, 526–527; eighteenth century, 527–528; court confessions, 528; simple admission of guilt, 528; public acknowledgment, 528–529; pre-sentencing confession, 529; series of court confessions, Salem, 529; publication of, 530; literary elements, 530–533; ideas versus practice, 533–534; root cause of wickedness, 534–535; social utility, 535–537; change in origins of confessors, 537; from moral suasion to titillation, 538; change from pamphlet to broadside, 538; diversion, entertainment, 538–539
Congregational Benevolent Society, Providence church, Enos Hitchcock, 374, 377
Congregationalism, 440; Harvard charter, 223, 224; Newtown synod, 407; Shadrack Ireland, 547
Connecticut, 124, 137, 138, 424; Hack’s Description of New England, 65, 90, 91, 97, 101, 103, 134, 137, 139; Indians, Hack map, 95; King’s Province, 102; Block charts, 122; boundary demarcation, 125, 128; Hitchcock family, 363; Blackburn, 381, 384, 388; Thomas Hooker, 405; Robert Treat, 416
Connecticut Historical Society, 12
Connecticut River and valley, 215; Hack’s Description of New England, 65, 88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 96, 100, 102, 104, 137; settlement route, 97; Hack London atlas, 109, 110; Seller 1676 map vignette, 120–121; Dutch exploration, 122; Woodward and Saffery, 124; route from Massachusetts Bay to, 125; place names, 138–139, 142, 143
Connecticuts (Indians) country, Hack’s Description of New England, 91, 95, 139
Connetquot River, Hack’s Description of New England, 105, 137
Connington (Huntingdonshire, Eng.), Robert Cotton, 150, 158
Continental Army, 370
Continental Congress (First), John Sullivan, 354; Massachusetts delegates, 415, 422, 423, 424
Continental Congress (Second), John Sullivan, 354; Massachusetts delegates, 424, 426, 427
Convention of 1689–1690, 69
Conversion (religion), Antinomian Controversy, 393–413
Conyhasset, Mass., Waters-Winthrop map, 124
Cooper, Sir Anthony Ashley, 68
Cooper, James Fenimore, 95
Cooper, Samuel, 547
Cooper, Rev. William, condemnation, salvation, 534
Copley, John Singleton, Blackburn, 379, 387, 389; Dunlap on, 380; output, 381, 390–391
Copyright Act (England), 169
Cornwall County, Eng., 155, 156
Cortés, Martin, directions for chart drawing, 86; rhumb lines, 86, 87
Corvo (island), 88
Cosa, Juan de la, 132
Cost of living. See Prices
Cotton, John, 523; Antinomian Controversy, 393–413; background of controversy, 393–399; early life and removal to New England, 400–401; beliefs, 401–404; Anne Hutchinson, 404–405; Hooker relationship, 405–406; Hutchinson synod, 407–409; Boston church, 409, 411; General Court, Hutchinson trial, 409–411; Hutchinson excommunication, 411–412; about, treatise on beginning of Sabbath day, 506–509; text of treatise, 509–522
Cotton, Sir John, last holder of Cottonian Library, 160
Cotton, Sir John (son of Thomas), 160
Cotton, Sir Robert, Cottonian library, 145, 150–160, 165, 171; public records, private papers, 152–153; London records, 154; Society of Antiquaries, 155; library classification, 157; borrowing, lending, Cottonian library, 157–158; politics, 158–159; Star Chamber, arrest, death, 159; Prince Henry, 160; Cottonian Library, private institution, liberal policies, 162; books to Bodleian, 166
Cotton, Roland, 400
Cotton, Sir Thomas, Cottonian Library, 157, 159–160
Cottonian Library. See Cotton, Sir Robert
Council for New England, Mason-Gorges grant, 115; Saltonstall map, 123
Counter-Reformation, 161
County histories, development in England, 147–148
Courant (newspaper), James Franklin, 537
Covington, Ind., 561
Cowes, Eng., 75
Cowesett Bay (Greenwich), 139
Cowley, William Ambrose, chart of Galapagos, 80; map of voyage, 81, 82; “Pepys Island,” 84
Cox,———, buccaneer, 77
Coxon, John, buccaneer, 77
Crafts, Col. Ebenezer, Sturbridge, Mass., 250, 276, 277, 352
Crafts, Samuel Chandler, Harvard student, 243, 273, 277, 283, 290, 297, 316, 352
Crafts. See specific crafts
Craftsbury, Vt., 352
Crallupt (Chaloup) Bay, Hack’s Description of New England, 99, 139
Cranch, Richard, 416, 418; wedding, 419
Cranmer, Archbishop Thomas, library, 161
The Credibility of the Gospel History (Lardner), 292, 298
Crime and criminals. See Confessions
Critical Review (periodical), 285, 286
Crosby (Crosbey), Amos, Harvard tutor, 281, 284, 285, 287, 315, 316, 322, 329, 345, 346
Croton River, 136
Cryptogram, Pitt Clarke, 231, 355
Cubeck (Quebec), Hack London atlas, 109
Culver, Nathan, vision, 209, 218
Cumberland County, Eng., 147, 151
Cumings (Cummings), Rev. Henry, Billerica, Mass., 293, 328
Cumming, Prof. William P., cartography, 61, 62; Carolina map, 81
Cummings, Rev. Joseph, Wenham, 368
Curriculum, College. See Harvard College
Curwen, Abigail, Blackburn portrait, 385
Curwen, Samuel, Blackburn portrait, 384–385
Cushing, Rev. Jacob, Waltham, 305, 314, 320, 322
Continental Congress, 423, 424, 426
Cushman, Joshua, 343
Cuthbertson, [John], air pump, 454, 455
Cutherton (Conn.?), 138
Cutler, Enos, 376
Cutler, Manasseh, Hitchcock friend, 376; First Church, Beverly, Mass., 365–366, 368, 375; visits troops, 370; scientific instruments, 478; Kirwan library, 442, 487
Cutts, Richard, Harvard student, 243, 353
Cutts, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel, Blackburn portraits, 384, 389
Cutts family, 389
Cuttyhunk Island, 106
Cyclopedia, Or Universal Dictionary of the Arts and Sciences (Chambers), 304
Danbury, Conn., 95
Dand, John, confession, 529
Danforth, Susan, 62
Daniel, John, mapmaker, 74, 75, 132; Drapers’ Company, 83; 1630 chart, 98; 1679 map, 91
Daniel, Richard, 1679 map, 111, 121
Danvers, Mass., 365; Ezekiel Russell, 196, 197
Darien, Isthmus of, Hack map, 70, 82; Part of the Indian Empire of Darien in America, 815 Scottish scheme, 82
Darley, Miss, 367
Darrell, John Harvey, 385
Darrell, Richard, 385
Dartmouth (Mass.?), 139
Dartmouth College, 12, 353, 354; scientific instruments, 431, 468, 477, 501–502, 503; library, 443
Dassigny, Philip, 79
Daughters of the American Revolution, 563
Davis, John, backstaff, 87
Dean, Prof. James, 499
“Death and Dying in Colonial New England” (Stannard), 526
Death The certain Wages of Sin to the Impenitent (Rogers), 524
Declaration of Independence, John Adams, 427–428
Dedham, Mass., 141, 245, 268, 280; settlement, 97
Deer Island, 248
Deerfield, Mass., Hack’s Description of New England, 96, 102, 104, 108, 138; founded, 97, 134
De La Pole, Sir John, Hack map, 66
Delaware River, 122
Demosthenes, 189
Denmark, 163
Dennie, Joseph, Harvard student, 239, 260, 269, 270, 299, 300, 311, 353
Deptford (Greenwich), R. I., 102
Deptford (London suburb), mapmakers, 83
Derby, Eng., 400
Derby family, Salem, 565
Derrotero, sailing directions, 78, 79
Desaguliers, John T., 175, 438
A Description of Coasts Islands &ca. in the North Sea of America (Hack), 80, 108–110, 113
Description of New England (Hack). See under Hack, William
A Description of New-England, Published by John Seller, 120
Devonshire, Eng., 67, 80; Yonge, Deputy Lieutenant, 68; Prince of Orange, 69; Thomas Bodley, 162
D’Ewes, Sir Simonds, Robert Cotton friend, 158, 159
De Wits Isle, 105
Dexter, Aaron, Harvard teacher, 239, 281, 296, 297, 298
Diana (Tiana), N. Y., 104, 137
Dick, William, buccaneer, journal, 77
Dickinson, John, 424
Dictionary, Historical and Critical (Bayle), 274
Dictionary of American Biography, 12; Hitchcock, 363
The Dignity of Human Nature. . . (Burgh), 281
Diman, Rev. James, Salem, 365, 568
A Discourse on Education (Hitchcock), 375
Dissertation on the Mutual Influence of Opinions on Language and of Language on Opinions (Michaelis), 297, 306
Dissertations Moral and Critical (Beattie), 291
Divinity, Harvard, 240, 440, 441
Dobbyn, William, visits Comberford, 85
Dobson, Thomas, on Prince, 479
Doctrine of fluxions (Emerson), 293
The Doctrine of the Sabbath (Bownde), 506
Dod, John, Sabbath, 506
Doddridge, Philip, Harvard curriculum, 272, 284, 292, 310, 320
Dodge, Capt. Caleb, Lexington, 370
Dodge, Capt. Israel, 367
Dodge, Joshua, Beverly, 365, 366
Dodge, Samuel, Beverly, 367
Dodge, William, Beverly, 374
Dominion of New England, created, 68; King’s Province dispute, 102; dissolution, 134; Harvard governance, 223
Dorchester, Mass., 93, 111, 124, 130, 141, 308, 313, 344
Douglass, Dr. William, 124, 135
Dover, N. H., 104, 143; Massachusetts control, 126
Drake, Sir Francis, 68
Drake, Sir William of Ash, 69
Drakes of Ash (Eng.), 68
Drapers’ Company, William Hack, 73; John Thornton, 76; mapmakers, London, 83
Dresser, Louisa, on Blackburn, 386
Dublin, Ireland, 110
Dudley, Gov. Joseph, Mather, 221; Harvard charter, 224–226; Massachusetts, New Hampshire, seals, 555
Dudley, Thomas, 405; Hutchinson trial, 410
“Duke’s Plan,” 1661, New Amsterdam, 73
Dummer School, Samuel Phillips, Jr., 40, 48, 49–52, 59
Dunbar, Asa, butter revolt, Harvard, 179–180
Dunlap, William, on Joseph Blackburn, 380
Dunstable, Mass., Hitchcock, 364
DuPonceau, Peter S., on Sabbath, 505
Durham, Eng., 161
Durham, N. H., 353
Dutch, Pilgrims, 93; Mohegans, 95; English settlements, 97; map nomenclature, 99, 105, 108, 133; Connecticut River, 100; map vignette, Indian village, 120; explorations, 121; cartography, New Netherland, 122, 135; privateer, 128; New England maps, 129
Duxbury, Mass., 140
The Dying Speech of Old Tenor, 539
Dyrham Park, Eng., Blathwayt Atlas, 66
Early American Imprint Series, Shipton, 9–16, 18; Evans, 9; ghosts, errors, 9, 10, 11, 14; newspapers, etc., omitted, 11, 13
East Greenwich, R. I., 104, 139
East Ham (East Greenwich?), R. I., Hack’s Description of New England, 104, 139
East Hampton (Easthampton), N. Y., 137
East Indies, manuscript atlas, Hack, 66
East River, 136
Eastham, Mass., Hack’s Description of New England, 102
Easthampton, N. Y., 137
Easton, Mass., Solomon Prentice, 544
Eaton, Capt. John, map, 82
Ecloga Oxonio Cantabrigiensis (James), 165
Eden, Richard, translator, Breve Comfendio, 86
Edes and Gill, 177
Edgar (king), 507
Edinburgh, Scotland, 82
Education, History of, colonial period, 39, 40; change, 41; pre-Revolutionary Harvard, 173–190; Revolutionary mentality, 173; Enos Hitchcock, children’s education, 368–369, 375, 377; colleges and practical sciences, 465–466
Education, History of. See also Colleges, Harvard College, Natural philosophy, Sciences and science teaching
Edwards, Jonathan, 268
Egerton (Long Island), 137
Egerton family (Cheshire, Eng.), manuscripts, 146
Elam, Samuel, 496
Elementa Matheseos Universae (Wolff), 304
Elements (Euclid), 260
Elements of Criticism (Home-Kames), 251, 278, 279
Elements of General History. . . (Millot), 281
Elements of Plane Trigonometry (Maseres), 295
Elements of Trigonometry (Emerson), 296
Eliot, Tutor, Harvard, 50
Eliot, Rev. John, 346; Harvard students, 1769, 188
Elizabeth I, Renaissance, 145; social mobility under, 151; Cottonian Library, 154; Society of Antiquaries, 156; Bodley, 163; Puritans, 505
Elizabeth Isle and Islands, Gosnold, 106; Hack’s Description of New England, 88, 93, 140, 143
Elkins, Elizabeth, Miles Greenwood, 566, 568
Elkins, Thomas, 566
Ellicott, Andrew, 484
Elliss, Major, 296
Elocution, Harvard curriculum, 239, 243
Elsworth, Samuel, Solemn Predictions, 214–216, 218
Emerson, Everett H., 507
Emerson, Rev. William, Boston, 292, 328
Emerson, William (Englishman), Harvard curriculum, 291, 293, 296, 297
Emery, Robert, Harvard student, 243, 353
Emmanuel College (Cambridge University), 400, 506; Cotton manuscripts, 507, 508, 509
Emmons, Nathaniel, portraitist, 386
Endecott, Gov. John, 93; Massachusetts land claims, 116; 1652 exploration, 125
Endecott trees, Lake Winnepesaukee, 91, 109, 116, 126, 134, 143
Enfield, William, Harvard curriculum, 282, 285, 287, 291, 293, 295, 298
Enfield, Conn., Hack London atlas, 109, 110
England, 15, 78, 121, 389; city charters, 68; Navigation Acts, 70; Hack, 72, 73, 74; Derrotero, 79; Lord Somers, 82; Lord Justices, 82; Seller Anglia Contracta, 86; royal arms, 86; Indian tribes, 95; Civil War, 105; Weetamoo (Indian), 108; Massachusetts Bay charter, 115; William Wood, map, 123; Waters-Winthrop map, 124; Charles II, 126; Reed map type, 130; map basis for Hack, 133; King Philip’s War, 134; Renaissance, 145; Camden, history, 148; study of history, 147–148; Tower Records, 155; Star Chamber, Robert Cotton, 159; Raleigh, 160; Bodley, 163; worthies, 171; Locke, 195; American colonies, relationship theme of visions, 191–217; France, 221; Increase Mather, 223, 224, 227; Leonard Hoar, 226; Solomon Clark, 234; Seven Years’ War, 234; Joseph Blackburn, 381, 383, 384, 386, 387; Smibert, 390; Vane, 407; post-Antinomian controversy, 413; glassware, 449; Sabbatarianism, 505, 506, 507; New England True Confessions and Dying Warnings, 525; Sarah Prentice, 545; colonial seals, 558; Act of Union, 1707, 555; Greenwood family, 566
England. Admiralty, Court of, 77; Sharp journal, 78; Pepys, 84
England. Board of Trade and Plantations, colonial seals and Massachusetts Bay, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556, 557, 558
England. Colonial Office, 405
England. Commission for the Customs, Walter Yonge, 69–70, 80, 144; Navigation Acts, 70, 71; Massachusetts coastal trade, 71
England. Council for Plantations, 129
England. Four Treasuries of the Exchequer, 152, 153
England. Graver of H.M. Seals, 552, 554, 556, 557, 558
England. Historical Manuscripts Commission, 146
England. Lords of Trade and Plantations, Blathwayt maps, 71, 85, 102; control in Massachusetts, 130, 131
England. Mint, colonial seals, 554
England. Navy Board, 84
England. Parliament, House of Commons, 68, 69; political issues and Crown, 145; Robert Cotton, 158–159; Cottonian Library, 162; Henry Ashurst, 222; Long Parliament, 222
England. Privy Council, 159, 554, 555
England. Public Record Office, 154
England. Royal Library, King’s Antiquary, 150; Lumley Library, 161, 162; not a national library, 162; Bodleian, 167; British Museum, 171
England. Treasury, 71; colonial seals, 553, 554
England. See also Great Britain
English language and composition, Harvard curriculum, 239, 243, 246–251 passim, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 263, 265, 269, 274, 275, 284, 286, 287, 292, 293, 306, 321, 323
English Pilot (Seller), 86; Thornton, publisher, 113
Engravers, 483
Enlightenment, Harvard College Library, 233
Enquiry into the Causes of the Infidelity of Skepticism of the Times (Ogilvie), 285
Enquiry into the Human Mind on the Principles of Common Sense (Reid), 281, 284
Epping, N. H., 353
Erie, Lake, Hack map, 109
Erving family, 389
Escot, Honiton, Eng., 66
Esquemeling, [Alexandre Olivier], buccaneers, 63; William Dick journal, 77
Essay on Comets (Oliver), 391
An Essay on the Nature and Immutability of Truth (Beattie), 271, 272
Essay on the Nature and Obligations of Virtue (Rutherford), 291
Essays, Moral and Literary (Knox), 337–338
Essays on the Microscope (Adams), 460
Essex, Earl of, gift to Bodleian, 166
Essex County, 46, 568; Hack’s Description of New England, 91, 92, 131, 141, 142; John Prince, court clerk, 436
Essex County, Eng., 105
Essex Institute, 385, 487, 565
Essex Quarterly Court, George Norton, 528–529
Ethics, Harvard, 239
Euclid, Harvard curriculum, 260, 262, 263, 264, 273, 275, 278
Euler, [Leonhard], 486
Europe, map collections, 62; southern, mapmaking tradition, 84; mapmaking, 129; manuscript, book, collecting, 151; Robert Cotton, 151; Bodley bookbuying, 165; Bodleian catalogue, first (1605), 167; users of Bodleian, 168; Bodleian catalogue (1620), 170; medieval universities, curriculum, 239; Anti-nomians, 403
