Relation of Eleanor Robbins, [July 23,] 17861

I believe the being of One God in three persons Father Son and Holy Goust who created, and preserves all things in being, and that at first he created man holy and upright but man being left to the freedom of his own will he Sinned and fell from that happy State in which he was created; and as he, i.e., Adam Stood head and representative for all mankind, I believe I came into the world a Sinner, and that I have been going Astray from God ever since I was born where by I deserve to be made forever Miserable—but Glory be given unto God who has not left Sinners to perrish without hope in that he provided a Savour even Jesus Christ his Son who Came into the world to Seak and Save them that a lost, and being in Some measure Sencable that I am a Sinner and deserve the wrath of God forever: I desire with humble Contristion of Spirit to Cast myself at the footstool of Soverent Marcy beging for giveness for the Sake of him who Suffred and dyed for Sinners—I desire to Accept of Christ as he has offred himself unto me in the Gospel as my prophet Prest and King, relying alone on his Merits for pardon Justification and Acceptance with God—I desire to bless God that I was born in a land of Gospel light and knowledge and of Such parents who gave me up to God in Baptism while young, and that I have every since Enjoyed the means of Grace—and have great Reason to blush and be Ashamed that I have made no better improvement of the previledges I have had to git wisdom—I have had a desire for Some time to Come to the Ordenance of the Supper but was afrade I Should Come Unworthely, but have taken incoregment from these Gracious promises Ho every One that thirsteth let him Come, and my Grace is Sufficant for you: and let a man Examine himself and So let him eat of that Bread and drink of that Cup, for which I have a desire and would Come and offer myself to your Charity, Asking the forgiveness of God, and all whome I have at any time Offended. I desire your Acceptance of me and prayers for me that I may be a worthy Communacant at the Lords table.

Eleanor Robbins

1 Ellener, daughter of James Jr. and Elizabeth Miller, was born on Mar. 8, 1757, and married Joseph Robbins on Apr. 3, 1782; Vital Records of Westborough, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849 (Worcester, MA: Franklin P. Rice, 1903), 74, 184. Eleanor and Joseph had eight children between 1783 and 1800; ibid., 91. Joseph, a “Revolutionary Pensioner,” died Jan. 5, 1837, in Mendon, his unnamed wife “having died several years ago”; Worcester County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1731–1881 (online database,, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2015, from records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives) Eleanor and Joseph Robbins were admitted into the church on July 23, 1786; Westborough Church Records, 254, Digital image of the relation: (images 55–56). The filing notation reads: “Eleanor Robbins’s Relation.”