Diary of Ebenezer Parkman, 1761
1761 January 1 (Thursday). I find my Self too unfit for the important Affair of entertaining the New Year. God be merciful and gracious to me a poor miserable Sinner! Instead of the usual morning Reading in Mr. Henry I delivered to my Family Some Serious Reflections on the Commencement of this season: introduced with Ps. 90.12. My son Baldwin leaves us to go to Boston. Mr. Whitney p.m. Deacon Tainter at Eve.
1761 January 2 (Friday). I teach my Sons Alexander, Breck and Samuel at home and little John begins to learn to write.
1761 January 3 (Saturday). Have so missed of my News Papers that I am left to common Rumours about the Death of the King etc., but I prepare upon the Presumption that it is true.
1761 January 4 (Sunday). My wife from Day to Day exercised with grievous Pains; chiefly in her side. Yet the Cramps were less than Sometimes. Omitted public Reading, it being a Very tedious Day for the Wind driving the Snow which fell yesterday. I preached a. and p.m. on Ps. 18.46, first Clause, on the Death of King George II; and accession of King George III; and the New Year.
1761 January 5 (Monday). My Wife bears through the Great Storm of Saturday and the Cold winds which blew about the Snow yesterday, the Extreme Cold also of last night and this morning and is more comfortable as to Spasms—but at Evening had such Indications of approching Travail that Neighbour Batherick being here I desired him to call at Neighbour Pratts, who is ready to hasten to Granny Maynard, which was done: and Alexander went to the widow Newton, whose son brought her. Capt. Wood went for Mrs. Baker who (I perceive too unwillingly) came. Both Mrs. Williams’s, Mrs. Pratt and Mrs. Morse came, all of them this Evening, and I commend her to the infinite Mercy and Goodness to God and the kind Assistance of my good Neighbours.
1761 January 6 (Tuesday). About 2 in the morning widow Newton rouses me with the News of a Safe Deliverance and the Birth of a son, of extraordinary Size and Fatness. To God be all Honour, Praise and Thanksgiving! Capt. Wood, Neighbour Pratt and Barney Newton comes and assist this morning in waiting upon the Women home, but Alexander with the Slay is very usefull. Neighbour Barny goes to Mr. Wymans at Shrewsbury for his Aunt Miss Hannah Maynard, to Nurse, who comes. And Mrs. P________ is very comfortable, and the Child flourishing. D.G. I preached at Mr. Whitneys on Eccl. 7.1. Was at Mr. Blanc’s after the Exercise.
1761 January 7 (Wednesday). [No entry.]
1761 January 8 (Thursday). I visited Mr. Joseph Knowlton and dined and prayed there. Alexander to Mr. Abbots with Barley. I Called at Mr. Samuel Fay juniors and had a great deal of discourse with him. He remains very resolute and obstinate notwithstanding all the gentle offers I make him. Particularly I offered him to lay our Differences before the Church, and I would Stand by their Judgment, but he utterly refused it. I prayed him to choose out three wise and Pious Men. He Should choose all of them himself and they Should hear the Cause, but he said he would do nothing about it more. He did not intend to spend any more Breath about it. I parted with Assuring him I was desirous of Reconcilement. Asked him upon what Terms he would be reconciled? He told me, on no other than to have the Door opened, and that he might be desired to walk in. I told him that as to my own part, I was willing to put up the whole Difference. Asked what he would have of Me? He replyed, Restoration. I answered that That was not in my Power: but if the Church would restore him, I would not Oppose. I called also Mr. Greens and Solomon Bakers, in this visit. My son Baldwin came from Boston and lodged here.
1761 January 9 (Friday). Suse rode with Mr. Baldwin in my sleigh for Brookfield; and Samme with them to go to Ebenezers. This for the chief of the forenoon. Mr. Daniel Forbush junior’s Wife was here p.m. and prevented my studying coming to our House. My Wife not up to day.
1761 January 10 (Saturday). Pleasant Day. Mrs. P________ got up to day; and both She herself and the Child well. To God the Glory!
1761 January 11 (Sunday). Omitted public Reading both a. and p.m. Preached a.m. on Ps. 18.46. P.M. by reason of the Singular Circumstances and avocations of last week, repeated a sermon on Phil. 3.10. Granny Maynard and Cousen Nanny Maynard dined here. Did not baptize the Child, for I was not ready, but was in hopes of a more agreeable Reconcilement with Mr. Samuel Fay junior.
1761 January 12 (Monday). One of the very Coldest Days: yet a Number of kind Neighbours brought me 6 Load of Wood. Mr. Phinehas Hardy, Moses Brigham who gave the wood, Moses Warrin, Jonathan Grout, Eli Whitney, had three Teams. Neighbour Elijah Rice, Samuel Hardy junior, Elijah Hardy etc. Cutters. Mr. Fessenden came to see us and lodges here.
1761 January 13 (Tuesday). Mr. Fessenden goes to Rutland. Mr. Monis, Mr. Martyn and his wife dine here. Their sons John and Michael here, Mr. Johns wife and Child. These last go to Squire Bakers. Mr. Fay is gone to Boston, as I hear, so that the Committee and I do not go, as was proposed, to talk with him. Mr. Whitney, one of them here; but does not go. Mr. Chamberlin here, and goes to See him if he be not gone. Finds him at home and returns here at night—[and says?] Mr. Daniel Forbush went also. But little success with him.
1761 January 14 (Wednesday). Lieut. Harrington, Mr. Tainter and Isaac Miller bring six Load of wood from Mr. Bowmans, who gives it.
1761 January 15 (Thursday). I Visited Abner Warrin. Mr. Smith visits us: dines here. P.M. Dr. Crosby visits my wife, troubled with Hemorroids and but faint. Dr. Wilson comes (from his visit to Abner Warrin) to See us. N.B. My wife offers to Mr. Smith to name the Child. He appears but too difficultly brought to accept of our Disposition to call it by his Name, yet answers my wife that he shall take it as an Honour to have a Namesake in our Family, and to me at parting says, if I Should he shall be obliged to me, and that’s all.
1761 January 16 (Friday). Try Mr. Nathaniel Balls young mare, which I sent for at his Desire yesterday. Write to Mr. Smith and Send it by Mr. Timothy Warrin Whom I have desired to go to Mr. Smiths to look of an Horse he has to sell, and which I have some desire to buy. N.B. I omitted that yesterday Mr. Daniel Forb. Sent his son Elisha with two Load of Wood. At Eve Mr. James Fay of Hardwick and others here.
1761 January 17 (Saturday). Some Serious Employments relative to tomorrows Solemnity.
1761 January 18 (Sunday). Snow Storm, yet not very tedious. I had prepared a sermon on the Occasion of the Baptism of my Son, which could not be well divided, and would make the Exercises too long if I read. Therefore omitted publick reading: and because the forenoon Exercise was also unavoidably long also for the Season, therefore omitted Reading both parts of the Day. Text a.m. was Act. 1.7. P.M. was Gen. 33.5. I baptized my infant, Elias. May JEHOVAM be both his and my God! Cousen Maynard dined here; as did Mr. Bowman. N.B. Old Capt. Forbush’s Wife ill with a grievous Sore.
1761 January 19 (Monday). Town meeting upon the Affair of the School, and granted money to Support it. Dr. Benjamin Whipple here. N.B. Capt. Maynard brought his wife here: he having been a great Stranger.
1761 January 20 (Tuesday). Deacon Tainter here and lends me his sons Mare to go to Marlborough. Dined at Squire Brighams. Went to Mr. Smiths to See the Horse etc. but to little Purpose—the Horse having So evill Tricks. See the 16th. Returned home.
