book i: 1699–1727
fig. 2: The opening page of the records of the Apponegansett Friends Monthly Meeting Records, 1699. Courtesy of the Dartmouth at Smith’s Neck Monthly Meeting.
(1699) |
At a mens meeting in the Town of Dartmouth held |
Day of the 11 month1 1698/9 at the House of John Lapham |
we underwritten Peleg Slocum Jacob Mott Abraham |
Tucker and John Tucker the day and year above written |
undertakes to build a meeting House for the people of |
God in scorn Called Quakers 35 foot long 30 foot wide |
and 14 foot studs; To worship and serve the true and |
Living God in according as they are persuaded in Continu[?] |
they ought to Do and for no other use Intent or |
Purpos but as aforesd and when one or more of us |
decease then imediately the survivers chose others in our |
room together with the consent of the assembly of the |
said people so to be and Remain to us and then for Ever |
as aforesd and when sd Houle Which sd House shall be |
Compleatly finished at or before the 10 day of the 8 month |
next insuing the date herof in witness here to we ~~ |
Subscribe our names with our own hands. |
And furthe we of the said society of people towards |
the building of sd house of our free will Contribute |
as followeth |
John Tucker – – – – – |
10-00-00 |
Peleg Slocum – – – – – |
15-00-00 |
John Lapham – – – – – |
05-00-00 |
Nathanael Howland – |
05-00-00 |
Abraham Tucker – – – |
10-00-00 |
Increas Allen – – – – – |
03-12-00 |
Ebenezer Allen – – – – |
05-00-00 |
Eleazer Slocum – – – – |
03-00-00 |
Jacob Mott – – – – – – |
03-00-00 |
Benjamin Howland – – |
02-00-00 |
Richard Evens – – – – |
01-00-00 |
Judah Smith – – – – – |
01-00-00 |
At A Monthly Meeting of friends at the house of |
Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 26th of the 4m 1699 |
It was A good that there should be A further Contri- |
Meeting house: and there was subscribd – – – 12£–18s–00d |
At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house |
of Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 24th of the 5m 1699. |
John Hodly and Mary Slocumb did lay there intention |
of mariag before this meeting and the meeting Chose- |
John Layspham & Jacob Mott to make inquiry about their – – |
Clearnes Concerning mariage and bring in their answers |
to the next monthly meeting |
At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house of – – |
Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 24th of the 6m 1699 |
and this meeting Called upon John Lapham & Jacob Mott |
for to give in their answer Concerning John Hodly and |
Mary Slocumb their Clearness Concerning Mariage |
their answer is that they find nothing that may hinder |
their proseding: and John Hodly & Mary Slocumb also |
Came this second time still signifiing their intention of |
and desired their answer & this meeting finding nothin |
that may hinder their intention: they had their answer |
that they might prosed to take oath other in the mariag |
according to the good order of truth: |
and Valintine Hudolstun [Hudleston] & Nathaniel Howlan[d] ar Chosd |
to atend the quarterly meeting at Rhodeisland. |
An acount of the quarterly meetings at Rhodeisland |
is the first third day of the first month and the first |
third day of the 4m and the first third day of the 7m |
and the first third day of the 10m |
At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house of Peleg |
Slocumb in Dartmouth the 18th of the 7m 1699 |
there was inquiri made if there was any business & |
there was propounded something Concerning suffer- |
-ing for not training and it was agreed that they shoud |
try for som thing from under the Clarks hand & bring the |
return to the next monthly meeting2 |
[blank space]
Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 13th of the 9m 1699 |
it is agreed that our fourth day meeting next before our |
monthly meeting is to be Cept [kept] at Cockest [Acoaxet]3 one day at Stephen |
Willcocks next at Jeams [James] Tripps and so by turn Continuing |
this insuwing number |
At A Monthly Meeting of friends holden at the house of |
Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 11th of the 10m 1699 |
there was inquiri made whether there was any busi- |
nes & no busines appeared |
At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house of |
Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 8th of the 11m 1699 |
and there was Contributed sixteen shiling & eightpence |
whereof fiften shiling was paid fo a book for the uuse |
of the meeting for the recording births mariages and |
deaths of friends |
At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house of |
Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 5th of the 12m 1699 |
John Lapham junor & Mary Russel did lay their intention |
of mariage before this meeting – – |
and Nathaniel Howland and Abraham Tucker ar Chos |
to Enquire in to their Clearness Concerning marriage |
and bring in their answer to the next monthly meeting |
(1700) |
At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house of |
Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 4th of the 1m 1700 |
and this meeting Called upon Nathaniel Howland and |
Abraham Tucker for to give in their answer Concerning |
John Lapham junr & Mary Russel their Clearness Concerning |
mariag their answer is that they find nothing that may |
hinder their prosedings and John Lapham junor & Mary Russel |
also came this second time still signifiing their intention |
in mariag and desire their answer and this meeting |
finding nothing that may hinder intention they had their |
answer that they might proseed to take each other in |
mariage according to the good order of truth |
and Stephen Willcock & John Tucker are Chose to atend |
the quarterly meeting |
Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 1th of the 2m 1700 |
it is agreed that the fourth day meeting at Coakset |
Shall continue there tell [till?] the meeting see Cause to |
removed[?] it |
At A monthly meeting of friends holdon at the house of – |
Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 29th of the 2m 1700 |
it is further agreed that their [there] be a further contribution |
towards the finis[h]ing of our meeting house: – – |
£ s d |
and there was subscribed – – – – – |
8—12—00 |
At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house of |
Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 27th of the 3th month 1700) |
there was Chose Vollintin [Valentine] Huddlston & John Lapham to |
attend the quarterly meeting and Jacob Mott & |
John Tucker to attend the yearly meeting |
At A monthly meeting of friends holdon at the house |
of Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 24th of the [illegible] 4m 1700) |
there was inquiry mad[e] whether there was any busines |
to this meeting and the answer was none – – – – – |
At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house |
of Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 22th of the 1700) |
and no busines apeared – – – – – |
At A monthly meeting of friends holdon at the house |
of Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 19th of the 6mo 1700) |
and no busines did appear – – – – – |
At A monthly meeting of friends holdon at the house of |
Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 16th of the 7mo 1700) |
and no busines did appear – – – – – |
At A monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house |
of Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 14th of the 8mo 1700) |
and no busines did appear – – – – – |
(1700) At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house of |
Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 11th of the 9mo 1700) the [ma |
rryings?] of Hugh Copothit from from flushin [Flushing4] was Red [read?] |
At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house of |
Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 9th of the 10mo 1700) |
was none |
At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house of |
Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 6th of the 11mo 1700) |
Abraham Booth and Abigail Howland did lay their intention |
of Mariage before this meeting and they were desired |
to wait tell [till] the next monthly meeting for their answer and |
Peleg Slocumb & Stephen Wilcock was Chose to inspect into |
their Clearness & bring in their answer to the next – – |
monthly meeting |
At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house of |
Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 3th of the 12mo 1700) |
Abraham Booth & Abigail Howland appeared the second |
time &^ desired their answer and things being clear their |
answer was that they might take each other when they |
see time Conveniant in the good order of truth – – – – – |
(1701) |
At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house |
of Peleg Slocumb the 3th of the 1m 1701) |
and no business did appear – – – – – |
At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house |
of Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 31th of the 1mo 1701) |
it is agreed that our meeting begin at the Eleventh |
hower [hour] |
At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house |
of Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 28th of the 2mo 1701) |
and no business did appear – – – – – |
At A Monthly Meeting of friends holdon at the house |
of Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 26th of the 3mo 1701) |
and Nathaniel Howland & John Tucker was Chose to |
attend the quarterly meeting and Peleg Slocumb |
& Jacob Mott was Chose ^to attend the yearly meeting – – |
Next |
At A monthly meeting holdon at the house of |
Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 23th of the 4mo 1701) |
and no busines did appear – – – – – |
At A monthly meeting holden at the house of Peleg |
Slocumb in Dartmouth the 21th of the 5mo 1701) |
and no business appeared – – – – – |
Slocumb in Dartmouth the 18th of the 6mo 1701) |
and Jacob Mott & Stephen Wilcock was Chose to attend |
the quarterly meeting next – – – – – |
At A monthly meeting of friend holden at the hous of – – |
Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 15th of the 7mo 1701) |
this meeting has given out two sertificates one to Peleg |
Slocumb and one to Stephen Wilcock – – – – – |
At A monthly meeting of friends holden at the house of |
Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 13th of the 8mo 1701) |
and no business appeared – – – – – |
At A monthly meeting of friends holden at the house of |
Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 10th of the 9mo 1701) |
and no busines appeared – – – – – |
At A monthly meeting of friends holden at the house of |
Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 8th of the 10mo 1701) |
and no business appeared |
At A monthly meeting of friends holden at the house |
of Peleg Slocumb in Dartmouth the 5th of the 11mo 1701) |
and no business appeared |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at Peleg Slocoms |
house in Dartmouth the 2nd of the 12th month 1701) |
Wee have received three papers in answer to ~ |
george keaths great Sheet5 and two other books frinds |
in philadelphia at a monthely meeting of friends held at the |
the 2nd of the first month (Hous of Peleg Slocum in Dartmouth |
1702 |
Jacob mott and Peleg Slocum are chose to atend the |
(1702) |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at the house of |
Peleg Slocom in Dartmouth the 30th of the first month 1702 |
and inquiry being made and no business appeared – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at the hous of Peleg Slocum |
In Dartmouth the 7th[?] of the 2mo 1702 |
Inquirey being made if their was [illegible] bussiness to this meeting |
And the answer was no business |
A[t] a monthely meeting of friends held at the house of Peleg |
Slocum in Dartmouth the 28th of the 3mo 1702 |
where as their is a concarne [concern] about friends serving in office |
as Jureymen and other officeses whereas at present wee can |
not be admitted to Sarve [serve] with out Swaring it is therefor agreed |
by this meeting that friends should make their Redress to the |
Jenerale [General] Court at boston for releife6 – – |
And Benjamin howland and Stephen Willcock are |
chosen to atend the next qu’ly meeting and Jacob Mott and |
John Tucker are chose to attend the yearly meeting. – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at the house of Peleg |
Slocum in Dartmouth the 22nd of the 4mo 1702 |
Nathanel howland and John Tucker was chose for to goe |
to deliver our petition to the govenor at boston – – |
And Isaac newson[?] and Timothey Davise[?] appeared for ~~ |
Sepecan [Sippican?]7 meeting – – |
And william wood and Elizer Smith are Chose to make in= |
quirey into James tripp his clearness concarning marriadg and |
to bring in their answer to the next monthely meeting – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting at freinds held at the home of peleg |
Slocum in Dartmouth the 20th of the 5mo 1702 |
and the mee[t]ing reckned with Thomas brigs jnr[?] for keep- |
ing the meeting house and paid him for the same – – |
And the making up the accounts with the meeting is referd |
to the next monthely meeing – – – – – |
Slocum in Dartmouth the 17th of the 6mo 1702. – – |
Jacob Mott and Peleg Slocum was chose for to atend the |
quarterly meeting next |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at the house of Peleg Slocum |
in Dartmouth the 14th of the 7mo 1702 – – |
Nathanel howland and John Tucker are Chosen to |
goe to the Asembley for to spake to our pertition – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting of freinds held at the house of Peleg Slocum |
in Dartmouth the 12th of the 8mo 1702 |
the yearly meeting Epistle from our freinds in london [illegible] |
rend[?] to the comfort of friends – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at the house of Peleg |
Slocom in Dartmouth the 9th of the 9th mo. 1702 – – |
Ralph Chapman and Deliverance Slocum layed |
their Intention of marrige be fore this meeting and |
they was desired to wait til the next meeting for this answer |
And william Soul and Benjamin howland was chose |
to see into their clearnes and to bring in theys[?] answer to |
the next monthley meeting – – |
And Benjamin howland and John Tucker was chosen to |
atend the quarterly meeting next – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of freinds held at the house of peleg |
Slocum in dartmouth the 7th:10mo 1702 |
Ralph Chapman and Deliverance Slocum appeared the |
Second time for their answer and things being clear their answer |
was that they might take Each other when they see con- |
veniant in the order of truth – – |
And this meeting refers the mat[t]er concarning the bu[i]lding |
a mee[t]ing hous of Providance to the next monthely meeting – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting of friend held at the house of Peleg |
Slocum in Dartmouth the 4th of the 11th mth 1702 – – |
Jacob mott and Eliazar Slocum are Chosen to agree with |
Rhoad Island meeting About bu[i]lding a meeting house at |
Providance – – |
And Deliveranc Smith William Soul Eliezar Smith and |
And Abraham Tucker are chose to agree with a carpendor |
to bu[i]ld an addition to the meeting house – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting of freinds held at the house of Peleg Slocum |
in Dartmouth the first day of the 12th mth 1702/3 – – |
Nathanel Chase and Abigal Shearman did lay thir Intention |
of marrig before the mee[t]ing and they wer desired to wait |
for thir answer untel the next monthly meeting – – |
And Nathanel howland and Eliazer Slocum was Chosen |
to Inspect into their clearness and bring in their answer to |
the next monthely meeting – – – – – |
(1703) |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at the house of |
Peleg Slocum in Dartmouth the first day of the 1[?] mo 1703 |
Peleg Slocum Stephen Willcock and John Tucker are |
chosen to atend the quarterly meeting next – – |
And Nathanel howland and Elizear Slocum brought in |
their answer consarning nathanel Chace and Abigal |
Shearman that they find nothing that may hinder their In |
tentions of marrig and the aforesd Nathanel Chase and |
Abigal Shearman appeared the second time desiring an answer |
and things being Clear the answer of the monthly was that they |
might proceed to tak[e?] Each other in the order of truth |
At a monthely meeting of freinds held at the house of Peleg |
Slocum in Dartmouth 29th[?] of the first moth 1703 – – |
and inquirey being made no business appeared – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at the house of Peleg Slocum |
in Dartmouth the 26th[?] of the second month 1703 |
and thir [there] was no business – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friend held at the hous of Peleg Slocum |
in Dartmouth the 24th of the 3rd mth 1703 – – |
and our monthely meeting is ordered to be ceept[?] [kept?] at our |
meeting hous – – |
And Jacob mott nathanal howland and John Tucker are |
chosen to Atend the quarterly meeting and year-ly meet |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting hous |
in Dartmouth the 21st of the 4th mth 1703 – – |
Joseph Russell jnr[?] and marey Tucker layd their Intent- |
ions of marrig befor this meeting – – |
and they wer desiered to tarey [tarry?] for their answer tel the |
next monthely meeting. |
Eliezar Slocum and Nathanel howland are? chosen to Inspect |
monthely meeting – – |
nine shillings and four-penc rceived for books and 10 books= |
remains |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
In Dartmouth the 19th of the 5th mth 1703 – – |
Joseph Russell jnr[?] and Marey Tucker came the second |
time for their answer as to their former Intintion of marrig |
and things being clear they had their answer that they |
might prosed to take Each other in the good order of truth. |
And Jacob Mott John tucker and Benjamin howland |
are chose to Inspect into the lives and conversations of such |
as profes truth – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting of freinds held at our meeting house |
In Dartmouth the 16th of the 6th mth 1703 |
Stephen Willcock and nathanel howland are chosen to |
Attend the quarterly meeting next |
And Eliezar Slocum and Eliezar Smith are chose to attend the |
yearly meeting at Salam [Salem] next. |
And the business cosarning Ebenezer Allin [w]ho not being her[e] is Refered |
to the next monthely meeting and John Lapham william |
wood are Chose to Inspect into the [illegible] and Conversation |
of freinds for this folowing month |
[4 line illegible insertion] |
At a monthely meeting of freinds held at our meeting house in |
Dartmouth the 11th of the 8th mth 1703 – – |
John Lapham and Deliverance Smith are Chosen to Enspect= |
into the report consarning Ebenezar Allins beating and abus= |
ing of an Indian and bring in their answer to the next monthey meeting. |
and John Tucker and nathanel howland are chose to spake |
with Thomas Brigs about his being ofended with Some for report |
ing that he keept a rude house and to bring in their answer |
to the next monthely meeting and they are allso apoynt= |
ed to Enspect Into the lives and conversations of friends |
for this folowing month – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting house in |
Dartmouth the 8th of the 9th mth 1703. |
William Bourn and hannah Shearman did lay their In= |
tention of marrag be for this meeting and they wer desired to |
Benjamin howland and Nathanel howland are chosen to |
Inspect into their clearness and bring in their answer |
to the next monthely meeting. |
Peleg Slocom and Increes allin are chosen to Inspect in |
to the lives and conversations of friends for the folowing |
month – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting house in |
Dartmouth the 5th of the 10th mth 1703 – – |
and the friends that was chosen to wit John Lapham |
and Deliverance Smith to Inspect in to the deferance be |
tween Ebenezer allin and an Indian called Jeremiah |
was called to give in their answer and their answer is |
that they find that Ebenezer allin did beat and abuse the |
Sd Indian as the report was. |
and after freinds had long laboured In Love and much ten= |
derness to show him the sd allin his rashness and Eror |
he did at last condem it and say that he was sorey for it – – |
Peleg Slocum and Abraham Tucker are Chosen to attend |
the quartorly meeting. |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting house In |
Dartmouth the third day of the 11th mth 1703 – – |
William Wood Deliverance Smith and John Tucker |
are Chosen to Inspect into the lives and conversations |
of friends for this folowing month. |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting house in |
Dartmouth the one and thirtyeth day of the 11th[?] mth 1703 – – |
and their was no business appeared – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting house in Dartmouth |
the twenty third of the twelveth month 1703 – – |
Peleg Slocum nathaneel howland and Increas allien are to |
attend the next quartorly meeting – – |
and Eliezer Slocum Benjamin howland and John Tucker |
are chosen to furder Inspect into the business betwixt Josiah= |
merehow and John fish and bring in their answer to the next |
monthely meeting. – – |
William Wood nathaneel howland and Eliezar Slocom are |
chosen to Inspect into the lives and conversations of freinds for |
this month Insuing8 – – |
And the business consarning Thomas gachel is refered to the next |
monthly meeting that if aney freind have aney thing upon his |
mind to labour furder with him thay may have time to clear |
themselves and truth[?] of him. – – – – – |
(1704) |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in Dartmouth |
the 27th of the first month 1704 – – |
this meeting hath made up their accounts with Eleiezer= |
Smith for his work about the meeting house and have |
payed him – – |
And John Russell and Rebeckah Ricketson did lay their |
Intention of marrige before this meeting, and they was desired to |
tarey untel the next monthely meeting for their answer – – |
nathaneel howland and william Soul are chosen for to In= |
spect into their Clearness and bring in their answer to the |
next monthely meeting – – |
and to Inquier into henrey tucker his clearness consarning |
marrig and bring in their answer to the next monthely meeting – – |
and Stephen willcock Deliverance Smith and Benjamin |
howland are chosen for to go to John fish and his wife to lab= |
our furder with them to shew them their shortness In speak= |
ing rash words to Josiah merehow – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our mee[t]ing house in Dartmouth |
the 24th of ye second month 1704 – – |
John Russell and Rebeaca Reketson came for their answer and |
things being clear the meetings answer was that they – – |
might prosceed according to their Intentions and take each other |
In the order of truth |
and John Tucker and Benjamin howland are chosen to draw |
up something consarning thomas gatchel his disorderly walk |
ing – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting of freinds held at our meeting house |
in Dartmout[h] the 22 [illegible] of third month 1704 – – |
Jonathan Devel [Davol] william Soul John Lapham Jnr william wood |
and Judah Smith and Robert gifford are chosen to hear and |
and determin the deferance between nathaneel howland and |
John Peckham – – |
and Jacob Mott Increase allin and Stephen Willcock are chosen to |
hear and determin the deferance between Eliezar Smith and Nathan- |
eel howland – – |
And Peleg Slocumb and John Tucker chosen to atend the quartorly |
meeting next – – |
and nathaneel howland and John Tucker are chosen to atend |
the yearl[y] meeting at Rhoad Island |
And Peleg Slocum Incres Allin Benjanin howlan John Tucker |
James tripp and william wood are chosen to Inspect into the lives |
and Conversations of freinds for the half year Insuing, – – |
And Jacob mott Increase Allin and Stephen Willcock have Ended the |
deferance between Eliezar Smith and nathanieel howland – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting house in |
Dartmouth the 19th of ye 4th mth 1704 – – |
Eliashib Smith and dinah Allin of Sandwich did lay their In= |
tention of marrige befor the meetin |
And Benjamin allin and deborah Russell did lay their Inten |
tion of marrige before the meeting. and they wer all desired to |
stay untel the next monthely meeting for their answer – – |
and William Soul and John Lapham Jnr [?]are chosen to Inspect Into their Clearness |
and bring in their answer to the next monthely meeting – – |
John lapham william Soul Deliverance Smith [illegible] Jacob |
mott Eliezar Slocom and william wood ar chosen to hear |
the deferance between Ebenezer allien and Nathaneel howland |
And to End the Same – – |
and the six freinds above named have heard determined and |
Ended the above said deferance between Ebenezer allin and |
and nathaneel howland – – – – – |
At a monthley meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth the 17th of the 5th mth. 1704 – – |
and the six friends that was chosen last third month |
to hear and determined the deferance between nathaneel |
howland and John Peckham and their answer is that |
they have heard determined and Ended sd deferance – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting of frds held at our meeting hous |
in Dartmouth the twenty first day of the 6th mth 1704 |
Peleg Slocum and John Tucker are chosen to atend |
Salam [Salem] yearly meeting – – |
and Stephen willcock and Benjamin howland are |
chosen to attend the quarterly meeting next at rhoad Island |
And Eliashib Smith and Dinah Allin [Allen] and Benjamin Allin [Allen]and deborah |
Russell came to this meeting and desired answer to their former In |
tentions signefieing they wer still of the same mind – – |
and friends finding things clear the answers to them all was |
that they might proseed to take each other in marrig according |
to the good order of truth – – |
and that when young people first lay their Intintion of marrig |
befor the monthely meeting that they have their parents consent first – – |
and John tucker and Eliezar Slocom are chosen to agree with |
a friend to keep the meeting house this insuing year – – |
And Eliezer Slocom and nathaneel howland ar chosen to |
furder labour with John Summers to Shew him his Errour |
ahere faloweth a coppey of the abovesaid dinah allins [Allen] sertifecate |
from our freinds at Sandwich – – |
Whereas Dinah Aallin [Allen] desired of this meeting a cirtificate of her |
clearness from any man concerning marriage these are to |
signifie to aney men and womans meeting where these |
may come that Dinah Allien [Allen] aforesaid is as fare as wee can |
understand clear from aney[?] Ingagement in marriege |
to aney man. |
this from our men and womens meetings at william Allins |
In sandwich this 5 day of 6 mth 1704 |
Marey Wing |
William Allin [Allen] |
John Goodsped |
Bathsheba Allin |
Robert Harpar |
Priseila Allin |
Lydia Dillingham |
Zacriah Jenkens |
Mary Gifford |
Rest Perry |
John Wing |
Mary Hoxly |
Debroah Wing |
James Mills |
Abiah Jenkins |
Dorethy Butler |
Daniel Allin |
Marey bowerman |
Sarah Cilla |
At a monthely meeting of frds held at our meeting house in |
Dartmouth the 18th of ye 7th month 1704 – – |
Eliezer Smith and Benjamin Howland are chosen to – – |
attend the yearly meeting at Situate– – |
William Soul Nathaneel Howland Stephen Willcock |
And and John tucker are chosen to writ answer to |
the lettar that was sent from old England to this |
meeting Consarning John Summors. – – |
And John Lapham John Richmand Deliverance Smith |
Stephen Willcock and Peleg Slocum are chosen to |
speke with Ebenezer Allin [Allen] concarning his desorder[?]= |
Peleg Slocum and John tucker ar chosen to labour furder |
with John fish and his wife for to condem their spekinig [speaking?] |
to Josiah merehow [Merihew] as they Did concarning a bill – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting of freinds held at our meeting house |
In Dartmouth the 20th day of the 9th mth 1704 – – |
the defferance about John fish is rfered to the nex meeting |
whereas their is a defferance between Ebenezer Allin [Allen] |
and Nathaneel Howland. the meeting mak[e]s Choice |
of Jonahan Devel [Davol] William Wood John lapham Jur |
Judah Smith Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] and Eliezer Slocom [Slocum] |
to End all defferances between them lands Excepted and bring |
In thir answer to the next monthly meeting – – |
and the meeting Desired our freinds Richard Eastes [Estes] and his |
brother Mathew Estes to Spake with Danil Zacharies to |
know the charge which he hath ben at about the prison= |
ers – – |
and Eliezer Slocom and Nathaneel Howland are Chosen |
to attend the quartorly meeting next – – |
Benjamin Howland and William Wood are Chosen to |
End the defferance between Christepher Gifford and |
Richard kerby and between Christepher Gifford and |
his wife and John kerby and bring in their answer |
to the next monthely meeting |
At a monthely meeting held at our meeting hous In dartmouth |
the 18th of the 10th mth 1704 – – |
the buseness about John fish and his wife is refered to |
the next monthely meeting – – |
and the Judgment concarning Ebenezer Allin [Allen] and |
Nathaneel Howland is Referend [Referred?] to the next month= |
ly meeting – – |
friends at Cokset have desired to have the first day meeting |
for this wentor [winter] amongst themselves Except the first day |
befor[e] the monthely meeting and it is granted and their weekly |
mee[t]ing to be on the fift[h] day of the week |
At a monthely meeting held at our meeting house In dartmouth |
the 15th of the 11th mth 1704 |
This meeting haveing received a letter from Richard and |
out about the priseners [prisoners] and he hath keept no account so |
this meeting desiers [desires] the priseners to draw up an acount |
and bring it into the next monthely meeting9 – – |
and James burril [Burrel] and mehetable Russell widow did lay |
their Intentions of marriag[e] befor[e] the meeting – – |
and they were desired to wait tel the next monthely meeting |
for their answer – – |
and peleg Slocum and John Tucker are Chosen to I[n]spect |
into their Clearness and bring in their account to the next monthely meeting – – |
and this meeting doth take up with what John fish and |
wife hath given. In condeming what they said to Josiah |
Merehow about a bill and that it be pased by and no more |
said about it – – |
and Eliezer Slocom and John lapham the younger are Chose |
to Inspect Into John Smiths Clearness in order that he ~~ |
may have a Sertfecate [Certificate] both of his life and Conversation |
and allso of his Clearness Consarning marriage – – – – – |
at a monthely meeting o freinds held at our meeting house |
In Dartmouth the 19th of the 12th mth 1704 – – |
James Burril and Mehetable Russell widow came |
befor this meeting for answer to their Intentions and[?] |
befor the last monthely meeting signefieing they were |
Stil of the Same mind. – – |
And friends finding things clear they had ther an= |
swer that they might proceed and take Each other in |
the Order of Truth. |
and allso care hath ben taken for her former husbands chi- |
Child and the Estate Secured for him – – |
And petter [Peter] Easton of newport on Rhoad Island and Content |
Slocum of Dartmouth did lay their Intintions of marriage |
before the meeting and they was desired to stay until |
the next monthely meeting for an answer – – |
William Soul [Soule, Sowle] and John Lapham Jur are Chosen to |
Inspect into their Clearness. And bring In their answer |
to the next monthely meeting – – |
and peleg Slocum and Benjamin Howland are Chisen |
fig. 3: The first meeting house for Apponegansett was built in 1699. The existing structure dates from 1791.
© Copyright Jean Schnell
to Atend the quartorly meeting next. and Elizer [Elezer?] Smith |
and peleg Slocum ar chosen to atend the yearly meet |
ing at Sandwich. – – – – – |
a |
Coppey of John Smiths Cirteficate – – |
these are to satesfy all freinds where these may com[e] |
that our friend John Smith haveing a desir[e] for some |
time to goe to Sea. and now haveing a sutabl [suitable?] opertunety |
for an Employ with our friend Mathew Eastes [Estes] – – |
the Sd John Smith Did lay his design befor our last ~~ |
monthely meeting. that he might have the meetings |
Conscent and freinds haveing Considred of it and Seeing noth |
nothing that may Justly hender him he haveing Such |
an opertunety for an Imploy for a livelyhood – – |
and wee can give this furder testmony cocarning [concerning] him: that he hath |
ben a man of a sober life and Conversation amongst us |
and allso that he is Clear from all women Conserning – – |
marriage |
[middle third of page is blank]
(1705) |
At our meeting house I At a monthely meeting held at |
our meeting house In Dartmouth the 19th of the first mth 1705 – – |
Petter [Peter] Easton and Content Slocum apeared the Second |
time before this meeting to receive answer to their pro= |
posials laid before the last monthly meeting – – |
an Inquirey being made Into their Clearness and nothing |
appearing to hender their Intentions the meeting givs |
them an answer that they might prosceed to take |
Each other In the order of truth – – |
and Increas Allin [Increase Allen] william wood and James burril [Burrel] |
are Chosen to inquire[?] into the lives and Conversations o friends for this |
Insuing month |
and her[e] faloweth the coppey of petter Estons [Peter Eastons] Certificate from the |
monthely meeting at Rhoad Island – – |
whereas peater [Peter] Easton of newport on Rhoad Island Son of ~~ |
weston and Rebecah Clark of Said newport hath as wee un= |
derstand by the Approbation of his Sd parents desired a Certificate |
of us to say the monthely meeting of Disapline he being in ~~ |
persuance of marriage as wee understand with Content the |
daughter of peleg Slocom [Slocum] and marey [Mary?] his wife of Dartmouth |
these are therfore to Certifie all whom it may concern |
that wee haveing made Enquirey according to truth and find |
nothing to the contrary but that he is clear of Entanglement with |
aney women so fare as wee know Except said Content. and |
as for his Conversation for time past hath been sober according |
to truth and Semes [seems] well Inclind and freequents freinds meet= |
ings both of worship and of Disapline and wee have ~ |
nothing to object against his Enclination according to |
his proposial and wee desir his welfare and Remaine |
your friend in the truth. |
Signed by order and apoyntment of our monthely mens |
meeting at newport on Rhoad Island the 27th of the |
twelvth month 174/5 [sic] – – |
Tho Cornell |
Thomas hicks |
Jacob Mott |
John Borden |
Samuell Hicks |
Walter Clark |
William Barker |
John Hedley |
John Allin [Allen] |
William Anthony |
William freeborne |
John Easton seenor |
Preserved fish |
Samuell Easton |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
In Dartmouth the 16th of the Second month 1705 – – |
James Burril Increes Allin [Increase Allen] William Wood are Chosen |
to Inspect into the lives and Conversations of them that |
prophes [profess?] truth |
At a monthely meeting of frinds held at our meeting house |
In Dartmouth the twenty first day of the thurd month 1705 – – |
James Burriel Increes Allin and William Wood are |
Chosen to mak[e] Inquirey Into the lives and Conversations |
of them that prophes truth |
And whereas their is a Complaint by Christepher Giford [Christopher Gifford] to this |
meeting Consarning William Macumbers Ronging [wronging] him. |
Where upon the meeting made shoyce [choice] of John Tucker |
peleg Slocum and Deliverance Smith to hear and In= |
spect Into the truth of the above said Comeplaint and give |
In their Answer to the next monthely meeting – – |
And the six friends that was Chosen to End the deferance be= |
tween Ebenezer Allin [Allen] and nathaneel Howland have given |
In their determination that Ebenezar Allin is to blame Con= |
carning Sd Deferance and Nathaneel Howland was to blame |
for not rateing himself for money that he had at youce [use] – – |
And peleg Slocum Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] and John Tucker |
are Chosen to attend the next yea[r]ly meeting – – |
and Ebenezer Allin not being Satesfied with the Judgment |
of the meeing meeting doth apele [appeal] to the quartorly meeting |
for a furder hearing which is granted – – |
and that all the papers that Ebenezer allin [Allen] hath given |
In Concarning Said deferance are to be delivered to John = |
Tucker for him to Deliver to the quortorly meeting as their |
may be ocasion – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting haus In |
Dartmouth the 18th of the 4th mth 1705 |
the three freinds was Called upon that was Chosen to In= |
spect Into the Conversations of them that prophese [profess?] |
truth and their answer is they find nothing but that |
things are weel – – |
and the Same are Conteneued [Continued] for this Ensuing month |
And peleg Slocum Stephen Willcock and John = |
Tucker are Chosen to make Sarch [search?] whuther: – – |
Christpher gifford hath hade gospel order and dew [due?] ad= |
monition given him; and if they find that he hade |
then they are to Draw up his Condemnation against |
the next monthely meeting – – |
and peleg Slocum Deliverance Smith John Tucker |
John Lapham William Soul [Soule] and Eliezar Slocom [Slocum] |
are Chosen to hear and [Determine?] the Deferance be ~~ |
tween William Macumber[?] [crease in ms.] and Chrstepher Gifford |
and give in their answer [to?] the next monthely meeting – – |
And peleg Slocum and Benjamin Howland are Chosen |
to goe to Sepecan to know the Re[a]son whey they have not |
atended the montheley meeting and give in their answer |
to the next monthely meeting – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting held at our meeting house In |
Dartmouth the 16th of the 5th mth 1705 – – |
the three frinds that was Chosen the last monthely meeting |
[to?] Inspect into the lives and conversations of friends – – |
was Called upon and their answer was that they find nothing |
but that things are preaty weell – – |
And the same three freinds are Continiued for this Insuing month |
and peleg Slocum Stephen Willcock James Burriel [Burrel] and |
John Tucker are Chosen to Enquire In to Jacob Motts Clear= |
ness In order that he may have a Certificate drawn against |
the next monthely meeting – – |
And the two friends that was Chosen the last monthely to |
go to Sepecan are Stil Continued to preform the Sam[e] Sarvice |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting house In |
Dartmouth the [?]th day of the 6 mth 1705 – – |
Edward perrey [Perry] of Sandwich and Eliphel Smith the dau |
daughter of Eliezar Smith of Dartmouth did lay their In= |
tenti[o]ns of marriage befor this meeting and friends desired |
them to wait untel the next monthely meeting for their |
answer – – |
ness and bring In their answer to the next monthely meeting – – |
and William Wood Eliezer Slocum and John Tucker |
are Chosen to Enspect Into the lives and Conversations |
of friends for this Insuing month |
and abraham Tucker and benjamin Howland are |
Chosen to atend the quorterly meeting –– |
Eliezar Slocum and John Tucker are Chosen to at- |
tend the yearly meeting […ouse?; illegible] – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
In Dartmout[h] the Seventeenth day of Seventh month 1705 – – |
Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] and John tucker are Chose to know |
the Reason why Some of our freinds at rochester have |
desarted our meeting of disepline and give In their answer |
to the next monthely meeting – – |
and Edward perrey [Perry] and Eliphel Smith appeared the |
Second time In order to receive answer to their proposials |
laid before the last monthely meeting Signefing they was |
Stel of the Same mind. |
and Inquirey being made according to the order of truth |
and nothing appearing to hender their Intentions they |
had their answer from this meeting that they might |
proceed according to their Intentions and take Each other |
In the order of truth |
And William Wood Eliezar Slocum and John Tucker |
are Chosen to In Spect into the Lives and Conversations |
o[f] friends for this Ensuing month – – |
Stephen Willcock Eliezar Slocum and J nn – – |
John Tucker are Chosen to atend Situate [Scituate] meeting – – |
hear faloweth the coppy of Edward perreys Sertinecate[?] [Certificate] |
concarning his clearness in ma—age [marriage] |
to our freinds and Brethren at Dartmouth wee |
Send greeting |
Where as our friend Edward perrey [Perry] appeared at our |
last monthely meeting and Did desir[e] of us a Cirtifi= |
cate of his Clearness in marrige in ordor their unto ~~ |
freinds apoynted two friends to Inquire into his Clear= |
ness and haveing made Inquiery and do:not find |
nothing but that he is Clear from aney Intanglment |
their for these are to Signifye that wee have unity with |
him and Desir his welfare. and Remain your freinds |
and bretheren In the unchangable truth. |
Sandwich the Seventh of the 7th month 1705 |
William Allin [Allen] |
Richard landars |
Abiah[?] Jenkins |
ludwick Hoxie |
[illegible] Wing |
lydia Dillingham |
Danil Allin |
[illegible] perry |
[illegible] holway |
John Dilingham |
Willi[am?] Wing |
Rest[?] perrey [Perry] |
Stephen harper |
[illegible] allin |
Dorethey butlar[?] |
thomas Bowerman |
Mary hoxie |
Experance Bowerman |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house In Dartmouth the 11th of the 8th mth 1705 – – |
Stephen Willcock and John Tucker are Still |
Continued to Spake with Sepecan friends according |
to the apoyntment of the last monthely meeting – – |
and a paper allso was Read in this meeting Concarning |
Bu[i]lding of a meeting house at Salam. Wherein they desir[e] |
Som asisstance from our monthely meeting where up= |
on this meeting toock it in to their Considration In |
order to return freinds an Answer as Soon as |
conveniatly freinds Can. – – |
And it is proposed that friends Should have a ~~ |
Colection Every monthely meeting for to defray |
the nesesarey Charges that may arise amongst freinds |
and peleg Slocum Stephen Willco[c]k [Wilcox] and Benjamin |
Howland are Chosen and added to John Tucker to |
peruse the monthely meeting minits and what |
they Shall think Convienient to order them to be |
Cometted to Record – – |
John tucker William Wood and Eliazer Slocum |
are Chosen to Inspect into the lives and conversa= |
tions of fr[ien]ds |
At a monthely meeting of friends held our meeting |
house In Dartmouth the 19th of the 9th mth 1705 |
and whereas it was proposed the last monthely ~~ |
meeting that freinds Should have a monthely Colect= |
ion and this meeting Considring the proposials |
that their Should be a Colection Everey Monthely ~~ |
meeting – – |
and their is Colected – – – – – – – 0£ – 13S – 00d |
And it is agreed by this meeting that Stephen ~~ |
Willcock Abraham Tucker William Soul [Soule] John = |
Lapham Jur and John Tucker are Chosen to geat [get?] |
a deed of our meeting house and land of peleg ~~ |
Slocum a gainst the next monthely meeting – – |
and Benjamin Howland is Chosen to keep the |
Colection of frinds and to Disburst it as this meeting |
may see Cause – – |
and it is agreed that freinds on the other side Coxset river |
should have their meeting as they had it the last ~ |
winter – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting of freinds held at our meeting |
house in Dartmouth the 17th of ye 10th mth 1705 |
their was Colected – – – – – – – 0£ – 11S – 08d |
and the friends that was Chosen to Inspect in to the lives |
and Conversations of them that profess truth was Called |
upon to give an account how they find thing and ~~ |
their answer is that they find things prety weell – – |
And this meeting hath an account of a deferance ~~ |
between John Sumers [Summers] and Jonathan Devel [Davol] and that |
the Sd Summers refuseth to End it according to the good |
ordor of truth – – |
where upon the meeting Chose James Burril [Burrel] and Eliezar |
Slocum to advise John Summers to Submett to the ordor |
of truth and put an End to Sd Deferanc against the next monthely |
meeting – – |
Increas Allin [Increase Allen] Eliezar Slocum and John tucker are ~~ |
Chosen to Enspect in to the lives and C[on]versations of |
freinds for the month Insuing – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth the one and twenty day of the 11th mth 175/6 [sic] – |
the three freinds were called over that was chosen the last |
monthely meeting to Inspect into the lives and Con= |
versations of friends and their answer is thy find – |
things not well –– |
added to the former two friends to labour to put things |
In order against the next monthely meeting – – |
and the former three friends are stil Contenued to In= |
spect in to the lives and Conversations of them ~~ |
prophes truth for this Insuing month – – |
and John Wing and Nathaneel Howland are Chosen |
to procur a coppey of Christepher Giffords Condemnation |
from the mon[thely meeting?] at Sandwich if their be aney to |
be had – and their was Colected – – – – – – – 0–13 –07 – |
At a monthely meeting of freinds held at our meeting house |
In Dartmouth the 18th of the 12th mth 1705 |
their was Colected – – – – – – – 0£ –10S –05d |
peleg Slocum and Benjamin Howland are apoynted to |
See what friends are freely willing to Contribut toward |
the bu[i]lding of a meeting house at Salam [Salem] – – |
Increas Allin [Allen] Elizar Slocom [Slocum] and John tucker are ~~ |
Chosen to Inspect into the lives and Conversations of freinds |
for the month Insuing – – |
Increas Allin [Allen] and Deliverance Smith are Chosen to |
attend the yearly meeting at Sandwich – – |
and Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] and Nathaneel Howland are |
Chosen to attend the quorterly meeting next – – |
John tucker and Benjamin howland are Chosen to |
Speak with Hannah Jeney [Jenny, Jenne] concarning her ofering |
her Self in prayer out of the unity of the meeting – – – – – |
(1706) |
At a monthly meeting of freinds held at our meeting |
house the first mth In Dartmouth the 18th of the first mth 1706 |
thir was colected – – – – – – – 0£–06S–06d |
it’s agree d that their sho uld be a preparit ive meeting |
and it is agreed that friends Should have a preparetive |
meeting one [on?] the forth day of the week faling out next |
befor the monthely meeting after the time of worsh= |
ip : is over to Consider of the afairs amongst friends |
and see what may be conveniant to be recomended to |
the monthely meeing that so the monthely meeting |
may not be Incumbred with a multitud of un |
unnesesearey buseness – – |
and to chuse two or three waighty freinds to present |
the nesescearey buseness to the monthey mee[ti?]ng as |
meeting – – |
And James Burril and Eliezar Slocum are chosen – – |
to Inquir in to the Complaint of Christepher gifford ~~ |
and see if things be out of order to Labour to have them |
amended and bring in their answer to the next monthly meeting – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house In Dartmouth the 15th of the Second mont[h] 1706 |
ther their was colected – – – – – – – 0£–09S –00d |
the two friends that was Chose to atend Sandwich |
yearly meeting was Called upon and they give us to |
under stand that the Sd yearly meeting desir[e]s this meet= |
ing to makeup one Subscription to wards the bu[i]lding a |
meeting house at Salam [Salem] ten[?] pounds – – |
and it is concluded that freinds Should Considr of it untel |
the next monthely meeting – – |
Shilings |
and the meeting agrees to lend William Macumber Jur twelve |
in money out of the monthely meeting Stock and he is to repay |
it again on or befor the third Second day in the Eight month |
next – – |
Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] Eliezar Slocum Deliverance Smith ~ |
and John Tucker are Chosen to Speak with Ebenezer = |
Aallin [Allen] Consarning his goeing to Law with a brother before |
unblievers and Bring in his Answer to the next |
monthely meeting – – |
Eliezar Slocum and William Soul [Soule] are Chose to Spake |
with William Chase Concarning his delivering things by |
way of testemony In our publick asembley of Worship |
on the first day of the week Contarary to Sound doctrin[e] |
and In Case he will not Condemn it then to make it known |
to the mee[t]ing where he doth belong – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house In Dartmouth the 20th of the third month 1706 |
and their was colected – – – – – – – 0£-09s-09d |
and it is concluded to make our Subscription towards |
the bu[i]lding of Salam meeting house teen [sic] pounds – – |
and the four friends that was Chosen the last monthely |
meeting to Spake with Ebeneze[r] Allin [Allen] brought in his |
answer that he doth Justify himself In going to law |
as fare with him as the law of God did require it he |
did understand is it what that is |
and for as much as the above said Ebenezer Allin [Allen] and |
and Nathaneel Howland was under dealings of the |
last yearly meeting at Rhoad Island this meeting |
doth refer him to the next yearly meeting at Rohad Island |
for the proof of his aforesaid answer – – |
And John lapham and John Tucker are Chosen to Spake |
with Ebenezer Allin [Allen] Concerning his having his |
Daughter in marriage to one of the World Conterary to |
the good order of truth and bring in their answer the next |
monthely meeting – – |
and Eliezer Slocum and John Tucker are Chosen to |
Spake with Eliezar Smith Concerning his refraining |
of our meeting – – |
Stephen Willcock and John Tucker are Chosen |
to atend the next quarterly and yearly meeting at |
Rhoad Island – – |
And the maner of Estableshing of our meeting house |
and Land is refere’d to the quartorly meeting next – |
and the matter concarning William Chaces [Chase] delivering |
of Doctren wich is unsound is allso refered to the – – |
abovesaid gu quartorly meeting – – |
and it’s agreed that the meeting that was kept on the |
other side Coxset river for the winter Seson on the |
first day of the weeck Should be at the meeting ~~ |
house for the Summer |
At our monthely meeting of friends held at our meet= |
ing house In Dartmouth the 24th of the 4th mth 1706 – – |
their was colected – – – – – – – 00£–08s–06d |
and Stephen Willcock Benjamin Howland and |
Eliezar Slocum and John Tucker are Chosen to ~~ |
Spak with Ebenezer Allin [Allen] Concarning his going |
to Law with nathaneel Howland and bring in |
their answer to the next monthely meeting – – |
and John Lapham and John Tucker brought in ~ |
their answer that Ebenezer allin [Allen] will not make ~~ |
Satisfaction for his giveing and marreing his daugh |
And Eliezar Slocom [Slocum] and John Tucker brought in ~ |
their answer that they have laboured with Eliezer |
Smith according to order and he has Condemed his |
[illegible] and for [illegible] [crease in ms.] Carfull [careful] – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house In Dartmouth the 15th of the 5th mth 1706 ––––– |
their was Colected – – – – – – – 0£ –10s –09d |
and the friends that was Chosen the last monthely |
mee[t]ing to Spake with Ebenezer Allin [Allen] Consarning his |
going to law Contrary to truth brought in their ~~ |
answer that he will not be recla[i]med but doth |
willfuly presest [persist?] to his on [own?] hurt and to the great ~~ |
truble of the Church In Justefyeing him Self In his |
Desorderly prosceedings |
where fore friends haveing largely laboured with |
him and finding themselves Clear are Constrained |
to Caus[e] his Condemnation to be drawn up and Signed |
by this meeting for the Clearing of truth and freinds |
of his Desorderly Walking – – |
And Elizar Slocum and John tucker are Chosen |
to read to Ebenezer allin [Allen] his Condemnation and if he |
will Condemn his out goeings to the Satesfaction of |
friends then the Condemnation given by this meeting |
is not to be read in publick – – |
but if he refuseth then the Judgment to be openly |
Read the next first day Come week[s?] in the latter |
End of our publick meeting of worship – – |
and peleg Slocum and Benjamin Howland are |
Chosen to go to Rochester to know the re[a]son why ~ |
they have not Atended the monthely meeting and |
bring in their answer to the next monthely meeting – – |
and this meeting mak[e]s Choyce of peleg Slocum ~ |
Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] Icreas Allin [Increase Allen] and John Tucker |
to See into the lives and Conversations of freinds |
for the quortor of a year I[n]suing – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
In Dartmouth the 19th of the 6 mth 1706 and Colected 2£ –04s –0d |
Eliezar Slocom and John Tucker give In their answer |
ly meeting to Ebenezer Allin [Allen] and he refusing to make |
Satesfactin the aforsade Judgment [words illegible due to tear] publick |
according to order of the last monthely meeting as faloweth |
Where as Ebenezer Allin [Allen] of Dartmouth In the County of bristol |
new England haveing for maney years frequented the ~~~ |
mee[t]ing of us the people [illegible] Called quakers and |
Semed to Joyne in Sosietay [Society] with us but for want of keeping |
In true Subjection to that princeple he made profesion of: to |
with the Sp[i]rit of truth In his own heart which Sperit |
will lead all them that are obediant to it out of Everey thing |
that is Contrary to the nature of it and Inconsistant with |
