Diary of Ebenezer Parkman, 1723
1723 August 1 (Thursday). I got to Cambridge by noon, return’d my Horse, paid 1/2 a Crown to Mrs. Fessenden.1 Mr. Bridgewater2 was at College. I went to Boston about 5 p.m. Met at Barrett’s.3 Green4 was absent. Barrett pray’d first. I read part of a Discourse from 1 Sam. 16.7, and concluded. I lodg’d at my Fathers.
1723 August 2 (Friday). I bid farewel at home in the Morning, and walked up to Cambridge in my Boots and Spurs in order to go to Worcester. Mr. Sturgeon5 of Waterton (a Scotch minister) his Case pleaded to Day at the Cambridge Sessions. I din’d at Mrs. Bordman’s.6 Just after Dinner in the College Yard I met with Young Mr. Thomas Rice7 from Worcester to accompany me up there. I prepar’d and rode away to Mr. Champney’s,8 where with sitting, etc., we tarried till near 4 o’Clock before we Set out. We reach’d to Lieutenant Jones’s9 at Weston (where I lodg’d) just before Dark.
1723 August 3 (Saturday). In the Morning about 8 (having been Kindly entertain’d) I again Set out for Mr. Jenison’s10 where I had appointed to Meet Mr. Rice, From thence I had more Company, viz. Mr. Golding11 (brother to Mrs. Jenison).12 We set out about 10. We stop’d at Sundry Taverns (which particularly I do not remember) before we got to Mr. Bricks13 of Marlborough; here I was well received though I never was in the least acquainted with the Gentleman til now. N.B. we arriv’d here by 1/4 after one and Set out between 3 and 4, having stop’d Twice or Thrice more, jolted and tired, I entered Lieutenant Lee’s14 house at Worcester where I was Kindly received by Deacon Haywood,15 etc. With Pains in my Head and a Sore Throat I went to Bed.
1723 August 4 (Sunday). In the Morning I was much Better, but my Sore Throat continued. I preach’d all Day on 1 Sam. 16.7. I din’d at Deacon Haywoods. I was obliged to retire to finish my Sermon at Noon Time. Sundry Persons (as Mr. Flagg,16 etc.) came in to see me in the Evening.
1723 August 5 (Monday). Towards Night to my Great Joy and Reviving came Colonel Winthrop17 and Colonel Minot,18 and with them Mr. Adam Winthrop19 of College.
1723 August 6 (Tuesday). Prayers and Breakfast Ended we took pleasant walks to See the Farms those Gentlemen had in the Town. While the Colonels and Lieutenant Lee were further Engaged about their Particular Country Managery, Mr. Winthrop, Mr. Flagg and I walk’d to a fine Brook and Fish’d. We Caught Salmon-Trouts, etc. These were very well taken; and we din’d richly on them, Colonel Minot himself dressing them. According to my own Assignation, there came the same young Mr. Rice that accompanyed me up, with purpose this Afternoon to go over to Sutton to visit Mr. McKinstry.20 Thus I was obliged to leave this good Company and take my Ride, and we made no other Stop than at Mr. Rice’s Lodging, a little. We did not gain Mr. McKinstry’s House till just Dark, though twas counted but 6 Miles. I found them in good Health, and I was well Entertained. Here I lodged very pleasantly, (considering, ____________). [Word crossed out.]
1723 August 7 (Wednesday). It rain’d all this Day which prevented our Return home. Mr. McKinstry walked with me to his Meeting house, and to Lieutenant Kings21 (a Sensible Man in the Neighborhood) and thus droll’d off the Time, without much Discourse on any head at all.
1723 August 8 (Thursday). There was a Raising of an House, a Suiting Diversion for Mr. Rice, while Mr. McKinstry, his wife and I took a Ride to Oxford to See Mr. Cambell.22 This is Six Miles and 1/2. This was very diverting, and I found Mrs. Cambel23 in pretty Good Humour. We had a good Contrivance in or going to a Water Melon house, for Mrs. Cambel must ride upon the Easyest-going horse which was Mr. McKinstry’s, and So my old Friend must ride with me. This was a lucky Stroke to bring me an opportunity to discourse of Matters and things formerly in Requests. She was more Contented with her Irish Mate than I expected to find her. She said he was a good-natur’d Soul indeed, and She wanted Nothing on Earth but to be a little nearer her Friends. She Desir’d I would come and live at Worcester, etc. Mr. McKinstry, his Wife and I returned to Sutton just about Dark. N.B. We pray’d in the Family by Turns.