1761 January 21 (Wednesday). Visit Mrs. Hills who has lately lain in. P.M. Mr. Fessenden from Brookfield, he having preached for Mr. Forb. last Lords Day. Adam Rice carrys money to Boston to Pay Edes and Gill for the News. And Mr. Daniel Forb. goes to Boston to pay Mr. Draper for his. Mrs. Miller here. She lends me her Horse to Visit old Mrs. Forb. I seriously exhorted both the Old Captain and his son and Daughter to come to divine Ordinances and Neglect Religion and the Care of their Souls no longer. I also enquired into the State of the Sick Person, as to her inner Man. Urged the Duty of Self Examination and at the Captains Request prayed with her. N.B. Alexander works for Neighbour Nurse in their Sledding Wood.
1761 January 22 (Thursday). My Wife much indisposed—feverish and Headach. Sits up but little. Alex to Mr. Nurse’s again to day.
1761 January 23 (Friday). Roger Bruce came to desire me to go See Amariah Thurston. I was engaged in my preparations. It was very Cold and tedious for me to go out so far, but he got me an Horse and I went. Found Amariah very delirious, and could have no success in Conversing with him. Prayed with the Family and Neighbours that were there. Dr. Crosby also there. I returned in the Evening.
1761 January 24 (Saturday). Engaged in my preparation but could not accomplish for both parts of the Day.
1761 January 25 (Sunday). It was So cold I Still omitted the public Reading. Preached a.m. on Ps. 1.5. P.M. repeated, with alterations, Sermon on Act. 1. O that I might have Some Suitable Effect on my own Heart! I know I can’t Stand in the Judgment but in the Righteousness of Jesus Christ who is ascended to the right Hand of God. May my Soul by Faith cleave to Him, and my Affections ascend after Him, that I may dwell with Him continually!
1761 January 26 (Monday). Dr. Crosby and I rode down to Mr. Bradish’s, and we dined there. P.M. we rode to visit Amariah Thurston, who I find is Still very delirious; and the Doctor thinks is near his End. Prayed with the Family. In return visit Ensign Miller—and Monsieur LeBlanc. N.B. Capt. Woods Horse.
1761 January 27 (Tuesday). Our Nurse, Miss Hannah Maynard, goes to her sister Newtons, as finishing her Nursing; but Mrs. P________ is not yet strong enough to take Care of either herself or the Child. At Eve Mr. Moses Nurse carrys Miss Hannah to her Brother Nathans. At night came Mr. Forb. and his Wife, and Miss Sarah Welch from Brookfield in a Two-Horse Sleigh and lodged here. Fears of the Small pox in their Neighbourhood over. 3 Boys go to Mr. Bowmans school at Deacon Tainters.
1761 January 28 (Wednesday). Mr. Forb. etc. Set out for Boston. Jabez Ward Esquire dines with us.
1761 January 29 (Thursday). Mr. Nurse’s Horse I rode to the South East End of the Town. To Mr. Timothy Warrins—Snows—and as far as Duntons. Received 75£ Old Tenor of Mr. Ithamar Bellows. Was at Mr. Joslins. Returned at Eve. One End of my going was to get help about Wood from Jonas Bradishs. At Night Billy came from Brookfield. His Sister Baldwin and Suse stopped at Shrewsbury. N.B. Poor Amariah Thurston dyed last night.
1761 January 30 (Friday). Messrs. Timothy Warrin and Moses Nurse with their Teams, brought each a Load of wood. Mr. Daniel Warrin sent an Hand to Chop. Noah Hardy and John Pratt also went for the Same purpose. The Place was Mr. Jonas Bradish’s Neck. For this last gave the wood. But the Rain broke ‘em off. P.M. I went to the Funeral of Amariah aforesaid. A mournful Time indeed! A young man taken away in such a Manner without the Exercise of his Reason almost from the first Seizure of his Distemper. At my Return home found Mr. Joshua Emms at My House in the Hue of a Soldier, and who had actually come from Crown-Point. He tarrys for the Night: but confessing himself unfit for a Bed, Sleeps by the Fire.
1761 January 31 (Saturday). In the Dead of the Night between 2 and 3 o’Clock we are Surprized by the Coming of Lieut. Joseph Stone of Brookfield, in pursuit of my Son and Daughter Forbush; their youngest Daughter, Lydia, being in great Extremitys, and almost beyond Hope of Recovery. Billy goes to Mr. Daniel Forb. to acquaint him with it. Who comes before Day, and goes to Boston after his Brother and sister. Mr. Emms leaves us to go to Boston. Lt. Stone dines, and then returns to Brookfield. May God reward him! Pity the Child if alive, and prepare us for His holy Will!
1761 February 1 (Sunday). Omitted the Public Reading, both a. and p.m. by reason of the Season. Preached a. and p.m. on Ps. 1.6, last Clause. Widow Thurston dined with us. Jacob Garfield, who had the Small pox, came out to meeting. N.B. Mr. Daniel Forb. came from Coll. Buckminsters this Morning having been to Boston. Found his Brother and sister at Cambridge. They lodged at Coll. Buckminsters also. Set out at 11 a.m. from Capt. Forb. (in a Chair from Cambridge) for home. A sad Journey!
1761 February 2 (Monday). My Wife has a Poor Day, having, She thinks, taken Cold. Read chiefly West on the Resurrection.
1761 February 3 (Tuesday). About one o’Clock Levi Warrin came and roused me to Visit his Brother Abner, who is Seized with Bleeding. I went, found him very low in Body, but with remarkable Vivacity of Spirit and with much hope if he Should die. Prayed with him. Returned between 3 and 4. Preached at Mr. Daniel Forb. on 2 Cor. 4.16 and finished the Subject. My wife still poorly.
1761 February 4 (Wednesday). Billy Set off for Boston in his Master Baldwins Service gave him Money to pay my son Thomas’s Debt to Mr. William Bowes. Squire Jabez Ward dines (after his Fashion) here. He informs that Dr. Breck of Sheffield has lost his eldest Son by the Small pox. At Evening came Levi Warrin again with an Earnest Message from his Brother Abner, who thinks he is drawing near his End. I went, found his Breathing was much altered. I enquired into his Preparation for the Unspeakably important Affair before him. He answered that it was much as it had been. I proceeded to several most remarkable particulars, concerning which he expressed his hope that he was thus qualifyed and told me he believed he was Sincere. Prayed with him as for the last time. After Prayer Still discoursing with him for his further Instruction and Quickening, he told me he must desire me to desist, because he found it worryed him. Went into t’other room with his Father, to talk with him a little. Upon understanding that he grew worse, I went in again to Abner. After a few Words agreeable to his Case, he desired he might be let alone. So I took Solemn and final Leave of him, and walked home.
1761 February 5 (Thursday). My Daughters Lucy and Sarah made a Visit to Mr. Stones. When they returned they brought me half a Dozen of Mr. Stones Books for which I had Subscribed. Mr. Fessenden came, tarrys with us. Neighbour Barny Newton was marryed to Eunice Bond. My Wife still but weak. N.B. Abner Warrin dyed this Morning between 8 and 9 o’Clock, Aetatis 25.
1761 February 6 (Friday). Mr. Fessenden (having lodged here) leaves us to go to Rutland. P.M. attended the Funeral of Abner Warrin. After Burying Deacon Burnap here and brings me one of Mr. Haven of Portsmouth’s Convention Sermons. Deacon Tainter and Mr. Ebenezer Chamberlin have an hundred of Mr. Stone’s 2 Discourses for themselves and Other Subscribers in Westborough.
1761 February 7 (Saturday). A very rainy Time yet at Evening Billy returned from Boston having loaded up Mr. Walcott, as well as Mr. Bartlet Waggoners from Brookfield, for his Brother Baldwin.
1761 February 8 (Sunday). I gave my self most to improving the late Providence in the Death of the two young men, buryed the Friday last Succeeding one the other. Preached on Ps. 1, last Clause. Mr. Bowman dined here. P.M. read 2 Cor. 8. Preached on Heb. 1.3, last Clause, using, with proper Alterations, sermon on Mark 16.19, viz. from p. 211 to p. 217.