Evans, Charles, American Bibliography and Early American Imprints, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16; completed by Shipton, 13, 18
Evidence of Reason in Proof of the Immortality of the Soul (Baxter), 343
Evidences of Natural and Revealed Religion (Clarke), 309
Ewing, Rev. William, Rowley, 290
Exact Mapp of New England and New York (Mather), 1702, Magnalia, 98, 111, 112, 113; see also under Mather, Cotton
Execution sermons and confessions. See Confessions
Exeter, Eng., 69
Exeter, N. H., 142; Joseph Blackburn, 383; John Wheelwright, 413
Exeter, R. I., Hack’s Description of New England, 102
Exeter Cathedral, gift to Bodleian, 166
Exeter College (Oxford), 68
Explorers, narratives by Hack, 63
Exquemelin, [Alexandre Olivier]. See Esquemeling
Fairfield, Conn., Hack’s Description of New England, 90, 95, 138
Fales, M., Prince air pump, 500
Falkland Islands, “Pepys Island,” 81, 84
Falmouth, Me., Hack’s Description of New England, 103; Hack’s London atlas, 109; Rev. Benjamin Allen, 366
The Family, change in structure, 40–41 and Fn. 9
Faneuil family, 389
Faro, Bishop of, captured volumes to Bodleian, 166
Farrar, Prof. John, Harvard, 457; instruments, 477; science and religion, 481
Faustina, 157
Faversham (Westerly), R. I., 102, 137
Fay, Nahum, Harvard student, 243, 260, 300, 324, 353
Fayal (Azores), 417
Fearing, [Noah], Harvard, 355
Feke, Robert, portraitist, 387, 388, 390
Ferro (island), chartmaking, 88
Fiennes, William (Viscount Say and Sele), 105
First Lords Proprietors, 1672 Carolinas map, 81
Firth, Dr., 317
Fisher, Mr., 289
Fisher’s Island, Hack’s Description of New England, 93
Fisk, Nathan, Harvard, 292, 299, 322, 344
Fiske, Rev. John, Wenham, 526–527
Fitch, [Ebenezer], 448
Flagg, David, tinsmith, pewterer, 435, 436
Flatland (Flatlands), 137
Flora, Negro girl, 1758 court case, 46
Flores (island), 88
Flushing, N. Y., 137
Fobes, Rev. Peres, natural philosophy, 440; instrument collections and libraries, 467
Fogg, Major Jeremiah, 371
Folger, Walter, 443–444
Foote, Henry Wilder, Joseph Blackburn, 379, 381, 382, 383
Foot’s Cray, Kent, Eng., 65
Forbes, Rev. Eli, Brookfield, Gloucester, 365
Forbes, Esther, 529
Fordham, N. Y., 136
Fordyce, David, 344
Forensic disputations, etc., Harvard, 177, 178
Forster, Mr., 319
Fort Albany, 128
Foster, Mr., Lexington, 327
Foster, Mr., S. Cambridge(?), 319, 321, 323, 324, 325, 328, 345
Foster, John, Map of New England, Hubbard volume, 94, 98, 104, 111, 116, 117 and Fn. 8, 129, 133
Foxborough, Mass., 354
Foxcroft, Phoebe, wife, Samuel Phillips, Jr., 58
Foxcroft, Thomas, 534
Foxcroft family, 58
France, threat to New England, 101; private libraries, 151; Bodley book purchasing, 165; Halifax, 203; French Revolution, 210; war with England, 221, 234; French language at Harvard, 239, 241
Francheville, M. de, fecundity of women, 341
Francis, Ebenezer, Beverly, 370
Frankfort, Ger., book fairs, 165
Franklin, Benjamin, 174, 486; Harvard instrument collection, 467; “The Vision of Mirza,” 191 (Fn.1)
Franklin, James, 537
Fransz, Pieter, 105
Frederick II of Prussia, history, 315
Fredericksburg, Va., 352
A Free Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of Evil (Jenyns), 285
Freedland, 136
Freeman, Nathaniel, Harvard student, 248
French, H. W., Blackburn study, 384, 388
French language, Harvard curriculum, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258
Fresh River (the Connecticut), 100
Frick Art Reference Library, 381
Friend, Robert, mapmaker, 75
Frodam (Fordham), N. Y., 136
Fruitlands Museum, 6
Frye, Jonathan, Andover, 40
Fuller, Abraham, Newton, 252, 268
Fuller, Rev. Thomas, on Cottonian Library, 153, 159; on John Selden, 171
Furnesse, Mrs. Elizabeth, colonial seals, 554
Gaine, Mr., 211
Galapagos, Cowley chart, 80, 82
Gandy, Mr., 311
Gannett, Caleb, Harvard student, 247, 249, 252 (Fn. 7), 269 (Fn. 8), 330, 342, 343, 344; purchase of instruments, 470
Garcia Camarero, E., Thames school of mapmakers, 76, 83
Gardiners Island, 137
Gardners Isle, 137
Gascoyne, Joel, cartographer, 84, 90
Gates, Gen. [Horatio], 373
Gay Head (island), Hack’s Description of New England, 98, 140
Geanakoplos, Prof. Deno J., 509
Geller, Lawrence D., 62
A General History of the World From the Creation to the Present Time (Guthrie), 279
Genres, visions, 1769–1791, 191; characteristics of visions, 193–195; True Confessions and Dying Warnings, 523–539
“A Gentleman in the Town of Boston” (vision), 194
“Gentleman of Philadelphia” (vision), 192, 194; reissued by Russell, 196, 197, 209–211
Gentleman’s Magazine (periodical), 460
Geography, 465; Harvard curriculum, 239, 245, 248, 249, 251, 255, 257, 258, 259, 438
Geography Anatomiz’d: Or a Compleat Geographical Grammar (Gordon), 438
Geology, John Prince, 482
Geometric Treatise of the Conic Sections (Hamilton), 297
Geometry, Harvard curriculum, 239, 282, 283, 438
George, Dr. Wilma, map zoogeography, 92
George I, seals, 556
George II, seals, 552, 557–558
George III, hydrographic collection, 79; “An Indian Vision,” 200; seal, 558–559
“George’s Cambridge Almanac, or the Essex Calendar” (periodical), Ezekiel Russell, 197
Gerritsz, Hessel, Atlantic meridian, 88
Gerry, Elbridge, 429; Continental Congress, 426
Gilbert, Thomas, Blackburn portrait, 382
Giles, James, 367
Giles, Mary, 367
Girouard, Robert, “A Survey of Apocryphal Visions in Late Eighteenth-Century America,” 191–219
Glass River, Hack map, 103
Globes, manufacture, 483
Glocester (Gloucester), Mass., 142
Glorious Revolution of 1688, 69
Gloucester, Mass., Hack London atlas, 109, 142; Eli Forbes, 365
Gloucestershire, Eng., 66
God, Puritan New England, 195; references to in visions, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 209, 210, 211, 215, 217; New England, Antinomian Controversy, 393–413; God-oriented community to secular commercial society, 535
Goddard, Mr., 328
Golden Islands, Hack and Morden map, 82
Goldsmith, [Oliver], 246
Gorges, Sir Ferdinando, 107; patent, 114, 115; Josselyn, 120; rights overthrown, 126, 128; claims evaded, 131
Gosnold, Bartholomew, explorer, 106
Governor’s Island, 310, 326, 350
Grafton, Mass., 352; Solomon, Sarah, Prentice and Great Awakening, 544–546
Grammar, Harvard, 239
Granger, Thomas, confession, 528
Graphical Essays (Adams), 500
s’Gravesande, Willem Jakob van, 175, 438, 440, 455
Gravesend, N. Y., 137
Gray, Rev. Robert, Dover, N. H., 322
Gray, Thomas, Harvard student, 243, 265, 309, 312–329 passim, 343, 346, 353
Great Awakening, 11, 44; studies, interpretations, by scholars, 541–542; evangelical fervor, religious intoxication, 542–544; immortals, 543–550; Solomon, Sarah Prentice, 544–546; John Seccomb, 546–547; Shadrack Ireland, 547–549; Mother Lee, Shakers, 549; influence of immortals, 549–550
Great Britain, 55, 56; authority over colonies, 41; mapping by William Hack, 63; Boston Gazette attack, 177; colonies, Continental Congress, 424
Great Britain. See also England
Great Companies, London guilds, 83
Great Lakes, Hack London atlas, 109; exploration, 122
Great Migration, 62
Great Seal Deputed, colonial, especially Massachusetts Bay, 551–559; William and Mary, 552–553; Anne, 553–556; description of Anne’s seal, 555; warrant defect, 555; Act of Union, 1707, seal, 555–556; George I, 556–557, 558; George II, 557–558; George III, 558–559
Great Swamp, Indian fight, 120
Greek language and literature, Harvard curriculum, 174, 175, 235, 238, 239, 243, 245, 247, 250, 255, 281, 285, 287, 288, 435
Green, Rev. Mr., Medway, 269, 271, 289, 290, 293, 295, 298, 301, 307, 308, 318
Green, John, Map of the Most Inhabited Part of New England, 135
Greenbush, Mass., 370
Greene (Green) Harbor, Mass., 140
Greenland, 417
Greenleaf, Mrs. William, Blackburn portrait, 388
Greenough, Chester N., 507
Greenough, William, West Newton, 262
Greenwich, Conn., 102, 138; settlement, 97
Greenwich, Eng., 77, 87, 134; prime meridian, 88
Greenwich Village (N. Y. City), 105
Greenwood, Betsey Russell, 564, 569; children, 564 (Fn. 4)
Greenwood, Caroline Whitcomb, 563, 564; children, 563 (Fn. 2)
Greenwood, Elizabeth Elkins, 568–569
Greenwood, Elizabeth (Betsey) Rhodes, 565, 566, 567, 568, 569
Greenwood, Elmer E., 567
Greenwood, Flora, 561
Greenwood, Frederick, 566
Greenwood, Gilbert, 564, 567, 568, 569; children, 564 (Fn. 4)
Greenwood, Harrison Gray Otis, great grandfather, Walter Muir Whitehill, 563–564; children, 563 (Fn. 2)
Greenwood, John, portraitist, 387, 389, 390
Greenwood, Miles, c. 1578–1663, 566
Greenwood, Miles, 1600–1658, 566
Greenwood, Miles, 1736–1814, Greenwood descendants, 561–565; establishing identity and marriages, 565–569
Greenwood, Nathaniel, 566
Greenwood, Samuel, 1646–1711, 566
Greenwood, Samuel, 1690–1742, 566
Greenwood, Thomas, 566
Greenwood Genealogies, 1154–1914 (Greenwood), 566
Gregory, John, 307
Grenwich (Greenwich), Conn., 138
Greven, Philip J., Jr., colonial history, 39; on changes in family structure, 40–41
Greville, Sir Fulque, 105
Greville, Robert (Lord Brooke), 105
Grew,———, Anatomy of Plants, 469, 495
Gridly, Mr., 418
Grolier Club, 6
Grosvenor, Ebenezer, Harvard, 266
Groton, Mass., Hack’s Description of New England, 102; church confessions, 527–528
Grout, Jonathan, Harvard student, 243, 273, 277, 283, 306, 310, 325, 353
Grove, Henry, 345
Guericke, Otto von, air pump, 452
Guilford, Conn., Hack’s Description of New England, 91, 138; settlement, 97
Gunter, Edmund, astrolabe-quadrant, 87
Guthrie, William, 279
Hack, Charles, father of William, 73
Hack, Christopher A., on William Hack, 72
Hack, William
A. Setting for the Description of New England, 61–144; Pilgrim Society map background, 61–63; about Hack, 63–64; the physical map, 64–65; provenance, 65–66; map dedication, 67; Sir Walter Yonge, 67–71; use of map by Customs administrators, 71; Hack background, 71–75; Drapers’ Company, 73; Thames School, 75–76; South American voyages by buccaneers, journals, Spanish manuscript of sea charts and maps, 77–78; Waggoner of the Great South Sea, 78–79; groups of South Sea Waggoners, 1682–1687 and 1690s, 79–80; sea atlases, 80–81; cartographic publishing, 81; A Collection of Original Voyages, 81–82; Jenefer’s map of Golden Islands, 82; New Map of the World, 82; Thames School, 83–86; prices charged, 85
B. Description of New England, cartography, 86–88; geographical content, technique, 88–98; compass roses, 89–90; relief, 90–91; animals, 91–92; county delineation, 92–93; town locations, 94; Indian locations, 94–96; European settlements, density of town names, 96–98; topography and nomenclature, 98–108; number of names, 98; marine hazards, 99–100; marine landmarks, 100–101; towns mentioned, omitted, errors, 101–104; Indian names, 104–105, 107–108; Dutch, 99, 105; English, 99, 105–106; explorers, 106; contemporary maps of era, 108–121; territorial demarcations, 108; Hack’s A Description of Coast Islands . . . , 108–110, 113; Mather, 1702, 110–111; Thornton, Lea, Morden, Berry, Seller, 111–113; Massachusetts charter claims, 114–116; King Philip’s War, effect on maps, 117–119; Seller’s map compared, 119–121; dating Hack map, 121; origins of, 121–132; William Reed, possible model, 130; conclusions of research, 132–136; place names, list, 136–143
Hack, William (Plymouth Colony), Hack family in New England, 72
Hack family, lineage, 72
Hacke, Fitzwilliam, identity, 73
Hadley, Mass., 138; Seller 1676 map vignette, 121
Hadrian, wall, 147; roads, 148
Hale, Nathan, patriot, 186–187
Hale, Rebecca, 364
Hale, Richard W., Jr., 232
Hall, Mr., Sr., Harvard, 57
Hall, Sarah, 566
Hamilton, Alexander, 190
Hamilton, Hugh, 297
Hamilton, Mass., 365
Hammant, Asa, 253
Hammant, Job, 276
Hammant (Hammond), Meletiah, mother of Pitt Clarke, 234
Hammant, Samuel, Sturbridge, 276, 328
Hampshire County (Eng.), 73
Hampshire County (Mass.), Hack’s Description of New England, 92; Blackburn record search, 386
Hampton, N. H., 142; settlement, 96
Hampton Bays, N. Y., 105
Hancock, Belcher, Harvard tutor, 179
Hancock, Ella, 561
Hancock, John, 363; smuggling, 420
Hanover, Mass., St. Andrews’ Rectory, 562
Harford (Hartford), Conn., 138
Harrington, Capt., 299
Harrington, James, 190
Harris, Colonel, 300
Harris, Henry, Chief Graver of Seals, 552, 553, 554
Harris, Hilda, 231
Harris, James, 278
Harris, [John], Harvard, 355
Harris, Thaddeus Mason, Harvard student, 260, 311, 318
Harris, William, 299
Hartford, Conn., 93, 138; settlers from, 97; Woodward-Saffery mapping, 125; Thomas Hooker, 407
Harvard (College), biographies of graduates, 3, 4–5, 18, 232; Hollis, 45, 435; social ranking, 46–47; Samuel Moody, 49; Dummer graduates, 51; undergraduate life, ca. 1759–1770, 52–53; “The Disorders of 1768,” 54–55; troubles of colonies with Britain, 55–56; Hopkins Gift, 57; “Speaking Club,” 57; “American Institute of 1770,” 57; Hasty Pudding Club, 57; Cotton Mather, 110; eve of Revolution, 173–190; number of students, 174; rules, regulations, 175; curriculum, 175; student reaction, Stamp Act, Townshend Duties, etc., 176–177; forensic disputations, etc., 177, 178; Speaking Club, Mercurian Club, Clitonian Club, 178; undergraduate misconduct, 179; Association for the Suppression of Vice, 179; student “revolts,” 179–180; 1766 food revolt, 179–180, 188; Butter Revolt, Overseers, 1766, 180; 1768 revolt, 181–184, 188; Overseers, 1768 revolt, 183; 1769 revolt, tutors, 184; Overseers, Concord, 1775–1776, 186; pre-Revolutionary, apolitical, 187; Mather-Ashurst letters, 221–229; charter controversy, 221, 223–226, 229; Mather, president, 221; John Leverett, president, 221; Boyle legacy, 221, 226–229; Colonial Council, 224; Leonard Hoar, 226; Pitt Clarke, student diary, 231, 233, 234, 235; Clarke, tutor to students, 236; Clarke family, 236; entrance requirements, ca. 1786, 238; daily routine, ca. 1786, 238–239; faculty, ca. 1786, 239; curriculum, ca. 1786, 239; students, ca. 1786, 240; see also Pitt Clarke diary, 242–330; Dudleian lector, 248, 273, 292, 311, 328; class of 1790, 352–355; Enos Hitchcock, 363, 365, 368, 370; Hopkins Fellowship, 363; John Chipman, 364; James Diman, 365; Joseph Willard, 366, 368, 375; Jeremiah Fogg, 371; John Adams, 415; Robert Treat Payne, 416; Samuel Williams, John Winthrop, 431; John Prince, student, 435–436, 438; Prince family, 436; required texts, 438; John Farrar, 481; Solomon Prentice, 544; Walter Muir Whitehill, 562
Harvard. Buildings, Commons, 177, 179, 180, 237; Harvard Hall, 52, 237, 240, 467; Holden Chapel, 175, 180, 238; Hollis Hall, 52, 238, 289; Massachusetts Hall, 181, 237, 243, 246; University Hall, 238; Wadsworth House, 238
Harvard. Corporation, Harvard Archives, 4; complaint to Charlestown, 179; 1768 revolt, 183; Increase Mather, 224; Boyle legacy, 227; president’s house, 238; John Prince, 435, 475, 477; 1776 summer vacation, 439; Hollis professorship, 441, 466, 467
Harvard. Overseers, butter revolt, 1766, 180; regulations on excuses, 182, 183; 1775 closing, 186; Belknap, 240; Thomas Gray, 353
Harvard. Phi Beta Kappa. See under Phi Beta Kappa
Harvard. Science, Hollis scholarships, 45, 435; natural philosophy, 239, 431, 438, 439, 441, 466–467, 478; eighteenth-century science development, 240; Hollis Professorships, 239, 431, 438–439, 440, 441, 466–467; Pitt Clarke diary, 254, 260, 282, 283, 284, 285, 287, 305, 306; air pump, 455; Short telescope, 457–458, 477; Prince microscope, 459–461; Harvard Collection of Scientific Instruments, 431, 460, 502–503; instruments for experiments, 467, 499; instruments destroyed by fire, 467; instruments supplied by John Prince, 468, 470, 471, 475, 477, 478, 484; list of instruments, 475–476; W. and S. Jones, 473, 477, 494; instruments repaired or sold by Prince, 489–494
