Diary of Ebenezer Parkman, 1777
1777 January 1 (Wednesday). I have now fresh Occasion, O that I might have an Heart to praise the Lord for His Goodness, and for His wonderful Works, in particular in sustaining and Supporting me through the many Vicisssitudes of another Year, and granting me the Beginning of this, which I am allowed to behold the Light of. Bless the Lord O my Soul and forget not His Benefits! I employed myself much in Reviews of the year past—renewed my Covenant Engagements to God Great God. And O that I might have Grace to fulfill them accordingly! I desire to Committ to God the Changes and Accidents of this Year; and the more peculiar the Dark Aspects, by the holy Judgments of God upon us, the more devoutly and penitently would implore the divine Pity and Compassion and that the whole Land may be prepared for the Great Events of this Year!
Mr. Belknap and Miss Elizabeth Beals dined here. P.M. Mr. Edwards Whipple came about my Debt to him for Indian Corn nigh a year ago. It was 4 1/2 Bushels at half a Dollar. N.B. Mr. Whipple, in speaking of the public state, condemns all that is doing—calls it Rebellion against lawful Authority—that we cannot prosper—but shall be overthrown. Deacon Wood and his son John here at Evening. The latter has come from New York and the Jersies, and gives me Account of the state of the Armies, and sundry Engagements there: and upon the whole that the Kings Forces are much too successful in those parts; and that the [Liberty?] Army is but illy provided for.
1777 January 2 (Thursday). Mr. Belknap and a small Number attending took me with them to the Widow Kendals, where I dined, and p[illegible] [marryed them?].1 I pray they may live together as heirs of the Grac[torn] they manifesting as that they may never repent of what has now been [torn].
1777 January 3 (Friday). Disappointed of Neighbours coming to get Wood by [torn]oads. Elias studys a little p.m.
1777 January 4 (Saturday). Miss Nabby goes home at Eve.
1777 January 5 (Sunday). Preached a.m. on 1 Chron. 29.15. Its being the First Sabbath of the New Year. Messrs. Hall and Stone dined here, as did Mrs. Ruth Godfry. At Noon Deacon Wood delivered me a paper containing an Account of a Battle at Trenton (New Jersey) Dec. 16 last, by General Washington with 300, and General Howe’s Forces, of 1600. The latter were routed. Preached p.m. on 1 Joh. 3.21.
1777 January 6 (Monday). Elias goes to and Mendon for what cloths etc. Breck left after his Inoculation. Hannah goes with him as far as to Mr. Fish’s at Upton. At Eve came my son Baldwin who is returned from Ticonderoga—confirms the Account of General Washingtons success over the King’s Forces at Trenton. Lodges here.
1777 January 7 (Tuesday). Col. Baldwin as chief Engineer in the northern Department, is charged with Affairs of great importance from General Schuyler, and goes to Boston etc., etc. Elias and Hannah return home. Finished a Letter to Mr. Quincy.
1777 January 8 (Wednesday). Visited Mr. Reuben Bellows under his Lameness, his Well Leg heretofore now broke by a Fall and prayed with him. Called to see young Estis also. Brought up Mrs. Godfry to our House to assist Mrs. P________ in preparing for the morrow. P.M. I attended the funeral of Mr. Nehemiah Maynards Child which dyed of Canker Quinzy, in its 3d year. The name Elizabeth. At Evening Breck becomes very ill and goes to Bed.
1777 January 9 (Thursday). None of my Children from New Braintry, etc. are come though Sent to. Messrs. Hall, Stone, and Crosby come a.m. They, with my Daughters accompany Breck (who is better) to Col. Brighams. I went with them. Mr. Whitney of Northborough there ready. We dined sumptuously. P.M. Mr. Whitney prayed and administered the marriage Covenant to Breck and Suse. I prayed after. My son Alexander Came from Leicester and attended the Solemnity. In closing the solemnity the Bridegroom, Bride, Mr. Whitney, the young Gentlemen, Winslow Brigham, Edward (son of Captain Jonas), two or three young women came to my House, where we supped. Mr. Whitney returned home. And part of the Company did so. Alexander, Messrs. Hall and Stone tarried. May God grant His special Blessing! Pardoning all amiss and grant the Joy may never Cease! O that we may all be espoused to Jesus Christ!
1777 January 10 (Friday). Alexander tarrys to dine, leaves us p.m. Sent by him a Letter to Mr. Quincy and to Mr. Maccarty for a Receipt [illegible] Money sent by young Master John Barrett last Sept. 2[8?], being the Contribution for pr[torn]g the Gospel in Africa. Young [torn] and Henry Marble dine with us.
1777 January 11 (Saturday). The [torn] making Alterations in the East room; viz. removing out C[torn] etc. and [sealing?] up Suse’s. The same thrashers here, and dine with us. Miss Elizabeth Harrington with her Relation. Breck purchased a large fresh Cod-fish of 3 lb. weight, and cost £3.2.6 old tenor on which we sup with much Satisfaction.
1777 January 12 (Sunday). Preached again on 1 Joh. 3.21, which I pray may be profitable to us! Messrs. Hall, Stone and Crosby, also Miss Molly Pratt and [blank] Brigham (from Coll. Brighams) dined here. P.M. with Some regard to my son Breck’s new Circumstances I preached on Prov. 2.1 to 5. Admitted Elizabeth Harrington and baptized two Children. May God graciously accept and bless what has been done!
1777 January 13 (Monday). Billy Spring comes to live with Breck at his store. I read Mr. Howe’s Excellent Book of the Blessings of the Righteous. Jonas Sartle of Groton, an Invalid from the Army, came in, and lodges here. N.B. I had been at Deacon Woods—his grand-Daughter Polly is Sick—at her Desire, prayed with her.
1777 January 14 (Tuesday). I went over to see old Mrs. Kelly. In my way called in to Mr. Hannaniah Parker. When I returned expected to see Deacon Wood and Mr. Nathan Maynard junior who had been killing two large swine for me, but the Deacon was gone home, and Joseph Culloch, who came with him, and assisted—but Maynard stays and dines here. P.M. Mr. Stone of Southborough Visits me. And at Eve came Mr. Thomas Kendal from Ticonderoga, and lodges here. At Eve also Joseph Culloch and his Brother James came and weighed, cut out and salted up my Pork. One weighed 274, the other 259. N.B. Breck keeps House.
1777 January 15 (Wednesday). Messrs. Nathan Maynard junior and Nathaniel Chamberlin went to the ministerial Lot and cutt wood for me. Elias went with 3 Cattle (as men speak) and sledded home two load. Mr. Kendal has given me Account of his Endeavours to obtain Ordination but was frustrated in his whole Attempt. I dealt plainly with him, and I hope he received it well. May God Sett it home on his Heart! N.B. I payd him 7 Dollars for a Gun, Cartooch Box and Ammunition. He dined and p.m. left us to go to Framingham. Mrs. Hawes and her sister Hill made us a Visit, and drank Tea here.
1777 January 16 (Thursday). We have the News of another Victory which General Washington has obtained over the Regulars 3 miles from Prince Town, in the Jersys; 500 killed and taken prisoners; January 10. At Eve came Masters Hall and Stone. Supped and lodged here.
1777 January 17 (Friday). Mr. Isaac Miller came to excuse his not coming to thrash.
1777 January 18 (Saturday). [No entry.]
1777 January 19 (Sunday). Preached on the same Subject of Self Judging, The 4th Article, of Love of the World. Used for the Text Ps. [27.6?] last Clauses of it. P.M. delivered the latter Sermon on Prov. 2.1–5 [torn] [reading?] verses to the 9th. May the divine Energy accompany it [torn]. N.B. At dinner, besides our own Family, and [torn] Suse and Billy Spring, had Winslow and Mindwell Brigham, Miss [May? illegible]; also Master Hall and Dr. Crosbys Wife. Sixteen in all.
1777 January 20 (Monday). Read Antoninus Philosophus—that is, the Preliminary Discourse by Gataker; and part of the Life by D’Acier. P.M. Mr. Lambson is at work repairing the sled with a New Tongue. Towards Evening Mrs. P________ and I (by Invitation) drank Tea at the Store.
1777 January 21 (Tuesday). Read Mr. Isaac Ambrose on Redeeming Time—and on Evidences—very useful by the Blessing of God. In the Eve read Bishop Butlers Sermon I on Human Nature and on the Government of the Tongue, neither of which (as I conceive) breathe much of Christianity. But he is a celebrated Writer.
1777 January 22 (Wednesday). Isaac Miller was expected to thrash for me; but did not come. Sermonize. Read variously. At eve Breck, his Wife and Boy sup with us. Henry Marble, after thrashing in the Day, Shelled out Corn in the Evening.
1777 January 23 (Thursday). Are in some Perplexity; being not able to get Supply of Wood or Meal. It is a dry, cold, freezing season; the Roads Icy, Slippery, yet much bare ground; and poor sledding: In the woods the snow is too deep for a Cart. And as to Grinding, the mills of this and the next neighboring Towns fail very much. Some go to Sawyer Mill at Lancaster. At Eve came Son Ebenezer from New Braintree, and lodges here. N.B. Capt. (I hear he is now Major) Silas Bailey, came in to bring me a proclamation for a Fast. In his talk inveighs against the Ministers of the Association who Aug. 20, 1771, declared against the Bolton people’s irregular proceedings with Mr. Goss. N.B. Deacon Wood was present and heard him.
1777 January 24 (Friday). A.M. Snow—p.m. the Storm turns to Rain. Ebenezer tarrys with us. The Wind rises, the Snow, all that has lately fallen and more, is carryed off—the waters flow, the fields are swept and drenched, the mills are going again, though for a long time they have been quiescent.
1777 January 25 (Saturday). Ebenezer leaves us to go to Watertown. Henry Marble comes and they winnows [sic] up Rye.
1777 January 26 (Sunday). I carry on the Subject of Self-tryal from 1 Joh. 3.14 a.m. with Additions. P.M. Still go on from 1 Joh. 3.21. Used some parts of my Discourse on 1 Joh. 3.14. Mrs. P________ went to meeting, after being kept at home for two months. Thanks to God for His Goodness. Mr. David Maynard junior dines with us.
1777 January 27 (Monday). Master Hall and his Brother Jonathan here going to Hollis. Marble and Ph. Brigham thrash—and Shock. P.M. Col. Brighams wife and her sister Hitty here, drink Tea etc.
1777 January 28 (Tuesday). Marble and Ph. Brigham thrash—by 1/2 after 10 a.m. make an End of thrashing. Brigham goes away—Marble helps Elias load some wood at the Island, dines with us and leaves us. They have been here Eleven Days besides this part of a Day. They have thrashed nigh 50 shock. They ask 2/ per Day.
1777 January 29 (Wednesday). Fast [torn]out New-England, on account of the War. I preached [torn] this Occasion from Zeph. 1.12. but p.m. was obliged to deliver [with some alterations?] sermon on Ps. 81.11 to 15. May God accept our supplications, forgive our Sins and bless the word to us all! Breck and Suse with us at Supper. At Eve Ebenezer came from Watertown, having been to Boston. He lodges here.
1777 January 30 (Thursday). My son sets out for home though it is in a great storm of Snow. We are unhappily very Short of Wood—but I would listen to the divine word: “I would have you to be without Carefulness.”2
1777 January 31 (Friday). This day was pitched upon by some Number of Neighbours to cutt and cart Wood. But squire Baker could not come, and therefore it fell through so far as to appoint Monday—yet 3 Cutters went to the Lot, and worked—Elias Sledded 2 Load. Dr. Hawes Sent one Load of his own.
1777 February 1 (Saturday). Mr. Quincys Letter of the 17th ult. came to hand. Mrs. Spring is with us—came yesterday p.m. and lodges here. My Son Baldwin having collected a sufficient Number of Artificers, Tools and Materials for the Service of the Army in the Northern Department is now by Letter from General Schyler [sic] at Albany hastening back—was here p.m. but, after refreshing, leaves us. N.B. Mr. Stones Letter to change tomorrow came too late.
1777 February 2 (Sunday). Being next to treat of the Seventh Article as a sign of Sincerity, viz. Growth in Grace, and being able to compose but a little upon it, I improved my former Preparations on 3 Pet. 3.18 and continued them p.m. Mrs. Beeton dined with us. Breck and Suse with us at Eve, attend at our Repetition. N.B. Mrs. Spring went from us in the Morn.
1777 February 3 (Monday). The Weather has been such as greatly to spoil the sledding. Therefore no body came to get Wood for me as proposed; except Mr. Andrews who brought one Load from the Lott. Henry Marble works for me and lodges here.
1777 February 4 (Tuesday). Marble—Elias sleds. I went to Dr. Hawes to reckon etc. but he was not at home. Mr. Emmerson Foster, preacher from Marlborough, came with a Letter from the Church of Marlborough signed by Mr. Smith, to desire me to assist in a Fast there next week. He dines here. P.M. he goes to Northborough. My son Samuel and his Wife came to see us.
1777 February 5 (Wednesday). Our Expectations of Mr. Cushing’s coming utterly fail. It is Rainy, and the Snow is washed away. Sam and Sally disappointed of their intended Ride to Ashburnham—p.m. cleared so that I visited Nehemiah Maynards Wife’s Child which is very bad. Prayed there. Visit Squire Whipple also, he being very ill—prayed with him. In returning I called at squire Bakers. N.B. Monsieur Pierre Robishow there.
1777 February 6 (Thursday). Marble finishes winnowing my Rye. Of Marbles and Phinehas Brighams Thrashing there was about 48 Bush. My Son Samuel and his Wife are confined here by the roughness of the bare Roads—and the Indisposition of the latter. The Child which I visited yesterday, died this morning.
1777 February 7 (Friday). Samuel has Mr. Paul Lambson to put a Shooe upon his Sleigh: and I improve him to put another New Side to my Sled. Mr. Lambson dines here. I attended the Funeral of the Child aforesaid. At Eve Dr. Hawes came and reckoned with me. In his account he generously gave in his Visits. He paid me the Remainder of the Rate of my Sallery for the last year issuing on June 5 old style. It was £, including my Debt to Mr. Edwards Whipple of 2 Dollars and 1/2 and l/—1d 1/. The rest of Mr. Whipples Rate was further subtracted Out of the above sum I paid the Doctors Bill, which was (in L.M.) £ The Cash I received was the sum of L.M. £ And I gave him a Receipt in full.
1777 February 8 (Saturday). My son Samuel and his Wife, though it was cloudy and began to rain, yet having waited long for fit weather, Sat out for Concord. Breck waits upon Sally with Mr. Newtons Chaise, Sam puts his Mare into his Sleigh-Thills, and drives her before him, he running on foot, hoping that from the 26th Milestone in Marlborough they Shall have snow. Marble goes home.
1777 February 9 (Sunday). I had prepared a paper, being an Exemplification of a Souls self-Examination of Growth in Grace, and though there is enough of it for a Sermon, and I designed to deliver it after a third Exercise on 2 Pet. 3.18 (two had been delivered last Lord’s Day). But I found it best to go on with what I composed some time agoe upon that Subject, though it took up both a. and p.m. And deferred the Soliloquy. Marble dined here. At Eve Breck and Suse came to our Family Exercise. Breck again with me about joining to the Church.
1777 February 10 (Monday). A.M. was at the Funeral of Mr. Jonathan Grouts young infant. Visit Capt. Jonathan Fay who has the Asthma and bad Cough. I visited also Mr. Daniel Nurse, who has the Rheumatism. Prayed there, his aged Father and his sister attending. I dined with the younger Family. P.M. delivered Mr. Benjamin How my Gun to mend the stock.
It is a remarkable Day. The Town Meet to consider the Courts Act for Regulating the Prices of Things and The Companys Meet to enlist soldiers. The Committees from 5 Neighbouring Parishes meet to Consult and Advise together upon those difficult matters—But I know not to what purpose as to either of those Affairs.
1777 February 11 (Tuesday). Was a storm of Snow increasing to great violence. But We have usual Health and Help and some Wood. Thanks to God therefor.
1777 February 12 (Wednesday). Though it was fair Weather, yet too Cold and rough, for me to venture to go to Marlborough Fast; nor could I have an Horse: The mare (Brecks) of Necessity goes in the Team to sled Wood. Miss Nabby Woods has worked here; this is now the 3d Day in altering and preparing Elias’s Cloths—goes home this Evening. Mr. B. Bradshaw and his Brother Parkman came and lodge here. Capt. Maynard and his wife make us a Visit.
1777 February 13 (Thursday). The Bradshaws having but one Horse, put him into my Sleigh and take in Elias, to go to Cambridge. Breck sat out for Windsor. Mr. Fisher begins the Course to fetch the News Paper from Worcester. N.B. gave Elias 3 Dollars. Old Mr. Cornelius Biglow is with me, desirous to join with the Church. He dines with us.
1777 February 14 (Friday). I was in great Expectation of Wood-Cutters and Sledders, but none came a.m. but p.m. Deacon Wood and Squire Baker Sent, the former one Team, the other sent two large Teams, to the Ministerial Lott. Each of them brought one Load. One of the Squires Teams brought a very large one. I believe that the Squire also carryed the Men Rum. The Hands went to Supper here. They were Samuel Williams, one Flynt, and William McCulloch. Phinehas Hardy being occasionally with us, tells us his Sister Lydia is thought to have the Small pox. N.B. My Kinsman Alexander Oliver here in a Journey from Boston to Brookfield and lodges here. Informs me that Miss [Pashy or Patty?] Pidgeon (as She was called) lay dead at Newtown, as he came along.
1777 February 15 (Saturday). Mr. Oliver leaves us to return home. N.B. Miss Lydia Hardy is broke out with the Small Pox, having, as ‘tis supposed, taken the infection from a Soldier as she passed in the high Way. Two Teams, Six Oxen apiece, drove by Mr. Samuel Williams and [blank] Parker from Squire Baker, go to the ministerial Lott and bring two Load, each of them.