it he hath given way to his own Inclinations and hath |
gon[e] to law before unbelivers with one that is In Socyaty [Society] |
with us and not withstanding; all the faithfull labour |
of love and Earnest Endevours of us his freinds as a ~~~ |
Sociaty of people to perswade him to the Contrary he ~~ |
hath willfully presested [persisted?] to the griefe of us his friends and |
Scandall of that holey prenciple he made profecion of |
for which Cause wee find ourselves Concarned to testefye |
to the world that wee do utterly desown all such actions |
and all who are found In them and perticalerly the person |
above named and as it is our Christian Duty to pray ~~ |
for all people wee do hartely Desir[e] allmighty God to |
open his understanding, if it be his will, to give him |
to Se[e] his out going that he may find a place of trew |
repentance: before the time of his visetation be over – – |
given forth by our monthely meeting In dartmouth the |
fifteenth day of the fift[h] month 1706 |
Signed In behalf of Sd meeting by |
John Tucker |
William Soul [Soule] |
William Wood |
peleg Slocumb [Slocum] |
John lapham Jur |
James Burrel |
Benjamin Howland |
Judah Smith |
Abraham tucker |
Eliezar Slocumb |
William Macumber |
nicholas howland |
Stephen Willcock |
Henrey Howland |
Samuell Mott |
and Peleg Slocum and Benjamin Howland was Called |
upon to know whether thy had Spoken with Rochest[e]r |
freinds according to apoyntment and they Sigenify that |
had laboured with them and they did own themselves |
to Short and Slack In their duty In that they did not ~~ |
atend the monthely meeting as they ought to have |
don[e] and for time to com[e] they Said they hoped to be mor[e] |
Carfull [carefull] – – |
And Eliezar Slocum is Chosen to go with thomas macumber |
to know the truth of what the Sd macumber did say and |
do[?] In the takeing his Ingagement before the Justice and |
return the answer to the next monthly meeting – – |
and where as Robert gifford and Mathew Wing Did Set |
their hands to a paper to forwarn the Seclect [Select] men |
from making aney rates upon their Estaats [Estates] Except they |
they was qualefieed [qualified] as the Law derects and the |
sience [sense?] of the meeting is that what they have don[e] is |
Contrary to truth |
At a monthely meeting of freinds held at our meeting |
house In Dartmouth the 16th of the 7th mth 1706 |
and their was Colected – – – – – – – 00£ –10s –04d |
And it is agreed that their Should be a Contributation to help |
Isaac Vinson of Rochester his house being Accedantually [Accidently] |
burned and to Bring it In to John Tuckers by the next |
fift[h] day com weeck– – |
and John Tucker and John Lapham Jur is Chosen |
to Carrey the Same to the Sad Vinson – – |
peleg Slocum and James Burril [Burrel] is Chosen to attend the |
Quarterly meeting next – – |
John Tucker Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] Benjamin Howland |
and James Burril are Chosen to goe to thomas macom= |
ber to see if he will give the mee[t]ing Satesfaction for |
his Spakeing or acting things not agreeable to truth |
and give in their answer to the next monthely ~~~ |
meeting– – |
and the meeting adjourns untel the next fourth day Com |
Week – – |
And it is agreed that wee should have a colection to help to |
defray the charg[e] that our freinds have ben at In old England |
to get that Law Repeal[e]d that was made In Conetecut |
Coleney [Connecticut Colony] against friends10 – – |
and John tucker is Chose to geet [get] the deed of our meeting house |
and Land Recorded In the County Records and the meeting |
to pay the Charge – – |
And it is agreed that their Should be a peace [piece] of Land of Six |
Roods [Rods] Square fenced In with Stone wall for a buring [burying] |
ground – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting house In |
Dartmouth the one and twanteth day of the 8th mth 1706 |
and their was Colected – – – – – – – £00–10s–01d |
and It is agreed that their should be a furder Colection to wards the |
Releife of our freind at Rochester who hath lost his hous[e] by |
fire as is mentioned In the last monthely meeting minit and to |
bring it in to John tuckers by the next monthely mee[t]ing – – |
and where as It was agreed at the last monthely meeting that |
their Should be a Colection to help to defray the Charge of |
Repealing of a Law made against friends in Conetecut |
Coleney and This meeting doth allso agree that benjamin ~~~ |
Howland Should pay five pounds out of the meetings Stock |
toward the defraying of the afordsd Charge – – |
and William Chase hath given this meeting Satesfaction |
Concarning the Doctrin[e] that was Delivered by him amongst |
us at our meeting house some time sence which was un= |
sound, and his confesion to be reed amongst us in a publick |
meeting the next first Day by John tucker or some other freind– – |
and the meeting adjourns tel the next forth day Com week |
John tucker and Stephen Willcock hath given In their answer |
that that they have laboured with thomas macumber accord= |
ing to the order of the last montely meeting and he gives |
no satesfaction – – |
and friends are yet Concarned to labour furder with him |
And so the mattar is refered to the next monthely meeting |
And John tucker and Stephen Willcock are Chosen to Spake |
with Mathew Wing and Robert Gifford to Shew them |
their Shortnes[s] In set[t]ing their hands to a paper to for warne |
the Select men from rateing their Estat[e]s Except they was |
quolefied as the Law derects which is Contrary to the ~~ |
princeples of truth |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
In Dartmouth the 18th day of the 9th mth 1706 – – |
And their was Colected – – – – – – – 0£–08s–11d |
of the twelve Shillings in money lent him the last |
Second month and peleg Slocum is to pay the rest – – |
And Benjamin Howland hath Sent five pounds in money |
to Boston according to the order of the last monthely meeting |
and it is agreed that Cokset freinds should have their first days |
meeting on the other Side the river for this wintor all Except |
the first day befor Each monthely meeting |
and their weekley meeting is oredred [ordered?] to be at the |
meeting house the fourth day befor the monthely |
and this meeting hath ben much Consarned about thomas |
Macombers denying his holding up his hand when he |
gave Evidance In the Cace between Josaph [Joseph] hix and him |
Self and the friends that was appoynted to deal with |
him give in this answer that the Sd macomber doth Juste= |
fy him Self against five Evidences given in wrighting a= |
gainst him11 – – |
And John tucker peleg Slocum[d?] Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] and |
Eliazer Slocum are Chosen to draw up the aboveSd |
thomas macombers Condemnation and Read it to him |
be for the next monthely meeting – – |
and John Tucker and Stephen Willcock give In their |
answer Concerning mathew Wing and Robart gifford |
that they Condemn their signing the afor mentioned paper |
at a monthely meeting held at our meeting house In Dartmouth |
the 16th day of the 10th mth 1706 – – their was Colected – –£00 –11s–09d |
and this meeting after abundance of Labour In love |
and much tenderness to wards Thomas macumber to |
Shew him his out goings but he Refusing [?] to hear |
the meeting is furder Conscarned to Cause a paper of |
Condemnation to be Drawn up against him for the ~~ |
Clearing of truth and freinds and to declare to the world |
that he is non [not?] of us and have Chose peleg Slocum |
and Eliezer Slocum to Reed it to him be for it be ~~ |
read in publick against him and give in their answer |
to the next monthely meeting – – |
And William Soul [Soule] and peleg Slocum are Chosen |
to atend the Quarterly meeting next – – |
and this meeting doth advise that all friends bring |
Can:to meeting on the week days and to monthely meetings as |
well as first days meetings and to keep to the |
hour appoynted – – |
and John tucker and william Soul are Chosen to |
make up the acoumts [accounts] with Benjamin Howland Con |
sarning the monthely meeting Colection and bring |
In their acoumts to the nex[t] monthely meeting – – |
and so the meeting adjourns untell the first fourth |
day in the 11th mth next – – |
the meeting being mett according to adjournment |
the first day of the Eleventh month – 1706/7 – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting held at our meeting house In Dartmouth |
the 20th of the 11th month 1706/7 and their was Colected – £00–15s–06d |
and peleg Slocum and William Soul mak[e]s their return |
from the Quartorly meeting that the quartorly meeting |
according to our Request: have granted us at youths ~~ |
meeting to be keept the first Sixt[h] day In the Second fift[h] |
Eight[h] and Eleventh months which will fal[l] out the ~~ |
Sixt[h] day next be for Each Qurly meeting at Rhoad Island – – |
John Tucker and William Soul are called upon |
Consarning their makeing up the accomts with ~~~ |
Benjamin Howland Concarning our colection and it |
not being done Its refered to the next monthely meeting |
and where as their is a deferanc presented to the meeting |
Concarning Jonathan Devel [Davol] and John Summors [Summers] – – |
the meeting mak[e]s Choyse of Deliverance Smith Nathanell |
Howland Eliezer Slocum and John tucker to hear and |
determin[e] Sd Deferance and give their answer to the next |
monthely meeting – – |
and Stephen Willcock and William Wood are Chosen to |
Spake with James Tripp Consarning his being over ~~ |
taken In drink and Bring their Answer to the next month= |
ly meeting – – |
James Buril [Burrel] Eliezer Slocum and Benjamin Howland |
are Chosen to labour with peleg Slocum that he may |
Joyn with friends and Sign a deed In the method that |
thomas Stoary hath Sent to us and bring In their |
Answer to the next monthely meeting – – – – – |
house In Dartmouth the 17th of the 12th mth 176/7 [sic] – – |
their was Colected – – – – – – – £00 –10s –05d |
Increas[e] Allin [Allen] and Eliezar Slocum are Chosen overseers |
of the monthely meetings of Busieness that if aney should |
present them selves at Sd meetings that are not members |
of them then to Inquire of them their buseness and if they |
cannot give a Satesfactory answer: then to Desir[e] them In love |
to With Draw |
William Wood and Stephen Willcock gives In their – ~ |
Answer that they have Spoken with Jeames [James] Tripp ~ |
and he is willing to condemn his being overtaken In |
drink to the Satesfaction of freinds – – |
and the above sd two frie[nds?] william wood and Stephen |
willcock ar[e] Continued to goe with Jeams [James] Tripp to see that he doth |
Condemn it where it was don[e] – – |
and Benjamin Howland Eliezar Slocum and Samuell Mott |
are Chosen to Spake with Eliezar Smith Consarning his report= |
ing of things out of the monthely meeting the which is Incon= |
sistant with truth: and Consarning his out runings upon |
other acounts and bring In their answer to the next monthly |
meeting – – – – – |
(1707) |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting hous[e] In |
Dartmouth the 17th of the first month 1707 – – |
and their is Colected – – – – – – – £00 –09s–10d |
And the Buseness Consarning James tripp is Referred |
to the next monthly meeting – – |
william Soul [Soule] and John tucker hath made up the accounts |
with Benjamin Howland Concarning the monthely meet= |
ings Colection and have belanced the accounts and their |
Remains In Stock with what hath ben Colected at this |
meeting forty two Shillings – – |
And Samuell Mott and Benjamin howland are Chosen to |
to Shew Eliezer Smith his Shortness In accusing Elizar = |
Slocum and William Wood for gooing Contrary to the |
monthely meetings ordor In goeing together to Seconet [Sakonnet] |
when Eliezer Slocom was Chosen to goe with Thomas ~~ |
macomber thether [thither?] and make their Return to the next |
monthly meeting – – |
Attend the next Quartorly meeting – – |
And Benjamin Howland is ordered to pay Judah Smith |
twenty Shellings out of the meeting Stock to wards his keeping of the meeting |
house |
and this meeting doth order the four freinds that was Chose |
to vewe [view?] the monthely meeting minits that they make |
Choyse of a man to Record the meeting buseness and the |
meeting to pay him for his sarvice – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting of freinds held at our meeting |
In Dartmouth the 21st of the Second month 1707 ––– |
their was Colecte[d] – – – – – – – £00 – 11s – 00d |
and where as Stephen Willcock and William Wood were |
Chosen the last twelveth[?] month to goe with James tripp |
to see that he did condemn his being overtake In drink In |
the place where it was don[e] and their answer is that he |
has Condemed it to the satesfaction of friends – – |
And Benjamin Howland and Samuell Mott brought In |
their Answer that they have laboured with Eliezer Smith |
to Shew him his misstak [mistake] Concarning william Wood |
and Eliezar Slocom According to order of the last monthly |
meeting – – |
and their answer is that he refuseth to hear – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting of freinds held at our meeting |
house In Dartmouth the 19th of the thurd month 1707 – – |
and thier was Colected – – – – – – – £00 –09s –05d |
and John Tucker Eliezar Slocum and Benjamin = |
Howland are Chosen to furder Labour with Eliezar = |
Smith to come to be Reconsiled to the meeting – – |
and bring In their answer to the next monthely ~~~ |
meeting – – |
and Benjamin Howland is ordred to let John Lapham Jur |
have twelve Shillings out of the Colection to pay |
the doctor for what he did for Debroah [Deborah?]: Landars in |
the time of her Seckness – – |
and it is ordered that the first day meeting at acoxset ] |
Is to be at our meeting house for the Summer – – |
And Eliezer Slocum and John tucker are Chosen |
to Spake with Rochester friends to know the ~~ |
monthely meeting of late – – |
and Bring In their Answer to the next monthely |
meeting – – |
and where as the yearley meeting at Rhoad Island |
hapneth to be on the Same day that our next month= |
ly meeting Should be on their for [therefore] the Sd meeting Is |
adjourned until the fourth Second day In the 4 month |
next |
At a monthly meeting held at our meeting house In |
Dartmouth the 23th of the 4th mth 1707 Colected -£0 -09s -01d |
peleg Slocumb [Slocum] and William Sloule [Soule] are Chosen |
to attend the Quarterly meeting at Rhoad Island |
And it’s agreed that rochestor friends have a preparitive |
meeting after their meeting of worship on the first |
day of the week befor[e] the monthly meeting – – |
And the freinds that was Chose for to labour with |
Eliezer Smith ware Called up on and their answer |
Is that he refuseth to give the meeting setesfaction for |
his desorderly proseedings against the monthly meeting = |
and John tucker is Chosen to Drawup Eliezer Smith |
his Condemnation In order that it may be reed to him |
before it be reed in publeck and William Soule Eliezer |
Slocum and Samuell Mott are Chosen to Reed the Sade |
Condemnation to the sd Eliezer Smith and bring In their |
Answer to the next monthely meeting – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house In Dartmouth the one and twenteth Day of the |
fift month 1707 – this was colected – – – – – – – 0£ – 08s – 01d |
And the friends that was Chosen the last monthely |
meeting to Reed Eliezer Smith his Condemnation |
to him was Called upon and their answer is that Eliezer |
Smith is willing to Condemn his reporting of things |
out of the monthly meeting as faloweth – – |
friends I have well Considied the matter of that which I |
could out of the meeting to John Aken and I do hastily |
repent for the Same and desir forgiveness both of god and |
and his people that wee may come In to love and unity |
as we have for: Eliezar Smith – – |
the monthely meeting ^conserning his wronging the meeting by wri |
wrighting the which he doth Condemn as faloweth |
where In I have given aney ocasion by wrighting |
to the meeting to greive aney sensear hearted friend or |
freinds for which I am hartely sorrey and desir for= |
giveness: Eliezar Smith |
And Stephen Willcock Benjamin Howland and |
John Lapham Jur are chosen to spake with Thomas |
Macomber Concarning his abuseing Ruth Smith |
with words and to End sd ^deferance it they can and bring In |
their Answer to the next montheley meeting – – |
and the friends that was chosen to Inspect into the con= |
versation of friends was called upon and their answer |
is that Merebah Slocumb the Daughter of Eliezar |
Slocumb is about to marrey to one contrarey to her. |
parince [parents’] consent and the advice of friends – – |
where upon the meeting made choice of James [Burr] |
Burril and Judah Smith: to Spake with Meribah |
Slocumb consarning her disorderly proceedings and [to] |
Bring In their Answer to the next monthly meeting |
and the bounding out the buring ground is referd to the |
next monthely meetig – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
In Dartmouth the 18th day of the 6th mth 1707 – |
and their was Colected – – – – – – – 00£ – 06s – 08d |
And Isaac Barker and Elisebeth Slocumb did lay their [sd?] |
Intention of marrige before the meeting – |
and they was Desired to Stay untel the next monthely |
meeting for their Answer – – |
John Tucker and William Soule are apoynted to Enspect |
Into their Clearness and bring In their Answer to the next |
monthely meeting – – |
and the friends that was chosen to Spake with Thomas - |
Macumber concarning his abusing Ruth Smith with |
words was called upon and their Answer was that |
Thomas Macumber does condemn those words which he |
Spoak to Ruth Smith – – |
and the friends that was Chosen to Spake with Merebah |
marrige Contrary to the order of friends: being Called up = |
on: give In their answer that they had ben with her and |
have laboured with her according to the good order of [sd] |
truth In love and much tenderness and have recieved |
no Satesfactory answer from her – – |
and for as much as the sd Merebah hath preceeded [cross out] |
no further at the present the matter is refered untel further |
ocasion – – |
and John Tucker and William Soul are Chose to bound |
out the bureing yard bay the next monthly meeting – |
and Judah Smith is paid for his keeping the meeting hous |
and John Tucker and Eliezer Slocumb are chose to agree |
with a friend to keep the meeting house for the Insuing |
year – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting hous |
In Dartmouth the 15th Day of the 7th mth 1707 – |
their was Colected – – – – – – – 00£ – 08s – 05d |
And the two friends that was Chose to Enspect Into |
the Clearness of Isaac Barker and Elisebeth Slocumb |
Concarning marriage. being Called upon and they give |
their answer that they find thing are not clear – – |
And so the matter is refered to the next monthely meeting |
that thing s may be cleared to the Satesfaction of friends – – |
And Judah Smith hath taken the meeting house to keep |
to the Insuing year and the year begun the last monthly |
meeting and If it prove to harde for him then John = |
Tucker and Eliezar Slocumb are to be helpfull to him in that |
Service |
And Isaac Barker desirs that this meeting would be help |
full to him to Clear that mattar that hinders his proceed= |
ing In marrige – – |
and In order their unto the meeting made Choice of [sd?] |
William Soule Nathanell Howland John Lapham Jur |
and Benjamin Howland to asist him and bring In |
their answer to the next monthly meeting – – |
And John Tucker Peleg Slocumb and Stephen Willcock |
are Chosen to Attend the Quarterly meeting at Rohad= |
Island next – – |
to Spake to people to come orderly In to meeting as so |
soon as Convenianbly they can after they come to the [sd?] |
meeting house and not to stand talking and Spending |
away their time with out doors as the maner of some |
hath ben to their own hurt and to the truble of freinds |
Is rfered to the next monthly meeting – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house In Dartmouth the 21th day of the 8th mth 1707 |
their was Colected – – – – – – – 00£ – 10s – 00d |
And the four friends that was Chose the last |
monthly meeting for to be helpfull to Isaac Barker |
Concarning what did hender him from haveing his |
Answer relating to marrige at the last monthly [sd?] |
meeting give In their Answer that the matter y[?] |
Ended and truth Cleared – – |
And Isaac Barker and Elisebeth Slocumb came be= |
for this meeting desiering an answer to their former |
Intentions of marrige Signifieing they was Still of |
the Same mind – – |
and things being clear they had their answer that |
they might take Each other in the order of truth – – |
William Soule and Benjamin Howland are Chose |
to See Isaac Barker and Elisebeth Slocumb Solomnize |
their marrige in the good order of truth – – |
And John Lapham and John tucker are Chose to Spake to |
friends and people that frequent our meetings that they |
Come In to meeting and not to hold discorses without In the |
time of meeting – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
In Dartmouth the 17th day of the 9th mth 1707 – |
their was colected – – – – – – – 00£ – 12s –00d |
Benjamin Howland and William Soul was called up= |
on to give In their answer whether Isaac Barker and [unknown symbol?] |
Elizebeth Slocumb hath Solominized their marrige In |
the order of truth – – |
And they answer that thay se their marrige acomplished |
according to order – – |
And it is agreed that friends at Cokset shall have their |
the first day before the monthly meeting – – |
and then they are ordered to com to the meeting here[?] |
And it is agreed that freinds should have a Subscription |
of four pounds which was proportioned on our meeting |
by the qw-t meeting towards the acomplishing the charge |
of friends meeting house In Boston: and if the subscrip= |
tion doth not amount to the above sd four pounds then |
the sume is to be made up out of the monthly meeting |
Stock – – |
and their is subscribed this day – – – – – – – 02£ – 16s – 00d |
peleg Slocumb Stephen Willcock and John tucker |
are Chosen to goe to Rochester to be helpfull to friends |
their and to Instruct them In the order of truth by reeding[?] |
the orders their of unto them or otherwise as need may require – – . |
And John Tucker is Chose to see the money colected |
for boston meeting house transported to Sandwich |
Quarterly meeting – – – – – |
at a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
In Dartmouth the 15th day of the 10th mth 1707 – – |
their was Colected – – – – – – – 00£ – 07s – 00d |
peleg Slocumb Stephen Willcock and John tucker was |
Calle upon to give in their account whether they had ben |
At Rochester according to Apoyntment of the last month |
ly meeting and they answer that they have be their: and they |
find things not well their amongst friends for which [~?] |
ocasion the meeting doth stil continue the Same three [~?] |
friends and aded unto them Benjamin Howland Eliezar |
Slocumb and Increase Allin to furder labour with them |
to shew them their shortness In not attending the month- |
ly meeting and not obsarving the order therof – – |
And John thicker and Judah Smith ar appoynted to |
Drawout the queries and minits of the yearly meeting |
that are sutable to be reed amongst the youth – – |
And the meeting is adjourned untel the next fourth |
day com two weeks – – – – – |
the meeting being meet according to adjournment - |
the 31th day of the 10th mth 1707 – |
And the money Colected the last monthly meeting |
meeting In order to be sent to Edward Shippey – |
and the friends that was Chose to goe to rochester |
report that they hav ben their and friends their have |
given some Satesfaction and Signefie that they shall |
Indevor to be mor deligent to attend the monthely ~ |
meetings for the time to come12– – |
Some deferanc presented to this meeting between John |
tucker and thomas macumber – |
Nathaneel Howland and Eliezer Slocumb are chose |
to hear sd Deferance and labour to reconsile the matar |
if they can. and make report to the next monthly |
meeting how they find things – – |
John tucker and peleg Slocumb are chosen to |
attend the Qu-t meeting next – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house In Dartmouth the 19th day of the 11th moh 1707 |
their was Colected – – – – – – – 00£– 08s – 10d |
And the friends that was chosen the last monthely |
meeting to see to make up the Deferance between |
John tucker and thomas Macumber and they report |
that sd macumber is to blame and refuseth to make |
Satesfaction: and It is agreed by this meeting that tho= |
Macumber shall pay the twelve Shillings demanddc |
And make Satesfaction for his Contrediction about It – – |
and the Same freinds are continued and John Lapham |
is added unto them to tel him the meetings Judgment – – |
and this meeting doth thinks it best to further labour with |
hannah Jeney concarning her appearing In publick asembelys |
In prayer and her Disorederly singing and preaching out of the unoty |
of friends – – |
John tucker and Eliezer Slocumb are Chosen to labour |
with her and make their return to the next monthely |
meeting – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
In Dartmouth the 16th of the 12th mth 1707 – – |
their was colected – – – – – – – 00£ – 09s – 06d |
meeting to Spake to hannah Jeney give In their answer |
that they have ben with her and She Desirs time of con= |
sidration untel the monthly meeting befor the Qurly |
meeting next wihch is granted – – |
And this meeting orders Benjamin Howland to make up |
what the wemen have colected twenty shillings which |
is 4 shillings and 6 pence and pay Judah Smith for his keeping |
the charge of the meeing house half a year – – |
And this meeting agrees to the Quarterly meeting minits |
to Chuse Visetors to goe with the over seers to viset the |
famelyes of friends once In the quartor – – |
Increas Allin John tucker peleg Slocumb and william |
wood are chosen over seers and Stephen Willcock and |
Eliezar Slocumb are Chosen visetors for Dartmouth |
meeting and Savery Cleffton for Rochester meeting |
(1708) |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house In Dartmouth the 15th of the first month 1708 |
their was Colected – – – – – – – 00£ – 08s – 11d |
Dartmouth meeting Called Judah Smith and benjamin |
Howland Appeared: Rochester meeting called and not |
Appeared – – |
And the friends that was Chosen to furder labour ~~ |
with thomas macumber gives In their acount that |
he refuseth to make aney Satesfaction and the meeting |
being Clear as to furder Dealings with sd Macumber |
do Appoynt Eliezar Slocumb and Nathaneel Howland |
to draw up his Condemnation – – |
and the friends that was to Spake with hannah Jeney |
hath ben with her and she refars her self to the ~~ |
Qurt meeting of ministors – – |
And the meeting adviseth that freinds go forwards and |
finesh their subscription to wards the fencing In the burring |
ground by the latter End of the forth month next – – |
And It is all so advised that all freinds bring In the berths |
and Deaths of their Children as Soon as Conveniantly they |
can: to be recorded – – |
And the meeting is adjourned unte the first six day In |
the next month – – |
And the meeting being meet according to adjournment |
acount that they have drawnup thomas macumbers ~~ |
Condemnation according to order which was perused and |
signed by this meeting – – |
And William Wood and William Soule are Chosen ~~ |
to Reed it to him and if he stil refuseth to make Sates |
faction then to reed his Condemnatisn In publick |
the next first day befor the monthly meeting after |
the time of worship is over – – |
John tucker and peleg Slocumb are Chosen to attend |
the Qurt meeting next – – – – – |
At amonthely meeting of friends held at our meeing |
house In Dartmouth the 19th day of the Second mth 1708 |
their was Colected – – – – – – – 00 – 12 – 02 |
Dartmouth meeting Called Judah Smith and Benjamin |
Howland appeared Rochestor Called John Summers appeared – – |
Thomas Macumbers Condemnation was Reed as faloweth – – |
Where as Thomas Macumber of Dartmouth In the |
County of Bristol In New England – – |
haveing for some years freequented the meetings of us |
the people In Scorn Called Quakers: and Semed to Joyne |
In Sosiaty with us. but for want of keeping In true sub |
Jection to that princaple he made profesion of to wit |
the sperit of truth In his own heart wich sperit will |
Lead all them that are obediant to it out of Everey thing |
that is Contrarey to the nature of It and Inconsestant with |
It. he hath given way to this covetious mind and hath |
Denied to pay his Debt: but hath denyed that it is dew though |
It is proved dew by soficant Evedance: and allso the sd ~~ |
thomas macumber hath ben found contradicting him= |
self for to Excuse himself at one time saying they could |
not make up the acomts and another time said that |
he had money of his owne implyeing that he had no |
need to be In Dedebted but for four shillings and six pence: |
And notwithstanding at that time It is proved that he |
was asked if he had aney money and he Answered no |
which he hath allso denyed and the sd thomas macumber |
at another time said the accounts was but nin shillings |
Between them. but for want of keepeing In Subje= |
ction to that Devine principle of truth In his owne |
his freinds who laboured with him to Reclame him from |
those Evils he was found In; But in a willfull stredron ~ |
temper he slited their advice allthoug given him In – – |
done from time to time there for is theis given forth to |
clear the blesed truth and us the people of god called |
Qakers of all such Disorderly Walkers -&- wee are constrained |
And doe give this as a testimony against him the sd tho= |
macumber and he is Denyed by us untel he repent |
And Amend which wee Earnestly Desier for his souls |
sak given forth by our monthly meeing held by ~~ |
Adjournment In Dartmouth within the County above sd |
the second day of the second month 1708 – – |
signed In behalf of said meeing by |
Eliezar Slocumb |
peleg Slocumb |
Benjamin Howland |
James Burriell |
Stephen Willcock |
Nathanel Howland |
John Lapham |
William Wood |
John Tucker |
John Lapham Jur |
William Soule |
Eliezar Smith |
Judah Smith |
And peleg Slocumb and John tucker gives In their |
Account that they have attended the Qar meeting ac= |
cording to order – – |
Some Deferance between peleg Slocumb and Eliezar |
Slocumb and Some persons were appoynted to hear and |
the Said Deferance which they did. but peleg refuseth |
to stand to their Determination or to refer him self furder |
where upon Increas Allin and Abraham tucker |
was: Chosen to labour further with him and tel him |
that he must Either Stand to the Judgement allredey |
given or refer himself to the monthly meeting – – |
and bring in their answer to the nex monthely ~ |
meeting – – |
and the Qu-t meeting made choise of peleg Slocumb |
and John tucker to Attend the yearly meeting |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at our |
meeing house In Dartmouth the 17th day of the 3rd mth 1708 |
Their was Collected – – – – – – – £ – 10[?] – 02 |
Dartmouth Weekley meting Called Judah Smith |
Isaac Vinson appeared – – |
Abraham Tucker and Eliezar Slocumb Increas Allin [Allen] brought |
In their Answer to this meeting wich is that peleg |
Slocum and his brother Eliezar is agreed as to that |
part depending between them: but for as much pelege as |
and Eliezar and William Soule did Invest one ~ |
arbetratory power: In John tucker and Some others |
to hear and Determin Sd Deferance wich depended |
and they the Sd John tucker and others. having ~ |
Agred:: but pelege refusing to Stand to their awarde |
Did unadvisedly proceed In bringing Sd Deferance to |
the town meeting over the heads of the arbetraters |
and with out the Consent of this meeting the which |
Is Estemed Disorder: and Peleg not willing to be con= |
vinced of the disorderlyness their of: nor willing |
to come under the Judgment of the meeting for |
the same: but like to Intertain hard thoughts, of the ~~ |
meeting. thinking they do Asume aperogative beyond |
what (y) nesesery, therfor this meeting and peleg |
doth agree to Chnge the falowings friends to hear the |
whol matter: and If they see cause to make aney ~ |
alteration In the former arbetration by John tucker |
and partners: they may: but if not then that It shall |
stand as agreed by them the sd arbetrators: and allso |
that the falowing persons: doe determin what Satesfact= |
ion: peleg ought to give to this meeing for his disord= |
erly proseedings over the head of the meeting: and |
that If William Soule and Eliezar Slocumb has con |
sented that Peleg Should proseed as he has don then |
that they shall allso give Satesfactio to ye meeting for |
their so doing: but and if Sd persons here after none |
noted think that the meeing or [those?] other frds |
have Inqured ye sd persons Peleg then Regulate and |
determin In that allso: |
the persons nominated to determin betwext the ~ |
above sd persons: are |
Joseph Wanton: William Barker: and Thomas Cornwell |
Willm Anthony and Abraham Anthoney Juner or |
aney two of the later three: or the major part of them |
at the house of Pelege Slocumb next six day In the morning |
and this meeting doth agree that the first day ~~~ |
meeting at Coxset shall be at the meeting house for |
this Summer as formerly – – |
Stephen Willcock: Benjamin Howland: John |
Tucker: William Soule: and Judah Smith or aney |
one of the last two are Chosen to peruse the mon= |
thly meetings minits In order that what is ~~ |
neseserey may be recorded – – |
Stephen Willcock and William Wood are appoynted |
to procure two hands to mana goe with friends |
to Nantucket to mannege the boat: and the month |
ly meeting to pay them for their service – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of freinds held at our meeting |
house In Dartmouth the twenty first day of the 4 mth 1708 |
their was Colected – – – – – – – 00£ – 07s – 00d [?] |
Stephen Willcock and William Wood are called up |
one to give In their account concarning the twoo: men |
men that they procured to goe with friends: to ~ |
Nantucket: and their answer was that they have had |
no account foram the meen as yet: so they are desiared |
to do It against the next monthly meeting – – |
And Benjamin Howland and Abraham tucker are |
Chose to Spake with Peleg Slocumb to know whether |
he will give the meeting another deed of the meeting |
hous Land: after another form: and Abraham Chase |
is desired to asest them: and bring In their answer |
to the next monthelly meeting: |
And this meeting Agrees that the fourth days meeting |
that happeneth In the week: that the youths meeting |
is In: is omited: that the youths meeting maye be |
the more fully attended – – |
And the friends that was appoynted: the last monthly |
meeting: to hear and Determin the Deferance: betwen |
Peleg Slocumb and his brother Eliezar and William |
Soule: and allso to hear and Determin the Deferance |
Btween sd Pelege and the meeting: give In their ~ |
Answer to this meeting which is as foloweth – – |
persuant to the Agreement of last monthly meeting: held |
Wee: Joseph Wanton thomas Cornell William Barker |
and Abraham Anthoney Juner Being asested by Patrck |
Henderson: Did apear at Peleg Slocumbs house: where wee |
meet with Peleg Slocumb Eliezar Slocumb and William Soule: |
Who did first authoriz: the following Arbetrators (viz) |
John tucker Benjamin Howland William Wood and |
Judah Smith wohm allso wee have hade present: with |
us: and after large conferance with them ye sd Peleg and |
Eliezer Slocumb and William Soule and: John tucker and |
the rest of the Arbetrators: they and Everey of them |
mutaly agreeing and Declaring befor us that they and |
Everey of them shall and will stand to: and In Everey |
parte preform fullfill and keep: wat shall by us be agreed |
upon in Every Respect as Shall be here after: declared |
under our hands: – – |
And for as much as on Principall parte of the difference – ~ |
depending is betwext Peleg Slocumb and his Brother Elazer |
Slocumb both of the town of Darmouth and County of |
Bristol In New England: It is mutualy Agreed betwext ~~ |
them that they and Everey of them ye sd Peleg and Eliezar |
Slocumb: Shall and will from time to time: them their |
heirs Exceutors administorators and asigns: preform full= |
fill and keep: all and Every part: of the agreement: ~ |
which by us the Sd Joseph Wanton and partners shall be |
hear after Declared under our hands: and if they the sd ~ |
Peleg and Eliezar: or Either of them their heirs or asigns: |
shall at aney time after the declaration of our agreement |
made and done betwext them and on be half of them their |
heirs and asigns: they or aney of them desenting from or |
refusing: to stand to what shall be Determined: and Declared |
betwext them: then such and Every of them see Desenting |
to forfitt the Sume of one hundred pounds: to be paid to |
the Determination heare after declared Respecting |
this mattar, to all which the sd Peleg and Elizar doth |
Agree: for them selves their heirs: and asigns: to Stand |
to Establesh for Ever: Except they or their asigns: mut= |
ualy agree to have and hould other wife, and as ~~ |
further confermation their of has her unto Interchang: |
ably yet their hands and seals this 21 day 3mo 1708 |
Stephen Willcock |
Peleg Slocumb• |
Issac Barker |
Elizar Eh25. Slocumb • |
mark |
And for as much as William Soule of the town of ~ |
Dartmouth and the Cunty of Bristol In New England Is |
one principely concarned In the mater depending to |
be Determined by us the Sd Joseph Wanton and partners |
It is therfor Agreed that the Sd Willm Soule his heirs ~ |
Exceutors and administorators and asigns Shall be bound |
under the penelty of one hundred pounds: to stand: to |
fullfill and keep: the agreements award and Determi= |
nation him onehis part wich shall be herafter |
Declared under our hands: and the Sd Sume of one |
hundred pounds: to be payed by him his heirs or asigns |
to Such persons: Legaly serving for the Same: for – – |
Just Dameges done to them through the nonprefor= |
mance of him the Sd Willm Soule: his heirs Executors |
or asigns to which the Sd Wllm Soule: doth Covenant |
and Agree: and as a further Confarmation hereof |
has here unto Set his hand and Seal this 21 first |
day of the third month 1708 – – |
witneses presents |
William Soule • |
Stephen Willcock |
Isaac Barker |
to all people to whome these presents ^may come know |
ye that where as there has ben some differance ocasion[-] |
ed through unadvised management: depending for |
some time betwixt Peleg Slocumb Elizar Slocumb and |
William Soule where upon they did make choice of |
to be heard and determined their in [therein] by John Tucker, |
Benjamin Howland Judah Smith and William |
Wood: and accordingly they the sd John Tucker and |
partners heard and awarded: but Peleg to forwardly |
desenting from their agreement: for some slender ~ |
Reasons not necessary not here to mention: and ~ |
the sd mater being Reported to the monthly meeting: |
and being under their consideration: did at last month= |
Apoynt that wee the sd Joseph Wanton and partners |
should over hale the sd mater here and determin the |
sd differance: – – |
And now by virtue of the power invested in us not |
only by the monthly meeting but allso: by theece [these] |
Persons Emeadietly concarned: Wee doe awarde and |
determin for them their heirs and adminest– – |
rators and assigns that their shall be a drift way: ~ |
with gatts [gates] suficent throug Elizer Slocumbs Land. |
Accordind as it was laid out by the town: In bredth |
About: Eight Rods: leading down to the End of the ~ |
Beach and so to the landing place: and to contenew [continue] |
for the uss [use] of ^such who has or may at aney [any] time here= |
after have ocation [occasion] to ride leade ^cart or drive aney or all= |
sorts of creturs [creatures] such as aney people shall have ocas= |
ion ride lead cart or drive as aforsd [aforesaid] – – |
And that there be an open high way from the sd ~ |
Eliezar Slocumbs land through Pelege Slocumbs ~ |
Land and thence to the Souls land and from thence |
to Ebenezer Allins [Allen] land until it comes to Josiah Allins [Allen] |
land and then betwixt Josiah Allins [Allen] land and the sd |
Souls land and sea until it enters the comon [common] or undivided |
land: and that the sd high way shall all along be alowed [allowed] |
at least two Rods in width provided that where it joyns |
upon the sd Allins [Allen] land: the sd two Rode [sic] in width: shall |
be taken out of the sd Souls land: and allso what part |
of sd high way leads throug Peleg Slocumbs land: shall |
be suficently fenced and so maintained: by them their heirs |
and assigns for Ever-: that is to say one Equale half there |
of to be fenced and maintained by Peleg and his heirs and |
assigns: and the other half by Eliezar and his heirs and |
assigns – – |
It is allso agreed that their shall be a drift way thro |
ugh the sd Souls land and with gatts [gates]: and as wide as |
may be ajudged nesesery by the town or select men ~ |
for all sorts of gathers to pass and repass: whether |
rideing leadind cart and or driving &c – – |
and for as much as formerly their was a comon |
high way laid out throug Peleg Slocumbs land ~ |
be altered but by the town agreement, if now the town |
see cause to disannul: and shut or cause to be shut up: |
and noe more ocopyd as such the sd high way lead- |
ing by his house then and under that consideration |
their shall be a drift way leading through his land |
lying on the other side of or from his house: in the |
place where he shewed John Tucker of and some ~ |
others: with gatts [gates] and of a conveniant breth: beseting[?] |
to ride leade cart or drive aney or all sorts of cattle or – – |
creturs: passing and repassing as they may have ocasion |
and it is furder agreed that if at aney time hereafter |
the town should se [see] cause to Re Establish and cause to |
be opened and occopyed the sd high way or if aney person |
or persons should at any time here after [illegible] the |
opning and occopying of sd high way by law sute [suit] |
or other wise then and under that consideration |
Shall be lawfull for the Sd Peleg Slocumb Slocumb |
to shut up: and occopy the Sd drift way as he his heirs |
or asigns Shall see Cause – – |
Thus wee though good to awarde and determin |
accordind to the best of our understanding given |
under our hands: In Peleg Slocumbs house |
the 21 day of the 3mo 1708 – – |
before It is absolutely delivered by us |
Joseph Wanton |
Wee doe further agrre that the |
thomas Cornell |
drift way leading through the |
William Barker |
Souls land shall not Exceed |
Abraham Anthoney Jur |
In width above four Rods |
and allso that the drift |
way leading throug Pelege |
Slocumbs home lot shall |
not Exceed four Rods In width |
wee do allso agree that all these proceedings by us In |
these affairs should be Carfully Recorded In the |
monthely meeting Book: and yet notwith= |
standing that these same being ye oregenall: Shall |
be carfully pined and preserved In the Sd monthley |
meeting Book |
Pursuant to the minut of last monthely meeting |
and friends: wee do think that Pelegs proceedings: under |
Several Considerations has been not so orderly and becom= |
=ing as it ought to be: and In perticular his Refusing to |
Stand to the awarde of John tucker and partners In the |
mater depending beetwext him his brother and William |
Soule: and allso: In his absenting from the monthely meet= |
=ing when he knew that the Sd mater would be – – |
Agetated In the meeting: and allso his unadvised way |
of presenting sd mater to the town meeting: all which |
we. doe disaprove and plaC Judgment upon: and under ar |
Consideration: of these things wee have delt with Pelege: |
And he Segnefys to us that he is Sorey for Such mis= |
steps: and wee considring that throw the thickness |
of his hearing: he did not so rightly aprehend nor un= |
derstand the mater In Its proceedings: the which |
the which might have laid him under several |
Disadvanteges: there fore wee desier and think It most |
Expediant under Several Considrating Espeacely seeing |
that he has: Come to an acknowledgment to us: |
therfor It is our Sence and Judgment that from |
hence forth the Church be noe further trobled with |
Sd mater: but that Pelege and freinds doe live In love |
And Unity as be cometh Bretheren – – |
given under our hand |
Joseph Wanton |
this 21: of the third month 1708 |
Thomas Cornell |
William Barker |
Abraham Anthony Jur |
And the meeting Is adjourned untel the next fourth |
day Come two weeks – – – – – |
the meeting being meet according to adjournment |
the 7th day of the 5th month 1708 |
Stephen Willcock and Benjamin Howland was |
Appoynted for to atend the Quarterly meeting at |
Rhoad Island next |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at our 1708 |
meeting house In Dartmouth the 15th of the: 5th mo |
And their was Colected – – – – – – – 0£ – 09s – 03d |
And this meeting orders Benjamin Howland to pay |
out of our Stock to Thomas Hathaway Eight Shillings |
And six shillings to Daniel Wood for goeing to Nantucket |
with friends – – |
And Stephen Willcock Samuell Mott and Benjamin |
Howland are appoynted to give William Ricketson and |
Merebah Slocumb their answer Consarning their |
laying their Intentions of marriage befor the monthely meeting |
and make their return to the next monthly meeting – – |
And the freinds that was Chosen the last monthely |
meeting: for to Speak with Peleg Slocumb for to know |
whether he would give another deed of the meeting |
house Land after another method and they Report |
that Sd Slocumb is not willing – – |
Where upon the meeting made choyce of Benjamin = |
Howland Eliezer Slocumb William Wood Judah = |
Smith and Samell Mott for trustees to have a deed made |
to them from the former trustees In the method that |
Thomas Story Sent to us for the better securing the |
Sd land – – |
and Benjamin Howland is Chosen to get a deed Drawn |
by the next monthly meeting – – |
And freinds are desired to finesh the fenceing the |
bureing ground by the next monthly meeting – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house In Dartmouth the 16th of the 6th moth 1708 – – |
their was Colected – – – – – – – 0£ – 12s – 03d |
And the three freinds that was Chosen the last |
monthly meeting for to give William Ricketson |
And Meribah Slocumb the Reason why they |
could not be prmetted to lay their Intention of |
marriage: before the laast monthely meeting: and |
they make report: to this meeting: that the sd ~ |
William Ricketson and Merebah Slocumb: are |
willing to take up with the good order of the meet= |
ing: and to come through the same– – |
And the Eight Shillings which Benjamin Howland |
was ordered to pay to Thomas Hathaway the |
last monthly meeting was paid according to order – – |
And allso the six Shillings was: paid to Daniel Wood: |
as ordered – – |
And George Thomas of portsmouth on Rhoad Island |
tions marriage before this meeting – – |
allso Samuell Howland of freetown and marcy |
Merehew of Dartmouth did laye their Intention |
of marriage befor this meeting – – |
And William Ricketson and Marebah Slocumb |
both of Dartmouth did likewise lay their Intention |
of marriage be fore Sd meeting – – |
Stephen Willcock and Benjamin Howland are |
Chosen to Inspect and Inquire Into: all: their Clear= |
ness Consarning marriage: and to bring In their ~ |
Answer to the next: monthely meeting – – |
And It is agreed and ordered by this monthly meeting |
that all freinds that have or hereafter may have ~~ |
ocasion to lay their Intentions of marrige before the |
monthly meeting that they or some freind on their behalf |
Shall Aquaint the preparitive meeing their with |
before they present It to the monthly meeting – – |
And John Tucker and Eliezar Slocumb are Chosen |
to agree with a friend for to keep the meeting ~~ |
house for the Insuing year – – |
and to see that the friend that keept the meeting |
house the last year be paid for his sarvice – – |
And Benjamin Howland hath goten a deed drawn |
according to order and It is aproved of by this meeting – – |
And ordered to be signed and Acknowleged and ~~ |
And Recorded – |
And John Tucker is appoynted to get the same Accomplished – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house In Dartmouth the 20th day of the 7th moth 1708 |
their was Colected – – – – – – – £0 – s06 – 11d |
and John Sumers apered for rochester meeting – |
And the two friends are Called upon namely ~~ |
Stephen Willcock and Benjamin Howland to |
give In their answer how they find things consarning |
the Clearness of the six friends that Did lay their |
Intentions of marriage before the last monthly meeting: – – |
and they report that they have made req Inquierey |
And they find nothing that my Justely hinder |
their Intentions – – |
Marcy Merehow: and William Recketson and ~ |
Merebah Slocumb: and George Thomas and Martha |
Tucker all appeared the Second time desiring an ~~ |
Answer they all signefying that they still Intended marriag |
and nothing appearing to hinder their Intentions they |
all had ther answers that they might proceed to |
take Each other In the good order of truth – – |
and Benjamin Howland and John Lapham are chosen |
to See Samuell Howland and Marcy Merehow ~~Solomnize |
their marriage In the order of truth: and John Tucker: |
and William Wood are Chosen to See George Thomas and |
Martha Tucker: acomplish their mariage In the good: |
order of truth – – |
and Increas Allin [Allen] and William Soule are Chosen to |
See William Recketson and Merebah Slocumb |
Solomnize their marriage In the order of truth – – |
and Stephen Willcock and Eliezar Slocumb are Chosen |
to attend the Quartorly meeting at Rhoad Island next – – |
And this monthely meeting refers the buseness Consarning |
the Rate which is required of this town by the Jenerel |
Court or: Assembley at boston: part of which rate is |
soposed to be for the: mantainance: of ahierling ~~ |
priest: to the Quartorly at Rhoad Island next – – |
for their Advice – – |
and John Tucker: is appoynted to goe to Boston to |
to carrey a petition on the behalf of friends to the |
Governor and Counsel to desier them to omet the make |
-ing and gathering: that part of sd rate: wich is soposed |
for a priest: the which part friends canot be active In |
Either makeing or paying the Same It being contrarey |
to that princaple of truth which wee mak ~~ |
profesion of – – |
here faloweth the coppeys of Samuell Howland of free |
Town In the County of Bristol and George Thomas |
of Portsmouth on Rhoad Island their Setificates Con= |
Sarning marriage – – |
to our freinds and Brethren In Dartmouth or Else where ~~ |
whom It may Consarn: where as Samuell Howland of free |
Town being withIn ye Sircuit of our monthly meeting: haveing |
a desire to marrey amongst friends: sometime past did Request |
or desier A Sitificate of our sd meeting of his Clearness relateing |
Marriage: of which weehave thus Considred and have |
proceeded according to the good order of truth: and find |
nothing to obiect or hender: his sd proceedings their in: wee |
kept [?] your freinds and Brothers in: of this our monthly meeting |
held at new port on Rhoad Island this 7th of the 7th moth 1708 |
Signed In the behalf of sd meeting: |
by John bourden [Borden]: Thomas Rodman: Frances Brayton |
Joseph Wanton: William Anthony: Richard Borden: |
William – Barker: Samuell hicks: Samuell thurston: |
Joseph Anthony Jur: Samuell Easton: Thomas hicks: |
John hewlet Thomas Cornell Jur – – |
the coppey of George Thomas: his Certificate here |
faloweth |
from our monthly meeting held at Newport on Rhoad= |
Island the 7th of the 7th moth 1708 – – |
to our friends and Brethren at Dartmouth is the |
Salutation of our love to you all: In the unity: and ~~ |
felloship: of the Spirit: of truth – – |
these are to sertifi you that our friend Georg Thomas |
Did desier: of our last monthly meeting A Certificate of his |
life and Conversation and Clearness Rlating marriage which |
Sd meeting according to the good order of truth Established A |
Amongst us: did appoynt two friends: to Inquier In to: |
And they make Report unto: this meeting: that they have |
Inquired and find nothing; but that he hath ben: of: a |
good conversation: and is In unity with us and is allso |
Clear from aney person Relating: Marrige: Excepting |
Martha Tucker: so far as wee know: whose groth and |
prosperety wee: sencearly Desier may be continued to the |
End: In the blessed truth: |
Signed by order and on behalf of this meeting: by |
Jacob Mott: John Borden: Jacob Mott Junr: |
Thomas Rodman: Gilse Slocum: gidian freebourn: |
Joseph Wanton: William Anthony: William Barker |
Frances Brayton: John Coggeshall: Thomas Cornell Ju |
John Hewlet: John Stanton Jur: Richard Bourder |
Samuell Hicks: Thomas Hicks: Ephraim Hicks: |
Samuell Thurston Josep Anthoney Ju: Samuell Easton |
and the meeting is adjourned untell the fourth day be for the |
Quartorly meeting next – |
the meeting being meet; according to Adjournment |
the 6th day of the 8th moth 1708 – – |
the visitors: Brings In their accounts of their visits |
to this meeting: that they find freinds Caind[?] and do |
take their: labour of love In visiting them Caincoly[?] |