Harvard. Singing Club, 246, 249, 251, 254, 256, 257, 258, 262, 263, 266, 267, 271, 283, 284, 285
Harvard. Student Unrest, on the eve of the Revolution, 173–190; pre-Revolutionary era, 178; Stamp Act, Townshend Duties, 176–177; forensic disputations, 177, 178; “revolts,” 179–185; butter revolt, 1766, 179–180; 1768, regulations on excuses, 181–184; 1769 revolt against tutors, 184; 1775 Commons tea revolt, 185; pre-Revolutionary era mainly apolitical, 187; comparisons, eighteenth century and contemporary, 187–188; outside developments, 188–189; influence of curriculum, 189; colonial insurgent mood, 189
Harvard (University), Shipton enters, 3; tercentennial histories, 3; Shipton honorary degree, 6; Charles Warren American History Fund, 221
Harvard. Archives, organized, managed by, Shipton, 3, 4, 10, 13, 17, 232, 431; Mather-Ashurst letters, 221; records of Prince scientific instruments, 489–494
Harvard. Business School, 221
Harvard. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Shipton, 3
Harvard. Library, Early American Imprints, 9, 10; Friends, 221; Pitt Clarke books, 231, 233
Harvard, Mass., Great Awakening, Shadrack Ireland, 546–548; Mother Ann Lee, Shakers, 549; Shaker Village, 549
“Harvard College on the Eve of the American Revolution” (Cohen), 54, 173–190
Harvard in the Seventeenth Century (Morison), 224
Harvard Library Bulletin, on Pitt Clarke diary, 240
Harvey, Mrs. John, Jr. (Esther Jones), Blackburn portrait, 382
Harvey, [William], 486
Harwood, Edward, 345
Hasey, Benjamin, Harvard student, 243, 318, 353
Hasey, Isaac, 353
Hassanamisco (Grafton), Mass., 544
Hatfield, Mass., Hack’s Description of New England, 102
Hauksbee, Francis, air pump, 452
Haven, Rev. Jason, Dedham, 245, 248, 274, 280, 292, 306
Haven, Samuel, Portsmouth, N. H., 285
Haverhill, Mass., Hack’s Description of New England, 92
Hawley, Major Joseph, 424; letter from Robert Treat Paine, 426
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, quoted, 62–63, 65
Haynes, John, 405
Hearsy, Mr., 317
Hebrew language, Harvard curriculum, 175, 245–251 passim, 254–265 passim, 272, 273, 275, 278, 281, 282, 284, 288
Heller, Prof. John, 509
Hellgate (New York City), map nomenclature, 99, 136
Hempstead and Hempstead harbor (?), N.Y., 137
Hendricksz, Cornelis, mapping, 122
Henry (Frederick), Prince of Wales, about, 160–161; Lumley Library, 160, 161; Old Royal Library, 162; Bodleian catalogue, 167
Henry E. Huntington Library, 13
Hens[ ] (Hempstead), N. Y., 137
Hermes (Harris), 278
Herrick, Henry, Beverly, 367, 370
Hicks, Frederick C., Hack report, 66
Higginson, Stephen, 235
Highmore, [Joseph?], English painter, 387
Hildersam, Arthur, Sabbath, 506
Hill, Christopher, Sabbatarianism, 507
Hill, Hugh, privateer, Kirwan Library, 442, 486
Hill, John, on John Prince, 460, 479
Hill, William, Hack customer, 74, 85
Hilliard, Mrs., 314, 319, 325, 346
Hilliard, Rev. Timothy, Cambridge, 246, 247, 250–263 passim, 271–275 passim, 281–299 passim, 305
Hingham, Mass., 140
Hispaniola, 79
Historie of Tithes (Selden), 151
History, Harvard, 233
History (Bradford), 528
History of Great Britaine (Speed), 156
“History of the American Indians” (Adair), 199
History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles the Fifth (Robertson), 309
History of the Revolution of South Carolina (Ramsay), 296, 297
History of the Town of Norton (Clark), 233
Hitchcock, Achsah Jordan, marriage, 366; about, 367, 372, 374, 375, 376
Hitchcock, Caleb, 363
Hitchcock, David, 363
Hitchcock, Rev. Enos, family, education, 363; pastorates, 364; Second Church, Beverly, 364–366; marriage, 366; family life, 366–367; activities, 368; education of children, 368; church duties, 369; military duties, 369–373, 374; First Congregational Church, Providence, R. I., 363, 365, 367, 370, 373, 374–377; Society of the Cincinnati, R. I., 375–376
Hitchcock, Rev. Gad, Pembroke, 255, 309, 365
Hitchcock, Peletiah, 363
Hitchcock, Sarah (Parsons), 363
Hoar, David, follower of Shadrack Ireland, 548
Hoar, Leonard, Harvard president, 226
Hoffmann, John M., charter controversy, 224, 226
Holden, Harley P., 232; “Clifford Kenyon Shipton, 1902–1973,” 3–8; “Commentary on Selected Correspondence between Increase Mather and Sir William Ashurst,” 221–229
Holland, 69
Hollis, Thomas, professorship, 441
Hollis, Thomas. See also under Harvard College. Science
Holliston, Mass., 280
Holmes, Rev. Abiel, 327, 328, 329, 330, 345
Holt, Peter, Harvard student, 243, 318, 353
Holy Roman Empire, Arch-Treasurer and Electoral Prince of, 557
Holy Trinity Church, 400
Holyoke, Edward, Harvard, 52, 55, 179, 184; butter revolt, 180; 1768, regulation of excuses, revolt, 181–183; collegiate matters, not politics, 186; science at Harvard, 240
Holyoke, Dr. Edward A., 442, 444, 487
Homer, Harvard curriculum, 243, 247, 254, 257, 259, 261, 265, 272, 275, 278, 281
Honiton, Eng., Yonge family, 66, 67, 68; Walter Yonge, 69
Hooke, [Robert], air pump improvement, 452, 455
Hooker, Thomas, preacher, 394, 399; John Cotton, 402, 405–406; Anne Hutchinson, 404; anti-Antinomianism, 405; synod, 407, 408
Hooper, Hezekiah, Harvard student, 311
Hopkins, Edward, 6
Horace, 59; Harvard curriculum, 243, 245, 246, 252, 255, 256, 258, 260, 262, 265, 273
Horner, Mr., 287
Horse Shoo (off Cape Cod), 140
Houghton, Arthur A., Jr., map collection, 80, 82
Housatonic River, 91
Howard, Reverend, Springfield, 249, 306
Howard, John Clark, Harvard student, 243, 353
Howard, William (Lord), library, 147
Howel, Mr., 326
Hubbard, Gilbert Harrison, Harvard, 24–3, 353
Hubbard, William, Foster map, 1677, 91, 98, 104, 111, 114, 116, 117 and Fn. 8, 118, 121, 129, 133
Hubbard, Rev. William, 524
Hubbardton, Vt., battle, 370
Hudson, Henry, 132; chart of discoveries, 88, 122; exploration, 121
Hudson, [Thomas?], English painter, 387
Hudson River and Valley, 105, 195; Hack’s Description of New England, 88, 89, 91, 96, 101; Hack maps, 109, 110; place names, 136, 138–139
Hulbert, Archer B., on William Hack, 73
Hull, Rev. David, Great Awakening, 542
Hull, Mass., 140
Humfrey, Duke of Gloucester, books to Oxford, 163
Huntingdonshire County (Eng.), 150
Huntington, N. Y., 137
Hutchinson, Anne, Covenant of Grace, 394, 395; Antinomian Controversy, 404–413; Synod, 407, 408, 409; General Court trial, 409–411; excommunication trial, 411–412; Portsmouth, R. I., 413
Hutchinson, Col. Edward, Indian negotiations, 103
Hutchinson, Gov. Thomas, 181; on 1768 Harvard rebellion, 188
Hutchinson Synod, 407–409
“Hutchinson’s Swamp[t],” 121; Hack’s Description of New England, 89, 90, 103
Hygrometers, 483
“Hyperion,” 177
Illinois, 561
Illinois, University, 509
Illinois Cavalry, 2nd, Company F, 561
Illinois State Historical Society Journal (periodical), 561
“Immortals,” during Great Awakening, 543–550
Ince, Jonathan, 1652, source of Merrimac, 125
India, Hack map, 75; Harvard tea protest, 177, 185
“The Indian Dream” (vision), 192
Indian River, Hack map, 103 “The Indian Vision” (Punkapog), 194; printed by Russell, 196, 197–200
Indians, Andover, 40; Hack’s Description of New England, 62, 104; Maroons, West Indies, 82; Pequots, 93; population, seventeenth century, 94; ethnological data, names, Hack’s Description, 95–98; Indian raids, 101; Dutch 1664 treaty, 105; Hubbard book, 111, 116; King Philip’s War, 117–119; Seller’s 1676 map, village vignette, 120; Indian-colonist fight, Seller map vignette, 121; around Boston, 123; records for mapping, 127; map information, 132, 133; “The Indian Vision,” 197–200; New England Company, 222; Sir Robert Boyle and legacy, 226, 227, 228, 229; Anne Hutchinson, 413; confession in literature, 535; Julian, murderer, 538
Indicot trees. See Endecott trees
Ingalls, William, Harvard student, 243, 283, 353
An Inquiry into the Nature of the Human Soul (Baxter), 343
Institute of Early American History and Culture, 6
Institutes of Eloquence (Quintilian), 306
Institutes of Natural and Revealed Religion (Priestley), 286
Institutes of Natural Philosophy (Enfield), Harvard curriculum, 282, 285, 287, 291
Intolerable Acts, in vision, 208
Ipswich, Mass., 353; Hack, Seller maps, 104; Hubbard, 116; Waters-Winthrop map, 124; Ipswick, 142; Hitchcock, 373; Esther Rodgers, 523, 524; court, 568
Ipswich Hamlet (Hamilton), Mass., Manasseh Cutler, 365, 442
Ireland, Shadrack, 545, 546; New Light itinerant preacher, 547–549, 550
Iron mongers, 483
Isle of Shoals, Seller, Hack, maps, 99; name, 107; Isle of Sholes, 143
Israel, 215; Indians, lost tribe, 199
Italy, private libraries, 151; Venetian library, 155; Bodley book purchasing, 165; immigrants, scientific apparatus, 483
Itinerary of Antoninus, 148
Jackson, Charles, Harvard student, 262, 273, 306, 325, 330
Jamaica, William Hack, 73, 74; buccaneers, 77, 78, 79; Albemarle, Hack rutter and journals, 79; Hack charts, 81; seal, 553, 554
James, Eleazer, Harvard tutor, 243, 246, 249, 252, 255, 258, 260, 265, 322
James, Richard, keeper, Cottonian Library, 156–157; arrest of Robert Cotton, 159
James, Thomas, keeper, Bodleian Library, 156, 165, 171; catalogue of Bodleian (1605), 167; rules for use of books and manuscripts, 168–169; Stationers’ Company, 169; work as theologian, 169; Catalogus universalis librorum. . ., (1620), 170
James I, 160, 161; grant to Fernando Gorges, 115; Renaissance, 145; Cottonian Library, 151, 152, 154–155, 158; Society of Antiquaries, 156; Oxford visit, 167
James II, 68, 69, 112, 134; South Sea Waggoners, 79; Increase Mather, 224, 225
Jansen, Roeloff, New Amsterdam, 105
Janssonius, [Jan], map design, 120
Jeffereys Ledge, Hack’s Description of New England, 99, 142
Jefferson, Thomas, 148, 444; scientific instruments, 431, 464; Bentley, 442; Prince air pump, 446, 450
Jefferys, Thomas, Map of the Most Inhabited Part, 135
Jeffreys, Judge, 1685, 69
Jenefer, John, West Indian, 81
Jenkin, Robert, 276
Jennison, Timothy Lindall, Harvard tutor, 243, 245, 247, 248, 250, 254, 257, 259, 261, 265, 272, 275, 311, 317, 323, 324, 327, 343
Jernegan, [M. W.], 5
Jesus College, 150
Jewish customs, Sabbath, 506–507;
John Cotton on Sabbath, 510–522
John Carter Brown Library, 12, 67; Blathwayt Atlas, 66, 119, 129; Hack South Sea Waggoner, 80; Surinam map, 84; Seller 1676 map, 120; 1642 map of Patuxet River, 127
John Cotton (Emerson), 507
John Hay Library (Brown University), 497
Johnson, Daniel, Harvard student, 180
Johnson, Capt. Edward, 1652, exploration, 125, 128; 1665 map, 126
Joiners, 483
Jones, Anne, Blackburn portrait, 382
Jones, Benjamin, Beverly, 365, 367, 374
Jones, Francis, Blackburn portrait, 380, 382
Jones, Rebecca, wife of Pitt Clarke, 236
Jones, Samuel and William. See Jones, William and Samuel
Jones, Mrs. Thomas, Blackburn portrait, 382, 383
Jones, William, instrument maker, 431; John Prince, 450; air pump, 455–456
Jones, William and Samuel, instrument makers, 450, 463, 502; Harvard telescope, 457–458; Prince lucernal microscope, 461; Prince kaleidoscope, 462; rivalry with Prince, 472–474; Harvard, 473, 477, 494
Jones family, Bermuda, Blackburn portraits, 380
Jordan, Achsah. See Hitchcock, Achsah Jordan
Jordan, Clement, 366
Jordan, Elizabeth (Allen), 366
Jordan, Martha Hitchcock, 375, 377
Jordan family, 376
Jortin, John, 308
Josselyn, John, 120
Journal of Natural Philosophy (periodical), 455, 469, 496
Juan Fernandez (islands), 77, 81
Julian (Indian), 538–539
Kames, Lord (Henry Home), 251, 278, 279, 284
Kenebunk River, 143
Kenibeck River, 143
Kennebec River, 115; Hack’s Description of New England, 88, 118, 143; Hack London atlas, 109; Thornton map, 113
Kennebunk, Me., Massachusetts control, 126
Kennebunk River, 100, 107, 143
Kennebunkport, Me., 107
Kent County, Eng., 155
Keulen, Johannes van, Pas-Kaart Vande Zee-kusten van Niew Nederlatid, 100
King, Allen L., 502
King, Gregory, map engraver, 119
King Philip’s (Metacomet’s) Country, Hack’s Description of New England, 95, 107, 139; Seller, Morden-Berry, 119
King Philip’s (Metacomet’s) War, 62, 96, 103, 107, 108, 110, 111, 118, 134, 142; Hubbard, Foster, 117; maps of 1670s, 118–119, 129, 133; Great Swamp fight, 120; confession literature, 535
King’s Province (R. I. region), Hack’s Description of New England, 102
King’s Town, R. I., Hack’s Description of New England, 102
Kingston, N. H., 354
Kingston (man-of-war), 555
Kirwan, Dr. Richard, collection, 442, 443, 446, 486–487; catalogue, 487–489
Kittery, Me., 523; Hack’s Description of New England, 103; Hack London atlas, 109; Massachusetts control, 126
Knapton, Ernest John, Harvard diary of Pitt Clarke, edited and transcribed by: preface and introduction, 231–241; diary, 242–330; additional material, 330–361
Knapton, Jocelyn Babbitt, 232
Kneeland, Dr. William, 278
Kneller, [Sir Godfrey], English portraitist, 388
The Knowledge of the Heavens and Earth Made Easy (Watts), 438
Knox, Vicesimus, duties of clergyman, from his essays, 337–338
Kosciuszko, Col. [Thaddeus], 373
Laing, Diana, 561
Lambarde, William, Kent, Eng., 147, 155, 158
Lambert, Polly, Hitchcock family, 367
Lambert, William, 367
Lambeth River, Hack’s Description of New England, 107, 142
Lample River, 107
Lamprey, John, 107
Lancaster, James, mapmaker, 84
Lancaster, Mass., 142; settlement, 97
Lane, Mr., 258
Lane, Phoebe Parsons, 367
Langdon, Samuel, Harvard president, 179, 278; 1775 anti-Loyalist revolt, 185; patriotic, 186
Laplace, [Pierre Simon], 443, 486
Latin language, scholars’ use, 164; Bodley-Thomas speech, 167; Harvard requirements, 174, 175, 238, 435; used by Pitt Clarke, 232, 234; Hannah Adams, 235; Harvard curriculum, 239, 245, 246, 249, 252, 253, 254, 258, 280, 281, 286, 288; epitaph, 369; John Prince, 435, 445
Lavoisier, [Antoine], 486
Law, Mr., letter relating to Cotton, Hooker, 405
Lea, Philip, map, 104, 112, 113, 121
Leach, Major John, 369
Leach, Jonathan, Beverly, 367
Leachman, William, 309
Learned, Colonel, 370
Lebanon, Me., 353
Lectures on Elocution (Sheridan), 248, 281
Lectures on Rhetoric (Blair), 297
Lee, Mother Ann, Harvard, Mass., 549
Leeward Islands, seal, 553, 554
Leibnitz, [Gottfried W.], Clarke letters, 286
Leicester, Mass., 276, 277, 468
Leland, John, 158; Itinerary and “Collectanea,” 150
Lely, Sir Peter, artist, 86
Leonard, Mr., 351
Leonard, Daniel, Loyalist, 423
Leonard, Major George, Norton, 237
Levant, pirates, 82
Leverett, John, Harvard president, 221, 223, 225, 226, 228, 229
Lexington, Mass., 352, 353; battle, 173, 176, 185, 186, 187, 190, 201, 369, 370, 437, 569; Pitt Clarke school, 240, 304; Pitt Clarke visits, 269, 294, 299, 302, 307, 308, 312, 326, 327
Libraries, American, Harvard College, 233; Norton, Mass., 233, 236; Salem Philosophical Library, 442, 443, 444; catalogue of Salem Philosophical Library, 486–489; John Prince, 442–443, 446, 464, 468; college libraries, 443; value of compared with scientific instruments, 467; Salem Athenaeum, 487
Libraries, English, under Elizabeth and James I, private and “public” collections, 145–171; era favorable, 145, 146; Italy, France, 151
Libraries. See also specific names: Bodley, Thomas; Cotton, Robert; Henry, Prince of Wales; Howard, William (Lord); Lumley, John (Lord)
Library of Congress, 66, 231; national library, 162
Lincoln, Mr., Harvard, 262
Lincoln, Rev. Henry, 263
Lincoln, R. I., 561
Lincoln’s Inn (London), 85
Lincolnshire County, Eng., John Cotton, 400, 401, 404; Arminianism, 401
Lindsay, J. I., 499
Linn (Lynn), Mass., 141
Linnaeus, [Carolus], 486
Literature. See American literature
Livy, Harvard curriculum, 273, 274, 279, 284
Locke, John, Harvard student, 315, 320