1777 February 16 (Sunday). Preach a. and p.m. on Eph. IV.14.15, those words, “That we henceforth may grow up into him in all Things.” The Exercises were a Self-Examination of Growth in Grace. Mrs. Spring dined and after Exercise tarrys and lodges.
1777 February 17 (Monday). A Town-Meeting to see what the Town will do to encourage soldiers enlisting. P.M. Mr. Bradshaw returns in my Sleigh from Cambridge. Brings Elias’s Quarter Bills; and from Dr. Langdon Dr. Witherspoons sermon the General Fast last May. Bradshaw lodges here.
1777 February 18 (Tuesday). Bradshaw goes on his Journey. I wrote to Miss Nabby Barrett a Critical Remark on the fair Circassian; but did not then send it. Mr. Thaddeus Warrin and Nat. Lambson killed a Pig for me. Weighed 154. Read Dr. Witherspoons sermon. Mr. Benjamin How has mended, and brought home my Gun stock. A Training for enlisting—but no success. Not one.
1777 February 19 (Wednesday). Marble Came again in the Morning. P.M. Mr. May from Woodstock. My Son Alexander from [Boston?] [illegible] Messrs. Whitney and Bass with their Wives, and Miss Beulah Wood from [illegible] in a sleigh and return home. Mr. Whitney tells me that Mr. Dickinson, the famous Philadelphia Farmer, has gone over to the Regulars. Breck returns from Windsor.
1777 February 20 (Thursday). I went to Mr. B. Newton and Deacon Wood to know their Minds about getting wood. They consented and I thought they would notifie others. Mrs. Spring having stayed here from Sabbath till now, goes up to Deacon Woods. Alexander goes home. Mr. May tarrys—but Sends his Horse to Deacon Woods.
1777 February 21 (Friday). Mr. Newton with his Team, and Deacon Wood Sent William Culloch with his Team, but the sled of the latter broke. Newton with the Addition of the Deacons Team brought two large Loads. Marble with My Team brought two. Neighbour Harrington went to the Lot and chopped—but no other Cutters came. Mr. Moses Nurse went to the Lott with a Team of two Horses and brought one Load. Mr. May left us a.m.
1777 February 22 (Saturday). Marble to the Lott a.m. with my Team—but brought only a part of a Load. Capt. Benjamin Fay Sent one Load of his own. I wrote to Mr. Cushing and Squire Quincy.
1777 February 23 (Sunday). A.M. on 1 Joh. 3.21. But I was not able to prepare for p.m. and therefore preached a Sermon from 1 Tim. 6.2, those words, “Partakers of the Benefit,” but made Addition of 5 Heads of Application. May God bless my feeble Attempts! In the Evening Breck and Suse attend our Exercise in the Family and lodge here. N.B. Breck is with me again to discourse of joining with the Church.
1777 February 24 (Monday). I wanted to Visit Widow Bulah Gale whose Husband Mr. Jacob Gale dyed lately at Ticonderoga; also her mother in Law mourning for the Loss of her only remaining son; and her D[illegible] of her late only Brother; but a great snow storm confines me all Day. I particularly thank God for my many Comforts: and pray for divine pity to all that are in want, and that are now exposed.
1777 February 25 (Tuesday). The great Storm continues. P.M. turns partly to Rain. Deacon Wood and a Number more, with a Number of Oxen, and mine are joined, try to break the Road down to Johnsons at Southborough. Sermonizing.
1777 February 26 (Wednesday). Many Companys that rode out in double Sleighs are detained by the deep Snow, and can’t without difficulty get back again, particularly Mr. David Maynard junior with his Wife and Child, from Westminster are blocked up, and kept from home. Mr. Perry of their Company confined also. N.B. Mr. Constantine Hardy breaks out with the small pox.
1777 February 27 (Thursday). Breck Sets out for Cambridge and Boston. I am confined from visiting poor Mr. Samuel Hardy and his Wife; the latter is Sick. Marble, who tryed yesterday to break a way to the Ministerial Lott but could not get through, attempts again to Day, with the Assistance of [Stephen?] Maynard and Dr. Hawes Oxen; And bring a light Load.
1777 February 28 (Friday). Read Dr. South on 1 Joh. 3.21. It is a rugged, uncomfortable season, but through the great Goodness of God I have Health and ability to follow my studys. Omitted, that Yesterday old Mr. Biglow was here again about joining to the Church, and brought a Relation. But I urge him still to go and be reconciled to his Wife, or use means to effect it. My Son Ebenezer came and his Son Edward from New Braintry.
1777 March 1 (Saturday). My Son and his Neddy Sat out for home (in a large, 2 Horse Sleigh, with a Cargo of Rum etc.) but their Journey will be difficult and long, by reason of the Roads being so blocked up with snow. At Eve Breck returned from Boston. He brought a Letter from his Brother Cushing of Feb. 23, which informs that his wife was that Day delivered of a Daughter, which was that Day baptized Sarah—Mother and Child comfortable. To God be all Glory and Praise!
1777 March 2 (Sunday). Preached a.m. on 1 Joh. 4.17, finishing the Subject begun on 1 Cor. 5.8 and carryed on from 1 Joh. 3.21 and other Texts. Which may it please God to bless and prosper both with the Hearers and the unworthy speaker. P.M. on Mat. 7.12, using my Expository Exercise on that Passage, with divers additions, etc. Breck was propounded. It was a Cold Day and a thin Meeting. At Eve Breck and Suse with us. I wrote to Mr. Cushing.
1777 March 3 (Monday). Town-Meeting. Capt. Morse and Mr. B. Tainter came to request me to go and pray with them. I complyed. Mr. Biglow dined with us. Mr. Joseph Green came to acquaint me with the Death of his sons eldest Child, by a Quincy, and desires me to attend the Funeral tomorrow. I am informed that the Small Pox increases; that Joseph, Daniel and Lucy Hardy are so under the Symptoms or Fears of it, that they have gone into the House, and into the Room of Infection. Mr. Benjamin Whipple of Bennington came to see me. Mr. Jonathan Grout here concerning his supplying me with Malt. At night the dining-Room Chimney took Fire and burnt out freely; but no Harm.
1777 March 4 (Tuesday). It was Stormy, and the wind and Snow vehement, yet I was carryed in the sleigh to Mr. Greens, the House of Mourning, and prayed. Breck accompanyed me and drove.
N.B. I wrote a Letter to Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Ruth Fay at Bennington, which I committed to the Care of Mr. Benjamin Whipple, who is soon to go there.
1777 March 5 (Wednesday). Read variously—especially Chambers Cyclopedia. The Girls p.m. and Eve Visit Mrs. Beeton and Mrs. Parker. Breck with sleigh goes to them. Mr. Daniel Forbes junior here from Cape [Ann?], returning home to Brookfield, designing to return next Tuesday come sennight.
1777 March 6 (Thursday). I visited Mr. Samuel Hardys Wife; but the man not at home. At her desire I prayed with her. The Family in low Circumstances.
1777 March 7 (Friday). Engaged in my Preparations.
1777 March 8 (Saturday). A Sad disappointment by the Sleds breaking. [P?] Lambson p.m. to mend it. See my Almanack. The Roller splitting, the New Tongue was drawn out and broke.
1777 March 9 (Sunday). Preached a.m. on Amos IV.11, last Clause. P.M. on occasion of a great Number of persons putting up Notes to desire prayers under their Bereavements I preached on Heb. 2.15. N.B. Lieut. Hezekiah Ward of Grafton dy’d Suddenly on the 6th. Mr. Josiah Newton dyed lately at Brookfield. AEtatis 29. He received the Small Pox by Inoculation but was seized by a bilious Cholic, which proved fatal to him. At Eve Breck and Suse.
1777 March 10 (Monday). I visited at Neighbour Newtons in their sorrows. Read part of Dr. I. Mathers Angelographia, viz. the Case of Conscience concerning Angelical Apparitions.
1777 March 11 (Tuesday). I went to Squire Bakers, but he is gone to his Brother Solomon, who is at Dr. Whites at Holliston by reason of a grievous sore in his Cheek. Mr. P. Whitney here. P.M. hear that Mr. Edwards Whipple is very ill with a sore Throat and Canker. I went immediately to see him—but he was dead before I got to him. A sorrowful Sudden Death! The Lord grant I may be ready for my own! Prayed with the afflicted Mourners.
1777 March 12 (Wednesday). I had purposed to go to Southborough and see Mr. Stone, but the Weather, being rainy and the Roads full of Water, prevented. Mr. Joseph Green came to ask me to attend his Brother Whipples Burial tomorrow.
1777 March 13 (Thursday). Attended the Funeral of Mr. Edwards Whipple, prayed at the House of Mourning—and because the Grave was not finished (by reason of the Stoneyness of the Place the Digger was obliged to try three times) I spent Some time in Exhortation to the Company who were at the House. Mr. Whipple was a Member of our Church—a principal Singer—dyed in the 55th year of his Age.
1777 March 14 (Friday). A.M. came Mr. Thomas Kendal—dines and lodged here.
1777 March 15 (Saturday). Mr. Kendal with me. Mr. Barnabas Newton goes to Marlborough for Flax. Gave him seven Dollars and an half, but he brought only 13 lb.
1777 March 16 (Sunday). In the morning came Mr. Elijah Hardy and informs that Since Day light his Brother Constantine dyed—but it was by means of the Dysentery setting in with the Small Pox. Another, and very worthy, member of this Church hereby taken away from us! Help, Lord! Mr. Kendal preached a.m. on Joh. 12.36, former part. P.M. he preached on Rom. 8.3.4. My son Breck was admitted into the Church. I appointed the Communion and the Lecture. N.B. Mrs. Maynard and Mr. James Bellows’s Wife, also Miss Nabby Woods, dined here. Mr. Kendal and Breck, after the public Exercises, went to Mr. Hardys to assist in the Interment of Mr. Constantine.
1777 March 17 (Monday). Rode into the South part of the Town, to visit divers Familys, viz. Capt. Morse, under pain and Confinement by reason of the Fall of a Pole, loaded with Raw Hides, which knocked him down. Discoursed and prayed with him; and I dined there. Went to Mr. Phinehas Forbes’s—to Mrs. Bowmans—her Husband in the Service: and to Mr. Isaac Adams’s, whose Wife had a Son born to day, after many years (10 or 11) ceasing to bear. But (as was my principal Design) visited, comforted and prayed with Mrs. Mindwell Hardy, Widow of the late Mr. Constantine Hardy. Found her in a good, Sedate, Pious, resigned, though very afflicted, Frame. Was at Mr. Elisha Forbes’s; and at Mr. Joseph Harringtons, where I supped. At home found my Daughter Hannah ill: her Face greatly Swelled and pained. Mr. Kendal lodges here. Received a Letter from Mr. Quincy of Feb. 27 and 28 in answer to mine concerning the Defection of the Philadelphian Farmer.
1777 March 18 (Tuesday). I spent some time in discoursing with, and reading to Mr. Kendal. What I read was some part of Bishop Burnet of the Pastoral Care. Viewed some of his Compositions, and freely talked with him about them. N.B. finished and Sent a letter to Mr. Forbes of Gloucester.
1777 March 19 (Wednesday). My Lecture. Mr. Stone was Sent to, but did not come. Mr. Whitney (by desire) came—dined—Preached on Mat. 7.21. Which may God graciously Succeed! Mr. Kendal with us—also Miss Eunice Fish. Am informed that a mutual Council sitts to Day at Petersham.
1777 March 20 (Thursday). Mr. Kendal rode with me over to Northborough Lecture. We dined at Mr. Whitneys. Mr. Sumner and Mr. [blank] Fairbank (called at North Shrewsbury) were there. The latter preached on Isa. 28.16—“Behold I lay in Zion for a foundation, a Stone” etc. Mr. Whitneys Chimney took Fire and the Roof was kindled, but soon extinguished. We returned at Eve, though it was difficult by reason of Rain, cold Wind, and mudd[y Roads?].
As I was in the Evening in my Chamber about 9 o’Clock and going [torn] to [torn], I was taken with Faintness, and at the Door [illegible] as a Log. Mr. Kendal, and soon the rest [torn] [illegible] I had fallen against the Conk-shell and wo[torn] Head, breaking a part of the Shell; also the Candlestick which [torn]nd, was bent etc. etc., but through the Goodness of God I came to [torn] a little space. Mr. Kendal prayed and I went to Bed and [torn] freshed and Comforted. Blessed be God for His sparing [torn] May I take Warning—Wait and watch as one that is Ever Ready for the Coming of my Lord!
1777 March 21 (Friday). Through the great Goodness and Longsuffering of God I am in a comfortable state, and able to attend to my Studys. All Praise is due to God my Preserver and Strengthener! Mr. Kendal with us Still. P.M. Mrs. Beulah Gale, widow of the late Jacob Gale, was here to discourse with me, in order to having her Children baptized: but I chiefly directed her to look to her own state, her Qualifications for giving up herself to God. Directed and encouraged her to Seek the true Knowledge of God, true Faith, Repentance and a Spirit of Holiness etc.
1777 March 22 (Saturday). Mr. Kendal was willing to stay and help me on the Sabbath approching, but I thought I might venture to undertake, by leave and help from God, to perform the Services, and therefore inclined that he should go to Grafton and preach for Mr. Grosvenor. P.M. he went. My Daughter in law, Kezia, came from Leicester, and goes to Framingham. Jonathan Marble, twin Brother of Henry, came and lodges. He has come from my Daughter Baldwins where he lives: and he tells me she is but poorly: is much upon the Bed.
1777 March 23 (Sunday). My preparations for Preaching being in such Readiness that my mind was much at rest; though my Body was feeble and my Animal Spirits were but weak. I entered upon the important work, I hope in the Fear of God and in the Faith of Jesus Christ (as I humbly hope). A.M. my Text was Rom. 8.1. P.M. Text was [blot]. 4.11, latter part, which may God graciously bless! And as the holy Supper was administered may God be pleased to accept our Offerings and help us to fulfill our vows! N.B. my son Breck was now first at the Communion. [Elijah Brigham?], Cousen Maynard and Jonathan Marble dined here. At Eve came Miss [Nabby?] Woods and lodges here. Breck and Suse and Billy with us at noon [and Evening?]. Received a Letter from Mr. Moore, which acquaints me with his designed Marriage to Miss Nancy Hammond of Newport.
1777 March 24 (Monday). I have been but feeble and faint, yet having been carryed through the various Exercises of the sabbath and of the Sacrament, as also of the Family, through the great Goodness of God, I render praise to His glorious Name. The Marbles go to [Upton?]. I light of one Thomas Snow of Oxford, and [illegible and torn] to work for me. The Town Meet [torn] they shall do about raising Men whether there s[hould be?] Hospital for Inoculation etc. As to this last ther[torn] Vote.
1777 March 25 (Tuesday). Mr. Kendal com[torn], Mr. Cushing from Ashburnham and my Daughter in la[torn] Framingham. They all lodge here. N.B. Breck went to [Boston this morning?] Major Wheelock with him. Henry Marble and Phinehas Brigham dine here, as does Jonathan Marble. N.B. I payd the two former, 3 Dollars for their thrashing my Rye. They all go to Brookfield.
1777 March 26 (Wednesday). Kezia delivers me 41£ 1 s. for which I gave Receipt. She returns to Leicester. This is the Day appointed for the Ordination of Mr. [blank] Fairbank at North Shrewsbury.
1777 March 27 (Thursday). I hear the Ordination at Shrewsbury was put off. I rode to Southborough on Mr. Ebenezer Forbushs Horse to See Mr. Stone and his Family. Mr. Stone informed me that his Daughter Rice was thought to be dying and that he, being sent for, was riding there, but the Horse stumbled and threw him, by which he was sadly bruised—and was blooded. His Daughter Joanna very ill of a Fever, and keeps her Bed. But it was Lecture Day, and Mr. Stone could not go out. However, Mr. Wheaten from Framingham was there and preached. Text Joh. 3.3. N.B. Col. Buckminster accompanyed Mr. Wheaton and dined with us. By Desire I prayed with Miss Joanna. In my returning I visited the three Widows Gale; I also called in to see old Mr. Gale and his Wife, confined by their Infirmitys. Am now informed that Mr. Fairbank was Ordained this Day. Mr. Cushing goes to Shrewsbury—But
1777 March 28 (Friday). He returns here to recover his Dog—takes him and goes to Northborough. N.B. Having brought the 1st Vol. of Prideaux, he borrows the 2d and 3d.
1777 March 29 (Saturday). The Talk of the Day is of Inoculation. My Daughters very much set upon it.
1777 March 30 (Sunday). A.M. on Rom. 8.1. P.M. on 2 Cor. 5.5, but the Subject the Same as from Heb. 2.15. The Widow Bulah Gale was propounded. Breck etc. at Eve, also Elijah Brigham—and lodges here.
1777 March 31 (Monday). Read great part of the Day in Chambers Cyclopaedia on various Heads and have agreeable Entertainment and profit. The select Men are together upon the important affair of Inoculation. Breck watches with Mr. Andrews.
1777 April 1 (Tuesday). Breck informs that Mr. Andrews has had a bad Night. I expected Thomas Snow of Oxford to work for me, but he did not come. I rode up to Mr. Thomas Whitneys to see his youngest Son that is sick of Fever, Worms etc. Prayed there and dined with them also. Went over to Mr. [torn]ph Grouts; Capt. Jonathan Fays—call at each of [torn] but particularly was at Ensign Fays to see Mrs. [torn] (of Chauncytown). N.B. hear that the Stores at Pickskill (60 miles from New York) on N. River, are destroyed by our own soldiers, by reason of a Man of War going up, and invading them.
N.B. Mr. Grosvenor and his Wife, Mr. Kendal, with Master Hall visited, and dined here—though I Saw nothing of them.
Mr. Tainters House is improved as an Hospital, and a Number of young men are inoculated to day. May God be pleased in the midst of Wrath to remember Mercy!