1723 August 9 (Friday). Returned to Worcester. We call’d to See Captain Jones24 but he was not at home. Here I had the Information by a Dispensation of Providence in the Burning of the House of Captain Keys25 of Shrewsbury with 3 of his Sons and Two workmen finishing the house in it. It broke out about Midnight. I visited Mr. Gershom Rice26 (the Man that first Invited me up) and Thence Strait home. Old Mr. Gray27 and Mr. Flagg were to see me. Lieutenant Lee being gone to Boston, It was very lonely During his Absence, for he was Sociable.
1723 August 10 (Saturday). In the Morning I revolved [?], in order to prepare for the approaching Sabbath. While we Din’d, Mr. Joseph Dana28 came in.
1723 August 11 (Sunday). I preached all Day. Din’d as before at Deacon Haywoods. As I returned home I had the Benefit of very Heavenly Conversation from old Mr. Gray. Mr. Flagg was with me all the Evening. We had News by a Post that rode through the Town to day that a Number of Indians were coming to Scout from Canada to those out Towns under the Command of one Captain Nathaniel.
1723 August 12 (Monday). Lieutenant Rice29 call’d to See me to Day. I went over to Mr. Grays. At Night Sundry Men of the Town, viz. Lieutenant Rice and his Brother James, The Two Deacons, viz. Haywood and Mores,30 Mr. Flagg and Mr. Joseph Dana together with my Landlord, Lieutenant Lee (just return’d from Boston) treated with me about Settling as their minister, etc. I fix’d Tomorrow to be the Day for my returning to Boston. It was very Late when they Left me.
1723 August 13 (Tuesday). I was very much disturbed through the Peoples not providing a Horse for me to ride down upon, according to agreement. To my Shame I am oblig’d to add that I loll’d off the Day in Indolence.
1723 August 14 (Wednesday). Mr. Lee was very much disturbed for the Same Reason; took his Horse and Rode away to know the Cause. He did not return till after Dinner. But he told me he had Secured my Journey, and about 3 o’Clock p.m. came Mr. James Rice with a very good horse, and we rode away about 4. He related many Particulars of the Story of Mr. Gardiner,31 who had been dismissed from them—his Innocence, etc. We reach’d Marlborough at the Close of the Day. We met with Mr. Breck in the Street. He asked me into his house and to Lodge with him, but that would obstruct our getting down Time enough for Lecture the next Day. We Thank’d him for his Expressions of Kindness, remounted and rode along for Sudbury. It was too late to gain the Town. We stop’d at David How’s Tavern,32 and having Eaten part of a Fryed Gosling for supper, prayed, etc., we repair’d to repose. N.B. This was the first Time that I ever Lodged in a Tavern on the Road.
1723 August 15 (Thursday). Very Early we prepared (viz. by Prayers, Eating, etc.), and Set out. Stop’d at Jenisons.33 We call’d again at Willsons,34 and next at Warham William’s,35 who had been Sick very lately. We din’d at Each’s. Thence to Boston, But at Charleston Mr. Rice parted with me. I invited him home with me, but he had Business for an avocation. At home I found My Sister Elius36 (as we Sometimes call her) with a Child that was born the Fourth of this Instant. We Miss’d of being at Lecture, but I walked up to Mr. Edwards’s Shop to hear the News, and see my Friends. At Night our Society Met at Barretts, at which I first pray’d and Mr. Eliot37 Discoursed from James 1.5, and I Concluded. Thence I went to my Father’s where I Lodged.
1723 August 16 (Friday). Mr. Barrett and Mr. Rice (My Companion down) came to See me; and they acquainted me with the Sad Story of Mr. Willard38 and Four Children of Mr. Stevens39 of Rutland taken Yesterday by the Indians. In the Close of the Day I walked to Cambridge.
1723 August 17 (Saturday). Being Saturday, Mrs. Elizabeth Nutting40 and I rode to Concord. We baited at Muzzie’s41 at Lexington. Our visit was to Major Prescot;42 where we were well received. I had a Note in the Evening to preach all Day tomorrow from Mr. Whiting.43 But though press’d very hard by the Major and Madame also to Comply, I wholly and vigorously Deny’d.