Locke, John (philosopher), 195; Harvard curriculum, 175, 177, 189, 190, 249, 254, 256, 258, 261, 264, 266, 271, 272, 273, 274, 328, 329
Locke, Samuel, Harvard president, 52, 179, 184; patriotic, 186
Logic, Harvard curriculum, 239, 245, 246, 247, 250, 254, 438
London, Eng., 150, 155, 156, 165, 166; Hack, 63, 73, 74, 89, 90, 100; Yonge family, 67; Prince of Orange, 69; mapmaking school, 75, 76; Spanish ambassador, 77; sea chart production, 83; Great Companies, 83; prime meridian, 88; Hack’s London atlas, 109, 110, 111, 118; Thornton, Morden, Lea map, 112; news of Indian raids, 119; Josselyn book, 120; map trade, 121, 129; Puritan backers, 122; maps of New England east coast, 122; Charles II, 126; Cartwright, 128; Reed 1665 map, 129, 130; 1676 copy, Taylor, 131, 132, 133; cartographers, King Philip’s War data and boundaries, 133, 134; Society of Antiquaries, 145; records, 147, 154; Robert Cotton, 150; James I, 154; St. James’s Palace, 161; Bodley, 164; Sotheby’s, 221; Henry Ashurst, 222; William Ashurst, 222; New England Company, 227; Blackburn, 380; Trecothick and Thomlison, 383; George Adams, 431; booksellers, 442; scientific instrument makers, 448, 450, 451, 461, 463, 464, 468, 470, 471, 472, 474, 475, 478, 479, 484; glass export, 449; Americans isolated from instrument-making community, 485; source of authority, seal, 551
London Gazette (periodical), 82
London Weekly Journal (periodical), John Applebee, 525–526
Long Island and the Sound, Hack’s Description of New England, 65, 88, 92, 93, 96, 101, 104; settlement, 97; on early maps, 113; Dutch explorers, 121; place names, 136–138, 139
Long Parliament, 222
Longleat (Wiltshire County, Eng.), Thynne family, 146
Loring, Augustus Peabody, Jr., 8
Lougee, Abigail, and Shadrack Ireland, 548
Louisville Public Library, 12
The Lounger, 316
Lovell (Lovel), Captain, 326, 330
Lovering, Prof. Joseph, Harvard, 494
Lovett, Robert W., 8; Mather-Ashurst letters, 221; “Country Parson Goes to War,” 363–377
Lovewell, John, “Lovewell’s Fight,” 40
Low, John, Beverly, 372
Lowell, Amy, 217
Lowell, John, Harvard, 248
Loyalists (American Revolution), influence of polemic writings on, 173; 1775 student revolt, 185; Harvard tutors, faculty, graduates, 186, 189; Ezekiel Russell pamphlets, 196; Daniel Leonard, 423
Loyalists. See also Tories
Luisa (Block Island), 99
Lumley, John (Lord), collection to Henry, Prince of Wales, 160, 161
Lunenburg, Mass., 416
Luther, [Martin], John Agricola, 403
Lyme, Conn., Great Awakening, 543
Lynam, Dr. Edward, on William Hack, 72–73
Lynde, Judge Benjamin, 391
Lynde, Mary, 391
MacClintock, Nathaniel, Harvard patriot, 187, 190
McCorison, Marcus A., “Clifford Kenyon Shipton: A Checklist of his Publications,” 17–35
The Magazine Antiques, air pump, 500
Magdalen College, Bodley, 162
Magdalens Island, 136
Magdolens Isle, 136
Magellan, Strait of, Spanish chart, 80; John Wood, 82
Magnalia Christi Americana. See under Mather, Cotton
Maine, 104, 376, 386, 563, 566, 569; Hack’s Description of New England, 88, 89, 93, 96, 100, 102–103, 107, 118, 134; incorporated towns, 1700, 101, 102; Hack London atlas, 109; Gorges, 115, 120; King Philip’s War, 118; surveying, 126; 1665 map, 127, 128; claims, 131; place names, 143
Major, Thomas, seal engraver, 558
Malden, Mass., 141
Maldon (Malden), Mass., 141
Mamaroneck, N. Y., 137
Manahatta Indians, Hack’s Description of New England, 96
Manamoyit (Chatham), Mass., 100; Manomoyit, 140
Manchester, Mass., 365, 367; Hack’s Description of New England, 102
Manhattan (Manhetten) Island, 122, 136; Hack’s Description of New England, 88, 96, 101; Seller, Hack maps, 104
Manhattas (Indians), Hack’s Description of New England, 137
Manifest destiny, subject of visions, 193
Manning, James, Rhode Island College 375
Manning, Samuel, Cambridge, 319
Manomet hill, Hack’s Description of New England, 100, 140; Hack’s London atlas, 109
Manomoyit (Chatham), Mass., 140
Mansfield, Rev. Richard, Derby, 310
Manument (Buzzards) Bay, 100, 140
Manuscript collections, growth of, 146; destruction under Henry VIII, 149
Manville, R. I., 562
Map of New England (Foster), 1677, 94, 111
Map of New England (Morden, Berry), 1676, 102, 107, 111, 113, 119
Map of the Most Inhabited Part of New England (Jefferys-Green), 135
Mapp of New England (Seller), 1676, 98, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 111, 113, 119, 134
Maps. See Cartography
Marble head (Marblehead), Mass., 141
Marblehead, Mass., 482; Hack’s Description of New England, 92, 96, 141; Reverend Story, 365
Marim[ ]k (Merrimac) River, 142
Marlborough, Mass., 276; settlement, 96; Hack’s Description of New England, 103; Marleborough, 141
Marlborough Association, 546
Maronack (Mamaroneck), N. Y., 137
Maroons, West Indies, 82
Marrett (Marret), Daniel, Harvard student, 243, 269, 301, 311, 326, 353
Marshfield, Mass., 140; Hitchcock, 368
Marstrand, Sweden, 105
Martha’s Vineyard, 106; Hack’s Description of New England, 88, 91, 93, 98, 140; clay, 226; Jerusha Mayhew court case, 420
Martin, Benjamin, air pump, 453; electrostatic machine, 475, 503
Martin’s Vin[e]yard (Martha’s), 106; Hack’s Description of New England, 98, 140
Marvel, Mr.[?], Harvard, 57
Mary I, 161
Mary II, Walter Yonge, 69–70
Mary (wife of William III), 69
Mary (wife of William III). See also William and Mary (rulers)
Maryland, seal, 552, 553, 554, 555
Maseres, Francis, 295
Mashbae (Mashpee), Mass., 199
Mashpee, Mass., 199
Mason, John, 344
Mason, Capt. John, 131; patent, 114, 115; rights overthrown, 126, 128; patent upheld, Maine, 131
Massachusetts, 40, 68, 79, 103, 123, 132, 139, 216, 407, 400, 401, 563; Navigation Acts, 70; Hack’s Description of New England, 88, 89, 90, 92, 98, 101, 102, 103, 118, 134, 139, 140, 141, 142; settlements, 93; Indian villages, 94; population, 101; Fiennes aristocracy, 105; Hack maps, London atlas, 109; charter, boundaries, 114, 134; Gorges-Mason grant, 115; land claims, 116; colonial mapmaking, 122; Waters-Winthrop map, 124; Woodward-Saffery map, 124–125; Maine towns, 126; obstruction to royal government, 129; William Reed map, 129; Blathwayt atlas, charter boundaries, 129, 131; Eastern District, 131; place names, 107, 138, 139–142; Harvard, 174, 176; William Ashurst, 221, 223; Henry “the Alderman” Ashurst, 222; Harvard charter, civil government, 223–225; Henry Ashurst, 228; Ashurst family, 229; clergymen, Revolution, 370; Antinomian Controversy, 404; John Wheelwright, 413; John Adams, Robert Treat Paine, 415, 428, 429; Adams law library, 419; delegates to Continental Congresses, 422, 423, 424, 426; Provincial Congress, 424, 425, 426; Prince library, workshop, 464; seventeenth-century court confessions, 528; charter loss, 535; church discipline, 541; Great Awakening, 544; great seals, 551–559; James Whitehill, 562; 1781–1782 constitution, 565
Massachusetts. Courts, Supreme Court, 352; Court of Common Pleas for the Second Circuit, 354; Supreme Court of Judicature, 425, 426, 427, 428; Supreme Judicial Court, 568
Massachusetts. General Court, 48, 236; 1665 map, 126–127, 129, 130, 131; 1768 Circulating Letter, 176; General Assembly, 1710, 223; Thomas B. Adams, 352; Josiah Quincy, 353; Hutchinson-Wheelwright trial, 409; 1774, Continental Congress, 422; Committee on the State of the Province, 423; 1648 John Dand confession, 529
Massachusetts Archives, Woodward, Saffery map, 125; Richard W. Hale, Jr., 232; Pitt Clarke diary, 234; John Cotton papers, 508
Massachusetts Bank (Boston, Mass.), 565
Massachusetts Continentals (Third), 370
Massachusetts Historical Society, 353; Sibley’s Harvard Graduates, 3, 5; Shipton, member, officer, 6; Early American Imprints, 12; Robert Treat Paine Papers, 419; John Prince, 446
Massachusetts Indians, 123
Massapequa, N. Y., 137
Massasoit’s Country, Hack’s Description of New England, 92, 142
Massopeag (Massapequa), N. Y., 137
Mastock (Mastick), N. Y., 104, 137
Materia medica, Harvard curriculum, 236, 239, 297, 298
Mathematical Elements of Natural Philosophy. . . (’sGravesande), 438, 440
Mathematics, Harvard curriculum, 239, 292, 294, 306, 465
Mather, Cotton, 8, 121, 127, 222; 1702 map, 91, 98, 100, 103, 104, 106, 110–113, 121, 135, 136; William Ashurst, 223; on John Cotton, 400, 408, 506; Manuductio ad Ministerium, 439–440; on William Perkins, 525; diary confessions, 526; verbatim report, dying warning, 531–532; on repentance, 534; Magnalia Christi Americana, 98, 110, 111, 112, 113, 135, 535, 535; Pillar of Salt, 531–532, 535
Mather, Increase, 110, 111; correspondence with Sir William Ashurst, 221–229; about the Ashurst family, 222–223; Harvard charter, 223–226; Boyle legacy, 226–229; Sabbath, 506; 1674 execution sermon, 530; James Morgan execution sermon, 531, 536
Mather, Nathaniel, 1677 Cotton Mather map, 110, 111, 112
Mattapoiset, Mass., raid, 118
Maverick, Samuel, royal authority in New England, 126
Mayhew, Jerusha, legal case, 420
Meadford (Medford), Mass., 104
Mécanique Céleste (Laplace), 443
Medfield, Mass., 352; Hack’s Description of New England, 102; Pitt Clarke, 231, 233, 234, 246, 258, 260, 262, 269, 277, 279, 280, 283, 289, 293, 294, 295, 298, 299, 302, 304, 306, 307, 316, 319, 324, 326, 329, 350, 351; Hannah Adams, 235
Medford, Mass., 104, 124, 141, 260, 326, 327, 346, 566
Medhope, Dorothy, wed to Charles Hack, 73
Medicine, 465
Mediterranean region, chart-drawing practice, 86, 136
Medway, Mass., 253, 271, 277, 279, 289, 295, 307, 308, 326, 330
Mein, John, Harvard student boycott, 177
Melish, John, quoted, 118–119
Mellen, John, Barnstable, 312, 328
A Memoir of Miss Hannah Adams. Edited with Additions, by Mrs. Hannah F. Lee, 235
Memoirs of the Bloomsgrove Family (Hitchcock), 375
Mendham (Mendon), Mass., 142
Mendon, Mass., settlement, 97; Hack’s Description of New England, 102, 142
Mercator’s projection, Hack map, 81–82
Meriden Gravure Company (Meriden, Conn.), Hack map, 61
Meriticks (Mattituck), N. Y., 104, 137
Merrimac River, Hack’s Description of New England, 88, 90, 91, 92, 95, 103, 112, 118, 134, 142, 143; early maps, 113; early concept of, 114, 115; land claims, 116, 131; Blathwayt map, 116; Hubbard, Foster, 117; Waters-Winthrop map, 124; Woodward-Saffery survey, 125; source of, 125, 126, 127; 1652 expedition journal, 128
Merton College, Bodley, 163, 170
Messer, Asa, 497
Metacomet. See King Philip’s War
Metaphysics, Harvard, 239
Metcalf, Keyes, 3; Early American Imprints, 10, 12
Meteors and meteorology, 440, 465
The Method of Fluxions Both Direct and Inverse (Stone), 304
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 384
Miantonomo (Indian), 1642 deed, 127
Michaelis, Johann D., 297, 306
Micrometers, 456
Microprint, as reproduction medium, 10, 12
Microprint. See also Readex Microprint Corporation; Early American Imprints Series
Microscopy, 456–457, 459–461; solar microscope, 462
Microscopy. See also under Prince, John. Prince-made instruments
Middle Ground, 140
Middleburgh (N. Y.), 137
Middlebury College, scientific instruments, 468
Middlesex County, Eng., 147
Middlesex County, Mass., 55, 182, 216; Hack’s Description of New England, 92, 141
Middleton, Mass., Elias Smith, 365; Hitchcock, 368
Middletown, Conn., settlement, 97; Hack London atlas, 109, 138
Miles’ garrison house, 118
Milford, Conn., 138; settlement, 97
Milford Haven (Provincetown), Mass., 106
A Military and Topographical Atlas of the United States (Melish), 118
Militia Bill, 234
Miller, Perry, 535; quoted, 404, 533
Miller, Robert, 12
Miller, Rev. Samuel, college directory, 467
Millot, Claude F. X., 281, 292
Mills, Luther, Harvard student, 288
Milton, Mass., 307, 313, 344, 354; Hack’s Description of New England, 102
Minuit, Peter, Crane Bay, 99
Minutemen, Harvard students, 185
A Mirror for Witches (Forbes), 529
Mirza, vision, 191 (Fn. 1)
Missionaries, to convert Indians, 227
Mississippi River, 118
Missouri Territory, 354
Mistick (Medford), Mass., 104, 141
Mitchell, Nahum, Harvard student, 266
“Modell of Christian Charity” (Winthrop), 535
Mohawk Indians, location, Hack map, 95; English settlements, 97
Mohawk River, Hack map, 109; exploration, 122
Mohegan Indians, location, Hack map, 96, 142; Moricans, Hack map, 95, 142; Mohican, 95; Monhegan, 95, 138
Mohican Indians. See Mohegan Indians
Molineux, William, Boston Massacre, 420–421
Moll, Herman, map engraver, 82, 113
Monck, Christopher, rutter, 79
Monck, Gen. George, 79
Monhegan Indians. See Mohegan Indians
Monhegans Country, 138
Monimet hill (Manomet), Mass., Hack’s Description of New England, 100, 140
Monimoy (Chatham), Mass., 104, 140
Monmouth, Duke of, rebellion, 68, 69
Monomoy Beach and Point, Hack’s Description of New England, 100
Monson, Mass., 468
Montaugh (Montauk), N. Y., 104; Point, 137
Montauk, N. Y., 104; Point, 137
Monte Albán, 134
Montesquieu, [Charles L. de S.], 57, 189
Monthly Review (periodical), 312, 322, 329, 330, 343, 344, 345, 346
Montreal, Hack map, 109
Moody, Samuel, Dummer School, 49–50, 51, 52, 59
Moody, Samuel, d. 1789, Harvard student, 286
Moody, Stephen, Harvard, 243, 353
Mooney, James E., 6; “Clifford Kenyon Shipton and the Early American Imprints,” 9–16
Moore, Mr., 318
Moore, Mrs., 351
Morden, Robert, 1676 map, 113, 119, 120, 121, 129
Morgan, Henry, buccaneer, 77, 78
Morgan, James, published confession, 531, 532
Morgan, John Hill, Joseph Blackburn, 379, 381, 382, 383, 386
Morican Indians. See Mohegan Indians
Morison, Samuel Eliot, Tercentennial histories, 3; quoted on Shipton, 5; Colonial Society, 7–8; colonial history, 39; charter controversy, 224, 226
Morse, Rev. Jedediah, 319
Mortimer, Cromwell, 485
Moscow, Me., 563, 565, 566, 567, 569
Moswansicut River, 125
Mouhegans (Indians), Hack’s Description of New England, 91
Mount Hope, R. I., 108, 118, 139; Seller, Berry-Morden, 119
Mount Wollaston, Mass., Wheelwright, 405
Mounthope (Mount Hope), R. I., 139
Mowhawk Country, Hack’s Description of New England, 92, 142
Moxon, [Joseph], 117
Mudy River (Brookline), Mass., 141
Munro, Colonel, 300
Murray, John, Harvard student, 46–47
Music, Harvard, 239
Muskeget Island, Hack’s Description of New England, 100, 140
Musketo Cove (Hempstead harbor?), 137
Mystic River, Wood map, 123
Nairne, [Edward?], air pump, 453, 454
Names, Geographic and personal, Hack’s Description of New England, 63, 67, 98–108; ethnological data, 95–98; sources of information for New England, 101, Fn. 3; maps of era, 108–121; Indian, 62, 104–105; Dutch, 105, 108; English proprietors, 105–106; explorers, 106; list of, Hack map, 136–143
Namset (East Greenwich, R. I.?), early maps, 104
Nancrede, Joseph, Harvard French teacher, 239, 254, 255, 256
Nantucket, 65; Hack’s Description of New England, 88, 93, 98, 99, 100, 140
Nantucket Philosophical Society, 444
Naragansets Country, 139
Naragansick (Niantic?), Conn., 138
Narborough, [Sir John], 82
Narragansett Bay region, Hack’s Description of New England, 65, 89, 91, 92, 98, 99; Indians, Hack map, 95, 96; garrison houses, 121; Block, 122; place names, 139
Narragansett Indians, 95, 103, 108, 120, 139
Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New-England (Hubbard), 111, 116–117
Nash, Thomas, 147
Nashua (Noshaway) River, Hack’s Description of New England, 90, 92, 142
Natick, Mass., Hack’s Description of New England, 102
National Archives, 4
National Index of American Imprints Through 1800: the Short-Title Evans, 231; Shipton, 6, 16, 18
National Maritime Museum (Greenwich, Eng.), 75, 77
National Union Catalogue, 11, 12
Natural History (Buffon), 274, 275
Natural phenomena, visions, 191, 193; Solemn Predictions, 214; Boyle correspondence, 226