the monthly meeting that Should have ben held the |
In the 8th month is held by adjournment the first day |
of the 9th moth 1708 – – |
And their was Colected – – – – – – – £00 – 11s – 03d |
And the friends that was Chosen the last monthly |
meeting: to see the marriages Solomnized In the |
good Order of truth: – – |
was Called upon: and they answered that they did: |
see the marriages Acomplished In the good Order |
of truth – – |
And John Tucker hath ben at boston with a petition |
to the governor and Counsel: as apoynted: |
but he could not get an Answer as yet: whether: the |
will Omet the Sixty pounds that is soposed for the |
ministers rate: or not13 – – |
and John tucker signifies to this meeting that |
he is not willing to receive aney money for his |
Service: In going to boston to the governor and Counsel |
on the be half of freinds and others – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of freinds held at our meeting |
house In Dartmouth the 15th day of the 9th moth 1708 - |
their was colected – – – – – – – £00 – 09s – 10d |
Dartmouth meeting called: Benjamin Howland |
and Judah Smith appeared – – |
Rochester meeting Called and not appeared – – |
and the two friends that was appoynted at the |
last preparitive meeting: for to Inquier of Jonathan |
Ricketson: Consarning: his laying the Intention of |
his marriage: before this meeting – – |
to this meeting: that h sayeth that he doth not Intend |
to lay his Intention of marriage be for the monthly |
meeting: but saith the he thinks it no sin to be |
married other wise – – |
and John Tucker John Lapham Jur: and Judah Smith |
are Appoynted to furder labour with him: his short= |
ness: and bring In their answer to the next monthly meeting – – |
And the friends: on the other sid Coxeset: river desier that |
they may have: their meeting for the winter seson as formerly – – |
which is granted – – |
and the bureing ground being fenced In: their remains |
dew to John Lapham Jur: six Shillings: and Benjamin |
Howland is ordered to pay him out of the monthely |
meeting Stock – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting: of friend held at our meeing: |
house: In Dartmouth: the 20th day of the 10th moth 1708 - |
their was colected – – – – – – – 00£ – 01s- 01d |
Dartmouth meeting Called William Soule and |
Judah Smith appeared – – |
Rochester meeting Called and none apeared – – |
and the friends that was appoynted the last monthly |
meeting to furder labour: with Jonathan Ricketson ~~ |
to shew him his: Shortness: In not being willing to ~~ |
lay the Intentions of his marriege: be fore the meeting: |
they make report to this meeting that his answer is that |
he sees no harme In marriing acording to the Costome |
of the world: – – |
and Saith that at present he doth not In tend to be |
married In the order of friends – – |
And John Lapham Jur and William Wood are Chose to atend the quarter= |
ly meeting at Rhoad Island next – – |
and Benjamin Howland is ordered to pay Judah Smith |
ten Shillings out of the Stock for his keeping the meeting |
house one quarter of a year14 – – |
and Benjamin Howland is allso ordered to pay John Tucker |
nine Shillings and six pence for his Desburstements about |
the recording the deeds of the meeting house land – – |
and our friend Deliverance Smith being one of the Select |
Gallop – Sheirif of Bristol [Bristol County, Mass.]: by an order of the Jeneral |
Court at Boston: and Comeeted prisoner to the County |
Goal at Bristol: |
Becaus he could not for Conscians Sake assese the |
Sume of Sixty pounds Enaxed to the Queens taxe ~~ |
which Sume was soposed as afore mentioned and now |
It is Evident: to be for the mantanince of a hierling ~~ |
minestor: |
and friends haveing unity with him in his ~~ |
Suffererings – – |
doe appoynt Benjamin Howland and Judah Smith |
to procur a hand to manneg the Sd Deliveranc Smiths |
buseness whilst he is a prisonar on the account of |
truth and friends – – |
and Ingage him his wages: and the monthly meeting |
to reImbrerst the same: |
and the meeting is adjourned untel the Seventh |
day of the Eleventh month next – – – – – |
And the meeting being mett according to adjourn= |
ment the 7th of the 11th moth 1708 |
the visetors Being Called [?] gives In their ~~ |
accounts to this meeting of their viseting of freinds |
familyes and they make reporte that they find things |
prety well In Some familes but In other some things |
are not will – – |
John Tucker and Judah Smith are appoynted to draw |
an Epestle to the quarterly meeting at Rhoad Island |
giveing an account of the affairs of truth amongst us – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at our |
meeting house In Dartmouth the 17th of the 11th moth 1708/9 |
their was Collected – – – – – – – 00£ – 09s – 08d |
Dartmouth meeting Called William Soul and Eliezar |
Slocumb appeared – – |
Rochester meeting Called and not Appeared ~~ |
and Benjamin Howland and Judah Smith make |
report to this meeting that according to order of ~ |
last monthly meeting they have hired James |
Russell to look after Deliverance : Smiths busness – – |
And this meeting agrees to lend as much money out |
of the Stock: as will pay the sd Russell: for his months |
work: and orders Benjamin Howland to let him |
have It – – |
And Benjamin Howland and Judah Smith are Still |
Continued for to See that Deliverance Smith dont want |
a hand to look after his buseness he being Stel a prisoner |
on truths account |
And John Tucker is appoynted by this meeting to go to |
Boston: to the Jeneral Court: to See if he Cane geet aney releaf for our friends |
who now remain prisoners with the sd Deliverance |
Smith in the Country Goal at Bristol – – |
and the meeting is to helpe him to money to bare his Expences – – |
And Stephen Willcock and Eliezar Slocumb are Chosen |
to visit friends at Rochester: to See how things are amongst |
them and make their return to the next monthly meeting – – |
Nathanell Howland and William Soule: are : Chosen |
to viset the prisoners: and see what they want and take |
Care that their wants may be Suplyed – – |
William Wood Eliezar Slocumb and Henery Howland |
are Chose to go to robart gifford and labour with him to |
shew him his Desorder In refusing to pay his proportion |
of the Queens tax: and that freinds cannot stand by him In |
so Doeing |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
In Dartmouth the 2i first day of the 12th moth 1708/9 |
and their was Colected – – – – – – – 00£ 11s – 01d |
And wher as It was Recomended: to this meeting |
that Some freinds or friendly people at: aCushanack [Acushnet]15 |
Desiers that their may be: a meeting of worship appoyn |
ted amongst them once In a month – – |
and after some debate upon the mater freinds did |
unanemosly agree: that their Request might be |
Answered thinking it might be for the honour of |
god and for the promortion of truth amongst them: |
and so recomends It to the Quarterly meeting |
And William Soul and Judah Smith ar Appoynted |
to Draw up a Certificate for our Antiant friend |
Hugh Coperthit: of flushing: Consarning his ~~ |
Sarvice and labour of love amongst us – – |
allso aComfertable Epestle was red here from our |
Antiant freinds and bretheren from their yearly |
meeting held at london last thurd month – – |
And an Epestle allso from the Quarterly meeting |
was Read amongst us and Caindly Excepte [kindly accepted] – – |
And by reson that the last monthely meeting |
minits: Could not be hade; where In was ~~ |
Several refers to this meeting the Clarke not being |
at home – – |
their fore the meeting Adjourns until the ~~ |
Second: fourth day in the first month next – – – – – |
(1709) |
this meeting Being meet accourding to adjourne= |
ment the 9th day of the first month 1709 – – |
and this meeting orders Benjamin Howland to pay |
James Russell for his second months works out |
of the meeting Stock |
And John Tucker gives this meeting an acount |
thaat he hath ben at boston as ordered and the ~~ |
Jeneral Court hath granted an order to the Sherif of |
of Bristol: to Relleise the prisoners they paying him |
the fees: wich they Could not do: |
therefore they are still continued prisoners – – |
Stephen Willcock and Eliezer Slocumb according to |
Appoyntment: have ben at Rochester and they give |
an account that freinds their are not so well as they |
Could wish: but hope that things may be better – – |
And the friends appoynted: to Spake with Robart Gifford |
gives In their answer that he hath given Satesfaction |
and hath paid his rate – – |
and the prisoners: to wit Deliverance Smith: and |
Thomas Taber Junr are Released and Come home |
but the manner of their Commetment and their |
Release shall be more largely Declared here ~~ |
after under the hand of one of them – – – – – |
At a monthely meeting of friends held at our meet= |
ing house In Dartmouth the 21st day of the 1st moth 1709 |
the Colection was – – – – – – – £ 0- 08s – 06d |
Dartmouth meeting: Called Benjamin Howland and |
Judah Smith appeared – – |
Rochester meeting Called and not Appeared – – |
and Benjamin Howland gives this meeting an |
account that he hath pay’d James Russell for one |
months work twenty Eight Shillings – – |
as ordered by the last monthly meeting |
and Judah Smith: hath made up the accounts |
with Benjamin Howland as ordered: and |
their remains In the Stock – – – – – – – 02£ – 04s – 09d |
And Charles Dyer the Sone of Charls Dyer of Newport |
on Rhoad Island and Marcy lapham daughter of |
John lapham of Dartmouth – – |
Did lay ther Intention of marriage: before this meeting |
and they were Desiered they to tarrey until the next |
monthly meeting for their Answer – – |
And John Tucker and William Wood are Apoynted to see |
In to their Cleanness relating marrige and Bring In their – – |
Answer to the next monthly meeting – – |
And William Wood Desiers the aprebation of the meeting |
for to put out one of his Children an apprentice to nicholas |
Howland and this meeting both agree and Consent to |
the Same – – |
and the Sufering: of William Wood for not training |
was Read and aproved and ordered: to be recommended ~ |
to the quarterly meeting |
And this meeting Is Adjourned untel the 6th day of the |
Second month – – – – – |
the meeting being meet according to Adjournment the |
Sixt day of the Second month 1709 – – |
and this meeting hath recived an account of Deliverance |
Smith Consarning his late Imprisonment and the meeting |
Recomends: the Same to the quarterly meeting – – |
John Tucker and Benjamin Howland : are Chosen: to |
Atend the quaterly meeting next at Rhoad Island |
this meeting hat received an account of the visetors |
as faloweth – – |
have visited the most of friends famielys here but |
by reason of my not being weell: wee have nt not ~~ |
preformed a Jeneral Visit but so far as wee have |
ben wee find things preti well: Except Some that |
are not so rightly Consarned as they ought to be |
and those need a great deal of labour to bring them |
to obsarve the orders of friends – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of freinds held at our meeting |
house In Dartmouth the 18th day of the second moth 1709 – – |
Dartmouth meeting Called Judah Smith and John |
Tucker appeared |
Rochester: meeting called John Sumers Appeared – – |
And the buseness consarning Charls Dyer and |
Marcy lapham is refered to the next monthly meeting – – |
Allso a meeting of worship is Established at Cushanet [Acushnet] |
by the quarterly meeting as requested |
and is to be keept the last first day In Every month |
And the Quarterly meeting of ministers: haveing – – |
laboured with Hannah Jenney: and advised her to |
be Silent: In meetings of worshp: |
but shee: not takeing up with their advice: they |
Reffer: here to our monthly meeting: to Deele with |
her as they may see meet: In the wisdom of god – – |
And Benjamin Howland and John Tucker are |
Chosen: to Spake with the Sd Hannah Jeney: to |
let here know: that freinds have no : unity with |
here preaching praying and singing: In publick |
meetings: and if Shee will stil go on conterarye to |
the advice of freinds: then freinds will be constrained |
for to give forth: a publick testimony against here |
proceeding In that Case – – |
and thomas taber Jur: being a friendly man and a |
late prisoner with our friend Deliverance Smith – – |
and he behaveing him selfe as becometh the truth |
which he sufered for In the time of his Imprison= |
- ment and freinds haveing unity with him: In |
his Suferings – – |
do think It their Christian duty to Contrebut some= |
thing to wards the suport of his fameley In |
And the Epestle from the quar meeting was read |
to our comfort and Satesfaction – – |
and here followeth a coppey of Deliverance Smiths letter |
which he sent: to the monthly meeting giveing |
an acount of the manner of his Imprisonmente |
and sufferings – – – – – |
[Two blank pages]
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house In |
Dartmouth the sixteenth of the third month – – 1709 |
their was Collected – – – – – – – 0£ – 09s – 03d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting called: Judah Smith and |
Benjmin Howland appeared; Rochester meeting |
Called and not appeared – – |
And the buseness consarning Charls Dyer and Marcy = |
Lapham is refered to the next monthely meeting – – |
and this meeting orders Benjamin Howland to let: |
Thomas Cornell have ten Shillings out of the meeting |
Stock: to help to Defray :the Charge of friends pasege |
to nantucket |
And the first day at aCokset: is Concluded to be at the |
meeting house for this summer – – |
And this meeting understands by John Summers :and |
TIM Timothey Davice [Davis]: that friends at Rochester are |
neglegent : In not atending their preparitive meeting |
According to order – – |
where for: Stephen Willcock: and Benjamin Howland |
are Appoynted to viset them: and stir them up: |
to Deligancy: In their meetings: and to obsarve the |
good orders of truth established amongst friends – – |
and this meeting orders Benjamin Howland to |
pay: Judah Smith Eight Shillings out of the Stock |
for his Recording the minits of the monthly meetin |
At amonthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house In Dartmouth the twenteth of the fourt: month 1709 |
their was Colected – – – – – – – 0£ - 12s - 04d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting called Judah Smith and |
William Soule appeared: & |
and the Bussnes consarning Charls Dyer and marcy |
Lapham is refered to the next monthly meeting – – |
John Tucker and Benjamin Howland are Chosen to |
attend the Quarterly meeting next – – |
the visitors being called upon: they give In the folowing |
account friends wee have preformed a Jeneral visit in the |
famelies of friends: through out the weekly meetings In Dartmouth |
and wee find that our labour of [love?] was [?] sarvice to |
some: and things Jeneraly are prety well amongst friends – – |
Eliezer Slocum, Increas Allin – – |
And Benjamin Howland and Judah Smith are chosen |
to wright an Epestle to the Quarterly meeting giveing |
an acount of the afairs of truth amongst us – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house In Dartmouth the 18th day of the fift month 1709 - |
their was Colected – – – – – – – 0l-09s-04d |
Dartmouth meeting called William Soule and Judah |
Smith apeared RoChester meeting called Saverey |
Cleffton [Clifton] Appeared – – |
and It is desired by this meeting that all freinds who |
have ben Imprest this yea[r] that they bring In their ~ |
acounts how they have stood : In truths testemony against |
waring and fighteing and also how they came to be |
Released from the sd Impress – to the next monthly |
meeting – – |
Benjamin Howland and John Lapham Jur are |
Chosen visitors and aded to the two that was formerly |
appoynted – – |
and Henrey Howland : is agreed: with to make up the |
gape Into the burieing ground : and to be paid out of |
the monthly meeting Stock – – |
and It is ordered that Benjamin Howland shoudshould |
pay to John Lapham twenty shillings out of our |
stock: for his keeping the meeing house |
and tis recomended to theis meeting by rochester freinds |
that they may have the meeting that is keept at John |
Summers : removed to John Wings: and allso a weekly |
meeting setled amongst them – – |
and this meeting refers It to the next monthely |
and mathew Wi[n]g gives this meeting an account of |
his being Imprest as foloweth |
to the monthly meeting In Dartmouth: friends these |
are to sartifie the meeting: that I have ben Imprest and |
hired a man to goe In my roome : but upon Consideration |
I was condemned In my self for so doing and I am sorey |
for the same and I hope I shall doe so no more – – |
mathew Winge |
At a monthely meeting of friend held at our meeting |
house In Dartmouth the fifteenth of the 6th : mth 1709 |
there was colected – – – – – – – 0l-06s-08d |
Dartmouth meeting called William Soule and Judah |
Smith appeared: rochester meeting called and not Apeared – – |
and It is ordered that Benjamin Howland should pay five |
Shillings to his brother Henrey for makeing the gate |
and posts for the buring yard – – |
Charls Dyer and Mary Lapham appeared the second |
time: Sigenefying still their Intention of marrige and |
nothing appearing to hinder their Intention he haveing |
a SerifiCate from the monthly meeing whereunto he |
did belong : a Coppey of which here foloweth – – |
from our monthly mens meeting of freinds held at new |
port on Rhoad Island ye 14th day of the 4th month 1709 |
to our friends at Dartmouth: is the Saleutaton of our Dear |
love In the truth: and where as Charls Dyre son of ~ |
Charles Dyer : of newport : Deceased desired a certificate of us |
he being as wee understand In persuance of marriage ~ |
with marey the Daughter of John Lapham and marey |
his wife of Dartmouth : |
these are theirfore : to certifie whom it may concarn that |
we have made: Inquiery : Concarning him and do finde |
nothing but that he is clear of intanglement as to mariag |
so for as we know with any here amongst us : and |
and as to his convesation of late has seemed to be sober: and |
well Inclind: and frequents friends meetings and |
wee have nothing against :his proceeding in marriag |
so Desiring his prosperety: and growth in the truth |
we conclud: signed by order and In be half of: |
our monthly meeting by _____ |
thomas Cornell Clark of ye meeting |
other In Conveniant tim In the Desente order |
of truth – – |
and William Wood and John Tucker are appoynted |
to sea that the marriage is Solemnized In the good - |
order of truth _____ |
and the bussenes concarning the setelement of a weekley |
meeting at rochester is refered to the next monthely meeting |
and Nathanell Howland and William Soule was called up = |
on: to give In their accounts of what they have Desburted to = |
wards the Suport of the late prisoners on the meetings |
account and they say they have desbursted nothing on the |
meetings account – – |
John Tucker and Eliezer Slocumb are called upon to give |
In their account: Concarning this Care about the meeting |
house the last year – – |
and their Answer is: that their is dew to them ten ~ |
shillings: and this meeting orders Benjamin Howland |
to paye it to them out of our Stock – – |
and John Tucker and Eliezer Slocum are still continued |
for to take care of the meeting house for the Insuing |
year – – |
and Itis ordered that Benjamin Howland should |
pay Judah Smith :twelve shillings for recording |
the monthly meetings minits: out of the monthly |
meeting Stock – – |
and this meeting hath subscribed teen pounds to: |
to wards the building of friends meeting in Boston |
and this meeting hath received an account form our |
freinds In wrighting: which was Imprest this year |
which was read to the satesfaction: of the meeting |
and ordered to be recorded: as foloweth – – – – – |
to the monthely meeting of freinds In Dartmouth |
holden the fiftenth day of the sixt month 1709 – – |
Dear friends and bretheren: thinking It our Christan duty |
and acording to the good order of truth: to give you this |
folowing: account |
friends: on the 9th day of the third month last in this |
present year: we whose nanes [names] are under wretten |
three of us being at the town house In Dartmouth ~ |
were Impresed by John Akin leuthenat of the train |
band; In to the Queens Service to goe to Canadya [Canada]16 ! |
and he required us to appear the next day at the hous |
of Josiah Allin [Allen] to receive furder order: and acordingly we |
went to Sd allins and when wee came our furder order ~ |
was to be Exercised In a warlike postour. |
and we told Sd Akin that we could not In conciance |
act In aney warlike postur: nor use carnal weapons to ~ |
destroy mens lives: who said He took notice of our answer |
and told us wee might go home untel furder order |
which we Did and remained at or about home untel the 18th |
day of the month: and then being ordered to appear be fore Colenel |
Byfield wee went with William Soule: (who was Impres |
by the above sd Akin: the 11th of the Same month to goe to |
Caniday In her majestys service) and ordered to appear |
at the town house In Bristol [Bristol, Mass., now R.I.]: on the 18th day of the sd 3th mth |
so wee went to Joseph Wantons where: we meet with |
our friend William Wood who was going with his son Will= |
iam Wood to Bristol: for Robart Brownel came the 11th day of |
the third month 1709: and Imprest his son to go to Canady |
In the Queens service: |
after wards: Nathanell Soule warned him to appear at |
the the town house In Bristol on the 18th day of the |
sd third month: then we considred the matter and ~ |
thought It might be best: for William Wood to leave |
his Son their and goe and Spake In his sons bhalf |
which he did: then wee went to Bristol together |
and Appeared befor Colonol Byfield: who asked: us |
some questions: to which wee answered that wee |
Could nout for Consiance Sake act In a War lick ~ |
posture to Destroy mens lives: for In So doing we shoud |
ofend god and In cur his Displeasur: and when William |
Wood Juner was called his father spoke In his behalf |
then Colenol Byfield : asked him if his sone was |
a Quaker too: he said it is against his mind to goe to |
ware and he would not kill a man for the world |
then one that sat by: said Byfield said take him: |
then he [sat?] down William’s name In his Book |
then he put us all: under the Comand of Capt ~ |
Joseph Brown: and charged us to march with him |
to Rocksburie [Roxbury, Massachusetts.] by the 25th of sad [said] month: which charge wee |
could not obay: but after ward he being more modrate |
Desiered us to goe down not In aney warlike posture but |
to take our own time: So as to meet Capt. Brown at the ~ |
Governors at roxburey the Sd 25th of the month which |
we finding freedom to doe accordingly went thether and |
laid our cause before the governeur Joseph Dudly who was |
verey kind to:us and gave us our liberty to go home with out |
Demanding aney money of us: or wee paying him aney In |
which liberty through the goodness of god wee still remain |
your friends |
John Tucker: William Wood |
William Soule: John Lapham Jr |
Deliverance Smith |
an other paper from nathaneell Howland to friends - |
-ing of the people |
called Quakers In Dartmouth: that on the 9th day of the |
third month 1709 |
I was Imprest by John Akin Into the queens sarvice |
an allso warned me to appear at Josiah Allins on the |
next day to receive furder order: which I did then |
he said his order was to Exersise me In a warlike postour |
with others that was Imprest: untel he had furder order then |
I tould him it was against my consiance in to aCt In |
SuCh a way to go out to war to destroy mens lives or |
words to that purpos: which he said he took notiCe of |
and Said I might go home untel furder order: then |
after ward I was warned to go with sd akin to the |
town house In Bristoll [Bristol, Mass., now R.I.] the 18th day of the sd third |
month: and accordingly: I went with him tel we |
came to brother Daniell at the ferrey: then the said ~ |
Akin called mee aside and released mee from the |
Impres with out my paying aney fine or promesing |
aney – – |
Nathanell Howland |
At a monthly meeting of : friends held at our meeting |
house in Dartmouth the 19th day of the 7th mth 1709 – – |
their was Colected – – – – – – – 0l-10s-09d |
and John Lapham Junr appeared – – |
Rochester weekly meeting: called and not appeared |
William Wood and John Tucker hath brought In |
their answer: to this meeting: that Charls Dyer |
and Marcy Lapham Did Solemnise their marrige |
In the good order of truth – – |
And the busenes: Concarning the Settleing of a weekly |
meeting amongst friends: at Rochester is referd |
to the next monthly meeting: by reson their is |
no representitive from their meeting – – |
and In as much as their is no : friends from the |
preparative meeting at Rochester: this meeting |
Doth appoynt Benjamin Howland and Eliezar |
Slocum : to visit them: and stur them up In |
their Duty deligently to attend the monthly meeting – – |
and John Tucker : and William Wood are chosen |
to attend the quarterly meeting next – – |
and Stephen Willcock : and William Wood gives |
this meeting: to understand: that they have spoken |
with Thomas Wait: ConCarning his Comeing |
amongst freinds: to take a wife: and he Saith he |
is willing to Submet to the good order of truth – – |
and John tucker is appoynted : to give thomas |
Wait a few lines: to freinds at nantucket Signi- |
fying that he is In good unity with friends: here |
of this meeting – – |
and the minits of the last yearly meeting was read |
at this meeting and Caindly [kindly] approved of by the meeting |
and the meeting is adjourned untel the 12th day of the |
Eight month next |
the monthly meeting being meet according to Adjournment |
the 12th day of the 8th moth 1709 – – |
the visitors give in their account to this meeting |
that they find: things prety well Jeneraly amongst |
freinds Except Some perticular familys things are |
no well: but friends are in hopse that In time they |
may come to be better – – |
and John Tucker and Judah Smith are chosen to |
wright an :Epestle: to the Quarterly meeting: next |
us – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house In Dartmouth the 17th day of the 8th moth 1709 – – |
their was colected – – – – – – – 0l-09s-5d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting called Judah Smith and |
John Lapham Junr appeared – – |
Rochester meeting called and not appeared – – |
James Russell :and Rebecah Howland Did lay their |
Intention of marrige before this meeting: and they |
wer Desired to wait untel the next monthly meet- |
ing for an answer – – |
and Benjamin Howland and John Lapham are |
chosen: to Inquier In to their Clearness: and bring |
In their answer to the next monthly meeting: how |
they find things – – |
And Eliezar Slocum reports: to this meeting that |
he hath ben at Rochester according to apoyntment |
and hath spoken with friends their: and they signify |
that they condemn their Slackness and hope for time |
to come they shall be more Deligent In attending the |
weekly monthly meeting – – |
and John tucker and William Wood make report to |
to this meeting that they have attended the quarterly |
meeting: according to appoyntment: and John tucker |
and Judah Smith: have written an Epestle to the |
Quarterly meeting as ordered – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house In Dartmouth the 21 first of the 9th mth 1709 – – |
their was colected – – – – – – – 0l-04s-11d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting called Judah Smith |
and John Lapham appeared – – |
Rochester meeting called and not appeared – – |
and the two friends that was chosen the last ~ |
monthly meeting to Inspect into the clearness of |
James Russell and Rebecah Howland concarning |
marriage: was called upon: and their answers is that: |
they have made Inquirey and find nothing that |
may hinder their Intention of marriage – – |
Second time: before the meeting: Desiering an answer |
to their proposals of marriage laid before the last monthly = |
meeting: Signifying that they both Still Intended marriage |
and friends finding things Clear they had their answer |
that they might proceede: to take Each other In marriage |
In the good order of truth – – |
and Benjamin Howland : and John Lapham Jur is |
Appoynted to see the marriage acomplished In the decent |
order of truth – – |
and the teen pounds: Subscribed to wards the building of |
the meeting house at boston: was colected at this meet- |
ing: and Delivered to Thomas Cornell In order to |
be sent to boston for the Use above sd – – |
and where as Elizabeth the Daughter of hisekiah – – |
Smith and of marcy his wife: hath walked Desorderly |
In marring with one of the world: Contrary to the |
good order of truth Estableshed amongst us: and |
the advice of friends: and friends being clear of |
her this meeting maks choyce of John tucker and Increas |
Allin to Draw up a paper of condemnation concarning her |
and bring It into the next monthly meeting – – |
and where as Its proposed to this meeting by the visitors whether |
Robart Gifford is accounted a friend In unity or not – – |
and it is the sience [sense] of the meeting that robart Gifford bing [being] |
a friends Child: is under the Care and Custety of this meet- |
ing and ought to be viseted as a friend – – |
and it is agreed that friends at Coxset should have ther meet- |
ing: on the first Day of the weeke: on the other side the river |
for this winter as formerly – – |
allso we recived an Epestle from the last quarterly |
meeting at rhoad Island: which was read and kindly |
Excepte [accepted]: where by we underStand: that the monthly |
meeting at Rhoad Island is altered and is to be held on |
the last third Day in Everey month – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our |
meeting house In Dartmouth the 19th of the 10th: mth 1709 |
their was colected – – – – – – – 0l-13s-06d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting called Judah Smith |
and John Lapham Appeared – – |
And Benjamin Howland and John Lapham w |
was Called upon: to know whether they Did See |
James Russell and Rebeca Howland Consemat |
their marriage In the order of truth – – |
And their answer is: that they were at the marriag |
and they know not: but that things was Carried |
on prety well – – |
And John green of Warwick and Marcy Allen the |
Daughter of Increas Allien of Dartmouth Did lay their |
Intentians of marr be for this meeting and they |
was Desiered to wait for an Answer until the next monthly |
meeting – – |
And where as John Tucker and Increas Allin was |
Appoynted by the last Monthly meeting: to Draw up |
a paper of Condemnation Concarning Elizebeth Tripp |
and their being nothing done: this meeting doth still |
continoue them to do It against the next monthly |
meeting – – |
And John Tucker an william wood is appoynted |
to attend the Quarterly meeting at Rhoad Island |
next – – |
And the visitors of this meeting hath given In ther |
their Accounts of their visiting of friends and they |
signefy that things are prety w well In some |
fameleys: but In other some things are not ~ |
well but wee hope that In time things may be |
better – – |
And Benjamin Howland and John Lapham |
Is Appoynted: to se In to the Clearness of John: green |
and Marcy Allin concarning marriage and bring |
In their Answer to the next monthly meeting – – |
And Nathaneel Howland hath requested: the liberty |
of this meeting: to set up a Stable on the meeting |
house land: which is granted – – |
And Judah Smith is apoynted to make up the monthely |
meetings Accounts with Benjamin Howland and |
make Returne to the next monthly meeting – – |
And this meeting Is adjourned untel the next |
the next forth Day come week which will be the |
and the meeting being meet according to Adjurn= |
ment the 28th of the 10th month 1710 – – |
And where as some agetations hath be concarning |
Samuell Mott his seling of his habetation and |
removeing to newport on Rhoad Island to live |
and It is the sience [sense] of this meeting: that It will not |
be for his Advanteg In aney wise: so canot give |
our consent their to at the present – – |
and John tucker and Judah Smith is Appoynted |
to Draw up an Epestle to the next quartorly meet= |
ing giveing an account of the afairs of truth amongst |
us – – |
And Rochester preparetive meeting hath requested |
of the monthly meeting: that they may have a |
weekly meeting^ for worship Established amongst them and |
to be keept on the fift Day of the week at John wings |
and allso that they may have their preparetive meet= |
ing on the fift day of the week before the monthly |
meeting after the meeting of worship is Ended – – |
and that they have a monthly meeting of worship on |
the first day at John Wings once In four weeks: all which is |
grante[d] and alowed by this meeting – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house In Dartmouth the 16th Day of the 11th month 1709 |
their was Colected – – – – – – – 0£-10s-06d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting called Benjamin = |
Howland and Eliezar Slocum appeared – – |
Rochester weekly meeting called and not all |
Appeared – – |
John Green and Marey Allin [Allen] apeared before |
this meeting Desiering an Answer to their ~ |
proposials of marriage layed before the last month |
ly meeting saying they was still of the same mind |
the said John green [Greene] haveing his mothers concent In that |
matter and allso a Certificate from the monthly meeting |
where unto he did belong: the coppey of which are |
here Insarted – – |
from our monthly meeting for buseness at Estgreenwich [East Greenwich] |
the 19th day of the 10th month 1709 In the coloney of |
at Dartmouth Greetingst – – |
whereas our friend John Greene haveing Desiered a Sertifycate |
from our monthly meeting these may therefore In~ |
form you that he has made a profestione [profession] of the bles[s]ed |
Truth with us for some Considrable time and that |
his life and conversatin has ben Answerable theire |
unto he being In good unity with us hear [here] being |
of some service amongst us And furder wee do signyfi |
that concerning marreag we have taken care at our |
monthly meeting And do find nothing to the cn |
contrary but that he is clear from all here as conc[e]rn= |
ing marriage – – |
Signed by order and In behalf of our sd meeting |
by |
Benjamin Barton : |
Robert Wesgate |
Abner Spencer |
Samuel Perrey : |
Samuell Aldrich |
Zacriah Jenkens : |
Thomas Arnold |
Thomas Rodman Jur: |
here foloweth a coppey of his mothers consent – – |
In the Coloney of Rhoad Island |
Potawomet [Potowomut] in Warwick [RI] the 11th of the 11th month 1709 |
to the monthly meeting of friends at Dartmouth |
these are to Inform you yt [that] as to ye proceedings of my son |
John Green Concerning marrieg hee has my free consent |
consent their unto |
from your wellwishing friend: Elizebeth Green |
And the said Marey: Allin [Mary Allen] allso haveing her perance [parents] |
Consent: the meeting give them their Answer – that |
they might take Each other In the good order of truth |
And Benjamin Howland and John Lapham is appoyn- |
ted to se[e] them Consumate their marriage In the good |
order of truth – – |
And Jabush Barker and Rebecah Russell did lay |
their Intentions of marriage be for this meeting – – |
and they was desiered to wait untel the next monthly |
meeting for an answer – – |
nathaneel Howland and James Burriell [Burrel] are Chosen |
to Inspect Into their Clearness concarning marriage |
and make return to the next monthly meeting – – |
Increas Allin [Increase Allen] was continued the last monthly meet= |
ing to draw up a paper of condemnation concarning |
Elizebet [Elizabeth] Tripp and It not being fully acomplished |
to the Satesfaction of friends: |
they are still continued: and Benjamin Howland |
and Elizear [Eliezer] Slocum are Appoynted and added to |
them for the full Acomplishing the same – – |
and the meeting adjourns untel the 25 fift of this |
Instant – – – – – |
the meeting being met according ^to adjournment the 25 fift of the 11th moth 1709 |
the four friends appoynted to Draw up the condemna |
tion concarning Elizebeth tripp her cond have don |
It and presented It to this meeting: and the meeting |
the meeting seeth cause to refer It to the next month |
ly meeting: befor it goes forth In publick – – |
and Judah Smith is called upon to give an account ~ |
whethe he hath mad[e] up the monthly meetings accom[p]ts |
with Benjamin Howland and It is not don so hee |
Is contenued stell to do it and make return to the next |
monthly meeting – – |
And John tucker is Appoynted to give Rochester friends |
an account In wrighting that their request as to Setle= |
ing their: meetings was granted the last |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house In Dartmouth the 20th day of the 12th month 1709 – – |
the Colection was – – – – – – – £l[?]-08s-08d |
Dartmouth weekly ^meeting called Judah Smith and John= |
Lapham Appeared – – |
Rochester weekly called Savory Clefton [Clifton] |
Appeared – – |
and the two freinds that was apoynted the last month |
ly meeting ^do give In their answer: that John Green and |
Marey Allin [Mary Allen] did acomplish their marriage In the order |
of the meeting – – |
And the matter concarning Jabush Barker and |
Rebecah Russell is refered to the nex[t] monthly ~ |
meeting – – |
and the accounts not as yet being made up with |
Ju[d]ah Smith is still Continued to do It and make |
return to the next monthly meeting – – |
And John tucker hath given Rochester^ freinds an account |
of the setling of their meetings as appoynted – – |
and this meeting makes choice of William Wood |
Eliezer Slocum John Lapham and William Soule |
to peruse what Elizebeth tripp sent In to the monthly |
meeting Concarning her Joyning In marrige out of the |
good order established amongst us – – |
and give In thir Judgment whether that be sefesiant [sufficient] |
to clear truth which shee sent In to the monthly meeting |
or whether the monthly ought to give forth a |
publick testimony against her – – |
Dartmouth weekly meeting meeting called no buseness |
rochester weekly meeting called and John wing son of |
John Wing of Rochester appeared at this meeting |
Desiaring a certifycate of his Clearness as to marriage |
And Saverey Clifton and Timothey Davice [Davis] are |
Chose to Inquier Into his Clearness as to marrege |
and bring In their Answer to the next monthly |
meeting – – |
and was received the Epistle from the last Quartorly |
meeting the which was read at this meeting and |
was caindly [kindly] Excepted [accepted] – – |
the freinds above Chosen to Consider and advise with |
some women friends about the matter Relating ~ |
Elizebeth tripp: Do give their advice that a paper |
of Condemnation go forth publickly against her |
which this meeting doth think well of – – |
And do order John Tucker to Read publickly the said |
Condemnation on a first day after meeting or se[e] |
It done by the next monthly meeting and make |
return their of – – – – – |
(1710) |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house In Dartmouth the 27th day of the first: mth 1710 – – |
the Colection was – – – – – – – 0£-09s-02d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith |
and John Lapham appeared – – |
Rochester weekly meeting called John wing jur apeared – – |
Accounts with Benjamin Howland as appoynted |
And their remains In the Stock – – – – – – – 02£-14s-09d |
And Jabush Barker and Rebecah Russell came |
the second time for their Answer as to takeing Each other |
In marriage and things appearing Clear they had their |
Answer that they might take Each other In the good order |
of truth – – |
and nathaneel Howland and James Burill [Burrel] are Chosen |
to see them Solomnize their marriage In the good order |
Established In the good ord Amongst us – – |
and Joseph Chace sone of William Chace of Swansey and |
Abigall [Abigail] tucker of Dartmouth did lay their Intentions |
of their marriag before this meeting and they was |
Desired to wait untel the next monthly meeting for |
an Answer – – |
and John tucker and Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] are Chosen to |
make Inquierey In to ther clearness and bring In their |
clear answer to the next monthly meeting – – |
and this meeting apoynts Benjamin Howland to |
pay Judah Smith what is dew [due] to him for recording |
the monthly meeting minits – – |
and make return to the next monthly meeting |
what is done17 – – |
and John tucker makes report to this meeting that |
he hath Read Elizebeth Tripps condemnation as |
Apoynted the last monthly monthly meeting – – |
which is as foloweth; whare as friends ware Informed |
that Elizebeth Smith the daughter of Hizekiah [Hezekiah] Smith |
and of Marey his wife that Shee did Intend to marrey |
out of the order of friends their for freinds did labour |
with her to show her: her Shortness their In but Shee |
Did not take their advice but was married contrarey |
to the good order of friends |
their for we who are Called Quakers: Can do no les but |
to Clear our salves [ourselves] and the bles[s]ed truth that we make |
profesion of but to signify to the world that we have no |
unity with such marriages nor with the said Elizebeth |
In her so marr[y]ing: out of the good order of truth |
Signed by order and In behalf of our monthly men |
and womens meeting held at Dartmouth the 20th day |
of the twelfth: month 1709 or 10: by |
Ruth Tucker |
: Marey Smith |
: Savrey Cleffton [Savory Clifton] |
Rachel Allin [Allen] |
: Marey Lapham Jur |
: Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] |
Hannah Soule |
: hope merehow |
: Judah Smith |
Hannah tucker |
: John tucker |
: william wood |
marey Slocum |
: John Lapham Jur |
: Henrey tucker |
Sarah gifford |
: Increas Allin [Increase Allen] |
: Josiah merehow [Merihew] |
Dorcase [Dorcas] Earl – – |
and Judah Smith and John tucker is appoynted to |
Draw up an Epestle to the quartorly meeting next – – |
And John tucker: William: wood and Elizar [Eliezer] Slocum |
Is Chosen to attend the quartorly meeting next – – |
and William Soule desiers the Aprabation of the meeting |
to put his sone an aprantice [apprentice] to Nicholas Howland |
John Russell which the meet[ing] hath unity with |
At a monthly meeting of freinds held at our meet= |
ing house In Dartmouth the 15th of the 2 mth 1710 – – |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith |
and william Soule appeared – – |
Rochester weekly meeting Called Isaac Benson Appeared – – |
and their was Colected – – – – – – – 0£-12s-09d |
and Inquirey being made whether Jabush Barker |
And Rebecah Russell had Solomnized their |
marriage In the good order of truth and the answer |
was that they had acomplished It according |
to order – – |
And the buseness Concarning Joseph Chase and |
Abigal Tucker things not being Clear |
relating their Intention of marriage they are refered |
to the next monthly meeting for their answer – – |
and Benjamin Howland is still Continued to pay Judah |
Smith for Recording the monthly meeting and he Is: |
Desiered to do It against the next monthly meeting – – |
and the freinds that was appoynted to draw up an Epestle |
to the Quartorly meeting have done It according to order |
and the freinds that was Chosen to Attend the quartorly |
meeting According to appoyntment – – – – – |
At a monthly mans meeting of friends held ate our meeting |
house In Dartmouth the 15th day of the 3th: mo 1710 – – |
the Colection was – – – – – – – 0£-10s-03d |
Dartmouth weekly meet called Judah Smith and: |
william Soule: appeared – – |
Rochester weekly meeting Called John Summers apeared |
and the buseness Concarning Joseph Chase and Abigal= |
Tucker is refered to the next monthly meeting: because |
the sd Joseph Chase hath not a Certifycate from the |
monthly meeting to which he doth belong – – |
and Benjamin Howland hath paid Judah Smith |
for Recordding the monthly meeting minits: |
twelve Shillings: as ordered the last monthly meeting ~ |
and Thomas Smith at pensalvenia [Pennsylvania] the sone of ~ |
Eliezar Smith of Dartmouth Desiered of this monthly meeting |
A Certifycate of his Clearness as to marriage: In order |
their unto this meeting appoynted Deliverance Smith |
and William Wood: to Inquire In to his Clearness |
and If they find things Clear then they are appoynted |
to Draw up a Certifycate for him and make their return |
to the next monthly meeting – – |
and the quartorly meeting Epestle Was read at this |
meeting and Excepted and alowed and the meeting |
agrees to com to a Subscription: for to defray part of the |
Charge of Kingstown meeting: house as Requested by the |
last Quartorly meeting: and the Sume: requested |
Is four pounds – – |
and it is agreed that the first day meeting on the |
other side Coxet river should: be at the meeting ~ |
house for this Summer according to former agree |
agreement – – |
william wood John lapham James Bourrell [Burrel] and |
Increase Allien [Allen] are appoynted to go with some ~ |
women friends: to conseder whether their ought |
to be a paper of publick Condemnation to be given |
forth against Abigal Howland the daughter of |
Benjamin Houland [Howland] for marr[y]ing out of the order |
of truth – – |
mater concarning the above named abigal howland |
and give In their Judgment that their ought to be |
a paper of condemnation drawn up and given forth |
against her – – |
and the Same freinds are appoynted to draw |
It up against the next monthly meeting – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of freinds held at the |
meeting house In Dartmouth the 19th of the 4th moth 1710 |
the Colection was – – – – – – – 0£-10s-03d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called: Judah Smith and |
william Soule Appeared – – |
Rochester weekly meeting called: Elisha wing appeared |
And Joseph: Chasce [Chase] and Abigal Tucker came to this |
meeting: and Desiered an Answer to their former proposials |
of marriage layd before the monthly meeting signifyeing |
they still Intended marriage – – |
And nothi[n]g Apearing to hender their Intentions and the |
Said Joseph Chasce [Chase] haveing a Certifycate from the monthly |
to which he doth belong: |
they had their answer that they might take Each other In the |
good order or truth – – |
and John tucker and Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] are Chosen to see |
their marriage acomplished In the good order of truth – – |
A Certifycate was: given forth by this meeting: to Thomas |
Smith at pensalvenia of his Clearness Concarning marg marriage – – |
and John tucker is appoynted to signe the above said |
Certifycate In the behalfe of the said monthly meeting ~ |
and Ruth Smith Desiered a Certifycate of this monthly |
meeting Signifying that Shee had a Concarne [concern] upon |
her mind to visit her Children In pencelvenia]: and |
freinds haveing unity with her Concarne apoynted |
Judah Smith and John tucker to Draw a Certifycate |
for her and Signe It in behalf of the meeting – – |
william wood John tucker and Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] are |
Chosen to atend the Quartorly meeting next – – |
and Benjamin Howland is ordered to let John tucker |
have twenty Shillings for keeping the meeting house – – |
and the friends thet was Chosen the last monthly = |
meeting to Draw up a paper of Condemnation: against |
Aproved by this meeting – – |
And John tucker is appoynted to reed the Same publick= |
ly on the first day at the braking up of the meeting |
of worship Some time befor the next monthly meeting – – |
of which these folowing is a Coppey – – |
this is given forth to clear our Holy profession by us |
the people Called Quakers – – |
Where as Jonathan Ricketson and Abigaile Howland |
being born of believing parance [parents] and they being Likely |
to marrey Contrarey to the good Order of truth Estableshed |
amongst us: wee haveing advised them to the Contrarey |
but they taking no advice from us haveing acomplished |
It Contrarey to our Order for which we disowne them |
to be of our Society and Communion Signed by order |
of our monthly meeting at Dartmouth ye 19th day of the 9th mo 1710 |
by |
Hannah tucker |
pheby [Phebe] tucker |
John tucker |
Hanah [Hannah] Soule |
hope merehow [Merihew] |
Stephen willcock [Wilcox] |
Ruth tucker |
marey [Mary] Smith |
Judah Smith |
marey [Mary] Slocum |
Increase Allin [Allen] |
Henrey [Henry] tucker |
Rachel Allin [Allen] |
James Burrill [Burrel] |
Josiah Merehow [Merihew] |
Ruhamah Smith |
william wood |
Abraham tucker |
marey [Mary] Lapham |
John Lapham |
Eliezar [Eliezer] Slocum |
and the meeting is adjourned until the first |
sixt day of the fift month next – – – – – |
the meeting being meet According to Adjournment |
the 7th day of the fift month 1710 – – |
and the Visetors brought In their account to this |
meeting of their visiting freinds famelyes belonging |
to the monthly meetings and they make Report |
that they have preformed a Jeneral visit: and find |
things In the Jeneral amongst freinds prety well |
but In some famelyes not well but hope that things |
In time may come to be better – – |
And Stephen willcock [Wilcox] william wood and John |
tucker is appoynted to Draw up and [sic] Epestle to the |
quartorly meeting next: giveing an account how |
things are amongst us – – |
Quartorly meeting – – |
whether If a friend shall give his Child In marriage |
to one of the world after that freinds have laboured |
with him and advised him to the Contrary and he |
Shall presest [persist] to the accomplishing the Same then |
whether a paper of Condemnation under his own hand |
may be taken up with for Satesfaction or whether ~ |
a paper of Condemnation ought not to go forth against |
him from the monthly meeting – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of freinds held at our meeting house In |
Dartmouth the 17th of the 5th month – – – – – 1710 – – |
the Colection was – – – – – – – 0£-09s-09d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Benjamin Howland |
and Judah Smith Appeared – – |
Rochester weekly meeting called and not apeared – – |
and the freinds that was appoynted to see Joseph Chace [Chase] |
And Abigal tuckers marriage acompleshed acording to |
order make report that It is not yet acomplished and |
the Same freinds are Still Continued to see It and bring |
In their answer to the next monthly meeting – – |
and the friends that was appoynted to Draw a Certifycate |
for ruth Smith have don It as ordered – – |
forruth and John tucker mak[e]s report to this meeting that he |
hath Read Jonathan Riketsons [Ricketsons] and Abigal Howlands |
Condemnation according to appoyntment of last month |
ly meeting – – |
and John tucker and william wood have attended |
the quartorly meeting as appoynted – – |
and Benjamin Howland is Called upon to know whether |
he hath paid John tucker as appoynted the last ~ |
meeting and It is not don so he is Still Continued to |
do It and make returne to the next monthly meeting |
and the friends that was apoynted to wright an |
Epestle to the quartorly meeting make Report that |
they have done It – – |
and this meeting received a letter from Walter |
Newberey [Newberry]: with Eighty two Books of our freind |
patrick Henderson which he wret [wrote] In answer |
to a Scandlas [scandalous] book of: Cotton Mathers18 – – |
the Books Coms to – – – – – – – 02£-15s-00d |
At a monthly meeting of freinds held at our meeting |
house In dartmouth the 21: first day of the 6th mo 1710 – – |
the Colection was – – – – – – – 0£-12s-00d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called James Burrill [Burrel] and |
Eliezar Slocum appeared – – |
Rochester weekly meeting called Elisha Wing apeared |
And Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] and John tucker give In |
their acount to this meeting that they did See |
Joseph Chace [Chase] and Abigal Tucker Acomplish their |
marriage In the order of truth – – |
and Benjamin Howland hath paid John tucker |
according to apoyntment – – |
and the Books which was recived the last month= |
ly meeting of Wallter Nubery [Walter Newberry]: are paid for and |
John tucker is apoynted to see the money transported |
to the sd Wallter Nubery – – |
John tucker and Eliezar Slocum are apoynted |
to procur a friend to keep the meeting house for |
the Insuing year – – |
and where as friends being senceble that John fish |
was about to Joyne his daughter In marriage ~ |
with one of the world Cantrary to the good order |
Establshed amongst us: freinds went to him and |
advised him to the Contrary labouring much with |
him to Shew him the Eill [evil] Consequence that |
might folow – – |
but not with standing freinds Care and advice |
he hath presested [persisted] to the acomplishing the same – – |
where aupon the meeting made Choyce of Benjamin |
Howland and Eliezar Slocum to Draw up a paper of |
Condemnation for the Clearing of truth and freinds |
of the said John fish: his desorderly walking – – |
and make their return to the next mmonthly meeting – – |
are Chosen to Speake with Hezekiah Smith: con= |
Carning his Disorderly Carrege In the monthly |
meeting when the meeting was wrightly Con= |
Carned about his daughters marreing out of the order |
of truth – – |
and John tucker did Signefy to this meeting that he |
had a concarn rested upon his mind for some time |