1777 April 2 (Wednesday). Mrs. P________ visits her Cousen Maynard. Sophy to Marlborough. Mr. P. Whitney makes me a short Visit. P.M. Mr. Spring comes to see me. Miss Nanny Beeton here and lodges. Breck went for me to Mr. Israel Allen’s at Shrewsbury to buy me a Pair of Oxen, and bargained for them but it was with his Wife.
1777 April 3 (Thursday). Breck went up again for the Oxen—but they were gone. However, he bought, and paid for, another pair, of Mr. Elnathan Pratt. They are Six years old—of Six foot Dimensions. Price £17.10. Nanny Beeton still with us, and lodges here.
Sophy and Hannah, I am informed, are inoculated this evening, by Dr. Hawes. I could not resist their Importunity. May God be gracious to us all, as the Matter now requires!
1777 April 4 (Friday). My Daughters are recluse in the Back Chamber, and are dieting them selves. Nanny Beeton goes home. I have neither Thomas Snow nor any body else to work for me. But the Weather is cold and windy.
1777 April 5 (Saturday). The Girls take Physick, but none of us go to ‘em, but Mrs. Crosby who having had the Small Pox, waits upon ‘em. Mr. Spring and his wife came at Eve and lodge here. N.B. Mr. Benjamin Fay junior and his Wife here. They desire to join with the Church but I desired Mr. Fay to endeavour Reconcilement with Mr. Thomas Whitney.
1777 April 6 (Sunday). Mr. Bradshaw, who lodged at Squire Whipples last night, came here this morning. Mr. Benjamin Tainter and his Wife desire prayers for a Number of their Family who are inoculated. Miss Lydia Hardy recovered from the Small Pox, comes to Meeting and returns Thanks. Mr. Andrews desires continuation of prayers.
I preached again on Rom. 8.1. P.M. on 2 Cor. 5.5, which may God bless to us! A Number of persons dined with us: besides Breck, Suse and Billy Spring, Mr. Spring and his wife, Messrs. Bradshaw, Levi and Elijah Brigham. At Eve Mr. Spring and his Wife went to Mr. Edm. Brighams. Mr. Bradshaw lodges here.
1777 April 7 (Monday). He gives me the Bishop of St. [Asaphs?] sermon on Luk. 2.14 before the society for Propagating the Gospel Feb. 1[9?], 1773.3 He pursues his Journey to Boston. Capt. Thomas Whipple with him. By Mr. Bradshaw I sent a Letter to Elias, and to Dr. Langdon his Dr. Witherspoon. Breck goes to Lancaster. I have no body but my Boy, to work for me. Am forced to be abroad my Self, setting in[torn] many things, as I am able. My two Daughters g[torn] Tainters, with Mrs. Hawes and her son—[torn] C[torn] Hawes. May God be gracious and shew them Mercy in this time of Darkness!
1777 April 8 (Tuesday). I have some Serious Thoughts and Employments on my Childrens present Condition in the Hospital, and of the many that resort there for the same purpose: May God graciously forgive our Sins [illegible] pull down his Judgments! And prepare us for Mercys needed!
Two Fairbanks (Jonathan and Drury) came with one Thaddeus Wait, who wants to let himself to me.
N.B. Mr. Jonas Bradish was here; but was in haste; Says he will write to me—about the baptizing his Children.
1777 April 9 (Wednesday). Thaddeus Wait came—asks 58 Dollars for Six Months; I consent to give him 57 on Condition he will be very industrious etc. Otherwise but 56: and he is to make up lost time, viz. Fasts, Lectures, foul days etc., is to come by or before this day sennight. Dr. Jenison dined here, as did four Young Women going to Hospital. P.M. Mr. Bradshaw returned, dined here also. Deacon Burnap visits me. Bradshaw lodges with us. N.B. He gives me Dr. Price’s Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty,4 as he does Several Sorts of Garden seeds also.
1777 April 10 (Thursday). A town Meeting to grant Money etc. Also a Training Day for enlisting soldiers. I do something in the Garden. Mr. Bradshaw took leave. Elijah Brigham here from the Hospital. He borrows Salmons Geography and the View of the Human Nature.
1777 April 11 (Friday). Though I am desirous to be in my Study, yet the incumbrance of the Garden is a great [illegible] and Interruption to me therein.
1777 April 12 (Saturday). Breck goes to Oxford; and returns at night. Hear that Hannah has Symptoms of the Distemper upon, but Sophy not much altered. The Doctor tells me there are 43 persons, men, Women and Children belonging to this and the nei[gh]boring Towns, at the Hospital.
1777 April 13 (Sunday). Squire Baker acquaints me with the general Requests of those who are at the Hospital, that public prayers be made for them. I preached a.m. on Rom. 8.1. P.M. on Occasion of the Judgment of God upon us in the Small Pox, I preached on Isa. [64.9?]. The body of the Discourse was what I delivered in the year 60 but with Introduction, alterations, Additions, and especially Applications Suited to the present Circumstances which may God graciously be pleased to own and bless! [Mr. Elijah Brigham?] and Cousen Davis dined here. Am informed my Daughters are both of them broke out. May God sustain and preserve them! May they have Grace to profit Spiritually hereby and prepare them for His holy Will!
1777 April 14 (Monday). Went over the Widow Whipple: bought 4 Bushels of Indian Corn of Jonathan, and agree with the Miller, Mr. Broad, for 2 more. I spoke to Squire Baker and to Deacon Wood to use their Endeavours to bring Mr. Thomas Whitney and Mr. Benjamin Fay to some Agreement. Walked over to Capt. Morse’s and was favored with various sorts of Garden Seeds. N.B. Dr. Crosby here in his Way to Cambridge and Boston. He kindly offers to assist Elias in his coming home. Mr. Nurse and Chamberlin, who plow for me, dined here. Read Sir William Temple on the united states of Holland.
1777 April 15 (Tuesday). Rode to the Association at Mr. Bridge’s at East Sudbury. Had so far the Company of young David Fay, who there took my Horse to lead him to Cambridge for Elias to ride up thus far, it being Vacation time. Present at Mr. Bridge’s, Messrs. Smith, Goss, Mellen, Whitney and Biglow. Nothing special but that Mr. Mellen prayed. Conversation was on the Times, Circumstances of divers Ministers in their Difficultys among their people—besides Several that were there, Mr. Hill’s at Shutesbury. Mr. Smith and I lodged at Mr. Bridge’s.
1777 April 16 (Wednesday). Waited for Elias till after Dinner. Mr. Smith to Marlborough, it being the Day of both a Church and Town Meeting chiefly relative to the Settling Mr. Foster.
I rode to Mr. Stone’s, because he was not at Association. Found that Miss Joanna was Still very low. I lodged there.
1777 April 17 (Thursday). Came home in Safety. D.G. Elias arrived last Evening. I received a Letter from Thaddeus Waight of Holliston. He could not come to live with me: he must go out a soldier. Mr. Kendall from Grafton visits, dines; and p.m. takes Leave.
1777 April 18 (Friday). Am in new perplexity about Help in my Husbandry. Breck rides to Northborough to try for a Son of Deacon Newton. I read Mr. Stones M.S. sermon on Josh. 22.22, which he preached at Southborough May [blank] 1775.
1777 April 19 (Saturday). Breck and Suse ride in Mr. Newtons Chaise to Concord. I hear my Daughters in a Way of Recovery. D.G.
1777 April 20 (Sunday). Rode over to Northborough. Preached a.m. on Amos 3.2 and p.m. on Amos [torn], latter part. Mr. Whitney preached here on Eccl. [8.11?]. N.B. [Mr. Solomon?] How was there, as he was the last time I preached there on the Sabbath. By reason of the Rain, I lodged at Mr. Whitneys. N.B. Mr. Batherick was taken ill in the Meeting House, and was led hither and laid him on the Bed. He was carried home in a Chaise. It is conceived to be an apoplectic Case. Lord, may I be ready!
1777 April 21 (Monday). I returned from Mr. Whitneys. Call at Capt. Maynards—to see Mrs. Kelly—Mr. Hannaniah Parker—but especially Mr. Batherick—found him capable of walking; could talk a little, but his Pulse sluggish. Prayed with him. A town Meeting concerning Inoculation. At Night my son Alexander came.
1777 April 22 (Tuesday). Alexander goes to Framingham in his way to Lynn, to View a place there with mills etc. to be sold. One Mr. John How of Boston (Brother, he says, of Mr. Joseph How Tinman) in the Road, travelling on Foot. I took him in and gave him food—calls Mrs. Surcomb his Sister etc. etc. etc. I visited again Mr. Batherick. N.B. Mindwell his Daughter with a Baby, though she is unmarried. Severely rebuked her. P.M. Catechized at the Bond-school House. 12 Boys and 14 Girls. After Catechizing Called at Deacon Bonds and at old Mr. Warrins.
1777 April 23 (Wednesday). Mr. Thomas Adams from Medfield—dined; changed a Book or two—and returned. Breck and Suse from Boston. Squire Baker here, acquaints me with the dangerous state of his Daughter Sarah at the Hospital. Master Crosby brings me from his Mother, Secretary Moretons Memorial, to read.5
1777 April 24 (Thursday). My Daughters Sophy and Hannah return from the Hospital, as they hope cured of the Small-Pox. To God be Glory and Praise! And may they ever live devoted to the Service and Honour of their almighty Healer and Saviour!
1777 April 25 (Friday). Mr. Solomon Baker is very ill of the Small Pox at the Hospital. So is his Neece, Miss Sally Baker, Daughter of the Squire.
1777 April 26 (Saturday). Having no man, nor prospect of any, Breck works some time in the Garden; and Elias sleds stones.
1777 April 27 (Sunday). A.M. on Rom. 8.4—“who Walk not after the Flesh” etc. P.M. on Hos. 6.6 to page 7.
1777 April 28 (Monday). Training to enlist Soldiers for Providence, five out of the South [Comp?] and four out of the [North?]. N.B. I visited and prayed with Deacon Woods Wife, who is Sick. P.M. had a great deal of interruption by Company. Mr. Kendal from Grafton; dines and takes Leave.
1777 April 29 (Tuesday). Mr. Solomon Baker dyed about 10 o’Clock a.m. Mr. Samuel Goodenow of Elizabeth Town in the Jerseys here, and desires a Contribution. Shews me a large Certificate and Recommendation from the (as he says) Minister, Elder, Deacons and Clerk of the Church of Elizabeth Town.
Sister Cushing here and dines with us. P.M. Mr. Goodenow here again, and his Uncle Capt. Benjamin Fay with him. One Samuel Hiscock of Hopkinton came to let himself to me.
1777 April 30 (Wednesday). I am informed that Mr. Solomon Bakers Corps was bury’d early this morning before [blank].
Mr. Francis Whipple came and informed me that his poor little Child (which was always from its Birth unlike other Children, weak, pining, unable to Speak etc., yet well nigh 6 years old) dyed this morning. Hear that Regulars have burnt Danbury.
1777 May 1 (Thursday). Publick Fast. Preached a.m. on Hos. 6.6. P.M. on Isa. 5.7. N.B. used some parts of my Exposition on the 8th Commandment. The Lord accept our Penitence and our Prayers—and give His Blessing to the Word delivered! I committed Mr. Goodenow’s Certificat to the Deacons; who advised to the Reading it to the Congregation. Appointed the Communion.
1777 May 2 (Friday). At 9 a.m. attended the Burial of Mr. Whipple’s Child. N.B. Breck carrys Elias in Mr. B. Newtons Chaise to Cambridge. I met with Mr. Thomas Whitney and urge him to Reconcilement with Mr. B. Fay. Says he is willing to lay it before two men; or to issue [it?] in the Law.
1777 May 3 (Saturday). Sorrowfully interrupted by unavoidable worldly Affairs and Business; having no man to do any work for me. James Hicks’s Hands sore that he can’t work. Breck returned from Boston.
1777 May 4 (Sunday). Preached on Gal. 5.16 a.m. and 25th p.m. Administered the Lords Supper. Mrs. Maynard dined with us. The Lord pardon my unpreparedness and add His Blessing to my weak Endeavours. Accepting my renewal Engagements to be His, and His only. At Eve Breck, Suse and Elijah. N.B. Read publicly Sam. Goodenows Recommendation and Request for a Contribution. N.B. a Number of persons gave Thanks for recovering from the Small Pox.
1777 May 5 (Monday). Rainy. News of a British Fleet in the Bay. Read part of Secretary Moretons Memorial.
1777 May 6 (Tuesday). A Number of Men at Work in Carting out muck, viz. Mr. Nurse with 2 Teams, Thad Warrin and Chamberlain. I went to Squire Bakers to see his Daughter Salley remarkably recovered from the Small Pox and got home. N.B. The squires remarkable Generosity in giving me the Quarter of Beef which I had of him some Months agoe (Oct. 14 last, which weighed 121 lb.), and consents to take 3 young Creatures to pasture this Summer ensuing. He is also very providentially accommodated with an Opportunity to Supply me, which he does, with a Pair of black leather Breeches. Thanks to God for his Favour and Smiles this Day!
1777 May 7 (Wednesday). The Scenes Shift: My Principal Hog has languished for some time, in a Consumption, and he has this day (as we suppose) dyed, to our considerable Loss and Disappointment—but was not found.
1777 May 8 (Thursday). I rode to Southborough. Dined at Mr. Stone’s. Miss Joanna is recovering. I preached the Lecture on Rev. 14.6.7, which may the Lord bless to me and to the Hearers. Mr. Stone desired my Notes; which therefore I lent him. Called at Mr. Johnsons—and to See old Mr. Gale and his Wife, on Occasion of the Death of their son Henry.6
N.B. David Sangor of Framingham came to live and work here.
1777 May 9 (Friday). Though it was a rainy, Stormy time, I rode to See Mrs. Lewis, a Charlestown Woman, who is Sick at Capt. Ben Fay’s. Prayed with her.
1777 May 10 (Saturday). A Cold, cloudy Season, unfit for Planting or Sowing.
1777 May 11 (Sunday). Preached on the Same Texts as last Sabbath but made large additions to my former Notes, with Special Reference to the present distressing and gloomy Times. N.B. No preaching at Hopkinton. Mr. Samuel Barrett here and dined with us. P.M. on Rom. 8.1, latter part.
1777 May 12 (Monday). This Morning I send Six young Cattle to Mr. Baldwins Pasture at Cois Hill at Brookfield, under the Care, for driving, of Benjamin Bowman, and Nathan Champney. Sangor helps part of the way. I visited Deacon Woods Wife, who is in distressing Pain. P.M. Visit Mrs. Lewis at Capt. Fays and prayed with her.
1777 May 13 (Tuesday). Sangor went with my Cart and Oxen to Mr. Thomas Whitneys. Brought 400 lb. of Fowl-Meadow Hay. Hannah is much out of Health. Breck, in Mr. Newtons Chaise, goes with her to Marlborough. Return at Eve. Mrs. Priscilla Whipple, her Sister, Mrs. Persis Putnam, visit us. Mr. Bradshaw here, from Boston.
1777 May 14 (Wednesday). Mr. Bradshaw goes on his Journey. I visit Mrs. Wood. Was with the Doctors, viz. Darling and Kitteridge, at Breakfast. Deacon Livermore dined here. Went into the Garden p.m. to work a while in the Garden—plant peas, Pepper etc. N.B. James Hicks so lame by Reason of Sore Cracks in his Feet, that he can do very little service for me. Memorandum. We took Dr. Kitteridge’s Advice on Hannahs Case. She rode to the Widow Brigham’s.
1777 May 15 (Thursday). Hannah rode as far as Mr. Haskills with Mrs. Meheitabel Fay and her little sister; both of them Invalids. James has a very great Cold. A Training Day to enlist or draw out Soldiers into the Continental Army. The four Brighams of Dartmouth College were here, viz. Moses, Levi, Elijah and Samuel. Mrs. Spring came to see us—dines and lodges here. Mr. Benjamin Fay came to me to speak about his joining with the Church, but I exhort him to go and be reconciled to his Brother. Deacon Wood and serjeant Forbes were here, and expressly approved of my Method, in deferring the Propounding of Mr. Fay and his Wife, till they are reconciled to their Adversary (or at least use some proper means of Reconciliation by committing their Cause to some Wise, indifferent persons to judge and determine).
1777 May 16 (Friday). Hannah rides with her Sister Suse to Col. Brighams; and Mrs. P________ makes a Visit with Mrs. Spring to Mrs. Newton and Mrs. Wood. The last is still sick, but is better. Mrs. Spring tarrys there. Messrs. Elijah, and Eli Brigham [came at?] Eve, bringing with them a young Gentleman, of Dartmouth College, Mr. Goodrich. They sup here.
1777 May 17 (Saturday). Sangor having dined, went to Framingham. A Training or Military Meeting, on Account of Recruits.
1777 May 18 (Sunday). The Contributing to the Relief of Mr. Samuel Goodenow occasioned my preaching on Heb. 13.3, the Same Discourse except a few Alterations which I delivered Mar. 18, 1753, previous to a Contribution for his Father. Gather the Sum of £4.19.[ blot].2 L.M. N.B. Elijah and Eli Brigham, also Mr. Goodrich, dined here: and the two other Brighams, Moses and Samuel, were with us after Meeting and at Evening Exercises of the Family: but then they returned to their respective homes or lodgings. Before which They Sung An Anthem of Charity. My Daughter Hannah droops; yet p.m. She went to Meeting.
1777 May 19 (Monday). Reuben Lambson came to me to live with me and work for me. N.B. Mr. Samuel Goodneow was here. I delivered him the Contribution and had his Receipt for it. David Sangor returned from Framingham to fetch his Things and receive his Wages for his Work. Eight Days he worked for me: and I payd him £6 old Tenor. He approved himself so well that I lent him (at his request) Monsieur Jurieu Vol. 1 of the Critical History.7
The Town Met to choose Representatives—and elected Capt. Maynard and Mr. Daniel Forbes. To whom may the God of all Grace and Wisdom impart that Counsel and Wisdom which they at this peculiar season need!