Natural philosophy, 239, 256; see “John Prince and Early American Scientific Instrument Making,” and especially 438–442, 446, 447, 451, 464, 465, 466, 467, 478, 479, 480–481
Natural philosophy. For related material see Sciences and science teaching; Scientific instruments
The Nature, Reasonableness and Advantages of Prayer (Leachman), 309
Naumkeag River, 115
Nautical instruments. See Navigation and navigation instruments
Naverill (Haverhill), Mass., 142
Navigation Acts, Boston, 136; Massachusetts coastal trade, 70–71; Blathwayt, 71; 1664 royal commission to enforce, 126
Navigation and navigation instruments, 465; artisans, woodworking skills, turned to, 483
Naworth Castle, 147
Nayack (N. Y.), 137
Needham, Mass., 271, 288, 306, 352
Nemicot (?) River, 143
Neponset River, Hack’s Description of New England, 92, 141; Wood map, 123
Nepos (N. Y.?), 137
Nequichewonak (Newichwannock), 143
“Nestor,” 177
Netherlands, 163
New Amsterdam, 105; “Duke’s plan,” 73; Pilgrims, 93; English settlements, 97; English royal commission to establish authority, 126; English seizure, 128
New and Complete System of Arithmetic (Pike), 258, 320
New College, 165
New England, 77, 558, 561, 562; Sibley’s biographies, 5, 18; education, 40; Calvinism, 60; William Hack map, 61–144; Hack atlases, 63, 81, 109; Dominion of New England, 68; Customs, Massachusetts, 70–71; Hack family, 72, 74; English home, Hacks, 73; Indians on maps, 96; John Smith map, 99; population, incorporated towns, 101; map nomenclature, 98–108; hereditary aristocracy, 105; comparison of maps, Hack and contemporaries, 108–114; maps expressing Massachusetts charter claims, 114–118; exploration, Dutch and English, 121–122; mapping availability in London, 122, 132, 133; first maps by settlers, 122–125; William Reed map, 127, 128, 129; masts, 128; Moll, 135; Harvard students, 174; Harvard, symbol of pride, 176; Harvard pre-Revolutionary, 187; visions published in, 193, 194; American New Jerusalem, 195; references to, in visions, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 210, 214, 215; Ashurst family, 222, 223; Church of England, 224; Sir Robert Boyle, 226; conversion of Indians, 227; religious change, 237; ca. 1786, students a cross-section, 240; Joseph Blackburn, 384, 386, 387, 389; Nathaniel Emmons, 386; mid-eighteenth century, 388–389; portrait-painting charges, 390; seventeenth-century theology, Antinomian Controversy, 393–413; John Adams, Robert Treat Paine, 415; Thomas Paine property, 416; John Adams, 419, scientific culture, 432; clergy, natural philosophy, 440; Sabbatarianism, 505, 506, 507; literature of True Confessions and Dying Warnings, background in England, 525, 526; witchcraft confessions, 529; publication of confessions, warnings, 530–531; crimes, contrition, 533, 536; confessions, warnings, as New England literature, 535; religious community to secular society, 539; Great Awakening and immortals, 541–550
“The New England Clergy of the Glacial Age” (Shipton), paper, 8
New England Company, Henry, William Ashurst, 222–223, 227; Boyle estate, 228–229
New England Historic Genealogical Society, 563
New England Historical and Genealogical Register (periodical), 1894 Hack article, 72
New England Life in the Eighteenth Century (Shipton), 5, 6, 18
New England Quarterly (periodical), 6
New England’s Prospects (Wood), 123
New Hampshire, Hack’s Description of New England, 88, 89, 91, 92, 95, 96, 101, 116; settlement, 97; incorporated towns, 1700, 101; 1665 map, 127, 128; 1667, royal province, 131; place names, 142, 143; seal, 554, 555, 556
New Hampshire Gazette (newspaper), 384
New Harbour (Port Jefferson harbor?), N. Y., 137
New Haven, Conn., 138, 186, 373, 376, 412; population center, 97
A New Introduction to the Study and Knowledge of the New Testament (Harwood), 345
New Jersey, 68; seal, 552, 555, 556
New Lights, 547
New London, Conn., 138, 139; settlement, 97; Winthrop grant, 125
New London County, Conn., 93
A New Map of New England (Thornton, Morden, Lea), 1685, 91, 112, 113, 121
New Map of the World (Hack, Morden), 82
New Netherland, 1614 exploration, 105; Dutch maps, vignette of Indian village, 120; Dutch cartography, 122
New Plymouth Colony. See Plymouth Colony
New Rose and Crown Shoal, Hack’s Description of New England, 100
New Shoreham, R. I., Hack’s Description of New England, 102
New York, 68, 135; Hack’s Description of New England, 88, 93, 101, 109; first royal governor, 128, 129; seal, 554, 555
New York City, 13, 99, 136, 376, 468, 502; libraries, 12; Hack’s Description of New England, 88, 96; charting of bay area, 122; scientific apparatus, sale, 483
New York Gazette (visionary newspaper), 211
New York Public Library, 1657 map, 64; I. N. Phelps Stokes maps, 66
The New York Times Book Review, 17
Newberry Library, 13
Newbury, Mass., Hack’s Description of New England, 92, 103, 142; Esther Rodgers, 523
Newburyport, Mass., 115, 351, 353, 354; Joseph Blackburn, 383
Newel, Mr., Dover, Mass., 252
Newhaven (New Haven), Conn., 138
Newichwannock, 143
Newman, Dorman, The Present State of New England . . . , 119
Newport, R. I., 126; Hack’s Description of New England, 93, 139; population center, 96; Sylvester, 381; Stiles, 440
Newton, Adam, tutor and secretary, Henry, Prince of Wales, 160, 161
Newton, Isaac, 486; Opuscula . . . , 304; natural philosophy, 438, 439; comets, 441; theory, 466
Newton, Mass., 268, 271, 295, 354, 566
Newtown, Mass., 93, 267; Thomas Hooker, 402, 405, 406; Hutchinson synod, 407
Niantic (?), Conn., 138
Niantic Indians, Hack’s Description of New England, 95, 96, 139, 142
Nichawoonock tribe, 198
Nicholson, William, Prince air pump, 455; Journal of Natural Philosophy, 469, 496
Nicoll, B., A Wonderful Dream, 211, 213, 218
Nicolls, Col. Richard, royal authority in New England, 126; New York, royal governor, 128; London, 129, 130
Ninicroft (Ningret, sachem), 95, 139
Ninigret (Indian), 139; portrait, 95
Nipmuck Indians, 121; Hack’s Description of New England, 96; Brookfield, Mass., settled, 97; Nipmuck negotiations, 103
Nipsachuck (?), North Smithfield, R. I., 139
No Mans Land, Hack’s Description of New England, 88, 98; Martha’s Vineyard, 99
Nollet, [Jean Antoine?], 455
Nonconformists, Ashursts, 222; Harvard, 224, 229; Sabbath, England, 506
“Nonesuch” (estate), Lumley, 160, 161
Norden, John, 147
Norfolk, Duke of, 147
Norfolk County, Mass., Hack’s Description of New England, 91, 92, 131, 134; place names, 141, 142
Normans, Robert Cotton, 151
Norridgewock, Me., 563
North America, cartobibliography, 61; Blathwayt Atlas, 66; eastern coast sea atlas, Hack, 80–81; animals on maps, 92; exploration, Hudson, 121; Narragansett Bay, best harbor, 122; Amherst, commander, 389; colonial seals, 555, 556, 558
North Andover, Mass., 45
North Atlantic, Welch chart, 75
North Attleboro, Mass., 561; Orne Street, 562
North Beverly, Mass., Second Church. See Beverly. Second Church
North Carolina, 1657 map, 64; Lancaster chart, 84; trading voyages, 417
North Hampton (Northampton), Mass., 138, 436
North Kingston, R. I., 102
North Smithfield, R. I., 139
Northampton, Mass., Hack’s Description of New England, 92, 138; settlement, 97
Northfield, Mass., founded, 97
Norton, George, church confession, 528–529
Norton, John, bookseller, 164
Norton, Mass., Pitt Clarke diary, 231, 233; Clarke parsonage, Mansfield Avenue, 232, 235; Clarke Congregational ministry, 235; library, 233, 234, 236; Hathaway house, Burt Street, 236–237; Congregational Trinitarian Church, 237; First Parish Church (Unitarian), 237; Clarke’s Pastor’s Legacy, 356–361; Great Awakening, 544
Norumbega, 122
Norwalk, Conn., Hack’s Description of New England, 103
Norwalk Islands, 138
Norwich, Conn., Hack’s Description of New England, 95, 96, 103; Hack’s London atlas, 109; Great Awakening, 543
Norwich, Eng., St. Peters of Mancroft, 566
Noshamay (Nashua) River, 142
Nott, Lieutenant-Governor, Virginia, 555
Nova Belgica et Anglia Nova (Blaeu), 99
Nova Scotia, 221
Novi Belgii Novaeque Angliae (Visscher), 98
Nuestra Señora del Rosario (ship), captured by buccaneers, 77–78
Oberholzer, Emil, church discipline, 541
Obsequium Amicos, Veritas Odium parit (Phillips), 57
Observations on Man, His Frame, His Duty, and His Expectations (Hartley). 321, 322
Ogilvie, John, 285
Ohio, Hitchcock property, 376
Ohio Company, 376
Old Colony County, Mass., Blackburn record search, 386
Old Deerfield, Mass., 138
Old Saybrook, Conn., 138
Old Tenor, 539
Olde Rose and Crowne (shoal), Hack’s Description of New England, 100, 140
Oldtown, Mass., 562
Oliver, Andrew, “The Elusive Mr. Blackburn,” 379–391
Oliver, Andrew, Jr., Blackburn portrait, 391
Oliver, Mrs. Andrew, Jr. (Mary), Blackburn portrait, 388, 391
Oliver, Peter, impeachment, 422
Oliver, Rev. Thomas F., Cambridge, 310
Oliver family, 389
Oneco (Indian), 95
Onondago, Mass., 468
Opera Mathematica (Wallis), 304
Opuscula Mathematica, Philosophica, et Philologica (Newton), 304
Orange, Prince of. See William and Mary (rulers)
Orne, Dr. Joseph, 437
Oronoco, trading house, 125
Orreries, Rhode Island College, 478; American manufacture, 483
Orrery, Fifth Earl of (Boyle), 346
Ortelius, Abraham, 149
Orthodoxy, Pitt Clarke, 236–237, 356; Antinomian Controversy, 394–399
Osamequin (Indian), 142
Osgood, Rev. David, 246, 272, 279, 284, 326, 327, 346
Otis, Cushing, Harvard, 245
Otis, Mr. and Mrs. James, Blackburn portraits, 389–390
Ouchela (Cocheco) River, 104, 143
Ovid, 59
Oxford, Mass., 352
Oxford (Oxfordshire, Eng.), Christ Church, 148; booksellers, 164
Oxford University, 166, 174; Bodley, library, 145, 156, 162, 167, 170; catalogue of library, 165; royal visit, 167; use of Bodleian, 168; and the Crown, 224
Oyster Bay, N. Y., 137
Oyster Pond, 137
Oyster River, 104, 107; Hack’s Description of New England, 92, 143
Ozimandias, 386
Pacific Ocean, 115, 128; sailing directions, 76, 78–79; Hack coast atlas, cost, 85
Packard, Hezekiah, Harvard tutor, 288, 293, 295, 297, 298, 315, 318, 326, 350
Pacotaqua (Piscataquog) River, 143
Padrón Real, 132
Pagoutack (Pocumtuck), Hack’s Description of New England, 96, 104, 138
Paine (Payne), Joshua, Charlestown, 259
Paine, R. T., 470
Paine, Robert Treat, Paine-John Adams rivalry, 415–429; Continental Congress, 415, 424; background, 416–417; John Adams on, 418; Taunton law office, 420; Boston Massacre trial, 420–422; Boston Port Bill, Committee on the State of the Province, 423; James Warren letter to Adams, 425; Paine letter to James Warren, 425–426; growing rivalry with John Adams, 425–426
Paine, [Thomas], 200
Paine, Rev. Thomas, 416
Painters and painting, Joseph Blackburn, 379–391; Nathaniel Emmons, 386; John Smibert, 380, 386–387, 389, 391; Robert Feke, 387, 388, 390; John Greenwood, 387, 389, 390; John Singleton Copley, 379, 380, 387, 389, 390, 391; Joseph Badger, 387, 389, 390
Paisley, Scotland, 562
Palmer, Joseph, Paine letter, 426
Palmer, Rev. Joseph, 235
Pamphlets, religious, Russell, 197
Panama, 79; Morgan, 77; map, 82
Panama, Isthmus of, 77
Paradise Gorge (Shirley, Mass.), 7
Paris, prime meridian, 88; private libraries, 151
Park, Lawrence, on Joseph Blackburn, 379, 381, 382, 384
Parker, Dr., 322
Parker, Mary, alleged witch, 40
Parker, Archbishop Matthew, collection, 149
Parker, Phineas, 1752 court case, 46
Parker River, 50
Parkman, Rev. Ebenezer, diary, 542; Solomon and Sarah Prentice, 545, 546; on Seccomb, 547
Parrington, [V. L.], 5
Parsons, Jonathan, 376
Parsons, Obediah, Lynn, 265
Parsons, Phoebe, Hitchcock family, 367
Parsons, Capt. Thomas, 382
Parsons, Thomas, Jr., Blackburn portrait, 382
Part of the Indian Empire of Darien in America (map), 81
Pas-Kaart Vande Zee-kusten van Niew Nederland (van Keulen), 100
A Pastor’s Legacy to his People (Clarke), 231, 237; text, 356–361
Patriots (American Revolution), influence of polemic writings on, 173; Harvard graduates, 186
Patterson, William, Isthmus of Darien scheme, 82
Patuxet River, map, 1642, 127
Paul (Apostle), conversion, regeneration, 396–397
Pautucket, 142
Pawtucket, R. I., 561
Paxton, Mass., Hitchcock, 364
Payne, Joshua, 259
Peabody, Capt. Joseph, 565
Peabody, Stephen, 1768 disorders, Harvard, 55, 181, 183; quoted in Boston Gazette articles, 177; about, 178
Pearce, Zachary, commentary on the evangelists, 341–342
Pearson, Eliphalet, Samuel Phillips, Jr., friend, 58, 60; Harvard teacher, 239, 245–259 passim, 261, 264, 265, 272, 273, 275, 279, 282, 285, 286, 287, 288, 292, 293, 294, 295, 298, 305, 343
Pecks kill (?) (Peekskill?), 136
Pelham, Peter, portraitist, 390
Pemaquid, Hack’s Description of New England, 93
Pembroke, Mass., Hitchcock, 365
Penn, William, Boyle correspondent, 226
Pennsylvania, University of, 443
Pennycod (Penacook), N. H., 143
Penobscot River, 106
Pepperelboro, Mass., 353
Pepperell, William, Loyalist, 186
Pepys, Samuel, and London mapmakers, 84–85
Pepys Collection, 75
“Pepys Island,” See Falkland Islands
Pequates. See Pequot Indians
Pequot Indians, Hack’s Description of New England, 92, 95, 96, 139; Endecott, 93; decimated, 97
A Perambulation of Kent (Lambarde), 147
Percy, Lord, 186
Periplus, William Hack, 76
Perkins, Jonathan, Beverly, 367
Perkins, William, will to believe, 397; True Confessions and Dying Warnings, 525
Perley, Nathaniel, 1758 court case, 46
Perry, Daniel, Sherborn, 270, 275, 276, 278, 283, 285, 286, 288, 290, 295, 296, 305, 310, 313, 316, 322, 324
Pettaquamscutt, R. I., 121
Pettit, Norman, “Cotton’s Dilemma: Another Look at the Antinomian Controversy,” 393–413
Pewterers, 483
Phelps, [Charles], Harvard, 355
Phelps Stokes, I. N. See under Stokes
Phi Beta Kappa (Harvard), 6, 248, 259, 273, 292, 311, 328, 352, 353, 354, 355; Clarke cryptogram, 305, 355
Philadelphia, Pa., 353, 444, 468; libraries, 13; Edward H. Clarke, 236; Society of the Cincinnati, 375; Continental Congress, 424, 425; John Adams, 428; air pump, 502; Du Ponceau, 505
Philip (Indian). See under King Philip’s War
Philip, Earl of Arundel, 147
Phillips, Andrew Faneuil, Blackburn portrait, 384
Phillips, Elizabeth Barnard, wife of Squire Samuel Phillips, 45
Phillips, George, 42
Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert, Norton, 232, 236
Phillips, P. Lee, 66
Phillips, Parson Samuel, Andover South Parish, 42, 43–45, 47
Phillips, Squire Samuel, patriarchal, 41–42; about, 45–48, 49, 50, 55, 58; Essex County justice of the peace, 46
Phillips, Samuel, Jr., education of, 39–60; colonial educational history, 39–40; Andover, Mass., and changes in family structure, authority, 40–41; family background, 42–49; grandfather, Parson Phillips, 43–45; father, Squire Phillips, 45–48; mother, Elizabeth Barnard Phillips, 48–49; Dummer School, 49–52; Harvard College, 52–58; after graduation, 58; on existing educational institutions, 59
Phillips Academy, Samuel Phillips, Jr., 39, 59, 60; Eliphalet Pearson, 58
Phillips family, Boston, 389; Papers, 46, 51, 53, 57 and Footnotes, 43–60
Philobiblon (James), 165
Philosophical apparatus. See Scientific instruments
A Philosophical Inquiry Into the Origins of Our Ideas on the Sublime and Beautiful (Burke), 293
Philosophy, Harvard library, 233
Phinney, John, 544
Phips, Sir William, 79
A Physical Essay on the Senses (Le Cat), 272, 274
Physices Elementa Mathematica (’sGravesande), 438
Pickering, Timothy, Harvard, 174; Harvard Hall, 237–238
Pickman, [Thomas], Harvard, 355
Pierce, John, New Plymouth, 115
Pierce, John, Harvard student, 277
Pierson, Professor, 324
Pigott, Capt. John, Blackburn portrait, 381, 382
Pilgrim Hall (Plymouth, Mass.). See under Plymouth, Mass.
