Diary of Ebenezer Parkman

Diary of Ebenezer Parkman, 1765

1765 January 1 (Tuesday). Glory to God for His unmerited Goodness in Vouchsafing the Revolution of this Light, with the great Priv. and Benefit I enjoy this New Years Day—notwithstanding it is a Time of uncommon Difficulty by the Rigor of the Season. I was to have preached to Day at Mr. Jonah Warrins; but by reason of the Depth of the Snow I can’t get there; and the Meeting must be deferred to another Month. We were wholly out of Loggs for the Fire: but Capt. Wood tackled an Horse to an Ox sled and brought me five from home, or was forced to come from his wood, round by his own House. I thank God for such kind Neighbours and may He reward them!

1765 January 2 (Wednesday). Exceeding Cold Day. The Morning especially. But people are trying to break Roads. May God Pity His people—the poor and distressed especially!

1765 January 3 (Thursday). Mr. Batherick and Mr. Ebenezer Forb. came, and Neighbour Lock assisting, killed two Hoggs for me. One weighed 11 score and about 6 lbs.; the other 10 Score and about 4 lbs. They dined with us, and Neighbour Lock kindly came at Eve and cutt up and salted. N.B. a Number of Neighbours went with Teams to Mr. Daniel and Timothy Warrins, who gave Wood, and brought me 5 Load. They were Capt. Wood and his son with a Team, Mr. Timothy Warrin, Lt. Joseph Baker, Ezra Baker, Barnabas Newton, each with a Team. With Lt. Baker came also Silas Hill. Besides these, Neighbour Zebulun Rice and his son Adam, and Moses Wheelock, went to chop. A Great Kindness at this Time! The Lord graciously reward ‘em for it. We had not time to get ‘em an hot meal; but treated ‘em with what we could set before them.

1765 January 4 (Friday). I have bought 2 store shoats of Mr. Moses Nurse, at 12 d. old Tenor per pound alive: he comes with them. They weigh, one 67, the other 71 lbs. Having read out Mr. John Mason on Self Knowledge (a useful Piece) I sent it back to the owner, Mr. Smith of Marlborough by Mr. Lock.

1765 January 5 (Saturday). [No entry.]

1765 January 6 (Sunday). A.M. read the first 14 verses of Prov. 28 and preached on the 14th. It was so stormy I expected but few, yet there came a considerable Number. Deacon Tainter dines with us. P.M. on Mat. 17, v. 5. May the Lord be pleased to add His Blessing!

1765 January 7 (Monday). Efforts of northern Neighbours to break the Road that way—by driving Cattle, Riding, etc.

1765 January 8 (Tuesday). Our Neighbours above us Strive to break Road down to Widow Strettons.

1765 January 9 (Wednesday). Sleds and Whirrys move more briskly to Boston. But I am much confined—but in Comfort. D.G.

1765 January 10 (Thursday). Mr. Rufus Putnam here; desires me to go up to Mr. Zebulun Rice’s at Evening. But neither my Wife nor Sarah are invited. At Eve I rode up. Marryed him and Miss Persis. N.B. In the time of the first prayer, the Bridegroom had an Epileptic Fit—fell suddenly on the Bed; but presently rose again and took his place. Supped there. I returned about 10 o’Clock.

1765 January 11 (Friday). [No entry.]

1765 January 12 (Saturday). [No entry.]

1765 January 13 (Sunday). Read the latter part of Prov. 28. P.M. omitted Public Reading. Preached a.m. on Prov. 28.14, first part of the verse. P.M. preached on the latter part. Mr. Cushing dined here. At Eve read after family Exercises in Mr. Bolton, Sect. 2, part 1.

1765 January 14 (Monday). I visit old Mrs. Warrin and dine there. Got up to Deacon Tainters with Difficulty. Visit Mrs. Bowker in her Husbands absence—he being ill at his Fathers at Sudbury. We are straitned for Wood. Capt. Wood kindly brings a Load at Evening at my Special Request. And he bears me a Message from Mr. Andrews, that he desires that some persons might hear our Difference; To which I return Answer that I consent; and request him (Capt. Wood) to go with me to him. But he does not Care to go alone with me, but would have some other. I mention Mr. David Maynard. But we don’t set any Time. Mr. Rufus Putnam and his Wife make us a Visit, and tarry into Evening.

1765 January 15 (Tuesday). I rode with Mr. Putnam as far as Capt. Maynards, to get Money to send to Brookfield but obtain only 16£ old Tenor for Interest, which I deliver to Mr. Putnam for Mr. Forbes, and took his Receipt. Visit at Mr. Parkers and Bathericks. P.M. Mr. Beeton here, and intimates he does not expect me to cut Timber or carry off Hay from my old place. He offers his Acre at 42£ 10. old Tenor and must have speedy Answer or he will give a Deed of it to Mr. Andrews, who he says urges to buy it, and to give him 50£ O.T. for it. Mr. William Brown of Framingham, calls here in his Return home. Mr. John Wood here at Eve, and was examined.

1765 January 16 (Wednesday). I visit Ebenezer Brigham (who lives at the Joslin place) having heard he was ill. Discoursed with him. Instructed and prayed with him. Dr. Balls young man, Fales, came. I dined there. At Eve went to Capt. Woods and consulted him about Sending a Letter to Mr. Andrews.

1765 January 17 (Thursday). I transcribe what I have prepared to Send to Mr. A. and Send it by Deacon Tainter, who returns late in the Eve and tells me Mr. A. and his wife are extremely Violent and charge me with many Untruths. She believes I have not a spark of Grace etc. May the Lord sanctifie this Rebuke of His Providence to me!

1765 January 18 (Friday). [No entry.]

1765 January 19 (Saturday). Sent by Lt. Lock to Coll. Williams for Conveyance, a Letter to Brother Breck, inclosing a Copy of F. Brecks Will and my Account against Br. S. Brecks Estate.

1765 January 20 (Sunday). The Snow has been so prepared by the late storms, to bear people up, that I have a large Assembly. Read Rev. 29. Preached a.m. on Prov. 28.14, latter part. Which may God succeed! Capt. Maynard and his Wife, and Master Cushing, dined here. P.M. read Mark 3. Preached on Mat. 17.6 to 9. And O that it might not be lost! At Eve much impressed with the Thoughts of Death and Eternity. God be praised! And beg it may not be lost.

1765 January 21 (Monday). Samuel Brigham returns, to go to school. I went over to Mr. Beeton with a Deed writ of the Acre—except the Bounds. But he had not his Deed from Capt. Forbush at home. Promises before Deacon Tainter and Mr. Artemas Bruce that no man besides Me Shall have a Deed of it. He induces me to go down to Capt. Maynards about the Money the Captain owes me now, and which I owe at Brookfield. Deacon Tainter and I ride there. We Sup with him. Miss Hephzibah rides to our House with me in the Deacons Sleigh. Capt. Wood here.

1765 January 22 (Tuesday). I rode to Marlborough. As I went, I called at Mr. Andrews’s in Conformity to his Message last Week to me by Capt. Wood. They treated me with more Decency and Civility. Their minds were much the same in General. But there were strangers come in—and more kept coming, so that I did not care to tarry in warm debate and contest, in their hearing. We drew up no determinations. He would not come to my House for an hearing of our Affair, before men to be Judges between us, and I told ‘em I Should not come there, it being a Tavern and liable to continual Interruption. With this I left them. Dined at Mr. Smiths with Miss Patty and Suse. Their F. is gone to Shrewsbury. Was at Coll. Williams and wrote a line further to Brother Breck concerning the Administration on Brother Samuels Estate. Called at Mr. Amsden’s as I came home.

1765 January 23 (Wednesday). Visit the Widow Parmentor and widow Bellows—but dined at Mr. Ithamar Bellows; himself not at home. N.B. I went on Rackets from Widow Bellows to Mr. Moses Parkers, where Mrs. Parmentor lies. I prayed with her—and visited and prayed with Mr. Ebenezer Brigham. In returning, Visited Lt. Forb. and wife etc. Mr. Tainter brought Billy an Hog. Weighed 9 Score and 14 lbs. at 2/. I hired 60£ old Tenor of Billy.

1765 January 24 (Thursday). Wrote to both my Brethren at Boston by Deacon Tainter. Mr. Pierpoint returning home from his long Journey (to Portsmouth, Boston and Rochester) came, with Neighbour Pratt, who took his Horse to keep. Master Cushing came and received the Money which I hired of Billy; I add 6/3 old Tenor and gives me a Receipt. Supps with us and lodged here.

1765 January 25 (Friday). Master to his school, and Mr. Pierpoint goes on his Journey.

1765 January 26 (Saturday). Though it is extream Cold, Deacon Tainter returns—but without any Letters or Magazines. Nor have had any of a great while. At Eve came here Mr. Asa Haven from Brookfield and lodged here.

1765 January 27 (Sunday). So exceeding Cold we have hardly ever known it Colder. But partly through my Watch’s going too fast, partly because I saw some persons were come, and I thought they would be uneasy if I was late, I went too early to Meeting, and waited some time before I began—by which means I was too much chilled to prolong the Exercise. I read a little part of Prov. 30 after Singing and gave some Exposition of it—and chiefly insisted on v. 8. Came home some time before noon; my fingers hurting as if touched with Frost. Deacon Tainter, Master Cushing, Mr. Haven and Mrs. Maynard dined with us. P.M. Omitt Reading by reason of the Extremity of the Season. Preached on Mat. 17.10 to 13. Dr. Crosby here after Exercise. Mr. Haven lodges here. At Eve read another chapter of Mr. Bolton.

1765 January 28 (Monday). Billy delivers me from Capt. Maynard (who gave it to him on the 26th) one double Joannes and Six single ones (being 150£ old Tenor). I walked on the snow to Mr. Greens, he being very ill. Dined there. Visit 4 familys more, that way. N.B. I made a Bus’ness of talking with poor Lydia Green, who is pregnant. May God Succeed my admonition!

1765 January 29 (Tuesday). I laid hold of an Opportunity to ride with Mr. Davidson of Grafton, in his Sleigh to the Warrins—especially to visit Timothy who has been very ill of late; but he was gone to Dr. Wilsons; and Jo. Joslin with him. Deacon Tainter being there with his Sleigh, I rode home with him, visiting Lt. Bruces wife, and Mrs. Barns, as we returned. At Eve visit old Mrs. Woods and Settle Accounts with Mrs. Newton and her son Barnabas.

1765 January 30 (Wednesday). Deacon came with his Sleigh and carryed me a visiting—to Mr. Joseph Grouts where we dined, Capt. Jonathan Fays, Mr. Moses Brighams, Ensign Jeduthun Fays—and at Lt. Bakers, where we Supped. We hear that Mr. Mason (on t’other side the River) dyed this Morning. The Lord awaken me to prepare!

1765 January 31 (Thursday). It proves a very Sorrowful Time, by Such heavy Snows. But The Lord is our Preserver. May we be [Cared?] for by Him!

1765 February 1 (Friday). Am desired to go to Mr. Masons Funeral. Mr. Martyn is Sent for but does not Come. Mr. David Maynard comes to bring my Horse, and accompany me part of the way. I dined at Capt. Maynards. The Carpenters finish there. Attended and prayed at the Funeral: but did not go to the Grave. In returning call at Bruce’s and Beetons. At Neighbour Pratts, who is ill. Billy and Breck come home from Capt. Maynards. Mr. Chamberlin endeavoring to break the way out to the great Road, comes with a little wood. Samuel Brigham rode home with me. Mr. John Wood here, with his own and wife’s Relations, to be read to the Church.

1765 February 2 (Saturday). God takes Care of us from Day to Day, though this Season is so singularly difficult, especially as to Wood. Sundry Neighbours come and bring what they can. Deacon Tainter comes to see how we fare and brings Some in his sleigh. Messrs. Nathan Maynard and Artemas Bruce bring one Load with a large Team, of wood nigh them. And dine here. P.M. Mr. Nathan Maynard and his Brother Ebenezer bring another Load. Mr. Chamberlin another Load. Messrs. Benjamin and Jonathan How another. All gratis. N.B. Mr. Le Blanc from Salem dines here. I ask him to come to Meeting and dine with me tomorrow. He consents; which I think he never did before. At Eve my son Baldwin and Alexander Oliver from Boston in a two Horse sleigh; and tarry with us.

1765 February 3 (Sunday). Read the other part of Prov. 30. Preached again on v. 8 and 9. Master Cushing, Mr. Le Blanc, who was at Meeting a. and p.m., Son Baldwin, and Alexander dine with us. P.M. Read Mark 4 to v. 21. But by reason of Visits and Funeral for 4 Days last Week and frequent interruptions about Wood etc., could not prepare for the Afternoon sermon, except Introduction, Alterations and Additions to a sermon on 2 Pet. 3.9, by the Help of which I was enabled to form I hope a useful Exercise from Ezek. 18.23. After Sermon admitted John and Martha Wood into the Church before the Congregation. At Eve, besides our usual Exercise, Repetition etc. read further in Mr. Bolton. Which may God bless to the awakening of each of us!

1765 February 4 (Monday). Mr. Baldwin gives me his Account which much surprizes Me. I deliver him £100 old Tenor for Mr. Forbes: and he gives me a Receipt. He and Alexander leave us. Billy has, of Mr. Wheelock, part of Deacon Storers House to work in; the shop not being big enough for him and Breck, though it was for Thomas. P.M. Mr. Whitney here to desire me to go to his House next Thursday and marry his son Eli. John went, with Difficulty, to Mr. Allens Mill.

1765 February 5 (Tuesday). Deacon Tainter brought a Quarter of Beef which he borrowed of us. He dined here and carryed me, also Sarah and Sophy to Mr. Jonah Warrins where I preached on Heb. 12.15. Monsieur Le Blanc attended with us. N.B. I wrote to Oxenbridge Thatcher Esq. respecting the Time appointed by the Court for the Claimants of Land fallen into New Hampshire: Sent also to Brother Samuel. Gave the Letters to Mr. Joseph Grout. But 50£ old Tenor I delivered to Mr. Nathaniel Ball for my Brother from Mr. Forbush. It being money which I pay him upon my Note to him. And by this, pay the full of it.

1765 February 6 (Wednesday). Get my Preparations well forwarded, though by these Means can read but little.

1765 February 7 (Thursday). Mr. John Wood Comes with a sleigh and Span of Horses and carrys me to their house first to take in his Wife etc. and then to Capt. Fays to take in Miss Eliza, the Bride, with her Bridegroom, Mr. Eli Whitney, accompanyed with a considerable Number on Horseback. We proceed to Mr. Nathaniel Whitneys—where the marriage of the forementioned was solemnized.

1765 February 8 (Friday). Mr. John Bowker dyed yesterday at his Fathers at Sudbury.

1765 February 9 (Saturday). John Pratt, only Son of Neighbour Hezekiah Pratt, is taken very ill, and this is the 3d or 4th Day of the Pleurisy. Am sent for. He is rational. Discourse with him and pray with him and the distressed Family.

1765 February 10 (Sunday). Read Prov. 31. Preached on Prov. 30.8.9, the 8th especialy. P.M. read Mark 4.21 to the End. Preached on Mat. 17.14 to 21. A pritty full Congregation considering it is winter. May God bless the word to all. N.B. Sent for to John Pratt who grows worse. He is delirious. Prayed by him with the Family and Neighbours.

1765 February 11 (Monday). Neighbour Pratt sends for me in the morning but I was going without his sending for me. John worse. Prayed and counselled them. P.M. Visited Mr. Edmund Rice’s wife who languishes. Was obliged to go on Racketts from Mr. James Maynards. N.B. Master Cushing returned from Shrewsbury. He returns me my Note of Hand to his Mother and I burnt it. N.B. she gives in the Interest—which was from July last.

1765 February 12 (Tuesday). Rode over to John Pratt. He is still delirious. Prayed there. His Case seems hopeless. I pity my poor Neighbour and his Family. The Lord be gracious to them. We are reduced as to wood. Get Mr. Moses Nurse and Mr. Timothy Warrin to afford a Load apiece, which they bring and send. Deacon Tainter in his sleigh carrys Sarah and me to Southborough. Dine at Mr. Stones. Return at Eve. John Pratt near his End. Amasa Maynard came for me. Went. Found he was dying. Prayed and Exhorted. Left him breathing—but he expired—27 years old. My Son Ebenezer and his son Thomas, with Daughter Suse from Brookfield.

1765 February 13 (Wednesday). Ebenezer and I rode over to Deacon Bonds and dined there. Then visited old Deacon Forbes and his Sister Steward, Mr. Kendal, his Daughter Bowker etc.

1765 February 14 (Thursday). Ebenezer delivered me my Bond given to Mr. Forbes as Guardian of the Gilbert Children, for Forty pounds Lawfull Monday, bearing Date Feb. 16, 1758. N.B. It appears by the back of the Bond that I have paid of Interest for this Money 56 Dollars—but deduct 20/ old Tenor: remains 124£ 10/ old Tenor.

1765 February 15 (Friday). Attended the Funeral of John Pratt. A very mournful Time! May God Shew Mercy to the poor distressed Father, and the bereaved sisters! A great Concourse of People, though it was difficult stirring. Billy is one of the Bearers. My Wife too tender and lame to be there, but my two Daughters that could, and Breck and John, were there. The snow is Still so high, that they carry the Corps over the Wall of the Burying Place. Dr. Crosby here after the burying.

1765 February 16 (Saturday). Billy finishes his Sleigh.

1765 February 17 (Sunday). Read Eccl. 1. Preached a. and p.m. on Heb. 21.23 to 26, but principal Regard to v. 23.25. P.M. read Mark 5. Master Cushing and Mrs. Crosby (Doctor’s Wife) dined here. In the Eve (besides our usual Repetition), read another Chapter in Mr. Bolton.

