Relation of Abigail Wheelock, August 21, 17851

I desire gratefully to acknowledge the goodness of God to me, in casting my lot in a Land of Gospel light and knowledge where I have had the way and means of Salvation made known to me in and through the redeemer, and for the Strivings of the holy spirit with my soul, and for the special awakenings of his providence. I Adore the divine patience and Long suffering to me, in the enjoyment of these and his many other mercies. that he has not given me over to an impenetrable hardness of Heart. but has by the powerful preaching of his Word, and the dispensations of his providence, brought me to See the wretchedness of my condition by nature, and by my many actual sins. I freely acknowledge I have been a great sinner but now seriously resolve by the grace of God to forsake every sin, and to live a religious Life devoted to the service of my maker.

Respecting my faith—I believe in God the Father Son and Holy spirit, and the holy Scriptures to be his word and given for the rule of my faith and Conduct, and do subscribe to the articles of the christian faith as espressed and comprehended in the Apostles Creed, and assemblys catechism. I most sincerely implore forgivness of God in and through Jesus Christ for my manifould sins and Neglects of His ordinances, and wherein I have given any just occation of offence to any of you his People, I ask your candor and forgivness, and your prayers for me that I may be a worthy commimceant and adorn the profession I have now made, and at last be received into the eternal Fruition of God in the Kingdom of Glory.

Abigal Whelock

1 Abigail, daughter of Moses and Abihal Wheelock, was born on Aug. 10, 1765; married Benjamin Bowman (1761–1828) on Nov. 15, 1786; and died on Apr. 20, 1801; Vital Records of Westborough, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849 (Worcester, MA: Franklin P. Rice, 1903), 105, 218, 230. She and Benjamin had four children: Josiah Brigham; Daniell; Abihail; and Susannah; ibid., 22–23. Abigail Wheelock was “admitted a Member and Baptized” on Aug. 21, 1784; Westborough Church Records, 250, Digital image of the relation: (images 23–24). The filing notation reads: “Abigail Wheelock’s Relation,” with the additional information, “Sarah Nurse admeted member of this Church. Abigail Wheelock admeted a member and baptized. Baptized Mercy, Joel and William Nurse, Children of Mary Nurse. Benjamin, Son of Samuell Thurston. Westborough, August 21, 1785.”