Pilgrim Society, Hack’s Description of New England, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 72, 136
Pilgrims, 95, 107, 118, 132; Hack’s Description of New England, 62, 93; spread into hinterland, 122; patent, 128
Pillars of Salt. See under Mather, Cotton
Piper, J., sale of Hack map, 66
Pirates. See Buccaneers
Piscataqua, 524
Piscataqua River and Great Bay, 104, 107; Hack’s Description of New England, 92, 142; Hack’s London atlas, 109
Piscataquog River, 143
Pistol Point (Connecticut River), Hack’s Description of New England, 100, 138
Pitt, William, 234
Pitts, Mrs. James, Blackburn portrait, 388
Pittsfield, Mass., Shipton birthplace, 3
Place names. See Names, Geographical and personal
Plan of the British Dominion of New England (Douglass), 135
Plane projection, Thames School, 86
Plantagenet, Robert Cotton, 151
Plato, 189
Plimpton, Mr., Sturbridge, 276, 277, 289, 308
Plum (Plumb) Island, off Long Island, 137; Massachusetts, 142
Plymouth, Eng., Walter Yonge, 69
Plymouth, Mass., 354; location of Hack’s Description of New England, 64, 81, 89, 92, 103, 108, 109, 111, 118, 133, 134; inferior court, 420
Plymouth, Mass. Pilgrim Hall, Hack’s Description of New England, 61, 62, 64, 76, 81
Plymouth Colony, 68, 118, 132; Hack’s Description of New England, 63, 90, 91, 92, 93, 99, 100, 101, 102, 630, 631, 134, 140; Hack family, 72; Indians, Hack map, 95; growth, 96, 101; name, 107; Hack’s London atlas, 109; boundaries, 114; John Pierce, 115; Berry-Morden-Seller mapping, 119; Indian raids, 119; maps available, 122; spread of settlement, 122; Bay Colony bounds, 125, 128; Seller, 134; place names, 139, 140; Thomas Granger confession, 528
Pocasset Indians, Hack’s Description of New England, 95, 139
Pocumtuck (Deerfield), Mass., Hack’s Description of New England, 96, 104, 138
Poetry. See Verse
Pointers, portolans, 86
Pokanakets Country, Hack’s Description of New England, 95, 139
Political commentary, visions as media, 191, 192, 193, 195, 196; A Short Relation, 205; “Angel, Devil and Ghost,” 205, 209; “Gentleman of Philadelphia,” 210; A Wonderful Dream, 211–214; Solemn Predictions, 214–216
Pomfret, Conn., 125
Pope, [Alexander], 178
Popple, Henry, 135
Popple, William, colonial seals, 552, 555
Port Folio (periodical), 353
Port Royal, Jamaica, Hack chart, 81
Porter, Eliphalet, Harvard, 273, 321, 345
Porter River (Salem, Mass.), 444
Portland, Me., 103
Portolan charts, Thames School maps, 86; Hack’s Description of New England, 132, 136
Portolan charts. See also Sea charts; Rutters
Portsmouth, Eng., 555; harbor chart, 85
Portsmouth, N. H., 142, 285; Joseph Blackburn, 383, 384, 387, 389
Portsmouth, R. I., Hack’s Description of New England, 95, 139; population center, 96; Hutchinson, 413
Potack (Pawcatuck) River, 138
Pownalborough, Mass., 352
Practical Discourses on the Principal Representations of the Messiah in the Old Testament (Harris), 299
The Practical Navigator (Bowditch), 443
Prat, Benjamin, Boston, 417–418
Pratt, Abigail, Medfield, 276
Precinct of Salem and Beverly. See Beverly, Mass., Second Church
Prentice, Caleb, Reading, 283
Prentice, Sarah, Great Awakening, “immortal,” 545–546
Prentice, Solomon, Great Awakening, 544–546
Prentiss, Rev. Thomas, Medfield, 235, 252, 253, 262, 263, 270, 271, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 283, 289, 290, 292, 293, 296, 298, 307, 308, 316, 324
Prescott, James, Harvard, 245
The Present State of New England with Respect to the Indian War (Newman), 119
Presque Isle, Me., 561, 563, 564, 565
Preston, Capt. Levi, Battle of Concord, 189
Preston, Capt. Thomas, Boston Massacre trial, 421–422
Prices, Clarke college expenses, 350–352; portrait painting, 383, 384, 390–391; scientific instruments repaired or sold, 489–501
Prince, Esther and John, parents of John, 434
Prince, John, b. 1751, early American scientific instrument making, 431–486; the scientific gentleman, 434–446; scientific instrument maker, 446–465; agent for diffusing scientific knowledge, 465–479; evaluation, 479–486; scientific instruments repaired or sold by, 489–502; surviving instruments, 502–503; early life, 434–436; marriages, 436; Revolution, 437; health, 437, 473, 482, 485; pastorate, 437; Harvard schooling, 438–439; scientific work and theology, 441–442; Salem Philosophical Library, 442–444; personal library, 442, 443, 446, 464, 468; theologian and scientific experimenter, 444–446; recognition, 446, 448, 455; tools, 447–448; simplicity, order, 464; versatility in instruments, 465; instrument supplier and repairer to educational institutions, 431, 439, 468–479, 482, 484; sales, 470–471; relationship with W. and S. Jones, 472–474; profits, 474; appreciation of educational uses, 475; evaluation of, 479–486; nonexperimental sciences, 482; theoretical comprehension, 482; mechanical know-how, scientific background, 485.
Prince-made instruments: air pump, 431, 444, 446, 447, 450, 450, 451, 453–456, 461, 463, 464, 465, 479, 480, 483–484, 500, 503; barometer, 470; battery, 463, 465; electrometer, 463, 465; electrostatic devices, 451, 463, 469, 475; 484; equatorials, 448, 463, 477; hydrostatic device, 463, 473; kaleidoscope, 462; magic lantern, 462; megaloscope, 461, 465; microscopes, lucernal, 431, 444, 445, 459–460, 461, 463, 465, 479, 484; microscope, solar, 460, 462, 463, 465, 480, 484; microscopes, 451, 456, 461, 463, 464, 469; pneumatic apparatus, 469, 484; projection lantern, 445, 460, 465; telescope, 451, 463, 469, 473; telescope mount, 457–459, 465, 479; thermometer, 445, 463; volcano, artificial, 445, 480. See also Appendix II (instruments repaired or sold by John Prince) and Appendix III (surviving Prince instruments), 489–503. See 446–486, passim, for references to instruments generally as well as exchanged, repaired, etc.
Prince, John, b. 1782, son of John, 436
Prince, William Henry, 436
Princeton, Mass., 277
Princeton University, 187
Pring, Capt. Martin, 106
Privateers, French, 416
The Proposition for Your Majesties Service. . ., 159
“Propositions of War and Peace,” 160–161
The Protector (Cromwell), 68
Protestants and Protestantism, Thomas James, 169; “The Swansea Vision,” 201; New England Company, 222; eighteenth century, 439; Hollis professorship, 441; theoretical speculation fostered, 480; Sabbatarianism, 505
Providence, R. I., 125, 289, 367, 373; Hack’s Description of New England, 93, 104, 119, 139; population center, 96; names, 107; First Congregational Church, Hitchcock, 363, 365, 370, 373, 374–375, 376; Congregational Benevolent Society, 374, 376, 377; Beneficent Congregational Church, 374; public schools, 377; Providence Bank, 377; Rhode Island College, 478; Brown University, 497; Brown family, 565
Providence College, 266
Provincetown, Mass., 106
Provincial Congress, Harvard College buildings, 186
Prudence Island, Hack’s Description of New England, 103, 139
Pufendorf, [Samuel?], 189
Pulitzer Prize, 18
Pulling P (Nahant, Mass.?), 141
Punkapog, “Indian Vision,” 194, 197–200, 218
Puritanism, Shipton, 17; Bradstreet, 40; Phillips family, 42, 43, 48; colonial patrons and promoters, 105; England, 106; Massachusetts, Bay Colony, 114, 115, 122; Charles II returns, 126; Robert Cotton, England, 158; Thomas James anti-papist, 169; pre-Revolutionary Harvard training for social and religious orders, 187; Jehovah and the Bible, 195; “The Swansea Vision,” 202; “Gentleman of Philadelphia,” 211; Increase Mather, 222; Ashurst family, 222; Harvard College, 224, 229; in New England, concern with common depravity and potential holiness, 393–399; post-Antinomian Controversy, 413; John Prince, Puritan descent, 434; Sabbatarianism in England, 505, 506; Sabbatarianism in New England, 505–507; anti-puritanism and revival, 507; True Confessions and Dying Warnings, 524, 525, 526, 535, 536, 537; ideas versus practice, 533–534
Quabaog (Brookfield, Mass.), settlement, 97
Quaiapen (Indian squaw), 95, 107
Quebec, Hack London atlas, 109
Quechaquo River, 104
Queens (New York City), 99
Quincie, Mrs., Boston, 324
Quincie, Colonel, 418
Quincy, Josiah, 3; Harvard student, 235, 243, 265, 318, 353; Boston Massacre trial, 422
Quincy, Josiah (“the patriot”), 353
Quincy, Samuel, 418; Boston Massacre trial, 422
Quincy Bay, Hack’s Description of New England, 100; Waters-Winthrop map, 124
Quinnapin (Indian), 95
Quinsigamond (Worcester, Mass.), 97, 109
Quintilian, 306
Radcliffe College, 432
Raleigh, Sir Walter, friend of Prince Henry, 160
Ralph Johnsons Kill (Rocliff Jansen kill), place name, 105, 136
Ram Isle (Island), 137
Randolph, Ambrose, 153
Ratcliff (London suburb), mapmakers, 83, 85
Rawley (Rowley), Mass., 142
Rawson, Edward, 1676 copying, 1665 Reed map, 131
Raynham, Mass., 440
Read, Nathan, inventions, 444
Readex Microprint Corporation, 4; Early American Imprints, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16; text describing microprint plan, 11–12
Reading, Mass., 283, 353; Hack’s Description of New England, 92, 141
The Reasonableness and Certainty of the Christian Religion (Jenkin), 276
The Reasonableness of Christianity as Delivered in the Scriptures (Locke), 329
Redeem the Time: The Puritan Sabbath in Early America (Solberg), 507
Reding (Reading), Mass., 141
Reed, Nathan, Harvard tutor, 245
Reed, William, 1665 map, 127, 128, 129, 130; 1676 copying of 1665 map, 131, 133
Reflections on Learning. . . (Baker), 269
Reformation, England, 145
Rehoboth, Mass., 96, 139; Great Awakening, 544
Religion, authority of the church, 41 and Fn. 3; Bible as central document, 195; Biblical and religious references in apocryphal visions, 199, 201–206; Harvard curriculum, 238, 243, 281; duties of clergyman, 337–338; Pitt Clarke’s legacy, 356–361; science, eighteenth, early nineteenth centuries, 439–442, 480–482; Biblical writings and Sabbath, 506, 509–518; early church and Sabbath, 518–519
Religion. See also Antinomianism and Antinomian Controversy; Sabbatarianism
Religion Essential to Man, 343
Remarks on Ecclesiastical History (Jortin), 308
Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift (Boyle), 346
Renaissance (English), growth of libraries, 145, 146; Bodleian Library, 170; spirit of inquiry, 171; Puritan revolt, 505
Revenge (sloop), 565
Review of the Principal Questions and Difficulties in Morals (Price), 272, 274
Revolutionary War. See American Revolution
Rhetoric, Harvard curriculum, 239, 243
Rhetorical Grammar (Walker), 272
Rhode Island, 125, 128, 467; Hack’s Description of New England, 90, 91, 93, 95, 90, 101, 102, 103, 104, 134, 139; Block Island, 93, 122; population areas, 96; incorporated towns, 101; names, 105, 107; Revolution, 234; Sabbath, 506; 1778 expedition from Salem, 565
Rhode Island College (Brown), 353, 375, 440; instruments, 467, 478, 494
Rhodes, Elizabeth (Betsey). See Greenwood, Elizabeth (Betsey), Rhodes
Rhumblines, portolans, 86; Thames School, 87
Rice, [Thomas], Harvard, 355
Rich, Robert (Earl of Warwick), 105
Richardson, Mr., Harvard, 247, 337
Richardson, E. P., on Joseph Blackburn, 387
Richardson, Ebenezer, Boston Massacre, 421
Richmond Island, 143
Rickmans (Richmond?) Island, 143
Ridgefield, Conn., 95
Riley, Stephen T., “Robert Treat Paine and John Adams: A Colonial Rivalry,” 415–429
Ringrose, Basil, journal, South American voyage, 77, 79; rutter and charts, Spanish-occupied Pacific, 77, 78
Rise and Fall of the Roman Republic (Montesquieu), 57
Rittenhouse, David, 484; orrery, 483
Robbins, Rev. Nathaniel, 313
Roberts, Mr., Levant pirates, 82
Robertson, William, 309
Rocliff Jansen kill, place name, 105, 136
Rodgers, Esther, death on gallows, 523–525, 532, 534, 536
Rogers, Mr., watchmaker, 317
Rogers, J., and Ezekiel Russell, 196
Rogers, Rev. John, account of Esther Rodgers hanging, 523, 530, 531, 532
Rogers, Richard, 398
Rogers, Major Robert, 389
Rogers, Samuel, Loyalist, 186
Rogers, Susannah, elegy by, 40
Rolfe, Rev. Benjamin, 323
Rolins I. (?), 137
Rollos, John, Chief Graver of Seals, 557
Roman antiquities, 147; Camden, 148; Cotton, 151
The Roman History (Goldsmith), 246
Roos, John, Chief Graver of Seals, 554, 556, 557
Rosario (ship). See Nuestra Señora del Rosario (ship)
Rotherhithe (London suburb), map-makers, 83
Rousseau, J. J., 323
Rowley, Mass., 142; Samuel Phillips, 43
Roxbury, Mass., 93, 345; Roxbery, 141; first mayor, 236; Thomas Gray, 353; Thomas Weld, 408
Royal Society of London, 156, 466, 485
Royalists, Courtenay family, 68
Royalists. See also Tories
Ruggles, Mrs., Roxbury, 345
Ruggles, Nathaniel, Harvard student, 243, 245, 344, 353
Russell, Betsey, 569
Russell, Calvin, 569
Russell, Judge Chambers, Blackburn portrait, 385
Russell, Ezekiel, career, 196–197; Loyalist to patriot, 196, 197, 200, 202; “The Indian Vision,” 197–200; The Swansea Vision, 200–202; A Short Relation, 202–205; Angel, Devil and Ghost, 205–209; “Gentleman of Philadelphia,” 209–211; A Wonderful Dream, 211–214; A Surprising Dream, 214; Solemn Predictions, 214–216; Bibliography, 217–219
Russell, Mary, Blackburn portrait, 384–385, 388
Russell family, 564 (Fn. 3)
“Russell’s American Almanac” (periodical), 197
Russells Delight, Hack’s Description of New England, 103
Rutgers University, scientific instruments, 431, 468
Rutherford, Thomas, 291
Rutland, Vt., 354
Rutters, sailing directions, Spanish, 78, 79
Rutters. See also Portolans; Sea charts
Rye, Me., Hack’s Description of New England, 102
Rye, N. Y., 138
Ryece, Robert, 124
S.W., “Angel, Devil and Ghost,” 205–209
Sabbatarianism, about John Cotton’s treatise on the duration of the Sabbath, 505–509; English Puritans, 505; New England and duration of Sabbath, 506; John Cotton’s treatise, 506–507; contemporary studies, 507; Cotton manuscript, 507–509; text, 509–522
Sabbath. See Sabbatarianism
Saco, Me., Massachusetts control, 126
Saco River, 143, settlement to, 96; early maps, 112
Saffery, Solomon, 126, 127, 131, 132, 134; 1642 mission, 93; Indian locations, 94; Indian paths, 97; Blue Hills, 111; southern New England, boundary of Bay Colony, 124–125
Sailing directions. See Rutters
St. Botolph (Boston, Lincolnshire, Eng.), 400
St. Lawrence River, Hack’s Description of New England, 89; Hack’s London atlas, 109
St. Mary’s (Cambridge, Eng.?), 400
Sakonnet Indians, Hack’s Description of New England, 95, 96, 107
Salem, Mass., 115, 123, 352, 353, 443, 474, 482; witchcraft, 40, 136, 529; Hack’s Description of New England, 92, 142; Hack’s London atlas, 109; Ezekiel Russell, 196, 197; Samuel Curwen, 384; Mary Lynde, 391; 1774 General Court, 422, 423; First Church, Prince, 431, 436, 445, 447; Salem Philosophical Library, 442; Alexander Wilson, 446; scientific men, 479; Silliman lectures, 482; Salem Athenaeum, 487; Miles Greenwood, 565, 566, 567, 568; East Church, 568
The Salem Gazette (newspaper), Russell, 197
Salem Imprints (Tapley), 197
Salem Philosophical Library, 442–444; catalogue of, 486–489
Salisbury, Sally, Kneller portrait, 388
Salisbury, Mass., Hack’s Description of New England, 92, 142; John Wheelwright, 413
Sallisbury (Salisbury), Mass., 142
Sallust, Harvard curriculum, 246, 252, 256, 258, 260, 265, 279
Saltonstall, Mr., Harvard, 57; Salting-stall, 123
Saltonstall, Nathaniel, King Philip’s War, 119
Saltonstall, Sir Richard, 123
Saltonstall, Samuel, 123
Sambala Islands, 82
Sanders, Daniel C., Harvard student, 288, 289, 290, 293
Sandwich, Mass., 140
Saratoga, N. Y., Burgoyne, 371
Sauce (Saco) River, 143
Saugus, Mass., jasper, 482
Saunders, Mr., 297, 298, 306, 325, 326, 330
Saway (Souhegan) River, Hack’s Description of New England, 90, 103, 142
Sawkins, Richard, buccaneer, 77
Sawyer, William, Newbury, 266
Saxon Chronicles, 158
Say and Sele, Viscount (William Fiennes), 105
Saybrook, Conn., 138; settlement, 97; name, 105
Sayl Isle, Hack’s Description of New England, 100, 140
Sayward, Jono., Blackburn portrait, 384
Scales, Stephen, tutor, Harvard, 55; 1769 revolt, 184
Scammell, Alexander, Harvard patriot, 187, 190
Scarborough, Me., Hack’s Description of New England, 103; Hack’s London atlas, 109
Scath, Anne, 566
Schechner, Sara J., “John Prince and Early American Scientific Instrument Making,” 431–503
Schuyler, Philip, Canadian expedition, 425
Sciences and science teaching, natural science, Harvard, 233; religion and, 439–442, 480–482; practical versus theoretic speculation, 465–466; diffusion of scientific information, 478–479, 485
Sciences and science teaching. See also Harvard College. Science; Natural philosophy; Scientific instruments
Scientific instruments, “John Prince and Early American Scientific Instrument Making,” 431–503; John Prince, supplier and repairer for academic institutions, 431, 439, 468–479, 482, 484; role of makers and instruments, 433–434; Prince as instrument maker, 446–465; London makers, 448, 449, 450, 451, 453, 461, 464, 468, 470, 472, 474, 478, 479, 485; Prince as agent of diffusion of scientific knowledge in United States, 465–479; English imports, 468; 1600s to early 1800s not a distinct craft, self-taught, 483–485; English guild system, 484; English rivaled by Prince innovative improvements, 485; instruments repaired or sold by John Prince, Harvard archives records, 489–502
Scientific instruments. See also Adams, George; Harvard College; Jones, William & Samuel; Prince, John; and names of instruments, such as Telescopes
Scilly Islands, 1680 chart, 75
Scituate, Mass., Hack’s Description of New England, 102
Scotland, Isthmus of Darien scheme, 81, 82; Robert Cotton, 154; tutor to Henry, Prince of Wales, 160; Act of Union, 1707, 555; depression, 562
Scott County, Ind., 561
The Scripture Doctrine of the Holy and Undivided Trinity (Clarke), 322
Sea charts, 64; Hack, periplus, 76; Ringrose, 77; Sharp, Spanish charts, Derrotero, Waggoner, 77, 78–81; English manuscript, seventeenth century, 83; Thames School, 84; portolans, 86; marine hazards on, 99
Sea charts. See also Portolan charts; Rutters
Sea kill (Croton River?), 136
Seaconck (Seekonk), Mass., 139
Seafaring, and mapmaking, 74
Seaflower (sloop), 417
Seals. See Great Seal Deputed
Seaton, Christopher, seal engraver, 558
Seccomb, Rev. John, Harvard, Mass., Great Awakening, 546–547
Second Church (Beverly, Mass.). See under Beverly, Mass.