1765 February 18 (Monday). [No entry.]

1765 February 19 (Tuesday). It is so bad riding on Horseback, that I went in my sleigh to see Mr. Ebenezer Brigham who is very bad again; and especially has terrible sores, like Cancers, upon his Hands. I dined there. Visit at Mr. Bradish’s, where also are Jacob Garfield and his Family. P.M. at home here were Dr. Haws and his Wife to visit—but Sarah and Suse had walk [sic] to Capt. Maynards. Mrs. Maynard Sent a Goat Skin for a Pair of Breeches for Elias.

1765 February 20 (Wednesday). Mr. Tainter dined here, having brought some Wood. Bought a little skin at Mr. Wheelocks for Elias and get Mrs. Johnson to make them and because the Goat skin is So large as to be like to be enough for John, She is to make him a pair with that. Was at Mr. Zebulun Rice’s where was his son Putnam, come for his Wife. Mr. Gale at Evening. He pays me 73£ old Tenor.

1765 February 21 (Thursday). Mr. Putnam carrys home his Wife. May the Lord go along with them! At night a Message from Mr. Brigham who is very bad.

1765 February 22 (Friday). Visit Mr. Ebenezer Brigham again and pray with him. Many there. I conversed with him with much Fervency, and it seems to succeed in some Measure. D.G. Dr. Ball and Fales there, and Expect Dr. Wilson and Dexter: but it looks as if in vain.

1765 February 23 (Saturday). Breck has worked several Days for me. To Day he goes with my Oxen and fetches 4 or 5 hund. of Hay from t’other Barn. Billy returns from Medfield and Boston. John Maynard with him.

1765 February 24 (Sunday). Read Eccl. 2. Preached on Mat. 17.22–27. Mr. Cushing, Mrs. Maynard and Mr. Jacob Garfields wife, dined here. P.M. read Mark 6 to v. 29. As I thought it best to deliver my whole preparation in the forenoon, and could not prepare another sermon, I repeated on Rom. 5.15.18. Am informed that Mr. Ebenezer Brigham expired yesterday p.m. N.B. Read at Eve another small Portion of Mr. Bolton.

1765 February 25 (Monday). Paid Billy £13.15 old Tenor. Sent by Billy to Mr. Hills 2 Guinea’s. Mr. Jonah Warrin asks me to preach at his Son Morse’s next Week. I hope Mr. Warrin is Satisfyed as to the Doctrine of restraining Mercy being (in some respects) above pardoning Mercy. Read in Mr. Oxenbridge’s Plea for the dumb Indian in M.S. At Eve Mr. William Woods desires me to attend the Funeral tomorrow.

1765 February 26 (Tuesday). Was at the Funeral of Mr. Ebenezer Brigham. Prayed but did not go to the Grave, because he was buryed at Southborough. Mr. Stone attended also—and went with the people. Finished reading Mr. Oxenbridges Plea for the dumb Indian in M.S., a learned, laboured Piece, and containing a great many usefull Things—a great many astonishing Things relating to the evil Treatment the Indians in Mexico, Guatimala, Peru, Chili, Hispaniola etc. met with from the Spaniards—especially Montezuma and Attabalipa Emperors.

1765 February 27 (Wednesday). Walked on the Snow to Mr. Nurse’s. Reckoned and Settled with him. Visit Neighbour Pratt in his Sorrows. P.M. at Mr. Wheelocks, when Capt. Nat. Dwight of Belchers town (formerly Cold Spring) came to me under their great Difficultys and brought Letter of the Council to re-convene. He lodges here.

1765 February 28 (Thursday). I found that Capt. Dwight had Letters for all the Churches to which the Members of the Council at Cold Spring in the year 1760, belonged, and that he had one for Mr. Stone. I therefore thought it best to confer with Mr. Stone about it, and therefore rode with Capt. Dwight to Southborough. But Mr. Stone was gone to preach at Framingham. We were therefore obliged to go there if we would See him. We dined at Mr. Bridge’s. Mr. Stone preached on Luk. 13.34. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem thou that killest etc. Came back to Mr. Stones and I lodged there. Capt. Dwight at Coll. Brighams. But Coll. Brigham was with us at Mr. Stones in the Eve, when Consulting what to do.

1765 March 1 (Friday). Being at Southborough, and Col. Brigham and Capt. Dwight being at Mr. Stones; having heard Captains Story of their Troubles, I wrote a letter which I sent by him to Mr. Eaton of Spencer, another member and Scribe of our Council, to know whether there was not a Vote passed by our then Council, limiting the Time of its Continuance etc. I return home. Captain with me and dines here. P.M. he proceeds on his Journey. Mr. Daniel Forbes with a Message from Mr. Andrews to know whether I will as was proposed last Summer, lay our Differences before some Men to hear and Judge about them. I return answer partly by reading my last Letter to Mr. Andrews—and added, that I was heartily for peace any way that was reasonable—that Indeed our Case was altered from what it was; and required now special Care.

1765 March 2 (Saturday). Mr. Stone came here. I went to Southborough, though wet Weather. N.B. Sarah went up to Mr. John Wood’s and bought, in my Name, 100 lb. of Flax, at 6/6. Mr. Stone also bought some.

1765 March 3 (Sunday). I preached at Southborough on 2 Cor. 4.16 a. and p.m. Mr. Stone preached for Me on Luk. 12.20 a. and p.m. A Stormy Day and therefore but few at Meeting. But at Eve Mr. Stone returned to Southborough, where I lodged. The Lord bless His holy Word and Ordinances in each Parish for Saving Good!

1765 March 4 (Monday). Returned home. Called at Mr. Isaac Johnsons and prayed with his bed rid sister in Law. Sent for more Flax per Mr. Wood, for Mr. Stone. Prayed at the Town Meeting. Lt. John Martyn dines here. Payd Mr. John Wood for his Flax, by a Note to Mr. Gale. Drew a Number of Notes to Mr. Gale, viz. for Mr. William Morse £5.17.0, Mr. Abraham Bond for 38/. For Mr. Biglow 13/6. Master Cushing lodged here.

1765 March 5 (Tuesday). Master to school. Mr. Artemas Bruce goes with me on the Snow, down to the Meadow to shew his Bounds. Preached at Mr. Seth Morse’s on Joh. 7.17. May God Himself add His Special Blessing! N.B. An Arbitration at Capt. Wood’s on a Difference between Messrs. Timothy Warrin and Jonas Bradish, respecting the Widow Rolfs Cow.

1765 March 6 (Wednesday). Attended the Funeral of another Newborn Child of Francis Whipple, a Daughter. I wish this repeated Frown of Providence may Suitably affect him that he may be brought to Repentance. At Evening came Mr. Andrews to See me—and he sat—and we both sat for Some time—with but little Conversation. At length he desired he might ask me another Question. He said Mr. Daniel Forb. had told him on Monday that I desired to See him. I told him Yes—I was willing he should come here—he was welcome—I did not mean to send for him: but should be glad to have him free here. He Said he was willing to go into the Same way that he had mentioned heretofore (of Some Men to hear us). I told him I had Met with such Things from him and his Wife, as made me at a loss. I was not willing to have it like the arbitration yesterday. He asked why? (or something like that). I told him I wanted no such Noise and Rabblement as that was. But I would not have him think I was afraid to lay it before proper Judges. He asked who they were? I answered that the way of Church proceeding was etc. and if the Church did not settle it, then there should be a Council—and if the Affair was with Ministers, then there Should be Ministers. He said he would never while he lived be out one [rabin?] Penny towards one—and were it not for his Family he would not set his Foot again into that House, pointing to the Meeting House. He said he did not come to dispute with me—and left me.

1765 March 7 (Thursday). Billy to Brookfield having heard that Batchellor (by whom he had Sent) was come from Albany, with money for him. Breck works for me. Settled with Lt. Lock. Mr. Belknap here in the Evening.

1765 March 8 (Friday). Breck cutts Wood at the Island. Jonas Kenny with him part of the forenoon. Dines here and works there all the Afternoon. Mr. Chaplin of Sutton here. Calls to See me and promote Acquaintance. He asks me to change with him some time or other. I told him I know not how to do that. N.B. I had Spoke freely of Church Government and vindicated Pastoral Authority. Shewed my Dissatisfaction with the Sutton, and his Proceedings in his Ordination. But we parted in Peace. At Eve Brother Hicks from Boston and Cambridge. N.B. he has been down about 5 Weeks, waiting on the Court about his Land-Bank Affair. He lodges here. It looks as if there was great Opposition. I know not what the Commissioners would say in Vindication of them Selves.

1765 March 9 (Saturday). Brother Hicks goes home. Breck and John Sled wood in the Morning from the Island. Deacon Tainter kindly comes with Wood—and then goes to encourage and assist my Sons. Mr. Hananiah Parker leaves £4.13.4 lawful Money, for Billy. Dr. Hawes, having visited Neighbour Adam Rice, who has grievously cut his Foot with an Ax, dines here. Breck a. and p.m. cutting Wood at the Island; and p.m. John helps him.

1765 March 10 (Sunday). Read Prov. 3. Preached on 1 Joh. 5.21. P.M. Read Mark 6 from v. 30. Preached on Mat. XVIII.1.2.3. May the Lord Himself add His Blessing! Master Cushing dined with us. In the Evening another Portion of Mr. Boltons after our Common Exercise.

1765 March 11 (Monday). Capt. Brigham and Mr. Tainter came from the Precinct-Meeting to desire me to go and pray with them, which I did. After Meeting made a Visit to old Mrs. Woods; and to Neighbour Adam Rice under his Lameness. At Evening Billy returns from Brookfield, and in a good Measure Succeeded. Breck cutts wood for me, again at the Island.

1765 March 12 (Tuesday). Town meeting by Adjournment. N.B. Master Richard Martyn here and with him a young man, Hawkins, a Taylor who works in the Same shop with him at the North End.

1765 March 13 (Wednesday). I complyed with a Request of Mr. Hutchinsons. Rode to Grafton, dined and preached a Lecture on Ps. 56.12 for the promotion of Early Piety and especially Singing. Returned at Eve. Very bad travelling: but especially in the Evening. A great Favour that I had Lieutenant Harringtons Company: We made a visit to Mr. Moses Brigham who grows worse.

1765 March 14 (Thursday). Master Cushing leaves us and goes to the North End to Deacon Paul Newtons. Mrs. Maynard dines with us. Preached on Heb. 12, part of v. 22 and 23. Deacon Tainter and Mr. Bellows here when Mr. Gale wanted Something to be Said about the Andrews Affair. Mr. Gale paid me in Cash and Notes £75.6 old Tenor. Mrs. Maynard and her little Robert Breck, lodge here. Billy and Breck cut Timber on t’other place, for a Corn Barn.

1765 March 15 (Friday). Mrs. M. dines here, and p.m. her Aunt and She visit Neighbour Pratts.

1765 March 16 (Saturday). Breck and John go to draw Timber out of the woods into the Road.

1765 March 17 (Sunday). Read a.m. Eccl. 4. Preached a. and p.m. on Isa. XXV.6. Administered the Lord’s Supper. P.M. read Mark 7. Mrs. Maynard and Mrs. Parker dined here. At Eve read as usual, after Family Exercises, in Mr. Bolton, ch. 8 and 9, of Part 1 of Sect. 2. May the Lord add His Blessing to all these means!

1765 March 18 (Monday). Paid Mr. Wheelock 4 Dollars. Gave him 54/ money for Tea and Some Paper: and delivered him my Watch to carry to Mr. Gowen Brown at Boston.

1765 March 19 (Tuesday). [No entry.]

1765 March 20 (Wednesday). Dr. Edwards on the Stile of the S.S.

1765 March 21 (Thursday). Mr. Nathaniel Ball here with Complaint against Mr. Hutchinsons keeping Such a Number of Schollars. I advised him rather to use humble, endearing, Mollifying Methods, than to proceed informality [sic]. Mrs. Rolf here. Catechized at the Meeting House. A.M. 53 Boys and p.m. 25 Girls. Mr. Kendal here very poorly with bad Cough, and spitting Blood.

1765 March 22 (Friday). Mr. Grindall Rawson1 (late of Yarmouth) came, and Said he understood I wanted to Speak with him. N.B. He came from Mr. Stone’s, where was Mr. Smith. And they (I suppose) Sent him here. He gave me a Distinct Account of his Troubles with his Wife etc. etc. He dined here, and it being Stormy, and the Snow prevailing, he lodged here also.

1765 March 23 (Saturday). Mr. Rawson, when it broke away, left us. Said he was going Westward. Mr. Tainter brought two load of Wood from home and Breck being Sledding [sic] from the Island (2 turns), Mr. Tainter brought another from there.

1765 March 24 (Sunday). A great Storm; but few at meeting—fewer p.m. Read Eccl. 5. Preached a. and p.m. on 1 Joh. 5.21. By reason of the unusual Difficulty of the Season I omitted to Read p.m. Deacon Tainter, John Maynard, his Brother Antipas, and Timothy Parker dined here. The Storm prevailed and was impetuous; Timothy Parker tryed to go home, but could not. He returned here and was obliged to lodge with us—though we are concerned lest his Brother etc. Should think he is overcome by the violent Wind and drifting Snow. Blessed be God we are in Safety! May it please Him to Pity all the distressed!

1765 March 25 (Monday). Timothy Parker is Sent home early, conceiving his Brother would be much disquieted concerning him. Few stir to Day, by reason of the deep and drifted Snow.

1765 March 26 (Tuesday). Jonathan Batherick here. Tells me he has got me out 200 Posts and 100 Rails. I agree to give him Four Dollars for his Work. P.M. came Mr. Tainter and brought his Wife’s uncle, Mr. Daniel Wood of Somers, who informs me of a wood newly discovered in a Tract of Land in New York Government called the Nine partners, which (wood) will not consume. That Mr. Andrew Storrs of Somers, and Mr. [blank] Johnson of Wallingford preachers, certifyed him of it; and that it was known and tryed at the College at New Haven. N.B. In the Evening Mr. Zebulun Rice, Precinct Clerk, brings Me the Book for me to write a Receipt of my having had my sallery of the late Treasurer, Mr. Whitney. I complyed.

1765 March 27 (Wednesday). John goes to mill to Mr. Johnsons. I was at Mr. Wheelocks shop, and he lends me his Watch because he left mine at Boston. Reckoned with Mr. John Wood and paid him by a note to Mr. Gale. Reckoned with Mr. Tainter and paid him by Ditto.

1765 March 28 (Thursday). John went to Mr. Allens and bought another large Fowl 10/. I went on the Snow to t’other House, viewed the great Pine Tree. Mr. Beeton urges me to go to Capt. Maynards that the Captain may Satisfy me for the Tree. I went with him but the Captain is gone a Journey. Mr. Beeton promises in Mrs. Maynards hearing that if I will let the Tree alone he will assure me two hundred of good Floor Boards—or the Tree and he will be at the Charge of the Team to get it to Mill. N.B. I told Mr. Beeton in the hearing of Richard Barns junior that I had not sold to Capt. Maynard nor to any man, a passage way through that place to the ministerial Lot (that is, during my Life). Reckoned with Mr. Beeton and paid him 3.14.0 Old Tenor in full. Lent my Mare to Mr. Richard Barns, to go to Marlborough.

1765 March 29 (Friday). Mr. Hall of Sutton here from Hollis. Informs me that Rev. Mr. Thomas Parker of Dracut was buryed last Thursday (yesterday sennight) and that it was Collonel Oliver Wilder of Lancaster who dyed lately, Suddenly as he sat in his Chair. The Lord prepare me for the awfull Hour!

1765 March 30 (Saturday). I Sent John to Mr. Howes with a Letter I have lately received from Mr. Eaton of Spencer, upon the Dwight Affair.

1765 March 31 (Sunday). Read Eccl. 6. Preached on Mat. and used all that I could prepare upon it. P.M. read Mark 8 and had an Exercise from 1 Joh. 2.18 with new Introduction accommodating it to what I had lately delivered concerning Idols.

1765 April 1 (Monday). Breck goes with my and Capt. Woods Oxen and Neighbour Newtons Cart to cart Timber for a Corn Barn. Sheep, and Steers brought home. The Portrait of Dr. Wigglesworth read. At Eve Messrs. Bowman and Moore from Oxford. Mr. Moore lodges here.

1765 April 2 (Tuesday). Breck with Mr. Nathan Maynards Cattle and Mine, brings Timber and Hay from T’other House. Calves come home. Preached at Capt. Benjamin Woods, on James 1.22, which may God Succeed!

1765 April 3 (Wednesday). Billy and Breck hewing the Timber, etc. Mr. Smith and Mr. Fessenden (the last newly from Gloucester) dined with me. Mr. F. leaves is designing to return from the Northwest tomorrow.

1765 April 4 (Thursday). Billy hewing—Breck a.m. P.M. John with Breck cart Timber from Mr. Beetons, and they bring all from thence. N.B. Mrs. P________ rode with me to Mr. Tainters, where we dine; and there left her, for Mr. Tainter to wait on home at Eve. I proceeded to visit Ensign Miller and prayed with him. Then visit at Mr. Bowmans, I. Pratts, Twitchells, Dunlops, Joseph Morse’s, John Balls, [Mark?] Pratts, Deacon Forb. and Kendals, Mr. Kendals being very poor and low. Prayed with him. Called at Deacon Bonds and hastened home to meet Mr. Fessenden—but he came not.