to travel to the westward to viset freinds In those |
parts and freinds haveing unity with his Con= |
carne did make Choyce of Judah Smith and |
John Lapham to wright a Certifycate for him and sign |
It In the be half of said meeting19 – – |
and Eliezar Slocum and Benjamin Howland make report |
that they have Spoken with Hezekiah Smith and he |
hath Condemned his disorderly Carrege to the satesfactin |
of the meeting – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting hous[e] |
In Dartmouth the 8th day of the seventh month 1710 – – |
their was Colected for the use of freinds – – – – – – – 0£-05s-6d |
Dartmouth meeting Called Judah Smith and William Soul [Soule] |
Appeared – – |
Rochester weekly meeting Called none appeared – – |
and John Tucker is still Continued to Bring a recept for |
the money which he had to pay for patricks books – – |
Eliezer Slocum maks Return to this meeting that John - |
lapham is to keep the mee[t]ing house as usall – – |
and Eliezer Slocum and Benjamin Howland have drawn |
up a Condemnatision [sic] against John fish: for giveing his |
Daughter In marrige to one of the world – – |
and It is as foloweth – – |
whereas John fish of Dartmouth In the County of Bristol |
In new England: hath gon from the principle of truth which |
he hath made pr[o]fesion of and Joyning him selfe with the sp[i]rit |
of Eror: and hath given his daughter In marrige to one of the |
world: notwithstanding friends advised him to the Contrarey labouring |
with him In time to Shew him the [full?] Consequence that might |
the same Contrarey to the advice of freinds: and the good order ~ |
Established amongs[t] us – – |
therefore fri[e]nds are Concarned to testify in publick that they have |
no unity with the sd John fish: |
but do deny him to be In younion and Communion with us – – |
given forth form [from] our monthly meeting the 8th day of the 7th mth 1710 |
Signed In behalf of sd meeting by – – |
Increas Allin [Increase Allen] |
Eliezar Smith |
Abraham tucker |
Hizekiah [Hezekiah] Smith |
John lapham |
Charles Dyer |
Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] |
James burrill [Burrel] |
Josiah Merehew [Merihew] |
nathaneel howland |
Eliezer Slocum |
Benjamin Howland |
Judah Smith |
william wood – – |
and Deliverance Smith is appoynted to read It on a |
first day after meeting at our meeting house and make return to |
the next monthly meeting – – |
John Lapham and Judah Smith make report that they have |
Drawn up John Tuckers sertifycate as apoynted – – |
Eliezar Slocum John Lapham and Judah Smith was appoynted |
to attend the quortorly meeting next – – |
the freinds that was formerly appoynted to v[i]ew the month |
ly meeting minits – – |
was Called upon and they give In their answer that they have |
Don It and ordered them to be Recorded – – |
this meeting doth appoynt Timothey Davis to assist Savrey Cleffton [Savory Clifton] |
In the Service of visiting – – |
William Soul [Soule] is appoynted to procur a pot to make fire[?] In and |
Cols [coals?] to burn In it – – |
Judah Smith Eliezar Slocum and John Lapham was appoyn= |
ted to draw up an account to send to the quortorly meeting – – |
this meeting is adjourned untell our youths meeting which will |
be the sixt day of the Eight month next – – – – – |
the meeting being meet according to adjournment the sixt |
of the Eight month 1710 – – |
the visitors give this meeting an account that they have not |
made so Jeneral a viset as they ought to have done: yet by what |
hath ben don we understand that things are prety well |
amongst friends – – |
william Soul is appoynted to wright to freinds at Rochester |
to stur [stir?] them up in deliqancy[?] and let them kne know that the month |
at a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house In |
Dartmouth the 16th day of the Eight month 1710 – – |
their was Colected – – – – – – – 0£-06s-06d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called william wood and Benjamin |
Howland apeared |
Rochester weekly meeting Called and not appeared – – |
the freind that was appoynted to read the paper Concarning John |
fish makes report to this meeting that he hath don It according |
to order – – |
and the freinds appoynte to atend the quortorly meeting make report |
that they have atended the said meeting as ordered – – |
the friends Appoynted to draw an account to the quortorly meeting |
have don It as ordered by the last monthly meeting – – |
william Soul [Soule] maks report to this meeting that he hath provided a |
pot and coals according to order – – |
and william Soul hath written to freinds at rochester as ordered |
and whereas the quortorly meeting of ministers[?] have returned |
Nathanel Howland to this monthly meeting to deal with him as In the |
wisdom of truth they may think fit – – |
Consarning his appearing In publick mee[t]ings of worship In prayer |
and testamony to the burden of friends – – |
this meeting refers It to the Cos? weighty Considration of freinds untell |
the next monthly meeting – – |
Eliezar Slocum and Benjamin Howland is appoynted to Spake with |
the said nathanel and let him know the mind of the quortorly meeting – – |
and make return to the next monthy meeing – – |
and the Epestle from the quortorly meeting In the fift month was re[a]d |
and Excepted at this meeting – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house In Dartmouth |
the twenteth of the 9th month – – 1710 – – their was Colected 0£-10s-05d |
Dartmouth weekly mee[t]ing Called Benjamin Howland and Wi |
william Soul appeared – – |
Rochester weekly meeting Called timothey Davise [Timothy Davis] appeared – – |
this meeting orders Benjamin Howland to pay: william Soul Seventeen |
Shillings and three pence for the pot and a Coals which he provided |
for the Service of the meeting – – |
and the matter Consarning Nathanel Howlands baring a publick |
testimony amongst freinds is refered to the Consideration of the |
next monthly meeting – – |
and the freinds on the other side of Coxet river desiers that they |
may have their meetings upon the first day of the week as formerly |
which is granted – – |
Joseph wing sone of John wing of Rochester desiered a Certificate |
from this meeting Consarning his Clearness as to marrige – – |
william Soul and Savrey Clefton [Clifton] was Chosen to Inspect In to ther |
Clearness and bring In their answer to the next monthly meeting – – |
and the Epestle from the last quortorly meeting was read and Excepted – – – – – |
at a monthly meeting held at our meeting house In Dartmouth the |
the 18 the 18th day of the 10th month 1710 – – their was Colected 0£-10s-10d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting mee Called Judah Smith and william |
Wood appeared – – |
Rochester weekly meeting Called John Summers Jr[?] appeared – – |
the matter of deferance [difference] with Nathanel Howland Consarning his |
Apearing In publick testimony amongst freinds In their publick meetings – – |
Is refered to the next quortorly meeting for business – – and Benjamin: Howland |
hath paid william Soul [Soule] according to appoyntment of the last |
monthly meeting – – |
the freinds that was appoynted the last monthly meeting to In |
spect Into the Clearness of Joseph wing with respect to marrig – – |
and give their answer that they have made Inquirey and find no= |
thing that may hender his proseding In marrig – – |
and the visitors of Dartmouth weekly meeting is Called upon to give |
their account how things are In freinds famileys: and they give |
this meeting an account that Thomas waight [Wait] is about to take a |
wife out of the order of freinds – – |
John Tucker and Judah Smith is appoynted to Spake with him |
Consarning that matter and bring their answer to the next monthly meeting |
Benjamin Howland is ordered to pay mathew Allin [Allen] twelve Shillings |
for the Use of his mare to the Eastward – – |
the Visitors give their account that they have preformed a general visit |
so far as they well can and their visits was kindly Excepted |
but they find things not so weelle [well?] as they Could wish – – |
Judah Smith and william Soul is appoynted to draw up an |
Account to the quortorly meeting next – – |
william Soul Benjamin Howland and Judah Smith is |
appoynted to attend the quortorly meeting next – – – – – |
In at a monthly meeting of freinds held at our me[e]ting house In |
Dartmouth the 15th day of the 11th month 1710 – – their was Colected 0£-11s-08d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith and william wood |
appeared – – Rochester weekly meeting called not apeared – – |
Judah Smith and John tucker gives this account that they have |
Spoken with thomas weight [Wait] as appoynted the last monthly |
meeting Consarning his going to take a wife out of the good ~ |
order of truth and hath laboured muuch with him in love to Shew him |
the Il [ill] Concequance that might follow: but he did not Seeme to |
take up with their advice – – |
their for the matter is refered untel furder ocasion – – |
william Soul and Judah Smith have drawn up an account to |
the quortorly meeting [blot] william Soul Benjamin Howland and Judah |
Smith make: report that they have atended the quortorly meeting as ordered |
At a monthly meeting of freinds held at our meeting house In Dartmouth |
the 19th day of the 12th month 1710 – – their was Colected 0£-07s-10d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called william Soul and william wood appeared |
Rochester weekly meeting called and none appeared – – |
this meeting is Informed thomas weight [Wait] hath accomplished his marrige |
out of the good order Established amongst us: where upon this meeting is |
Consarned to give out a publick testimony against his proseding – – |
and orders John tucker to Read the same on a first day before the |
next monthly meeting: which is as foloweth – – |
whereas thomas wait of Dartmouth In the County of Bristol In the |
province of the Masechusets Bay Ind new England did for some time past |
Com to our monthly meeting and Did Desiar to be In unity with freinds |
and to be married amongst freinds In the good order Estabelished amongst |
us. where upon freinds Couceld [counseled?] him under the[blot] Care and admonition |
of the Church: but he declining from that which he Semed to have a |
desier after: and went about to take a wife out of the good order of freinds |
whereupon friends laboured with him to perswade him to the Contrary |
and to Show him the Ill consequence that might follow – – |
but he refused to take the advice of freinds: and went on to the acomplish |
ing; the Same Contrarey to the good order Estableshed amongst us – – |
theirfore this meeting is Consarned to give forth a publick testimony ~ |
against the abovesaid thomas Wait and do disowne him to be one In |
Sosiety withe us – – |
given forth at our monthly meeting the 19th day of the 12th month 1710 |
Signed In behalf of Said meeting by |
John Tucker |
william wood |
Stephen Willlcock [Wilcox] |
Eliezar Slocum |
John Lapham |
nathanel Howland |
Judah Smith |
Benjamin Howland |
nicholas Howland |
James Burrill [Burrel] |
Henrey Tucker |
william Soul [Soule] |
Abraham Tucker |
william wood Junr |
(1711) |
at a monthly meeting of freinds helde at our meeting house In |
Dartmouth the 26th day of the first month 1711 – – their was Colected 0£-08s-0d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called william Soule and Benjamin Howland |
app[e]ared – – Rochester weekly meeting Called non appeared – – |
John tucker gives this meeting an [a]ccount that he hath Read |
thomas waits Condemnation as appoynted – – |
william wood and John Lapham is appoynted to attend the quor= |
torly meeting next – – |
Judah Smith and Benjamin Howland is appoynted to draw up an |
account to the quortorly meeting – – the visitors Called to give an acount |
how they find things In freinds famelys as to the afairs of truth – – |
and their answer is that they find things prety well amongst freinds |
Judah Smith is appoynted to make up the monthly meetings account |
with Benjamin Howland and bring the account to the next ~ |
monthly meeting – – – – – |
at a monthly meeting: of friends held at our meeting house In Dartmouth the 6th of |
the second month 1711 – – their was Colected for the use of friends 0£-09s-08d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith and william Soul [Soule] appeared |
Rochester weekly meeting Called and none appeared – – |
william wood and John Lapham has attended the quortorly meeting |
Judah Smith and Benjamin Howland hath drawn up an account to |
the quortorly meeting as appoynted – – |
Judah Smith has made up the monthly meetings account with |
Benjamin Howland and their remains In the Stock 05£-02s-05d |
and this meeting agrees that the orders Estabeleshed amongst freinds |
Shall be Read at our monthly meeting once a quortor or oftenor – – |
this meeting maks Choyce of John tucker Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] and |
Elizer [Eliezer] Slocum to go to visit rochestor preparitive meeting and |
to know the re[a]son why they have neglected to attend the monthly |
Meeting: and bring In their answer to the next monthly meeting – – |
the Epestle from the last quortorly meeting was Read and weell |
Excepted – – Benjamin Howland and william wood is appoynted |
to asist the women freinds In makeing Inquirey Consarning abigal allins [Abigail Allens] |
allowing or incoreging [encouraging] the Creuel [cruel] and unmercyfull Beating or whi[p]ping |
of her negro mansarvant – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held In Dartmouth the twenty first day |
of the third month 1711 – – their was Colected – – – – – – – 0£-09s-03d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith and william wood |
Appeared – – Rochester weekly meeting Called Elisha wing appeared – – |
It is agreed that the first day meetings at Coxset shall be for this |
Somer [summer]: the first first day in Every month – – |
Some Deferance [difference] presented to this meeting between Charls [Charles] Dyer |
and John Lapham and Nicholas Lapham – – |
Abraham tucker Judah Smith william Soul[e] Benjamin Howland |
and william wood were Chosen: to hear and determan the Said |
Deference – – |
Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] and John tucker maks report that they have |
visited Rochester weekly meeting as appoynted: and they find things |
not well amongst them: and that was the reson [reason] that they have – – |
neglacted the monthly meeting – – |
the deferance consarning Charls [Charles] Dyer and John and Nicholas |
lapham is refered to the next monthly meeting for an: answer – – |
Judah Smith Benjamin Howland and John tucker is appoynted |
to draw up Abigal Allins [Abigail Allens] Condemnation – – |
rochestor meeting gives an account that things are not so well a |
mongst them as they should be: yet they think it best to labour |
furdor [further] to get them amended – – |
and the meeting adjourns untill the nex fourth day com week |
the meeting being meet accordinging to the adjournment the 30th of the 3 moth 1711 – – |
hath given forth a paper of Abigal Allins Condemnation and |
orders John tucker to read It or Cause It to be Read In publick on: a |
first day before the next monthyly meeting – – as foloweth – – |
where as Abigall Allin [Abigail Allen] the wife of Ebenezar Allen of the |
towne of Dartmouth In the County of Bristol In new England |
having for many years freequented the meetings of us the |
people Called Quakers and was Joyned In Sosieaty with us |
But fore want of keeping In treue Salection[?] to that prenciple |
Shee made profesion of: to wit the Spirit of truth In her own |
heart which Sperit will lead all them [who?] obedient unto It |
out of Everey thing that is Contrary against[?] the[?] natur of It and is In |
Consist[e]nt with[?]; Shee hath ben given over to hardness of |
heart to Such a degree that she hath ben not only consenting |
but Incoraging the Creuell and unmercyfull whip[p]ing or |
beating of her negro mansarvant he being strip[p]ed naked and |
hanged up by the hands In his masters house and thir [beat..] |
beating or whiping of him so unmercyfully that it is to be feard |
that it was in some measur[e] the oc[c]asion of his death that |
followed Soon after: [the?] [which?] wee do account is not only |
unChrist[i]an but unheuman [inhuman] for which Cause we find our |
selves Consarned to testefy to the world that wee do ut[e]rly ~ |
desowne all Such actions and all who are found In them |
and perticurly the person above named – – |
and as it is our Christ[i]an duty to pray for all people wee do |
hartyly Desire allmighty god to open her Spirit understanding |
if it be his will to give her to See her outgoings that Shee |
may find a place of true repentance before the time of her viset= |
tatsion [visitation?] be over – – |
given by our men and womens monthly meeting held by |
adjournment the 30th day of the third month 1711 – – |
Signed In behaff of Said meeting by |
Ruhamah Smith |
Judah[?] Howland |
Judah Smith |
Sarah [J?] allin [Akin?] |
[…an?] Earle |
Increase Allin |
marey lapham |
marey Smith |
Eliezar Smith |
Rachell Allin [Allen] |
Ruth Smith |
william wood |
Hannah tucker |
Ruth tucker |
Deliverance Smith |
Hannah Soul [Soule] |
John tucker |
Eliezar Slocum |
Benjamin howland |
william Soul |
Stephen Willcock |
At a monthly meeting of feinds [friends] held at our meeting In Dartmouth |
the Eighteenth of the fourth month 1711 – – their was colected – – £0 –06s–02d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith and william Soul appeared |
Rochester weekly meeting Called and not appeared – – |
the paper of Abigall Allins [Abigail Allens] Condemnation was Read according |
to order –– the Deferance [Difference] between John Lapham nicholas lap |
ham and Charl[e]s Dyer is Ended – – |
William Soul Abraham tucker and william wood are Chosen |
to attend the Quortorly meeting next – – |
william wood is appoynded [appointed] to get a lock for the meeting house |
door and to be paid out of the Stock – – |
and the meeting : adjourns untel the first Sixt[h] day in the fift month |
the meeting being meet according to adjournment the Sixt[h] day |
of the fift[h] month 1711 – – |
Benjamin Howland is ordered to pay william wood Eighte[e]n pence |
for the lock for the meeting house door – – |
the visitors gives this meeting an account that they have not |
visited the familyes of freinds this last Quortor – – |
Judah Smith and John tucker are appoynted to draw up an |
At a monthly meeting of freinds held at our meeting house In – – |
Dartmouth the 17th day of the fift[h] month 1711 – – their was Colected – £0 –09s –3d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting called Eli[e]zar Slocum and william Soul |
appeared – – Rochester weeckly meeting Called Elisha Wing appeared – – |
William wood and William Soul giv[e]s an acount that they |
have attended the quortorly meeting as ordered – – |
Judah Smith and John tucker have drawn up an acount to the |
Quortorly meeting as appoynted – – |
their hath ben three yearly meeting Epestles read In this meeting |
for to stur up freinds to faithfullness In keeping up truths ~~~~ |
testimony : against wars and larning [learning] to ware [war] or paying for aney suck |
such thing – – |
thise meeting doth advise the visitors that they be deligant [diligent] in |
visiting the famileys of freinds and advise them that they be |
Carefull to bare a faithfull testimony against wars and larning [learning] |
of war and against paying of money for aney Such thing – – |
and the matter Consarning John mendol [Mendall] is refered to the next |
monthly meeting – – |
the Quortorly meeting Epestle was Read and was caindly [kindly] Excepted |
and do agree with their proposials Consarning Sending to England |
for some of George Fox his primers for Children to larne to |
read In: and the money to be taken out of our Colection and Sent |
to the Quortorly meeting20 – – – – – |
at a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house In |
Dartmouth the 20th of the 6th month 1711 – – their was Colected – – £0-05s-08d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith and – – |
william wood appeared – – Rochester weekly meeting |
Called timothey Davis appeared – – |
the mattar Conserning John Mendol is refered to the next |
monthly meeting – – |
the freinds chosen by the last preparitive meeting of Dartmouth |
to go to Increas[e] Allins [Allens] daughtor Susana to know whether the |
report be true of her being with Child – – |
the freinds appoynted make report they have ben with her |
and shee acknowledges that shee is with Child and tak[e]s all |
the blame and shame to her self an Clears her parents – – |
against her for it wich which being Read and signed here |
is ordered to be read publickly on a first day at this meeting |
house by william soul and make return to the next - |
monthly meeting: |
which condemnation is as foloweth – – |
to all people to whom this may come for the clearing of the |
truth |
where as Susanah allin [Allen] daughter of Increas Allin [Allen] of Dartmouth |
not with standing she was educated amongst freinds yet |
not herkning [harkening] to ye Spirit of God in her one [own?] heart nor |
advice of her parents and friends but giving way to ye |
enemy and her one [own?] lusts: is with Child as her selfe |
acknowledgeth |
these may signifie we have no unity therewith: |
but Do utterly abhor & testify against all such |
ungodly actions & the Spirit that Leads there unto |
& disown her for ye same but desire ye Lord may |
Give her a Sence of ye Evil of her doings & |
hearty Sorrow & repentance & forgiveness for ye |
same: |
from our monthly men and womens meeting |
held at Dartmouth ye 20th of the 6th month 1711 |
Stephen Wilcock |
Hannah Tucker |
Peleg Slocumb |
Sarah Allen |
Benjamin Howland |
Ruhema Smith |
Joseph Russell |
Hassadiah Russell |
John Russell |
Rachel Allen |
William Wood ju |
Mary Slocumb |
Adam Mott |
Hannah Cadman |
Increas[e] Allen |
Susanna Wilcock [Wilcox] |
Nathaniell Howland |
Mary Smith |
William Wood |
Eliezabeth Russell |
Eliezer Slocumb |
Ruth Tucker |
Judah Smith |
Mary Lapham |
William Soule |
Mary Layton |
Josiah Merehew |
Hope Merehew [Merihew] |
Abram Tucker |
Sarah Landers |
John Lapham |
Phebe Tucker |
ted to procure a friend to keep the meeting house |
for ye ensuing year – – |
and this meeting Desires all friends yt [that] was empres [impressed] |
sed this present year may bring in a true account |
to the next monthly meeting how they have born up |
Truths testimony in yt Case – – |
This meeting being informed that some friends |
or their children or boath have given money to |
Encourage people to go to war or to excuse them |
selves or children from being empressed to go to war |
— The visiters are Desired to make diligent |
Enquiry therein and deal wth all such & make Re |
port thereof to our next monthly Meeting – – – – – |
at a monthly meeting of friends held at our |
Meeting House in Dartmouth ye 17th of the 7th |
Month 1711 – – |
There was ^collected for ye use of friends £00 – 4s= 10d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith & |
William Wood appeared – – Rochester weekly meeting |
Called none appeared – – |
& Susanna Allen her Condemnation was read |
one a first Day as Ordered – – |
Judah Smith & Josiah Merehew [Merihew] hath given |
in their accounts Concerning their being empres |
sed to ye sattisfaction of this Meeting – – |
& some other friends yt were empressed not |
being here – therefore it is refered until ye next |
Monthly meeting for them to Give in their accounts – – |
Judah Smith Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] |
& John Tucker – – is appointed to Draw up |
something to Clear ye truth from ye skandal yt may |
be Cast upon it by reason of some friends Children |
Running together & wres[t]ling on a furst Day – – |
And this meeting is adjourned until ye first 6 day |
of ye 8th month – – – – – |
This meeting being meet according to Adjournment |
ye 4th of ye 8th MO – – 1711 – – |
The 3 friends yt was Chose to Draw up a Testimo |
wres[t]ling on first Dayes is not yet Done but it is |
Desired yt it may be done against the next |
Monthly meeting in order yt it may be Signed – – |
& ye visiters being Called upon to give in their accounts |
of their visiting of friends famlyes & how they |
find things amongst ym [them] & they report yt they find ym |
Loving took their vissits kindly & whare they |
saw anything out of order they speak to it & it |
was also well taken & promised to endeaver yt it |
may be amended & some things not well but |
Hope Care will be taken about it – – |
William Wood & Joh[n] Tucker is appointed to |
attend ye quarterly Meeting next – – |
Judah Smith & John Tucker are appointed to |
Draw up an account Shewing ye quarterly |
meeting how things are amongst us – – |
William Wood is appointed to Take ye Care of ye |
50 Shillings yt was agreed on at ye last quarterly |
Meeting for us to send for Books & deliver it |
to ye quarterly Meeting – – |
John Tucker & Deliverance Smith are |
appointed to Speak wth Daniel Shepherd |
& to give him to understand ye order of friends |
& what he must expect if he Come in unity |
wth us & be a member of this meeting – – – – – |
Att a monthly meeting of friends held at |
our meeting house in Dartmouth ye 14th of ye |
8th month 1711 – – There was Collected £00 = 06s = 09d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called William Wood |
& Judah Smith appeared – – |
Rochester Weekly meeting Called Not appeared – – |
& ye friends yt was Chose ye Last Monthly meeting |
to Draw up a Judgment against friends Children |
& servants going to wres[t]ling is Done & is |
as followeth – – |
And John Tucker is appointed to read the |
same on a furst day at the end of ye meeting |
of worship – – |
Whereas Wee have been Informed yt several |
on a first Day of ye Week a wrestling wch hath |
brought Trouble and reproach upon us & ye |
Truth wch we profess – – |
& now for ye Clearing of our Inocency [innocence]; we Declare |
Against all Lewedness & vanity in such especially |
as are under our Care whom we do not allow to |
Run together on ye first Dayes of ye Week |
nor any other times to be found in wrestling |
& what evils else of ye Like Tendancy to draw |
out ye Mind Contrary to Godlyness and further |
for ye Preventing of ye above vanityes & evils we |
Caution advise & warn all parents of Children |
Masters & Mistresses of famlyes yt are in So |
ciety with us ye People Called Quakers first to |
use Their Authority in wisdom & Truth wth their |
Children & servants & if they can not Reclaim |
ym then we as a Society of Church being sesonably made |
acquainted there with Shall by Gods assistance |
use our utmost endeavers to Reclaim them |
Which if we cannot Do then shall not only testify |
against such practises but also against ye Person |
or pearsons so offending and declare publickly yt they |
are not of us – – |
Signed by order – & in behalf of our Monthly |
meeting held at our meeting House the 15th |
of the 8th month 1711 |
by John Tucker |
Nathaniell Howland |
Thomas Taber jun |
William Wood |
John Lapham |
Increas[e] Allen |
Josiah Merrehew [Merihew] |
Peleg Slocumb [Slocum] |
Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] |
Benjamin Howland |
Judah Smith |
Eliezer Slocumb |
Jabez Barker |
James Burrill [Burrel] |
Charles Dyre [Dyer] |
William Soule |
Nicholas Lapham |
John Tucker and Judah Smith hath given ye quarter |
ly meeting an account how things are amongst us |
as appointed – – |
John Tucker & William Wood Report that they |
and William Wood hath delivered ye money to the |
Quarterly meeting as appointed- ye Matter Concerning |
Daniell Shepherd is refered to the next monthly meeting |
at a Monthly Meeting of friends held at |
our Meeting ho[u]se in Dartmouth ye 19th Day of ye |
9th Mo 1711 – – There was Collected £00 – – 09s = 06d |
Dartmouth weekly Meeting Called William |
Wood appeared – – Rochester Weekly |
meeting Called Not appeared – – |
Nicolas Lapham hath given in his account how |
he Came clear of his being empressed [impressed] to this |
meetings Content & John Tucker Juner also |
hath given in his account to Content |
And is as followeth |
I being Empressed this Last Summor 1711 in an |
expeditian to go to Canada to war wch I refused |
for Concience sake for I beleive yt I ought not |
To take up ye Carnal sword against any peo Nation |
or people & some time after I was had to James |
Sissons before Colenal [Colonel] Church & there was |
an Order writ & read to mee wherein I was |
Commanded to go to Rocksbury [Roxbury] & Commit my selfe |
to Colenall [Colonel] William Dudley wch I Could not find |
freedom To do neighther: & after that I was |
Warned go to the Castle Island Lying near |
To Boston to take up armes wch I refused also |
and one [on?] ye 16th Day of ye 6th Month Leightenant [Lieutenant] |
John Akin came to my house wth severall with |
him & for aid & Sd akin Took Mee by force |
& Dragged mee out of my House & then |
Commanded his aid [aide] to assist him wch they Did & |
Took mee and set mee on Horce Back [horseback] & held |
Mee on & Carried mee to Timothy Maxfields |
& then committed mee to the Custidy of John |
Briggs Insign [Ensign] who carried mee ye next Day |
To Bridg[e]water & ye next Day to the Castle wch was |
the Last Day of ye week being near night I was had |
Before ye Captain of ye Castle & he asked mee |
Whither I would take up armes I told him |
John Commanded the officer to take Care of mee |
til Second Day and then I was brought before |
ye Captain of ye Castle again the 2d Day morning & he |
asked Me whither I would work there I told him |
no for wch I was put into a Close place Called ye |
Hole or Dungeon & there to be kept without |
Victuals or Drink but was Let out again the same |
Day near sun set & there was still kept at ye Castle |
& often urged to work but could not although told |
that If I would work yt [that] I Should be released in a little |
time but If not I might be put aboard some man |
of war but I Could not med[d]le w & at ye end of 4 |
Weeks & 2 dayes I was released & brought of [off?] & set |
at Liberty without paying or giving any Money |
Nicholas Lapham |
Here follows a Coppy of John Tucker Juners paper which |
he gave in also at ye said monthly meeting – – |
I being empressed [impressed] ye Last sum[m]er in an expeditian to |
Canada to War but I was Counted to [too] young by Colenal [Colonel] |
Church & so not put upon that expeditian |
but afterwards one [on?] a first Day of ye Week after |
Meeting Leightenant [Lieutenant] Akin having an order from |
Colenal [Colonel] Benjamin Church to Carry ye men that said |
Akin had empressed to go to the castle Whereupon said |
John Akin Commanded mee to go but I refused to go |
with him then he Commanded Thomas Briggs & |
Jonathan Talman [Tallman] to Lay hold on me but they Did |
not but Let me alone till the sixt[h] day following |
wch was ye 16th Day of ye 6th month 1711 · · · |
& then John Briggs & Thomas Cornil [Cornell] son of |
Stephen Cornil came to my father[s] House in the |
Morning & took me by force & set me on |
Horce back & carried mee to Bridg[e]water that |
day & ye next Day to ye Castle [Castle Island] which was ye Last |
Day of the Week being near night I was Had |
before the Captain of ye Castle & he asked mee |
Whither I would take up armes & I told him |
No so he Commanded the officer to take Care |
of mee till Second Day & then I was brought |
Morning & he asked Mee Whither I would |
Work there I Told him I would Consider of it |
& he said I must not stand there to Consider |
of it but must go to work or go into ye Hole |
& consider of it there & I went to work |
about halfe an Hour & then & I went up to him |
and told him that I Could work no More there |
and he Said I Should go into ye hole and there |
Lye while I would work but ye officers Came to |
Mee the next Day & asked mee Whither I would |
Work & I said no and they said yt I must |
Go into the hole but they Did not put mee in |
but threat[e]ned to put mee in or Carry mee |
aboard some Man of war but I Could not |
Med[d]le & at the end of 4 weeks & 2 Dayes |
I was Released & brought off & set at Liber |
ty without giving of any money – – |
John Tucker juner |
John Tucker & Judah Smith are appointed |
to Speak with Daniell Shepherd juner |
& give in their accou[n]t to ye next monthly |
meeting |
This meeting orders yt Benjamin Howland |
Should pay Joshua Easton 8 Shillings & 7d |
for ye Mending a glass at ye Meeting House |
& the friends that was to see that thee |
Meeting House seats were finnished are |
Desired to speak with the Carpenter & see |
Whither he will finnish ym [them] in any reasonable |
Time & make return to ye next Monthly |
Meeting – – |
And Coxet friends Desires that they may |
have their first Dayes meeting for the winter |
Season as us[u]al which is granted – – – – – |
A[t] a Monthly Meeting of friends held at |
our Meeting house in Dartmouth the |
17th Day of the 10th Month 1711 |
There was Collected 9 Shillings & seaven [seven] pence |
Dartmouth Weekly Meeting Called |
Meeting Called none appeared – – |
John Tucker & Judah Smith [Is?] still |
Continued to speak with Daniell Shepherd |
– – Benjamin Howland hath paid 8 Shillings |
& seaven pence as ordered ye Last Monthly |
Meeting – – |
ye friends yt was to Speak with ye Carpenter |
Reports that he will finnish ye seates |
this Winter – – |
Eliezer Slocumb A paper being presen |
ted to this meeting from Abigall [Abigail] Allen |
Wherein Shee signifies that Shee Desires to |
Come into unity with friends & ye sence of |
this meeting is that shee should wait |
till friends have a sence that shee is fitt |
to be excepted [accepted] – – |
and Eliezer Slocumb [Slocum] and William Soule |
are appointed to give Her the mind of ye |
meeting – – Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] & |
John Tucker are appointed to attend |
the quarte[r]ly meeting next – – |
& ye visiters are called to give in ye account |
how they find things among friends |
And thire account is as followeth |
that they have not but that things are pretty |
well among friends but they have not |
been out to visit friends famlyes this Last |
quarter – – |
John Tucker & Abram [Abraham?] Tucker are appoin |
ted to Draw an accoount to ye Quarterly |
Meeting – – |
att a monthly meeting Of friends held at |
our Meeting ho[u]se in Dartmouth ye 29th Day of |
the 11th Month 1711 – – |
There was Collected 9 Shilling & 2d |
Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called |
William Wood Judah Smith appeared |
Rochester Weekly meeting Called not |
appeared — John Tucker hath Spoken with |
& he Desires to sit in the monthly meeting |
of business Wch is granted He observing ye |
order there established – – |
Abigall Allen hath had ye mind of ye Last |
Monthly meeting & Shee saith that Shee |
is Willing to give what sattisfaction thee |
Meeting Desireth & it is ye mind of this |
meeting that Shee Condemn those things |
in perticuler for Which Shee was Denied |
in writing to be exposed as far as friends |
Thinke fitt and then wait till by her good fruits |
Shee Manifests to ye Meeting that She has |
Really Come in by amendment of Life – – |
Eliezer Slocumb [Slocum] & John Tucker is to let her |
have a coppy of this Minnit – – |
William Wood is ad[d]ed to the other two friends to |
Have the over sig[h]t of our monthly meetings |
for business that none sitt in them but Such as |
are allowed – – |
the epistle from the Last quarterly meeting |
was read and kindly accepted – – – – – |
Att a monthly meeting of friends held att |
our Meeting House in Dartmouth |
the 18th Day of ye 12th month 1711/12 – – |
there was Collected 4s- Dartmouth Weekly |
Meeting Called Judah Smith John Lapham |
appeared — Rochester Weekly Meeting Called |
None appeared – – |
Eliezer Slocumb & William Wood gives this |
meeting John Tucker Eliezer Slocumb |
hath Spoken with Abigall [Abigail] Allen & given her |
the mind of ye Meeting and With a Coppy of |
yE Minnit as appointed – – |
a Small book of James Burrills [Burrels] Late of |
Dartmouth deceased was presented to This |
Meeting for ye Approbation of ye Meeting for |
the printing ye same21 – – |
William Soule & Benjamin Howland |
appointed to peruse the same & make return |
to the next Monthly meeting – – |
Abram Tucker and John Tucker are appointed to let |
Rochester Preparitive Meeting know that ye |
Monthly Meeting hath had no ne no account |
from them this severall Monthly meetings |
& to write to ye visiters there that they perform |
A generall vissitt against ye next preparitive Meeting – – – – – |
(1712) |
Att a monthly meetin[g] of friends held at our |
meeting house in Dartmouth the 17th Day of the |
first month 1712 – – |
Collected & received for Book[s?] £00[?] =15[s?] = 00d |
Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called Judah Smith |
& William Wood appeared Rochester Weekly |
Meeting Called Elisha Wing appeared – – |
& ye friends that were chosen to peruse the |
Book that was presented to ye Last monthly meet |
ing in writing reports that they find nothing |
but that it may be printed And this Meeting |
Recommends ye Sd Book to the quarterly Meet |
ing for their perusal and Concurance therein – – |
Abram Tucker & John Tucker make report that they |
have Writ to Rochester proparetive Meet |
ing and to ye visiters as appointed ye buisieness [business] |
of Dartmouth meeting Called ye |
The friends that was appointed to see the |
addition of ye meeting house aCompleated Saith |
that it is done e and their is Due to ym [them] four |
teen pence & this meeting orders Benjamin |
Howland to pay it out of the Stock – – |
A paper was signed at this meeting concerning |
Deborah Smiths proceeding in marriage Contrary |
to the order of friends and is as followeth – – – – – |
[bottom quarter of page is blank as well as top half of the next]
John Tucker is appointed to read ye same on a |
first Day at ye Latter end of the meeting before |
the next monthly meeting – – |
The visitter Called to give in the account of their |
visiting Rochester gives an account yt [that] things |
are pretty well and encouraging – – |
Dartmouth vissiters gives their account that |
things in the generall are pretty well some perticu |
lers not so well as we desire – – |
And this meeting is adjourned till the 4th day of the |
2d— month next – – |
This meeting being meet according to adjournment |
The 4th Day of the 2d month – 1712 – – |
Benjamin Howland Eliezer Slocumb [Slocum] & William |
Wood are appointed to attend the quarterly meeting – – |
Judah Smith & John Tucker are appointed to Draw |
up an account to the Quarterly meeting next |
Shewing how things are amongst us – – |
Deliverance Smith is appointed to make |
up the monthly meeting account with Benjamin |
Howland and make return to the next Monthly |
Meeting – – – – – |
At a Monthly mee[t]ing held at our meeting house in Dartmouth |
the 21fst of the second month 1712 – – their was Colected – £0-11s-0d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith and (and one and four pen[ce?] for Book[?]) |
William Wood ap[p]eared – – |
Rochester weekly meeting Called and non[e] appeared – – |
Judah Smith and John tucker have drawn up the account |
to the quortorly meeting as appoynted – – |
Benjamin Howland William Wood and Eliezar Slocumb |
have attended the quortorly meeting as appoynted – – |
John tucker reports that he hath Read Deborah Smiths ~ |
that is now Debroah Allins [Allens] Condemnation as appoynted – – |
Deliveranc[e] Smith is s[t]ill Continued to make up [to?] The monthly = |
meetings account witht Benjamin Howland – – |
the buseness of Dartmouth weekly meeting Called – – |
Abraham tucker and John tucker are appoynted to |
take [care?] that the widow Sarah Allins [Allens] sone [son] doth not |
Sell the Inheretance that shee is to have her liveing out of |
with out good provision for her lively hood ~~ |
During her life – – |
this meeting agrees to bu[i]ld a stabel [stable] twenty foot |
traveling friends and Abraham tucker and John = |
tucker are appoynted to get the work don[e] and ~~ |
finished by the last of the seventh month 1712 |
and they have liberty to Joyn a stable to It for their |
own Use – – Joseph Russell Jur is to get a pasege [passage] for |
John Oxley to go to nantucket and the meeting is to |
pay the charge – – |
the quortorly mee[t]ing Epistle was read and kindly Excepted |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
In Dartmou[t]h the 19th day of the third month 1712 – – |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called william wood and ~~ |
Judah Smith appeared – – |
rochester weekly meeting Called Savery Clefton [Savory Clifton?] appeared –– |
their was Col[l]ected for the Use of friends – – – – – – £0–05s–03d |
Deliverance Smith hath made up the meetings accounts |
with Benjamin Howland as apoynted and their remains |
In the stock – – – – – – – £07–08s–03d |
John tucker and Abraham tucker according to the order of the |
Last monthly meeting makes Report that they have taken sefisiant |
Care for a Sutable mantainence for the widow Sarah Aallin [Allen] |
Josep[h] Russell Jur makes report that the meeting has no thing |
to pay for John Oxleys paseg [passage] to nantucket – – |
the friends one [on?] the other side Coxset river desir[e]s that they ~~ |
may have a meeting amongst them two first days In a month |
which is granted for this summer – – |
and the meeting Is ordered to be at James tripps the first –– |
first day In Everey month and at William Woods [the?] second |
first day In Eerey [every] month – – |
Rochester meeting Called no buseness |
our next monthly meeting is adjourned untel the fo[u]rth |
second day In the fo[u]rth month next – – |
At a monthly meeting of freinds held at our meeting house |
In Dartmouth the 23th [sic] day of the 4th month 1712 – – |
their was Col[l]ected for the use of freinds – – – – – £0–09s-00d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith and william |
Wood appeared – – |
Rochester weekly meeting Called not appeared – – |
John tucker hath provided a passeg for freinds to goe to |
Nantucket as appoynted by the last preparitive meeting –– |
the Quorterly meeting next – – |
Judah Smith and John tucker are Appoynted to Draw |
up an ac[c]ount to the Quortorly meeting Shewing ~~ |
how the testemony of truth Is keept up amongst us – – |
John tucker Judah Smith John Russell Stephen willcock [Wilcox] |
and Abraham tucker are appoynted to have the over |
sight of freinds Buring [Burying] ground and to see that It be keept |
Clear of brush and that freinds burey In order and that none |
be bur[i]ed their but freinds and Such as freinds Al[l]ow off [of] – – |
the visitors give their Account that they have not visited |
the familyes of friends sence the last Quortorly meeting |
but they Signify that for the time to Come they will be |
more Deligant [diligent] – – – – – |
At a Monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth the twenty first day of the fift[h] month – – 1712 |
their was Col[l]ected for the Use of friends – – – – – £0– 05s-07d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith and ~~ |
William Wood Ap[p]eared – – |
Rochester weekly meeting Called and not Ap[p]eared – – |
and freinds had a paseig [passage] to nantucket and back again |
with Jonathan Hathaway and he wanted not take ~~ |
aney thing for their passeg – – |
william wood and John tucker have attended the quortorly |
meeting as appoynted – – |
Judah Smith and John tucker have drawn up an account |
to the Quortorly meeting as Appoynted– – |
this meeting being Informed that Benjamin Russell hath |
taken an oath to serve In the place of a Constable – – |
Contrarey to the Com[m]and of Christ: for which he signe= |
fyes he is sorey [sorry] — and the Judgment of the meeting is |
that he should Condemn It be fore the Justice where he |
toock It |
Deliverance Smith and Eliezar Slocumb [Slocum] are appoynt |
ed to see It don[e] and make return to the next – – |
monthly meeting |
At a monthly meeting of freinds held at our meeting house In – – |
Dartmouth the 18th day of the 6th month 1712 |
their was Col[l]ected for the Use of freinds – – – – – £0-05s-05d |
Judah Smit[h] Appeared – – |
Rochestor weekly meeting Called nicholas Davis appeared – – |
Eliezer Slocumb and Deliverance Smith hath spoken with |
Benjamine Russell as appoynted – – |
and he sayes that he Cannot Condemn his taking the oath |
of a Constable be fore the Justece not yet – – |
some Deferance presented to this meeting be tween hizekiah [Hezekiah] |
Smith and his brother Deliverance Smith – – |
this meeting makes Choyse of thomas taber Junr Elizer ~~ |
Slocumb william Soul[e] nicholas Howland and Henrey = |
tucker to hear and determin[e] said Deferance and make |
return to the next monthly meeting – – |
the quartorly meeting Epestle was read amongst us and |
was well Excepted– – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
In Dartmouth the 15th day of the seventh month 1712– – |
their was Col[l]ected for the use of friends – – – – – – £0–05s–06d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith and w William |
Soul[e] Appeared – – |
Rochester weekly meeting Called not Appeared – – |
The friends that were Chose to hear & Ditermin the |
Differance betwixt Hezekiah Smith and Deliverance |
Smith hath given their Award: and it is ordered to |
be Delivered to the parties Concerned – – |
The visiters gives this meeting an Account that |
they have visited ye famlyes of friends and in |
Some famlyes things pretty well and there |
visits kindly accepted and in some others not well |
but [?]their visits rejected – –[blot]– |
and Sarah Allen hath ye Consent of this meeting |
to remove with her son into the Narraganset |
Countrey and hath given her a sertificate in order |
thereto – and its left to the visiters to Labour |
with John Howland concerning his going to |
Marry Contrary to the order of truth – – |
John Lapham & William Wood and John Tucker |
are appointed to attend the quarterly meeting next – – |
Judah Smith & John Tucker are appointed to |
draw up an account to the quarterly meeting – – – – – |
ing house in Dartmouth the 20th of th 8th month |
1712 — there was Collected – – – – – – – 00-02=10 |
Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called William Wood |
and John Lapham appeared – – |
Rochester Weekly meeting Called Elisha Wing |
appeared — John Tucker William Wood and |
John Lapham have attended the quarterly meeting |
as appointed John Tucker and Judah Smith hath |
Drawn up an account to the quarterly Meeting |
— Charles Dyre Desires a sertefycate from |
this meeting which is refered to the next |
Monthly meeting – – |
The account from Rochester peroparetive |
Meeting is that Things are pretty well amongst |
friends — Abram Tucker and John Tucker is |
Still Continued to get the stable finnished |
by the next monthly meeting |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our |
Meeting House in Dartmouth the 17th of ye |
9th month 1712 — there was Collected – 00=05-10 |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith |
William Wood appared – – |
Rochester weekly meeting called and none appeared – – |
and freinds have had some conferance consarning giev= |
ing Charls Dyer a sertifycate and nothing apearing against him |
the meeting appoynts Judah Smith and John Tucker |
to Draw one against the next monthly meeting – – |
Abraham Tucker and John Tucker are stil continued |
to get the stable finished – – |
and friends one the other side of aCoxset river are |
alowed to have their meetings their as formerly – – |
John Tucker and Eliezer Slocumb are appoynted to |
agree with afreind to keep the meeting house the Insu- |
=ing year – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at Dartmouth |
the 15th day of the 10th month 1712 – – |
their was Colected for the Use of friends – – – – 0lb-10s-01d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called William Wood |
and Judah Smith Apeared – – |
Appeared — and the friends appoynted have drawn |
up a sertifycate for Charles Dyer whih is alowed and |
an signed by this meeting – – |
and Benjamin Howland is ordered to pay Judah |
Smith twenty shillings for keeping the meeting house |
John Lapham Judah Smith and William Wood are |
Appoynted: to Draw up a paper of Condemnation |
against John Howland: for his marring contrarey |
to the ordor of: truth – – |
the visitors gives an account that they have viseted |
several freinds fameleys and they find things prety |
well — William Wood and Sephen Willcock are appoynted to attend the |
quortorly meeting next – – |
and Rochester meeting desires the monthly meeting to |
Aseste them In the setlement of and securety of thire |
meeting house land — and Thomas Taber and John Tucker |
are Appoynted to aseste them – – |
Judah Smith and John Tucker are appoynted to draw |
up an account to the quortorly meeting – – |
this meeting is adjourned til the next fourth day |
come week – – – – – |
the meeting being meet according: to adjournment the |
twenty forth of the 10th month 1712 – – |
the visitors give their acount that they have visited |
some famelyes of freinds and they find things out of |
Ordor amongst Some of freinds children and of Some |
of them they have hope but of other Some they have |
but lettel or no hope – – |
Stephen Willcock Deliverance Smit and Judah= |
Smith are appoynted to labour with them to bring |
them to a sight and sence of their out goings and make |
return of their doings to the next monthly meeting |
and this meeting rfers John Howlands Condemnation |
Drawn up at the monthly meeting held the 15th = |
of the 10th month 1712 to the quortorly meeting |
for their advice whether a publick testimoney ought |
to go forth against the said Howland or not – – |
Some friends of this meeting being desatesfyed think |
ing It ought not to go forth against him – – |
may have an other meeting of worship their once |
In a month – which is refered to the next monthly |
meetings Considratinon – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our Meeting |
House in Dartmouth the 15th Day of ye 11th month 1712/13 |
there was Collected for the use of friends 00-08=01 |
Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called Judah Smith and |
William Wood appeared — Rochester Weekly meeting |
Called Elisha Wing appeared – – |
and Benjamin Howland hath paid Judah Smith |
twenty Shillings as appointed – – |
Deliverance Smith and Stephe Wilcock and |
Judah Smith hath Spoken With the young men as |
appinted by the Last monthly meeting and the young |
men Do not Justefy them selves in their being at |
John Akinses at an unseasonable time and they |
Hope they shall Do so no more -– – |
and this meeting Doth according to the Request of |
friends at Cushnot grant that they shall have |
another meeting of Worship there which is to be |
those who first Day in every month except it be when |
it falls out to be that first Day next before the |
monthly meeting of business – – |
William Wood and Stephen Willcock hath attended |
the quarterly meeting as appinted – – |
the Epistle from the quarterly meeting was read |
amongst us & was kindly accepted and ye epistle from |
The yearly meeting in London was read amongst us |
and was kindly accepted – – |
John Tucker is appointed to get the yearly meeting |
Minnits Coppied out for Rochester meeting – – |
William Soule is appinted to Read John Howland |
his Condemnation one a first Day of the week before |
the next Monthly meeting – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held h at our meet |
ing house in Dartmouth the 16th of the 12th month |
1712/13 There was Collecte for the use of friends 00-10=01 |
Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called Judah Smith |
Meeting Called Nicolas Davis appeared – – |
John Howlands Condemnation was read as appinted |
and is as followeth – – |
From our monthly meeting held at Dartmouth |
The 15th of ye 10th month 1712 — This is given forth |
for the Clearing of Truth and friends – – |
Whereas John Howland the Son of Nathaniell |
Howland hath been a man of a vain Conversation |
and not as becomes ye Truth and friends have Laboured |
With him from time to time to bring him to |
a sight of those vanities which Doth not become our |
holy profession but he not herkning to friends nor to |
The teachings of ye Grace of God which would teach him |
and all mee to Live soberly in this present world |
and he refused to take the Counsel and advice given |
him by friends but took him a wife out of the order |
of truth established amongst friends all wch [which] hath |
been greatly to ye trouble and greif of faithful |
friends therefore this Meeting Doth deny him to be |
one of us – : |
Signed in behalf of said meeting by |
John Tucker |
William Wood juner |
Josiah Merehew |
Stephen Willcock |
Judah Smith |
Nicolas Lapham |
William Wood |
Eliezer Slocumb |
Jabez Barker |
Abram Tucker |
Peleg Slocumb |
Henry Tucker |
John Lapham |
Increas Allen |
John Tuker is still continued to get a yearly meeting |
minnits Drawn out for Rochester meeting – – |
William Soule Deliverance Smith and Eliezer Slocumb |
are Still Continued for to Speak further with |
Benjamin Russell to know what he Can Do for ye clear |
ing of ye Testimony of truth Concerning his taking |
The place of a Constable and that he attend the next |
monthly meeting |
