Extant Relations Presented to the Westborough Church

Compiled by Ross W. Beales, Jr.

The manuscripts of relations of faith that were presented by prospective communicants to the Westborough church are held by the American Antiquarian Society (AAS) and the Westborough Public Library (WPL). Digital images are available through New England’s Hidden Histories (those at AAS) and the Digital Commonwealth (those at WPL). For the relations at AAS, the links are to the individual documents; for those at WPL, the links take the reader to the collection of relations, not to specific manuscripts within the collection.

The Westborough Church Records do not include the dates of admission of four individuals whose relations are extant: Sarah Brigham, Gershom Brigham 3d, and Abijah and Abigail Gale.


Date of


Link to Relation and Extracts from Ebenezer Parkman’s Diary and/or Records of the Westborough Church (WCR)

Ball, Benjamin


Benjamin Ball’s Relation

Ball, Lucy


Lucy Ball’s Relation

Bathrick, Abigail



1771 February 20 (Wednesday). Mrs. Batherick (Wife of Mr. Jonathan) was here to be examined. I spent a great deal of Time and pains with her.

1771 March 7 (Thursday). Mr. Jonathan Batherick here at Eve with his own and Wife’s Relation.

1771 March 9 (Saturday). Mrs. Abigail Batherick here, further to answer Some Questions and to have some Corrections in the Draught of her Relation.

1771 March 10 (Sunday). A great Storm, of Snow, wind, and towards Night Hail, and then Rain. Few at Meeting especially p.m. Preached on 1 Cor. 15.1 a. and p.m. Could not proceed to the Admission of the Bathericks by Reason of the small Number of Church members present.

1771 March 17 (Sunday). [Marginal notation: Took in several into the Church, viz. the Bathericks and Mrs. Parker.]

Bathrick, Jonathan



1771 February 18 (Monday). N.B. Mr. Jonathan Batherick here. Was Examined and approved.

1771 February 27 (Wednesday). Mr. Edmund Chamberlain here, dissatisfyed with Mr. Jonathan Batherick on Account of his leaving the young Mens meeting without giving any good Reason for it.

1771 March 7 (Thursday). Mr. Jonathan Batherick here at Eve with his own and Wife’s Relation.

1771 March 10 (Sunday). A great Storm, of Snow, wind, and towards Night Hail, and then Rain. Few at Meeting especially p.m. Preached on 1 Cor. 15.1 a. and p.m. Could not proceed to the Admission of the Bathericks by Reason of the small Number of Church members present.

1771 March 17 (Sunday). [Marginal notation: Took in several into the Church, viz. the Bathericks and Mrs. Parker.]

Bathrick, Lydia



1749 August 26 (Saturday). Mrs. Batherick here with her Relation.

1749 August 27 (Sunday). Admitted Mr. David Batherick and Wife into the Church and administer’d the Lord’s Supper.

Beals, Elizabeth



Beeman, Eleazer



The back side of the relation has a note (crossed out) from John Henry to Parkman, Sept. 8, 1741, stating that, although Henry promised to work for Parkman, he has bought a farm.

Bond, Lydia



1769 May 12 (Friday). Mr. Thomas Bonds wife here to be examined.

1769 May 14 (Sunday). Propounded Thomas and Lydia Bond. . . .

Bond, Thomas



1769 May 12 (Friday). Mr. Thomas Bonds wife here to be examined.

1769 May 14 (Sunday). Propounded Thomas and Lydia Bond. . . .

Bowman, Joseph



1755 December 5 (Friday). Mr. John Martyn junior here at Breakfast time. P.M. Mary Latiner here and Examin’d. Also Joseph Bowman.

1756 January 13 (Tuesday). Mr. Joseph Bowman here, chooses to Suspend his Affair of making Profession of Religion etc.

1757 August 13 (Saturday). Joseph Bowman here.

1757 August 14 (Sunday). Joseph Bowman propounded.

1757 August 27 (Saturday). Joseph Bowman.

1757 August 28 (Sunday). Baptized Joseph Bowman and admitted him into the Church. N.B. It was about 5 o’Clock when our Exercises were over.

Bradish, Ruth



1736 September 23 (Thursday). Mr. Beriah Rice’s Wife and Ruth Bradish (the latter but 14 Years of age last May) both here to Joyn with the Church.

1739 May 9 (Wednesday). P.M. Ruth Bradish here to Discourse with me in order to her joining to the Church.

1739 August 8 (Wednesday). Ruth Bradish here about her admission.

Brigham, Antipas


Antipas Brigham’s Relation

Brigham, Charles



1749 June 16 (Friday). When I return’d home, Mr. Charles Brigham was here; but I was So ill, I could not converse with him. I appointed him a Time to come again.