1761 February 9 (Monday). Messrs. B. Tainter and Artemas Bruce killed two good Swine for me gratis, and dined with me. At Eve Mr. John Maynard here and talks about his Wife, but no signs of Reconcilement to her; nor that he will accept of proposals, if offered, for accommodation. N.B. I purposed this Evening to hear the Affair depending between Messrs. Daniel Forbush junior and Jonathan How. The former Came.
1761 February 10 (Tuesday). Deacon Tainter kindly came and weighed my Hoggs, one [blank], the other [blank]. He also cutt it out and Salted it for me. P.M. he went to Boston and carryed a Leg of Pork for me to my Kinswoman Oliver. P.M. Mrs. Crosby here. N.B. This Day Mr. Bowmans School at Deacon Tainters, finishes. Sent 50/ old Tenor to Edes and Gill and £ to Scott and Gill (old Tenor) for Mr. Forbush and for Ebenezer.
1761 February 11 (Wednesday). Visited a.m. at Capt. Rolfs, p.m. at Mr. Jonah Warrins. My Boys thrash Rye.
1761 February 12 (Thursday). The Weather heavy. The Boys begin to learn Arithmetic.
1761 February 13 (Friday). My Son William returned to Brookfield: his Sister Baldwin and her Horse yet with us. My Wife’s right Breast been for sometime sore. Dr. Crosby was sent for and came to take Care of it. Old Mr. Sam Fay dyed.
1761 February 14 (Saturday). Went to Shrewsbury to the Funeral of Mr. John Brighams Wife. But in my way visited Mr. Joseph Miles (taking Dr. Crosby with me) and dined and prayed there. Rode my Daughter Baldwins Horse and in much Danger by reason of the bad Roads. It was also N.E. Wind, Misty and uncomfortable.
1761 February 15 (Sunday). A Bad Cold. Preached a.m. on 2 Cor. 5.14. Dr. Crosby dined here. He opened my Wife’s Breast. P.M. I read 2 Cor. 9. Preached again on Heb. 1.3, last Clause, using with alterations Sermon on Mark 16.19, last Clause, from page 217 to 221.
1761 February 16 (Monday). Attended the Funeral of Old Mr. Samuel Fay, who is by Some Supposed to be 88, others 89 Years old. He has been for 24 Years in Pain and much confined—and for this Year or two broken in Memory and much confused. His Aged widow nigh 2 Years Younger is in good Exercise of her Understanding, and behaves very Christianly. Several Neighbours here after the Funeral. N.B. Dispute with Deacon Tainter about the Beginning of the sabbath, and N.B. he asks me whether I would (not only consent to, but would) Desire Mr. Fish’s preaching at Deacon Forbush’s the first Tuesday in April? I answered yes, for I would Sett him a good Example if he be otherwise minded.
1761 February 17 (Tuesday). Sent again to Mr. Kneeland by Mr. Benjamin Hills for Mr. Edwards on Free Will. We are many of us greatly out of Health—both my Daughters on whom Family work depends—as well as Alexander and Breck.
1761 February 18 (Wednesday). Rode to Deacon Bonds, Deacon Forb., Blanc’s etc.
1761 February 19 (Thursday). Lucy and I ride (though the ways are bad) to Mr. Martyns. Dine there. Called at Capt. Maynards and Parkers at Eve, when I returned. N.B. Daniel Forbush junior and Jonathan How here. The latter signs an Acknowledgement, which they both desire me to keep.
1761 February 20 (Friday). P.M. Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Abigail Rice visit Mrs. P________. Mr. Fessenden is come to lodge at Capt. Maynards, this afternoon Visits me. At Night in the Rain comes my son Baldwin and a Negro he has bought of Major Curtis of Sudbury—a Chair and 2 Horses. So that he has here at my Barn Three Horses.
1761 February 21 (Saturday). A Rainy Morning. About 10 cleared. My Baldwins and their Negro Set out on their Journey. Afterwards it rains again, and I fear they will not get home.
1761 February 22 (Sunday). Read Ps. 2. Preached on Mark 16.19, latter part, repeating with Additions and Alterations to p. 230. P.M. read 2 Cor. 10. Preached on 2 Cor. 5.14, on which I had spend all the Time I could upon my preparations. Cousen Maynard dined here. May we all feel the Sweetly powerful Constraints of the Love of Jesus Christ!
1761 February 23 (Monday). Capt. Maynard here. Pays me 4 Dollars, which with 4 Dollars which Ebenezer owed him upon a Note and upon Book, was the Pay for a large Brass Kettle which the Captain buys of Ebenezer. He dines here, and talks about my old place, the price etc. but not to buy it for my Self, but for Mr. Eleazar How of Marlborough who had desired him to come. Captain goes to a Court held by Justice Baker at Capt. Woods, in which Capt. Joseph Biglow of Shrewsbury and his son are prosecuted for a Riotous Action by John Bent of Southborough, at the Time when John Harvey snatched up his Wife and Child in his Arms, and carryed her off.
1761 February 24 (Tuesday). Visit Capt. Wood, whom I have not Seen at his House since his Kindness at the Birth of Elias. Visit old Mr. Rice under his Infirmity of his Eye. At night Silas Frost and Mary Pratt marryed.
1761 February 25 (Wednesday). Mr. Daniel Forb. junior goes to Boston for my Son Baldwin. P.M. Mr. Fessenden here. Mr. Eleazar How here to talk with me about my old place; but takes it further into Consideration. At Eve Mr. Samuel Fay makes me a Visit, and is desirous to put an End to our Difference, but says he does not look upon himself one jot to blame. And as to madam (he Said) he bore her as good Respect as ever he did in his Life. On my Part I told him I had never meant him any Harm, nor intended to affront him: neither did I countenance at all those that injured him. We gave our hands mutually, and I assured him that as to what was personal, between him and me I desired it might be at an End, but added, that I did not know what the Church would do; with which, however, I Should use my Endeavours that there might be reconcilement.
1761 February 26 (Thursday). Deacon Tainter brought in Mr. Jonah Warrin and Mr. Daniel Hardy. They all dined here. These latter being disquieted with an Expression in my Sermon last Lords Day, in which I said, I did not know that there was that Sentence by itself, “There is a God.” Though the Apostle to the Hebrews says, he that Cometh to God must believe that He IS etc. All Religion supposes it and takes it for granted. Mr. Hardy said it was damnable Doctrine. I made what defence I thought proper and they drew off.
1761 February 27 (Friday). [No entry.]
1761 February 28 (Saturday). Deacon Tainter dined here, and gave me an Account of the Occasion and manner of his coming with Mr. Warrin and Hardy, on the 26. For although they were so disturbed, yet they would not have come here (that he knows of) except he had insisted upon’t and come with them. Yet they would talk at the Smith’s (Beeton’s) Shop. Which Custom of many persons, I am greatly troubled for. I acquainted the Deacon with Mr. Samuel Fays having been here, and how we had give Hands. This the Deacon was glad of, but was of Opinion that Mr. Fay Should make satisfaction to the Church, and ought to manifest a Christian Spirit, before he Should be admitted again to Special Ordinances.
1761 March 1 (Sunday). Read Ps. 3 and 4. Preached a. and p.m. on Gal. 5.6. That I might manifest my Sense of that Great Article of our holy Religion, the Existence and Attributes of God. P.M. read 2 Cor. 11. Dr. Crosby and the Widow Permintor dined here. N.B. After the Exercises Stopped the Church—Mr. Samuel Fay being present. I acquainted the Church that Mr. Fay and I had been together and mutually given our Hands, which I conceived (as they had been heretofore grieved at the Difference) they would be glad to hear of. And it now remained that the Church Should manifest their minds about his being restored to their Charity, and his being admitted to Special Ordinances again. Concerning which Things they had now room to Speak their Minds. But though I waited a decent Time no Body Said any Thing. I therefore proposed the Vote, and it appeared that 13 out of 24 were for his enjoying Privileges. The Church was dismissed with Blessing.