(1713) |
At a Monthly Meeting of friends held at our |
Meeting house in Dartmouth the 16th of ye 1st month |
1713 there was collected for ye use of friends 00-06=01 |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called William Wood |
Rochester Weekly Meeting Called not appeared – – |
John Tucker hath Drawn out the yearly meeting |
minnits for Rochester as appointed – – |
and the Matter Concerning Benjamin Russell |
is Refered to ye adjournment – – |
Whereas it was recommended to this meeting yt [that] |
there is a report spread abroad yt our friend |
Valentine Huddelstone did take an oath in ye |
Case of his giving evidence at Bristol Cort Last part |
— Benjamin Howland John Tucker and Deliverance |
Smith are appointed to assist Valentine Huddelstone |
Concerning the said report and to Draw up something |
that May Clear truth and friends – – |
Benjamin Howland is appointed to pay John Tucker |
for Drawing out the abovesd minnits – – |
and upon the request of ye vissiters the Meeting |
adjournes until the first sixth day of ye 2d month |
This Meeting being meet according to adjournment |
The 3d Day of the 2d month 1713 – – |
our visiters gives this meeting their account that |
they have visited most of ye famlyes of friends & |
there visits was kindly accepted and things pretty |
Well as far as they saw & where things had been out |
or order wee have Laboured in Love to bring them |
to a sight of it – – |
Something Done to wards Valentine Huddlestone |
his giving in his evidence Contrary to ye order of friends |
— and this meeting refers to ye quarterly meeting |
Whither it may be agreeable wth [with] ye testimony of truth |
for a friend to hold up his hand when he is Called |
to give evidence to ye truth of what he knows |
In any Case Before Atherity or otherwis – – |
Benjamin Howland William Wood and John Tucker |
are appointed to attend ye quarterly meeting next |
— Judah Smith and John Tucker are appointed to |
Draw out an account to ye quarterly meeting – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our |
meeting house in Dartmouth the 20th day of ye |
2d month: 1713 — there was Collected 00-04=00 |
William Wood appeared – Rochester weekly |
Meeting called none apeared – – |
That matter Concerning Benjamin Russells |
Giving his paper of his Condemning of his taking his - |
place of a Constable by an oath is refered – – |
and it is advised by this meeting yt every friend |
that is master of a famly Doth Take Care of |
his famly yt [that] they be not concerned in writing |
of lie bills and to Labour to find out them yt [that] |
has been Concerned in such Papers – – |
and yt [that] friends take care to bring their Children |
to meeting on first days or keep them at home |
Benjamin Howland hath paid 00-04=00 for Drawing out |
ye yearly meeting minnits for Rochester meeting – – |
Valentine Huddlestones paper was read and it is ye |
judgment of this meeting yt [that] he read it at ye next |
Quarter Sessions or cause it to be read if there |
be not a bar and take a friend or two wth [with] him – – |
ye friends yt was appointed to Draw an account |
to ye quarterly meeting have done it – – |
William Wood hath attended ye quarterly meeting – – |
William Wood and Judah Smith and John Tucker are |
appointed to Dispose of the [primendars?] & return |
ye money into ye Stock the Little ones 5sx ye great ones |
at 11sx — The quarterly meeting Epistle was read |
and kindly accepted – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meet |
ing house in Dartmouth the 18th Day of ye 3d month |
1713 ther was Collected for the use of friends 00-08=00 |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith & William |
Wood appeared |
Rochester weekly meeting Called none appeared – – |
Nathaniell Chace having the honey taken out of a hive |
of bees by wch Cause ye said hive of bees was Left |
Some time in ye Last winter and suspecting |
some friends children to have a hand in taking |
of sd honey therefore William Wood John Lapham |
and Judah Smith & Jabez Barker and Henry Tucker |
are appointed to make enquiry and search into |
of their Doings to ye next monthly meeting – – |
Deliverance Smith is appointed to makeup |
The monthly meetings accounts with Benjamin |
Howland and make return to ye next monthly |
Meeting and whereas Elezer Slocumb Desires |
To be suspended from being a visiter it is re |
fered to ye next monthly Meeting for a further Consideration – – |
And ye meeting at Coxset is to be two first |
Days there in a month for this Summer & to be |
the 2 first first Dayes in every month – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at |
our meeting house in Dartmouth the 22d Day |
of the 4th month 1713 – – |
there was Collected for ye use of friends 00-09=00 |
Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called Judah Smith |
and William Wood appeared – – |
Rochester weekly meeting Called none |
appeared Deliverance Smith hath |
made up the account of ye Collection of the |
monthly meeting and there is remaining in th |
Stock ten pounds eight shillings and two pence |
— the fine friends that was appointed to make |
Search into ye truth of Nathaniell Chace his |
suspecting some of friends Children having |
a hand in taking of ye honey out from his |
bees they make return to this meeting that |
they cannot as yet find out the truth of yt [that] matter |
Wherefore Thomas Taber juner and Josiah Merehew |
is added to ym to make further Inquiry into |
The truth of yt matter and make return of their Doings |
to the next monthly meeting |
Stepehn Willcock & John Tucker are appointed to attend |
the quarterly meeting next — the visiters gives this |
meeting an account that they have not visited |
the famlyes of friends this Last quarter – – |
Judah Smith and John Tucker are appointed to Draw |
up an account to the quarterly meeting next – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our |
5th month 1713 there was Collected – – – – – 00-03=07 |
Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called Judah Smith and |
William Wood appeared – – |
Rochester weekly meeting Called and none appeared |
The friends that was Chose to make enquiery into |
the matter Concerning Nathaniell Chace his loosing |
hi honey out of a hive Do bring in the following |
account – – |
Friends according to the Desire of ye Last monthly |
meeting we have endeavered to speak wth [with] George Howland |
the Son of Nathaniell Howland and the witnesses |
face to face but was prevented speaking with him |
by his father who said his Son was under him and he |
withheld him from us saying he would take the |
Matter into his own hands and examin |
his Son and the witnesses him selfe for the |
Meeting had taken wrong steeps and had Concerned |
Them Selves with business that Did not belongue |
to them – – – – – – – |
William Wood |
Judah Smith |
Thomas Taber jun. |
Josiah Merehew |
John Lapham |
Jabez Barker |
And whereas Nathaniel Howland did charge the |
Meeting with Taking wrong steeps in ye matter |
Said Howland has acknowledged his Shortness to |
the Sattisfaction of the meeting – – |
And whereas George Howland Son of sd |
Nathaniel Howland was a pearson suspected |
for taking ye honey Nathaniell Howland and |
Nathaniel Chace do give an account to this |
meeting that the matter is made up between |
them and Sattisfaction is made – – |
and the persons chose to attend ye quarterly meet |
ing Do give an account that they were not |
There and there were no account sent – – |
and this meeting advises that friends restrain |
their Children and searvants from going into Com |
panies on first Dayes before or after Meeting |
but go home in good order – – |
this meeting of friends Children geting together |
in companies on first Dayes and being Disorderly |
William Wood Stephen Willcock and John Tucker |
were appointed to inquire into ye truth thereof |
and make report to the next monthly meeting – – |
The Last quarterly meeting Epistle was Read and |
kindly accepted – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our |
Meeting house in Dartmouth the 17th Day of |
the 6th month 1713 there was Collected 00-05=08 |
Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called William Wood |
and William Soule appeared |
Rochester weekly meetin Called Elisha Wing appeared |
Whereas William Wood Stephen Willcock and John Tucker |
have not made inquiry concerning some of friends |
Children being out of order some time past on first |
Dayes they are still continued to make inquiry in to |
that matter – – It is concluded by this meeting |
to answer the request of ye quarterly meeting to |
raise fower pounds and ten shillings in money to |
wards the building of Dover Meeting House and ye |
Subscribers to bring in their money to the next month |
ly meeting – – no business from Rochester |
But friends in Love and unity – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our |
meeting house in Dartmouth the 21st Day of ye 7th month |
1713 there was Collected for the use of friends 00-03=05 |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called John Lapham and |
Judah Smith appeared – – Rochester Weekly meet |
ing Called none Savery Clifton appeared – – |
it is the Conclution of this meeting that whereas |
Valentine Huddlestone hath neglected the proforming |
the meetings order Concerning his Confering his fault – – |
at Bristol that unless he Doth lack some faithful |
friend wth [with] him and Do it before next monthly meet |
ing that Judgment must go forth against him – – |
Stephen Willcock and William Wood do give an account |
to this meeting that they have enquired into ye Report |
Concerning friends Children being Disorderly on ye first Dayes |
things they were Charged wth and in Some respects |
Confess their faults – – |
This meeting orders Benjamin Howland to pay 02l-07s=6d |
out of the Stock unto William Wood for to Carry to |
the quarterly meeting for Dover meeting house |
William Wood and Thomas Taber Juner are Chose |
to attend the quarterly meeting and Judah Smith |
and John Lapham are appointed to Draw up an |
account to ye quarterly meeting – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our |
Meeting house in Dartmouth ye 19th of y 8th month 1713 |
Dartmouth weekly meeting called Judah Smith |
and John Lapham appeared – – |
Rochester Weekly meeting Called and none appear |
ed — the matter concerning Valentine Huddlestone |
Is refered to ye next monthly meeting |
William Wood and Increas Allen are appointed |
to go to Valentine Huddlestone and his wife |
and Inquire into the truth of ye report concer |
ning her burning her husbands paper which ye |
Monthly meeting ordered to be read at Bristol Cort |
William Wood and Thomas Taber juner have attended |
the quarterly meeting and Judah Smith and John |
Lapham have Drawn up an account to the |
quarterly meeting – – |
and we receive ye Epistle from ye Last quarterly |
Meeting wch was read and kindly accepted – – |
and it is Concluded yt [that] friends on ye other side of |
Coxet river should hould their first Dayes meet |
ings for ye winter season as formerly – – |
The matter Concerning stiring up the visiters or |
making a new Choice is referd to ye next monthly meet |
ing – the Collection was – – – – – – – 00-08-00 |
at a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house in Dartmouth the 16th day of the 9th month 1713 |
there was Collected for the use of friends – – – – 00lb-19s=07d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith and |
William Wood appeared – – |
Rochester Weekly meeing Called none appeared – – |
refered to ye next monthly meeting and Increas |
Allen and Eliezer Slocumb are ordered to Speak wth [with] |
him and let him know that this meeting desires him |
to be at ye next monthly meeting in order to give |
friends better Sattisfaction concerning his progress in |
the matter at Bristol – – |
and also to let his wife know that friends are troubled |
at her standing to Justefy her burning the paper and |
Desire her to consider of ye matter that so shee may |
give better sattisfaction – – |
and the matter Concerning the visiters being consid |
ered it is Concluded that they go on wth [with] the work of |
WiVisiting and John Tucker is aded to ym [them] |
John Tucker and Eliezer Slocumb ar Continued to |
take care of ye meeting house as formerly – – – – – |
at a Monthly meeting of friends held at our |
Meeting house in Dartmouth the 21st of ye 10th month 1713 |
there was Collected – – – – – – – 00lb-09s=11d |
Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called William Wood |
and John Lapham appeared – – |
Rochester Weekly meeting Called none appeared |
Eliezer Slocumb gives an account to this meeting |
that he has spoke wth Valentine Huddleston and his |
wife as ordered by the Last monthly meeting and he |
signifies that the season was such that he could not |
well attend ye meeting therefore ye matter concerning |
him is refered to ye next monthly meeting – – |
Eliezer Slocumb and William Wood are appointed |
to attend ye Quarterly Meeting next – – |
The visitters gives an account yt they have visited |
most of the famlyes of friends and that in some |
famlyes they find things pretty well and in some |
famlyes some things not very well: where they |
give some admonition which they think was well |
Taken – – John Tucker and Judah Smith are |
appointed to Draw up an account to ye Quarterly |
Meeting – – Edward Wing & Desire Smith |
Did lay their Intentions of marrage with each other |
Before this meeting and they were desired to wait |
Benjamin Howland and Henry Tucker are appointed |
to See in to their Clearness and bring in their |
answer to ye next monthly meeting – – |
Benjamin Howland is appointed to pay twenty shillings |
to John Tucker for keeping ye meeting house – – – – – |
Att a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
House in Dartmouth the 18th of the 11th mo 1713 |
There was Collected for ye use of friends 00lb-07s=03d |
Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called William Wood |
and John Lapham appeared – – |
Rochester weekly meeting Called Stephen Wing appeared |
Edward Wing and Desire Smith did appear at this |
Meeting for their answer as to marrage and they |
had their answer that they might take each other |
in the order of truth Some time between this and the |
next monthly meeting – – |
John Tucker and William Wood are appointed to see |
the marrage accomplished in ye Good order of truth – – |
The matter Concerning Valentine and his Wife is |
refered to ye next monthly meeting – – |
John Tucker hath Drawn an account to the Quarterly |
meeting as appointed – – |
William Wood and Eliezer Slocumb have atten |
ded ye quarterly meeting – – |
Abigall Allens Paper of acknowledgment the publish |
ing of it is refered to the Consideration of ye next |
monthly meeting – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house in Dartmouth the 15th of ye 12th month 1713 |
There was Collected for ye use of friends 00lbs=10s=03d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called William Wood appear |
ed — Rochester Weekly meeting Called Elisha Wing |
appeared — John Tucker and William Wood gives an |
account that Edward Wing and Desire Smith Did |
take each other in the order of truth – – |
The matter Concerning Valentine Huddlestones |
Wife is refered to ye next meeting – – |
Those that were to build the stable have finished |
their work and Do give the account of their Charge |
And Benjamin Howland is ordered to pay sd 07lbs=19s=00d |
to John Tucker out of ye Collection – – |
And that matter Concerning Abigall Allen |
is refered to the next monthly meeting for a |
further Consideration – – |
The Quarterly meeting Epistle was read at this |
Meeting and is ordered to be read Publickly on |
a first Day at the Breaking up of the meeting |
of worship |
(1714) |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our |
meeting house in Dartmouth the 15th of the |
first month 1714 – – |
There was Collected for the use of friends 00l=06s=11d |
Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called William |
Wood and Judah Smith appeared – – |
Rochester Weekly meeting Called Nicolas Davis |
appeared – – Abigall Allens paper of her own |
acknowledgment is received by this meeting |
and is as followeth |
leave a vacancy |
To — The monthly meeting to be held in Dartmouth the 18th day |
of the 3d month 1713 = Whereas I have seen incouraging |
and Consenting to the beating of my Negro Servant beyond |
what I now think was convenient for wch I have been condemned |
selfe: and am much troubled for the same and Do acknowledg |
I was off my wach at that time and so hav hardness of heart got |
in which and if I had kept to the Spirit of truth I had not |
Incouraged and consented to as abovesd ; so for the clearing of truth |
and the testimony thereof I give in these Lines Desiring that ye |
Lord and his people might pass it by and that I might come into |
unity wth his people again – – |
Abigall Allen |
John Tucker Is ordered to read it or order it to be read |
on a first Day before the next monthly meeting |
and she to come into unity with friends again by her |
good Conversation – – |
Benjamin Howland hath paid John Tucker 07l=19s=00d |
as appointed by the Last monthly meeting – – |
and this meeting hath an account from the propa |
retive meeting that Henry Howland hath taken a |
Concerned to give a publick Testimony against him |
and is as followeth – – |
Whereas Henry Howland of Dartmouth in the |
County of Bristol in the Province of the Massachu |
sets Bay in New England: having for seaveral years |
been esteamed a member of our monthly meeting |
of Dartmouth aforesd and been accounted one in |
unity wth [with] us yet hath of Late Contrary to the advice |
of friends and the Good orders established among ym [them] pro |
ceeded to take a wife for wch reason this monthly meet |
ing is Concerned to give forth this as a testimony against |
his so Proceeding and to Disown him for being one |
In unity wth us |
Given forth at our monthly meeting is Sd Dartmouth |
The 15th Day of the 1 month 1714 Signed in behalf of |
sd Meeting by |
Peleg Slocumb |
— Benjamin Howland |
— Josiah Merehew |
Increas Allen |
— Thomas Taber juner |
— John Tucker |
William Wood |
— Nicolas Davis |
— Jabez Barker |
Eliezer Slocumb |
— John Lapham |
— William Wood jun |
Nathaniel Howland |
— Judah Smith |
— Nicolas Lapham |
John Tucker is appointed to read the same or Cause it to |
be read — William Wood and John Tucker are appoin |
ted to attend ye quarterly meeting next – – |
Judah Smith & John Tucker are appointed to Draw |
up an account to the Quarterly meeting – – |
And the vissitters at Rochester gives an account |
that they have visited ye famlyes of friends there |
an things ore as well as Can be well expected among |
Them — and this meeting is adjourned until the |
fourth Day next before ye Quarterly meeting – – – – – |
The meeting being meet according to adjournment |
the 7th Day of the 2d month 1714 – – |
Leave a vacancy |
The visiters are Called to give an account of their |
visiting and their answer is as followeth |
[The bottom half of the page is blank]
House in Dartmouth the 19th Day of the 2d month 1714 |
There was Collected for ye use of friends 00lb-06sh=08d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called William Wood and |
Judah Smith appeared — Rochester Weekly meet |
ing Called none appeared — and the matter |
Concerning Vallentine Huddlestone is Refered to |
to the next monthly meeting – – |
John Tucker hath read Abigall Allen her own |
Condemnation as appointed – – |
And Henry Howlands Condemnation was read – – |
William Wood and John Tucker hath attended ye |
Quarterly meeting and Judah Smith and John Tucker |
hath Drawn an account to ye quarterly meeting – – |
Christopher Giffords charge against Richard Kirby |
being enquired into and wee Cannot find but that |
the matter is already ended by men of their own chusing – – |
the quarterly and yearly meetings Epistles were |
read and kindly accepted – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meet |
ing House in Dartmouth the 17th of the 3rd mo: 1714 |
There was Collected for ye use of friend — 00lb=03sh=8d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called William Wood |
and Judah Smith appeared – – |
Rochester weekly meeting Called none appeared |
Benjamin Howland Judah Smith and John Tucker |
are appointed to speak wth Valentine Huddlestone |
Concerning his neglecting answerining the advice |
of friends in Condemning his takin his oath in |
Bristol Court and make return of their |
Doings to ye next monthly meeting – – |
and the meeting of worship on ye first Day |
at Coaksit is ordered to Be keept there Constantly |
accept the first Day next Before ye monthly meet |
ing — Thomas Taber juner is appointed to |
be helpful to peruse ye monthly meeting minnits |
and fitt ym for to be recorded – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our |
Meeting house in Dartmouth the 21st Day of |
the 4th month 1714 – There was Collected |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called William |
Wood and Judah Smith appeared – – |
Rochester Weekly meeting Called Timothy Davis |
and Benjamin Boarman appeared – – |
And Valentine Huddlestone hath Condemned |
his so Longue Neglecting His Condemning his |
Taking an Oath at Bristol Court |
Joseph Russell and John Tucker is ap |
pointed To be helpful To traviling friends |
for a Passage to Nantucket |
And the Visiters being Called upon to |
Give an account of their visiting of friends |
famlyes — They Signefy to this meeting that |
they have not made aney progress in that work |
this Last Quarter – – |
Judah Smith Timothy Davis and John Tucker |
are appointed to attend ye Quarterly meeting |
next — Judah Smith and John Tucker are to Draw |
up an account to the Quarterly meeting shewing |
how the affairs of truth is amongst us – – |
Benjamin Howland is appointed to pay to John Tucker |
out of the Stock 00l=12s=04d for keeping the meeting house |
Att a monthly meeting of friends held at our meet |
ing House in Dartmouth the 19th day of ye 5th month 1714 |
There was Collected for the use of friends 00l-04s=00d |
Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called William Wood |
and Judah Smith appeared – – |
Rochester weekly meeting Called none appeared |
Judah Smith and John Tucker hath Drawn up an |
account to the quarterly meeting and they |
have attended ye Quarterly meeting as appointed |
And Benjamin Howland hath paid to John Tucker |
twelve shillings and 4 pence as ordered by the Last |
meeting — Whereas this meeting hath been Infor |
med that William Soule juner and Gilles Slocumb |
and Daniel Shepherd juner hath been Disorderly |
in their voyage to the yearly meeting at Nantucket |
this meeting Doth appoint Eliashib Smith and |
Joseph Russell juner wth ye Visiters to inspect |
ly meeting — And the Epistle from the Last |
Quarterly meeting was read and Kindly accepted – – |
Judah Smith is appointed to make up the monthly |
meeting account with Benjamin Howland and bring in |
the account to the next monthly meeting – – |
and it is agreed that the money sent for by the quarterly |
Meeting shall be raised for four shilling Land |
for the use of Boston meeting house – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at |
our meeting house in Dartmouth the 10th Day |
of the 6th month 1714 – – |
There was Collected for the use of friends 00l-05s=07d |
Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called Judah Smith |
and William Wood appeared – – |
Rochester Weekly meeting Called Joseph Wing |
appeared and the friends that was appointed |
to make inquiery concerning ye Disorder of |
William Soule Juner and Giles Slocumb and |
Daniel Shepherd Juner and they find that the |
report Concerning Daniel Shepherd is falie but |
for ye other two things are not clear as yet and |
the friends that was before appointed are still |
Continued to further Inspect into the truth of |
sd report and make return to the next monthly meeting – – |
and Judah Smith hath made up the monthly meet |
ings account wth Benjamin Howland and their |
remains in the Stock three pounds thirteen shil |
lings and three pence – – |
And this meeting hath made a Subscription in part |
of pay for the Land that Walter Newberry bought |
of William Mumford at Boston for the use |
of friends meeting house – – |
and this meeting Desires the visiters to visit the |
famlyes of friends by the next monthly meeting |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meet |
ing house in Dartmouth the 20th of the 7th month 1714 |
There was Collected for the use of friends 00l-05s-01d |
Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called William Wood |
appeared — Rochester Weekly meeting Called none appeared – – |
and Giles Slocumb is refered to the next monthly |
meeting — John Tucker and William Wood are appoin |
ted to attend the next quarterly meeting John Tucker |
and Judah Smith are appointed to Draw up an |
account to the quarterly meeting – – |
John Tucker is appointed to receive the Collecton |
agread upon at the Last monthly meeting and to |
Carry the money to ye Quarterly meeting – – |
the visiters gives an account that they have visit |
ed the most of the famlyes of friends and for the |
most part they find things pretty well — and where |
we found things not well Wee Did advise that it |
should be amended — |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our |
Meeting House in Dartmouth the 18th Day of the |
8 month 1714 — There was Collected 00l-03s=08d |
Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called William Wood |
and John Lapham appeared – – |
Rochester Weekly Meeting Called and none appeared |
and the matter Concerning William Soule juner |
and Giles Slocumb is Refered to the next month |
ly meeting — William Wood and John Tucker |
have attended the Quarterly meeting – – |
and John Tucker hath Carried the money to the |
Quarterly meeting as appointed |
John Tucker and Judah Smith have Drawn up an |
Account to the quarterly meeting as appointed |
Eliezer Slocumb and John Tucker are ordered |
to take Care of the meeting house for the ensuing year |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meet |
ing house in Dartmouth the 15th of the 9th month 1714 |
there was Collected for the use of friends 00l-06s=05d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called none appeared |
Rochester weekly meeting Called Nicolas Davis |
appeared – – |
And the matter Concerning William Soule and Giles |
Slocumb is refered to the next monthly meeting – – |
A paper presented to this meeting from the pre |
paritive meeting at Rochester signifying that |
proceeded in marrage Contrary to the order of truth |
John Tucker and Stephen Willcock are appointed |
to Speak with them if they Can with conveniency |
and to shew them the evil of their proceeding – – |
and to See how the young womans parents have |
Kept them selves clear in that matter – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meet |
ing House in Dartmouth the 20th of the 10 mo 1714 |
there was Collected for the use of friends 00l-02s=03d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called William Wood & |
Judah Smith appeared – – |
Rochester weekly meeting Called Stephen Wing ap |
peared — William Wood Judah Smith and |
William Baker are appointed to Speak wth William |
Soule juner and Giles Slocumb and let them |
know that if they will not give the monthly meeting |
Sattisfaction for their outgoings then the Testimo |
ny of truth will go against them – – |
Stephen Willcock and John Tucker hath Spoken with |
Benjamin Hilliard and Hannah Davis Concerning |
their marrying Contrary to the Good order of truth |
and Did tell them the Disadvantage of it but they seem |
ed to incline to their own way – – |
and we also Spoke wth Timoth Davis and his Wife and |
by what they said to us they were pretty clear con |
cerning that matter – – |
and Elisha Wing is appointed to read Benjamin Hilliard |
and Hannah Hilliard their Condemnation on a first |
Day at the end of the meeting – – |
Which is as followeth — Whereas Benjamin |
Hilliard and Hannah Davis now Hannah Hilliard |
the Daughter of Timothy Davis and Sarah his wife |
of Rochester Boath of ym being under ye Care of friends |
have proceeded in marriage Contrary to ye advise of |
friends and ye Good order Established amongst us |
the Society of people Called Quakers for wch [which] their so |
Doing we Do disown ym and their practis and wee De |
sire ye Lord may give ym a sight of their out goings |
and a heart of repentance – – |
ings in Dartmouth the 20th of ye 10th month 1714 |
Peleg Slocumb |
Benjamin Howland |
Ruth Tucker |
Nathaniel Howland |
Josiah Merehew [Merihew] |
Phebe Tucker |
John Tucker |
Judah Smith |
Mary Lapham |
William Soule |
Stephen Wing |
Mary Smith |
Jabes Barker |
Joanna Mott |
Elezabeth Russell |
John Lapham |
Mary Slocumb |
Hannah Soule |
William Wood |
Hannah Tucker |
Stephen Willcock |
Rachel Allen |
And whereas Hannah Born now Hannah Akin hath |
proseeded in marrage to one of the world Contrary |
to the good order Established among friends thi meet |
ing is Concerned to give forth a condemnation against |
her wch is as followeth – – |
Whereas Hannah Born now Akin of ye town |
of Dartmouth in the County of Bristol in ye |
Province of ye Massachusets Bay in New England |
The said Hannah Akin hath been in time past |
one in society wth us the people Called Quakers |
and Did Marry a man in unity wth frnds and also |
married him ye good order established amongst |
us: But for want of keeping to Truth and to ye |
Good order thereof according to her former proceedings |
in Taking of her former Husband but now hath Left us |
& her practis whilst amongst us and Let out her mind |
to a man not in Society wth us and married him |
Contrary to the Good order of friends although advi |
sed By friends to ye contrary |
Therefore this meeting is Concerned to give |
forth a Publick testimony against the above |
said Hannah Akin and Do Disown her to be |
one in Society wth us. |
Given forth by our monthly men & womens |
Meeting held at our meeting House in Dartmouth |
the 20th of ye 10th month 1714 |
John Tucker |
Jabes Barker |
Rachel Allen |
Joseph Russell |
Abraham Tucker |
Ruth Tucker |
Benjamin Howland |
Nathaniel Howland |
Mehetabell Wing |
William Wood |
John Russell |
Eliezabeth Russell |
Nicolas Lapham |
Mary Lapham |
John Lapham |
Joanna Mott |
Phebe Tucker |
Stephen Willcock |
Mary Slocumb |
Mary Smith |
Stephen Wing |
Hannah Tucker |
Hannah Soule |
Josiah Merehew [Merihew] |
Stephen Willcock John Lapham and John Barker are |
Appoynted to atend the quarterly meeting next – – |
Judah Smith and John Tucker are appoynted to draw |
up an account to the Quarterly meeting next – – |
And the visiters gives an account that they have not vis= |
etted freinds the last quortor — But hope that they shall give |
a Jeneril visit by the next quortorly meeting – – |
and William Soul [Soule]is appoynted to read Hannah Akin her |
Condemnation before the next monthly meeting – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting o friends held at our meeting house |
In Dartmouth the 24th of the Eleventh month – – 1714 |
their was Colected for the use of friends – 0lb-04s-00d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting called William Wood and |
Judah Smith appeared |
Rochester weekly meeting called Elisha Wing appeared |
those freinds appoynted the last monthly meeting to Spake with |
William Soule jur and Gils Slocumb: have spoke with |
them — and they have Each of them sent In a paper |
to this meeting where In they acknowlidg that they have |
ben disorderly In their Conversation and desiar to be for |
given and say they hope to be more carefull for time to |
Come: but friends being doubtfull of their sencerety do |
at present: refer the matter for forther tryall to See |
whether their futer conversation will be answerable |
to their pretence – – |
John Lapham and Jabez Bark [Barker] did attend the Quar |
torly meeting as they were appoynted – – |
and John Tucker and Judas Smith have draw up |
and sent an account to the quortorly meeting – – |
and William Soul [Soule] did read Hannah Akin her condem= |
-nation as appoynted – – |
and Elisha Wing did read Benjamin Hilyerds and Hannh |
Hilyerds Condemnation as apoynted – – |
and where as Marcy Smith is married contrarey to the order |
of truth and this meeting agrees that condemnation shall |
Appoynted to draw her Condemnation against the next |
monthly meeting – – |
and Benjamin Howland has paid John Tucker twelve |
shillings for keeping the meeing house – – – – |
At a monthly meeing held at our meeting in Dartmouth the |
the twenty first day of the twelvth month – – 1714 |
their was colected for the use of friends – 06lb-05s-07d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting called Judah Smith and |
William Wood appeared – – |
Rochester weekly called Savery Clefton [Clifton] appeared – – |
Nicolas Davis and Marey Summer did lay their intent |
-ions of marrige before this meeting |
and they was desired to wait for their answer until |
the next monthly meeting – – |
and they was desired to wait for their answer until |
the next monthly meeting – – |
and Saverey Clefton and John Tucker ar Chosen to See Into their |
Clearness and bring in their answer to the next monthly meeting |
Thomas Tucker Jur and John Tucker hath drawn up |
Hizekiah Smiths daughter Marcy her Condemnation |
and It is signed by this meeting – and is as followeth – – |
Whereas Mary the Daughter of Hezekiah |
Smith and Mary his wife of Dartmouth |
in the Countey of Bristol in New England |
Having been one and under ye Care of our |
Meeting yet hath of Late Contrary to the |
Good order Established among friends and without |
the knowledg of her father proceeded in marrage |
to the reproach of the truth professed amongst us |
and to the greif of the sober minded we are |
Therefore concerned to give our Testimony against |
the said Disorderly and unbecoming action and Do |
Disown the said Mary now the Wife of Thomas |
Trafford to be one of us the people Called Quakers |
Desireing that she may Come to a sight of her |
outgoing and return if it be the Will of the Lord |
given forth by our Monthly Meeting of men and women |
Held at our Meeting House in Dartmouth the 21 |
Day of the 12 month 1714 |
Thomas Hathaway |
John Tucker |
Joanna Mott |
Abram Tucker |
Mary Slocumb |
John Summers |
Rachel Allen |
Increas Allen |
Hannah Tucker |
Eliezer Slocumb |
Hephziba Hathaway |
Stephen Willcock |
Mary Lapham |
Savery Clefton [Clifton] |
Eliezabeth Summers |
Nicholas Davis |
Susanna Willcock |
Benjamin Howland |
Mary Lapham |
Henry Tucker |
Phebe Tucker |
William Soule |
Mary Russell |
William Wood |
Mary Smith |
John Lapham |
Mary Laton |
William Wood |
Juner[Lawton] |
Joseph Russell |
Juner Tabitha Wait |
Judah Smith |
Abigal Chace |
Jabes Barker |
Ruth Tucker |
Thomas Taber jun |
And William Soule is appinted to read the |
Same on a first Day at the end of a meeting |
before the next monthly meeting – – |
Benjamin Howland and John Tucker are ap |
pointed to Speak with Nathaniel Smith |
Concerning his telling the Justis that his |
Sister Mary had her fathers Consent to be |
Married to Thomas Trafford and that they |
was Lawfully Published and bring in their |
answer to the next monthly meeting – – |
The Quarterly meeting Epistle Was read at |
this meeting and was kindly accepted – – |
and it is Desired that friends may tak it |
into their Consideration how or what method |
friends that Travil into forreign parts how |
they may return that the meeting to whom |
They belongue may be senceable that they have |
beheaved them selves according to truth – – |
and it is advised that the visiters go forward |
in their visiting of friends famlyes and |
give their account to the next monthly |
and Whereas there has been some Difrance |
of Late amongst some for blonging to this |
meeting about the Laying out of The Ceder |
Swamps and it has been so mannaged that |
as is thought by this Meeting so as to bring |
A reproach upon frds [friends] and a Dishonour |
to ye Truth Professed amongst us it is |
Therefore Concluded to Chuse some friends |
to enquire into that Matter and Where they |
Find that any have been of from their wach to |
endever to bring them to a sence of it so that if |
it be possible to bring friends into love & unity |
and to give an account to ye next monthly meet |
ing how they find things relating to ye matter & where |
any Cannot be brought in the judgment of those friends |
to a sight of their faults they are to Let ym [them] know |
that this meeting Desires ym to be at the next |
monthly meeting in order to Sattisfie the meeting |
& Benjamin Howland Stephen Willcock and William |
Soule are Chose on that account |
And the next monthly meeting is adjourned |
to the 4th Second Day of the Next Month |
Att a Monthly Meeting of friends |
(1715) |
Held at our meeting House in Dartmouth |
The 28 Day of the first month 1715 |
there was Collected for the use of friends 00lb-00sh=00d |
Dartmouth Weekly meeting called William Wood |
and Judah Smith appeared – – |
Rochester weekly meeting Called none appeared |
Nicolas Davis and Mary Summers Came for |
their answer as to taking each other in marrage |
and nothing appearing to Hinder their said in |
tentions they had their answer that they may |
Take each other in the Good order established |
amongst frds – – |
And Benjamin Borman and Hannah Wing |
did Lay their intentions of marrage before this |
Meeting and they were Desired to wait for their |
answer till the next monthly meeting – – |
to inspect into their clearness and bring in their |
answer to the next monthly meeting – – |
Savery Clifton and John Tucker are Chosen to |
see Nicolas Davis and Mary Summers solemnize |
their Marrage in the Good order of truth – – |
And Mary Trafford her Condemnation was read – – |
Benjamin Howland and William Soule according |
to appointment brought in an account in rela |
tion to the Difrance about ye Ceder Swamps wch is |
ordered to be recorded & is as followeth – – |
To the monthly meeting of Friends held in Dart |
mouth the 28th of the first month 1715 |
We whose names are under writen have enquired |
Into that Diforance amongst friends Concerning the |
Ceder Swamps and they have in General man |
her acknowledged to each other their shortness in |
So Doing to our Great Sattisfaction and mutal |
Cumfort and they have forgiven each other and are |
come into Love and unity again and so wee pray |
The Lord to keep them and us in that Spirit to |
the end of our Dayes – – |
Benjamin Howland |
William Soule |
Eliezer Slocumb William Wood and John |
Tucker are chosen to attend the Quarterly meet |
ing next – – John Tucker and Judah Smith are |
appointed to Draw up an account to the Quarterly |
Meeting – and this meeting is adjourned til the next |
fourth Day come Week |
The meeting being met according to adjournment |
the first Day of the 2d month 1715 – – |
Benjamin Howland and John Tucker makes report to |
this meeting that they have spoke with Nathaniel Smith |
concerning his going before the Justis and ther signefying |
that his sister Mary Smith had had her Parents |
consent to marry wth Tho. Trafford wch was no such |
thing & he hath condemned the same and said he is |
sorry for so doing and Hopes he shall do so no more – – |
And this meeting hath sent 17 Shillings and three pence |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house in Dartmouth the 18th Day of the 2d mo 1715 |
There was Collected for the use of friends 00lb-04s=00d |
Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called John Lapham |
and Judah Smith appeared |
Rochester weekly meeting Called Nicolas Davis ap |
peared — Savery Clifton and John Lapham makes |
report to this meeting that they find nothing but that |
Benjamin Boarman and Hannah Wing may pro |
ceed in marrage & they appeared this meeting |
for their answer & they had there answer that |
they might proceed to take each other in mar |
rage in the order of truth – – |
Thomas Taber Juner and Joseph Wing are ap |
pointed to see their marrage accomplished |
According to order — John Tucker and Judah |
Smith hath Drawn up an account to the Quar |
terly meeting and John Tucker and William Wood |
Hath attended ye Quarterly meeting – – |
And John Tucker has Carried the money for to |
pay for the books as appointed – – |
And this meeting received the Epistle from |
The Last Quarterly meeting – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our |
Meeting house in Dartmouth the 16th Day of |
the 5th month 1715 – – |
There was Collected for the use of frds 00l-05s=00d |
Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called William Wood |
and Judah Smith appeared – – |
Rochester Weekly meeting Called Elisha Wing appeared |
The friends Chose to see the marrages Solemni |
sed in the good order of truth at Rochester have |
Been at Said Marrages and makes report |
That they were accomplished according to order |
and at this meeting there was a Subscribtion |
made towards the building of Salem meeting |
House and friends are Desired to bring in their |
Money to the next monthly meeting – – |
It is advised that friends be Careful of their |
that they bring no Dishonour to the Truth |
Professed by us – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meet |
ing house in Dartmouth the 20th day of ye 4th month 1715 |
Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called William Wood and |
Judah Smith appeared |
Rochester Weekly meeting Called Joseph Wing appeared |
And the Subscribtion that was made the Last monthly |
Meeting for Salem Meeting House is brought in to |
This meeting in order to be sent to the Quarterly |
Meeting next and the Sum is – – – – – – 07l=03s=00d |
Stephen Willcock and John Tucker are appointed to |
attend the Quarterly meeting next and carry ye money |
Gathered for Salem meeting House – – |
The visiters are Called to give in their accounts |
of their visiting of friends famlyes and they signefy |
to this meeting that they have not been out |
upon that servis since the Last Quarter – – |
And this meeting advies the visiters for time |
to come to be more Dilegent in their Service |
of visiting that so the monthly meeting may have |
a better account how things are amongst us once |
a Quarter — This meeting orders Benjamin |
Howland to Let Judah Smith have 25 shillings out |
of the stock for keeping the meeting House – – |
Thomas Taber jun,r and Jo,n Tucker are appointed |
to Draw up an account to the Quarterly |
meeting Benjamin Howland and Deliverance |
Smith are appointed to git the Meeting House |
Land laid out – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our |
meeting in Dartmouth the 18th Day of ye 5th mo 1715 |
There Was Collected for the use of friends 0l-05s=8d |
Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called William Wood |
and Deliverance Smith appeared – – |
Rochester Weekly meeting Called none appeared |
Benjamin Howland hath paid Judah Smith |
twenty five shillings as appointed – – |
John Tucker hath Carried the Money to the |
Tho, Taber Juner and John Tucker did Draw an |
account to the Quarterly meeting as they |
were appointed – – |
And Deliverance Smith and Jon Russell are |
ordered to procure a quantity of Land and |
Git it Laid out for the benefit of the fire Wood – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at |
our meeting House in Dartmouth the 15th day |
of the 6th month 1715 – – |
There was Collected for the use of frnds [friends] 00lb-05sh=00d |
Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called William Wood |
and Jon Lapham appeared – – |
Rochester Weekly meeting Called not appeared |
The yearly meeting Epistle from the ministers |
Was read in this meeting and also the Epistle from |
the Quarterly meeting and boath Well accepted – – |
Deliverance Smith Was appointed to make up |
The monthly meeting accompts With Benjamin |
Howland |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at |
our meeting House in Dartmouth the 19th d of |
the 7th month 1715 |
There Was Collected for the use of friends 00lb-05sh=06d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called William Wood and |
Judah Smith appered — Rochester weekly meeting |
Called Nathan Summers appeared – – |
Deliverance Smith has made up the monthly meet |
ing account wth [with] Benjamin Howland as appointed – – |
the Last monthly meeting and there remains in |
the stock foure pounds seaven shillings an three pence |
This meeting makes Choice of William Wood to be |
a visiter — A repoart is made to this meeting |
Concerning the Disorderly Walking of William Soule |
juner and Peleg Slocumb juner and Eliezer Slocumb juner |
Deliverance Smith Judah Smith and Henry Tucker |
are appointed to inspect into the truth of said report |
and make return how they find things to the next |
monthly meeting — Stephen Wilcock and William |
Wood are appointed to attend the quarterly meeting |
one hundred and seaventeen pounds of Chees taken |
from him for his sons not training by William |
Bowdish Clark of the Western millitary Company |
in Dartmouth under Nathaniel Soule Leightenant |
the chees is esteemed worth forty four shillings |
for three pounds Demanded – – |
The meeting is adjourned to the 12th Day of ye next month |
The meeting being meet according to adjournment |
the 12th Day of the 8th month 1715 – – |
the visiters gives this meeting an account that |
They have visited the most of the famlyes of |
friends but not all and they find that some |
friends Chilldren are much out of order and |
some famlyes pretty well – – |
John Tucker and Abram Tucker are Chose to |
Draw an account to the Quarterly meeting – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friend held at our meet |
ing hose in Dartmouth the 17th Day of the 8th m 1715 |
There was Collected for the use of friends 00l=5s=0d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called Judah Smith |
appeared — Rochester Weekly meeting Called not appered |
James Barker and Eliezabeth Tucker did Lay their |
intention of marrage with each other before this |
meeting and they was Desired to wait until the |
next monthly meeting for their answer – – |
John Lapham Josiah Merehew [Merihew] are appointed |
to make Equiry into their Clearnese and make |
Return to the next monthly meeting – – |
Deliverance Smith Judah Smith and Henry |
Tucker they are Still Continued to enquire whi |
ther the report be true concerning the three |
young men or not – – |
Stephen Willcock and William Wood Did attend |
the Quarterly meeting as they were appointed |
Abram Tucker and Jon Tucker did send an |
account to the Quarterly meeting – – |
Deliverance Smith and Benjamin Howland are |
appointed to git some addition of seats made |
In the Galleryes of the meeting House if they |
Can against the yearly meeting22 – – |
and the monthly meeting to pay the Charge |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meet |
ing House in Dartmouth the 21st Day of ye 9th month 1715 |
Dartmouth Weekly meeting Called William Wood and |
John Lapham appeared — Rochester weekly meeting |
Called Nicolas Davis appeared – – |
James Barker and Eliezabeth Tucker came for their |
answer their answer was that they might proceed |
to take each other in marrage in the order |
of truth — John Tucker and William Wood |
are appointed to see that they accomplish their |
Marrage according to order and make the return |
to the next monthly meeting – – |
A paper presented to this meeting by Robert Tripp |
signefying that William Bowdish took from him |
a steer worth 50 shillings for neglecting to train |
nine Dayes which is allowed to be presented to the |
Quarterly meeting – – |
A report to this meeting concerning some friends |
being somewhat out of order and Deliverance Smith |
Benjamin Howland and John Lapham and Thomas Taber |
are appointed to inspect into the truth of the sd report |
A paper presented to this meeting from Rochester signefy |
ing that Patience Clefton [Clifton] hath hath had a child |
with out a husband — John Tucker Tho, Taber are |
appointed to Draw her condemnation – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meet |
ing House in Dartmouth the 19th day of the 10th mo - 1715 |
There was Collected for the use of friends 00l-04s=00d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting Called William Wood and |
Judah Smith appeared — Rochester weekly meeting Called |
None appeared — William Wood and John Tucker |
Gives an account that James Barker and Eliezabeth |
Tucker Did take each other in marrage in the |
Order of truth — The friends that was chose |
The Last meeting to inspect into the truth of |
The report that was reported of Eliezer Smiths |
is refered to the next monthly meeting – – |
Thomas Taber Juner and John tucker hath Drawn |
up Patience Clefton her Condemnation as ordered |
And it was signed at this meeting and Elisha Wing |
is ordered to read it at Rochester on a first Day |
at the end of the meeting of Worship – – |
It is agreed at this meeting that there shall be |
a meeting House built on the other side of Cokset |
river 28 foot wide and 34 foot longue and 16 or 17 |
foot studd — and there is nothing Done as to |
visiting the Last Quarter – – |
John Tucker William Wood and Stephen Willcock |
are chose to attend the Quarterly meeting next |
John Tucker and Abram Tucker are chose to |
Draw up an account to the Quarterly meeting |
John Tucker and Eliezer Slocumb are appointed |
to procure the friend to keep the meeting |
House the ensuing year – – |
And the next monthly meeting is adjourned |
until the fourth second Day in the next month |
11 mo= |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house in Dartmouth the 23 Day of the 11th month 17 15/16 — collected 10£-[?] |
Dartmouth meeting called William Wood and Judah Smith |
appeared: The friends that were appointed to attend the quarter |
=ly meeting have attended according to order |
Abraham Tucker and John Tucker have drawn up the account |
to the Quarterly meeting as appointed |
And the Epistle from the from the Quarterly meeting in ye 8th month and the |
Epistle from the Last Quarterly meeting was boath of them read and |
kindly accepted. And Patience Clifton her condemnation was Read as |
ordered and is as followeth – – |
Whereas Patience Clifton the Daughter of Savorie Clifton and |
Dorothy his wife of Rochester in the county of Plymouth in New England |
having been educated among friends and under the Care of our meeting |
hath by giving way to the evil one fallen into the unclean sin of |
fornication (being of Late delivered of a bastard child) to the dishonour |
of God the reproach of ^the truth and grief of all those amongst us who sincerely |
Desire ye prosperety of Zion: We are therefore concerned to give forth |
this as a publick testimony against that wicked and detestable action |
and do Deny the said Patience Clifton to be one of us the people of God |
called Quakers Desiring that if it be the will of God Shee may through |
unfeigned Repentance obtain pardon for this her great wickedness and all |
other her outgoings – – |
Given by our men and womens monthly meeting of friends held at our |
meeting house in Dartmouth the 19th of ye 10th month 1715 : |
John Tucker |
Hezekiah Smith |
Abraham Tucker |
Henry Tucker |
Ruth Tucker |
Eleazer Slocum |
Thomas Hathaway |
Rachel Allen |
William Wood |
Joseph Taber |
Hannah Tucker |
Stephen Willcock |
Josiah Merihoo |
Elisabeth Russell |
John Lapham |
Wm Wood jun |
Mary Lawton |
Joseph Russell |
Jabez Barker |
Mary Smith |
Deliverance Smith |
Eliashib Smith |
Mary Lapham |
James Tripp |
John Russell |
Judah Smith |
Nicolas Lapham |
and James Tripp is Imployed by this meeting to build a meeting house |
for the use of friends on the west side of Coakset River tharty foot long |
twenty eight foot wide and 16 or 17 foot studd |
and the monthly meeting to defray the charge and it is concluded that |
the house abovesd should be finished by the 15th day of the 8th month next |
And Benjamin Howland is ordered to pay Jabez Barker for bords |
that was used about the meeting house 1£-03s=0d out of the stock- |
The friends that was chose to inspext into the disorder of some |
friends bring in their account as followeth– – |
Dartmouth the 20th of the 11th month 1715/16 |
We being chosen by the monthly meeting in the 9th month 1715 |
to enquire concerning Eleazer Smith and Thomas Smith their un |
=seamly words and behavier at Seth Ropes & we do find that |
Thos Smith in his words and actions was too light and ary for one |
professing truth which he readily owned but as to their being in drink |
we dont find they were and we do advize him for time to come that he |
be careful that he do not ^speak nor act so as to bring a reproach upon the Truth |
and the professor of it and we do advize that Hezekiah Smith and |
John Lapham and all friends to be careful in Reporting anything of |
friends, and not to strain things beyond what they are but to |
Consider which will be most for the honour of the Truth |
Whither to speak or to keep silent |
– Deliverance Smith |
Benjamin Howland |
The business of Rochester meeting called |
fig. 4: Although the first Westport (Acoaxet) Meeting House was finished in 1716, the present structure dates from 1813.