1723 August 18 (Sunday). Mr. Whiting preach’d all Day. Mrs. Prescott went to her Sons in the Evening. The Major went to Sudbury and remain’d there, having in the Morning emitted a Warrant for a press for men to go against the Indians. We were very pleasantly Entertained by Mrs. Rebecca Prescot,44 etc.
1723 August 19 (Monday). This Day Everything was managed Suitably to the Relation they bore to each and their own Figure. In the Afternoon we concluded to go back, and the Horse balked. We (though with Some Difficulty through the Immoderate Kicking) mounted and rode about a Mile, when we met with Sir Sparhawk,45 by whose Earnest Desire we went back to Major Prescots and remain’d another Night.
1723 August 20 (Tuesday). Mr. Sparhawk, according to Appointment, came to us in the Morning and we remounted; and coming to the house where Mrs. Nutting was, Mr. Whiting came up to us, and passing his Compliment, told us he was Glad to Meet such Company, etc. He rode with us. We came to Lexington, baited, and left Sir Sparhawk. But Mr. Whiting was our Pleasant Company to the Top of an eminent Hill in a Farm of his, whence we had one of the most Delightfull Prospects that ever I had in my Life. From this Hill we Sunk a little to a Country House—into which this Good Gentleman Conducted us and bid us Welcome. Here we din’d and thence rode with very good Speed till we were obliged to Stop at an House upon Cambridge Common, being overtaken with a heavy Shower of Rain. But we reach’d home before Night. I went back to College and Lodged there.
1723 August 21 (Wednesday). In the Morning came Mr. Shattuck46 of Westborough to Invite me to preach in That Town. After a Pause of about an hour and Debating with him, I agreed; and took an Horse that he Said he had brought Down; and rode down to Boston to prepare for going with him. There were Three Score Mohawks arrived at Boston just before Noon. I returned to Cambridge and rode over to Champneys47 where my Horse was taken care of. N.B. Mr. Shattuck was sent over to Mr. Champney to Inquire for me.
1723 August 22 (Thursday). I Set away for Larnard’s48 at Waterton where I had appointed to meet with Mr. Shattuck at 12 o’Clock. He was not Come. I Sat down and waited for him till he came. We began our Journey from this Tavern about 1/2 after 12; to Mr. Willsons where by Two. Thence at 1/2 after Two to Mr. Swift’s49 by 4. Thence at 5 to My assign’d Landlords, Mr. Maynard’s50 by dark. Prayers Ended I went to my Bed and Lodged (with Mr. Chandler of Concord, a House Carpenter, at work in finishing the Meeting house) very comfortably.
1723 August 23, 24 (Friday, Saturday). There was nothing Remarkable these Two Days that I remember more than my Miscellaneous Discourses with this Chandler (who seems to be an Understanding Man) and my preparations for Sabbath Day.
1723 August 25 (Sunday). I preach’d first at Westborough all Day. My text was 1 Samuel 16.7. N.B. I set the Psalm.
1723 August 26 (Monday). I expected Barrett and was very Impatient that he did not come. In the Evening Mr. Ward51 (as I remember) and one or two more were to See me, and he Appointed to go with me tomorrow to Hopkinton. Accordingly on the
1723 August 27 (Tuesday). My Landlord having borrowed me an horse (of his Neighbour Mr. David How) Mr. Ward and I rode away. We first call’d at Mr. Woods52 but he was not at home. We rode to Mr. Barretts Lodgings but he was not there. We rested a While Smoak’d, etc., and took our Horses and went out to Meet him. Mr. Wood was riding with his Wife. Mr. Barrett we Saw, and brought Them home. I Lodg’d with Mr. Barrett. I had his very Strong Pressures to take up with Westburgh, etc.
1723 August 28 (Wednesday). I went out a hunting with Mr. Barrett, a Young Faun having been Seen not long Since—and Flocks of Turkeys. We Search’d the woods but Saw Nothing but Pigeons. We brought home Seven or Eight of Those. Towards Night Mr. Wood came to See us, etc. Lodg’d with Mr. Barrett.