1761 March 2 (Monday). Two Brethern came here under Disquietment with yesterdays Vote of restoring Mr. Fay; They were Mr. Chamberlin and Mr. Belknap. Afterwards came also Mr. Daniel Forbush. I, upon Desire of the Town, went to the meeting, and prayed with them. N.B. Mr. Williams manifested to me uneasiness at Some free Expressions in my Prayer at his House when he was in Danger of Death by the threatening Mortification of his Hand, but Said if I was not so troubled with him but that he might come to the Communion he would come. I consented, if he would See to it that he was truely penitent. He replyed that he hoped he was. N.B. Messrs. John and Michael Martyn—also Mr. Fessenden here. N.B. Mr. James Eager, I hear, is very bad, with Fitts.
1761 March 3 (Tuesday). Mr. Grow Sent me an Horse and I preached at his House. Text 2 Cor. 4.17. After Exercises I proposed to the Brethern of the meeting to See whether they could not agree upon some special methods for the better regulating of our young people in their Conversing together preparatory to Marriage. And I spoke with Some Warm, giving divers Reasons for it. Visited Mr. Samuel Hardy who is sick of a Fever. Returned by Deacon Forbush’s—who complains of Disorders among Youth and desired me to prepare and preach a Sermon for the Suppression thereof. My Son John rode with me—Occasioned by his going to Mr. Isaac Pratts for a Coat, made there for him. N.B. Jacob Rice and Samuel Cutler from Mr. Forbush’s at Brookfield, here, and lodged with us. N.B. I payed Seth Miller 8£ 18/6 Old Tenor for Beef of him Oct. 31 last.
1761 March 4 (Wednesday). The Young Men go to Cambridge for Mr. Forbush’s Slay. I sent by them 4 Dollars to Brother Champney to pay part of my Son Ebenezers Debt to him. N.B. borrowed 2 of them of Miss Jane Stone. P.M. Dr. Wright here from Cambridge with Mr. Fessenden. The Doctor informs that Brother Champney has Sold his place in Cambridge to Mr. Mascarene, son in Law to the President. N.B. Mr. James Eager dyed last night.
1761 March 5 (Thursday). Mr. James Eager buryed, but I could not go to the Funeral. P.M. Rice and Cutler return from Cambridge. Rice goes to his Fathers, Cutler lodges here; and one Horse is kept here; the other is kept at Mr. Zebulon Rice’s. At Eve I went to Mr. Hills. N.B. his Wife very Sad and thoughtfull.
1761 March 6 (Friday). John goes to Brookfield with Samuel Cutler etc. in the Slay. N.B. I Send Ebenezers Tea Table to him.
1761 March 7 (Saturday). A Number of Brethren were here, viz. Messrs. Daniel Forbush, David Maynard, Zebulun Rice, and David Batherick and desire me, by a paper Signed by them, to wave the expected appointment of the Lords Supper. They have also a paper drawn up and signed by them and which they design to offer next Monday to others who are of their mind, in which they request a Church Meeting.
1761 March 8 (Sunday). Have been exercised with Tooth ach—besides divers Other Interventions So that I could prepare but one Sermon. Very much desired that Mr. Fessenden would preach, but could not convey my mind to him. Read Ps. 5. Preached a.m. on Gal. 5.6. P.M. read 2 Cor. 12. Repeated with a few Omissions and Alterations Sermon on Joh. 1.16.
1761 March 9 (Monday). Precinct Meeting. A Petition is brought me signed by Ten Members of the Church, viz. Messrs. Daniel Forb., David Maynard etc. desiring a Church Meeting on the Affair of Mr. S. Fay. Prayed at the precinct meeting. P.M. Mr. Fessenden and Mrs. Maynard. Mr. Hills here about his Wife, who is in Spiritual Concern.
1761 March 10 (Tuesday). Walked to Lieut. Forb. Dined at Mr. Hills. Spent some considerable Time in conversing with and examining her. Visit Mrs. Wood after the Death of her Brother Eager.
1761 March 11 (Wednesday). Capt. Wood brought his Horse that I might ride to Mr. Morse’s of North Shrewsbury. Took Mr. Fessenden with me. Dined at Mr. Morse’s. My Business was to get a good Horse. At Mr. Morse’s Request we rode to Capt. Curtis’s at Wor’ster upon the Same Design but without success. N.B. Mr. Morse informed me that Rev. David Stearns of Lunenbourg dyed the night before last, of a Fever. A great Loss! The Lord Sanctify it to me, and to those more immediately under the Bereavement especially. We called at Capt. Allens in our returning but diverted to Mr. Martyns and lodged there.
1761 March 12 (Thursday). About 1/4 after 2 this morning we were awaked by an Earthquake but blessed be God for his preserving Goodness and Mercy! Came home a.m. and found my Tabernacle in Peace and safety. Mr. John Hicks of Cambridge here and dined, in his return home. Mr. Hills here again at night about his Wife, who is in much Trouble.
1761 March 13 (Friday). Visit Mrs. Hill and further examine her. Want to send word to Mr. Samuel Fay concerning the Petition of 10 Brethren for a Church-Meeting, but his Critical Situation makes me Cautious of writing to him, or visiting him just now. Mr. Zebulun Rice tells me he will make him a Visit; and will inform him. This relieves me. Mr. Hills lends me 50£ old Tenor with which I pay Mr. Thomas Frost and take up my Note with him. Mr. Parker here at night. Wants some of my Hay. Has difficulty about the Expression in the Sermon on the 22d p.m. concerning the Being of God but I gave him some Ease. Was up till after midnight.
1761 March 14 (Saturday). In the morning Brother Zebulun Rice to acquaint me with Mr. Fays Frame yesterday when visited by the Said Rice and is disquieted with it. Deacon Tainter here about Fays Case. He dines with us. I Sent for Mr. Fessenden and he came to preach for me. Coll. Williams and Capt. Ephraim Brigham from Marlborough here.
1761 March 15 (Sunday). Read Ps. 6. and 2 Cor. 13. Mr. Fessenden a.m. on Col. 3.2 and p.m. on 1 Joh. 4.19. Cousen Maynard dined here. The Kitchen (as Usual) very much filled. After the Exercises Stopped the Church and acquainted them with the Petition for a Church Meeting; read it, with the Names to it. Asked the Church for their Thoughts—And told ‘em that I was So desirous of preserving Peace and good Harmony in the Church, that I was a mind to acquaint ‘em with that so whatever was done about it, might be with their Concurrence. Nobody Answered though I gave space. And therefore taking it to be their mind to have a Meeting, I appointed it—to be on Tuesday next, at 2 p.m.
1761 March 16 (Monday). Reckoned and settled with Mr. Joseph Baker, and paid him all, by a Note to Mr. Bellows of 6£ 5.4 L.M. Visited Mr. William Nurse who is sick. Praid with him. Dined there. P.M. Visit at Mr. Joseph Grouts, Mr. Jonathan Fays, Old Mrs. Grouts, and Moses Brighams. At Eve Mr. Benjamin Willard here, troubled with Mr. Hutchinson but I do not meddle with the Affair. Mr. Hills and his Wife here. I further examin [sic] her.
1761 March 17 (Tuesday). Church Meeting about Mr. Samuel Fay, but though I Sent an Express and distinct Message to him by Mr. Silas Brigham, on the Lords Day before I left the meeting House, yet he did not come. The Church voted to reconsider it. 18 out of 21. The Three on t’other side were Mr. N. Whitney, Capt. Fay and Neighbour Daniel Hardy. After this it was observed that ever since last July this affair has belonged to the Church, and was no longer of a private Nature: as it was taken in Hand by the Church at that Time: and they have not acted upon the Report of their Committee which brought Mr. Fays Reasons. The Church then proceeded to hear and Act upon what was then Presented by the Committee. And it was put to Vote, whether Mr. Fs Reasons then given were satisfactory? It was passed in the Negative. Several members at my House at Evening. Capt. Fay, Messrs. Fr. Whipple, Chamberlin, Belknap, D. Forb., Baverick, here.