1765 April 5 (Friday). Billy and Breck hewing. Sarah and Suse with my Mare in Mr. Wheelocks Chair rode to Mr. Martyns. When they return they inform me that Mr. Fessenden went to Marlborough yesterday in order to go his Journey to Gloucester. At My Preparations but meet with Hindrances.

1765 April 6 (Saturday). My Subject requires Attention, but have unavoidable Avocations. Billy otherwise employed. Breck worked at the Timber part of the Day. Deacon Tainter brought from Boston Magazines for Sept., Oct., Nov. and brings a Vine, a Mulberry Tree, Gooseberry Bushes etc. from Mr. Holbrook, with a Letter. Letters also from Brother Parkman, Samuel and from Dr. Robie with Scudders daily Walk.

1765 April 7 (Sunday). I cannot dispatch any more in my preparations on the Subject of Scandals, than may Suffice for the forenoon Exercise. Read Eccl. 7 and preached on Mat. 18.7. P.M. read Mark 9 and with new and proper Introduction, Additions, and Alterations formed an Exercise from Sermon on Col. 3.3, latter part, p. 19 to p. 25, from Ps. 83.3. And the God of infinite Goodness Pardon my Deficiencys and give His Blessing for Christ’s sake! At our Evening Exercise, instead of Repetition read Mr. Bolton, because I must return that Excellent Book before I can read it out. N.B. Mr. John Pratt dined here, who brings word from Brookfield that my Daughter Parkman was lately delivered of another son. Which may God almighty Bless! Mrs. Dunlop and Mrs. Kelly dined here also.

1765 April 8 (Monday). It being foul Weather Billy can’t frame the Corn Barn. He finishes a sink in the Kitchin. Breck cutts a few Gains in the Beams over the Barn Floor, and Saws and joints some Boards for Flooring in the Garrett etc.

1765 April 9 (Tuesday). Fowl Weather prevents Billys working for me.

1765 April 10 (Wednesday). Billy to Boston. Mr. Stone here and dines with me. P.M. we write a letter to Mr. Eaton and both of us sign it, to Mr. Eaton about the Belchers Town Affair.

1765 April 11 (Thursday). This morning we perceived Mr. Haskills (Black smith) Shop was burnt down. It broke out about an Hour before Day. The Lord Sanctify it to them. I visited poor Mr. Kendal who wastes more and more; as does Brother Forbes. Prayed with them. P.M. Catechized young women and delivered an Exercise on the 2d Commandment repeating for the most part from Hints which I had prepared and delivered in public, some years ago. N.B. 28 Young Women. We began at Question 51. And must begin next time at Question 55. After Catechizing I rode down to Mr. Haskills to Sympathize. Deacon Tainter was with me. But Mr. Haskill was not at home. He was in the woods and People were generously getting Timber for him. Which I greatly rejoice in. Billy returns from Boston, and perhaps from some other where. John and Levi Rice bring Slit work and Boards from Forbe’s [sic] Mill.

1765 April 12 (Friday). Mr. Caleb Hitchcock of the Union, here, and o’ foot. Wants a Cast upon my Horse part of his Way. I complyed and let him have my mare as far as William Wards. John went afterwards o’ foot to bring her back—but goes to Marlborough and brings home some Leggs of Bacon from Deacon Woods. Billy and Breck begin to Frame a Corn Barn for me. Dr. Bondels’ here. I get him to trim my Grape Vine. He dines here. Little B. Gott Maynard came at Eve and stays over Night. Sorrowful Account of the drowning of 4 men in Sudbury River.

1765 April 13 (Saturday). Billy and Breck get ready for their Journey. John Maynard with a Waggon etc.

1765 April 14 (Sunday). Read a.m. Eccl. 8. Preached a.m. on Eccl. 8.12.13. Mrs. Maynard dined here. Read Mark 10 to v. 27. Preached on Mat. 18.7. At Eve read 2 Chapters more of Mr. Bolton. Mr. Kendal grows worse.

1765 April 15 (Monday). Billy and Breck leave us to go to Townshend. They Expect John Maynard setts out from his Fathers with a Waggon to Carry (what was moved from here last Saturday) Beef, Pork and many other stores—and Joseph Warrin (son of Mr. Timothy) hired by Billy goes with them. I visit at Neighbour Locks and behold he is gone away for Penobscot. Visit old Mrs. Woods and at Neighbour John Woods, whose Child is ill. N.B. Mr. Gale informs me of Suspicions etc. Messrs. Barns and Batherick with his son Solomon Digg Stones towards Nurse’s. P.M. Mr. Fisk to ask me to preach his Lecture next Week, to which I Consent. Mr. Gale at Evening Pays me £18.10 in Cash and £8.10 in Two Notes from Messrs. John Woods and Eli Whitney. In all 27£ old Tenor.

1765 April 16 (Tuesday). We are very Mournful and thoughtful. May we turn in upon our own Hearts and ways, and Return to the Lord who sorely corrects us. May the Lord Extend Mercy to us and ours! Mr. Asaph Rice from Mr. Morse’s; and dines with us. At Eve Mr. John Forbes here, and was examined.

1765 April 17 (Wednesday). We do a little at Gardening. Mrs. P________ to Capt. Maynards. Send a Dollar by Deacon Tainter, in Billys Name, to Mr. Haskill.

1765 April 18 (Thursday). Publick Fast. Preached a. and p.m. on Ps. 65.5.11. Had a Contribution for Deacon Charles Woods of [blank] whose House was burnt on [blank]. At my Wife’s motion we omitted having a Sett Meal immediately after the last Meeting but had our Supper as usual Except that lesser Children had something given them. I would avoid Superstition but Should be glad to reform what ever has been amiss. The Lord accept our Offerings!

1765 April 19 (Friday). At Mr. Nurse’s in the Morning to get him to plow for me: and he consents. Sends Nathan with steer and Horse. Deacon Tainter comes and we count the money of the Contribution—£30.2.0 old Tenor. P.M. I visit—at Mr. Moses Brigham, Phinehas Hardys, Moses Warrins, Elijah Rice’s, Constantine Hardys, Ensign Millers, Mr. Kendals.

1765 April 20 (Saturday). Mr. Beeton and his Wife came here to Sign a Deed to me of the Acre of Land by me. We measure it and for the Sake of Witnesses we go over to Mr. Nurse’s and they Sign there. Nathan Kenny and Abigail Williams are the Witnesses. P.M. Mr. Nurse plows at my Cook Island. I rode to Shrewsbury. Called to See Mr. Joseph Miles and Deacon Miles’s Wife. Pray with this last. Lodged at Mr. Sumners.

1765 April 21 (Sunday). Mr. Sumner goes to Mr. Martyns—Mr. Martyn to preach for me. I preached for Mr. Sumner on Acts 16.29.30. And O that God would grant Success, both to my own Soul and the People who hear me! At Eve Mr. Sumner returns. Sir Goddard (Mr. Edwards son Edward) acquaints Mr. Sumner of his Exercise of Mind, and particularly by to Days Sermons—but says nothing to me; though he came to me for that purpose; and walked with us to visit Mrs. Cushing. I lodged at Mr. Sumners again.

1765 April 22 (Monday). Sir Goddard again with me. Opens his Mind to Me in Some Measure. I called at Capt. Allens. Receive of him divers small Trees and Bushes. Visit old Mrs. Garfield, who languishes. Mr. Joshua Townshend and his Wife there to See their Aunt. Prayed there. Visit Mr. Samuel Fay who is greatly reduced. Find my Family in Peace. James (son of Mr. Richard) Kelly is come to work for me. My wife visits Mrs. Haws. My Son Baldwin and Rev. Fish from Brookfield here: and lodge with us.

1765 April 23 (Tuesday). Our Company leave us for Boston. Mrs. Maynard comes here to go with me to Marlborough. It was our Ministers Meeting. N.B. Mr. Frink was there, and an uncomfortable Clash between him and Mr. Goss on occasion of Mr. Carpenter of Keen. At Widow Hows paid Interest in full of my old Note and gave a New one. Returned home. Mrs. Maynard with me most of the way. Miss Sally Putnam works here.

1765 April 24 (Wednesday). I rode to Upton Lecture. As I went I visited the Widow Grow and the Widow Thurston. Dined at Mr. Fish’s. He has Three Children Sick of a Fever. I preached on Heb. 10.38. Deacon Tainter accompanyed me back, at Eve as far as Mr. Kendalls.

1765 April 25 (Thursday). Mr. Fish came to preach my Lecture. Dined here. His Text was Luk. 3.16, latter part. May God Succeed our united Labors to promote the Everlasting Salvation of Men! Mr. Fish Soon returned after Meeting because of the Family. Thomas Arnold here: I agree with him to live with me for Six Months, every other Week and to give him 5£ lawful. Mr. John Forbes’s Wife here to be examined and keeps me engaged, to my great sorrow, till night. And then comes Mr. John Wood with News Papers etc.

1765 April 26 (Friday). [No entry.]

1765 April 27 (Saturday). Mr. John Forbes came from Brookfield and informs that Lucy is very ill; vomits Blood and fears the Event. James Kelly returns home, having behaved well.

1765 April 28 (Sunday). Read Eccl. 9 and preached upon v. 7. Administered the Lords supper. Mr. Noah Rice’s Widow, Mrs. Maynard dined here. P.M. read Mark 10 from v. 28. Preached on Mat. 18.7.

1765 April 29 (Monday). Thomas Arnold came to work for me half his Time. We have Mr. Nurse’s Horse and steers to draw stones for the Orchard Wall next the Road. I visited [blank] Haven, who is exercised with epileptic Fitts. P.M. Jacob Rice2 of H. College here, and invites to his Commencement. Old Mrs. Baker and her Daughter in law, make us a Visit. Thomas Bond at Eve delivers me 17/6 from the Society of young Men, who meet at the Sabbath House; For the Trouble we have been at, this last Quarter of a Year.

1765 April 30 (Tuesday). Mr. Nurse’s Team again. Thomas and John plow in the Orchard and Mr. Samuel Fay being here, he sows a Bushel of Barley for me, there. He is in great Trouble and Perplexity. Dines with us. Dismiss Mr. Nurse’s Oxen and use his Horse only. Thomas plows in Barley and Oates in the Orchard. P.M. my Wife to Mr. Phinehas Maynards. When she returns came Mrs. Rice of Sutton who dined here the Day before yesterday, visits us. N.B. John Foster comes to work on the Lock place.

1765 May 1 (Wednesday). Thomas and John Draw Stones to make a Wall at the End of the Orchard.

1765 May 2 (Thursday). Thomas Sows Some Flax. Mends the Fences etc. P.M. Mr. Haskill makes me a Visit. I endeavoured to remove his Prejudices by Shewing him some of the Steps I took to oblige Mrs. Andrews etc. He goes away (he says) a good deal more Satisfyed.

1765 May 3 (Friday). Thomas on the Fences. Wrote to Master Steward to preach for me the Lords Day before the Election. Mrs. Hannah Rice (wife of Adonijah) here p.m. but my Wife was from home. My Sheep So unruly, and So troublesome to Lt. Baker, that he comes at Eve (bringing his F. Wood with him) and fetter them. Mr. Newton here and desires me to preach at his House next Tuesday.

1765 May 4 (Saturday). Thomas Still repairing the Fences at the Island. To do which he has my Oxen from Mr. Rice’s and carrys down Posts from here. Part of p.m. he (and John) dig Stones for the Wall. Then he leaves us to go to Mr. Grouts. N.B. Mr. Antipas Steward came at Eve very unexpectedly. For I Sent a Letter (as above) by Mr. Edward Barns of Marlborough last Evening to Mr. Steward to request his help the Lords Day before the Election—but now by his Coming it looked doubtfull whether I Should have that Favour then, or no: but he was so good as to engage it. He lodged here.

1765 May 5 (Sunday). I read Eccl. 10. Mr. Steward preached on Luk. a. and p.m. May the Lord accompany with His Blessing and reward the Messenger! Read Mark 11. N.B. old Mrs. Parmentor So recovered as to come to meeting again; and She dined here. Besides Repetition read some of Mr. Bolton.

1765 May 6 (Monday). Mr. Steward having lodged here, accompanys me in Visiting first his Uncle Forbes and Aunt Steward and Mr. Kendal, where we dined and prayed (Mr. Steward performed). I visited Solomon Miller. We both proceed to See Mrs. Grow—Mr. Daniel Miller—Mr. Thomas Twitchell—but especially Daniel Rice who is Sick. I prayed there. We call to see Mrs. Byles. N.B. We went up to Fay’s Mountain. Mr. Steward returns to Marlborough.

1765 May 7 (Tuesday). Mr. Henry Barns of Marlborough brought me yesterday 2 Volumes of Dean Swifts Works; with his Life etc. P.M. preach at Mrs. Newtons on 2 Cor. 13.14. May God grant His Blessing! N.B. Sarah to Southborough. Brings 4 of Mr. Stones Ordination Sermons, with Mr. Greens Charge, and my right Hand.

1765 May 8 (Wednesday). Miss Hephzibah Maynard came and tarrys with us. One Mr. Jeremiah Battle of Mendon (Trask Corner) dined here. Read Dr. Swifts Life etc.

1765 May 9 (Thursday). Mr. Zebulun Rice has kept my Cattle in his Work till his Hay is done; having denyed Mr. Nurse the Use of them though he had exerted himself So much for me and now resigns them when they go to Grass: But I must hear his Reasons, admit what is ingenuous and over look what is otherwise.

1765 May 10 (Friday). Mrs. Maynard p.m. John Forbes here—requests me to draw up a Suitable Confession. I did for his Wife; which he carrys home to her.

1765 May 11 (Saturday). P.M. John Forbes here again about his and his Wife’s Confession. I draw one which he signed.

1765 May 12 (Sunday). Read Eccl. 12. Preached on Mat. 18.8.9. I asked Mr. Zerubl Snow of Woburn (Brother of our Ensign Snow) who came, and dined with me. P.M. read Mark 12. Preached on Luk. 17.32. May we have the Grace to take the Solemn Warnings of the divine Word!

1765 May 13 (Monday). Thomas Arnold came again. He plows with my Oxen in the Cook Field. P.M. Mr. Michael Martyn here. Lt. Baker my Mare to Cambridge.

1765 May 14 (Tuesday). Thomas and John plowing again. I walk to Mr. Kendals. Dine at Mr. Jonah Warrins. My Wife to Capt. Maynards. Lt. Baker returned.

1765 May 15 (Wednesday). Jacob Rice of College, here. He rides with me to Southborough. I had Mr. Wheelocks costly Horse. We dined at Mr. Stones. I preached The Lecture from Mat. 26.48. Returned at Eve. N.B. Rev. Mr. William Goodard from Westmoreland, accompanyed. At Eve Capt. Maynard here and pays Me only £13.6.8 Lawful Money. Says much of Disappointment. Thomas and John plow.

1765 May 16 (Thursday). Thomas and John plow a.m. P.M. furrow out. As I brought Mr. Hutchinsons History of Massachusetts Bay from Mr. Stones yesterday, to Day I was much employed in it: yet was much taken up about my Affairs in the Field, walking into Several parts of our Neighbourhood to forward the Business.

1765 May 17 (Friday). Thomas and John furrow out. Several Lads came to assist in getting out Muck and placing it in the Hills. Neighbour Levi Warrin sends Benjamin Ball and Benjamin Whitney; Mr. Tainter Sends Jonathan Forbes. They dine here. P.M. Mr. Ebenezer Maynard came and assists in planting and Mr. Hezekiah Pratt sends John Rogers. Mr. Elijah Warrins wife came and lodged here.

1765 May 18 (Saturday). Thomas and John still carrying out Muck and planting. They finish our Planting Corn.

1765 May 19 (Sunday). Read Song 1 and preached on it; enlarging on v. 7.8 from former preparations. P.M. read Mark 13 and preached on Luk. 17.32.

1765 May 20 (Monday). Hired Dr. Haws Chair, and Put my Mare to draw. Mrs. P________ with me, undertook a Journey to Boston. Called at Mr. Gales, Collector, who payd me 80£ old Tenor. Called at Mr. Stones, but dined at Coll. Buckminsters. P.M. reached to Mr. Nathaniel Goddards and drank Tea. Arrived at Mr. Cushings at Waltham and there lodged.

1765 May 21 (Tuesday). At Boston put up at Mr. Holbrooks, who had good Convenience for Horse and Chair. Went to Major Marshalls to get a Coat—but did not determine, his newly arrived Goods not opened. We dined at Brother Samuels, Mr. Hutchinson of Grafton with us. N.B. My Brother induces both Mr. Hutchinson and me to Suspend our buying New Coats—by reason of the Cheapness of black Coats at Vendues; and offers me one of his own at a low rate. P.M. I went to Major Marshalls and told him I Should wave the Matter for the present: and So put by having a Coat of him. McAlpine binds a few of Mr. Edwards’s Pieces for me. At Evening Mr. Holbrook carrys me to a Singing Meeting at Mr. Thompsons, in Seven starr lane. Return with Mr. Holbrook in his Chaise and lodge there. Mrs. P________ lodges, I suppose, at the North End.

1765 May 22 (Wednesday). Mrs. P________ lodged last night at Brother Samuels and was in Trouble that I did not go there to her. They sat up late for me. Samuel rides my Horse to Westborough. Visit Cousen Nathaniels Daughter Sarah who is in a Consumption. Dined at Brother P________ and at Eve preached there on Gal. 1.3. We also lodged there. N.B. I had visited Cousen Oliver etc.