1723 August 29 (Thursday). At Mr. Woods—din’d there—they entertaining us handsomely. Went home alone.
1723 August 30 (Friday). Read Dr. Prideaux53 and Spectators. Visit divers Neighbors. See Ammi Printer at Captain Fay’s.54
1723 August 31 (Saturday). Prepar’d for the Sabbath (but my Sermon already made). N.B. On the 23 of this Month Deceas’d that Venerable Man Doctor Increase Mather, in his 85th Year.
[1723 August?] 26. I was sent for in the Evening to visit a sick Young Woman at Mr. Tomlin’s.55 I went and pray’d with her.
[No date.] I walked to the Meeting House with a Pistol in my Hand by reason of Danger of the Indians. When I return’d was much affrighted with the Sight of an Indian as I suppos’d; but drawing nigher I perceiv’d it was my Landlord. In the afternoon about 4 o’Clock, there was an Alarm in the North and people hastened with their Arms, But it came to little.
(1723) September. At Westborough.
1723 September 1 (Sunday). Preach’d all Day on 1 Cor. 3.11. In the Evening visited Mrs. Tomlin. In the Night I was very restless.
1723 September 2 (Monday). Came away from Westborough.
1723 December 1 (Sunday). Mr. Thatcher56 a.m Mr. Webb57 p.m.
1723 December 6 (Friday). Mr. Prince58 preach’d a Lecture.
1723 December 8 (Sunday). I preach’d all Day at Newton for Mr. Cotton,59 on 1 Sam. 16.7. N.B. Mr. Joseph Champney60 and Mr. Cotton.
1723 December 15 (Sunday). I rode from Cambridge over to Waterton and preach’d at the Old Meeting house, both a. and p.m. on 2 Cor. 3.11. Entertain’d at Lieutenant Coolidges.61 Return’d at night to Cambridge.
1723 December 18 (Wednesday). The Reverend Mr. Gee62 was ordain’d Colleague Pastor of the Old North Church with Doctor Cotton Mather.
1 Sarah Fessenden, who was licensed to sell intoxicating liquors at retail. Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge (Boston, 1877), p. 22.
2 Probably Edward Bridgewater (Harvard 1718) who was in Cambridge in August, 1723. Sibley, VI, 231–32.
3 Samuel Barrett (1700–1772), son of Deacon Samuel Barrett of Boston. A classmate and lifelong friend of Ebenezer Parkman. First minister of Hopkinton. Sibley, VI, 428–32.
4 Joseph Green (Harvard 1720) of Boston. Minister at Bamstable, 1725–1770. Sibley, VI, 385–87.
5 Robert Sturgeon, minister of an independent Congregational Church, Watertown, Mass., 1721–1722.
6 Probably Mary Bordman, who was licensed to sell liquors.
7 Thomas Rice (1701/2–1785).
8 Samuel Champney, Sr., Parkman’s future father-in-law.
9 Lieutenant Josiah Jones, one of the founders of the town of Weston.
10 William Jennison (1676–1744) of Sudbury. Later he moved to Worcester and became Judge of the Court of Common Pleas.
11 Either Windsor Golding (b. 1675) or Thomas Golding (b. 1678).
12 Elizabeth (Golding) Jennison (1673–1756).
13 Reverend Robert Breck (1682–1731), (Harvard 1700). Minister at Marlborough, 1704–1731. Sibley, IV, 515–18.
14 Lieutenant Henry Lee.
15 Daniel Heywood (1695–1773). An early settler of Worcester, selectman for 20 years, and an officer in an early military company. William Lincoln, History of Worcester (Worcester, 1837), p. 42.
16 Either Benjamin Flagg (1662–1741) or his son Captain Benjamin Flagg (1690–1751).
17 Colonel Adam Winthrop (1676–1743), (Harvard 1694), Councillor of the Province. Sibley, IV, 209–14.
18 Colonel Stephen Minot (1662–1732). Justice and selectman of Boston.
19 Adam Winthrop (1706–1744), (Harvard 1724). Son of Colonel Winthrop. Sibley, VII, 446–47.
20 Reverend John McKinstry (1677–1754). First minister of Sutton, Mass. William A. Benedict and Hiram A. Tracy, History of Sutton (Worcester, 1878), pp. 691–693.
21 Lieutenant Jonathan King who had come to Sutton in 1717.
22 Reverend John Campbell (1691–1761), first minister of the First Congregational Church, Oxford, Mass., 1721–1761. George F. Daniels, History of Oxford (Oxford, 1892), pp. 49–52.
