Relation of Lucy Ball, [July 4,] 1784 1
I believe thir is one god in three parsons and I beleve that god made man holy and uprite after his own image but man being left to the freedom of his own will fell from that Estate lost the image of god and So became dead to all good and prone to all Evil but god knowing that man wood fall provided a Savour; Jesus Christ that whosoever believeth in him Shall be Savid god has bin pleasd to awaken me and Shown me in Sum mesure the Lost and perishing Conditioning that I am in by nature and the need that I had of a Savour I desire to flee to Jesus Christ for refuge
I desire to renounce my own riteousness and to depend alone upon the riteousness of Christ for Salvation I desier to bless god that I was born In aland of light and brought up under the preaching of the gospil and that I was Early given up to god in baptism I woold now own my covenant with god and except of Christ as he is ofered to me in the gospil; but I would ly low in the dust and mourn before god that I have lived So Contriary to the marcyes that I have enjoyed I have had adesier to Come for Sum time but Seing my on unworthyness I was afraid but I have taken encoragement from these places in Scripture Come let us reason together Saith the Lord though your Sins be as Scarlet they Shall be as white as Snow though be red like Crimson they Shall be as wool and he that repenteth and for Saketh his Sins Shall find marcy and I thought I would come beging of god to ennable me to forsake my Sins and to turn to god with my hole heart
I would ask your exceptance of me and your prayers to god for me that I might walk agreable to this porfison
Lucy Ball
1 Lucy and Benjamin Ball were admitted into full communion, July 4, 1784; Westborough Church Records, 208; Digital image of the relation: (images 7–8). The filing notation reads: “Lucy Ball Relation 1784.”