1765 May 23 (Thursday). In the morning Mr. Pemberton sends to me to Preach the public Lecture for him—but I declined it. Attended his. His Text, Heb. 2.3. Mr. Surcomb had invited us to dine with him to Day. I went from Lecture. Mrs. P________ was carry’d from Mr. Holbrooks. We dined handsomely and Spend the Afternoon there—Mr. Holbrook and his Wife with us. At Eve Mr. Surcomb sent his Servant and Chaise with us to Brother Samuels where we lodged.

1765 May 24 (Friday). Dined at Mr. Quincy’s. At Eve preached for Mr. Eliot. Text was John 14.6. We lodged at Mr. Winters.

1765 May 25 (Saturday). Was at Mr. Hyslops Warehouse. We dined at Mr. Holbrooks (expecting Mr. Surcomb, but he did not come). Returned to Brother Samuels and lodged there.

1765 May 26 (Sunday). I Suppose Mr. Antipas Steward preaches for me at Westborough. I preached for young Mr. Checkley, at the old North, Boston, on 1 Joh. 1.7 and was at Communion with them at the Lords Supper. After which I dined at Mr. Pembertons. Preached for him p.m. on Eph. 1.3. May God give His Blessing and pardon my Defects and Miscarriages, for His Mercys sake in Jesus Christ! We lodged at Brother Samuels.

1765 May 27 (Monday). N.B. having on the 22d settled my Account with Brother Samuel Paid him the Ballance in full. I lent him, besides, 50£ old Tenor. Visit poor Sarah Parkman, almost daily—and often pray with her. My Kinsman seems to be a good deal affected with this Providence: which I wish may fasten upon him. He is generous enough to make me a present of an handsome walking staff, Suitably ornamented. We dined at Mr. Procters (at the Alms House). Leaving my wife there, Mr. Procter and I visit Mr. Foxcroft. I visited also my old Friend Mr. [Samuel?] Kneeland, printer, who is in a very low Condition. Mr. President Edwards’s Life is published. At Mr. Holbrooks at Evening—but lodged at the Alms House.

1765 May 28 (Tuesday). Prayed in the morning, in the Hall, with the miserables. Visit Mr. Byles—his wife with him—but looks like a poor ruined Woman. Mr. Byles and I go to Mr. Johonnots and dine there. Mr. Millen also, of Chauxit. P.M. Mr. Millen and I visit old Mr. Checkley. Thence to Dr. Chauncey’s, but he was not at home—nor was Mr. Cooper. Go into Mr. Johnsons Engraver and painter. At Eve at Brother P________ where was Mr. Fish of Upton—going by Water to George’s in the Eastern Country. We lodged at Mrs. Winters.

1765 May 29 (Wednesday). In the Early Morning at Mrs. Brecks to Speak with Brother Breck of Springfield, concerning Dr. Samuel Brecks Effects, and the administration etc. Mr. Eliot preached the Election Sermon on 1 Chron. 12.32. Dined in Fanuil-Hall. N.B. Mr. Martyn with me. P.M. attended the Convention. Was chose Scribe. Very little done besides reviewing the Accounts and choosing Dr. Chauncy to preach to morrow, Mr. Prentice being ill and Mr. Eliot, unprepared. Visit Cousen Salt; where I meet Mrs. P________. At Eve at Mr. Gill’s. Lodged at Brother P________s.

1765 May 30 (Thursday). Early in the Morning, according to appointment, Meet Mr. Stone, who goes with me to Capt. Smith’s—Haberdasher—where I bought a second hand Bever Hat, for 4£ old Tenor. Thence we walked into the Common, and to Mr. Holbrooks. Attended the Convention. Dr. Chauncy preached, on Act. 8.5. In the midst of the sermon, a Cry of Fire. The Collection was 225£ old Tenor—and Some odd Money. Although I had engaged to Mr. Mather, yet by reason of writing for the Convention, I was forced to dine at Dr. Sewalls. Messrs. Loring, Stephen Williams, Stone etc. and Mr. Justice Quincy with us. P.M. have so many Things to attend upon in preparing for my Journey home, that I desired to be excused from attending any further at the Convention. N.B. People are flocking to the Free-Mason Hall to hear Mr. Sandeman, who preaches there. Was at Mr. Surcombs, but both he and his Wife gone to Mr. Stillmans Lecture. Mr. Maccarty urges me to go to his uncle Newman Greenoughs, where I Supped. N.B. My son Samuel is returned from Westborough and tells me Billy has been at Home. We lodged again at Brother P________’s. N.B. He has delivered me 20£ old Tenor in part of Rent for Mother’s House.

1765 May 31 (Friday). We Broke fast at the Alms House—and were going to Mr. Holbrooks (where my Mare was kept) to mount, when Mr. Surcomb came, and engaged us to return to his House. We were obliged (irresistably) to go—but it was not to our Loss. He and his Wife loaded us with presents—Tea, Bread, Wine, Cane Spirits, Bear—to carry home with us. May God reward such Kindness and Bounty! N.B. At Mr. Holbrooks Saw and conversed with Mr. James Chandler of Rowley, who tells me he is Dissatisfyed with Mr. Cleaveland and cant hold Communion with him. N.B. I have received of Brother Samuel a Black Coat, which he setts at only 10£ old Tenor and we take up 10£ more in his Shop—so that he gives me a Note of only 30£ old Tenor—this upon Demand. We take Leave of all, and go to Cambridge—to get my Copy of Father Brecks Will Examined and attested—which was done by Mr. Boardman and paid for. Visit Brother Champney—and Sisters—but we dined at Capt. Marrett’s; where dwells my Sister Swain. I have borrowed the 2d Volume of Dr. Doddridge’s Expositor of Mrs. Winter. P.M. forward our Journey. Call at Mr. Storers. Reach to Mr. Browns at Framingham and lodge there.

1765 June 1 (Saturday). Left my Beaver Hat (for which I gave a Guinea to Capt. Maynard, Some time agoe) with Alexander and took what I had bought for him, home with me. Called at Coll. Buckminsters. (N.B. Mr. Bridge who lately met with some Disaster and broke his Collar Bone, is not at home, but is gone to Dr. Adams at Waltham.) We dined at Mr. Stones. Finally through the Great Goodness of God arrived at our own House in safety and found all we left, well. But my Daughter Baldwin is here not well. Several Children in the Neighbourhood have dyed—viz. Mr. Tainters young Child, a Daughter, Mr. Benjamin Garfields, and Mr. Richard Kellys. I find that Mr. Steward preached last Lords Day: and that a variety of Company have been here—Messrs. Fessenden, John Marrett etc.

1765 June 2 (Sunday). I read Song 2. Preached again on Song 1.8 both a. and p.m. P.M. read Mark 14 to v. 32 exclusive.

1765 June 3 (Monday). Visit Mr. Kendal and pray with him. Visit Margery Pratt and pray with her. N.B. Mr. Wood of Summers and his Wife, and son and Daughter Tainter, here.

1765 June 4 (Tuesday). Rode over to Mr. Martyns and dined there. N.B. prepared an Account of Dr. Brecks Credit etc., inclose it, with the Will in a Letter for Brother Breck and leave it at Lt. Martyns and go my self to Marlborough and leave Word at Coll. Williams that Mr. Breck may know what I have done. Mr. Smith is at the Colls. and gives me fresh Intelligence from Chebacco. I returned home at Eve.

1765 June 5 (Wednesday). Mr. Martyn has engaged to preach my Lecture to Day—but it proves so very rainy that he came not. I preached my Self. Text was 1 Cor. 10.4.

1765 June 6 (Thursday). [No entry.]

1765 June 7 (Friday). Nathan and Jonas Kenny help John in Weeding our Indian Corn. At Eve came My Son Forbes and his Wife; and with them their Daughter—also James Dean who is educating for Onohoquaye.

1765 June 8 (Saturday). Mr. Forbes, his Daughter and Jemmy leave us for Boston. My Daughter Forbes tarrys and keeps Company with her sister Baldwin, who is in a poor weak State.

1765 June 9 (Sunday). Read Solomons Song 2. Preached on Mat. 18.10. Administered the holy Supper. Mrs. Maynard and Mrs. Hardy of Brookfield dined here. P.M. I read Mark 14 from v. 32. Delivered the remainder of Discourse on Song 1.8. N.B. Sundry Separates at Meeting—viz. Mr. James Fay of Hardwick; Mr. Josiah Woods and wife, of Summers.

1765 June 10 (Monday). Thomas Arnold having been weak and infirm could not come to his Work in either of the last Weeks; but now is Somewhat recruited, and comes to work again, and goes to weeding, with John. Read Mr. Edwards Life etc.

1765 June 11 (Tuesday). Mr. Townshend (William Blair) of Boston and Mr. Roberts of Leicester, call here. Mr. Roberts tells me he has bought the Farm in Weston that was Coll. Fullam. Thomas and John finish their Weeding by noon; and work p.m. for Neighbour Nurse. P.M. Mr. Boynton of Byfield here, going to Connecticut. My Daughter Baldwin but in a poor State. May god graciously look upon her state and prepare her, and each of us, for His holy Will!

1765 June 12 (Wednesday). Got Mr. Wheelocks Chair, and Mrs. Forbes and I drove to her Brother Kendalls. Prayed with him and dined there: then made a Visit to Mr. Tainter under their Bereavement (they having lately lost their little Daughter) and may God please to sanctify it to them! At Eve Sent my Scudders daily Walk, by Elisha Forbes, to Mr. Nat. Procter of Boston to be New bound.

1765 June 13 (Thursday). Catechized at the Meeting House both a. and p.m. Had 57 Boys and 33 Girls. May the Lord bless my poor weak Labours for their everlasting profit! Mr. Forbes, Jemmy Dean and Joshua Winter from Boston and lodge here. Mr. Forbes informs me of the great stir in Boston about the Indian Minister, Mr. Sampson Occum, and especially the Disquietment between Mr. Pemberton and the Committee of his Meeting House, about his preaching last Lords Day.

1765 June 14 (Friday). Lucy has had a very poor Night and is very low this Morning. Vomits very much. I send for Dr. Hawes, who comes. He determines to consult Dr. Wilson to Day upon her Case; for he is to meet him at Ensign Snows. Mr. Forb. and wife, Jemmy and Joshua, leave us for Brookfield. Yesterday and to Day Thomas and John cleared at the Island.

1765 June 15 (Saturday). Lucy was Somewhat better yesterday p.m. and Slept pritty well the last Night, till about Break of Day—but then grew very ill again; Vomits frequently this morning. Dr. Hawes again—and She ceases to Vomit—is revived when She gets up. P.M. Mrs. Rebecca Warrin of Upton. Mr. John Wood brings me 1/4 Hundred of Sugar from Brother Samuels and a Ream of Paper, which I buy of Mr. Hyslop—price 5£ 5/ old Tenor.

1765 June 16 (Sunday). Read Song Ch. 4 and made my forenoon Exercise the Exposition of it. Small addition gathered from sermons on Song 4.16, p. 1 and 2, a few Passages only. P.M. Read Mark 15 and preached on Mat. XVIII.11. N.B. Lucy a poor morning, but grew better afterwards.

1765 June 17 (Monday). Dr. Hawes has my Mare to go to Wrentham. Thomas Arnold comes to work—mowes Bushes at the Island. My Son Baldwin comes from Brookfield and dines here. P.M. he leaves us again to go on his Journey to Boston. N.B. Lucy did not vomit this morning. Read Hutchinsons Massachusetts.

1765 June 18 (Tuesday). My Daughter Still poorly in the morning. Having Mr. Samuel Forbushs Mare I visited Several Sick and prayed with them, viz. Mr. Belknap and Kezia Snow. Thence to Association at Marlborough. Mr. Goss absent, there was no Concio. I delivered my Question and its Answer respecting right worshipping God. Mr. Morse there; he has an hot Contest with Mr. Martyn about the former Controversie with Jotham Bush. They are perswaded to call in the Assistance of three Brethren in the Ministry, viz. Mr. Gardner, Mr. Harrington and Mr. Maccarty, and if either of them Should fail, then Mr. Smith to be in his room. They are to Sit at Mr. Martyns this Day three Weeks. I returned at Evening. Mr. Fessenden from Gloucester. Stays at Mr. Smiths. N.B. There had been this afternoon so great a Storm as to break off the principal of the Branches of one of the Elm Trees before my Door. At night Mr. Levi Stone of North Sutton, leaves here with me 5 Dollars for Nathan Kenny.

1765 June 19 (Wednesday). Mr. Fessenden dined here. P.M. He and I went over to Capt. Maynards. While I was there Mr. Josh. Biglow from Westminster came with a Request from the Church there, that I would go there to be moderator of a Meeting for the Choice of a Minister, next Monday 3 p.m. and he delivered me a Letter from Mr. Asaph Rice, Candidate, to come; and with his own Desire, that I would change with him next Lords Day. Having weighed these, I consented (with Submission to Providence). Mr. Fessenden returns with me and lodges here. Thomas Arnold with Capt. Woods oxen p.m. fetches 3 Load of the Soaked Ashes from the Potash works.

1765 June 20 (Thursday). Mr. Wellman, returning from St. Johns, calls here. Tells me Mr. Hobby of Reading dyed on Tuesday, and is to be buryed to day. My Son Baldwin; and dines here. Thomas fetches 3 Load more of Ashes etc. Catechetical Exercise. 31 Young Women. We began at Question 55. We are to begin next Time at Question 59.

1765 June 21 (Friday). My Son Baldwin leaves us for Brookfield. Thomas and John finish laying Ashes on the Corn and ploughed and hoed.

1765 June 22 (Saturday). Thomas and John hoeing. I rode to Westminster. Had Lt. Tainters Horse. In my way, Called at Mr. Billings’s. Dined at Mr. Morse’s, where was Mr. Asaph Rice going to Westborough. P.M. called at Mr. Millens but he was gone to Worcester. Arrived at Capt. Daniel Hoar’s at Evening but very Wet.

1765 June 23 (Sunday). Mr. Asaph Rice preached for me—on [blank]. I preached at Westminster, a.m. on Gal. 1.3, p.m. on Col. 1.7. Epaphro’s—a faithful Minister of Christ—Preparatory to the Choice tomorrow. I dined at Capt. Hoar’s, but after Meeting I made a visit to Mr. Marsh; hoping it might be of Service. He was Sociable and hospitable. I drank Tea there. He invited me Strongly to tarry all Night—and though I denyed, they put out my Horse—but I returned to Capt. Hoars and lodged there.

1765 June 24 (Monday). Went over to Mr. Joshua Biglows and went to Breakfast there: though he was not at home, his Mother (who has been bed rid 18 Years) and his wife (who is Daughter of Deacon Knowlton of Shrewsbury) and his sister were there. N.B. Mr. Reuben Miles came to see me a.m. at Capt. Hoars; and told me he was dissatisfyed with the Church’s proceedings in the Graves Case, but so much having been done already by the Church and by the Council that had been upon it, he did not know but that he must resign. Deacon Joseph Miller came to see me, and he opened more particularly the Difficult part of the Graves Case; so that by hearing both sides, I might be better able to discern the Truth. Repaired to the Meeting House. Waited till 4 o’Clock. I perceived that the whole Number of the Church was 33. N.B. Mr. Marsh and one more member never came. Minutes of the last Church Meeting read by Deacon Miller, their Moderator, by which it appeared that they had chose and sent for me to be Moderator in the Affair now before them. Prayer was made for divine Assistance. It was then enquired whether the Church Stood right and were ripe, to proceed to the Choice and Calling of a Gospel Minister among them. Upon its being intimated that they were (and after I had answered Deacon Holden, and given some Character of Mr. A. Rice), it was asked whether there was any Objection against the Churches going on etc. This was repeated—and it was the 3d Time; and no Objection was made. Then their votes were called for—28 Votes. Every Vote that was brought, was for Mr. Asaph Rice. Then a Committee was chose to acquaint him with it—and the same are to acquaint the Select Men, that the Town may come together. After prayer and Blessing the Meeting was dissolved. I called to bid farewell to Mr. Marsh. Rode to Chauxit and lodged there.

1765 June 25 (Tuesday). Mr. Millen presents me with his sermon on Sebastian Smith. Dined at Mr. Morse’s—where was Mr. Rice. I transcribed the Minutes of the Meeting and delivered them to him for Deacon Miller. N.B. Mr. Rice is the sixth Candidate the Church in Westminster have given a Call to, since the Dismission of Mr. Marsh. Messrs. Dix, [T.?] Frink, P. T. Smith, Samuel Cotton, Wythe, before him. Returned home. May God be praised who has preserved and succeeded me! And that my Family is in Peace! Miss Sally Putnam has been here some Time making stays. My Daughter Baldwin, better. Thomas Arnold is ill and does not come this Week. N.B. Hear that Mr. Abraham Beemans House was broke open last Sabbath.

1765 June 26 (Wednesday). Borrowed Mr. Nurse’s Chair, and my Wife and I rode over to Mr. Martyns Lecture. Dined there. Mr. Stone with us. I preached on 2 Cor. 8.9. Returned at Eve. Letter from Billy, of the 18th that my Oxen and his Cow have strayed away from him.

1765 June 27 (Thursday). Deacon Tainter kills a Calf for me and carrys half of it to Boston for me. Mr. Sumner and his wife came to see us, and dined but I rode to Southborough. Dined at Mr. Stones, and preached his Lecture—from Joh. 15.9.10. At Eve returned in safety.

1765 June 28 (Friday). Lent Mr. Zebulun Rice my Mare to go to Allens Mill. P.M. My Daughters, Lucy and Suse, ride over to Capt. Maynards to See Miss Betty Gott who came there, we hear, last night.