1777 May 20 (Tuesday). Hannah a.m. Worse. P.M. rides as far as Capt. Maynards. Mr. Hall of Sutton, going to Concord and Boston, dines with us. At Eve engage Reuben to live with me Six Months; but says he must have 10 Dollars per Month.
1777 May 21 (Wednesday). He is very diligent and drives on. But our public state is dark. The British Force is said to be near upon the Coast: and our Three year Soldiers few, hardly obtained—and what have ‘listed are not (many of them) such as one would choose.
1777 May 22 (Thursday). Went to Squire Bakers. Consulted the Law Book, and Squire Samuel being there, asked their Opinion on this Case, Whether a Couple designing marriage, and having been legally published, but though no objection arises from any Quarter, yet by various occurrences in Providence their solemn Junction is deferred from one Year to another, Shall they need to be re-published? They both answer that they needed not.
P.M. old Madam and the younger Lady made us a Visit and drank Tea here. Mr. Hall returning from Roxbury (he went not into Boston for fear of the Small Pox) was with us. He heard that General Bourgoyne’s Army and Fleet are within 4 or 5 Days from our Harbour. N.B. read Moretons Memorial.
But what is most remarkable to day is Breck and Sophy set out for Rochester, and carry with them Suky P. Moore. May GOod grant them a prosperous Journey by His holy Will!
1777 May 23 (Friday). Hannah is Still in but a feeble State.
1777 May 24 (Saturday). [No entry.]
1777 May 25 (Sunday). A.M. on Oppression. Text was Eccl. 4.1, but carryed on the Discourse from Isa. 5.7. P.M. on Micah 7.7.
1777 May 26 (Monday). My Son William came up for his Mother to go to Concord. His Wife was brought to bed yesterday morning with another Daughter. Thanks to God! He dines with us, and after 3 his mother not prepared to go, I sat out with him in the Same Chaise, and before the Light was gone arrived at his House.
1777 May 27 (Tuesday). Having lodged and dined at my Sons, rode into the town, found my Son Samuel, his Wife, Children and Family in Health. To God be praise and Glory for So multiplyed Favours! Visited Dr. Minot—his little son John very ill of Canker. Went also to my Venerable and Pious Friends, Master Minot and his Wife. Supped and lodged at my Son Samuels.
1777 May 28 (Wednesday). Frosty Morn, but a good Day. I did not incline to be at Boston, though it is an important Day, wherein not only Counsellors are to be chosen but a Constitution of Government to be planned. Hear the grand President of the Congress, is arrived at Boston in Pomp. May God grant that the general Assembly may be conducted with Wisdom! My Son Samuel and I rode to Mr. Lawrences at Lincoln, and to my Kinsman Procters: but returned to dinner at Samuels and Spent the Afternoon in Visiting the widows and afflicted. Particularly Mrs. Emerson and her Children—then her Mother Bliss—the Miserable Mr. Isaiah Barrett—at Eve the Minots.
1777 May 29 (Thursday). Lodged as last night. My Son waited on me to his Brothers (Williams) Where is one Mr. Samuel Hosmer, belonging that Neighbourhood; who relates Marvels of An Egg at Rev. Mr. Dix’s in Townshend; which the said Hosmer declares he saw, Mr. Ezekiel Miles junior with him: that on the Egg there were the figures 1777 with a number more. Dined with William and p.m. Sat out for home and (only calling at Mr. Thomas Biglows to refresh), I arrived at home Safe before sunset.
1777 May 30 (Friday). Breck and Sophy returned from Rochester and dined at home.
1777 May 31 (Saturday). Prepared in part—but conclude not to use it tomorrow.
1777 June 1 (Sunday). Preached a. and p.m. on Micah 7.7. May the Word be effectual to my own highest Good! Cousen Maynard and our Sister Brigham (Suse’s Mother) dined here. Appointed a Catechizing, God Willing, the next Tuesday a. and p.m. N.B. A Negro Man, who calls himself Enoch Noble, and pretends to practise Physick, and was Sent here (we suppose) by Deacon Woods Wife, has come to See Hannah this Morning and She inclines to take Something of him.
1777 June 2 (Monday). Sophy goes with Hannah, after dinner, in Mr. Tainters Chaise, to Mr. Grosvenors. Mr. Jason Wait of Alsted makes me a kind Visit.
1777 June 3 (Tuesday). In the Storm of thunder and lightning, Mr. Amasa Maynards young, agreeable Horse was killed. By the Rain till late in the Eve, Jonathan Whipple and his Bride were prevented, but they and their Company came at last and were marryed.
1777 June 4 (Wednesday). We hear that yesterday’s Storm was more Severe down lower. Five men at Framingham were standing together—Two of which were killed, the other three, though Struck down, recovered; an Horse that was near them was killed. God be praised for His preserving Mercy to us! Hannah rode a little way. Mr. Joshua Hicks dined with us. My Grandson How called here in his way from Dudley to Marlborough. Mrs. P________ sat out (with Breck to accompany her) to Concord. Rev. Mr. Stephen Johnson of Lyme and his Wife, came in late p.m.—and lodged here. My son Alexander also came from Leicester to see his Sister Hannah and lodged here.
1777 June 5 (Thursday). Mr. Johnson and Wife go on their Journey. Alexander returns. Widow of the late Constantine Hardy dined here. P.M. My Daughter Baldwin came to us, Mrs. (wife of Zebulon) Rice with her. N.B. Having transcribed what was wanting in my Dr. Evans, I delivered Mr. Fitch’s Book to Deacon Burnett of Hopkinton for Conveyance. Breck from Concord a.m.
1777 June 6 (Friday). Elias came home from Cambridge before Day, to See his Sister Hannah, and it happened that his sister Baldwin is here also. He takes a Ride with Hannah in their sisters Chaise.
1777 June 7 (Saturday). Elias waits upon his Sisters in Mrs. Baldwins Chaise. They remain very infirm and tender. Mrs. B. has the Doctor at Eve. Miss Patty Fish here p.m.
1777 June 8 (Sunday). Preached a. and p.m. on Luk. 13.23. Miss Patty Fish, and Miss Nabby Woods dined here. N.B. My Exercises were with Difficulty by reason of a Cold and great Hoarseness. My Daughters Baldwin and Hannah were too Weak and infirm to go to Meeting.
1777 June 9 (Monday). Mr. Caleb Wilders Wife and Daughter were here, and Miss Patty Fish, and dined here. P.M. Col. Brighams wife came in the Rain. My poor invalids are confined by the weather, and can’t ride out.
1777 June 10 (Tuesday). Hannah is very weak, but her Cough not so violent. Mrs. Wood rides for her Health, and came here; She is so good as to take up Hannah into the Carriage, and they rode to Beetons. I am in my preparation upon my Subject, of the Fewness of those who Shall be saved.
1777 June 11 (Wednesday). Sent Elias for Dr. Ball; who came, and Dr. Hawes is here with him, to consult about Hannahs Case. My Daughter rode a little way, a.m. Mr. Sumner came and dined with me. He preached for me, and happened to take the very Text I have been preaching, and am still preparing on. But was an excellent, useful, Seasonable and I believe very acceptable Discourse. May God be pleased to add His Blessing! And in Special to me! After meeting, Mr. Sumner prayed with and for my two infirm Daughters. James Miller junior and his Wife came in to talk with me about joining to the Church, but I was forced to defer it. Capt. Morse, Town Treasurer, came and was urgent and in an hurry to deliver me part of the Rates. N.B. He paid me all that Mr. Constable D. Adams was to collect, viz. £34.18.1 Lawful Money.
1777 June 12 (Thursday). In my preparations. Hannah remains poorly.
1777 June 13 (Friday). My Grandson Isaac Baldwin, from Mr. Moodys School in Byfield, came here to his Mother, and Capt. Hale of Brookfield from Concord with him. They lodge here.
1777 June 14 (Saturday). Capt. Hale and Isaac leave us to go to Brookfield. Dr. Hawes daily visits my Invalids.
1777 June 15 (Sunday). Preached a.m. on Heb. 13.12. Administered the Lords Supper. Mrs. Maynard and Miss Polly Pratt dined with us. P.M. on Luk. 13.23 and finished that Subject. May God forgive my Deficiencies and Miscarriages and add His Blessing!
1777 June 16 (Monday). Training. Mr. Stone visited us and dined here. Reckoned with Henry Marble. Paid him £2 L.M. N.B. Elias goes to Cambridge afoot. Gave him 3 Dollars. Hannah Seems to be better. D.G.
1777 June 17 (Tuesday). Breck went to Boston. I went to Ministers Meeting at Mr. Biglows at West-Sudbury; and got there early. Not only was no one Member come, but no one did come at all, but Mr. Bridge who was accompanyed by Mr. Wheaton. N.B. Capt. Freeman and his Lady live at Mr. Biglows. The Other two of the Association chose me Moderator. Mr. Biglow prayed. Agreed to have the next Meeting to be in August, 3d Tuesday; at my House. I rode to Mr. Smiths at Marlborough. Col. Williams was there: and there I lodged. Mr. Smith had been ill some time, and was Still in but a weak and dull state.
1777 June 18 (Wednesday). I rode up to Northborough to see Mr. Whitney, and din’d there. Mr. Marsh of Weathersfield dined with us. P.M. I visited at Mr. Seth Rice’s; called to see old Mrs. Kelley at Mr. Beeton’s. At home, Hannah a little better. Deacon Woods and Dr. Hawes at Evening.
1777 June 19 (Thursday). A.M. Mr. Fish and his Wife called here. He explains 1 Cor. P.M. Mr. Bowman calls here in his Way from Boston.
1777 June 20 (Friday). Breck returned from Boston by the way of LonDerry and Concord. Tells us Sally is about yet; but that Lydia is much exercised with nervous Head-Ach and a bad Breast. Received a Letter from Mr. Quincy, now at Worcester, dated this day.
1777 June 21 (Saturday). Wrote to Mr. Quincy by Mr. James Wilder. Master Crosby and his sister came from Cambridge and drank Tea here. N.B. Mr. Fitch and wife and daughter dined here in their Way to Connecticut.
1777 June 22 (Sunday). Rode to Northborough and preached there a. and p.m. on Luk. 13.23. Mr. Whitney a. and p.m. on Joh. 17.15. Baptized Mr. Bass’s Infant. I returned at Eve by Dr. Balls for my Daughters Baldwin and Hannah; both of them but weak and low.
1777 June 23 (Monday). A variety of Company—Mr. Phinehas Bowman, as an Officer, came to see Mrs. Baldwin. Also the Widow of the late Eliezer Rice mourning for her son Alpheus. Mr. James Miller was here and was examined. Capt. Edmund Brigham pays me the remainder of my Sallery, [blot] issuing at June 16 New style viz. £ [31.12.2?] which with what Capt. Morse paid makes £66.13.4.
1777 June 24 (Tuesday). Dr. Ball visits my Invalids and dines here. P.M. Visited the widow of the late Mr. Constantine Hardy. Also Mr. Eli Whitneys Wife, who is very dangerously ill. Prayed with her. Breck to Boston. Not only I, but a Number more of the Family were taken ill, about 1 o’Clock a.m.
1777 June 25 (Wednesday). Mr. Levi Warrin has my Oxen to go to Boston. Neighbour Nurse and John Warrin return from Lexington with two load of Earthen Ware and a Letter from Samuel concerning the Clock which Breck sold and sent to Samuel, the Case of which is now brought back from Concord, I fear through some Misconstruction and Mistake. P.M. Messrs. Stone, Crosby and How, with Crosbys two Sisters, Sally and Dolly, visit here.
1777 June 26 (Thursday). Wrote to Mrs. P________ at Concord—and to Samuel about the Clock and his Chambers, 4 Volumes. Sent the Letters to Gleasons, Waltham by Stephen Loomis of Hartford. Yesterday and to day wrote to Coll. Baldwin—but instead of any other Way to Send it, Isaac comes from Brookfield and leads down an Horse for his Mother. At Even. came Mr. Ebenezer Lovering of Ipswich Hamlett. N.B. Breck came from Boston. Invalids, accommodated with Neighbour Newtons mare, take a ride, nothing refreshing them like Riding.
1777 June 27 (Friday). My Kinsman Lovering goes on his Journey to Westfield. The Two Doctors here. Hannah Blooded. Mr. Joseph Roberts here in pursuit of his Negro Constant who stroles about under the Name of Enoch Noble. The same that came here on the 1st.
1777 June 28 (Saturday). Mr. Roberts returns home to Weston, with his Runaway, Constant. Isaac Baldwin leaves us to go to Cape Ann—but to day to Concord. I wrote by him to Mrs. P________, who is still there, and to Mr. Forbes at the Harbour.
1777 June 29 (Sunday). I have not finished indeed what I designed to preach—but on this sabbath I was expected to preach to the young Soldiers which are enlisted for 3 years or Continuance of the War; and therefore I delivered my Discourse on Prov. 4.10 and added a pathetic Address to them. Mr. Henry Marble and [1?]2 more, were Present in the Assembly and gratefully standing up. May God by His holy spirit impress all their souls, and of the whole Audience with a due Sense of these weighty Things delivered to them! My Daughters are rather worse. Hannah especially has more discouraging symptoms—and Sophy is much affected with it. May God graciously appear for our Help, or prepare us for His holy will! It is a Time of great Trouble!
1777 June 30 (Monday). Hannah through the great Goodness of God has rested comfortably, but Lucy had a poor morning: Riding being usefull, I rode with her in her Chaise to Mr. Gleasons. I went also to Dr. Crosby’s. The Doctor is at Providence in the Army. His son being at home I agree with him to go with my Daughters in a designed Journey to Concord. Mr. James Miller junior here—also Mr. B. Fay junior. Squire Whipple being about to go to Brookfield, call for and takes a large Letter which I wrote to my Son Baldwin at Ticonderoga. I looked for Mrs. P________ to come home, but she did not come.
1777 July 1 (Tuesday). Mr. Crosby came. The Girls prepared and Mounted in Mrs. Baldwins Chaise, and Drawn by Brecks Mare, and Mr. Crosby rode the Baldwin Horse, to ride as far as they could towards Boston via Concord. Mrs. Baldwin is too poorly (as she thinks) to venture; and therefore tarrys here with Me. Before noon came my Son William waiting upon his Mother, who met the Girls and an increased Company (Master Joseph Hall of Sutton etc.) going to Concord. P.M. The Town dwellers receive, for every House in Town about half a Bushel. Col. James Mellen of Hopkinton came in, being an Express from General Schuyler to Governor Trumball, to the Massachusetts etc., that a great Body of Regulars were come to Crown Point last Friday, that he himself Came from Albany on the Sabbath, etc. etc.
1777 July 2 (Wednesday). Marble etc. march to Worcester. Mr. Daniel Forbes from Brookfield brings Letters of the 17 and 20—all from Mr. Baldwin at Ticonderoga—and from Skeenesboro. The scope is, The Regulars are come from Canada, and are got to Crown Point. Recruits from the handyest of [these?] states are call for immediately.
1777 July 3 (Thursday). My Daughter Baldwin Seems [more revived?] now she has her Mother to Converse [torn] her, and make her Chearfull. At Eve Winslow Brigham—lodges among us. By the News-Paper some encouraging Accounts from N.Y., Jersies etc.
1777 July 4 (Friday). Mr. Hall (Josiah of Sutton) came with two of Deacon Tarrant Putnam’s Daughters, return from Concord, and inform that Hannah got down to Samuels pritty well, and on Thursday undertook to go to Boston. They turn out here—drink Coffee etc.
1777 July 5 (Saturday). Cousen Beckky Warrin of Upton came to See Mrs. Baldwin—dined here.
1777 July 6 (Sunday). Preach’d on Hosea 6.4 a. and p.m. Simon Crosby came to enquire after his Brother (who went with Sophy and Hannah, but is not returned), and he dined here. At Eve Mr. Daniel Forbes junior was here to take Letters etc. from Mrs. Baldwin for Brookfield. And I sent by him to Mr. Quincy, at Mr. Salsburys at Worcester.
1777 July 7 (Monday). I am informed that the Militia Companys in this Town meet to choose their officers. The North Company choose the same that they heretofore had. The South choose Mr. Nathan Fisher their Captain—Mr. Jonathan Grout the first Lieutenant and Mr. [blank] the second. Mr. Daniel Forbes, the Representative, made me a Visit and relates to me some of the principal transactions in the Court. Capt. Edmund Brigham came to desire me to visit aged Miss Stone (who came from Charlestown, and is now Sick) at Mr. Haskills. I rode and returned on Capt. Brighams Horse—discoursed and prayed with her. N.B. My Daughters Sophy and Hannah return from Concord, Boston, Cambridge etc. Sir Crosby accompanys them throughout their Journey. Hannah has born the Ride pritty well: but we can’t tell yet, the Effect of it. My Daughter Baldwin has been much exercised with her Disorders.
1777 July 8 (Tuesday). She has wrote to her Brother Forbes to meet her at Concord: and therefore Breck, after Dinner, waits upon her, in her own Chaise and with her Horse, to go down there. Reuben Lambson goes with some Acquaintance to his uncle Nat’s in Lancaster but it was at a most critical Time, when he had mowed the primest of my English Grass, Yesterday and this Day, till between 3 and 4 p.m. and great Signs of a storm. But he leaves it. However, as he asked, so I was forced to give him, Leave to go; and I went and raked my Self.
1777 July 9 (Wednesday). It rained in the Morning but the showers intermitted—sun shined so as that my Bees swarmed—no body to help, till Mr. Belknap accidentally came. I had sent for Neighbour Harrington, who came and they hiv’d the [swarme?]. Mr. Belknap dined with me. Reuben Lambson came home at night.
1777 July 10 (Thursday). Carry[s?] my own and other Letters directed to my son Baldwin, to Deacon Woods for Col. Mellen to take the Care of in his going to Tyconderoga. Was at Mr. Lambsons for hives. His two Friends Messrs. Potter and Thomas Whipple there. P.M. came Mr. Goodale from Marlborough, but of Dartmouth College, to enquire whether he could live with me to study etc. In the night Breck returns from Boston—brings up the work of a Clock which he has bought at a Vendue.