23 Esther Whittle, Wheatly, or Whately of Boston, who married the Reverend Mr. Campbell, Feb. 6, 1722. Daniels, Oxford, p. 426.
24 Captain Nathaniel Jones.
25 Captain John Keyes (1675–1768). The three sons were Solomon, John and Stephen. The carpenter’s apprentices were Abiel Bragg and William Oakes. See The Boston News-Letter, Aug. 15, 1723.
26 Gershom Rice (1666–1768), the second settler of Worcester, who arrived m 1715. Lincoln, Worcester, pp. 40–41.
27 John Gray, an early proprietor.
28 Originally of Cambridge; later of Oxford and Worcester.
29 Gershom Rice, Jr. (1696–1781).
30 Nathaniel Moore, third settler of Worcester, from Sudbury.
31 Andrew Gardner (Harvard 1712), first minister of Worcester, 1719–1722. Sibley, V, 638–41.
32 The Wayside Inn of Longfellow fame, in Sudbury, built by David Howe in the early 18th century. Alfred S. Hudson, History of Sudbury (Sudbury, 1889), pp. 59I-99.
33 Also in Sudbury.
34 Probably Nathaniel Willson in Sudbury.
35 Reverend Warham Williams of Waltham (Harvard 1719). Sibley, VI, 361–64.
36 Elizabeth (Weld) Parkman, wife of Ebeneazer’s brother Elias. The child was Elizabeth.
37 Jacob Eliot of Boston (Harvard 1720), minister of the Third Church, Lebanon, Conn., 1729–1766. Sibley, VI, 380–82.
38 Reverend Joseph Willard, while out hunting game, was killed by the Indians, Aug. 14, 1723. Sibley, VII, 650–51.
39 Deacon Joseph Stevens. On Aug. 14, 1723, two sons, Samuel and Joseph, were killed, and two others, Phinehas and Isaac, were taken captive. Francis E. Blake, Rutland & the Indian Troubles of 1723–1730 (Worcester, 1886), p. 7.
40 Mrs. Jonathan Nutting of Cambridge.
41 Benjamin Muzzy (1680–1764).
42 Jonathan Prescott of Concord.
43 Reverend John Whiting of Concord (Harvard 1700). Sibley, IV, 532–35.
44 Mrs. Jonathan Prescott.
45 Deacon Nathaniel Sparhawk, a selectman of Lexington. [Correction: This would have been John Sparhawk (1702–1747), Harvard 1723. Sibley, 7:258–59.]
46 Isaac Shattuck.
47 Samuel Champney, Parkman’s father-in-law.
48 Thomas Learned, tavern keeper.
49 Reverend John Swift of Framingham (Harvard 1697). Sibley, IV, 387–90.
50 David Maynard, an original settler at Westborough. A manuscript volume of Westborough Church Records, kept by Ebenezer Parkman and later ministers, is preserved by the Westborough Historical Society. At the beginning of this Parkman made a list of the first settlers of the town. The list is printed in Heman P. DeForest and Edward C. Bates, History of Westborough (Westborough, 1891), p. 4.
51 Increase Ward.
52 Captain John Wood of Hopkinton.
53 Humphrey Prideaux, D.D. (1648–1724), Scots scholar. The work may have been The Old and New Testament Connected, in the History of the Jews and Neighboring Nations (London, 1716–1718), 2 vols.
54 Captain John Fay, town Clerk of Westborough. See George H. Johnson, Fay Family Tree (Columbus, 1913).
55 Deacon Isaac Tomlin.
56 Reverend Peter Thatcher (Harvard 1696), of the New North Church, Boston. Sibley, IV, 303–08.
57 Reverend John Webb (Harvard 1708), of the New North Church. Sibley, V, 463–71.
58 Reverend Thomas Prince, of the Old South Church, Boston (Harvard 1707). Sibley, V, 341–68.
59 Reverend John Cotton (Harvard 1710). Sibley, V, 510–24.
60 Parkman’s classmate (Harvard 1721). Sibley, VI, 437–39.
61 Lieutenant Richard Coolidge, a representative of Watertown.
62 Reverend Joshua Gee (Harvard 1717). Sibley, VI, 175–83.