Relations of Faith and Confessions of Sin

The following relations and confessions are among the collections of the Westborough Center for History and Culture at the Westborough Public Library.1 A lager collection of relations and confessions is among the Parkman Family Papers (Box 2, Folder 2) at the American Antiquarian Society.2

The transcriptions follow the “expanded” method. The purpose is to make the records easier to read and to search without completely changing the document (i.e., making a “modernized” transcription).3 Abbreviations have been expanded unless commonly used today (e.g., Chh becomes Church); superscript letters have been brought down to the line and the words expanded (e.g., wth becomes with, Sacramt becomes Sacrament); crossed-out words are omitted unless the words suggest something of the writer’s intentions (surely a subjective judgment); punctuation, particularly commas and semicolons, has been occasionally added—or omitted—to make reading the document easier. Spelling is unchanged, and, in a few instances, [sic] is inserted to reassure the reader that what appears in the transcription is what was written in the original document. Ampersands are changed to “and” (while &c. is changed to etc.). The thorn y has been rendered as “th” (e.g., ye, yt, ys become the, that, and this).

A few editorial decisions may seem arbitrary, but one hopes that such decisions are consistently used. Dates are uniform, with the months spelled out: for example, September 3, 1762 rather than Sept 3. 1762. Various spellings for Westborough are fully spelled out.

One exception to the expansion of abbreviations occurs in the past tense of verbs with the omission of the “e” in “ed”—or example baptizd, detaind, excusd, restord, desird, etc. In this transcription, such words remain as written.

Dates that follow the name of the person presenting the relation or confession appear as written either by the author or in the filing notation. Dates in square brackets refer to the date in the church records when an individual was admitted to the church or presented a confession.

Finally, the filing notations occasionally include more than the name and date; in such cases, the additional information is presented in a footnote.

Readers are encouraged to consult the digital images of the relations and confessions.


  • Relation of Benjamin Ball, [July 4,] 1784
  • Relation of Lucy Ball, [July 4,] 1784
  • Relation of Antipas Brigham, October 16, 1785
  • Relation of Edmund Brigham, [April 16, 1786]
  • Relation of Elizabeth Brigham, [April 16, 1786]
  • Relation of Esther Brigham, April 19, 1784
  • Relation of Gershom Brigham 3rd, 17854
  • Relation of Gershom Brigham, Jr., April 19, 1785
  • Relation of Hepzibah Brigham, October 16, 1785
  • Relation of Sarah Brigham, 1785
  • Relation of Catharine Broaders, [July 23, 1786]
  • Relation of Ruth Buck, [August 16, 1778]
  • Relation of Ruhumah Frost, October 16, 1785
  • Relation of Mehetabel Lealand, [May 23, 1784]
  • Relation of Elizabeth Miller, [December 14, 1783] 1784
  • Relation of Fortunatus Miller, [December 14, 1783]
  • Relation of Huldah Miller, April 18, 1785
  • Relation of Sarah Nurse, [August 21, 1785]
  • Relation of William Parkman, [February 23, 1766]
  • Relation of Priscilla Rice, April 3, 1763 (see under Confessions)
  • Relation of Eleanor Robbins, [July 23, 1786]
  • Relation of Joseph Robbins, [July 23, 1786]
  • Relation of Abigail Wheelock, August 21, 1785


  • Confession of Richard Barns, August [22,] 1785
  • Confession of Catharine Broaders5
  • Confession of Ruth Buck, [August 16, 1778]
  • Confession of Samuel Fay, March 14, 1785
  • Confession of James Hawes, May 2, 1785
  • Confession of Huldah Miller, April 18, 1785
  • Confession of Priscilla Rice, April 3, 1763

3 For a description of the literal, expanded, and modernized styles of transcription, see the Harvard Guide to American History, ed. Frank Freidel (rev. ed.; Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1974), 1:27–32.

4 The Westborough Church Records do not list the admission of Gershom Brigham 3rd or his wife Sarah. Their admission may have been during the period when “the Church was destitute of a Pastor.” See: Leonard, son of Gershom 3rd and Sarah Brigham was baptized on Oct. 16, 1785. See:

5 The Westborough Church Records do not include the confession of Catharine Broaders. She was admitted to communion on July 23, 1786, possibly making her confession on the same day.