1765 June 29 (Saturday). Thomas Arnold came—but was feeble—plowed a little a.m. and went home.

1765 June 30 (Sunday). Read Song 5. Preached on Mat. Miss Betty Gott dined here. P.M. read Mark 16. With alterations delivered a Sermon on Hag. 2.7 to page 10.

1765 July 1 (Monday). Jonas Kenny mows a little in the Morning for me my Garden Allys and Borders etc. and John went afterwards to Mr. Nurses, to work for him. P.M. Master Cushing (who keeps School at Mr. Tennys)—he tells of great Disquietment among the Church-Members of the North End, by reason of a sermon of Mr. Martyn a sabbath or Two before, which occasioned a Number to go out from the Communion Yesterday. N.B. Deacon Tainter here to invite me, my Wife and Daughter Baldwin to dine there with his Brother and sister Kendal, at his House tomorrow; in our Way to the Private Meeting.

1765 July 2 (Tuesday). No Body to mow—Thomas being too ill and does not pretend to come. Besides, it proves rainy. My wife and I go to Deacon Tainters and dine there—as aforesaid. But my Daughter was not well enough to go. Preached at Mr. Kendals on Hag. 2.7 from p. 10 to the End. N.B. I have been obliged to send for Grain to Boston. 1 Bush. per Mr. John Wood.

1765 July 3 (Wednesday). Sent for more Grain per Mr. Moses Nurse. Mrs. Maynard and her sister Betsy here p.m. Coll. Buckminster in his Way home, called here. Mr. John Wood brings me up 1 Bush. Indian Corn and 49 and 1/2 lbs. Cheese from Mr. Goddards of Weston. The Young Men (of the Society) meet upon Some special Affairs, and since Thomas Arnold is ill, and no other to be hired I mentioned the matter to one of them and he to the rest—who readily consent to come tomorrow Morning.

1765 July 4 (Thursday). My Wife and I p.m. visited Mr. Joseph Harrington and his—and then Mr. Whitney and the young People that live there—drank Tea there—but especially may the visit prove to Spiritual Awakening!

1765 July 5 (Friday). I perceived that Capt. Griffin of Oxford and his Lady had called here, but we not being at home proceeded to Lieut. Baker. Supposing ‘em to have lodged there, I went up this Morning. They had set out—but I hailed ‘em, and spake with ‘em—but could do no more. At Night came Breck first, and afterwards Billy from Townshend. The Oxen are come home likewise.

1765 July 6 (Saturday). At Neighbour Nurse’s. He has brought up from Boston 2 Bush. of Rye, which he had borrowed of me: and 4 Bush. of Indian Corn, for which he gave 21/ per Bush. and asks 5 per Bushel for Carting. Breck mows a little—and p.m. hoes with John at the Island.

1765 July 7 (Sunday). Read Song 6 and preached from thence a. and p.m. In p.m. Exercise used more than 2 pages of Sermon on Song 6.12. Read Luk. 1 to v. 39. Mr. Streeton of Waltham, Miss Mary Steward and Mrs. Maynard dined here. At Eve read Mr. Bolton from p. 310 to 328.

1765 July 8 (Monday). Mr. Stone (I suppose) is gone to Council at Cold (or as he writes, hot) Spring. Billy and Breck are framing my Corn Barn. Nathan Townsend mowes part of my principal Grass, viz. between the Garden and Meeting-House. Ben. Bryant, brother of late Lemuel Bryant of Braintree, but himself a Sordid Beggar, is here. John tarrys out, at Mill, till almost Midnight.

1765 July 9 (Tuesday). Received 36£ old Tenor (4£ 16 L.M.) of Capt. Maynard per my Son John. I returned 3 Dollars which I borrowed of Mr. Wheelock, to Send for Corn by Mr. Nurse. Rode to Lt. Harringtons, Forbes’s—at Deacon Forb. and Bonds etc. At Eve found that Mr. Chamberlin and Mr. Bellows, had each of them Sent a son, who had mowed the remainder of the Lot between the Garden and Meeting House. Billy and Breck are framing.

1765 July 10 (Wednesday). Levi Warrin and Joseph Bond come and mow, beyond the Meeting house etc. Townsend works for me again. I bought Grass of Mr. Nurse, for half a Ton of Hay, and Townsend mows it. P.M. T. mowes the rest of the Beeton Lot. After Dinner Billy raises the Corn Barn and that being over, Billy and Breck rake and get in Hay.

1765 July 11 (Thursday). Foster has my Oxen (for his Service in killing for me) to fetch a Load of Clay from Mr. Pelatiah Rice’s. I rode over to Ensign Rice’s to buy Hay of him and visit Mrs. Lock, her Husband being confin’d at Worcester. Billy rides to Medfield. Breck works for me. Miss Betsy and Hephzibah.

1765 July 12 (Friday). Breck again for me. Fetched Boards and Slit Work from Forbes’s Saw-Mill. Also (by help of Jonas Kenny with him) the Clover I bought of Mr. Moses Nurse and got in the Hay of the West Pasture. P.M. Billy returns and goes to work a while on the corn Barn, but is called off and goes with Dr. Hawes to help move his Barn,

1765 July 13 (Saturday). Billy works on the Barn, boarding and Shingling. Breck most of the Day busied about the Hay. At Eve came Mr. Jonathan Moore, from Oxford. Also Mr. Baldwin.

1765 July 14 (Sunday). Omitted Reading a.m. through a Mistake about the Chapter out of which Mr. Moore (who preaches for me) took his Text (For I could not read in Course, if I have his Help; because I had prepared something upon that Chapter). Mr. Moore on Is. 63.1, latter part. P.M. I read Luk. 1, latter Division. Mr. Moore on Ps. 145.9.

1765 July 15 (Monday). Went to Boston. Sarah rode with me. We had Mr. Wheelocks Chair. Called at Mr. Stones in the Rain. At Coll. Buckminsters who is ill. At Mr. Browns. At Mr. Goddards at Weston. N.B. Paid for 40 lbs. Cheese at 2/9 old Tenor. Got into Town before Dark. My Horse is put up under Brothers Tenants Care. We lodged at Brother Samuels.

1765 July 16 (Tuesday). Sent by Mr. Batherick, to Mrs. P________. Paid Mr. Hyslop for a Ream of paper—5£ 5/. For Montesquieu on the Spirit of Laws, and for a Bible. Paid Mr. Condy 37/6 for 5 magazines. Visit Mrs. Surcomb who had a fit in the meeting House lately. Discoursed with Mr. Jonathan Parsons about my Cleveland Affair. Dined at Procters. Coll. Lydius at Mr. Quincy’s; where I visited him. Visit Cousen Nathaniel. At my Brother P________’s etc. Received from Nat. Procter Scudder, which he has bound for me. Paid him in full, 18/ old Tenor. Lodged at Brother Samuels.

1765 July 17 (Wednesday). Mr. Loyd very generous in shooing my Horse round, gratis, and divers other kind services. My Daughter and I rode to Cambridge. Put up Chair and Horse at Mr. Hicks’s. We attended the Commencement. Sir Rice waited on Sarah to his Chamber, and to the Meeting-House. N.B. The largest Class which have ever come out of College. And for the Attendants The greatest Multitude that, I think, I ever saw. The Exercises very entertaining: Especially the English oration, the English Dialogue, and the Anthem at the Close. I dined in the New, Sumptuous Hall. Mr. Loring returned Thanks. Was obliged to deny Mr. Fessendens Request of going to Cape Ann. Supped at Mr. Appletons. Mr. Haven and his Wife, and a son, there. Lodged at Sister Barretts.

1765 July 18 (Thursday). My Daughter and I rode up to Lincoln, and dined at Capt. Adams’s. N.B. He signed a Certificat that he had given Deed to Jonathan Parks of half his Rights to Townshend. His two Sons, Joseph, and [blank] who lives with him, were present. We rode to Concord to visit Master Minot and the Doctor. I visited Mr. Bliss. Supped and lodged at the Doctors. Mr. Smith of Marlborough and Mr. Richard Martyn also.

1765 July 19 (Friday). Rode to Lt. Joseph Howards to find Jonathan Hill (to whom Mrs. Cutting of Waltham had committed a Bundle for my son William then at Townshend, which never arrived) and found him. He resolves to search after the Bundle. Dine at Mr. Smiths, and tarry till the Cool. We call at Coll. Williams. Tea etc. Arrive Safe at home, through the Great Goodness of God. Sir Biglow, his Mother and sister here, in their way home. Billy has partly coloured the House—but it was so dry, and the Weather so hot, that it has Swallowed up Oyl and Colouring extremely.

1765 July 20 (Saturday). Billy Painting the House Still, but much discouraged, by the great Expence and So little sign of Good. John is hilling.

1765 July 21 (Sunday). Mr. Martyn and I changed, but were almost melted with the extreme Heat. I preached a.m. on Gal. 1.3, p.m. on Mat. 13.27 [i.e., 13.39], “The Harvest is the End of the World.” Attended the Funeral of old Mrs. McAllister. The Prayer (by Mr. Martyn) was made nigh the Meeting House. I returned.

1765 July 22 (Monday). The World is full of Reports concerning the Death of Sarah Brigham, Daughter of Mr. Thomas Brigham, of Marlborough, who had Some terrible Disease, and dyed miserably, not being able to undergo the Salivation She was put into. Her Funeral is to Day. Billy paints part of the Day. Reaps part of p.m. Breck and John Hilling.

1765 July 23 (Tuesday). Mr. Richard Kelly mows for me, and Billy with him. Breck and John are Hilling a.m., rake p.m. Mr. Solomon Millers Wife here to be examined.

1765 July 24 (Wednesday). Mr. Kelly having lodged here, works again for me to day, and Billy a.m. with him. Breck mows the Barley and works the rest of the Day. Miss Sarah Putnam at work here Several Days for my Daughter Baldwin. Miss Betty Bucknam and her Sister Katy, going to Rutland, call here and dine with us. Towards Night came Mr. Ballantine and his Son (as they were returning home) and lodge here.

1765 July 25 (Thursday). In the Morning came old Mr. Dunlop, Mr. Zebulun Rice, Lt. Baker and two Hands with him (a man and a Boy), Mr. Thomas Twitchell, and his son, together with Silas Hill, with their Sickles and reap’d down my Field of Rye. Mr. Ballantine and son leave us. Billy and Breck set out for Townshend: and have my Mare to carry their Luggage. Ensign Josiah Rice here to inform me that I may have a Load of English Hay of him. Nathan Kenny (at my Request) comes to help John Rake in the Meadows. P.M. Jonas likewise here and get in a Load of Hay for me. At Eve I was at Neighbour Pratts for some Help, having no Body to get in my Hay. Hear per Mr. John Green that Capt. Buckminster of Brookfield is dead.

1765 July 26 (Friday). [No entry.]

1765 July 27 (Saturday). Neighbour Newton with Assistance of Neighbour Charles Rice and son Zebulun took up my Rye, and he brought it in. Neighbour Baker (Capt. Wood allowing him a Hand to work half a Day) fetched me a Load of Hay from Ensign Josiah Rice, for which I am to give him 4 Dollars. Lieutenant also kindly assisted about the Rye.

1765 July 28 (Sunday). It grows a dry Time, and the Knoles turn Sear; the Pastures Shrink much, and the late Signs of Rain go over. I preached a.m. on Song 7. Omitted reading the Chapter in form, but gave an Account of it in way of Expository Notes and Reflections. Administered the Lord’s Supper. Mrs. Maynard dined with us. P.M. read Luk. 2 to v. 25 and preached on Ps. 57.7. In the Eve read a Part of Mr. Bolton to my Family, viz. from Sect. 3, part 1, Ch. 1 into Ch. 2. My Daughter Baldwin at meeting a.m., not able to go p.m.

1765 July 29 (Monday). Lt. Baker came for his Waggon, but was obliged, first, to draw out the Load of Hay which he brought me from Ensign Rice and Spread it into the Sun, it not having been sufficiently made. John is hilling yet. I am much hindered about the Rice Hay, but John and I get it in.

1765 July 30 (Tuesday). I payd Ensign Rice 4 Dollars for his Hay. Mr. Fessenden is returned from Cape Ann. I saw him at Capt. Maynards. He said he would come here, but he went to Mr. Marytns. At Eve Jonathan Cook came to me with a Sorrowful Message from Capt. Maynard that his youngest Child was drowned and dead and prayed me to go over. I went hastily. Found the Child laid out as a Corps. It was little Robert-Breck Maynard in his 16th Month—fell into a Kittle of Wort (not hot) about 4 o’Clock p.m., no one in the room; Hope, the Negro Girl, who had the Care of him, was gone to get Apples: when She came back, She pulled him out—but he expired. May God Sanctifie His holy Hand! I prayed, Counselled them all; supped and then returned.

1765 July 31 (Wednesday). My Wife went over to Capt. Maynards. Afterwards they Sent for Suse also. P.M. Mr. Townshend worked for me; at the Barn in moving Hay that Seemed to be Spoiling; and with some Assistance of Enoch Rice, he got up a Load of Hay from the Newton-Meadow—received from Mr. Holbrook.

1765 August 1 (Thursday). Capt. Maynard burys his Child, Robert-Breck. My Wife and I had Mr. Nurse’s Chair and Horse. I prayed at the Funeral—John a Bearer. Mr. Hall of Sutton dined with us. God is very gracious in sending a refreshing shower, when the Earth was become very dry. Miss Betty and Katy Bucknam and lodged here.

1765 August 2 (Friday). Thomas Arnold, though somewhat late in the morning, came and offers to work again: and mows in the Newton Meadow. Mr. Fessenden dines here.

1765 August 3 (Saturday). Thomas works again. Mowes in Bent meadow. Brother Hicks here, going to a Sheriff with a Writ to be served on Judge Danforth—and returns back.

1765 August 4 (Sunday). Read Song 3 to v. 7 and preached upon it. Mr. Kendal comes to Meeting. He and his wife and Miss Betsy Gott dine here. P.M. read Luk. 2 from v. 25. Preached on Job 14.5.6. At Eve read further in Mr. Bolton.

1765 August 5 (Monday). My Daughter Badlwin Seems to be somewhat better.

1765 August 6 (Tuesday). I rode up to Mr. Joseph Miles’s to attend a Fast there on account of his low Condition and yet he appears to be somewhat better, especially as to his Mind. I opened the Solemnity with Prayer. Mr. Davis of Holden preached a very Suitable sermon from Job 23.3. O that I know etc. Mr. Hutchinson prayed p.m. and Mr. Fish preached from Act. 4.12. Shewing fervently that our Dependence must be only on Christ and not upon any Thing of our own, for Acceptance with God. After the Exercises Several of us had Discourse with Mr. Miles. Mr. Sumner and his Wife were there, Madam Cushing etc., a large Assembly. May God accept our Offerings! Mr. Frost of Mill-River was expected, but did not come. I returned at Evening.

1765 August 7 (Wednesday). Mr. Morse brought up 4 Gallons of Train Oyl (18/ per Gallon, where he bought it).

1765 August 8 (Thursday). Thomas brought home another Load of Hay. Master Cushing made us a Visit and lodges here.

1765 August 9 (Friday). Master goes to his School. N.B. Mr. John Wood brought up Paint for me, from Mr. Moffat—part of which was lost out of the Pail in bringing. P.M. Billy from Townshend and brought home my Oxen. Thomas and John finish Haying.

1765 August 10 (Saturday). Thomas plows the west field. P.M. came Mr. Hawley of Mashpee, accompanyed by Mr. Fessenden of Framingham. The latter returns—the former lodges here.

1765 August 11 (Sunday). I read Ps. 92. Mr. Hawley a.m. on Jude v. 21. My Cousen Sadler and Miss Betty Gott dined here. P.M. read Luk. 3. Mr. Hawley preached on 1 Pet. 2.21.

1765 August 12 (Monday). Mr. Hawley pursues his great Journey to Onohoquage, designing to take with him young Mr. Moseley of Oanda, as a missionary to them. Billy leaves us to go to Townshend and John goes with him to Lancaster to bring back my Horse. Thomas Arnold here and thrashes Rye. Plows also in the West Field. Mrs. Salder leaves us and goes to Mr. Z. Rice’s. Wrote to Capt. Adams of Lincoln and Sent it by Mr. Joseph Willard of Grafton.

1765 August 13 (Tuesday). Thomas plows. I preached at Mr. Zebulun Rice’s on Is. 1.18.

1765 August 14 (Wednesday). I rode over to Mr. Martyns Lecture. Dined there. Mr. Harrington preached on Rom. 10.4. N.B. his Wife there, as were Mr. Morse and his Wife, and Daughter—and Dr. Rice. I delivered to Mr. Harrington his volumes of Montesquieus Spirit of Laws: and borrowed Turnbull. My Daughter Baldwin rode with me as far as Capt. Maynards, where I took her at Eve and brought her home. Thomas trashes Oates and winnows.

1765 August 15 (Thursday). Thomas works for me still. I rode to Mr. Isaac Johnsons of Southborough. Carryed Suse. Deacon Tainter accompanyed. There I preached to Miss Ruth Thomas, Mr. Johnsons Sister, who has been Bedrid for a great While. My Text was Cant. 8.5, former part. My Daughter goes to Mr. Stones to tarry over Night. Deacon and I return home. N.B. Madam Thatcher was there also.

1765 August 16 (Friday). Heard of great Tumult in Boston, by a Mob on the 14th on account of the Stamp Office. Thomas moves my Fence at the Meadow, to the Brook, against Mr. Andrews; he having Set up his part of the Fence between us, last Year. Sent John to Southborough for Suse, who returned at Eve.