1761 March 18 (Wednesday). I was at t’other House and sold Mr. Parker some Meadow Hay. Dined at Capt. Maynards. Returned home p.m. N.B. Wrote a Confession for Mrs. Hills, with a Letter to Mr. Joshua Prentice, and gave them to her Husband to be carryed by him to Holliston. N.B. Mr. Phinehas Gleason here.
1761 March 19 (Thursday). Perceive by the News Paper that our valuable Kinsman Mr. John Breck of Boston is dead. May God graciously Sanctifie it to us! N.B. Capt. Fay was here and at his Desire I gave him Extract from the minutes of the Church meeting. Also he desired me to write a few words of Acknowledgement which might be supposed reasonable for Mr. Samuel Fay to speak to our Church. Capt. Fay and Mr. N. Whitney being about to make Mr. Fay a Visit to Day. Mr. William Pierce’s Wife here about the Affair of her son Jonathan who exhibits a to me very fresh and unheard of Account against my late son Thomas. N.B. Moses Sever also here. Wants to have his Child (as he calls it) Christened. Alexander on Mr. Fessendens Horse, fetches Sperma Ceti Oyl from Mr. Asa Brigham, Shrewsbury. I visit Mr. Aaron Nurse, who droops and has had Dr. Ball with him.
1761 March 20 (Friday). Lt. Stone of Shrewsbury comes to desire me to change with Mr. Fessenden, who he has obtained to preach to them next Sabbath; for this End, that Children might be baptized, but I cannot go by Reason of the Special work of the Next Sabbath among us.
1761 March 21 (Saturday). Mr. Hills brings me a Letter concerning his Wife from Mr. Joshua Prentice, in answer to mine of the 18. Mr. Hills also brings his Relation. I was obliged to Send to Mr. Elijah Rice to come with his. And he accordingly came with it. It being Mr. Thomas Goodenows writing, I Strictly interrogated him about it. Was obliged to alter it; at his Desire did it—and likewise he requesting it, made the addition of Some of those Things which I had heretofore received from his Mouth—which were preferable in a Relation to any Thing that any body else could write for him.
1761 March 22 (Sunday). Read Ps. 7 and Gal. 1. Preached a.m. on Gal. 5.6. P.M. on Gal. 1.3. Stopped the Church (after Appointing the Communion and the Lecture) and gave leave to as many of the Congregation as Should please to tarry; and admitted into the Church Messrs. Elijah Rice and Benjamin Hills. Cousen Maynard dined here. Says Mr. Fessenden is gone to Shrewsbury to preach there.
1761 March 23 (Monday). Dr. Crosby here. Informs me that Mr. Samuel Fay is become milder, and more Sensible he has erred in being So dissatisfyed with me. N.B. At night old Mr. Seth Morse here Seemingly in Some Penitence; and says he’ll come again.
1761 March 24 (Tuesday). Mrs. Hills here in the Morning and drinks Tea with us. P.M. Mr. Fessenden, Michael Martyn and his Cousen Marit here and drink Tea. At Eve I visited the Widows Woods and Newton. When I returned home found Brother Champney from Cambridge here. Afterwards came Mr. Joshua Pain and they both lodged here.
1761 March 25 (Wednesday). Mr. Pains Horse loose in the Barn, and my youngest Heiffer which stood next to him, dead. Brother Champney goes to Brookfield. Mr. Samuel Fisk of Sudbury here to buy my old place. He dines here; as does Mr. Pain. Mrs. Judith Bellows here with an Acknowledgment. Mr. Samuel Fay also delivered me an Acknowledgment before I went into Meeting. Mr. Pain Preached my Lecture, on Jam. 2.17. Stopped the Church and Mrs. Bellows and Mr. Fay were restored. Mr. Fessenden and Mr. Pain go over to Mr. Martyns.
1761 March 26 (Thursday). Send to Boston by Deacon Tainter. P.M. Mr. Daniel Adams makes a partition in my Barn to keep strangers Horses from my Cattle. At Eve Capt. Rolf here. I walked with him to Mr. Hills and Rice’s.
1761 March 27 (Friday). The Boys work in the Garden. Sow Parseley, Parsnip etc. etc.
1761 March 28 (Saturday). Mr. Simon Tainter of Sutton here.
1761 March 29 (Sunday). Mr. Monis waited on by Mr. Richard Martyn, rode over here in the Morning to be at the Communion with us: but returned at Eve. Read Ps. 6. Preached a.m. on Gal. 1.3. Administered the Sacrament of the Lords Supper. N.B. a great Number of occasional Communicants chiefly from Shrewsbury—Mr. Pain having left ‘em, and denyed ‘em, to their great Disappointment. N.B. There was Danger of falling Short in the Element of Wine for the Flaggons as well as Tankards were soon emptyed. So that I Spoke, and desired that inasmuch as the Deacons had prepared only for our Ordinary State, whereas there was an extraordinary Number present, they would please to consider it. There was therefore a Sufficiency. P.M. not having writ the Close of my designed afternoon sermon, and my Thoughts broken by so much Company at my House (for Mr. Fessenden and Mrs. Maynard besides Mr. Monis etc. dined here), I took a sermon Suitable to the Occasion on Rom. 6.3.4 and with Some Additions presented it. N.B. Read Gal. 2. Also baptized 3 Children, viz. of Messrs. Timothy Warrin, Thomas Frost and Joseph Grout. O that God of his infinite Mercy and Goodness would Please to accept of us and Commend his Blessing! Appointed a Catechizing to Children next Thursday.
1761 March 30 (Monday). Alexander and Breck with Mr. Zebulun Rice’s Team went to Mr. Johnsons Mill with 12 1/2 Bush. of Indian and 7 1/2 Rye. Mr. Wheelock moves out of my Shop, into his own. P.M. Mr. Fessenden and Mrs. Maynard here—also young Mrs. Baker and Miss Lavinia. These Latter inform of a Court held at Squire Bakers, by Reason of Mr. Ithamar Bellows having lost out of his House, which was yesterday opened and rifled, about 2£ Lawfull money. And James Bellows is from many Circumstances Suspected. At Eve Brother Hicks and his Daughter Lydia came and lodged here.
1761 March 31 (Tuesday). Brother and his Daughter, and Mr. Willis Hall added, pursue their Journey. Mr. Fessenden comes with a Chair and waits upon my wife over to Capt. Maynards. James Bellows again before the Squire. P.M. Miss Molly Baldwin return from Hopkinton and bring me from [Villiers?] (at Sir Harrys) vines, and seeds. My wife does not return home.
1761 April 1 (Wednesday). Mrs. Rugg, formerly Hannah Pratt, here. P.M. Dr. Asaph Rice from Brookfield going to Portsmouth. At Eve Mr. Fessenden brings Mrs. P________ and the Child home, having lodged at Capt. Maynards, and brings a Letter from Brother Breck relating their state last winter by the Small Pox.
1761 April 2 (Thursday). Catechized at the Meeting House a. and p.m. I think 29 Boys and 38 or 9 Girls. May the divine Blessing be all of them and render my fervent Exhortations and Warnings Effectual! After Catechizing my wife and I were at the raising of Mr. Zebulun Rice’s New House. No very bad Accident. D.G.
1761 April 3 (Friday). Broke fast at Capt. Woods. Bought a large Deer Skin for 8£ of Mr. Abner Newton, and Sent 5£ 12/6 to Deacon Kimbal by Mrs. Crosman. Visited Lt. Thomas Forbush’s wife. Brother Hicks and Daughter Lydia here as they return home. At Eve Brother Champney from Brookfield and has bought a place there. He lodged here.
1761 April 4 (Saturday). Brother Champney Sets out for Cambridge in his Chair. Lent my Chair to Mr. Hills for him and his wife to go to Holliston. After long dry Weather Rain.