Seider, Christopher, Boston Massacre, 421
Selden, John, 155; Common-wealth of Learning, 145; Historie of Tithes, 151; Cottonian Library, 158; collection to Bodleian, 171
Separatists, 545
A Sermon, Occasioned by the Execution of a Man Found Guilty of Murder (Mather), 531
Sermons and Tracts (Grove), 345
The Sermons of Wm. Yorick (Sterne), 271
Seven Liberal Arts, Harvard curriculum, 239
Seven Years’ War, 234
Sewall, Jonathan, 418
Sewall, Samuel, 221, 223; on blacks, 537
Seymour, Governor, Maryland, 555
Shaftsbury, Earl of, 68
Shakers, 550; absorb Ireland followers, 549
Shakespeare, [William], 178
Shaking Swamp (Shirley, Mass.), 7
Shapleigh, Samuel, 296, 321, 323
Sharp, Bartholomew, buccaneer, journal, 77, 79; Spanish manuscript of Pacific, 77–78, 79; log, 1680–1682, 82
Shaw, William S., 235
Shelter Island (Isle), Hack’s Description of New England, 91, 137
Shepard, Thomas, preacher, 394, 399; anti-Antinomian, 405, 406; synod, 407; Hutchinson, 412
Sheppard (Shepherd), Dr. Timothy, Medfield, 308
Sherbom, Mass., 279; Hick’s Description of New England, 102
Sherman, John, 1652, source of Merrimac, 125
Ship Tavern (Charlestown, Mass.), 179
Shipton, Clifford (Ted) K., resumé of career, 3; Harvard University Archives, 3–4; American Antiquarian Society, 4, 18; Sibley’s Harvard Graduates, 4–5, 17–18; Dorothy Shipton, 5; organizations, 6; other writings, 6; at home in Shirley Center, Mass., 6–7; Colonial Society, 7–8; Early American Imprints Series, 9–16, 18; ideal “Puritan,” 17; writings, books, 1920; articles, 20–24; obituaries by, 24–27; reviews of books, 27–34; selected articles about Shipton, 34; memorial articles about, 34–35; Cohen count of Loyalists, patriots in Harvard Graduates, 186; intellectualism, freedom, at early Harvard, 187; Mather-Ashurst letters, 221; Pitt Clarke diary, 231; John Prince, 431–432; quoted on authoritarianism in colonial church, 541
Shipton, Dorothy Boyd MacKillop, 5
Shipton, George, 7
Shipton, Nathaniel, 8
Shirley Center, Mass., Shipton home, 7, 13; town offices held by Shipton, 7
Shirley Historic Districts Study Committees, 7
Shirley Taxpayers’ Associations, Shipton, 7
Shoale R[iver], Hack’s Description of New England, 101
Shoreditch (London suburb), map-makers, 83
Short, James, telescope, 457, 502
A Short Relation (vision), 192; printed by Ezekiel Russell, 196, 197, 200, 202–205
A Short Story (Weld), 408
Shrewsbury, Duke of. See Somers, Sir John
Shrewsbury, Mass., 277
Shute, Gov. Samuel, 221
Sibbes, Richard, “spirit of love,” 399; influence on John Cotton, 400, 401
Sibley, John Langdon, 3
Sibley’s Harvard Graduates, Shipton, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 13, 17–18, 232; John Langdon Sibley, 4–5; Samuel Phillips, Jr., 39; Cohen study of Loyalists, patriots, in, 186; Enos Hitchcock, 363; John Prince, 432
Sidbery (Sudbury), Mass., 141
Sidney, Algernon, 190
Sidney, Sir Philip, 148
Silliman, Benjamin, on Prince library, 443; Prince kaleidoscope, 462; Prince’s charges, 474; geology lectures, 482
Silversmiths, 483
Simpkins, Rev. John, 301, 320, 321
Simpson, Thomas, 295
Sin. See Confessions
Skipstons (N.Y.?), 136
Skowhegan, Me., 567
Slaves, Parson Phillips, 43, 44; English rebels, slaves in Barbados, 69; Enos Hitchcock, 377
Sloan, Dr. Hans, Sharp, Ringrose, Cox journals, 79
Small pox, Pitt Clarke inoculation, 266–268
Smeaton, J., air pump, 453, 454, 455
Smibert, John, painter, 380, 386–387, 389, 391; output, 381, 390
Smith, Adam, nature of virtue, 338–340; Harvard curriculum, 294, 313
Smith, David, Harvard student, 243, 270, 294, 314, 353
Smith, Elezear, Medfield, 256
Smith, Rev. Elias, Middleton, 365
Smith, Elizabeth, quoted on Revolutionary Harvard, 188
Smith, Mr. I., 340
Smith, Isaac, Loyalist Harvard tutor, librarian, 186, 265, 280, 282, 295
Smith, Joel, Medfield, 258
Smith, Capt. John, 87; 1616 New England map, 99, 104, 106, 107, 123, 127; availability of maps, 122, 129
Smith, Nat, Great Awakening, 545–546
Smith, Richard, garrison house, 121
Smith, Prof. Thomas R., 62; identification of mapmakers, 83
Smith, Rev. William, Weymouth, 416
Smiths Isles (Isles of Shoals), 107
Smithsonian Institution (Museum of History and Technology), 455, 503
Smybert, John. See Smibert, John
Society and Puritanism in Pre-Revolutionary England (Hill), 507
Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America, 6
Society of American Archivists, 4, 6
Society of Antiquaries, London, 145; members, 155–156; dissolved, 156; Lumley, 161
Society of the Cincinnati, 375
Solberg, Winton U., “John Cotton’s Treatise on the Duration of the Lord’s Day,” 505–522
Solemn Predictions (vision), 192, 214
Somers, Sir John, and Walter Yonge, 69; Hack map of Isthmus of Darien, 70; South Sea Waggoner, 80; A Collection of Original Voyages, 81; 1699 map dedication, 82
Somerset, Earl of, Robert Cotton, 158–159
Sons of Liberty, 176, 196, 207
Sons of the American Revolution, 189
Sorel River, Hack map, 109
Sotheby’s (London), Mather-Ashurst letters, 221
Souhegan (Saway) River, Hack’s Description of New England, 90, 103, 142
South America, voyage by buccaneers, 1681/82, journal, 76–77; Hack charts, 81
South Byfield, Mass., Dummer School, 49
South Carolina, Gascoyne, cartographer, 84
South County, R. I., Hack’s Description of New England, 95, 139
South Kingston, R. I., 102
South Sea Company, Hack waggoner, 74
South Sea Waggoner (Hack), John Somers, 70; William Hill, 74; 1682–1687, 79; 1690s, 79–80
Southampton, N. Y., 137; settlement, 97
Southerton (Stonington), Conn., 138; settlement, 97
Southold, N. Y., settlement, 97
Southwack [?], place name, 142
Southwell, Sir Robert, maps for Lords of Trade, 85, 131
Sow and Piggs (shoal), Sow and Pigs Reef, 140; Hack, Seller, maps, 100
Soyle Isle, Seller’s map, 100
Spain and the Spanish, 73, 76, 128, 210; manuscript of Spanish-occupied Pacific, 77–79; Scottish Isthmus of Darien scheme, 82; Bodley, diplomat in Netherlands, 163; Bodley book purchasing, 165
Sparks, Jared, 3
Spaw Sachem, name, 107, 119, 139
Speed, John, 156
Spelman, Henry, 155
Spring, Dr. Marshall, Watertown, 267, 271
Springfield, Mass., 249, 353; 1642 mission, 93; Hack’s Description of New England, 95, 138; settlement, 97; Woodward-Saffery mapping, 125; James Taylor, 131; Hitchcock family, 363
Spruce Creek, 142
Spurwink River, 143
Squaw Sachem, map name, 107
Stamford, Conn., 138; settlement, 97
Stamp Act, 176, 178, 190; in vision, 208; John Adams, 420
Stanford (Stamford), Conn., 138
Staniford, Daniel, Harvard, 243, 353
Stanly, Bethia, confession, 527
Stannard, David, salvation, 526
Stansby, Robert, 405
Staten Island, 122
Stationers’ Company, Oxford, 164; agreement with Bodleian Library, 169
Stearns, [Luther], Harvard, 355
Stedman, Mr., 311, 316, 328, 329, 345
Steevens, William, 1665 map of Massachusetts, 126
Stepney (London suburb), mapmakers, 83
Sterne, Laurence, 271
Stiles, Ezra, Yale, 373; science, 440; Nat Smith, 546; on Mother Ann Lee, 549
Stiles, Mrs. Ezra, 376
Stillman, Rev. Samuel, Boston, 264, 319
Stillwater, Battle of, 370
Stimson, Mary Jones, second wife of Pitt Clarke, 236
Stirk, George, 226
Stokes, I. N. Phelps, Hack map, 66; about William Hack, 72, 73; Adriaen Block, 99
Stone, Edmund, 304
Stone, Hugh, confession, 536–537
Stone, Micah, Harvard, 243, 354
Stonington, Conn., 138; settlement, 97
Storer, Mr. [Ebenezer], 492
Story, Rev. Mr., Marblehead, 365
Stoughton, William, Boston agent to London, charter revision, 116, 130, 131, 132; witch trials, 136
The Straights (Connecticut River), Hack’s Description of New England, 100, 138
Stratford, Conn., 138
Stuart, Gilbert, 385
Stuarts (England), 145; charter recall, 68; Robert Cotton, politics, 158
Stubbings, Frank H., 509
The Student and Pastor (Mason), 344
Student unrest. See under Harvard College
Students for a Democratic Society, 187
Sturbridge, Mass., 276, 294, 328, 352
Sturgeon’s (Sturgions) Island, Hack’s Description of New England, 88, 98, 140
Stuyvesant, Governor, 105
Sudburry (Sudbury), Mass., 141
Sudbury, Mass., 562; Hack’s Description of New England, 103; Sudburry, 141
Sudbury (Suffolk, Eng.), 566
Sudbury River, Waters-Winthrop map, 124
Suffolk County, Hack’s Description of New England, 92; place names, 140–141; Blackburn record search, 386; John Adams, 417; court records, 568
Sugar (Revenue) Act of 1764, 176
Sullavan,———, Harvard, 252
Sullivan, George, Harvard student, 243, 354
Sullivan, James, Harvard student, 243, 354
Sullivan, John, Harvard student, 243, 354
Sullivan, Gen. John, 354
Sunday. See Sabbatarianism
Sunderland, Earl of, 556
Surinam, 387
Surinam (Thornton), map, 84
A Surprising Dream (vision), 192, 193, 214
Surveying, 465, 484; Harvard curriculum, 293, 294, 295; early metal workers turned to instrument making, 483
Susquehanna River, 122
Sutton, Mass., 542
Swain, Rev. Joseph, Wenham, 365
Swampscott, Mass., 141
Swamsey (Swansea), Mass., 140
Swans Gut (Swampscott), Mass., 141
Swansea, Mass., 108; Hack’s Description of New England, 102, 104, 140; raid, 118; Berry-Morden, Seller, 119
“The Swansea Vision,” 192, 195, 196, 197, 200–202, 211
Swift, Jonathan, quoted, 103
Sylvester, Brinley, Newport, R.I., 381
Sylvester, Margaret. See Chesebrough, Mrs. David
Symbolism, in “The Indian Vision,” 200; “The Swansea Vision,” 201–202; A Short Relation, 205; “Angel, Devil and Ghost,” 209; “A Gentleman of Philadelphia,” 211
The Tablet (periodical), 353
Tacitus, 189
Talbot, Elsie, 375
Talbot, Silas, 375
Talbot, Thomas (“Limping”), 155, 158
Tannton (Taunton), Mass., 140
Tapley, Harriet Silvester, 200; Salem Imprints, 197
Tapley (Devonshire, Eng.), 80
Tappan, Mr., Holliston, 280
Tappan, John, Harvard student, 243, 354
Taunton, Mass., 72, 96, 139, 140; Bristol Academy, 236; Robert Treat Paine, 420, 428; Paine to General Court, 422; Daniel Leonard, 423
Taylor, James, copying of 1665 map, 131, 132, 133
Tea, Harvard tea protest, 177, 185
Tea. See also Boston Tea Party
Telescopes, 456; eighteenth-century instruments, 457; Short, 477; eighteenth-century America, 483
Telescopes. See also under Prince, John
Templeton, Mass., 566
Tenant[?], Dr., 329
Tennent, [Gilbert], 544
Terence, Harvard curriculum, 279, 282
Texel (Martha’s Vineyard), early maps, 99
Textile trade, Drapers’ Company, 83
Thacher, Miss, 309
Thacher, Mrs., 313, 314, 315, 317, 318, 320, 326, 328, 343, 346
Thacher, Rev. Peter, Boston, 251, 253, 354
Thacher, Thomas Cushing, Harvard student, 243, 310, 319, 323, 324, 325, 327, 346, 354
Thames River (Conn.), 97, 103, 138, 139
Thames River (London), 150
Thames School, cartography, 61, 75–76, 83–86, 90, 110, 116; Drapers’ Company, 83; apprentices, masters, 83; work, style, 84; material success, 85–86; portolan charts, 86; rhumb lines, 87; trees as boundary markers, 91; Marta’s Vineyard, 98; latitude and longitude lines, 120
Thatcher, Th., 319
Theodorus: A Dialogue Concerning the Art of Preaching (Fordyce), 344
Theological Repository (Priestley), 286
Theology. See Antinomians and Antinomianism; Religion; Sabbatarianism
Theory of Moral Sentiments (Smith), 294, 313, 338–340
Thermometers, 483
30 Mile Island, Hack’s Description of New England, 101
Thirty Years’ War, 169
Thomas, Ruth E., 232
Thomas, Thomas Ap, Harvard student, 243, 354
Thompson, Thomas W., Harvard tutor, 287, 292, 294, 298, 299, 315
Thoreau, Henry, 179
Thornton, John, map publishing, 76, 135; Thames School, 83, 84; Indians, New England maps, 96; roads on maps, 97; locations on maps, 104; New Map of New England, 91, 112, 121; Bibliotheque Nationale map, 112; comparison of early maps, 112–113
Thornton, Mary, 566
Thornton, Samuel, mapmaker, 84
Thou, Jacques Auguste de, library, 151
Three Centuries of English and American Plays (microprint ed.), 10
Thynne Family (Wiltshire, Eng.), manuscripts, 146; Francis, 158
Tijger (ship), Adriaen Block, 105
Tilton, Daniel, Harvard student, 354
Tinker’s Island, 141
Tinsmiths, 483
Tiverton, R. I., Hack’s Description of New England, 95
Tompson, Benjamin, verse, 117
Topsfield, Mass., 373, 565; Hack’s Description of New England, 102
Tories (politics), Courtenay family, England, 68; Hutchinson, Massachusetts, 181; visions, 192, 205; Ezekiel Russell, 196, 197; A Wonderful Dream, 211
Tories (politics). See also Loyalists
A Tour Through Sicily & Malta (Brydone), 266
Towne, Daniel, 565
Towner, Lawrence W., “True Confessions and Dying Warnings in Colonial New England,” 523–539
Townsend, Mr., 276
Townsend, Salla, 280
Townshend Duties, 176, 182, 189; in vision, 208
Tradition Looks Forward (Lindsay), 499
Transylvania College, 443, 468
Trapier, Paul, Harvard student, 311, 354
Trask, Mr., Beverly, 367
Trask, Goody, confession, 527
Treat, Robert, 416
A Treatise of Algebra (Emerson), 293
A Treatise of Fluxions (Simpson), 295
Trecothick and Thomlison, London agents, 383
Trigonometry, Harvard curriculum, 295, 296, 297
Trinitarianism, Pitt Clarke, 237, 356–357
Trinity College (Cambridge), 162; John Cotton, 400
Trott, Martha (Lady Clayton), Blackburn portrait, 385–386
Trowbridge, Mr., 418
Troy (ancient), 134
True Confessions and Dying Warnings, 523–539
“A True Description of a Number of Tyrannical Pedagogues” (poem), 184
Trumbull, John, surrender of Burgoyne, 370; Dunlap on, 380
Truro, Mass., Hitchcock, 363, 364, 365, 366
Tuckenuck Island, 140
Tucker, Col. Henry, Blackburn portrait, 380, 382
Tucker, [Ichabod], Harvard, 355