© Copyright Jean Schnell
and an account was brought to this meeting of several friends that |
are deceased at Rochester of late In order to be recorded |
12 mo= |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in Dartmouth |
the 20th Day of the 12th month 1715/16 – |
Dartmouth meeting called Judah Smith and Deliverance Smith appeared |
Rochester meeting called none appeared |
This ^meeting hath concluded to come to a subscription to pay for the building of |
the meeting house at Acoxet. and Benjamin Howland hath paid |
Jabez Barker 1£-03s-00d as appointed at the Last meeting – – |
And this meeting has appointed Stephen Willcocks and Tho. Taber jun |
to purchase a piece of Land to set the meeting house upon on the |
west side of accoxet River – – |
And this meeting advises the visiters to dillegence in their service |
So that there may be a full account given to the next monthly meeting |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in Dartmouth |
the 19th day of the 1st month 1715/16— |
There was collected for the |
And Abraham Tucker and John Tucker are appointed to Receive the |
Collection for accoxet meeting house and to pay it out as there may be |
need and for as much as it difficult to git small mony it is agreed |
to have our collection once a Quarter: and to collect for the |
Quarter past next monthly meeting |
1716 |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in |
Dartmouth the 19th day of the 1st month 1715/16 |
1 mo= |
There was collected for the use of friends 13 shillings – – |
Dartmouth meeting called Deliverance Smith and Judah Smith appeard |
Rochester meeting called and none appeard |
The visiters were called upon to Give in their accounts which they |
did and is as followeth — That they have visited the most of friends |
famlyes under their care and their visits for the most part were |
kindly accepted and in some friends famlies they find things pretty |
well and in some others not so well as they could Desire |
where they gave such advice as they thought suitable to their condition |
Eleazer Slocum and Thomas Taber jun are appointed to attend |
the Quarterly meeting next |
and John Tucker & Thos Taber jun are appointed to Draw up an account |
to the Quarterly meeting how things are among friends relating |
to Truth – – |
And it being proposed by some friends to this meeting whither it |
be agreable to truth to purchase slaves and keep them term of |
Life wch is refered to ye considration of the Quarterly meeting |
Benjamin Howland and Deliverance Smith brought in their account |
of their charge in their building of the new gallery wch is 01£-18s=04d |
which Benjamin Howland is ordered to pay out of ye stock |
he is also ordered to pay Judah Smith 13s out of the stock toward |
keeping the meeting house which sum ye said Benjamin Howland |
forthwith paid |
2m= |
At a monthly meeting of friends held in Dartmouth the |
16 day of ye 2d month 1716 |
Dartmouth meeting called Judah Smith and Willim Wood appeared |
Rochester meeting called & none appeared: |
And Eleazer Slocum and Thomas Taber Jun hath (attend the quar |
=terly meeting as appointed) Drawn up an account to the |
Quarterly meeting as appointed |
And the Widow Mary Divel desired the advise of this meeting |
concerning the putting her son an aprentis to Robert Tripp to Learn |
the trade of a tanner which this meeting doth agree too |
And the Quarterly meeting Epistle was read and kindly accepted |
The business of the preparitive meeting is that friends be careful |
to make their wills for the settlement of their Estates in time |
3 mo= |
At a monthly meeting the 21st day of the 3.d month 1716 |
Dartmouth weekly meeting called Judah Smith and William Soule appeared |
Rochester weekly meeting called none appeared |
The business of Dartmouth meeting called and there is no business |
presented from the preparitive meeting |
4 mo= |
At a monthly meeting of friends held in Dartmouth the 18th day of |
the 4th month 1716 there was collected for the use of friends 1£-0s=0d |
Dartmouth weekly meeting called William Wood and Judah Smith |
appeared: Rochester meeting called Stephen Wing appeared |
The business of Dartmouth meeting called and the business of Rochester |
And whereas there is occation of the choise of some friends to be |
chose to take a deed of some land to set Coakset meeting house upon |
the meeting makes choice of Stephen Willcocks William Wood |
Henry Tucker and Tho.s Taber Jun and Joseph Taber to be the person to |
take sd deed |
and Eleazer Slocum and William Wood are appointed to attend the |
Quarterly meeting next: and John Tucker and Tho.s Taber Jun are |
appointed to draw up an account to the quarterly meeting |
5 mo= |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth the 16th day of ye 5th month 1716 |
Dartmouth meeting called Judah Smith and William Wood appeared |
Rochester meeting called Nicholas Davis appeared |
and the two friends that was appointed to attend the Quarterly |
meeting hath attended as appointed. |
And John Tucker makes report to this meeting that there was |
an account Drawn up and sent to the Quarterly meeting – – |
The business of Dartmouth meeting Called and the business of |
Rochester meeting called : from Dartmouth meeting no business |
a paper presented to this meeting signefying that John |
Sumers hath gone about to take a woman of ye world to wife |
Contrary to the good Established among friends and Stephen |
Willcock Thomas Taber jurn and John Tucker are appointed to speak with |
sd Sumers to know whither he will condem his outgoing and clear |
Truth or not and make return of their doings to ye next monthly |
meeting and the Quarterly meeting epistle was Read at |
this meeting and kindly accepted – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in |
Dartmouth ye 20th day of ye 6th month 1716 – |
Dartmouth meeting called William Wood and Judah Smith appeared |
Rochester meeting called Elisha Wing appeared |
And Benjamin Howland and Judah Smith is appointed to see the |
young cupple declare their intentions of mariage before the month |
=ly meetings in order: Eleazer Slocum Jun and Deborah Smith the |
daughter of Delverance Smith boath of Dartmouth did lay their |
intentions of marriage and they were desired to wait till ye next |
monthly meeting for their answer and Benjamin Howland and |
Judah Smith are appointed to inquire into the clearness wth |
respect to marriage and make Return to the next monthly meet |
=ing: and those appointed to speak with John Sumers do bring in |
an account that they have been with him and he justifies his |
actions wherefore this meeting Concludes that he still Remains under dealing |
7 mo= |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in |
Dartmouth ye 17 day of the 7th month 1716 – – |
There was collected for ye use of friends – – – – 00£:-13s:-00d |
Dartmouth meeting called William Wood and Judah Smith appear |
=ed: Rochester meeting Called and none appeared |
The two friends that was chosen the Last monthly meeting to |
inspect into the two young friends clearness as to mariage make |
Report that they find nothing but that Eleazer Slocum Jun and |
Deborah Smith might proceed and Eleazer Slocum Junr and Deborah |
Smith came for their answer concer concerning their taking |
each other in marriage and they had their answer that they |
might take each other in ye Good order of truth and Benjamin |
Howland and Judah Smith is appointed to see ye mariage solem |
Solemnized in ye good order ^of truth and make return to ye next |
monthly meeting. The business of Dartmouth meeting called |
James Tucker desires a sertificate from this meeting and |
Jabez Barker and Josiah Merihoo is appointed to make enquiry |
into his clearness Concerning mariage and conversation and |
make report how they find things to ye next monthly meeting |
and provide a sertificate accordingly and this meeting |
orders Benjam^in Howland to pay Judah Smith 25 Shillings |
out of the monthly meeting Stock for keeping the meeting house |
And this meeting is adjourned till ye first sixt day of the week in |
the 8th month next |
This meeting being met according to adjournment this 5th day |
of ye 8th month 1716 the visiters gives this meeting an account |
that they have visited pretty Generally the famlies of friends |
belonging to this meeting and in a general way they find |
things pretty well as far as they said |
And Abraham Tucker & John Tucker is appointed to draw an account |
(Shewing how things are amongst us Relating to truths affairs) |
To ye Quarterly next: and Increase Allen and |
Abraham Tucker is appointed to attend ye Quarterly meeting next |
8 mo= |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at out meeing house |
in Dartmouth the 15th day of ye 8th month 1716 |
Dartmouth meeting called Judah Smith appeared |
Rochester meeting called & none appeared : the business of |
Dartmouth meeting called and Benjamin Howland and |
Judah Smith do make report to this meeting that ye marriage |
between Eleazer Slocum jun and Deborah Smith hath been solem |
=nized in the good order of truth: and Abraham Tucker and |
John Tucker hath signified yt they Did draw up an account to |
ye quarterly meeting as ordered. |
And Increase Allen hath attended ye Quarterly meeting as |
ordered: And James Tucker has a certificate signed rela |
ting to his clearness wth respect to marriage |
9 mo= |
At a monthly meeting held at our meeting house in |
Dartmouth ye 19th day of ye 9th month 1716: |
Dartmouth meeting called William Wood and Judah Smith |
appeared : Rochester meeting called: The minnits of ye |
yearly meeting Recommended to the Quarterly meeting and |
So to ye monthly meeting was read by request of ye prepa |
=ritive meeting Last and ye Quarterly meeting minnits was |
Read and kindly accepted |
Rochester no business |
10 mo= |
At a monthly meeting held at our meeting house in Dartmouth |
by friends, the 17th day of ye 10th month 1716 Dartmouth meeting called |
William Wood and Judah Smith appeared: |
Rochester meeting called Stephen Wing appeared |
The business of Dartmouth meeting called and John Tucker and |
Eleazer Slocum are chosen to take care of Dartmouth meeting house |
For the ensuing year and ye visiters were called upon to give an account |
of their visiting friends fam^ilies and they give no account of any |
thing done in that service ye Last Quarter. |
The business of Rochester called and they give an account that |
John Summers hath taken a wife contrary to ye good order esta |
=blished amongst friends and this meeting Doth conclude that Judg |
=ment must go forth against him for that and also for his other |
disorders wherein he hath gone out of the good order of truth |
And John Tucker and Thomas Taber junr are appointed to Drw up a |
paper of condemnation in order to be signed at ye next monthly |
meeting. And Stephen Wing is chosen to be a visiter for Rochester |
weekly meeting |
The matter relating to purchasing slaves Recommend to ye |
Quarterly meeting being agetated in ye meeting it is concluded by |
the most of ye meeting that it would be most agreable to our holy |
profession to forbear for time to come to be any wayes concerned in |
purchasing any slaves |
And Eleazer Slocum William Wood & Thos Taber junr are appointed |
to attend ye Quarterly meeting and John Tucker & Thomas Taber junr |
are appointed to draw up an acount to ye Quarterly meeting |
how ye affaires of Truth are amongst us. |
11 mo= |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in |
Dartmouth ye 21st day of ye 11th month 17 16/17 |
Dartmouth meeting called William Wood and Judah Smith appear |
=ed Rochester meeting called Stephen Wing appeared |
The business of Dartmouth meeing called this meeting hath signed |
a condemnation against John Summers his proseeding in mariage |
Contrary to ye good order of truth as established among friends |
And Thomas Taber junr is or ordered to read it in Rochester meeing |
of worship on a first day of ye week or cause it to be read: |
This meeting has conculuded to make a subscribtion to pay |
3£ Due for ye Land where on Coakset meeting house stands |
And Benjamin Howland is ordered to pay 12£ 6d out of ye meet |
=ing stock to John Tucker for keeping ye meeting house |
The business of Rochester meeting called and they give an account |
that Benjamin Clifton and Sarah Davis have published their |
intentions of marriage contrary to ye good order of friends and |
John Tucker and Stephen Willcocks are desired to go and Labour |
with ym to shew them ye danger of their proceedings |
12: mo |
At a monthly meeting of friend held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth ye 18th day of ye 12th month 17 16/17: |
Dartmouth meeting called William Wood and Eleazer Slocum |
And Thomas Taber Junr has signifyed that he has Read |
John Summers his condemnation as ordered and is as |
followeth: |
Whereas John Summers of Rochester in the county of |
Plymouth in New England hath for some years made profession |
of ye Blessed truth as it is held and professed amongst us the people |
Called Quakers and having been by the ordering providence of |
God deprived of his wife by her decease hath shown a hafty desire |
to obtain another Contrary to ye Good order and chast comendable |
custom among friends in so much that in a few months he did |
proceed so far wth one not of our proffession to bublished according |
to the custom of ye contry which action though he proceeded no |
furtherein therein yet did stand to justifie obstinately Refusing |
and trampling upon the advice of friends that throgh ye Godly care |
of ye monthly meeting were sent to advise him concerning that |
matter and now of Late hath farther appeared in slight and contempt |
of ye good order established amongst ^us friends |
Therefore we are concerned to give this forth as a testimony |
against his out goings denying him to be one in unity with us the |
people ^of god called ^of god Qukers desiring if it be the will of God he may come |
to a sence of his out going and through unfeigned repentance |
Return and find mercy |
Given forth at our monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
House in Dartmouth ye 21st day of ye 11th month 17 16/17 |
Stephen Willcock |
John Tucker |
John Lapham |
Peleg Slocum |
Tho- Taber junr |
Valentine Huddlestone |
Benjamin Howland |
Abraham Tucker |
Judah Smith |
Nathaniel Howland |
Thomas Hathaway |
Eleazer Slocum |
Josiah Merihoo |
William Wood |
William Soule |
Deliverance Smith |
And Benjamin Howland hath paid 12 shillings and 6 pence as ordered |
at the last monthly meeting: and Stephen Willcock and John |
Tucker hath beea at at Rochester as desired the last monthly |
meeting but Benjamin Clifton and Sarah Davis had accomplished |
their mariage before they came there and they could not conve |
=niently speak wth them: so that matter is refered to ye next |
monthly meeting |
Whereas John Kees sent in a paper to this meeting concerning |
his not proceeding in marriage with Rachel Allen which this |
meeting for something therein mentioned doth not approve of |
nor accept for sattisfaction: And John Tucker and Thos Taber jur |
is appointed to signify ye reason thereof in behalfe of ye meeting |
(1717) 1:mo |
At a monthly of friends held at our meeting house in – |
Dartmouth the: 18:th day of ye— 1st month: 1717: |
There was collected for ye use of friends —— 0£–12s—06d |
Dartmouth meeting called Eleazer Slocum and Judah Smiths |
appeared: Rochester meeting called and none appeared |
And ye business concer^ning Benjamin Clifton and Sarah |
Davis is Refered to ye next monthly meeting |
The business of Dartmouth meeing called and this meeting is |
ajourned till ye first sixt Day in ye 2d month next |
This meeting being met according to ajournment: |
this 5th day of ye 2d month: 1717: |
the visitters being called upon to give in their account |
Concerning their visiting friends famelies and their |
account is as followeth yt they have visited the fami |
=lies of friends belonging to this meeting in a pretty general |
way and they dont find but things are pretty well for the |
most part and they think their visits for the most part |
well accepted |
And William Wood and Eleazer Slocum is appointed to |
attend ye Quarterly meeting next: and Abraham Tucker |
and John Tucker is appointed to draw up an account to ye |
Qurterly meeting next. |
And this meeting is ajourned till ye 10 of the 2d month 1717 |
This meeting being met accord to ajournment |
this 10th day of ye 2d month 1717: |
Some suffering allowed at this meeting of Peleg Slocum |
And Abraham Tucker and John Tucker at Chilmark |
2:mo= |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house in Dartmouth ye 15th day of the 2d month 1717 |
Dartmouth meeting called Judah Smith and Eleazer Slocum |
appeared: Rochester — meeting called none appeared |
The business Concerning Benjamin Cliffton and Sarah |
Davis is Refered to the ye next monthly meeting. |
And William Wood and Eleazer Slocum |
account and sent it to ye quarterly meeting as appoint- |
=ted And William Wood and Eleazer Slocum hath |
attended the Quarterly meeting as appointed |
This meeting hath received and epistel from ye quarter |
=ly meeting Dated ye 11th of the 11th month: 1716 |
and from ye Quarterly meeting ye 12:th of ye 2:d month 1717 |
and they was boath read and kindly accepted |
The business of Dartmouth meeting Called and Deliverance |
Smith hath brought the returne of the survey of |
ye Land whereon friends meet ing house stands in |
Ponaganset vilage and is ordered to be recorded in ye packigers |
Records and friends to pay for ye Recording |
3:mo= |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in |
Dartmouth the: 20th day of ye 3d month : 1717: |
Dartmouth meeting called William Wood and Josiah Smith appeared |
Rochester meeting called Elisha Wing appeared |
and Eleazer Slocum and and Deliverance Smith and Judah Smith |
is appointed to speak wth Timothy Davis and his wife to know whither |
they have kept ymselves clear in their testimony in the marriage |
of their daughter Sarah Davis with Benjamin Clifton contrary to |
the good order established amongst friends and also to speak wth ye abovesd |
Benjamin Clifton and Sarah to know how it hath been that they |
have proceeded in marriage Contrary to ye good order of friends |
and the friends to make return to ye next monthly meeting how |
they find things: |
And this meeting makes choice of Griffin Owen and Peleg Slocum |
and Eleazer Slocum to Draw up some account to Walter Newbury |
concerning a Late act for ye maintainance of ministers and Desire |
him to take ye sd act along with him to old England and delier it to |
John Whiteing or some other friends yt he shall think suitable: |
And our freinds Griffin Owen and John Saltkite[?] was at this meeting |
and their service was kindly accepted and they shewed ther |
certificates and they was well approved.23 |
4 mo= |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth the 24th day of ye 4th month 1717: |
There was collected for the use of friends – – – – 01£=05s=01d |
Dartmouth meeting called Judah Smith and Deliverance Smith |
appeared: Rochester meeting called. and none appeared |
Edward Wing and Sarah Tucker did signify to this meeting their |
intentions of taking each other in marriage if ye Lord permitt |
and Josiah Merihoo and Henry Tucker is appointed to see into |
their clearness and bring in the^ir answer how the find things to |
the next monthly meeting. |
And whereas Eleazer Slocum Deliverance Smith and Judah Smith |
have not been wth Timothy Davis and his wife and Benjamin |
Clifton and his wife according to ye order of the Last monthly |
meeting they are continued to Do sd business and to bring in their |
account to ye next monthly meeting: |
The visiters being called upon say that little has been done in |
visiting y:e Last Quarter: |
John Tucker and Tho- Taber junr are appointed to draw up an account |
to y:e Quarterly meeting John Tucker and Stephen Willcocks and |
Eleazer Slocum are appointed to attend ye Quarterly meeting |
and the (meeting have the) meeting have made up the accompts |
with Benjamin Howland and there remains in ye stock: 1£=02s=11d |
and this dayes collection which is aforesd – – – – 1 = 03 = 0 |
And Benjamin Howland is to pay 22 Shillings to Wm Wood |
for mony that he paid toward ye Land whereon Coakset meeing |
house stand; which he forth with paid: |
And Benjamin Howland is also ordered to pay 21 Shillings out of |
the Stock to Eleazer Slocum for keeping ye meeting house |
5 mo= |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth the 15th day of ye 5th month 1717: |
Dartmouth meeting called Eleazer Slocum and Judah Smith |
appeared: Rochester meeting caled Elisha Wing appeared |
Edward Wing and, Sarah Tucker ap Came before this meeting |
for their answer and desired the meetings answer with respect |
to their intentions of mariage which they laid before the Last |
monthly meeting and the meeting answers that theyings being |
Clear they may proceed in the good order of truth between this |
and the next monthly meeting |
And Benjamin Howland and Eleazer Slocum and John Tucker |
are appointed to see it accomplished: |
And Eleazer Slocum Deliverance Smith and Judah Smith have |
been with Timothy Davis and Benjamin Clifton as appointed and |
have discoursed them concerning the sd Cliftons taking his wife |
out of ye order of truth as it is established amongst friends and |
said Benjamin Clifton justefies him selfe in his taking his Wife |
and this meeting makes chore of Tho: Taber junr and John Tucker |
to draw up their condemnation against next monthly meeting |
and John Tucker hath drawn up an account to the Quarterly |
meeting as appointed |
And Stephen Wilcocks and John Tucker hath attended ye Quarterly |
meeting as appointed and Benjamin Howland has paid 21£: out of |
the meetings stock to Eleazer Slocum for keeping the meeting |
house as ordered. The friends of Rochester preparetive meeting |
deisre the assitance of this meeting toward the orderly setling |
the Land whereon their meeting house stands and the house also and |
the^ir burying ground place: and the meeting advises that they have as |
soon as may be the sd house and lands made over to some perticular |
friends in the usual method among friends in such cases and the per |
=sons nominated by the meeting are Savory Clifton Stephen Wing |
Nicolas Davis Thos Hathaway: and Joseph Taber and John Tucker and |
Tho- Taber Junr are ordered to be helpful to them in accomplishing the |
work: and the Epistle from London yearly meeting and our last |
quarterly meeting were read and kindly accepted and the matter |
in the Quarterly meeting epistle concerning slaves is refered to |
the next monthly meeting: |
And this meeting Doth agree to come to further subscrption to |
=wards ye defraying the charge of Coakset meeting house |
and whereas James Howland is about to take a wife out of |
the good order of truth to ye trouble of friends, the meeting appoints |
Benjamin Howland and Eleazer Slocum to Let him know ye mind of |
the meeting and to advise him in the matter: |
6mo= |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
In Dartmouth ye 19th day of ye 6 month 1717 |
Dartmouth meeting called Deliverance Smith and Judah Smith |
appeared: Rochester meeting called Elisha Wing appeared |
nothing being done concerning Rochester meeting house and Land |
about it it is refered to next monthly meeting and John Tucker |
and Benjamin Howland do give account that Edward Wing and |
Sarah Tucker have taken each other in marriage according to |
ye Good order of truth: The business relating to James Howlands |
taking a wife out of ye order as friends is refered to the next |
monthly meeting and ye matter relating to Slaves refered from |
ye quarterly meeting to ye Consideration of this meeting being |
spoken to it is refered to ye next monthly meeting |
And Stephen Wilcocks Deliverance Smith Benjamin Howland |
Abraham Tucker and Thos Taber Junr are ordered to draw up |
something relating to that matter for the meeting to sign if |
they approve of it and the condemnation of Benjamin Clifton |
and his wife is signed and Elisha Wing is appointed to read it at |
the conclution of their meeting of worship on a first Day- |
And the friends of Coakset vilage having Desired to have a meeting |
of worship every first day it is allowed that they may for time to |
come have a meeting according to their desire and John Summers |
of Rochester having signifyed to this meeting his desire to come in |
=to unity again wth friends and hath sent a paper to this meeting |
to signify ye same the meeting hath appointed John Tucker an |
Elisha Wing to speak with him in order to know his sincerity |
and make report to ye next monthly meeting – – |
And some friends sufferings being sent from Rochester are read |
and approved to be sent to ye Quarterly meeting |
7 mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth ye 16:th day of ye 7th month 1717 |
Dartmouth meeting Called William Wood and Benjamin Howland |
appeared: Rochester meeting called Stephen Wing appeared |
Eleazer Slocum and Thos Taber Junr are chose to draw up a |
condemnation against James Howlands Disorderly walking |
proceeding in marriage and present it to ye next monthly meeting |
to be signed: and Elisha Wing has Read Benjamin Clifton and his |
Wives condemnation: which is a followeth - |
Whereas Benjamin Clifton the son of Savory Clifton of |
Rochester in the county of Plymouth in New England and |
Sarah Davis daughter of Timothy Davis of sd Rochester being |
boath friends children yet have proceeded in mariage to each other |
contrary to ye good order established among friends on that account |
and contrary to their parents consent especially ye parents of |
the said Benjamin Clifton – – |
Therefore we are concerned to give forth this as a publick |
testimony against their disorderly proceedings denying ^them to be of |
us the people called Quakers desiring that if it be the will of God |
they may come to a sense of their out goings and find money |
Given forth at our monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
House in Dartmouth the 19th day of ye 6th month 1717 |
Henry Tucker |
Mary Lapham |
Peleg Slocum |
Nicolas Lapham |
Hannah Tucker |
John Tucker |
Nathaniel Howland |
Rachel Allen |
Joseph Russell |
Benjamin Howland |
Mary Laton |
Stephen Willcock |
Judah Smith |
Mehetabel Burrel |
Elisha Wing |
Joseph Russell: Junr |
Mary Lapham Junr |
William Wood |
Ruth Tucker |
Phebe Tucker |
John Lapham |
Mary Slocum |
Mary Russell |
Deliverance Smith |
Hephzibah Hathaway |
Mary Smith |
And John Tucker and Elisha Wing not having spoke wth John Sum |
=mers as ordered the Last monthly meeting it is refered to the next |
monthly meeting the friends appointed to draw up something |
Relating to Slaves to send to ye Quarterly meeting have done it |
and it being read the meeting doth approve of it and appoint |
John Tucker and Thomas Taber Junr to Sign it in behalfe of ye meeting |
and Thomas Taber Junr and Stephen Willcock is appointed to attend ye ^ordered to give the |
Quarterly meeting an account how the affairs of truth are |
amongst us and it is proposed to offer to ye quarterly meeting whither |
it may not be well for friends not to sue any at Law or suffer them |
selves to be sued without the advice of ye monthly meeting they belong to |
it it can be or otherwise the advice of some substantial friends24 |
The collection is refered to ye next monthly meeting – – – – – |
8 mo |
At a monthly meeting ^of friends held at our meeting house in Dartmouth |
the 21st day of ye 8th month 1717 |
Dartmouth meeting called William Wood appeared |
Rochester meeting called none appeared |
Daniel Goddard of Marshfield and Mary Tripp the daughter |
of James Tripp have laid their intentions of mariage before this |
meeting and they are desired to wait till ye next monthly meet |
for their answering |
And William Wood and Stephen Willcock are ordered to inquire |
into their clearness with respect to mariage and give an |
account to ye next monthly meeting: |
Elisha Wing and John Tucker is still continued to speak with |
John Summers: And Thomas Taber junr hath attended ye Quar |
=terly meeting as appointed and Thos Taber junr and John Tucker |
hath signed a paper relating to slaves as appointed: |
account to ye Quarterly meeting as appointed: |
And James Howlands condemnation is refered to ye next month |
=ly meeting and the same persons wth Benjamin Howland are |
ordered to draw it up against sd meeting The Quarterly |
meeting Epistle was read and kindly accepted |
9th mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth ye 18th day of ye 9th month 1717. |
Dartmouth meeting called William Wood and Judah Smith |
appeared: Rochester meeting called Elisha Wing appeared |
There was Collected for ye use of friend – – 1£-04s=04d |
The friends that were appointed ye last monthly meeting to |
inquire into Daniel Goddards and Mary Tripps Clearness as to |
marriage do make report that they find nothing but that they |
may proceed and said Goddard has brought a certificate from |
the monthly meeting of friends at Pembrook25 wch signifies |
their allowance of his proceeding and his clearness as to |
marriage he also brought a few lines from his father and |
mother wch signifies their consent to his present proceedings |
And ye said Daniel Goddard and Mary Tripp presented them selves |
before this meeting desiring friends answer as to their intentions |
Laid before ye last monthly meeting and they were answered that |
nothing appearing to hinder they might proceed in the order |
of truth and William Wood and John Tucker are appointed to see |
it accomplished accordingly. |
And Isaac Howland ye Son of Benjamin Howland and |
Hannah Allen ye daughter of Ebenezer Allen did lay their in |
=tentions of mariage before this meeting and they are desired |
To wait till ye next monthly meeting for their answer and |
Deliverance Smith and Judah Smith are appointed to inquire |
into their clearness with respect to mariage and give account |
to ye next monthly meeting |
And John Tucker and Elisha Wing are still continued to speak |
wth John Summers: and James Howlands condemnation is drawn |
up approved and signed and John Tucker is ordered to read it or |
cause it to be read between this and next monthly – – |
The business of Dartmouth preparitive meeting called |
Rochester preparitive meeting business called no business |
presented: and there being a paper presented to this meeting |
and Deliverance Smith and Thos Taber Junr are appointed to |
write an answer to it and send it to him as soon as may be |
10: mo: |
At a monthly meeting held at our meeting house in Dartmouth |
the 16th day of ye 10th month 1717: |
There was collected for ye use of friends 16 shillings |
Dartmouth meeting called Judah Smith appeared: Rochester |
meeting Called and none appeared – – |
And Isaac Howland and Hannah Allen having laid their intenti |
=ons of marriage before ye Last monthly meeting did now present |
them selves desiring ye meetings answer and the meeting not |
having so good an account of ye young womans having: having having |
her parents consent as ought to be do answer them that they may |
proceed in ye good order of truth between this and ye next monthly meet |
=ing provided that they then bring an account of her parents consent |
James Howlands Condemnation has been read according to ye order of |
the Last monthly meeting and is as followeth________________________ |
Whereas James Howland the son of Nathaniel Howland and Rose |
his wife of Dartmouth in the county of Bristol in ye province of ye |
Massachusets Bay in New England hath from his childhood been |
Educated amongst friends his father and mother being both of ye |
people called quakers yet hath in slight of friends and the good |
advice and counsel by them given him and in contept of the good |
Order established among friends proceeded to take a wife in the common |
way of other people we are therefore concerned to give this forth a pub |
=lick testimony against said Disorderly action and do deny the said James |
Howland to be one of us ye people called qukers truly desiring that he |
may return and find mercy wth God and tenderly all friends Children |
to beware of giving way to the inducements of Satan Least they be |
led forth to scorn friends and ye testimony of ye Blessed Truth as it |
has been delivered through great tribulations even to the sealing of it |
with the blood of many faithful witnesses surely wo will be the portion |
: |
of these that can Slightly trample upon thereon and by whome the testimo |
=ny of the Blessed truth may fall in the Street in any perticuler unless |
by true and unfeigned repentance they return to God which that |
every disorderly and disobedient one may do is our sincere desire |
given forth at our monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house in Dartmouth ye: 18th day of ye: 9th month 1717: |
John Tucker |
Benjamin Howland |
Thos Smith |
Abraham Tucker |
Josiah Merihoo |
Wm Soule |
Elisha Wing |
Thos Taber Junr |
Stephen Willcock |
Thomas Hathaway |
Henry Tucker |
William Wood |
Joseph Russell |
Jabez Barker |
And Deliverance Smith and Josiah Smith are appointed to see |
the abovesaid cupple that Isaac Howland and Hannah Allen |
accomplish their marriage in the good order of truth |
And John Tucker and Stephen Willcock are appointed to attend the |
Quarterly meeting next the visiters of Dartmouth meeting being |
Called upon they give no account: and John Tucker and Eleazer |
Slocum are ^appointed to take care of the meeting house for ye year following |
And John Tucker and Thos Taber junr are appointed to draw upon |
account to ye Quarterly meeting |
and whereas Daniel mosher makes a complaint to this meeting |
that Nathaniel Howland has wronged him This meeting makes |
Choice of Deliverance Smith Jabez Barker and Wm Soule to |
heare the matter and make up the differance if they can and |
if they cannot to make report to the next monthly meeting |
The friends appointed to see Daniel Goddard and Mary Tripp |
solemnize their mariage in the Good order of truth |
say that it was so accomplished as far as they said – – – – – |
1717/18 11:mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in Dartmouth |
the 20th day of ye: 11th month: 177/18: Dartmouth meeting called Judah Smith |
and William Wood appeared: Rochester meeting called none appeared |
Deliverance Smith and Judah Smith being called upon to give an |
account how Isaac Howland and Hannah Allens marriage was carri |
=ed on and they say in Good order as far as they know: |
And John Tucker hath attended ye Quarterly meeting as appointed |
Thomas Taber Jun and John Tucker did Draw up an account to ye Quarter |
=ly meeting as appointed: the men that were chosen to make |
inspection into ye Differance between Daniel Mosher and Nathaniel |
Howland makes report to this meeting that ye sd Mosher refuses |
to Lave the whole differance to them Therefore they thought not |
best to meddl therewith: The business of Dartmouth preparitive |
meeting called but no business presented the Epistle from ye Quar |
=terly meeting was read and kindly accepted |
12 mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth ye 17th day of th 12 month 1717/18: Dartmouth meeting |
Called Benjamin Howland and Judah Smith appeared: |
Rochester meeting Called and Nicolas Davis appeared |
Daniel Shepherd junr and Mary Shearman ye Daughter of |
William Shearman have Laid their intentions of mariage before |
this meeting also William Soule junr and Rachel Allen ye Daughter |
of Increase Allen have likewise laid their intentions of mariage |
before the meeing and they are all desired to wait till ye next |
monthly meeting for their answer and Eleazer Slocum and |
Henry Tucker are appointed to see into Wm Soules and Rachel |
Allens Clearness with respect to mariage and Judah Smith |
and John Lapham to see into ye clearness of the other cupple in |
that respect: Darmouth business called and there is no further |
business: Rochester business called and no business presented |
1 mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in |
Dartmouth ye 17 day d of the 1st month 1717/18 |
There was collected for the use of friends — 14 Shillings and 6 pence |
whereas Daniel Shepherd and Mary Shearman did the Last |
monthly meeting lay their intentions of marriage and were to |
have their answer at this meeting but the young woman being |
ill it is refered to ye next monthly meeting. |
William Soule jun and Rachel Allen junr presented them selves |
the 2d time during their answer with respect to their intention. |
of marriage laid before the last monthly meeting and the meeting |
answered that nothing appearing to hinder they may proceed |
to take each other in marriage in ye good order of truth |
Dartmouth meeting called Deliverance Smith and Judah Smith |
appeared. Rochester meeting called Elisha Wing appeared |
The business of Dartmouth meeting called Eleazer Slocum |
and Henry Tucker are appointed to see the marriage between |
Wm Soule and Rachel Allen accomplished in ye good order of truth |
and they ar permited to selemnize their marriage on ye next |
4th day of ye week although it be a meeting day by cource but |
not to be allowed as a president for time to come – – |
The visiters being called upon do give account that nothing |
had been done in that service the last quarter – – |
And Stephen Willcocks and Benjamin Howland are appointed |
to attend ye Quarterly meeting next |
And a matter being presented from ye preparitive meeting of |
Dartmouth concerning ye puting off the hat or standing uncovered |
in laying the intentions of marriage and receiving their answers |
and the meeting being generally of ye mind that it ought not to |
be and the meeting refers it to ye consideration of ye Quarterly |
Meeting: also from said ^preparitive meeting a query whither our marriages |
among friends be good without a Justice of ye Peace and whither |
friend be obliged to invite a Justice to their marriages and if a |
Justice be invited to come and it so happen that he cannot or |
will not come whither friends are obliged to go to another which |
matter is also refered to ye next Quarterlymeeting26: |
The business of Rochester meeting called and they ^-visiters give account |
that they have visited the famlies of friends and things for the |
most part are pretty well amongst them - |
And then was presented some Sufferings of friends from Rochester |
which was approved to be sent to ye Quarterly meeting |
and this meeting is ajournd till ye sixth day next before ye quarterly |
meeting |
This meeting being meet according to ajournment this 4th day |
of ye 2d month 1718: |
The visters gives the following account that they have visited |
the famlies of friends belonging to Dartmouth meeting and for |
the most part as far as they said things are pretty well and Thos |
Taber junr and John Tucker and Nathaniel Howland or eighter two |
of them are appointed to draw up an account to the Quarterly meeting – – |
And William Wood and John Tucker are appointed to attend the |
Quarterly meeting next |
2 mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in |
Dartmouth ye 21st of ye 2d month 1718 |
Dartmouth meeting called William Wood and Benjamin Howland appeared |
Rochester meeting called none appeared |
Daniel Shepherd and Mary Shearman appeared before this meeting |
for their answer as to their intentions of marriage and equiry being |
made into their clearness and nothing appearing to hinder their sd |
intentions they had their answer that they might proceed in marriage |
to each other in ye good order of truth: |
And Stephen Willcocks and William Wood and John Tucker hath atten |
=ded ye Quarterly meeting as appointed and John Tucker hath drawn |
up an account to the Quarterly meeting as appointed and Judah Smith |
and John Lapham are appointed to see Daniel Shepherd and Mary |
Shearmans marriage solemnized in the good order of truth and make |
return to the next monthly meeting: The Epistle of ye Last Quarter |
=ly meeting was read among us and kindly accepted: and the friends that |
were appointed to see that Wm Soule and Rachel Allen did Solemnize |
their marriage in the good order of truth makes report that they were |
there and they saw nothing but that it was performed in good order |
And Wm Soule is appointed to draw a deed of Land that ye meeting |
bought of Deliverance Smith and there was Collected 10 shillings |
and ^it was ordered to be paid to James Tripp towards the build the meeting house |
3:mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in |
Dartmouth ye 19th day of ye 3d month 1718 — |
Dartmouth meeting called Judah Smith and Benjamin Howland |
appeared: Rochester meeting called Elisha Wing appeared – – |
Judah Smith and John Lapham being called upon to give in their |
account how things was managed at Daniel Shepherd and |
Mary Shearmans marriage and their answer is that it was |
managed in the order of truth as far as they saw |
the business of Rochester meeting called and no business presented |
4 mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth the 23d day of ye 4th month 1718 |
Dartmouth meeting called Josiah Merihoo [Merihew] and Henry Tucker |
appeared: Rochester meeting called Stephen Wing appeared |
and there was collected for ye use of friends 1:04:6 |
The business of Dartmouth meeting called Deliverance Smith |
John Tucker and Benjamin Howland are appointed to attend the |
Quarterly meeting next: and Judah Smith and John Tucker is |
appointed to Draw an account to the quarterly meeting next |
the business of Rochester meeting called but no business presented |
The Epistle of ye yearly meeting from London held in London in ye |
year 1717 was read at this meeting and kindly accepted |
5 mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in |
Dartmouth ye 21 day of the 5th month 1718 — |
dartmouth meeting called Benjamin Howland and Judah Smith |
appeared — Rochester meeting called Elisha Wing appeared |
The business of Dartmouth meeting called and John Tucker and |
Benjamin Howland hath attended ye Quarterly meeting as |
appointed and John Tucker and Judah Smith did draw up an |
account to ye Quarterly meeting as they were appointed |
The epistle from the Quarterly meeting was read to good Sattisfaction |
also some minits of ye yearly meeting at London 1717 concerning |
tomb stones distinguishing aparel for the dead and bowings and |
Cryings which minits are ordered to be read on a first day meet |
ing after worship by John Tucker or some one who he may |
appoint - and there was a subscribtion made by friends at |
this meeting in answer to the desire of the Quarterly meeting |
who ordered our monthly meeting to raise ten pounds for ye |
service of truth and John Tucker is ordered to receive the mony |
and convey it to ye next quarterly meeting of friends |
no business from Rochester to this meeting: |
Benjamin Howland is ordered to pay 30 shillings out of the meet |
-ings Stock to John Tucker and Eleazer Slocum for keeping the |
meeting house |
6 mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house in Dartmouth the 18th day of ye 6th month 1718 |
Dartmouth meeting called William Wood and Judah Smith |
appeared – – |
Rochester meeting called Stephen Wing appeared |
John Tucker has caused the munits to be read according to ye |
order of the Last monthly meeting |
The visiters being called upon |
The business of Dartmouth being called the visiters are desired |
to visit the families of friends between this and the next monthly |
meeting: from Rochester no business presented |
7 mo: |
At monthly meeting ^of friends held at our meeting house in Dartmouth |
the 15th day of the 7th month 1718– – |
there was collected for the use of friends – – 0£-17s=0d |
Dartmouth meeting called Benjamin Howland and Judah Smith |
appeared — Rochester meeting called Elisha Wing appeared |
Joseph Mosher the Son of Nicholas Mosher and Mehetabel |
Smith did lay their intentions of taking each other in mariage |
and Benjamin Howland and Deliverance ^Smith are ^appointed to see into their clearness |
in respect to mariage and also that they have their parants |
Consent: And Benjamin Howland hath paid to John Tucker and |
Eleazer Slocum 30 Shillings as ordered: the Subscribtion of 10 £ |
agreed upon at ye monthly meeting in the 5th month last is |
finnished – – |
The business o Rochester ^meeting called and they have gathered forty |
Shillings for the use of friends and sent it by Elisha Wing and it |
is ordered to be sent to ye Quarterly meeting next by John Tucker: and |
And William Wood Elisha Wing and John Tucker is appointed to attend |
ye Quarterly meeting next: and Judah Smith and John Tucker |
are appointed to draw up an account to the Quarterly meeting |
next and this meeting desires to have an account what is done |
concerning the buying and keeping of Slaves |
8 mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth the 20th day of ye 8th month 1718 – – |
dartmouth meeting called Benjamin Howland and Josiah Merihoo [Merihew] |
appeared – – Rochester meeting called none appeared – – |
The friends that were chosen to make inquiry in to Joseph Mosher jur |
and Mehetabel Smiths Clearness from all others in relation to mariage |
and also the consent of parents gives account that they find nothing |
to hinder their proceedings in that affair: and they the said Joseph |
Mosher and Mehetabel Smith presenting them selves before this |
meeting desiring their answer they had their answer that |
they might proceed to take each other in the Good order of truth |
and Benjamin Howland and Deliverance Smith are appointed to |
See the mariage solemnized in the good order of truth |
and bring in their answer how they find things to the next monthly meeting |
And John Tucker and Judah Smith hath drawn an account to |
the Quarterly meeting as appointed and John Tucker hath |
carried ye twelve pounds of ye Quarterly meeting as appointed |
and Benjamin Howland is ordered to pay 26 shillings for mend |
=ing and making glass for ye meeting house – – – – – |
9 mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth ye 17th day of ye 9th month:1718: |
Dartmouth meeting called Benjamin Howland and William Wood |
appeared: Rochester meeting called and none appeared: |
Adam Mott and Apphia Hathaway have laid their intentions |
of mariage before this meeting Henry Tucker and Thos Taber junr |
are appointed to inquire into their clearness with respect to |
mariage and make report to ye next monthly meeting: |
Benjamin Howland and Deliverance Smith makes report to this |
meeting that they have attended ye mariage of Joseph Mosher |
and Mehetabel Smith and it was performed in the order of |
Truth as far as they saw – – – – – |
10 mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth the 15th day of the 10th month 1718 = |
Dartmouth meeting called Eleazer Slocum and Jabez Barker |
appeared: Rochester meeting called Elisha Wing appeared |
There was Collected for ye use of friends – 0£-09s=06d |
Adam Mott and Apphia Hathaway presented them selves |
before this meeting desiring ye meetings answer with respect |
to their proceeding in mariage and inquiry having been made and |
things on boath sides appearing clear the meeting allowes that |
they may proceed to take each other in mariage in the good order |
of truth between this and the next monthly meeting and Henry |
Tucker and Thomas Taber junr are appointed to see it accom |
=plished accordingly and make report to ye next monthly meeting |
And the visiters being called upon have no account to give |
and ye meeting advises that they be careful to visit the fami |
lies of friends so that there may be a full account to give to |
the Quarterly meeting in ye 2.d month next: |
And William Wood and Stephen Willcox and Elisha Wing are appoin |
=ted to attend y:e Quarterly meeting next – – |
and John Tucker and Thos Taber junr are appointed to draw |
up an account to the quarterly meeting concerning the |
affairs of truth amongst us |
The business of Rochester meeting called it is Signifyed from |
their proparitive meeting that Benoni Uin [Youen] of Rochester |
has signified to them his intentions of proceeding mariage with |
Hasadiah Landers of Sandwich friends do therefore make choice |
of Elisha Wing and Stephen Wing to inquire into his conversation |
and clearness with respect to mariage and make report to |
the next monthly meeting: |
11:mo |
At a monthly meeting friends held at our meeting house in |
Dartmouth the 19th day of ye 11:th month:1718/19: |
Dartmouth meeting called Henry Tucker appeared: |
Rochester meeting Called and none appeared – – |
William Wood and Elisha Wing hath attended y:e Quarterly |
Meeting as appointed: and John Tucker hath drawn an account |
to ye quarterly meeting: |
And it is desired that friends take care to git the deed acknowledged |
and concerning Adam Mott and Benoni Uin relating to mari |
=age see the next month minits: |
And John Tucker and Henry Tucker is appointed to take care |
of the meeting house y:e ensuing year ^and the year to beginn at y:e |
Last monthly meeting and the meeting to pay the charge: |
we received the Epistle from the last Quarterly meeting which |
was read and kindly accepted: |
12:mo= |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in |
Dartmouth y:e 16:th of ye 12th: 1718/19: |
Dartmouth meeting called Judah Smith and Henry Tucker appeared |
Rochester meeting called Stephen Wing appeared – – |
Thomas Taber junr gives account to this meeting that the mariage |
between Adam Mott and Apphia Hathaway was performed in the |
good order of truth – – |
and the friends appointed to inquire into Benoni Uin Conversation |
and clearness with respect to mariage do make report the |
to this meeting that they find nothing to ye contrary but that he |
may proceed: and the meeting hath given him a sertificate |
directed to ye monthly meeting at Sandwich according to sd report |
The business of Dartmouth meeing called it being proposed from |
Dartmouth preparitive meeting whither it be agreable to |
truth to fetch timber of from another mans lot that was |
fallen ^thereon before the lot was laid out without leave of the owner of |
said lot it is concluded by the full consent of ye: sd meeting |
that no friend ought to fetch any such Timber without leave |
first obtained of ye: owner of such lands: for Rochester no business |
1718/19: 1 mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in |
Dartmouth the 16th day of ye: 1st month: 171 18/19: |
There was collected for ye: use of friends: 1£-11s-6d |
Phneas Chace of Tiverton and Desire Wing of Rochester the |
Daughter of John Wing of Rochester deceased: have laid their inten |
tions mariage before this meeting who are desired to wait till the |
next monthly meeting for their answer: |
And Nathan Barlow having desired a f certificate of his clear |
=ness with respect to mariage and conversation: and Elisha Wing |
and Nicolas Davis are appointed to inquire into the same and |
give an account thereof to ye: next monthly meeting |
The business of Dartmouth meeting Called William Wood and Judah |
Smith being appointed to present ye: business the visiters do |
give account that they have pretty generally visited ye: fami |
lies of friends and as far as they saw things are pretty well |
for ye most part and friends generally in unity |
And William White having offered some contribution towards the |
finnishing Coakset meeting house this meeting makes choice of |
John Tucker William Wood and Stephen Willcocks to signify the order |
of friends to him on such occations and to give account to the |
next monthly meeting whither he be minded to become one with us |
And James Tripp the Son of James Tripp having a design of |
proceeding in mariage contrary to the order of friends and he |
giving a positive answer this ^meeting appoints Nathanil Howland and |
Deliverance Smith to Labour farther with him and give account |
to the next monthly meeting |
Rochester meeting Called Nicholas Davis appeared and no |
farther business presented: only Elisha Wing and Nicholas |
Davis are appointed to inquire into Phineas Chace and Desire |