1761 April 5 (Sunday). Mr. Monis last Lords Day, in Mr. Martyns Name, engaged me to change with the Latter to Day, and I accordingly promised it. But it proved very rainy, so that neither did I go there, nor did he come here, as it was not my Place to go there without he came here. I was obliged to do as well as I could, for I was not prepared to preach at Home. I had indeed one Sermon made, and that I delivered, viz. on Gal. 1.3 and finished that Subject. P.M. on Consideration of James Bellows’s Stealing I repeated some of my Expositions on Exod. 20.15. Read a.m. Ps. 9. P.M. Gal. 3. Appointed Catechetical Exercise next Thursday.
1761 April 6 (Monday). Merod. Smith worked for me in mending my Fences. On Mr. Ebenezer Forb.’s Horse I rode to Southborough. Hired 50£ old Tenor of Capt. Nathan Brigham, and gave him my Note. Visit Mr. Stone and Coll. Brigham. N.B. old Madam Thatcher at Mr. Stones. Returned at Eve in Safety. D.G.!
1761 April 7 (Tuesday). Went to See Mr. Parker before he moves. P.M. Attended the Private Meeting at Deacon Forb., where Mr. Fish preached on Luk. 17.5. My Wife and young Child with me. After meeting we visited Mr. Blanc and at Eve at Deacon Tainters.
1761 April 8 (Wednesday). Deacon Tainter killed a Calf for me and carryed 3 Quarters of it to Boston. Alex and Breck, With Nathan Kenny, plow stubble at the Island p.m. N.B. one Yoke of Oxen of Mr. Nurse’s, another of Mr. Williams. N.B. Mr. Parker, I hear, moves to Day to the widow (of Eliphalet) Adams’s place.
1761 April 9 (Thursday). Miss Patty Smith and Miss Suse Low rode up to See us. Dined here, and towards Eve, they rode to Capt. Maynards. P.M. I attended a Catechetical Exercise to young Women. Began at How did Christ the son of God become Man? 28 (with my Daughter Suse) attended. N.B. Sarah was unable to go. Lieut. Uriah Brigham here. Rides an Horse that he asks 60£ Lawfull Money for. N.B. He informs that Mr. Job Whitney, late preacher, is dead at Marlborough. N.B. but was not true.
1761 April 10 (Friday). Having much Trouble with my Sheep getting in upon my Neighbour Beetons Rye, I had yoked 5 of them. But finding by Alex that the Defect is chiefly in Capt. Woods, Beetons and Barny Newtons Fences, I go to Mr. Beetons and to Capt. Wood’s, as Soon as I had dined, to confer with them about it. N.B. At Capt. Woods were Deacon Wheelock of Medfield, Mr. Cullock and Pond. At my Return Miss Patty and Suse that went from us Yesterday, came back here, and my Suse who went with them last Eve to Capt. Maynards. When they had drank Tea, they Sat out for Marlborough. Deacon Tainter returned from Boston. Another Letter from Mr. Hutchinson concerning Providence and to desire Mr. Martyn and Mr. Stone (as well as me) to preach there.
1761 April 11 (Saturday). Neighbour Barny is building (with a Number of Hands and a Team to assist) a stone Wall on the South Side of the Road before my Door, to fence his Rye Field: And setts it, as it is apprehended, a Rod into the high way. P.M. Nigh Eve I rode over to Mr. Martyns, conceiving that he would expect me to Change with him tomorrow: but when I came there he said he could not change with me (or to that amount) for he had got help, Sir Livermore (who was there). His Horse was Lame and all his Children were to be with him that Evening. So I soon returned home (though it rained) and arrived here after 8 o’Clock; and Mr. Pratt (whose young Horse I had) kindly sent his Lad to ride home the Beast I rode on. It was the more sorrowful to me as I depended upon this changing, and had not prepared to preach both parts of the Day at Home. I could not but take Notice of this Second Disappointment and the Hand of divine Providence in it.
1761 April 12 (Sunday). A.M. read Ps. 10 and preached on Rom. 13.11, but had no New-composed Sermon for p.m. Having read Gal. 4, I named for my Text Mat. 13.24.25 and acquainting the Congregation that I did not expect to have been with them to Day and was not therefore prepared to carry on the Meditations which I had begun in the forenoon, but must deliver them what I had already delivered some Years ago to them—to many of them—but there was Some Number I perceived in the Audience who had never heard them and I conceived it probable that those that had, it being so long ago, had very much forgot, as I confessed I my Self had, a very great part or the most of it: but they being very Seasonable Things for them at this time of the Year (for I had so chosen the Sermon for that purpose) I hoped that if they received ‘em with meekness, they would by the divine Blessing be apposite and profitable to them—and then proceeded to deliver the Exposition No. 217 and part of No. 218, viz. to Head 4 in page 4 of that Number. N.B. Propounded Molly Hills, wife of Benjamin Hills, and Persis Rice, Daughter of Zebulun Rice, to join in full Communion with the Church and told the Church and Congregation that as the former was somewhat of a stranger, I had writ to Rev. Mr. Joshua Prentice of Holliston, and had received an Answer that She had discharged her Duty there, and there was no Impediment to her being admitted to Special Ordinances here among us.
1761 April 13 (Monday). Alexander and Breck about various Necessary Employments about the Fences, Creatures, Family Affairs etc. and Nothing about their Books. I write a Number of Letters—to Mr. Stone, to Mr. Hutchinson, Mr. Forb., my son Ebenezer. Send to Brookfield by Isaac Baldwin who dines here—and at Eve I send Mr. Samuel Hardy who tells me he has Sold his place to Elijah and Constance [?] Hardy, for 1400£ old Tenor.
1761 April 14 (Tuesday). Alex and Breck with Mr. Bakers oxen plough in the orchard 1 Bush. Barley.
1761 April 15 (Wednesday). Capt. Wood with two Teams—his Son John and Levi Rice to assist, besides my two Boys to drive—ploughs the rest of my Stubble at the Island: and finish by dinner, but they did not dine here.
1761 April 16 (Thursday). At Deacon Bonds, Mr. J. Warrins and Seth Morse’s in the morning. Looked for Messrs. Martyn and Stone to come and dine, but neither came. I had Sent to them and Mr. Hutchinson to confer upon the Affair of preaching at Providence. P.M. Mr. Hutchinson came. Did not care to embitter the Visit with the disagreeable Subjects of Some of his Letters. But having mentioned the Things to him, told him I hoped those things would be as if they had never been etc. Agreed with him to change next sabbath come sennight. Was at Widow Newtons at Eve.
1761 April 17 (Friday). Deacon Bond with a Yoke of Oxen plows and Sows for me peas, wheat etc. N.B. Mr. Jonathan Pierce here with his Account against my late son Thomas: which I settle, giving him a Note for 13/9.2 Lawfull money. And as to the Saddle Trees yet in the Shop, he is to take ‘em and make what he can of them. And I must make him what Allowance may be just and reasonable. P.M. My wife and I dine at Capt. Woods (at his repeated Desire) but after Dinner I return to my Study.
1761 April 18 (Saturday). My Boys have been over to t’other place to set out Apple-Trees, and Weed the Currant Bushes. They also brought some Trees and sat ‘em.
1761 April 19 (Sunday). Read Ps. 11 and 12, Gal. 5. Preached on Rom. 13.12, which may God grant success to for our Saving Good!
1761 April 20 (Monday). [No entry.]
1761 April 21 (Tuesday). Deacon Tainter Setts up the Dial, by my Shop. The Inhabitants meet together at the Meeting House to give in their Invoice. And Messrs. David Maynard, Edwards Whipple and Edmond Rice come to me to know whose that Dial is, that if it is the precincts, they may set it where they have a mind to, and not where Deacon Tainter pleases. [Marginal notation: Lieut.] Mr. Tainter with his Team, and Ensign Harrington with his, plough my Field behind the Meeting House. N.B. send £3.3.0 by Mr. D. Hardy to Mr. Pierce for his son Jonathan. Isaac Baldwin here in his Return from Springfield and Brookfield.