1765 August 17 (Saturday). Thomas went twice with my Team to the Ministerial Lot, and brought rails (55) and posts (50).

1765 August 18 (Sunday). Read Song 8 from the 8th v. Preached on v. 8 to 12 a. and p.m. Read p.m. Luk. 4. Mrs. Maynard dined here. At Eve Old Mrs. Bradish turned in because of the Rain and lodged here. N.B. Lucy So poorly as not to go to meeting.

1765 August 19 (Monday). Thomas fetches more Rails and Posts from the ministerial Lott (55 Rails and 50 Posts).

1765 August 20 (Tuesday). Thomas Still carts Posts and Rails from the Ministerial Lot. I rode over to Capt. Maynard and told him I must either have 50£ of money for Billy, to be carryed by Joseph Warrin to him tomorrow morning, or else I must be obliged to send him my Oxen. Mr. Fessenden and I rode to Ministers Meeting at Southborough. See Minutes of the Association. Mr. Martyn absent. He is gone to Littleton and Concord, with his Wife. Mr. Barrett came. Old Mrs. Thatcher is at Mr. Stone’s. Every Conversation is filled with the late Riotous proceedings in Boston—hanging Mr. A.O. in Effigy: destroying the Stamp Office—and much dammaging the House, Gardens and Furniture of Mr. Secritary Oliver etc. etc. I lodged at Mr. Stones.

1765 August 21 (Wednesday). Lecture by Mr. Wheeler on Joh. 4.20. After Dinner Mr. Fessenden returned with me and drank Tea with us. Then he proceeded to Mr. Martyns. I have word that Capt. Maynard pays 50£ for Billy—therefore my Cattle are preserved and Thomas goes with them and my Mare to Thad. Fay’s and brings me 300 of Bricks. My son Baldwin here last night and lodges here again.

1765 August 22 (Thursday). Mr. Baldwin goes to Worcester Court, and will thence home. His Wife with us. Thomas and John mow Bushes. Mr. B. Tainters Wife here—dines—at Tea. My Wife and Daughter Baldwin ride to Dr. Balls, to consult him about her Case.

1765 August 23 (Friday). Thomas thrashes Flax and clears up the Seed. Mows Bushes. N.B. I Send Letters to my Brother Samuel and Mr. Moffat per Mr. Moses Harrington of Grafton. Thomas to his Master Grouts at Eve.

1765 August 24 (Saturday). Thomas returns but it proves a rainy Day. He does various necessary Chores. Carrys out and Spreads Flax etc.

1765 August 25 (Sunday). Because my Exercises were to be grounded on only one v. each of them therefore I did not read in Course but I read, a.m. Ps. 45, which was Similar to our Chapter. I preached on Song 8.13. Master Cushing dined here, as did Samuel Brigham. P.M. I read Luk. 5 and preached on Song 14. At Eve read Mr. Bolton Sect. 3, part 1, Ch. 4 and 5.

1765 August 26 (Monday). Received a Letter from Mr. John Moffatt of Boston, per Mr. Moses Harrington of Grafton, dated the 24th and informing (among other Things) that the uneasiness among the people in Boston increases; owing to some Discoverys made which Seem to prove who they are that have misrepresented the Country—but time will soon proclaim, says he, what is but just talked of this Day. Mr. Harrington says it is apprehended that there will be a stir to night, and that they will go to the Gov____r’s, Lt. Governors, Mr. Storys and Capt. Hallowells. P.M. Visit and pray with Mrs. Wheelock. Thomas and John mow Bushes. Some time before night My Daughter Forbes and Miss Hannah came from Brookfield and drank Tea here.

1765 August 27 (Tuesday). The Rain prevented my Daughter’s Journeying a.m. but p.m. She and the Young Woman with her, sat out for Boston. Thomas at Bushes. John to Drurys Mill. N.B. I wrote by my Daughter Forbes to Mr. Quincy and to Mr. Holbrook, desiring to be informed respecting the state of the Town.

1765 August 28 (Wednesday). Mr. Wheelock brings me a Letter of Yesterday from Samuel in which he informs me of another Tumult in Boston Monday night—that they who formed the mob, first invaded Mr. William Storys House in King street, proceeded to Benjamin Hallowell Esq. and thence went down in Quest of Richardson, who lives in Brother Parkmans, but not finding him at home, went to his Honours Lt. Governor Hutchinsons where they made sad Havock and Seized on his Money. From thence to Mr. Paxtons, but he was not at home. The House was redeemed by the owner, Mr. Waterhouse [Marginal notation: It was Mr. Palmers and not Waterhouse’s.] A melancholly Occurrence! Much to be deplored! Thomas still at work—Clearing etc. at the Island.

1765 August 29 (Thursday). Thomas at the like work at the Island. Mrs. Gale pays me 41£ old Tenor. Catechetical Exercise. 26 Young Women. Began at Question 59. I delivered part of my Expositions on Exod. 20.8 to 11, from p. 15 to 31. After the Exercise Mr. Bowman of Oxford and his Wife, and Master Cushing here, at Tea etc. Lend him several Books to read—Mr. Samuel Chandlers Vindication of the Christian Religion and London Magazine for 1732.

1765 August 30 (Friday). My Mind had been in great Agitation about the present Times; and peculiarly as the Case is in the Capital, Boston: I pity heartily the Condition of his Honour and especially if he is innocent, as I hope he is. The Lord Himself direct His People and help us suitably to humble our Selves under this very awful Dispensation! Deacon Tainter here in the Evening lamenting etc.

1765 August 31 (Saturday). Thomas and John both yesterday and to Day mowing Bushes. Mr. Millen of Chauxit dined with us. He is in his Return home, from Boston. He Confirms the Melancholly Accounts of Monday Nights Work at Mr. Hutchinsons: He was on the Spot—an Eye Witness. P.M. Lucy and Suse in Capt. Woods Chair, ride to Dr. Balls. At Eve Mr. Morse brought me a Letter from Mr. Quincy informing me in many particulars which before I could not come at, concerning the late outrages at his Honour’s. He incloses also Drapers Paper, of Thursday last. I am prone to think that Nothing in New England of this kind, has equalled this Occurrence.

1765 September 1 (Sunday). I am So much taken up in my preparations for the p.m. Exercise that I am but Slenderly prepared for the a.m. but took with me a Set of Discourses on the 4th v. of the Chapt. But when I was engaged (it being Isaiah 1st) I found so much to say without the help of any former Composure, that I could not break off, under an Hour—though I had but few and broken Hints, which were the prophets in general and on this prophet—and nothing writ on the Chapter however I opened etc. Mrs. Maynard and little Gott dined with us. P.M. Read Luk. 6 to v. 26. I preached (as by reason of what lately occurred in Boston, I thought my Self in Duty bound) on 1 Pet. 2.13—which I beg of God to bless to us—as we do exceedingly need Instructions of this kind. At Eve read Mr. Bolton, in the 6th and 7th Chap. of the Part before mentioned.

1765 September 2 (Monday). What Mr. Quincy had writ in his late Letter, induced me to read Sallusts History of Cataline’s Conspiracy: Translated by Mr. Rowe. I have also the original to compare, when I incline to. Thomas fetches my Oxen from Mr. Tainters where they have been for some time. Thomas and John plow a while at the Island—and before noon break off to go to preparing for getting Sand. This they accomplish p.m.: and bring a good Load. Sarah went to Mr. Chamberlins.

1765 September 3 (Tuesday). Thomas and John plowing at the Island. Mr. Stone here going to Oakeham, Wardwich etc.

1765 September 4 (Wednesday). No work abroad to Day by reason of the Rain. Disappointed of Help hoped for, in my Lecture. Must prepare my self. May God be pleased to assist! without Whom I can do Nothing. I preached on Rev. 5.6, “And I behold, and lo—a Lamb, as it had been Slain.” Master Cushing here after Meeting. Lend him Sundry Books.

1765 September 5 (Thursday). Thomas and John plowing. Long Letter of 29th and 30th last, from Mr. Holbrook. I am engaged in preparations. P.M. Visit and pray with Mrs. Wheelock, She being very low. Reckoned with Mr. Wheelock, and paid him 20£ old Tenor. Delivered Deacon Tainter 3 Dollars for sundrys from Boston.

1765 September 6 (Friday). Thomas and John harrow. Sow one Bush. Wheat, which I have of Mr. Tainter. Read Bishop Hoadley’s Measures of Submission to the civil Magistrate, and am preparing on that Subject. My Wife to Capt. Maynards. Capt. Griffin of Oxford dined with me. P.M. Molly returns from Boston—Hannah Forbes with her, and Mr. Silas Crosby and Wife. The latter all go to their Fathers.

1765 September 7 (Saturday). Thomas and John Sow and harrow in, [4?] Bush. and half of Rye. Mr. Daniel Forbes’s Wife dines, and goes with my Daughter, to See their Father in law. Jej. priv.

1765 September 8 (Sunday). Preached a.m. on Ps. 83.3—thy hidden Ones. Made great Use of Sermon on Col. 3.3, viz. from p. 19 to p. 24. For my other Sermon engrossed all my Time—my reading upon the Subject and writing so much—double the pages of an Ordinary Sermon. I administered the Lords supper, and Daughter Forbes with us. Good old Deacon Forbes, Mr. Kendal and his Wife, and Mrs. Maynard dined with us. P.M. preached again on 1 Pet. I was obliged to speak very fast and a great while, to deliver it. May the Lord prosper and Succeed it, to His own Glory. N.B. Read a.m. Isa. 2. P.M. omit reading because it was late and sermon like to be long. My Daughter Baldwin so poorly, She was not able to go to Meeting.

1765 September 9 (Monday). My Daughters undertake their Journey towards Brookfield, and Mrs. P________ and I go with them as far as Mr. Sumners, to make a Visit there. Mrs. Sumner ill. My Daughters proceed: Hannah Forbes with them, but we dine at Mr. Sumners where was Mr. Conklin. We called at Mrs. Cushings. Tea at Capt. Allins. Borrowed Henry on the Gospel, there. Returned at Eve. Mr. Barrett had come here, and Dr. Wilson with him. Thomas and John Clearing in Maynard Meadow.

1765 September 10 (Tuesday). They Cut stalks and Clear. I visit and pray with Mrs. Wheelock.

1765 September 11 (Wednesday). Mrs. Maynard having watched with Mrs. Wheelock, comes to Breakfast with us. Thomas clears; John at Cutting stalks. P.M. they take up stalks. I read variously—especially the Excellent Mr. R. Boltons “right Comforting afflicted Consciences”—and Dr. Hunts Essay towards Explaining the History and Revelations of the Scriptures.

1765 September 12 (Thursday). I catechized at the Meeting House. Had 57 Boys. P.M. had 33 Girls. May God be pleased to bless my poor weak Endeavours with them for their Saving Good! Thomas and John are about the Stalks and Clearing. Very Cool Air, towards Night. My Daughters rode to Marlborough and returned at Eve. N.B. I was at Mr. Wheelocks to see his Wife, but she was, I Suppose, asleep, and therefore did only See her.

1765 September 13 (Friday). The Frost last night was So great as to kill the Leaves of the Grape-Vine etc. I am much oppressed with a great Cold: yet can attend my Studys. Received a Bushel of Wheat of Capt. Maynard, which Thomas and John harrowed in, at the Island. Brother Hicks dines here. He has commenced an Action against Judge Danforth and wants to look into the News Letters of the Year 1746 for Something relative to the Case, viz. of an assessment of the Partners in Land Bank. We walk over the Mr. Nurse’s, who is come up from Marblehead and brings News of great rejoicings in Boston for fresh advices from London about the Change of the Ministry, and likelihood to recover from our Fears about our Privileges. A Sad Noise in this Parish about Neighbour Joseph Rice and his Wife. She has run off—has Sworn against her Husband—but is at present hid. I visited Mrs. Wheelock. She grows worse, I think; I prayed with her, but She said little. When I returned home Mr. Beeman and his Wife came in, and brought me a Letter from Mr. Manning of Providence. The Occasion was, Thomas Cook was found to be the Thief who entered Mr. Beemans House on the Lords Day and Stole a variety of Goods from them. He had been in Jail in Providence for Some Time, for other the like Crimes. N.B. Mrs. Gale brought me £37.9 old Tenor.

1765 September 14 (Saturday). [No entry.]

1765 September 15 (Sunday). I read Isa. 3 and preached from it, especially v. 9. Mr. Cushing and Miss Betsy Gott dined here. P.M. read Luk. 6 from v. 27. Preached on Ps. 57.7. O that it might have a proper Effect!

1765 September 16 (Monday). Jejun. priv. Thomas and John Clearing at the Island. At Eve I visited Mrs. Wheelock and prayed with her. Visited also Mrs. Rice (wife of Adonijah) and prayed there. N.B. The Young Men met this Evening on account of an unhappy Difference between two of them. They could not issue it. They Sent for me. I went. I brought ‘em together and they parted in Peace. To God be Glory!

1765 September 17 (Tuesday). Got Mr. Wheelocks Chair and with my Daughter Suse under took a Journey to Boston. The Horse was to be shod, and Several other impediments made us set out late. We dined handsomely at Mr. Stones. Called at Mr. Bridge’s, who was not at home, nor his Wife—and at Mr. Browns to See Alexander. Reached Mr. Cushings and lodged there.

1765 September 18 (Wednesday). We arrived at Brother Samuels and dined there. P.M. I made several visits to Friends—but especially went to see the Desolations at Mr. Hutchinsons. Went over all the House and to Mr. Eliots, where were many of his Honours Books and Papers, saved from the dreadful Ruin. Visit Cousen Oliver—can’t hide my self from my own Flesh. I pityed her—and, though she owes me, I could not but do Something towards relieving her and hers. Was at Mr. Quincys and Holbrooks. The latter went with me to Mr. Surcombs, where we supped. Lodged at Brother Samuels. I find the people in Boston have little rest in the Minds. Sad Disquietments with his Excellency, who generally lives at the Castle: and sad Misgivings, at the Apprehension of that dark Day, Nov. 1.

1765 September 19 (Thursday). I leave Suse at Brother Samuels and take Mrs. Loyd with Me. Pay Mr. McAlpine for binding Two Volumes of Election sermons and a smaller Volume of Mr. Edwards’s Pieces, viz. his humble Attempt, Marks of the Spirit etc. and bought Rutherfords Letters and Zions Traveller. Reached Weston before we dined, which was at Mr. Goddards. Called at Mr. Browns but did not see Alexander. Was at Coll. Buckminsters but made no stay. It was Eve when we got to Mr. Stones—Mrs. Loyd being tender, we tarryed there. N.B. old Mrs. Thatcher there also.

1765 September 20 (Friday). Left Mr. Stones, and arrived here a.m. All Well. D.G. John, Sophy, Hannah and the little Boys, all at school. Thomas variously employed—goes to Drurys Mill at Eve—and so to his Fathers. My steers from the woods.

1765 September 21 (Saturday). Waters are so low that Thomas returns from Drurys without Meal. I Set my Self to Study—but p.m. came Mr. Fessenden to preach for me. Master Cushing here and Examined.

1765 September 22 (Sunday). I read 1 Pet. 1, the Chapter of Mr. Fessendens Text, which was v. 8, former part a.m., latter part p.m. P.M. I read Luk. 7 to p. 23. Propounded Mr. Cushing. Miss Betsy Gott dined here.

1765 September 23 (Monday). Mr. Fessenden left us. Town Meeting on dividing the Town into several Parts for accommodating the School keeping. Visit Mrs. Wheelock and prayed with her. Thomas Carted Wood.

1765 September 24 (Tuesday). Thomas and Jonas Sledded Stones. Mr. Putnam of Pomfret here. Deacon Tainter at Eve. Kills a Lamb for me.

1765 September 25 (Wednesday). Mr. Asaph Rice brings Letter Missive from the Church in Westminster requesting Assistance in his Ordination. He dines with us. P.M. leaves us. Squire Harwood here. Mr. Nathaniel Ball brings a Letter from Cousen Loyd to his Wife, of the Sickness of their Child, and desiring her to go down forthwith. We are in some Confusion upon it, being unprovided as to any Means of her Conveyance. Therefore wrote to him this Evening by Jonah Stow. Mr. Zebulun Rice here, with two Letters for me to read—one from him to Mr. J______s May______d of Shrewsbury, and the other Mr. May______ds Answer concerning Predestination. Thomas mowing Bushes.

1765 September 26 (Thursday). Thomas with my and with Capt. Woods Oxen draws off Stones from the Ground near Mr. Nurses. Jonas Kenny helps him, and dines here. I am at my preparations a.m. Visit p.m. old Mrs. Hannah Rice. At Eve came Mr. Loyd and my Daughter Suse. Little Dorcas Loyd very bad—and ‘tis feared will die. A pair of Cast Iron Dogs of Mr. Wood. Weight 33 3/4 @ 15d.

1765 September 27 (Friday). Mr. Loyd and his Wife leave us, to hasten to their Sick Child. Thomas gets in Stalks a.m. Sleds stones p.m. I am engaged in my preparations.

1765 September 28 (Saturday). Thomas prevented by the Rain, from the work designed—and can do only Small Chores. A Quarter of Beef from Lt. Baker. Weighed 90 lbs.

1765 September 29 (Sunday). Read Isa. 4 and Luke 7 from v. 24. Preached a. and p.m. from Isa. 4 and chiefly v. 5. [Blank] dined with us. At Eve was sent for to Mrs. Wheelock. Went. She was so low, could say but little to her—but prayed with her.