1749 June 19 (Monday). Mr. Charles Brigham of Grafton examin’d.

1749 June 25 (Sunday). Propounded Mr. Charles Brigham of Grafton in order to his joining in full Communion with this Church.

1749 July 29 (Saturday). Mr. Charles Brigham of Grafton here with his Relation.

1749 July 30 (Sunday). Mr. Brigham was not here as expected to be taken into the Church

1749 August 6 (Sunday). By means of Mr. Charles Brigham very long relation we were very late at Evening.

Brigham, Edmund


Edmund Brigham’s Relation

Brigham, Elizabeth


Elizabeth Brigham’s Relation

Brigham, Esther


Esther Brigham’s Relation

Brigham, Gershom, 3rd


Gershom Brigham 3rd’s Relation

Brigham, Gershom, Jr.


Gershom Brigham Jr’s Relation

Brigham, Hepzibah


Hepzibah Brigham’s Relation

Brigham, Levi



1747 March 26 (Thursday). Mr. Levi Brigham here p.m. on the Affair of his and his Wife’s joining to the Church.

1747 March 29 (Sunday). Levi Brigham and wife and Samuel Forbush and wife propounded.

1747 April 12 (Sunday). Sacrament Day, yet this Morning just as I was going out to Meeting (with my Hat in my Hand), comes Levi Brigham with his and his wife’s Relations which must be look’d over etc.

Brigham, Mehitable



1749 October 20 (Friday). Mrs. Mehitable Brigham here again to discourse with me about her joining to the Church—interrupted by Mr. Martyn who was come from Council at Sutton and Mr. Hutchinson who expects to give his answer to Grafton next Monday.

1749 November 2 (Thursday). Mrs. Hitty Brigham here again.

1749 November 4 (Saturday). Mrs. Hitty Brigham here again.

1749 November 19 (Sunday). Was much disquieted with Mrs. Mehitabel Brigham who neglected to bring her Relation to me till this Morning, nay till I was going into the Meeting House.

Brigham, Sarah


Sarah Brigham’s Relation

Name not on list of members, WCR, [393–94].

Brigham, Susanna



Broaders, Catharine


Catharine Broaders’s Relation

Buck, Ruth


Ruth Buck’s Relation

Ruth Buck’s Confession

1778 July 30 (Thursday). Ruth Buck desires to be propounded in Order to her Humiliation and joining with the Church, is Examined.

1778 August 2 (Sunday). Ruth Buck was propounded.

1778 August 3 (Monday). Mrs. [Jemima Hardy?] was here with Objections against Ruth Buck. I [advised?] Mrs. Hardy to go to her, and discourse with her. [illegible] She said she had Seen and spoke with her. [But to?] little [effect?].

1778 August 11 (Tuesday). Capt. Morse here in Defence of Ruth Buck against Mrs. Hardy; and insists on her (the latter) being distracted.

1778 August 12 (Wednesday). [I then went?], and Mr. Elijah Hardy with me, to Mr. Isaac Parker’s where dwells the widow Jemima Hardy, that I might direct her with respect to Ruth Buck. But I found her much out of her Head, and incapable of any regular Conversation.

1778 August 15 (Saturday). Miss Ruth Buck came with her Confession and Relation; and it proved a yet greater Interruption, as I was obliged to new methodize and wholly transcribe her writings for the public Reading of them. But there is no material Objection against her.

1778 August 16 (Sunday). At noon Miss Ruth Buck was here, and I read and She signed the Address she is about to make to the Church. . . .

WCR, 178: Ruth Buck, offerd Confession of breacking the Seventh Commandment and was restord. She was also admitted into full Communion.

Chamberlain, Edmund



1768 March 25 (Friday). At Eve Mr. Edmund Chamberlain and his wife here to talk with me; but they came too late and when it was a great Interruption to me—but I gave way to it, and attended upon ‘em awhile.

1768 April 23 (Saturday). Mr. Edmund Chamberlain or Wife have not come with their Relations etc.

1768 April 27 (Wednesday). Mr. Edmund Chamberlain and his Wife here with their Relations.

1768 May 1 (Sunday). Admit Edmund and Ruth Chamberlain. Administered the Lords Supper.

Chamberlain, Ruth



1768 March 25 (Friday). At Eve Mr. Edmund Chamberlain and his wife here to talk with me; but they came too late and when it was a great Interruption to me—but I gave way to it, and attended upon ‘em awhile.

