Relation of Ruhamah Frost, October 16, 17851

I desire with greatatude to praise God who has given me my being in a Land of Gosple light and of Such Pearents who gave me up to God in Baptissam while Young and Instructed me in my duty to God and man—but So fooLlish and Unwise was I that I lightly esteemed there Instructions and being unmindfull of my duty to God who made and preserves my Soul I Life and liveing in Neglect of God, disObaying the preseps of my dear Redemer, for which I desire to take Shame to myself, and do thus publicly Ask forgiveness of God through Christ, and of all whom I have Ingured—being at last in some Measure brought to a Sence of my Missarable Condition by Neature and how I have been living as it ware, dead, in trespesses and Sins and without God in the world it apears a wonder to me that I am yet [at his?] Side Everlasting Missary and that God is yet Inviteing me to Come to the waters of Life (who has Stood out So long)—but Blessed be his Name that he is yet, by his Holy Spirit Inviteing me to Accept of his Sion—by Saying Come unto me all yea that Leabour and are heavey leaden and you Shall find rest to your Souls—and also from what is Said in Isaiah let the wicked forsake his way and the Unrighteous Man his thoughts and let him return unto the Lord and to our God who will Aboundently pardon I would now by Gods grace Assisting give myself up to the Lord Imploreing the eads and Assistance of his holy Spirit, and your prayers to Almighty God for me that I may walk worthy of this my profession and be a worthy Communicant at the Table of the Lord.

Ruhamah Frost

Westboro October 16, 1785

1 Ruhamy, daughter of Eliezer and Ruhamy Pratt of Shrewsbury, was born on April 16, 1732, and married Thomas Frost in May 8, 1760; Vital Records of Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849 (Worcester, MA: Franklin P. Rice, 1904), 87, 205. As Parkman wrote in his diary on that latter date, “I marry Mr. Thomas Frost to Miss Ruhamah Pratt here at my House.” The published vital records for both Shrewsbury and Westborough give the date as “May __, 1762.” Two of her children were baptized in the Westborough church. She was dismissed to the church in Wrentham, February 27, 1787, and died there on September 13, 1813, in her 82nd year. For Frost’s admission: Westborough Church Records, 251, Digital image of the relation: (images 3–4). The filing notation reads “Ruhamah Frosts Relation, October 16, 1785.”