1761 April 22 (Wednesday). General Fast. Preached a.m. on Judg. 1.27, which I made upon this Occasion, which was (as well as for the season) the Designed Expedition towards Messasippi. P.M. the Time for preparation having been so Short, and so much Company, and many Hindrances yesterday, I delivered Sermon on Eccl. 12.13, and the whole with some addition in this Exercise. N.B. At noon the Well Crotch and draught pole at my Well broke and the whole Machine fell down to the Ground.
1761 April 23 (Thursday). Mr. Edwards Whipple, Mr. Whitney and Capt. Wood assist me in Cutting a Well-Crotch in Capt. Maynards Land west of the Meeting House, and Mr. Zebulun Rice joins them in getting it home with 4 Oxen under a Drag. Mr. Whitney goes home, the rest dine with me: but it proved so rainy they could not get it up. Mr. Biglow, and old Mr. Seth Morse here. Miss Betty here, having stayed over the Fast.
1761 April 24 (Friday). Capt. Wood and Mr. Zebulun Rice work upon the Well-Crotch till noon and dine here. Several Neighbours are here to help raise it up, viz. Messrs. Phinehas Hardy, Barny Newton, and a Number of young men, Noah Hardy, Adam Rice, John Wood, Amon Blanc, Nathan Kenny. And, except the two last, they dined here. Miss Betty here. At Eve Ensign Willard of Grafton here.
1761 April 25 (Saturday). Miss Betty—making a Coat for Alex of blue serge, had at Mr. Hill’s. Rainy, yet Mr. Stone came. I rode to Grafton on Mr. Ebenezer Maynards Mare. Mr. Hutchinson to Southborough.
1761 April 26 (Sunday). Preached at Grafton a.m. and p.m. on 2 Cor. 4.18, last Clause. Mr. Stone at Westborough on [blank]. I baptized Lydia of Nathaniel Whitney junior, and Thankfull of [blank] Powers. After Exercises, was at Mr. Prentices and in the Evening visited the French Neutrals, DuGas. Lodged at Grafton.
1761 April 27 (Monday). Rose early. Sat out without seeing Mrs. Hutchinson. Came home and prayed etc. with my own Family. Miss Betty. Mr. Stone went home last night. Mr. Hutchinson here this fore noon. Began Harveys Dialogues Vol. 1. Brother Forbush here. Mrs. Persis Forbush, wife of Daniel junior, here.
1761 April 28 (Tuesday). Rode to Marlborough Ministers Meeting. (But this was after I had (on Mr. Beetons Mare) rode to Mr. Grows to visit his Daughter Whitney and prayed with them.) Had Mr. Ebenezer Forbush’s Horse to Marlborough. Dined at Mr. Smiths. Messrs. Loring, Gardner, Martyn, Stone, Morse, Maccarty, Davis, Mellen, also Mr. Peter Thatcher Smith, preacher, there. N.B. Mr. Barnet not there, though I had taken Pains, at his Desire, to inform him. Mr. Goss was coming but fell from his Horse, and was carryed home hurt, in a Chair. N.B. Conversation chiefly on the Conduct of the Boston Ministers at the Installment of Mr. Cummings, and the Animadversions thereon in the late Newspapers. Mr. Stone drew up something for us, by way of Exculpating (as its called) but it dropped. N.B. Mr. Mellen relates Some extraordinary Things respecting two Boys in his Parish, their Name, Dole, from Newbury; who have upon them as people Think, Signs of Witchcraft. I lodged at Mr. Smiths.
1761 April 29 (Wednesday). In the Morning rode to Deacon Tainters, Taylor. Thence to Miss Betty Eagers, where I was so free as to offer to breakfast. N.B. a very rainy Time. Attended the public Lecture. Mr. Maccarty preached on 1 Cor. 5.7.8. When I returned to Mr. Smiths missed one of my Gold Buttons out of one of my Sleeves. In returning home went to Mr. Noah Church’s: and Smoaked a Pipe at Mr. Joseph Brighams. Miss Betty Johnson works here yet: makes Breck a Jacket.
1761 April 30 (Thursday). I visited Old Capt. Forbush. At Night my Son Baldwin from Boston. Miss Betty.
1761 May 1 (Friday). Mr. Baldwin leaves us to go home. Has orders to let Ebenezer have Serge 2 yards 1/4 @ 45/, Shalloon 1 yard, Buttons and Silk and Hair, for Samme a Coat, and Leather for a pair of Breeches. Miss Betty. Visit old Mrs. Fay.
1761 May 2 (Saturday). Miss Betty still.
1761 May 3 (Sunday). Read Ps. 13 and 14 and Gal. 6. Preached a.m. on Joh. 14.15. Administered the Lords Supper, after admitting Mrs. Molly Hills and Miss Persis Rice. N.B. Shrewsbury destitute. Mrs. Miles (Deacons Wife) and Mrs. Jemima Allen, wife of Mr. Obad. Allen of Shrewsbury, dined here; as did Mrs. Parker and Miss Betty Johnson. P.M. I preached on Rom. 13.13. N.B. Read James Bellus’s Confession. And I added an Exhortation to him and to the young people.
1761 May 4 (Monday). Mr. Samuel Forbush ploughed a.m. at the Cook Field. P.M. it was too rainy to work. N.B. Mr. Jonah Warrin brought home my Chair which was lent him last Saturday to carry his Wife to meeting yesterday. Miss Betty Johnson.
1761 May 5 (Tuesday). A very remarkable Morning. For the Ground is covered with Snow, and it continues to snow hard. It is Somewhat unhappy with us as to Hay, our English being all gone, and as to wood, for we have no Small wood left. But God Careth for us! The Lord Pity those that are in greater Straits than we are! P.M. Deacon Tainter came for me to go to the private Meeting at his House. I went. My Daughter Sarah with me. A greater Number were present than I expected. I preached on Jam. 1.22. An handsome Entertainment followed, but our main Concern Should be to profit by the word of God, This last being the principal Food. Miss Betty here making Leather Breeches for Alex and Breck.
1761 May 6 (Wednesday). Bright. The Snow goes as fast almost as it came. Miss Betty makes Leather Breeches for Breck.
1761 May 7 (Thursday). Nathan Kenny with a Pair of Steers and Capt. Woods Oxen helps Alex get out Muck. P.M. Mr. Samuel Forb. plows at the Island. Miss Betty makes me a Pair of Knit worsteed Breeches.
1761 May 8 (Friday). Ebenezer Forb. plows at the Island. Miss Betty leaves us. Owe her 4£ 1/ old Tenor for 13 Days and 1/2 at 6/. Alex had Mr. Nathan Maynards Mare to wait on her to Coll. Brigham. At Eve Mr. Beton informs that Capt. Maynard has Sent over word to the Street that my Sheep are pounded. It appears to have been done by Neighbour Barny Newton and without having informed me of their Getting in upon his Grass Since the Fence was mended. I went up to his House and expostulated with him. N.B. Miss Hannah dined with us to Day. I paid her in full 3£ old Tenor.
1761 May 9 (Saturday). Sent for my Sheep out of the Pound, and sent ‘em up to Neighbour Newton to be yoked and fettered. I provided yokes, viz. 7 and 3 more soals and Crotches. He accordingly does the work. I viewed both Newtons and Betons Fences. Found Betons very Defective and Newtons part of it very bad, and Newtons outer Fence mended but newly. Capt. Woods was mended since Tuesday last. N.B. Alexander worked for Mr. Samuel Forb.
1761 May 10 (Sunday). Read Ps. 15 and 16 and Eph. 1. Preached a.m. Expos. on Mat. 12.30 with many Alterations. P.M. On Rom. 13.13. Mr. Stone being gone to preach at Providence, sundry people of Southborough were at our Meeting. Capt. Taplin and wife, and two of Miss Betty Johnsons sisters, dined here, as did Mr. Joseph Bowman likewise.