Wings clearness with respect to mariage and conversation |
and make report to ye: next monthly meeting and Nicolas |
Davis and John Tucker and Thos Taber junr are chose to attend |
the Quarterly meeting and also to draw an account to ye house |
2d mo |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in |
Dartmouth the 20th day of the 2d month 1719: |
Dartmouth meeting called Benjamin Howland and Judah Smith |
appeared: Rochester meeting called Elisha Wing appeared – – |
Phineas Chace and Desire Wing not appearing not appearing for |
their answer it is refered till ye: next monthly meeting |
That matter concerning speaking wth William White is refered |
for an account till ye: next monthly meeting: |
And the friends appointed to speak with James Tripp Junr |
concerning his marying out of the order of friends do give account |
that he had accomplished his mariage before they had oppertunity |
to speak with him friends are therefore concerned to condemn sd |
Disorderly practice and to deny the said James Tripp Junr to be one |
of us the people called Qukers and Thomas Taber Junr is appointed |
to draw up a paper of friends Denying him and present it to the |
next monthly meeting to be signed – – |
The persons chose to attend the Quarterly meeting did attend sd meeting |
also John Tucker and Thomas Taber junr did draw up an account to the |
Quarterly meeting as ordered: The business of Dartmouth meeting |
Called no business appeared: Rochester no business – – |
and friends have signed a certificate signifying Nathan Barlowes |
Clearness relating to mariage: This day the accounts were made |
up and ballanced with James Tripp Concerning the building of |
Coakset meeting house and there remains 40 shillings in John |
Tuckers hands of the subscription for sd meeting house – – – – – |
3d mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth ye 18:th day of the 3d: month 1719: |
Dartmouth meeting called Abraham Tucker and Josiah Merihoo [Merihew] |
appeared: Rochester meeting called Stephen Wing appeared |
the friends appointed to speak with Wm White do give account that |
he desires some time of consideration and the condemnation of |
James Tripp Junrs disorderly walking and proceeding in mariage |
is presented to the meeting which is as followeth |
according to ye order of the Last monthly meeting and being |
accepted and signed Deliverance Smith is ordered to read it |
or cause it to be read on a first day at Coaxet meeting |
House at the end of the meeting for worship between this and |
the next monthly meeting |
Dartmouth business called no business appeared: |
Rochester business called none presents only some sufferings |
presented from Rochester which are accepted and ordered to |
be sent to the yearly meeting – – |
the business relating to Phineas Chace his proceeding in mariage |
is refered to ye: next monthly meeting by reason of ye: yearly |
meeting falling ^out to be on the 3d-2d: day of ye: next month the |
next monthly meeting and preparitive meeting is ajourned one week |
Later than usual |
4th mo= |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in Dartmouth |
the 22d: day of ye: 4th :1719: Dartmouth meeting Called William Wood |
and Judah Smith appeared: Rochester meeting called – – |
Savery Clifton appeared |
There was Collected for the use of friends – – 1- 07 = 0 |
Deliverance Smith being called upon to know whither he |
hath read James Tripp junrs Condemnation and he answers |
that he hath not done it and so he is continued still to |
read ye same according to ye order of ye Last monthly |
meeting the sufferings that ^was presented —— was presented ^ from Rochester to ye yearly |
meeting at Rhoad Island as appointed – – |
The business of Dartmouth meeting called William Wood |
Thomas Taber junr and John Tucker are appoind to attend |
the Quarterly meeting next: Deliverance Smith and |
John Tucker are appointed to draw up an account to ye: |
Quarterly meeting: Phineas Chace and Desire Wing |
appeared at this meeting desiring their answer relating |
to their taking each other in mariage and nothing |
appearing to hinder their said intentions they had their |
answer ^that they might proceed in taking each other in the good |
order of truth and Savery Clifton and John Tucker is |
appointed to see it performed as above sd and make return |
The business of Rochester meeting Called and their was |
a paper prsented signifying their love but no business |
one thing omited: viz: the visiters being called upon to know |
how they find things under their care and answer was made |
that nothing was done in respect of visiting friends |
famlies the last Quarter |
5th mo= |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
House in Dartmouth ye: 20:th day of ye: 5:th month 1719 |
Dartmouth meeting called William Wood and Judah Smith |
appeared: Rochester meeting called Elisha Wing appeared |
James Tripp jun.r Condemnation hath been read according |
to order - John Tucker and William Wood have attended the |
quarterly meeting = and John Tucker and Deliverance Smith |
have drawn up an account to the Quarterly meeing: |
and John Tucker gives account that Phineas Chace |
and Desire Wing have performed their mariage in the |
Good order of truth as far as they saw |
The business of Dartmouth meeting Called it is proposed |
to this meeting that Thomas Smith hath a desire to go to ye: |
westward to visit his relations ^and friends and desires the consent of |
this meeting therein and a few lines of their unity in way |
of Sd Certificate: |
And John Tucker and Tho:s Taber ju.r are ordered to draw a |
certificate accord^ing to sd request and present it to the next |
monthly meeting to be signed |
And Peleg Slocum having signified that their is an intention |
of mariage between his son Giles Slocum and Elisabeth |
Wanton the daughter of John Wanton of Newport and |
desires a certificate of this meeting of his sons clearness |
on that account wth others: and Eliezer Slocum and Henry |
Tucker are appointed to inquire into the same and make |
report to the next monthly meeting how they find things |
and it being requested it is granted that William Wood |
James Tripp Robert Tripp Daniel Goddard and Hannah Cadman |
may build a stable of 20 foot squair on friends meeting house |
land at Cokset only it is advised that Stephen Willcock and |
James Tripp do set of ^such a piece of Land as they may think suit |
=able for a burying place and the bounds and quantity thereof |
to be given in to the next monthly meeting |
there is no epistle from ye: Quarterly meeting |
Ruth Lawtons condemnation is given forth and signed and |
John Tucker is appoind to read it or cause it be read at |
Cokset meeting house on a first day after ye meeting of |
6th:mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
the 17:th day of ye: 6 month :1719 |
Dartmouth meeting Called Benjamin Howland and |
Deliverance Smith appeared: |
Rochester meeting called Elisha Wing appeared |
Tho:s Smith hath a certificate granted him and signed at |
this meeting signifying our consent in his going to Pensilvania |
to visit his friends and relations there: |
Also Giles Slocum hath a certificate signed signifying his |
clearness in regard of marriage: |
And the friends appointed to set out the burying ground |
on ye: meeting house land at Cokset do give account that |
they have alloted the South east corner of said lot to ly six |
rods in length north and south and fowr rods wide at ye south |
end and three rods wide at the north end for a burying place |
and Ruth Lawtons ^condemnation hath been read according to the order of |
the Last monthly meeting which is as followeth |
Whereas Ruth Lawton of Dartmouth in the County of Bristol in |
New England having been educated in among friends her |
mother being one in unity with us the people called Quakers |
and her selfe made some pretended shew of Love to friends |
and the blessed truth professed amongst us yet by giving way to |
a Reprobate mind hath gone out into Stubborness and disobedience to |
her parets by keeping company w:th a lacivious person and at last |
to the commiting of that unclean sin of fornication as appears |
by her having a bastard child to the dishonour of god reproach to |
truth and skandal to the professors thereof |
Now though it is matter of sorrow and grief to all the sincere |
hearted amongst us that any of our youth should thus fall into |
the snares of the Devil to the wounding of their soules yet are |
we constrained to give this forth as a testimony against such |
fowl and wicked practices denying the said Ruth Lawton to be |
one of us the people called Quakers heartily desiring that if it |
be the will of God she may by taking the shame to her selfe |
through Godly ^sorrow and sincere repentance find pardon and acceptance w:th him |
the 20:th day of the 5:th month 1719: and Signed by |
John Tucker: |
Tho:s Taber junr: |
Rose Howland |
Abraham Tucker: |
John Lapham: |
Mary Slocum |
Peleg Slocum: |
Josiah Merihoo: [Merihew] |
Ruth Tucker |
Increase Allen: |
Joseph Russell junr: |
Mary Howland |
Judah Smith: |
Robert Tripp: |
Tabitha White |
Nathaniel Howland: |
Abigal Allen |
William Wood: |
Mary Lawton |
Mary Lapham |
Stephen Willcock: |
Rachel Allen |
Mary Russell |
Elisha Wing |
Hannah Cadman |
Mary Smith |
Ruth Smith – – |
And there being some of ye dying sayings of Gearshom |
Smith presented to this meeting which are thought to |
be of service to be read at a publick meeting and Deliverance |
Smith is ordered to read it at a convenient time |
The business of Rochester meeting Called and no business |
appeared: and John Tucker having signefied his design of |
traviling into ye western parts to visit friends and his |
Relations: friends have given him a certificate signifying |
their unity therein |
7th mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth the 21:st day of ye: 7:th month 1719 |
There was Collected for the use of friends = |
Dartmouth meeting called W.m Wood and Judah Smith |
appeared: Rochester meeting called Elisha Wing appeared |
The business of Dartmouth meeting called: Benjamin Howland |
William Wood and Deliverance Smith are appointed to attend |
the Quarterly meeting The visiters being called upon |
do give account that they have visited friends famlies |
under their care and as far as they saw things are for |
the most part pretty well and where they saw things amiss |
they have taken care that it be mended and the persons |
appointed to attend ye Quarterly meeting are ordered to |
draw up an account to the Quarterly meeting: |
And it being presented to this meeting from the prepa= |
ritive meeting of Dartmouth that there is a report that |
William Soule has brought a scandal on truth and friends |
by Bargaining in an underhand way wth Ruben Allen and |
others this meeting makes choice of Elisha Wing Benjamin |
Howland Thomas Taber jun.r William Wood and Deliverance Smith |
and Henry Tucker to to inquire into the ground of said report |
and they or the major par part of them to determine and judge |
of the whole matter and make report to the next monthly |
meeting: Rochester business called and none appeared |
the collection is refered to ye: next monthly meeting |
At a monthly meeting held at our meeting house in |
Dartmouth the 19th day of the 8th month 1719 |
Dartmouth meeting called Deliverance Smith and Judah |
Smith appeared: Rochester meeting called Elisha Wing |
appeared: there was collected for the use of friends – 1l-00s=00d: |
The friends appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting |
8:th mo: |
Last have attended it and did Draw up an account to the |
Quarterly meeting as ordered: |
The friends appointed to judge in the matter between |
William Soule and Trustrum Allen have given in their |
Judgment and is as followes: |
We whose names are under written being appointed by the |
monthly meeting held at our meeting house in Dartmouth the |
21:st day of the 7th: month:1719: to hear and give judgment |
in a matter brought to sd meeting by Trustrum Allen |
about the Estat of Josiah Allen late of Dartmouth decesed |
We have heard the matter debated between them do conclude |
and it is our Judgment that William Soules going to away |
privately without the advice of friends was disorderly |
and that he ought to condemn it: and as to his far |
gaining in an under hand way wth Benjamin Allen and |
others we fear that Wm Soule was not so upright |
As he ought to ^have been in the prosicution of that business |
and the matter being doubtful to us we leave it to ye Lord |
who will judge every man according to his deeds and whereas |
we have taken notice of seaveral hard speaches that have |
passed between Wm Soule and Trustrum Allen wherein we |
judge they were both to blame we do advise them for time |
to come to Live in love for he that sayes he Loves God and |
hates his Brother is a lyar for he that loves not his brother |
whome he hath seen how can he Love God whome he hath |
not seen but he who loves God loves his Brother |
Benjamin Howland |
: |
Deliverance Smith |
William Wood |
: |
Elisha Wing |
Henry Tucker |
—— |
Thomas Taber Junr |
reported to this meeting that Robert Tripp and Alice |
Anthony have proceeded in mariage contrary to the |
order of friends William Wood is appointed to inquire into |
the truth of sd Report and give account to the next |
monthly meeting there being also a report that George |
Soule and Lydia Howland have published their intention |
of mariage contrary to ye order of friends Deliverance |
Smith and Judah Smith are ap^pointed to inquire into sd |
report and give an account the next monthly meeting |
Rochester meeting called and no business presented |
The Epistles from ye: Quarterly meetings in the 5:th month |
Last past and the last quarterly meeting are read in this |
meeting and kindly accepted: Trustrum Allen appealed |
from the judgment of friends to ye: to the next Quarterly |
meeting: Deliverance Smith is appointed to make |
the monthly meeting accounts with Benjamin Howland |
9th mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
House in Dartmouth ye: 16th day of y:e 9:th 1719: |
Dartmouth meeting called Henry Tucker appeared |
Rochester meeting called Nicolas Davis appeared |
John Summers junr and Rest Davis ye: daughter of Timothy |
Davis Laid their intentions of mariage before this meeting |
and Savory Clifton and Stephen Wing are appointed to |
see into their clearness on that account ^thereofand give account |
thereof to ye: next monthly meeting in order that they may |
Then have their answer – – |
And whereas it appears that Robert Tripp and Alice |
Anthony have proceeded in mariage contrary to the good |
order of friends and that George Soule and Lydia Howland |
have done ye: like Thomas Hathaway and Tho:s Taber junr |
are appointed to draw up a paper for each of their condem |
=nations to be ready in order to be signed at the next month |
=ly meeting: and Deliverance Smith has made up the |
monthly meetings accounts wth Benjamin Howland |
and there remains in the Stock – – 06l=05s=10d |
Stephen Willcox having Signified his disign of Traviling |
to Sandwich and them parts to visit friends this meeting |
has given him a certificate Signifying their unity therewth |
10th mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
There was collected for ye: use of friends – – 01l=06s=01d |
Dartmouth meeting called William Wood and Judah Smith |
appeared – – Rochester meeting called Stephen Wing |
appeared: John Summers Jun:r and Rest Davis appeared |
for their answer and the friends appointed giving account |
that they find nothing to hinder their proceeding in |
mariage The meeting answers that they may proceed |
to take each other in mariage in the good order of truth |
between this and ye: next monthly meeting and Stephen |
Wing and Savory Clifton are appointed to See their |
Mariage Solemnized accordingly and make report |
thereof to the next monthly meeting – – |
And the friends appointed to draw up Robert Tripp and |
his wives condemnation for their disorderly proceeding |
in mariage and also for George Soule and his wife for |
the Like cause have done it and they are signed in order |
to be read and Deliverance Smith is ordered to read |
Robert Tripp and his wives Condemnation or cause it to |
be read at Coakset meeting on a first day at the conclu |
=tion of the time of worship: and John Tucker is ordered |
to do the like by the other at ponaganset meeting and |
both to make return thereof to the next monthly meeting |
Benjamin Howland is ordered to pay.30 shilg: out of ye: monthly |
meeting stock to John Tucker for keeping the meeting house |
which he accordingly paid for the year past: |
The visiters give no account of visiting – – |
Rochester business called no business presented |
John Tucker and Thomas Taber junr are appointed |
to draw up an account to the next Quarterly meeting |
and Stephen Willcocks and Thos Taber junr are appointed |
to attend the Quarterly meeting next: |
And a concern lying on this meeting concerning friends |
wearing of wiggs is refered to be proposed to the next |
Quarterly meeting: |
And it is ordered that the meeting at Cushnot be |
held every first day except they day before the monthly |
meeting till the first of the 3:d month next |
11th mo: |
At a monthly meeting ^of friends held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth the 18:th day of ye: 11:th 1719: |
appeared: Rochester meeting called Stephen Wing appeard |
Stephen Wing and Savory Clifton gives account that |
John Summers junr: and Rest Davis have accomplished |
their marriage according to the good order established |
among friends George Soule and his wives condemnation |
has been read according to ye order of the last monthly |
monthly meeting and is as followeth |
Whereas George Soule Son of William Soule and Hannah |
his wife and Lydia Howland the Daughter of Benjamin |
Howland and Judeth his wife. both of Dartmouth in the |
County of Bristol in New England having been educated |
amongst friends their parents being all of ye: people |
Called Quakers have of Late proceeded in marriage to |
Each other contrary to the good order established amongst |
us on that account: we do therefore give this forth as |
a publick Testimony against sd Disorderly proceeding |
and also do deny the sd George Soule and Lydia his wife |
to be of us the peole called Quakers Sincerely desiring |
if it be the will of God they may come to a Sight and |
Sence of this and all other their outgoings and by an |
unfeigned repentance find acceptance with the Lord |
and his people Signed at our monthly meeting |
at Dartmouth ye: 21:st of the 10:th month 1719 |
John Tucker |
Ruth Tucker |
Abraham Tucker |
Rachel Allen |
Eliezer Slocum |
Hannah Tucker |
William Soule |
Elisabeth Russell |
William Wood |
Mary Lawton |
Stephen Willcock |
Mehetabel Burrel |
Deliveranc Smith |
Phebe Tucker |
Joseph Russell junr. |
Mary Lapham |
Nathaniel Howland |
Mary Smith |
Benjamin Howland |
Rose Howland |
John Lapham |
Mary Lapham |
Henry Tucker |
Mary Smith |
Peleg Slocum |
And Robert Tripp and his wives condemnation not |
being read: Deliverance Smith is Still continued |
to do it between this and the next monthly meeting |
up an account to the quarterly meeting – – |
According to the order of the Last monthly meeting |
and it not being sent it is ordered to be sent with |
the account to ye: next Quarterly meeting |
Stephen Willcox has attended ye: quarterly meeting |
according to order – – |
And a complaint being brought to this meeting |
that our friend Tho:s Coalman [Coleman] of Scituate has of |
Late commenced a sute in law against our friend |
Richard Kirby contrary to the order of friends and |
the advice of the apostle wherefor John Tucker |
Nathaniel Howland and Tho.s Taber junr are ordered |
to signify to sd Thomas Coleman that sd act is disorder |
=ly and to desire ^advise him to desist from proceeding any farther |
in sd matter and also to give an account to Scituate |
monthly meeting of his sd proceeding to go to Law with |
his Brother that thay may take care to prevent farther |
proceeding therein: The Epistle from ye: Quarterly |
meeting was read and kindly accepted – – |
The meeting orders Benjamin Howland to pay 1l=19s=03d |
out of the monthly meeings stoock to John Russell for |
the meeting house hand irons which wth 2l=10s=09d: paid by the |
womens meeting make ye: full price |
12:mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house in Dartmouth ye: 15th day of ye: 12th: month 1719/20 – – |
Dartmouth meeting called William Wood and Judah Smith |
appeared: Rochester meeting called none appeared |
Deliverance Smith has read Robert Tripp and his |
wives condemnation as ordered: and is as followeth |
Whereas Robert Tripp and Alice Anthony both of Dartmouth |
in the County of Bristol in New England having been educated |
among friends and as to appearance have walked in a degree |
comformable to the good order established among us yet of |
late in contradiction to the good shew that they have |
formerly made and the greif and trouble of friends they |
have refused the good and wholesome order among them |
relating to marriage having lately been married to each |
other from among friends thereby giving advantage to the |
light and airy wanton people to make a skoff and devition |
We are therefore concerned to give this forth as a publick |
testimony against their deisorderly walking and to deny |
the said Robert Tripp and Alice his Wife to be of us the people |
called Quakers sincerely desiring if it be the will of God |
they may come to a sight and sence of their out going |
and come into unity with the people of God – – |
Signed at our monthly meeting held at Dartmouth |
the 21st: of the 10th: month 1719 – – |
John Tucker |
: Deliverance Smith |
: Rachel Allen |
Abraham Tucker |
: Thomas Hathaway |
: Hannah Tucker |
Benjamin Howland |
: Henry Tucker |
: Ruth Tucker |
Eliezer Slocum |
: Joseph Russell:junr |
: Hannah Soule |
William Wood |
: Thomas Taber:junr |
: Elizabeth Russell |
Nathaniel Howland |
: Josiah Merihoo [Merihew] |
: Mary Lapham |
Stephen Willcock |
: Hezekiah Smith |
: Mehetabel Burril |
John Lapham |
: Peleg Slocum |
: Mary Russell |
Judah Smith |
: William Soule |
: Phebe Tucker |
Mary Lapham junr |
Mary Smith – – |
Rose Howland – – |
The friends that were ordered to signify to the monthly |
meeting of Scituate the proceeding of Thomas Coleman against |
Richard Kirby have done it |
Benjamin Howland has paid 1l-19s=03d to John Russell |
according to the order of the Last monthly meeting |
The business of Dartmouth meeting called |
And it being requested the next preparitive and |
monthly meeting be a[d]journed one week longer than |
the usual time it is ordered that it ^should be so and it appearing |
that there is due to Judah Smith the Sum of 3£:18s:08d |
for recording the monthly meeting minits |
Benjamin Howland is ordered to pay it out of the |
monthly meeting Stock – – |
And whereas William Soule by ye judgment of some friend[s?] |
appointed by the monthly meeting held in the 7th month |
last past to hear to hear and give judgment in a matter |
brought against him by Trustrom [Tristram?] Allen did judg[e] that |
he ought to condemn his going to the westward privately |
without the advice of friends he has now condemned it |
I Do acknowledg[e] that my going to the westward and |
not first acquainting friends thereof was Contrary |
to the order of friends and I am Sorry that it hap[pe]ned |
so and hope that I shall be more careful for the |
Time to come William Soule |
1720: 1st mo: |
At a monthly meeting ^of friends held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth ye 28th day of ye 1st month 1720: |
There was Collected for ye use of friends £1=16s=02d |
Dartmouth meeting called William Wood and Judah Smith |
appeared: Rochester meeting called Elisha Wing ^and Jon Wing appeared |
Benjamin Howland has paid the Sum of £3:18s:08d |
to Judah Smith according to ye order of the last monthly |
meeting: The business of dartmouth meeting called |
James Tripp demanded 17s=2d for the expence towards coakset |
meeting house which Benjamin Howland paid out of the |
^monthly meeting Stock by order of the meeting |
The visiters of Dartmouth meeting called upon do give |
account that they have visited the most of friends |
fam[i]lies belonging to their care and find things for |
the most part pretty well and where things were not |
well they gave advice that it might be amended |
and friends Seem to take their vis[i]ts kindly: and |
Rochester meeting business called and their visiters give |
account that they have visited friends fam[i]lies |
And find things amongst them pretty well |
and Elisha Wing Deliverance Smith and Thos Taber junr |
are appointed to attend the quarterly meeting next |
And John Tucker and Thos Taber junr are appointed to |
draw up an account to the Quarterly meeting |
2d mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
House in Dartmouth the 18th day of the 2d month 1720 |
Dartmouth monthly meeting called William Wood and |
Judah Smith appeared – – |
Rochester meeting called none appeared – – |
Elisha Wing Deliv^erance Smith and Thos Taber junr |
have attended the quarterly meeting according to the |
appointment of the last monthly meeting – – |
and John Tucker and Thos Taber junr have drawn up |
an account to the Quarterly meeting as ordered |
and Beriah Goddard of James Town and Ann Smith |
the daughter of Deliverance Smith of Dartmouth |
have laid their intentions of ^taking each other in mar[r]iage and they are |
desired to wait till the next monthly meeting for |
their answer: and Eliezer Slocum and William Wood are |
appointed to Inquire into their Clearness on that account |
and make return to the next monthly meeting – – |
And whereas Nathan Soule has offered to contribute |
somet[h]ing towards finnishing coakset meeting House |
William Wood and James Tripp and John Tucker are |
desired to speak with him and to let him know how |
friends can receive on such occations |
according to the request of the Quarterly meeting |
friends have made a subscribtion for Salem meeting |
House which John Tucker is Desired to receive and |
Carry it in to the yearly meeting |
And in Compliance to the advice of the quarterly meet= |
=ing with respect to renewing of visiters by a new choice |
this meeting makes choice of Eleazer Slocum Benjamin |
Howland Deliverance Smith Thos Taber junr |
and John Tucker – – |
And whereas Sarah Wing the Daughter of our friend |
Elisha Wing of Rochester hath fallen into that fowl Sin |
of fornication as appears by her own confession: |
this meeting has given forth a condemnation against |
her to read publickly at the end of friends meeting of |
worship at Cushnot and Thomas Taber Junr is ordered to |
read it between this and the next monthly meeting |
3d mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friend[s] held at our meeting |
House in Darthmouth [sic] the 16th day of the 3d month 1720 : |
Dartmouth meeting Called William Wood and Judah |
Smith appeared: |
Rochester meeting called Elisha Wing appeared |
the young cupple that appeared and laid their intentions |
of marriage the last monthly meeting not appearing |
for their answer it is refered to ye next monthly |
meeting: And the friends that were ordered to let |
Nathan Soule know the mind of this meeting wth respect |
to his offering to contribute towards the finnishing of |
Coakset meeting house haveing Spoken with him and given |
=his answer to this meeting and the meeting having Considred |
of it do order the same friends to let him know that he |
is desired to wait some time in the counsel of God to be |
Confirmed in the principles of Truth. |
And Thos Taber junr has read Sarah Wings Condemnation |
according to the order of the Last monthly meeting |
which is as followeth |
Whereas Sarah Wing the Daughter of Elisha Wing |
of Rochester in the County of Plymouth in New England |
her parents being friends and She educated in the way of |
Truth yet to the dishonour of God reproach of the Blessed truth |
professed amongst us and greif of friends She has by giving way |
to the temptation of Satan and her own wicked inclination |
fallen into that foul Sin of fornication as appears by her |
own Conffession: we Do therefore give this forth as a publick |
Testimony against Sd wicked and unclean action denying the |
Sd Sarah Wing to be one of us the people Called Quakers |
Sincerely desiring if it be the Will of God She may come to |
a Sight and Sence of this her Sin and all other her Sins |
and by an unfeigned repentance find mery |
Given forth at our monthly meeting of friends held in |
Dartmouth the 18th day of ye 2d month 1720: |
John Tucker |
Abraham Tucker |
Peleg Slocum |
Mary Slocum |
William Wood |
Hannah Tucker |
: |
Eliezer Slocum |
Hannah Cadmon [Cadman] |
Nathaniel Howland |
Rachel Allen |
Judah Smith |
Ruth Smith |
Benjamin Howland |
Abigal [Abigail] Allen |
Deliverance Smith |
Hope Merihoo [Merihew] |
William Soule |
Mary Lawton |
James Tripp |
Rose Howland |
Thomas Hathaway |
Phebe Tucker |
Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] |
Mary Lapham |
Henry Tucker |
Mary Russell |
Thomas Taber junr |
Ruth Tucker |
Jabez Barker |
Mary Smith |
John Lapham |
Dinah Smith |
Josiah Merihoo [Merihew] |
Eliashib Smith |
In order to answer the desire of the Quarterly meeting on |
the account of friends wearing of wiggs: John Tucker |
Benjamin Howland Deliverance Smith and Thos Taber junr |
are ordered to Draw up Something on that account to be |
ready at the next monthly meeting |
4:mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house in Dartmouth the: 20th day of the 4th month 1720: |
Dartmouth meeting called Wm Wood and Judah Smith appear[e]d |
Rochester meeting called none appeared. |
Beriah Goddard and Ann Smith appearing for their answer |
and the meeting having inquired into their clearness and |
finding nothing but that they may proceed the meeting ther[e]fore |
answers that they may proceed to take each other in marriage |
In the good order of Truth between this and the next |
monthly meeting and John Tucker and William Wood are |
appointed to See their marriage accomplished accordingly |
and John Tucker has received the Subscription for Salem |
meeting house and delivered it in to ye yearly meeting |
according to order – – |
The friends that were ordered by the Last monthly |
meeting to signify the mind of ye meeting to Nathan |
Soule having done it and he signifies that he has considered |
of the matter and sees nothing but that he can comply |
to the orders of friends in all Respects : |
And the friends that were ordered to: (by the Last monthly |
meeting: Draw up something on the account of wiggs |
having done it: it is accepted and ordered to be sent to the |
Quarterly meeting in the account |
Deliverance Smith and Eleazer Slocum and William Wood |
=are ordered to attend the Quarterly meeting next |
And John Tucker and Thomas Taber junr are appointed |
to draw up an account to the Quarterly meeting |
5:mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our |
meeting house in (Dartmouth on the 18th day of ye 5th mo 1720 |
Dartmouth meeting called Deliverance Smith and |
Judah Smith appeared |
Rochester meeting called Stephen Wing appeared |
John Tucker and Wm Wood gives account that they |
marriage between Beriah Goddard and Ann Smith |
Eleazer Slocum and Wm Wood gives account that they |
have attended ye Quarterly meeting: |
John Tucker and Thomas Taber junr have drawn up an account |
to ye Quarterly meeting according to order: |
The Epis[t]le from the quarterly meeting was read and |
kindly accepted: |
No business from Rochester preparitive meeting: |
6: mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house in Dartmouth the 15th day of the 6th month 1720 |
Dartmouth meeting called William Wood and Judah Smith |
appeared: Rochester meeting called Elisha Wing appeared |
John Walker junr of Marshfield and Sarah Summers of |
Rochester have laid their intentions of marriage before |
this meeting and they are desired to wait till the next |
monthly meeting for their answer : |
The business of Dartmouth meeting called and it is desired |
that the visiters be stir[r]ed up to visit the families of |
friends between this and the next monthly meeting: |
The business of Rochester meeting called and no business |
Except that of ye intention of marriage |
and Elisha Wing and Stephen Wing are appointed to |
inquire into their clearness wth respect to marriage |
and to give in their account to the next monthly meeting |
7:mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house in Dartmouth the 19th day of the 7th month: 1720: |
Dartmouth meeting Called William Wood and Judah Smith |
appeared: there was Collected for ye use of friends: 0£=16s=00d |
Rochester meeting Called Nicolas Davis appeared – – |
John Walker and Sarah Summers not appearing for |
their answer it is refered to the next monthly meeting |
The business of Dartmouth meeting called and Benjami[n] |
Howland is ordered to pay 35 Shillings out of ye monthly |
meeting stock to John Tucker and Henry Tucker for keep |
=ing the meeting house for halfe a year that is past – – |
which he forthwith paid – – |
And Benjamin Howland and Deliverance Smith |
are appointed to seat the up[p]er gallery: |
The business of Rochester meeting called no business |
This meeting is a[d]journed to the 7th day of ye 8th month next |
the visiters gave in their account that they have made |
a pretty General visit of the families of friends |
belonging to this monthly meeting and find things for the |
most part pretty well as far as they saw and to some |
they gave advice as they thought needful |
And that their visits were kindly accepted |
John Tucker and Thos Taber junr are ordered to draw |
up an account to the Quarterly meeting John Tucker |
Nicolas Davis and Wm Wood are appointed to attend |
the Quarterly meeting |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
House in Dartmouth ye 17th of ye 8th month 1720: |
Dartmouth meeting called William Wood and Judah |
Smith appeared : Rochester meeting called |
Stephen Wing appeared: John Walker and Sarah |
Summers having formerly laid their intentions of |
marriage before this meeting and now appearing |
for their answer and all things appearing |
8th mo: |
Clear the meeting answers that they may proceed to |
take Each other in marriage in the good order of |
Truth between this and the next monthly meeting and |
Stephen Wing and Thos Taber junr are appointed to See |
the marriage Solemnized |
Also Samuel Wing the Son of Daniel Wing of Sandwich |
and Dorothy Clifton the daughter of Savory Clifton |
of Rochester have laid their intentions of marriage |
before this meeting who are desired to wait till ye |
next monthly [meeting?] for their answer and Elisha Wing and |
Stephen Wing are appointed to inquire into their |
Clearness and make report to the next monthly meet |
=ing John Tucker and Thomas Taber junr have drawn |
an account to the Quarterly meeting and John Tucker |
and Wm Wood have attended the Quarterly meeting |
according to order · |
The business of Dartmouth meeting Called and a |
differance between James Howland and Jedediah Allen |
being laid before this meeting the meeting makes choice |
of Jabez Barker John Russell Robert Kirby and Josiah |
Meriho [Merihew] or either three of them to end the Sd Differance |
do become bound to each other in Suitable bonds in the |
judgment of those appointed to end Sd Differance |
to Stand to their award |
from Rochester no farther business |
The Epistle from the Quarterly meeting was read to |
friends Sattisfaction |
9th mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth the 21st day of the 9th month :1720 |
Dartmouth meeting called William Wood and Judah Smith |
appeared: Rochester meeting called Savory Clifton appeared |
Samuel Wing and Dorothy Clifton not appearing for their |
answer it is refered to the next monthly meeting |
Stephen Wing and Thos Taber junr give account that the |
marriage between John Walker and Sarah Summers |
was accomplished according to the good order of truth |
Benjamin Russell and Abigal Howland the daughter of |
Nicholas Howland have laid their intentions of marriage |
before this meeting who were desired to wait till the next |
monthly meeting for the[i]r answer |
Also Joseph Tucker and Mary Howland Daughter of Sd |
Nicolas Howland have laid their intentions of marriage |
before this meeting who are Likewise desired to wait |
till the next monthly meeting for their answer |
And Deliverance Smith and Henry Tucker are ordered |
to inquire into the clearness of the first couple with |
respect [to?] marriage and conversation |
And Jabez Barker and John Lapham are ordered [to?] inquire |
into the clearness of the other couple with respect [to?] mar[r]iage |
and Conversation and each to make report to ye next |
monthly meeting: And whereas there is a report that |
Sarah Howland the daughter of Nathaniel Howland is |
married out of the order of friends and contrary to |
without the consent of her parents Thomas Taber junr |
is ordered to the truth of Sd report and give an account |
to the [?] next monthly meeting |
And the matter between James Howland and Jedediah |
Allen not being fully finnished it is refered to the |
next monthly meeting |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
House in Dartmouth ye 19th day of the 10th month 1720 |
Dartmouth meeting called Eleazar Slocum and Judah Smith |
appeared: There was collected for the use of friends- £1:-13s:-06d |
Rochester meeting called Stephen Wing appeared |
Samuel Wing and Dorothy Clifton appeared desiring the meet |
=ings answer with respect to: their taking each other |
Intentions of marriage laid before this meeting at our |
monthly meeting in the 8th month Last past and nothing |
appearing to hinder their proceeding the meeting answers |
that they may proceed to take each other in the good order |
of truth between this and the next monthly meeting |
And Elisha Wing and Stephen Wing are appointed to see |
it accordingly accomplished |
Also Benjamin Russel [Russell] and Abigal Howland having laid |
their intentions [of?] marriage before our Last monthly meeting |
and now appearing for their answer the meeting answers |
that they may proceed to take each other in the good order |
of truth between this and the next monthly meeting |
and Deliverance Smith and Henry Tucker are appointed |
to see it accordingly accomplished |
And Joseph Tucker and Mary Howland having Likewise laid |
their intentions of marriage before the last monthly meeting |
and now appearing for their answer the meeting answers |
that they may proceed to take each other in the good order of |
truth between this and the next monthly meeting |
and Jabez Barker and William Wood are appointed to see it |
accordingly accomplished |
Thomas Taber jnr: being appointed to inquire Concerning |
Sarah Howlands being married out of the order of friends he |
gives account that he understands that She is married |
and Sd Taber is appointed to draw a Condemnation against |
her for her disorderly proceeding |
And the friends appointed to accom[m]odate the differance |
between James Howland and Jedediah Allen have finnished ye |
matter – – The business of Dartmouth meeting called |
Benjamin Howland is ordered to pay 7s and 9d to Antipas |
Hathaway for mending the meeting House Glass – – |
William Wood and Thomas Taber junr are appointed to attend |
the Quarterly meeting and John Tucker and Thos Taber jur is |
Benjamin Howland is ordered to pay £1:15s:0d: to Deliverance Smith |
out of the Stock and to pay to him Selfe 5 Shillings |
and whereas Rober[t?] Tripp has Signified his Desire of being |
received into unity with friends Some time past and was |
Desired to wait a while and now friends being desir[o]us to |
know how his mind Stands and how his conversation has |
been John Tucker Wm Wood and Thomas Taber Junr are to |
se[e] into the matter |
Deliverance Smith is ordered to make up the monthly meeting |
accounts wth Benjamin Howland |
from Rochester meeting no business |
11 mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
House in Dartmouth the 16th day of ye 11th month 1720: |
Dartmouth meeting called Deliverance Smith and Judah Smith |
appeared: Rochester meeting called Nicolas Davis appeared |
Daniel Weeden of James Town and Joanna Slocum the Daughter |
of Eliezer Slocum have Laid their intentions of marriage |
before this meeting who are desired to wait till the next |
monthly meeting for their answer and Benjamin Howland |
and Deliverance Smith are ordered to inquire into their |
Clearness with respect to mar[r]iage and Conversation and give |
account to the next monthly meeting |
Stephen Wing gives account that the marriage between |
Samuel Wing and Dorothy Clifton was performed in the good |
order of truth as Established among them friends |
And Deliverance Smith and Henry Tucker give the like ^account |
of Benjamin Russel [Russell] and Abigal Howlands marriage |
and Wm Wood and Jabez Barker do also give the same account |
of Joseph Tucker and Mary Howlands marriage |
and Deliverance Smith not haveing made up the monthly |
meeting accounts wth Benjamin Howland he is ordered |
to Do it by the next monthly meeting Benjamin Howland |
has paid 7s and 9d to Antipas Hathaway and £1=15s: to Deliverance Smith |
And: 5 Shillings to himselfe according to the order of the |
last monthly meeting: John Tucker and Wm Wood give |
account that they have Spoke wth Robert Tripp according |
to the order of the Last monthly meeting and he signifies |
that he is still Desirous to come into unity wth friends |
William Wood and Thos Taber junr have attended the Quarterly |
Sarah Akins condemnation is drawn up and Signed and |
Deliverance Smith is ordered to read it at the end of ye |
meeting of worship between this and the next monthly |
meeting: No business from ye preparitive meetings – – |
12th mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held he at our meet |
=ing House in Dartmouth ye 20th day of ye 12th month 1720/21 |
Dartmouth meeting called Wm Wood and Judah Smith appeared |
Rochester meeting called John Wing appeared: |
Daniel Weeden and Joanna Slocum appeared Desiring the |
meetings answer relating to their intentions of marriage |
Laid before ye last monthly meeting and nothing appearing |
to hinder their proceedings: the meeting answers that they |
may proceed to take each other in marriage in the good |
order of truth: and Benjamin Howland and Deliverance |
Smith are ordered to se[e] it accordingly accomplished and give |
account to the next monthly meeting – – |
Deliverance Smith has made up the monthly meetings |
accounts wth Benjamin Howland and finds that |
there remaines in the Stock £0 – 09s = 09d |
Deliverance Smith has read Sarah Akins Condemnation |
according to the order of the Last monthly meeting |
and is as followeth |
Whereas Sarah the Daughter of Nathaniel Howland and |
Rose his wife of Dartmouth in the county of Bristol in |
New England having been Educated amongst friends not |
regarding the fear of God the honour of her parents nor the |
good order established amongst friends hath Stubbornly and |
willfully against the mind of her father and mother kept com |
=pany (with a man) from time to time that they did |
not allow of and at last in the Same obstinate Spirit hath |
procceded in mar[r]iage with him out of the unity of friends |
to the grief of her parents and trouble of friends – – |
We are therefore concerned for the clearing of friends to give this |
forth as a publick testimony against all disobedience to parents and |
disorderly walking and perticularly against the abovesd actions |
of the Said Sarah now the wife of Timothy Akin of Dartmouth |
Denying her to be one of us the people called Quakers yet Sincerely |
desiring if it be the will of God She may come to a Sight and |
Sence of this and all other her outgoings and by an unfeigned repen |
the Lord - - - - - given forth at our monthly meeting of friends |
held in Dartmouth the 16th day of the 11th month 1720/21 Signed at Sd meeting by |
Nathaniel Howland |
Henry Tucker |
Mary Slocum |
John Tucker |
John Lapham |
Hannah Tucker |
Benjamin Howland |
Josiah Merihoo [Merihew] |
Rachel Allen |
Eleazer Slocum |
Joseph Taber |
Hannah Soule |
William Wood |
Thomas Taber jur |
Mary Smith |
Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] |
Judah Smith |
Phebe Tucker |
James Tripp |
Dinah Smith |
Deliverance Smith |
Ruth Tucker |
Mary Russel[l] |
The business of Dartmouth meeting called |
it being proposed whither it may be profitable to have part |
of our yearly meeting held at coakset meeting house which |
is refered to the next monthly meeting for farther conside |
=ration this meeting advises that the visiters take care |
to visit the families of friends so as an account may be |
given to the next monthly meeting |
Rochester meeting called no business |
Whereas there is a complaint from the monthly meeting |
of Rhoad Island that Benjamin Slocum the Son of Eleazer |
Slocum is accused for gitting a young on woman with child |
that belongs to their meeting ther[e]fore William Wood and |
and Thomas Taber junr are ordered to Speak with him and |
advice him if he be guilty to go and marry her otherwise |
to go with them to the young woman to clear him Selfe |
If he can to her face and John Tucker is ordered to |
inform the monthly meeting of Rhoad Island how far |
this monthly meeting has proceeded in the matter |
and by reason of the falling of Sandwich ^yearly meeting our |
next monthly and preparitive meetings are a[d]journed one week |
1721 1st mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
House in Dartmouth the 27th day of the 1mo 1721 |
Dartmouth meeting called |Elisha Wing appeared for rochester |
Deliverance Smith and Henry Tucker appeared |
There was Collected for the use of friends £1 = 08s = 00d |
Benjamin Howland and Deliverance Smith gives account |
that the marriage between Daniel Weeden and Joanna |
Slocum hath been accomplished in the good order of truth |
meeting at coakset is refered to the consideration of the |
Quarterly meeting and whither to have the meeting devided [divided] |
or another day added |
The visiters gives account that the[y?] have been with |
Benjamin Soule who is gone from the order of friends |
into the fassion of ye world in his apparrel who Signifyed |
that he is resolved to have his own way and refuses to |
be advised by them: the meeting therefore appoints Judah Smith |
and Henry tucker to Speak with and to Let him know that |
if there be no reformation the meeting must proceed to |
deny him: And whereas the persons ordered to Speak |
with Benjamin Slocum and Dinah Burrel face to face |
have not done it the Same friends or one of ^them is ordered |
Still to do it and to git Some friends of Rhoad Island |
meeting to go with them. |
Dartmouth meeting ^business Called and Holder Slocum having |
Signifyed his desire of a certificate proceeding in |
marriage with Hannah Hull of James town and Desires |
a certificate of his clearness from others therefore |
Jabez Berker [Barker] and Henry Tucker are appointed to inquire |
into his clearness on that account and of his conversation |
and make report to the next monthly meeting – – |
And Joseph Slocum Signifies to this meeting the like design |
with Susanna Wanton the daughter of John Wanton therefore |
Josiah Merihoo [Merihew] and John Lapham are to make inquiry of |
his clearness and conversation and make report how they find |
things to ye next monthly meeting. Rochester business called |
and none presented this meeting is a[d]journed till ye first 6th day |
of the next month – – |
This meeting being met according to a[d]journment this 7th of ye |
2d month 1721 the visiters gives this meeting an account |
that they have visited the families of friends belonging to |
this meeting and their visits were kindly accepted for the |
: |
most part and things pretty well generally but in some fami |
=lies not well where they gave advise thaat such things might |
be amended Wm Wood Deliverance Smith and Thos Taber junr |
are appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting next |
And John Tucker are appointed to Draw up an account to |
the Quarterly meeting |
up an account to the Quarterly meeting |
2d mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in |
Dartmouth the 17th day of ye 2d month 1721: |
dartmouth meeting called called William Wood & Judah Smith |
appeared: Rochester meeting called none present – – |
the friends appointed to speak wth Benjamin Soule not having |
both spoken with him they are continued to do it between this |
and the next monthly meeting – – |
And the friends appointed to See Benjamin Slocum and |
Dinah Burril [Burrel] face to face not having yet accomplished the |
Same Wm Wood and Stephen Willcocks [Wilcox] are ordered to see them |
together and hear what they can Say and give account to the |
next monthly meeting – – |
William Wood and Thomas Taber junr have attended the Quarter |
=ly meeting as appointed – – |
Thomas Taber junr and John Tucker hath drawn up an account |
of the affairs of this meeting and Sent it to the Quarterly |
meeting as appointed: – – |
It is proposed to this meeting that Jedediah Allen the Son |
of Increas[e] Allen desires a certificate from our monthly |
meeting of his clearness in relation to marriage and |
Judah Smith and Henry Tucker are appointed to make |
inquiry into his clearness and conversation and make report |
how they find things to the next monthly meeting – – |
Christopher Gifford junr having desired a certificate on the |
account of his design of proceeding in marriage wth |
Mary Borden the daughter of Richard Borden of Tiverton |
William Wood and and Henry Tucker are ordered to mak[e] |
inquiry into his clearness and conversation and make |
report to the next monthly meeting – – |
Desire Howland the daughter of Benjamin Howland having |
charged John Slocum the Son of Eleazer Slocum wth gitting |
of her with child John Tucker and Wm Wood are to endea |
ver to have them face to face to hear what each of them |
can say in the matter – – |
and the visiters having given account to this meeting |
that Increas Allen junr has a design of marrying his |
Cousin as appears by his keeping company with Lydia Allen |
the daughter of Joseph Allen. the meeting orders Judah Smith |
her company on any such account and that if he do |
still persist friends must deny him – – |
Robert Tripp and his wife having given this meeting |
Sattisfaction for their out goings for which they wer[e] denyed |
by a writing under their hands which this meeting orders |
said Robert to read at the end of the meeting of worship |
at Coakset on a first day or cause it to be read in his presents [presence] |
The Epistle from ye Quarterly meeting was read |
and kindly accepted – – – – – |
3d mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house in Dartmouth the 15th day of the 3d month :1721: |
Dartmouth meeting Called William Wood and Judah Smith |
appeared: Rochester meeting called Stephen Wing appeared |
The friends appointed to Speak with Benjamin Soule Concerning |
his disorderly walking not having yet done it they are Still continued |
and desired to do it between this and the next monthly meeting |
Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] and William Wood with seaveral friends of |
Rhoad Island have Seen Benjamin Slocum and Dinah Burril [Burrel] |
face to face and She Confidently charged him to be the father of |
her child and he as confidently denied it but by seaveral |
curcumstancial evidences the matter looking doubtful on his |
side it is refered for further Consid[e]ration – – |
The friends chose to speak with John Slocum and Desire Howland |
face not having oppertunity to do it are Still continued to |
endeaver to have an oppertunity before the next monthly |
meeting and speak with them as appointed – – |
The friends appointed to Speak with Increas Allen junr |
and to advise him to forbear keeping company wth his Cousin |
Lydia Allen wth the design of marrying her have done it |
and he Signifyed to them that he is minded to proceed notwith |