1765 September 30 (Monday). Thomas still preparing the Ground for plowing. Visit Mrs. W. and prayed with her. Billy came from Townshend and goes to Medfield. P.M. Mr. Martyn and Fessenden make me a Visit. Also Mrs. Instant, Mrs. Patty Smith and Suse Low, from Marlborough, accompanyed by Mrs. Maynard and her sister. At Eve two young men from Cambridge, viz. Thomas Barrett and William Manning. Mr. Hall also from Sutton, with two young Ladies, his Daughter, Miss Hannah, and Miss Eliphal Swift—the last five lodged here.

1765 October 1 (Tuesday). Another Letter from Mr. Quincy this Morning. The Company leave us. Thomas and John gather Apples and dig about 11 Bushel of Potatoes. Mr. Gardner of Stow and Squire Whitman call and dine with us. P.M. preached at Lt. Bakers on Joh. 15.9.10. Entertainment after meeting very handsome and plentifull. Many persons tarryed. N.B. talked with Mr. Joseph Rice’s Wife. Billy returned from Medfield.

1765 October 2 (Wednesday). Thomas works for me in working for Mr. Nurse—that is, he makes Cyder down at Mr. Gale’s. Billy colouring the East End of the House. I rode to Capt. Benjamin Fays. I Called to see Mrs. Wheelock. Am reading Some of Dr. Swifts Writings. His Wit was unbounded—as Lord Orrery says of a part of his works, [“]he was without a parallell; I hope they will ever remain So.”

1765 October 3 (Thursday). Billy Painting. Thomas mows Bushes a.m. Works for Mr. Nurse p.m. My Wife’s Kinswoman, Mrs. Wit, here with her sister Miss Betty. They dine here. I Read again Some of the Luxuriences of Dean Swift—which need a great Deal of retrenching but if that office was performed, it might destroy perhaps his main Design. He appears the great Master of Irony, Sarcasm and Allegory. But I wish we might have the Instruction and Entertainment without so great Expence of Decency. Received a Letter from my son Forbes, of the 27th ult., which Shews him very mournful and sunk in his Spirits by reason of Contests among some of his people. O the instability of human affections and Volubility of popular Applause! May God Support, direct, and Still improve and bless, him, and his Labours! I hope Light will arise in Darkness; and that he may yet prove, as I believe he has been, very useful to the People! At Eve I sent by Mr. Tainter to Boston for Linseed Oyl etc. Mr. Bowman called here in his Way home. Master Cushing after school here, and drank Tea: brought his Relation: supped and lodged here. But memorandum: Mrs. Andrews. She wants her Child to be baptized; but in order to it, wants I Should own my having abus’d and injured her etc. See our Conversation in a Paper by it self which I wrote before I went to Bed. O that God would please rightly to affect me with this holy Dispensation! The Lord convince of what has been Evil! and Pardon it! Grant me Grace to improve under this holy Frown! Pity me and support me under it, and in His own Time deliver me out of it! And May the Lord Pity this Woman and Shew her Errors, pardon and recover her for His Name’s Sake!

1765 October 4 (Friday). Billy paints a.m. Thomas at the Bushes.

1765 October 5 (Saturday). Cousen Thomas Barret came from Brookfield and lodged here. Billy works at the Corn-Barn.

1765 October 6 (Sunday). Read immediately before Sermon Isa. 5.1–7. P.M. read Luk. 8 to 36 and repeated with Alterations and Additions Exposition of Mat. 8.28. Master Cushing, Cousen Barrett and Mr. William Manning dined here. Master Cushing was admitted into the Church. Read Westminster Letter, which was complyed with. See Church Records. In the Eve read Mr. Bolton. N.B. Mr. Mannings Account of Sad Theft at Coll. [blank] Bowman, son of Mr. Noah Bowman, charged with it.

1765 October 7 (Monday). Billy at the Corn Barn. Thomas and John burning brush, digging Stones p.m. Jonas helps p.m. Visit and pray with Mr. Wheelock. Reckoned with Billy. At Eve Mrs. Ranger and Polly Forbes from Boston. Sad News of little Dorcas Loyds Death.

1765 October 8 (Tuesday). Billy returns to Townshend. Mrs. Ranger and Polly take little Thomme Parkman with them to Brookfield. A Team of twenty oxen are breaking up my Field nigh Mr. Nurse’s. Mr. Tainter undertook. Capt. Wood, Mr. Martin Pratt and Cornelius Biglow junior help—and with them my Thomas Arnold. They break the Plow and break off 4 Hours, while Biglow who owns the plow goes over to Gashitts to get the Share mended. Mr. Williams comes here to talk with me about his wife and Hannah Gold, and complains of my abetting them. Mrs. Beeman dined here—and talks with me about her leaving her son Bruce’s etc. etc. My wife to Capt. Maynards. I read Dr. Chauncy on Justification. My Son John sick and takes Physic of Dr. Hawes.

1765 October 9 (Wednesday). John lyes by. The same Men and Team break up to Day. Don’t finish. They say they’l come again. Daughters Sarah and Suse, having Dr. Haws Chair, go to Mr. Morse’s at Shrewsbury.

1765 October 10 (Thursday). Rain a.m. Clears off p.m. Capt. [blank]. At Eve my Daughters return—having been at Mrs. Cushings also.

1765 October 11 (Friday). Mr. Hastings comes to build me a Stone Chimney in my Study. It proves unhappy to my Studys—for my Neighbours came to cutt up and gather and Husk out my Corn. Thomas taken off from tending the mason. Deacon Tainter and others cutt up; his son with a Team and Capt. Wood with his Team also, bring in the Corn. A considerable Crop—thanks to God! Many come to husk. They husk it out. 47 at supper besides my own. Sing part of Ps. 65. N.B. Mr. Jonas Warrin here again to Speak about a singing Lecture. I told him of my Engagements and that ‘twas unlikely I could attend upon it, at the Time appointed therefor. Too many avocations and Interruptions.

1765 October 12 (Saturday). Have a Bar of Iron of Mr. Nurse, which weighed 11 3/4 lbs. This Bar is put instead of a Mantle-Tree. Mr. Hastings finishes and some Pointing in the Cellar, before Dinner. Having dined, I paid him £1.16.3 old Tenor and he left us. Thomas variously employed—but the Corn too Wet to be meddled with.

1765 October 13 (Sunday). Read Isa. 5.8–17 and preached upon 8 to 12th. Master C. and Miss Betty dined here. P.M. Read Luk. 8 from v. 37, to the End. Used one of the Sermons on 1 K. 18.12, last Clause, to young people, accommodating it to the present Time, it having been almost 30 years since I delivered those sermons before. At Eve read in Mr. Bolton from p. 456 to 468.

1765 October 14 (Monday). Deacon Tainter comes to help in sorting the Corn, and dines here. Thomas carrys the Corn to the Barn. Sheep troublesome for several Days to my Neighbours. Mrs. Wheelock very bad. Has a bad sore. Visited and prayed with her; but she says very little. Master Cushing here, changes his Horse for mine, for this Journey before me: and he has my Mare for a Chaise to go to Southborough. My Son Baldwin came and lodges here. Sent his Horse to Neighbour Zebulun Rice’s.

1765 October 15 (Tuesday). Brother Daniel Hardy and Brother Zebulun Rice came and accompany me as Delegates to Westminster. My Son Baldwin with us. We call at Mr. Martyns, who and Mr. Fessenden with his Delegate Caruth, join us, as does Deacon Livermore at Mr. Morse’s: where part of us dine—the Delegates at Mr. Bush’s. P.M. set out and at Eve arrive at Capt. Hoars at Westminster. N.B. We called at Mr. Marsh’s Door, but did not light. Lodged at Capt. Hoars.

1765 October 16 (Wednesday). The Council was formed. I was chose Moderator and Mr. Morse, at my Motion, Scribe—He being in situation, somewhat Nigh, compared with some others, and well acquainted with their Affairs. Mr. Marsh came with a Remonstrance and Complaint against the Church, which we considered, and easily got over. Mr. Rice read a Confession of Faith (besides Mr. Fish’s Testimony of his Examination and Approbation before the Association). The Church voted to proceed. Mr. Marsh came no more. Twas told Me Mr. Reuben Miles voted to proceed. In the public assembly Mr. Davis prayed. Mr. Forbes preached on 1 Cor. 2.2. After Sermon I addressed the Audience, and the Church in Special, who renewed their Call—Mr. Rice his Acceptance and read his Confession of Faith. I prayed and gave the Charge. Mr. Morse prayed after the Charge. Mr. Martyn gave the Right Hand. Mr. Rice appointed the 68 Ps. 17 and onward and gave the Blessing. Entertainment at Capt. Hoars, where I lodged again.

1765 October 17 (Thursday). Returned as far as to Mr. Mellens to dine, and to Mr. Martyns to lodge. N.B. Company gather to Mrs. Cushings in Shrewsbury to the Marriage of Young Mr. Stone of Yarmouth to Miss Molly Cushing.

1765 October 18 (Friday). Mr. Michael Martyn lends me The Scotch Scourge Vol. 1. I return home. All Well. D.G. N.B. Met my Cousen Loyd going to Brookfield, with her husband. They had lodged at Andrews’s last Night and broke fast at our House. Thomas Arnold has fenced off the Wheat, cut and carted Wood etc. His Father dined with us.

1765 October 19 (Saturday). Deacon Tainter hoops my Barrells. Dines here. Thomas and John, with 4 Oxen, plow the Orchard. This Evening Thomas ceases to work for me.

1765 October 20 (Sunday). Read Isa. 5.13 to the End. Preached on Joh. 6.35, first part. Administered the Lords Supper. Master Cushing and Mrs. Maynard dined here. P.M. read Luk. 9 to 36. Delivered another of the sermons to Youth, from 1 K. 18.12. Went to See Mr. Moses Warrin who was prayed for as Sick of a Fever, but he was Dead and layd out before I got there.

1765 October 21 (Monday). A Meeting of the Town to give Instructions to the Representative. Deacon Bond, Messrs. Whitney, Daniel Forb., Lieut. John Martyn and Mr. Gale were a Committee to draw up what they would say to him. They Sat in one of my Rooms to do it. Mr. John Marrett was here. I paid him 12£ old Tenor being Interest for an 100£ old Tenor for two Years—The Delay So long was much owing to his own Orders about it. Thomas Arnold left us—goes to work for Mrs. Johnson. I went to see Mr. Belknap: called to see Mr. Temple. In the Eve Mr. Gale settled with me and paid me all. I gave him a Receipt.

1765 October 22 (Tuesday). I rode to the House of Mourning—to the Funeral of Mr. Moses Warrin. After Prayer there, went to Ministers Meeting at Hopkinton—and dined there. Few Ministers came. Only Mr. Stone and Mr. Smith of the Association. Mr. Fish came, to promote the Examination of Mr. James Parker. See Minutes of Association. N.B. Mr. William Price, son of the late Rev. Mr. Roger Price, lives at Mr. Barretts. He lodges with me there.

1765 October 23 (Wednesday). Mr. Stone prayed before the Sermon in public—which I endeavoured to preach—my Text 1 Pet. 2.13 to 16. Dined at Mr. Barretts. Returned home at Eve. N.B. One Medcalf of Rutland part of the Way.

1765 October 24 (Thursday). Visit and pray with Mrs. Wheelock. My Brother Bucknam of Medway came in, and with him Mr. Jed. Adams of Stoughton and din’d with us. P.M. Mr. Fessenden and Miss Betty Gott here.

1765 October 25 (Friday). Mr. Zeb. Rice came and [blank]. Capt. Woods kills a sheep for me. Mrs. Wheelock sent for me. Went but she could not converse. I prayed with her once more. P.M. Visit old Capt. Forbush: and Lt. Thomas. Consult him about a proposed singing Meeting mentioned by his son Warrin; and left the matter with him. Mr. Loyd and his wife return from Brookfield and lodge here.

1765 October 26 (Saturday). Mr. Loyd and his Wife leave us. Mrs. Wheelock dyed last Evening. Messrs. Steward and More here after Dinner but dined here. As soon as they rose came two more, viz. Deacons Hall and Paddock of Yarmouth (who came to accompany Young Mr. Stone at his Marriage to Miss Molly Cushing) and they also dined here. Master John Cushing here on his Journey to the Cape. I wrote by him to Mr. Hawley—who returned from Onohoquage by Lebanon. Joseph Warrin came from Billy at Townshend, and brings a Cow for me to keep. John brought a Barrell of Cyder, Bag of Apples, another of Turnips and Two good Cabbage Heads from my Neighbour Hezekiah Pratt. At Eve came Mr. James Parker and lodged here.

1765 October 27 (Sunday). A remarkable snow storm. Omitted public Reading. A.M. Mr. Parker preached and prayed a. and p.m. His first Text was Prov. 8.35, the other Gal. 5.25. I read p.m. Luk. 9 from v. 37 to the End. Squire Whipple dined here. Mr. Parker went at Eve to his Brother Hannaniah’s.

1765 October 28 (Monday). The Funeral of Mrs. Wheelock, a.m. A Sorrowful Loss! Sent John to Mr. John Locks with Sundrys for Billy: two Dollars etc. for David Lock of Townshend to carry with him.

1765 October 29 (Tuesday). I went to Mr. Ebenezer Forbush’s and carryed the London Magazine for October 1764, having an Account of the Asthma. Dr. Hawes with me. Visit at Mr. Bathericks, Mr. Parkers (where I dined), Mr. Beetons, Ebenezer and Nathan Maynards and Pratts.

1765 October 30 (Wednesday). Read part of Mr. Boltons excellent Piece on Ps. 1.1.2.

1765 October 31 (Thursday). My mind truely in great Engagedness upon the remarkable Crisis, which we are brought to the Eve of. May the Lord, the Hope of our Fathers, appear for His People! And grant us Deliverance from our Fears! Long Kelly (as he is called) here. Deacon Tainter dined here.

1765 November 1 (Friday). We may Say of this Day as the Prophet Zeph. Speaks, Ch. 1.15, “This Day is a Day of wrath” etc. Read the v. throughout. I was very much of the mind that this Day Should be kept as a Day of Universal Humilliation throughout all the British Colonies in America. As the Case is with me, I am obliged to journey to Brookfield. Just called at Mr. Sumners. Dined at Capt. Curtis’s in Worcester. Mrs. Cushing there while her Children are gone to Yarmouth. For Mr. Stone carryed his Wife home the forepart of this Week, and Capt. Curtis accompanyed ‘em. Called at Mr. Maccarty’s, at Mr. Conklins and Mr. Eatons. Lodged at Mr. Forbes’s. He has set up a new End to his House, and the workmen are there to finish it (at least part of it) for his use.

1765 November 2 (Saturday). My Daughter Baldwin was So well as to ride over to Mr. Forbes’s alone. Dined at my Son B.’s. My Grandson Ebenezer P________ somewhat ill and confined: All the rest, throughout the Family, of mine, well. D.G. Lodged at Mr. Forb.

1765 November 3 (Sunday). Hope Mr. Steward is at Westborough. I preached at Brookfield on Hos. 9.12. P.M. on Isa. 4.5. Both Sermons because of the Times. Lodged at Mr. F.

1765 November 4 (Monday). Dined at my Son Ebenezers. P.M. viewed his Place and Improvements which are very much to my Satisfaction. The Eve was very remarkable—for a sad Disquietment subsisted between Mr. Forb. and Mr. Joseph Gilbert. This Evening a Committee of the Church (Capt. Wit, Capt. Hale, Ensign Adams, Mr. Weeks, and others) met at Mr. G’s this Evening to enquire into it, and promote peace. They sent for Mr. F. who went—but all the Efforts were vain. I lodged at my Son Baldwins.

1765 November 5 (Tuesday). Mr. Forbes and I rode to Hardwick. Called at the Furnace which was now newly Set to work, at Hardwick, by Mr. Washbourn but they had not as yet cast any Thing. We dined at Mr. Whites. Visited Brigadier Ruggles who was lately returned from the Congress at New York. He was not well. N.B. Capt. Lee of Rutland (and Ensign Jones with him) came there, want Advice (at least of Mr. Forbes) under their Troubles with Mr. Frink. We visited Mr. Ruggles of New Braintree and lodged there.

1765 November 6 (Wednesday). Return to Brookfield. Preached the Lecture on Gal. 1.3. The Church there met to receive the Return of the Committee who were with Mr. Joseph Gilbert on Monday Evening last. Capt. Wit and his Wife at Mr. Forbes in the Evening. I lodged at my son Ebenezers.

1765 November 7 (Thursday). Took leave of my Children and came to Spencer to Dinner at Mr. Eaton’s: where dined Mr. Moses Baldwin, minister of Kingston or Pelham. I preached the Lecture on Ps. 116.14. After Lecture proceeded on my Journey as far as Mr. Conklin’s and lodged there.

1765 November 8 (Friday). In returning dined at Mr. Maccartys. P.M. called at Mr. Pains and delivered a Deed of my Son Ebenezers to be recorded. N.B. Col. [Murrey?] of Rutland there. He was one of the Committee to view the Road in Brookfield about which my sons Forbes and Baldwin have Trouble from Mr. Joseph Gilbert. Called at Capt. Curtis’s, who is returned from Yarmouth. Tea at Mr. Job Cushings. Arrived at Eve here, in safety: and found all well. Thanks to our great Preserver! My Wife informs me that, on the last Lords Day, not Mr. Steward, but Mr. Moore preached: Texts Mat. 5.44. Love your Enemies. Rom. 12.12. Continuing instant in Prayer. That on the 6th assembled a number of people from several Towns, led by Mr. Jonas Warrin of Upton, to Sing: had their Meeting at Capt. Woods—though I had given Mr. Warrin no Encouragement.