1768 April 23 (Saturday). Mr. Edmund Chamberlain or Wife have not come with their Relations etc.

1768 April 27 (Wednesday). Mr. Edmund Chamberlain and his Wife here with their Relations.

1768 May 1 (Sunday). Admit Edmund and Ruth Chamberlain. Administered the Lords Supper.

Chase, Mary



1760 May 25 (Sunday). Propounded Mrs. Chase (the Doctors Wife). . . .

Crosby, Hepzibah



1749 March 3 (Friday). Hepzibah Crosby talks with me about her making a profession.

1749 March 10 (Friday). Hepzibah Crosby discourses with me about her joining with the Church.

Entwishill, Mindwell


Mindwell Entwishill’s Confession and Relation

Fay, Benjamin



Fay, Deliverance



Westborough Church Records (1763-05-29): “Deliverance Fay offerd her Confession of the Sin of Fornication and her Relation of her Faith and Experiences and was restord to the Churchs Charity & admitted into the Church”

Forbush, Hannah, Jr.



Forbush, Lucy



Frost, Ruhamah


Ruhamah Frost’s Relation

Gale, Abigail

c. 1751


WCR, 89 (Apr. 28, 1751): “Abigail Gale, the Wife of Abijah Gale, made profession of the Christian Religion, and was baptized.”

July 15, 1751, “Mr. Abijah Gale and his wife here with their Relations.”

Note: Neither Abigail nor Abijah Gale appears in the list of church members for 1751; WCR, [387] (admissions, Nov. 19, 1750–July 13, 1755).

Gale, Abijah

c. 1751


July 15, 1751, “Mr. Abijah Gale and his wife here with their Relations.”

Grout, Hannah



Grout, Jonathan



Hardy, Constantine



Hardy, Jemima



Harrington, Elizabeth



Harrington, Joseph



1767 October 14 (Wednesday). Mr. Joseph Harrington at Eve, is Examined—and I am to propound him.

1767 October 15 (Thursday). I rode to Mr. Joseph Harrington’s (his Wife being in such Circumstances that She could not well come here): examined her—at least in part. Dined there. P.M. after further Discourse with her, left her that She might take further Pains with her self.

1767 October 30 (Friday). Mr. Joseph Harrington and his Wife here at Evening with their Relations.

1767 November 1 (Sunday). Admitted Joseph and Ruth Harrington.

Harrington, Ruth



1767 October 15 (Thursday). I rode to Mr. Joseph Harrington’s (his Wife being in such Circumstances that She could not well come here): examined her—at least in part. Dined there. P.M. after further Discourse with her, left her that She might take further Pains with her self.

1767 October 30 (Friday). Mr. Joseph Harrington and his Wife here at Evening with their Relations.

1767 November 1 (Sunday). Admitted Joseph and Ruth Harrington.

How, Martha

1764-02-12 (WCR, 128 [389].)


Confession and relation

Kenney, Abigail



1773 December 31 (Friday). Mrs. Kenny (wife of Nathan) here to be examined. She was so, and approved.

1774 January 1 (Saturday). Mr. Nathan Kenny here to desire me to defer propounding his Wife, as he had thoughts to come in a little time himself.

1774 February 6 (Sunday). Mr. Stone preached here, on Luk. 24.45 a. and p.m. . . . N.B. Mr. Nathan Kennys Wife (Abigail) was propounded,

Lealand, Mehitable


Mehitable Lealand’s Relation

Mainard, Hannah



McAllester, Mary



1770 April 6 (Friday). Mrs. McAllister here and is Examined.

1770 April 15 (Sunday). I propounded Daniel McAllister and his wife.

Metcalf, Pelatiah



Westborough Church Recordsd (July 27, 1763): The Case of Peletiah Metcalf, who lies in a dangerous Languishment was laid before the Church; and he having been last Lords Day, propounded in order to his joining in full Com[m]union with this Church, and his illness was mentiond, and that it was very unlikely that he would continue to or usual Time for Persons in Health; But now his Distemper greatly increasing upon him,—(after Lecture) the Church voted to adjourn to the House of Brother Benjamin Hills, where the said Metcalf resides and is confind, that we may attend upon his profession of Religion and his admission into the Church; and to resort there immediately after the Blessing is given—our Custom in this Church of persons Standing propounded, ordinarily, a fortnight, notwithstanding.

The Church accordingly repaird to said Brother Hills—and the abovementioned Pelatiah Metcalf was admitted to the Church by an unanimous Vote.

Miller, Elisabeth


Elisabeth Miller’s Relation

Westborough Church Records (Dec. 14, 1783): “And the following were admitted while the Church was destitute of a Pastor . . . Fortunatus Miller and Elizabeth his wife.”