1777 July 11 (Friday). Hannah has a more difficult morning by a severe Turn of Coughing: Appetite depraved etc.
1777 July 12 (Saturday). [No entry.]
1777 July 13 (Sunday). On consideration of the Sorrowful News that our People have evacuated Ticonderoga, I chose that Text in Isa. 8.17, but after proper Introduction and with various Alterations, I used the last sermon on Micah 7.7. The Widow (of Eliezer) Rice dined with us. P.M. the third time on Hosea 6.4. May God graciously add his Blessing! N.B. Hannah asks publick Prayers.
At Evening Exercise, read (very much for Hannah’s sake) principal part of Mr. John Masons 2d Discourse on Mic. II.10, former part. A good Composition. May the reading of it be savingly blessed to us!
1777 July 14 (Monday). Many Confirmations of the sad News (of Tych______). A Method the South military Company takes to settle their Officers. Hannah rides with Suse in the Baldwin Chaise, to Col. Brighams but is much exercised with Cough at Evening. Mr. Bradshaw came from New Braintree and lodges here. His Horse is kept (by order) in Capt. Maynards Pasture.
1777 July 15 (Tuesday). I was about to go to Cambridge to bring up Elias, but Mr. Bradshaw takes this Affair upon him. Rides in the Baldwin Chaise with the Baldwin Horse, and his own Horse is rid by Samuel Hindes of Watertown. I visit old Mrs. Stone at Mr. Haskills—discoursed and prayed with her. My poor Daughter is in a low state—Cough, purging, faint, no appetite—wastes, I think, more and more.
1777 July 16 (Wednesday). Jej. and prec. My Wife rides with Hannah on Horse back to Capt. Maynards. Hannah greatly Sunk in Spirit as well as Body. May God graciously extend Compassion! A Day of Trouble in the Family, as well as distressing on Account of the Public State. The loss of So Strong a Fortress as Ticonderoga and the Tumults in the Western Frontiers. But the most high is our Refuge. P.M. Elias returned from College. Parkman Bradshaw came with him in the Baldwin Chaise. They inform that yesterday there was a Funeral Oration in the Chappel occasioned by the Death of Mr. Benjamin Wadsworth, who departed by the Small Pox. Very much lamented, especially by his Class, to which Elias belonged.
1777 July 17 (Thursday). Bradshaw rides the Baldwin Horse to Brookfield and leads an Horse of Breck’s to be pastured at Coi’s Hill. Breck also goes to Worcester, and designs then for Hubbards Town to one Dr. Clark, to bring him to See Hannah.
Alexander came to see us—dines here: as does Mr. Aaron Crosby from Onohoquaghe and Miss Zeruiah Rice of Brookfield who brings three Letters from Betsy Baldwin, which are, two of them from her Father, to her, and to Isaac; the 3d from her to her Mother. I Committ all of them to the Care of Mr. Crosby who is going to Boston. N.B. I inclose them [blot] a Letter to Mr. Forbes at Gloucester.
1777 July 18 (Friday). Hannah, though She was pritty Comfortable Yesterday, had a bad night for coughing, etc. The morning Mr. Wood who is out of Health and rides about to help her, came here and in the Baldwin Chaise took Hannah and rode up to Shrewsbury to meet with the abovesaid Dr. Clark. But they all returned without that Part of their Errand.
1777 July 19 (Saturday). Hannah another poor Night for Coughing, etc. Mr. Hannaniah Parker has two Children ill of the Canker. Sends for me. I went. Prayed and discoursed with them. Mr. Bradshaw returned from Boston, and stood along a.m. for N. Braintry. Mrs. Hitty Rice dined here.
Account book: Mr. Benjamin Bradshaw bought for me at Boston, Sundry Druggs etc. Lucatell; Bals.—Bals. Polychrest [sp.?] Hooper’s Pillul. etc. for which, and some other Things, I paid him in full.
1777 July 20 (Sunday). On Hos. 6.4. I was long, because I was desirous to finish the Subject. N.B. Breck went Express to Capt. Timothy Brigham with Orders from Col. Wheelock. Suse’s two sisters, Mindwell and Anna, dined here. P.M. preached on Mic. Used former preparations to p. 6. At Col. Wheelocks desire I read an Order from the Council that all the people be furnished with Arms and Ammunition—and 6 Days provision—and be ready at a Minutes Warning. I appointed Communion—but on consideration of the public Troubles, the Business of the Season, and the Affliction of my Family, omitted the Lecture.
1777 July 21 (Monday). Sophy and Hannah p.m. rode over to Mr. Monro’s. They carry a Packet for the Post to carry to Col. Baldwin. Mrs. Hannah Rug visits here. The Girls return well, as I hope, though the Air was heavy, and it began to rain.
1777 July 22 (Tuesday). My Son Samuel comes from Concord with his sister Baldwin and dined with us. P.M. Samuel returns home—leaves Chambers Dictionary, 4 Vols. only. He takes with him Mason on self-Knowledge. Mrs. Elizabeth Harrington made us a kind, Sisterly visit. Mr. William May brings me somewhat more Account of the Evacuating Ticonderoga—that it was most probably by Treachery. At night we hear a Post is come for our Militia to march to Providence. And Sad News from Otter Creek. Deacon Wood kindly Visits me, and brings a Present of green Peas.
1777 July 23 (Wednesday). It is a time of remarkable Distress among people by reason of the Alarm, it being the most busy Season. God has blessed us with great plenty, but the Hands that are necessary to gather in the Harvest, are called away. Breck, as Adjutant, goes to Southborough to carry Orders, to the Officers there.
1777 July 24 (Thursday). Although the Regiment which is now Suddenly raised by the foresaid Alarm, was appointed to meet at Grafton to Day, Yet Elmer Cushing brought from his Father Orders of the Council, not to March till further Notice, but to hold themselves in Readiness for the very shortest Warning. Hannah is a little better at times, but fear, not in the main. She rides a little almost every Day. Sophy takes the principal Care of her Day and Night.
1777 July 25 (Friday). Breck hires Mr. Levi Warrins Horse to go in the Baldwin Chaise to Brookfield and waits upon his sister home. P.M. Sophy and Hannah have Mr. Newtons Horse and Chaise to ride a little way.
1777 July 26 (Saturday). They ride to Col. Brighams, and Sophy on horseback to Marlborough. P.M. Col. Job Cushing came, and shews me several Expresses to march to the Westward with all speed. N.B. Breck was come back from Brookfield. These fresh and sudden Orders put the people into fresh Trouble, and cause a great deal of Consternation. I have various unavoidable Interruptions. Mr. Moses Nurse rowels Brecks mare, as being distempered.
1777 July 27 (Sunday). Suse was so afflicted and impressed that She had an ill Night, and this morning fell into Travail. Dr. Hawes deliver’d her at about 20 minutes after 8 o’clock in the Morning, of a Male Child, premature. The Companys of Militia are called to gather and appear, before Meeting—[torn] dispatch’d their Business as to attend public worship. Preached on Heb. 13.13. Administered the Lords Supper. Sister Brigham, and widow (Elijah’s) Warrin, from Upton, dined with us. P.M. I preached on Eph. 5.15. At the Close addressed those that had been at the Communion and the Soldiers who were Soon to march. May it please [God] to pity us, and pardon, and appear for us in the middst of So many Distresses! It is a Time for us seriously to consider how we have been indulged with the Seasons of Grace, and free Liberty to assemble without Disturbance: but for our shameful abuse of our Privileges, the holy God now frowns upon us, and threatens to deprive us. May we be quickened by these Warnings, and may we the more highly prize and more carefully improve our Sabbath Advantages!
N.B. Hannah was remarkably exercised last night by uncommon and most tedious Smart in her Feet, which was caused by a plaister of Turpentine applyed to them: Her Pain was so great as to need, and had, the Doctor in the Night, and both her Mother and sister (Sophy) were obliged to attend her till break of Day. So that with what occurred with Suse, we had double Distress! But God has graciously carryed us through. To His Name be praise! And may we have Grace to improve these so peculiar Dispensations!
1777 July 28 (Monday). In the morning Mr. Paul Lambson prepared a Coffin, dugg a Grave; and we interred the Abortion. The Men, provided to march to the westward, gathered to Capt. Maynards early, and repaired to Col. Cushings. Twenty Four Officers, Soldiers, and a Waggoner go from this Town on this Occasion; and three more go as far as to Brookfield to guard the stores there. N.B. Breck has obtained to have Moses Brigham admitted in his room to march at this time, considering our present Circumstances in the Family.
1777 July 29 (Tuesday). Hannah’s Feet easier, but She can’t walk. Suse gathers strength. P.M. Miss Abigail Baldwin and her sister Relief here—Tea etc. I am much employed in Chambers Cyclop. and Scotts supplement. At Eve Eli Brigham is come from Dartmouth College, and [illegible] relates somewhat of the Troubles in the West and North—but that he thinks the College will not break up. Mr. Moses Brigham has got another Adjutant.
1777 July 30 (Wednesday). A Still from a Lambs Entrals, for Hannah brought from Mrs. (Jeduthun) Fay.
1777 July 31 (Thursday). Capt. Morse’s Wife made us a Visit. Mr. Ebenezer Maynard acquaints me with the Death of one of Mr. Parkers Children, and to go to the Burial tomorrow.
1777 August 1 (Friday). Attended early in the forenoon the Burying of Mr. Hannaniah Parkers little Sophy, who dyed of the Canker and sore Throat, in her 4th Year. P.M. Neighbour [Benj.?] How brings Roots etc. N.B. His News Paper in Vindication of Surrendering of Ticon.
1777 August 2 (Saturday). Have been and am much engaged in my preparations. Wish I might be [properly?] impressed my Self therewith!
1777 August 3 (Sunday). Preached a. and p.m. on Jer. 8.[20?]. Wish and pray it may suitably affect my own Heart, and all others! Col. Brigham and his Wife were here at Dinner with us. Hannah is yet very low and weak: It is difficult to discern it if She is really any better.
1777 August 4 (Monday). Mr. Jonathan Batherick here and perswades Suse to take his Infant of a fortnight old, to Suckle it: and p.m. it is brought, Mrs. Batheric being very low.
1777 August 5 (Tuesday). Mrs. Batherick has had so poor a night that they are almost ready to despair of her Life. Mr. Solomon is come to request me to go to her. I got Mr. Nurse’s Horse (though rainy) and went to see the poor sick Woman. Discoursed and prayed there. Went also to Lt. Forbush’s to See them. Would take due Notice of the Frown of God in the rainy Weather.
1777 August 6 (Wednesday). I rode to Deacon Bonds—[mending shooes?] for Elias. Went up to see aged Mrs. Woods and prayed with her. To Mr. Isaac Millers but could not see either the man or Woman. Went into Mr. Ebenezer Millers, and Widow Rogers. At Eve Mr. Elijah Brigham, from Dartmouth College here and with him one Mr. Johnson of Windsor, came. Supped here.
1777 August 7 (Thursday). Mr. Elijah, Mr. Eli Brigham here—with the foresaid Mr. Johnson, dined with us. The two former here also at Eve. The First lodges here.
[torn]on of Douglas, here. He breaks Fast [torn] my great Interruptions; though he be [torn] of him a Ticket in the Continen[torn] Dollars, to be drawn in a few [torn] from the Consideration [torn] Bene- [torn] maintaining the pu[torn] Charge [torn] my people [torn]ed [torn] Lines, “As Labor” etc. [torn] Mr. Quincy of July 26.
[Note: Rest of page is badly mutilated, with only a few words legible.]
1777 August 11 (Monday). I am not very well by reason [torn] Cold. Mr. William Badcock brings me from Mr. M[orre’s?] a Letter from my Son Baldwin, dated Camp at Saratoga Aug. 2, giving an Account of our Army’s retreating Still towards Albany. Hannah poorly, but rides.
1777 August 12 (Tuesday). Hannah rode with Mr. Elijah Brigham to Mr. Whitneys at Northborough. I rode his Horse to visit in the South. I din’d at Mr. Noah Hardys. Visit at Lt. Bowman’s—but my main Design was to visit Mr. Solomon Millers Wife who has been in a poor weak state—her Deafness such as that it is difficult to converse; but more difficult still to pray with her—but I did what I could as to both, and in a Measure Succeeded. Was at Mr. Thurstons. Call at Mr. John Harringtons and at Lt. Harringtons. When I returned home Mr. Bradshaw came and his Brother Parkman from New-Braintree, and they and Elijah Brigham, lodge here. Hear my dear Daughter Baldwin is very low. Her Husband Sends another Letter to Breck, of near the Same Date with mine, of our Armys retreating still towards Albany; and of the Miserys which many People suffer in those exposed parts, by the Crueltys of the Enemy. How distressing these times of public and private Troubles!
1777 August 13 (Wednesday). Elias goes back to Cambridge. Breck goes to Boston; has Mr. Newtons Chaise and takes in Elias, with his Cloths and Books: and Bradshaw, the latter designing to go on Foot, when his Brother has gone with him as far as Gleasons in Framingham. N.B. Edward Brigham, going with a Team to Cambridge, carrys in it a Bed, Covering, Bedstead etc. for Elias; he having another Chum. N.B. I gave Elias in Cash £ to pay Quarter Bill, the Butlers Bill, and for incidental Expenses. Mr. Bradshaw has presented me Dr. Eliots 20 sermons.8 At eve he returns with his Brothers Horse, and lodges here.
1777 August 14 (Thursday). Mr. Bradshaw goes home. P.M. hear that a Number of the last Recruits from this Town are returned home again of their own Heads—‘tis said through Disgust and unwilling to be under General Schuyler and [torn] Clair. Hannah is still [torn].
1777 August 15 (Friday). In the Morning visited and [torn] Hearing that
[Note: Rest of page is torn and illegible.]
[Note: Shipton cites diary for August 19, 1777, for a meeting of the Marlborough Association at which it was decided to boycott the Marlborough pulpit until the town took steps to protect its minister. On July 29 guns had been fired into Smith’s room, presumably to protest his criticism of the Whigs.]
1777 September 1 (Monday). Breck has a Letter from Col. Cushing at Bennington to hasten him (as Adjutant) up to him. Fresh Orders are brought into Town for men to march up to relieve those who went lately upon the Alarm. Mr. Stone, who was here, takes a Message to Major Champney at Southborough, and goes home that way to deliver it. My Son Samuel, his Wife and young Child, came from Concord, and dined here. We have more Discovery of the great Ravage Neighbour Newtons Hoggs have done at my Island Field. A Committee of 12 Men sit at Southborough upon a Controversie respecting a Road from Mr. Peter Brewers to Horns Mill. Sophy and Hannah rode down to Mr. Stones. N.B. It proved a damp, heavy air for them to return in; and Hannah had (I fear) rather Hurt than Benefit.
1777 September 2 (Tuesday). Hannah has coughed so much last night, she has had almost no sleep. Breck has word from Col. Cushing that he is appointed over a Regiment which has already an adjutant so that he need not go. P.M. I went up to Mr. Newton’s to bespeak his Chaise, and acquaint him with the Dammage done to my Field by his Hoggs. Was also at Deacon Woods. My sons Breck and Samuel with their Wives, taking their Sister Hannah with them ride to Col. Brighams.
1777 September 3 (Wednesday). After dinner my son Samuel etc. left us. N.B. he has bought him an handsome fall-back Chaise. He carrys with him two volumes of the great Dictionary being Scotts supplement to Chambers. Breck setts up his new Clock, bought at Vendue at Boston. Mr. Samuel Forbushs Daughter Persis dyed this morning of the Throat Distemper. AEt. 10. A great Number of prisoners are conveyed through Northborough in their way to Boston by a Regiment under Command of Col. Riviere.
1777 September 4 (Thursday). Breck goes to Worcester and takes License to Retaile. I attended the Funeral of Mr. Samuel Forbush’s Daughter Persis. N.B. A Number of persons, viz. a Man, Charles Hunt and his Wife and 4 Children; also another Woman, Betty Smith, from Danbury, here, begging Relief. We had also a Number [torn] Visitants. My son Alexander came from Leicester [torn] his Son Alexander. His wife was delivered of a Daughter [torn] Tuesday was sennight, and is in an hopeful Way. D.G. Nabby Woods here at Work for Breck. I wrote to Mr. Cushing by Mr. Nathan Maynard junior and Sent him two Letters of Mr. Baldwin to me, Since the Evacuation of Ticonderoga.
1777 September 5 (Friday). Alexander pays me 12 Dollars, and gives me a New Note of 8£ instead of his old ones. He leaves us; but leaves his little Boy with us, he being soon to march with soldiers to Bennington. Hannah has an ill Day; is feverish etc.
1777 September 6 (Saturday). Hannah is somewhat better, but evidently wastes. Breck was obliged to ride at Evening to Major Champneys at Southborough, on the Account of Commissions to be brought up to this Town.
1777 September 7 (Sunday). Preached a. and p.m. on Mat. 17.4. May God forgive my unpreparedness, and grant His Blessing, though altogether undeserved! I administered the Lords Supper. O that I might have such Tokens of the gracious presence of Christ, as that I might say (and hope I can in some Measure) that it is good for us to be here. Cousen Maynard and Mr. Noah Hardys Wife dined here.
1777 September 8 (Monday). I went up to Squire Bakers to get his Chaise for my dear Hannah’s Journey. His Carriage being defective, he let me have the Top, which we put on Mr. Tainters Wheels, and Mr. Noah Hardy being come, Sophy and Hannah undertake somewhat after noon, to ride to Billys if they can reach it. This important Enterprize I would humbly committ to the sovereign and most gracious God! May the Lord grant success and return them in safety; or prepare all for His holy will! P.M. was a Training in order to draw forth and send out more soldiers instead of those who have returned home. N.B. Molly Pratt, who has helped Suse ever Since her lying in, returns home this Evening to Col. Brigham’s. But Nabby Woods, who works for Breck, is here. One Miss Hannah Allen of Sutton is in a distracted Condition, and stroling She knows not whither, comes here, tarrys and lodges here. A Letter from my Daughter Cushing.
