Elizabeth Beals, March 11, 1764

I have been brought to a Sense of my lost and undone Condition by Nature. I am deep-ly Sunk into the Gulf of Sin & Misery. I have long lived in a state of Sin & Enmity against God. A wicked Sinner have I been. I fear the hottest place in Hell is my due. But Glory be to God for ever & ever, for free Redeeming Love. For tho I have destroyed my Self, yet a wonderfull Way, in the in-finite Wisdom & Mercy of God is found for Satisfying Justice & saving Sinners by the Death of Jesus Christ, that Glorious Redeemer. And seeing He has made Such gracious Offers, I do here throw my guilty Soul into the Arms of a crucifyed Saviour. I beg of God that I may be deeply humbled for the Sins which I have been guilty of in times past; & that I may be enabled to take a proper Notice of that gracious Encouragement in Isa. 1.18. Come & let us rea-son together &c. And I do here embrace the Mediator & Saviour Jesus Christ in all those Offices & Relations wherein He is held forth to me. I accept of Him as Prophet, Priest & King and give up my Self to be Saved & taught & ruled by Him—I particularly rely upon Him as my Priest to atone for me by His Blood & Merits; I depend intirely upon the Vertue of His Sacrifice and Righteousness for my Justification before God.

I have had a Desire to come to the Communion but I was afraid. Yet is there that Direction in 1 Cor.11.28. But let a man Examine himself and So let him Eat of that Bread & drink of that Cup. This I have endeavoured to do. And as the Scripture Saith, whosoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed, and in Rom. 10.9.11. that if thou Shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus & Shalt believe in thine Heart that God hath raised Him from the Dead, thou Shalt be Saved; These I humbly hope I find. And now, Lord, ratifie in Heaven what I would do on Earth. Let it be a sure & everlasting Covenant, which thou mak-est with me as well as I with Thee.


Elizabeth X Beals


Westboro March 9.