Miller, Elizabeth



1749 April 10 (Monday). Mrs. Miller (James junior’s wife) here to be examin’d.

1749 May 10 (Wednesday). Mrs. Miller here again.

1749 August 15 (Tuesday). Mrs. Miller (James juniors wife) here again to be examined. Much Difficulty in her Case, because whilst she desires to come to the Lords Supper yet she tells me She does not pretend to a Saving Change.

1749 October 2 (Monday). We din’d at Lieutenant Tainters. P.M. I had his Horse to visit James Miller juniors wife. . . .

1749 October 26 (Thursday). Mrs. Elizabeth Miller here.

1749 November 18 (Saturday). N.B. Assist’d Mrs. Miller about her Relation. Did this at Lieutenant Tainters.

Miller, Fortunatus


Fortunatus Miller’s Relation

Westborough Church Records, [393] (Dec. 14, 1783): “And the following were admitted while the Church was destitute of a Pastor . . . Fortunatus Miller and Elizabeth his wife.”

Miller, Huldah


Huldah Miller’s Relation

Confession and relation

Miller, Isaac



Miller, Mary



1766 September 26 (Friday). Mr. Solomon Millers Wife came and brought her Relation. And because of her Deafness I read over the Church-Covenant to her, loud and into her Ear, so as that She declared before two Witnesses, that She understood it, and freely consented to it.

Nurse, Sarah


Sarah Nurse’s Relation

Parkman, William


William Parkman’s Relation

1766 February 7 (Friday). Billy Examined in part.

1766 February 8 (Saturday). Billy Examined more fully.

1766 February 9 (Sunday). My Son William was propounded in order to his joining with the Church.

1766 February 23 (Sunday). Read Isa. 11. Preached on Isa. 10.3. P.M. read Luk. 12 from v. 31. Preached on v. 19.20. My Son William was admitted into the Church. May God accept of him and enable him to walk accordingly!

Rice, Adam



Rice, Anna



1736 August 13 (Friday). Anna Rice here upon her Examination in order to joining with the Church.

Rice, Eunice



1755 July 23 (Wednesday). Mr. Moses Twitchell came and mow’d for me. Part of the Day the remainder of the upland at the Island, and part in the Meadow near to it. Mr. Joseph Rice’s wife and Joshua Lock’s, came to See me but my Business in my Hay was so urgent I desir’d to be excus’d—and went to my raking. N.B. There was no Hand could be hir’d, and both my sons, Thomas and Billy incapable of any Labour at all.

1755 August 21 (Thursday). Mrs. Judith Bellows here—also Mr. Joseph Rice’s Wife.

Rice, Hannah



Rice, Lois



Rice, Priscilla



Rice, Prudence



1770 July 12 (Thursday). Mr. Elijah Rices Wife here, dines, and is examined. She is, by divine leave, to be propounded.

1770 July 26 (Thursday). Mr. Elijah Rice’s Wife here with her Relation.

1770 July 29 (Sunday). Admitted Mrs. Prudence Rice into Church Fellowship. Administered the Lords Supper.

Rice, Zebulun



Robbins, Eleanor


Eleanor Robbins’s Relation

Robbins, Joseph


Joseph Robbins’s Relation

Sever, Lucy



1766 January 22 (Wednesday). Visited at Moses Severs House, but he was not at home. His Wife Seems to have Some religious Concern.

1766 February 20 (Thursday). N.B. Mrs. Lucy Sever wife of Mr. Moses Sever here and examined.

1766 February 23 (Sunday). N.B. Mrs. Sever brought a Letter from Mr. Barrett, which was a Certificat concerning her; but it was so phrased that I prayed her to let me wave propounding till another Day. Which she consented to.

1766 February 28 (Friday). I wrote to Mr. Barrett about Mrs. Sever, and Sent by Thomas Arnold. I went also to Capt. Wood to talk with him about her—to know whether there was any danger of Objection if I Should propound her. He answered that he did not know what there might be, but he believed there would be none.

1766 March 1 (Saturday). Second Letter from Mr. Barrett concerning Mrs. Sever in which he approves etc.

1766 March 2 (Sunday). I propounded Mrs. Sever.

1766 March 11 (Tuesday). P.M. Mrs. Sever here about her Relation, and signs it.

1766 March 16 (Sunday). Messrs. Fessenden and Cushing and Mrs. Sever dined with us. After admitting Mrs. Sever into the Church I read the Letter from Rutland-District—but desired they would take it into Consideration against next Lords Day.