=standing the order and advice of friends: and he being present |
at Sd meeting the meeting advises him to forbear and not to |
go out of unity wth friends in such a disorderly proceeding – – |
Robert Tripp hath read his and his wives acknowledgment |
of their outgoing (his wife being present) according to the |
last monthly meeting – – |
Certificates were given to Jedediah Allen and Christopher |
Gifford junr of their clearness in order to mar[r]iage – – |
Stephen Willcocks had a certificate from this meeting of |
friends unity with his design of Traviling Eastward to visit |
friends: the meeting makes choice of John Tucker Elisha |
Wing Stephen Wing William Wood Deliverance Smith |
and Thomas Taber junr to be visiters for the year following |
and till there be another Choice – – – – – |
4th mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in |
Dartmouth the 19th day of the 4th month :1721: |
There was collected for the use of friends – £1= 11s = 00d |
Dartmouth meeting called William Wood and Judah Smith |
appeared: Rochester meeting called none appeared – – |
Thomas Borden the Son of Richard Borden of tiverton |
and Mary Gifford the daughter of Christopher Gifford of |
Dartmouth have laid their intentions of marriage before |
this meeting who are desired to wait till the next |
monthly meeting for the[i]r answer and William Wood |
and John Lapham are appointed to inquire into their |
clearness with respect to marriage and Conversation and |
make return to the next monthly meeting – – |
The friends appointed to Speak wth Benjamin Soule concerning |
his disorderly walking have Spoke wth him and he signifies |
to them that he is not senceable of any harm there is |
in his fash[i]onable cloathing and until he sees the evil of it |
he Shall not refrain it: Therefore the meeting desires |
the Same friends or one of them to let him know that |
it is the mind of this meeting that he appear at the next |
monthly meeting and give better Sattisfaction – – |
The friends appointed to Speak wth John Slocum and |
Desire Howland face to face having not had oppertunity |
are Continued to do it between this and the next monthly |
meeting: and the meeting orders his father to give him |
notice that he meet the Sd friends at Benjamin Howlands |
in the evening after the youths meeting next and to let |
them know whither his Son will attend them or not |
before the time of meeting – – |
Our friend Stephen Willcock [Wilcox] having performed his visit |
Eastward hath returned his certificate to this meeting – – |
It is proposed to leave to the considratidration [consideration] of the |
Quarterly meeting whither if one that is under the care of |
friends be about to proceed in any thing contrary to the order |
of friends and he be by friends advised to forbear and the |
proceed whither friends may forthwith proceed to deny such |
a one or whither friends must wait to See the thing |
accomplished first – – |
Deliverance Smith John Tucker and Thomas Taber junr |
are appointed to attend the Quarterly meeting and they or |
Eighther two of them to draw up an account to the Quarterly |
meeting and Sign it in behalfe of the meeting – – |
Benjamin Howland is ordered to pay 3s to Deliverance Smith and |
14s to Thomas Taber junr for mon[e]y by them lent to the meeting |
and 12s to John Lapham for keeping the meeting house: |
which with what the Women have paid is the Whole Sum for |
halfe a year: he is also ordered to pay 2s to Wm Wood all |
which was forthwith paid. – – – – – |
5th mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth ye 17th day of ye 5th month 1721 – – |
Dartmouth meeting Called William Wood and Judah Smith |
appeared: Rochester meeting Called Elisha Wing appeared |
Benjamin Soule not appearing to give this meeting Sattisfaction |
according to the order of the last monthly meeting: this meeting |
desires his father or one of the friends that were before |
appointed to let him know that it is the mind of this meeting |
that he appear at the next monthly meeting in order thereto – – |
The friends appointed to See John Slocum and Desire Howland |
face to face have Done it but not having mad[e] a thorow progress |
therein it is refered to the next monthly meeting – – |
and the Same friends are to go through with it and then give |
in their account – – |
John Tucker and Deliverance Smith have drawn up an |
account to the Quarterly meeting and attended Sd meeting |
as ordered – – |
Thomas Borden and Mary Gifford appearing for their answer |
and all things being Clear the[y] had their answer that they might |
proceed to take each other in the good order of truth between this |
and the next monthly meeting – – |
And Wm Wood and John Lapham are appointed to See it |
accordingly accomplished – – |
The business of Dartmouth meeting Called no business |
The business of Rochester meeting Called no business – – |
The Epistle from our last yearly meeting was read to friends |
relating to a yearly meeting Stock this meeting Complies wth it |
And in order thereto have made a Subscribtion and friends |
are desired to pay in what they Subscribe to John Tucker in |
order to ^be carry^ed to the Quarterly meeting – – |
The Quarterly and yearly meeting haveing given judgment |
against Wm Soule as appears by their seaveral Judgme[n]ts |
sent down to us with the Quarterly meeting Epistle and |
their advice tha[t] we See it accomplished Sd William Soule is |
desired to put him Selfe in a way to perform it by the next |
monthly meeting – – |
And friends being desired by the Quarterly meeting as [?] |
advice from the Yearly meeting to consider what may be |
the best way to suppress the extravigancie of friends |
wearing of wiggs it is left to friends consideration till ye |
next monthly meeting – – – – – |
6th mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house in Dartmouth the: 21st day of the 6th month: 1721: |
Dartmouth meeting called Wm Judah Smith appeared = |
Rochester meeting called Stephen Wing appeared – – |
Benjamin Soule appeared at this meeting and not giving |
Sattisfaction it is refered to the next meeting for conside |
=ration and further pro^sicution – – |
William Wood and John Lapham give account that the |
marriage between Thomas Borden and Mary Gifford was |
accomplished in the good order of friends – – |
The friends appointed to Se[e] John Slocum and Desire Howland |
face to face and hear what they could Say do give in their |
account which is as follows – – |
[bottom quarter of page is blank]
And the Said John Slocum not clearing him Selfe to friends |
Sattisfaction and being found in a falsehood in his talk about |
it is the mind of this meeting that he be denied by friends |
Therefore John Tucker and Thos Taber junr are appointed to |
draw up a condemnation against him: and one against Desire |
Howland in order to be Signed at next monthly meeting – – |
The matter relating to Wm Soule is refered to next |
monthly meeting – – |
John Tucker and Thos Taber junr are appointed to draw |
up Something relating to wiggs and bring to the next |
Dartmouth preparitive meeting business called and it |
appearing that Increas[e] Allen has married his K[i]nswoman |
contrary to the order of the yearly meeting this meeting |
orders John Tucker and Thomas Taber junr to draw up a |
Condemnation to be Signed and read at the next monthly |
meeting — Rochester meeting Called no business – – |
The visiters are desired to visit friends families and give |
account to the next monthly meeting – – – – – |
7th mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth ye 18th day of the 7th month 1721 – – |
Dartmouth meeting called William Wood and Judah Smith |
appeared: Rochester meeting called Elisha Wing appeared |
Whereas Benjamin Soule the Son of William Soule is gone |
out into the fassions of the world in his apparrel and has |
been often advised (both by the visiters and by friends appoin |
=ted by the meeting and also by the monthly meeting he being |
present) to reform yet he obstinately refuses to hear but |
Signefies that he will go on in his own way therefore this |
meeti[ng] Doth declare the Said Benjamin Soule to be from |
under ye Care of friends – – |
At William Soules request the matter between him and |
the Allens is refered to the next monthly meeting – – |
The friends appointed to draw up something Conccerning |
wiggs have done it and it being approved: and Signed John Tucke |
is ordered to be sent up to the Quarterly meeting wth ye account |
The Condemnation against John Slocum being drawn up |
approved and Signed John Tucker is ordered to read it or cause it |
to be read as usual between this and ye next monthly meeting |
Also Desire Howlands condemnation is Drawn approved and |
Signed and John Tucker is appointed to read it or cause it to be |
read as usual between this and the next monthly meeting |
The Condemnation of Increase Allen junr: is drawn up and |
Signed and read and is as followeth – – |
Whereas Increase Allen the Son of Increase Allen of Dartmouth |
in the County of Bristol hath proceeded to take his near Kins |
Woman in marriage contrary to the order of friends and |
the advice of this meeting to him given: Therefore this meeting |
Doth declare the Said Increase Allen junr: is not in unity with |
us the people Called Quakers given forth and Signed at our |
monthly meeting held in Dartmouth the 18th of ye 7th: month: 1721 |
Signed at Said meeting by – – |
John Tucker |
Elisha Wing |
William Wood Thos: |
Taber junr: |
Jabez Barker |
Increase Allen |
John Lapham |
Benjamin Howland |
Nicolas Davis |
Henry Tucker |
And there being two friends children whose parents are first |
Cousins by blood who have desired to lay their intentions of |
marriage before this meeting and friends being thoughtful that |
Such a proceding is contrary to the order of friends but not |
being fully Sattisfied Do refer it to the Consideration of the |
Quarterly meeting what may be thought proper to be done |
in such a case27: The visiters of Dartmouth meeting have done |
nothing on the account of visiting the famllies of friends |
The visiters of Rochester meeting do give account that they |
have visited the families of friends belonging to their ca |
meeting and find things among friends relating to truth |
for the most part pretty well – – |
There being some friends Sufferings brought from Rochester |
they are approved and ordered to be Sent to ye Quarterly meet |
=ing – – and Deliverance Smith and Thos Taber junr: are |
appointed to draw an account to the Quarterly meeting – – |
and they and Elisha Wing are appointed to attend the sd |
meeting: This meeting is ajourned til the afternoon after |
the youths meeting next. The meeting being met according |
to ajourment the visiters give account that they have visit |
=ed the most of friends families belonging to our meeting |
And find that their visits were generally kindly accepted and |
things for the most part pretty well – – – – – |
8:th mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth the 23d day of the 8:th month 1721 – – |
Dartmouth meeting called Judah Smith and John Lapham |
appeared = Rochester meeting Called none appeared – – |
And the differance between William Soule and the Allens |
is refered to the next monthly meeting – – |
And John Tucker hath read John Slocum and Desire Howlan |
Condemnations as appointed which are as followeth |
Whereas John Slocum the Son of Eleazar Slocum of Dartmout |
Desire Howland the daughter of Benjamin Howland of Sd |
Dartmouth with gitting her with child which fact although |
the Sd John Slocum doth deny yet it hath been proved that |
he was falce in his plea for vindication So that he hath not |
cleared him Selfe to the Sattisfaction of this meeting – – |
Therefore we do deny the Sd John Slocum to be one of us the |
people Called Quaker desiring if it to be the will of God that |
he may Senceablely come to Light of all his outgoings and by |
true repentance find mercy with the Lord – – |
given forth at our monthly meeting held in Dartmouth |
the 18th day of the 7th month 1721 and Signed at Sd meeting by |
John Tucker |
Increase Allen |
Thomas Taber junr: |
William Wood |
John Lapham |
Benjamin Howland |
Elisha Wing |
Henry Tucker |
Jabez Barker |
Judah Smith |
Nathaniel Howland |
Here follows Desire Howlands Condemnation – – |
Whereas Desire Howland the daughter of Benjamin Howland |
of Dartmouth in the county of Bristol in New England |
hath fllen into that wicked and Skandalous Sin of fornication |
as appears by her being delivered of late of a Bastard child |
begotten of her body to the dishonour of God reproach of |
the blessed truth professed amongst us and grief of friends |
These are therefore given forth as a publick Testimony |
Against all Such unclean and detestable actions: denying |
the Said Desire Howland to be one of us the people called |
Quakers yet desiering if it be the will of God She may come |
to a light and Sence of the evil of her doings and by unfeign |
=ed repentance find mercy – – |
Signed at our men and womens meeting held at at |
Dartmouth the:18th of ye 7th month 1721 |
John Tucker |
Henry Tucker |
Rachel Allen |
William Wood |
John Lapham |
Hannah Tucker |
Increas Allen |
Elisha Wing |
Mary Laton |
Judah Smith |
Hannah Soule |
Nicolas Davis |
Ruth Tucker |
Mary Lapham |
Benjamin Howland |
Mary Slocum |
Mary Russell |
Mary Smith |
Phebe Tucker |
Rebekah Russell |
And Thomas Taber junr and Deliverance Smith hath drawn |
up an account to the Quarterly meeting as appointed and |
The business of Dartmouth meeting Called no business |
and the bu Epistle from our Quarterly meeting Last was |
read and kindly accepted – – – – – |
9th mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth the 20th day of the 9th month 1721 – – |
Dartmouth meeting Called William Wood and Judah Smith appeared |
Rochester meeting Called none appeared – – |
Nathan Soule hath contributed towards building Coakset meeting |
house five pounds – This meeting hath Laboured with William |
Soule that he would fulfil the judgment of the yearly meeting |
and he doth refuse to fulfil the Same – – |
The business of Dartmouth meeting called this meeting being |
informed that William Soules Daughters Hannah and Mary Soule |
are married Contrary to the order of friends Thomas Taber junr |
and John Tucker are appointed to draw up their condemnations |
in order to be Signed at the next monthly meeting and this |
meeting cannot see that William Soule hath been clear in |
his Testimony against their proceedings which is refered to the |
Consideration of the next monthly meeting |
10th mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house in Dartmouth the 18th day of ye 10 month 1721: |
Dartmouth meeting Called William Wood and Judah Smith |
appeared. Rochester meeting called none appeared: |
Abraham Tucker junr and Elisabeth Russell daughter of |
John Russell boath of Dartmouth have declared before this |
meeting their intentions of taking each other in marriage |
and they were desired to wait for their answer til the next |
monthly meeting: And Deliverance Smith and Jabez |
Barker are appointed to See into their clearness and make |
return to the next monthly meeting how they find things |
The business concerning William Soule his refusing to |
conform to the Quarterly^ and yearly meetings judgments is agreed |
to be refered to the Quarterly meeting next – – |
And the matter concerning William Soules bearing |
his testimony against his daughters proceeding in marriage |
Contrary to truth is refered to the next monthly meeting |
And Henry Tucker and John Tucker is appointed to keep |
the meeting house for the insuing year – – |
John Tucker William Wood and Henry Tucker are appointed |
Smith are appointed to draw an account to the Quarterly |
meeting – – and Henry Tucker is appointed to read |
Mary Soule and Hannah Soules Condemnation on a |
first day: between this and the next monthly meeting |
And John Tucker is ordered to pay James Tripp thirty Shilling |
upon the account of Coaxet meeting house and the Quarterly |
Collection is refered to the next monthly meeting – – – – – |
11 |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth the 15:th day of the 11:th month 1721/22 |
Dartmouth meeting called William Wood and Judah |
Smith appeared collected for the use of friends 1£ – 02s – 11d |
Rochester meeting called none appeared – – |
Abraham Tucker jun:r and Elisabeth Russel appeared |
before this meeting, for their answer concerning their take |
=ing each other in marriage and nothing appearing to hinder |
their proceeding they had their answer they might pro |
=ceed to take each other in marriage in the good order of |
truth in And Deliverance Smith and Jabez Barker are |
appointed to See them Solemnize their marriage in the good |
order of truth and make return to the next monthly meeting |
John Tucker hath payed James Tripp thirty Shillings according |
to the order of the Last monthly meeting – – |
William Wood and Henry Tucker have attended the Quarterly |
meeting as appointed: John Tucker and Judah Smith have |
drawn up an account to ye Quarterly meeting: |
And Henry Tucker hath read Hannah & Mary Soule’s Condem |
=nations as appointed which are as followeth: |
Whereas Hannah Soul the daughter of William Soule of |
Dartmouth in the County of Bristol in New England having |
had her Education amongst us the people of God called Quakers |
but for want of keeping to the principle of Truth hath |
proceeded in marriage Contrary to the good order Established |
amongst us the abovesd people although advised to the Contrary |
Therefore we do deny the Said Hannah now the wife of |
Joseph Hollie jun:r to be one of us the people called Quakers |
Desiring that if it be the will of God that She may senceablely |
Come to a Sight of her out goings and by true repentance |
find mercy with the Lord and Come into unity with his |
people: Given forth at our monthly meeting of men and |
women held in Dartmouth the 18:th day of the 10th month 1721 |
Nathaniel Howland |
Hannah Tucker |
Peleg Slocum |
John Lapham |
Ruth Tucker |
Stephen Willcox |
Henry Tucker |
Phebe Tucker |
William Wood |
John Tucker |
Mary Laton |
Mehetabel Burril |
Dinah Smith |
Whereas Mary Soule the daughter of William Soule of |
Dartmouth in the County of Bristol in New England – – |
hath had her education amongst us the people of God Called |
Quakers but for want of keeping to the principle of truth |
hath proceeded in marriage contrary to the good order established |
amongst us the abovesd people although advised to the Contrary |
Therefore we do deny the said Mary now that wife of William |
Page to be one of us the people called Quakers – – |
Desiring that if it be the will of God the[y] may Senceablebly |
come to a Sight of all her outgoings and by true repentance |
find mercy with the Lord – – |
Given forth at our monthly meeting of men and women |
held in Dartmouth the 18:th day of the 10th month 1721: – – |
Stephen Willcox |
Judah Smith |
Hannah Tucker |
Peleg Slocum |
Henry Tucker |
Ruth Tucker |
William Wood |
John Tucker |
Mary Latham |
Nathaniel Howland |
Jabez Barker |
Mary Russell: Phebe Tucker |
John Lapham |
mary Smith: dinah Smith mary Laton: mehetabel burril |
And we received the Epistle from the Quarterly meeting |
which was read and kindly accepted – – |
and the matter Concerning William Soule and the Allins |
is refered to the next monthly meeting – – |
and Judah Smith is appointed to read the munits [minutes] to him |
Benjamin Howland is appointed to pay to John Tucker |
and Henry Tucker or eighther of them 1£ = 15s = 08d for keping |
the meeting house the Last year – – |
This meeting is informed that Peleg Smith and Mary: |
Howland both of Dartmouth have proceeded in marriage |
with each other contrary to the order of friends and |
Thomas Taber juonr and John Tucker are appointed draw |
their condemnation against the next monthly meeting |
12 mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
Dartmouth meeting called William Wood and Judah Smith |
appeared: Rochester meeting Called Elisha Wing and Nicolas |
Davis appeared: The marriage between Abraham Tucker junr |
and Elisabeth Russell not being accomplished the friends |
appointed to see it done are Still continued and are to give in |
their account to next monthly meeting – – |
Benjamin Howland has paid 1:£ = 15:s for keeping the meeting house |
according to the order of the Last monthly meeting – – |
The business of Dartmouth meeting called: it being proposed |
The visiters are advised to perform a general visit of friends |
families between this and ye next monthly meeting – – |
Deliverance Smith is appointed to make up the monthly |
meeting accompts with Benjamin Howland and bring it to the |
monthly meeting next – – |
John Tucker and Thomas Taber junr have Drawn a Condem |
=nation against Peleg Smith and his wife for their disorderly |
proceeding in marriage: which is accepted and Signed and |
and He[n]ry Tucker is ordered to read it or cause it to be read |
at the conclution of the meeting of worship on a first day |
between this and ye next monthly meeting – – |
Rochester meeting business called and their meeting presents |
a paper from Hannah Hillier wherein she acknowledgeth |
her outgoing in her disorderly marriage and desires to come |
into unity with friends: also Sarah Clifton of said meeting |
did send a paper some time past of the Like nature and this |
meeting having Comfortable hopes of their Sincerity doth |
accept of their that is ye Sd Hannah Hillier and Sarah |
Cliftons acknowledgments and of them as friends in unity |
w:th this meeting: and Elisha Wing is appointed to read |
their Sd acknowledgments in the meeting of worship at |
Rochester at ye end of the meeting – – |
And there being a differance brought to this meeting between |
Joseph Allen and Nathaniel Howland of one partie and |
Thrustrom of the other partie concerning ye estate of Josiah |
Allen deceased and Sd Joseph Allen and Nathaniel Howland |
did offer to leave it to the meeting and to be bound to Stand |
to ye award of Such as the meeting Should appoint to diter |
=mine the Same but sd Thrustrom Allen refused to have it |
unless he might have Liberty to appeal to ye Quarterly meeting |
and therefore doth refuse to act in the matter – – |
The matter relating to Wm Soule is refered to next |
monthly meeting: our next preparitive meeting and |
monthly meeting is ajourned one week longer than ye |
usual time – – – – – |
1722 1 mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
House in Dartmouth ye 26th day of ye 1st month: 1722: |
There was collected for the use of friends – – 1£ – 04s : 00d – – |
Dartmouth meeting called Judah Smith and Wm Wood |
appeared: Rochester meeting called John Wing appeared |
The friends appointed to Se the marriag between Abraham |
Tucker and Elisabeth Russell Solemnized in the good order |
of truth do Say that they attended ye Solemnizeing of sd |
marriage and that it was accomplished in the good order |
of truth for ought they know – – |
The friends appointed visiters being called upon do give |
account that they have visited ye most of friends families |
and and find things in a general way pretty well as far |
as they saw: Deliverance Smith not haveing made |
up the monthly meeting accompts wth Benjamin Howland |
he is still continued to do it by the next monthly meeting |
Henry Tucker has read Peleg Smith and his wives and ^condemnation accor |
=ding to ye order of the Last monthly meeting & is as followeth |
Whereas Peleg Smith ye Son of Deliverance Smith |
of ye Town of Dartmouth in ye Coun[ty] of Bristol in New |
England and Mary Howland the Daughter of Nathaniel |
Howland of sd Dartmouth being the children of friends |
and have been [e]ducated in the way of truth |
Yet of Late although they have been perticularly exhorted |
and advised to the contrary by friends have preceeded in |
marriage out of the good order of us the people called |
Quakers we do therefore deny ye said Peleg Smith and Mary |
his wife to be of us the ^sd people called Sincerely desireing |
that if it be the will of god that they may come to a true |
Sence of their outgoings and by their circunspect walking |
before God and amongst us his people be received into the |
fold where the great Shepherd is giving rest and peace to |
to them that are his – – |
Given forth and Signed at our monthly meeting held in |
Nathaniel Howland |
John Tucker |
Jabez Barker |
Phebe Tucker |
Judah Smith |
Joseph Russell junr. |
Mary Russell |
William Wood |
William Wood junr. |
Mary Laton |
Elisha Wing |
Mary Smith |
Thomas Taber junr: |
Ruth Tucker |
Dinah Smith |
Abraham Tucker |
Mary Slocum |
Mehetabel Burril |
John Lapham |
Hannah Tucker |
Nicolas Davis |
Elisha Wing has read the acknowledments of Hannah |
Hillier and Sarah Clifton as ordered – – |
John Tucker is ordered to pay 3l – 10s to Jame Tripp towards |
the finnishing of Coakset meeing [meeting] house which is mony in |
his hands belonging to y:e meeting – – |
The judgment of y:e yearly meeting relating to Wm Soule |
being considered of it is concluded that Judgment must go forth |
in as much as he refuses to comply therewith: and Henry |
Tucker and Thomas Taber junr are appointed to draw up |
a Condemnation against him the sd Wm Soule and present |
it to the next monthly meeting and if it be approved to |
be signed – – |
The business of Dartmouth meeting Called |
And whereas Seaveral Friends are owners of Slaves which |
may desire to take each other in marriage and no direct |
method established among friends in that case as we know |
of it is refered to the Qurterly meeting to consider of |
and propose a rule for the time to come in that matter |
if they think fit — Rochester meeting business called |
none presented: Stephen Willcox William Wood and |
Thomas Taber jun.r are appointed to draw attend y:e |
Quarterly meeting John Tucker and Tho:s Taber junr are |
appointed to draw an account to the Quarterly meeting |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth y:e 23:d day of the 2.d month 1722: |
Dartmouth meeting called Deliverance Smith and Judah Smith |
appeared – – Rochester meeting called none appeared – – |
John Tucker gives account that he has paid 3:l 10s to James |
Tripp according to ye order of Last monthly: he has also paid |
3 pounds & 5 Shillings to y:e Quarterly meeting it bein this |
and was Concluded upon at our monthly meeting in the 5:th |
month last: Deliverance Smith has made up the accompt |
w:th Benjamin Howland according to order and finds that |
there remaines in the in the monthly meeting Stock 3:l 01s: 08d |
Isaac Wood and Mary Potter the daughter of Nathaniel Potter |
both of Dartmouth have laid their intentions marriage |
before this meeting and James Tripp and Robert Kirby are |
appointed to make inquiry into their clearness with respect |
to marriage and conversation and give account thereof |
to the next monthly meeting – – |
Stephen Willcox William Wood and Thomas Taber junr have |
drawn an account to the Quarterly meeting according to order |
William Soules Condemnation is read approved and Signed |
and Thomas Taber is ordered to read it at the end of the time |
of worship on a first day between this and the next monthly meeting |
And William Wood John Tucker Stephen Willcocks |
Nathaniel Howland Joseph Taber and Thomas Taber junr |
are appointed visiters for the ensuing year and till there |
be a new choice – – |
The Epistle from the Quarterly meeting was was read |
and kindly accepted – – – – – |
3d mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth the 21:st of y:e 3:d month 1722: |
Dartmouth meeting called Deliverance and Judah Smith |
appeared: Rochester meeting Called Elisha Wing appeared |
Isaac Wood and Mary Potter appeared for their answer |
relating to their intentions of marriage laid before ye |
Last monthly meeting and nothing appearing to hinder |
they have their answer that they may proceed to take |
each other in marriage in the good order of truth between |
this and the next monthly meeting and James Tripp and |
Robert Kirby are appointed to Se their marriage accom- |
=plished and give an account thereof to the next monthly meeting – – |
Seth Russell the Son of Joseph Russell and Hannah Allen |
the Daughter of Increas Allen both of Dartmouth – – |
Laid their intentions of marriage before this meeting |
and Deliverance Smith and Henry Tucker are appointed |
to inquire into their clearness with respect to marriage |
and Conversation and give account to the next meeting |
which is as followeth – – |
Whereas William Soule of Dartmouth in the County of |
Bristol in New England who for many years past hath professed |
him selfe to be one of the people called Quakers and hath been |
in Some measure esteemed in unity with them yet by giving |
way to much of a craving mind after the things of this |
world did of Late in a hiden and undiscovered way purchse |
part of the estate of Josiah Allen deceased to ye damage of |
those to whome it did belong and with whome he so bargained |
and did take the Sum of thirty pounds to release Sd bargain |
for all which the judgments of the Quarterly meeting and yearly |
meetings: to which Sd matters have ben refered have gon against |
William Soule judging that he ought publickly to Condemn his |
sd proceedings and to return the sd Sum of thirty pounds to the persons |
from whome he had received the Same all which the Sd William |
Soule doth refuse to perform although this meeting hath waited |
Long and endeavered from time to time to perswade him thereto |
we do therefore condemn the sd proceedings of of the sd Wm Soule |
with his obstinate refusal to comply with the judgments of sd |
meetings and do deny him to be one of us the people called Quakers |
yet desiring Sincerely that if it be the will of God he may come |
to a Sence of his outgoing and by makeing amends to those |
he has wronged and a circumspect walking before God find |
mercy with him and Come into unity with his people – – |
Given forth and Signed at our monthly meeting held in Dartmouth |
the 23:d day of y:e 2d month 1722: – – Judah Smith – – |
Thomas Taber junr |
John Lapham |
Nathaniel Howland |
John Tucker – – |
Stephen Willcock |
Joseph Russel junr |
William Wood |
Henry Tucker |
William Wood junr |
no business from ye weekly meetings – – – – – |
4 mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth y:e 18th day of the 4th month 1722 – – |
Dartmouth meeting called William Wood and Judah Smith |
appeared: Rochester meeting Called Elisha Wing appeared |
James Tripp and Robert Kirby give account that the |
marriage between Isaac Wood and Mary Potter was Solemnised |
in the good order of truth – – |
Seth Russel and Hannah Allen appeared for their answer |
and nothing appearing to hinder their answer is that they |
of truth in Some Convenient time between this and the |
next monthly meeting and Deliverance Smith and Jabez |
Barker are appointed to See it accordingly accomplished |
Peleg Slocum junr desiring a certificate of his clearness |
relating to marriage John Lapham and Jabez Barker |
are appointed to inquire into y:e same and and give account |
thereof to next monthly meeting – – |
William Wood Elisha Wing and Deliverance Smith are appointed |
To attend the Quarterly meeting John Tucker and Thos Taber ju |
are ordered to draw up an account to ye Quarterly meeting |
no business from Rochester – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth the 16:th day of y:e 5th month 1722: |
Dartmouth meeting Called William Wood and Judah Smith |
appeared: Rochester meeting Called Stephen Wing appeared |
Deliverance Smith and Jabez Barker give account that |
that they were at ye Solemnzeing ye marriage between Seth Russell and Hannah |
Allen and saw nothing but that it was performed in the |
good order of truth: James Shearman and Grizel Meriho [Merihew] |
Laid their intentions of marriage before this meeting who |
are desired to wait till the next monthly meeting for their |
answer and John Lapham and Henry Tucker are appointed |
to inquire into their Clearness on that account and make |
Report to next monthly meeting – – |
Peleg Slocum junr has had a certificate of his clearness |
with respect to marriage: William Wood and Deliverance |
Smith have attended the Quarterly meeting and John Tucker |
and Thomas Taber have drawn and Sent an account according |
to order: Stephen Willcock desiring a certificate on y:e |
account of his desire of proceeding in marriag wth Judeth |
Barnet of Nantucket: William Wood and Thomas Taber junr |
are appointed to inquire into his clearness and make report |
to ye next monthly meeting – – |
no business from Rochester The Epistle from the Quarterly |
meeting was read and kindly accepted: David Irishes certificate |
from the monthly meeing of friends on Rhoad Island was read |
giving a good account of his Conversation and the |
unity they have with his Testimony – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in |
Dartmouth the 20:th day of y:e 6:th month 1722: |
Dartmouth meeting Called William Wood and Judah Smith appeared |
Rochester meeting Called Elisha Wing^ and Nicolas Davis appeared – – |
James Shearman and Grizel Meriho [Merihew] appeared for their answer |
and nothing apearing to hinder they had their answer that |
they might preceed in taking each other in marriage in the |
good order of truth in Some Convenient time between this |
and the next monthly meeting – – |
And Henry Tucker and John Lapham are appointed to Se |
it accomplished in the good order of truth and make report |
to the next monthly meeting – – |
Dartmouth weekly meeting called and no business presented |
Rochester meeting Called Nicolas Davis desires a certificate |
to vavil [sic: travel?] in the Servis of truth which is granted – – |
and a certificate is granted to Stephen Willcock (at this |
meeting) as to his clearness in respect to marriage |
7 mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in |
Dartmouth ye 17:th day of the 7:th month 1722: |
Dartmouth meeting Called William Wood and Judah Smith |
present: Rochester meeting Called Elisha Wing present |
Henry Tucker and John Lapham being Called upon make |
Report that the marriage between James Shearman |
and Grizel Meriho [Merihew] was decently accomplished in the |
Order of truth: Collected at this meeting and delivered to |
Benjamin Howland 17 Shillings and 6 pence – – |
Benjamin Wing son of Matthew Wing of Dartmouth and |
Content Tucker Daughter of Abraham Tucker of sd.Town laid |
their intentions of marriage to Each other before this meeting |
they were Desired to wait until y:e next monthly meeting |
for their answer & John Lapham and Josiah Merriho [Merihew] are |
appointed to inquire into their Clearness and Conversation |
of sd Wing and make report to y:e Next monthly meeting – – |
Our worthy friend Robert Jordan of Virginia being at this |
meeting his Certificate from the monthly meeting of Chap |
tank Nansemum [Chuckatuck, Nansemund] y:e 12:th d of 2:d month 1722 was Read to our mutual |
Sattisfaction: sd S. Certificate was allowed also approved by |
the halfe year meeting held at Maryland West river ye 16:th |
of the 3:d month 172228: This day being far spent this meeting |
is ajourned unto the first sixth day of the 8:th month and |
the business of this meeting which is not accomplished is |
refered to the adjourment: |
This meeting being met according to adjournment this 5th day |
of ye 8:th month 1722 John Tucker and Deliverance Smith |
are appointed to draw up an account to y:e Quarterly |
meeting: Stephen Willcock and Henry Tucker are appointed |
to attend ye Quarterly meeting – – |
The visiters gives this meeting an account that they have |
visited the families of friends belonging to this meeting and |
find things Generally pretty well – – – – – |
8th mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
House in Dartmouth y:e 15:th day of the 8:th month 1722: |
Dartmouth meeting called Deliverance Smith and |
Nathaniel Howland appeared: Rochester meeting Called |
none appeared – – |
Benjamin Wing and Content Tucker appeared at this |
meeting for their answer and nothing appearing to hinder |
they had their answer that they might proceed to take each |
other in marriage in the order of friends and John Tucker |
and Josiah Merriho [Merihew] are appointed to se it accomplished in the |
Same and make return to the monthly meeting – – |
And John Laton son of George Laton of Dartmouth and Patience |
Kirby Daughter of Robert Kirby of sd Dartmouth Signifyed their |
intentions of ^taking each other in marriage and they were desired to wait ill the |
next monthly meeting for their answer and William |
Wood and Matthew Wing are appointed to inquire into their |
clearness and conversation and make report to ye next |
monthly meeting how they find things – – |
it hath been Signifyed to this meeting that William Russell |
Son of Jonathan Russell of Dartmouth desires a certificate of |
his Clearness in Respect to marriage and conversation and |
Benjamin Howland and John Lapham are appointed to |
to make inquiry into the Same and make return to the |
Next monthly meeting how they find things – – |
=ly meeting as appointed and John Tucker hath drawn an |
account to Quarterly meeting as appointed and the |
Epistle of the Quarterly meeting was read at this meeting |
and kindly accepted: John Tucker and Wm Wood are |
appointed to Speak wth Stephen Willcock concerning the |
his Leaving his family this winter – – – – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in |
Dartmouth the 19:th day of the 9:th month 1722: |
Dartmouth meeting Called Judah Smith and Josiah Meriho [Merihew] |
appeared Rochester meeting called none appeared. |
John Laton and Patience Kirby appeared at this meeting |
for their answer as to taking each other in marriage |
and nothing appearing to hinder their sd intentions they had |
the Consent of this meeting to take each other in the good order |
of truth in Some Convenient time between this and the next |
monthly meeting: and Wm Wood and Matthew Wing are |
appointed to Se it accomplished in the good order of truth and |
make return to the next monthly meeting how they find things |
The business of Dartmouth meeting Called no business presented |
Deliverance Smith and John Tucker is appointed to draw up |
a certificate for W:m Russell and Sign it in behalf of the |
monthly meeting: John Tucker and Josiah Merihoo [Merihew] makes report |
to this meeting that Benjamin Wing and Content Tucker have |
accomplished their marriage in the order of truth, as far |
as the[y] Saw – – – – – |
10th mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth y:e 17:th day of y:e 10:th month 1722: collected: 2l: 01s: 0 |
Dartmouth meeting Called Deliverance Smith and Benjamin |
Howland present: Rochester meeting Called Stephen Wing appeard |
The friends appointed to See John Laton and Patience Kirby |
Solemnize their marriage makes report that it as accom |
=plished in y:e Good order of truth Deliverance Smith and |
John Tucker hath drawn an account to the Quarterly meeting |
a certificate for Wm Russell and Signed it according to |
the order of y:e Last monthly meeting – – |
The business of Dartmouth meeting called this meeting orders |
Benjamin Howland to pay 2 pounds and 4 shillings to |
John Tucker and Henry Tucker for keeping the meeting house and |
Henry Tucker are appointed to keep ye meeting house the ensuing |
year: The business of Rochester meeting Called an account in |
writing from their preparitive meeting was presented to this |
meeting that they have no business but their Love – – |
Deliverance Smith and Henry Tucker are appointed to attend |
the Quarterly meeting next – – |
John Tucker and Deliverance Smith are appointed to draw |
up an account to the Quarterly meeting: and Stephen |
Willcock desires some lines from this meeting of his unity |
with this meeting and and of friends unity w:th his removeing |
to Nantucket which is granted and Deliverance Smith and |
John Tucker are appointed to draw it and Sign it in behalf |
of the monthly meeting – – – – – |
11th mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in |
Dartmouth y:e 21:st day of y:e 11th month 1722: |
Dartmouth meeting Called Wm Wood and Judah Smith present |
Rochester meeting Called Nicolas Davis present – – |
Benjamin Howland hath paid 2l: 4s: to John Tucker and |
Henry Tucker as appointed y:e Last monthly meeting – – |
and Henry Tucker hath attended y:e Quarterly meeting |
as appointed: And Deliverance Smith and John Tucker hath |
drawn upon account to the same according to order: |
John Tucker and Deliverance have drawn up some lines for |
Stephen Willcock according to the order of ye Last monthly meeting |
The Quarterly meeting Epistle was read at this meeting |
and Kindly accepted – – – – – |
12:th mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
House in Dartmouth y:e 18:th day of y:e 12th month 1722/23 |
Dartmouth meeting Called William Wood and Judah Smith |
present: Rochester meeting called Savery Clifton present |
The business of Dartmouth meeting Called |
This meeting orders Benjamin Howland to pay Joseph Russel ju |
junr one Shilling for recording the return of the Survey of |
the meeting house Land in aponaganset vilage |
The business of Rochester meeting Called and they give us |
an account that they have no business to present at this |
time: The next monthly meeting is adjourned till ye 4th |
second day in the first month next |
1723 |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
House in Dartmouth y:e 25:th day of the first month 1723 |
Dartmouth meeting called Judah Smith and Deliverance |
Smith appeared: Rochester meeting Called Nicholas Davis |
appeared: Benjamin Howland hath paid Josep Russell Junr |
one Shilling f the Recording the returne of the Survey |
of the meeting house Land |
An Epistle was read at this meeting from Old England |
and it is Desired that all friends be careful to observe |
the good advice therein Given and as for that Concerning |
Chusing of friends to attend the sessions it is refered to |
the Quarterly meeting: The friends Chose to attend the |
Quarterly meeting are Nicolas Davis William Wood and |
John Tucker: This meeting is adjourned til the first Sixth |
day in the 2:d month – – |
This meeting being met according to adjournment the |
5:th day of y:e 2:d month 1723: The visiters being Called |
upon gives this meeting an account that they have |
visited y:e families of friends belonging to this meeting in |
a pretty General way and have had pretty good Sattisfaction |
In their service though they find not all things So well as |
they Could Desire: John Tucker and Henry Tucker are appointed |
to draw up an account to the Quarterly meeting next – – |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in |
Dartmouth the 15:th day of y:e 2:d month 1723: |
Dartmouth meeting Called Judah Smith and Benjamin |
Howland present: Rochester meeting Called Nicolas Davis |
appeared John Tucker and Henry Tucker have drawn |
up an account and Sent it to Quarterly meeting – – |
as appointed: and John Tucker and Wm Wood hath |
attended the Quarterly meeting as appointed – – |
The business Dartmouth meeting Called and Deliverance |
Smith is appointed to make up the monthly meetings |
accompts w:th Benjamin Howland and make return |
to y:e next monthly meeting how the accompt is – – |
And Stephen Wing and David Irish are appointed |
visiters for Rochester meeting for the Insuing year |
And for Dartmouth meeting Joseph Taber Thomas Hatha= |
=way John Tucker Deliverance Smith William Wood and |
or til others be chosen. The Epistle from y:e Last Quarterly |
meeting was read at this meeting and kindly accepted |
3:d mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house in Dartmouth ye 20:th day of of the 3:d month 1723 |
Dartmouth meeting Called Judah Smith appered |
Rochester meeting Called Stephen Wing appeared |
Deliverance Smith is still continued to make up the |
monthly meetings accomt w:th Benjamin Howland |
and make return to the next monthly meeting – – |
The business of Dartmouth meeting Called no business |
The business of Rochester meting called none presented |
4th mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
House in Dartmouth the 24th day of ye 4th month 1723 |
There was collected for the use of friends 1£ – 07s – 06d |
Dartmouth meeting Called William Wood and Deliverance |
Smith appeared: Rochester meeting Called Savory Clifton and |
Nicolas Davis appeared: Deliverance Smith hath made the |
monthly meetings accompts wth Benjamin Howland and there |
Remaines in the Stock 5£ – 18s – 11d |
The business of Dartmouth meeting Called William Wood and |
Nicolas Davis are appointed to attend ye Quarterly meeting |
next: and John Tucker and Deliverance Smith are appointed |
to draw an Epistle to the quarterly meeting aforesd – – |
The business of Rochester meeting Called and they signify in |
writeing that they have no business to this meeting: |
5th mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth ye 15:th day of ye 5:th month 1723: |
Dartmouth meeting Called Wm Wood and Judah Smith appeard |
Rochester meeting Called none appeared – – |
William Wood hath attended ye Quarterly meeting |
the Quarterly meeting Epistle was read at this meeting |
and kindly accepted – – – – – |
6 mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth the 19:th day of ye 6 month 1723 – – |
Dartmouth meeting Called William Wood and Judah Smith |
appeared Rochester meeting called Nicolas Davis appeared |
the business of Dartmouth meeting Called |
This meeting hath agreed that we should endeavor to git |
write and James^ Tripp Barker and Deliverance Smith |
are appointed to See to git one and make return to the |
next monthly meeting The business of Rochester meeting |
Called and no business |
A paper was presented to this meeting by the women friends |
signed by Elisabeth Tripp Signifying her trouble for not taking of |
The advice of friends in her marriage which is accepted and |
ordered to be read on a first day at the end of the meeting of worship |
and Deliverance Smith is ordered to read the Same |
[blank quarter of page]
7 mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house |
in Dartmouth the 16:th day of ye 7:th month 1723 – – |
There was Collected for the use of friends 1£ – 01s – 00d |
Dartmouth meeting Called Judah Smith and Josiah Merrihoo [Merihew] |
appeared: Rochester meeting Called Stephen Wing appeared |
The business of Dartmouth meeting Called – – |
Nicolas Davis William Wood and John Tucker are appointed to |
attend the Quarterly meeting next |
The business of Rochester meeting Called: The visiters of |
Rochester meeting gives account that they have visited the |
families of friends belonging to their meeting and their |
visits were kindly accepted and where they thought needful |
they gave advise: And this meeting orders Benjamin Howland |
To pay to John Lapham 1£ – 15s – 00 for keeping the meeting house |
one pound of sd mony we received of the Women – – |
and benjamin Howland is to pay 4 Shillings to Eleazer Slocum |
for giting [getting] the deed of the land belonginging [sic] to the meeting house |
And this meeting is adjourned till ye first day in ye 8th month next |
This meeting being met according to adjournment |
This 4th day of the 8th month 1723 The visiters gives this |
Meeting an account ^that they have made Some progress in the viseting |
friends families belonging to this meeting and found things |
pretty well as far as they Said |
And John Tucker and Henry Tucker are appointed to draw |
up an account to ye Quarterly meeting next |
8:th mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting |
house in Dartmouth ye 21:st day of ye 8:th month 1723: |
Dartmouth meeting called Judah Smith and Benjamin Howland |
appeared: Rochester meeting called none appeared – – |
John Tucker hath attended ye Quarterly meeting as appointed |
And John Tucker and Henry Tucker have drawn up an |
account to ye Quarterly meeting as appointed – – |
Henry Tucker and James Barker are appointed to look for |
a friend School master that is capable to read write and |
cypher and to know upon what termes and to make return |
to our next monthly meeting of their proceedings therein |
And Deliverance Smith hath read Elisabeth Tripps acknow= |
=ledgment of her out going in her marriage Contrary to the |
Good order of truth as appointed: |
Samuel Howland Son of Nicolas Howland deceased: and Sarah |
Soule Daughter of Wm Soule deceased both of Dartmouth did |
declare their intentions of marriage ^with each other before this meeting |
and they was Desired to wait til ye next monthly meeting |
for their answer and Judah Smith and Eliashib Smith are |
appointed to [sic] their clearness in respect to marriage and |
Conversation and mak report to ye next monthly meeting |
9th mo: |
At a monthly of friends held at our meeting house in |
Dartmouth the 18:th day of ye 9:th month 1723: |
Dartmouth meeting Called William Wood and Judah Smith |
appeared: Rochester meeting Called none appeared: |
Judah Smith and Eliashib Smith makes [sic] have made Inquiery |
into Samuel Howlands clearness as appointed and they find nothing |
to hinder their proceedings in marriage and ye sd Samuel Howland |
and Sarah Soule appearing in this meeting desireing answer |
and nothing appearing to hinder they had their answer that they |
might proceed to take eacher [sic] in marriage in ye good order |
of truth in Some Convenient time before next monthly meeting |
And Eliashib [Smith] and John Lapham are appointed to See that |
they perform ye Same in the order of friends and make return |
to ye next monthly meeting – – |
The business of Dartmouth meeting Called Henry Tucker and |
James Barker hath Spoke with George Howland as appointed |
by the preparitive meeting to perswade him not to go out of |
the good order of truth in his marriage and his father hath |
advized him to marry in the order of truth and he refuses |
as yet – – – – – |
10 mo |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting House in |
Dartmouth ye 16:th day of ye 10th month 1723: |
Dartmouth meeting Called William Wood and Judah Smith |
present: Rochester meeting Called Stephen Wing appeared |
John Lapham reports to this meeting that he was at ye – – |
marriage of Samuel Howland and H Sarah Soule and it was |
proformeed [performed] in prettey good order – – |
The business of Dartmouth meeting Called and the meeting |
orders Benjamin Howland to pay 1 pound 15 s outo [sic] of the |
meetings Stock to John Tucker ^& Henry Tucker for keeping the meeting house |
the Last half year past – – |
And John Tucker and Henry Tucker are chose to keep the |
meeting house the insuing year: and William Wood Deliverance |
Smith and Henry Tucker are appointed to attend ye Q[u]arterly |
meeting next: And John Tucker and Deliverance Smith |
are appionted to draw up an Epistle to ye Quarterly meeting |
The business of Rochester meeting called: none presented: |
The Epistle from the Quarterly meeting was read and kindly accepted – – – – – |
11:th mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting House in |
Dartmouth the 20th day of the 11:th month 1723/24: |
Dartmouth meeting Called Judah Smith appeared |
Rochester meeting Called Elisha Wing appeared. Benjamin |
Howland hath paid 1£ – 15s : 00d out of ye Stock to John Tucker and |
Henry Tucker as appointed |
And Deliverance Smith and Henry Tucker hath attended the |
Quarterly meeting as appointed: And Deliverance Smith |
and John Tucker hath drawn up an account to ye Quarterly |
meeting as ordered: |
The business of Dartmouth meeting Called and Benjamin Howland |
is ordered to pay to Henry Tucker 1£: 07s: 06d out of the Stock |
for mending the glass: the business of Rochester meeting called |
answer was made no business |
The Epistle of ye Quarterly meeting was read in this meeting |
and Kindly accepted – – – – – |
12:th mo: |
At a monthly meeting of friends held at our meeting house in |
Dartmouth the 17th day of the 12th month 1723/24: |
Dartmouth meeting Called Judah Smith and Benjamin Howland |
present: Rochester meeting Called none appeared: |
Benjamin Howland ^hath paid: 1£ = 07s = 06d as appointed to Henry Tucker |
at ye Last monthly meeting: |
The business of Dartmouth meeting Called: |