1761 May 11 (Monday). I took a Walk to Capt. Maynards and Mr. Hows, to my other House (the first time since Artemas Bruce lived there), to Mr. Frosts, Bathericks, Barns’s etc. nor dined till I got home. P.M. Miss Dilly Fay here in Humiliation and under Examination.
1761 May 12 (Tuesday). Under Difficultys and Perplexitys about preparing our Ground for planting. But I obtained of Mr. Batheric to send his Son and his Oxen, and Mr. Samuel Forb. Oxen, to plough in the forenoon. We had a Scheme for harrowing p.m. but it fell through. I was Obliged to go to Shrewsbury to carry Interest money to Mrs. Cushing of a 200£ Note given last Year. Was forced to borrow 5 Dollars of Mr. Hill to enable me to pay it, because I could neither go nor Send to Mr. Bellows. I rode to Dr. Crosby and gave him 6£ old Tenor to deliver to Mrs. Cushing. Visit Lt. Rice and his wife, both of them Sick. Visit Mr. Joseph Miles, who is rather worse. Dined at Mr. Benjamin Willards in Grafton. Obtain Mr. Abraham Temples Horse for my Journey to the Election and Convention. As Soon a I came home, and designing to engage in my Study, was forced to go about the Neighbourhood to prepare for harrowing tomorrow, Since we were so sorrowfully Disappointed for to Day. Mr. Bowman keeps School at Mr. Nathan Maynards.
1761 May 13 (Wednesday). Mr. Nathan Maynard with his own Mare and Steers, and Pratts Steers with them, furrowed for me at Cook-Field. P.M. Sheep Washed.
1761 May 14 (Thursday). My Boys try to strike out a.m. in Vain with Neighbour Zebulun mare. P.M. John Wood at 3 o’Clock Strikes out.
1761 May 15 (Friday). Mr. Samuel Forbush Strikes out and p.m. old Mr. Rice, his Son Zebulun and Grandson, Capt. Wood and John and Wheelock, Neighbour Barney and Batherick, came and planted my whole Ground at the Island.
1761 May 16 (Saturday). Almost all of us much indisposed with Colds—as many people are.
1761 May 17 (Sunday). Read Ps. 17 and Eph. 2. Preached a.m. on Rom. 13.13. P.M. on Mat. Deacon Miles and his Sister Miles (Josephs wife) dined with us. P.M. Mrs. Allen, her sons and Negro Boy here. There being no preacher at Shrewsbury.
1761 May 18 (Monday). I had Mr. Beetons Horse and Visited Mr. Moses Parkers Wife and prayed with the Family. My wife and I dined (by invitation) at Mr. Hills on spare Rib. N.B. old Capt. Clark of Framinghams Wife Dead.
1761 May 19 (Tuesday). I finished my Convention Sermon a.m. if Such a Thing may be said to be finished, which needs continual Alterations.
1761 May 20 (Wednesday). Alexander attempts Somewhat of Shearing. P.M. Mr. Artemas Bruce finishes. I rode on his mare to See the Widow Whitney and Mr. Ebenezer Miller, both of them Languishing. N.B. Mrs. Maynard Sends John for her Aunt, who goes to her Groaning.
1761 May 21 (Thursday). Mrs. Maynard has a Son. Rev. Ebenezer Martyn of No. 4 here.
1761 May 22 (Friday). Town Meet to choose a Representative. Capt. Eager chose. Send to Mr. Martyn to change next Sabbath and at Night have his Consent by a note from him. Mr. Ithamar Bellows brought me 20£ old Tenor. Brother Breck waits upon Mr. Williams, from Springfield hither. They lodge here.
1761 May 23 (Saturday). Mr. Williams leaves us for Boston. Mr. Breck goes to Marlborough and Returns here before night. N.B. Mr. Martyn having Sent me a Line last Eve that he consented to my proposal to Change next sabbath, I Sent Alexander to him with a Line to inform him that Mr. Breck was here etc. But that I would rather go over and preach for him than that he Should be disappointed. He sent me a Line which shewed him, though quite unreasonably, vexed. For I dont know at what.
1761 May 24 (Sunday). Read Ps. 10 to v. 27 and Eph. 3. Mr. Breck a.m. on Luk. 13.24. P.M. on Mat. 5.47, what do ye more than others.
1761 May 25 (Monday). Mr. Breck and I set out for Boston. I visited Mr. Joseph Joslin who is very bad and it is doubtfull whether I shall ever See him again. Prayed with him before I left him. Refreshed me at Mr. Stones. Overtook Mr. Breck at Coll. Buckminsters about noon. We rode together to Boston. I went to Mr. Procters at the Alms House and prayed with the members in the Hall. Put up at Brother Samuels and lodged there.
1761 May 26 (Tuesday). A.M. Visited my Brother and other Relatives at the North End: and dined at my Brothers. Visited Mrs. Breck in her Widowhood. P.M. was at Capt. Storer’s Funeral. Lodged at Brother Samuel’s.
1761 May 27 (Wednesday). Mr. Benjamin Stevens preached on 2 Cor. 3.17, latter part. Governor Barnard not well; and was not at Meeting. Dined with the Lt. Governor and Council etc. in Concert Hall. After which I repaired with the Ministers to Dr. Sewals. Dr. Sewal Moderator of the Convention. Mr. Williams of Longmeadow prayed. Mr. Mather chose scribe and to preach next Year. Mr. Lowel Second. Visit Mr. Foxcroft. My Evening at Cousen Winters where I lodged.
1761 May 28 (Thursday). My Concern about to days Service was great but not distressing or especially overwhelming. I early committed the whole Affair to God imploring Remission of my Great Offences former and later. Fervently besought the gracious Presence of the Spirit of God to purge and purifie me, especially to deliver me from the sinful Fear of Man and raise up in me the true Fear of God; and to Save me from Seeking my own Glory; to help me to seek sincerely the Glory of God and to Enable me to aim At the Approbation of the most High rather than human Applause. O might I have the Grace of holy Faith and humble but firm Trust in God who is able to Carry me through. Thus I cryed to God most high, to God that performeth all Things for me: And Said, What Time I am afraid I will trust in Thee! The Convention were late by reason of preparing Addresses, particularly to the King and to the Governor. It was almost half after 11 when we went to Meeting. Through divine Favor I had good presence of mind. Preached on 2 Cor. 5.14, former part, For the Love of Christ constraineth us. Preached just an Hour. Dined at Dr. Sewals. My Friend Mr. Edmund Quincy there. The Contribution was £139.18.0 Old Tenor. P.M. at the Convention I was appointed one of the Committee to wait on the Governor with the Address. The Others were Dr. Sewal, Chauncy, Mayhew, Messrs. Barnard, Appleton, Storer, Bridge, Stevens and [blank]. The Governor received us very agreeably, and returned an Obliging answer. At Eve at Mr. Mathers. Lodged at Cousen Winters.
1761 May 29 (Friday). At the North End a.m. Dined with Dr. Mayhew. Undertook my Journey p.m. Rode to Mr. Nathaniel Williams at Weston and lodged there.
1761 May 30 (Saturday). Pursue my Journey. On my Way heard Mr. Joseph Joslin is dead and buryed. Arrived Safe and home about 1 o’Clock p.m. Alexander went home with Mr. Abraham Temple of Grafton’s Horse, which I had rid to Boston. Whilst I was gone Alexander and Breck mowed Bushes at the Island. On the 27th Brother Champney and his wife came here late in the Night, lodged here, and on the 28th went to Brookfield.
1761 May 31 (Sunday). Read Ps. 18 from v. 27 and Eph. 4. Repeated sermon on Gal. 1.15.16. When it pleased God to reveal His son in me. May God grant His almighty Grace to us; and that we may have the Comfortable Evidence of it! At Eve read Religious History of Miss Alice Prince.