Smith, Ezekiel



1766 September 27 (Saturday). Mr. Ezekiel Smith here and Examined.

1766 October 5 (Sunday). Propounded Francis Whipple junior and Ezekiel Smith and his Wife.

1766 October 17 (Friday). Mr. Ezekiel Smith and his wife with their Relations.

Smith, Ruth



1766 September 22 (Monday). P.M. Mr. Ezekiel Smiths wife here, Examined and approved.

1766 October 5 (Sunday). Propounded Francis Whipple junior and Ezekiel Smith and his Wife.

1766 October 17 (Friday). Mr. Ezekiel Smith and his wife with their Relations.

Snow, Hannah



1769 June 16 (Friday). Mrs. Hannah Snow here and is examined.

Snow, Jabez, Jr.



Tainter, Benjamin



1748 September 22 (Thursday). Examin’d Benjamin Tainter at Mr. Ebenezer Rice’s.

Warrin, Mary



1738 August 21 (Monday). When I had been at home some time Captain Warrin and his wife came, upon the Affair of their Relations preparitory to their admission into the Church.

1738 August 27 (Sunday). Sacrament. Captain Warrin and his wife admitted notwithstanding her Waste and Languishment in her Limbs.

Warrin, Moses



Warrin, Persis



1752 March 13 (Friday). At Eve I rode to See Mr. Moses Warrins Wife in her low Condition and apprehended to be dying—but she reviv’d.

1752 March 23 (Monday). In returning home I made a Visit at Mr. Moses Warrins, whose wife is low and weak yet, but is somewhat better.

1752 October 30 (Monday). P.M. Mr. Moses Warrin and his wife here and were examin’d.

1752 November 23 (Thursday). Mrs. Persis Warrin, wife of Moses Warrin, here. At Eve, he himself—both of them that I might gather Minutes from them for their relation to the Church.

1752 November 30 (Thursday). Rainy, but Mr. Hutchinson came and din’d with me, and preach’d the Lecture on Heb. 13.20. After Sermon Moses Warrin and Persis his wife were admitted into the Church, also Amy Mainard Wife of Ebenezer Mainard. N.B. This was done agreeable to a proposal of it made to the Church and consented to last Lords Day. They were admitted before the Congregation because the Day was So Short, and Dark Night soon coming on.

Wheelock, Abigail


Abigail Wheelock’s Relation

Whipple, Francis, Jr.



1766 August 15 (Friday). P.M. Mr. Francis Whipple here, in penitence, and desiring to offer his Humilliation and to join with the Church, is examined.

1766 October 5 (Sunday). Propounded Francis Whipple junior and Ezekiel Smith and his Wife.

Whitney, Eli



1767 November 10 (Tuesday). N.B. Mr. Eli Whitney had been here in the Day about his own and his Wife’s joining with the Church.

1767 November 22 (Sunday). Propounded Eli Whitney and his wife. . . .

1767 December 6 (Sunday). Took in the Whitneys and administered the Lords Supper.

Whitney, Elizabeth



1767 November 10 (Tuesday). N.B. Mr. Eli Whitney had been here in the Day about his own and his Wife’s joining with the Church.

1767 November 11 (Wednesday). Mrs. Elizabeth Whitney here a.m. was examined; and dined here.

1767 November 22 (Sunday). Propounded Eli Whitney and his wife. . . .

1767 November 30 (Monday). Capt. Jamison sends me a Card to invite me to his Lodging at 5 this Evening. Signed St. Andrews, but I was under previous Engagement as I wrote in my Return to him, by Mr. Eli Whitney’s wife, who was here with her Relation, and dined with us.

1767 December 6 (Sunday). Took in the Whitneys and administered the Lords Supper.

Wood, John



1764 December 7 (Friday). P.M. Came Mrs. Martha Wood with Desire to Joyn with the Church and was Examined. At Eve her Husband (Neighbour John Wood) came, but was not Examined at this Time, by Reason of it being too late.

1764 December 13 (Thursday). Mr. J. Wood Examined.

1765 January 15 (Tuesday). Mr. John Wood here at Eve, and was examined.

1765 February 1 (Friday). Mr. John Wood here, with his own and wife’s Relations, to be read to the Church.

1765 February 3 (Sunday). After Sermon admitted John and Martha Wood into the Church before the Congregation.

Wood, Martha



1764 December 7 (Friday). P.M. Came Mrs. Martha Wood with Desire to Joyn with the Church and was Examined. At Eve her Husband (Neighbour John Wood) came, but was not Examined at this Time, by Reason of it being too late.