1777 September 9 (Tuesday). Hannah Allen left us. May God grant to me and mine the Grace to improve our Reason to His Glory that grants it to us! P.M. attended the Burial of Mr. Francis Barns’s little son Ephraim, which was nigh two years old—dyed of the Throat Distemper. N.B. have been informed that the Rev. Mr. [blank] Johnson, pastor of the Church in Harvard, departed this Life on the [torn]. May I be awakened to Diligence and Faithfulness; and may God [torn] grant I may, my Self, be ready for the awful S[ummons?].
1777 September 10 (Wednesday). Fast at Hopkinton on Account of the public Troubles; the Body of that people having been prevented joining in the late public Fast, by the Absence of Mr. Fitch. The Morning was so rainy that I could not get over to the forenoon sermon but I preached p.m. and delivered the substance of my Discourse on Hosea 6.4, which O that God would please to accept and to bless. I returned home at Evening. N.B. Lambson has heard so much of several persons trying to make Molasses of Indian Corn stalks, that he is earnest to See what he can do about it, and therefore prepares for it.
1777 September 11 (Thursday). I went to Mr. J. Bonds and to [torn] ons to see what they have done in making the [torn] of Molasses, and I visited old Mrs. Kelly. Breck goes to Boston. At Eve received a Letter from Col. Job Cushing—also two Letters, one of Aug. 22, the other the 31, from Camp at Vanschoicks Island; of Col. Baldwins and his Journal from June 13 to Aug. 24 sent to his wife at Brookfield. Inclosed are Lists of Killed, wounded, taken, with Return of Ammunition, artilery Stores, Cloathing, Baggage, Engineers Tools—taken at Fort Stanwix, Aug. 24. Sold for £1,000.
1777 September 12 (Friday). Was called early in the morning to visit a Child of Mr. Samuel Forbush which is thought to be near his End. Went, prayed, etc. Reuben assisted by his uncle Paul, grinds and presses out 4 Gal. (as he says) of the Juice of the Corn stalks. Dr. Stimpson waits on Mrs. Cotton here; they dine with us. The former goes to Sutton, the latter tarries over night with us.
1777 September 13 (Saturday). Mr. Forbushs Child dyed [in the?] night; almost 2 Years. Mrs. Cotton dines with us, [and towards Eve?] Dr. Stimpson being come from Sutton they return to Hopkinton.
1777 September 14 (Sunday). I preached another sermon on Jer. 8.22. Winslow and Mindwell Brigham, also Molly Pratt, dined here. P.M. on Consideration of the Death of my dear Classmate, the Rev. Dr. Ebenezer Pemberton of Boston, of Rev. Mr. Johnson of Harvard, and that it is so sickly and dying a time among my Neighbours I repeated my Sermon on Eccl. XII.7. But I found when it was too late to alter it that I had repeated it already. For I Should not have done it but through inadvertence. N.B. Capt. Edmund Brigham and a Number of soldiers with him, going to Bennington, desire prayers and I preached to them. After Meeting attended at the House of mourning.
1777 September 15 (Monday). Was at Deacon Woods. David Sangor goes to Connecticut to buy Sheep; I gave him six Dollars to buy me some. A Gentleman is there who wants 150 Teams to cart stores to Bennington. At Night Breck returned from Boston. He believes that the Girls are gone to Cape Ann. He says Elias is sick at College—has a Fever, and wants to come home.
1777 September 16 (Tuesday). My Son Ebenezers Wife and her son and Daughter Bradshaw came from Shrewsbury here to Breakfast. They are going to Boston etc. Having Squire Whipple’s Horse, I rode to Southborough to Ministers Meeting at Mr. Stone’s. All came except Mr. Goss, who has (we are informed) a Cause at Superior Court to Day. [I was?] chose Moderator. Mr. Stone prayed. He also read a Discourse on Isa. 58.6. May it be accompanied with divine Blessing! Returned at Eve. Received a Letter from Col. Baldwin of Sept. 7.
I have endeavoured as I could to remember this Day is my Birth Day, when I enter upon my 75th year. The Lord impress my Soul with a deep sense of it! Vid. Natal.
1777 September 17 (Wednesday). I spent the Day in considerable part, in reviewing some of my peculiar papers, and in serious Reflections.
I find great Reason to be very humble and ashamed. May God graciously pity and pardon me for Christs sake.
1777 September 18 (Thursday). I am daily concerned for my Children that are upon so doubtful a Journey, especially my dear Hannah. May God sustain and support her, and grant safe Return! Read in Sir William Temples Memoirs etc. Have received an handsome Letter from serjeant Marble.
1777 September 19 (Friday). Am more and more sollicitous about my Children, as it is foul weather from Day to Day: And Elias being ill at College and can have no Wood.
P.M. Mr. Grindal Rawson here—dines—and communicates his Desire of a Council to advise about his Wifes Case relative to the Church of Harvard. But though he sollicits my going, I am obliged to deny. I recommend Mr. Stone; and he went there. Mr. Jonathan Grouts Wife makes us a Visit p.m. and drinks Chocolate.
1777 September 20 (Saturday). Abundance of News about a great Battle in the N.W. and many Slain—but tis as [torn] uncertain. P.M. Reuben goes with Cart etc. for Cid[er] from Capt. Kimbal of Grafton. He brings two Barrels and a Bag of Apples from Capt. Brooks.
At Eve came Elias, not well, from Cambridge on an Horse he had hired of one Mr. Jarvis. And with him came, in a Chaise, my Daughter in Law Elizabeth and her Daughter Bradshaw to tarry over the sabbath. N.B. Mrs. Bulah Gale (widow of the late Mr. Jacob Gale) who was 5 months agoe propounded in order to her owning the Covenant but was obliged to go to Hubbards-town, came and gave me an Account of what had hindered her Return; but now desired to proceed to her Duty.
1777 September 21 (Sunday). Did not finish my preparations and on Consideration of Several Deaths, especially <of [dear Classmate?] Pemberton> (I see also in one of the Boston News-Papers, an Account of the Death of my Brother Johns Widow, Mrs. Abigail Parkman at Ipswich in her 80th Year), I preach on Heb. 6.12 a. and p.m.
1777 September 22 (Monday). Eliza and her Daughter Bradshaw went a.m. to Deacon Bonds. I visited Mrs. Piper and prayed with her. Visited Mr. Eli Whitney and dined there. At Mr. Tainter’s, who remains Weak and confined. Prayed with him. And was at Capt. Morse’s, where was his Father Warrin. At Eve came my Kinsman Loyd and his Daughter Abigail, from Granville, and lodged here. N.B. The two Barrells of Cyder lately bought at Grafton (the price of which was 2 Dollars) were boiled.
1777 September 23 (Tuesday). Mrs. Parkman and her Daughter Bradshaw came from Deacon Bonds, and proceeded immediately on their Journey towards home. I Sent a Letter to serjeant Henry Marble. Mr. Loyd and his Daughter leave us to go to Bedford, and to Boston. Miss Ruhamah Brown of Framingham here and dines with us. Is returning home from Leicester. Elias so indisposed he can’t study. Mrs. P________ brews with Spruce and Corn stalks instead of Molasses.
1777 September 24 (Wednesday). An unusual Course of Wet Weather for some Days—and to Day a.m. till 11 a.m.—p.m. clear. Major Asa Brigham here. Mr. Tainter brought Peaches and Plums. Cut 3 Pigs and a Calf, gratis. Dined here.
The Sad News of Lord Stirlings Defeat at or near Iron Hill, 15 miles from Philadelphia, confirmed. Elias rides to Capt. Jonathan Fays, p.m. and up to Grafton.
1777 September 25 (Thursday). I visited Mrs. Piper again and prayed with her. Master Joseph Hall of Sutton dined here. I rode to the East part—to Mr. Ezra Parkers, and find him Sick of a Fever—to Mr. Belknaps—but neither He nor she at home. Was well refreshed there, not withstanding. Called at Widow Bellows’s and at Mr. William Johnson’s. Visit at Mr. Snows and Mr. Abraham Beemans. N.B. his son Abraham is Sick. At each of these last House, had a Present of a Cheese.
But this Afternoon, while I was abroad, my Daughters Sophy and Hannah with Mr. Noah Hardy returned home from Cape Ann: but [I see?] not Hannah [this?] night. I understand She is more sick and wasted than when she went away. Mr. Cushing came—and lodged here.
1777 September 26 (Friday). This Morning I went in to see my Daughter Hannah who I conceive is lower and weaker. God grant His Almighty Grace as her Case requires, and fit her and all of us for His sovereign Pleasure! Principal Officers of the Regiment meet at Brecks: viz. Col. Wheelock, Major Beeman, and Major Champney—Orders being come for every other man of the Militia to march immediately for the further Assistance of the Army in the N.W. Mr. Cushing stays to dine and pray with Hannah, then leaves us to go to Concord in his way to Boston. Major Champney tells me a Report is gone down by Capt. Brewer who is gone hastily to the Courts, that Gen. Burgoyne has been shot and has dy’d. But there are many Reports, said to be certain Truths, which want confirmation. Further informs me that Mr. Stone sat out for Yarmouth, early in the week, his son being very ill, if alive. At Eve came Mr. Bradshaw. Nigh 9 at Night came Mr. Forbes of Cape Ann, with his Wife and son. They all lodge here. Mr. Bradshaw gives me a better bound Eliots Sermons in lieu of what he gave before. Mr. Forbes communicates his Letter from Col. Eveleigh of South Carolina; and thinks Mr. Paine, who is the Author of Common Sense, and an Acquaintance of Col. Evelith’s, is Junius, or at least one of the three which make up that Character which is so celebrated.
1777 September 27 (Saturday). Hannah is somewhat comfortable in the morning. Our Company leave us for Brookfield etc. Mr. John Forbes of Rutland on Otter Creek, driven off from his House etc., came here.
By Vertue of the Orders to the Officers the People are called together but the Orders being recommendatory to go out immediately to reenforce Gen. Gates in the N.W. they did not readily comply: For whereas every other man of the Militia was called for, but about 20 appear.
1777 September 28 (Sunday). I preached a. and p.m. on Jer. 8.22. Mindwell Brigham and Molly Pratt dined here. After he had dined Breck went to Capt. Maynards, from thence marched to Worcester and Leicester, in his way to Bennington. Col. Wheelock gone also. At Eve Dr. Crosby came to see Hannah, and pursues the Directions of Dr. Plummer.
1777 September 29 (Monday). Elias was to have gone back to Cambridge on Saturday last, but is so out of Health that he could not undertake it. I was therefore obliged to go out into my Neighbourhood in quest of somebody to lead down Mr. Jarvis’s Horse, but could not succeed. Hannah pines away more and more. We are ready to despair of her Recovery. Her Mind I hope is suitably employed on the vast Affairs before her. My Heart is much affected with our Troubles. O that it might please God who is most compassionate, to pity us!
1777 September 30 (Tuesday). Not having success yesterday in my Endeavours to Send Mr. Jarvis’s Horse, I rode out again to day. Went up to Mr. Joseph Grouts—Capt. Jonathan Fays. Dined at Mr. Elijah Hardys. Visit Capt. Benjamin Fay who is very ill of Fever, Dysentery and Gravel. Discoursed and pray’d with him. No success about the Horse.
At finishing this Month, May I be the more humble by the Reflection etc.!
1777 October 1 (Wednesday). In the Morning Mr. Moses Nurse takes the Jarvis Horse at the Tail of his Waggon to deliver him at Cambridge. Hannah has somewhat more Comfort, yet has more Fever: especially p.m. Conversed with her, read to her—viz. Dr. I. Mathers sermon on [blank]. Master Samuel Crosby dined with us, as did Dr. Stimpson and Mrs. Cotton, who are returning from Pomfret. N.B. Elias went to Mr. Belknaps with the Team and brought thence Six Barrells, for which he asks 2 Dollars apiece. Two he left at Mr. Chamberlains to be filled. Mr. Forbes and Lady and son came, nigh 9 at night, and lodge. I read Flavel on Mortification.
1777 October 2 (Thursday). Mr. Forbes etc. leave us a.m. Leaves Dr. Robinsons History of Scotland and 2 of his MS. sermons. Catechizing a.m. 27, p.m. 28. N.B. Sent a Barrell to Capt. Jonathan Fay; another to Lt. Jonathan Grout. Hannah not so feverish: rode to Dr. Hawes—but seems to decline: her Cough etc. no better. At night came Mr. Cornelius Waters and a young Gentleman, an Hazzletine with him, of Dartmouth College, but I was in so much trouble about my Daughter, and my pasture so gnawed up, that I could not freely ask them to tarry all night, though I did repeatedly urge them to stay to sup here. N.B. Mr. Waters has a Specimen of an excellent Spirituous Liquor distilled at Salem from indian Corn Stalks.
1777 October 3 (Friday). Hannah is more comfortable in Mind and Body. Blessed be God for any respit! But Elias droops.
1777 October 4 (Saturday). Hannah evidently looses Ground—does not get over the Fatiegue of her Journey. I read to her some chosen Passages of Dr. Doddridges Rise and Progress. Which may God bless!
1777 October 5 (Sunday). Preached again on Jer. 8.22. O that we might have the Precious Remedy applyed effectually by the Holy spirit to our Souls Healing! No preaching at Southborough. Mr. [Absalmom?] Ward dines with us—as does Molly Pratt and Mindwell Brigham. P.M. Delivered the first sermon on Isa. V on v. 1–7. At Eve repeat the morning sermon. N.B. received a Letter from my son Baldwin dated Camp above Still-Water Sept. 26. Glory to God for all their Successes. Breck writes on the outside, Worthing Oct. 2, that he is well and All with him.
1777 October 6 (Monday). Before Day Mr. Jonathan Forbes called me out of Bed to go and See Capt. Benjamin Fay who it was thought was drawing near his End. I went just after Break of Day; and found him exceeding low, his Fever high—but though he appeared to have his Reason, yet he could say but little. Prayed with him and discoursed as the Case required. Went to Deacon Wood and acquainted him with the designed Meeting tomorrow at Widow Hardys. Saw the Success of his New Squeezing Mill. Hannah weaker—read to her part of Mr. Showers sermon on Mat. 24.44. At Eve Hannaniah Parker here and tells Me Capt. Fay dy’d about Sunsett. May God Sanctifie it, and humble us by it! The Solid Members of our Church are more and more diminished, when We more and more need them. May God most gracious Pity and Pardon us!
1777 October 7 (Tuesday). Hannah has a bad Day: fever, Coughing; and She is very Weak. Mr. Benjamin Fay here to acquaint me with the Death, and desires me to attend the Funeral of his Father—tomorrow at 2 p.m.
P.M. I preached at a private Meeting, at the House of Mrs. Jemima Hardy, widow of the late Mr. Constantine Hardy. My Text was Phil. 4.6 and I used two pages and half of my Sermon from thence, but used part of Exposition on Mat. 6.25. Before returning I Spoke to them that were present of my Willingness to Serve them as I used to etc., and Mr. Benjamin Tainter desired the Monthly Family meetings might be revived, that the next Meeting might be at his House, the first Tuesday in the next month. Called to See Mrs. Piper, who is much recovered. D.G.
1777 October 8 (Wednesday). We are apprehensive that Hannah can continue but a little longer. Almost every Day Shews a Difference. Her mind is more calm: yet not without Disquietment. In Every Prayer I would remember both her, and our own share in her sufferings! May the Lord graciously and almightily appear for both her and us! We are too unfit to meet our God in these ways of Severity (yet Righteousness) with us! P.M. I attended the Funeral of the late Capt. Benjamin Fay, and prayed. N.B. Mr. Sumner and Dr. Crosby were with me. Sister Cushing came with those Gentlemen to see Hannah. At the House of Mourning nothing was more remarkable than the Strange Alteration of the Corps—Swelled enormously, discoloured, purple etc., fermenting and turning apace to putrification—exceeding offensive, and the general Desire was to have the Coffin nailed up. N.B. An urgent Message to me, while yet in their Yard, but presently after prayer to go up into one of the Chambers where was a young Woman, ill in Body and distressed in Mind. Mr. Sumner also was requested to go up to her. We complyed—discoursed with her. I desired Mr. Sumner to pray with her; which he did. He also came with Dr. Crosby, to my House, discoursed and prayed with Hannah, and is very sympathetic. May God graciously reward Him and extend Compassion to his own tender, weak spouse! But especially reward him in spirituals!
1777 October 9 (Thursday). Hannah is so low She speaks but a little, and Sophy is continually attached to her, till I fear the Event. Suse is very helpful as a kind, affectionate sister; took Care of her last night, when Cough followed her so tediously, that She had but little Rest. John Brown going to Leicester, dined here. Mr. John Fay of Levertt here, and asks whether he mayn’t own the Covenant here? For though there is a Church, yet there is no minister in their Town. Mr. David Sangor came (though it was rainy) from Framingham to bring me back the Dollars which were committed to him on the 15th and brought home safely Monsieur Jurieus Crit. Hist. Dear Hannah has the Covenant read to her; to which She freely (and She thinks heartily) consents. She has Such signs and Tokens of Sincerity and of Faith in Christ, that I am much relieved; and desire to praise God for it. She says (among other Things) that if there was no Hell, She would Shun and loath sin.
1777 October 10 (Friday). Hannah, though I don’t know but that She is lower then ever, yet has had a night of more Quiet from coughing and from other Disorders, than of late.
A Report that Philadelphia is taken by a part of the regular Army.
1777 October 11 (Saturday). Rev. Mr. Thatcher of [Gorham?] (in the Eastward) going to Lebanon breaks fast with us. Hannah I think looses Ground still.