1765 November 9 (Saturday). Gave my Self to prepare a Sermon for tomorrow.

1765 November 10 (Sunday). Omitted Public Reading because I Should have so great Occasion to use so much of the Chapter I designed to preach upon. It was Esther 3. My Text was in v. 15. “And the Decree was given at Shushan the Palace—but the City Shushan was perplexed.” Miss Betty Gott and Miss Hephzibah Maynard dined with us. P.M. read Hos. 9 because of the present Times; and preached on v. 12, using my former preparations with some Additions according to the present Aspects.

1765 November 11 (Monday). Visit Young Richard Barns who was lately hooked in his Eye by an Ox. Mr. Chamberlin Sends a Cart with Turnips, Apples, Cabbages.

1765 November 12 (Tuesday). Visit Mr. Thomas Twitchels Son, Sick of a Fever. N.B. A Number of Persons have kindly offered me Cyder. To Day Capt. Jonathan Fay and Mr. Phinehas Hardy, each send a Barrell, which Mr. Joseph Grout brings home. Mr. Ezekiel Miles and wife, also Capt. Thomas Mellen, with Message from his Brother of Chauxit here. At Eve Squire Brigham with Message from Mr. Hutchinson concerning a Fast at Grafton next Week. N.B. John has been ploughing yesterday and to Day with my Oxen, at the Island, and preparing for sowing Rie. Yesterday Jonas Kenny helped him: to day Nehemiah Maynard.

1765 November 13 (Wednesday). Am reading variously—magazine for June—etc.

1765 November 14 (Thursday). My people wondrously kind in giving Cyder. Mr. Solomon Baker Sends me Word that if I will send a Barrell, he will fit. Have had the like Word from Several more.

1765 November 15 (Friday). Deacon Tainter comes with two Barrells of Cyder, which are given—one by himself, the other by Lt. Harrington and 4 Bush. Apples for Sauce. Silas Hill comes with the Deacon. John fetches home Mr. Bakers—Silas gets ‘em down. Providence cast him (accidentally to us) for my help, both to the Deacons Help and mine here. Sarah undertakes to make a Cask of Apple-sauce, for which End She bought a Quantity of Cyder etc. This Evening came Mr. Daniel Forbes and Mr. Zebulun Rice to See Me; but it proved a very great Interruption to me in my Studys and preparations for the Sabbath ensuing; and was to my great sorrow: for Such unseasonable Visits do unhinge me to a Sad Degree.

1765 November 16 (Saturday). Gave my Self to my work as strictly as I could but I was not able to finish what I aimed at.

1765 November 17 (Sunday). Did not read publickly a.m. because the Chapter which I was yet upon in Some Expository Discourses, had been read already, viz., Isaiah 5. Preached from v. 13–18. At noon I proposed to the Church and Congregation to keep a Fast on account of the public Distresses—and left it to Consideration till the Afternoon. Mr. Fessenden and Master Cushing dined here. P.M. I read part of Luk. 10 and gave, for the Exercise, some expository observations partly which I had written; and partly was assisted from my exposition of Mat. 10 v. 5 to 16, i.e., to p. 6 with many Variations; as were very Necessary, in comparing one of these Missions, with the other. At the Close of the Service I appointed, with the Consent of the Church and Congregation, a Fast to be (God willing) on next Wednesday come sennight, which would otherwise be our Lecture Day.

1765 November 18 (Monday). Mr. Martyn and his Wife visit and dine with us. At Eve came Rev. Mr. Theophilus Chamberlain, Missionary to the Indians from Brookfield—supped and lodged here. N.B. Mr. Rob. Wilson and his wife and sister Caryl Supped here also. Levi Rice helped John to Day in Carting out Muck.

1765 November 19 (Tuesday). Mr. Chamberlain left us for Boston. N.B. I wrote by him to the widow Dunlop at Cherry Valley. Jonathan Batherick worked here a.m. carting out muck etc. I wrote to sundry Neigbhouring Ministers for help in the Fast. At Eve Mr. Cushing begins a singing School at [blank] and my son John goes to it.

1765 November 20 (Wednesday). Sent by Mr. Morse, 3 Years Magazines to Mr. McAlpine. My Wife and Sarah go to Southborough. They have Lt. Bakers Chair. John harrows a.m. and plows in a little Rye. Read Mr. Samuel Willards (of Beddeford) Sermon at Ordination of Mr. Hovey, and Mr. Thompsons sermon on Mr. Willards Death. Prefaced by Mr. Prentice of Charlestown, containing an Account of Mr. Willard: which may God bless to me for my own highest Benefit!

1765 November 21 (Thursday). Rode to Grafton Fast, which was on account of the Troubles of the present Day. Mr. Maccarty prayed and preached a.m. Text Prov. 14.34. I performed in the Afternoon, nor would Mr. Hutchinson do any thing. I preached on Esth. 3.15, adding much to my former Sermon on that Text. May God grant His Blessing, above all! and may He smell a Sweet Savour in our religious Offerings—Grant our Petitions, and deliver us out of our Distresses and Perplexitys. Returned at Evening. Received a Letter from my dear Kinsman Elias Parkman, Apprentice to Mr. Rich. Salter at Boston. I can’t but wish the Special Blessing of God upon this youth and his sister, for my dear Brother’s, their Grandfathers, Sake!

1765 November 22 (Friday). Deacon Tainter comes from Boston and brings a Letter from Mr. Holbrook, informing me of the Death of Mrs. Chamberlain (Mrs. Holbrooks Mother in Law) and that Mr. Surcomb was ill of the Gout.

1765 November 23 (Saturday). Mr. Mellen and his Wife going to Hopkinton. Desires me to change with Mr. Barrett, and he himself will preach for him, if I will go to Mr. Martyn, who must go to Mr. Morse, who must go to Chauxit. I went accordingly to Mr. Martyns and lodged there.

1765 November 24 (Sunday). Mr. Martyn to Mr. Morse’s. I preached at North End a.m. on Esth. 3.15, latter part, p.m. on Isa. 4 v. 5. Returned home at Eve. Mr. Barrat for me on Job. 16.19, Isa. 59.1.

1765 November 25 (Monday). Very Cold morning—froze hard. John had not finished plowing in Rye last Saturday; and to Day, it was too Cold; tryed, but could not now.

1765 November 26 (Tuesday). Mr. Thomas Brigham of Marlborough dyed yesterday morning.

1765 November 27 (Wednesday). Very rainy morning, but it was the Day appointed to be and was observed in this Parish as a Day of Fasting, Humilliation and Supplication to God on account of the Public Trouble and Distress by the Stamp Act. Mr. Stone came through the Rain and prayed and preached a.m. His Text, Ps. At noon he left us to go to Mr. Brighams Funeral. But Mr. Sumner came, and prayed and preached p.m. His Text, John 7.13. May the Lord pardon us and accept our offerings, and bless the Labours of His Servants and have Pity on us and on our Land, for Jesus sake!

1765 November 28 (Thursday). Rode to Shrewsbury, to Mr. Sumners. Dined there. Preached the Lecture on 1 Cor. 11.20. In returning visit old Major Keys (who was 91 last Aug.) and his wife, who has been bed-rid many Years, and prayed with them. Visited also Mr. Joseph Knowltons wife, and prayed there.

1765 November 29 (Friday). Miss Patty Richards here yesterday and to day making a Calamanco Gown for the Mother, and two homespun Gowns for the Children. Master John Morse comes for Suse and carrys her to their House. Mr. Tainter, Capt. Wood, Mr. Martyn Pratt and Paul Biglow with 16 Oxen, to which are added Mr. Nurse’s and mine, break up the rest of the further field. Mr. Hutchinson and Deacon Merriam at Eve in their Return from Concord Council, who have been settling the Affair of one Mr. Wheeler etc.

1765 November 30 (Saturday). The last Monday’s Paper informs me of Death of my dear Kinsman Mr. Ephraim Langdon, usher of the North Latin school, at Boston.3 May God sanctifie this Death! and especially to his sorrowfull Mother, and to his only sister (Mrs. Eliot) nor would I forget Venerable Master Wiswall, to whom Mr. Langdon was no small Support. May God grant me to be my self, ever in Readiness!

1765 December 1 (Sunday). Omitted the public Reading because of the many Dutys besides, and the Shortness of the Day. Preached a.m. on Joh. 6.35. Administered the Lords supper. P.M. preached on Isa. 5.19.20. Mr. Cushing, Mrs. Bond and Mrs. Maynard dined here. In the Eve read in Mr. Jenks’s Meditations.

1765 December 2 (Monday). Master Cushing is moved to lodge and keep school at Mr. Andrews’. And as he goes to Mr. Johnsons at Evening to teach singing, he calls in here to teach my Daughter Sarah—he is modulating her Voice.

1765 December 3 (Tuesday). Breck came from Townshend—and brought Billys Oxen for me to keep. Mr. Job Lane, a young Preacher, came from Brookfield and dined here. Tarrys with us over night. Billy also came from Townshend.

1765 December 4 (Wednesday). Though it has been very stormy in the Night, yet it cleared up this Morning. Mr. Lane leaves us for Bedford. We have not only Sorrowfull News of the Death of Mr. Cornelius Cook, once of this Town; but of the sad Condition of Several of his sons—That Daniel is hanged, and that Thomas has been condemned and has broke Jayl. It occasioned sorrowfull Reflections on Such vicious Lives!

1765 December 5 (Thursday). A rugged, Cold season. Public Thanksgiving. Preached on Ps. 67, especially 3d and 5th v. Which may God be Pleased to accompany with His special Blessing! and graciously accept our Offerings! But had no body to partake with me at my Table. Such Invitations as I made, fell through—and other whom I would have asked, could not get to Meeting: especially few women could get there.

1765 December 6 (Friday). Breck closes up a Shelter for Cattle. Billy to Medfield. I wrote a Letter by him to Squire Adams. Deacon Tainter here and urges my going to Mill-River.

1765 December 7 (Saturday). The Morn very Sharp Cold—but the Deacon comes with his Horse and the Day proves more moderate. I rode to Mill-River. Mr. Frost hither. His wife much better.

1765 December 8 (Sunday). Preached at Mill-River on Luk. 19.10 a. and p.m. Squire Tyler dined with me and came in with me to Mr. Frosts at Eve. Dr. Jenison a Child very dangerously ill.

1765 December 9 (Monday). Mr. Frost returned home last night. We visit Dr. Jenisons Child. I prayed with it and them. Mr. Frost rode with me to Venerable Mr. Dorr’s—and we dined there. Mr. Dorr in much Comfort. Mr. Frost left me there; and I tarried all night.

1765 December 10 (Tuesday). Mr. Dorr is able to attend a Funeral. The Young Gentleman his Son, accompanys me to Squire Tylers—where we dine. N.B. one Holbrook of Uxbridge there, much raised in Temper against Ministers abetting the Singing of the present Times. Squire Tyler rides with me to Mr. Fish’s. Called at old Mr. Dunlops in my returning home. Found Mr. Samuel Fay and his Wife here. Billy is come from Medfield. N.B. Friend Daniel Southwart of Smithfield has been here at the Door, in my absence and left his Love to me.

1765 December 11 (Wednesday). Billy and Breck return to Townshend; and John goes with them to bring back my mare. Mr. Joseph Bruce brings my Great Coat from Brookfield and takes my sons. I was obliged to tend the Cattle etc.—John being gone—and got Cold.

1765 December 12 (Thursday). N.B. I delivered the Stamp Act to Mr. Nathan Maynard, for Squire [Whipple?].

1765 December 13 (Friday). John returned from Townshend. He came away yesterday; and lodged last Night at Mr. Jotham Maynards. I am grievously exercised with Pain in my left Hip.

1765 December 14 (Saturday). My Pain continuing was obliged to Send to Mr. Fessenden to preach for me tomorrow. P.M. Mr. Fessenden, Mrs. Maynard and two Martyns, Michael and Richard, here and drink Tea with us. Mr. Fessenden tarrys and lodges.

1765 December 15 (Sunday). Mr. F. preached for me on Act. 24.16. May the Lord teach us to profit. I omitted Reading but went to Meeting.

1765 December 16 (Monday). Mr. F. returned. I visited old Mr. Grout, who is sick. Dined there. Visit at Ensign Jeduthun Fays—because of the Indisposition of his Daughter Sarah.

1765 December 17 (Tuesday). Am taken up a great deal with famous Mr. Rutherfords Letters. Mr. Kendal here. I agree with him for a side of Pork.

1765 December 18 (Wednesday). Mr. Kendal brings 122 lbs. of Pork. It is to be 2/ per lb. unless it is less at Boston—for I offer him market Price at Boston, deducting 2d per lb. for Transport. Mr. Nurse makes a little Door for me at the Barn, out of the Barnside into the Hovell. He and Mr. Kendal dine here. The storm is so vehement at Night I can’t but Pity poor exposed Creatures, especially Sailors; as Nine and a Boy perished in the late Storm on the 3d and 4th.

1765 December 19 (Thursday). Am exercised Still with Pain in my left Hip. At Eve the young men after their Exercises at their Meeting, come to me and request I would preach to them.

1765 December 20 (Friday). Mrs. Harrington and her son Josephs Wife made us a visit, with a Cheese, each of them. Suse returned from Mr. Morse’s.

1765 December 21 (Saturday). It being a very fine Day I rode up to Mr. Wheelocks to enure my Self to the Air—that I may be fit to go out tomorrow, my preparations being already done and my mind much at rest.

1765 December 22 (Sunday). I went to meeting: through divine Favour was able to Stand the Exercises but omitted the Readings, especially as the latter Discourse obliged me to read so great a part of the Chapter. Preached a. and p.m. on Isa. V, viz. a.m. on v. 21, p.m. on v. 22 to the End. Mr. Cushing dined here.

1765 December 23 (Monday). Mr. Ephraim Richardson of Lancaster here—and dined. Mr. Cushing at Eve as usual to instruct Sarah in singing. I am reading Swifts Examiner and Mr. N. Byfields Treatise against the Fear of Death. Consult also various Expositions on Isa. VI.

1765 December 24 (Tuesday). Mr. Stone here and dines with us. Mr. Joseph Grout comes with a Quarter of Beef for me. Weight 132. Another for Billy. Weight 140. At 16d old Tenor.

1765 December 25 (Wednesday). I preached a Lecture to Young Men from 1 King 13.12, latter part. N.B. It was from p. 14 of the sermon on that Text, to the End, though with many omissions, because of the Pain with which I was exercised in time of delivering. N.B. The Young Man that Sat the Tune sat New Colchester. At Eve Master Cushing goes to Capt. Maynards to attend upon another Singing School there, besides what he has on Monday Evening at Mrs. Johnsons. Dr. Throop came here—lodges with us.

1765 December 26 (Thursday). This Day is appointed for the Marriage of Rev. Mr. Asaph Rice, to Miss Polly Morse. I am invited and my wife also (as well as my Daughters) but I dare not venture, under so much indisposition and Pain. Dr. Throop and Master Cushing wait on Sarah and Suse in a Sleigh, to Mr. Morse’s. May God grant the Bridegroom and Bride to be espoused to Jesus Christ! And the whole Company to have true, and increasing Joy!

1765 December 27 (Friday). At Eve my Daughters are brought home. Dr. Throop and Master Cushing dine here.

1765 December 28 (Saturday). Those young Gentlemen leave us.

1765 December 29 (Sunday). I read Isa. 6 and preached on the first 5 v. P.M. preached on the rest of the Chapter. Was not much Obstructed by Pain. Thanks to God for His Goodness! May a Blessing attend my poor Essays!

1765 December 30 (Monday). Visit old Mrs. Grout. Dine there. Visit Widow Persis Warrin. Was at Mr. Elijah Rice’s. Twitchels. Elijah Hardys and McCollisters who is come to live there. Drank Tea among them. Visit old Ensign Miller and the rest of his House. When I returned found Deacon Tainter here, who with Lt. Baker, has killed the Cow which Lieutenant has had in keeping till now. Deacon rode my Horse home. Am much beholden to him for so much Goodness as well as to Lt. Baker who has pastured and fatted the Cow and charges me only two Dollars.

1765 December 31 (Tuesday). Deacon came and cut out and salted my Beef—that is 3 Quarters. He carrys home one Quarter which I borrowed, through his Instigation, of his son. She weighed 20 score and 13 lb. Deacon dined here—then carryed the skin (which weighed 58 lbs.) to Silas Hill to be tanned. Tallow but 33 lb. The Lord reward these generous Men! Prayed with Mr. Fessenden and Miss Bridget Cushing. Send for Master Cushing. He came. They all Sup, and lodge here. Mr. Zech. Hick and his Brother Samuel here. They carry to market for my son John six Fowls. N.B. Mr. Jonathan Grout came with Thomas Arnold to reckon and settle. Thus Ends the Year. Our Days are as a Shadow. We Spend our Years as a Tale that is told.

“So teach us, Lord, th’uncertain sum

Of our short Days to mind,

That to true Wisdom all our Hearts

May ever be inclined!”

1 Grindall Rawson (1721–1794; Harvard 1741), SHG 11:58–64.

2 Jacob Rice (1740–1824; Harvard 1765), SHG 16:208–10.

3 “Thursday Evening last departed this Life, after a short Illness, in the 32nd Year of his Age, Mr. Ephraim Langdon, Master of the North Grammar School in this Town.—His Funeral is to be attended from the Rev. Mr. Elliot’s, precisely at 4 o’Clock, this Afternoon.” Boston Gazette, Nov. 25, 1765 (issue 556), p. [2].