Tucker family, Blackburn portraits, 380, 381
Tuckernut Island, Hack’s Description of New England, 100
Tufts, Dr., 419
Tufts, Abijah, Harvard student, 243, 323, 345, 354
“Turkish Tyranny,” Harvard regulations, 1768, 189
Turner, Mr., Sturbridge, 277
Turner, [Frederick J.], thesis, 525
Tuscola (Ill.) Journal (newspaper), 561, 562
Tuttle, Julius H., 507
Twisse, William, John Cotton, 401
Twyne, Brian, archivist, 168
Tyler, Moses Coit, 194, 199, 207
Tyngsboro, Mass., 354
Uncas (Indian), 95
Union College, 443; scientific instruments, 431, 468, 500
Unitarians, Pitt Clarke, 356
United States, college and university archives, 4; early comprehension of, 114, national library, 162; John Adams, 415; continental works in Salem library, 442; diffusion and growth of scientific knowledge, 478, 479
United States. Congress, 352, 353, 354
Upham, Rev. Caleb, Truro, 364, 366
Upham, Rev. Charles W., Salem, 437, 443, 462, 529
Upham, Priscilla, Truro, 366
Uppsala University (Sweden), 16
Ussher, James, Cottonian Library, 157, 158
Utrecht, N. Y., 137
Vacuum, eighteenth-century instrumentation, 451–456
Vane, Henry, governor, 405, 407
Varnum, James Mitchell, 1768 Harvard revolt, 183
Vassal, Mr., 289
Vassall, Col. Henry, Blackburn portrait, 379
Velasco map, 132
Ventiman, Elizabeth, 566
Vermont, 215, 352; Hack’s Description of New England, 65, 88, 89; settlement, 97
Vermont, University of, scientific instruments, 468, 471, 477, 479, 497–499; natural philosophy, 479
Vermont Corporation, 499
Verrazzano, Giovanni da, 99, 132
Verse, patriotic, Ezekiel Russell, 197
Verse. See also American literature
Victoria History of the Counties of England, 148
Vines, Capt. Richard, 107
Vineyard Sound, Hack’s Description of New England, 100
Virginia, 104, 106, 115, 134; seal, 552, 555
Virginia, University of, 16, 442
Virtue, nature of, 338–340
“The Vision of Mirza,” 191 (Fn. 1)
“Vision of Nathan Culver,” Ezekiel Russell, 209
Visions (1769–1791), literature of revolt in prophetic language, 193; survey of, in late eighteenth-century America, 191–217; bibliography, 217–219
Visscher, Nicolaes, 120; Novi Belgii Novaeque Angliae, 98
Voltaire, 288
Vose, Roger, Harvard student, 243, 313, 320, 328, 344, 354
de Vosken (ship), Jan de With, 105
Voyages and Adventures of Capt. Barth. Sharp (Ayres), 77
W., B., “Gentleman of Philadelphia” vision, 209–211
W., S., “Angel, Devil and Ghost,” 205–209
WPA, imprints survey, 9
Wachusett Lake, Hack’s Description of New England, 91
Wading River, 137
Wadsworth, John, Loyalist, Harvard tutor, 186
Wafer, Lionel, Isthmus of Darien scheme, 82
Waggoner of the Great South Sea (Hack), 78
Waggoners. See Sea charts
Waghenaer, [Lucas Janssz], 76
Wahankasick (Livingston), 136
Waldo, Jonathan, Salem, 436
Waldo, Milly, second wife, John Prince, 436
Wales, Prince of. See Charles I
Walett, Francis G., “Shadrack Ireland and the ‘Immortals’ of Colonial New England,” 541–550
Walker, John, 272
Walker, Samuel, Harvard student, 249–250, 275, 354
Wallach, Prof. Luitpold, 509
Wallis, John, 304
Walne, Peter, “The Great Seal Deputed of Massachusetts Bay,” 551–559
Walpole, Horace, 386
Waltham, Mass., 318
Waltham Laundry Company, 562
Walton, [John], Harvard, 355
Wamesit, Mass., 104
Wampanoag Indians, 108; Hack’s Description of New England, 95, 96, 139; King Philip’s War, 118
Wanesemet (Winnesemet), Chelsea, Mass., 104, 141
Wanesik (Tewksbury), Mass., 141; Wamesit, 104
Waoronacks Country (western Connecticut), Hack’s Description of New England, 90, 91, 95, 138
Wapping (London suburb), 78; map-makers, 83
Wappings kill (Wappinger Creek), 136
War of 1637, 95
Ward, Rev. Ephraim, Brookfield, 376
Ward, [Henry], Harvard, 355
Wardwell, Samuel, alleged warlock, 40
Ware, Henry, Harvard teacher, 259, 310
Ware, Jonathan, Harvard student, 243, 273, 323, 354
Warland, Thomas, Cambridge, Mass., 292, 317, 319, 322, 337, 351, 352
Warner, Jonathan, Blackburn portrait, 383
Warner family, Blackburn portraits, 383, 389, 391
Warr, Lord De La (Thomas West), 106
Warren, Hannah, wife of Enos Hitchcock, 364
Warren, James, 424; Provincial Congress, 425; letter to John Adams, 425; Paine letter, 425–426, 427; letter from Adams, 428
Warren, John, Harvard teacher, 239, 281
Warren, Joseph, Harvard student, 239, 243, 247, 254, 267, 316, 317, 318, 319, 322, 354; patriot, 364
Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of, 105
Warwick, R. I., Hack’s Description of New England, 93, 102, 104, 139; population center, 96; name, 105; 1642 deed, 127
Washington, George, 210, 296, 371, 372, 375, 377
Washington, D. C., libraries, 13
Waterbury, Conn., Hack’s Description of New England, 95
Waterhouse, Benjamin, Harvard teacher, 239, 256, 274, 281, 293
Waters, Josiah, Harvard student, 243, 354
Waters-Winthrop map, eastern Massachusetts, 104, 124, 132
Watertown, Mass., 124, 141, 227, 291, 293, 295, 312, 313, 315, 317, 327
Waverly, R. I., 562
Wayside Museum, 6
Webber, Samuel, Harvard teacher, 248, 251, 252, 259, 262, 263, 264, 266, 272, 273, 274, 275, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 291, 292, 293, 295, 297, 304, 305, 306, 314, 320, 325; scientific instruments, 478
Weetamoo (Indian squaw), 108, 119
Welch, Andrew, mapmaker and Hack master, 75, 76, 83
Weld, Rev. Thomas, Hutchinson Synod, 408–409; excommunication trial, Hutchinson, 411
Wellesley, Mass., 562
Wells,———, Geography, 469, 490
Wells, Samuel, Harvard student, 243, 354
Wells, Me., 100, 143; Massachusetts seizure, 126
Welty, Eudora, review of Roger Conant biography, 17
Werner [?], (Weymouth), Mass., 140; Weymo, 141
Wenham, Mass., 142, 368; Joseph Swain, 365; church confessions, 527, 528
Wentworth family, 389
Wertenbaker, [T. J.], 5
Wessaguscus (Winthrop), Mass., Waters-Winthrop map, 124
West, Samuel, Harvard student, 267
West, Rev. Samuel, Needham, 252, 276, 278
West, Thomas (Lord De la Warr), 106
West Brookfield, Mass., Old Hitchcock Tavern, 363
West chester (Westchester), 136
West Country (Eng.), 65; Yonge family, 67
West Indies, 77; Hack sea charts, 80, 81; Scottish Isthmus of Darien scheme, 82; Harvard students, 174; seals, 558
Westborough, Mass., 353, 542, 545, 546
Westchester, N. Y., Hack’s Description of New England, 95, 136; Hutchinson, 413
Westchester County, 138
Westerly, R. I., settlement, 96; Hack’s Description of New England, 102
Westfield, Mass., 468; Hack’s Description of New England, 102
Westgate, Dr. R. I. W., 232
Westminster (London), Robert Cotton, 150, 151, 154, 157
Weston, Mr., Dedham, 268
West’s Harbour, 106; Wellfleet Harbor (?), 140
Wethersfield, Conn., 138; settlers from, 97
Weymouth, Mass., Hack’s Description of New England, 103, 140, 141; Waters-Winthrop map, 124; Thomas Prince, 416
Wheatly, Mr.———, 508
Wheaton, Eliza Bayliss Chapin, Norton, 237
Wheaton, Judge Laban, Norton, 237
Wheaton, Laban Morey, Norton, 237
Wheaton College, 231, 232; Pitt Clarke diary, 233
Wheelock, Mr., 286
Wheelwright, Rev. John, “Covenant of Grace,” 394, 407; Antinomians, 405, 408; trial, 409, 411; later life, 413
Whigs, England, 69, 70; William Ashurst, 222
Whiston, William, comet, 441
Whitcomb, Caroline, 563
Whitcomb family (Maine), 563 (Fn.1).
White, Elizabeth, 566
White Mountains, Hack’s Description of New England, 90
White Plains, N. Y., 371
Whitefield, George, 44, 544, 547; democratizing effects of Great Awakening, 542
Whitehill, Florence Marion Williams, mother of Walter Muir Whitehill, 561, 562–564
Whitehill, James, 562
Whitehill, Rev. John, 562
Whitehill, Walter Muir, 62, 232; “The Misbehavior of Miles Greenwood (1736–1814) of Salem,” 561–569
Whitehill, Walter Muir (father), 562
Whitfield,———, 294
Whiting, Calvin, Harvard student, 271, 290, 355
Whiting, Thurston, 1768 Harvard revolt, 181–182, 183–184
Whitney, Mr., 343
Whitney, [Peter], Harvard, 355
Whitwell, Dr., Newton, 295, 354
Whitwell, Benjamin, Harvard student, 289, 290, 295, 307, 354
Wibird, Mr., 418
Wichaskeck, Wahankasick (Livingston) (?), 136
The Wicked mans Portion (Mather), 530
Wickford, R. I., Hack’s Description of New England, 104; Roger Williams, 121, 139
Wigglesworth, Edward, Samuel Phillips, Jr., on, 53, 54 and Fn. 3, 55; Loyalist leanings, 186; Harvard teacher, 239, 247, 249, 254, 257, 272, 273, 274, 279, 291, 292, 293, 294, 298, 311, 345
Wigglesworth, Michael, 526
Wight, Oliver, Medway, 253, 269
Wightfield, Mr., 279
Wighting, Calvin, Harvard student, 288, 289
Wilcox, Denise, 62
Wilkinson, Jemima, 550
Willard, Mr., Harvard, 57
Willard, Joseph, Harvard tutor, 1768 revolt, 181, 182, 183, 184; president, 184, 233, 239, 250, 264, 265; First Church, Beverly, 366, 367; friend of Enos Hitchcock, 308, 375, 376; visits troops, 370; mathematics, astronomy, 440; Salem Philosophical Library, 442, 487; Prince air pump, 464, 480, 484; Prince, equatorial purchase, 477
Willard, Samuel, 416; analysis of society, 535
Willard, Sydney, 368
Willens family, 566
William and Mary (college), 443
William and Mary (rulers), 80; take crown, 69; Commission for the Customs, 69–70; death of Mary, 70; Increase Mather, 225; Massachusetts Bay seal, 553, 555
William and Mary Quarterly (periodical), 6
“William Hack and the South Sea Buccaneers” (Lynam), 72
William L. Clements Library, 13
Williams, Elsie, 561–562
Williams, Flora Greenwood, 561
Williams, Florence Marion. See Whitehill, Florence Marion Williams
Williams, John Thomas, 561
Williams, Roger, 104, 121, 125, 139
Williams, Samuel, 352; Harvard teacher, 239, 248, 250, 251, 254, 256, 257, 259, 260, 265, 266; the real Samuel Clarke?, 201, Fn. 6; John Prince, 431, 436; mathematics, natural philosophy, 440; divinity instruction, 440, 441; University of Vermont, 479; science and religion, 481
Williams College, 443, 448; scientific instruments, 431, 468, 499, 500
Williamsburg, Va., 6
Willimantic River, 125
Wilson, Alexander, ornithologist, 446
Wilson, James, Harvard, 245
Wilson, John, John Cotton, 402, 407; anti-Antinomian, 405
Wilson, Thomas, public records, England, 152–153
Wiltshire County (Eng.), Thynne Family, Longleat, 146
Winchendon, Mass., 368
Winchester, Eng., Hack family, 73, 74
Windham County, Conn., during Great Awakening, 543
Windsor, Conn., 125, 138; settlers from, 97
Wine Jesignall [sic], 143
Winnepesaukee, Lake, Hack’s Description of New England, 88, 89, 91, 118, 134; Hack London atlas, 109; source of Merrimac, 115, 125, 127; land claims, 116; Hubbard, Foster, 117
Winniseme (Chelsea), Mass., 104; Winnesemet, 141
Winsor, Mr., 318
Winsor (Windsor), Conn., 138
Winter Harbour (Biddeford Pool), Me., 107, 143
Winthrop, Esquire, 313, 323, 330, 344, 345
Winthrop, Mr., 418
Winthrop, Mrs., funeral, 305
Winthrop, John, Harvard professor, 431; John Prince teacher, 438–439, 440, 441; scientific activities, 466; purchases from Prince, 470
Winthrop, Gov. John, mapping, 94, 104, 124, 127, 132; Merrimac River, 115, 124; Winnepesaukee, 118; Boyle correspondence, 227; John Cotton, 402; anti-Antinomian, 405, 406; synod, 408; Hutchinson, 411; “Christian Experience,” 526; God-oriented community, 535; on liberty, 537
Winthrop, John, Jr., grant, New London, 125
Winthrop-Waters map, eastern Massachusetts, 104, 124, 132
Wippanaps Country, Hack’s Description of New England, 90, 95, 143
Wiscasset, Me., 565
Wise, John, 524
Witchcraft, Andover, 40; Salem Village, 529; trials, 535
With, Capt. Jan de, explorer, 105
Withers, Francis, Harvard student, 311, 354
Witherspoon, John, Princeton president, 187
Woburn, Mass., 141
Wochester (Worcester), Mass., Hack map, 109
Wolff, Christian, 304
Women, fecundity, 341
“A Wonderful Dream” (vision), 192, 193, 211–214
Wooburne (Woburn), Mass., 141
Wood, Capt. John, Strait of Magellan report, 82
Wood, William, 1634 map, 94, 104, 106, 127, 132; first New England map by settler, 122–123
Woodberry, Joseph, Beverly, 367
Woodbridge, Samuel, 288, 305, 315, 316
Woodcock, John, garrison house, 121
Woodward, Nathaniel, 1642 mission, 93, 127, 131, 132, 134; Indian locations, 94; Indian paths, 97; Blue Hills, 111; southern New England, boundary of Bay Colony, 124–125
Woolston, Thomas (?), 346
Worcester, Mass., 5, 14, 18; founded, 97; Hack’s Description of New England, 102; Hack London atlas, Wochester, 109; John Adams, 415, 417; court, 418
Worcester County, 142; Blackburn record search, 386
Worcester Torch Club, 6
World War II, veterans, 7
Worster, Abijah, Ireland disciple, 547
Worthley, Dr. Harold F., 232
Wragg, Samuel, Harvard student, 355
Wrentham, Mass., 263, 289; Solomon Clark, 234
Wright, Edward, projection, 82
Writer’s Projects (Massachusetts), Shipton, 3
Wyatt, Capt. William, 566
Wyeth, John, Cambridge, 271, 306, 310, 312, 313, 318, 323, 329, 342, 344
Wyeth Pond, 137
Wyth, Widow, 55
Yale University, 55, 174, 182, 183, 509; library, 12, 443; Seller map, 1676, 91, 120; Revolutionary patriots, 186–187; Manasseh Cutler, 366; Ezra Stiles, 373; Thomas Clap, 440, 485; John Prince, 468, 470
Yarding, Wading River (?), N. Y., 137
Yarmouth, Mass., Hack, Seller maps, 104, 140
Yonge, Sir George, Hack map, 65, 66
Yonge, Sir John, 68
Yonge, Sir Walter, 80; first owner, Hack’s Description of New England, 65, 67, 121, 130; family, 67–68; about, 68–71; map dedication, 144
York, Me., Hack’s Description of New England, 100, 103; Hack’s London atlas, 109; Massachusetts control, 126
Young, Patrick, Lumley Library, 161
Young, Sir Walter. See Yonge, Sir Walter
Young Socialist Alliance, 187