1777 October 12 (Sunday). I preached a.m. on Jer. 8, concluding Clause. Molly Pratt and Mindwell Brigham dined here. P.M. preached again an Exposition on Mat. 16.28. At Eve read to the Family part of Mr. Byfields Cure of the Fear of Death9—on Consideration of Hannahs low state.
1777 October 13 (Monday). Went to Deacon Woods and got his Horse. Rode to see the widow Fay who is Sick; and dined there. Rode to Mr. James Bellows’s and Mr. Broads (at the Mills). Was at Widow Bakers, who is, with her Brother Josephs wife, very generous to me. But my principal Design was at old Mr. David Maynards, whose wife is very ill. Prayed there. At Eve read Dr. Whitakers Sermon on Judg. 5.23, “Curse ye Meroz,” etc.10 Hannah is in much bodily Distress—extreme low—besides cough, a very smarting Pain in her side—and is grown raw with lying—complains that she has not Assurance, can’t pray Steddily—her Cough very bad, but what is special is, she is much weaker. Little Alexander has been ill these two Days with bad Cough and sore Throat. Was Vomited this morning.
1777 October 14 (Tuesday). Hannah draws near her End—in the Morning is sensible of it—asks me to go to my study, and pray for her—or rather Stay and pray by her—which I did. I read to her part of Mr. Crawfords Zions Traveller, S.XXVI, Edit. 3. Edinb. p. To which she added her own Amen, as peculiarly Suiting her. And She Seems to have her understanding clear. As we sat down at Dinner in all probability an internal sore in her side broke, and there came forth at her mouth putrid Matter. She waxes weaker and weaker. She looks round upon us, but can’t utter any thing. She appears to have hope in her Death. Her breathing is feebler. She Sinks by Degrees without any Groan, Sign or Gasp, She ceases. It is 20 minutes past 2 p.m. We resign her to the Great almighty Author of her Being, and that gave her to us. Blessed be His Name, who has continued her so long to us, and has granted Such hopeful Tokens of the Grace of God to her! Cousen Maynard came and with our sister Brigham, watched here, and especially with little Alexander. My Neighbour Barnabas Newton setts out for Brookfield, and New Braintry; but in peculiar to call this Evening at my Son Alexanders to inform him, if he be there, of the dangerous condition his son lies in. Neighbour Nathan Maynard will go hastily to Ashburnham to inform Mr. Cushing.
1777 October 15 (Wednesday). Elias goes on an Horse of Col. Brighams, and with him (who is Representative for Northborough) to Boston, to Cambridge, and to Concord, to inform his Brothers there, of what God has seen meet to do. Alexander and his wife and young Child.
1777 October 16 (Thursday). Mr. Whitney came—dined—preached on Prov. 3.17. After the Exercise, he returned home. Mr. Newton here at Eve and his Wife; they watched. Ebenezer came from Dudley, from burying his Daughter How. Isaac Baldwin here from Brookfield. My Son Alexander waited on me to Mr. Nathan Maynards. Thence we walked over to Mr. D. Maynards to see his Wife. Prayed with her. Her Fever strong. Dr. Gordon and his Lady, journeying from Lyme to Boston, call upon us and lodge here. N.B. Certifies me of General Gates’s Temp[erance?]. Elias returns from Cambridge. Ebenezer and Isaac lodge at the Doctors. Mrs. Lucy Forbush came and watched with little Alexander.
1777 October 17 (Friday). Dr. Gordon and Lady leave us. My Son Cushing came a.m. Mr. Whitney and spouse. My son William, his Wife, his son William and his Daughter Lydia, my son Samuel, Miss Patty Fish—dined with us. Mr. Caleb Harrington has dug a Grave. Mr. Paul Lambson has made and brought a Coffin. Mr. Whitney at the Funeral prayed with us and the Assembly which gathered upon the Sorrowful Occasion. Messrs. Thomas Stone, Edward, Antepas and Winslow Brigham, [blank] Wheelock and Reuben Lambson, were Bearers, and we solemnly interred my dear Daughter Hannahs Remains! May God most gracious grant us the Grace of holy Mourning and to be ready also! The Company retire to go home except my sons Ebenezer and Alexander, his Wife and two Children, Isaac Baldwin, Miss Jedidah Woodward (who watches with little Alexander) and Molly Pratt, who tarrys to help us. Mrs. Harrington is ill and Mrs. P________ goes to her to night.
1777 October 18 (Saturday). Little Alexander is Still under the Distemper; and his Case doubtfull. Mrs. Harrington brings forth another son. At Eve, by Special Request, I go to Neighbour Harringtons, and pray and give thanks.
1777 October 19 (Sunday). Preached a.m. on Mat. 17.4 and administered the Sacrament. Cousin Maynard and Miss Katy How with her, dined here. P.M. delivered two sermons in one Exercise, with some Omissions, from Ps. 39.9,12 on Occasion of the Death of my Daughter Hannah; and desire Grace to enable me in the Same Manner, with the holy [Psalmist?], to Exercise holy Resignation and submission to the sovereign Will of God. Miss Betty Bevil tarrys here and watches with the Child.
1777 October 20 (Monday). Mr. Haven of Framingham here to enquire concerning his son David’s Death, in Battle; concerning which Breck had writ to me. I wrote to Breck, and Send it by the Hand of Alexander: to the Post for Conveyance—for Alexander returns to Leicester, his little Boy being better, as we hoped. N.B. The wonderful News of Success against the Kings Forces in the N.W.
1777 October 21 (Tuesday). Though it rained yet I went to Marlborough, it being Association there. Only Mr. Whitney and Mr. Newell came besides. Mr. Smith prayed and read a Discourse on Phil. 1.21, which I hope is to my Spiritual Profit. Was at Mr. Uriah Brighams. From thence I rode over to Mr. Stone’s, having heard that he was Sick, and found him so: confined to his Bed by a Fever. I lodged there.
1777 October 22 (Wednesday). Rode home. Little Alexander is grown better. N.B. The News of Gen. Burgoin and his Army’s surrendering to General Gates, is confirmed every where. P.M. My Cousin Winchester came with her daughter Maynard to see me. The Wife of Mr. James Miller junior examined. Dr. Crosby came to See our Invalids—among which Mrs. P________ is to be reckoned, she being much out of Health.
1777 October 23 (Thursday). Mrs. P________ is in a very drooping Condition. Elias can’t study, but can go about other Business. His Eyes are weak, and it affects his Stomach to read.
1777 October 24 (Friday). Elias most probably took Cold yesterday and lyes by. Our minds are much agitated respecting the Manner and Terms of General Burgoines surrendering to G. Gates.
1777 October 25 (Saturday). We hear there has been great Rejoicing at Boston on Account of the Success of our arms in the West. Mr. Benjamin How brings me one of the Thursday Papers, which confirms the Articles of Convention (so its called) between the two Generals. I have been preparing on Eph. 2.1.2 but on Consideration of the remarkable Favour of Heaven in the submission of the British to the American Forces, and the minds of people being engaged [torn] this wonderful Providence. I looked up a suitable Thanksgiving Discourse and set to adapting it to this [joyful?] Occasion. Elias is feverish; has sore Throat and [torn] under Dr. Hawes’ Care. Alexander came from Leicester.
1777 October 26 (Sunday). Preached again a.m. on Ps. 39.9. Mindwell Brigham dined here. Preached p.m. on Ps. 108.5.6. Gratulatory for the late Smiles of divine Providence on the American Arms. Which May God graciously prosper to us all who have heard it! Elias is, through divine Goodness, better: but Alexanders Cough is bad. May God mercifully prepare him for His holy will!
1777 October 27 (Monday). Alexander waits upon me with the Chaise and Horse he came with, to see Mr. Reuben Bellows’ Wife, who lies sick; and having discoursed with her, I prayed there. We then proceeded to Southborough, and visited Mr. Stone, who though at the Close of the last Week he was somewhat better, was grown Worse. Prayed with him. We dined there. He manifests great Humility, and a deep sense of his need of Mercy. A storm of Rain arose and continues. In returning home we went to Mr. Abraham Beemans, his son Abraham being Still much out of Health: the man himself and his two other sons also not well. We called at Mr. Thomas Andrews. Though it proved a stormy Day, yet we arrived safely at Eve. D.G.
1777 October 28 (Tuesday). A very unusually wet Season which confines my Son Alexander and his Wife and Children here. Elias has sore Throat etc.
1777 October 29 (Wednesday). It is Still a storm. Read part of Drexilius. Elias is poorly, able to keep off from the Bed. Lambson can do but little.
1777 October 30 (Thursday). Fair—but windy and cold. Alexander pays me 12 Dollars of the Interest of 100 Dollars which I payd for him to Capt. Mackey at Boston Some time agoe. He, his wife and two Children leave us to return home to Leicester. I visited Mrs. Ann Maynard again. Discoursed and prayed with her. Breck returned from the Army in the West, and has endured his Excursion considerably well. Thanks to God for His Favour to him! Miss Nanny Wilder and Miss Sally Wyman of Lancaster dined here.
1777 October 31 (Friday). Mr. Paul Lambson came p.m. to mend the Roof of the Barn by putting in shingles where they were wanting: and Reuben helped him. They mend also some parts of the Roof of the dwelling House. Mr. Thatcher of Gorham returning from Connecticut calls here.
That another Month is gone, calls for Serious Reflection!
1777 November 1 (Saturday). This Month begins with a cold, frosty Air. The Morning is [torn]y Cold. Breck in looking over some of my Bills of mo[illegible] finds among some that I took of Alexander, a 30/ New Hampshire Bill which he fears is counterfeit.
1777 November 2 (Sunday). I preached a.m. on Ps. 119.71, but used the Notes on Ps[illegible] 9 from p. 19 to 25, and p.m. on Eph. 2.1.2, which I composed on Occasion of the Dissoluteness of these Times. May God be pleased thoroughly to awaken us hereby! Mrs. Gale and her sister Jones, Winslow Brigham and his sister Mindwell dined here. N.B. Great Killing of Cattle at squire Bakers to day. At Eve read Drexelius on Eternity.
1777 November 3 (Monday). I gave Mr. Cornelius Biglow some New-Hampshire Bills to be by him changed at Exeter.
I visit Mrs. Lucy Forbush who is Sick, and prayed with her. P.M. late, was at Deacon Woods’; and at Eve at squire Bakers. N.B. 13 Cattle killed yesterday; which are to be sent to Worcester for the Supply of the Army, with the other Necessarys of Life, as now at this time, General Burgoynes Army are expected to be on their road to Boston.
1777 November 4 (Tuesday). This was to have been private Meeting at Mr. Tainters, but it is put off to next week, by reason of many people going over to the Post-Road to see the Regulars in their moving towards Boston. Breck and Suse, Elias and Sophy ride there.
Two Regular Ensigns here and lodge, viz. Messrs. Jonas Parker of London and Robert Mercy of Ireland. Paid Reuben Lambson twelve Dollars or 3£ 12.
1777 November 5 (Wednesday). The two Ensigns, after attending Prayer and Breakfast, left us to go to their Regiment. Elias, on Brecks Mare, undertakes to go up to Cois Hill to drive down my young Cattle. My Husbandry Business run sadly behind, by reason of Reubens working, now the fourth Day, for his uncle Paul: and wants to go away to Worcester tomorrow also.
1777 November 6 (Thursday). Reuben went to his uncles in order to his going to Worcester, but though he tarried there all the forenoon, yet he went not. It rained, and the Horse he was to have rid got away. But p.m. he returned and went to my Business—husking.
1777 November 7 (Friday). [torn] Lambson himself went to Worcester—and in my stead [torn] with the Printer for the remainder of the Year’s Papers. This Evening finishes the 53d Year since the Gathering of this Church and my Ordination as Pastor thereof.
1777 November 8 (Saturday). [Ble?]ssed be God for the Light of this Morning which begins the 54th year of my Ministry. I kept the Day retrospectively and religiously. May God most merciful and gracious forgive all the many and great Defects I have been guilty of, through so long a Course, and especially the Deficiencys and Miscarriages [of the?] year past! And now I am grown old and my Death [must?] be near, may God grant I may improve my Time [and?] all my Other Talents to the divine Glory, and the eternal good of Precious Souls! O that I might be quickened in Proportion to my Age and the short Remains of my Life yet to come! Hear that Major Asa Brigham is Dead.
1777 November 9 (Sunday). I preached a.m. again on Eph. 2.1.2 and closed with some Remarks and Observations on the Day. May almighty [Grace?] succeed my feeble Efforts. Preached p.m. again on Ps. 119.71 and carryed on the Subject of the Benefit of Afflictions from pag. 24 to 29 inclusively. At Eve repeated the forenoon Sermon. N.B. Mrs. P________ read in the Study Masons Discourse on Phil. 3.13.14.
1777 November 10 (Monday). Reuben did not come home last night. This morning I went to Neighbour Lambsons; and found that Reuben was gone to Lancaster, to my Disappointment—but came home after Dinner, and it being rainy shelled Corn. I am much disappointed in not having my Island Field plowed; which had been occasioned by Reubens being so much gone in the Weeks past.
1777 November 11 (Tuesday). My Older Oxen are come from Squire Bakers Templetown Pasture; I went to the Squires, and committed them to him to kill and dispose of as He thinks best for my Advantage: but he must provide me a good Cow for my Beef, and I think I must have at least a side of one of [illegible]s. P.M. I walked to Mr. Tainters to the Family Meeting and preached again on Phil. 4.6 to p. 9. Which may God bless to us, for Christs sake!
1777 November 12 (Wednesday). Elias returned from Coi’s Hill, Brookfield but from Baldwins of Shrewsbury only, this morning: He has brought but 4 Creatures out of six—but an Heiffer I designed to kill, is missing. See the 5th. I wrote to my Daughter Baldwin and to Mr. David H[torn]cock Taverner, with Notifications to be set up at [torn] Public Houses. Committed them to the Care of Mr. [torn] [Work?] of Royalston. Read Sir William Temples works Vol. 1.
1777 November 13 (Thursday). Visit Asa Forbush who has come home from the Army, sick, His Mother still very much wrought down by her illness. Prayed there. P.M. Read Sir William Temple. Mr. William May came and lodged here, but put up his Horse at Deacon Woods.
1777 November 14 (Friday). Mr. Joseph Bond came and with Brecks help, killed a Red Steer for me. Mr. May and Mr. Bond dine here. P.M. Mr. May [torn]
1777 November 15 (Saturday). We are disappointed in the Worcester Spy: no body goes for it. Deacon Livermore dined with us. Sent by him to Mr. Whitney to [torn] after Thanksgiving.
1777 November 16 (Sunday). A.M. on Eph. 2.1.2. P.M. on Ps. 25.10 and used the last sermon on Ps. 39.9. Read the Proclamation for Thanksgiving.
1777 November 17 (Monday). Though a rough, cold, stormy Season, visit Mrs. Ann Maynard and prayed with her. Dined at squire Whipples. Visit at Mr. Greens. Went to Mr. Gleasons. Stayed there while he shod the Mare. At Eve was at Mr. Amasa Maynards in the Snow. Got home safe. D.G.
1777 November 18 (Tuesday). Visit poor [Benj. Garfield?] under a bad sore and prayed with him. P.M. Visit the Widow Ruhamah Pratt, sick of a Fever and prayed. Called at Mr. Benjamin Fays, who is uneasy because I dont proceed to propound him to the Church, though he is in sad Contest with Mr. Thomas Whitney. Called to see Ensign Fay and his Wife. Also at squire Bakers, who has my Fatt Oxen to kill and dispose of.
1777 November 19 (Wednesday). Elias goes to Capt. Maynards for a Barrell of Cyder given by Mr. Ebenezer Maynard. At Night came the worthy Dr. Ezra Styles, on his journey from New-Haven to Portsmouth and lodged here.
1777 November 20 (Thursday). Public Thanksgiving. Dr. Stiles preached on Gen. 49, v. 22, 23, 24, a very acceptable Entertainment. May God bless it to us, and may it please God to grant His servant Wisdom and Direction in the weighty Affair before him respecting the Presidentship of Yale College, to which [he was?] [torn] Election, and concerning which he asks my Advice. N.B. a Number [of Persons?], namely Lt. Bond, Mr. Joseph Harrington, Mr. Ebenezer W[torn], Mr. Jonathan Forbes and [blank] came in after the Exercise to manifest their Acceptance of what was delivered, and [torn]sult me touching the Printing of tbe Sermon but they d[torn]d to consult the Town on the [matter at their Meeting?] tomorrow.13 May God be pleased to [illegible] this [torn] Glory and our highest Benefit! I am thankful for [torn] Providence which brought Dr. Stiles to us, and enabled him to en[torn] so agreeably and profitably.
1777 November 21 (Friday). Dr. Stiles leaves [torn] Cambridge in his way to Portsmouth. Wrote by him to [torn]on respecting Elias’s staying at home till the Vaca[torn] [illegible] shall [torn]turn, he may have a Waitership [torn] [How?] dines here, being at work for Breck. Suse [and Sophy?] [torn] down to Col. Brighams, where [torn] an Entertainment. Mr. Whitney and his Lady are there. Town Meeting, for Deb[illegible] my Wood, Sallery, Soldiers Families etc. Mr. Joseph Harrington came and ask’d me to head a Paper for Subscriptions to printing Dr. Stiles’ Sermon.
1777 November 22 (Saturday). Young Forsdick14 here going to Cambridge; and by him I write to Mrs. Hicks about her son James, his Chapt Hands and Feet. Elias brings me return from Squire Baker that they who he employs in Business have killed my fat Oxen—the weight of which [blank].
1777 November 23 (Sunday). Preached a.m. on Eph. 2.4.5. P.M. delivered sermon on Heb. 12.23 to the End of p. 9, omitting p. 1. After the public Exercise Visit old Mrs. Ruhamah Pratt and prayed with her.
1777 November 24 (Monday). Reuben Lambson (or Lamson) is in such Earnestness to go away, though he has not filled up his lost time by Eight Days, that his uncle Paul undertaking for 4 of them and himself to either serve or drop [the pay?] of 4 more, I payed him 45 Dollars, which with 12 [torn] paid him heretofore made 57. The remaining three which I have not paid, is to pay for shooe Leather and the Deduction aforesaid, or his further service. Upon which he went off in Haste.
Mr. Nathaniel Sherman of New-Haven, came, dined and lodged. I Headed a paper for subscriptions to print Dr. Stiles’s late Thanksgiving sermon, at the Desire of Mr. Joseph Harrington.
Town Meeting. I’m informed that they vote £100 for my sallery, and 42£ for my Wood—viz. for 35 Cord, at [blank] Dollars per Cord.
1777 November 25 (Tuesday). I was prevented going to Ministers Meeting at Stow, by the Stormy Weather. Dr. Hall of Sutton called here in his way to Boston. Mr. Sherman dined and p.m. left us. Breck papered his lesser Room; and Elias [helps?] him great part of the Day and the Evening. I am sorry [torn] [Loss?] of his time.
1777 November 26 (Wednesday). Sophy has been at Mr. [torn and illegible] yesterday, brings from them the Desire of Miss [illegible and torn] of Ipswich, who is at her uncle’s, and is very ill, that [torn] visit her: for which reason this Morning I [illegible] called at Neighbour [torn] (who has great pain etc. [torn] his Sore). Dr. Hawes with me [torn] to [torn] [found?] him better: In the road there [torn] two Grandsons Ebenezer and Elias who had been down at M[torn] I believe [torn] Ebenezers Wife and Child were in [torn] I did not know [torn] they were returning to Bro[torn] dined at Mr. [Stones?]. On my Road back met [torn] who has begun to preach, and a [torn] Kinsman [torn] to Dedham. I called at [Mr.?] William Woods’s to see [torn] [stranger?], who is sick there; one William H[torn]. Made a Visit at Mr. Andrews’s—discoursed and prayed with the [torn] woman abovesaid. Mrs. P________ visits at Cousen Maynards. The [torn] there.
1777 November 27 (Thursday). Mrs. Mary Crosby (Widow) who has lived here for more than two years, now leaves us. Mr. John Harrington by the Direction of the select men of this Town, takes her into his Waggon, to transport her to Boston. May god graciously restrain her from Vice, convert her to Himself, and eternally Save her!
N.B. Elias so looses his time from Day to Day that I am full of Trouble, and I could not but complain and resent it.
1777 November 28 (Friday). Elias goes in search of my Heiffer and steer, missing from Coi’s Hill. The Widow Eunice Cook from Douglass dines here. Dr. Hall coming from Boston was here in his Way home. Mrs. P______ walked to Squire Bakers: and Mr. Lambson visits us.
1777 November 29 (Saturday). A very tedious storm of Rain—but through the Mercy and Goodness of God we have shelter, Fuel, Health and comfortable supplys. May the Great Name of [our?] Preserver and Benefactor be magnified! I pity those [torn]oor and destitute, and peculiarly the sick. May God graciously [torn] supply and heal! But A Number of Capt. Maynards Children, having the Meazles, I hope are well provided for, though I know not how my son Alexanders Family is, being visited with that Distemper, himself being gone a Journey after [a Place?] [not?] returned yester Day.
1777 November 30 (Sunday). Preached a.m. from Ps. 73.28 but carryed on the Subject from Mat. 17.4. Administred the Lords supper. P.M. repeated sermon on Heb. 12.28 and finished it. A Dark Day, as to the Weather—but Darker as to Attendance, there being but few at Meeting, or at Communion.
1777 December 1 (Monday). Breck sets out for Hartford on public Business, employed by Squire Baker. The Town Meets by adjournment on the Affairs of the Soldiers money. [Miss Eunice Jones?] came to work here. Mr. Belknap here about the Barrells he has made and sent me; [illegible] Barrells; but have so bad joints that they are [somewhat?] [illegible] and [two more are?] [torn] Barrells, [illegible] I dont [illegible] [torn] me: yet his Price, instead of [torn] Dollar, [torn], or to 14 shillings.
1777 December 2 (Tuesday). [torn] Preached [torn] Widow Mehitabel Brighams [torn] Phil. 4.7 from page 9 to 16, which may God graciously bless to us! It was [torn] windy, rough weather [torn] there were but few [torn] but [illegible] willing to [torn]rage these Meetings [illegible] am sorry none of my own were there.
1777 December 3 (Wednesday). Suse, having an Horse from her Fathers, and Sophy with Brecks Mare rode away (though a Cold season) to Leicester, and designing to visit further.
1777 December 4 (Thursday). My Son Moore came by the way of Providence and Uxbridge to make us a Visit. He knew Nothing of the Death of his sister Hannah till he heard it here. He lodges here.
1777 December 5 (Friday). Mr. Moore had designed to go to Oxford, but his mare is too ill to go any further. I rode to Mr. William Woods, and took Miss Eunice Jones with me as far as her uncle Gale’s. At Mr. Woods lay the poor young stranger William Haden, Sick of a fever and Flux, and dangerously ill. I went on purpose to see him, but he was delirious. I prayed with him, but fear his Death is nigh. I called to see poor Garfield. Breck returned from Lebanon. A Letter from Mr. Quincy at Lancaster via Worcester dated [blank].
1777 December 6 (Saturday). Mr. Moore tarrys to dine with me but can’t keep sabbath here. He leaves us to go to Oxford. Towards Eve came Mr. Cornelius Waters to preach for me, and therefore lodges here. He came from Grafton. He found Mr. Brett15 was to preach there.
1777 December 7 (Sunday). In the morning came from Southborough Mr. Jeremiah Barnard to assist me.16 Mr. Charles Stearns17 being there to preach for Mr. Stone. Mr. Barnard a.m. prayed, and Mr. Waters preached from Cant. 5.1, on those Words, “He is altogether lovely.” P.M. Mr. Waters prayed, and Mr. Barnard preached from Gen. 28.12 and first Clause of v. 13 on Jacobs Dream of a Ladder. I baptized several Children and read the Congress’s Proclamation for a general Thanksgiving. The abovementioned Gentlemen lodged here. N.B. The Widow Eunice Cook dined here.
1777 December 8 (Monday). Those Gentlemen left me [torn] William Hadan at Mr. [torn] His Fa[torn] Mr. William Hadan of old Braintree [torn] Mother, [torn] far happy as to be there; and purpose to remov[torn] Corps to their own Hou[se?].
1777 December 9 (Tuesday). On Mr. Nurse’s Horse (and [torn] very rough) I rode to M[torn] Woods, the House of mourning to see and Sympathize with [Mr. and?] Mrs. Haden before the removing the Corps of their [son?]. We prayed together and took solemn Leave. I dined at Mr. Gales. Went up to Mr. Beetons to see old Mrs. Kelly, and Thomas Beeton. The last is very Sick of Fever and Flux. I returned by Mr. Nurse’s. Many of the Soldiers are come home: particularly Mr. Thad. Warrin.
1777 December 10 (Wednesday). Read Robinsons History of Scotland, in part.
1777 December 11 (Thursday). Wrote to Mr. Quincy, and Sent Sir William Temples Works, Vol. 1. It was by Miss Lois Sawyer, who was with Miss Comfort Bellows going to Lancaster. I visited Thomas Beeton, dined there with Dr. Flynt. I prayed with them. At Eve Suse and Sophy returned from Brookfield. They inform that my Son Baldwin is at home.
1777 December 12 (Friday). My son Alexander came, brought his son Robert Breck with him and leaves him here whilst he himself goes to Framingham.
1777 December 13 (Saturday). [No entry.]
1777 December 14 (Sunday). Preached on Rom. 6. Read only two first verses, but gave Strictures on many other verses, of the Chapter. Molly Pratt. P.M. repeated one of my sermons on Job 14.1 on occasion of the Death of the young stranger, William Haden.
1777 December 15 (Monday). Town Met again by adjournment. Samuel Brigham from Dartmouth College here. Deacon Wood etc.
1777 December 16 (Tuesday). Sophy rides to Upton. Miss Molly Harrington here—Exam. She informs me that Rev. Taylor of New Fane has lost his House by Fire, and Saved but little of his Goods. May it be Sanctifyed and duely improved!
1777 December 17 (Wednesday). Sophy returned from Upton at Eve.
1777 December 18 (Thursday). Continental Thanksgiving. Preached from Ps. 72.4, a number of verses. May God grant success to [our?] youngsters. Elisha Fish and Samuel Brigham dined with us. Brigham tarried to sup with us and lodged here.
1777 December 19 (Friday). Mr.[illegible] Forbes that the Letter I sent, by him for Mr. Moore (giving an account of dear Hannahs sickness and death) he delivered, not to Col. [illegible], but to Deacon Thomas of Middleborough. Town-[illegible] by [illegible] still. Miss Mindwell Brigham and her Counsin Molly Pratt dined here. P.M. Suse and Sophy go with them to Mrs. [Hitty?] Brighams [illegible] and lodge here.
1777 December 20 (Saturday). Mr. John Bullard Candidate,18 going to preach at the South of Worcester, dines here. At night came my Son William.
1777 December 21 (Sunday). I preached again on Ps. 124 but this Exercise was chiefly on v. 8. Many persons at noon according to Custom flock to my House; but we are not accommodated with Wood to make them a Fire in the Kitchin. P.M. preached another of my Sermons on Job 14.1. Which may God graciously succeed!
1777 December 22 (Monday). Breck sets out before Day for Boston. William goes to Capt. Maynards to visit there, but dines here, and p.m. he goes to Noah Hardys and Sells him (Hardy) his mare for 23£ L.M. Mr. Bullard returns from [Boggachadge?] and goes to Framingham. At Eve I settle with my Son William. He takes up his Notes by paying me only £[2/?]. For I remitt to him the [illegible] amount to 3£ L.M. N.B. I delivered him Sixty Dollars of my Money, which Mr. Hardy is to deliver me when he takes the Mare which he has bought of William.
1777 December 23 (Tuesday). Mrs. Dolly Rice makes us a Visit [and?] drank Tea with her at the shop. Mr. Noah Hardy is here: gives a Note of Hand to my son William for 23£ L.M. for his Mare; which Note is lodged with me, Billy have gone home early in the morning: But thus it happens that I do not receive the 60 Dollars aforesaid instead of those which I lent Billy last Eve. Harrington brings some Pine.
1777 December 24 (Wednesday). Old Mr. Richard Barns wants to be marryed to Miss Jemima Maynard; and they unhappily need to be. I marryed them in my Study, by reason of Strangers below. Suse, Elias etc. were present. Breck returned from Boston. I had sent a Sum of Money to be changed by the Treasurer, but unhappily an Eight Dollar Bill comes back as being Counterfeit. What I received from the Treasurer, was a Note of 10£ 14 sh. signed by Henry Gardner.
1777 December 25 (Thursday). I went up to Deacon Woods, Capt. Fishers and Mr. Newtons. At the first visit the Wife of Mr. [Cheffe?]. At the 2d received Capt. John Woods map of Connecticut. At the last viz. Mr. Newtons I visited the Wife of Mr. Graves. At Eve came my Son Forbes from Cape Ann, lodged here.
1777 December 26 (Friday). Breakfast with Mr. Forbes at the Store. He goes to Brookfield. Sorrowful Accounts of our Continental Soldiers sufferings for want of shooes, Stockings etc.
1777 December 27 (Saturday). Elias is forced to go to the Pine Lot and Picks out and brings home a Load of Maple.
1777 December 28 (Sunday). Stormy, Snow etc. Few at Meeting. Preached again on Psalm 124.1.2–8. Master Fish dined here. We dined in the Study and the People who came to [warm?] themselves came into the Dining Room. P.M. I went on with the Discourse concerning Afflictions—but used, for a Text, Ps. 34.11, former part. N.B. Mrs. Beeton Sick of a Fever and Prayed for.
1777 December 29 (Monday). So very Cold I could not go to Mr. Beetons, Yet Mr. B. Bradshaw is journeying to Boston. He came from Shrewsbury this morning to Breakfast here, and tarrys to dine with us. Molly Pratt came to spin, and is to live a while here.
1777 December 30 (Tuesday). It being more moderate, I rode over to Visit Capt. Maynard and his Family, they have been exercised with sickness; with the Meazles, a number of them and Geoffry falls into a Waste. I dined there. Capt. tells me that Brother Smith of Marlborough has moved with his Goods to [illegible]. P.M. Visit Mrs. Beeton and prayed with her. Elias went to the Ministerial Lot, and Mr. Caleb Harrington to help him. They bring home a Load of Wood. Deacon Wood brings a large Load; as does Lt. Harrington—both of their own Wood. I am reading Dr. Robinsons well writ History of Scotland. James Hicks is exceedingly exercised with chapped Feet and Hands.
1777 December 31 (Wednesday). Ebenezer junior and Daniel Chamberlain bring Two Load of their own Wood. Mr. Jonathan Child here—brings a Spare Rib—a great Rarity.
Through the Patience and Longsuffering of God I have arrived at the Conclusion of another Year! Blessed be His glorious Name for all His Goodness. May the various Providences, Changes, Bereavement, Losses, I have been exercised by in the Course of this year, be sanctifyed to me and mine! And O may I be prepared for the Day, the Hour, which is to Close my Life!
1 John Belknap mar. Joanna Kindal, Jan. 3, 1777; Westborough VR, 122.
2 1 Corinthians 7:32: “But I would have you without carefulness.”
3 Jonathan Shipley, Lord Bishop of St. Asaph, A sermon preached before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts; at their anniversary meeting in the parish church of St. Mary-le-Bow, on Friday February 19, 1773 (Boston: Thomas and John Fleet, 1773; Evans 13009). American editions were also published in New York, Philadelphia, Newport RI, and Norwich CT.
4 Richard Price, Observations on the nature of civil liberty, the principles of government, and the justice and policy of the war with America. To which is added an appendix, containing a state of the national debt, an estimate of the money drawn from the public by the taxes, and an account of the national income and expenditure since the last war (Boston: T. and J. Fleet, [1776]; Evans 15032). Other American editions appear in Philadelphia (twice), New York, and Charleston, SC.
5 Nathaniel Morton (1613–1685), New-England’s memorial: or, A brief relation of the most memorable and remarkable passages of the providence of God, manifested to the planters of New-England in America; with special reference to the first colony thereof, called New-Plymouth. As also a nomination of divers of the most eminent instruments deceased, both of church and common wealth, improved in the first beginning and after progress of sundry of the respective jurisdictions in those parts: in reference unto sundry exemplary passages of their lives, and the time of their death. Published for the use and benefit of present and future generations (Newport: S. Southwick., 1772; Evans 12469). Two earlier American editions appeared in 1721.
6 Not in Westborough or Southborough VR.
7 Pierre Jurieu (1637–1713), A Critical History of the Doctrines and Worships (both Good and Evil) of the Church of Adam to Our Savior Jesus Christ; giving an Account of the Origin of all the Idolatries of the Ancient Pagans, as far as They Relate to the Jewish Worship (2 vols.; London: J. Taylor; and G. Sawbridge, 1705).
8 Andrew Eliot (1718–1778), Twenty sermons on the following subjects. . . . (Boston: John Boyle, 1774; Evans 13266).
9 Nicholas Byfield (1579–1622), The Cure of the Feare of Death. Shewing the Course Christians May Take to Bee Delivered from These Feares about Death, Which Are Found in the Hearts of the Most. A Treatise of Singular Use for All Sorts (London: Printed by G. P[urslowe] for Ralph Rounthwaite at the Flower-de-Luce and Crowne in Pauls Church-yard, 1618).
10 Nathaniel Whitaker (1732–1795), An antidote against Toryism. Or The curse of Meroz, in a discourse on Judges 5th 23, by Nathaniel Whitaker D.D. Pastor of the Presbyterian congregation in Salem, state of Massachusetts-Bay. Published at the desire of many who heard it. Dedicated to His Excellency, General Washington (Newbury-Port: [Mass.] Printed by John Mycall., MDCCLXXVII [1777]).
11 William Crawford, Zion’s Traveller: Or, the Soul’s Progress to Heaven; In the Several Steps Whereby It Ascends from Deep Distress and Misery, to the Height of Triumph and Glory.
12 Psalm 39.9: “I was dumb, I opened not my mouth; because thou didst it.”
13 “This day a Gen1 Thanksgiving through Mass. & Connecticutt. I preached at Westboro in Mass. for Revd & venerable Mr Parkman on Gen. xlix, 22–26. The people immedy requested a copy for the Press, but the Sermon being a hasty production only a few minutes of that Mornings Composition & mostly extempore, I declined it. Mr Parker [sic] persuaded me to accept the Presidency.” Franklin Bowditch Dexter, ed., The Literary Diary of Ezra Stiles, D.D., LL.D., President of Yale College (3 vols.; New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1901), 2:230. Stiles also noted that Parkman “gave me an account of Pres. Leveretts Presidency at Harv. Coll. where he was educated under him. Mr Parkman shewed me a Volume of his Academic Manuscript containg Copies of Brattles Logic, Leveretts Philosophy or Physics, Flynts Geography &c. Mr. Leverett was a fine classic Scholar but seldom made public Orations, not so often as Mr. Holyoke. Mr. Levrett great and awful in Government.” Ibid., 2:231.
14 Nathaniel Fadre Fosdick (1760–1819), Harvard 1779.
15 Silas Brett (1716–1791), minister at Fall River (Freetown), (1747–1776).
16 Jeremiah Barnard (1750–1835), Harvard 1773, minister of Westmoreland, N.H., 1776–1777, Amberst, N.H., 1780–1835. Sibley’s Harvard Graduates, 18:210–15.
17 Charles Stearns (1753–1826), Harvard 1773, minister of Lincoln, MA, 1781–1826. Sibley’s Harvard Graduates, 18:321–27.
18 John Bullard (1756–1821), Harvard 1776, minister of Pepperell, 1779–1821.